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OAOAST TMW: A comedy/erotic e-fed

Raw Is Whore 3/21/19

Chanel #99

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The show opens with a shot backstage where walking through the hallways of the Toy Box all by her lonesome is a...


This robot is in a seriously bad mood, huffing and puffing. Very odd for a sex bot which should always be ready to go and hoe.

But her mood dips even further and a scowl appears on her thin face as she comes face to face with a motionless Cassidy Bot.

What fresh hell is this?!

This unit is number 23 production model C.

The original Cassidy Bot takes a step back and shudders in revulsion.

This is the Cassidy Bot all these whores have been accusing me of being. Someone made a robot me? Now I’m owed infinity more royalty checks!

Thre is a shriek of happiness down the hall from a young boy. That boy is Jackson Maguire, Colin and Amber’s son and he's running down the hall.

Baby Jackie?

Jackson stops short when he sees two Cassidys.

Aunt Cassidy and Aunt Cassidy?

Entity not recognized. Commencing precautionary measures.

AMBER (os)
Jack, get away from those robots.

The boys mom...

AMBER O’SHEA appears to put herself between her son and the robots.

Amber, it’s me! The real Cassidy in all her exquisite flesh and Cartier.

Amber tilts her head and takes a long look at her ex sister in law. Amber's eyes blink rapidily.

Prove it and cast a spell.

Cassidy smirks then raises her hand.

Lux tua lucet!

And just like that the lights get a little bit brighter.

Amber pushes Jack further behind her.

You should go back to Boston. It’s not safe for you in LA, Cassidy.

But all the celebs love yours truly!

They love Cassidy Bots now. Jesse Ferguson’s Cassidy Bots. I can’t protect you if he comes after you.

But I’m a Maguire.

And Jesse is my employer. Go home, Cassidy.

Amber takes Jackson away, and Cassidy is left with more questions than answer.

We then cut to the ring where Undie Brown stands wearing a faux mink coat and holding a microphone.

I’m UNDIE BROWN and I love me some panties! Frilly ones, slutty ones, clean ones, nasty ones! I want all the draws! Give them all to meeeeeeee!


Masked Assassin, you want some of the panty man? Well the panty man wants some of your draws! Come and give it to a pimp like lil Jessica did, sugar baby!

***The Masked Assassin Vs Undie Brown***

Without waiting for her music to hit TMA runs into the ring! Undie is right on her and starts tearing at her clothes!

Gimmie them draws, sugar baby! I want em bad!


The Romanian Hottie springs up and makes Undie eat some rights and lefts! But then Undie shocks her with a spine buster!


The panty man comes with a running leg drop that misses thanks to TMA moving out the way. Undie’s ass hurts mightily and he shouts his pain. Worse pain comes as TMA locks on a rear naked choke! Undie taps out almost immediately!

Winner: TMA, via submission

But TMA keeps the hold locked on for so long that officials have to come and pry her off Undie!

Lesson learned, Undie, don’t shove your dirty briefs in a woman’s mouth and fuck her.

I feel like that’s a good lesson for all people.

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The Doll is in her office, punching away at her phone when in walks Malaysia Nerdly.

Malaysia looks around with furrowed brow.

Where's the whore queen?

If you're referring to Krista, she's at a business meeting.

I didn't give her permission to leave with out pleasing me. But maybe you can make up for her absence. I bet you can, little girl.

The Doll takes an audible gulp.

I want that short skinny good for nothing bitch Zelda Bazil in the ring with my step daughter Stacy. And I want it tonight. Are you gonna please me? Or do I have to come with some other way for you to pleasure me.

You can have your match. Yes, no problem.

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I can't get high enough above you
I can't get drunk enough to love you
I'm the angel to your devil
I won't sink down to your level
The way I fell for you is tragic
You must have used that dirty magic over me

As Dirty Magic by The Haxans plays three holographic Zelda Bazils appear on the stage waving magic wands and dancing happily. Through the middle steps the real Zelda Bazil. Alas her arrival isn't so theatrical as she just yawns and smacks her gums.

The following contest is schediuled for one fall! Now making her way to the ring for her debut match, she hails from New Orleans, Louisiana, she is "THE EXTRAORDINARY" ZELDA BAAAZZZILLLL!

Alix, what do you remember about your first wrestling match?

I got to keep the head of the gator I beat.


