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OAOAST TMW: A comedy/erotic e-fed

TMW 2/4/19

Chanel #99

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ReX pulled up to the Toy Box exited his Camero and was immediately confronted by Lisa Ann, who was FUMING.

I've been trying to get a hold of you for two weeks. You can't come back and interfere in Painbow's matches! Or any one's matches, Rex.

I do what I want!

You do what I say. And tonight I say you'll fight Wesley Singleton. Got it? There will be hell if you interfere in anyone's matches.

What ReX needed to do was survive as Painbow came running through in an Escalade! The truck barreled through ReX's Camero! That didn't phase Painbow as he hopped out and started attacking ReX!

From their fight we cut to the ring where The Scumbags and Euphoria were stood trembling with nerves.

I just wanna say if The War Hammers kill us tonight that Detroit Crackhead wasn't the one who stole out the Toys for Tots bin like we said it was. It was Anson for his six kids.


And I just wanna say this really stinks and it's unfair! Patooie!


All that led into..

The Scumbag Reformation Project W/Euphoria Vs The War Hammers***

We're here, we're here, THE WAR HAMMERS ARE HERE!

But you know who else was here? The Ministers of Offense! The giants from Nigeria jumped The War Hammers as the big men entered the ring to face The Scumbags. Who by the way hauled ass out the ring.

Look at em run!

We went to a break in the action right as Two IC and Mathis Golden got chairs!

Returning from break we saw a highlight of the last all male show where Money Marc won a battle royal to secure a Galaxy title shot at Saint Valentine's Day Ass Massacre. After the win he even cut a promo...

Blaine Cayley, I've got a better bod than you, I've got a hotter chick than you and now you can sit at home and watch me do what you couldn't...beat Lawson Belle!

But then we cut to the Galaxy Champ, LAWSON BELLE stood with his manager REFEREE NERDREGARD!

Money Marc you've got a ten million dollar body but a ten cent brain! Ain't no way you're beating my champ, your champ, the champ! So just stay home and forget about it! Ok!

Money Marc, you've got money, you've got money watching your back, and you've got the girl. But you saw what happened to the last guy who had the exact same shit you did. I'm gonna call you Blaine 2.0 and that's just another term for victim!

We had advanced through the opening rounds of the Always Open Wide title where The Intruder helped The Bounty Hunter beat Storm Bellmare and The Intruder helped TBH beat Abdullah Abir Nerdly but now they collided in second round action...

***Always Open Wide Title, Alfdogg Bracket, 2nd Round: The Intruder Vs The Bounty Hunter W/The Young Cucks***

The Intruder started things off by complaining about The Young Cucks presence,

Oh that's rich considering The Young Cucks helped The Intruder beat Storm.

Then TBH complained The Intruder was pulling his hair on a headlock. And a little while later, The Intruder said TBH was using closed fists. About 45 seconds after that both men tried to take off a turnbuckle pad. And then they had the audacity to complain about the other's actions. We did get some wrestling and it ended with The Intruder finishing off TBH with an over the shoulder back to belly piledriver.

No one kicks out Intruder Alert.

Winner: The Intruder

Backstage we found Conan Chanel approaching Lawson Belle who was practicing some Muy Thai moves. Conan had a breifcase full of money and laid it open for Lawson.

This is true power. That's what my cousin Teddy Buckworth told me. Power doesn't lie in fighting, power lies with money and those who have money.

Conan left the briefcase with Lawson. Luckily he didn't see Lawson give it a hard kick!

***Wesley Singleton Vs ReX***
Before the match Wesley did a little survey.

Aiyo, The Shell Gang wants to take a little survey of The  Toy Box. Are you throwing up the Gang sign? Or are you throwing up the T-M-W?!

Before Wes got his answer, "Machinehead" by Bush boomed to life and ReX came charging out!

We hadn't seen ReX in months until he returned to cost Painbow his opening round Always Open Wide tourney.

