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AngleMania XXX-8

Chanel #99

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AngleMania's opening is a a seductive, hypnotizing dance by MAYA DUNCAN BLANCHARD

Hello, boys.



Unzip those pants, grip those dicks and get it all over....




The fans are on their feet and it's time to party!

Nice, I bought the pills.

Not that kind of party, Alix.  It's time to party at Anglemania XXX-8! We have titles, queens of black cock crowns and so much more to be won.

Who You Talking To Man???

Those words are from Nostalgia's track by the same name. They join with a wave of pyro in summoning out the Lady XFL. Clad in booty shorts, football pads and a sharp snarl The She Wolf has her arms rubbed by a smug Alysanne.

The following is the HARD ON HOES title match....

Lillian's entrance is cut off by Alysanne snatching the mic out her hand.

Pay attention, morons!


I came to get what’s mine, the spotlight, the fame, the money. That’s what’s owed me. Lady XFL came for the belt, that’s what’s owed her. Brea Brea, I’m guessing you think you’re pretty brave, right? Then be brave enough to come and stop us getting what’s ours. Unless you're getting a tummy ache, little baby.

She don't want that mainevent money, she want that belt NOW!

Alysanne was once known as Alysanne The Charming. She's anything but now. She's led this Lady XFL, Xavier's cousin in a rampage across Raw is Whore. And now we have one woman who can put a stop to this...

Uh-oh, running out of breath, but I
Oh, I, I got stamina
Uh-oh, running now, I close my eyes
Well, oh, I got stamina
And uh-oh, I see another mountain to climb
But I, I, I got stamina
Uh-oh, I need another lover, be mine
Cause I, I, I got stamina
Don't give up, I won't give up
Don't give up, no no no
Don't give up, I won't give up
Don't give up, no no no

To the sounds of Sia's "The Greatest" comes Brea Brea....


Yes, indeed, the champ is ready for a fight!


I’ll tell ya what folks the atmosphere in this stadium is something else

Last X charged Brea with lowered head. The champ ducks and takes Lady X down with an arm drag into an arm bar. That hold doesn’t last long with X escaping by shoving Brea off. The challenge r makes another charge and runs into the lposts thanks to Brea’s side step.

Brea Brea so quick on her feet.

Lady X gets taken down by another arm drag and she snorts in anger. Again she flips Brea away. But the champ returns with a cartwheel elbow. But Lady X grabs her by the waist and throws her down with a German suplex!

Good god! Brea was tossed halfway across Canada.

Brea staggers upright and promptly gets lariated over the ropes! She lands hard next to Alysanne who is all tears...


Damn that jezebel!

Lady X rams Brea’s back into various pieces of ringside equipment.  Announce desks, stairs, barricades, Brea gets it all!The worst comes when she Germans Brea onto the led ramp.


It’s still X’s game as she drops Brea back first into an equipment box. The pain is intense for Brea, but she still valiantly fights back. An elbow, a punch, a forearm, Brea serves it to Lady XFL! This got Brea back into the ring right where she wanted. The Sourh African babe goes up top for a cross body! But...

X caught Brea!

Poor Brea  is punished by a blue thunder bomb that lands on her weakened back. As Lady X pins Brea and Titania counts the pin, Alysanne takes  off the turnbuckle pads!

These chicks don’t just wanna beat Brea Brea they want to hurt her!

A kickout! Brea fights upward and makes Lady X eat a pair of stiff kicks followed by a tornado DDT! Lady X is dazed, but gets on solid footing. Solid footing that makes her eat a Little Axe Handle That Could!


Both girls are down and Titania begins a count! At the eight count they're on their feet. Brea tries a Moonsault Press but misses wildly thanks to Alysanne hurrying to pull Lady XFL away!

That's what having Alysanne in the corner can do for Lady XFL. It may have changed the course of this match.

But when X tries a buckle bomb Brea rolled down for a victory roll! It only gets two but it infuriates Lady X! She throws a lariat that’s sucked by Brea. The champ sucks her foe into a school girl type deal. But instead of a pin she flings her into the exposed buckle.


Lady X stumbles out the corner and gets snagged into the start of Brea’s hangman facrbuster finish. With her mighty strength, Lady X shatters the hold. Now Brea gets flung into the exposed buckle with a powerbomb


And a second time!

And a third time!

And a fourth time!

And a fifth time!

And a sixth time!

Good god the carnage!

And a seventh time!


And an eighth time!

Someone stop this!

And a ninth time!

And a tenth time!

There's no eleventh time as KRISTA comes in and throws in the towel!

Winner: Lady XFL, via stoppage.

Alysanne is happier than Lady XFL about all this and gleefully accepts the belt into her arms. With the smile a proud parent might give she fastens the belt across Lady XFL's waist with the amazon firing her arms into the air.


The sickening thud of Brea's body against the ring posts and it all leads to this monster, this she wolf as new Hard on Hoes Champion!

As Krista and the medical staff check on Brea Brea the champion marches about the ring with arms raised and belt glistening.

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We’re outside the stadium when a HUMMER LIMO rolls up in front of the screaming fans. Stepping out of it is a rather tough looking woman. She holds open the door for...






On hand with a microphone is Sara Jean!

You two have a lot of nerve showing your faces after what you did to How2girl!

Sara Jean, Hayley made two mistakes. She stuck her nose where it didn’t belong. That’s strike one. Then she tried to end a money making enterprise. That was strike two. There are no third strikes. It’s just BANG Diamond Cutter, baby! That’s what she got.

You two aren’t on the card. Yet you’ve made a lavish entrance. What could you have in store tonight?

We give real entertainment. Give people what they want.

The tough looking woman produces a bottle of BABY OIL!


We cut elsewhere where...


TORI MALIBU is watching this with...



Hayley is right. This sex slave ring has to be stopped.

Why? Is this not the duty of a filthy whore?

Well whores get paid. Slaves don’t. And our Fluffers are getting enslaved.Time to stop this. If anyone can stop it it’s me.

Illogical. False.

True! Time to stop things. Now.

Tori grits her teeth, clenches her fist and walks off...to slip on a puddle and land on her ass!

Time to stop this after I change my pants.


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***The Nasty Boyds Vs Day of the Dead***

You wanna know what Zeus said to Narcissus
You'd betta watch yourself
You wanna know what Zeus said to Narcissus
You'd better watch yourself
You'd better watch yourself

To Deep Six by Marilyn Manson come The Nasty Boyds...



Hold on, Holy Ghost
Go on, hold me close
Better run, here we come
It's the day of the dead!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

To Day of the Dead by Hollywood Undead come The Day of the Dead....



So if DoD win this match they get give minutes alone with Referee Wally Nerdregard.

Proud paoa Sadist is at home ready to watch his daughter, Cady get wild on Nerdregard's ass!

If you're wondering how mild mannered Lily got mixed up with Cady they were both interns to The All XFL Network. Why Alysanne and Rhaenys would trust Cady to an office job is anyone's guess.


The four young women go nuts on each other with a wild brawl inside the ring! It’s so nuts that Nikki and Cady spill outside. Cady gets the upper hand and starts smashing Nikki’s head into the announce desk!

Cady is having more fun than Krista at Happy Hour!

Referee Nerdregard isn’t having any fun and rakes Cady’s back. That just gets her malice turned on him. Luckily for him Nikki spins Cady around and hammers her with a punch! Cady no sells and replies by smashing her with a big boot!

Oooh snap!

Brit comes after Cady with a charge only for Cady to leap over her...


I don’t think her dad, Sadist, taught her that.

Referee Titania Nerdly gets some order by getting all the gals in the ring and on the apron. Lily and Brit slug it out until Brit hits a big spinning body slam. But as she comes off the ropes Lily pops up and rocks her with a belly to back atomic bomb!

Lily playing some beautiful music with The Moonlight Sonata!

Nikki breaks up the pin, which draws Cady into the ring for a fight! It ddoesn't last long as RFN grabs Cady’s leg, allowing Nikki to deliver a Clothesline from Hell so powerful it knocks Cady out the ring! Knocks her right in front of RFN who stomped away at her.

