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OAOAST TMW: A comedy/erotic e-fed

Chanel #99

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All my friends are heathens, take it slow...


Ya'll know what time it is! Shell Gang time! Yet rather than arrive through the entry way, the fatal foursome emerges through the rear entry way to the stands and strut and primp their way to the front of the guardrail. Jose, bouncing to the music, Wes struting with his right arm leading, Iggy throwing up the Gang Gang sign, and Fabain playing the air guitar.

The Shell Gang has made an impact since TMW relaunched, and I think Fabian made an impact on our ring mats when Painbow gave him a Slime Shit out of the ring last week!

You think you're funny but you're not.

I come to you a humble man. A man of great humility.

Yeah right,

Newfound humlity.

There ya go. It's newly found.

I don't buy it.

I didn't think any humans outside of my Shell Gang were, well, worthy of my respect. Actually I just naturally assumed if you weren't Shell Gang affiliated you're several hundred pounds of worthless shit. If you were a baby, you were a bite sized worthless shit. I'm not saying I'll bite babies. But, Tristan will.


But, Painbow changed my thinking last week. I believe he would term it "got up in my ass."


Chant his name. Go ahead, chant his name! He proved to be a strong man. Stronger than many vampires I've known...or am related to. And with his strength he's earned my grace. I forgive him for not being thankful I helped him win his first HARD title, and I forgive him for recklessly smacking me with a chair in the fatal fourway match between ReX, myself, he and Storm for the HARD title at the final TMW Ascension. I forgive him. And with that forgiveness comes a truce. Painbow I call a truce! No more fighting. No more Slime Shits. Just a truce.

Spanish Sexy in the house!


I'm also looking for a little...humility in my life. Ladies, you need not worry I'll remain the charmer I've always been. But Big Hairy Nutt Saks, I can't believe I have to say that name,  you can humble yourself before the Shell Gang. You can swallow your pride, grow a set, and put those titles on the line tonight.


Though now that they've been nudged aside in tag title contention, it seems the Union Jets might be blissfully unaware their services are no longer needed in TMW. For that topic I pass the microphone to my man Wesley.

Union Jets, if Spanish Sexy don't trust you I'ma shoot you!


My father may be Simon Singleton, but my blood is as true as steel. I'm not like him or you, Union Jets, a namby pamby pansie who wears Victoria's Secret lace beneath his tights.


How can you talk about your own father like that?!

I am my own father! And I am your father, Union Jets! I, along with Iggy, of course, took you behind the barn and beat the living hell of you last week! 


And if you don't want daddy to leave you as a case for Children's Protective Services you'll know your place...in the Hotties locker room with the rest of frilly whores!


So lemme get this straight! Lisa Ann, Tristan Nystrom and as best I can tell all the fans in the TNW Galaxy think yours truly will be fighting Tristan at AngleMania.


Shut up!


You know something, it's just like Lisa Ann, and it's just like Tristan to screw a guy!

These guys are so immature.

Says a grown woman who collects dolls.

They're Funko! Pop figurines.

Lisa Ann, Tristian Nystrom how about you take responsibility for your own stupidity! And you do the same, TMW Galaxy!


Shut up! I don't give a damn what anybody thinks of me, and I don't give a damn what match you book me in, I'm not fighting Tristan Nystrom at AngleMania X-Seven!


I feel a little bit let down, a little bit let down by the TMW Galaxy. And I'll tell you why. You people aren't showing my brother the respect he deserves. You're cheering all the wrong things, you're forgetting you're Tristaners. And so you want to see him get his fangs superkicked out by Jose!


But I am my brother's number one fan! When he ran afoul of those KGB vampires back in the day, who was there to kill some commies? You got it, baby! Me! So tell ya what I'm gonna do, I'm bail my little bro out of the worst beating of his life and unbook Jose versus Tristian at AngleMania. Jose you can face Undie Brown.


"Back In Black" hits and out comes the Ho Who Runs The Show, one Lisa Ann. And she means business in a sleek navy business suit!

Fabian, Shell Gang, you have things all wrong. You don't make the matches. I do.


Until Toni Patrica tells me otherwise, it's you who follows my orders!


The boss letting em know what's up!

Jose, you will be facing Tristan at Anglemania X-Seven.  But tonight, I'm feel like we need an explosion. So with that said Ignatius you will be facing...Wesley....in a lumberjack match! And you better steel your resolve because the lumberjacks are The Union Jets and The Big Hairy Nutt Saks!


The Shell Gang don't believe anything they've just heard. Fabain is throwing a tantrum kicking the ring ropes, while Wes is eying Ignatius a little less brotherly than usual.

As for a truce with Painbow. I'll let him speak on it.

The fans pour out much love as "No Smoke" by NBA YoungBoy comes into the arena, and with it comes the bulletproof vest wearing Painbow!

Hey, check this out, Fabian, tell ya dogs, tell all three of em, not to stand down. Ain't no truce, nigga. I'm Painbow from Thompson, Georgia, most dangerous city in the state, original baby gangsta! Ain't no truce now, nigga! 


Fabian starts to panic even more than during Lisa Ann's announcement.

Fuck you, nigga! Fuck you mean a truce nigga? Bring ya bitch ass to AngleMania X-Seven nigga, You been on the microphone for three months talking that shit, nigga! Ain't no squashing it nigga! I gave you action and you fumbled the ball nigga. Its on, nigga, hear me, it's on, nigga. I'ma stomp the teeth out ya mouth, nigga! Ain't no truce, nigga! That's on Piru, nigga!  

Painbow throws down the microphone as "No Smoke" plays and the crowd roars their approval. The Shell Gang is irate in the ring, which just brings a smile to Lisa Ann's face.

Damn! Ain't no truce! You'd think Painbow was from the Bronx. I guess southerners do get down with something besides family members.

Gang, Reject's comments are his own and do not reflect the views of OAOAST TMW.

And with that our opening song...


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***MITB Qualifier: GOATman Pains Vs Undie Brown*** 

(Let's wake up) it's dinner time
Yup turn up
Pull up to the crib and a nigga on silk
Come fuck with a nigga
Bout to bang on a pussy like I'm pouring up the crib
Fuck with a nigga
You gon' wanna claim this dick
Fuck with a nigga
Fuck with a nigga
Come fuck with a nigga

Oh, she roller coastered on it (oh)
She threw it up I allayed (hoop)
Then I beat the pussy til its (blue)
Girl you know I got that good yeah

A smooth track, Cookie by R.Kelly got the fans further in the mood. That's disappeared when they realized this was Undie Brown's music. Undie Brown, well known for the thievery of his fellow performers' panties and underwear. The undie loving grappler emerged eating a panty shaped cookie and sniffing on some immaculate draws!

The following is a Money In The Bank Ladder Match qualifier with the winner going into the Money In The Bank Ladder match at AngleMania X-Seven! Now making his way to the ring, from Jos, Nigeria, he is "THE RAIDER OF THE LOST PANTY"....UNDDDDIIIEEEEEE BRRRROWWWWNNN!


So we saw Coco Chanel and The Intruder advance to the ladder match at X-Seven last week with Coco beating Sumeragi and The Intruder beating Burlington Pembrokshire. Next up, Undie Brown versus GOATman Pains.

I'm supposed to put over Undie Brown, but fuck that! This is dude came over to my crib saying he could fix my internet and just stole my thongs.

