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OAOAST TMW: A comedy/erotic e-fed

TMW 5/6/2018

Chanel #99

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TMW comes into a cold opening where we have Sammi Cayley, clad in a black mini skirt and beaded red low cut top along with her twin brother, a trench coat and khaki wearing Blaine Cayley.

TMW Galaxy, I rather enjoy fighting ReX, as opposed to fighting Tyler. When I got the OAOAST World Heavyweight Championship the belt smelled of shit and piss from all the times Tyler soiled himself when I came after him. ReX invites the violence, and I always accept an invitation bearing gifts. Do I not, Samantha?

I believe all the people you've cracked between the eyes with a cricket bat would say so. ReX, I'd hate to do the talking for my brother, because he's a grown handsome man, who knows how to use his mouth in more ways than one...


But, he's also as skilled in the ring as he is in the bedroom, or the shower, or the hot tub, or the pool, or the jungle gym.

Jungle Gym?!

But you're going to learn he's skilled out of the ring when it comes to a fight. When Blaine is left the last man standing at AngleMania X-Seven, it may be the last we see of you for a long time.

I'd be remiss if I didn't mention ReX's talents. How many matches has he lost in the past year? One? Two? Zero? ReX, you must consider yourself like Goldberg in his prime, and me Jim Powers. But you're Gilberg at his worst and I'm Hollywood Hulk Hogan. Prepare yourself, Rex, think back to the wrongs you've done to me, and ready your pleas of mercy and begging for forgiveness because the superstar that's bigger than Jesus is going to take you to church at AngleMania X-Seven.


Fabain Nystrom.


That's a handsome face you have, Faye-Faye.

It's passable.

Would be a shame if someone were to rip it's flesh off? Why don't you enter through the crowd like you always do and we can have some fun?


Challenge made!

After what The Shell Gang did to Blaine last week I'm surprised he didn't enter the Toy Box attacking them!

But instead of hearing Fabian's entrance music, we hear the sounds of "No Smoke" by NBA Youngboy. This brings out a bullet proof vest wearing, PAINBOW!

Challenge diverted? Painbow and Fabian will face off at AngleMania X-7, but what's this thug want now?

Painbow enters the ring to a pair of quizzical looks from Blaine and Sammi.

Yo, you want smoke with Fabian? Yo, you can suck a dick, yo sister can suck a dick, yo dead ass grandma can suck a dick because you know what it is, I got smoke with Fabian and I'm sending yo little ass backstage to bring him out so he can get fucked up.

Or, I can take pretty rainbow hair-

Staring at the night sky
Trying not to wonder why
You never been the word to cry
Said you right to other side
You think you need to save me
Just tell me something not to wonder why
Staring at other place trying not to wonder why

Fabian's new entrance music hits:

And out comes a black and grey feather boa'ed Fabian Nystrom, twirling about to angry stares from the three in the ring.,

Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two....ONE, welcome to SHELL GANG TMW!


Now I hear you two asking for a piece of The Divine, but divinity isn't given so freely. You have  to beg to be blessed by The Divine so why don't both of you beg for a shot at me? Get on your knees and please me!


Nigga, I will bust ya dome the fuck up. Keep talking that shit, faggot! 

Sorry, not good enough. Blaine Cayley, your turn. Or better yet why doesn't Slammin Sammi get on her knees for a taste of The Divine's Holy Water!

She will indeed get on her knees, to give thanks to the lord for giving me the wooden stake I intend to drive through your bowels.

Terrible! But not that it matters anyway. Yes, yes, yes, yes, I have other plans for tonight. You see, dudes, as your TMW CEO I pulled a power move on my lesser intelligent underling Lisa Ann and I told her I want in the Money In The Bank ladder match at AngleMania and out my match with Painbow. But to keep things on the up and up I'm going to qualify like every other Joe Schmoe human, and I'm going to do it by doing what I've done for a thousand years laying a bad beat on a werewolf and pounding out TurboWolf! You're both welcome to watch, take notes, and educate yourselves at my tree of wisdom. Goodnight and god bless! 

For someone who's immortal, and impervious to pain you're a huge pussy!



Painbow and Blaine have the same idea and go running after Fabain! And Blaine is right because Fabian takes off with Roadrunner like speed! 

The vampire is running from the humans! What a twist!

