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Saint Valentines Day Ass Massacre

Chanel #99

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We are live and in your house for the Saint Valentines Day Ass Massacre

And we're starting with a HUGE in ring debut! Huge I tell ya!

“Let Me Tell You Something” by Jay Hardaway hits and Skylar — flanked by her followers, the Skylights (a B/W sign held by Penny Mars of Dasha The Rappa comically bandaged with the caption “STRAIGHT OUTTA COPPED OUT”) — walks the aisle in an outfit that hardly looks locally bought or in shoes made of recyclable material. Her wrists aren’t even taped!



Wowza! A designer look on a shoestring budget! 

Shoestring budget, my ass! 

The following contest is scheduled for one fall! Already in the ring... CAAARRRRIIIEEEEE OAKLEY!


Her opponent, accompanied by THE SKYLIGHTS... coming in with over 4.5 million social media followers... from Austin, Texas... SSSKKYYYYLAR!!


The Skylights hop the rail and men are all too eager to give them their seats. Billie sits on Penny’s lap, helps herself to a little girl’s cotton candy and laughs. 

As detailed on OAOAST.com, Skylar was meant to debut against Dasha The Rappa. Unfortunately Dasha suffered a minor ankle injury in the weeks prior tonight’s event and was not yet medically cleared to compete, resulting in the opportunity of a lifetime for Fluffer Carrie Oakley.




Skylar is aghast. She types on her phone and her Twitter appears on the AngleTron, and her Tweet: “Slut-shaming is wrong. #slutshavefeelingstoo #vagsoverdbags”.

Who do I gotta blow to get my Twitter on the big screen? Oh right. I’m banging the boss! Krista, baby, I’m eating out all this week! Munch, munch, munch!

Skylar shakes her head in disappointment, then spots her African-American opponent and... lays down?!


Skylar motions for Carrie to cover her. Carrie is confused. As is everyone. So Skylar types away again. Her new Tweet is a simple  hashtag: AffirmativeActionWorks”. 


Ringside, Billie has fallen asleep on Penny’s lap. Inside, Carrie is insulted. She wants to earn a win. When she goes to discuss the situation with the referee, Skylar springs to her feet and delivers a bulldog... only to roll over and hit a second and a third! Then after the rolling bulldogs Skylar turns a twisting neckbreaker into a stunner!

Connecticut Blood Money!

Skylar leans against Carrie for the cover, smiles wide and takes a selfie!




Here is your winner... SSSKKYYYYLAR!!


Cheers for Skylar?!


Said cheers are for the arrival of DASHA THE RAPPA! She storms the ring in a walking boot and dropkicks a posing Skylar off the middle turnbuckle onto the Skylights who had hopped back over the rail to cheer on their Influencer!

The Skylights assist Skylar to her and she quickly pulls them in close in a attempt to fool people into thinking they’re holding her back. We 👀 you Skylar. 

Dasha wasn’t dropping rhymes tonight but blondes on their behinds!

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Back in the state of the art interview set with it's numerous monitors and flashy design Terry Taylor stands with Big Papa Thrust.

Big Poppa we know you're looking for new Freakazoids, but can you also be looking for a new tag team partner. You were part of two very successful tag teams.

Terry Taylor, Big Papa Thrust, The Big Bad Vampire Daddy doesn't have any friends and he don't want any friends! All he wants are his Freaks of The Night.

Both Terry Taylor and BPT eye's are caught by BOBBI CHEESECAKE who passes by them.

If I'm going for anything in wrestling it'll be to punk the piece of white trash that holds the Galaxy Title and then get horizontal and anal with my Freaks of the Night! Scream if you're listening to me!

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***TMW World Tag Team Titles: The Shell Gang (Jose Cantu-Si and Pike Pantera) (C) Vs The Black Knight and Murmur W/King Edward Vs The Nystrom Brothers***

An exciting match that saw lots of high impact spots. Such as Jose and Fabian superkicking each other at the same time. Or The Black Knight press slamming Pike then press slamming Fabian then press slamming Tristan. Then there were the steep suicide dives by Murmur onto Tristan and Jose onto The Black Knight. Then Fabian taking them all out with a swanton press! But the match was marred by fuckery as Das Wrestling Machine came out brawling with The Big Hairy Nutt Saks. In the confusion, Jose superlicked king Edward then took out Murmur with the Kong’s scepter for the win!