My fight is won
Who needs a gun
Boom boom knock you out
You knocked me down
But who's laughing now
Boom boom knock you out
My fight is won
Who needs a gun
Boom boom knock you out
You knocked me down
But who's laughing now
Boom boom knock you out

Next up is "Knock You Out" by The Bingo Players along with a golden shower of pyro. Miss Kunt steps through this pyro, not full of bravado like her father, Jock. But rather worried she'll catch on fire from the pyro! Malaysia isn't putting up with this weak display right now and shoves Miss K down the ramp.

And her opponent, being accompanied by MALAYSIA NERDLY, she hails from Liberty Hills, Texas, she is STACY KUNTZ...MISS KKKUNNNNTTTTTTT!


We say it every week, The Soccer Mom said it, and the fans on Twitter say it, Malaysia is an abusive step mom.

And not abusive in a good way.

There's a good way to be abusive?

You know, ball gagging Maya, spanking her, dripping hot wax on her boobs. That kind of abusive.


So you probably expect a lock up, a head lock, some shoving to the ropes, drop downs, etc? Instead what you get is Zelda kind of cowering, and Stacy not kind of but certainly drooling.

Mistress Malaysia, she's scared!

Good! The more they fear the better hurting them feels.

Amen, sister! Preach!

Referee Clem Buzzlefoxxer V goes in to check on Zelda, but Miss K swats him away!

Quit touching her like some kind of..of..of..DEGENERATE MALE! Gross!

I don't care about the old man. Beat up the little girl, now!

Miss Kunt looks at Zelda who's timid as a mouse and shakes her head.

I can't. No way. No how.

Then I'll do it myself, worthless bitch.

Malaysia dives into the ring with agility that shows she hasn't lost a step, As she rounds upon Zelda, Remy's sister knows she's in deep shit and tries to run. Yet Malaysia seizes hold of her golden locks.

Cry for me, little one. Cry-

Suddenly Malaysia is swept into a front facelock by Miss K!

Wait a second!

And then Malaysia is twisted into a Jackhammer that's turned into a Rock Bottom!


Banana Cream Pie! Banana Cream Pie! Lord have mercy!

Miss K looks shocked at what she just did to Malaysia. The Texan's mouth is dropped open in surprise. But then she's given a BIG hug by Zelda and suddenly everything is ok!

We have the formation of a beautiful friendship.

But as Zelda turns around, Stacy takes a long linger at her rear end showing that she wants more than friendship! 

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We find Sammi standing with Terry Taylor for an interview. Though the way Terry is staring at Sammi is sure to rouse Blaine from his slumber.

So legs...I mean Sammi, with your win over Jobette Burr, we all want to know what’s next?

Before Sammi can answer she’s interrupted by an arriving Doll. The ladies exchange smiles that are far from smiles.

Hi, dear. It was such a pleasant surprise to see you beat Jobette.

As surprising as Money Marc losing to Lawson at SVDAM?

The Doll grimaces.

My mom used to listen to a song that went "let’s give them something to talk about." Let’s do that. Let's give them something BIG to talk about. Sammi tonight you’ll face The Nasty Boyds. And if their rivals Day of the Dead interfere? Well then I'll have them fired.

You know I also like an old song. By Ludacris. It goes "move bitch, get out the way."

And Sami’s shoulder brushes aside a now furious Doll.

Eager for a scoop, Terry holds the mic in The Doll’s face.

Move, bitch.

Now it’s The Doll using her shoulder as she walks past Terry.

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Backstage, correspondent Annie Idol greets viewers.

Hey everybody! It’s me Annie! And I’m joined by three people who’ve been the subject of a lotta discussion, Hotties Tag Team Champions the Midnight Foxes and their manager Jim Cornette!

The trio enter in a good mood. Indistinct singing in the background. 

The most feared, envied and dominant tag team in the world today. Nobody gave the Midnight Foxes a snowball’s chance in hell of walking out the St. Valentine’s Day Ass Massacre still tag team champions. You’d be crazy to, they said. Crazy like the Foxes! *chuckles* But rather than give credit where credit is due, all people wanna talk about is the insinuation by Jade Rodez-Duncan that our victory was somehow cheap.

Ruby opens her diamond-studded shawl to reveal the title around her waist. 

Does this look cheap, you twat?!

Only thing cheap is your attitude, Little Miss Imperfect. Moi? Miss Perfect! 😁

Ladies, please. A little sympathy for the mentally impaired. Because unbeknownst to the general public, a lifetime of being fed breast milk laced with silicone has left Jade’s brain fried. Hence the gratuitous T&A to camouflage the genetic defects which plague the Duncan family. Now that secret’s out of the bag like CO2’s jealousy of the Midnight Foxes is. Jealous of these ladies’ natural beauty, sparkling personalities and in-ring talents. 