Fabian hauls ass all the way to the parking lot, where he locks himself inside The Shell Gang limo. But that isn't good enough as he orders the limo to take off as his rivals approach!

Hey! He's supposed to fight TurboWolf tonight to qualify for the Money In The Bank contract. It was his idea!

Now we here the opening song:


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*** HOH Champion Princess Danger & The Big Boss Lady vs. Brea Brea & Adelphe St. Nerdregard ***

Making her worldwide OAOAST TMW debut was Teresa Isabella Tonelli.


Aka the TITs (which she loves to randomly grab), aka the Big Loss Lady, aka mother of 3. She’s suspected as being into some shady shit that’s best left unspoken unless you wanna sleep with the fishes. But you didn’t hear that from me. In fact, you didn’t hear that at all. Did you say something? Cuz I sure didn’t. ?

*under breath* I’d love to give her a ride.

Excuse me?

Home to her kids! 

Speaking of kids, family is very important to the Big Boss Lady. And word on the street is she’s actively looking to expand her (crime) family. Adelphe being on the top of her list, obviously in a babysitter’s role. Yep. Mm-hm. Not for any shady purposes. ?

Anyway, Adelphe rebuffed, which upset the TITs to get their relationship off to a rocky start. It was also a reunion between Princess Danger and the woman she took the Hard on Hoes Championship from, Adelphe, and the her next challenger at AngleMania, Brea Brea. So it was no surprise to anyone that PD went all out to intimidate the happy-go-lucky Brea, screaming loudly and taking swipes at her on the apron, only to tag out when Brea would tag in just to get under her AM opponent’s skin. The only interaction the two would have during the match until late when PD trapped Brea in THE PIT OF MISERY and refused to release for the DQ!

Yet another of Princess Danger’s mind games going into a big match.

We saw how well it worked last time out during her gingersnap challenge, which led to her becoming the new HOH Champion. And it’s working pretty damn well again if you ask me.

Winners: Brea Brea & Adelphe St. Nerdregard, via DQ.

When PD finally released the hold she laughed over Brea, who gasped for air.

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The trio of Baron, Jock and Stacy Kuntz are all driving down the country road when they spot a reckless truck run a minivan off the road. The minivan pops a tire as it nearly falls into a ditch!

Pull over! We have to help them!

We can't even help ourselves.

Stacy won't take no for answer and grabs the wheel from Jock!

Helping people! That's one of the five thousand tenets of Kunt-Fu!

Crazy kid! What the fuck are you doing?

Tenet number 211, never answer to degenerate males!

Not able to argue with his do-gooding daughter, Mister Dick drives to the side of the road to help the mini van.

Out from the van steps a black family of three. A mother named JILL MCDERMOTT, a father named BRUCE MCDERMOTT and a teenage son named JOEL MCDERMOTT.

Don't worry! We're here to help!

The family smiles at this bit of good fortune.


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GOATman Pains is in the locker room, taping up his fist as he's wont to do when The Intruder rolls in, wearing a $3,000 dollar shirt that actually looks like a child threw up on it.

Goatman, Gotman, Goatman, that man is up to something. But that something is not winning the Money In The Bank ladder match.

Goatman says nothing but raises an eyebrow.

You are exemplifying behavior that is contrary to the game. And you can not represent this game correctly, because you are not equipped mentally and charismatically to do so.

Still no words from Pains.

You have materialistic things of a champion, but you don't have the characteristics of a champion. Therefore you are not equipped to be a champion. But you are equipped to help preside over The Intruder climbing rung by rung by damn rung, reaching to the heavens and taking hold of The Money In The Bank briefcase. You, Goatman Pains, have what it takes to be the greatest of all time bodyguard of the soon to be longest reigning champion in OAOAST or TMW history~!

Goatman has an answer to that...A PUNCH IN THE MOTHERFUCKING FACE! The Intruder goes down in a heap, KTFO by Pains one hitter quitter. 

Pains, though, just smirks as he walks off from the next plaintiff in a concussion lawsuit.

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nside the ring, Renee stands ready for another interview.

Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome my guests....MONTEL AND JORDAN!!!


Arriving onto the stage are two brothers who look like 9th graders, and perform a very unusual routine...

Nah, this ain't the ring crew. This is Montel and Jordan from Apple Valley, Cali. I know my tag teams, and I know these guys have potential. Trust me.