Damn him! Damn his soulless self!

The former correctional officers then hit Lily with a Nasty Bomb! But amazingly, Lily was able to kick out the pin!


Lily is gonna fight on. Day of the Dead will do whatever it takes to get their hands on Nerdregard.

Lily starts fighting both Nasties by herself. Which goes well until Brit collars her in a waistlock. Nikki winds up aaaaaaaand hits Brit with a lariat thanks to Lily moving!!!!

If I fucked up like that with Krista she’d waterboard me. In the toilet! Terry’s toilet!

Cady gets the tag and comes off top to drill both Nasties with a shoulder block. Brit gets up first and is tossed aside by a Cady throw!

The eternal demon of heat bathes me in fire!

Whatever that means it leads to the Nasties getting Cady Thrown all over the place!

I'm gonna put that fire out!

And RFN tries to do that by dumping water on Cady’s head. But alas she enjoys it too much...

Leviathan, demon of the sea, dance with me!


It’s like I always say with Cady, folks, mental illness has never looked so sexy.

Cady’s momentum stops thanks to a back suplex by Nikki then a swinging gut buster by Brit!

Cady is Fresh Out!

If only my dad could be fresh out the slammer. Love you papa!

RFN slides a chair to his gals, laughing all the while. But Titania tosses it out the ring! However, Nikki has got the nightstick and is ready to punish Cady! She even blows her a kiss...


Cady, look out!

Lily saves her partner and swipes the night stick out Nikki’s hands. Worse for Nikki, Lily takes a swing! A swing that’s intercepted by Titania!

That’s enough!

Titania is calling it down the middle. More than we can say Nerdregard ever did.

Lilly gets mobbed by the heels and drilled by a double lariat. Cady gets pitched into the ring posts and now the faces are in DEEP trouble. And it mounts fast with Brit chucking Lily aside with a gutwrench suplex. Tough as nails, Lily gets right up. Problem is she stands into a sidewalk slam from Nikki.

Folks, we promised you a hellacious fight and by god we’re giving you one!

RFN pulls out a table, of course upsetting Titania. While he’s dealt with by Titania Brit bashes Lily with the nightstick. Of course RFN lets Titania go make the count. But it only gets two!


Toronto getting loud for the DOD!

And I’m about to smoke some loud weed!

Brit grumbles her annoyance as she yanks Lily up. The Scottish babe is lifted by the waist by Brit, but suddenly Lily powers totally out the hold!

Good gawd look at the strength!

And more strength is on display as Lily punishes her foe with a sideways gut wrench powerbomb!

Flower Power!

LIlly dives and gets the tag to Cady. Together they run through both Nasties with double leaping shoulder blocks. The Nasties regroup and come after separate foes and we've got another wild brawl on our hands!

"D-O-D! D-O-D! D-O-D!" the Toronto crowd sings.

Cady lifts Brit up for a sitout spine buster, yet Nikki helps Brit escape. That pulls in Lily who attacks with a spear! A spear that slams into Cady, thanks to RFN pulling Nikki out the way.


The Nasties then hoist Lilly into the air, readying for her for the Nasty Bomb. Except, Brit is attacked behind Titania's back with the night stick by Cady!



Brit goes down in a heap as Cady discards the nightstick. She sure doesn't need it as her own clothesline from hell demolishes Nikki!


Lilly then raises Nikki onto her shoulders to combine with Cady in hitting THE DOOMSDAY DEVICE!!!


All of Toronto counts along...




Winners: Day of the Dead, via pinfall 

And now Lilly and Cady get 5 minutes alone with Referee Nerdregard.

No they don't, Renee Young! That's craziness! It ain't happening!

Yes it is! 

I'm too valuable to this company for that to happen! I'm the biggest star in the whole AAGGGGHHHHH!

The scream? Because Cady has her hands wrapped around his throat. It looks bad for RFN. Real bad as he's dragged into the ring by Cady.


The crowd is too busy watching RFN squirm that they don't notice LAWSON BELLE, the Galaxy Champ, rushing down the ring. The hated heel arrives with a gust of powder to the faces of Lilly and Cady!

He's throwing away my product!

RFN is hauled out the ring by Lawson, well away from blinded and enraged faces. Together, RFN and the Galaxy Champ zip backstage.

Lawson Belle has no reason to be on screen tonight and he inserted himself to save his manager from getting what he deserved.

He threw away all my coke! 

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***The Skylites (Skylar, Billie Child, and Kathy Karen Kelly) W/Penny Mars and ??? Vs The Songbirds (Annie, Carrie Oakley, Dasha Tha Rappa)

The Songbirds come out rockin out with a custom song they sung to the Toronto crowd

From me coming to yoooouuu....friiieeennnddd is a four letter word!

The word is loooooooove! The four letter woooord is loooooooooove!

And fuck!  We fuckin bros and we chumpin these hoes! We're Da Songbirds, super friends and down to da end!


You don't have to do jazz hands also.

I know but there's never a time when one shouldn't do jazz hands.

So The Skylites have been embroiled in a feud with Dasha Tha Rappa, Annie and a former Fluffer named Carrie Oakley. Carrie and Skylar had their first match in RIW against each other with Skylar coming out on top.

Really? I don't remember that.

Shocker. And Dasha has been getting bullied by The Skylites, but Skylar has been strangely quiet about the whole thing. And Annie's been getting harassed by them for weeks and has especially gotten it from Kathy Karen Kelly.

The Skylites come with a new girl...

Image result for siri pornstar
Who holds a sign saying "ISSA LAURI!"

So I guess that's Lauri. And how many Skylites are gonna keep showing up?

Skylar's got like five million followers across all her social media. Oh my god, how can I be expected to remember background information and biographies of five million people!

What are you talking about? You don't even remember the background information of the people who work here now.

Skylar is going to start for her squad but KKK jumps in front of her.

Let Killa K handle this.

Killa K?

Kathy goes running at Carrie and gets drop toe held. But KKK gets right back up ready to fight...and gets drop toe held again. 

This doesn’t count! This is practice.

Now fighting “for real” KKK takes a swing at Carrie. A swing that’s ducked and Carrie hits KKK with a side Russian leg sweep.

I don’t think Carrie has much experience in the ring. But she’s doing more than holding her own. 

KKK knows when to get out and so brings Skylar into the affair.


Skylar enters very sloooooowlly and points her finger at Dasha.


We all want Dasha!

And we get Dasha as Carrie makes the tag. But then Billie gets the tag from Skylar.

"BBBBOOOOOOOO" The fans groan with Dasha grunting her annoyance with Skylar.

Hehehehe! Let’s get lit!

Billie thez presses Dasha and goes wild tugging on her brunette locks. Dasha makes a desperate escape, but just gets her hair pulled by KKK leading into a running drop kick from Billie. The youngest Skylite is having a great time and starts making faces at Dasha. 

Of all the childish things.

Dasha won’t suffer such insults and Kriss Krosses Billie with a float over DDT! Billie then has to endure a W-O-R-M...a worm!

It reminds me when I poured worms on Lucius Soul’s fro!

Annie gets the tag which earns a huge pop!

My turn? Oh...alright sure.

Annie didn't expect to be named to Dasha's team. But sometimes life throws you curve balls.

I gotta get me some of this!

Kathy hops into the ring and offers Annie a FREE SHOT! Annie takes it and knocks KKK right on her ass!


Beginners luck!

Annie isn't quite a begginer she's had run ins with Princess Danger.

That's like your first fuck being with Lex Steele

Penny Mars gets on the apron and just her presence alone frightens Annie into tagging Carrie. Annie does have some courage though and joins in with Carrie in hip tossing Kathy across the ring!

We don't know a whole lot about Carrie to be honest. She's a Southern girl with a nice personality, but we don't know much more than that.

