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OAOAST TMW: A comedy/erotic e-fed

The innagural RAW IS WHORE

Chanel #99

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The opening theme...

Curiously a pole stands in the center of the ring. Perhaps not so curious considering the show we're dealing with. And things get rockin as Taylor Swift's I Did Something Bad comes hammering into the Toy Box.

And then the whore that opens the door comes gliding down bad nickname and all....



This is Raw is Whore and we're n The Toy Box!

Krista looks around. She just now realizes where she is, and looks disgusted.

I've gone from maineventing shows in Madison Square Gardgen to being shift supervisor to illegals packaging the bondage paddles. Shit, I shouldn't have said that out loud.

Krista flashes an award winning smile and all is well.

So what do we have here, loves? Well I took a look at the top search terms for porn hub, and I realized we have all that! Cum! I would have thought cum was implied but you have to search for it.Mama Krista is giving you a whole load of cummed on sluts.


Amateur? If Amateur means a person getting bounced pay checks and promises of title wins that will never come...we so have that! Creampies? We have a girl who's finisher is named Banana Cream Pie! Teens? Don't worry quasi pedo guy, I've got more teens than Just Bieber going live on IG. Interracial? Who would I be if I didn't provide you with big black dicks tearing up tight white pussies!


But be honest, and try not to blush, isn't this prime almost GILF body who you really wanna see get dicked down by big black cock? Of course you would. That's why  Toni P and I are treating you to Civil Whores. And where there's mama, there's daughters...and other mama. Speaking of, please give a horny welcome Raw is Whore's play by play woman.

The fight song to Santa Monica community college fires up. From the back comes....


Alix situates herself at sofa central, all business as she deftly puts on her head set.

Great to be here in The Toy Box! Have had a lot of experience with my toys in Krista's box. So I'm ready to roll.

So Toni P said I could pick between Eric Bischoff and Renee for the color person. I don't know who the former is, and Renee is blond and hot. So....

A peppy dance track hits with the entrance doors spreading apart and the beloved Renee Young dancing onto the scene...


If I had to do double work for half the pay I wouldn't be dancing. But I love to see you shake that butt, babe! Now how about we make some matches.

I don't know where the lights are taking us
But something in the night is dangerous
And nothing's holding back the two of us
But, baby, this is getting serious
Oh oh oh
Oh oh oh

Quite unwanted is the arrival of Jim Cornette with his babes The Midnight Foxes. The much disliked girls gave Cornette playful pats on the ass as they all walk to the ring.

I've fucked some old guys in my day, and some fat guys in my day. But never old and fat! That's just unconsicable.

Krista, I've made matches in Louisville, Broxton. Lexington and Paducha-

Are those towns or the name of rancid shit piles?

What I'm trying to say is that if you're making matches look no further than the expertise of ol James E Cornette. Krista, I've known you for nearly 20 years, and you can say there hasn't been this much loyalty between two parties since Hitler and Mussolini.


I know you're not Lisa Ann, she couldn't book Lassie in a pet shop. What I hope you will do is give us the blessed right, the extreme delight, the Christmas present in taking those tag belts off the filthy hooligans The Hypebeasts.

Krista looks a little impassive to this, and just kind of whistles.

LeBrenda if you're listening to this, you Akron based, cousin fucking, chicken licking, god damn Ohio piece of shit, you stole The Foxes titles, you stole their happiness, all because I made a deal with you and you fucked it up and now we've been left with shit, and that's exactly what you are...shit!

My Jewish Jesus, say no more you may have your title match. And an EMT in case you have a stroke.

Big match made tonight. Two desperate teams colliding to get them some in The Toy Box. Good lord it's gonna be a big one!

You're just gonna keep talking like that aren't you.

Now if no one else has anything to say. I have-

See I believe in money, power, and respect.
First You get the money.
Then you get the muthafuckin, power.
After you get the fuckin' power muthafuckas will respect you.

Of course people want to interrupt me, I'm sure when the CEO of UPS is talking, some driver comes in the board room and starts rambling. Now who is it?

Just who it is is Rachel Teresa Isabelle Tonelli, better known as The Big Boss Lady. She comes out with a swaggering step, puffing on a cigar as mafia style imagery appears on the video screen.

Hey, how you doin, Miss Duncan, Merry Christmas, happy holidays, feliz Natividad.  Names Rachel, nice to meet you. Especially because we're a lot alike.

(looks down at chest)
We sure are.

In many ways though. See, we're both big boss ladies. You in Raw is Whore and me in...sanitation.

If she's involved with sanitation I'm god darn dalmation!

You and I are mothers, and let's face it we work hard for our kids. We'd do anything for ours, right?

Krista nods.

So I got a problem with Toni P and Lisa Ann putting up Miss Goody Two Shoes, miss never seen a hard day in her life, Brea Brea as a female icon. Talk about a joke! We had Lisa Ann pushing her like she's some modern female icon. Mother freakin teresa and Ivana all rolled into one. What a load of shit, am I right?

You're wrong!

The real example of what a modern woman should be stands in the ring and stands behind this mic. She's just a kid. She doesn't know what we know, Krista. She doesn't know greed is good, baby. And you don't get ahead shaking hands and dancing with mascots. You gotta crush people to get ahead. Didn't you crush The Global Party Exchange, The Saints, Black T?