The brothers enter the ring by flipping over them, sending the tassels  on their colorful tights flying about.

Why don't you introduce yourselves to the audience.

I'm Montell.

And I'm Jordan.

And we're The Young Cucks!

And cucking is how we do it!

Hey, wait a minute. When did you become The Young Cucks? Lisa Ann told me you're M&J.

After we double teamed Lisa Ann in front of her boytoy and cucked him out!

Wait a minute! Are you saying you had sex with Lisa Ann?!!!

It's not a matter of did we...

It's a matter of how many times! 

The Young Cucks have a good chuckle, though they seem to be the only ones amused by their antics. Actually now no one is paying attention as STORM BELLMARE and THE BOUNTY HUNTER are brawling down the ramp and to ringside!

Lisa Ann probably had security push them out here.

This is our time!

Storm and TBH pay no mind to the brothers and roll themselves into the ring!


It's Storm that does get the upperhand, much to the Toy Box's delight. They cheer and hoot as the Berkley, Cali native pitches the Pasadena bred Bounty Hunter over the top rope Lethal Rumble style!


The Young Cucks, on the other hand, are not pleased. Jordan grabs Storm by the arm...

What's your deal?

You wanna be ridden hard, little girl?

Bad choice of words...and...BAM Jordan gets smoked by a punch from Storm!


Montel is guilty by association and eats a Storm's End (leg trap sunset flip piledriver)!!!


Having taken out three people in a matter of seconds, Storm ascends to the top rope and fires up an already hyped Toy Box audience.

This is one of the last people I'd want to meet at AngleMania. But, then again I'm not the guy who spent his highschool years hunting felons. Should be a good one.

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Previously on OAOAST TMW... the mic drop heard ‘round the world as 2XS and his female companions made quite the impression in their debut. 

This week 2XS watched his girls in action from their velvet hearted shaped pop up sofa. The girls fitted with new easily detachable roller skates, but it’s their apron leg split and pussy mat rub that gets 2XS and the crowd going.

*** Amelia Von Kruger & Honey Dove vs. Harmony & Melanie Sweet ***

Arms outstretched comfortably, legs crossed and shades on the tip of his nose, 2XS took gratification in his sex kittens mauling of a couple busty Fluffers. 

Welcome to the school of hard knocks, school of hard knockers. Hahaha!

Now I get to return the favor.


Under her new good, morally upright Honey Dove persona, the former Teenage Bitch Sabrina Oakheart would beat her opponent and then stroke their head against her bosom in motherly fashion.

I-I don’t know what make of that. 

Well I can guarantee you there won’t any babying come the Lethal Bang at AngleMania. Which 2XS, AVK and Honey Dove will all be apart of. How’s that for a scoop? Suck it Annie! 

Once AVK got her fill of dishing out pain, she put Melanie away with a delayed cradle suplex slam dubbed THE PUSSY WHIPPED! Honey got in on the fun at the end as well, driving Harmony face-first into the mat with Angel’s Wings! Then she plants a quick kiss on the sisters’ foreheads!

Winners: Amelia Von Kruger & Honey Dove, via pinfall.

Post-match the girls skated into the arms of 2XS on the sofa and returned down under the stage.

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Backstage in front of the makeup area, Annie is basically blocking Kiki Kix's access to a mirror, And for some reason Kiki doesn't just punch her out the way. 

Annie Idol on the scene! I've successfully cornered Kiki Kix, despite her repeated attempts to shoo me-

I told you to fuck off.

(ignoring Kiki)
Because that's what we celebs do. We don't take no for an answer, we're go getters! I'm a go getter. Annie Go Getter.

Annie, the interview?

And Kiki is a go getter! But it was rough for you last time we saw you.

What's that supposed to mean?

You lost to Charli 9ine in her debut match.

I did what?

You...lost...ohmigurd...do you have amnesia? Wow! Amazing! What a scoop!

Oh Kiki remembers. And she remembers exactly what to do to mouthy girls like Annie...she spins Annie around and faces the juicy redhead against the wall.

This is gonna be good.

Yes, it is.
(to Annie)
Prissy bitch. That was an exhibition.

It was? Are you sure?

That was the exact wrong answer, Annie. Kiki lets her know just her foolish she was with a firm swat on her delectable rear end.



Not what you were supposed to say.