You wear thongs?!!

It's like that in the Bronx.

You still live in the Bronx?!!

They didn’t know it when they turned me loose
I shot the sheriff and I slipped the noose

The law ain’t never been a friend of mine
I would kill again to keep from doing time
You should never ever trust my kind

"I'm a Wanted Man" by Royal Deluxe sounded out one of the most lusted after guys in TMW, GOATman Pains! The cousin of Faqu is more than just a handsome face, he's a heavy hitter as well. Pains looked about the arena before throwing his fist down and causing all the lights to flash between blue and white and the crowd to erupt in a cheer.

And his opponent, from Stockon, California, he is "THE PAINMAKER"....GOATMAAAAANNN PAAAAINNNNSSSSS!


Before the match Undie Brown had something to say!

GOATman, do you recognize these draws? They were the same ones you wore at our house show three days ago in Fresno! Now they're MIIII-IIIII-NNNN-EEEEE!

Pains speared the fuck outta Brown!


He speared him out his undies!

REFEREE NERDREGARD, a shifty looking ginger,  counted the ensuing pinfall and it got the three!

Winner: GOATman Pains, via pinfall

GOATman joins The Intruder and Coco Chanel at Anglemania X-Seven!

GOATman, GOATman, that man's up to something!

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In the Backroom, a section is cordoned off with velvet rope attached to a sign that says “RESERVED,” fresh fruit plus chilled red and white wine on the table. 

Enter the SAME OL’ SHITS, both still in their Goodwill bought suits, not to mention C02’s stolen OAOAST tag team titles around their waists. Wakefield even sports HAIR thanks to a wig. They have a seat and survey the food/drinks as OAOAST correspondent Terry Taylor steps into view.

* POP *

Wakefield rolls his eyes and goes way over the top simulating an orgasm as wine overflows from the bottle. Then OAOAST correspondent Terry Taylor walks in.

Horse, Wakefield. What the heck are you guys doing? 

Here for our date. 

But uh, this table isn’t reversed for you. 

Shut the fuck up, Taylor. Just cuz you’re practically Maya and Jade’s creepy uncle who tries to sneak a peak of them in the shower doesn’t mean you can cockblock us. We’re all adults here. If they wanna get smashed by us, well goddamnit, they’re gonna get smashed.

They’ve been burning up our phones all week! Calls, texts, DMs, emails! They want us bad!

It’s the belts. Chicks love gold.

Well that’s the first factual statement to come out of your mouths. C02 want you, but not in the bedroom. They want a date with you at AngleMania! 

Wakefield grabs Terry by the collar!

Crow, Rooster. You sayin’ they wanna fight, not fuck?!

Why? We’ve got no beef other than what’s under our trousers.

T-The belts around your waists. *gak* Stolen. C02 rightful owners. *uck* Big money unification match put on hold over it.

Wakefield releases his grip on Terry as his eyes light up over the mention of a big $$$ match.

How the fuck were we supposed to know that?

Don’t you watch the shows?

We got them DVR’d. Been meaning to catch up for sometime.

Is the blonde chick with the rockin’ knockers still champ?

Jesus Christ! How far back are you guys?

Point is, these bad boys are bought and paid for. If them girls have heat with us over that, then they got heat with every grown man in the crowd with a replica belt too. 

Suddenly OAOAST officials swam the area prepared for the worst as C02 arrive... moving gingerly.

You guuuuys! Ow! Why haven’t you returned our messages? I mean besides the dick pics. 

No wonder they call you Horse.

C02 giggle like schoolgirls while Horse puffs his chests and his pelvis!

Cut the bullshit. We know the deal. And the law. Possession being 9/10s of it. 

Wow. So... ow! ... forceful. I bet you’re a naughty fuck. Yeah, I can see you choking and slapping me... and it has me all wet!

The guys don’t know what to make of what they’re hearing. 

You know, Maya, maybe we oughta give these guys a chance. 

Yes, sister. I think you may be right. Whaddya say, fellas? Up for a good time? Ow!

The hell’s a matter with you?

Oh, just sore from the ass reaming mommy dearest gave us.

More like mommy dear-ass. My ass is so loose right now I could probably take all 3 of your dicks. 

The SOS shoot each other an excited look and prepare to write down their numbers of a napkin when Maya hands them a rather long paper and specifically mentions to sign where the X is at. Like fools the SOS put down their John Hancock expecting C02 to handling theirs ASAP. C02 high five and exit.

Told you chicks love gold.

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Our cameramean are of the perverted variety and now where the poon is. That's why we're in the women's shower where December is working over her sluttiest hole. She drills it with ferocity, perhaps remembering the time Tyler Bryant paid 500 dollars to Sunshine Yukino for the privilege of fucking December's asshole inside out. But her fantasies are interrupted as she's grabbed by tits from behind by PIKE PANTERA,

I've found a treasure.

I should go.

You'll stay, My masters have sent me after your younger brother. But I think I'll claim the sister as my brood mare before I take his head.

I'm not a nightmare. I'm a really nice person.

I said brood mare, you idiot! I'm going to breed you.

Hnnnnm that sounds bad. I think

You think?! It is bad for you, idiot! I'm going to shoot my sperm into her womb and breed you, whore! 

Pike spins December around and pins her against the shower glass. Those huge tits of the slow ho press against the window, twin balloons squeezed painfully for our delight. Behind the half wit bitch Pike feels the contours of her voloutpous body. Yes, she'll make a fine breeding bitch. He implants his dick into her less than needy sex, violating her womanhood in the first steps to imrpegnating her. 

This could be bad.

It is bad.

Bam, bam, bam! Each thrust digs deep in December's slutty box, filling the well used fuck hole to capacity. Though she may be a loose whore, December is overwhelmed by Pike's eight inch meat.


Oh no.

Act more upset!

This stupid cum ho doesn't even understand she's being raped. But indeed she is, her cunt pressured, his dick pushing past her defenses and reaching into her stomach!  If she could look down past her huge knockers she could see an imprint of his meat.

Take my seed, whore!

I don't enjoy gardening. But thank you for the offer.

December's stupidity just angers Pike all the more. His thrusts get meaner smashing into her stomach. It seems she's pregnant with dick and it's kicking like a chid. Pike could fill her with baby batter any time, but  he wants to savor this delicious piece of retard pussy.

Be bred by me! Be bred by me!

I'd rathe not be. Thanks though.

Man is Pike infuriated and he slams and slams his huge schlong into one of the most passed around pussy's on the roster. Even though it's been fucked countless times because the owner is a cheap whore, its fantastic pussy. Wet, sloppy and accepting of cock,

Unfortunately it has a brother who comes in for the rescue! That's right, LAWSON BELLE comes with a trash can lid and wallops Pike! He hits him hard enough to get the big to scurry away with a promise.

I will breed your sister!

Try it, asshole! Try it! ARRRRGGGGGH!

Lawson throws down his trash can, with enough force to scare December. And neckbrace wearing Annie arriving doesn't help!

December, are you pregnant by Pike?

Hey what the fucks your problem?!

I,..I..I'm sorry.

Adding to the confusion is Lisa Ann, who's rushed in concerned.

December, I heard Pike raped you! Are you-

Uh oh, Lisa Ann is here. I have to run.

And run December does, with Pike's precum leaking out her fucked hole. Pike watches her go and then shows a massive feat of strength punching a hole through the wall!