Winner; The Shell Gang, and still champions

Post match, Wesley Singleton and Ignatius Maddix invaded the commentary booth.

What do you two want?

I'll make this short and sweet, love. Lisa Ann tried to make things difficult for The Shell Gang, putting us against The Nystroms and The Kingdom. Love, if you want to make things difficult for us, we'll start making things HARD for you, And you know what that means, Renee.

I don't!

Perhaps you'll find out one day.

The vampires can keep their fangs, the kingdom can keep their crown, The Shell Gang will just keep winning! Gang Gang!

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The Fortress of Nerdlytude
Edmonton, Alberta, Cananda


It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood, it's a beautiful day in the neighborhood. And wouldn't you like to be Stacy "Miss Kunt" Kuntz's neighbor? She's a cooking woman as she slaves over the stove whipping up scrambled eggs, bacon, and toast for who else but....Malaysia Nerdly.

Malaysia is tapping her nails against the counter, puffing out breathes of annoyance.

Is it ready yet?

Almost, Mistress Malaysia.

Almost? It was almost ready three minutes ago.

Sorry, I'm very sorry.

Malaysia goes back to puffing out her disgust as her eyes roll.

But Miss K was telling the truth and in about fifteen seconds she piling on the eggs and bacon on "NERDLY TOUGH" written white plate.

Eat up, Mistress Malaysia.

Malaysia doesn't even bother to say thank you. Instead she rolls her eyes yet again and takes a bite out of the bacon. As soon it hits her mouth is the second she spits it onto Miss K's "kiss the chef" Right on the h.

This isn't turkey bacon. This is pork bacon. I do not eat pork.

I'm sorry, I forgot.

You forgot? Okay, that's fine. No big deal.

Miss K rest easy, letting her shoulders relax. That's about when Malaysia grabs her by the ear and drags her in close!

Malaysia, you're hurting me!

Good. I intend to keep hurting you. I let you off with a warning when you were supposed to break The Soccer Mom's bones. I let you off with a warning when you didn't beat down Remy's sister. But no more warnings. Only pain!

Malaysia throws her head back and cackles like a mad woman! Like Ursula in Little Mermaid! And even bigger breasted Ursula!

I won't do it again. I swear.

Malaysia isn't listening and is instead rummaging beneath her sink. What she finds is something that makes Miss K leap back in horror.


I'm going to tie you up. But what will I do with you tied up? Should I face fuck you with a strap on? Sit on your face? I have a lot of options.

First Malaysia yanks off Miss K's top and apron like the Canadian muscle woman was in a hockey fight. But there's no hockey pads just profound titties from the teenage daughter of Jock Mulligan.

Jock would like these.

Malaysia slaps the big ol tits of Stacy, causing Miss K to jump and yelp in agony. Malaysia likes Miss K's expression of woe so much she slaps them again, loving the feel of her hand hitting the flesh of Stacy!

Please stop, Mistress Malaysia.

Malaysia corals the rope around Stacy's tits and stacked body. Stacy likes this not one bit and shudders at the ropes touch.

Please stop.


Really? You'll stop?

Of course. I'm a nice step mother.

You are! You're very nice!

And because I'm no nice, I'll give you a treat.

A slick and sick smile passes along Malaysia's face.

Don't move.

The naieve Miss K nods eagerly as she watches Malaysia leave. Oblivious to the evil of her step mother, Miss just hums a tune as she bounces in place with rope tied around.

But when Malaysia returns with a strap on around her wast Miss K's humming and bouncing comes to a sudden abrupt.

You don't like my surprise?

I...I...I don't think I do.

Another slick and sick smile passes along Malaysia's face.

But you haven't tried it yet. I think you should try something before you say you don't like it. Your mother would say that if she wasn't dead. Now it's up to your step mother, me, to teach you new things. Turn around.

Miss K did as she was told, turning her face toward the kitchen window.

Malaysia used her hands to slowly work herself onto Miss K's ass cheeks Miss K felt Step Mother’s hand caressing her large glutes, and she shivered, looking back over her shoulder at the older woman. The older woman who promised to take care of her.

Get ready, bitch.

Without any more preamble, Malaysia buries her strap on into Miss K's...well...kunt! The Canadian bodybuilder pushed in and pushed in deeper into Miss K's cunt. She makes sure to linger with the strap on in Miss K's love box.

You like this don't you? Being abused like the dirty whore I know you are.

