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OAOAST TMW: A comedy/erotic e-fed

The OAOAST TMW Stats Thread

Chanel #99

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Name: Nick Augur

Nicknames: In The Thick Nick, earned because he always seems to find himself in the thick of things.

Age: Still unknown

Height: 6'4

Weight: 238 lbs

Hometown: New York City

Alignment: Face

Trademark gestures/Catchphrases:

Entrance music: In My Mind by M86 feat. Susie Q

Entrance description: 

In my mind
Are our limbs twisted

Chase your goals
Chills for hours
Chemicals lifted

Walks onto stage shakes out arms and neck and just readies himself for another fight. On ramp walks to the ring, looks down a lot in silent remembrance of what he used to be and who he is now, pauses at end to take one last deep breath. In ring he stands on the apron and looks out to the crowd, runs his hand through his hair then steps inside


Entrance Attire: 
Ring Attire: Black slacks, black belt, black boots.

Wrestling Style: Technical high impact

Finishing Move(s): Mona Lisa Overdrive – Flying DDT from the middle rope

Secondary Finishers:
Trademark Moves/Spots:
Calm Like a Bomb – Oklahoma stampede
Dread Rock – Pendelum backbreaker into a stretch
Failure – package fall away slam
Fatal Error – Inverted 450


Background: Agent Augur may be the most mysterious of entrants into the TMW: Revolution competition. Few know his goals or can predict his actions, which makes him more dangerous than just about anyone on earth. He seems to be a nihilist, who wants to take the world into a state of nothingness.

Augur used his intelligence to hack the TMW tv shows to broadcast his message then sought to bring the rest of the roster to its knees through hacking their bank accounts or stealing their identity. Yet suddenly that all stopped, and a change of attitude was found within Augur. He gave up his trenchcoat, his black glasses, his slick hair and his nihilism. He became a brooding yet regular guy, a man seeking to atone for his crimes. He promised the world to never use his skills for harm and to never harm anyone in any way. He only wanted to compete as a normal competitor of TMW, but understood if no one wished for his presence. The problem is the wrong element has wished for his presence, people seeking to use him for their own ends. And over and over again Nick Augur has been thrown into the violent nihilistic feuds he so wished to avoid. 

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Name: Marty Fox

Nicknames: Time Killer

Age: 21

Height: 5'9

Weight: 192 lbs

Hometown: Universal City, California

Alignment: Face

Stable/Associates/Managers: Time Killers w/ Doc White

Trademark gestures/Catchphrases: pretends to balance himself as if riding a stake/hoverboard

Entrance music: Five More Hours by Deorro and Chris Brown

Entrance description:

What you wanna do baby? Where you wanna go?
I'll take you to the moon baby, I'll take you to the floor
I'll treat you like a real lady, no matter where you go

Just give me some time baby, cause you know
Even when we're apart I know my heart is still there with you
5 more hours till the night is ours and I'm in bed with you

In a lighthearted bit, Marty pretends to struggle maintaining his balance on his Hoverboard, kicking his leg out and all, only to stop and give a big thumbs up/smile to the camera and keep on his way to the ring slapping hands with fans.
Entrance Attire: Leather jacket w/ one sleeve longer than other + a tie (solids & various designs) -- a nod to Michael J. Fox's character on Family Ties.

Ring Attire:

WWE2K20_x64 2021-03-18 18-20-35-53.jpg

Wrestling Style: Cruiserweight.

Finishing Move(s): Hoverboard -- diving double foot stomp to the back of the head of a bent over opponent

Secondary Finishers:

Trademark Moves/Spots:

Stop-watch - Tornado enziguri (shouts/motions for opponent to stop, which they do, then Marty hits move)
Handspring back elbow off ropes
running dragonrana
Jumping double knee strike to opponent in corner
Over the top rope suicide senton bomb
Standing corkscrew moonsault

Other moves:
Crossbody block, dropkick, hip toss, monkey flip, forearm smash, jawbreaker, superkick

Double-team finisher:

Enchantment Under the Sea-- Doc places opponent in rocking chair (lucha move), swinging him back-and-forth as Marty climbs to top and delivers a diving double foot stomp.

Signature double-team moves:

Great Scott! -- falling neckbreaker (Doc) / moonsault (Marty) combo
Clocktower Strike - Electric chair lift (Doc) into missile dropkick (Marty) either off the top rope or via a springboard
0-88 - Flatliner (Doc) / enziguri (Marty) combo
1.21 Gigawatts - Backbreaker hold (Doc) / knee drop (Marty) combo
On Cue Double Dropkick

Titles/accomplishments (Lethal Rumble/Battlebowl/MITB/etc)

Background: TBD


Name: Doc White

Nicknames: Time Killer

Age: 24

Height: 6'0

Weight: 215 lbs

Hometown: Tombstone, Arizona

Alignment: Face

Stable/Associates/Managers: Time Killers w/ Marty Fox

Trademark gestures/Catchphrases: Waves both arms in the air hysterical following a big move

Entrance music: Five More Hours by Deorro and Chris Brown

Entrance description:

What you wanna do baby? Where you wanna go?
I'll take you to the moon baby, I'll take you to the floor
I'll treat you like a real lady, no matter where you go

Just give me some time baby, cause you know
Even when we're apart I know my heart is still there with you
5 more hours till the night is ours and I'm in bed with you

Entrance description: High-fives fans waving both arms in the air hysterical

Entrance Attire: Wild West-style brown trench coat w/ sleeves rolled up and cowboy hat OR white lab coat (choices!)

Ring Attire: Black tights w/ lightning bolts, stars, clocks & galaxies; black boots w/ lightning bolts on the sides; also sometimes wears white windbreaker pants w/ brown work boots (usually when wearing white lab coat only)

Wrestling Style: Cruiserweight.

Finishing Move(s): Flux Capacitor - rolling moonsault side slam

Secondary Finishers:

Trademark Moves/Spots:

The Doc's Alive -- abdominal stretch into rolling cradle pin
Cradle Tombstone piledriver
Shining Wizard
Jumping double knee strike to opponent in corner

Other moves:
Belly-to-belly, forearm smash, bodyslam, slingshot legdrop, tornado dropkick, jawbreaker

Double-team finisher:

Enchantment Under the Sea -- Doc places opponent in rocking chair (lucha move), swinging him back-and-forth as Marty climbs to top and delivers a diving double foot stomp.

Signature double-team moves:

Great Scott! -- falling neckbreaker (Doc) / moonsault (Marty) combo
Clocktower Strike - Electric chair lift (Doc) into missile dropkick (Marty) either off the top rope or via a springboard
0-88 - Flatliner (Doc) / enziguri (Marty) combo
1.21 Gigawatts - Backbreaker hold (Doc) / knee drop (Marty) combo

On Cue Double Dropkick

Titles/accomplishments (Lethal Rumble/Battlebowl/MITB/etc)

Background: TBD

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Name: Gran Arma


Age: 23

Height: 5'7

Weight: 169 lbs

Hometown: Mexico City, Mexico

Alignment: Heel

Stable/Associates/Managers: None

Trademark gestures/Catchphrases: 

Entrance music: Subeme la radio by Enrique Iglesais

Entrance description: 

Arrives with a lot of swagger and a lot to say for himself. Say En Espanol. Talks trash to the camera down the ramp. In the ring leans through the ropes and salutes his Angletron.

Entrance Attire:

Ring Attire:
See pic

Wrestling Style: Lucha

Finishing Move(s): 
Gran (Samoan) driver

Secondary Finishers:

Trademark Moves/Spots:
Diving crossbody
Diving splash

Front missle dropkick

Somersault arm drag, while springboarding on the ropes

Wheelbarrow arm drag, sometimes while springboarding

Other moves: 

Rare moves: (Moves you only break out in super-huge matches.)


This luchadore was once known as Gran Arma jr in honor of his father Gran Arma Sr. However, he challenged and defeated his father with the stipulation that the winner would be the lone Gran Arma. This disrespect caused such an uproar in Mexico, Gran Arma was chased from the industry and forced to wrestle in America. Mexico's loss is TMW's gain as Gran Arma looks to repeat what made him so successful and reviled in his home country.

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Name: Daisuke Motozaki

Nicknames: The King of Bronies

Age: 30

Height: 6'3

Weight: 248lbs

Hometown: Osaka, Japan

Alignment: Face

Stable/Associates/Managers: Teams with The Party Brigade

Trademark gestures/Catchphrases:


Entrance music: Pony by Zak Waters

Entrance description: (give us a visual description of this wrestler's entrance.)

Entrance Attire: Long black trenchcoat

Ring Attire: Black tights, boots and kneepads. Taped wrists.

