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The OAOAST TMW Stats Thread

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Real1🖤 (@xsawftisasin) / Twitter

Name: Win Griffey Jr

Nicknames: The Finesse Kid (Finesse means to rob in this case, no finesse as in grace)

Age: 27

Height: 5'6

Weight:  178 lbs

Hometown: Stockton, CA

Alignment: Heel

Stable/Associates/Managers: Political Prisoners and Big Tymers with Mister Steal Yo Push and Bedrock

Trademark gestures/Catchphrases: 
Entrance music: Still Fly by the Big Tymers

Tag Entrance Description'

Whassup Fresh? It's our turn, baby


Entrance Attire: 

Ring Attire:


Wrestling Style: Basic

Finishing Move(s): Did It On Em – eat defeat aka Leon Rodez soul destroyer

Secondary Finishers: (if applicable, moves would finish a match against a lesser opponent, but are escape-able in high-profile matches.)

Trademark Moves/Spots:
Fuck Up The B-Team - Diving neckbreaker
One Move of Doom - Snapmare Knee Smash
Hit The C-Show - Double Underhook DDT
Time Is Up-Tornado DDT
Step on someone's chest and pin them

Other moves: 
I stress that Win is a very basic wrestler, his being able to do flying DDTs is an accomplishment.

Rare moves: 


Based out of Auburn Hills, Michigan the same as Shayne Brave, Win Griffey is actually a family friend of the Braves. Thus he heard about Shayne's travels across the world, not to mention the big money he was pulling in and knew the OAOAST was the stop for him. With his connection it was easy to get a try out...it was less easy to get hired as his wrestling skills were...well almost backyard level. Dan Black went to bat for him on the basis that he had considerable charisma, and Win improved to at least be bellow average in the ring.

What few anticipated was his terrible attitude! Upon arrival in TMW he made demands to quickly be shuttled up to the main roster, which were obviously laughable. Yet, Win Griffey wasn't laughy, and continued to be a disruptive influence on shows and even on the internet. He saw his small time in TMW as him being held back, and got a sympathetic ear in Anthony Cartwight, an indy wrestler who had failed to make a name for himself in TMW. Win and Anthony determined they were victims of the political game they were “too real to fuck with” and announced that they were Political Prisoners. Ever since then the duo have formed a team that aims to verbally harass and bury the other tag teams, while usually ducking actual matches, all in effort to preserve themselves for the main roster.

Yet now TMW is the only roster that's left, and with the change in ownership the Political Prisoners will be prisoners no more!



Name: Mister Steal Yo Push

Nicknames: Twitter Fingers

Age: 24

Height: 5'10

Weight:  198 lbs

Hometown: London, Ontario, Canada

Alignment: Heel

Stable/Associates/Managers: Political Prisoners

Trademark gestures/Catchphrases: 

Entrance music: Dark Knight Dummo by Trippie Dummo

Entrance description: 

See Win's

Entrance Attire: None

Ring Attire: msyp_WWE2K22_x64_64zGUpSgTy.jpg

Wrestling Style: High impact cruiser

Finishing Move(s): Go Away Heat – Lumbar Check

Trademark Moves/Spots:
Springboard Clothesline
Curtain Jerker - Sit Out Full Nelson Facebuster
Jumping Ship - Fisherman Neckbreaker
Heat Seaking Elbow – Diving Elbow

Other moves: 

Rare moves: 


Background: MSYP may be an indy darling but his time in the OAOAST has been anything but easy. Considering himself held back, toyed with politically, cheated out of pushes, and treated as a chess piece, a young Anthony Cartwight had developed the attitude of a bitter veteran. Worse yet he would take to twitter to share his griveances with the whole world about his lack of advancement in the company. He soon found a willing partner in complaining, in one Win Griffey Jr

Bárbaro Cavernario no se echa para atrás

Name: Bedrock

Nicknames: The Neolithic Avenger

Age: Unable to estimate

Height: 6'3

Weight: 253 lbs

Hometown: The Stone Age

Alignment: Heel

Tag Team:  Big Tymes with Win Griffey JR and MIster Steal Your Push

Trademark gestures/Catchphrases: Grunts, noises, scratching, looking at shiny things, staring at females' breasts

Entrance music:  Troglodyte by Jimmy Castor Bunch

Entrance description:  Bedrock comes out usually confused, though sometimes worked up and angry if his opponent is out and if it's someone he's mad it, or if his foe is a pretty Hottie!

Entrance Attire: A club
Ring Attire: 


Wrestling Style: Brawler

Finishing Move(s): Ooga Droppa- Running front flip senton

Secondary Finishers:

Trademark Moves/Spots:
Boom Boom-Delayed spinebuster
Oopa Doopa-Two handed choke slam
Second rope shoulder block



Apparently this authentic cavemen was found by Dem Bums in a 7-11 freezer. Tony Tourettes was trying to get a root beer when he grabbed hold of a chunk of ice. A chunk of ice encasing an erect penis! This scientific discovery of the century was quickly shuffled off to the OAOAST rather than an actual research institute.  Nonetheless, Bedrock sought to win TMW:Revolution, even if he has no idea what's going on. Well he didn't win, though he put on a good enough showing to at least be allowed to live at the Performance Center and be able to fight on the weekly shows and house shows. He doesn't get paid, because he has no bank account and when given money he eats it! He frightens a lot of the staff and other wrestlers, though K-Rawk has tried with mixed results to bring him into our millenium or at least the last one or two. Their tag team has picked up a few wins, so there's that, but there are always people out to take advantage of poor Bedrock.

Well, that team didn't last! K-Rawk was sent to work on his craft and Mexico and Bedrock sort floundered without guidance. Then came the arrogant and braggadocios pair of Win Griffey Jr and Mister Steal Yo Push, The Big Tymers, they emerged to take the reins of Bedrocks career and get rich while doing it. The former underdogs are now the topdogs! Win and Push have molded Bedrock into the most dangerous man in history! He'll attack anyone! Anytime! Anywhere! And, Bedrock, savage that he is has a strong sex drive and doesn't take no for answer. He'll rape any woman he desires, preferring that over consensual sex. And he desires loads of women!

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Roderick Strong Re-signs With Ring Of Honor - PWMania - Wrestling News

Name: Sgt. Lyle Holt

Nicknames: Sarge

Age: 33

Height: 6'2

Weight: 238 lbs

Hometown: Tuscaloosa, Alabama

Alignment: Heel, allied with Private Warthog and Cadt Kelly Applegate, his subordinates

Trademark gestures/Catchphrases: A mocking salute to the crowd and his foe, uses various cheap shots to get ahead, yells at the audience when they boo them

Entrance music:  Sub Zero Project ft. Christina Novelli - The Contagion

Entrance description: 

Music: The Contagion by Sub Zero and Christina Noveli

Mayday, mayday, mayday
An unidentified virus strain is rapidly spreading

We are the chosen few
The enlightened ones and we walk amongst you (this is, this is)
It's DNA, it's the way we're made
We are the earthquake and this is the outbreak


Entrance Attire: 

Ring Attire: 


Wrestling Style: Technical

Finishing Move(s): Dishonorable Discharge-Reverse suplex

Secondary Finishers: (if applicable, moves would finish a match against a lesser opponent, but are escape-able in high-profile matches.)

Trademark Moves/Spots:
Burn Bag-Belly to back back breaker
Kitchen Sink
Ballistic Missile-Belly to back suplex to the outside
Hammerlock Northern Lights Suplex

Landslide - Sitout Front Slam

Titles/accomplishments (Lethal Rumble/Battlebowl/MITB/etc.) (example below)
One Time, TMW Tag  Team Champion 

Background: A true American hero, Lyle Holt served with honor and dignity in the Marine core. Having served several tours of duty in Afghanistan and Iraq, Sgt.Holt wanted to keep his adrenaline flowing upon his honorable discharge. This he enrolled in a wrestling school, where he quickly took to the hard hitting atmosphere. Given a tryout at the OAOAST Reactor, Sgt.Holt impressed enough to be signed to a developmental deal. While in TMW he managed to capture the world title on two separate ocassions. He came up for TMW: Revolution to work The Army of One Nation, but floundered under their guidance. His inclusive mentality did not mix one bit with their xenophobia and hate feuled rhetoric

. Sadly, over time Holt has become jaded wtih the country he once served and is now the Anti-American All American. He seems to regret his time in the service and considers his life a waste.



Photos & Videos - WWE Big E | LPSG

Age: 34

Height: 6'0

Weight: 300 lbs

Hometown: Queens, NY

Alignment: Heel

Stable/Associates/Managers: Slaughterhouse

Trademark gestures/Catchphrases: Throat slash~!