Kathy is tossed into the corner by Carrie, but manages an escape to the outside as Carrie charges in. That's no problem for Carrie as she comes off the top with a plancha onto KKK and Penny Mars!


We know she can fly! And she got that fine black gurl pussy!

I don't know if I like making this racial.

KKK escapes into the ring and hurries to tag in Billie. The high flying Skylite comes off the top with a hurricanrana! But then Carries comes right back with a hurricanrana of her own! As Billie is loopy, Carrie slaps hands with Dasha. The Rappa comes runnng full speed ahead and whips Billie around with a running block buster!


KRS Dasha!

That move gets a close two count as Billie is saved by Penny putting her foot on the ropes. That causes Lauri to hold a sign saying "PENNY DA REAL MVP"

I think everyone should have their own personal sign girl to voice their thoughts and feelings through poster board and Sharpie.

Billie gets whipped into the corner, but drops down thinking she's made a cool avoidance. Instead Dasha follows in to hammer her with a dropkick. Pained, Billie staggers upright and gots spun down to the ground by Dasha's springboard bulldog!

Dasha Wit Attitude!

Again only a two count comes of it thanks to Penny's interference. And again Lauri brandishes her Penny themed sign. Though this one is in CZECH

Man, I've seen some crazy Czech porn. Just thought I'd throw that out there.

Annie is tagged in, a bit shocking to her to say the least.

Me? Again? Ok, Annie, let's slay this!

Billie takes a run at Annie and gets over turned with a scoop slam!

With apologies to the Duncans....it's BOOTY TIME!


Annie doesn't actually do a bootysault instead just dropping a big butt splash on Billie!

That ain’t Jade junk in there but it’s hurting junk.

Annie evaded Billie’s charge again this time sending her out the ring. At this point Skylar bestirs herself and shows Annie Skylar In Real Life with a Superman lariat!


That’s the most effort we’ve seen Skylar make well...ever.

Billie is pretty jazzed about Skylar’s performance....



Annie has to next deal with KKK, who is eager for some get back. Kathy tortures poor Annie, rubbing her face into her arm pits!


I have it on good authority Pierce Duncan would pay big money for that treatment.

Double eeeewwwwwww!

When Billie comes in she tickled Annie mercilessly!

Gonna pee? Gonna pee?

That’s one fetish we don’t cater to.

Annie bravely fights back against the tickle assault, using chops to chase Billie out the ring. KKK gets things back in control for the Skylites with a sleeper on Annie.


Annie used the crowd support to rally her courage and elbowed her way free of Kathy. Pissed, Kathy throws Kathy (super) kick! Yet Annie ducks behind KKK and powers her to the mat with an inverted ddt!


Annie dives ahead and passes the tag to Carrie! At the same time, Skylar takes the place of Kathy!

Let’s go.

Skylar starts running through Carrie with shoulder blocks and is soon ready to graduate to even meaner moves. But Annie latches onto Skylar’s ankle which allows Carrie to drill her with a jaw breaker. The song birds then combined to plant the social media queen with a double flapjack!

Yeah, Team Us!

The tatted up Penny Mars storms into the ring but is intercepted by a missile dropkick from Dasha!

The Songbirds are en fuego!

My panties are too because Dasha just had a nip slip.

Kathy returns to action and tries to blast Dasha with a Kathy Kick. But Dasha ducked and Billie, who had dozed off ate the kick!


Well, that's pretty new.

Kathy is pitched out the ring by Annie and Carrie! But then Skylar slams their heads together knocking Annie down and Carrie all the way outside.


Skylar swirled around with a lazy arrogance and locks eyes with Dasha. Tha Rappa has malice locked onto her face. But then a different sort of lock occurs between Dasha and Skylar....

kiss Molly_Cavalli__Girlfriend.gif


Dasha doesn’t know what to do! What to think! But what she doesn’t do is think to stop Skylar from hitting Annie with a twisting neckbreaker into a stunner!


Connecticut Blood Money!

Dasha watched on in a sort of trance as Annie eats the loss off Skylar’s pin!

Winners: The Skylites, via pinfall

Skylar took Dasha's hand and leads the glassy eyed Rappa backstage. The Skylites dutifully trail behind with Billie making more faces at a distressed Annie and Carrie!

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Backstage we find Tori walking down the hall when she encounters a BBW fluffer counting cash.

Is that money for Yukino and Boss Lady?

Well....I dunno if I should tell you.

It’s ok. I know we wanna spice up AM season, but you can keep your cash for you. I’m going to put a stop to this. I’m never clumsy when I’m focused.

Gritting her resolve Tori walks forward...and runs right into an opening door.

Almost never clumsy.

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*** Didi Bigguns vs. Adelphe Saint Nerdregard ***

It’s not unusual to see mammaries exposed on a OAOAST show, but it is when they belong to a DONKEY in a orange wig! 

Where’s Shrek?

Forget Shrek. Didi’s about to get wrecked! This whole “donkey tits” thing has gone wayyy too far now!

Outfitted in a special costume for AngleMania, sexy milkmaid Didi led the donkey ringside on a leash. She took a powder when Adelphe arrived ready to throw down, then flaunted her girls.


Didi’s jaw drops in shock. Her mood only gets worse when Adelphe pops the crowd with her gals. 


Didi goes again. More boos. Adelphe, more cheers. It’s at that point Didi launches a surprise attack. She clobbers Adelphe wildly in the corner and then flings her across the ring by the hair. Stomps to the babymaker follow and a slam, but Adelphe gains control after a miss elbow and dominates until a rake to the eyes thwarts her momentum. In the several minutes that ensue Didi takes great pride in the beatdown delivered, which includes the feared PURPLE NURPLE!

Titty twister of doom~! And to think there’s some idiot out there saying “She knows how to milk dicks, of course she can milk a chick.” How do you learn to milk a chick?! 

Radio silence from the announce both. But there’s no silence from the action going on in the ring. Adelphe’s screams the soundtrack to her pain. She’s able to roll outside but Didi follows her and motions for the Fluffers to retrieve the Adelphe donkey!

What does Didi have in mind?!

Once the donkey’s in position Didi introduces Adelphe to its ass!


Adelphe slams on the bakes and sends Didi face-first into ass! 


The crowd erupts as Didi stumbles around in horror and disgust. Adelphe tosses Didi back in and knocks her the fuck out with a LUMINARY UPPERCUT for the 1-2-3.

Winner: Adelphe Saint Nerdregard, via pinfall. 

Post-match, as her hand was raised in victory, Adelphe posed with one foot on Didi’s chest. Her demon conquered.

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***Cum Dumpster Match: Men-U-Pause Vs Zelda Bazil and Miss Kunt***

So Malaysia was trying to mold Stacy, who she calls her step daughter, into a Jock mold. But Stacy is too nice a person and her weakness is her partner, Zelda. That's got us into a Cum Dumpster match with a reformed for one night only Men-U-Pause.

Fun fact: Cum Dumpster is also Jade's nickname around the mansion.

What did she have to do to earn that one?!

Once Zelda stripped off her witch's robe, Miss K is all...


Which promptly got her thrown around by Malaysia! Meanwhile, Holly cornered Zelda!

Beg me not to (beep) you up! Beg me, (beep)!

Please don't mess me up! Please!

Holly instead threw Zelda towards Miss K who was thrown by Malaysia. But Miss K shows some skill safely grabbing hold of Zelda and setting her aside. Malaysia doesn't like this and comes for a lariat, only for Miss K to dip her and Zelda down so that Malaysia hits Holly!


As Holly's former sister in law I know that felt ssssoooooooo goooooood! I might just just DDT her for fun.

Stay here.

Holly drags Zelda outside which has poor Stacy going to help her. Except Stacy is dragged back into the ring by Malaysia and is pressed over head! To the dumpster she goes? Nope! Miss K falls out of the hold all on her own. Malaysia tries to lift her again...except Stacy comes out and blasts her with a STIFF KICK just like dad!

Whooo! Stacy is killing it! See if you can get into that dumpster, tho. I lost my lottery ticket.