To put it succinctly, we don’t need to whore ourselves.

Yeah! We get in done in the ring!

You see, my girls win the titles and people refuse to recognize them as the best. Then with the odds against them, they defeat two teams in one night and people still refuse to believe. Well, tonight we make believers outta all of you when the Midnight Foxes prove their greatness in not one, not two but THREE title matches! That’s right. Three title defenses in one night. A feat a team like CO2 wouldn’t dare attempt, and if they tried you know Mama Krista would line them up against lesser competition. Not the Midnight Foxes. They want the hungriest teams around. Fierce competition from teams like...the Geisha Girls!

The Geisha Girls?!

Masters of Hong Kong Phooey. Hai!

And the competition only gets tougher if you make it past them, ladies, because waiting in the wings is the formidable duo of Dasha The Rappa and Carrie Oakley!

When did they become a team? 

Since they started showering together. 

hear Carrie is quite good licking wounds. 👅👅👅  

Heh heh heh! And finally, if the Midnight Foxes are on their A-game as I expect, then they’d meet a brand new team out to raise money for their orphanage... the Sisterhood!

Wrestling nuns?!

It’s not just the Holy Spirit the sisters believe in, it’s the spirit of competition, too! I’m most fearful of them, to be completely honest. They got the Lord on their side! Then I remember the tag team champions of the world are on mine, and that gives me comfort. Hahaha!

Corny and the Foxes leave the set... only for THE SKYLIGHTS to run past Annie and our view. 

A door swings open. Running water can be heard and a beautiful singing voice that captivates Annie. 

“... I don’t want anybody else... When I think about you I touch my—“


Annie has no journalism degree but even her country ass knows if it bleeds, it leads. And that was a bloodcurdling scream. So our crew races to the scene... THE SHOWER ROOM! 

Inside a frightened CARRIE OAKLEY cowers in a corner (hands covering breasts/crotch) as 3K and Billie Child forcibly restrain a completely nude DASHA THE RAPPA for Penny Mars to deliver rapid-fire gut shots eerily reminiscent of a prison shanking!


Our camera is spotted and the Skylights quickly flee. Unfortunately Annie is elbowed on the way out by 3K and smacks her head against the wall. A concerned Carrie asks: “Annie, are you okay?”



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Backstage we find super whore...

HOW2GIRL though she’s dresses down. As in not wearing flashy superhero outfit. She’s admiring a shelf of Painbow dildos when she notices a blue haired African American fluffer walking with a stack of cash.

Hey there, Fluffer!

The Fluffer stops dead and does a few quick looks. Side to side.

What an impressive stash of cash. I sure am jealous. You must have worked very hard to get it.

Thanks, but I should hurry with it before I get in trouble.

How2Girl motions for her to wait, but the girl is long gone.


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*** Hotties Tag Title: Geisha Girls vs. Midnight Foxes © ***

The Foxes bow in respect and the Geishas return likewise... only for the Foxes to strike! A simple kick to the face by Ruby to IamHina and Caledori with a double knee drop that faceplants Mitama for the 1-2-3!

Winners: Midnight Foxes, via pinfall.

Corny waves on the next team.

*** Hotties Tag Title: Carrie Oakley & ? vs. Midnight Foxes © ***

Her partner lost to a shower beatdown, Carrie selected our very own Annie Idol to be Dasha The Rappa’s replacement. A very reluctant Annie who desperately tried to talk Carrie out of her decision, but after Carrie rallied the crowd behind her Annie felt empowered. So on went the big girl panties, only for the Foxes to make Annie wish she had stayed in her Huggies following a missed punch that led to Annie tumbling out to the floor courtesy of a kick to the rear by Ruby. 

I can’t watch! This is worse than Annie’s appearance on American Idol! 

Annie’s never been on American Idol.

OMG! That makes this even sadder! Annie’s bombed twice! *sob*

Fortunately the rookies were put out of their misery fairly quickly, as Carrie ate the pin after being dropped by the Red Hot Hotties!

Winners: Midnight Foxes, via pinfall.

The Foxes have devoured two opponents thus far. One team left to defend their titles against.

*** Hotties Tag Title: The Sisterhood vs. Midnight Foxes © ***

A Gregorian chant played the Sisters ringside. Their heads down and hands in prayer, it wasn’t till the nuns got into the ring that everyone realized they didn’t live a life of poverty, chastity and obedience to God. Oh no. They were rich sluts who only complied to raising hell. And they did just start tossing their veils at the Foxes to reveal themselves as Maya Duncan-Blanchard and Jade Roses-Duncan of C02 fame! 