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***Lumberjack Match: Wesley Singleton Vs Ignatius Maddix***

The Union Jets and our tag team champions, Big Hairy Nutt Saks are all ready to go as lumberjacks.

But Wes and Iggy weren't ready to fight. And spent a good portion of the "match" just circling each other. The tag champs didn't find that very entertaining and so dragged The Shell Gang out of the ring and started beating on them! 


But The Nutt Saks would accidentally hit Tom Smith, angering The Union Jets. Unapologetic, the tag champs slugged C-4 and the faces began brawling! In the midst of all this, The Shell Gang grabbed chairs and took out both the Union Jets and The Nutt Saks for the second straight week!

Shell Gang domiance!

Balrog Nutt was thrown into the ring by both members of The Shell Gang. Though he started to fight back, Spanish Sexy was able to take him onto his shoulders.

Look at that strength!

Prince Ignatius then threw Nutt out and nailed him with a Go2Sleep that sent blood sputtering out his nose!

Oh my god!

Successful in reasserting themselves over their rivals, The Shell Gang duo posed whhile flashing Gang Gang hand signals.


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Backstage in catering...


THE SOCCER MOM is getting some pudding when...


BLANCHEFLEUR approaches her from behind.

Well then, Susan, how was Zelda's magic show?

Yikes! You scared me. Hheheh.

The magic show? Zelda's magic show?

Uh..well...it started off with a trick called Fish In The Eye....

Did you say fish in the eye?

The Soccer Mom swallows and nods, not liking the look in Blanchefleur's eyes. What she really doesn't like though is the approach of Jim Cornette arm and arm with...




I'll tell you how the so called Show of Shows was. You had a pristine white toilet in the bathroom near the dildo section, after that it was an off white because I puked my guts out at what I saw! I like to take advantage of the simple minded as much as I can, but this girl Zelda has no mind! I don't know why you let that show go on, because even if it went right it would still be worthless as fuck! 

You seem a bit strange, old lady? Was it something he said.

Now stop it right now! That girl was trying very hard and you three came in and bullied her. And here you are back again still bullying her.

The term is burying. But if it was my magic show...there wouldn't be many guys left for you to book, because they'd all be spent from my disappearing thong trick.

A trick I've been privy to hundreds of times.

I can feel my boredom growing even stronger. Would it be okay if I cursed her? Turned her eyes into fish eye? Mwhahahahaha!

Now that is a trick!

Don't you dare!

Everyone, thank you. As your reward for your service I'm booking all three of you into the Lethal Bang.

Mister Cornette, I look up to you, and I love you. You're the only guy who can make me cum.

I'll have to put the eternally orgasming curse on her.

I'm sorry but what is a Lethal Bang?

Don't you know anything? It's the world's biggest orgy. This year it's at AngleMania X-Seven and the winning Hottie gets a half a million dollars.

I..I..I can't do that! No way.

I bet you've never even had an orgasm!

I've got a curse for that.

The funny thing is, I'm the boss, you're the employee. 

Blanchefleur allows no argument and walks off, with Caeldori having a good laugh at The Soccer Mom's expense.



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***The Bounty Hunter Vs Isabella Spezia-Villagrosa***

If you can believe this, Los Angeles' own Isabella entered waving two huge inflatable black dicks while Skan's Mia Khalifa plays

Looks like this Chick isn't Over Black Dicks.

Your writers are garbage.

I write my own material. Thank you.

That's even sadder.

The following contest is scheduled for one fall, now making her way to the ring, fighting in her hometown of Los Angeles, California, she is "LATINA EXTREMA" ISABELLA SPEZIA-VILLAAAAGRAASSSSOOOOOO!


In the ring Isabella pointed the black dicks at the camera and super imposed cum splattered onto the screen! Dead serious.

Only in TMW.

The lights started flashing a frantic white as the words THE BOUNTY HUNTER are spelled out in flames across the entrance stage. The man himself, maybe the cruelest thing in a small package, emerges through the Y and the H with his hands in his pockets and a pleasant smile. Pleasant if it didn't belong to a psychopath.

And her opponent, from Pasadena, California, he is making his TMW debut..."THE BOUNTY HUNNNNNTTTTEEERRRRRR!"


Still smiling his cheery grin, The Bounty Hunter strolls down the entry way. With every step he takes, fire erupts behind him, which is dangerous in such a small building!

This guy said on IG that he's responsible for the fireworks that hit Storm Bellmare and got his eye injured. So now Isabella has come to fight him!

While Eponine hides like a coward.

I'm sure she's supporting this.

While hiding backstage. Like a coward. 


The Bounty Hunter shoved Isabella down to start and responded to her frustration with his trademark giggle...

Nnehehehehehe! I think we can be friends!

I think not! I'm only friends with cute girls, and cute guys who used to be girls.

Isabella got back up, but when The Bounty Hunter sought to sucker her in with a handshake, she responded by nailing him with a boot to the gut, then walked the ropes and hit a dropkick on The Bounty Hunter!

Jockin The Bitches!

Isabella is here!


Actually I live here in LA, so I'm always here.

And she may be the former mayor's daughter.

The Bounty Hunter and Isabella traded chops, but Isbaella's big fake tits helped her in that affair. What didn't help her, was The Bounty Hunter thumbing her in the eye and raking that eye across the top rope. That allowed The Bounty Hunter to smack her with a bionic elbow right between the eyes to complete the set of eye attacks!

Truth Bullet!

Who thought we'd see a bionic elbow from someone in 2018.

Isabella kicked out at two, popping the bawdy Toy Box fans. They cheered her on as she hammered The Bounty Hunter with fists to the stomach as he pulled her up. Those punches were all she could do as The Bounty Hunter drilled her with a spin kick to the neck!

White Lies!

Nothing harmless about that kick.

The native of nearby Pasadena went off the top rope with a shooting star press, but ate nothing but knees from Latina Extrema!


Both TBH and Izzy beat Referee Nerdregard's ten count and started exchanging punches. 

Smile. You're dead.

And after that Latina Extrema smoked TBH with a front flip DDT!


Angering the fans, The Bounty Hunter kicked out before the three. More annoying to the fans was that he then tried to escape! But Isabella took him over with a victory roll, and nearly got a three. The Bounty Hunter was rightly panicked and in his confusion got himself superkicked! Isabella then tried for a lionsault but The Bounty Hunter rolled out the way and poor Isabella crashed and burned in a big way!

(unzipping his pants_
Nhehehehehe, I can end this quick...if you're a big a cum sock as your sister!

Right in Isabella's pussy did The Bounty Hunter's dick go! Therefore he  claimed the easiest bounty of all, a Spezia woman's pussy!

Ahhhhh! Dang it, dang it, dang it!

The engorged dick of The Bounty Hunter might have put anyone else Isabella has had sex with to shame! The busty Latina breathed hot against the mat as grunts are forced from her lips by each uncaring thrust by The Bounty Hunter. The suddenly despised heel wore a wicked smile as he ramed his rod deep within the stupid girl's fuck hole.

I only like girls!

If you give up then this can be all ovveeerrrrr. But if you don't, I can get very naughty!

I only like to get naughty with girls!

The lesbo bimbo's whimperings meant not a thing to The Bounty Hunter. He kept on sawing in and out the dumb bitch's cunt as her hot breath blew back into her face. Desperate, Isabella reached for the ropes but they're nowhere hear. Thus all she could do is watch her own rape on the TMW tron!