Malaysia rolls to her feet and suckers Stacy in just enough to smash her with a lariat! Stacy is tough and gets back up. Yet she eats a belly to belly suplex followed by a Hogan style leg drop. Stacy rolls away, groaning in pain which has the naughty dominatrix smiling.

I know the feeling. I used to get wet when I would yank Isabella's hair.

You're a great sister.


On the outside Holly is struggling to get Zelda up and over the dumpster. Zelda is kicking and screaming, which just makes Holly madder.

Shut the hell up!

Levitation Away!

Well that spell amounts to Zelda angling her legs and with the help of magic head scissoring Holly into the dumpster!

Holly's in!

Except the problem is, referee Scotty 2 Hotty is distacted by Malaysia outfit...

malaysia9jerk off.gif

Disgusting male! Degenerate male!

And Miss K hits a Banana Cream Pie on Scotty!


Malaysia takes advantage of all this and pitches Stacy into the dumpster!


With no protection, Zelda is tossed into the dumpster by Malaysia as well!

This baby is over.

Not yet. Scotty is down!

By the time Scotty recovers, Stacy is pulling both herself and Zelda out of the dumoster. This is not to Holly and Malaysia's liking. It's such to their dislike they go under the ring to unearth chairs. Numerous chairs! Which they toss into the ring!

I thought the forecast called a drizzle of cocaine and a bit of PCP not chairs.

What kind of weather report do you check?

From the back comes THE SOCCER MOM SUSAN LESLIE who is yelling at Men-U-Pause to knock this shit out. Unfortunately for her she just gets shoved to the ground by Holly.

Mind your business, (beep)!

Zelda and Miss K are cowering, neither knowing what to do. Their hated foes slide into the ring and charge forward with chairs. But Stacy hits a sliding double lariat on them both right as they approach! It's enough to stun them and let the teenagers toss the vets over the ropes and into the dumpster for the win!

Winnners: Zelda Bazil and Miss Kunt

Talk about an upset!

It's even bigger than when I beat Isabella at strip twister!

That's a game I wish you guys had on tape.

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Ba-ba ba-da-da-ba
Ba-ba-ba ba-da-da-ba
Ba-ba ba-da-da-ba
Ba-ba ba-da-da-ba
Ba-ba-ba ba-da-da-ba
Ba-ba ba-da-da-ba
Ba-ba ba-da-da-ba
Ba-ba-ba ba-da-da-ba
I say, I really really wanna
You think, I'm really really gonna
I'm an illusionist, throwing cards and doing tricks
The way is better where I'm going
Where the green grass growing
Call it imaginative, I say it's the greatest gift, cause
Oh, I move so naturally
Sway my hips so you can see
It's the only way to be
Now you've got to follow me

Masterpiece by NoNono hits and out comes Tori Malibu, who walks with purpose and intensity!

The Woke Queens aren’t booked on the card. But Tori has booked herself to do some good.

Sorry to interrupt, guys, but evil is backing up and it’s time for Maid Mayhem to take out the trash. Malibu style!


Yukino, Rachel Isabella Teresa Toneli...that’s a mouthful...it’s time the long arm of the law gave you a spanking. I can’t express how awesome the Fluffers are. They keep the guys hard and the mats clean. What they don’t need is being cleaned out after they earn a few bucks. Ladies, you can come out and renounce your wicked ways or WE can make you renounce your wicked ways.

I’ve never heard Tori talk so tough.

Go ahead, girl!

See I believe in money, power, and respect.
First You get the money.
Then you get the muthafuckin, power.
After you get the fuckin' power muthafuckas will respect you.

Money, Power, Respect booms to life and is greeted by plenty of jeers. Sunshine Yukino frowns at the negativity . However, TBL greets it with a chuckle and motions Yuki to the ring.

Alright, what’s it gonna be?

What this? We honest women.

You’re liars and thieves!


I see you must have had a very weak mother. But don’t worry, kiddo, R.Tit will be your moms and teach ya how the world works. Smart money makes money and big fish eat little fish. Smart money was for me and Yuki, to put the little fish, The Fluffers, to work. Smart money was for the little fish to do whatever these big fish say before they got eaten. You’re welcome for the lesson.

If you won’t renounce your wicked ways you’ve left us with no other choice. Let’s get em How2Girl.

At this TBL and Yuki share a big laugh.

Super whore super busy.



What have you done with her?!

Now don’t get mad at us. We’re the ones letting her live her dream. Watch and see.

We cut backstage to....find How2Girl in a locker room. Though she isn't in her caped super hero attire. Instead the super babe is in a super slutty outfit of crotchless panties, stockings, high heels and bared front bra. There's a wild look settled into her eyes, and a lusty parting of her lips. She seems to be turning her own self on by dribbling baby oil onto her nipple pierced tits!



The oil journeys past her breasts down to her fit stomach leaving her tanned skin with the desired sheen of sexy gloss. Seeing her own body bathed in a slick wet mess has the super whore getting wet in certain other regions.

But back inside the ring, TBL has Tori's face angled straight to How2Girl's oily antics.

See anything you like?

Hayley! Hayley, come help me!


Back in the locker room How2Girl drips a healthy helping of oil down her delectable backside. The oil strides like tear drops down her profound booty, rolling over the fabric and even sliding into her ass crack...


How2Girl moans, the sensation of thick oil on her smooth skin almost as nice as thick semen on her smooth skin. The super whore can't help herself but to dump more oil along the contours of her stomach just so she can get the oil to build on her super snatch. It's like her whore hole has been laminated but instead of being stiff and rigid it's wet and juicy and ready to be fucked inside out!

Back in the ring Tori is in tears as Yukino is now twisting her arm and forcing her to watch her friend succumb to her vices.

Hayley, please! I need you!

And Hayley needs cocks. Boys give it to her!

Back in the locker room the tall and buff hunks of DAS WRESTLING MACHINE stride forward. They do more than stride forward, they approach with lengthy fuck meat ready to rock and roll!

How2Girl becomes dickmatized, her long tounge traces her lips and her eyes have sort of a glassy appearance to them. She's high off the cock and she hasn't even touched one yet!

Back in the ring, TBL and Yukino are all smiles while Tori is suffering from pain both mental and physical. Her face contorts with agony, tears come down her cheeks, she whimpers into the microphone.

Tori can't take much more of this. But, by god, How2Girl is gonna take as much as she can get!

But backstage DWM have the super whore already spit roasted. They give the oiled up babe long an leisurely strokes through her top and bottom holes. These are holes that have been in heavy use since the bitch was in middle school and she is still dizzied by the deep strokes of the Germans.


Reignhart's dick is thick with How2Girl's juices. It keeps getting coated in them as the muscular hunk easily thrusts inside her gaping maw. How2Girl gag's on the wet shaft, and hears a snicker of appreciation from Reignhart.

MMmmmff! MNMmmmMMMMfff!

H2G grunts and moans, and she feels Reignhart's balls slapping against her chin as he uses her little mouth like a wet cunt. His cock throbs, swelling even larger against her tongue! At the same White Lothar hammers her super cunt. Her whole pussy is on fire and the super whore rocks with lusty sensations!

mmMnnbnnnF! MmmnnnNNFF!

Translation: I'm a huge slut who really enjoys dick!

White Lothar fucks the bitch hard and steady. He's a talented cocksmith, penetrating this super whore with long perfectly placed strokes. All that's on this bitch's mind is penis. The plight of her partner is ignored in favor of savoring thick, juicy German sausage.


Translation: Cock is my best friend!

The super whore moans, loud and long, gripping the cushion underneath her with her hands, willing herself to give in unable to stop the rolling wave of orgasm that's about to crash over her.


