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OAOAST TMW: A comedy/erotic e-fed

TMW 7/10/19

Chanel #99

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Out first for the night was Conan “Coco” Chanel, dressed in the odd combo of a red polo shirt and his embossed white trunks.

Rejoice, imbeciles! For I bring you “Money” Marc Bennett!

But instead of “Money” Marc’s theme we got Blood Brother by Zed’s Dead and a huge pop from the fans as this was the theme of Blaine Cayley.

This is trouble for Conan.

Big trouble!

Yes it was trouble as THE LION BLAINE CALEY arrived to the ring, clad in a trenchcoat and his lion decorated biker shirts

Conan Chanel, old money, new disgrace. Is this what the Chanel heir is reduced to? Ring announcer for new money? Let me put you out your misery!

Blaine bashed Coco with the mic! This led to...

***Conan Chanel Vs Blaine Cayley***

Conan bailed causing Blaine to give chase, a lion on the hunt! On the outside, Coco endured further beating that busted open his lip. But on the inside he turned the tables with a stun gun followed by his Regalplex known as Nirvana Black! Conan proceeded to work over Blaine’s neck, including using a series of pile drivers.

In some promotions a pile driver is illegal. But in TMW anything goes.

As if reading Reject’s mind, Conan brought in a steel chair to attack Blaine. But Blaine caught the chair before it could rattle his brains! Instead it was Conan who endured a possible case of CTE thanks to three gruesome chair shots.  Not to mention taking Cruel Intentions 2 onto the steel chair to suffer the painful loss.

Winner: Blaine Cayley, via pinfall

Post match Blaine took the mic and a seat on the chair he attacked Conan with.

Money Man, it’s not your lackey I desire. It’s your girl. Put her on the line at Anglemania X-8 and I shall do the same for my sister. We take it to Toronto and one of us can live the dream for a night and the other can endure a lifetime nightmare.

Wow, Blaine is putting up Sammi for a night if iMoney Marc will put up The Doll!

Backstage Terry Taylor had Big Papa Thrust and his Freakazoids on hand.

Big Papa, you face Lawson Belle for his Galaxy Title at Anglemania with CPA as special guest referee. How can you come out with the title?

Easily! If both those butt sucking, skirt wearing, queer bastards want to step into the ring with BPT I can knock both their sets of crooked yellow teeth out! I've got the largest arms on The Galaxy and what does that make me, December?

It makes you the man with the largest arms in the Galaxy?

No, silly. It makes him da man!

Damn right.

***Rex , The Big Hairy Nutt Saks Vs The Shell Gang: Alexander The Magnificent, Pike Pantera & Painbow W/Logan Mann***

Painbow sold out, Reject.

I don't understand you. You're a shocked a former gang member would join a gang?

Painbow got on the mic to explain his descion to join with The Shell Gang...

You little bitches already knew what time it was with Painbow. Don’t go thinking I wasn’t still that nigga that powerbombed Tristan off hell in a cell in the original TMW, don’t go thinking I ain’t that dude that put Storm Bellmare through stacked tables no more, don’t act like I still ain’t that man that pole drove Holt onto the thumb tacks. Don’t do it! I am that man, I always been a nigga in the gutta! ReX it’s on for life and it’s Gang Gang for life now you bout to feel the wrath of a menace.

Logan got on commentary for this one and proceeded to go on one of his rants...

Tell me we ain’t The Shell Gang, tell me we ain’t kicking down doors, tell me I ain’t Logan Mann though!

Hear that Renee? The sounds of the hottest thing in wrestling, The Shell Gang.

ReX wanted Painbow right away and that’s what he got! The two brawled around the ring until a blind tag got Pike Pantera into the ring. ReX showed off his strength underhook powerbombing the massive Pike Pantera. But ReX came in peril thanks to a concentrated attack from Painbow and Alexander. When Alexander tried the torture rack , ReX escaped and tagged it n Baltog. The faces would gain the upper hand for a few minutes until Painbow made That Bitch Kick with a big boot to Julius. Soon on hand to watch were Das Wrestling Machine!


Logan, incredulous at the interlopers, rushed to confront the Machine...and ate a big right cross from Reignhardt! A TMW classic wild brawl broke out and just as it got good Painbow used Red Wraith to defeat Julius and secure a Shell Gang win!

Winner: The Shell Gang, via pinfall

Post match the remaining members of The Shell Gang crowded on the annnounce desk to speak.

Sure go ahead. Yeah, there’s plenty of room on this sofa.