Krista nods again. It's hard for her to argue with TBL

Look you goitta break a few eggs to make an omlette. And I'm ready to cook. Lemme break that Brea Brea, let me make an omlette worthy of Chef Ramsay. Gimme a title shot.

Such unashamed greed, indulgence and evil! Ooooh, it's got me hot, hot, hot! You can have whatever you want. BUT, you better make good. Nobody likes a shit talker who can't back up what they say.

Krista smiles as TBL's music comes back into the ring.

Well, our GM has made the innagural Raw is Whore something to remember for years to come!


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ts's a festive mood backstage, as it's the holidays! Egg nog is flowing, Menorahs are lit, and Terry Taylor is spiking drinks.

In the happiest mood of all is...

bobbi christmas334.jpeg

The holidays only come once a year so let's all give it our Holiday best!

Bobbi passes by a sullen Masked Assassin.

Cheer up, TMA! It's the holidays! Go find Jessica underneath the mistletoe.


If you pass by Jessica under the mistletoe you have to kiss her!

TMA BOOKS IT with K-Rawk like speed!

insert laugh

Bobbi keeps going past the row of Homegirl for The Holiday amateur Christmas porn. She stops to look at the BBW on the 20th edition, when all of a sudden poor Bobbi is grabbed from behind!

The lovely teen tries to scream but she has her mouth muffled by the hands of PIKE PANTERA!  Bobbi's eyes expanded into wide pools of horror as Pike drags her into the room that was the used for the Home Improvement porn parody: Tool Time.

Bobbi is kicking and screaming like a mad woman, a woman who's facing a horrible future, a woman who's facing THE SHELL GANG (minus Jose and Logan)!


Bobbi screams beneath Pike's massive hand. It dies as a gasp, but it doesn't stop her from screaming again.

Love, I told Fabian we were about two things, money and gold. But I should have said it was three things, money, gold and whores. And a little birdie told me that if we rape a whore named Bobbi Cheesecake, Glass and Effie would give us a cool fifty thousand dollars.

So say hello to the big dicks.

The boys tear away their black and white track pants to reveal that they're already nice and hard.

No fluffers needed here, eh.

Now suck it!

Suck it? Bobbi bites it! That is Pike's fingers, gnashing her teeth into his heavy fingers. As tough as Pike is, he can't deal with the pain of human teeth into his digits. Thus he lets Bobbi go with a hiss of annoyance.

Bobbi can't escape as well as she'd like as Alexander latches onto her hair.

Lemme go! Lemme go!

Pike's fury at being bitten causes him to roar in rage and punch Bobbi in the gut. All the stomach excesses in the world couldn't have prepared Bobbi for an anvil being launched into her. With Alexander still holding her hair, she slumps to the ground, tears flowing freely and quickly down her cheeks.


I told you we like money and we like whores.

Now are you gonna make this easy, or are you gonna make this hard? Because either way The Shell Gang will be having a blowbang!

Please...please...don't do this.

Those dick sucking lips of young Bobbi are too much to resist for the Gang. Ignatius shoves his meat scud right into her mouth which silences her begging. He gives her no chance to adjust to her rape and slams his dick into her mouth as though it were a pussy.



Wesley is up next with a thick and firm dick (no homo). As Bobbi can't dislocate her jaw, the cheerful rape victim has little luck in accommodating his powerful rocket. Frankly, Wesley doesn't give a fuck. Neither do the viewers as they spank their meat to Bobbi's suffering.



Bobbi's slut mouth is ravaged by Pike, who has anger mixing with lust. His bitten fingers remind her of her insolence and he affords her no mercy as he engorges on her on his giant dick.

I raped your friend, December, now I'm raping you!

Bobbi has been raped so many times since Glass Juliet and Effie set their challenge it's a wonder she doesn't have a white residue all over her body. One has to wonder will The Shell Gang empty the contents of their ball sacks down her ripe throat, or will they coat her hot busty body in spunk.

Aiyo, I think she's enjoying it.

Bobbi cries around Welsey's dick, no, no, no! But he just makes her endure the latest hellish rape. The poor bitch has swallowed so much sperm during these bounties it's a wonder her belly isn't protruding full of spunk. Alas she has retrained her fit frame, which makes her all the more alluring a rape victim.

The dumb bitch, once so positive about the Christmas season is living a nightmare. Alexander makes her stretch her jaw big and wide to accept his python. His gigantic junk reams across her tongue, down into her throat as trouser snakes of all shapes and sizes are being stroked at this very moment.



This dumb bitch thought she could celebrate Christmas like a little kid. Instead she's getting raped like a common skank in the inner city, Her fine dick sucking lips have been wrapped around the mouthes of four different guys. And the naive cunt is not even getting paid for it. Her loss and misery is our gain and masturbatory fodder.



Time drags on for Bobbi as she's made to milk their man teats. Due to the dicks massive size they nearly clog her windpipe, cutting off her oxygen. Not to worry, The Shell Gang will happily throat fuck her unconscious body



This worthless cum depository has her mouth and throat used and abused for what seems like hours. Every time she's dumb enough to think they might relent, one of their cocks is pushed into her throat and the rape continues! Many a man has tapped out, cumming all over themselves in jerking to this rape. But not The Shell Gang, these are prime dick sucking lips and they intend to use her for all she's worth!

