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OAOAST TMW: A comedy/erotic e-fed

RAW IS WHORE 1/28/2019

Chanel #99

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As Raw is Whore opens with a raucous and wild crowd, Sara Jean stands in the ring in a sparkly silver dress.

Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome....ANNAGRET WICKEDBORN!


Sex, the way you move it make me wanna
Sex, question is are we gonna
Sex, we ain't kids...
Sex, I know we just met but listen
Sex, the way you move it make me wanna
Sex, question is are we gonna
Sex, we ain't kids...
Sex, no disrespect but I need your sex

Face down, ass up, that's the way I shake my butt

As Sex by Collete Carr hits we watch lustily as Annagret makes her way into the ring...

Talk about a party pooper! She stopped the whole world from seeing Krista taking it in the pooper.

Annagret, you have some explaining to do! What were you thinking pulling the plug on Civil Whores on the last Raw is Whore?

Ugh! Do I need a reason to show my face on the TMW Network? Most people would be grateful they got a peek at this phat ass white girl! Even if it was fleeting.

Sara Jean mutters something about Annagret having the opposite of a phat ass.

Toni Patrica, this message goes out to you! Do you want to fail? Do you want TMW Network subscription rates to go into the shitter? Because if you did then good job with Civil Whores! Hey, don't get me wrong seeing Jade's plump behind get some black stud lovin is pretty cute. And everyone loves watching slutty Maya get gallons of spunk. Alix? We love a little ethnic spice in our porn! But, Krista? Krista?!

"K-I-D! K-I-D! K-I-D!"

K-I-Eww! When i saw her leathery skin defacing those beautiful black bodies I felt like I wouldn't be able to control my puking. How does that old woman get to have a porn dedicated to her taking big beautiful black cocks in her shriveled up old holes!? How!

I think you might want to rethink what you're saying. She can hear you!

Like I care,Where's my porn? Where's The Black Cock Goddess by Toni Patrica? Why don't I have a line of big beautiful black cocks ready to pump their chocolate milk into my mouth, my pussy and my asshole?! Why aren't I having a graphic fuckfest that's driving me out my black dick obsessed mind?!

I think the fans are having all they can stand of Annagret Wickedborn.

What the production staff SHOULD be devoted to filming is my beautiful godessess PAWG body in  interracial thrills; slobbery blowjobs and rude throat fucking with mighty black dongs! My white pussy being plowed; my tongue reaming tight black asses, and ass-to-mouth cocksucking;  double penetration; and multiple cum facials delivered bukkake-style! Toni Patrica are you too stupid to realize the goldmine you're sitting on with me? You suck, Toni Patrica! And Civil Whores sucked too!

I stay out too late

Got nothing in my brain

That's what people say, mmm-mmm

That's what people say, mmm-mmm

"Shake It Off" hits and the crowd goes nutso, bonkers! Why you ask? Becauise a business suit clad Krista Isadora Duncan arrives with microphone in tow.

Phat Ass White Girl? PAWG? I'm gonna name you a FLAC. Flat Ass White Cunt!


Who do you think you are?! Just because they pumped heaps of silicone in your ass doesn't mean you can talk shit on mine! Mine is all natural heavenly, Asgardian, holy booty! Like you're gonna say you look better than a literal goddess?

Kid, this prime California booty was being gaped by black studs while you were being gaped by your sister's stud, ChubChub.


She went there!

It's not he best idea to deny the people a real phat white ass getting pumped full of chocolate baby batter! And it's not the best idea to shit talk your boss. Imagine what Lonzo Ball's future would be if he went on First Take trash talking Luke Walton's dick game. I can't make you run windsprints, but next week I'm putting you in a match with my newest signing.

Oh yeah. Who's that?

You'll find out when you're stuck in the lion's den.

"Shake It Off" returns once again as the blond beauties have a fierce stare down. The crowd eggs them on to fight, but eventually Krista just departs with a flip of her golden hair.

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Backstage Sara Jean stood with Jim Cornette and the brand new Hotties Tag Team Champions, The Midnight Foxes. Cornette demurred on the gals' belts and instead gave credit to Krista for giving The Foxes the title match.

Unlike, Lisa Ann, Krista can book wrestling shows! Lisa Ann couldn't book talent if you gave her a blank check and a gun to the heads of Zack Malibu and Dan Black!

