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OAOAST TMW: A comedy/erotic e-fed

RAW IS WHORE 2/18/2019

Chanel #99

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s RAW IS WHORE opens we’re actually in San Jose during the daytime where Brea Brea emerges from a grey Cruze Uber at a Chuck-E-Cheese.

Time to meet a super Brea fan.

The camera follows Brea inside where a birthday party is going on for a ten year old girl.

Is there a Kimberly in the house?

The birthday girl stands up in shock...


We see a montage of Brea Brea and Kimberly having a fun time. Ski ball, arcades, basketball shooting, even a bouncy house with a lot of stroke worthy jiggling from the Hard On Hoes champ....

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We ended the segment with a BIG HUG from Brea Brea to her biggest fan EVER!

From there we heard the theme song...

The champ may not be here, but we've still got the hottest babes you've ever seen tonight on Raw Is Whore!

And, I'll tell ya what, Renee-

Moment of Silence for the Champions!!!


LeBrenda and Ladybird Jones emerged from backstage to no one's pleasure. LeBrenda wore a Klutch Sports jersey while LadyB wore her old Harvard jersey. They marched down to Alix and Renee and demanded time to speak.

"CHOKE JOB! CHOKE JOB! CHOKE JOB!" the fans chanted, referring to LeBrenda's coming up short against Brea Brea on the last RIW.

But, LeBrenda said it was far from a choke. She said he had a cramp!

LeBrenda those words sound like-

Let those words sound how they sound. I got my own brand, my own name, I'm a black woman, I work, and I been telling Brea Brea on Twitter, on Snap and on IG to shoot the fair one with me again. But where she's at? In San Jose at a Chuck E Cheese like a Pete O disciple.

She took it there, folks.

I'll take it wherever I want, Alix. Brea Brea is hiding out because she don't wanna witness this!

Ladybird made a motion of strapping the title around LeBrenda's waist.

She's in San Jose.

I don't care if she's in space I want my title!

Ladybird started hard into the camera and pounded her fists as LeBrenda walked off with her confidence or arrogance boosted 100%!

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***Jobette Burr Vs ?????***

Jobette is already in the ring, Budweiser in left hand and microphone in right.

Krista says she got a surprise for all us Raw Is Whore people. Someone brand spankin new for me to beat up. But I don't like any damn surprise. 'Cause there ain't no such thing as a good surprise. "Surprise, Jobette, I gave ya syphilis!" "Surprise, Jobette, CPS is coming to take away yer kids."

She needs to holler at Krista's lawyer. Maya never got taken away once.

That's incredibly shocking.

I hate surprises and I hate whoever I'm gonna face. So get em out here and let's hook em up.

As "Walks All Over You" by Caty Shaw synth and pops its way into the arena The Doll walks out. She has a microphone and is trying her best look peppy with a smile, but her eyes are tight and stress lines appear on her face.

Please get on your feet, Toy Box and welcome to Raw Is Whore...(grimaces)...SAMANTHA CAYLEY! (grimaces again)

Years go, limit some once fast
Swallowing the past
Making something last

I've seen you at your lowest of low
Watching your demons grow
Struggle you won't show

Maybe I got plans for you
And you take care of me
My blood brother, fight for me

As Zeds Dead "Blood Brother" plays it's eery hymn The Lioness emerges...


So this is Krista's big new signing. And what a big signing it is!

Sammi and The Doll have one of those let's pretend we're friends and everything is cool smiles.

If looks could kill that might not be an uzi, but it'd at least be a broken beer bottle to Christian Wright's eye when he asks you to pick up the tab.

Jobette jumps on Sammi as she enters the ring. Blow after blow rains down on Sammi! Things look bleak for The Lioness. But never count the queen of the jungle out. She trips up Jobette and twists her into a Liontamer!


The dead beat mom made the ropes, then bails out of the ring. If she had known Krista's surprise was going to be this deadly she would have stayed in LA County jail!

You can't get two more different people than Jobette and Sammi.

Ooooh this could turn into a hot lez scene. Raunchy trailer park redneck gets finger popped by New York socialite while Renee goes down on me!

I was with you until that last part.

Jobette tries to climb back into the ring but gets her shit pushed back by Sammi's fist!



Well that infuriated Jobetter and she hauled Sammi out the ring! There the two women traded blows with the larger Jobetter overwhelming young Sammi.


A "shut the hell up" spewed from Jobetter's mouth. But the crowd proved an unfortunate distraction as Sammi really did slam her by slamming her head into the ring steps! Dazed and weak, Jobette was tossed into the ring with her prospects dim. She went for a discus lariat only to get ducked and then nailed with Cruel Intentions II! The move that Blaine has used to defeat many a man sent another notch into Jobette's loss column!

Winner: Sammi Cayley, via pinfall

Sammi gave a little kiss for all her followers..



Don'tcha wish you were that camera, folks?


Backstage The Doll is watching Sammi celebrate. The Assistant GM is none to happy with what she sees, her mouth held into a tight line. But she's distracted by the approach of a... 


