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OAOAST TMW: A comedy/erotic e-fed

Raw Is Whore 9/12/2019

Chanel #99

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A HUMMER limo rolls into the parking garage of the Toy Box and stops dead in front of the back entrance.

Hurrying out with a dour expression twisting her face is The Doll. She lets out a loud huff as she opens the door to allow...



BLAINE CAYLEY to exit the limo!

Now that's service.

We hear the intro music...

And come onto Sofa Central with Alix and Renee, the zaniest commentary team in the biz!

God nom-nom-noming! It's Alix and Renee!

The fall season is here, gang and we're in deep in the Ovary Tournament!


***Amber O'Shea W/Jesse Ferguson and a Cassidy Bot Vs Number Two W/Cassidy Maguire***

Wowie, wow, wow! We've got a Cassidy Bot at the announce table!

I'm not a robot, I'm the real Cassidy!

(poking Cassidy's shoulder)
The skin feels soooooo reaaaaaalllll!

Stop poking me before I have you selling pineapples off exit ramps!

Amber squared up to Number Two with a snarl twisting her features.

You think because we once worked together to fight Regan I'm gonna go easy on you?

Do what you want. I don't care.

Yeah! That's the spirit! Like I don't care if I eat the food in the fridge marked JADE.

Amber shoved Number Two in the chest which got a yawn of boredom from Number Two. So Amber shoved her again and again got a yawn.

This is dumb.

Frustrated, Amber slugged Number Two in the jaw then tripped her with a double leg takedown. The duo got tangled up even as they stood, giving Referee Titania Nerdly quite a workout in separating them from each other in the corner.

Break her nose!

Talk about a family feud, Cassidy is the aunt of Amber's son, Jack.

It's only a family feud because that hussie sold me out.

Amber went for her Wolf Trap (rainmaker) lariat, but Number Two avoided it deftly. Adding to her agile showing, Number Two vexed Amber with a springboard inverted hurricanrana. Then as Amber stood the Boston native spun her about with a handflip head scissors!


Applause. Meaningless to me.

Amber rolled out the ring to be advised by Jesse and massaged by a Cassidy Bot.

Nuh-uh! If the real me won't touch that werewolf skank then the fake me won't either!

Cassidy left the announce table to get in the face of her detested villians. Amber was about to deck her with a punch when Number Two came flying off the top with a swanton plancha!


But the Cassidy Bot wasn't hit and it seized a moment and drilled Number Two with a cutter!


Winner: Number Two, via DQ

Number Two won the match but the real winners were Jesse and Amber, who were able to back up the ring ramp with another victory seized over the real Cassidy Maguire.

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Backstage in one of the hallways we find...

JESSICA FERGUSON staring intently at...



It defies science. A man became a woman due to magic? Impossible. Your reproductive organs are changed? Take off your clothes. I wish to inspect your vagina.

Whoa, whoa, whoa I'm not doing that! I can barely stand to look at it myself.

Nevermind. Allow me to open your skull and take a sample of your brain matter.

That's an even worse request!

Walking towards the duo is...




Big brother, this is Doc White. This is what he looks like now. All because of my magic.

(to himself)
Beautiful, beautiful.

What did you say, Remy?

I said bad, so bad what has happened to you. You have my compassion.
(Remy takes Doc's hand into his)
I am here for you, chere. I will help you, my friend.

Doc smiles warmly, not noticing that Remy is staring at her boobs.

Edited by Chanel #99

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***OVARY Title Tournament, Chasley Lain bracket: Charli9ine Vs Penny Mars W/Lauri, Skylar and Dasha Tha Rappa***

Lauri paraded about ringside with a “MARS OVER EVERYONE” sign that Skylar hailed while she fed Dasha a vegan fried “chicken” wing.

Annie says Skylar is just using Dasha but, well, Skylar is feeding her.

I dunno. I feed Jade and still use her for rides and stuff. And I claim her on my taxes!

You can't claim a 26 year old. You're going to prison.

Mars showed her stuff with some Steve Blackman style warmups then waved Chari on. But Chari couldn't come as Lauri had her leg hooked! That let Penny blast Charli with a Pump Kick! That knocked Charil through the ropes and right in front of Lauri, Skylar and Dasha. With referee Rikishi distracted by Penny, Skylar whispered something to Dasha; that led to the Ukrainian beauty smashing Charli in the ribs with a kick.


That's not the Dasha we know and love.

I think that Dasha went bye-bye like my heterosexuality!