Glory, glory, hallelujah! It’s C02! 

Woof, woof, woof! 

Momentarily blinded the Foxes are peppered by quick strikes and then shot in for a pair of baaaaack body drops. Double dropkick sends Ruby thru the ropes to the arena floor. Maya then whips Caledori towards Jade for a running sleeper drop. Sweet Dreams for Miss Perfect followed by a nightmare in the form of jumping heel-chick into a bird-flipping (Everything’s Going My Way) elbow drop for the 1-2-3!


My babies are bringing home the gold!

Winners: CO2, via pinfall. New champions.

CO2 strip off their nun outfits to reveal their normally skimpy attire underneath. Meanwhile, the Foxes and Corny blow a gasket while the new champs celebrate.

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How2Girl is back to walking backstage, this time holding an unopened Ignatius Maddix butt plug. But her item drops to the floor when she runs into a tall Fluffer. A Fluffer who drops a stack of cash.

Apologies, citizen Fluffer.  I should help you get that.

The Fluffer hurries to pull her cash together.

No, no. I’m not supposed to let anybody touch this.

But, citizen, it's my duty to help.

The Fluffer is gone along with her grip of cash.

Hmmmm. My whore senses are tingling!

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Standing on the entrance ramp is long running and popular interviewer, Sara Jean Underwood.

Gang, give it up for BOBBI CHEESECAKE!

I had a dream, or was it real?
We crossed the line and it was on
We crossed the line, it was on this time
I've been denying how I feel, you've been denying what you want
You want from me, talk to me baby
I want some satisfaction, take me to the stars, just say "oh"

Ah, I wanna cut through the clouds, break the ceiling
I wanna dance on the roof, you and me alone
I wanna cut to the feeling, oh yeah
I wanna cut to the feeling, oh yeah
I wanna play where you play with the angels
I wanna wake up with you all in tangles, oh
I wanna cut to the feeling, oh yeah
I wanna cut to the feeling, oh yeah


"Cut to the feeling" by Carly Rae Jepsen hits and out comes the peppy, Bobbi Cheesecake. The Seattle native wears a vintage "In Crowd" shirt from back in the day and jean shorts that show a whole lot of booty.

Bobbi, so glad to see with your spirits up. Glass Juliet and Effie Reese put you through a lot.

SJU, I don't know if you remember but when Glass and Effie debuted on the OAOAST main roster I was the first one to stand up to them.Glass and Effie, you underestimated me then you underestimated me now. Underestimated me big time. You had a craving to see me get raped. And put out a huge bounty on my lips, ass and coochie!

The holy trinity!

And yeah I had to suffer, but all the guys you sent have to suffer through blue balls because not a one could cum in me. I told myself no matter what these guys aren’t cumming in me. That’s the power of my horny spirit and the belief I have in myself!


Thanks! I’m pumped up, guys! I can tell my children one day about how I never let anyone cum in me! I can tell them how I was gang raped and didn’t take an ounce of jizz!

Uh maybe you shouldn’t.

My kids have to know what kind of whore there mother was and will always be!

What kind is that?

I’m not the kind of lazy whore that licks the tip of the schlong and never touches the nuts and calls it a bj! No way! I’m grade A slut! But if you're not rising to the occasion I'm uncumminable bitch! I’m The Human Deep Throat Machine! Throat fuck me if you can, cum if I let you!

Bobbi is ready to leave when the following song plays...

The fans are on their feet with raucous cheers as BIG PAPA THRUST struts out and flexes the largest arms in the galaxy. Any galaxy!

Bobbi especially likes what she sees and is already eye fucking BPT.

Big Papa Thrust live on Raw is Whore!

Glass Juliet and Effie Reese thought they would lay The Big Bad Glueti Daddy alone in the ground for an eternity. But now The Big Bad Vampire Daddy is gonna lay on the bed and make his Freakazoid moan! Bobbi Cheesecake, you've got a problem with Glass and Effie, and I gotta problem with Glass and Effie. You got the finest dick sucking lips in the galaxy, I got the biggest dick in the Galaxy. Let's make your eyes water, your pussy tingle, and your stomach full because The Big Bad Vampire Daddy could throat fuck you a thousand times and never cum enough. Scream if you're listening to me!!!



Bobbi hooks her arm around BPT's and together they stroll off.