Yoo-hoo, you're The Doll right? The Assistant GM, right? Someone I can talk to about my royalty checks coming up short.

The Doll's eyes widen in shock.

It can ask questions now?

Don't referrer to me as it. Do I look ethnic to you?

It's racist also?

I'm anything but a racist. I have a Chance The Rapper song on one of my Spotify playlist.

It has spotify playlists? Actually, I don't have time for this. Like at all. So Cassidy Bot, go ahead and turn off.

Turn off the lights yourself. I'm no servant. I am a boss!

The Doll can feel wrinkles setting in from the stress and stalks off in annoyance.

But the Cassidy Bot is the one who's really annoyed as she's huffing and puffing and her face reddens.

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Stood in the ring was beloved ring announcer, Lillian Garcia.

The following contest is scheduled-

Moment of Silence for the Champions!!!


Not again.

Yes again! The Hypebeasts were out one more time with their heel heat having grown since the first segment. LeBrenda high steps to Alix and Renee with a scowling Ladybird backing her up as always.

My whole life I been getting wins.

Not last week.

I had a CRAMP. Would you rather have a kiddie pool playing nerd as champ or a game winning shot boss like me as champ? Don't matter because you're gonna get me tonight.

I don't know, buddy, Brea Brea is in Northern California.

Don't matter. My say so is my say so, and I say I'm winning the Hard on Hoes title tonight.

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*** Didi Bigguns vs. Carrie Oakley ***

Thanks to LeBrenda hijacking TV time, the contestants in our opener didn’t get entrances. Instead they were brought to the ring while LBJ cut her impromptu promo, which Didi gave a round of applause and then an eye roll... only to walk into a small package by newcomer Carrie Oakley!



What an upset we almost had!

Little did Carrie — a young African-American Fluffer with an amazing pair of legs — realize that would be the highlight of her debut as Didi took it to her the rest of the match until finally hitting a double-arm DDT for the 1-2-3. (Despite being a rookie herself, although no longer on Fluffer duty, Didi took liberties with Carrie during the finish, spiking the gal on her forehead!)

Winner: Didi Bigguns, via pinfall.

Post-match Didi “milked” Carrie’s titties, a reference to her donkey tits comment about Adelphe.

Didn’t anybody ever tell Didi never to poke the bear in the ass? Believe me. They don’t find it cute. 

Didi continues to milk away happily as the crowd buzzes with excitement. No, not because of the ongoing sexual harassment in the ring, but the arrival of...

ALYSANNE and her suntanned Superwoman.


Well here’s another bear Didi poked a few weeks ago. 

Didi comes to a stop when she hears thunderous footsteps behind her. She turns and gets drilled by a BIG BOOT that sends her FLYING INTO THE CORNER!

Oh my gosh!

Alysanne gives her monster the order to “Destroy!” 


Sitout powerbomb damn near deflates Didi’s chest. Alysanne stuffs a receipt between Didi’s boobs, then poses with the still unidentified woman.

The question remains: What do these ladies want?

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Backstage we find Glass Juliet and Effie Reese walking aimlessly, their hearts
heavy and their heads hung low in disgrace.

Oh dear, oh dear! How could this happen? This was supposed to be our big moment. We're the mega magical cheerleaders but we couldn't cheer anyone on to cum in Bobbi after raping her.

After we put up a HUGE bounty. I wanna crawl into a cave and leave my cute little body to DIE!

The duo is stopped as they round the corner. The object of their impeded path is THE DOLL.

Aren't cheerleaders supposed to be, I don't know, peppier? I was a cheerleader in highschool and I'd never ever act so gloomy. You two got it together, girls. What is this?


What would your cheerleading coach from Ann Arbor say about you?

That we should be banished from cheerleading forever!


The Doll snickers but composes herself once Effie and Glass stop their sobbing.

Didn't your coach tell you nothing beats a try? So keep trying.

But Bobbi is mega magically uncuminable!

We're just shoddy sex offenders. Shoddy, shoddy, sex offenders.

So you can't rape, Bobbi. But shouldn't you look for an easier target? You might even find one in, say, by the training mats. Just a thought from me. But what do I know.

The Doll walks off all smirking as Glass and Effie look on wide eyed at the information they received.


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Inside one of the wider spaces of the studio, Toni Patrcia has allowed wrestling mats to be laid out for training. Today there's only one person doing much of anything, and that person is Sammi Cayley relaxing her body with some yoga.

With eyes closed and air pods plugged into her ears Sammi doesn't hear the sound of Glass Juliet and Effie giggling behind her!

I'm glad we didn't play hokey for this class! Upupupupupu!

After kneeling down beside Sammi, who still doesn't notice them, the vampire pair gently pull out her ear buds.


Sammi is startled, jumping up to her long and lean frame. Fists are clenched, jaw is set. You don't disturb Sammi Cayley!

Glass Juliet and Effie Reese. Is there something I can help you with. Or you me?

Yup-yup, we can help you out that sports bra.