Charli rolled back into the ring and took a delayed back suplex from Penny. After suffering a back breaker, Charli crawled to the ropes only to eat a slap from Lauri!



Lauri had a sign for that, "SO DO YOUR DADS!"


Charli was tossed out the ring by Penny, giving Lauri free reign which she used to smack the Iowa native upside the head.


Uh-oh, Shaggy, you don't want to make Charli mad.

Back in the ring, Charli dodged a spin kick from Penny and connected with a lariat! Penny got right back up and got sent right back down with a second lariat. Charli took a moment to catch her breath and when that moment was up she hit the Insult to Injury backflip kneedrop on Penny. But as she pinned her she got yanked out of the ring by Lauri!



Lauri decided (smartly) to get out of dodge and ran backstage before Charli could get really mad. Skylar picked up for Lauri though and told Dasha to toss her orange juice in Charli's face which the Ukrainian happily did.


Blinded, Charli got her face slammed into the ring mats by Penny and then dumped into the ring. Inside she had to inch her feet to the ropes to escape a Red Planet (rings of saturn) but still had to endure taunting from a returned Lauri.


Penny called for the finish and swung up with a tornado tae kwon do kick! Except Charli ducked and the attack blasted Rikishi in the jaw! Charli pounced on her opportunity and decked Penny with a leaping lariat! Followed by another one! But again Lauri interfered, this time latching onto Charli's golden locks.

That's it, bitch! You're dead meat!

Lauri found out she fucked up big time when Charli rammed her face into the ring posts again and again and again!


Penny clobbered Charli from behind to save Lauri's ass, but this only pissed Charli off more! The Iowa bred babe tore through Penny with a spear, then gave one to a barely recovered Lauri for good measure! To finish things off Charli hit her throw out cutter known as Cuffing Season for the win!

Winner: Charli 9ine, via pinfall

Charli advances to the finals of the OVARY title tournament!

Folks, we'll find out who she's going to face when Adelphe Nerdregard and LeBrenda James hook em up!

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Years go, limit some once fast
Swallowing the past
Making something last

I've seen you at your lowest of low
Watching your demons grow
Struggle you won't show

Maybe I got plans for you
And you take care of me
My blood brother, fight for me

"Blood Brother" by Zed's Dead hits and the crowd is on their feet! But instead of getting Sammi they get The Doll who is forced to hold the ropes open for an e-cig puffing Blaine Cayley.

Blaine got Money Marc to tap out to the Liontamer at Anglemania X-8 and has now won a night with our assistant general manager.

Jeez, all I got when I beat Krista at scrabble a was tirade of profanity and her claiming nom-nom-noming isn't a word. It so is!

Here you are, Rena. And here I am! Aren't we a pair? I must confess that I've grown fond of you since our introduction —really and truly, I have! I must also say that when I first met you, Rena I thought you were a fussy bit of butter. You serve me because the stipulation dictates it But now! Oh, what a surprise I have in store for you!


We were becoming such good friends, and I hoped you might indulge your Master Baline. But The Lioness yearns to get her claws on you once again. To my sister's begging I say, Rena, you are hers. In the ring, in the limo, in the bathroom, in the lockerroom! Wherever she shall take you you are hers! You and her shall be friends through thick and friend, and you know Sammi, she always delights her friends.

The Doll tugs at her auburn locks, her lip forms a horrified O which Blaine revels in.

Oh that look! I look forward to seeing you put an O on my sister's face!

That's too much for The Doll and she runs out the ring screaming and hollering!

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Backstage correspondent Annie Idol tries to get a word with Hotties tag champions The Midnight Foxes. Conspicuous by his absence is manager Jim Cornette, who Ruby informs us is back home convalescing after his “brutal attack.” 

We’re thinking of you, JC! Thoughts and prayers!


I mean thoughts, not that other thing! (whispers under breath to Annie) 
Prayers make Ruby’s blood curdle. Shh!

Though without their manager the champs were not alone, as they introduced us to Caledori’s visiting wheelchair bound grandmother!

Eee! She’s so adorable! *hugs granny*


Ruby shoves granny into the Foxes dressing room. Cali follows right after to make sure the old broad doesn’t crash. 

You made a terrible mistake touching her, girl. What does Cali’s nan look like, you ignorant wanker — a bloody petting zoo attraction? Let the woman enjoy seeing her beloved granddaughter compete live and in living color for the first — and perhaps only — time. Family is terribly important heheheh. The grandfather clock is ticking on the old gal much like these “Chicks Over Black Dicks” 15 minutes of fame, which shall turn to pain and shame after we get thru with them once and for all. Now piss off! Mwhahahaha!