Isabella you should just tap out! No one would blame you!

Isabella manages to worm her way free of TBH's dick. But does the Latina Whore really think she can escape hard lusty dick? She can't, as TBH tackles her to the ground!

She's down!

Back to work cum sock!

TBH's rock hard fat ram rod is shoved straight in an uninviting pussy. The brainless skank screams, and she screams more skanky screams as she's savagely ravished by thick dick! The Fluffers have plenty to clean as cum explodes from the cocks of the boys who watch the dumbest woman on TV get raped over and over again!

It's too hard to watch!

The Bounty Hunter pulled out of Isbaella, yet no mercy was forthcoming. Instead the idiot bitch was flipped over onto her back and given a fresh round of dick! The lean cruiserweight impaled the bitch with his double wide dick. Even more insulting he started choking her!

Aggcckk aaacck mmmffk accck!

Hey! Rape may be legal but is choking?

The Bounty Hunter showed no relent, stimulating his meat with her prime Mexican snatch. Nor did he stop choking the brainless skank, truly a man after my own heart! In the end Isabella couldn't take any more and tapped out!

It may be legal but that doesn't mean I have to like it.

Deep down you do. Fluffers, fluffers, I think Renee needs a new change of panties. Take these old ones to Undie Brown.

Stop it!

Winner: The Bounty Hunter, via pinfall

He just wouldn't stop penetrating her...he just kept raping her....

But even after the bell The Bounty Hunter wouldn't stop raping Isabella! 

Ahhhh, won't a cute girl come save me!

That's when Eponine arrived and collared The Bounty Hunter from behind. Yet despite his small size, TBH showed big strength in throwing her off.

Awwwww, look what Lisa Ann delivered to me! An English slut! Too bad daddy isn't here to save poor widdle ol you!

But guess who was? STORM BELLMARE! Wearing a bandage over his eye, Storm came with a crowbar and beaned The Bounty Hunter in the head! 


The Bounty Hunter feel through the ropes after another shot in the head! The TMW Studs and security wear on hand to shield The Bounty Hunter from having his brains bashed out.

Bounty Hunter, you can manhandle a woman, but let's see if you can handle a real man like me at AngleMania X-Seven!


The Bounty Hunter, holding his head, accepted the challenge and stalked off backstage,

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Smelting Plant, Outside Austin, Daytime

Mister Dick in his yellow pickup barrels through the gate and screeches to a stop. Dressed in cowboy boots, tight jeans and tight grey tank top hegets out and heads forward when he's met by BPT.

You got a problem parking your shit on my hydrangeas?  That bitch down at Home Depot thinks she's the man when it comes to gardening, but I'm the man with the largest hydrangeas in the world! 

Who gives a shit about some god damn plants? The job was fucked from the start and now we're fucked. But go ahead and plant some damn Christmas trees while yer out here! 

BPT peers into Jock's rear cab which seems to be open. In it, a TEENAGER's BACKPACK. He grabs it. Unzips it. MEDICAL FILES. COMIC BOOKS. OAOAST stickers. Other trinkets. Then he notices something in the trunk bed. A RUBBER BALL with Krista Isadora Duncan's face on it.

That's when Mister Dick notices a corvette approaching on the horizon.

You got some Freakazoids coming over?

You know I'll have to wait until the earth rotates on a 40 degree axis, and the moon is in eternal equinox before Big Papa Thrust fucks a Freakzoid again after they slandered the Big Bad Glueti daddy in the MeeToo movement, and his supplier got busted by the DEA, because size does matter and if you don't have size you're a sexual harassment suit waiting to happen because size does matter and I don't have size!

Go keep Baron quiet. You think you can handle a sickly 35 year old, cruiserweight?

BPT bristles at that jab but nonetheless walks off to deal with Baron.

The corvette pulls in and creates a dust crowd. Yet even with a dust cloud, out step Effie Reese and Glass Juliet, vampires with award winning smiles.

It's your mega magical girls, Effie Reese and Glass Juliet! Products of the University of Michigan! Champions in our heart!

I went to Texas A&M.

....I'm sure that's a very nice, but I've never heard of it.

You want something, kids?

Do you know what a debt is? Its when gwon ups make a deal with other gwon ups that they're gonna pay back a fwavor. Do you know what a fwavor is? its something friends do for friends!

And we're best of friends! I'd love to lick ya up and down and all around cause yer so gosh dang cute, but I need Stacy. She calls herself Miss Cunt. Kids and they're crazy nicnames ya know! Nothing as elegant as Glass Juliet.

Look, I don't know no Stacy, don't know no Miss Cunt neither. You either fucking or leaving. Got it?

People say I have a calming effect on them, but you don't seem calmer! How can this be?

If my good sir doesn't know no Miss Cunt why's her Krista ball on the ground, and why doesn't she have a Glass Juliet ball. It cost me a lot of money to get immigrants to paint my face over her's! 

I got called to see that Ariel at the hotel-

And you didn't call cute ol me? Is there no love for the TMW Asscot?! No love whatsoever!

It's tragic!

You killed her, didn't ya.

Why do you care, you said you didn't know her?

I kill em with the dick, not with fangs.

I killed her with my bare hands.

Out of nowhere comes a flash of action, a leaping kick that smashes both Effie and Glass in the face. It hits with so much force that the girls can barely register what they're looking at until their vision clears and they see...


I, Stacy Cunt, Miss Cunt, by the honor of Neo-Cunt-Fu will avenge my mother's death!

Hey, where did you come from?

I snuck aboard your pickup truck. It's just like a degenerate male not to notice a delicate and sweet female in his presence. But, nevermind that, it's butt beating time!

Miss Cunt uses a yakuza kick to blast Effie in the face!

....That kick 

After that she grabs hold of Glass and smashes her with a full nelson slam on the hood of her Corvette!

...That slam!

Mister Dick has other worries as Big Papa Thrust is pushing Baron into the backseat of the pickup truck.

You three bastards get the fuck out! I'll keep these bitches busy!

Yer gonna stay here. And fight two vampires?

Shit it wouldn't be the first time I contended with two horny teenagers, but make no mistake they were eighteen the first time because I ain't Pete-O, and that sum' of a bitch is a pedophile and that's sumthin' I ain't!

Right, glad ya filled me in. 
(to Stacy)
Come on, kid. Let's move.

But my mother!

You'll be joining her in a hot minute if you don't get in this truck!

It's just like a degenerate male to make an insensitive comment like that. But, you're right! I will get my vengeance another day! 

Stacy dives into the truck as Jock hops into the front seat. With Baron in the back they drive off just Effie and Glass converge on Big Papa Thrust. As they disappear the last sound they hear is that of a man screaming his death rattle.

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We're backstage with...

ANNIE who is always hounding for an interview or a scoop. Even in a neck brace and limping...even though its her neck that hurts. She finds a good target in DWM member...


WHITE LOTHAR who's browsing a collection of Toni Patrica's award winning "A Field Guide to **insert country*** Pussy" series.

Annie on the scene! Come, rain, come snow, come broken freaking neck I deliver the scoops! White Lothar, I need to talk to you.

It is always nice to be wanted. I had hoped you'd come talk to me.

Well, White Lothar, if you don't mind could you tell us what Das Wrestling Machine is planning on doing to get back into tag title contention.