We cut backstage where Glass Juliet and Effie Reese are watching this on a monitor and holding each other's trembling bodies.

We're in mega trouble!

We're getting punished so bad! And we didn't do anything wrong!

Just then a production assistant arrives with a small card on fine paper.

This arrived for you two.

Effie plucks it out of his hand and looks it over.

An invite for next week to a private gathering in the Hollywood Hills. Mega Magically exciting!

Of course, of course someone wants to have us over. We're sooooooooo adorbs!

And mega innocent!

And soooooooo sweet!

Effie and Glass start giggling and dancing around, twirling with each other, their mood obviously improved

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***Euphoria Vs Jenny Crag***

Jenny Crag is a Fluffer designed to fill those who like their women on the plumper side. And Euphoria is well Euphoria. But the main focus of this match should be on THE SCUMBAG REFORMATION PROJECT at the announce desk.

You two have a show to be on. Come back when it's your turn.

We want on Raw Is Whore, toots. Euphoria's on, we're on, and we're willing to do extra work.

For extra money.

Extra work as what?

As the heads of security!

Hey if Paul Blart can be a mall cop then these two can be RIW cops. 😄


Plus we needs the monies, toots. I fucked up betting on The Rams and Anson's got baby number eight on the way.

You two are hopeless. And Krista is gone to a business meeting. Come back later.

Dejected, The Scumbags couldn't even smile when Euphoria hit The Seven Year Itch frog splash on Jenny for the win.

I bet on Jenny


Winner: Euphoria, via pinfall

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***The Nasty Boyds Vs Sammi Cayley***

You wanna know what Zeus said to Narcissus
You'd betta watch yourself
You wanna know what Zeus said to Narcissus
You'd better watch yourself
You'd better watch yourself

To the sounds of Deep Six by Maryilin Manson came The Nasties...


Alix, you've taken a long look at The Nasty Boyds in action. What do you have to say about them?

They're the Boyds, they're the Boyds! They're The Naaaasssttyyy Boooooyddds!

Great. Real helpful, Alix.

Years go, limit some once fast
Swallowing the past
Making something last

I've seen you at your lowest of low
Watching your demons grow
Struggle you won't show

Maybe I got plans for you
And you take care of me
My blood brother, fight for me

The fans rose to their feet with the arrival of Blood Brother by Zed's Dead and The Lioness, Sammi Cayley.


With Krista away The Doll has been left in charge. And guess what? She's already abusing power.

Someone call Congressman Duncan! There's worker exploitation going down tonight.

The Nasty Boyds licked their lips at having poor Sammi at their mercy. But mercy isn’t anything they showed as from the onset they tossed Sammi around with suplex variations.

That’s my team that’s kicking butt! Sammi Cayley you cant win so just give up because my team is the best!

Why does Krista keep him around? He’s awful.

RFN got on the apron to taunt Sammi, which led to The Lioness lunging for him. RFN was saved by Nikki intercepting her with a rising knee. As Sammi struggled to get up, Brit entered the ring to shove her hands down Sami’s bikini bottoms. Shove her hand down and press! Sammi screams in an exquisite agony as her eyes roll to the back of her head and her tongue slips out her mouth!



She’s being fingered silly!

But Sammi would counter with a few well placed elbows. And then she nailed a Cruel Intentions I on Brit! Nikki ran into the ring and ate a Cruel Intentions II!


It’s a break for Sammi, but how much of one? She has no one to tag, and no one to help her.

As if on cue the Hard on Hoes champ BREA BREA was down the ramp and on the apron in a hurry!

The champ! The champ has come to help Sammi!

Sammi didn’t know what Brea was doing and didn’t care. Instead The Lioness tagged the champ, who cleaned house. Both Nasties ate lariat then took back body drops out the ring! And that wasn’t all, Brea tore through them with a suicide dive!

What a dive! Good gawd what a dive!

Referee Nerdregard wasn’t with this change and raked Brea’s eyes!


Nikki shoved Brea Brea back into the ring, where the former prison guard loaded up her clothesline from hell. But then Sammi hit Nikki with Cruel Intentions II!


Brit slid inside only to endure Brea’s Breeze! The sisters were both pinned to take a rare loss!

Winners: Sammi Cayley and Brea Brea, via pinfall

Post match Brea gave Sammi a big hug, which Sammi didn’t quite understand the meaning of. Nonetheless Sammi returned the hug in kind.


