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OAOAST TMW: A comedy/erotic e-fed

TMW 5/20/2019

Chanel #99

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The show opened up to a promo from Referee Nerdregard and Galaxy Champion, Lawson Belle about tonight’s title match against Money Marc.

Money Marc you've got a ten million dollar body but a ten cent brain! Ain't no way you're beating my champ, your champ, the champ! So just stay home and forget about it! Ok!

Money Marc, you've got money, you've got money watching your back, and you've got the girl. But you saw what happened to the last guy who had the exact same shit you did. I'm gonna call you Blaine 2.0 and that's just another term for victim!

Then Lawson touched on Big Papa Thrust.

Big Papa Thrust, stay away from my sister. If I see you with her one more time I’ll snap your fucking ankle into pieces!

***Chain match: Big Hairy Nutt Saks Vs Das wrestling Machine***

If the Nutt Saks get the win they get their chains back.

If they don’t the chains go on display at White Lothar’s mansion.

On our last show we saw The Nutt Saks help Pike The Pantera and Jose Cantu Si beat DWM to retain their tag belts.

White Lothar refused to be bound and took the chain to whip both Nutt Saks. Referee Rikishi couldn’t stop him and Lothar beat The Nutt Saks like they owed him money! The Nutt Saks fought back much to the crowd’s delight. But an unfettered Lothar was hell to deal with. But suddenly Lothar was ran through with a gore by PIKE PANTERA

Smoking Gun!

Reignhardt ate a double body splash called The Freezer from the Nutt Saks to take a tough loss!

Winner: The Big Hairy Nutt Saks, via pinfall

Post much The Nutt Saks attacked The Shell Gang! They got the upper hand until Alexander and Logan Mann arrived! Two Percussions and super kicks later and The Shell Gang stood tall

Then Alexander had something to say...

You waited for a big name to come and here we are! Magnificent.


Fabian Nyattom, I am your hero and that is why you let me into The Shell Gang. But there’s only one Magnificent.  You could never beat me, you could never be me. There is only Alexander The Magnificent.

“Hero” hit next to a huge ovation and out came The Divine Fabian Nystrom!

Alexander there can only be you. Because you are a Magnificent jackass! A Magnificent moron! And a Magnificent bitch! And if you aren’t a bitch you’ll face me right...now!!

Alexander motioned for Fabian to join him in the ring and join him Fabian did

***Fabian Nysttom Vs Alexander The Magnificent ***

Fabian came out firing, hammering Alexander with forearms and kicks. Logan tried to interject but got drop kicked off the apron by The Divine!

Down goes Leezis Price!

And down went Fabian thanks to diving ax handle from Alexander. That was followed by a deadlift gut wrenching suplex! Fabian rolled out the ring and got himself stomped by Pike while Logan had the official distracted.

That’s called being a good manager, Renee

Then I’d rather see a bad one!

Alexander started flexing and posing to rile up the audience. Though Jose seemed to be riled up in a different way. Fabian was riled up too and hammered Alexander with forearms then drilled him with End of Days!!!


Now Fabian got cocky and had a tiny Fluffer light a cigar for him. But as he was smoking hit Jose hit him with a steel chair!

Oh no!

Fabian, angry, turned to attack Jose but was gored by Pike!

That’s what a stable does for you, Renee.

The Shell Gang best on Fabian until The Union Jets and Burlington Pembrokshire came and cleared house with BASEBALL BATS!!

They have no !business at ringside

They’re friends of The Nystrom family. They’re like a Nystrom Foundation.




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The Big Bad Glueti Daddy was with his Freaks and speaking with Terry Taylor.

Big Papa, you heard Lawson’s threats earlier. What are you gonna do?

I’m not gonna do a damn thing because I’m the man, championship wrestler not a strip mall karate boy. I’ll fuck December all 5 days of the week if I want!

There are seven days of the week.

Don’t tell me how many days in the week there are! I’m the man! If I say there are 5 there are 5 damn it! Right December? Who’s your daddy?

My dad is the Rock, remember? But he’s not Lawson’s dad.

See? Lawson’s just the wasted sperm of white trash! As for CPA you made a big mistake leaving hell because I’m gonna show you hell on earth then I’ll throat fuck Bobbi to the ends of the earth.


Then I’ll come back, CPA, and put you down for good. Scream If You’re Listening To Me!

***Always Pimpin Title: Sumeragi Vs Sgt.Holt***

The sarge with his latest title defense.

Against a guy so dirty Clem the fifth is giving him a double pat down.

Just because he didn’t have anything on him didn’t mean Sumeragi was clean. He hurled spit at Holt then booted him kind of low. Holt had to endure some strong style attacks. But he showed some strong style of his own with brutal chops and even got the SMUSH import with his trademark Kitchen Sink. Sumeragi decided to bail at this point and take the loss. But on the ramp he was jumped by JoJo Whoa who beat his ass before dumping him into the ring. Holt hit Dishonorable Discharge to successfuly defend his title.

Winner: Sgt, Holt

What does JoJo think he’s doing? He brutally attacked the man.

Post match, Holt got on the mic

It’s Anglemania season and every one thinks I don’t have an opponent for my Always Pimpin title. But I do and he’s a fellow veteran, my best friend, and he’s standing right next to me!