And she's pretty...for a sixty five year old.

Sixty five?!

I can give her a great skin care routine. It involves leeches and drinking the blood of the young.

Hehheheh they kid!

But what isn't kidding is that Krista liked your short staredown with The Nasty Boyds last show. And that's why she's booked you to defend your tag titles against The Nasty Boyds....


And The Day of the Dead at St.Valentine's Day Ass Massacre!


I didn't stutter!

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We're in Krista's office, which is decorated very zen like with pond, buddhist scriptures, and hanging garden behind the desk. As for Krista she's all smiles as she speaks into a cellphone.

So you will sign? Great, because I already promised everyone you'd be here next week against Annagret. And lying to people just isn't wrestling. So, thanks again, and I look forward to your fresh taste on incest. Yum, yum.

As soon as Krista clicks off her phone, she notices that The Doll is standing in front of her.

Tell me that's not who I think it is.

Depends. Did you think it was TV funnyman Andy Richter? Because if so then no isn't who you think it was.

The fresh take on incest bit? That's her! Krista, tell her not to come, call her back and tell her not to come.


Because she's a total diva.

That's like me calling Ben Stiller Jewish! But I want harmony and unity between us and talent because that will make it easier to bend them to my sexual desires. So you're the on the welcoming committee for her.

No way. No way. No way!

Who knows maybe we'll get some softcore Witches of Breastwick petting action going on.

Krista returns to her phone, texting away, seemingly oblivious to The Doll fuming over her.

We cut back to the crowd, where...


ANNIE is stood over...


Intrigue, interest, investigation! The three I's of Annie are on the scene with Skylar! Sky-

Cutting right in front of Skylar is...



KKK, here and on fleek!

Inquiring minds want to know why you're willingly going with that nickname. BUT, we have to here from Skylar, the fresh face on Raw Is Whore!

Skylar isn't interested in talking as she types away on her phone.

Skylar is a busy, busy. She's recently become involved with victims of sexual assault after the R Kelly documentary broke.

That's awesome! So she works in a shelter or raises money.

She tweets about sexual assault.

Annie expects more to forthcome. But that's it!

But before she can ask anymore questions this woman scoots in front of her and Skylar....


Who's this girl?

I'm Billie Child! And I was Skylar's first follower on her premimum Snapchat account And you know what elseZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ!

She's really sleeping!

Oh no! Is she ok?

Yeah, yeah. She's just high on xans. Don't mind her.

And with that Annie has no choice but to walk away and we go to ringside for...

***Sunshine Yukinio Vs Euphoria***

Euphoria was on full sneaky mode as she held open the ropes for Yukino's entrance....then kicked her in the stomach!


Yukino bought Euphoria's apology and shook Euphoria's hand....only for Euphoria to pull her in and nailing her with a multi rotanioal swinging neckbreaker!

Hell Dust!

Yuki would come back with fists and chops then hit a John Woo (shotgun) dropkick! This move did a number on Euphoria and she seemed to be injured in the ribs. Unfortunately this was all ruse and she suckered Yuki in with a DDT!

This gotta stop.

But as Euphoria went up top for her frog splash finisher she spotted THE WAR HAMMERS lumbering through the crowd!

They're here, they're here The War Hammers are here!

The War Hammers have been trying to get a hold of Euphoria and The Scumbags for two months.

And they'd have to keep waiting as Euphoria hauled ass away from them. This earned Yukino a count out victory.

Winner: Sunshine Yukino, via countout.

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Backstage in the hallways we find....

JESSICA FERGUSON with iPad in hand typing away as she interviews...


Thank you for answering my questions today, Maya.

No prob, Bill Nye.

I do not get the reference. Regardless, do you consider yourself a "filthy whore."

Oh, I'm the filthiest whore you've ever met, Hawking.

How might I best indulge myself into the filthy whore lifestyle? My attempts thus far have been...futile.

Maya stops for a moment to think, then looks Jessica up and down.

Well, how many times a week are you fucking?

I have never, as you put, done the fucking.

You can't be filthy whore unless you have sex! That's like saying you're a basketball player when all you do is dribble by yourself when all the cool kids left the court.

Somewhat of an ideological paradox, applying my vagina to unknown techniques.

I don't know what that means, Marie Curie, but if you want to be a filthy whore you better start being a filthy whore, Have sex for the first time in your life then come talk to me. Wait till you hear about anal!