What will we do? Nothing unbecoming. They so named me White Lothar because my soul is as pure as the whitest of snow. 


Of course. I would never lie.

You're right. A man as good looking as you wouldn't lie.

But arriving to answer Annie's question, is the less good looking...



What will we do to win the TMW tag team titles? Union Jets, Big Hairy Nutt Saks, Shell Gang, we'll do whatever it takes. Whatever. It. Takes.

There you have it. Straight from the horseface's mouth.

Dang! You heard it here first, TMW Galaxy, and Annie is the one who brought it to you.

Josh could have brought us that.

I think Josh was last seen carting off a Blu-Ray of "A Field Guide to Dutch Pussy." 


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*** #1 Contenders Tag: The Hypebeasts vs. Woke Queens ***

Like a good leader, LeBrenda put her team(mate Ladybird Jones) on her back as she walked down the aisle determined not to let Woke Queens get the best of them again in a #1 contenders match for a shot at the OAOAST TMW Hotties Tag Team Championship. 

Meanwhile, Tori Malibu dusted off her high school basketball uniform, complete with headband, knee pads and EYE BLACK!?

As Tori explained to me prior to going on the air, the eye black was a team thing intended to intimidate the opposition.

How’d that work out?

They won 5 games in her 3 years on the team.

LeBrenda, basketball in hand, stepped to Tori and delivered a hard chest pass as Ladybird positioned the ref’s arms in the form of a hoop. 

This is my house. My house!

Well I’m about to own it. 

Fortunately Tori is coordinated enough to dribble the rock, but LeBrenda blocks the shot and loses her mind in celebration, chest bumping Ladybird and trash talking Woke Queens. How2Girl cheers on “Citizen Baller” as LeBrenda goes on offense, breaking Tori’s ankles with a wicked crossover for the jam! 


LeBrenda taunted Tori again, but this time Little Miss Klutz didn’t take it. Instead she kicked the ball... but completely whiffed and the HB laughed at her expense. Tori didn’t miss a beat though, swatting the ball away!


LeBrenda chest bumped Tori, arms outstretched. In response, Tori grabbed a handful of tits and shoved the Great Black Hope away.

(really fast)
Oh my god! I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to sexually harass you!

That’s okay, cuz I completely mean to posterize you.

Tori ducked LeBrenda’s Slam Dunk leaping tomahawk chop that would’ve end this one and wisely tagged How2Girl who delivered a flying crossbody for an early near fall. As the action continued, the ladies would be joined ringside by the current OAOAST TMW tag titleholders themselves, the former country of Georgia prison guards The Nasty Boyds.

Nothing beats OAOAST TMW live, but watching in high-definition comes darn close. So there’s no reason for the Boyds to be out here.

Actually there was and that was to personally deliver a message to 2 teams who have rapidly become thorns in their side. But no words were spoken here, as the Boyds let their actions do all the talking attacking Ladybird for outside interference against Tori!

Am I really seeing this? The Nasty Boyds are helping Tori!

Inside, LeBrenda freaked and had to be restrained, which just allowed the Boyds work over Ladybird some more. Then they assisted Tori to her feet... and proceed to pummel her! 

The Nasty Boyds have no regard for human life!

H2G to the rescue! She dived thru to the ropes to wipe out the sisters only to be brought to her knees not by Kryptonite... but a basketball to the head LeBrenda placed her bubblegum on! So while H2G fought to remove the gum from her hair LeBrenda tossed Tori back in, said a few nasty things to the Boyds and found herself playing D as Tori unleashed an offensive fury by her standards. Then Tori decided to get fancy and fly just like H2G onto the Boyds, but she botched the dive and got tangled in the ropes! 

What a klutz.

As Tori struggled like a fly caught in a cobweb, Brit Boyd produced a NIGHTSTICK as LeBrenda rushed to spear Tori! Luckily Tori managed to free herself and it was LeBrenda who took the nightstick between the eyes in a classic case of being in the right place at the wrong place! Tori then schoolgirl’d a groggy LeBrenda for the 1-2-3.

Winners: Woke Queens, via pinfall. 

Well that didn’t work out as intended for The Nasty Boyds, who now will face Woke Queens for the OAOAST TMW Hotties Tag Team Championship at AngleMania!

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Texan Roadside, daytime.

Mister Dick is standing a distance from his pickup with Baron, hunched over on his cane at his side.

Jock, she's the one I told you about. The girl we have to help.

What's she to us? Another mouth to feed, another piece of baggage to carry. I ain't no one's bag carrier!

Frank died so we can give her a chance.

What chance do you think this chick has got with Effie and Glass on her ass? And what chance do we got?

Approaching from behind is Miss Cunt, with a sour expression on her face.

I was going to say if we combined the strength of our forces we could avenge my mother! But of course a degenerate male chooses the path of the coward even after such a noble sacrifice by his friend.

Quit calling me stinking degenerate male.

Are you a male?

You know what I am.

Ah-ha! I do know what you are. A filthy degenerate male! 
Jock, does she remind me of you anyone? Headstrong, stubborn? The way she fights?

Mister Dick and Miss Cunt hold each others' glare with equal hardness. It's Jock who breaks and stalks off towards the pickup truck where he finds Miss Cunt's belongings. He goes through the phone and gets to a message from ARIEL.

Jock, I hope you see this. Eighteen years ago we met in that seedy bar after you did an indy show in Liberty Hills. You know one thing led to another. And Jock-

Mister Dick ends the video right away. His eyes gaze over to Stacy, and his face sags into a rare sadness. As he frowns, Mister Dick is approached by Baron.

You took Ariel's money. To get Stacy to safety. Jock, you have to help her.

Who is she?

She's your daughter, Jock.

Jock doesn't smile, just looks at Stacy with a look of sorrow crossing his face.

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***Money In The Bank Qualifier: "Money" Marc Bennett Vs Seargant Holt***

I won't go down without a fight
I won't go down without a fight
I'll take you down for more then's right
I'll beat you down

I won't go down without a fight
I won't go down without a fight
I'll take you down for more then's right
I'll beat you down

Beat You Down by Downstait twanged and rocked into The Boy Box. It summonsed the flag draped, Sgt.Lyle Holt, former serviceman of the US Army. As green lights swayed about the building, Holt nodded his approval for the crowd's support and pointed his most ardent fans out on the way to the ring.

The following is a qualfying match for Money In The Bank Ladder match at AngleMania X-Seven. Now making his way to the ring, from Tuscaloosa, Alabama, he is...SERGEANT LYLE HOLLLTTTTT! 


Sgt.Holt would make a great Money In The Bank breifcase holder. I mean he's a great guy, he's strong, he's tough, he's a little bit tender when he needs to be.

What the fuck does the last part have to do with holding the briefcase?

I dunno, it's just a nice quality in man.


Don't you think it's perfect and the feeling's worth it
When we're getting down down down down down,
Everything you've searched for is right here on the dance floor
And you want it now now now now now.
Don't know what you're there for
Bring it over here in the middle of the crowd inside my sound
Seeing through your eyelids
I know that you like it when the music gets loud

Loads of jeers were on hand as "Bring Back The Summer" oozed into the arena. The power couple as they claim to be, Money Marc Bennett and The Doll acted oblivious to the disdain. Instead The Doll was twirled around by Money Marc to show off her scantily clad body, which even their many detractor's could appreciate.