No please stop!

But does Malaysia stop? Certainly not!



 Stacy's pussy feels hot, hot and painful as Malaysia thrusts into her tight snatch without any signs of mercy. Yes, Malaysia violates that tight pussy expanding it with every shove into it.

I'm going to make this nice and loose for the guys in TMW!

Please don't!

But Malaysia is picking up a steady rhythm.



The dom pumps the slut in training again and again, until Miss K's slut hole felt red and raw and huge, and—it was on fire, throbbing.  She never knew it would feel like this. She hides her shamed face behind her curtain of brunette hair, her tears falling onto the granite counter top.

Moan for me.

Malaysia grabs the slut in training by the hair and pulled her head back, looking down at her tear-stained face. Miss K nods weakly, moaning softly, looking dazed, her two toned eyes glassy

I know how to treat a stupid slut like you.

Malaysia moans, rubbing her palms over her own dark nipples, pulling at them, twisting them. She grinds her strap on against the her step daughter's slutty hole which is getting wider by the moment. Juices spill from both women's whore holes. Malaysia can almost sense the spirit of a slut a growing in Stacy.

I like to see my strap on slide into a cunt like you!

Miss K can barely breathe, but she dare not ask Malaysia for a break! That would only see her snatch pounded harder and with more ferocity. Miss K just tries to focus on a happy place. Somewhere far away. But it's damn hard to do with her pussy throbbing in misery and pain.



Now lick that cum off this cock.

Stacy has no inclination to do this. No desire to taste her own juices. But she has no say in the matter. No choice but to taste her own whorish jucies. She slides her mouth around the dick and nearly gags.

Taste your cum, whore. Taste it!

Stacy's gagging isn't helped by Malaysia pushing the dick into her, hitting the back of Stacy's throat. This spills spit and pussy residue all the way into Stacy's tummy!

Get it nice and wet so I can fuck you with it again!

Stacy moves the strap on in and out of the girl’s wetness, turning her neck as she does. And Malaysia meets her motion, rocking forward with her hips, face fucking her poor helpless step daughter.

That's it, bitch, that's it!

Malaysia's cock drives into the slut in training harder, faster, digging deep. Malaysia is breathing hard, working hard, giving Stacy more dick than she can possibly handle. Stacy's hands clench into fists and pound against Malaysia's hips in distress.

And finally Malaysia shows some mercy and pulls her dick out of Stacy's mouth.

Time for round two.

Malaysia laid on the counter top, letting her fake dick point towards heaven. But Stacy might be in hell as Malaysia motions her to the fake dick. Stacy sees no other options and impales herself on the stiff member,

Good job, slut. Now ride that fake dick. Ride it good and get used to it.

Stacy groaned, her head bowed in defeat, submitting to the fucking she was getting like a good girl, her noises caught somewhere between pleasure and pain, exactly where they should be.

Ride that, ride that and cum! And thank me for letting you cum!

Thank you Mistress Malaysia.

Stacy grinds down onto him, working the length of Malaysia's shaft along her soft, velvet walls. Stacy's pussy pussy a dark, glistening treasure and Malaysia's dick is Indiana Jones finding the temple of poon!

Get deep in that dick, slut! Get deep in it!

The young girl moans as she fucks Malaysia's fake dick, pinching her rosy nipples and reaching to rub her clit. She was the vision of a wanton little glutton, using Malaysia's cock between her legs, riding her exactly as her evil step mother demanded.
Such a fucking whore! Your dear old dad would love you!

Stacy groans, his head bows in defeat, submitting to the fucking she was getting like a good submissive, Step Mommy notices Miss K's noises caught somewhere between pleasure and pain, exactly where they should be.

Dear old dad would love to fuck his fresh nubile daughter. Turn her into a real slut!

Malaysia's fake dick is like a thick swell, filling Stacy completely. Stacy pants thrusting into Malaysia's hips with all of his force, rocking her dominating step mother into the counter. She fucks Malaysia with intensity she never knew she head, all of her the weight on Malaysia, plunging the dick into her to the hilt.

Cum for me you stupid girl. Cum for me even though you don't deserve it.
Stacy digs her heels into the counter and rolls her hips in circles. For Malaysia's part she presses upright forward, following her step daughter's naughty rhythm and then speeding it up,  to really press that fake into the slut in training's snatch

Ohhh oooh! ooooh! Ooooh!