Effie is around Sammi with her incredible vampire speed. The Cayley twin barely has a moment to protest before Effie shreds apart her sports bra in one smooth motion. Sammil's pert tits jump forward instantly causing Glass Juliet to feel a bit of drool at the corner of her mouth. Drool she dares not suck in, only letting it linger there shining like a diamond.

Sammi though has the furrowed brow of a teacher dealing with an unruly and stupid child.

You're joking.

There's nothing funny about rape, young Samantha. This could be a berry berry valuable lesson in consent for you.

Now it's Glass who gets to ripping tearing apart Sammi's yoga pants, so that her folds and grazing of pussy hair are left to be marveled at by the widened eyes of Glass Juliet.

There's here down there!

Down where?

Down there!

Effie is getting wet down there as she twists Sammi's nipples like they were old school tv tuners. The chanel is set to RAPE so thinks Effie who makes a rough twisting and tugging on Sammi's nipples. The vampire moves them as if she were milking Sammi, trying to get her motherly nectar.

These boobies are mega magically awesome!

Effie runs two fingers along the length of her moist slit. Her fingers drip with pussy moisture when she removes them. Giving in to sudden temptation, she thrust those pussy juiced fingers into Sammi's mouth. Suck, suck, suck as Effie forces her fingers in her two fingers like a cock penetrating the slickest of cunts. But just as Effie rams up the finger fucking, Sammi spits the fingers right out. They exit with a loud pop which comes with a glower from the Welsh babe.

This game is worthless. I don't want to play anymore.

That's what we like to hear!

With hands on Sammi shoulder Effie pushes the Welshwoman to her knees. It's a famillar position for Sammi as she regularly gets on her knees to worship her own brother's mighty member. Instead of that though she gets one of Glass Juliet's legs over her shoulder as the vampire lifts up cheerleading skirt. No panties either! It's like the whores of Raw Is Whore are allergic to common dignity and morals.

The song says panties coming off, but I never wear underwear anyway!

Certainly Glass is allergic to morals as her drenched pussy shows. Only a freak would get off to rape and Glass's cunt pours like a waterfall.

Effie forces Sammi against Glass Juliet's swollen clit. and an electric pleasure jolts the cunt obsessed teenager.

Mmmmmm yeah! Go ahead and suck that clit like a dick, Sammi baby! Suck that clit!

Glass cunt looks quite different from Sammi's own dark magenta as opposed to petal pink, with fat, fleshy labia framing her fluttering vagina. Glass has a prominent clit, which pokes up like a tiny cock at front of her slit. But none of it moves Sammi in the least. The whole thing might as well be looking like she's examining a science project.

Truly pathetic.


You think you could rape me? The Lioness? You're thinking is idiotic. I am tamed by only one, dominated by only one. He is my brother, Blaine Cayley. He is the The Lion that makes The Lioness roar. I will not cower to you, I will not bow to you. I will never roar for you.


Pertubred, a furrowed brow on her face, Glass plunges two fingers right into Sammi's glorious lioness snatch. She does it with such force the rich girl should holler out in a pain so great it should buckle her knees. Instead Sammi shakes her head and frowns in disdain.

Completely pathetic.

Sammi whirls around and without preamble shoves Effie to the ground. Vampire she may be Effie still lands on her fine ass with an OOMPH speeding out her tiny mouth.

Blond one, you eat the brunette's one cunt. Do it now.

Wait, this isn't how it's suppos-

Shut your mouth. Blond one are you waiting for an invitation?

Effie grumbles but a narrowed eye look from Sammi gets her to STFU. Instead of talking she pulls down her cheerleader skirt, which shock, has no panties underneath.

But we're supposed to rape you.

Plans change,

Glass breathes heavy as she gets on the mat directed and bullied into it like a ho off the street corner. Certainly not a UofM cheerleader and powerful vampire. Just a ho off the street of Detroit

Hurry up.

The prim and proper Sammi still remains with perky tits out. But now the nipples harden, harden into sharp shards that cut as deeply as her words.

Effie yearns to put the nubs into her mouth, to bite them, to suck them, to lust over them. But Effie isn't in control here. She's a ho along with her vampire sire, who pushes her All American Girl face between Effie's legs.


Shockingly Effie isn't all that used to having her cheerleading sister's tongue shoved into her fuck hole. Usually it's a strap on or dick that's plowing into her supernatural cum depository.

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Glass gets rewarded for this foray by a gush of fresh fluids and a sharp cry of pleasure. The blond vampire leans deep in, licking from back to front between those plump lower lips, ending with a firm flick to the clit.

Harder, slut, harder and deeper.

Glass is tasting the full richness of Effie's horny love box. Not just tasting it she's devouring her cheerleading sister in arms, shoving her tongue deep into Effie's cunt and fucks her until she cums again! Cums all over Glass' face! Glass is being used as a fuck pad and officially turned into a rug munching dyke slut!

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Enough. Now you'll both do me. Any objections?