Down comes Annie's shorts. And what a surprise a Hottie in the OAOAST isn't wearing any panties. Though Undie Brown might be disappointed, we're treated to a full view of a very fine rear end. A rear end that Kiki's strong, powerful hands take more than a healthy helping of!


I think I oughta finger this asshole until you learn your lesson.

Wait! I'm a butt virgin!


Annie's anal virginity is saved for another rape as...


CHARLI 9INE arrives to to start brawling with Kiki! Kiki may not be afraid of Charli, but nearby officials are afraid of what she'll do to her and seperate them.

Wow, Charli! Amazing! Time for a scoop! How did you manage pry someone like Kiki Kix off me? You must be like The Hulk.

The Hulk?!!!

Avengers. Topical.

No, no. I'm just sweet, innocent, helpless Charli.


Can't you just say thank you, punk?!


Annie is scared off by Charli turning Hulk mode on and runs off which just makes Charli all the more self conscious. 

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*** #1 Contenders Tag Gauntlet ***

7 teams competed for the right to earn a TMW tag title shot at AngleMania, as ordered by Lisa Ann in the interest of fairness. She even granted the current champs, the Big Hairy Nutt Saks, a ringside view. But another duo with a set of gold belts made their presence known: Horse and Wakefield, the Same Ol’ Shits. They challenged whoever walked out of AM victorious to a big $$$ unification match. 

Oh sure. These guys are all about the spirit of competition now. It’s not like they recently learned the company had big plans for a OAOAST/TMW tag unification bout and want to cash in. And do so with the very titles stolen from C02 that iced said plan!

Horse galloped around ringside like a super redneck Ric Flair as the 7 teams involved were introduced. Those teams...

Bedrock & K-Rawk *yeah*

The Political Prisoners *boo*

Das Wrestling Machine *yeah*

The Scumbag Reformation Project *boooo*

The Union Jets *yeah*

Wes Singleton & Ignatius Maddix of The Shell Gang *boooo*

C02 *joygasm*

Due to a severe lack of self-awareness, the SOS assumed the girls were there to meet them for a good time. Maya and Jade were extra bootylicious in yoga pants. Part of the healing process they told the SOS. Gotta keep ‘em glutes nice and tight after Krista’s special midnight workout. They, like the other teams, received a cold one from the champs who gave a pre-match toast.

T’getting yo’ ass kicked at AngleMania! 

I’ll drink to that.

A little too ominous for the others, but free beer is free beer so the teams guzzled theirs. Maya’s skills brings the house down and dicks up!


Julius Saks quickly hands Maya two more cans... only for Das Wrestling Machine to SPIT THEIR BEER IN HIS FACE!

You call zis beer?! 


Go on.


Nevermind. Thought you were gonna say something funny in your German accent. Please continue... while you choke me. 

Maya rubs the outside of her crotch as she wraps Reignhart’s hand around her throat and squeezes!

Eeez zis swill supposed to be consumed by humans? You are humans, correct? Or are you little piggies sipping your piss?

The fuck you say, Lil’ Hit!

Real beer German beer! 

DWM toast to that while the champs laugh it off... until Nutt chairshots Reignhart and Saks pops Lothar between the eyes with a cold one! 

Damn. Just when I was about to cum.

Lothar is tossed inside.

Ding, ding.

The PP benefit from DWM misfortune as Lothar is pinned easily. The match order randomly drawn earlier in the day backstage.


Eliminated: Das Wrestling Machine 

Eliminated by: The Political Prisoners 


C02 were the next entrants and Maya immediately took advantage of Win’s libido. Her shirt still wet Maya brushed Win against the ropes and dropped to her knees. He allowed himself a glimpse into the future as Maya pressed her forehead on his stomach and began to work her way down. Once near Win’s crotch Maya head butted him low and sent him Jade’s direction for a butt bump for the 1-2-3!


Eliminated: The Political Prisoners 

Eliminated by: C02 


After that we can go ahead and change Win’s name to Loss!


Blanchefleur arrived on the scene to order the champs away. They refused. After all, Lisa Ann granted them a ringside view. 

Send in the whores!


Oh, right. We are the whores. Then send in the dicks! 

In this case, Bedrock and K-Rawk. 

The Stone Age Stalker and his pet.