Miss K keeps hissing, her climax a sweet burst of pleasure that floods over Malaysia's dick in powerful slutty whorish waves!

Now, bitch. Make my god damn bacon right!

And with that Malaysia forces Stacy off her and sends her back to work.

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***Hotties Tag Titles: The Midnight Foxes (c) vs Day of the Dead vs The Nasty Boyds***

Referee Nerdregard was banned from ringside for his own safety since Day of the Dead wants him dead and they’re not shy about it. But on hand at Sofa Central were C02....



My daughters! And they’re in bikinis! Which reminds me I’m over dressed.

And so Alix gets undressed....



We haven’t seen you girls around the Toybox much.

We have been ultra busy.

Doing what?

Each other!

It's so hard not to bang my sexy sister.

The girls giggle like horny school girls!

The Boyds pounced on DoD the second Lilly and Cady entered the ring. And all four bitches were throwing bombs! The champs, on instruction of Cornette, entered very slllooooooowwwyyy! Which was fine until the other Hotties noticed them and came out and tossed them into the ring.

Good grief! It's like someone tossed a steak in the middle of starving pack of hounds.

This is a difficult match for referee Titania Nerdly. It's a bit crazy and the rules are anyone can tag anyone.

So you can tag other teams and keep you and your partner fresh? Neat!

Cady is Sadist’s daughter so I bet she gets off to Lilly being beaten, bit, choked, all the hot stuff.

Lilly was the one doing the beating tho, thrashing Caeldor from pillar to posti.

My blood pressure!

I think it's the Wendy's that's killing your blood pressure, Jim.

Ruby hopped uninvited into the ring and started casting a curse...only to get spine bustered by Lilly.

Oh, wow, I think I broke her.  Yikes.

But Ruby drop toe held Lilly and Nikki Boyd jumped in with a knee drop.

This a long match probably and sometimes you have to work with your enemies.

Like how Krista works with Pierce to bury the hooker Congressman Duncan accidentally killed.

Ruby threw in a shivers curse on both Nikki and Lilly and had a creepy time laughing at their woe. Which came to an end when Brit lariated her.

Maya, Jade what brings you to Sofa Central?

Whoever wins this match? We’ll take em on at AngleMania.

Hopefully take em with all of us covered in whipped cream!

You had to get her started on food, Renee.

Caeldori got ping ponged between The Nasties and DoD. But she shrewdly tagged in Cady. And Cady launched both Nasties into the ring. The sisters miscommunicated and wound up getting double DDTex by Cady!

Fwwaahahaja! Let my foes rest in an eternal cold grave of confusion!


Mental illness has never looked so sexy, folks.

Cady couldn’t keep up the momentum and wound up getting double buckle bombed by The Boyd sisters. Then The Nasties got in more licks by isolating Cady and using high octane power moves.

I am so with you two saying FU to the whole number one contender thing. Damn conventions, am I right? That’s why I masturbate at funerals.

Alix, you’re over sharing

Cady blocked Nikki’s clothesline from hell and smoked the Boyd with a sit out gordbuster!

Grim Rain!

A pin only got a two thanks to Ruby breaking up the count. But Cady got the last laugh as she tagged in Caeldori!

Is that legal?

You damn right it’s legal!

The Nasties thought the Foxes were easy pickings and ran on in. But Brit wound up accidentally hitting Lilly which set off Cady! A wild brawl ensued between.the Nasties and The Boyds. But an abrupt end to the affair came when Caeldori school girled Ruby! And it was over just like that!

Winners: Midnight Foxes, via pinfall.

That was kind of cheap.

And don't think it'll be like that when we fight The Foxes. C02 are cheap whores not cheap wrestlers

Backstage we found Josh Matthews about to interview JoJo Whoa when The Masked Assassin interrupted!

Undie Brown, you’re about to pay what you did to Jessica. Meet me in the ring and I might go easy on you. Make me come get you and you’ll get hurt. Bad

We cut back to ringside and after a short wait, TMA stormed out with her fist in palm.

She didn’t even wait for her music to play.

But this mighty woman emerged behind her....


And attacks her with a forearm to the head! TTMA stumbles but wheels around to fight the lady beast!


They ain’t chanting TNA, folks!

But AlLYSANNE arrived to clip TMA at the knees. This let Alys’ charge bash TMA with boot reminiscent of a certain former XFL player. Alyssane looked down on TMA with contemptuous smirk as her not so little helper rolled her neck and shoulders while snarling.