The cheerleaders start to speak, but Sammi raises her hand.

Not that I care what objections you have. Attend my needs, sluts, and do it right.

The cheerleaders crawl up to Sammi's cleft, only to endure a pair of slaps across the face!

I meant the other side.

Glass and Effie don't know what to say to this! They're raping of Sammi has turned into the human girl directing them to eat ass! Sammi's ass! That wasn't how it was supposed to go. It's not how it should go but they endure another pair of slaps across the face. The humiliation stings worse than the slaps. A mere human abusing vampires, turning them into her own personal ass eating hoes!

Move it.

The cheerleaders nervously scoot around to Sammi's rear presses kisses to both of Sammi's taut cheeks. to the other woman's right butt cheek.They go all around those cheeks and cover them in kisses like the literal ass kisser they are in that moment.

Mmmmmmm yes. Now lick my asshole. Do it now.

Then Effie pushes her face in between those tight cheeks, just literally smothering herself in them for a few long seconds, before sliding her tongue up Sammi's ass crack. No doubt with how open her mouth is to suck Sammi's asshole, Effie could develop lockjaw!

Blond one, you're turn.

Glass groans her assent and spreads those cheeks gently apart. When they're as wide as she could get them Glass spits onto her Sammi's ass hole and then starts rubbing in that saliva with her tongue. Hard and fast that's how Glass goes over the asshole of her rapist. Glass' eager tongue  pleasure Sammi all the way to her aching moist crevice. Sammi's breasts heave with erotic pleasure as she's built closer and closer to orgasm.

Brunette one, you next.

Blond one, you will suck my nipples. Now!

Yes, ma'am!

Glass scoots over to plant kisses on the outer edge of Sammi's but cheek. And now Effie goes into a long drawn-out ass licking of the rich bitch's shit pipe. For our viewers at home there's nothing like watching hot teenage vampires assail the asshole's of a snobbish Hottie in 4k TV. Many a viewer must be stroking their members to the sight of these slutty cheerleaders degrading themselves to eat the shitter of a woman they're ten times more powerful than.

With a choked moan, Glass ascends on that succulent flesh, twisting the left nipple between her thumb forefinger while suckling the right. Locking her lips around the pulpy nub, so rigid and sweet, she alternates licks and suction, pretending it's the bitchy rich girl's clit.

Not Blaine but even so....

Effie continues to stroke her tongue along Sammi's damp ass while, following circle of the anal ring. Sammi squirms in response to this double teamed cheerleading pleasure party. Sammi's sex clenchs as she continues to have tits and ass drenched in vampire spit. Sammi's breath comes in shallow pants, as though she’d been running a race. But she has enough on her to say

Get on all fours.

Effie and Glass pass each confused looks with arched eyebrows.

I'm sure bending over on all fours is a position you're used to by now.

It certainly is! And the masturbating viewers get a nice shot of glistening vampire pussy and exposed asshole for their self pleasuring fodder. It's those assholes that Sammi is all about as she dribbles spit in both of the girls tight holes.

I don't want to hear a word out of other of you. Sit there and whimper pathetically from the pain in your ass.

For having assholes that have been poked and prodded by all manners of men over the years, the Cheerleaders asses are shockingly tight. But indeed they are tight and suffocate Sammi's fingers as she enters their darkest most intimate holes.

Ah, you are broken bitches, total sluts, worthless whores. And you thought you could tame me?

We're sorry!

And so what if you are?

Please Samatnha, fuck us. Fuck our slutty little ass holes!

Stuff me full of strap-on cock and use me like a lesbian whore! Ooooooh Goooooodddddd! Please!

Sammi's too busy delighting in her fingers widening the Cheerleader's anal rings to think of clear insults to lodge.  

Yes yes yes please fuck our asses good and deep!

Wet heat sweeps along Glass' crack, starting at her perfectly stuffed rear hole, finishing at her clit.  Its a passionate flame she hasn't felt in a long time. Not since the O.Line at Michigan gangbanged her!

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Sammi digs into both girls' shit pipes like she could unearth gold. This has Effie and Glass teetering on the precipice, an orgasm only a whisper away!

Mega Magical ass fingering!

Keep your mouth closed.

Effie's eyes bulge and she gasps like a landed fish; drool ran unheeded from her lower lip and fell right next to Glass' own puddle of drool. Sammi brooks no relent or easing up on the two cheerleading hoes, instead increasing the frentic pace of her fucking. If Sammi's fingers had been dicks they would overflow the cheerleading skanks turning them into cum pipes instead of shit pipes! Which happened with the bench of the UofM basketball team.

This is mega magically awesome!

Shut. Up.

As good a butt slut as the cheerleaders are Sammi is a great butt fucker. Sammi skillfully penetrates the most intimate holes of the preppy bitches until cum is squirting from their fuck boxes.

I'm cumming!

Me too!

God damn it, I said shut up.

Spurred on by frustration, Sammi alternates her anal plunging with spanking the ditzy vampires for their inane chatter. What she really wishes was that Blaine was here to shut their annoying mouthes around his thick juicy cock.