Entrance music:  Beat You Down by Downstait

Entrance description: 

Music: The Contagion by Sub Zero and Christina Noveli

Mayday, mayday, mayday
An unidentified virus strain is rapidly spreading

We are the chosen few
The enlightened ones and we walk amongst you (this is, this is)
It's DNA, it's the way we're made
We are the earthquake and this is the outbreak

Entrance Attire:

Ring Attire: 


Wrestling Style: Brawler

Finishing Move(s): Bullshit Powerbomb


Secondary Finishers:

Trademark Moves/Spots:

Meat Hook Lariat

Chainsaw elbow drop (pantomimes starting up chainsaw then drops big elbow)

Chest Candy ear hug

Nut To Butt-Mongolian Chop to the ass

Body splash from the second rope

Diving shoulder from the second rope

Corner avalanche


Other moves:


(In tag matches)


The Grinder -- Aided snap swinging neck breaker (JW does lifting, partner swinging)

Double Bypass -- Meat Hook Lariat/Spear combo (teaming w/ Big Boy; JW w/ lariat, BB w/ spear)



None thus far

Background: Jack Wendy flunked out of middle school. Thus this led him to physical purusits such as bouncing, underground fighting and even slaughterhouse work. His power and unusual background led him to the Slaughterhosue stable in the OAOAST. Originally signed as enchancement talen, Slaughterhouse became quite the force towards the end of the main roster's run. Warthog worked the indy's for a bit before finding himself inspired by one Sgt.Lyle Holt. Thanks to Warthog's power, stupidity and propensity towards violence Holt found him a great addition to his army!

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Name: Gory Dragan

Nicknames: The Parasite, The Mind Freakazoid

Supernatural Species: Parasitic Witch

Age: 21

Height: 5'9

Weight: 179 lbs

Hometown: Vernonia, OR

Alignment: Face

Tag Team: Yellow Dragan with Chad Mustard

Trademark gestures/Catchphrases: Whimisical and irreverent, tends to do the right thing as a means to overcompensate for his horrible past.

Entrance music: Welcome to The Black Parade 10th Anniversary Remix by Steve Aoki

Entrance description:

When I was a young boy,
My father took me into the city
To see a marching band.

He said, "Son when you grow up,
Would you be the savior of the broken,
The beaten and the damned?"
He said "Will you defeat them,
Your demons, and all the non-believers,
The plans that they have made?"
"Because one day I'll leave you,
A phantom to lead you in the summer,
To join The Black Parade.

like so (Enters with a spin and does MJ dances down to the ring, just so you know if the link is broken!)


Tag Entrance Music: Black Beattles by Rae Srrmuerrd

Tag Entrance Description

Black beatles in the city be back immediately to confiscate the moneys
Rae Sremm, Guwop, Mike WiLL!
I sent flowers, but you said you didn’t receive ‘em
But you said you didn’t need them
That girl is a real crowd pleaser
Small world, all her friends know me
Young bull livin' like an old geezer
Release the cash, watch it fall slowly
Frat girls still tryna get even
Haters mad for whatever reason
Smoke in the air, binge drinkin'
They lose it when the DJ drops the needle

Gory comes out with his phone, then Chad comes out and the two pose for the Gram, before strolling to the ring and maybe posing for the gram with some fans or the referee or even the announce team!

Entrance Attire:
Ring Attire:

Wrestling Style: Flashy

Finishing Move(s): Do Not Go Gentle-Unprettier into a bulldog

Secondary Finishers: Gory Special

Trademark Moves/Spots:
Unpleasantville-Straight Jacket DDT
Communion of the Cursed - Falling single underhook facebuster
Evidence On Fire - School Boy Into Superkick
Red Sky Warning - Standing sliced bread into a face crusher



A sly and jovial sociopath, Gory Dragan is what's known as a parasitic witch. He lacks the ability to cast magic on his own, having to first drain it from a host. He sought to change this at a young age when he murdered his family on a trip to Chicago, seeking to steal their magical ability for good. Yet with his final breath his father sealed him away in something of a nether realm. It was only Deirdre's release of power at AngleMania 13, that broke the barrier and allowed Gory to return to the realm.

Gory was one of the top talents in TMW: Revolution, impressing his mentor, Big Papa Thrust. Showing true cunning, Gory sneaked the 24/7 tile off Nathaniel Black and held it for several months. During that time he competed in the finals of Revolution but failed to beat Coco Chanel. Still, Gory was made a member of the main roster, and defended his 24/7 title until thoughts about his family clouded his ability to take notice of his surroundings and he was jumped and beaten for the belt by Outlaw Cello. In a sorrow about his whole life, Gory got a ressurection spell from Deirdre and requested Cassidy bring his family back to life. Eager, to one up Gretchen Wright, Cassidy casts the spell only to miss Gory's family and raise a bunch of zombies including Clem Buzzlefoxer!

Well that didn't work one bit! Zombies over ran the OAOAST, and Gory and Delta Delta Delta had to spend months fighting Clem's horde and his zombie wife Wanda! But in the process Gory found his good side, and endeared himself to the fans. Sort of. He at least endeared himself fully to Chad Mustard, and the two formed a tag team known as Yellow Dragan. Get it like Red Dragon, but Mustard is Yellow and Dragon is Dragon like...yeah, you get it. Anyway, Gory didn't get caught in Tony and Rex's trap and was young enough to carry on to TMW.

As something of an ironic twist, Gory likes to perform traditional magic tricks in his free time.



Name: Chad Mustard

Nicknames: Big, Badder, Chadder,

Age: 24

Height: 6'1

Weight: 217 lbs

Hometown: College Park, MD

Alignment: Face

Stable/Associates/Managers: Yellow Dragan with Gory

Trademark gestures/Catchphrases: A kind of goofy sort of guy, says very UN pc things in a most casual manner, thinks Derek Jeter is god

Entrance music: BOOGIE by Brockhampton

Entrance description: 
A black box with stairs at the side rests on stage, and in front of it are colleged age girls dress like college students all making out! The box opens up and from it rises Chad Mustard, holding a red cup of beer. He raises his cup to the roaring fans then heads down the stairs to the ring. In the ring, he goes to the top and raises his cup to the fans!

Tag Entrance
See Gory

Entrance Attire: A newspaper boy hat

Ring Attire: See pic


Wrestling Style: A fast brawler

Finishing Move(s): Dickie Dollar – Kneecap brainbuster like Adam Cole

Secondary Finishers: 

Trademark Moves/Spots:
Chad Press – Thez Press
Freshman 15 – fifteen punches to a corner foe
School Daze – top rope reverse ddt
Fresh2Death – stand on foe's back and leap into a frankensteiner

Other moves:

Rare moves: 


“I love college!” are the words of Chad Mustard, who definitely enjoyed college a little too much. Enrolled in University of Maryland at the age of eighteen, Chad fell in love with the college life the moment he stepped foot on the College Park campus. That love affair led the Business Marketing manager to prolong his team at college to a whole six years! Six years of partying, fucking drunk bitches, and football games!

But all good things must come to an end. Chad's parents got wise to his scheme and refused to pay for college any longer, thus Chad had to hurry up and graduate. Sadly, Chad had never actually thought of what to do after he graduated so had very minimal job prospects. That led to him being a cleaner at a DC gym. Not much of a job for a college grad, even if that grad is Chad! But Chad was spotted one day by OAOAST Director of Talent Relations Tony Brannigan when the OAOAST was in DC for a Pay Per View. Chad's physique and good looks impressed Tony, and he was invited to a tryout camp. Chad nailed it, and was hired on the spot.

Upon debutting in TMW, Chad started out on a bad foot, belittling current fan favorites. However, he talked himself into a HARD title feud with Tristan Nystrom. Though he lost, he didn't embarrass himself. That began has turn around to fan favorite, and he's been a beloved superstar to this day. Chad made his main roster debut, joining Gory Dragan to help Delta House win the Hotties tag title. Once the main roster was dissolved, Chad was brought back to TMW with his new found buddy as the team of Yellow Dragan


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Bulls legend Dennis Rodman explains why he doesn't watch the NBA | Fox News

Name: Painbow

Nicknames: The Last Real Nigga Alive

Age: 26

Height: 6’8

Weight: 264 lbs

Hometown: Thompson, GA

Alignment: Heel

Stable/Associates/Managers: None

Trademark gestures/Catchphrases: gang signs, machine gun taunt, incredibly violent and vulgar, calls fans his "Slimes"

Entrance music: Mystik Styles by 36 Mafia

Entrance description:

Ah yea We finna get ready
To bump that "Smoked out, loced out" part two
Mystic Stylez, Three 6 mafia in da hoe
We finna do that dat sheeeeeit...
Mafia, Mafia, Mafia, Mafia
Mafia, Mafia, Mafia, Mafia
Mafia, Mafia, Mafia, Mafia
Mafia, Mafia, Mafia, Mafia

Entrance Attire:

Ring Attire:



Wrestling Style: power

Finishing Move(s): Slime Shit- dead lift cradle power bomb.

Secondary Finishers:

Trademark Moves/Spots:
Painbow Brite - deadlift powerslam
That Bitch Kick - running kick to the back of the head of a standing or sitting foe
Notorious Bomb - Vader Bomb 
Red Wraith - Full Nelson Slam

Rare moves: Top rope leg drop

Titles/accomplishments TMW Hard Champion, TMW TV Champion x2

Background: Too hood for the NBA, too hood for hip hop, TMW presents you Painbow! Ramone Davison was a top highschool basketball player in Georgia, who was bathed in red flags due to his gang afflitation and criminal record. Still the University of Georgia took a chance on him, he responded by leading the team in points and rebounds in his freshman year. This was good enough to get him drafted by The Knicks. What wasn't good enough, was his attitude, and his screaming at reporters, fans and coaches got him cut in only the third week of training camp. So with his future ahead of him, he turned to rapping. The world discovered this rainbow haired former basketball star had talent. The rap industry discovered he was too wild even for them, his aggressive nature went against industry politics and got him blackballed. However, Lisa Ann herself had been following him, thinking he was quite cute in a wild and intense sort of way, and convinced the brass of the OAOASTto extend him a developmental contract. The OAOAST loves its misfits and finally Painbow found a home, though even the fans managed to be shocked by his words and aggression.