Wrestling Style: Japanese Strong-Style


Finishing Move(s):

Deadlift German Suplex

Secondary Finishers:

None (although any of his big moves can be used for a win in the right situation, far from a one-move wrestler)

Trademark Moves/Spots:

Arm Capture DVD

Backdrop Driver


Rolling Elbow to the back of the head

Torture Rack

Running knifedge chop in the corner

Other moves:

A mix of power moves, suplexes and throws, with hard hitting strikes. Japanese heavyweight, basically.

Rare moves:



Titles/accomplishments (Lethal Rumble/Battlebowl/MITB/etc.) (example below)



Motozaki was a trainee of the HI-YAH promotion and grew from rookie to potential main eventer after debuting. His power and fighting spirit endeared him to fans and wrestling experts alike in his home country. And soon he was seen as a big hope in a struggling Japanese scene. On recommendation from former HI-YAH competitors Blonde and the MGHWC, King Landon Maddix lured Motozaki away from his native Japan to become his hired gun in the battle against Nathaniel Black. Landon subsequently sold Motozaki on to the newly former Black Mass, lead by Colin Maguire Jr. When the Black Mass broke up, OAOAST foreign liaison Megan Skye began advising him and paried him with former partner Faqu. Motozaki is a proud competitor, but it seems is willing to do anyone's bidding for the right price and opportunity.

Over time Daisuke began to show a personality that marked him as one of the coolest dudes in the room. Daisuke showcased so much swag, he found friends in the club hopping tag team of The Party Brigade. Together the trio have won six man titles, and the sky is the limit for the cool Japanese import.



Team Finishing Move(s):

Torture Rack by Daisuke, who passes the opponent onto Faqu's shoulders for a Samoan Drop, then a Deadlift German Suplex by Daisuke

Team Signature Moves:

Stereo Backdrop Suplexes

Sandwich Double Clothesline

Splash by Daisuke followed by a Splash by Faqu

Avalanche by Faqu followed by Running Knifedge Chop by Daisuke

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Name: The Bounty Hunter


Age: 21

Height: 5'4

Weight: 172

Hometown: Pasadena, CA

Alignment: Heel

Stable/Associates/Managers: The Three Hyenas with Montel and Jordan

Trademark gestures/Catchphrases: A huge liar, a jovial comic, and pretty much a psychopath. 

Entrance music: Cold World by 8 Graves

Entrance description: 

Wanna take the words
You're speaking off your tongue
Pull color from the summer skies
Wanna make the birds
Forget all of their songs
Pull wings off all the butterflies

Entrance Attire:

Ring Attire:


bounty hunter_WWE2K23_x64_RML97i1SPv.png

Wrestling Style: Cruiserweight

Finishing Move(s): 
City of Roses – Headscissors DDT, as in boots foe in gut drops them to knees and ddt's them to the ground with his legs in a head scissors.

Secondary Finishers:

Trademark Moves/Spots:
Pants on Fire – Seth Rollins style curb stomp
White Lies – spin kick to the neck
Truth Bullet – bionic elbow
Web of Lies – cross legged boston crab

Other moves: 

Rare moves: (Moves you only break out in super-huge matches.)


The past of this wild and downright devious superstar is totally unclear due to the fact that he's a huge liar. Even his real name is a mystery to his fellow superstars. In fact all we do know is that he was a bounty hunter, hence the name, and he has no family.  How he came to be a bounty hunter is also unknown, but he has been shown to have the skills of a theif.

The Bounty Hunter is an elusive and manipulative person who unabashedly tells lies and says whatever he's thinking. He is also strangely straightforward about his supposed evil nature, openly claiming to be a killer, admitting to being a liar, and saying he has done nothing but bad things. He is very mischievous, and he enjoys pranks and teasing others sometimes in quite mean-spirited ways. He often behaves calmly and coolly in a way to torture the others, at times turning very ominous to the point of having very unsettling, downright demonic looking expressions. Sometimes, he can speak very sweetly, even flirty and act like he loves the other person very much, while during other moments he can speak in a very crude and nasty manner and use insults which vary from quite harmless to very mean-spirited. He can also try to use his looks to his advantage and sheds crocodile tears by crying loudly like a scared and threatened child, telling the others they're being really mean, but this is always overly dramatic and obviously fake.

After running afoul of Storm Bellmare during TBH's debut, TBH entered a feud with the trans where TBH taunted Storm about his sexuality. The two fought at AngleMania X-Seven where TBH was helped by Montel and Jordan to beat Storm. There marked the forming of The Three Hyenas, a dangerous pack of dogs who will stoop to any level to get ahead.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Ministers of Offense


Name: Strika


Age:  27

Height: 6'7

Weight:  329 lbs

Hometown: Lagos, Nigeria 

Alignment: Face


Trademark gestures/Catchphrases:

Entrance music: No Security by Skepta

Entrance description: Come out dressed in cyborg or robot like gear and mechanical arms come along and dissemble them into their final form...of human!

Entrance Attire: 

Ring Attire: See pic with green boots decorated with Nigerian flag

Wrestling Style: All power

Finishing Move(s): Wahala – Kneeling spine buster

Secondary Finishers: 

Trademark Moves/Spots:
Shoulder breaker
Nawa Oh - Fallaway Slam with wild shouting before
Shutdown– running low angle shoulder block
War Torn – Body Avalanche

Other moves: Basically, just describe what the wrestler does, what he is capable of doing, what you don't want to see him doing, etc.

Rare moves: (Moves you only break out in super-huge matches.)

Titles/accomplishments (Lethal Rumble/Battlebowl/MITB/etc.) (example below)

Background: Former soldiers of fortune who plied their trade in Africa as well as the Middle East, The Ministers of Defense met Tony Brannigan at a party during the weekend of the first SluttyMania in Dubai. They were there to talk about a security contract in South Africa, but instead left with a developmental contract for the OAOAST. Debuting them on TMW TV had been tough due to their reckless nature and constant abuse of enhancement talent. However, Patrica Toney said TMW needed an infusion of chocolate so get ready!


Name: TWO IC


Age:  27

Height: 6'7

Weight:  282 lbs

Hometown: Lagos, Nigeria 

Alignment: Face


Trademark gestures/Catchphrases:

Entrance music: No Security by Skepta

Entrance description: 
Entrance Attire: 

Ring Attire: See pic with white boots decorated with the Nigerian flag

Wrestling Style: All Power

Finishing Move(s): See No Evil, Hear Evil - Pumphandle Power Slam

Secondary Finishers: 

Trademark Moves/Spots:
Shoulder breaker
Nawa Oh - Fallaway Slam with wild shouting before
Multiple Rib Breakers
Inverted Front Powerslam

Other moves: Basically, just describe what the wrestler does, what he is capable of doing, what you don't want to see him doing, etc.

Rare moves: (Moves you only break out in super-huge matches.)

Titles/accomplishments (Lethal Rumble/Battlebowl/MITB/etc.) (example below)

Background: Strika and TWO IC are immigrants from Nigeria who came to America to study medicine. What they got was an education on the greatest show ever told by anyone in history...THE OAOAST! The twins immediately dropped out of school (bad idea!) and enrolled in wrestling school (also a bad idea) where they advanced through classes and made their debut on the independent circit as the Ministers of Defense. It wasn't long before they stylish performances enballed their dreams to come true as the OAOAST soon came calling.

Tag Team Finisher
Processing Power – Rib Breaker into a big boot, doesn't matter who does what 

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The Young Cucks


Name: Montell

Nicknames: Monty Bada$$$

Age: 23

Height: 5'8

Weight: 174 lbs

Hometown: Apple Valley, CA

Alignment: Heel

Stable/Associates/Managers: The Three Hyenas with The Bounty Hunter and brother Jordan

Trademark gestures/Catchphrases:

Entrance music: This Is How We Do It By Montell Jordan

Entrance description: 

On stage they do this type of dance...

Entrance Attire: Beats by Dre 

Ring Attire: See pic

Wrestling Style: Brawler

Finishing Move(s):  9th Wonder - victory roll into a wheelbarrow face buster

Secondary Finishers: (if applicable, moves would finish a match against a lesser opponent, but are escape-able in high-profile matches.)

Trademark Moves/Spots:
WICKED~! Right Hook
It's Going Down – rolling thunder 
Pay to Play – slingshot DDT
Superkick to the cut

Other moves: Basically, just describe what the wrestler does, what he is capable of doing, what you don't want to see him doing, etc.

Rare moves: (Moves you only break out in super-huge matches.)


Montell and Jordan Jackson come straight outta Apple Valley, CA, which might not sound very threatening. However, the twins showed what Apple Valley is made of on the indy scene, tearing the house down with incredible matches while racking up title after title after title. Named after Montell Jordan due to their parents obsession with This Is How We Do It, Montell and Jordan are two fraternal twins who just love to have a good time. As they grew up they saw nobody knew how to put on fun like the OAOAST, and so devoted themselves and their pursuits to doing whatever it took to get an invite to the party. From theatre to sports the two did it all in an effort to train body, mind and spirit for the OAOAST. Their work paid off, but here in TMW there are many tag teams waiting to show them life is anything but a party.