White Lother fucks the dickmatized whore with jarring force. He drives more than his cock into her, he drives his whole weight into her. No concern is shown for the babe. But she's a world class slut and she can take some dick! She can suck some too as she's full of energy is engulfing the rod of Reignhart


Her frazzled whorish mind is screaming a wild sort of sensation, sending delicious waves of feeling all through her tight and fit body, but especially to her hot, spasming pussy, where that dick still works in hard and fast strokes. How2Girl is lost in the sauce. So much so she barely registers the presence of JESSICA FERGUSON entering with Ipad in hand.

Disturbing. I had thought you and Tori were good friends. Yet I have discovered you would sacrifice here welfare for sexual activity. Does being a filthy whore mean discarding your friends?

“No-oh-oh-oh!” The girl wails the force of White Lothar's thrusts drawing the words out of her chest in short bursts.

Yes. Your friend is in trouble and you do not care. A disturbing finding. It shakes the foundation of what I know of friendship.

"NNNOOOOOOOO!" How2Girl explodes in forces. Suddenly she wrenches herself free of White Lothar's cock. She's on her feet in seconds. Coated in baby oil, slick in pre cum in sweat, but ready to be a super friend.

My dedication to Tori is unshakeable!

With something that might be super speed How2Girl darts away from the thick, protruding members!

We cut to ringside where a scowling Big Boss Lady is ready to receive H2G. Whereas Yukino is content to hide behind TBL. And it's a good thing she does as H2G is on the LED ramp and into the ring in a flash!

"H-2-G! H-2-G! H-2-G!"

Get you some, How2Girl!

TBL throws a lariat at a rising H2G that the Venice Beach native easily ducks. TBL swings back around only to get hit with a single underhook fameasser!


Fanfare For The Supergirl!

Sunshine Yukino doesn't even get a chance to beg for her life before H2G pitches her over the ropes and out the ring!


With Tori free of the villains one might think she would be pleased to have been rescued by her BFF. But instead Tori looks at How2Girl with saddness in her eyes. THe Providence Rhode Island native doesn't even let How2GIrl help her to her feet. Instead she rolls out of the ring with her head hung low.

Yeesh. Not what we were expecting at all for Anglemania XXX-8.

Tori is so not down with being a cuck. But I am! I can't wait to see Krista get blasted by some black bulls! Bring it on, baby, BRING IT AWWWWWN!

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***Whoros Vs The Freakazoids***

Faith No More’s haunting tune, Be Aggressive plays out Whoros....


Gang, it goes like this: Glass Juliet and Effie were so turned on by Bobbi being raped by Ray Crist they put a rape bounty on Bobbi. But no one could cum in Bobbi. And then they tried to rape Sammi only for The Lioness to turn the tables on them. That made them into submissives which is perfect for their cheerleading sponsor the resurrected CPA.

And they fucked a dog!

No they didn’t!

To the tune of Dystopia comes The Freakazoids!


Big Papa Thrust was murdered by Glass and Effie as he fought to save Jock, Stacy, and Baron. But little did anyone know he had vampire blood in his system. That bought him back as a vampire. A vampire out for revenge and new Freakazoids.

Then he fucked a dog!

No one fucked a dog!

BPT took up residence at Sofa Central.

The Big Bad Vampire Daddy! It’s an honor!

And it’ll be a bigger honor when I plow you south of the border, mamacota.

Effie starts the match by trying to work up the crowd with a cheer.

Hey no we're here! With CPA there's nothing to fear! So it's five, six, seven, eight let's give CPA a reason to fuck Bobbi’s face! Everybody cheer!

Bobbi isn't into demon sex though....

The only person who needs to be face fucked is the damn doctor who brought CPA out his mom's snatch!

What Bobbi is into is fighting! And fight she does, decking Effie then bringing in Glass the hardway, then butting their heads together! They’ve vampire healing and get up quick. This sends them on the attack as Effie whips Glass into Bobbi. Glass throws a flipping lariat only for Bobbi to turn it into a hip toss! When Effie charges in she eats a dropsault!


We're in the land of Toronto the great white north, but the greatest white is what I'm pouring down Bobbi's throat tonight! Scream if you're listening to me!


Bobbi is wailing away with knife edge chops on Glass until Effie wrangles the Seattle native to the ground!

Wheeeeee! On her back where we all want her!



Glass has skilled her tongue ramming Bobbi's mouth. The busty fiend  is using her tongue as a cock, driving it into of Bobi's holes! The teenager wiggles under Glass' mouth fucking trying to get free. But Glass moves with her in a little dances of victim and aggressor. Glass isn’t exactly a graceful kisser, slobbering all over and inside Bobbi’s mouth

I should help.

You think?

December leaps into the ring to help Bobbi. Instead Effie swarms her kisse up and down her pale skinned body. Of all that December is pretty happy...

Hehehe they’re nice.

No they are not!

Bobbi pushes off Glass with Big Show like strength. And adding to that she gator rolls her!

Top Whore Roll!

Top whore, top Freakazoid, The Big Bad Glueti Daddy gets it all!

Effie yanks Bobbi off Glass and pitches the spunky gal out the ring! That leaves them with ditzy December to prey on.

Hey hey, do you wanna join a mega magical cheerleading squad?

Uh, I guess so.

Uuupuou give us a big cheer!

Gimme a B, gimmie a P, gimmie a T! Gimme Big Papa Thrust!

Hurt that bitch.

December gets attacked by the cheerleaders right away. Effie hits the Miracle Magic Attack which is a handspring cutter. Then Glass situates December on the top rope leading Effie to hit the Effiesteiner!

That’s my move!

Oh, man, you should rape her then.

Don’t say that!

December holds out against a flurry of attacks long enough for Bobbi to get back into the ring. Bobbi slams the vamps with lariats to take them down.

Double team, December!

Ok which hole do you want?

No a wrestling move!

Bobbi is suddenly jumped by Effie! December got the hint on what to do and the former
Oaoast women’s tag champs plant Effie with a double DDT!


Right on! Renee, hook a brother up with a nipple clamp.

No way!

Glass and Bobbi start a wild brawl. So wild it carries them out the ring to the mats!

Make Bobbi pay the whore cost. All whores gotta pay Whoros.

Inside Effie leaps up for a regular Effiesteiner only for December to catch her! The Winter Freakazoid twists Effie around and plants her with her F-5 into a Rock Bottom!

Wake Me Up When December Ends and we are seeing the end of this match!

Except LAWSON BELLE yanks big sister out of the ring!

Him again?!

Lawson scoops December up and slings her over his shoulder.

We are leaving.


Like hell they are!

BPT leaves the commentary area and barrels into Lawson! Both Lawson and December take a tough fall. But Lawson is on his feet and starts slugging it out with BPT!

Talk about an over protective sibling.

Exactly. I let all kinds of people have sex with Isabella. I mean aaaaaslllllll kinds.


CPA comes out to the brawl and gets smashed in the nose by Lawson’s fist!

Anyone can get it. Even the fans in the stands!

The match? Oh yes! Glass throws Bobbi into the ring where a recovered Effie drills her with a Middle Rope Buttercup Splash. Then Glass finishes things off with her package powerbomb finisher!


When The Glass Hits It’s Your Ass! And I think it’s Bobbi’s ass!

Indeed it is as Bobbi is pinned for the three!

Winners: Whoros, via pinfall

The guys are still brawling outside and the officials have a damn hard time breaking them up!!

In my opinion all these guys and girls are gonna be feuding for a while.

I’ll tell you what, folks, the legacy of this feud will be written in blood, semen and Pom poms

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*** The Doll vs. Sammi Cayley ***

Last we saw The Doll she was none too please about being booked in a match against Sammi. Yet she was surprisingly eager for the match to begin.  It soon became clear why as her boyfriend “Money” Marc Bennett and his tag partner Coco Chanel raced to the ring...to confront her!?

What’s this all about?

The Doll shoves both men aside, throws up her fist and tells the ref to ring the bell. He does.


The guys object and again try to convince The Doll not to go thru with the match, but she refuses, so they shove her to the ground and stomp away! Except these are comically bad kicks with hardly any force behind them. 

Hey, wait a minute! Something stinks! Not feeling fresh, Renee? 