Bedrock is no stalker, just slow to adapt to modern courtship. Bobbi Cheesecake the object of his affection, as displayed previously on OAOAST TMW when he gave her a pink bunny stuffed animal. A good bunny, not a mean nasty one like portrayed by Ray Crist, who played a role in the outcome...


...whacking Bedrock across the back with his cock still wet from Bobbi’s pussy juice! ?


Eliminated: Bedrock & K-Rawk 

Eliminated by: C02 


Outside, the Scumbags and Euphoria celebrated their foes elimination while the SOS conversed. Whatever the topic discussed was clearly weighed heavily on their mind. Meanwhile, BF reiterated her request for the Big Hairy Nutt Sacks to leave and again they refused. 

Good thing OAOAST TMW provides its talent free birth control. By the look in their eyes the Big Hairy Nutt Saks are ready to pounce on Blanchefleur!

C02 dominated the SRP until the SOS tripped up Jade during a suplex attempt and held her feet down long enough to give the SRP the pin. ?


Eliminated: C02

Eliminated by: Scumbag Reformation Project 


Blanchefleur needs to quit screwing around with the Big Hairy Nutt Saks and pay attention to what’s going on in the ring! 

The SOS hauled ass and for good reason after pissing off C02. The Union Jets entered next and made quick work of the SRP thanks to their quick strike high impact offense. 


Eliminated: Scumbag Reformation Project 

Eliminated by: The Union Jets


Given everything that’s occurred with the teams in recent weeks, it’s only fitting the gauntlet came down to The Union Jets and Shell Gang’s Wes Singleton and Ignatius Maddix. A total bomb fest as the teams hit each other with everything but the kitchen sink. But we also had s action outside as well as BF summons security and has the BHNS hauled off like common criminals!

Of all the people to do us dirty like this, a sister?! *shakes head*

Back inside all 4 men brawl until Wes blows up C-4 with the World Wide Wes for the W.


Eliminated: The Union Jets

Winners: Wes Singleton & Ignatius Maddix


Now we know it’ll be Wes Singleton and Ignatius Maddix vs. the Big Hairy Nutt Saks for the TMW Tag Team Championship at AngleMania!

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Inside the Backroom, girls are pole dancing and people are making out, but Sara Jean Underwood keeps her composure as she stands with werewolf AMBER O'SHEA and JESSE FERGUSON!

Hey, everybody, Sara Jean backstage in the Backroom with Jesse Ferguson and his uh...,what are you Amber?


My pet!

Your pet?

Aoi, aoi, I kid, I kid! Just a little joke, today on TMW!

Jesse, you're in a good mood.

Aren't I always?

But you're in a super good mood. Could this have something to do with your new invention.

Why, yes it does!

Are you gonna show it to us or keep teasing us?

Teases don't last long in TMW! Aoi, aoi, aoi! But, a bit of a tease before the big reveal is always welcome? So I'll tease you by telling you this will revolutionize TMW in the ring and the bedroom...or wherever we all decide to have sex. But for the reveal? You'll all have to wait until AngleMania X-7.

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***ReX Vs Marty Fox W/Doc White***

The classic grunge track of "Machinehead" by Bush shreds into the Toy Box as white pyro explodes on the stage. Standing in this conflagration is the Galaxy Champion, flexing the best arms pharmaceuticals can buy!

The following contest is scheduled for one fall, now making his way to the ring, from Baltimore, Maryland, he is a graduate of Johns Hopkins medical school, he is the TMW GALAXY CHAMPION..."THE HUMAN CHEAT CODE" REEEEEEXXXXXXXXX!!!!


And his opponent, already in the ring, from Universal City, California, he represents THE TIME KILLERS, being accompanied by DOC WHITE...HE IS MARTTTTTYYY FFFFFOOXXXXX!


A replay of The Easter TMW is shown

"The crowd is abuzz as we fade in on bodies of Future Studs, the OAOAST TMW version of a Young Lion, littered in the aisle while more from our pre-show dark match are sprawled across the ring! Carnage courtesy of OAOAST Galaxy Champion ReX, who delivers THE SYRINGER to Marty Fox of the Time Killers!"

Marty Fox went to Lisa Ann and asked for this match. Now it's his chance-

To get Doc started on his singles career, because ReX is gonna kill him. HAHAHAHAAHA!

Doc pumps up the audience and his partner as soon as the bell rung. But he also got the Galaxy Champion worked up.