Name: Jordan


Age: 23

Height: 5'8

Weight: 173 lbs

Hometown: Apple Valley, CA

Alignment: Heel

Stable/Associates/Managers: The Three Hyenas with TBH and Montell

Trademark gestures/Catchphrases:

Entrance music: This Is How We Do It By Montell Jordan

Entrance description: 

See Montell's stats

Entrance Attire: Beats by Dre, sometimes carries a platinum record

Ring Attire: See pic

Wrestling Style: High flying

Finishing Move(s): Springboard Swanton Bomb

Secondary Finishers: (if applicable, moves would finish a match against a lesser opponent, but are escape-able in high-profile matches.)

Trademark Moves/Spots:
WICKED~! Right Hook
Tope Con Hilo
Hey yo, hey yo, hey yo - Chickenwing Snake Eyes 
Leg caught upkick, as in his leg is caught then he uses his free leg to jump up and kick other guy
Half Nelson Back Breaker

Other moves: Basically, just describe what the wrestler does, what he is capable of doing, what you don't want to see him doing, etc.

Rare moves: (Moves you only break out in super-huge matches.)



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  • 2 weeks later...

The Big Hairy Nutt Saks


Name: Balrog Nutt

Nicknames: The 'Rog

Age: 35

Height: 6'2

Weight: 300 lbs

Hometown: Nutly, NJ

Alignment: Face

Stable/Associates/Managers: Big Hairy Nut Saks with Julius Saks

Trademark gestures/Catchphrases: Simulates jerking off as crowd sings “Pump! P-pump it up!” 

Entrance music: Pump It Up by Joe Budden

Entrance description: 
A small bar sits on stage, THNS enter looking to pick a fight, but no one wants trouble with him so they get a glass filled up take a chug and head to the ring. Might give the glasses to the fans as a memento of the night. 

Entrance Attire:

Ring Attire:



Wrestling Style: Brawler

Finishing Move(s): Nutt Sak Anthem - Over The Shoulder Pilerdriver

Secondary Finishers: (if applicable, moves would finish a match against a lesser opponent, but are escape-able in high-profile matches.)

Trademark Moves/Spots:
Body Splash
Move Bitch! - Diving Leg Drop
Gigaton Punch 2.0 - Jumping Spinning Uppercut
Feel My Pain – backdrop driver

Other moves: Basically, just describe what the wrestler does, what he is capable of doing, what you don't want to see him doing, etc.

Rare moves: (Moves you only break out in super-huge matches.)

Titles/accomplishments (Lethal Rumble/Battlebowl/MITB/etc.) (example below)

Background: Worked as muscle for shady figures back in the day to pay for his training, costing him gigs as some of his employers were deemed too suspect for even the wrestling business!

Later got into the adult entertainment industry after being approached in a casino by future OAOAST owner and successful porn producer Toni Patricia, shooting a couple scenes before moving behind the scenes. Always had that itch to perform in the ring, though. One he finally got to scratch once his good friend became owner of the OAOAST.


Name: Julius Saks


Age: 31

Height: 6'1

Weight: 306 lbs

Hometown: Hackensack, NJ

Alignment: Face

Stable/Associates/Managers: Big Hairy Nut Saks with Balrog Nutt

Trademark gestures/Catchphrases: Pops open cold one - real or imaginary 

Entrance music: See above

Entrance description: 
See above

Entrance Attire:

Ring Attire: 



Wrestling Style: Brawler

Finishing Move(s): HackNSlash- Short arm roundhouse kick

Secondary Finishers: (if applicable, moves would finish a match against a lesser opponent, but are escape-able in high-profile matches.)

Trademark Moves/Spots:
The Sweaty Sack – moonsault press
Jersey Turnpike – running vertical suplex
Talk Dat Shit – moonsault Samoan drop
springboard missile dropkick to the outside

Other moves: Basically, just describe what the wrestler does, what he is capable of doing, what you don't want to see him doing, etc.

Rare moves: (Moves you only break out in super-huge matches.)

Titles/accomplishments (Lethal Rumble/Battlebowl/MITB/etc.) (example below)

Background: Nicknamed Saks after being born prematurely inside Saks 5th Avenue when his mom got busted for shoplifting. Made a name for himself on the indie scene.

Double Team Signature Moves
Double chair shot

Ah Nuts - Dudley Boys Wassup! spot w/o the Wassup

Double Team Finisher
The Freezer – Double body splash

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  • 2 weeks later...


Name: 2xS

Nicknames: The Neon Babylon

Age: 25

Height: 6'4

Weight: 227 lbs

Hometown:  Reno, NV

Alignment: Heel

Stable/Associates/Managers: Honey Dove, Amelia Von Kruger, 

Trademark gestures/Catchphrases: “I'll take your dreams to the XS.”

Entrance music: Good Vibrations by Marky Mark and the Funky Bunch

Entrance description:

It's such a good vibration
It's such a sweet sensation
It's such a good vibration
It's such a sweet sensation

2xS and his hoes rise up on stage on a velvet heart shaped couch. Honey holds 2xs hand when they’re seated on the couch during their intro, while AVK rubs him down. The girls also wear roller skates

Entrance Attire: 

Ring Attire: Velvet tights of different colors but usually with airbrushed art, sometimes with his opponents on them. Head band in color that contrast with his tights and choker.

Wrestling Style: All rounder

Finishing Move(s): Doses and Mimosas – cartwheeling death valley driver

Secondary Finishers: 
Kill of the Night – Harlem Hangover

Trademark Moves/Spots:
Good Vibrations – cross legged high angle belly to back aka Curt Hawkins' One night stand
Lover to Friend – SOS/Rhaeni 
Turn The Beat Around – throwback,  front flip neckbreaker
Shattered Dreams

Other moves: Basically, just describe what the wrestler does, what he is capable of doing, what you don't want to see him doing, etc.

Rare moves: (Moves you only break out in super-huge matches.)


Curious as to who 2XS is? Your best not knowing. Or even asking! But I'll tell ya nosey ass. 2XS is Evan Sharpe, but he hasn't gone by that name since 2014 when he became an internet sensation. On the channel 2XS, the self titled 2XS took it to the excess offering sex tips, relationship advice, while also giving commentary on celeb couples. He became a popular dude, and also branched out to fitness advice due to his great bod.

Further fame came calling in 2017 when the OAOAST sent Terry Taylor to approach him about trying out for the company. 2XS earned another viral blowup when he filmed his try out and his incredible tryout promo. 2XS started training and advanced through dark matches, earning the eye of not just the fans but two lovely ladies...Honey Pot and Ameila Von Kruger. The duo had been beefing off camera and on the internet, but the sex appeal, and lusty hottness of 2XS made them bow down as his servants. Now Honey Pot serves as his good angel, while Amelia works as his little devil.


Name: Amelia Von Kruger

Nicknames: The Lil Devil

Age: 28

Height: 5'9

Weight: ***snaps whip***

Hometown:  Salzburg, Austria

Alignment: Heel

Stable/Associates/Managers: 2XS

Trademark gestures/Catchphrases: Carries a whip, a very bad girl 

Entrance music: Good Vibrations by Marky Mark and the Funky Bunch

Entrance description: see 2XS

Entrance Attire: Devil Horns

Ring Attire: See pic

Wrestling Style: Painful and lots of submission

Finishing Move(s): Pussy Whipped – delayed cradle suplex slam

Secondary Finishers: 
Kill of the Night – Harlem Hangover

Trademark Moves/Spots:
The Brother's Load – Canadian backbreaker rack
Amelia's Magic Massacre – Glam Slam but holding it as a submission
Venom Blow – leg kickout jaw breaker 
Spider Sleeper – dragon sleeper

Other moves: Basically, just describe what the wrestler does, what he is capable of doing, what you don't want to see him doing, etc.

Rare moves: (Moves you only break out in super-huge matches.)


Amelia Von Kreuger lived her life in a mansion in Salzburg, Austria, where a gaggle of servants were always on hand to tend to her every need. Amelia was known to mistreat these servants, berating them when she was young, then taking a whip to them as she grew older. Her torment of her servants grew so famous, the family had to pay big money just to get people to work at the mansion.

Amelia was sent to college in the USA, at Pepperdine at the latter age of 22. It was thought there she would be refined and humbled by people who were not in dent to her service. Instead she became immerssed in two cultures; the local swinger scene, and the scene around OAOAST TMW. As both scenes intermingled, Amelia grew a bit of reputation for being real rough fuck. So fierce was her persona that it alone got her tryout for TMW. While still in school, AVK trained and fought in dark matches, developing a rivalry with the reformed Sabrina Oakheart now known as Honey Dove. The two women, polar opposites, where soon unified by the BBC of 2XS and the euphoria they got off his carnal sexuality. Once dark match entertianment, Amelia and her friends became favorites of Patrica Toni are prime to honestly fuck their way to the top!