What?! No! I mean yes! 

Then it’s what we’re seeing that stinks. I’ve seen better performances in high school productions!

“Owie! Owie! Owie!” cries The Doll. Suddenly there’s a break in the action so The Doll can ask the ref for a win via DQ!

So that’s what it’s all about. An elaborate ruse to pickup a cheap win!

Sammi’s amused. Not the ref. He’s upset the trio tried to use him like NBA refs who award James Harden cheap foul calls, so he EJECTS both guys from ringside!


Marc and Coco protest as Sammi grabs a hyperventilating Doll by the hair and smashes her face into the top turnbuckle! 



And again.

The crowd counts along as The Doll gives a different kind of head. Meanwhile, Marc slips away from the ref and clotheslines the hell outta Sammi!


The Doll cracks a smile slumped up against the corner...then falls forward to accidentally headbutt Sammi in the crotch!


Marc cheers on his girl only to be drowned out by a loud roar. He stops to look over his shoulder and sees BLAINE CAYLEY on his way! Blaine chases Marc around the ring, but Marc is able to flee thru the crowd after throwing Coco to the lone wolf that is Blaine. Coco pummeled and then planted with a DDT!

Cruel Intentions II on the arena floor!

Blaine stayed ringside to support Sammi, only to be taunted by The Doll.


Sammi crawled to the ropes to pull herself up and got raked across the back instead. The Doll then choked Sammi on the middle rope while sitting on her like a human seesaw. The Doll talked shit as Sammi gasped for air. A series of paintbrushes followed and uncalled gyrations... until a well placed knee to the crotch doubled The Doll over! 


The Doll dropped to her knees and got kicked in the face, but she lured Sammi to the corner and hurled her into the middle turnbuckle! The Doll swiveled her hips and twirled her finger to signal the end was near...except nobody told Sammi it was curtains. Instead Slammin’ Sammi countered The Doll’s Ava Maria DDT with a backdrop and a DDT of her own!

Cruel Intentions II~!

But rather than go for the easy pin Sammi wanted The Doll to experience more pain and placed her in THE LIONTAMER!


Her threshold for pain very low The Doll tapped quickly, but Sammi kept the hold applied until deep into the mandatory 5 count to break. She finally let go and celebrated with Blaine who raised her hand in triumph. 

Winner: Sammi Cayley, via submission.

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*** Hotties Tag Team Title: CO2 vs. The Midnight Foxes © ***

Unlike life there are three certainties when it comes to AngleMania: big matches, big entrances and big titties! And titties were a bouncin’ for CO2’s big intro prior to their big match when they strutted onstage in scantily-clad hunters outfits and super soakers! They fire at each other’s chests to an orgy of colors on the LED set! 

Make me wet too, girls!


CO2 oblige. Wet t-shirts and erect nipples for all. Some of the crowd gets sprayed which the dudes are cool with since it saves them the 8 bucks the company charges for lube! 

Spring breeeeeak! Woo! *flashes Renee*


Not to be outdone the champs had an equally impressive entrance as the AngleTron turned into a clock tower which struck 12 midnight. 

* BONG * 

* BONG *

Suddenly a bright light appeared in the distant, as well as a familiar sound. 


Yes, friends, the Midnight Foxes rode in on a train! A motorized ring cart version, not an actual one. And with no roof there’s plenty of space to pose, or in Caledori’s case use hairspray. Well, pretends to at least. A rather curious accessory. Not that Maya gives a damn. She dives off the top rope onto the Foxes who are still onboard the train!






The Foxes manager Jim Cornette exits the cart quickly and unharmed, having ducked just at the right time. But there’s no ducking the butt bumps the Foxes are nailed by courtesy of Jade. It gets worse for the champs when CO2 corner them and TWERK IN THEIR FACES! 

We’re getting cheeky in the Big Easy!

Stay in school, kids! 

Disgust turns to pain as CO2 baseball slide into the Foxes crotches!






Even Corny felt that one. Fortunately his girls are able to escape outside and regroup...only for CO2 to march over and bring the trio together for a meeting of the minds! 


CO2 stay on the attack until Ruby pulls down the top rope and Maya falls to the outside! As she begins to rise Corny waddles over and...


... smacks her across the back with his trademark tennis racket! Ruby then slams Jade on the arena floor and tosses her back inside where the Foxes do a number on her. Physically and mentally when the Foxes take turns riding Maya like a horsey and spank her! 

Are we sure Ruby and Caledori aren’t the Midnight Squirrels? Because you gotta be nuts to rattle Maya’s cage!

The Foxes aren’t nuts, just cocky. Their next move brings a tear to Corny’s eye as they borrow a page outta the Midnight Express playbook with THE ROCKET LAUNCHER!


Except Caledori overshoots her target and faceplants!!

Probably not the wisest idea for someone who needs glasses to fly solo!

Maya isn’t able to make that much needed tag as the Foxes do so first and set her up for their Red Hot Hotties double-team finish! But when Caledori goes to execute the powerbomb part of the move Maya starts to...masturbate!?


She’s gonna... She’s gonna... She’s gonna...

Puke? Absolutely not. Maya SQUIRTS on Caledori! 

Foxes aren’t fond of water! What a counter by Maya!

Caledori yelps back to her corner for reasons Ruby doesn’t yet understand. Ruby decides to ask questions later and goes on the attack, but Maya motions for her to stop...and then squirts in Ruby’s face! 

The ring has been turned into a water park!

Jade receives the hot tag and handles business until Maya is able to rejoin the fight. The momentum on their side CO2 look to put their foes away when Corny jumps on the apron with a WHITE TOWEL!

Ugh! I don’t even want to know what Cornette’s been doing with that towel this whole time!

Double dropkick levels Corny and sends the towel into the ring. A second double dropkick takes care of Ruby. She tumbles to the floor and gets wiped out by a suicide dive from Maya! The two crash hard into the security barrier! The ref goes to check on the girls as Caledori has the can of HAIRSPRAY seen earlier. She douses the towel and covers Jade’s face!

Hey, I know that smell! That’s ether!

I won’t ask how you know, but that’ll knock a person right out! 

Jade struggles but eventually goes nighty-night as Caledori grabs a handful of snatch, smiles wryly and scores the easy pin.

Winners: The Midnight Foxes, via pinfall. 

Caledori and Corny grab Ruby and celebrate their upset win. An odd statement considering they came in the champs, but CO2 were the heavy favs. Which is why they play the games...or have the fight.

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Parked at ringside are....




The odd thing is is that LeBrenda has crutches. That's drawn the attention of Sara Jean.

LeBrenda, what's going on? We haven't seen you since Saint Valentines Day Ass Massacre and now we see you with crutches?

You haven't seen me because I've been in Germany getting hyperbolic ligament treatment for my cramps.

You don't expect anyone to believe this, do you?

Don't be abelist.

Don't be an enabler. If you told her the truth once in a while maybe she wouldn't act like this.

Sara Jean looks LeBrenda dead in the eyes.

LeBrenda, you have to wrestle. It's your JOB.

We're practicing load management.

Now how about someone manage to get me a load of cotton candy!

Ugh. Alix, and Renee, back to you.

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Around the Anglemania ring sits the hallowed Ejaculation Chamber, several tons of cum-in-able steel!

The following match is your MAINEVENT! This is the EJACULATION CHAMBER!!! Two Hotties will compete to see who will be crowned Black Cock Queen! The winner will be the first to make four black studs cum! At ringside please welcome the TMW owner, Toni Patricia!

Yes Toni P is at ringside...

toni p.gif

And our special guest director...MOLLY NERDLY!

Molly is behind the camera so we instead get a shot by her of a whole bunch of black studs! Some old favorites like Lucius Soul and Quentin Benjamin are present.

Now let us meet the two brave pioneers who step into the Chamber!