And his opponent, being accompanied by THE DOLL...he hails from Austin, Texas..."MONEY" MARC BENETTTTTTTTT!


Money Marc and The Doll tried to keep Conan Chanel out of AngleMania last week, and The Doll got green mist in the eyes for it!

You still find that funny.

I sure do! HehhehhehehehhHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

Money Marc started off poorly, eating a pair of clotheslines then getting hip tossed all the way to the floor!


Do I look like I would be with a broke boy!


I think you'll find that very few whores go for two dollars.

I don't think that was the counter she wanted, and how would she know what whores go for?

Annie, time to investigate.

Money Marc got back into the ring and ate three more clotheslines. This time he said fuck it and tossed his own ass over the ropes. And shocking, Annie was on the scene to get a scoop!

Speak of the unwanted interviewer and she appears.

Money Marc, how does it feel to fail so spectacularly? 

What is this BS?!

Inquiring minds need to know!

Money Marc decided he'd rather take his chances with Holt then deal with Annie. But back in the ring those chances went downhill as he got hit with Holt's signature hammerlock Northern lights suplex!


Holt went to the second rope and saluted the crowd before coming off with a senton...that missed! Holt then suffered more as Money Marc put him in the tree of woe and proceeded to choke away at him.


Money Marc further infuriating the fans by making the money fingers at him. Holt sought to take advantage of Money Marc taking his eye off the prize by hitting him with a kitchen sink. But Money Marc caught the leg and hit a knee breaker then got a figure four!

Sugar would be proud. But it's past her bed time so she's not watching.

Holt broke free of the hold, then made Money Marc eat a series of right hands. The Alabama native then hit the ropes but on his return got rocked with Money Marc's signature big boot! As The Doll cheered him on, the Austin, Texas bred Marc lifted Holt onto the top rope and forced him to endure a superplex! But referee Brian Christopher's count only hit two.

I get money! Money is got!





Well that obviously didn't sit well with Marc, and he took it out on Holt with stomps to the head.

Nice job, idiots, you're getting Holt beat up.

But, Holt is a hardened vet and Money Marc's stomps were but another test to be braved. The former HARD champion fought upright and start slugging Money Marc in the jaw. He then shot him into the ropes and nailed him with his signature kitchen sink attack!


Both men were down, but they answered Grandmaster Sexay's ten count. Punches were exchanged, until Money Marc took Holt onto his shoulders!

Death Valley Driver?

But Holt used elbows to go down the back and hit Marc with a German Suplex that got a close two. Back on their feet, Money Marc scored with an inverted sidewalk slam!

Money Marc Holding Holt Down!

But Holt got his shoulder up, infuriating Money Marc. Marc stomped away at Holt, until he got caught with a leg lock! But The Doll was on hand to aid her man...

Come on, Sergeant, won't you serve these bad girls..


That got Holt and the referee's attention, and Money Marc was able to nail his foe with the Death Valley Driver!


The leg was hooked, and on the count of three, Money Marc secured his ticket to AngleMania!

Winner: Money Marc, via pinfall

That tease struck again! 

Win it how you can win it, that's my motto.

Well, gang, we may not like it but Money Marc joins with The Intruder, GOATman Pains and his new rival Coco Chanel in the Money In The Bank ladder match. Now we have two spots left to fill.



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I stay out too late

Got nothing in my brain

That's what people say, mmm-mmm

That's what people say, mmm-mmm


No way? Could it be!

Yes it is! Not even trying to hide her MILF body, the biggest whore in sports entertainment arrives baring almost all! She's picked up on TMW's sexy ethos but she sas fuck if she's staying away with this hot MI:F figure....


I don't believe it.

Well believe it buddy, because those long MILF legs are breezing into the ring.




You morons will cheer anything I say at this point. But let's try something. I'm hear to announce I'm getting my tits shrunk.


It's good to know where your heart lies. And, I can't blame ya, I've gone from fitness queen to porn queen and if Jade is cum dumpster I'm the cum garbage dump.


Should I be offended you cheered that? Well, the cum garbage dump is open for guys to drop their business, everyone! I'm stepping into the Lethal Bang once again! I mean, money and big cocks? Big black cocks? This white bitch is in! These little girls thought they could rule the roost? Well baby these young boys ain't fucked nothing like this before! 


Thank my daughters. Through fucking their asses until they called their grandmother and begged her to get to me to stop, I realized I need to be pounded and penetrate like the dirty MILF slut I am! And after going a round with Tyrique The Freak this MILF pussy needs to be stuffed with more big black cocks!

Sex, the way you move it make me wanna
Sex, question is are we gonna
Sex, we ain't kids...
Sex, I know we just met but listen
Sex, the way you move it make me wanna
Sex, question is are we gonna
Sex, we ain't kids...
Sex, no disrespect but I need your sex

Face down, ass up, that's the way I shake my butt

Sex by Collette Car plays out the unexpected Annagret. The sexy black cock hound wears an evening gown to barely cover her huge gazongas.

This is gonna be good.

I used to dream I could be like you. But hmph whatever, I didn't need you to make me feel good about myself. Because I realized I have this fine ass teen body, and I'm the white girl every black in the world gets hard for.

Every black man? What about Tyler Perry? I have a hard time imagining he would get hard for me.

He'd pop a tent.

I have a hard time believing that.

Hmph, whatever, just worry about your old ass pussy being fucked raw by some skinny white dicks. You can't handle the black meat. 

I can't handle the black meat? Listen, kiddo, I was handling black meat when you were sucking your dad's dick in his throne room. I've been in the trenches with black dick! Black men know mom's fuck best.

Now tight young white bodies fuck best. Not old worn out, leathery ones. Stay home, old hag, you're time is up. My time is now. My pussy reigns supreme.

In that case, unleash the freak!

Slob on my knob 
Like corn on the cob 
Check in with me, and do your job 
Lay on the bed, and give me head 

The crowd pops huge as the muscled up Tyrique The Freak appears through the entrance doors!

And he's got a boner!

A huge one! Fifteen inch one! I'm not kidding! And he's swinging that big black cock in Annagret's direction. Annagret has an idea what he wants and is ready to swallow a huge load of chocolate milk. Except Tyrique is grabbing Annagret by the hair as he turns his back to her. The white bitch is dropped to her knees and is presented with a muscular black ass to eat!

For your tube description; this scene has rough, degrading face-fucking, extreme objectification, , a lot of painful blowjobs, .ass-eating, face slapping, and a huge cumshot from Tyrique all over Annagret's exploited face. Let's enjoy!

Annagret has no time to object or prepare herself. Instead she's rammed right into Tyrique's ass! She gets a full scent of man musk, and a deep taste of sweat that has the white ho gagging and coughing.

I guess your mouth doesn't reign supreme.

Tyrique jiggles the slut's head a bit, letting her know she better do something. Her long tongue takes out and it taste a full heaping of man sweat. Booty sweat. And yet the ho is wet. Yes this bitch has gotten wet off black man sweat. That's how much she loves black men that they're sweat will get her horny.

Her tongue glides up and down his ass crack. She gets the full ripe flavor of his spinchter. Her tongue penetrates his asshoe, and she shudders. Her love for black men will even see her eat nasty sweaty asshole. This white bitch is a degenerate of the first order, and black man asshole nourishes her. 