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Name: Jesse Ferguson

Nicknames: Doctor Oblivion 

Related To: Jessica Ferguson (sister)

Age: 24

Height: 5'9

Weight: 169 lbs

Hometown: Queens, NY

Alignment: Heel

Trademark gestures/Catchphrases: Villainous taunts

Entrance music:
The Red Capes are Coming by Hans Zimmer and Junkie XL

Entrance description:

Comes out in a glow of soft blue light, raises arms back in triumph and soaks in own glory and genius. The audience gives him a wide berth as he is legit insane! 

Entrance Attire:

WWE2K19_x64 2019-02-01 21-37-27-46.png
Ring Attire:

WWE2K19_x64 2019-02-01 21-37-35-34.png

Wrestling Style: Technical/high flier

Finishing Move(s): Stein's Gate- Kneeling facebuster, as in Jesse is stradling guys head, kneels out into the buster.

Secondary Finishers:

Trademark Moves/Spots:
Reading Steiner –  Low Down style frog splash
Double Legdrop to groin ala Jeff Hardy
Particle Collider – Elbow drop to a standing oppinent
Commence The Strke! - fireman's carry spun out into facebreaker knee smash


TMW TV Title


Once an oddball and a loveable babyface, Jesse Ferguson slowly became a demented twisted heel hell bent on scientific advancement no matter what the costs. His quirks and oddities, turned to serious problems for his fellow superstars as he ran social experiments on them and even tried to run biological experiments on them as well. Despite his small size and non threatening stature, his crazed nature has meant he has been suspended more than anyone else in TMW history. With no signs of changing it looks like that record will continue to be extended. Even his sister Jessica can't reach Jesse, and the two maintain an unhealthy sibling rivalry. 

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Name: Blanchefleur

Nicknames: Sweet Sexy Savage

Supernatural Species: Witch

Age: 23

Height: 5'6

Weight:  Get ready to reveal the savage!

Hometown: Washington DC

Alignment: Heel


Trademark gestures/Catchphrases:  “Bow Down Witches”

Entrance music: Congratulations by Post Malone

Entrance description:

My mama called, seen you on TV, son
Said shit done changed ever since we was on
I dreamed it all ever since I was young
They said I wouldn't be nothing
Now they always say congratulations
Worked so hard, forgot how to vacation
They ain't never had the dedication
People hatin', say we changed and look we made it
Yeah, we made it

Comes out to receive a bevy of awards from “the academy” , which means she comes to the ring with a lot of foreign objects!

Entrance Attire: High collar sexy robe

Ring Attire: Black wet look romper with black booty shorts, and purple pentagram on the front. With her catchphrase written on the back.

Wrestling Style: Basic

Finishing Move(s): 88 Savage – Pumphandle Driver

Secondary Finishers: (if applicable, moves would finish a match against a lesser opponent, but are escape-able in high-profile matches.)

Trademark Moves/Spots:
Savage Drop – Atomic Drop
Snap Savage – Snap Suplex
Savage Combo – Backbreaker into a side russian leg sweep
Savage Breaker – Pendelum Backbreaker

Other moves: 

Rare moves: 

Titles/accomplishments (Lethal Rumble/Battlebowl/MITB/etc.) (example below)

Blanchefleur hails from a coven inside the nation's capitol of the USA. Said coven has been known to lend its aid without charge or cost for the good of the nation. This noble sacrifice did not reach Blanchefleur's heart, however, and the lessons of self services were lost on her growing up. She yearned for a greater life than an unpaid government slave, and when she saw Gloss Angieacola and Lyric DeLacey out themselves as vampires on OAOAST television, Blanchefleur saw her place to shine. Willing to do whatever it takes to get famous, no matter how down and dirty or how hot and horny was an asset that got her hired and featured on TMW TV. But she's more than sultry looks, she's a bad attitude that rubs her fellow competitors, both male and female the wrong way.  

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Name: Conan "Coco" Chanel

Nicknames: 24Karat

Age: 19

Height: 6'0

Weight: 235 lbs

Hometown: Los Angeles, CA

Alignment: Heel

Trademark gestures/Catchphrases: Very proud of his status as one of the world's elite, talks down to other people, likes to boss people around as well.

Tag partner with Money Marc and managed by The Doll

Entrance music: Coco by 24kGoldn and Da Baby

Entrance description:

Coco Chanel, you ain't really 'bout it, I can tell
Coco Chanel, can you keep your hands to yourself?
Coco Chanel, double-C lock on the belt
Coco Chanel, Coco Chanel

 A standing mirror is brought onto the stage. Its ornate with runic script, and truly a majestic sight. That is until the glass shatters, and through the gaping hole of the destroyed mirror stands a majestic sight in his own right; a blazer clad Conan “Coco” Channel! He shushes the roaring crowd, which of course doesn't work, then journeys to his ring.

Entrance Attire:
Ring Attire: 


Wrestling Style: Technical high impact

Finishing Move(s): Black Opium - Multiple curbstomps

Secondary Finishers: Very Irresistible-high angle Boston Crab

Trademark Moves/Spots:
Nirvana Black- Regalplex
Hypnotic Poison – Jumping snapmare
Vanielle Extreme – Front powerbomb lung blower
Midnight Fleur – Tiger suplex
Daisy Dream – Diving European Uppercut


Background: Conan Chanel is an interesting case. Not only does he come from the famous Chanel family, not only is he a cousin of Teddy Buckworth and Tony Brannigan, but he ran the famed smear campaign for 8th grade class president against Maya. The two have known each other since 2nd grade and graduated high school together, making them the obvious mentor/rooke match.

Conan signed with the OAOAST only seven months ago after a mighty impressive run of the Reactor. Even without family connections and OAOAST history, he would have been signed, that's how impressive he appeared to OAOAST officals. They had to have been happy that Coco was able to win the TMW: Revolution tournament and hold his own in the Lethal Rumble as well as on the AngleMania kickoff show. During the summer of 2016, Coco set his sights high, looking to take the United States title out of Kingdom hands. But thanks to repeated meddling and outright violent assaults from Ser AC The Exile, Coco's plan failed to find a proper result.

Conan has a chance to truly etch his name in the history books with his arrival in TMW, being one of the original roster members specifically requested for TMW by Patrica Toney.

Mike Bennett - IMDb


Name: Marc Bennett

Nicknames: Money Marc

Age: 25

Height: 6'1

Weight: 237 lbs

Hometown: Austin, Texas

Alignment: Heel

Stable/Associates/Managers: The Doll and Coco Chanel

Trademark gestures/Catchphrases:

Entrance music: Hypnotize by Notorious BIG

Entrance description:  Comes out, twirls The Doll around to show her off and the two strut to the ring as arrogant as can be.

Entrance Attire: Golden jacket

Ring Attire: 

MONEY MARC_WWE2K23_x64_8izHNhw5bF.jpg


Wrestling Style: Brawler who's sometimes technical

Finishing Move(s): Burning Hammer

Secondary Finishers: Anaconda Vise

Trademark Moves/Spots:
Hold You Down-sitout side slam
Cash Rules Everything Around Me-Over the shoulder piledriver
Big boot
Induction Speech-cloverleaf
Diving shoulder tackle

Other moves: 

Rare moves:  Ring of Glory-Argentine Facebuster

Nothing yet!

Growing up Marc Bennett was always something of an athletic prodigy. Like his fellow Texan, Bennett was a star QB through highschool, but unlike Mister Dick did not play college ball, instead pursuing his youthful dreams of being a professional wrestler. Bennett advanced through school at a stunning pace, and made his debut on the indys where he even found himself booked in Mexico for ARRIBA. It was the Mexican officials who suggested to the OAOAST they sign him and sign him they did. However, Bennett endured a rocky road in TMW suffering far more losses than wins and leaving many to wonder why he was even signed. But when Agent Augeur hacked into his bank account and stole money, a flip switched and Bennett soundly defeated Agent the final TMW Ascension of the year 2016. He did so in front of Tanner Neptune and his girlfriend The Doll, who together decided that Tanner needed to team with Marc and challenge for the 2017 Anderson Cup!

Money Marc was about to get buried in the change over to TMW, when an unlikely to everyone but him source spoke up....THE DOLL! The Doll buried Tanner, her supposedly one true love, as the one who needed to be left behind, but said she and Money Marc were Kimye in the makings. Lisa Ann may not have been so sure, but OAOAST owner Patrica Toney was, especially given The Doll's hot looks! Marc was given a chance to go bat for Tanner, but flat out refused, saying he's more of a singles guy. Thus Tanner was left without a job and without his girl!


Name: Rena Maria

Nicknames: The Doll

Age: 23

Height: 5'6

Weight: You've got a lot of nerve!

Hometown:  Panama City, FL

Alignment: Sorta heel

Stable/Associates/Managers: Marc Bennett

Trademark gestures/Catchphrases: Not very nice, sort of stuck up, and rude, and tends to take offense easily

Entrance music: Walks All Over You by Katey Shaw

Entrance description: Wheels out as sexy as possible and keeps an alluring pout on the way to the ring 

Entrance Attire: Sometimes a hoodie of matching color with her ring gear

Ring Attire: Matching bikini top and booty shorts of different colors

Wrestling Style: Basic

Finishing Move(s): Ava Maria – a very hard DDT

Secondary Finishers: (if applicable, moves would finish a match against a lesser opponent, but are escape-able in high-profile matches.)