Sex, the way you move it make me wanna
Sex, question is are we gonna
Sex, we ain't kids...
Sex, I know we just met but listen
Sex, the way you move it make me wanna
Sex, question is are we gonna
Sex, we ain't kids...
Sex, no disrespect but I need your sex

Face down, ass up, that's the way I shake my butt

To the tune of "Sex" by Collette Carr came one Annagret Wickedborn...


Civil Whores was an emotional and sexual tour de force. It had everything! Story, breasts, special effects and lots and lots of big black cocks. And that's the problem for Annagret Wickedborn.

She thinks she's the only one around Raw Is Whore who's entitled to black dick. Well, sister, Krista has been entitled to black dick since she was in tenth grade.

Oversharing big time

 stay out too late

Got nothing in my brain

That's what people say, mmm-mmm

That's what people say, mmm-mmm


I go on to many dates [chuckle]

But I can't make 'em stay

At least that's what people say, mmm-mmm

That's what people say, mmm-mmm


But I keep cruising

Can't stop, won't stop moving

It's like I got this music

In my mind

Singing, "It's gonna be alright."


'Cause the players gonna play, play, play, play, play

And the haters gonna hate, hate, hate, hate, hate

Baby, I'm just gonna shake, shake, shake, shake, shake

I shake it off, I shake it off

Heart-breakers gonna break, break, break, break, break

And the fakers gonna fake, fake, fake, fake, fake

Baby, I'm just gonna shake, shake, shake, shake, shake

I shake it off, I shake it off

To the familiar strains of "Shake It Off" by Taylor Swift, the RIW GM arrived....



Alix, you're right Krista has been sexing up big black cocks way before Annagret was even born. Annagret's immortal so she'll be down with the BBC long after Krista is gone, but will Annagret be able to ever take the crown of BBC queen? Or is Krista's legendary whoring immortal in it's own right....I can't believe I just said all that!

The ladies enter the Ejaculation Chamber where a massive amount of massive black dongs await them. For the moment they forget all about their enmity. They can only focus on the purest emotion of love. Love for the mighty BBC!

Ally Cat is about to do a run in and grab her some!

Stay here.

Krista is on that BBC as if this was her first time with that black goodness. She's attached her dick sucking lips to former OAOAST six man champion, Lucius Soul's long and thick rod. The human fuck hole has her fine face assailed by Soul, who violently thrusts upwards. The bimbo gets the back of her mouth blasted with black meat and she revels at being violated so deeply


Annagret won't be out done! She's taking it up the ass from her old pal Detroit Crackhead in a new and demeaning way; in the splits!

There ain't no style points here, folks.

You like that, daddy? You gonna cum in me, daddy?

Molly directs the boom mic operator over Annagret and her degrading experience. We fully hear her screams of passion as her asshole is blown out for the masturbating pleasure of the world. The stroking denziens of the crowd can feel the temperature rise as the twenty year old slut now has chatterbox shut the fuck up and slammed around Painbow's dick. That warm, wet mouth is such a juicy confine that it coaxes sperm out Painbow's hole. The syrup slides down Annagret's throat the same time Crackhead spews has goo into her shit hole!

That's two quick scores for Annagret!


Although down two to zero Krista is rocking her hips on Soul's schlong in a slow and steady motion. It's all cowgirl all the way for this shameless fuck pig. Perhaps she's too stupid to realize the rules of the match. One wonders what she said to her neighbors when she left LA for Toronto? How many black dicks she's going to take in her ass at one time? Or how many loads of cum she'll get in her eyes and up her nose?

Gimmie a black baby, Lucius! Gimmie a Lucius Junior!

But still Krista can't make him cum!

Is Krista losing her touch?

Mister Steal Yo Push goes deep as he can go into Annagret and forcing her legs to splay out to either side.



His massive black man hood pulverizes her innards, which would be painful for any average girl. But we're talking a major league BBC fiend who aspires to be a black cock queen! Her cunt is slammed without any sort of style or stroke. Just an aggressive black guy fucking the dog shit out a dumb white whore!

That's right, daddy, force it in. Take this white pussy!

If she could read this she'd probably get wet over me calling her a dumb white whore. But reading gives this idiot and her stupid opponent too much credit. These morons are made to take the dick of nubian kings. And Steal Yo Push blesses the sloppy snatch of Annagret with a whole river of spunk!


Uh-oh. My wife is going out like Kobe and Shaq in 04!

Kinda, but eww.

Annagret is pretty pumped up about her early lead. So pumped she makes Molly’s camera follow her on her little victory parade. A parade resplendent with kiss blowing and waves!

This is for all the white bitches who want to be me, and all the black guys who wanna do me! Welcome to the grind!



I’m not sure Krista has it in her to make four straight guys cum before Annagret makes one.

Renee, if Krista gets it in her she’s gonna make it cum. Trust me, I know these things.

I’m sure you do!

Down three to zero should put urgency in Krista's stroke. Maybe take a DP or a double anal! Instead the bimbo is keeping the one on one attention going, gliding her big tits up Kobe Kai's shaft. With her bountiful udders Krista is one of the best pieces of female livestock on the planet. So its natural she grunts like a cow she tries to milk that baby batter out of Kobe's meat.

There's something very familiar looking about that black man's face.

Holstein cows have smaller udders than this titty fucking fiend! When Maya was a baby she must have lady milk coming out of her ears when she sucked on these monsters.

Does mommy's special boy feel good against jugs?


That's good! Mommy wants her strong black boys to be happy!

This cheery demeanor from a foe in danger of being swept has Annagret FUMING. She uses a snap of the finger towards Tyriqe Da Freak. Then with a flourish lays upon her back with her long legs spread in glory.

Let Kobe have those silicone infested bags. You can get all this ass, daddy!

No man needs further invite than that! Tyriqe dives forward and blasts Annagret's whorish ass wide open! The veteran porn stud has a long dick measuring fifteen nches in length (!!!!) with ungodly girth and it annihilates Annagret's shitter! The heathen goddess screams at the top of her lungs. Though these are the cries of a woman rapidly falling in love!

Oh my god....oh wait that's my dad. Never mind!

Now it's Detroit Crackhead who has his trouser snack slithering up Krista's deep tit valley. Yes, a multi millionaire is giving a tit job to a crackhead. If you're new to this you get, with this titty fucking, the truth that Krista is a slut with absolutely no dignity or morals. This is a dumb skanks who is letting a drug addict fuck her silly!

Come on, baby, give your fellow pole smoker something good!

For lowering herself past the level of crack whore Krista gets a wad of cum shot all over her jugs!



(to DC)

So is Annagret the only one entitled to Detroit Crackhead's semen?

Totally! Like I'm the only one who can suck Isabella's nipples!

Annagret is in a seriously peeved mood as evidenced by her balled up fists. She stomps about the ring hissing until she finds the portly pair of the Hairy Nutt Saks waving her in! Annagret is lifted by Julius and situated on his fat fuck waist with his chubby rod protruding from bellow his gut and into Annagret's snatch!

Fat guys, skinny guys, muscular guys! I want them all if they're black!

Sadly we won't hear any more brilliant insights from Annagret as Balrog bores into her mouth with black meat. The lithe tramp is throat fucked by Balrog even more intensely than his partner bangs her gooey twat!

mmmmmmfff mmmMMMMFFFFFFFFF!

The twenty year old slut is mercilessly choked with Balrog's dick. So much so it would have a proper woman begging for death! Saks laughs at Annagret's whimpering and drills into her helpless pink pussy!


And we thought How2Girl got it hard!

 But try as the sexy minx might she can't get The Big Hairy Nutt Saks to drain their big hairy nut sacks.

That's amazing! The Hairy Nutt Saks not cumming at all when any other guy would.

Krista is bent over going to town on that pulsing fuckmeat of Quentin Benjamin. Running it along the outer sides of her teeth and lodging it in her cheek, opening her mouth wide and relaxing her throat so she could take it straight down the back of her mouth! Even flicking her tongue along the underside the whole time.

She loves sucking cock sooooooooooooo much!