Maya walks off thinking dirty thoughts as a filthy whore might do.

And Jessica is about to leave when she hears strange singing

You know I can't see nothing wrong a little bump and grind, baby

The voice is coming from a room just ahead of Jessica. Her natural curiosity strikes and he approaches the door with some caution.

Inside she finds a drawer of overstuffed panties, a rig of ropes from one of Toni Patrica's bondage films and standing in the center is an undie clad...


The honey lover man is ready to flex!

Flex what exactly? Your muscles. You have *ahem* much to flex.

Don't front you know about the rodeo show.

Jessica's taps her chin as she thinks.

I believe that is a metaphor for something. Though I don't know what.

Baby, you said you never had sex. Let's get going to the early morn. I'll show you how to be the filthiest whore in the game.

You will?

Undie cracks a huge smile.

My word is bond. Are you down?

I am down that I can not live the proper filthy whore lifestyle. Therefore let us begin!

Undie Brown whistles his delight and we fade to a promo about....


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We return from break to find a frantic...



Her movements are frenzied, her eyes narrow as she approaches two crew members.

Have you seen Jessica? Where's Jessica?

The two men hurriedly shake their hands, and throw their hands up in their defense.

Luckily TMA doesn't punch them and instead keeps up her search.


Ol Undie is with his famous dirty undies, his big black dick poppin in it large and in charge, ready to burst through.

This gonna go on till the early morn!

He nods in appraisal of his handiwork which sees Jessica trussed up like so...



Inefficient. It would be much more efficient if you mounted me from behind without the use of ropes.

Baby, filthy whores don't get efficient, they get naaaaaasssty.

Jessica raises an eyebrow because clearly this nigga is crazy. Life is meant to be efficient!

Let's get a good look at what mama is packing.

I am not your mother and I have no packages with me.

Undie doesn't even bother to explain what he means. Instead he does a little shuffle behind Jessica to where her pussy is exposed for his pleasure. And what pleasure it is as another toothsome smile spreads across his face. Certainly those watching at home get pleasure from seeing her fresh young cunt laid bare.

So pink for Undie.

It is pink at all times. Your presence did not change this.

Undie's mouth says nothing. Instead it becomes the envy of men everywhere as she dives right into her snatch! Right away he skillfully works Jessica's engorged pussy into a fine lather. There's no slow teasing right now, just a man lambasting a young woman's perfect pussy with his saliva.


Contractions seizes Jessica's heaving pussy as the black man's tongue bucks against it. Jessica goes "ahhhh" again and she can swear fireworks are exploding above her. What a feeling! What a recently discovered feeling! Is this how Maya lives her every day?

Licking my vagina is also inefficient, and yet I derive much pleasure from this. Please continue.

I'ma have you singing like a mocking bird,

He makes good on that promises as he swipes his tongue along Jessica's clit. Jessica may barely know what a g spot is but she's screaming as her's has just been lit with passionate fire. The still a virgin emits mighty roars that Toni Patrica's porn starlets would be envious of.  Truly her screams of exhalation are like symphony No.9 played in filthy whore C minor!

Amazing! Release me, I must jot down these feelings at once.

Baby undie ain't done till the drawls come off!


Jessica gasps and gapes(not that kind of gape) as ol Undie eats her with a ferocious craving. Undie is hot for the babe's flesh and as he sucks her tremendous snatch. The delightful slut box vibrates and pulsed against his ravenous mouth.



A man can only take so much cunt and Undie has had his share of cunt tonight. He pulls back, a strand of saliva hanging from her pussy to his chin. A beautiful piece of art!

Mmmmmmmm, girl, yo pussy is fierce!


Yes Jessica is reduced to words, merely muttering and purring in glee. Although we at RIW like our whores to have dirty mouthes, don't we. Still one might forgive this whore in training if she doesn't have the vocab of Krista or Annagret.

I'm gonna set it off and drive you outcha mind, filthy whore. Time for daddy to make you his slut!

Yes, please!

Undie drops the underwear he's famous for and let's big black dong spring to life. Annagret and Krista would surely be jealous of what will pound this whore in training tonight!

So that is what one looks like! Most fascinating!

Jessica is already drooling, hungry for the black cock like any filthy white whore. Her love for that black cock is already growing strong and she begins murmuring her delight. Unintelligable babble from a an intelligent lady, but this is black dick we're talking about. Even if it comes from Undie Brown it's great!