Trademark Moves/Spots:
Hair slam
Choke in corner
Snake eyes
Choke on the ropes
Boot scrape
Diving lariat

Rare moves: (Moves you only break out in super-huge matches.)

Titles/accomplishments (Lethal Rumble/Battlebowl/MITB/etc.) (example below)

Background: A very popular valet of the ARRIBA promotion, The Doll attracted attention of OAOAST officials and Tanner Neptune for her grace and sexiness. Just as Tanner linked up with her romatically, The OAOAST brought her in from Arriba. She made her first apperance much to her disgust, at SluttyMania 2 in the Ejaculation Chamber where she and December Belle made foes of one another. The Doll conspired with Pretty Young Money to get the tag titles off December and Bobbi but the Sunrays had the last laugh on The Doll. Still The Doll remains a pretty and pert addition to the OAOAST roster. You can read Marc's bio to see how she and he wound up in TMW!

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Name: ReX

Nicknames: The Human Cheat Code

Age: 34

Height: 5'11

Weight:  297 lbs

Hometown: Baltimore, MD

Alignment: Heel


Trademark gestures/Catchphrases:  Yells a lot, flexes a lot, roid rages to insane levels, may pull straps down after big move or when angry or when in roid mode

Entrance music: Machinehead by Bush

Entrance description: On stage: Flexes and yells as pyro goes off. In the ring: stands in the center and flexes as the announcer says his name and accomplishments.

Entrance Attire: None

Ring Attire: 




Wrestling Style: Flashy power

Finishing Move(s): Syringer – Pop up powerbomb

Secondary Finishers: (if applicable, moves would finish a match against a lesser opponent, but are escape-able in high-profile matches.)

Trademark Moves/Spots:

Various Powerbombs
Cell Mutation – Rolling T-Bone Suplex
Comatose – Punch combo
Pandemic – Wheelbarrow flapjack
Standing Moonsault

Other moves: 

Rare moves: Top rope moonsault

Titles/accomplishments TMW HARD Champion x1

Rexington Luther MD was the type of person to do everything well. In highschool he starred in football, wrestling and baseball and made all state in Maryland. His grades were exceptional and he was given a full ride scholarship to University of Maryland Baltimore County, and went on to medical school at Johns Hopkins. That was the start of his disgrace, sadly. During his junior and senior year of undergrad, Rexington had gotten into bodybuilding, but unlike his other sports, found he lagged behind the competition. Though he loved competing, his lack of victories consumed him to the point where he decided he would take any advantage he could to get a win. When Rex began his residency in medical school then entered steroids and HGH into his life. Suddenly Rex ballooned with his physique and claimed victory after victory in bodybuilding competitions. Yet his bheavoir became erratic and rage filled. Even so he still graduated Hopkins to become a doctor. But his need for performance enhancing drugs continued, and one day he was caught stealing them from his hospital and was of course fired!

Disgraced, Rexington lost everything, his fiance, job, car, and house. He had to move back into his parents home and saw no future for himself. Then one day he got the call from Terry Taylor inviting him to an OAOAST TMW tryout camp. The company flew Rexington down, and were blown away by his charisma and athleticism, while everyone else was afraid of his intensity. Since then Rex has steamrolled through the TMW roster, and made major waves when he linked up with Tony Brannigan to put the old generation of the OAOAST in its grave and usher in the new generation with him as champion! 

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Name: Burlington Pembrokshire

Nicknames: The Bexhill Strongman

Age: 28

Height: 6'2

Weight:  239 lbs

Hometown: Bexhill on Sea, UK

Alignment: Face

Stable/Associates/Managers: None

Trademark gestures/Catchphrases: Sometimes performs comedic physical antics on his foes to fluster them

Entrance music: Just a generic carnival theme.

Entrance description:

Walks out in a very gentlemanly and orderly fashion. No funny business allowed for the entrance!

Entrance Attire: 

Ring Attire: A singlet of dark earthy color

Wrestling Style: Old school power with some old school submissions.

Finishing Move(s): Pembrokshire Stretch – Regal Stretch

Secondary Finishers: (if applicable, moves would finish a match against a lesser opponent, but are escape-able in high-profile matches.)

Trademark Moves/Spots:
Straight jacket chinlock
flex and elbow drop
pendulum backbreaker
Burlington Lift – Karelin Lift

Other moves: 

Rare moves: 


Pembrokshire hails from a long and I do mean long line of English strongmen, and well circus freaks. Many were the years his ancestors spent entertaining and also outright cheating the masses with bizarre carny tricks and schemes. But the last two Pembrokshire men along with his elder brother, have all settled for collecting welfare from the state and not working at all. Burlington aimed to change the miserable name of his family, but found no one really cared about carnies anymore. By chance he stumbled upon King Landon Maddix in an overseas tour who regaled him with tales of a land where strength and valor would be appreciated...THE OAOAST. Burlington sent in a tape of his greatest physical feats, and was enough of a freakshow to get a tryout, and then was enough of a marvel to get a contract!

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Name: Reignhart

Nicknames: The Black Plauge

Age: 29

Height: 6'5

Weight:  265 lbs

Hometown: Dusseldorf, Germany

Alignment: Face

Stable/Associates/Managers: Das Wrestling Machine

Trademark gestures/Catchphrases: 

Entrance music: Du Hast by Rammstein

Entrance description: Both the Machines are lowered down on twin platforms at opposite ends of the entrance stage that flash with lights as smoke resides on the entry way! In the ring they beat their forearms together and raise them to the crowd as pyro explodes in front of them!

Entrance Attire: The top of his armor

Ring Attire:



Wrestling Style: Power

Finishing Move(s): Impeller - Drew Mac's Claymore running kick 

Secondary Finishers: (if applicable, moves would finish a match against a lesser opponent, but are escape-able in high-profile matches.)

Trademark Moves/Spots:
Schwarze Flamme – Rising Rock Bottom
Der Schredder -Jumping Armbreaker
Spinning Powerbomb
Aegis – Two Handed Chokeslam

Other moves: 

Rare moves: 
Suicide Dive


Germany's gift to the OAOAST are the fearsome duo known as Das Wrestling Machine. The comnined force of Reignhart and White Lothar came up in the German national team for amateur wrestling. In two different weight classes, the duo never faced off but there was often dispute on who was the top talent. Coaching seemed to be in their future until a scandal broke out where Lothar slept with the associations president! Well that spelled his end, but the saga continued as he convinced Reignhart there was true money and glory in North America. Much to people's shock, Reignhart walked out on the organization he spent his life with. Lothar made a sudden appearance at OAOAST HQ in Malibu, demanding a contract and even barking at security to tell them who he was. Well, that sort of worked, as he was extended a tryout, but he refused and said his credentials speak for himself, and he and Reignhart will be in the states together in three weeks time; sign us or someone else will. With the threat of maybe the WWE or TNA getting them, The OAOAST caved in and signed both to become Das Wrestling Machine.



Name: White Lothar

Nicknames: Der Panther

Age: 26

Height: 6'2

Weight:  223 lbs

Hometown: Nurnberg, Germany

Alignment: Face

Stable/Associates/Managers: Das Wrestling Machine

Trademark gestures/Catchphrases: Much more mischveious than his partner. If anyone was to turn heel on the other, Lothar would turn heel on Reignhart

Entrance music: Du Hast by Rammstein

Entrance description: Both the Machines are lowered down on twin platforms at opposite ends of the entrance stage that flash with lights as smoke resides on the entry way! In the ring they beat their forearms together and raise them to the crowd as pyro explodes in front of them!

Entrance Attire:


Ring Attire:




Wrestling Style: Any style you want

Finishing Move(s): Blaue Donnerbombe – Blue thunder bomb

Secondary Finishers: Imploding Senton Bomb

Trademark Moves/Spots:
Das Absturz – Running Powerslam
Grobes Ende – over the shoulder face buster aka big ending
Missile Dropkick
Kugelstob – side slam sliding knee

Other moves: 

Rare moves: 


See above

Double Team Moves
Double Belly to Back Suplex
Höllenstreik – Lariat, chop block combo

Double Team Finisher
Wanderlust – Double Crucifix Powerbomb

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Image result for ariya daivari

Name: Abdullah Abir Nerdly

Nicknames: The Holy Man, Falcon Prince

Age: 32

Height: 5'8

Weight:  182 pounds

Hometown: Damascus, Syria

Alignment: Face


Trademark gestures/Catchphrases: Very holy, and also very about his money!

Entrance music: God Wants Me To Ball by Boozie Bad Azz

Entrance Description
Enters to a darken arena, steps into a spotlight and prays as money rains down on him. In the ring he gets on the ring apron and prays to the hard camera as the lights flash green and the LED screens flash with dollar signs

Entrance Attire: A turban

Ring Attire: See pic

Wrestling Style: Brawler

Finishing Move(s): God's Will – Imploding 450 Splash

Secondary Finishers: Skyhook Elbow Drop

Trademark Moves/Spots:
No Forgiveness - Avalanche Spanish Fly
Drop The Mic – Jumping Neckbreaker
Tope Con Giro
Camel Clutch

Other moves: 

Rare moves: 


Adopted child of the Nerdly family, Abdullah is the brother of Melvin, Marvin, Maggie and Melody. Unlike Marvin and Melvin, the Sk8r Boiz, who first entered the oaoast as unsure and frightened rookies, Abdullah comes to company a self proclaimed fighting machine, hellbent on achieving glory no matter what the cost. Similar to Melody, Abdullah has an aversion to actually doing any work, and will often seek shortcuts, loopholes, or shady dealings to acquire the object of his desires. His first match in the oaoast was an utter disaster, a total destruction at the hands of Bohemoth. However, Abdullah's spirits have not been dampened, and he insists it's only a matter of time before he holds oaoast gold. Whatever you say there, Abdullah.