But suddenly there's a commotion! A clanging commotion! The sound of steel on skull as FABIAN NYSTROM comes in to bash IGNATIUS MADDIX!

Hey! Hey!

Wes gets a chair to the dome that sends him to the floor! Alexander takes on to the back and he falls over in misery!

But Pike grabs hold of the chair himself! He emits a mighty roar as he raises it above his head. Yet, his assault is hindered by Bobbi slamming a fist into his nut sack!

I hope you never get another stffy again!

What he does get besides that curse is a chair to the face from Fabian! He topples backwards, blood spilling from his nostrils. The entire Shell Gang lies battered, bruised and beaten. Their once hard dicks shrink into softness, as they groan in blues and woe.

Fabian, you saved me, thank you!

And they will never EEEVVVVEERR forget what we did to them today!

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Backstage we're in Krista's office, which is still being furnished. Which I find odd since the company has had a ton of time to get shit in here. Anyway Krista sits behind an oak wood desk sipping a martini. The Doll is sat off to the side with a concerned expression on her face.

Haven't you had enough to drink?

Am I still wearing panties?

I think so.

Then the answer is no, I haven't had enough to drink.

The Doll scowls. Behind Krista's back of course.

As Krista sips on her martini DIDI BIGGUNS comes barging in with a HUGE SMILE!

Howdy doo! Miss Krista Isadora Duncan, let me give you a hug!

Didi reaches in for a hug, and as she has no social awareness she knocks Krista's martini out of her hand.

That solves that problem. Heh.

Krista glowers at what's left of her martini. But Didi is oblivious to the frustration she's caused and just keeps talking.

When I heard that saggy breasted wind bag Lisa Ann requested I not be a fluffer to her show I jumped for joy, I did.  That meant I was with Krista. Here we are two titans of industry.

What industry are you the titan of?

The titty industry! Think about it, Miss Duncan...me and you together on everything. The Xbox Three Titty. The Pornvengers: The Infinity Tits. The Big Tit Theory.

I fuck with your creative titles.

Sarcasm is the last refuge of the creatively bankrupt.

You're about to be bankrupt after I fire you.

The Doll’s mouth clicks shut.

But you got a problem.

How did you know I’m a heavy drinker?


I’m talking Adelphe Nerdregard.

Didi grinds her teeth after mentioning Adelphe's name.

Adelphe is useless, she's spineless and she's a gutless twerp! If you give her to me I'll slap a training bra on her and ship her back to Canada.

Take you off Fluffer duty and make you a performer? Who do you think you are?

Krista raises a hand for silence.

The Doll is right. Sort of. You have to prove you can handle Adelphe. Like I had to prove to courts I’m a fit mother. But unlike Judge Deere I can’t be bought. So you, honey, get to square off with the returning Sunshine Yukino.

Didi frowns and her shoulders sag.

I know in mma people get months worth of advanced notice to train and prepare, but pitting ransoms in a sudden fight with each other is all absolutely legit. Promise.

Didi isn’t so sure about that and walks away with her shoulders sagged.

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***Sunshine Yukino Vs Didi Bigguns***

It was a warm welcome for Sunshine Yukino, the Japanese Hotties the recipient of a mighty fine pop. To the sounds of Hello Kitty by Avril Lavigne,Yuki came in a kimono, and swayed her way to an interview with Alix.

Yukino, you're back on the Network after a year long absence. What happened to Sunrise?

American FBI shut me down. Very bad thing. Say I pimp underage girls? Me? No no. Age is in eye of beholder.

That ain't how that saying goes, but good luck, buddy. Both in the ring and in the court room.

My Boobs, my boobs

My boobs are ok

My Boobs, my boobs

My boobs are ok

As Lene Alexandra's "My Boobs Are Ok: bounced into The ToyBox, Didi Bigguns came bouncing in as well! Bouncing with beautiful mamary glands, which she whipped out without a second's hesitation...



That's how you make a memorable debut.

After the bell rung Didi got a good look at Yuki's tits and did not like what she saw.

Is this a rib or something? You gotta be at least a double D cup to step in the ring with me.

What these? These bad cup?
sakura sena34.jpg


That's a whole lot more than a double D cup!

That's a double d, double e, double f and double every letter in the alphabet.

Didi gave it up for Yuki right there with the crowd in doing so. But when Yuki turned to face the crowd and thank them Didi bull dogged her! Then Didi covered her back up!


Pipe down, heathens!

Yuki got some offense in on Didi, making her pay for the sneak attack. But off a shin breaker, Didi screamed bloody murder. So worrisome was her screaming that referee Clem Buzzlefoxer V got between Didi and Yukino. Yuki felt the stabbings of guilt and went over to check on Didi, only for Didi to rake her eyes!


Of all the low down trickery!

Didi regained control of the affair, doing such things as planting Yukino's face into the turnbuckles or rubbing her eyes across the ropes. Drawing support from the fans, Yukino came back and started bashing Didi with chops and then a superkick!

Woulda thought a kimono wouldn't be the best thing to wrestle in. But hell with the way Sunshine Yukino is going I might put one and get in the ring myself.

Yukino might have done more damage were it not for Didi pulling Buzzlefoxer V in front of her. Yuki was too nice to hit the fearful official. But alas Didi wasn't too nice to shove the official into Yuki and clobber the Japanese babe with a superman punch! Perhaps most insulting of all was that Didi struck a superman pose.