I just wanna give you a baby, babygirl.

Jessica emits a long rolling cryand writhes in her bonds as Undie is behind her, stroking his big black cock against her moist folds. With delicate precision to drive Jessica wild, Undie moves his head back and forth against her clit , gliding it ever so slowly, ever so teasingly. Waves of pleasure are sent through her abdomen, reaching to the deepest part of her core. Right to her soon to be filthy soul!

Yesssssssssss! YEEESSSSSSSSS!

In life Jessica has achieved so much as to dizzy her own family. A bachelor's degree at age 16, a masters degree at age 18, accepted into a PhD program at age 20. But what if her family could see her now, a filthy slut about to be penetrated for the first time?

I'm gonna give you what you been missin'

In it goes, a spelunker into an unexplored cave, a sailor into virgin seas. Not virgin anymore, as Undie's man meat breaks down the walls! The Walls of Jericho? No, the walls of Jessica, beating down her hymen and giving Jessica's a tremor of pain that cripples her knees, but also plants a grimacing sort of smile on her cute face.

Mmmph! Much too painful. Will I endure this every time?

Every time you not with Undie because every time time you not with Undie is gonna break your heart.

Undie Brown is the first to take and use young Jessica, but there will be more! So many, many more. He will be the first to enjoy her tight body, but in her quest to be a filthy whore she knows she must open her slut hole and again, again, and AGAIN!

Alas, must we continue? Is not one or two strokes enough?

Not for Undie Brown! Undie thrust into her, boring his cock into her with slow, powerful  strokes. The filthy whore in training cries out loud enough that someone outside has to hear her. Yet no one comes. The pain is intense, intense enough to draw tears from her eyes. His ram rod is huge, much to huge for a mere virgin. She's moist, but tight and he stretches well beyond her limits. Limits which are terribly low.

What a brutal way to become a whore! How will my vagina recover?

That's not Undie's problem. He keeps up the slow thrusting of schlong into cunt, pulling his huge black dick out before surging back in. Each time poor Jessica cries out in agony. She doesn't know the term for it, but he's "balls deep" into her virginal wetness. Her slutty walls tensed, making her suffering all the more miserable. But at the same time hints of pleasure spark in her supersized brain.

Mmmm, would a modicum of manners, hurt?

It sure would! Undie only gets rougher; he attaches his dirty grimy hands into her brown locks. With the curls around his fingers he pushes her cute pixie face down and rubs it into the grime of TP''s floor. Used to the pristine clinical environment of the lab, Jessica coughs in revulsion at the tatse the set of Bondage Freaks: An Anal Lesiban Love Story.

I'm gonna put all other men to shame with it! I don't play no games with it!

Undie unleashes a wad of spit onto her rear end, landing a thick gob on her perfect white skin.  The feel of his thick, cloying  saliva her skin is repulsive, that white skin is crawling. Her ears are grated by his bulldog like grunts as she nastily fucks her. Jessica manages to look up long enough to see the gloom of the porno set. She imagines that there lonely pervs at home stroking themselves as they watch get they think she deserves. She don't need to imagine, pervs are beating off and she does deserve this degrading!

Is this what Maya goes through every day?

Hearing that question, Undie slides ever so slowly out of Jessica's cunt. The brainy gal feels a devastating emptiness, and a sudden longing for what she had just seconds ago; big beautiful black cock!

You wanna be an even filthier whore than Maya?

It would take me by my estimates well into my mid thirties to do so!

Girl, I'm gonna turn you into the filthiest whore ever to roam this Toy Box.

That seems impossible, and Jessica is about to say so. But her words are turned into a yelp as Undie yanks the ropes and hoists her back into the air!

As she wiggles in the air, her confused eyes watch Undie come up with the pair of drawls he was wearing earlier.

We gonna put these in that brainy mouth of yours.

Surely we have not stooped to so odious a level?

Oh we sure have! In a TMW first dirty underwear are shoved into the mouth of a Hottie! Women's Evolution indeed. It is a noxious feeling to have Undie's undies slammed in her mouth, a terror of tastebuds, a slaughtering of the senses. And Jessica wants it out!

No, no, no! I pissed in them just for you!


And now for the masterpiece!