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A sparkling red Porsche with the top down, driven by one Krista Isadora Duncan pulls into a dusty desert strip of land in Simi Valley, California. There on that dusty desert strip sits a bar named "Koschky's"

A bevy of motorcycles litter the dirty parking lot, though Krista is able to find a space in front of the door.

She steps out and takes her sunglasses off, her eyes finally able to properly take in the sea of motorcycles and the run down nature of Koschky's facade. Run down doesn't do it justices with the O nearly falling off the sign and the last S littered with bullet holes.

This is where she wanted to meet?

Krista shakes her head with a frown, but holds her head high and presses through the saloon style doors.

Country music is playing overhead, pool is being shot, and beers are being drunk. But all activity comes to a halt when Krista steps in. Big eyes, small eyes, short eyes, and beady eyes all take in the sight of Krista's busty figure pushing through a business suit and her long tanned legs streaming from a pleated skirt.

The fitness queen gives a little smirk of self congratulations before her eyes settle on who she was looking for...


and her fearsome friend that has torn apart the Raw is Whore roster...


They sit at the center table, men keeping a wide berth of them. Chalk that up to the larger woman's intimidation factor.

Even Krista is a little nervous as she presents a shaky smile when she sits across from the mighty killer.

The mighty killer though just drinks from one of her Coors. At the same time Alysanne watches Krista's unease with a smug grin.

You found the place. Good.

I also could have found The Toy Box.

You could have. But I hated to think what she would do if I didn't like your offer.

Krista turns to the larger woman, who's face is granite, who's eyes are cold and scoots back just a bit.

So what is your offer, Krista?

Can I get a name from your friend? It doesn't even have to be your real name. I give fake names all the time to lawyers or cops or DEA agents.

The woman doesn't laugh. All that comes from her is the same stoney expression.

This is Lady XFL. Xavier's cousin.

Krista resists a kissing cousins joke and instead asks...

Is Xavier behind this? This whole attacking poor defenseless, innocent whores?

Alysanne's mouth twists into a glower.

I'm behind this. And no one is innocent. TMW stole from me. Stole my spotlight, stole my time in the sun.

You were such a sweetheart though! Normally that sort of thing creeps me out like how Mormons or back acne creep me out. But you didn't. You were Alysanne The Charming.

It's hard to be charming when no one's paying attention to you.

Well, I can't have Lady XFL attacking my girls anymore. Sure they can be molested and gang raped, that's all in good fun. But this needs to stop.

Lady XFL sets her icy eyes dead on Krista. Krista's fists clinch as she expects a bar room brawl.

Who's gonna stop me?

(without missing a beat)
Brea Brea.

Alysanne tosses her head back and takes a long laugh.

That's who you started off attacking, right? That's who will stop you at AngleMania XXX-8 for the Hard on Hoes title. Is that a big enough spotlight for you, Alysanne?

We accept. On one condition.

Conditions? That's like a guy placing conditions on me giving them some ass!

Funny you make that joke. You were quite the whore in the OAOAST. But that was big name talent you were fucking. What I wanna see is if you're such a whore that you will fuck every low class bike riding nobody in this bar?

Krista takes a long look around at just who Alysanne is inviting to her pussy. Some of the men are fat, some are old, some are littered with tattoos to the point they have more ink than flesh showing. It's enough of a brutal crowd that Krista passes out a nervous laugh.

I mean I'll film any scene you want back in the Toy Box.

You want your match you'll take these dicks.

A shudder goes through Krista one that twists inside her stomach. She takes another look around and that knot twists even tighter.


Lady XFL actually has something that might be considered a smile on her face.

Hey, boys!

Despite her dimmunitve size Alysanne produces her words with a large shout. Large enough to garner the attention of the intimidating array of bikers

This bitch is going to be your personal fuck toy for the night. Use her anyway you want! She'll take it any way and do it any way!

Krista swallows hard as she looks around to see the bikers sizing her up. There's glares of confusion, mistrust and skepticism. But mostly there's hungering stares, stares of men undressing the MILF and already fucking her well aged pussy.

A Latino biker with a tear drop tats on his cheek gives a laugh that bounces off the walls. He stands up with his tongue tracing across his lips as if he were some sort of dog encountering a tasty morsel.

I'll take first crack at this chick.

Let her have it. All of it.

The man pries apart Krista's top and a shiver runs through her. A shiver that ends with a heat between her thighs. Thighs that are soon exposed as the Latino man tears apart her skirt.


Awww, and that looked expensive. And what a shock yo4u're not wearing panties. It's almost like you expected this to happen. Or are you such a whore you no longer think to wear underwear?