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*** Hotties Tag Team Title: Chicks Over Black Dicks vs. The Midnight Foxes © *** 

Here we go! The cream of the crop vs. the team on the rise!

The house was a rockin’ when Eponine came out knockin Ruby and Cali’s heads with European uppercuts that would make her father Dan Black proud. Cheered on by deviants, thotties and Isabella alike, Eponine put on a clinic. No wasted motion. Every move serving a purpose. In. The. Zone.

Time, time, time! 

As everyone knows, there’s no time outs in wrestling... 


... but few signal for so while doing their best puppy dog face, especially one as cute as Cali’s. A connoisseur of fine women, Eponine’s loins throb as Cali flutters her eyes in Disney princess fashion and then...



Ruby blindsides Eponine!

Cheapshot from a cheap cunt! 

Now Ruby makes her family proud rubbing the outside of her vag and flicking the sweat onto Eponine! Then she spits into the crowd! 


The “lucky” recipient of Ruby’s oral shower basks in the afterglow only to be mobbed by fellow deviants looking to take home a little of the Scarlet Witch’s DNA. (And you thought tussles over a shirt or foul ball in the stands was crazy!)

Back in the ring, the Foxes work Eponine over long and good. Lots of grunting and hair pulling. They even bust out some of the trademark moves of their manager’s former teams like the Double Goozle, or in Cali’s case a nod to the late “Gigolo” Jimmy Del Ray with sleazy gyrations.



Cali’s grandmother must be so proud. 

Probably not as much as Krista’s mom when she walked in on us fooling around early into our relationship. “How many licks ‘til you reach orgasm?” she eagerly asked. 


Focus shifts from commentary to the entranceway as Cali’s GRANNY burns rubber to the ring in her motorized wheelchair.


It’s a trap!

Doc White has entered the chat?!

HR on line 1. But on the tube we see granny raise her fist defiantly trying to grab anyone’s attention. She gets some from Cali who shoos her away and A LOT from Alix who smacks granny so hard from behind the old bag loses her false teeth!

Oh my gosh!

I smell a rat and — tag! — you’re it.

As granny’s teeth lay on the floor Alix tugs away on the hair using her leg to push off the wheelchair in comical fashion, but the damn thing refuses to budge and for good reason. Because just like Santa’s whiskers, poor ol’ granny’s hair is real. Except Alix concludes it’s glued on and continues to yank!


Meanwhile, Eponine has managed to tag Izzy. The spicy Latina somersaults into the ring because why the hell not and monkey flips Ruby. Cali runs into a hip toss and eats a dropkick that knocks her back into Ruby. Now with the Foxes slumped in the corner Izzy performs a handspring elbow!?


Make that a handspring MULE KICK!

Cali stumbles out of the corner right into a sunset flip piledriver!

Burning Sensation When You Urinate!

Izzy leaps to her feet and executes a tornado DDT off the middle turnbuckle — a modified version of LezBFriends — to drop Ruby face-first into Cali’s crotch!!


Izzy rolls Ruby off and covers Cali for the 1-2-3!!!




Ruby drags Izzy away at the last second! Eponine rejoins the action getting it on with Ruby. As if all hell wasn’t breaking loose already a second OLD WOMAN waddles ringside, PURSE in hand and pulls out... a TENNIS RACKET!


You’d think a gun went off thanks to the sound of racket meeting flesh. Alix blindsided while still trying to rip off Cali’s granny’s hair. 

That’s no old woman! That’s Jim Cornette, manager of the Midnight Foxes! Alix was right! It was a trap! 

As the ref gets Eponine off Ruby and escorts her back to the corner, the “lady” in red sprays a towel and gives it to Ruby to use on Izzy!

This is how the Midnight Foxes defeated C02!

Izzy goes night-night as the champs survive a scare.

Winners: The Midnight Foxes, via chicanery pinfall.

Eponine is livid. The Midnight Foxes and Jim Cornette full of spirit.  They embrace triumphantly and then flee like thieves in the night, wheeling away Cali’s “granny.”

Cornette and company outfoxed us all yet again!

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We're taken to an office which is a luxurious space with a koi pond, leather seating, 75 inch TV and surround sound speakers. Getting her hair done at the moment is...


But barging in on her are a business suit wearing...



and sister...


Toni Patrica, hi, I’m Annagret. But you know that.

And I’m Cinnamon!

I know.

Of course you do, Toni.