You said it right, Renee, low down trickery.

My partner Reject would say if it works it works. But it still sucks!

Didi wasn't able to press the advantage as her Alabama Slam effort got turned into a roll up. Dizzied, Didi got Japanese arm dragged all over the ring. This made her FURIOUS, and she went deep into bag of tricks. Which just meant kicking Yuki low!

Yes, men, that does hurt.

Not nearly enough as Yuki recovered, angry as fuck! But she couldn't do anything as Didi nailed her with a double arm DDT. From there Didi put two boots on the ropes and was ready for sweet victory! But then a freshly arrived ADELPHE NERDREGARD arrived to knock Didi's boots off the rope!


In short order the fans were distracted by the arrival of...



lady xfl.jpg

That's Alysanne! Of The All XFL Network!

And who's that with her? Lord have mercy, that woman is meaner than a Pitbull after a postman!

The football pad clad woman entered the ring just as soon as Didi dipped on out. That was smart of Didi as Alysanne shouted "Destroy!" and that's what this woman did. She booted Adelphe in the face then gave Yukino a devastating sitout powerbomb!


Good god in heaven, and bad devil bellow!

Let's go!

The football pad clad gal heeded Alysanne's orders and stepped over the ropes. The two exited through the crowd, the fans giving them a wide berth.

Alix, who was that?

A woman I wouldn't wanna meet in a street fight!

Was the match over? Sure! Buzzlefoxer was all about ready to head to the back. But Didi had other plans! She slid into the ring and covered both Adelphe and Yukino.

Count my victory, Clem!

Buzzlefoxxer V doubted the legitimacy of this win but said fuck it and counted the one two three for Didi. He even raised her hand, which she met by jumping for joy.

Anything can happen on Raw Is Whore...

And this was one thing we DIDN'T want to have happen.

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Krista is walking down the Toy Box hallways taking stock of her new domains with The Doll when she runs across familiar faces...





Isabella, Eponine, you are family to yours truly. So anything I can do to make your transition easier from valets to a transexual to full time wrestlers let me know. I found it difficult in OAVW when they told me I would be wrestling and not valeting my own tranny, Christian Wright.

Isabella gives Krista a BIG hug which they both linger on too long to be professional or for sisters in law!

Thanks, awesome, sis! I love what you've done with the Toy Box.

It looks the same to me. What's different?

I've installed cameras in the womens locker room so Izzy and I can spy on all the hotties when we figured we've already spent a suspicious amount of time in there.

Leave it to the hottie with the brains to bring perving to the next level!

Yeah, I guess. Speaking of suspicious....Eponine, I've heard some rumors about you.

Eponine's eyes go wide in horror.

They aren't true!

The Dolls steps back. That's how loud Eponine shouted.

I mean anything you hear about my browsing history is a complete lie! A complete lie! I don't do or watch anything odd!

That's too bad, dear. Because The Doll and I pitched in on a Christmas gift for you....

Eponine's eyes narrow and her lips quiver.

A giftcard to gaydvdempire.com

Ooooh, you'll love that right, Eponine. I saw you ordering Raw Exams from that-

You saw nothing! Nothing! Nothing! Nothing!

Eponine runs off in tears, but presumably she's gonna be watching Raw Power 14.

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The sexy babe Sara Jean is stood in the front row of The Toy Box right near...



No that ain't Kelly Kelly, just read on.

Hey, gang, it is my privilege to stand with the hottest social media influencer in the game-

But this chick.....

who was sat next to Sara Jean's interviewee jumps up right now


You aren't Skylar.

Meanwhile Skylar, who is the Kelly Kelly chick, types away at her iphone X.

No, I'm Skylar first's Facebook friend, even though we don't use that ancient app. I'm Kathy Karen Kelly. But you can call me KKK.

Are you sure I can call you that?

Please do!

And can I talk with Skylar?

Skylar doesn't look interested in talking as she continues to type away at her phone.

Skylar's busy. There's a Ecuadoran migrant caravan that needs her attention.

That's very noble. Is she working to help them enter the country, or providing food for them.

She's tweeting about them. Serious tweets. No emojis. You can go now.

Kathy actually physically turns Sara Jean away. Meanwhile if can't be told if Skylar noticed Sara Jean at all.

Uh, Skylar and KKK everyone.

That KKK is crazier than a pet-

DON'T say it. Don't. Let's just get to our tag title match.

I don't know where the lights are taking us
But something in the night is dangerous
And nothing's holding back the two of us
But, baby, this is getting serious
Oh oh oh
Oh oh oh

David Guetta's Dangerous hits and out came The Midnight Foxes...



Moment of silence for the champions....

A legend in his own right, Ron Artest, rapped out legends in the making The Hypebeasts! Even with them wearing Lakers themed gear, the champs were lustily booed by The Toy Box. LeBrenda seemed oblivious to this and told the camera everyone was about to "bear witness."



Lot of folks thought The Hypebeast were full of hot air, talking out their fake butts. But, folks, they made good on their promise from the start of the year and became the Hotties Tag Team Champions.

Wait, they have fake butts?

Call the TMW Hotline to find out the name of their surgeon.

We have a hotline?! In 2019?

Ruby and LeBrenda got into a shoving match right away. With LeBrenda being stronger, Ruby tried to resort to more...nefarious means.