Hey! Hey! Get the other shrimp outta here!

But why, homie?

Because I want him gone! Get him outta here! 

Doc gets on the ring apron to protest, and is lucky ReX doesn't grab him him and choke bomb him!

I'm the Galaxy Champion! I'm the face of this company, everyone does what I say. Or else I walk!

Not wanting to ruin his partner's big moment, Doc leaves on his own. The Toy Box fans are less than pleased with ReX throwing his massive weight around.


ReX then threw more of his massive weight around by shoulder blocking Marty out his boots! Well almost. Marty had to check their tied on after he scraped his body off the mat.

You should be looking for a way out, kid.

Marty threw a series of dropkicks at ReX, all landing against the champ's giant chest. All not effective in the least. In response, ReX grabbed hold of him and twisted him with a delay hold before crushing his spine with a gut wrench powerbomb!


ReX threw Marty into the ropes, looking to end things early with his pop up powerbomb finisher. But Marty turned things around with a dropkick on the pop up. ReX staggered back into the corner, looking more infuriated than hurt. He didn't intimidate Marty who ran in with a double  knee to the jaw!

ReX has that frealky roid jaw like D.Wade, though.

Still it hurt and ReX stumbled down the ropes. He put himself in a perfect position for Marty who terrorized him with a Chris Jericho style face crusher!

Let's go!


To the top rope went the California native, and he came down on ReX with a moonsault! But he only got a -1 count as ReX immediately pressed him out his pin attempt!


Marty was shocked that his moonsault did no damage. Then he was the one suffering damage as ReX threw him into the ropes and rocked his world in a very bad way with a pop up powerbomb!





Rex delivers a second Syringer that hits with an audible crunch!


The landing isn't supposed to sound like that.

Yeah, no kidding!

ReX signals for a third but his halted by Doc White throwing in the towel...I mean lab coat! That's enough for Brian Christopher to allow Marty some mercy and he calls for the bell.

Winner: ReX, via pinfall

Thank god, Doc was waiting close by. Marty's career could have been ended.

I thought I sent you backstage!

For refusing to follow orders, poor Doc is chucked into the ropes and he's struck by the deadliest finisher in wrestling, The Syringer!


Doc is sent hurtling into the ropes a second time and eats another Syringer! This one also meets with the same sickening crunch as Marty's.


Not quite, champ! Blaine wallops ReX in the knee with his cricket bat!


Rather than go down, ReX is hobbled. Hobbled and pissed off and he chucks a lariat at Blaine's head. The Welshman ducks the attack and swats ReX in the stomach with his bat. However, ReX shrugs off the blow and throws a big boot! This attack is also ducked by the quick head of the blond stud. Blaine can't make another go at ReX thanks to Blanchefleur and her security goons invading the ring to keep them apart.


If you want to see them fight, you can pay your ten dollars for the TMW Network like everyone else in the world!


What a..a...a...urgh I can't say it.

Better not. I don't want to have to sit next to Annie form now on.

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Backstage we find El Bandido de la Muerte Jose Cantu-Si wearing a sparkling stripper style get up and leather hat with long sparkling earrings in front of a TMW backdrop.

Jose Cantu-Si...uh...nice outfit? So, um, you're going to face Tristan Nystrom at AngleMania X-Seven whether you like it or not. After you betrayed him at Risen, aren't you afraid? Shouldn't you be scared of fighting a 1000 year old vampire?

Shut up, Renee!



Jose Cantu-Si does not get scared! One thousand years old, ten thousands years old, one million years old, I feel like I've been chained up for an eternity lugging around the likes of Mariachi and Chick Golden! I wasn't going to spend another moment lugging around any more useless partners. This man is a winner, and he goes where the winners are...in the Shell Gang! And I'm so confident in my ability to hand Tristan his brooding emo ass in my home state of Texas, I'm willing to put my Shell Gang membership on the line.

You're being serious?

I'm always serious! If I lose, I'll leave The Shell Gang for good! I'll even crawl down to the sex offender trailer park and kiss Mariachi and Chick Golden's asses! How about that!

Jose snarls and struts off screen.

I can't tell if it that's bravery or stupidity. 

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Hell's where I was born! Hell's where I was raised,
This hell is where I'm from and this hell is where I'll stay.
The hush is all I need to hush the misery;
The hush that belongs to me, like the hush inside a dream
Just be still and pray
And let the noise just fade away.