Annagret takes a look at a dvd cover on the wall...

Little Colombian Chicks Meet Big Black Dicks.
(Annagret spins on her high heels and faces down Toni)
Aren’t you tired of empty eyed dim girls from third world countries? Don’t you need big titted straight up boss bitches?

I am a boss bitch.

Takes one to know one. And you don’t look very familiar.

Excuse me?

That look on your face...it’s so cute!


Cute! But don’t worry you have the bossest of all bitches in your office right now. An Asgardian Boss Bitch. It’s just a matter of time before I rule the nine realms and have all the black guys falling at me feet. And who’s helping me keep the white guys at bay? A real life Valkyrie.

That’s me!

Isn’t that what you need? An Asgardian and a Valkyrie? Not tiny flat ass bitches from Ukrainistan?

You need to talk to Krista about Cinnamon.

Soooo you don’t make the decisions around here? Thought so.

I do make the decisions around here. And if I'm deciding then I'm deciding Cinnamon is too nice for Raw Is Whore.

Excuse me? Did you see what she did to Annie?

I saw. She's too All American good girl.


The reason for the hairdresser's yelp is that Cinnamon has grabbed her scissors. In a hurry Cinnamon starts snipping at her own hair!

What are you doing?! You're cutting off your hair!

SNIP, SNIP, SNIP! Clumps of Cinnamon's hair fall to the ground all from one side, leaving a patchy sort of cut down look.

Would an All American Girl rock a cut like this?


Nope! I'm Cinnamon Spoons, Dark Valkyrie, now watch me fuck in the name of a hornier future!

I don't know what that meant but this is a hell of an audition. I'll tell Krista you're hired. Just
(Toni hurries up from her seat)
Get your hair fixed.

As Cinnamon takes a seat on the chair with a big smile, her sister kicks back on the sofa....


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*** OVARY Title Tournament, Kylie Ireland Bracket: Adelphe Nerdregard vs. LeBrenda James w/ Ladybird Jones ***

Adelphe announced her famous pre-match spiel first...

The chosen heroine arrives! And what is she called, this maiden of darkness? Adelphe Nerdregard is her name!

The demeanor of both Hotties couldn’t be any more different with a trip to the finals on the line. Adelphe all business, LBJ full of arrogance, to the point she arrived with a punched ticket to the next show! 

We don’t even punch tickets!

Only thing I wanna see punched right now is LeBrenda’s face.

Adelphe did something even better. As LBJ prepared to shoot a 3 off Ladybird’s shoulders, Adelphe dropped on all fours behind Ladybird who stumbled over! LBJ smacked the mat hard and was covered quickly, but managed to kick out just in the nick of time! 

This one was almost over before it even began! 

With an offensive onslaught that matched the color of her hair (red hot), Adelphe dominated the action early. A trip by Ladybird turned the momentum in LBJ’s favor, but Adelphe would rally back and catch Queen James with a LUMINARY UPPERCUT! The impact so great it knocked LBJ back against the turnbuckle down onto her rear! 

The crowd pops. Adelphe’s eyes widen. She knows the crowd wants a Celestial Pantie Assault.

Give it to me, baby!

Adelphe points to LBJ then charges full speed ahead as Ladybird streaks by the bottom of the screen and onto the apron. Naturally the ref’s attention turns to Ladybird, so he misses LBJ reach behind to grab the BASKETBALL strategically left behind to use as a weapon. 


Adelphe is struck right between the eyes mid-Bronco Buster! Knocked silly she’s unable to kick out of the pin that follows!

Winner: LeBrenda James, via pinfall.

You’d think LBJ just won the OVARY Title based on Ladybird’s reaction. There’s hugging and water dumped on LBJ in celebration. LBJ even jumps on the timekeepers table and declares we are all witnesses.

And just like that LeBrenda James moves on to face Charli9ine in the finals of the OVARY title tournament, thanks to an assist from Ladybird Jones!

Tune in next show to find out who becomes the first ever Outrageously Valiant And Ravishing Youth Champion!

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We're in the Cayleys dressing room, where Blaine reclines in a leather chair dick already hard and firmly in hand.

Why is The Lion so hard, so ready to go? Because The Doll is on her knees, naked as the day is long and beholden to a garter belt wearing smug Sammi Cayley.

Hurry up.

Sammi sports a smug grin before saying...

I think we'll take our time. After all it's not so often we get to savor a delicious piece of ass. Wouldn't you agree, Blaine?


