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OAOAST TMW: A comedy/erotic e-fed

New Year's Day TMW

Chanel #99

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The show opened with fuckery! Blanchefleur was again trying to get The Scumbags to fight The War Machines. But...

Look at who came to see us, toots.

The Scumbags pointed to a group of ethically diverse grade schoolers.

You wouldn’t want em to get hurt in front of the kids. It’s the holidays.

Blanchefleur wasn’t happy, but acquiesced for the kiddos.

Are you gonna pay up now?

Fuck off!

And The Scumbags laughed and walked off with Euphoria, all three laughing along the way.

****Always Open Wide Tournament, Alfdogg Bracket, Painbow Vs Alexander The Magnificent***

Painbow and Alexander had a knock down drag out brawl. The rainbow warrior had to fight off several cross face efforts. Each time he would make Alexander eat a fist or a boot. The arrogant Alexander stopped being so cool with getting his face smashed and started tossing chairs into the ring. Referee Scotty 2 Hotty began bitching about this. He failed to see the returning REX enter the ring and DOCTOR BOMB Painbow onto the chairs! This knocked him out and Alexander racked him for an easy win.

Winner: Alexander, via ref stoppage

Backstage in the Backroom Terry Taylor talked with new Galaxy champ Lawson Belle and Referee Nerdregard.

So Blaine took some time off. He needs to find himself like a whore college student after graduation. You do that then. I’ll be here snapping ankles and breaking bones of any idiot dumb enough to step up.

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The camera man had to rush outside because ReX and Painbow were at each other’s throats! Studs separated them but not before a few of them get knocked out.

***Always Open Wide Tournament, Anglesault Bracket, Abdullah Abir Nerdly Vs The Bounty Hunter W/The Young Cucks***
In the AngleSault bracket we had Abdullah matching up with The Bounty Hunter. It was a fast paced match with the fans totally behind Abby. The Young Cucks kept trying to interfere and Referee Rikishi had no choice but to kick em out. Abby started to gain ground, but then The Inturder emerged to run a distraction on Kish. The Young Cucks returned to hit a triple superkick with TBH and Abby took the loss!

Winner: The Bounty Hunter, via pinfall

The Intruder and The Bounty Hunter looked like they were making a deal last week. Is the deal to watch each other’s backs in the tournament?

***Brotica Vs BLK, 3 on 2 Handicap Match***
So, Chad and Gory challenged all three of BLK to a handicap match coming off the loss at Hallow Slammed. And Gory says he's got a surprise that will shock everyone!

Here's a surprise: why did Lisa Ann keep Brotica on the roster?

I think they're fun.

Chad and Gory used a series of quick tags and fast moves to get Booker X on the backfoot.  Even Martin Garvery couldn't handle the power of the bromance! But then Luther Mandella (the Idris Elba looking dude) got things together and started calling plays. This got Gory isolated and things looked to be grim. But then we heard...

Who's music is that?!

I'll tell you who's....



But he ain't and he came into the ring to clear house and send BLK running for the hills for the first time in TMW history!

Winner: BLK, via DQ


That's Gory's big surprise! Big Papa Thrust is alive!

No, no, no. He can't be! Remember the last time this idiot raised the dead? Clem Buzzlefoxxer and his zombies ran wild!

Backstage Josh Matthews interviewed The Doll, Coco Chanel and Money Marc Bennett. The trio were incredibly boastful, despite not even being tag team champions.

I guess with Sammi looking older by the day and Blaine on a journey to..."find himself" *snicker* that makes us the real power couple in TMW.

Are you sure you want to poke the lion and lioness?

What's the king and queen of the jungle to the king and queen of TMW!

Matthews, stop talking. This is far beyond your simple lower class understanding. Either give praise or stay silent, worm.

***The Black Knight and Murmur W/King Edward Vs Tristan Nystrom and a partner of his choosing***

In our mainevent, Tristan had to pick a partner for this fearsome showdown...

If there’s one man I trust above all else it’s my brother, Fabian.

"Hero" hit not once, not twice, but three times and Fabian didn't show.

That was wishful thinking on Tristan's part. Fabian hates his brother.

Despite being a vampire Tristan didn't have many answers for the heels. As King Edward berated him, Tristan was tormented by King Edward's servants. Then a funny thing happened, Fabian came brawling out the back with Ignatius!

There he is!

Not on purpose!

Fabian and Iggy rolled into the ring, where Tristan leveled Ignatius with a Blood Plauge (buzzsaw kick) Fabian decided to return the favor to his brother and hit Carpe That Fucking Diem (pop up German suplex) on Murmur to get the win for the Nystroms!

Winner: The Nystroms, via pinfall

Post match THE SHELL GANG ran out to attack both Nystrom brothers, but then THE UNION JETS and BURLINGTON PEMBROKSHIRE came out to even the odds and we faded out to a huge brawl!

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