Abdullah found small fame, moderate fortune and heaps of success a the new manager of the Heavenly Rockers, as well as hosting the "hit" talk show The House of Worship. However, the talk show was little more than a platform for propoganda from The Enterprise and their various friends. Once the Enterprise disbanded and the Heavenly Rockers were driven from the OAOAST, Abdullah's influence waned. Forced to actually put in some effort and learn to compete at the OAOAST Reactor, Abdullah joined up with Leon Rodez's Menagerie. The once motivation speaker has now taken a vow of silence for some reason (he'd probably tell us, but, vow of silence). How long that lasts remains to be seen. 

Not very as a matter of fact as Leon grew enraged at Abudllah's failure to help him defeat Odin and had the returning Last Kings of Scotland beat him down. Abdullah went onto the indy scene after that and resurfaced as a popular babyface in TMW.

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TOM SMITH_WWE2K23_x64_KeqjMjw6Ps.jpg
The Union Jets


Name: Tom Smith


Age: 29

Height: 5'11

Weight:  217 lbs

Hometown: Manchester, England

Alignment: Face

Stable/Associates/Managers: The Union Jets

Trademark gestures/Catchphrases: 

Entrance music: Danger Zone by Kenny Loggins

Entrance Description
On stage lower their sunglasses, nod, put them back on and walk to the ring

Entrance Attire: Aviation Suits and sunglasses

Ring Attire: see pic

Wrestling Style: Technical

Finishing Move(s): Diving Headbutt

Secondary Finishers: 

Trademark Moves/Spots:
Gutwrench Suplex
European Uppercut
Indian Deathlock
Snap Suplex

Other moves: 

Rare moves: 

TMW Tag Team Titles

A popular tag team all around the world, The Union Jets have earned belts in numerous counteries. They've been ranked as the best tag team in the world by many observers, and have main evented shows for SMUSH as well as ARRIBA. They've taken a permanent home in TMW and have continued their winning ways, claiming the tag team titles and fending off tough and sometimes underhanded competition.


Name: C-4


Age: 29

Height: 5'11

Weight:  225 lbs

Hometown: Liverpool, England

Alignment: Face

Stable/Associates/Managers: The Union Jets

Trademark gestures/Catchphrases: 

Entrance music: Danger Zone by Kenny Loggins

Entrance Description
On stage lower their sunglasses, nod, put them back on and walk to the ring

Entrance Attire: Aviation Suits and sunglasses

Ring Attire: see pic

Wrestling Style: Technical

Finishing Move(s): Running Powerslam

Secondary Finishers: 

Trademark Moves/Spots:
Delayed Vertical Suplex
Second rope Shoulder block

Other moves: 

Rare moves: 

TMW Tag Team Titles


Double Team Finisher
Detonator - Superplex flying head butt combo 

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W on Twitter: "Frank Grillo https://t.co/BmEswc5och" / Twitter


Name: TurboWolf

Nicknames: Son of Plunder

Supernatural Species: Werewolf

Age: 25

Height: 6'5

Weight: 247 lbs

Hometown: Shreveport, LA

Alignment: Face

Trademark gestures/Catchphrases: Short with words, blunt and to the point. Very much a redneck

Entrance music:

Entrance description: Them Bones by Alice in Chains

Walks out in a bad mood

Entrance Attire: Black jacket
Ring Attire:


Wrestling Style: Brawler

Finishing Move(s): Dehumanized-Brainbuster

Secondary Finishers: 10,000 Fists-Diving Superman Punch

Trademark Moves/Spots:
Repeated trapped corner lariats
Lifting Final Cut
The Infection-turnbuckle powerbomb
Wolf Trap-jumping lariat

TWM HARD title (x2)


A sinister, callow werewolf out of Louisiana, Turbowolf is known for his quick temper and brute strength. Responsible for numerous pull apart brawls, the former HARD champion was assigned a security detail by Cumishoner Lisa Ann. These men weren't supposed to protect Turbowolf, rather they were supposed to protect the world from TurboWolf! In TMW: Revolution, TurboWolf was assigned Big IQ as his mentors, who he considered negligent at best. He was so upset with them, he joined their opposing team at November Reign. Despite bucking his teachers, TurboWolf came in third in the TMW Revolution, only losing out on the second spot on the last day. He would reappear at the 2016 Lethal Rumble, then enter a bitter feud for the 24/7 title with Outlaw Cello. Though the willy vet could outsmart TW, he couldn't out wrestle him and TurboWolf was able to claim singles gold.

TurboWolf is big to where he first started to roam...TMW, with hard lessons learned from the main roster. Now he's stronger, fiercer and more surly than ever. And what's more he has the fans firmly on his side.

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Same Ol Shits


Name: Wakefield

Nicknames: Big Country

Age: 33

Height: 6'6

Weight:  255

Hometown: Frostburg, Maryland

Alignment: Heel

Stable/Associates/Managers: Same Ol Shits with Horse

Trademark gestures/Catchphrases:  Snarling, spits a lot

Entrance music: Tell it to My Heart by Taylor Dane

Entrance description: The duo arrive onto stage pound their forearms and walk to the ring

Entrance Attire: Long jacket

Ring Attire: dirty beater dirty jeans

Wrestling Style: Brawling power

Finishing Move(s): Pull Up N Wreck - Choke Lariat Slam

Secondary Finishers: (if applicable, moves would finish a match against a lesser opponent, but are escape-able in high-profile matches.)

Trademark Moves/Spots:
Friend In a Low Place-low blow
Rolling The Dice-That weird spinning cutter thing
Double Cross - Fall away Samoan drop
Leaping Shoulder Block

Other moves: 

Rare moves: 


TMW Tag Team Champion x2

The world is full of records, some of them grand, some unusual, and some outright dubious. The Same Ol Shits own one of the dubious ones. In TMW since 2011 they hold the record for longest time in OAOAST developmental, certainly not something they wish to sing to the world. Wakefield began his career in the OAOAST as generic big cruel big man, while Horse came off the indy's and put on quality matches with minimal promo time to properly connect to the crowd. Certainly, they failed to capture the imagination of the front office and continued to linger past their sell by date. For them coming to the Performance Center in Malibu, CA became a chore, then just a routine. Basically the same ol thing, and the two grew surly and disruptive. Disruptive enough that being that misery loves company, the two paired up as the Same Ol Shits. There they finally found success to gain attention and even glory with a pair of TWM tag team title wins


Name: Horse

Nicknames: The Midwest Mauler

Age: 30

Height: 6'3

Weight:  350

Hometown: Pacific, Missouri 

Alignment: Heel

Stable/Associates/Managers: Same Ol Shits with Hoerse

Trademark gestures/Catchphrases:  Is more likely to cheat than his partner, yet gets incredibly upset if the referee catches him or if his opponent does something even slightly underhanded.

Entrance music: Tell it to My Heart by Taylor Dane

Entrance description: The duo arrive onto stage pound their forearms and walk to the ring

Entrance Attire: Nothing

Ring Attire: dirty beater, dirty jeans

Wrestling Style: Brawling cruiser

Finishing Move(s): Courtesy of The Red White and Blue – Front Slam 

Secondary Finishers: (if applicable, moves would finish a match against a lesser opponent, but are escape-able in high-profile matches.)

Trademark Moves/Spots:
Fastball Punch-wind up like pitching and hit foe
Deadlifting German Suplex
Tie One On - Elevated Sidewalk Slam
Merry Go Round Liger Bomb

Other moves: 

Rare moves: 


TMW Tag Team Champion x2

See Wakefield's

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706 отметок «Нравится», 29 комментариев — Matt Clavane (@matthewclavane) в  Instagram: «Matthew Clavane at D1 … | Cool hairstyles for men, Aesthetic  people, Portrait

Name: Storm Bellmare


Age: 21

Height: 5'9

Weight:  177 lbs

Hometown: Redwood City, CA

Alignment: Face

Stable/Associates/Managers: Eponine and Isabella

Trademark gestures/Catchphrases: 

Entrance music: One in a Million by Midnight To Monaco

Entrance description:

I can't afford the price I pay, and I can't even pay the rent

They're coming at me every way and there's no letting up
I'm frightened by the threats they make
Take me down, and they'll bury me and if I run they'll
Chase me back again, drag me before I make the break


I can't keep holding on
In a hideaway I needed to keep me from breaking down
And I'm under..