Undie digs in the box of what I assume is the Undie Brown treasure trove and produces a....


Let me keep my composure, but this is the best way to whore ya!

Jessica's eyes widen, her brows raise, and her face shakes, as Undie begins lubing up her ASSHOLE with his tongue. It was shocking enough to have her pussy licked, but for Jessica this is a realm of play she never knew existed. And perhaps didn't want to know existed! His tongue infiltrates and fills her asshole like some dirty rotten worm.

You thought it was good with this dick, wait till you get these drawls

The dildo slides into a night tight vrigin asshole, and it's owner emits another MMF! Her eyes water, her fears mount. Dirty underwear doesn't go in the ass, and dildos don't either! Her clinical studies about anal sex mentioned lube yes, eating light yes. Never did they mention pissy underwear in one's mouth and ass!




Jessica pushs backwards, hard. Yet the broad undie coated head of his cock penetrated the
tight ring of muscle and keeps slipping inside a place she knows it shouldn't go. Her eyes pop open and stay open! She wants to spit out her panties, but she's sort of enjoying the nasty taste, repungent odor.




The underweaver covered cock head continues to push past the moistened sphincter of poor Jessica! This goes beyond filthy to downright unclean! Though it's only entering her tight asshole, she can feel the nastiness disappearing into every inch of her! Her anal ring continues to snap close around the cock head. Her own asshole is aiding Uundie in violating her like a wanton slut! Would Maya have been so bold to pissy briefs in her mouth and in her asshole? Had Jessica topped the filthiest of sluts?

There's a commotion! A banging behind Jessica! She can't see anything, but she hears Undie scream in horror. Almost the sound of a man dying! She hears a crack, a low groan, and then feels the dildo coming out her asshole.

Within moments she's untied where she settles into the arm of The Masked Assassin!

Thank god I got to you when I did!

Yes, I had collected too much data at once. You've recovered me at the right time with the right amount of data. To my lab!

TMA just holds Jessica close, meaning neither has gotten the other's point!

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*** Dasha The Rappa vs. Jobette Burr ***

“Jump” by Kris Kross played our favorite Ukrainian battle rapper to the ring. 

Eeee! Dasha’s so adorable I just wanna squeeze her cheeks! And by cheeks I mean her butt cheeks! 

Then came the moment we all waited for. 

I, Dasha The Rappa, from the Ukraine... mess with me and I drop you in UBRAIN! Ring ding, hello!

Yo baby, yo baby, yo!

Less than impressed was Jobette Burr...


... who took a sip from her flask and spit liquid fire in Dasha’s face!

Well that’s one dirty bitch!

On the bad end of an early beatdown, Dasha finally managed to return fire. A series of forearm strikes rocked JB, and then a dropkick knocked her outside. Dasha played to the crowd but they were suddenly distracted by the arrival of...


and...  her suntanned Superwoman from the inaugural Raw is Whore.


Not these two again!

Dasha continued to play up to the audience unaware of the imminent danger, pumping her fist and pointing to the hard camera until she heard a bitchy voice give orders to “Destroy!”


Dasha turned and ate a jumping big boot, followed by a devastating sitout powerbomb. 

No baby, no baby, no!

Alysanne looked on smugly as her Amazonian monster stood over Dasha. JB then returned to shit-talk her opponent and even sought a high-five from the mystery woman, which got quite the response from Alysanne.



Jumping big boot to the face lays out JB! 

Just what are these two ladies trying to accomplish?

Soon the ring is swarmed by officials to drive away Alysanne and her friend. 

Result: No contest.

Saint Valentines Day ASS Massacre...this February!!!

This song hits....

And through a flash of white lights we get Big Papa Thrust flexing his mammoth muscles on stage!

Ahhhh a zombie! Hide me Renee!

Let go of me! But, I wanna know what is Big Papa Thrust and why is he alive.

The Big Bad Glueti Daddy gets "WELCOME BACK! WELCOME BACK! WELCOME BACK!" chants on his way down the ramp. But he's too much of a real nigga to acknowledge it and instead steps into the ring to speak his mind.

George Lincoln could never tell a lie, but Big Papa Thrust can never die. Glass and Effie thought they killed me, but what those whores didn't know was that I was out at the clubs the night before killin it with a bad ass vampire babe alive since Victorian  era England. I said I didn't know nothing about  bending a knee to a Queen Victoria, but the freakazoids bend both knees knee to get to Big Papa Thrust's everlasting gob throbber!