Wes retreated out the ring, so ReX came after him. Wes didn't give a fuck about rules and bashed ReX with a steel chair. This didn't phase ReX so Wicked Wes hit him three more times and dumped him in the ring. The South Carolina native targeted ReX's legs. But ReX would come up fighting and managed to hit a few different powerbomb variations. His pop up  power bomb finisher was turned on him as Wes hit a leaping mushroom stomp!


World Wide Wes!

No pin was made as Painbow came storming into the ring and attacked ReX. Naturally Wes didn't like his win being fucked up and got in Painbow's face. You can guess how that went, and they might still be picking up Wesley's teeth off the floor of the Toy Box!

Winner: ReX, via dq

The Divine Fabian Nystrom came out for a promo on Jose Cantu-Si, who had superkicked him out The Shell Gang.

You know, Jose, you don't have to miss Mariachi and The Golden Grrr anymore. Because tonight I am your daddy!

Oh man.

When you superkicked  moi out The Shell Gang you superkicked the world's foremost leader in charisma and showmanship. Both of which you have none of. You should still be carrying my bags to the arena and begging me not to stick my boot up your gaping asshole!

Oh man!

The promo finished with The Divine challenging Jose to a match tonight!

***Always Open Wide Tourney Anglesault bracket: Murmur W/The Black Knight Vs Sgt. Holt W/Jojo Whoa***

Holt defeated Daisuke in the opening round while Murmur beat TurboWolf.

A hard fought back and forth match with thrilling spots such as Murmur hitting a flip out vertical suplex off the top at the 8 minute mark.

Book of the dead!

Add a page on Holt because he's dead.

But Holt was far from finished and kicked out at two. Murmur still went on to dominate for the next minute. Yet when Murmur tried for a grounded Book of the Dead, Holt filliped into a lariat on Murmur!


Holt started to gain ground and roasted Murmur with a Ballistic Missile (Belly to back suplex to the outside) But when Holt came to get Murmur, Holt got blocked by The Black Knight. JoJo took care of that by smashing the ring bell into The Black Knight's knee.


That's that marine training!

Holt did more than that as he bashed it against The Black Knight's head!


He didn't have to do that.

Murmur never got touched as King Edward came and swatted Holt with his royal scepter to cause The Arabian Knight a DQ loss.

Winner: Holt by DQ

Post-match, King Edward stood off with JoJo until The Black Knight hit JoJo from behind with a steel chair. In the end it was The Empire that stood tall.

Our view was transported overseas to Dusseldorf Germany. The Bilscheiwn bar to be exact where REIGNHARDT and WHITE LOTHAR were the center of drunken revelry. On the necks of the heels hung The Hairy Nutt Saks diamond testicle chains!

Warm cheer to all our TMW friends and family. We're very sorry we can't be present in the Toy Box at this moment, but touring our lands with The Hairy Nutt Saks chains takes precedent of course.

We 'ave great fun with fat boys' chains! Fat boys never get them back!

Wave to The Nutt Saks, everyone.

And all the patrons waved to The Saks.

***The Higher Minds Vs Job Burr and Joe Moe***
This match never got underway as LAWSON BELLE, the Galaxy Champion came and started tossing fools with BELLEy to BELLEy suplexes. Poor Job Burr got tangled up in Lawson's ankle lock. Helped seemed to be on the way in the form of MONEY MARC, but a frightened Marc pulled up short.

Coco Chanel didn't pull up short as Teddy Buckworth's cousin attacked Lawson from behind. But Lawson would block a german suplex attempt then hook at Coco into an Ankle Lock as Money Marc watched in horror.

Some partner Money Marc Bennett is!

***Jose Cantu-Si W/Pike Pantera Vs Fabian Nystrom***
Fabian entered like so...


But as he readied to cut his promo JOSE CANTU SI and PIKE PANTERA attacked him from behind! The match never got underway as the tag team champs kept attacking him on the outside. Fabian didn't have to fight alone as TRISTAN NYSTROM came to the aid of baby brother. Then the lumbering BLACK KNIGHT and MURMUR came to join in the attack on the Nystrom brothers. But then the tag team champs turned on The Empire and a massive three way brawl ended the show!

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