Name: Honey Dove

Real Name[:/b] Sabrina Oakheart

Nicknames: The Teenage Dream

Age: 19

Height: 5'3

Weight: Oh, you!

Hometown:  Jessup, Maryland

Alignment: Heel

Stable/Associates/Managers: 2XS and Amelia Von Krueger

Trademark gestures/Catchphrases: An angel of a girl! Much changed from how she used to be!

Entrance music: Good Vibrations by Marky Mark and the Funky Bunch

Entrance description: see 2XS

Entrance Attire: Sometimes angel wings

Ring Attire: See pic

Wrestling Style: Power

Finishing Move(s): Angel's Wings – Spinning sitout lifting double underhook face buster

Secondary Finishers: 
Kill of the Night – Harlem Hangover

Trademark Moves/Spots:
Bitch Don't Kill My Vibe-Jumping scissor motion side kick
Honey Dip – slide tackle to a running foe
Honey Glaze – standing side slam
Xquiste Xs – rolling STO followed by a KOJI clutch

Other moves: Basically, just describe what the wrestler does, what he is capable of doing, what you don't want to see him doing, etc.

Rare moves: (Moves you only break out in super-huge matches.)



Sabrina Oakheart was a regular sixteen year old living out a rocky existence with her mother and oft-drunk stepfather in their mobile home in Elkridge, Maryland. The step father was abusive to Sabrina's mother, who in turn was abusive to Sabrina. One fateful day Sabrina was arrested for the crime of bludgeoning her stepfather to death with a sledgehammer. Sabrina was found guilty and sentenced to life in prison.

Sabrina sat by her lonesome for one whole year until she took advantage of her computer privileges to go to Clar Aisling DeLacey's website AislingFriendFinder. They weren't compatible in the least according to Archie's profile system, but Aisling demanded a skype session anyway. Thanks to some brownies baked by The CAE, Aisling, Archie and Sabrina became fast buds!

Strangely enough new evidenced surfaced just in time for the Miss Anderson Cup to show that Sabrina was innocent and she had been framed by her mother! No one questioned how this evidenced suddenly appeared from thin air, and Sabrina was released into Archie's care. Within Archie's misguided care, Sabrina showcased a reckless and sometimes mean personality that was generally excused because she's so gosh darn cute! Archie got Aisling and Sabrina focused enough to win a Hotties tag title at the inaugural SluttyMania, making Sabrina one of many ex-cons to hold OAOAST gold. But, the allure of guradianship wasn't enough to keep Archie bound to the kids as he turned on them to be Malaysia's young boy!

Sabrina and Aisling kind of floundered without Archie around. Which is very strange tbh, Yet that's what happened. The duo never regained what they had and quietley split apart, with Sabrina going to TMW to get refinement to her game. What she somehow got was refinement to her personality!  Sabrina began taking etiquette classes and learning how to be a good, morally right young lady and not a teenage bitch. She dubbed herself a Honey Dove and welcomed people into her Honey Pot, including Amelia Von Krueger.

However, AVK didn't want to play mice and Honey Dove didn't want to let her play mean. Thus a rivarly occurred in the dark matches. The two were unified when 2Xs came along and dicked them down nice and proper. The ladies went from warring with each other to being his single minded sex slaves and now will do anything to please him. And I mean anything!

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Name: Ty-Bo

Nicknames: The Punk-Fu Legend

Age: 41

Height: 6'2

Weight: 212 lbs

Hometown: Rockford, IL

Alignment: Face

Stable/Associates/Managers: Kobe Kai

Trademark gestures/Catchphrases:

Entrance music: Theme of Guile by Hideyuki Fukasawa

Entrance description: He and Kobe walk all business.

Entrance Attire:

Ring Attire: Karate gi, head band, black belt

Wrestling Style: (technical/high-flier/brawler/hardcore/martial arts/etc. or you can name a wrestler(s) that his/her style is similar to)

Finishing Move(s): Punk Out -Triangle Hold

Secondary Finishers: 

Trademark Moves/Spots:
Black Needles – spinning elbow to the head, spinning kick to the rib, spinning kick to the jaw
The Final Comedown – Cross armbreaker
Dead Right - Feint Spinning right heel kick
Snapmare and Corkscrew Round House
Elbow strike from the second rope

Other moves: 

Rare moves:

Titles/accomplishments (Lethal Rumble/Battlebowl/MITB/etc.) (example below)



Name: Kobe Kai


Age: 24

Height: 6'6

Weight: 236

Hometown: Turin, Italy by way of Albany, NY

Alignment: Face

Stable/Associates/Managers: Ty-Bo

Trademark gestures/Catchphrases:

Entrance music: 

Entrance description: See Ty above
Entrance Attire:

Ring Attire: Karate gi, head band, black belt

Wrestling Style: Technical

Finishing Move(s): Kobra Clutch

Secondary Finishers: 

Trademark Moves/Spots:
Millennium Suplex – crossface chickenwing suplex
Karate Chop Combo
Jigokutuki – uppercut throat thrust
Terminating Knee Smash
Kobra Suplex – Fisherman suplex

Other moves: 

Rare moves:




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Name: Danny Cox

Nicknames: The Spartan (went to Michigan State see)

Age: 37

Height:  6'2

Weight: 290 lbs

Hometown: Flint, MI

Alignment: Face

Stable/Associates/Managers: The Stretching Club

Trademark gestures/Catchphrases:

Entrance music: Heavy by Collective Soul

Entrance description: They walk out pound their fists together and walk to the ring.

Entrance Attire:

Ring Attire: Green and white trunks

Wrestling Style: Brawler/amateur wrestler

Finishing Move(s): Cock Rot - Lifting Spinebuster

Secondary Finishers: (if applicable, moves would finish a match against a lesser opponent, but are escape-able in high-profile matches.)

Trademark Moves/Spots:
Jumping shoulder block
Double powerbomb
Snap powerslam
Battering ram headbutt

Other moves: Basically, just describe what the wrestler does, what he is capable of doing, what you don't want to see him doing, etc.

Rare moves: (Moves you only break out in super-huge matches.)

Wrestled at Michigan State University


Name: BL Cochran

Nicknames: The Cocksmith

Age: 25

Height: 5'9

Weight: 178 lbs

Hometown:  Mexico, Missouri

Alignment: Face

Stable/Associates/Managers: The Stretching Club

Trademark gestures/Catchphrases:


Entrance music: Heavy by Collective Soul

Entrance description: They walk out pound their fists together and walk to the ring.

Entrance Attire:

Ring Attire: Black and gold wrestling singlet

Wrestling Style: High flyer /Amateur wrestler

Finishing Move(s): Tiger Bite - 630 senton
Secondary Finishers: (if applicable, moves would finish a match against a lesser opponent, but are escape-able in high-profile matches.)

Trademark Moves/Spots:
Springboard clothesline
Eye of the Tiger - Double rotation suplex
Avalanche Gut wrench suplex
Price to Pay - Rolling Thunder into a jumping DDT


Other moves: Basically, just describe what the wrestler does, what he is capable of doing, what you don't want to see him doing, etc.

Rare moves: (Moves you only break out in super-huge matches.)

Wrestled at University of Missouri


Name: Hackensmichdt

Nicknames: Hacksaw

Age: 27

Height: 6'3

Weight: 327 lbs

Hometown: Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada

Alignment: Face

Stable/Associates/Managers: The Stretching Club

Trademark gestures/Catchphrases:

Entrance music: (also, include the link to your song from the theme song thread.)

Entrance description: (give us a visual description of this wrestler's entrance.)

Entrance Attire:

Ring Attire: White and red singlet with a maple leaf

Wrestling Style: (technical/high-flier/brawler/hardcore/martial arts/etc. or you can name a wrestler(s) that his/her style is similar to)

Finishing Move(s): Hacked Off - Waist lift side slam

Secondary Finishers: (if applicable, moves would finish a match against a lesser opponent, but are escape-able in high-profile matches.)

Trademark Moves/Spots:
Discus Headbutt
Diving headbutt
Running big boot to a corner trapped foe
Delayed amateur side slam
Biel Throw

Other moves: Basically, just describe what the wrestler does, what he is capable of doing, what you don't want to see him doing, etc.

Rare moves: (Moves you only break out in super-huge matches.)

Wrestled at University of Nova Socita

The Stretching Club are former collegiate wrestlers turned pornstars for Toni Patrica. These giants were well known for stuffing and stretching Toni's favorite whores. With TMW, the pornstars have been brought in to be wrestlers. But also to fuck the shit out of the Hotties!