What is going on? Who is the she wolf?


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***TMW Galaxy Match: Lawson Belle W/Referee Nerdregard (c) Vs Money Marc Bennett W/The Doll***

Money Marc says he's gonna do what Blaine couldn't and that's beat Lawson in the middle of that ring.

Money Marc was content to play hit and run on Lawson; he tagged Lawson with punches and skirted away. And he did it for a good amount of time.

Get him, Lawson, you're the man, daddy! Nobody can beat you!

But you can't beat what you can't catch and Money Marc kept sticking and moving.

Blaine didn’t run away.

How’d that aggressive attitude work for Blaine.

Lawson started to get more aggressive and wound up chasing Money Marc out the ring. There the Austin raised Marc used The Doll as a shield. Good idea, right? Nope. Lawson jumped over her to smash Marc with a Superman punch!

We’re lucky he didn’t hit The Doll.

Lawson had plenty of anger with Money Marc’s cowardice and made him pay on the outside. Referee Rikishi sought to get them back in the ring . But Lawson just spat on him!


Boo me? Fuck you!”

Money Marc suddenly came back and fought with Lawson at ringside. Lawson gave more than he got. And yet Money Marc would not back down. When Lawson got a chair then Money Marc thought he may have pissed off the wrong dude. But Lawson swung and missed and banged the chair off the ropes and into his head! In a desperate play he punished Lawson with his Burning Hammer finisher


Get him in the ring kid. And do it fAT

Marc painfully pushed Lawson into the ring at 5 count. But had enough strength to kick out!

If only he hit that finisher in ring.

Lawson came to his feet only to eat rights from Money Marc. But when Marc again tried a Burning Hammer, Lawson blocked and then hit a side BELLEy to BELLEy suplex! The Doll was mortified and jumped onto the apron!



And Money Marc took advantage with a low blow!


Money Marc would next a superplex then hung on to Lawson as Rikishi counted on. He then rolled Lawson up for a falcon arrow! Instead of taking that move Lawson countered with a roll through into the ankle lock! Marc didn’t wait but five seconds to tap out!

Winner: Lawson Belle, via submission 

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Backstage at our chain link fence interview set with cuffs porn aficionados will recognize from the award-winning adult thriller “Bond Voyage! Or How I Stopped Being A Prune & Came to Love BDSM!” is show correspondent ANNIE IDOL.

Hello world! Your gal Annie here with a— AHH!

Suddenly the fence crashes down on Annie! Pinned underneath she’s stomped repeatedly by a vengeful ANNAGRET WICKEDBORN!

How does it feel to have someone steal *your* spotlight? Not so fun is it? 

A clear reference to Annagret’s recent gonzo shoot designed to upstage Krista Isadora Duncan’s Civil Whores scene, which blew up online thanks to Annie unintentionally stealing the show. This beatdown is her award. 


Annagret slams a garbage can on Annie. Fortunately it’s plastic. Thankfully the mayhem comes to a quick end as OAOAST officials swarm the area. Annagret leaves with a parting shot that sets social media on fire when she mockingly asks, “Annie, are you okay?”

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Backstage in one of the hallways we found...


in discussion with...



Thank you so much, Miss Duncan.

I'm sure you'll make the most of this.

I will. And I can only hope to be as rich...err...I mean as accomplished as you.

Charli walked off smiling, but lost her smile when she ran into



Watch it, punk

Rude! You watch it!

Yeah, yeah. I got something for you to watch. You can take a break from flattering the TMW chumps and bear witness to my title win.

I'm not flattering the men, I'm helping them recover from their grueling matches. Cute, isn't it?

You know what I think? I think you're two faced. But, LBJ the queen only has one face and that's the winner's face.

Both girls went their separate ways while scowling over one another.

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***Hotties Title: LeBrenda James Vs Brea Brea (c)***
Ladies and gentlemen it is time for the HARD ON HOES championship match! Introducing the challenger!

Moment of Silence for the Champions!!!

We heard Ron Artest but we got no LeBrenda.

This is odd.

So the audio guy fired up RonRon again. And again no LeBrenda

I don't know what to tell ya, folks.

We just heard from LeBrenda so where is she?

Moment of Silence for the Champions!!!

The third time wasn't a charm as LeBrenda was a no show.