Feelios anal explod-

Luckily, and I do mean luckily Ladybird was there for the timely backup and chop blocked Ruby!

That's a football move right there, folks. And Ladybird Jones as an All American at Harvard for baskletball, but talent translates into any sport.

LeBrenda slapped Ruby around, not doing much damage, but getting her pissed enough that Ruby responded with a curse.

Thighiva suffactlium!

Try as LeBrenda might, she could fight herself being sucked into the bear trap of Ruby's thighs!



Frankly I hope Ruby snaps your neck!

Again LeBrenda got rescued by LadyBird, who delivered a sliding lariat to Ruby's face.

Refere Titania Nerdly letting a few things go.

She almost has to if one girl is constantly throwing curses out!

Free from the thighs of Ruby, LeBrenda made the ginger eat a series of right hands. She started to get Road Dogg funky, until Ruby responded with a discus spear from out of nowhere!

Witches Brew!

Folks, lemme tell ya Ruby is a lot stronger than she looks. She doesn't just need curses to hurt ya.

Caedlori Fox came in to a few cheers, which is to be expected from someone named Miss Perfect. The Miami Beach native didn't seem to impressed by LeBrenda and yawned as she circled her.

I bet that's gonna cost her

And cost her it did as LeBrenda hit a Fadeaway (dropsault). Then the fresher and bigger Ladybird Jones got the tag.

She ain't gonna be yawning no more.

Miss Perfect tried to get the upper hand with a headscissors but LBJ turned that shit around with a gut wrench suplex!

I didn't even know that was possible.

Like a good manager should, Cornette got on the ring apron to run interference. Big mistake as his distraction got Titania in his face, and the champs hit a double DDT on Caeldori. Fortunately the Miami Beach native kicked out before the two.

It's pretty rare for Jim Cornette to make a managerial mistake. But, well, that was a mistake.

Lady Bhad Miss Perfect in a reverse chinlock for a good thirty seconds. But then Caledori mounted a comeback. It was cut short as LeBrenda got the tag and busted out a chin crusher on Caeldori!

Hoop Dreams!

Smart move for LeBrenda to use, keep targeting the chin and knock of the equalibirium.

You're turning out to be pretty smart.

I'm running on bath salts and hemp oil, here!

Caeldori was pulled up to her feet by LeBrenda, who sought out the reverse chinlock. Instead she got into a hockey style tangle with Miss Perfect, where LeBrenda wound up tangling Caeldori into her tights. That made them even skimpier and allowed LeBrenda to flog poor Caeldori.

Tell me I'm the quieen! Tell me I'm the queen!

Cornette got back on the ring apron and was fit to be tied!

Titania are you going to do something or is spanking someone while you trap them in their gear what passes for decent wrestling these days?


Titania didn't have to do anything as Ruby went for the time tested methond of punchng LeBrenda in the mouth!! That broke things up and allowed Caeldori a much needed tag.

Ruby with the hot tag, Alix!

This is one ginger who's blood runs hot.

LeBrenda had no intentions of being cursed and bailed like LeBron bailed on The Cavs. She ran right past the arms of Cornette with Ruby hot on her tail. The English witch followed LeBrenda into the ring only to get caught in the arms of Lady B. The Harvard grad wore a smile then started to twist Ruby for a tear drop suplex.

Up she goes!

But Caeldori pulled Ruby to safety and the sexy pair used the ol Total Elimination move!  But unlike many in ECW, Ladybird was able to kick out.

Ah, so close!

This match could go either way.

These two teams have been fighting against each other, fighting together, and probably sybian shopping together. They know each other, Renee.

I don't know about the sybian part.

LeBrenda came a-charging at The Midnights, and ate a double axe handle from them both that kept her on her feet. That's all The Midnights wanted as they punished her with a double stun gun!


But as often happens, Caeldori became too obsessed with being spank material for her legion of lusty admirers...



Sadly this resulted in her getting a block buster from Lady B! Cornette was shocked as Caeldori rolled out the ring in pain and The Hypebeasts circled around Ruby like beasts. The Harvard grad, Lady B hoisted Ruby into a standing fireman's carry and things started to look very bad for The Foxes!

Folks, don't count your chickens before they hatch, but The Hypebeasts are riding to the finish line!

Not if Cornette could help it! As LeBrenda hit the ropes, Cornette reached into the ring and clamped down on her LeBron 9's!

We all know Bill Russel is the greatest damn basketball player of all time!

Take it back!

I wish Satan would take you back into the demonic cunt you spawned from!

As this fuckery was going on, Ruby shifted her weight and came crashing down onto Ladybird in a lateral press! Titania got into position for the pin count as the fans were on edge! Caeldori returned to lay atop Ruby for a double pin to secure The Midnight Foxes their first tag title win!

Winners, and new champions: The Midnight Foxes, via pinfall

That's a ball game, folks! But, I'll tell you this, sometimes LeBron loses in the finals, sometimes Justin Slayer is the first to nut in an orgy, it doesn't make them any less great and a loss here doesn't make The Hypebeasts any less great.

I'm sorry to say I understood that.

The Midnights were in full celebration mode with Jim Cornette, who was in full groping mode. They passed by Skaylar and KKK, however Skylar just kept typing on her phone. As they strolled back up the ramp, they and everyone else heard....