On stage: Squats down and pops up as blue pyro explodes behind him. On ramp, flames and pyro go up behind him as he walks. In ring spins around in triumph and showboating before settling in the corner,

Entrance Attire: 

Ring Attire:




Wrestling Style: Power

Finishing Move(s): Storm's End – Leg trap sunset flip pile driver

Secondary Finishers: 

Trademark Moves/Spots:
Fury of the Storm – Single leg crab
Wind Shear – Single underhook hip toss
Shipbreaker – top rope tornado DDT
Springboard leg drop
Suicide Senton

Other moves: 

Rare moves: 


Stormy Bellmare may have grown up in liberal northern Cali, but she lived anything but a tolerant and carefree life. Born a twin, but the only one who lived past her first week, Stormy always felt a sharp emptiness in her life. Her parents didn't help ease her suffering, strict religious task masters who had certain expectations for how Stormy should conduct her life. Many of these were certain gender roles, and when Stormy started to show more masculine interests such as fixing cars, professional wrestling riding dirt bikes or watching sports, her parents were flummoxed. Their disgust intensified when Stormy forwent the dresses they bought for her for more masculine attire. 

It all came to a head when Stormy announced she was going to live life as a male! Stormy was booted out the house, but gritted her resolved and saved up enough money to get a sex change and become Storm Bellmare.

Now how did Storm get into the OAOAST. Well, Storm was at an independent show as a fan and Lisa Ann noticed this uncommonly pretty boy. Storm was invited to audition for the OAOAST, and nailed a job. However, no one expected Storm to be anything special for quite a while. How wrong they were, Storm breezed through training, and shocked the world with two TMW Hard title victories.

Unfortunately for Storm I suppose, he attracted the attention of Eponine Black, and became the only guy Eponine feels comfortable talking to. So this means Storm hears all of Eponine's deluded fantasies!

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Name: K-Rawk

Nicknames: The Speed Demon

Age: 23

Height: 6'0

Weight:  182 lbs

Hometown: Orlando, FL

Alignment: Heel

Stable/Associates/Managers: Lords of Rawk with Bedrock

Trademark gestures/Catchphrases:  

Entrance music: No Glory by Skan and Krale

Entrance description: After the beat kicks on K-Rawk runs to the ringside, and shakes everything from barricade to step to ropes

Entrance Attire:

Ring Attire: See pic

Wrestling Style: Speedy Cruiser

Finishing Move(s): Dark Matter – leg kickout downward sprial

Secondary Finishers: (if applicable, moves would finish a match against a lesser opponent, but are escape-able in high-profile matches.)

Trademark Moves/Spots:
Sharpshooter Abdmonial Stretch
Race Against Time - Diving Sling blade 
Lightening Rod - Straight Jacket Neckbreaker

Other moves: 

Rare moves: 


TMW Tag Team Champion x2

Walter East was born in Orlando, Florida attending the same school as The Xavier Franklin Long, though years later. Much like The XFL, East was a celebrated athlete though his sport was cross country and track field. Walter dominated the state from the minute he stepped into highschool. Yet he was more than just a race car with shoes, he was also a prodigious musical talent that was known around Orlando for his hard rock band The Human Face. Walter would go onto Central Florida university where he again starred in track. With an eye on his future, he decided to put his talent of athleticism and showmanship to use and enrolled in a wrestling school. A quick learner, Walter made his debut as K-Rawk, a masked wild man, in his junior year of college. By his senior year he was known through the indies, and attracted big name attention. With several offers on the table, K-Rawk chose the OAOAST and has been frustrating TMW foes with his speed and unpredictability ever since. 

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Name: Jo-Jo Whoa

Nicknames: The Silver Serpent

Age: 23

Height: 5'9

Weight: 187 lbs

Hometown: Montreal, Quebec, Canada

Alignment: Face

Stable/Associates/Managers: None

Trademark gestures/Catchphrases: Carries a snake named Silver, is a lot less exuberant than before


Entrance music: Snake Eyes by Feint

Entrance description:

Can't you see?
Is a mess
When you hide
All the lies
That you thought
You could bury

You kept rolling snake eyes
You kept rolling snake eyes
One too many times


Arrives with his snake named Silver, shouts into the air then walks to the ring

Entrance Attire: None

Ring Attire: Black leather pants with a silver serpent

Wrestling Style: Cruiserweight, but less daring than before


Finishing Move(s):

Thanks For The Memories- Cradle DDT

Secondary Finishers:

Whoa Nelly DDT- 720 DDT

Trademark Moves/Spots:

Snake In The Grass- Springboards off the ropes, back into a Cutter. Top or middle, can be out of nowhere.

Crashing Star- Top Rope Double Stomp/Warrior's Way

Running 360 Shooting Star Press

Serepnt's Kiss- 360 Roundhouse Kick

Kneeling Flatliner


Whoa Whoa Wall Flip Kick- Moonsault Pele Kick out of corner

Other moves:

Various cruiserweight moves, not as adept a high flyer as say J-MAX but still pretty good. Also uses a standing version of the Warrior's Way stomp on occassion, as a counter move, if he finds himself in position.

Rare moves:



OAOAST World Tag Team Championships

- August 4th, 2013 - October 31st, 2013 (w/Brian Travis Kidd)

OAOAST 6-Man Tag Team Championships

- June 15th, 2013 - October 2nd, 2013 (w/Oscar Friberg and Brian Travis Kidd)

Background: Montreal's contribution to the OAOAST, Whoa is the hottest prospect to come out of OAOVW since Spencer Reiger. Although he's far from being big, Whoa succeeds through his amazing aerial attacks and strong heart. He's a good looking kid, who's natural charisma carries him into the hearts of every fan who watches him. Jo-Jo joined up with Oscar Friberg and Brian Travis Kidd to form Team Scream, a collection of ultra popular babyfaces. There was a small hiccup where a curse saw BTK and JJ fight over Annagret's affections, but Oscar set things to rights and with Tanner Neptune in the group, they continue to shine and showout.

After that tryst and tiff Jo-Jo and BTK sort of fell into the background of the OAOAST, while Oscar became the best wrestler to never win a world title. Though Jo-Jo supported Oscar, he desperately wished for his own time to shine. When the main roster fell apart at Tony Brannigan's hands his moment to seize glory strangely came as Lisa Ann brought him along with a handful of main roster youngsters to TMW. Jo-Jo has slightly changed his personality, adopting the nickname of The Silver Serpent and being willing to strike out at anyone to claim what he feels is his right; a mainevent spot in TMW

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Name: The Rizzo


Real name: Peter Rizzo


Age: 28


Height: 5'9


Weight: 201 lbs


Hometown: Atlantic City, NJ


Alignment: Heel


Stable/Associates/Managers: The Scumbag Reformation Project with Anson Cutter and Euphoria


Trademark gestures/Catchphrases: Gambles on his matches. Often loses.



Entrance music: Punchout by Staik Slektah


Entrance description: Walks out bigging himself and Anson Up as Euphoria giggles and skips merrily across the entrance stage. Euphoria continues skipping down the entrance ramp as The Rizzo boasts into the camera and Anson asks the fans for money,


Entrance Attire:


Ring Attire:

WWE2K19_x64 2019-02-01 21-59-26-05.png

WWE2K19_x64 2019-02-01 21-59-30-00.png

Wrestling Style: Brawler



Finishing Move(s): Rizzo For Shizzo-Lo Down Frog Splah


Trademark Moves/Spots:


Other moves:

Hard Scoop Slam, followed by a running boot to the face.

Pendelum Elbow drop

Roll The Dice

fastball punch as in throws a punch like a baseball.



Background: Petey Rizzo is a former indy wrestler who cut his teeth working many of the North Eastern promotions. But that's not important. What is important is that he's a chronic gambler, in severe debt. Ever the kind souls the OAOAST offered him a bottom level developmental deal, and so desperate to pay his debts Petey took the deal. He was thrown into a tag team with Anson Cutter, a deadbeat dad known for appearing on Maury four times in two years. The front office's hope is that they can straighten their lives out and become productive citizens.



Name: Anson Cutter


Nickname: Deadbeat


Age: 33


Height: 6'1


Weight: 230 lbs


Hometown: East St.Louis, IL


Alignment: Heel


Stable/Associates/Managers: The Scumbag Reformation Project


Trademark gestures/Catchphrases: Always asks for money, sometimes steals money



See Rizzo


Ring Attire: See picture


Wrestling Style: Brawler



Finishing Move(s): Bless Up Frog Splash


Trademark Moves/Spots:


Other moves:

Side belly to belly

Standing Shooting Star Press

Collection Plate - Swinging neckbreaker driver

Phone Jumpin - Single knee face buster


Background: Like The Rizzo, Anson Cutter is a former indy wrestler. His work took him back and forth between the two coasts and sometimes into Canada. But again who gives a shit? What we want to know is why this nigga was on Maury denying his kids four times. And each time he was the father. And why he ain't paying no child support? Why this nigga on a developmental deal paying 45,000 per year but he only seeing 15,000? Because he fucked up and got ratchet hoes pregnant that's why? In TMW the Scumbags continue to hunt for shortcuts to riches and fortune rather than actually put in the hard work it takes to gain the rewards of life. 



Name: Euphoria


Age: 25

Height: 5'4

Weight: Bwhahahahahaha!

Hometown: Ocean City, NJ

Alignment: Tweener

Stable/Associates/Managers: Dating Tony Tourttes of all people! Of all people!!!!!!!!

Trademark gestures/Catchphrases: Utterly insane and full of life and mirth and love! But has a dark side and itches herself a lot.

Entrance music: The Kids Aren't Alright by The Offspring

Entrance description: She actually has no set entrance style and will pretty much come in doing whatever!

Entrance Attire: That jacket in the pic!