Sammi gets things started by ripping down The Doll's glittering top, exposing her full silicone infused breasts. Breasts which get a nod of approval from Sammi.

No bra. It's nice to see a woman who comes prepared.

Sammi's fingers promptly find their way to The Doll's nipples. Plump and rosy they get expertly tortured by the Lioness.

Moan for me.


Sammi likes that silence not one bit!  So he twists the nipples within her fingers.


I think I can see the blood surging to your nipples already, Doll.


The Lioness never lies.

The Doll's breasts are pale, perfect hemispheres tipped with flame. Her musk permeates the dressing room, savored by the inhaling nostrils of Sammi Blaine's cock stirs, his heart slamming against his ribs.

Touch my pussy. Finger it. Fuck it.


Again the refusal isn't appreciated by Sammi. The left paw of the Lioness gives The Doll a slight but firm enough slap to show no refusal will be allowed. Still Sammi has to move The Doll's hand to the waist band of her pleated skirt.

Pull my skirt down. Now.

The Doll has no choice. Oh how she wished she did. Instead she can only grit her teeth and pull down Sammi's skirt. The Welsh born babe's bald pussy is laid bare above her powerful legs. She too has come prepared.

Money Marc, you are missing a lot.

Sammi forces The Doll's hand to her cunt and feverishly grinds against it.


Sammi makes The Doll's hand work damn hard, pummeling her clit, pinching those scarlet lips until they are almost purple. Sammi's eyes slam are shut. Her back is arched then stiffens, pelvis thrust forward to provide maximum access for her welcome invader.

God yes!

Sammi is a tiger, tearing at her own flesh in hungry fury. Her scent rises around everyone, drowning out the candles Blaine has lit about the room. The Doll, though, scrunches up her perfect nose.

Ah, yes, fuck it, Rena. Fuck my pussy, Rena.

Sammi moans and cries as she bucks and jerks on Rena's hand. Her mouth is open, her teeth clenched. She sounds as though she is in pain. But lord almighty the woman is in bliss. Her harsh grunts become rhythmic and rise in pitch. She twists and writhes. Her hand and The Doll's hand are deep in her magical area. Her juices run down The Doll's wrist.



Sammi screams and arches up off her feet. Her whole body convulses, then abruptly collapses onto her brother. Little tremors continue to shake her frame for a half a minute.


No experience in girl/girl, eh? I don't believe that. But, Sammi, surely you can't be done.

Sammi swings around and looks at her twin brother with fire blazing through her eyes.

Far from it.
Sammi twists about on her brother's lap, using him as a seat and a base to spread her legs wide open.

Time for a tase of lion.

You're kidding.

I never kid, Rena. Ever.


The Doll crawls, a humiliating journey, to Sammi spread wide and comes face to uhh clit with Sammi's gorgeous cunny.

Please me, Rena. And please me better than my own brother ever could.

A challenge? Let's see if Rena can rise to the occasion.

The Doll brushes her fingertip across the bald top of her mound, just the barest of touches due to her being utterly disgusted. For Sammi a shudder runs rapid through her body. With the same trepidation, The Doll parts those lips, forced into seeking her clit. It practically jumps out to meet The Doll's finger, rigid and slick.

Ah, yes, give it to me.

The Doll's lips grasp the taut little knob between them, squeezing, while her hands are formed into tight balls of rage.

Sammi moans, arches backward on her brother to open herself to The Doll's tongue. Far against her will, The Doll slides her fingers back and forth in Sammi sex, spreading her wetness from the sensitive button at the apex to pucker of muscle at the back. When Rena grazes that spot, Sammi's whole body jerks. High voltage.

Hmmmm she might be beating you, Blaine.

We'll see later on who's the winner.

The Doll wriggles inside Sammi, feeling her clench down on. Awful! The Doll shivers in disgust as she imagines Sammi doing that to Blaine's cock, and almost loses it right there. This is awful! Awful! Awful! Awful!

Sammi trembles violently. For a moment, The Doll thinks she will come again and this mess will be over with and she can take a cold shower. But this fingering is not enough for Sammi to unleash her orgasmic bliss.

Keep going, Rena. Make your Mistress cum.

The Doll wants to punch her. To knock her out cold. But all she could do is beat her fist into the air as she is slowly applying steady pressure with her fingers.

Mistress enjoys this very much, Rena

Sammi grinds herself against The Doll, which has the The Doll close to puking. It makes Rena sick how much Sammi enjoys the delights of her cunt engulfing her fingers. Rena goes into a slow and lazy stroking, hoping to bore Sammi into ending this. But instead Sammi emits lion like groans that have Rena shuddering.