Upupupuu, we love being your anal whore!


The bright blue eyes of the cheerleaders meet each other and their lips go up in wild smiles. They whimper and moan, their submission as butt sluts totally complete. Not since the coach of the wrestling team have their shit holes been fucked so good! They're hands go onto their throbbing nipples as Sammi powers her fingers into their teenage assholes.

I wanna cum again, I wanna cum again, I wanna cum again!

Then just cum and be quiet.

Glass cries out as her nipples are tweaked and her asshole plundered.  The double effort is rewarded and the peppy cunt climaxes her rich juices soaking the mat beneath her.  Glass moans and writhes, but is still up for more dyking of her shitter! In fact the anal slut starts rocking her hips to further drive Sammi's fingers into her crapper!
I wanna cum too!

Effie cries out in delight, arches and straining against Sammi's fingers as a powerful orgasm is wrenched from her.  Effie's juices start running down her thighs again and her asshole clenches her fingerrs.

More, more, more, give us more!

That is it. I'm sick of hearing you two!

Sammi's patience has reach it's breaking point as she removes her fingers from the vamps asshole with an audible grunt.

That's it? You're leaving us? So un mega magical!

It's over? Just like that?

Sammi says nothing as she steps up to her feet. Her fists are clenched and she doesn't even bother to put on her clothes. Instead she walks off naked and grumbling about stupid vampires. Glass and Effie are left to look on with sagging frowns. 😥😞

In the distance we here a the gruff laugh of a large black man!


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Standing in front of the barricade was none other than Sara Jean who was with a selfie taking crew of...







Let's try this one more time. What's up, gang, Sara Jean here to finally talk to Skylar. And I know our fans really want-

Suddenly this chick comes crowding into the scene...



How many of you are there?!

The Skylites are like the stars in the nights sky, we're to big to count. Here we go with Penny Mars. Not who you expected to talk to.

As usual.

But she's great with the memes. Show her, Penny, show her.

Penny holds up her Twitter account which does a TOILET over DASHA da RAPPA's head and labels it DASHA DA CRAPPA.

That is disgusting. Is this what you stand for, Skylar?

Shocking Skylar puts down her phone, for the first time in all these weeks she looks at Sara Jean. Skylar's eyes are ice.

I abhor a bully, but I also abhor cultural appropriation. Dasha must be muted and she must be shamed. Only then can she grow.

You actually believe that?

I am an activist, I stand for what I believe in. At Saint Valentine's Day Ass Massacre I will wrestle.

You will?

In an outfit I bought locally, in shoes made of recyclable material, and wrist tape bought from a thrift shop that donates to local schools.

I don't know why, but when you say those things...nevermind, thanks for talking to me.

Of course.

Skylar smiles a smile that is so not a smile and then turns back to her phone.

Let's go to ringside.  

***The Soccer Mom Vs Miss Kunt W/Malaysia Nerdly***

My fight is won
Who needs a gun
Boom boom knock you out
You knocked me down
But who's laughing now
Boom boom knock you out
My fight is won
Who needs a gun
Boom boom knock you out
You knocked me down
But who's laughing now
Boom boom knock you out

As Bingo Player's "Knock You Out" played a golden shower descended onto stage. Through it Malaysia Nerdly pushed out Miss Kunt Stacy Kuntz. Stacy tried to put on some of her father's swagger with a crotch chop but she got kind of embarrassed and meekly walked to the ring.

Malaysia is a terrible step mother. I bet you're not like that, Alix.

Sometimes I put the cheeseballs on the top shelf and hide the step ladder and I laugh as Jade jumps up trying to reach them.

I'm so disillusioned right now.

I'm waking up, thinking how we used to be
I still hang on to our tired dreams
I wish we could turn back the hands of time
Replace the poison that you left onto my mind
Maybe we'll meet again in another life
Maybe we're better in another paradise

Maybe we will meet again
Maybe we will fall again
In another life
In another life

Yes The Soccer Mom Susan Leslie actually had entrance music. She even had pyro sparklers which scared the shit out of her. Not literally. No one has that fetish.

I think Krista made a smart move to put the two least experience performers against each other. Although I don't get how Susan wanting to protect Stacey from Malaysia leads to a fight...

Sometimes Krista slaps me when I tell her she shouldn't put sugar in Pierce's gas tank.

The bell rang and TSM stepped forward, taking several nervous breaths

Alrighty then.
(Puts up her dukes)
Don’t go easy on me.

Stacey looked for permission from Malaysia.

Make her suffer or I’ll make you suffer.

Yeah, that’s real helpful, Malaysia!

It’s taking me a lot not to hurt you.


Stacy took TSM down Kurt Angle style, which TSM had no answer for.

Ride the bitch!

Ride her?

You wouldn’t have to tell Jock twice.

You shut up or you’ll get your but whipped black and blue.

Yes please!

TSM got whipped into the ropes but just stayed there! Which Miss K was totally confused about.