This Jane Austen chick let Big Papa Thrust sample that well aged vampire puss and that well aged vampire blood. So when Glass and Effie put me down for the six foot nap, I had that blood still running through the veins of the largest arms in the galaxy and I woke up a brand new vampire with a sick foot dick!

That story actually....makes sense! Not the six foot dick part though.

Then my Mind Freakazoid Gory Dragan came to visit my grave but found it empty. What he didn't find empty was his mom's pussy, so he was so filled with joy at me becoming his new step dad he asked me to help him and Chad out. And I said with a name like Chad Mustard his dad didn't do him any favors, so I cleaned house for em and popped the house. Along with popping Chad's sister's cherry after the show.

That also makes sense.

So you're asking yourself why I came to Raw Is Whore. One is to fuck the general manager. Two to fuck her eldest daughter. Four to fuck her youngest daughter. Five to fuck them all together.

That also makes sense.

And five they told me as a vampire I got an eternity to fuck all the women I want. But why put. off to tomorrow what you can do today? The Big Bad Vampire Daddy needs some full time freaks of the night. So if any of you Hotties backstage want to spend eight of the best hours of your life with the fanger who died and went to heaven and turned the Virgin Mary into a hoochie mama, then scream if you're listening to me!


The Big Bad Vampire Daddy throws down the mic and pumps his muscles to raucous cheers.

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he garage doors lift open in a hurry pace. There's fog swirling around the ground, but the camera peers up through it to reveal...


The Cassidy Bot? wears a pink dress and carries a white Gucci purse as she steps forward. In her path she runs into...





Hey, who’s in charge here? Predatory lez or ghoul whore?

Isabella and Eponine look at each other with big eyes and gaping mouths.

Jesse made some super advances with these things!

Do you think he’d make me an Ignatius bot?

The girls walk off talking amongst themselves. Leaving Cassidy red in the face.

Obviously I need to not find an illegal immigrant and a walking example of why we need a brexit from the whole world!

Cassidy huffs as she walks along until she comes to...



You look like you didn’t wear a helmet to exist as a child.

I didn’t! Except for fourth grade when I was misdiagnosed. But I thought these Cassidy Bots didn’t ask questions just responded to them.

ANYWAY! My royalties have been short  sixty cents cents and I am FURIOUS! I demand to know who I need to bitch slap and witch curse to get what’s mine.

I don’t think a sexbot should shake people down. But maybe some people are into that? These Cassidy Bots can do anything!

Annie too walks off after raising an eyebrow!

Cassidy stmashes her feet against the ground as her face turns a dark red.

What the hell is a Cassidy Bot!

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***The Woke Queens Vs The Geisha Girls***


The Woke Queens arrive to their match giving mad respect to one another...

Woke Queens looking to get back into title contention after they lost the belts to The Hypbeasts at Slammed.

Who then lost it to The Midnight Foxes on the last show.

As Kaskade's Come Play With Me hits, The Geisha Girls arrive on screen for the first time in a long time. And what a welcome sight they are with a cute dance move of their sexy Asian bodies,


Tori really finds The Geisha Girls music dance worthy...

dance girls-just-want-to-have-fun-1-of-5-1.gif

How2Girl likes what she sees, loves what she sees, and gets a lil closer to Tori...

how2girl9turned on.gif

Though Tori is a little shocked by How2Girl's sudden change in her usually sisterly demeanor.

Hayley, are you ok?

The Geisha girls take advantage of the situation and dropkick the super babe in the back which runs her into Tori!

I don't think she's ok now!

Actually How2Girl is more than ok. She's great! And for this reasin

I'll tell ya what this how it all started between Krista and me, accidentally rubbing boobs together back in the shower at our days in Oklahoma.

Ok, you went to UCLA. I doubt you could point out Oklahoma on a map.

The Geisha's pry How2Girl away from her partner, which makes the Venice Beach native fighting mad! H2G comes off the ropes and nails a Golden Age (springboard bulldog) on IamHina!


I think that might be it already, folks.

But problems arise for H2G when she sees Mitama choking Tori in the corner! The screams of pain from her super buddy spur H2G into action. Fists of super furry pour onto Mitama face. That is until IamHina chop blocks How2Girl!

You can't ever take your eyes off anyone in the tag division.