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Name: Blaine Cayley

Nicknames: The Lion

Age: 18

Height: 6'1

Weight: 216

Hometown: Manhattan, NY by way of Beaumaris Castle, Wales

Alignment: Face

Stable/Associates/Managers: Sammi his sister and Spencer and Gloss

Trademark gestures/Catchphrases: Smokes an e-cig, talks a lot of trash in the ring

Entrance music: Blood Brother by Zed's Dead

Entrance description:


Years go, limit some once fast
Swallowing the past
Making something last

I've seen you at your lowest of low
Watching your demons grow
Struggle you won't show

Maybe I got plans for you
And you take care of me
My blood brother, fight for me

Two actual lions, a male and a female, sit caged on each side of the stage. As they roar and the lights flash red, Blaine enters smoking an e-cig.

Entrance Attire: Black trench coat

Ring Attire:


Wrestling Style: Brawling high flier

Finishing Move(s): Cruel Intentions-High impact diving sitout lariat

Secondary Finishers: Liontamer; Cruel Intentions 2 - lifting single underhook DDT, a/k/a Bloody Sunday

Trademark Moves/Spots:

Welsh Press-Arabian Press

Sliding Corner Lariat that carries him through the ropes and out of the ring

The Sharp Knife of a Short Life-Release butterfly suplex

DeathXKiss-Wheelbarrow slam into the corner posts

Bittersweet Romance-Vertebreaker

Song for a Sad Girl-Crossarm side Russian leg sweep

Diving Double Stomp

Titles/accomplishments (Lethal Rumble/Battlebowl/MITB/etc.)

Background: Blaine Cayley hails from the prestigious Cayley family of Wales. So prestigious is this family that they trace their lineage well before the fourteenth century. Perhaps most amazing of all, the Cayleys played a role in the Wars of the Roses on the Lancasterian side. The descendants of these royal warriors live in the Beaumaris Castle, in Beaumaris, Wales.


Well all except Blaine's immediate family. The youngest son of Arthur Cayley, Edward Cayley took his share of the Cayley fortune, his Spanish wife, Antonia and their eleven year old twins across the ocean to the bustling city of New York. Already of considerable wealth, Edward had no trouble breaking into the lucrative art dealing world. The twins wanted for nothing as a result, attending the very best private schools and taking lessons in the violin, horse back riding, painting, fencing and more.


Logically, eighteen year old Blaine should be attending one of the many Ivy league schools he was accepted into in his senior year of highschool. But young Blaine operates on reckless angry impulse, and when his father told him a career in professional wrestling was a boy's dream that only turned a fancy into a determined goal. It didn't take long for Blaine to be noticed by Tony Brannigan, director of talent for the OAOAST and the youngster signed a lucrative contract with the OAOAST, to the surprise of his know it all father no doubt!

Aiyo this motherfucker Blaine is the man. The baddest dude in the OAOAST from day one, Blaine plays by no one's rules but his own. He was made to join Team Scream by Sophie but showed zero respect for the group or Oscar's leadership. As the two clash, Blaine's doting sister, Sammi came to the OAOAST rather than be stuck away from him at school and casued even more conflict with the group, while spurring Blaine to no highs. 

Blaine soon became perhaps the most dangerous man in the OAOAST. Literally able to beat anyone with skill and with ease, a match with Blaine became a certified loss. As his legend grew his heart thawed a bit towards Team Scream as he and Oscar came to a mutual respect. Alas his respect for Tanner wasn't quite that high as Blaine was a-okay with Sammi stringing him along to use him as a lackey.

Early during his stay it was exposed that Blaine and Sammi are infact romantically involved with one another, a first for the OAOAST with twins being linked as an item. The two have adored each other since childhood, a love that became strained when Sammi was involved with a young Spencer Reiger.

Blaine seemed to forget all about Tanner or anything else when Spencer came into his sights and a hot animosity grew between Blaine, and Sammi and the married couple of Gloss and Spencer. Though Gloss was highstrung and full of vigor, Spencer held hope he could reoncile with the Cayleys and his wish was granted as the group now form an intricate love-rectangle or love-square. Blaine remains the sharp tongued hot head, eagerly accepting immature Gloss' invites to chaos, while Spencer and Sammi are the level headed calm ones of the group.

Success has continued to find Blaine as well as he won The Challenge: Singled Out along with the MITB breifcase.


Name: Sammi Cayley

Nicknames: Sam, Slammin Sammi

Age: 19 (older than Blaine by 1 minute)

Height: 5'7

Weight: Even Blaine doesn't know

Hometown: Manhattan. NY by way of Beaumaris Castle Wales

Alignment: Face

Stable/Associates/Managers: Blaine Cayley, Spencer Reiger and Gloss Angieacola

Trademark gestures/Catchphrases:

Entrance music: Blood Brother by Zed's Dead

Entrance description:


Years go, limit some once fast
Swallowing the past
Making something last

I've seen you at your lowest of low
Watching your demons grow
Struggle you won't show

Maybe I got plans for you
And you take care of me
My blood brother, fight for me



Two actual lions, a male and a female, sit caged on each side of the stage. As they roar and the lights flash red, Sammi wheels out with a sly smile and a cute look

Entrance Attire:

Ring Attire: Same as pic but with white boy shorts

Wrestling Style: Brawling High Flower

Finishing Move(s): Cruel Intentions-High impact diving sitout lariat

Secondary Finishers: Liontamer

Trademark Moves/Spots:


Welsh Press-Arabian Press

Sliding Corner Lariat that carries him through the ropes and out of the ring

The Sharp Knife of a Short Life-Release butterfly suplex

DeathXKiss-Wheelbarrow slam into the corner posts

Bittersweet Romance-Vertebreaker

Song for a Sad Girl-Crossarm side Russian leg sweep

Diving Double Stomp

Other moves:

Rare moves: (Moves you only break out in super-huge matches.)


Background: Sammi is the twin sister of Blaine Cayley, and the two are damn near inseparable. Since they came out a minute a part (Sammi was first) the two are so close they basically share a mind if not a personality. While Blaine may be somewhat surly and a bit rude, Sammi can be gregarious, fun loving, and charming. Of course she can also be quick to anger, irascible and violent.


Highly intelligent and from a rich family Sammi was easily able to gain entrance into Boston College. There she played field hockey as well as cricket, and was quite the star. Why do I say was for a 19 year old freshman? Because she got suspended after an incident with a girl who dissed Blaine. Rather than continue with her education once her suspension was up, Sammi decided to stick around in the OAOAST and chill with Blaine and Teen Scream. However, Sammi was the cause of much drama, inflating Blaine's ego and using her beauty and charms to manipulate Tanner Neptune into doing their bidding. Tanner might have had a chance with Sammi, if not for the shocking revelation that she and her twin are a romantic item as bound to each other as Romeo and Juliet. Yet, amazingly, the real height of the drama came when Sammi was revealed to have dated Spencer Reiger when the three all lived in New York. This produced a rivalry between her and Blaine and Spencer and Gloss. Though the battles were heated, the friendship between Spencer and the Cayleys cooled it all down and warmed hearts to the point where the four are inseparable. Sammi remains arrogant but sweet, confident in her brother and her place in the world, but never forgetting to spread kindness to others. Though don't think for a minute that makes her a pushover. This lioness is always ready to fight.

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Name: Mathis Golden

Nicknames: The Golden Son, Matty Gold

Age: 33

Height: 6'8


Weight: 327 lbs

Hometown: Orlando,. Florida via The Rock, Australia

Alignment: Heel

Stable/Associates/Managers: The Golden Horde

Trademark gestures/Catchphrases:
A man of few words, what words he does speak are usually repulsivly violent.

Entrance music: The One You Know by Alice In Chains

Entrance description:


The arena is bathed in gold lights and Golden sloooooowwwllly walks to the ring, scowling the whole time. While Maul is all fury and fire, and actually breathes fire on the way to the ring!

Entrance Attire: Nothing

Ring Attire: See above, except his belt buckle is made of solid gold

Wrestling Style: Brutal and painful

Finishing Move(s):
Heart of Gold-Superman Punch To The Heart

Trademark Moves/Spots:
Praying Mathis-Three point shoulder tackle

Gold Rush-Spear to an opponent trapped against the turnbuckles

Bodyslam and then senton onto foe

Very delayed press slam

Rare moves:

Why yes, The XFL does have actual friends. Mathis Golden moved to the USA from his tiny town in Australasia at the age of eight. Already a huge boy, Mathis was adored by local football coaches. But having never seen a game of American football in his life, Mathis was only intrested in the kicking part and played kicker. He was excellent at the role and made varsity for his highschool in Freshman year. In his junior year a hot shot freshman named Xavier Franklin Long made the time as a wide reciever and backup QB. Golden took a liking to The XFL and they remain friends to this day. Mathis played for Miami as a kicker but never got drafted to the NFL due to extreme character issues. As in he used to attack his teammates. He's now resurfaced as a member of The All XFL Team. Since his arrival Golden has exclusively focused on defending his longtime friend as well as assaulting the many people who The XFL has a problem with.