Get her!

So Stacey went after TSM who ran away to the other side of the ring. Then she kept running making Stacey chase after her.

From the Pete O school of fighting.

But TSM backed herself into the corner which allowed Miss Kunt to punish her with a Banana Cream Pie!

Again! Again!

So poor TSM was devastated by another BCP!


Miss K looked back to TSM’s broken body with quivering lip. She didn’t know what to do. To follow Malaysia or her kind heart



But then ZELDA DAYBANE came and threw in a magician hat!

I couldn’t find a towel to throw in, but please stop.

Miss K stopped looking at TSM’s battered body and instead stared at Zelda while breathing heavily.

Attack the little one! Bend her, tie her up, bite her nipples, slap her ass, spit in her eye!

But...but...she’s so cute!!!

Malaysia into the ring in a huff, teeth gritted. She then dragged Miss K off by the ear to do god knows what.

Stacy is Jock’s daughter, but well...she’s not Jock. Not at all.

The view cut backstage where Referee Nerdregard and The Nasty Boyds were in conversation with Krista and The Doll. Well more like RFN was ranting again.

It's not safe for me at ringside for the tag title because Day of the Dead are a bunch of crazies and they'll try to hurt me more than they they'll try to get the belts off The Midnight Foxes. And that's not right! I shouldn't be hurt because I'm the mainevent attraction in this popsicle stand.

Are you?

Damn right! But that tag title match at Saint Valentines Day Ass Massacre is all about the Nasty Boyds kicking lots of ass just like Lawson is gonna do to Money Marc and so I need-

Money Marc is going to lose to Lawson is he? Then you'll need all your focus on Lawson, won't you? How about you stay backstage? And just to make sure you do we'll have Rikishi as the second official at ringside.

I love it when my underlings make the decisions for me.

Krista and The Doll head off in a like minded mood with RFN pondering if this was a victory or not. 

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Sunshine Yukino was backstage being interviewed by Sara Jean about her countout win against Euphoria last RIW. Sara Jean said she knew Yuki didn't want to win like that, but...

I take win and money any way I get!

That's why you're known as the Oriental R.Kelly

I great singer!

They were interrupted by The Big Boss Lady, who came puffing on cigar

Hey this Yuki gal knows you win some you lose some. So you gotta take what wins you can no matter how you get em. But lemme leave ya with a word of advice, Sunshine, when the feds take a chunk outta you, you gotta take a bigger chunk out the world.

TBL tipped her top hat to Yuki and walked off.

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We pan around the Toy Box as the crowd goes wild. Signs everywhere, including one held by a female fan that reads “LOOK MA! I’M ON TV!” while her other hand, hidden under a jacket over her boyfriend’s crotch, moves in a jerking motion. Her man leaned against his seat, head back and arms outstretched as the guy next to him laughs knowing what’s up.

One never knows what they might see at a OAOAST TMW event!

In the ring or in the crowd!

Unable to stifle her laugher Renee cuts off her mic.

You know, I’m often asked what my beauty secret is. The answer: I use the skin of Krista’s burn victims to exfoliate! And I have a feeling my skin’s gonna look even healthier very soon. Right, partner?

Right! Because during a recent OAOAST TMW taping Annagret Wickedborn grabbed our Annie Idol and a camera crew for this special feature that is sure to draw a response from the Queen of All Media, Krista Isadora Duncan. Get a load of this.

The hand wipes are out!

Renee loses it as we cut to Annagret and Annie (mic in hand) backstage at the recent OAOAST TMW taping (give it a read). Annagret points to her phone.

Look on social media. Look!

I’m looking! I’m looking!

“Bore! Bore! Bore!” said one viewer. 

Actually that says “MOAR! MOAR! MOAR!” 

No, that person is obviously from the South — and they don’t teach spelling down there. But not all rednecks are stupid... just most. Anyway, another wrote “Somebody muzzle that Annagret cunt!” Mm, yes! And not just my cunt, but all my holes with black hot rods!


Even our owner, Toni Patricia, weighed in on Civil Whores. She couldn’t even find the words to defend that abomination so she simply left fire icons. But please, boss, I beg you. Yes, beg. Don’t take the old gal out behind the woodshed just yet. Not at least until Krista gets to see a true atomic blonde get down and dirty. 

Annagret barges into the OAOAST TMW male locker room, where some of the boys are playing cards, video games, etc. Some are full dressed, others in their gear. 

* catcalls and whistles *

Annagret surveys the room and spots TY-BO and KOBE KAI sparring. They pause as she approaches and removes her cloak to reveal sexy lingerie underneath, riding crop in hand. 

Jaws drop and cocks stiffen. No words need to be communicated between Annagret, Ty-Bo and Kobe. Pure eye contact. The language of lust.

The guys follow Annagret out. They only thing longer than their dicks being the train of Annagret’s cloak on the floor which serves as sort of a red carpet. But during their exit the trio bump into Balrog Nutt (rocking his shades indoors) and Julius Saks, THE BIG HAIRY NUTT SAKS. Both men drenched in sweat after a hard fought bout. 