As the strumming metal Hellyeah's "Hush" made it's way into the arena so did the werewolf known as TurboWolf. Attired in faded black pants and a faded grey vest, the werewolf receives plenty of cheers. However his mood is poor, and he has nothing but scowls for the rabid Toy Box fans.

The following is a MONEY IN THE BANK QUALIFIER! Now making his way to the ring, from Shreveport, Louisiana, he is "THE SON OF PLUNDER" TUUURRRRRBBBBOOWWWOOLLLFFFF!


Vampire versus werewolf!

For the first time in TMW history. The CEO of TMW knows how to book em!

He's not the CEO, but he is what Blaine says he is.


A pussy? Nope, you both got it wrong. He's a smart charismatic showman.

Staring at the night sky
Trying not to wonder why
You never been the one to cry
Said you right to other side
You think you need to save me
Just tell me something not to wonder why
Staring at the other place trying not to wonder why

A rapid visual history of the past 1000 years flashed across the TMWtron full of wars, great discoveries, sporting achievements and legendary celebs. As it ended the camera paned down to see Fabian Nystrom in black jacket with glowing white arms with his back to the camera

So I'm just gonna say so
You can never be my hero
Baby I'm just gonna say so
You can never be my (never be my)
So I'm just gonna say so
You will never be my hero
Baby I'm just gonna say so
ou can never be my (can never be my) hero

Fabian spun around as pyro flames explode on the side of him! He stepped  forward just a bit with a sneer on his face as the crowd in The Toy Box goes wild for his arrival.

And his opponent, from The Hauge, Netherlands, he represents THE SHELL GANG, he is "THE DIVINE" FABIAN NYYYSSSTRRRRROOOMMMMM!


Gang, you heard it here, Fabian says if he wins this match and qualifies for The Money In The Bank Ladder match then he will not fight Painbow at AngleMania X-Seven live from Houston, Texas.


Fabain and TurboWolf bumped into each other first with a bit of trash talking.

Try it, fanger.

So Fabain did try it and shoved TurboWolf back. What he didn't expect was for TW to come after him so The Divine retreated to the corner and forced Referee Nerdregard to give him a break. TW wouldn't give it and wound up pitching Fabain over the ropes! On the outside the two brawled, well mostly TW pounded on Fabian while Fabian looked for a clean break.

There's no clean breaks outside the ring.

They shouldn't actually be fighting outside the ring in the first place.

TW never saw a weapon he didn't like, and the former 24/7 was handed a steel chair by a fan in a Some Guy baseball jersey. However that weapon proved to be his undoing as the Dutch vampire used a spin kick to slam right into his nose!

Right in the snout.

Don't call it a snout.

Dogs have snouts don't they?

Fabain took a cheese grater from a fan and bashed it against TurboWolf's nose which caused blood to seep from the nostrils. Thinking his werewolf foe ready for a pin, Fabain rolled him into the ring and went for a rather arrogant cover....

Come on, baby~!


TW kicked out and then came on with a flurry of punches! As Fabain reeled, The Son of Plunder come darting off the cables and smashes him with a jumping lariat!



Fabian rolled into the corner, where he was chased down by a running knee. A running knee that he avoided, and TurboWolf's poor knee was mangled by the ring post. The Louisiana native stumbled forward and was cursed with a pop up double kick from his vampiric foe!

Bleed For Me!

That's what TurboWolf is doing for Fabian. That dropkick nailed him right on his bloody nose.

Fabian flipped off the top rope for a lionsault, but was shocked when Referee Nerdregard only got a two count from it. Shocking, Fabian didn't throw any sort of tantrum, and instead leapt onto the top turnbuckle RVD style.

I am a golden god!

For a golden god he sure got made a fool of when TurboWolf press slammed him off the top rope!

Can't waste time against someone like TW.

The werewolf loaded up his fist then came like a dog out of hell with a superman punch! But the attack was countered by a Jose Cantu-Si style superkick! The blow landed hard but didn't knock TW out, but the Carpe That Fucking Diem pop up German sure did leave TW in several worlds of hurt!