You wanna know what Zeus said to Narcissus
You'd betta watch yourself
You wanna know what Zeus said to Narcissus
You'd better watch yourself
You'd better watch yourself

Business is about to pick up!

It certainly did as a tweeting Referee Wally Nerdregard led The Nasty Boyds out, with the former security guards looking striking and fearsome in their glittery and leather outfits. The Boyds kinda sorta made it hard for the champs to get by, but get by they did though not without some hard stares from The Nasties.

This is going to be excruciating.

Credit where credit is due! I told Jim Cornette how to get his girls to win the tag title and now they're on top! I told Lawson Belle how to win the TMW Galaxy Title! Ya gotta snap Blaine's ankle and bend it all out of shape, and now he's The Galaxy champ and no one is better than him, and no one is better than The Nasty Boyds!

"BBBBBBBOOOOOOOOO!" this the fans, not believing any of that story.

And you know what's next? The Nasty Boyds are gonna beat on Day of The Dead, they're gonna lay them out and they're gonna pin them for a three count! Or maybe a five count!

Hold on, Holy Ghost
Go on, hold me close
Better run, here we come
It's the day of the dead!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The sudden sounds of Day of the Dead by Hollywood Undead caught RFN by surprise. A frightful surprise as he immediately hid behind Brit and Nikki.

That's the most Referee Nerdregard thing yet.

RFN done fucked up though, because Cady of Grimm and LIlly Florent were actually outside the ring. Behind RFN! He didn't realize his fuck up until he was dragged out of the ring entirely! There his shirt was stripped to expose something no one should ever see.

Forget breaking the internet, he broke my eyes.

Lucky for him, The Nasties alarm trigged quickly! They rolled out to rescue a shirtless and pained RFN, which was easy to do as Day of The Dead had their sights set on them. It was more tiger fight than catfight and that's what we went to commercial on.

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See I believe in money, power, and respect.
First You get the money.
Then you get the muthafuckin, power.
After you get the fuckin' power muthafuckas will respect you.

"Money, Power, Respect" by the LOX brought out a woman who gets nothing but money, power, and respect. In fact The Big Boss Lady came out sniffing greenbacks like she was Theodore Moneymaker!

The following is a HOTTIES CHAMPIONSHIP MATCH! Introducing the challenger...from Manhattan, New York City, she goes by "THE WHITE DIAMOND", and "THE BIG BOSS LADY" she is TERESEA ISABELLA...TONNELLLLIIIIIII!


I don't think she found those dollar bills in her Christmas stocking.

I bet she'd knock off Santa and steal all the toys out his sleigh.

Uh-oh, running out of breath, but I
Oh, I, I got stamina
Uh-oh, running now, I close my eyes
Well, oh, I got stamina
And uh-oh, I see another mountain to climb
But I, I, I got stamina
Uh-oh, I need another lover, be mine
Cause I, I, I got stamina
Don't give up, I won't give up
Don't give up, no no no
Don't give up, I won't give up
Don't give up, no no no

As Sia's "The Greatest" played, Brea stopped to offer a special Christmas themed stuffed Brea Brea doll to a guy who looked like Bill Simmons but with a mammoth gut. But The Big Boss Lady made Brea's goodwill pay off as she bashed the champ into the guardrail. Then TBL took the stuffed doll and bit it's head off!

That woman has no soul, no heart!

But she says she and Krista are a lot a like.

And Krista has no soul, no heart!

Ya don't fuck with Brea Brea or her fans or Christmas and Brea came back with stiffer punches than we've seen out of her. But, the Manhattan based TBL didn't play flair and pulled Brea into the steel steps. Brea landed with a thud, giving worry to the fans.

Come on Brea, you can do it!

Do what? Beat me? Fugedaboit!


Brea was rammed into the steel guardrail yet again, and then rammed into the ring apron.

That's the hardest part of the ring, folks.

And over on the male show they drop each others heads on it!

Referee Titania had seen plenty, and ordered TBL to get the match into the ring so it can uhhh you know actually start!

Hey, little fairy girl, I don't know if your mother Madison taught you any OOMMF!

That cry was because Brea punched TBL in the gut. One to mind the referee, Brea tossed TBL into the ring and we got a bell.

That's not how Titania's mother Madison handles conflict resolution but it works.

Brea went to the second rope and hit TBL with a diving lariat! That was so nice she did twice! TBL wasn't about to play fair and when Brea went to lift her off the mat, she yanked Brea into Titania!


A damn dirty trick. But that's the way The Big Boss Lady plays the game, cheap shots, dirty moves, anything to win, anything to secure the gold.

TBL forced Brea Brea into the corner, then gave a mocking shhh...

the big boss lady shhh.gif

And smashed her repeatedly with over hand shots. Brea Brea fought upright, but was tossed to the center of the ring and forced to endure taunts from her heelish foe. These spurred Brea into action and she came with a left right combo. Desperation took over and she tried her hangman facebuster. Yet the challenger broke out and hit a headlock lariat neckbreaker!


The Knock Off!

You don't have to like her, and I damn sure don't, but you have to know The Big Boss Lady is wrestling a perfect match.

TBL invited Brea Brea to her feet, a truly humiliating gesture. Instead Brea got to her knees and small packaged her foe! There was a quick kickout. Back on their feet an angry TBL through lariat, only to get crucifix pinned by the champ! Again TBL kicked out!