The girl who has more black penis shoved in her snatch than a prison stall is now a slave to black ass. Hopelessly depraved, the white bitch drinks up Tyrique's ass sweat as he probes his shit hole. 

What a slut!

You're just jealous.

Annagret may be dominated but she's doing her two favorite activities. Showing off her trashy porn whore body and servicing black men. These magically enhanced tits and big white ass are all created to pleasure the black man The brother obligies the white devil and gives her plenty of ghetto asshole to suck the sweat out of. Tyrique sweats more and more and Annagret gets more taste of delicious ass juice, and the blank man's juice is how this hoish cracker survives, 

If black men weren't filling Annagret with their seed I don't know how she'd survive. 
Annagret is now bent back over the ring apron. Now she is still not going to fulfill her continued mission of dream of having a virile black man blast the contents of his enormous hairy satchel all over her face. But first she needs to suck him to get his sperm worked out. And into her mouth comes The Freak's black dang, giving the white bitch purpose in life as she takes down a healthy portion of dick.

Take it you slut bag! Take all that black dick! Her reputation is that of a whore for black cock, who will cross the ends of the earth to chow down on dark meat. So it's only fitting Tyrique forces her to chow down on his meet. More than forces, he implants those fourteen inches straight into her throat!

Sure, she doesn't need to breathe or anything.

Does it matter if the white bitch passes out? We just want to see her get throat fucked, awake for it or not. Krista is certainly having a merry time, jamming fingers into her slutty cunt. These white hoes have no shame, whoring themselves out for black dick; Krista unable to resist fingering her self to the throat fucking.



I'm worried she'll come for me next!

This whore, Annagret, is dying for black cock, and she's thriving on the throat fucking. Her spit, disgusting drool for the black king spills all over that pretty white face. It smears her, the black man having degraded this blond bitch. The slave to black dick is getting her throat expanded by the do rag snake of Tyrique. At the same time, Krista is nearly fisting herself. A millionare reduced to a masturbating skank by black cock. 

Annagret wants to scream but her mouth is full of a black man meat skull fucking her whorish white mouth!! Her sloppily engorged piss flaps are soaked with the juices that comes from
 having your throat bulged by a black god! The nubian monster expands the carnal slut bag's throat big enough a colony of ants could sit on it.

The whore's bulging baby box is shameful, soaked to the brim with her juices. She needs release, to scream out, but all she can do is gurgle and release another stream of nasty drool.

We need a mop!

If anyone was wondering how Annagret and Krista stay so fit its getting their sin holes pounded! Yes, Krista hammers away at her soaking wet fuck hole. The MILF cum garbage dump doesn't even need a dick. Just the thought of one is enough to milk her loins. Yes keep fingering that used up cunt, you cock obessed bimbo. Like a good bimbo you'll be taking many black dick soon enough!

!Well, in a pig's case they probably aren't devouring large quantities of sperm daily! Li,e look at this slut! She's not even trying to fight!

The degeneate slut is made to forcibly polish his huge manhood. The filthy white whore gags and chokes and hurls up spit. Her struggles are of no concern to anyone. The fluffers have to clean up splooge because her suffering and struggles are stroke worthy,



God, she's a huge slut!

The Freak determines this black cock fiend and her bar slut rival have been serviced enough. He dumps a steaming load of jizz into Annagret's stomach. Filled with baby batter the white ho falls all the way to the ring mat while Krista has a hard orgasm.

These girls are worn out!

Globs of semen ooze out the whore and fall onto the ring mat. More for the Fluffers to clean up. But someone needs to carry Annagret off. The degenerate cracker is barely able to move, throat fucked out of her wits.

Let's see how you handle ALL the black dick at AngleMania.

:Cue: Black In Black


Lisa Ann arrives with some Sable grinding!

We like em dumb and we like em slutty!


Ladies, you lived up to that moniker! But I just found out that the Lethal Rumble will get even hotter because Alix Maria Spezia will be joining Renee for commentary!

I have to beat off backstage?

Krista nods her approval, liking the ability to cuck her girlfriend. Annagret says something mocking, but it comes out garbled because her mouth is full of splooge. That's the way it should be, the cracker ho should only open her mouth to gargle black dick.


Wow, huge news from Lisa Ann after Annagret took a big black cock down her throat! 

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Backstage, Annie Idol interviews BREA BREA outside the office of Lisa Ann as the bubbly OAOAST TMW Superstar waits to be called in to dot the T’s and cross the I’s for her upcoming HOH Title shot at AngleMania. Those who pay close attention can spot BEDROCK lurking in the background cuddling a PINK BUNNY STUFFED ANIMAL. Meanwhile, when asked whether she can be the one to end Princess Danger’s reign of terror, Brea replied...

I think I can! I’ve been training hard, saying my prayers and taking my vitamins! 

At that point BOBBI CHEESECAKE, fresh off her violation last week, exited Lisa Ann’s office. Soon after Blanchefleur stuck her neck out the office door to call in Brea, who gave Bobbi a warm hug while Annie grabbed her hand to provide comfort... then stuck the mic in her face TMZ style. Bobbi wasn’t ready to speak about her ordeal yet and wander off followed by Bedrock.

*** The Scumbag Reformation Project w/ Euphoria vs. Bedrock & K-Rawk ***

A puzzled Bedrock was forced to go at it alone as K-Rawk failed to showed, as did Euphoria. During the bout OAOAST TMW cameras found him laid out in a restroom stall, masked ripped and bloody. Euphoria then showed with the pink bunny stuffed animal seen earlier, which caused Bedrock to fume. He lunged for Euphoria only to the SRP to beat him down. But just as all hoped seemed lost for Bedrock, a lifeline was tossed his way in the form of RAY CRIST! 

Is this a rib?

Ray pounded the turnbuckle to rally the crowd behind Bedrock, then received the HOT TAG~! and KICKED BEDROCK IN THE STONES!!! 

What is going on?!

Anson would go on to plant Bedrock with a side belly to belly suplex, followed by the RIZZO FOR SHIZZO Lo-Down frog splash for the 1-2-3.

Winners: The Scumbag Reformation Project, via pinfall.

Post-match Ray grabbed the pink bunny stuffed animal and humped it!

Ray Crist is the Easter Bunny!

Not the real Easter Bunny, but the man under the costume previously seen on OAOAST TMW. The real Easter Bunny isn’t a scumbag like Ray Crist! 

As Euphoria enjoyed a good laugh from Ray’s antics, Bobbi Cheesecake surprised her with a SLAP to a huge pop. Bobbi then face Ray for the first time since their Easter encounter where we witnessed a different kind of egg filled. Suddenly Bobbi was grabbed by the SRP.




Ray nods because he intends for Bobbi to do the sucking! But K-Rawk storms the ring bloody and all and cleans house with Bedrock as Ray quickly bails! Bedrock then presented Bobbi with the pink bunny stuffed animal. 

Good bunny!

Bobbi smiled in return.

Backstage Jessica Ferguson, in lab coat, is currently watching a replay of Annagret's throat fucking from Tyrique "Da Freak." She ain't masturbating, instead she's TAKING NOTES when she's walked in on by The Masked Assassin, her partner in Weapons of Smart Ass Destruction.

What are you doing?

Research. Of course. 

Research again?

Of course. It's the only thing I'm good at.

You...can...come take a nap with me.