A pin would have been logical, but we're dealing with a charismatic showman here. So instead Fabian got a grumpy brunette Fluffer to hand him a cigar and he took some premature victory puffs! After smoking the finest cigar 1000 years of money can buy he made the pin which was counted by Referee Nerdregard




"T-DUB! T-DUB! T-DUB!" The Toy Box chanted.

Instead of smoking that cheap cigar maybe he should have pinned TurboWolf off that Carpe That Fucking Diem.

Fabian grew angry, even though he had no one to blame but himself. Even with his rage, he was able to corral TurboWolf in a reverse chinlock that was almost like a choke.

Werewolves, unlike vampires, have to breathe and a blatant choke is going to wreak havoc on TurboWolf.

Blatant? I see no choke.

You need glasses!

With the crowd giving him plenty of support, the Louisiana native fought to his feet and broke free of the choke with a round of elbows to Fabian's ripped stomach. The two then traded blows, every punch landing hard and heavy. It was TW's blows that landed hardest and heaviest, and the heaviest of all was a superman punch that knocked Fabian all the way out of the ring!



As TurboWolf grew in TURBOTENSITY~! Fabian dug underneath the ring apron that read "Sex & Violence"

Is he looking for ReX's supply?

Instead Fabian came up with a SILVER SPIKE~!

Oh no! Someone take it away from him!

And someone did! That someone was Painbow who yanked the spike out his hand! Shocked, horrified and woefully afraid of Painbow, Fabian hurried back into the ring rather than fight for his weapon. Unfortunately for him he carried himself right into a brainbuster by TW!


Dazed and beaten, Fabian had no kickout coming before the three!

Winner: TurboWolf, via pinfall

The Money In The Bank lineup is almost set! TurboWolf, , GOATman Pains, The Intruder, Money Marc Bennett and Conan Chanel! And we're for sure gonna see Painbow get his revenge on Fabian Nystrom at Anglemania X-7!

Get his revenge my ass. It's Fabian who needs revenge.

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Stacy, Jock and Baron are at the dining room table with the McDermots. The family doesn't realize there's anything odd about this grouping. They merely watch with amusement as Stacy gobbles up the peas.

Where are you going?



Oregon then California.

I've been trying to get dad to take us on a vacation for a while.

And who's gonna look over the farm while we're on the beach?

We could sell it.

Easy there, kiddo

Friendly laughter abounds. The sound fades and the PASSAGE OF TIME as Stacy watches the passage of time, studies the love of family dinner. Even if it is with degenerate males.

The dinner finishes and we see-

Jill. that was the best chicken pot pie I've ever had.

Thank you, Baron.

Are you married, Mister Mulligan?



Mister Dick silently thanks Jill for shutting her son up. No need to explain who Malaysia Nerdly is.

Won't you please stay the night with us?

Seeing that they have no money for even the seediest of motels, Jock begrudgingly nods his agreement

Jock helps Baron towards the bathroom. While Jock is his usual scowling self, Baron is in a giddy mood.

This is what we missed all these years, Jock. Feeling. Love. Happiness. We missed all of it.

Before Jock can answer Baron he has to watch as EFFIE REESE snaps his neck!

Theres no words to explain what Jock has seen. For a moment he doesn't think it's real. Not even with the body of the man who's known him best, the man who's he fought with drank with and lived with falling on top of him. Twenty years of feeling, love and sometimes happiness and it's over? No impossible.

It's magical vampire girl Effie Reese!

Strolling into the scene with the SEVERED HEADS of Bruce and Jill is GLASS JULIET!

All you had ta do was hand over Stacy. But ya had to make things hard!

Fuck you.

Upupupu. you had the chance!

What do you want with her?

I saved her mom's life in 1996 and she promised me anything I want. And I want Stacy!

BAM Glass is shot in the heart by  SHOTGUN SHELL!


Both vampires go down, momentarily disabled by the shot to the heart.

We've gotta go!


We have to!

I can't.

Baron didn't die for nothing! Big Papa Thrust died for nothing!

They did.

If you really are my dad, you won't give up! You'll fight!

Effie and Glass start to stir. Though Jock would very much like to impale them with stakes the stirring makes it risky.

There's one final look to his dead friend. Years of riding together and fighting together have amounted to dying in the hallway of a strange family. He knows he has to survive. Get Stacy to safety. For her sake. For Baron's sake. For his sake.

Together the father and daughter escape past the slow grasping hands of Effie and Glass Juliet.


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