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OAOAST TMW: A comedy/erotic e-fed

AngleSlam 2007

Chanel #99

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Across a river, over a bunch of mountains, through fields, sweeping past trees and bushes, hovering over the skyline of New York City, the OAOAST logo flies through the air...before sweeping down, brushing past an elderly man who seems understandably shocked to see six over-sized letters fly past him. The logo continues going, nearing a house...which luckily, a woman is leaving, meaning the logo can sweep through the open door, continuing on down the hallfway and into the living room where a young kid is sat on his computer. It sweeps past him, hitting the computer...which explodes with a flash, lighting up much to the kid's shock and delight.


DRAMATIC MUSIC~! plays as a shot of the OAOAST World Heavyweight Championship belt is shown.

It is the dream of every professional wrestler to be the World Heavyweight Champion.

Cut to a close-up of the OAOAST World Heavyweight Championship belt.

For many, becoming World Heavyweight Champion is the absolute pinnacle of their career. By becoming World Heavyweight Champion, their names are inevitably etched into the annals of time. Their careers, never to be forgotten. Their legacies, to live on forever.

Another close-up of the OAOAST World Heavyweight Championship belt is shown.

It is an honor chased by many...but only achieved by few.

The eyes of Landon "La Cucaracha" Maddix, Zack Malibu, and "The Corporate Champion" Tha Puerto Rican are shown. PRL is, of course, doing the Corporate Eyebrow.

Tonight, three men fight for the chance to be called World Heavyweight Champion. Three men struggle to reach the top of the mountain. Three men, fighting for one goal, but each one with a different motive.

Cut to Landon "La Cucaracha" Maddix holding the OAOAST World Heavyweight Championship belt in front of a black background, cocky as always.

The first man is the Champion.

Cut to Landon defeating Zack Malibu to win the OAOAST World Heavyweight Championship on the June 28, 2007 edition of OAOAST HeldDOWN~!.

His Title victory shocked the world who had never thought that his time had come.

Cut to a montage of Landon "La Cucaracha" Maddix holding the OAOAST World Heavyweight Championship belt.

Throughout this summer, he has enjoyed a successful reign as World Heavyweight Champion...

Cut to Maddix beating "Urban Legend" Todd Cortez on the August 16, 2007 edition of OAOAST HeldDOWN~!.

...with only one Title defense made thus far.

Cut to Landon "La Cucaracha" Maddix holding the OAOAST World Heavyweight Championship belt in front of a black background.

Tonight, he steps into the ring against two of the greatest OAOAST Superstars of all-time, inside the World's Most Famous Arena, where he looks to show the world that he is worthy of the honor and prestige that comes with being World Heavyweight Champion and to continue his iron grip on the Title.

Landon laughs manically as we fade out.

Cut to Zack Malibu holding the OAOAST World Heavyweight Championship belt in front of a black background.

Then, there is the second man, the Former Champion.

Cut to a montage of Zack Malibu clips from over the years.

For the past five years, he has been the very face of the company he works for. With accolades a mile wide, this young, charismatic Superstar has done more before the age of 30 than most men have done their entire lives.  

Cut to Zack Malibu raising the OAOAST World Heavyweight Championship belt during his first title reign. Cut to Zack Malibu raising the OAOAST World Heavyweight Championship belt during his second title reign. Cut to Zack Malibu raising the OAOAST World Heavyweight Championship belt during his third title reign.

Already a three-time World Heavyweight Champion, his last Title reign was ended just as quickly as it began.

Cut to Zack lying on the mat after Landon "La Cucaracha" Maddix beat him for the OAOAST World Heavyweight Championship on the June 28, 2007 edition of OAOAST HeldDOWN~!.

Cut to Zack Malibu holding the OAOAST World Heavyweight Championship belt in front of a black background.

Tonight, he looks to gain title number four, and one of the men he faces is the man who took the Title away from him. Tonight, he is a vengeful man, trying to regain what many believe is rightfully his. Tonight, he hopes to get what he momentarily savored, and abruptly lost in the hopes of restoring honor and prestige to the World Heavyweight Championship.

Zack drops the OAOAST World Heavyweight Championship belt and has a shocked expression on his face, to symbolize how quickly his third Title reign ended. We see the OAOAST World Heavyweight Championship belt fall as we fade out.

Cut to "The Corporate Champion" Tha Puerto Rican holding the OAOAST World Heavyweight Championship belt in front of a black background.

And then, there is the third man. The Man Who Has Never Been Champion.

Cut to a montage of PRL highlights.

Throughout his illustrious career, he has held many titles, and achieved many goals. But the one thing missing from his already impressive resume is a World Heavyweight Championship reign.

Cut to PRL's World Title matches in the past. The Unlucky 7 Elimination Chamber from Deadly Game: Unlucky 7. The match against Stephen Joseph Popick from November Reign 2005. The match against "Reckless" Drek Stone from World Without End 2006.

He has come close to achieving this goal in the past, but so far, has yet to finish what he has started.

Cut to "The Corporate Champion" Tha Puerto Rican holding the OAOAST World Heavyweight Championship belt in front of a black background.

Tonight, he looks to add that one final accomplishment to his career. To finish the story that was started 10 years ago. He is confident, cocky, and ready for battle. He has no fear and has nothing to lose. Tonight, he looks to gain what his two opponents have already had. Tonight, he hopes he'll finally have the opportunity to win it all. Tonight, he hopes to put his name in the record books as yet another man to feel the honor and prestige of being World Heavyweight Champion.

PRL smiles an evil smile as we fade out.

Cut to Landon "La Cucaracha" Maddix holding the OAOAST World Heavyweight Championship belt in front of a black background.

The Champion.

Cut to Zack Malibu holding the OAOAST World Heavyweight Championship belt in front of a black background.