Who has time to sleep? Not when my brother is claiming to debut a huge invention!

TMA looks a little dejected. Well much she can, as she's not very good at expressing emotion.

What's this research about?

The experience and pleasure of filthy whores.

If TMA could look shocked she would!

I must determine why the whores of TMW act such a way knowing the risk of pregnancy, and disease. Why after being such a good girl for long does Jade have sex with Tyrique behind a trash receptacle? 

I don't know.

But I intend to find out.  Research is best done in the field.

The field?

I have to go where filthy whores go! Dress how filthy dress! And have sex like filthy whore! Anal, multiple partners! Everything imaginable!

TMA's eyebrows raise ever so slightly in alarm.

You shouldn't do that. 

And let my brother beat me?

Something could happen.

Let's hope so! It's about the journey not the result!

Jesscia walks off giggling like a mad scientist who already sounds like a huge fuck doll!

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The lights suddenly go pitch black inside. 


The AngleTron goes to static and slowly fades out to reveal a trio of feet. 2 in roller skates, gold and black respectively, the person between them in white laced boots. 


Can you feel it baby 

I can too

The lights go out again.

1 2 3 now we come to the pay off

It's such a good vibration
It's such a sweet sensation
It's such a good vibration
It's such a sweet sensation

White strobe lights flicker as OAOAST TMW’s newest superstar rises up on stage seated in a velvet shaped couch surround on each other by a couple of sex kittens, one with honey blonde hair, the other jet black. This is 2XS.


“Good Vibrations” by Marky Mark and the Fun Bunch continues to play in the background as 2XS is fondled by the heavily inked jet black haired woman Renee informs us is named Amelia Von Kruger. 


The other female we learn is called Honey Dove, formerly Sabrina Oakheart The Teenage Bitch


The girls skate ahead of their chocolate Casanova and do the old Melina apron leg split! A tight hole is created between the girls and 2XS slips right in, hips swaying side to side on all fours as he watches his hoes follow inside rubbing their pussies on the mat!


Friend, foe, nobody knows. But the crowd’s into what they’re seeing. Now 2XS stands mid-ring surrounded by his sex kittens who drop to their knees and stare at their man lustfully, strobe lights still going off in the Toy Box. 2XS produces a mic and...


Mic drop.

Curses! The Neon Babylon teased us! Now he leaves us!

We follow the trio to the Backroom where the SAME OL’ SHITS remain at the reserved table that we come to realize was set aside for 2XS and female companions. Grape juice all over his beard, Horse kisses his stolen C02 tag title and thanks the Lord for the free pussy given to him today, while Wakefield finishes off the last drops of wine and burps loudly.


A snap of the fingers from 2XS prompts AVK to slam the SOS face-first into the table for their rudeness!


Bystanders in the background get a laugh outta the SOS’s misfortunes. A second snap of the fingers followed by a thumbs up pointed back marks the end of a memorable debut for 2XS and company.

Ugh! Ain’t gonna lie, brother. I came. 

Wakefield fist bumps his partner.

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Renee stands in the middle of the ring with a microphone. No she is not about to shove it in her ass. She's here for an interview.

Ladies and gentlemen, please give a warm welcome to The Cayleys!


Years go, limit some once fast
Swallowing the past
Making something last

I've seen you at your lowest of low
Watching your demons grow
Struggle you won't show

Maybe I got plans for you
And you take care of me
My blood brother, fight for me

"Blood Brother" by Zedd's dead hits and out comes Sammi dressed in a pink, sleevesless floral dress, and Blaine who like me is unafraid to wear pink and wears a pink collared shirt and khaki shorts along with loafers. Into the ring come the preppiest duo since Zack Malibu and Superstar.

Blaine and Sammi. Welcome!


So, Blaine, Sammi. Everyone from the main roster who wasn't brought over to TMW decided to let their contracts keep paying them similar to some WCW roster members when WCW was bought by WWF. But, you chose to for lack of a better term be an outlaw and invade TMW shows to attack ReX.  

I find it passing odd there's a group of renegades called The Shell Gang, claiming they're taking over TMW, whilst being paid by TMW. The only true renegade is me. Toni Patrica suspended my contract the moment I attacked ReX, and said she wouldn't be held responsible for any injuries I may occur. I think the only injury I've occurred is a sore foot from constantly jamming it up ReX's ass!


Sammi, you're usually the, uh, calmer of the two. What do you think?

My brother is worth one hundred ReX's. As a matter of fact, even I'm worth fifty ReX's. Tony Brannigan made a big mistake choosing ReX as his successor. Because what he truly did was make ReX's brother an only child. 

Blaine, will you really continue to attack ReX?

Toni Patrica, you may not have called me to come back. But I know some day soon you'll call ReX's mother and apologize for her loss.

Hey pretty boy! Pretty boy!

ReX ain't here tho. Instead he appears on the TMWtron sitting in his condo in the Baltimore Inner Harbor.

I appreciate the fondness you have for my looks. It's good to know the gay community has a representive in TMW

The gay community?! Listen, punk, I'm not just Galaxy Champion, but I'm the smartest man on earth! I knew you had something in store for me, so I used that Hopkins' education to figure out what to do. So I laid back here in Baltimore, living the good life and staying away from you.

So basically, you're a pussy.


I'm a MONSTER! I got two knockdowns! Two on you!

And I've dropped you twice. So we're even. But the truth is, you and I can't let bygones be bygones. One of us has to be better than the other. One of us has to be the last man standing. 

You want a Last Man Standing match Anglemania X-Seven?!

You are a smart cookie. Glad you picked up on that.

I'll leave you laid out, knocked out and fucked up in front of your own sister, whatever family members you bring along, and in front of those low class Texans! 

ReX, I could beat the shit out of you with my left hand while fingering my sister with the right.


Sammi and Renee blush!

I'll see you soon.

ReX snarls before he cuts off from the screen. As "Blood Brother" plays, Blaine goes up top to hail the crowd while his sister claps and supports him at his side.

All my friends are heathens, take it slow...




Blaine, you should run!

Blaine doesn't run instead he folds his arms and watches like the rest of the crowd as Ignatius and Wesley climb over the guardrail. What he doesn't see is Fabain and Jose entering the ring behind him.

Blaine look out!

Blaine can't turn around in time to beat vampire speed! Instead Fabain throws him into the air and hits a pop up German suplex!

Carpe That Fucking Diem!

You're the real renegade? We're the real renegades! 

Blaine staggers to his feet, looking to fight, but gets walloped by a superkick from Jose! 


No need to fret, pretty lady, it'll be over soon.

Ignatius lifts Blaine onto his shoulders, ready to hit the Go2Slpee, but the calvary arrives in the form of Painbow, Tristian and The Union Jets! 


A brawl ensues between these gladiators, and it gets even crazier as THE BIG HAIRY NUTT SAKS enter the ring.

Whew! I'm glad I got out of there!

You just now got here!

I was busy checking out Iggy's butt. Sue me.

The Nutt Saks may clothesline Iggy over the ropes, but Julius gets hit with a double back suplex from The Union Jets! That causes Balrog to attack them, and he gets help from a chair welding Wesley. Balrog doesn't appreciate the help though and bashes Wes with the belt! 

We gotta go!

It's broadcast on the Network, there's no time slots, it's streamed. Why do we have to go?


As the chaos continues, and Renee has no good answers, we...


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