Now it's Tori's turn to be super and she unloads on IamHina with a superkick!

School's Out!

Then Mitama eats a School's Out!


From the top comes H2G with an ATLASSAULT onto Mitama!

Biff Atlas may have never hit that one, but How2Girl right on the money!

And what money it is as it pins Mitama and secures the win for The Woke Queens!

Winner: Woke Queens, via pinfall

The road back to championship gold is a long one, but I think The Woke Queens can make it to the finish.

You ain't alone partner.

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As Raw is Whore returns from break we find DIDI BIGGUNS in the ring, wearing a low cut Crimson Tide shirt and skinny jeans/

I ain't like the rest of these flat chested chumps. When I say I'm gonna do something I do it. I promised Adelphe was gonna get it and she stuck her nose in and got it! Way I sees it I pinned Yukino and Adelphe for the win so that gives me lemme add it up real quick....

Didi starts visibly counting things on her fingers.

A win over 2.00001 tits!

She ain't teaching high school math here, folks.

Adelphe, Donkey Tits, you got it like I said you were gonna get it. And if yer smart you won't come get anymore.

Suddenly "Sonnembulist" by BT hits and the fans erupt! Didi though erupts in a different way, spewing her anger at a PA.

Be mad at yourself, Didi!

The mystical ginger, Adelphe Nerdregard strolls to ringside, giving a pleasant look to the fans but less than pleasant to Didi.

The chosen heroine arrives! And what is she called, this maiden of darkness? Adelphe Neredregard is her name!


Shaddup, donkey tits!

Donkey tits? You're a liar and a fiend. In the right outfit my breasts shine as brightly as the stars! Watch me!



They shine like turds!


Ah, who asked ya anyway?

Let's ask the celestial mother! May her blessings shine upon my beautiful breasts in all their glory....

Insert fit to kill

Didi doesn't like this one bit and attacks Adelphe from behind!


Awww that bastard!

The two begin rolling and clawing at each other, until The Fluffers come in to separate them. But the smallest Fluffer has a hold of Adelphe's arms and that allows Didi some free shots before she's corralled.

Don't think that little one did any favors to Adelphe.

No, but it's hard to break up a fight when both parties want to claw each others eyes out.

And claw they will! This one ain't over, folks!

I know this is an aside but can you just explain a Latina who was born, raised and live all her life in Los Angeles winds up talking like she's from Oklahoma?

Brea Brea coming out soon, folks! It's gonna be a barn burner!

Guess not.

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Backstage The Soccer Mom (real name Susan Leslie) is on the move and heads into Krista’s office.

Once there she gets a long looking over by Krista. And of course Krista likes what she sees, showing it with a slow nod.

Krista, you wanted to see me?

So, Susan what’s your deal? What’s your gimmick?

My gimmick?

What’s your hook?

Like, Caeldori's arrogant and obsessed with herself, LeBrenda is tough talking coward that hides behind her bigger partner, December is spacey, and Ruby is...what is Ruby?


TSM takes a moment to think, then gives a sad shrug.

Well, they call me The Soccer Mom. That's the nickname I got on that Be a Star reality show I competed in to win the contract to work in TMW. I just wanted my kids not to think I'm some boring ol stick in the mud.That I can be vibrant and fun and loud.

Krista stopped listening at "they cal me The Soccer Mom"

Ohhh I get it.

So do I. You play innocent milf being seduced by much younger hot guys. Makes sense.  

Oh no, I’ve never cheated on my husband. I’m a faithful wife.


There’s a scream and a groan as....


comes in dragging....


STACY “MISS” KUNT by the ear.  

Miss Kuntain’t the only one to get it as the world’s biggest Nerdly snatches Krista by the hair.

Hello there, Queen slut. How are you?

I’m pretty good, Malaysia.

Wrong answer as Malaysia jerks Krista’s head back. Hard!

I’m pretty good, mistress! How are you,mistress?

Terrible. Did you ever know Jock to be a pussy with no backbone?

Krista shakes her head, which hurts quite a bit since her head is being controlled by Malaysia

That’s what this worthless teenage whore saying she’s his daughter is. I tell her to attack she shrinks, I tell her to shout she whispers , I tell her to fuck she lies there. She is pathetic!

Now hold on! You’re supposed to be this girl’s step mother? I’m outraged. You’re a mean disgusting woman. She deserves much better than you.!