Ring Attire: See pic my bros

Wrestling Style: Unpredictable and sometimes so violent its self defeating.

Finishing Move(s): Seven Year Itch-Shooting Star Press

Secondary Finishers: Killswitch

Trademark Moves/Spots:
Black Tar-Spinning sitout spinebuster
Speedball-A very sloppy, very dangerous spear
Hell Dust-multi rotational swinging neckbreaker
Chasing The Dragon-Dragon sleeper used on a corner based foe

Rare Moves: Seven Year Itch to the outside

Titles/accomplishments (Lethal Rumble/Battlebowl/MITB/etc.) 

Background: Euphoria widely regradeed as a troublesome and mysterious characters. Born to junkie mother and an unknown father, Euphoria barely survived childbirth due the amount of drugs within her sister. The harrowing circumstances of her daughter's birth didn't much improve her mom's abuse of drugs and self destructive attitude. No matter how she might have loved her daughter that love didn't trump her love of drugs and Euphoria was bounced in and out of foster homes until he became a legal adult. By that time Euphoria has her own daugher like mother brushes with the authorities, but could sometimes hold jobs as an exotic dance. 

However, she'd often get fired for stealing, from customers, boss and fellow girls alike. At basically what amounted to her last chance in Jersey, Terry Taylor met her one of the dance clubs and was impressed by her look and her flashy persoanlity. Euporia was invited to a try out camp for the OAOAST, where they took in along with Tori, Ruby and a few others. There was immediately problems with Euphoria's drug abuses and erratic behavoir, but it turned she was just a girl in love this time and finally got to be with her crush...TONY TOURETTES!!!!

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Name: Bhodi Dharma

Nicknames: The Zen Master

Age: 24

Height: 6'1

Weight: 183 lbs

Hometown: Carlsbad, CA

Alignment: Face

Stable/Associates/Managers: Higher Minds with Detroit Crackhead

Trademark gestures/Catchphrases: Is somewhat of a zen fanatic, is a huge pothead and frankly is kind of stupid!

Entrance music: Smoke a Nigga by Juicy J ft.Wiz Khalifa

Entrance description: 

Yo, too damn high

The Higher Minds enter crouched over walking through a green haze with Bhodi smoking weed and DC smoking crack. They continue to smoke down the entrance ramp, in the ring they smoke on the ring apron as green pyro explodes down the apron behind them.

Entrance Attire:

Ring Attire: Dark green baggy pants, brown boots, brown wrist band with a marijuana leaf on them

Wrestling Style: High flyer

Finishing Move(s): White Rabbit - flying stunner from the top rope

Secondary Finishers: (if applicable, moves would finish a match against a lesser opponent, but are escape-able in high-profile matches.)

Trademark Moves/Spots:
Cloud Nine - Middle Rope Neckbreaker
Bomb That Bass – snapmare driver
Slinghot Spear
Kush Coma - Corckscrew Calfkick

Other moves: 

Rare moves: 

Titles/accomplishments (Lethal Rumble/Battlebowl/MITB/etc.) (example below)
TMW Tag Team Champions

Born Bhodi Craig in Carlsbad, California to a surfer dad and an artist mom, this OAOAST superstar was raised to be a free spirit that soaked up all the good life had to offer.  The problem was as he got older he soaked up a bit too much of the good life have to offer...or should I say the green life had to offer. Yes, as a teenager young Bhodi became a huge pot head, big enough to cause his grades to be wrecked in school. He could only attend a community college after he graduated, but was too big a pot head to even do his work at that institution. With life having little more future for their son than smoking weed, Bhodi's parents pulled in a favor, and called the OAOAST brass to see if they could at least let him on the ring crew. Bhodi was hired, but his infectious chatisma got noticed by Terry Taylor while he was cutting promos in the cafeteria. That got him several pay grades above ring crew as he was signed to a developmental contract. The Zen Master's predication to drug use found him a fast friend with Be a Star contest winner Detroit Crackhead, and against all odds, and against the wishes of people who wanted Crackhead gone, the duo actually became TMW tag team champions!    


Name: Detroit Crackhead


Age: 45

Height: 6'2

Weight: 163 lbs

Hometown: Detroit, MI

Alignment: Face

Stable/Associates/Managers: Higher Minds with Bhodi Dharma

Trademark gestures/Catchphrases: “Suck yo dick for some rock?” Will do anything for crack

See Bhodi

Entrance Attire: A brown dirty coat

Ring Attire: 

crackhead WWE 2K22 4_12_2022 12_35_37 AM.jpg

Wrestling Style:  Brawler

Finishing Move(s): Yay Yay Yay - Running single leg kick to the face from the corner aka Drew Galloway's calymore

Secondary Finishers: (if applicable, moves would finish a match against a lesser opponent, but are escape-able in high-profile matches.)

Trademark Moves/Spots:
Cold Turkey - running underhook arm drag
Hell of a Drug - Windup Uppercut
One Hit Over The Line - Trapping Headbutts
Can I Get a Bump - Swinging Reverse STO aka sister abagail

Other moves: 

Rare moves: Second rope elbow drop to a standing foe

Titles/accomplishments (Lethal Rumble/Battlebowl/MITB/etc.) (example below)
TMW Tag Team Title

Tyrelle Jackson will forever go down was the winner of the historic first Be a Star contest, where fans were able to submit promo tapes for a chance to win an OAOAST developmental contract. Jackson, a near life long addict to crack, saw a come up, knowing a contract with a TV show would provide him with all the change he needed to score his yay yay. The interns in charge of sifting through the tapes thought it would be funny to pass a crackhead along through the contest, but the random selection of the winner had no sense of humor went it pegged him as the victor!

Stuck with a crackhead for a winner, the brass named him Detroit Crackhead in hopes of getting him to quit out of embarassment. No such luck as Jackson wanted that bread! He made his promise debut on TV and got the immediate support of the fans, much to the brass' dismay. The situation got more frustrating for them when he and Bhodi Dharma linked up as The Higher Minds. Then the front office lost their collective shit as the two captured the TMW tag titles from The Same Ol Shits. However, Detroit Crackhead was now rolling in dough and rolling in the white stuff! If only he would roll through a bath tub.

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Name: Sumeragi

Nicknames: The Dark Ace

Age: 22

Height: 6'1

Weight: 211 lbs

Hometown: Kobe, Japan

Alignment: Heel


Trademark gestures/Catchphrases: Cheats a lot, sometimes walks out on matches entirely

Entrance music: Echnida theme from The Bouncer

Entrance description: 
On the stage walks from side to side yelling and berating the fans. On the ramp walks down berating the camera and the fans. In the ring rises to the top turnbuckle and holds up hands.

Entrance Attire: A colorful robe

Ring Attire: A colorful pair of biker shorts, golden boots, kneepads and elbow pads

Wrestling Style: Dirty

Finishing Move(s): Top Rope Lariat

Secondary Finishers: (if applicable, moves would finish a match against a lesser opponent, but are escape-able in high-profile matches.)

Trademark Moves/Spots:
Thumb to the eye
Time's Up – kneeling crossface
Green Mist into the eyes
In The Red – Arm trap inverted facelock

Other moves: 

Rare moves: 
Missile dropkick to an outside foe

Titles/accomplishments (Lethal Rumble/Battlebowl/MITB/etc.) (example below)

The Dark Ace known as Sumeragi arrived to TMW as a hasty gift from BUSTLE now known as SMUSH. His primary talents in Japan lay with cheating and if that didn't work out, walking out the match entirely. The officials hoped their young lion might learn a deeper array of skills out the Japanese limelight and in the OAOAST developmental system. Thus they sent him on an excursion. So far they were correct, Sumeragi improved mightily and even had a decent showing in The Challenge. However, he's still known to blatantly cheat and then walk out the match if things don't go his way. It seems some things never change!

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Name: Murmur

Nicknames: The Silent Killer

Age: 26

Height: 5'11

Weight: 215 lbs

Hometown: Luxor, Egypt

Alignment: Face

Stable/Associates/Managers: Very calm and mild mannered, and slow to anger. But if he whispers to you...you're in deep shit.

Trademark gestures/Catchphrases: 

Entrance music: Egyptica by Defico

Entrance description: 
On stage: walks out and throws fist to the ground leading a huge plume of orange smoke to appear in front of him. On ramp: walks slowly down, in ring stares into the hard camera in a way that he's peering into your soul!

Entrance Attire: High collar black cape with Orange spikes behind the collar

Ring Attire:

WWE2K19_x64 2019-02-01 22-03-33-74.png

Wrestling Style: All rounder with some submission specialty 

Finishing Move(s): Pharroh's Fire-imploding 450 splash

Secondary Finishers: (if applicable, moves would finish a match against a lesser opponent, but are escape-able in high-profile matches.)

Trademark Moves/Spots:
Hell's Gate submission hold
Long Kiss Goodnight – Inverted orange crush
Tombstone from the middle rope
Book of the Dead - Flipout vertical suplex

Other moves: 

Rare moves: 

Titles/accomplishments (Lethal Rumble/Battlebowl/MITB/etc.) (example below)

Another mysterious character arrived in the OAOAST one day when a young Egyptian man arrived into Lisa Ann's office and announced he was present to be a soldier. Lisa Ann told this man she was no commander of an army, but he retorted that she was and he was to be in her service. Not in the habit of hiring fighters sight unseen, this young man was put into the ring to test whatever skills he had. What he had was an uncanny fighting prowess that got him inducted into TMW, which while not an army served his needs. He said he needed no name, but due to his soft spoken nature got the moniker of Murmur. 