It was perfect a match until now.

TBL jumped up and hit a shocking Diamond Cutter on the champion!


As god as my witness this match is over!

It should have been, but TBL was distracted by ALYSANNE and her mystery woman arriving again into the front of the toy box!

There is Alysanne, formerly of The All XFL Network with a woman wearing football pads and a nasty scowl. And I have to ask, on the inaugural edition of Raw Is Whore in the Christmas season, what the hell do they want?

Alysanne used to be such a sweet girl. But it doesn't look like she's here to hand out Christmas cookies.

TBL endured a surprise school girl, but again kicked out! Back on her feet she tried another Diamond Cutter, but this time got shoved into the ropes! On her return she was rocked by a back elbow and then suffered a hangman's face buster!

Brea's Breeze!






Winner: Brea Brea, via pinfall.

Alysanne had seen enough and with a smirk motioned her ally to come with her. But in the ring trouble was brewing as The Big Boss Lady snatched the belt before Titania could give it to her. In the ultimate act of evil, TBL laid out both Brea AND Titania!


And this devil woman is proud of it!

She disgusts me, Alix. And I bet she's proud of that too.



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200 years after the American Civil War ended conflict again rages at home following President Humanoid-45’s stunning election defeat. Its bid for a 9th term in office (12 when you include its mortal form) denied by pro wrestler-turned-politician The Compassionate Being, the wildly charismatic child of OAOAST TMW superstars 2XS and Bi-Curious George.  

(But that is a story for another day.)

Needless to say them Southern boys lost their shit over the election of a biracial man. Violence broke out and the Union was split once more in two. 

Today the Cuntfederates and Unity nations fight for control of America’s heart and soul. 


A skirmish occurs between Cuntfederate and Unity forces near a Georgia plantation, where a MOTHER (Krista) and her TWO DAUGHTERS (Jade & Maya) watch the action from inside their home. Dangerously close action. 

MOTHER - KRISTA (Southern accent)
Lord, protect this house and my family...

Meanwhile, her busty youngest daughter (Maya) touches herself as she peaks out the curtain. Big sis (Jade), a blonde like their mother, spots the masturbation party and squeals. 

Emma! I know how sexy your daddy looks in uniform, but now’s not the time, young lady. 

BIG SIS - JADE (Southern accent)
Uh, mama. I don’t think Emma was thinking about daddy.

Mother peaks thru the window and does a double take, because the object of her baby girl’s lust is a black Unity soldier (played by Tyrique Thy Freak). 

*gasps* Seriously, Emma?!  

EMMA - MAYA (Southern accent)
Ain’t no white boy alive with a body like that, mama. He’s practically burstin’ outta his pants, like a Black Hulk!

Kylie Hayden Duncan, you take your sister upstairs right now and wash her negro lustin’ eyes with soap. 

Kylie drags Emma away. 


As the girls disappear upstairs their mother takes another look at the black Hulk and her eyes widen in awe. Not even the heavy gunfire in the background can break her concentration. Only when the soldier calls in for an air strike on a TREEHOUSE being used as a sniper’s perch does she react.

*banging window* THEOOOOOORDE!



Now a widowed mother of two after her husband (played by Ned Blanchard) is blown to bits, Krista steps onto the front porch with an RPG and fires at the plane. 


Direct hit. 

The tide turns and the Unity soldiers become POWs. 


POWs are forced into hard labor on the very plantation where everything went very, very wrong.

Night falls and the Black Hulk is led on a LEASH (arms tied behind his back and fully erect) by the scantily-clad mother towards THE BREEDING POST, where a sexy Latina is bent over a bench blindfolded, her neck collared to a pole, arms strapped outward, legs spread open and mouth gagged. 

Do you know the only worthwhile quality a Latina possesses? They’re so fertile. Now tell Mistress Kaitlin what you’re gonna do for her, my Black Hulk? *jerks leash*

Unh! Black Hulk smash! 

Good boy. I give you my prize bitch. Fuck her hard. 

NOTE: For simplicity’s sake, characters will be referred to by their OAOAST names going forward.

The Latina yelps as Tyrique enters her halfway. Even louder when he goes all in. 

Aww, what’s the matter? Is his cock too much for you Alessandra? And he’s not even going full speed... yet.

Krista unties Tyrique’s hand and he grabs a handful of Alix’s hips. 






Krista removes Alix’s and forces the sexy Latina to eat her pussy.


Tyrique continues to pummel Alix.

Thataboy. Now cum in her. Let me hear your suckers hit the...*moans*... target.

Tyrique nuts... but all over Alix’s back. 

A wet back for a wet-back. I’d be amused had you not disobeyed a direct order.

Tyrique is whipped with his leash until he grabs the chain/wrist of Krista. He unties Alix and straps Krista to the breeding post!

Oh, you’re in big trouble now, boy.

It’s Master now, bitch. *spits in Krista’s mouth*

The Black Hulk instructs Alix to free the others. As best he can at least because she speaks no english. But just as Krista’s about to be railed Jade wanders into view in a powder blue babydoll gown (matching slippers too) and her cute Yorkie dog. 

Mama, I’m thirsty and we’re outta milk. Can I have some of your...s?

Jade sees Krista bent over and Tyrique right behind. She races back to the house but Tyrique does his best LeBron chase down and takes her to the ground.


Off come Jade’s panties and Tyrique goes in balls deep.