It’s nice to be loved, Renee. I’m gonna try not to smile too hard but soon I will be Galaxy Champion.

You’re talking the Money In The Bank ladder match at Anglemania. Ignatius, Wesley, Alexander, Storm Bellmare, The Bounty Hunter, and Abdullah Abir Nerdly. You'll use the Money In-

I’m talking tonight. Lawson Belle put your belt on the line against me! I want that belt worse than a lap dance after twenty years at sea, and I’m getting it.

Gang Gang!

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***The Inturder Vs Job Burr***
Job Burr is a born again Christian and came out offering scripture packets with mini Reeses. I'm serious.

Go go, Job!

Yeah go job.

Jesus Freak or not, Burr started throwing haymakers early on that had Intruder back pedaling. But when Burr tried a pile driver, the Tucson native broke free of the attack. He then made Burr eat a lethal front powerslam!

It’s Run Dowm season!

Now it’s time for The Inturder to run down Burr. At least he brought us candy.

Intuder battered Burr, leaving him in a bad way and in need of the lord's guidance. As Intruder ascended up top, Burr made a groggy rise the same rise Jesus will make to save our souls.

This is rarefied air for The Intruder!

And it went to waste as GOATMAN PAINS shoved Intruder off! The Tucson native went flying into Burr’s x-factor to take a loss!

I can’t believe it.

Believe! Believe! Believe like Job believes in Christ!

Winner: Job Burr, via pinfall!!!!

Postmatch, Pains devestated the man who took a year off his career, Intruder with a Superman punch!


Goatman, Goatman, Goatman that man's up to something!

There was a sit down interview conducted by Josh Matthews with JoJo Whoa and Sgt.Holt. The subject was on their Always Pimpin Title Match at Anglemania x-8. Holt did most of the talking while JoJo kept his answers short.

Could this match destroy your friendship?

Josh, when you’re in the business you’re in a brotherhood. When you’re in The Armed Forces you’re in a brotherhood. Joe and I are brothers on two sides. They’ll never tear us apart.


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Inside the ring we had a Studs match pitting two ARRIBA luchadores against talent from SMUSH. But as the match got underway When Doves Cry came into the arena and so did the charging pair of The Back Knight and The Arabian Knight. Together the duo beat down the youngsters. This gave a free ring for King Edward.

I have had a grand vision. I have envisioned the death of TMW, the burning of its history and the crucifixion or two men in particular. Tristan and Fabian Nystrom after what you’ve done to my household, after how you took my daughter from me, I will bring more than my knights to Anglemania. I will bring the nails and the crosses!

Before King Edward could go on “Amusement Park” from Nier Automata hit and Burlington Pembrokshire appeared at the entry way.

Lads, you have to make it to Anglemania first!

And that led to...

***Burlington Pembrokshire Vs The Arabian Knight***
A series of throws got the Brit off on a good start. Then lariats from him had The Arabian Knight on the back foot.

There’s a real Knight in Burlington Pembrokshire.

There's a real fool.

The Arabian Knight came in for a charge and got press slammed out of the ring! But Pembrokshire spent too much time playing to the crowd and got clobbered from behind by his foe. Things went downhill from there and The Arabian Knight claimed victory with an imploding 450 known as Pharaoh’s Fire

Winner: The Arabian Knight, via pinfall

***Galaxy Championship: Lawson Belle W/Referee Nerdregard Vs Ignatius Maddix****

Lawson began the fray by going after the taller man’s right knee. First it was holds then Lawson just savagely beat on the leg.

You’re not 6’7 when you’re on the mat writhing in pain.

Ignatius turned things around by changing a dragon screw into a big boot with his free leg. Then, to some of the fans’ delight, he battered Lawson with a Very Spanish Uppercut. Lawson tried to recover but then got hit with Snake Eyes and a sidewalk slam!

Moves of doom!

Lawson bailed to talk strategy with Referee Nerdregard. But Ignatius gave chase and the two fought on the outside. They brawled in the stands and around the announce desk, eventually coming back to ringside. They got into the ring where Ignatius blocked a belly to belly and lifted the champion for the Go2Sleep There Referee Nerdregard bashed Ignatius’ right leg with a steel chair. Iggy would crumple to the ground, hollering in pain. This led to a leg lock from Lawson and a submission win.

Winner: Lawson Belle, via submission

Post match Lawson locked on the Ankle Lock on Ignatius until Wesley came for the save.  But as they were brawling Big Papa Thrust yanked Lawson out the ring and they fought to end the show!

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