Krista stands there breathing hard, her near-naked body throbbing in the cool air of the bar. Despite the cold, sweat pools at the top of her forehead. This situation could leave her still fertile womb with a third baby!

As the Latino man pulls down his baggy jeans he gives Krista a look like a hungering wolf. The MILF can feel her body reacting to the sweep of his eyes— her nipples hardening her groin tightening.

Start fucking her.

Even among imposing bikers Lady XFL's word is law. The Latino man swivels behind the MILF bitch and kicks her ankles apart. His six inch man meat pushes past her swollen lips and her eyelids flutter closed for a second. Rocking forward on her hands she's overcome with sensation. Tendrils of raw fire lick out from  thrusting penis, shooting out to every corner of her body.

He barely got it in there and you're already hot and bothered? I thought whores had higher tolerance than that.

The OAOAST's most treasured whore is dominated by this no name Latino male. Though who could expect anything less from this 40 something year old slut? Her pussy is made for two things, birthing hot daughters, and being a pleasure center for dicks. And there's plenty of dicks to be had today!



Fucking slut. She'll probably cue right in front of us.


Lady XFL adds a swipe of her head to get the Latino man moving. And move he does, quickly and with his pants still around his ankle. The second he leaves Krista feels a yawning emptiness within her twat. Perhaps that's because that twat is normally filled with dicks, fingers, or tongues.

She needen't wait for a new partner for long as a muscular white man has his seven inch dick cradled in his hands. Actually there are numerous men with their dicks out. So much cock it makes the aged cock hound feel like she's in a haze. She only manages to mumble something or other as that white man lifts her body and guides her moist  cum depository onto his hankering cock.

Ride that shit.

Krista rides with such vigor that the heavens may open up and god may be the one praising her!



She can ride some dick!

One wonders what would have happened if god decided to take a round with Krista instead of Mary. Certainly it is highly likely that Jesus would have never been born, as God would no doubt have titty fucked this dumb whore and dumped his divine load all off her slutty face and massive mammaries.

Oh, what dick! Oh, what dick!

A hot tightness spreads around Krista's groin. This man is a lot girthier than she thought he was. His fat penis causes her to lurch forward, smothering her golden brown tits in his less than handsome face. No he's not good looking, but he does a penis and that's about all this shameless bimbo cares about.

I wanna see if you get pregnant. That biological clock hasn't expired yet.

As if on cue the man sprouts a rush of jizz into womb. No doubt common occurrence for this silly twit, Krista.

Mama likes cum.

"Mama likes cum." Brilliant words from a brilliant scholar.

Hahhaha this old bitch is a big assl whore.

The MILF goddess is passed along to a black man, which is a big fuck yeah for this writer. A dark twist of heat burrows right down between her thighs and explodes there. Annagret may be  a Snowbunny, but Krista maintains she is the queen of black cock!

Lemmee at that BBC, baby.

The dummy lowers herself to her knees where her long pink lips curl in an O and inhale the mighty black member. Fantastic, she thinks to herself! Though the skanky mother of two loves all men and all penises, there's something about a large dong in one of her holes that lights her up like the night sky.

I'm amazed your daughters didn't come out half black.

Yes Krista's cock holster of a mouth is certainly no stranger to the business end of black dong. If this wasn't already obvious it's made so by her twisting her head to curl her mouth and tongue up and around the vieny member. The way she moves it's like she's pole dancing with her own lips.


I'm sure you're trying to say something very smart.

Krisa dives in further, engulfing her mouth in wonderful black cock.



A throbbing wild pulse of arousal burns across her body and has her wantonly sucking black dick as if it were last dick left to suck. The bimbo bobs her head back and forth, up and down, around and around. All this layers the dark meat in a heaping coat of saliva.

But the MILF pops the trouser snake out of her mouth to shout...

Cum on me, baby, cum on me, cum on me! I need your black sperm!

Krista gives two quick jerks of his dick which is enough to send a pungent white coating all across her slutty dolled up face. While most 40 something year old women might be ashamed to be ejaculated over by a stranger in front of a bunch of other strangers this is Krista Isadora Duncan we're talking about! This is the highlight of her 2019!


The porno god must be looking out for Krista (and me!) as another black stud steps up for his shot at this white bitch.

Give it to mama, baby! Let mama have it!

The man flips the bimbo onto her stomach across Lady XFL's table. The impassive footballer watches with beer pouring down throat. Though no one can tell if she truly likes what she sees.