After the main roster dissolved, many thought Golden would go into strong man competitions or bodybuilding. Instead he went to the indies and found a partner, the up and coming Maul out of Slovenia. The two formed The Golden Horde and proceeded to destroy every thing moving, from USA to Japan. In addition they were known for fucking ring rats until they couldn't walk. Well that got them the attention of director of talent Terry Taylor, who needed big men to destroy tag teams and tag team helpless Hotties. With that Golden and Maul entered the OAOAST.



Name: Maul

Nicknames: The Cave Bear

Age: 37

Height: 6'8

Weight: 327 lbs

Hometown: Bled, Slovenia

Alignment: Heel

Stable/Associates/Managers: The Golden Horde

Trademark gestures/Catchphrases:
Hyper, violent, and very stiff

Entrance music: The One You Know by Alice In Chains

Entrance description:


The arena is bathed in gold lights and Golden sloooooowwwllly walks to the ring, scowling the whole time. While Maul is all fury and fire, and actually breathes fire on the way to the ring!

Entrance Attire: Nothing

Ring Attire: See above

Wrestling Style: Brutal and painful and stiff

Finishing Move(s):
Release Powerbomb

Trademark Moves/Spots:

Rare moves:
Face Eraser - Wheelbarrow facebuster


Body avalanche

Maulsault - rolling moonsault

The Mauling - Running powerslam


After the main roster dissolved, many thought Golden would go into strong man competitions or bodybuilding. Instead he went to the indies and found a partner, the up and coming Maul out of Slovenia. The two formed The Golden Horde and proceeded to destroy every thing moving, from USA to Japan. In addition they were known for fucking ring rats until they couldn't walk. Well that got them the attention of director of talent Terry Taylor, who needed big men to destroy tag teams and tag team helpless Hotties. With that Golden and Maul entered the OAOAST.

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Name: Booker X


Age: 31

Height: 6'6

Weight: 270 lbs

Hometown: Cleveland, OH

Alignment: Heel

Stable/Associates/Managers: BLK

Trademark gestures/Catchphrases:

Entrance music: Right Here by OMB Peezy

Entrance description: (

I'ma get that pussy right here!!!!

Entrance Attire: Chains

Ring Attire: See pic

Wrestling Style: Power

Finishing Move(s): X Bomber - Axe Bomber

Secondary Finishers:

Trademark Moves/Spots:
The Land - Multi rotational brainbuster
Death Before Dishonesty - Brainbuster into chokeslam
High Angle Body Slam
Side Kick

Other moves:

Rare moves: (Moves you only break out in super-huge matches.)

Titles/accomplishments (Lethal Rumble/Battlebowl/MITB/etc.) (example below)


Name: Martin Garvey

Nicknames: The Melatonin Magician

Age: 25

Height: 6'1

Weight: 220 lbs

Hometown: Flint, MI

Alignment: Heel

Stable/Associates/Managers: BLK

Trademark gestures/Catchphrases:

Entrance music: (also, include the link to your song from the theme song thread.)

Entrance description: (give us a visual description of this wrestler's entrance.)

Entrance Attire: Chains

Ring Attire: See pic

Wrestling Style: High impact

Finishing Move(s): 1st Round KO -Wristlock into jumping high knee

Secondary Finishers:

Trademark Moves/Spots:
Diving Double Foot Stomp
Suplerplex into falcon arrow
Melatonin Magic - Diving Sommersault Neckbreaker
Reverse STO
Negronometry - Jumping Enziguri

Other moves:

Rare moves: (Moves you only break out in super-huge matches.)

Titles/accomplishments (Lethal Rumble/Battlebowl/MITB/etc.) (example below)

Idris Elba's 12 Tattoos & Their Meanings – Body Art Guru

Name: Luther Mandella

Nicknames: Raw1

Age: 40

Height: 6'2

Weight: 238 lbs

Hometown: Liverpool UK

Alignment: Heel

Stable/Associates/Managers: BLK

Trademark gestures/Catchphrases:

Entrance music: (also, include the link to your song from the theme song thread.)

Entrance description: (give us a visual description of this wrestler's entrance.)

Entrance Attire: Chains

Ring Attire:


Wrestling Style: Brawler

Finishing Move(s): Apartheid - Chicken Wing Facelock

Secondary Finishers:

Trademark Moves/Spots:
36 Chambers - Over the shoulder back to belly driver
Hook and Ladder - elevated double chicken wing wheelbarrow facebuster
Leg Lift Tiger Suplex
Elbow drop to a standing or downed foe

Other moves:

Rare moves: (Moves you only break out in super-huge matches.)

Titles/accomplishments (Lethal Rumble/Battlebowl/MITB/etc.) (example below)
Luther Mandella, Martin Garvey and Booker X were once prime studs in Toni Patrica's stable of hunks. Along with Da Freak they laid down the BBC on the baddest bitches in porn. But as soon as Toni was in talks to buy the OAOAST, the three began their training. Training to dominate the TMW men and put them in their place. Their place as beta males behind the mighty black dicks that will soon be inserted into holes up and down the roster!

Luther is the leader of black and is the leading speaker for their views. Luther believes in black male superiority over women, especially white women. This belief leads Luther and his members of BLK to sexually dominate any white woman who catches their interest. These brutes do not career for laws on consent and will rape and gang rape white women if she refuses to suit their sexual needs. Owing to their massive black dicks, Luther and his stable believe black men are the superior species of man and all other races of men are pathetic. Luther firmly believes white women should be sex slaves to black men. Who can disagree with that!

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Pin on Jeff Hardy

Name: Bi-Curious George

Nicknames: Queerest of the Queer, the Bi-Curious One

Age: 27

Height: 6’1

Weight: 225

Hometown: Over the Rainbow

Alignment: Tweener

Stable/Associates/Managers: None

Trademark gestures/Catchphrases: 

Entrance music:
 Rhythm is a Dancer by SNAP!

Singles entrance description:

Rhythm is a dancer
It's a soul's companion
You can feel it everywhere
Lift your hands and voices
Free your mind and join us
You can feel it in the air

Entrance Attire:  None

Ring Attire: 



Wrestling Style: Technical w/ the ability to brawl (often to the surprise of his opponents)

Finishing Move(s):

Swings Both Ways - Sling Blade

Secondary Finishers: By George - spinning tombstone piledriver

Trademark Moves/Spots:

Bobbing for Apples - Places opponent in tree of woe & headbutts them in the groin repeatedly

Sixpence None The Richer - stuns opponent w/ kiss on the lips then school boy’s them

Special Delivery - Inverted atomic drop into small package

Calls any suplex a sexplex, i.e. vertical sexplex, German sexplex, belly-to-belly sexplex, etc.


 BCG got his start in Japan working for the SMUSH promotion where his act was over big. He made his OAOAST debut in 2016 representing SMUSH during The Challenge: Singled Out round-robin tournament. Afterward he returned to Japan until signing with OAOAST TMW in 2018. 

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Name: Fabian Nystrom

Species Vampire

Nickname The Divine

Age: 1000 years old (though looks in twenties)

Height: 6'1

Weight: 221 lbs

Hometown: Los Angeles, CA via The Hauge, Netherlands

Alignment: Face

Stable/Associates/Managers: Queen Esther

Trademark gestures/Catchphrases: Countsdown from ten before starting a promo

Entrance music: Hero by Extreme Music

Entrance description: 

Staring at the night sky
Trying not to wonder why
You never been the word to cry
Said you right to other side
You think you need to save me
Just tell me something not to wonder why
Staring at other place trying not to wonder why

A visual timeline of the last 1000 or so years appears on screen, and then we pan out to the arena to see Fabian with his back to the camera...

So I'm just gonna say so
You can never be my hero
Baby I'm just gonna say so
You can never be my (never be my)
So I'm just gonna say so
You will never be my hero
Baby I'm just gonna say so
ou can never be my (can never be my) hero

Fabian spins around as pyro flames explode on the side of him, then steps forward just a bit with a sneer on his face. He then talks to the ring, further sneering while fluffing his hair. At ringside he takes a dramatic walk up the stairs, spins down the apron then enters the ring. In the ring he poses with a smirk inside a bath of blue lights

Entrance Attire: 



Ring Attire: 


Wrestling Style: Light heavyweight

Finishing Move(s): Carpe That Fucking Diem – pop up German suplex

Secondary Finishers: 

Trademark Moves/Spots:
Bleed For Me– pop up double kick
Scream Aim Fire – Dominator sometimes done onto the apron
End of Days
Tears on a Runway – Electric Chair Face Crusher

Other moves:

Rare moves: 


One of the original vampires, Fabian is the vampire that almost wasn't. While being Tristan's older brother, Fabian never had his brother's martial reputation, rather he was known was Fabian Tailwind for his fleet footed retreats from many a battle. It was only at Tristan's insistence that Fabain was brought on Ivar's mission to investigate the spell of immortality. Perhaps if Tristian hadn't made that demand, or Ivar hadn't have caved history might be a happier place.