Its incredibly hot for Blaine, supporting his sister's weight as she's finger fucked by a hot piece of ass like The Doll. And all it took for this to happen was to kick Money Marc and Coco's ass. Hell, Blaine would have kicked their asses for free!

The Doll's finger goes into Sammi's hole then reappears covered with fluids. In they go and out they come each time coated to the knuckle with Sammi juice. The Doll keeps up the thrusts with her two fingers. But Sammi does a great deal of work, bucking and thrashing on her brothers' lap and against The Doll's fingers.

Suddenly there's a commotion! Invading the room are ALYSANNE AND LADY XFL!


Blaine shouts in horror due to Alysanne throwing turf pellets into his eye! Acting on instinct, he pushes Sammi off himself and instead goes to the ground with his hands finding his blinded eyes. Both The Doll and Sammi topple to the ground with their faces forming wide eyed look of surprises.

So sorry to interrupt. But I thought The Doll might like if we joined in on the fun. You don't mind, Rena?

The Doll hurriedly shakes her head no.

Sammi, though, her face contorts in fury, her cheeks become hot with rage. And then she's upon Alysanne, fingers tangled in the smaller girl's highlighted hair, teeth barred!

Get her off me!

Now it's Lady XFL's fingers who become tangled in Sammi's chocolate locks. Sammi feels a tight strain on her neck as she's hauled away by the Hard On Hoes Champion. Sammi's eyes water from the pain but she's still able to see the sneer twisting Alysanne's face.

Brutalize her.

Sammi is thrown to the ground, landing on her knees right in front of The Doll. The Doll who wears a contemptuous smile. Her smile widens to one of full blown glee as Lady XFL smashes her strong palm into Sammi's ass!


Sammi is struck again, feeling the full might of this dangerous Amazon against her toned rear end.

You bitch. You stuck up bitch. How dare you ever talk down to me?

Again Sammi is hit in the ass, this time with such force and brute power it leaves a red hand print on her tanned skin.

Beg her to stop, bitch!


Sammi is swatted again on the opposite cheek and now she has another hand print to match.

You'll beg one way or the other, Sammi.

Alysanne hurls a wad of spit upon Sammi's face, which alights new anger in the Lioness. She roars and spears Alysanne to the ground and the two proceed to roll and fight in a classic cat fight. Beyond them though Lady XFL is affixing a STRAP ON to her waist.

The problem is Sammi has the upper hand on Alysanne and is choking her, her teeth gnashing her eyes narrowed. The Doll has to spring into action and tackles Sammi off Alsyanne!

Alsyanne comes up wheezing with tears in her eyes and nostrils flaring.

Brutalize her! Brutalize her! Ruin her asshole!

Fuck you!

You're the one getting fucked, you brother fucking whore!

Sammi screams in white hot pain as Lady XFL plunges her eight inch strap on into her unlubricated shit pipe. The Lioness pours out shrill shrieks as Lady XFL immediately finds an ass fucking of a steady rhythm.

It's too late to beg, bitch! It's far too late!

Lady XFL now picks up speed, and is fucking Sammi's most private hole harder than Sammi's brother ever could. Again and again Sammi cries out in agony. The pain of this anal rape is far too much for Sammi to bear and tears freely flow from her eyes.

Hahahhaha! Keep crying, whore!


You're still here?

Grip my dildo.

Sammi has no choice in the matter and her ass is made to respond to the fucking by gripping onto the shaft of Lady XFL's dildo. She feels her asshole loosen up a little but its not enough to stop the anguish. And the humiliation cuts her like class.

Poor rich bitch has no one to help her.

Lady XFL gives her boss exactly what she wants as she takes firm hold of Sammi's rocking hips. With that firm grip, Lady XFL is able to power her own strong lower body forward and give Sammi an even harder butt fucking. A butt fucking Sammi never thought anyone could give her! One that continues to have her screaming and yelling. All sounds that delight Alysanne and The Doll.

Stop hurting her!

Be quiet, Blaine.

Looks like you're getting what you deserved, Lioness.

With that Lady XFL pulls the dildo almost completely out of Sammi's ass hole. Sammi takes a moment to breathe easily and sigh heavily. But she got comfortable too quick; Lady XFL slams the dildo back in, this time using every ounce of strength she possesses to bury every single inch inside her now slave's bowels!

Alysanne takes a seat and rests her boots on Blaine's fallen body.

I think we'll be here for a while.


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