She's abandoning her title shot quicker than my dad abandoned me! I still love ya Papa Hector!

Uh-oh, running out of breath, but I
Oh, I, I got stamina
Uh-oh, running now, I close my eyes
Well, oh, I got stamina
And uh-oh, I see another mountain to climb
But I, I, I got stamina
Uh-oh, I need another lover, be mine
Cause I, I, I got stamina

"World's Greatest" hit to a massive pop like always. But Brea Brea wasn't in the mood for her usual theatrics or fun with her mascots. Instead she stomped to the ring and took Lillian's microphone.

LeBrenda I knew you were a lot of things. I didn't think coward was one of them. But, if you're too scared to show then I'll fight someone who's got the guts.

Moment of Silence for the Champions!!!

That someone was Ladybird Jones??!!!? But Ladybird was only a distraction as LeBrenda entered through the crowd, slid into the ring, and delivered a tomahawk chop to Brea Brea!

Slam Dunk! Slam Dunk! The Hard on Hoes champion has been Slam Dunked in the center of the ring! Lord have mercy!

So the logical thing would be to pin Brea, no? Except we were dealing with an egomaniac who had to do this...


Then she pinned Brea with Titania counting...




Kick out!


I know ya'll can shut the hell up!


LeBrenda fed Brea Brea's face into the turnbuckle over and over and over again! But the plucky champion came back with a right! Then a left! Then another right! And then....LeBrenda shut it all down with a dropsault!

Fadeaway just smacking Brea Brea in the face.

I remember when James Riggs dropkicked Krista in the face. So the next time they were in the ring she pushed him off the top of a steel cage and through the announce desk. And they were on the same team!

Brea still knew she could and fought to her feet. More rights, and more lefts were dished out by the champion. But before Brea get too much momentum, Ladybird hooked onto Brea's ankle. This gave LeBrenda her chance and she delivered a chin crusher to Brea!

Hoop Dreams! And are the title dreams of LeBrenda coming true?

Not quite yet as Brea Brea beat Titania's count!

Are you sure?

I'm pretty sure I can count to three, LeBrenda.

I want a second opinion.



LeBrenda didn't get what she wanted so she took it out on Brea with hard stomps. Then the champ was tossed into the corner and ate not one but two charging stinger splashes! But on the third try Brea shocked her with a moonsault press!


How did Brea Brea pull that off?

She's African so it was probs some witchy voodoo thing.

Brea Brea started blasting LeBrenda with lariats, running through her again and again! But Ladybird was too the resuce actually getting halfway into the ring before being halted by Titania. LeBrenda took advantage of this by snagging Brea into a school girl and hooking the tights! Of course Ladybird was cool with leaving the ring then...




Shoulder up!

LeBrenda snatched Brea into a reverse chinlock and ground on the hold. But the fans were right there for Brea Brea and rooted her on. Their support was all she needed and Brea forced her way out of LeBrenda's hold!

Like my dad broke out that Vice Lord's grip in 95!

Escape was all well in good until LeBrenda delivered a thumb to the eye! Low down or not it got LeBrenda in position to win as she bounced off the ropes with the tomahawk chop! This time Brea was ready and countered into a uranage!

I don't know where Brea pulls this energy from. I never know. But she's doing it!

Both Hotties pulled themselves upright, but Brea pulled herself up near Ladybird. But instead of letting LadyB mess with her Brea hit her with a plancha!



LeBrenda clobbered Brea Brea with forearms as the champ got back into the ring. Brea Brea gritted her teeth and gave those forearms right back LeBrenda. This put LeBrenda on the back foot, but Brea Brea gave chase.

Panic stricken, LeBrenda threw a desperation lariat only to get brought down in a backslide. LeBrenda kicked out before the two and then leapt into Brea Brea into a wheel barrow! She yanked the champ down into a rollup. A desperation one that Brea reversed! With everything she had left, LeBrenda popped out. Unfortunately for LeBrenda she was a step slower than Brea Brea who nailed her with Brea's Breeze for a thrilling victory!

Winner: Brea Brea, via pinfall and still champion

The fans were on their feet and Brea Brea was basking in their adoration. That's why she never noticed Alysanne and the woman with the football pads until that beast of a woman was halfway through her spear on Brea!


It was an image of triumph we faded out to. Except it wasn't Brea's. It was Alysanne who strapped the belt around the waist of her hitwoman and smirked full of contempt.

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