Becoming free from the shackles of death, Fabian shed his penchant for cowardice and became a man emboldened by his immortality. Always ambitious, his gain of super powers and shield against death allowed him to carry his influence across Europe. Many a human died because of wars Fabain either started of played key influence in. While Europe was constantly plunged into strife, Fabain filled his coffers.

Fabain continues to war profiteer, but has long carried a resentment to his brother. This is all due to Tristan seeking peace as he grew older. Joining the OAOAST, Fabian deicded to deliver war and strife back to Tristan's life, and allied himself with the fledgling Shell Gang to do so.  Funny enough, The Shell Gang has earned some rather rebellious fans as followers and have expanded their goals past harassing Tristan and claiming titles. They want ownership of the OAOAST!

But when Fabian failed in his quest to take The Galaxy title from Blaine Cayley, after months of posturing the end of his time in The She;ll Gang was at hand. Thanks to a superkick from Jose Fabian was put out The Shell Gang and  was about to become one of the most popular faces in TMW...

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Name: Ignatius Maddix

Nickname: The Assassin Prince

Age: 24

Height: 6'7

Weight: 277 lbs

Hometown: Madrid, Spain

Alignment: Heel

Stable/Associates/Managers: Wesley Singleton
Trademark gestures/Catchphrases:

Entrance music: DND by Polo G

Entrance description:

Once we start a riot we can't keep quiet (quiet)
We want all the smoke, fuck the peace signs (signs)
All gas, no brakes, we just gon' keep slidin' (slidin'), ayy
Glock cook a nigga, he get deep-fried
Snakes in the grass, watch out for rats and all the feline
I cut everybody off, keep hittin' decline
I swear these painkillers got me on the deep vibe
Miss the old days, got me wishin' I could rewind


Tag Entrance Description

He and Wesley enter like The Outsiders


Entrance Attir

Ring Attire: 



Wrestling Style: All rounder, not big on submissions or chain wrestling though

Finishing Move(s): Go2Sleep

Secondary Finishers:

Trademark Moves/Spots:

Very Spanish Uppercut – flapjack European uppercut

Ignition – Tilt a whirl gordbuster

Spanish Uppercut – European uppercut

Sorry Not Sorry - Torture rack front slam

Snake Eyes

Big Boot

Other moves:

Rare moves:

Spiral Tap


Whearas King Landon varies from quirky to outright psychopath, his younger brother is smooth as a freshly paved road. Ignatius didn't exactly grow up in the shadow of his legendary brother. Rather he grew up groomed to take his place by Landon himself. From an early age Ignatius was provided athletic instruction through the coffers of his older brother. With the success of their eldest son, and the enthusiasm showed by Ignatius, the Maddix parents were more than happy to support Landon's plans. Eventually the crux of the goal was to have Ignatius assume the mantle of prince and support King Landon.


The problem was Ignatius becane disillusioned with his oddball brother, and vowed to shine on his own right. Perhaps even outshine his brother. Thus when he arrived on TMW TV, Ignatius established himself a serious threat. Yet he was a threat without much direction until he was approached by Wesley Singleton. Wes also wanted to avoid following the exact path of a more famous family member, and requested Ignatius be his tag team partner. Together they formed The Shell Gang, a gang of outlaws who took what they wanted, and engaged in vulgar hit and run assaults on their foes. The duo's rise to prominence attracted the attention of Fabian Nystrom, who became the third member of The Shell Gang.

Despite the end of The Shell Gang, Ignatius remains a popular icon among the lady fans of TMW, and is known for his exploits in bedrooms across the globe. And backseats, or offices, or kitchens, or wherever a woman can have the heartthrob!



Dylan O'Brien "NEW/OLD pics of Dylan for American Assassin " | Dylan o'brien,  Dylan obrian, Dylan o brien cute

Name: Wesley Singleton


Nickname Wicked Wes

Age: 21

Height: 6'3

Weight: 245

Hometown: Myrtle Beach, South Carolina

Alignment: Heel

Stable/Associates/Managers: Shell Gang

Trademark gestures/Catchphrases: Maybe the most arrogant man alive!

Entrance music: DND by Polo G


Entrance description:

Once we start a riot we can't keep quiet (quiet)
We want all the smoke, fuck the peace signs (signs)
All gas, no brakes, we just gon' keep slidin' (slidin'), ayy
Glock cook a nigga, he get deep-fried
Snakes in the grass, watch out for rats and all the feline
I cut everybody off, keep hittin' decline
I swear these painkillers got me on the deep vibe
Miss the old days, got me wishin' I could rewind




Tag Entrance Music:




Tag Entrance Description

He and Wesley enter like The Outsiders







Entrance Attire: See pic




Ring Attire:


Wrestling Style: All rounder, not big on submissions or chain wrestling though

Finishing Move(s): World Wide Wes – leaping mushroom stomp

Secondary Finishers:

Trademark Moves/Spots:

Empty the Shells – a very deliberate cutter

The Living Daylights – crescent kick

Wreckage- - rolling neck choke

Half Nelson Choke suplex

Young Wes on Da Beat – superkick barrage to a cornered foe

Other moves:

Rare moves:

Spiral Tap


Wesley Singleton is a man long known to OAOAST fans. Born to Simon Singleton and Rhonda Sue from the Wal-Mart, Wesley's name was mentioned a number of times to OAOAST fans since he was just a youngster in elementary school. When we first heard of Wesley, Simon was a family man devoted to his only child and Rhonda Sue. Yet when the influence of Ned Blanchard caught up with Simon, the personality of the family man changed. He divorced his wife, and moved to SoCal as he became something of a sophisticated ladies man about the world.




This abandonment by his father, sewed the seeds of resentment in Wesley and is solely responsible for the terror of The Shell Gang upon the OAOAST. With his father leaving him, Wesley vowed to himself he would take not only revenge upon his father, but the OAOAST for giving his dad the vhecile to leave him. Unknown to the OAOAST, they let in a trojan horse when they signed Wesley Singleton. As soon as Wesley made it on TMW television his plan was given life and he immediately began terrorizing  the roster. Quickly he gained allies in Ignatius and Fabian to make up The Shell Gang. With the main roster gone, The Shell Gang has expanded their goals from pure terror to gaining total control of the OAOAST.



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matthew riddle on Twitter: "If I'm not in the Royal Rumble this year I'm  probably going to do something that you won't be happy about, bro! #brover  #stallion #mattriddle #ob #originalbro #kingofbros #

Name: Tanner Neptune

Previous name: Tanner Mann

Nicknames:  Mister 4:20

Age: 26

Height: 5'10

Weight: 218 lbs

Hometown: Palm Beach, Florida

Alignment: Face

Stable/Associates/Managers: His manager and girlfriend The Doll and Teen Scream

Trademark gestures/Catchphrases: Gulliable easily guilted, but nice and hardworking and loyal to his friends
Entrance music: Drive By DJ Fresh

Entrance description:

I wanna go somewhere so take me, show me fire
I wanna go somewhere, I don't care, hold me tighter
I wanna go somewhere so drive me, drive me faster

Speed up on a highway
Slow down, do what I say
So hot when you touch me
Real love when you kiss me
Make me wanna come alive
Baby, you know what I like
Fast car, take me for a ride
Just drive
Drive, drive, drive

Entrance Attire: Sunglasses and a sparking solid gold trident as bestowed upon him by Titania Nerdly

Ring Attire:


Wrestling Style: Speedy

Finishing Move(s): Too Tan To Fail-Belly to belly facebuster

Secondary Finishers:

Trademark Moves/Spots:
Sun Burn-Sleeper Slam
Tan It Like You Mean It-Reverse STO/Complete Shot
Young, Wild, and Tan-Rolling Thunder

Other moves: iawfdhifh

Rare moves: None

Titles/accomplishments (Lethal Rumble/Battlebowl/MITB/etc.)
Has the perfect tan

Background: Tanner Living aka Tanner Mann is a graduate of the OAOAST Reactor, which has produced talent such as Dasha, Jose Cantu_Si, Milkman, “Outlaw” Don Cello, Pike Pantera, and more. Tanner comes from a wealthy old money family, and decided that his mission was to give to the less fortunate by leading them to tanning Eldorado. Sorry, black people! Needless to say Tanner's parents weren't overly happy with their son's choice of life mission. As they didn't outright disown him, he was able to use their money for wrestling school and was noticed by Terry Taylor. The contract was extended and Tanner eagerly signed it. His first couple of appearances were rocky but with Titania  his side the sky is the limit, until KC or Tony commander her and cheat him out of his meal ticket. http://oaoast.thesmartmarks.com/style_emoticons/default/ohmy.gif

Time has been kind to Tanner, who has linked up with Teen Scream and been in numerous memerable feuds and matches. A talented and good looking grappler, many in the biz say Tanner is a future world champion. Tanner had a crush on Sammi Cayley, and was sort of a Bron to Blaine's Jamie, though Blaine has decided to be kind enough not put Tanner in anymore danger. Since Tanner has flourished on his own, defeating Fabian Nystrom in a huge upset to win the Galaxy Title.