What did you say to me?

The malice in Malaysia’s voice tells TSM it might not be a good idea to repeat that.

Wait, wait! A wise man says you settle it in the ring, and a wise woman says “Krista, you better keep the subs coming to my network or you're through.!” So with that in mind next week in that very ring we’ll see Miss Kunt against The Soccer Mom!


Malaysia, on the other hand, smirks with grizzly satisfaction.

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The Hard On Hoes champion Brea Brea was out in the ring for a promo. Her fans were in full force, singing her praises and chanting her name.

Guys, last week my win against The Big Boss Lady ended in controversy. Yeah, I took home the belt, but TBL's foot was on the ropes. Post-match she laid out me and the referee Titana Nerdly. It's 2019 and I'm not standing for that! So anytime TBL wants to go, we can go one more time.


A newer confident Brea Brea!

And I'm not gonna stand for Alysanne and her beast attacking me or anyone else. Alysanne, I looked up to you when you were in The All XFL Network. You were kind, caring, and charming. That woman is dead, and I'm ready to fight the woman who's taken her place.


As soon as Brea says that, The Brawl For All theme hits! Out comes a smirking Alysanne, backed up by her football pad wearing she beast.

Brea wants her some of Alysanne and this giant of a woman!

But Brea gets nothing but attacked from behind by THE HYPEBEASTS!

Hey! What's this supposed to be?

Poor Brea is held in place as LeBrenda rushes through her with her own title belt! That same title belt is held aloft as LeBrenda parades around a fallen Brea Brea with it.


And with that we fade to commercial.

Backstage we find Brea Brea with an ice pack on her face, in heated discussion with Krista and The Doll.

I have to fight them. I have to fight The Hypebeasts. They can't get away with it. It stops now.

You can't be serious. Have you ever heard of concussions? Brain trauma? CTE?

If you agree to not hold me liable for any brain injuries I'll let you defend the title against LeBrenda tonight.

I agree!

That's as good as a legally binding document, surely! Go get em, tiger!

Brea Brea nods her determination and hurries off to face LeBrenda.

Hard On Hoes Title: Brea Brea (c) Vs LeBrenda James with Ladybird Jones***

LeBrend and Ladybird bounded out to Champion by Ron Artest...



And on the opposite end we got Brea Brea emerging to "The Greatest" by Sia...



LeBrenda drew some AWESOME heel heat by going out of the ring to badmouth the LA fans.

Ya team was trash when my king got here, it's trash when he's injured, and it gonna be trash when he leaves. Appreciate greatness!


LeBrenda got her ass thrown back into the ring by Brea, then proceeded to eat a series of shoulder blocks and lariats.

Brea is already fired up!

But when Ladybird distracted Brea, this allowed James to hit the Fadeway dropsault. It only got a two from Titania, and an annoyed LeBrenda asked her if she knew how to count.

Of course she does! She has to count all gazillion aunts and uncles she has.

The Akron native worked in a reverse chinlock and while yelling at the audience. This proved to be her own undoing as Brea Brea mounted a comeback thanks to the strength of the fans. Again LeBrenda ate lariats including a Fantastic Voyage sliding lariat!


The South Africa native went up top, to the pleasure of The Toy Box, But they were sorely disappointed to see Ladybird hook onto her ankle.

Get off her, Ladybird!

Ladybird did just that but only once LeBrenda recovered and hit a top rope frankensteiner!


LeBrenda's title hops seemed in the bag, but Brea kicked out at 2.999999999! Even so LeBrend was ready to seal the victory and win her first Hard on Hoes title. She loaded up the lethal tomahawk chop finisher of hers. But when it came time to strike...



She's got a cramp, Renee! In her big moment she's got a cramp! Ahhhh, I have sympathy stomach cramps!

LeBrenda wanted an injury time out or at least a TV timeout. But there's no timeouts in wrestling. There are Brea's Breezes though and that hangman's facebuster is exactly what LeBrenda got hit with! Cramped and all, Queen James ate the loss and her title hopes were dashed.

Winnner: Brea Brea, via pinfall.

Well, ya know....actually I don't know what to say.

There's times when you can gut it out, and there's other times when they tell you're jobbing to Rico DeJanerio and you say your leg hurts and you go home.

Uh, yeah. Goodnight, gang!


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