Annagret is overcome with excitement. Her two piece meal has become an all-you-can-eat dark meat buffet. She grabs the Nutt Sacks and soon the whole gang find themselves in the poorly lit parking lot outside the Toy Box, where Detroit Crackhead and Bhodi Dharma of HIGHER MINDS bum around sharing a 40 in a brown paper bag (and who knows what else).

Annagret. Why are we out here? It’s cold!

The mood is about to change.

A porn version of Tazz’s WWF theme plays from Annagret’s phone (which she had placed in her stocking) and then she swipes a match across the crotches of Ty, Kobe and the Nutt Saks!


A nearby trash bin is lit. Now illuminated by the flame Annagret performs a sexy dance to make her black bulls see red.


Annagret is surrounded as she rubs her thighs and breasts. Fresh white meat for her hungry men whose beautiful black bodies she worships. She runs her hands across their pecs and feels the outline of their hard dicks dying to be liberated from their oppressive clothing. Higher Minds in the background quietly loving the show. Even Annie has to fan herself, cold no more after the mood did change. Her eyes widen as chocolate bars of cock are unwrapped.

I feel like a kid in a candy store! But mommy says I can only get one piece of candy... and I want it all! *pouts*

I don’t see mommy around. Do you?

You mean—

You’ve got the whole damn store to yourself, kiddo.

The guys twirl their dicks like a roulette wheel made of flesh, and of course it comes up black. 

Careful. You might poke my eye out.

We’re gonna poke more than your eye, Horny White Thang. 

Dicks are stroked and sucked. Even some double barrel action. First Ty and Kobe, then the Nutt Saks. Between the four Annagret crams about 21 inches of USDA prime beef in her mouth!


Another woman’s jaw would be shattered by now, but not a BBC pro like Annagret. She gags and spits on their rods, then back to suck like the Snowbunny whore she is. Meanwhile, human nature takes over and Annie begins to touch herself, silently popping Higher Minds. Things only get hotter when Kobe proceeds to feed his purple mamba, bending Annagret over a nearby parked Pinto!




While Kobe bean(s) Annagret in the parking lot, our cameraman decides to focus on Annie going to town on herself. 

Anybody up for a little Mexican?

Suddenly a familiar face to longtime wrestling and hardwood fans appears. 


Somebody say something about little Mexicans? 

I meant Mexican food pro basketball Hall of Famer Karl Malone. Tacos, specifically. As in the Punk-Fu Legend’s about to stuff his sausage in a fluffy egg taco. 

Oh, Mr. Mailman, you can deliver your package to me any day of the week.

How old are you?


Nah, I’m good.

The Mailman decides to deliver his ass back inside to enjoy the rest of the TMW taping.

First time Karl ever passed up a shot.

Not Detroit Crackhead. He decides to take his shot, charging over with his dick out. He wants a little sucky-sucky while Ty-Bo pounds Annagret on the Pinto’s hood. None of the guys want his nasty ass involved and tell him to beat it, so he retreats as Annagret not only continues to be fucked but sucks Nutt and jerks off Saks and Kobe!

Unh! Unh! Mmmmmph!

We actually see it, too. The camera focused back on Annagret, her body glistening from perspiration brought about by the burning trash bin. Beads of sweat drip off Ty-Bo’s face onto her beautifully tanned belly, thigh-high booted long legs pressed against the Punk-Fu Legend’s well developed shoulders. 




DC fumes in the background, giving himself a rough jerk!






After a good hammering Annagret squats down to blow the guys a bit. She goes around in a circle to pleasure each stud until Nutt grabs her by the hair and lays on the concrete. She gives a quick suck and then rides him, a slow grind at first, only to shift into another gear once she puts on Nutt’s sunglasses. The Snowbunny burrows her pussy on Nutt’s girthy cock. Moments later Saks mounts Annagret who’s damn near split in half from a good hard DOUBLE PENETRATION!


The Horny White Thang jerks Ty and Kobe, the two again joined by Detroit Crackhead who takes advantage of an opening... that being Annagret’s mouth which he stuffs his dick inside! Now all her holes are filled and hands tied with big black cocks!

“Holy shit!”


“Holy shit!”


“Holy shit!”

Audio of the fans watching live in the Toy Box leaks thru. Most likely not the only leak being experienced at this time. But luckily for DC, all the other guys are too occupied to realize he’s snuck back into the party. In the case of the Nutt Saks, they’re buried deep inside Annagret to give a fuck, while Ty and Kobe have their heads tilted back, eyes closed as Annagret jerks them. Even DC’s buddy Bhodi manages to get in on some fuck, crawling over to a masturbating Annie and pecking her with kisses. So into Annagret’s interracial pounding Annie doesn’t feel Bhodi’s lips on her feet, shins or thighs until he reaches the center of her Tootsie Pop!