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Name: Juicy Cantu-Si

Nicknames: The Showstoppa The Gem

Age: 24

Height: 5'8

Weight: 216 lbs


Alignment: Heel

Stable/Associates/Managers: Pike Pantera

Trademark gestures/Catchphrases:

Entrance music: Gasoline by The Material

You are gasoline
You are fire and smoke

Entrance description:

Enters like 1997 HBK


Ring Attire: 



Wrestling Style: Pretty basic as he's still learning the ropes

Finishing Move(s):
Gem Stoned- Asai DDT/Standing Sliced Bread

Sweet Chin Music

Secondary Finishers:

Trademark Moves/Spots:
Smoldering Passion- Snap DDT
This Bulldog Got Me Falling In Love Again-Second Rope Bulldog (doesn't have to be from the corner)
Leaping calf kick, meaning he leaps and kicks someone with his calf
Armlock scoop slam
Top rope diving reverse elbow to a standing opponent

Titles/accomplishments First graduate of the OAOAST Reactor


Hard work, perseverance. They tell you to do it, they tell you to have it. They tell you it will pay it off. And for Jose Cantu-Si it really did. The once enhancement talent got noticed for his high flying skills and exceptional look and earned himself a big contract towards the twilight days of the OAOAST. There he teamed with Mariachi and fought the good fight against discrimination.

Thanks to his youth, Jose was taken aboard TMW during the roster change over. He promised Tristan and Painbow he'd help them fight against the then three man Shell Gang. But he quickly turned on the faces and became the 4th Shell Gang member. Once Pike Pantera joined The Shell Gang, Jose found his wrestling soul mate. The big man/little man combo produced a tag title run for the pair. Even with The Shell Gang going kaput the pair fights on, perhaps more egotistical and dangerous than ever.



Name: Pike Pantera

Nicknames: The Wayward Son

Age: 24

Height: 6'5

Weight: 257

Hometown: Savannah, GA

Alignment: Deranged Heel


Trademark gestures/Catchphrases: Talks like a Batman villain and is also a crazed conspiracy theorist I.E. the type that believes the FBI put flouride into the water to kill people, or that the CIA is responsible for 9/11. Basically think Alex Jones but much worse

Entrance music: Gasoline by The Material

Entrance description: 
You are gasoline
You are fire and smoke


Entrance Attire:

Ring Attire:


Wrestling Style: Explosive power

Finishing Move(s): 
Smoking Gun- A Gore style spear

Secondary Finishers:

Trademark Moves/Spots:
Enemy Of The State- Double Underhook Canadian Backbreaker Drop/Colt 45
Truth Bomb- Turnbuckle Powerbomb
Rolling Kesagiri Chop to the neck
Rebel Yell-Full Nelson Slam
3 Point Stance Shoulder Tackle

Other moves: Basic power/brawler stuff.

Rare moves: (Moves you only break out in super-huge matches.)


Background: Pike Pantera is the troubled son of former OAOAST tag team champion, Ken Pantera. With Ken on the road for most of his life, Pike's mother was left to raise their four children. Pike, the second youngest, seemed to fall through the cracks. He was in and out of juvenile detention centers from the age of eleven for everything from shoplifting to possession of an illegal firearm. Pike aged out the juvenile system but not his criminal ways and was tried and convict for assault and battery at the age of eighteen. He received one to three years for his sentence. A troublemaker, Pike never got close to parole and served all three years. Inside prison he chose to educate himself. That would be a good thing had he not educated himself in nothing but conspiracy theories. Now Pike believes that everything we see is an illusion and part of a sinister plot. That includes the OAOAST! Thus Pike has used his family connections to get into the OAOAST and take down the world's cruel power structure from the inside. And poor Felix is just along for the ride. 

Pike ran into a bitter feud with both Alearys Chance Morris and Northstar based on what Pike says AC owed him; his whole family! Of course AC didn't want to pay, and Northstae who had a hand in training both, tried to broker peace, which Pike couldn't stand for. In the end it was King Landon who brought warring parties together under his banner, as they all serve the King loyaly.

Pike's loyalty only extended so far, however. When the main roster was dissolved, Pike certainly didn't think he needed to keep serving King Landon. Instead Pike choose the life of a mercenary and drifted towards the fat coffers of the The Shell Gang. You heard me right! Pike serves as their weapon, their hit man, their hired muscle, and their aim has been set on TMW and all who reside within it. With strings pulled, Pike was forcibly placed back within the OAOAST, and returns more dangerous than ever.

Once The Shell Gang dissolved, Pike took on a greater ego. calling himself THE RULER OF THE MULTIVERSE! He cuts intense promos and interviews and frightens those around him. The only person who can stand within 6 feet of him his his tag partner Jose Cantu-Si!

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How Good Were They? #1 Scott Steiner

Name: Big Papa Thrust

Nicknames: The Big Bad Vampire Daddy, Freak of The Night

Age: 42, now immortal

Supernatural Species: Vampire

Height: 6'2

Weight: 253 lbs

Hometown:  Now residing in Maui, Hawaii

Alignment: Face

Valets: The Summer Freakazoid: Bobbi Cheesecake, The Winter Freakazoid: December Belle

Trademark gestures/Catchphrases: Scream If You’re Listening To Me!

Entrance music:  Dystopia by Lookas

Entrance description:  

Entrance Attire
Ring Attire: See pic

Wrestling Style: Brawler, powerhouse

Finishing Move(s): Lay-Z-Boy- camel clutch

Secondary Finishers:

Trademark Moves/Spots:
Volcanic Eruption – two handed chokeslam
Belly to back suplex
Muscle Flex  Elbow Drop
Freak-A-Leak – Spinning Side Suplex
White Thunder – Twisting double underhook powerbomb

Titles/accomplishments: 1 time OAOAST World Heavyweight Champion, NCAA Wrestling Champion, 1 time Galaxy Champion, OAOAST Tag Team Champion.

People really can change! Frank Bruiser was once a good guy who enjoyed the spirit of athletic competition. He and his brother Frankie fought the good fight against the bad guys like the NNMX and The Heavenly Rockers. But they were overshadowed by louder teams likes Chicks Over Dicks and The Sk8r Boiz. Thus they disappeared from the OAOAST scene.

But Frank remerged as Big Papa Thrust, bigger, meaner, louder and hornier than ever! And, man, did he get pussy! And gold, racking up tag title wins with Mister Dick and even an OAOAST title win.

But when the main roster ended, BPT fell on hard times. He came to be the care taker of a sick Baron Windels only to be caught up in ancient grudge held by Glass Juliet against The Mulligan family. That led to his sudden murder!

Luckily for him he had unknowingly fucked a vampire prostitute the night before and drank some of her blood while high as shit! That let him rise from the dead and become The Big Bad Vampire Daddy. This have the powerhouse even greater strength. It also made him even more appealing to the laides, and bagged him the hot blond Bobbi Cheesecake, and the spacey brunette December Belle!


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WWE - AUSTIN THEORY RENDER 2021 NEW OFFICIAL by Treybaile on DeviantArt

Name: Alexander The Magnifcent

Nicknames: The Modern Day Gladiator

Age: 40

Height: 6'5

Weight: 245 lbs

Hometown: Kavala, Greece

Alignment: Heel

Stable/Associates/Managers: Logan Mann

Trademark gestures/Catchphrases: Roars, looks sexy, broods

Entrance music: All I Want by Second City
Entrance description:

All I want
All I want
I got it

I got it
Want, everything I need
Everything I want
Everything I need
Everything I want

Everything I need
Everything I want
Everything I need
Everything I...

Enters like 1997 Lex Luger

Entrance Attire: Suspenders

Ring Attire: 



Wrestling Style: Power

Finishing Move(s):

Secondary Finishers:
Sword Of Damocles (Vladimir Kozlov's Iron Curtain slam)

Trademark Moves/Spots:
Overhead Belly To Belly Suplex
A Broken Heart Suplex-Butterfly Suplex
Shoulder Breaker/Reverse Shoulder Breaker
Cupid's Other Arrow-Battering Ram Headbutt to the chest
Thrust Kick
Diving Headbutt
Katahajime (Tazmission)

Other moves:
Power moves, brawling, some basic submissions

OAOAST 6-Man Tag Team Championships
- October 14th, 2010 - August 11th, 2011 (w/Last Kings Of Scotland)


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