On instinct, America's Whore's hand shoots out and starts to jack Anson Cutter's stiff rod. She isn't quite ready to take QB's dark meat out her slobbering mouth quite yet though. The dumb blond is too busy savoring the taste of his throbbing fleshpole in her mouth.


She doesn't know if QB has intentionally put cologne on his cock, but she can taste a woodsy scent. It's full and rich on his pubes while her dolled up face is buried in them. It's so fucking hot, her pussy is on fire.

Meanwhile Annagret turns over her shoulder with a come hither look to Undie Brown...

Take my asshole, you muscled up stud!

While she's not wearing panties her poop shoot is too inviting for Undie to pass up. He grunts forward, forcing the spongy dome just past her tight ring of muscle, easing in, feeling it slip suddenly over the ridge.

Oh yeah! Take my asshole, daddy!

Molly gets a PERFECT shot, and we all watch the older man's thick cock slowly disappear into the white bitch's tender asshole.

That's your asshole, daddy! All yours!

Annagret arches her back and squeals as his fuck missile gets further and further into her white ass!

Folks, this might do it right here!

Annagret keeps on squealing as Undie gets more into the hot tunnel of her ass! As this is happening the muscled up Two IC from Ministers of Offense slides deftly into her dripping pussy.

They're both in me! Both of these big black rods are in me!

"Ohhhhh god!" Annagret moans, clutching Undie's strong body as her ass is filled to capacity again and again by his thick cock.

I don't think any man could resist cumming!

Annagret moans even more as Two IC begins to move, too, from underneath her, his cock sliding through her wetness with less difficulty than Undie is having with her behind.

That's so fucking good!

Molly's fingers creep down between her own legs as she directs. Her sex is thick with her own juices, swollen and throbbing as she starts to rub herself.

Fyi, it doesn't count to make the director cum

A few feet down from Annagret,  Krista has Qunetin pouring what must be liters of cum into her throat and down her chin. We can hear him take big whooping gulps of air as he cums for this MILF slut in front of him.




Without missing a beat, our loveable MILF swallows his cum and shifts on her knees to receive Anson Cutter's dick in her throat. On the outside we see Toni Patrica leaning forward in her seat to get a better view.

Whatever price Toni P paid for the OAOAST this night makes it a bargain!

Groans, and moans spew around QB's dick and from Krista's mouth as she slobbers all over it like a filthy fucking pig. The brainless blond lazily jacks off QB who begins to rapidly get hard again for her.

I bet plenty of guys who came watching this are back hard again.

Uh-huh! It isn't every day you watch two blonds get their fill of black dicks.

Why don't you do a run in?

I would. But I'm bashful! Although if Toni over there wants to throw me a few bucks I can become a lot more bold...

Low key, you've entered the world of whoredom.


The other Minister of Offense the monsterous Strika has caught himself a white bitch! Yes the Nigerian brother has left the jungle and caught premium game, Krista Isadora Duncan, in a position so salacious I'll show it before describing it...



Puny white meat is stroked around the globe as this insatiable dumb fuck of the highest order gorges her empty head on black meat. Mascara is running down her face from big wide eyes. Perhaps her eyes are wide with the realization that at nearly 50 years of age her only worth is to be a receptical for semen. Of course she's probably too stupid to care. Which is fine because who cares what she thinks or what comes out of her mouth unless it's sperm being snowballed into one of her whore daughters!

Don't forget her whore wife!

Though decades younger than Krista, Annagret is already viewed a  blackdick container. And boy she makes a good one with her vaginal container getting Nigeria's proudest dong, Two IC's....



Truly blows are being struck by these muscled up Africans against white supremacy! No longer will the white man exploit the riches of Africa! Now the black man will exploit the richness of his daughter's slutty as fuck holes! Each thrust of these colossal dongs into these white bitches' holes is a dagger through the heart of the white man! That one of these giant black warriors spills his seed down the milf's throat is the black man planting his flag on the white man's soil!


Whoa, it's tied!

Ladies and gentlemen, we have a ball game! Hehhehe, ball, sex. Funny, right?


Toni P leans forward, resting her head on her chin and gazing with sharp intensity at Krista.

Annagret had this in the ball sack! Hheheehhe. Ball sack.

Why is that funny but mine wasn't?

I'm more over than you.


Annagret is...well...not pleased....


Krista on the other hand....


Krista can still lose this. But it's sudden death, which is very odd way to describe a Gangbang but this is Anglemania, guys.

Don't think I won't fuck you up, old lady!

Okay, I won't think that.

Ugh! Fuck you!

Krista has a witty response to that, but it comes out as a squeak thanks to the towering Strika taking back his white slut. The white she devil is promptly impaled through the mouth by Strika's fortueen inch piece of lumber.


It damm near breaks the poor whore's jaw to take back this titan of dick. But her pain is all our gain as it's more to stroke over. In short order Detroit Crackhead and Lucius Soul encircle the stupid blond. Their dicks batter her cheeks which are puffed out by the thickness of Strika's rod!



Elsewhere Fluffers are hard at work cleaning uo cum or sucking off dudes who need an extra hand!


Krista's really struggling now.

Annagret is scooped off the floor and held within the fierce confines of Da Freak's gigantic arms. The largest arms in the chamber snare the blond babe and fifteen inches of destructive cock shred Annagret's vaginal walls. Her long legs, splayed at the side of Da Freak's body go limp for a moment. But Annagret's safety is none of our concern! Instead we get to enjoy Crenshaw's pride coming up from the hood and fucking a grade A white bitch!

Oh, daddy! Oh, daddy! You're too big for me!

I can barely stop stroking it to write this! Annagret's gash is ground against the dark treat she loves so much with her whole body being hoisted up and down by Da Freak. The blond with the itty bitty brain knows enough to know that ya don't often come across fifteen inches of solid wood.

I want to have your baby, Tyrique! I want your black baby!

As for Krista and her bro bang...Krista is angling to get more black sperm splattered on her than a planned parenthood in Detroit as she tugs on Crackhead and Strika. From behind her puckering pink anus hole is taken by Luther Mandela of BLK. But then his partner Booker X then proceeds to break down the walls like Jericho! The vaginal walls that is! And now this filthy cracker is invaded with nigga dick!

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Meanwhile Annagret has Da Freak holding her aloft and invading one hole while the towering Painbow punishes her back passage! Drool escapes down her lips because the poor thing's mouth is hungering for penis! Yes, friends, one in her pink and the other in her shit hole isn't enough. Apparently this dumb blond needs to be stuffed full of schlong to be happy!

Please, please, please, fill me with those thick black loads! Don't hold back on me, daddies!

Krista is still under a deluge of dick. Too much for her to take with her eyes rolling and her tongue hanging out her mouth.


Sucking cock and eating cum became a way of life for this white trash whore, Krista, at a very young age. So, in a way, you could say she was raised to be a Filthy Whore. "All I want is for a hot black man to do is drain their balls in my mouth and cuddle me." she once said an interview. Well no one wants to cuddle a jizz bucket who's over flowing. I never claimed Krista was smart, but damn it, she's a good whore!

A good enough whore to be jizzed in and jizzed on!

Winner: Krista Isadora Duncan!!!!!!!

Your winner of the Ejaculation Chamber....KRISTA ISADORA DUNNNJCAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN!


It's a miracle! She came back!

A cum back powered by cum! A cuckold dream for Ally Cat!

Annagret is FURIOUS and tears at her hair yet again! This is much too much for her take and she falls on the mat, throwing a GIFable tantrum!


Toni Patrica arrives with the BLACK COCK QUEEN crown to present to Krista. But the problem is Krista is sort of knocked out...

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TP lifts up her commander's head and to see only a cum caked face and glassy eyes.


Krista tries to talk but his a moutful of cum in her mouth. Molly gets a perfect shot of a filthy whore's aftermath.


Can you stand?

Krista tries to stand but instead falls face first into a puddle of cum. There she just sort of twitches and makes noise.


Yes, Miss Duncan, you won!


The sounds of victory! We'll see you on Raw Is Whore, guys!



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