Alysanne does, leaning back in her chair sporting a grin of triumph.

You're such a whore you don't bother to ask their names. What a filthy skank you are!

If Krista is as dumb as her daughter Maya the only thing she has room for in her mind are thoughts about incest and dicks! It's a dick she gets, a nice ten inch black one plowing into her cum socket Krista doesn't have time for thoughts or silly things like respect and dignity. Not when there's black cock fucking her!



Krista takes the black member like the bar slut she is. Actually she might be worse than a bar slut. You at least have to get a bar slut drunk. This dumb bitch is getting a train ran on her SOBER.

Give mama a black baby, give mama a black baby!

Go on give her that black dick.

Jizz splatters inside Krista's womb and the mother of two just might be a mother of three!

I don't think she's had enough, boys.

A white man with tribal tats on his face saunters in place of the black stud. Though he's white and his dick measures but 6 inches, Krista welcomes whatever fucking he'll give her. Hell, she welcomes her own fat father sometimes! The man spits into Krista's asshole and she feels the tingling rush that she always gets from impending anal.

This is taking a fun turn.

The man throws Krista to the floor like she was a piece of trash. Which she is. A piece of white bar slut trash who's big tits and nice ass got her millions. So now her nice ass gets filled with white meat that has her screaming out her joy in thick tones.

Fuck mommy's ass! You can do it, tiger!

The white man starts slamming his dick into Krista's shit pipe with reckless abandon. There's probably not enough lube in there and Krista grunts in pain for the first twenty seconds of fucking. But after a while her anal ring expands and welcomes the invading phallus.

Fucked in a bar by a group of strangers. You're a great role model for Women's History month.

A shudder runs up Krista's spine, this is a high quality anal buggering. Her daughter Jade, The Cum Dumpste,r must be watching with swelled pride at her mother's round of anal. Miss California clenched her asshole around her partner's dick, and he's more than motivated to now drive his bulk against her.

Damn, this bitch loves anal.


The young man above her can go no further. This is too much prime MILF ass to remain in without deluging it in semen. With a growl he hunkers down, pumping his cum into her spasming shit pipe!


Raw energy lashes out from Krista's brain as a pair of Latino twins arrive to her. Each stands an impressive 6'3 and each are muscled to mightiest power.

She gonna do DP?


I don't think she has a choice.

This bimbo would be quintuple penetrated if that were possible! As it stands one of the twins lifts her up and situates her on his nine inch schlong. The other twin has an easy time passing his dick through her loose shit hole and she becomes an elevated sandwich.


Dumb whore!

She's all that and so much more. But what she is right now is a stuffed piece of MILF goodness, her cunny and shit pipe filled with a total of eighteen inches. The two dicks rub together which for most women would be alarming. But this is a bimbo who's been taking dicks since we was in 9th grade. Who once blew the whole O-line of her highschool football team, who let her dad throat fuck her on her wedding day. This is a whore who loves good depraved sex!

Ah fuck you're dicks are touching!

You like that don't you?

Mommy loves it when her little boys' dicks touch in her tummy-wummy!

What'd I tell ya!

The combination of her lithe, golden body,held by the hulking men... their meat missiles, slamming into her again and again… the high little cries she's making… it was enough to make one biker pull out a cell phone and point it at her.

Get some good video, man!

The cocks thrusting into her and the powerful arms and hands that hold her lock her down. She's just a flesh and muscle trash bin for semen and penis. All she can think to do is scream and shout things like "Mommy loves her boys!" "Keep fucking Mommy!" Whore babble that's reduced to shrill cries as an orgasm tightens it's grip on her.

I think she's cumming.

I am!

Her fitness queen body starts to tense and tremble around that long, hard rod of flesh, leaving her unable to focus on anything else. The bimbo thrashes against the dicks now being put through rolling tides of orgasms. One after another the big O's come. They're so damn powerful they have tears coming down her cheeks.

My tun.

Fuck you!

Nah, it's my turn!

Like Helen of Tory ushered in the Trojan War, Krista of Beverly Hills ushers in a bar fight. First it's just two men pushing each other. Then the Latino twins let Krista down and pushing as well. And that brings out the punches and we have a slobberknocker!

We should go.

I want to finish my beer.

But Lady XFL's beer is finished for her as someone snatches out her hand to bash into another guy's face.

Fuck that.

Lady XFL kicks the beer robber through the uprights for three!

(to Krista)
That's what's going to happen to Brea Brea at AngleMania.

Krista is a lil cock drunk but still manages a solemn nod.



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