Murmur proved far more dangerous than anyone could have imagined in a feud with Agent Augeur, where mere whisper to Augeur turned out to spell his doom as Murmur bloodied him shortly after in a backstage brawl. The brawl was horrific enough to get Murmur suspended, but a legend was born. People began to speculate an evil spirit was inhabiting an innocent man's body, and the mysterious and enigmatic nature of Murmur did little to alleviate the proliferation of rumors about his origins. 

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Name: Tristan Nystrom

Species: Vampire


Relatives: Fabian Nystrom (brother)

Age: 1000 years old but looks in twenties

Height: 6'1

Weight: 202 lbs

Hometown: The Hauge, Netherlands

Alignment: Face


Trademark gestures/Catchphrases: A somber, pragmatic sort of guy

Entrance music: Death Don't Have No Mercy (stripped version) by Esterly

Entrance description: 

Death don't have no mercy in this land
Death don't have no mercy in this land
He'll come to your house and he won't stay long
You'll look in the bed and somebody will be gone
Death don't have no mercy in this land

Well Death will go in any family in this land
Well Death will go in every family in this land
Well he'll come to your house and he won't stay long
Well you'll look in the bed and one of your family will be gone
Death will go in any family in this land

On stage: comes out brooding as he rolls his wrist, lets out a sigh and nods to himself. Walks to the ring with great stoicism. In ring: looks around at fans then heads to the top rope and gazes out at them with sadness in his eyes.

Entrance Attire:

Ring Attire: Black leather pants and brown belt

Wrestling Style: All rounder and good striker

Finishing Move(s): Blood Plauge - Buzzsaw Kick 

Secondary Finishers: (if applicable, moves would finish a match against a lesser opponent, but are escape-able in high-profile matches.)

Trademark Moves/Spots:

Friday Night Bites - Discus Knee strike 
Bleed It Out - Standing snapmare cutter
Dangerous Liasons- Twisting arm trap neckbreaker
Barrel role tope 

Other moves:

Rare moves: 

TNW HARD title x3

The legend of how vampires came to be is well known, Ivar The Cunning and several Viking warriors ventures from the Netherlands to Africa in search of a spell for immortality. The youngest of these death defiers was one Tristan Nystrom, a fearsome savage with an implacable lust for violence. Though only 21 at the time of becoming a vampire, Tristan had developed a most gruesome reputation for slaughtering countless innocents and razing many a village. His transformation to vampire was truly a curse upon the world, a maurauder able to cheat death.

But something happened to Tristan as he ran wild across the globe for ten centuries. The pile of bodies and the trail of blood began to affect him, and left him with a ptsd. Tristan went from wild partier to somber stoic. He retired to a quiet life in the Dutch wilderness, until in the 21st century his old Viking leader Ivar The Cunning came to ask him to the OAOAST. It being a haven for vampires and supernaturals was in Ivar’s mind much better a place for Tristan than a life of solitude. Tristan’s fighting instincts were stirred and he was handed a spot on TMW that he turned into three HARD title wins. Yet when his opportunitistic brother, Fabian, showed his world came crashing down. Fabian would chase his younger brother out of TMW and back into the woods.

But Ser AC The Exile pulled him back in with threats, taunts and attacks on his friend. Tristan would get his revenge and close out the OAOAST as the last United States Champion.

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Apollo Crews [2022 Update] : Wrestling Career, WWE, Family & Net Worth

Name: Undie Brown

Nicknames: Raider of the Lost Pantie

Age: 28

Height: 6'3

Weight: 258 lbs

Hometown: Jos, Nigeria

Alignment: Heel


Trademark gestures/Catchphrases: Obsessed with used underwear, the acquiring of, the sniffing of, the rolling around with, the jerking off into. Female underwear is the best, but male undies are cool.

Entrance music: Cookie by R Kelly

Entrance description: 

(Let's wake up) it's dinner time
Yup turn up
Pull up to the crib and a nigga on silk
Come fuck with a nigga
Bout to bang on a pussy like I'm pouring up the crib
Fuck with a nigga
You gon' wanna claim this dick
Fuck with a nigga
Fuck with a nigga
Come fuck with a nigga

Oh, she roller coastered on it (oh)
She threw it up I allayed (hoop)
Then I beat the pussy til its (blue)
Girl you know I got that good yeah

Brown comes out on stage yelling “where's the panties?” while eating a cookie shaped and decorated like a pantie!  On the ramp he harasses women in the audience for their panties. In the ring he usually chases Lillian Garcia around trying to steal her panties.

Entrance Attire: Underwear on his head.

Ring Attire: 


Wrestling Style: Power with some cruiser styke

Finishing Move(s): Pantie Raid – Spinout powerbomb

Secondary Finishers: 

Trademark Moves/Spots:

Standing Moonsault
Delayed veritcal suplex
Over the top rope suicide dive

Other moves:

Rare moves: 


Let me save you some reading. Undie Brown is a Nigerian immigrant who lifted weights, built his body and trained in wrestling expressly so he could be allowed into locker rooms and have a chance to steal women's panties.

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Name: The Intruder

Age: 27

Height: 6'1

Weight: 225 lbs

Hometown: Scottsdale, Arizona

Alignment: Heel

Stable/Associates/Managers: Cassidy Maguire

Trademark gestures/Catchphrases: Starts each promo interruption by yelling “Intruder Alert!”

Entrance music: Nightmare by Biometrix

Entrance description: 
There's a rave at the side of the stage with people waving glow sticks and dancing with glowing rings on their fingers and women in sexy fluffy attire. In the stands women with sexy fluffy attire dance. As the beat drops, The Intruder walks out, someone tosses him a drink he sips it and raises it to the sky. On the ramp he pauses to dance and points at the camera, in the ring he enters by leaping over the top rope, still not spilling his drink and winks at the camera

Entrance Attire: A cut off shirt that reads INTRUDER ALERT

Ring Attire: 


Wrestling Style: Brawler

Finishing Move(s): Intruder Alert – over the shoulder back to belly piledriver

Secondary Finishers: 

Trademark Moves/Spots:
Breaking and Entering – backsuplex side slam
Rundown Season – front powerslam
Criminal Assault - Knee Lift Transitioned to Discus Clothesline
Super Belly to Belly

Other moves:

Rare moves: 


Though born and raised in America, The Intruder garnered his fame down under as a member of their Big Brother cast. He wasn't just a regular housemate though, he was you can guess an intruder. More than that he might be the most infamous house guest in all of BB Aussie history. In a game known for underhanded tactics and backstabbing, The Intruder took his to a new level, routinely tricking people into alliances only to abandon them at the most dramatic and cruelest moment! Despite his scorched earth playing of the game, The Intruder only got to second place and failed to claim the big money. But his popularity was cemented and doors began to open. 

The OAOAST, looking to expand their brand down under sought a superstar with cache in Aussieland, and tabbed The Intruder to be that man. Though only briefly in TMW he's made an impact with his feud with Daisuke Motozaki and his repeated interruptions of other people's promos. In fact he interrupts so frequently he calls it an “INTRUDER ALERT”

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Name: Lawson Belle

Nicknames: The World's Most Dangerous Belle, The L-Train

Age: 24

Height: 6'0

Weight: 221 lbs

Hometown: Knoxville, TN

Alignment: Heel


Trademark gestures/Catchphrases: Intense angry heel

Entrance music: Wicked by Bear Grillz

Entrance description: 




(Go, go, go!!!!!)


Bring up the dead

It's time to get WICKED~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!

A circle of blue lights surrounded the entry way as Bear Grillz' Wicked blasts through The Toy Box. As the circle of blue lights liftsout came Lawson Belle, putting himself in DA ZONE

Entrance Attire: None

Ring Attire: 



Wrestling Style: Technical with submissions

Finishing Move(s): Ankle Lock

Secondary Finishers: 

Trademark Moves/Spots:
For Whom The Belle Tolls – Calf kick
Slay Belle – jumping spin kick
Side Belle to Belle - side belly to belly suplex
Overhead Belle to Belle - overhead belly to belly
 dragon screw

Other moves:
Multiple suplex variations

Rare moves: 


The brother of December Belle and Stacy Belle as well as the cousin of Sugar Belle, Lawson Belle has always had a protective streak regarding the female members of his family. It was this noble mindset that lead him to take up kickboxing, BJJ and Muai-Thai. He found he had incredibly proficiency for the combat arts, and not only was he able to beat up anyone who tried to mess with his family, but he was also able to secure an undefeated amateur MMA record. Most people thought Lawson would parlay that into a successful MMA career, but he choose the route of professional wrestling so that he could better protect his family, who had made their home in the ranks of the OAOAST. Lawson breezed through the PC, and is ready to breeze through TMW. But his key aim isn't titles, but keeping his family safe.

Lawson is a polite character, and some would say white meat babyface. Yet, there are a few who would say Lawson is hiding something. Something dangerous. Something that might make him the world's most dangerous man...

Well that something was Reject dissing December! When Reject called December a retard, Lawson laid in a brutal beat down. He went as far as to snap Reject's ankle in the Ankle Lock!

Let me just say this....Lawson is December's half bro. This nigga ain't The Rock's son!!!!!!!!!!!

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