OW! *cries*


Krista’s muffled screams (thanks to ball gag) are heard in the background as her blue-eyed daughter is wrecked missionary by the black devil. Jade kicks her feet as Tyrique works that pussy over. 

Oh God, mama! I can feel it in my tummy!

Now you gonna feel it in that ass.

Tyrique lubes his cock with spit and then violates Jade’s butthole.


JADE9ANAL black.gif

Yeah, that’s right. You’re a big girl now. Not even crying no more. Fucking pro. Bet you’ve never been fucked by a real dick before. Feels real good, don’t it?


Tyrique gets in a few more hard strokes and then it’s time for a little 69.


Swallow that dick. Swallow it!

Tyrique pounds his cock into the back of Jade’s throat until she gags. He then knocks on the backdoor a couple times, but just as he’s about to burst in a sound freezes him.


It’s Maya with a SHOTGUN (and in her school uniform after getting back from an afternoon out with her girlfriends).

Hands in the air, nigger! Don’t even move!

In the words of the great 20th century philosopher Robocop: “Bad language makes for bad feelings.”

Well I’ve got a lot of bad feelings after what you’ve done to my family. Say hi to my daddy for me. Oh, wait... You’re going to hell!


Alix returns to slap Maya upside the noggin! Tyrique grabs the shotgun and thanks Alix in her native tongue... then slips her the tongue with a steamy kiss! After their game of tonsil hockey Alix decides to inspect Tyrique’s stick!


(Jade’s Yorkie still roams free!)




Tyrique fires off some rounds in the air and then throws Alix over a barrel of hay for a rough ass-fucking!

¡Sí papi! ¡Rompeme! ¡Mi culo es tuyo!


Hey, don’t I get some dick?

Tyrique cocks the shotgun... and then cocks Maya! 


We get some double barrel action as Maya is forced to blow Tyrique and the shotgun simultaneously! The length of Tyrique’s dick almost as long as the weapon itself!


Meanwhile, Alix strokes Jade’s pussy. Jade’s head pressed against Alix’s bosom (Charmin soft compared to her mother and sister) as Maya gags on Tyrique’s cock. A river of spittle flows from Maya as Tyrique scoops her up and helps himself to a mouthful of tender white breast.


He goes back for seconds.


Maya moans as Tyrique runs his Spam thick tongue over her nipples, then feels his monster mushroom cock head part her pussy lips. 

She gasps. 

Soon all that’s visible is Tyrique’s fuzzy dice size balls. The spoiled rich bitch’s cunt stretched to its limit as Tyrique goes in balls deep. Slowly he slides Maya down his shaft and moans.


Very tight.

Black Hulk SMASH!






Alix brings Jade to the hanging garden and forces her to eat Tyrique’s ass while she sucks on his balls! He guides their heads and lets out a “FUCK YEAH!” as Maya slides down his cock! 


Again Krista’s screams fall on deaf ears. She can only listen helplessly as her girls enjoy black dick. Somewhere her hubby is rolling over in his grave.


Maya moans uncontrollably as Tyrique slams her pussy, which Jade and Alix proceed to eat while the Black Hulk’s balls smash up in their chins!



Maya can tap all she wants, Tyrique isn’t gonna stop. In fact, he craves more pussy! He stacks the Duncan daughters on top and plows away.


TYRIQUE (singing)
Call Mr. Plow,

That's my name.

That name again is Mr. Plow. 

Maya goes limp from being fucked so hard doggy, eyes rolled in the back of her head.


Then her motherbox is pumped full of baby batter! The thought of her young fertility eggs under attack from his million sperm army excites to the point he’s able to deposit another load — this time in Jade!

Oh no. No! What did you... Ohhh. 

Don’t worry about your mama. She won’t be pissed. Cuz she ain’t just gonna be a grandma to black babies, she’s gonna be a mama to one too!

Tyrique removes the ball gag from Krista, who spits on his dick.

Let your heart not be troubled, girls. Mommy will pay for the abortions. 

Suddenly Krista finds herself surrounded by dozens and dozens of Tyrique’s fellow black Unity soldiers that were freed earlier by Alix. 

Sorry, bitch. You’re gonna be busy for a while.

The other guys jerk themselves as Tyrique mounts behind Krista and fucks the Southern pride and prejudice outta her. Krista’s ass ripples from the impact of Tyrique’s deep hard thrusts which cause her to quiver. Alix joins the fun and makes Krista to eat her pussy in retaliation for what happened earlier. Jade and Maya are then brought over by some of Tyrique’s buds and forced to suck Krista’s big juicy tits!


Alix unties Krista and teaches her how to suck a BBC!

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Now Krista’s really into it. She may view it as a hate-fuck, but her pussy sure loves the feel of Tyrique’s cock deep inside. Krista can’t resist any longer and cracks a smile after Tyrique plugs her hole.


Tyrique goes in and out of both holes and then coats Krista’s womb like a donut at Krispy Kreme!

Number... Aw, fuck it. Them bitches is yours.

The guys move in on the Duncans who get backed into a corner. 


Boos are heard in the background after the video is cut. Our cameras then find ANNAGRET in the production truck in a fit of rage. She threatens violence against anyone who dares play that video again. To prove she’s serious she unzips our white director’s pants...


... and snaps his dick!


Fucking amateurs.

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