Annie knows this is wrong... but it feels soooo good. She submits to her carnal desire and lets Bhodi dine out. His boy DC tips his beanie in respect, but then shit hits the fan when he’s spotted by Ty and Kobe who back him into a corner. 

Think fast DC!

Oh shit! A pickup game!

Huh? Where?

Behind that Popeyes over there!

Sorry, baby. It’s time for us to partake in a different kind of hardwood. Cuz if there’s one thing a brother loves more than white pussy, it’s hoops. *whistles Sweet Georgia Brown*

Annagret throws her hands in the air, which Nutt puts behind her back as he and Saks trade places to continue DP’ing her! 

Cover me in your cum! I wanna feel your black babies kicking on my face!


Nutt is the first to spray Annagret diagonally across the face, some landing on her hair and mouth. He dick slaps Annagret while Saks gets ready to blow, but suddenly the Nutt Saks are ambushed by DAS WRESTLING MACHINE!

Bhodi and Annie take cover behind a car. Meantime, DC plays superhero shielding Annagret from the mayhem and fingers her in the process! All while a parking lot brawl goes on around them. Although Saks returns to blow his load across Annagret’s face, his and Nutt’s jizz making a cum written “X.” Then it’s back to the fight as security arrives to break it up, only for Nutt to be sucker punched by his own stolen chains!

Security isn’t too concerned with the orgy going on outside. But DC is the last black standing.

I hear you love crack.

You heard right. And I always got my pipe. *strokes dick*

Annagret stares at his manhood, then gets bent over again on the Pinto for some hot ANAL!!!


So hot the flames from the trash bin shoot up like a highspot during a Inferno match. 

Give it to me, you dirty fuck! Let me fucking have it!

Speaking of which, Bhodi would like to let Annie have it, but Annie sends him back down to eat her pussy some more. 

Yes! Take it! Take it!

DC grabs onto Annagret’s shoulders for extra leverage (her face stilled cum covered) and really lets her have it. 




Unable to edge any longer DC fills Annagret’s pretty white mouth with black cum. But rather than swallow Annagret grabs DC’s CRACK PIPE from his pants and SMOKES HIS JIZZ!


Ty-Bo and Kobe return and they aren’t happy.

There was no pickup game behind Popeyes!

Hey, I got poor vision. And so do you.

Do you see us wearing glasses, muthafucker?!

Out of nowhere Bhodi SHATTERS A 40 OVER TY-BO’S HEAD! When Kobe turns to face him he gets blasted upside the head by DC’S CRACK PIPE! DC’s leftover jizz left on Kobe’s noggin!

I wasn’t done smoking! *sighs*

Higher Minds flee.

Bhodi didn’t finish eating either. 

Even though Ty and Kobe are out cold, Annagret sucks them off until they cum on her face!

Annie gasps.

It’s okay. They’d have wanted it that way. Just like everybody watching. Because this was a real adult thriller. Reality porn. Pipe Smoking starring Annagret. *massages cum on face* Mmm!


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Moment of Silence for the Champions!!!


With the arrival of Champions by Ron Artest yet again the fans put forth their angriest boos yet. LeBrenda James couldn't have given less of a shit as she emerged with Ladybird Jones ordering referee Clem Buzzlefoxxer V to the ring.

Some people never listen and they never learn.
Inside the ring, LeBrenda took Lillian's microphone and directed some vitriol Brea's way.

Brea Brea, your clock runs out at 11:30, but my clock keeps going until 12. You can't ever beat me, and that's why you're hiding scared. If you ain't gonna show then you can get counted out for a forfeit and take my picture with my new title belt.

Start counting, five.



Buzzlefoxxer V had no desire to be beaten to a pulp by Ladybird and made the bogus count. But as he reached nine...

Uh-oh, running out of breath, but I
Oh, I, I got stamina
Uh-oh, running now, I close my eyes
Well, oh, I got stamina
And uh-oh, I see another mountain to climb
But I, I, I got stamina
Uh-oh, I need another lover, be mine
Cause I, I, I got stamina



Good gawd business is picking all the way up!

I agree!

Brea emerged in street clothes, skinny jeans and yellow and white top, along with her suitcase and title belt!

She's brought a whole suitcase full of whup ass for LeBrenda!

Brea Brea dove into the ring where she was seized upon by The Hypebeasts. She fought back, but got her arms pinned behind her back by Ladybird. This let LeBrenda wind up for her tomahawk chop finisher! Yet the deadly blow only hit Ladybird as Brea Brea dove out the way!


LadyB rolled out the ring in agony and blues. She was shortly joined by LeBrenda who was pitched over the top by the Hard on Hoes Champ!

"BREA! BREA! BREA!" The Toy Box, on their feet, chanted.

Brea Brea smiled and saluted her fans before grabbing the discarded microphone.

LeBrenda, I talked to Krista and you and I are on for St.Valentines Day Ass Massacare. So you can BEAR WITNESS to just what I can do!

"WE KNOW SHE CAN! WE KNOW SHE CAN! WE KNOW SHE CAN!" the fans chanted as we...


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