“YYYEEAAAAAAAAH! The fans cheer as Holt raises JJ’s hand

Let’s give em a show, partner.

There’s little emotion in JJ’s face, but no one seems to notice. They’re too busy cheering the friendly battle of army vets.

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***The Intruder Vs Daisuke Motozaki***

A spirited brawl started the affair with Daisuke getting the upper hand with his strong style moves. Intruder took a moment outside the ring to regroup. Daisuke was all about the fight and pursued The Intruder only to eat the steel steps thanks to the crafty Arizona native. The Intruder threw in some shades ala Tyler Bryant and went hard at Daiskue’s neck with a tough series of moves. But when he tried to use his front power slam named Rundown Season his Japanese doe blocked the attack and booted him in the head!


Daisuke returned the previous head shots and had Inturder woozy. But when Daiskue tried running knee to the head, Inturder ducked! Off balance Daisuke  was crucifixed and took the loss.

Winner: The Inturder, via pinfall.

Post-match The Intruder got on the microphone...


You're dissing The Intruder? You're out of bounds. Let the facts be known, your life has no volume, your money has no volume and your soul has no volume. I have more money, more serenity, more currency, more pussy-

The Intruder was interrupted by a SPEAR from the returning GOATMAN PAINS!

Goatman Pains intruding upon The Intruder!

Blanchefleur had security in the ring lightning quick to stop Pains from totally mauling the former reality TV star.

We haven't seen Goatman Pains since he was mysteriously attacked at Anglemania X-7

Pains left with a few parting words...."You took a year off my career, now I'm gonna take a year off your LIFE!"

***Galaxy Title: Lawson Belle (c) W/Referee Nerdregard Vs Money Marc Bennett W/The Doll***
This is a rematch from Saint Valentine's Day Ass Massacare. But at Anglemania XXX-8 all these people had a crazy eventful night.

Check it out right here on the Network.

Money Marc started bowling over Lawson with shoulder blocks, which got him feeling cocky. He then hit a body slam and an Eddy G style boot scrape which made him even more puffed up. Lawson let him know who really runs this shit by giving him a stiff high knee off an Irish whip. Money Marc was chucked onto the ring apron then drilled with a downfall DDT that had his noggin ringing. Lawson then tried a guillotine choke but The Doll had other ideas...sexy ideas....



Money Marc used his girl's charms to his advantage and took back control of the match. He was on the attack for a good minute until Lawson slipped out his Burning Hammer. The L Train then rolled through to get an ankle lock only to get jumped by BIG PAPA THRUST!


BPT brawled with Lawson as Money Marc hurried out the ring. Unfortunately he hurried right into Blaine Cayley's path and those two begin fighting! It was utter insanity that got crazier when CPA arrived to fight with Lawson and BPT!

Next thing you know these people will be putting each other through announce desks!

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King Edward was out with The Black Knight and The Arabian Knight, Murmur.

Tristan Nystrom and his brother, Fabian have issued a challenge demanding my loyal knights face them in Toronto, Ontario, Canada at this Anglemania...thing. This is folly by fools! My men will reach into the chest cavity and rip out the heart of TMW!

Suddenly we heard...

I stay out too late

Got nothing in my brain

That's what people say, mmm-mmm

That's what people say, mmm-mmm

And KRISTA ISADORA DUNCAN came charging into the ring!

What the hell?!

Krista tackledthe King and started hammering him with punches! The Knights would pull her off and Krista looked in big trouble! But then THE NYSTROM BROTHERS arrived with BURLINGTON PEMBROKSHIRE to chase the King and all his men out the ring. At that we went to break.


Back from break Krista was healing her bruises by drinking Fabian’s blood from his wrist.

That was-


I was going to say stupid. What were you thinking?

He queen napped Esther! I got a message by carrier pigeon from “her” saying she returned to his castle and she’s happy there.

Perhaps she is?

It was forged! The “i’s” weren’t started. It’s not her hand writing!

Tristan took a heavy sigh.

We’ll get her back easily.


Easier than easily.

Thank you!

***Tornado Tag: The Shell Gang (Ignatius Maddix, Wesley Singleton) W/Logan Mann Vs ReX and Painbow***
Not to take up for Wes but this feud was originally just Painbow and ReX against each other. But Lisa Ann kept booking them against Wesley and Wes found himself mixed up in this match.

ReX pointed to Wesley and gnashed his teeth. World Wide Wes was the one he wanted! But what he got was Painbow attacking him from behind! Painbow stomped away at ReX while The Shell Gang looked on amused.

They didn't even last to the bell ringing.

The Last Real Nigga Alive finished ReX off with his own move, The Syringer a pop up powerbomb!

Aiyo. Painbow, you and I are a lot a like. We don’t care how many Doctor Bombs, sit out bombs or pop up powerbomb he feathers us with we’re going to beat this fucking cunt down. And on the subject of CUNY’s you've been getting the screws put to you by Lisa Ann same as me. I you’re tired of Lisa Ann in your face dictating where you eat and where you shit then the place you belong is with The Shell Gang.

Ignatius tosses Painbow his Shell Gang shirt...

And Painbow puts it on!


Painbow and his new crew make the Gang Gang sign while the fans hurl trash at them!


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