The Former Champion.

Cut to "The Corporate Champion" Tha Puerto Rican holding the OAOAST World Heavyweight Championship belt in front of a black background.

The Man Who Has Never Been Champion.

Cut to clips of Landon "La Cucaracha" Maddix, Zack Malibu, and "The Corporate Champion" Tha Puerto Rican posing in front of the black background, each man holding the OAOAST World Heavyweight Championship belt.

Three men. Three different motivations. But all have one goal. As yet another summer winds down and we head into the fall, three men will do battle in front of a sold out crowd and millions watching around the world. Tonight, three warriors of the ring will square off in the World's Most Famous Arena in the World's Greatest City. Tonight, three men will all be vying for what only one can have. Three men, with varying motivations, yet all sharing a common goal.

Cut to Landon "La Cucaracha" Maddix, Zack Malibu, and "The Corporate Champion" Tha Puerto Rican all celebrating after victories.

Tonight, only one man will emerge triumphant...

Cut to Landon "La Cucaracha" Maddix, Zack Malibu, and "The Corporate Champion" Tha Puerto Rican all in horrible pain.

...while two men will both share the agony of defeat.

Cut to another shot of Landon Maddix holding the OAOAST World Heavyweight Championship belt in front of a black background, followed by Zack Malibu, followed by Tha Puerto Rican.

It is the biggest main event in AngleSlam history...

Cut to a shot of the OAOAST World Heavyweight Championship belt.

...and it is being fought all for the honor and prestige that comes with being the World Heavyweight Champion.



B O O M ~!

Madison Square Garden
New York City

We PAN around the arena before heading over to SOFA CENTRAL~! and our hosts, Michael Cole and The Coach.

It's the hottest event of the summer and the hottest ticket in town. From a sold out Madison Square Garden, the World's Most Famous Arena, welcome to the 2007 edition of Angleslam! And thank you for joining us once again live on pay-per-view. Michael Cole alongside Jonathan Coachman, and Coach, the question on everyone's mind: Is tonight the night Tha Puerto Rican realizes his dream and becomes World Heavyweight Champion, or will Zack Malibu make history and capture the championship for a record-setting fourth-time? Because quite frankly, the incumbent titleholder Landon Maddix has all but lost, as Triple Threat matches always favor the challenger -- or challengers in tonight's case -- because the champion doesn't have to get pinned to lose the title.

As usual, you're wrong again, Cole. Landon Maddix has the advantage coming in. Tha Puerto Rican and Zack Malibu are going to be so full of adrenaline it's gonna cause one of them to make a fatal mistake that'll lead to Landon retaining. But in the interest of full disclosure, I'm in favor of anybody but Zack Malibu, the biggest glory hog in company history, winning.

I'm sure they're stopping the presses for that newsflash. Also on the card tonight, a gigantic 5 on 5 grudge tag match featuring the Enterprise vs. the team of newly crowned champions, 6-man champs Leon Rodez and D*LUX and the Only & Only World tag team champs, for a OAOAST record fourth-time, Chicks Over Dicks.

Stolen property of the Enterprise I might add. The fix was in when Rodez and D*LUX won the 6-man titles and Wright and Moneymaker had no business being in the ring in their condition. I call for the immediate impeachment of Anglesault. If not, I'll run against in the next election.

There is no next election.

Which proves my point. The man's a dictator. Free elections in the OAOAST or else!

In addition to that, interpromotional warfare: OAOAST Heartland Champion Thunderkid vs. WDW Champion "After Hours" Felix Strutter in a title unification match!

After what Alf did to TK last week, it's going to be a walk in the park for Felix.

Speaking of Alfdogg, he'll be in action defending his WDW Championship against Reject.

For Reject to win, he's going to have to pry the belt from Alf's cold, dead hands 'cause he ain't letting go of that.

Then it's a family affair, as Melody Nerdly leads her brothers, former tag team champions The Sk8ter Boiz into battle with the Heavenly Rockers. The Boiz seeking revenge for their sister's fallen tag team, the Lone Star Gunslingers.

They might have Holly-Wood in their corner, but a little birdie told me oil is thicker than blood.

Just what is that supposed to be?

Stay tuned.

Right now it's time to go up to the ring and get this party started!

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A piano plays a melody causing the crowd to cheer. The lights go down in MSG, turning back on in tune with the melody.

*"COME ON!"*


Fireworks explode over the ring, due to the fact that the entrance is so short. "Gasolina (Remix)" by Daddy Yankee featuring Lil' Jon and Pitbull begins playing.


And what better way to start off AngleSlam then with some Heat?

The AngleSlam entrance doors slide open, and out charges Colombian Heat. The crowd gets louder. Heat carries the OAOAST 24/7 Championship belt with his left hand. He jumps up and down to get the crowd more fired up then they are already. Heat then raises the OAOAST 24/7 Championship belt over his head, and then slings the belt over his left shoulder. Colombian Heat raises his hands, acknowledging the fans, then points all over Madison Square Garden and begins his walk to the ring, slapping hands with the fans along the way.


Ladies and gentlemen, the following contest is the opening match here at OAOAST AngleSlam 2007 and is scheduled for one fall with a thirty-minute time limit. And it is for the One And Only AngleSault Thread Twenty-Four/Seven Championship. Introducing first, coming down the aisle. Originally from Bogotá, Colombia but now residing in Miami, Florida. Weighing in at 180 lbs. He is the reigning and defending One And Only AngleSault Thread Twenty-Four/Seven Champion of the worrrrrrlllllldddddddddddddddddddddddddd....COLOMBIANNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAATTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT!

Colombian Heat climbs up the ring steps and then hops into the ring. Heat gets on the second ring rope and raises the OAOAST 24/7 Championship belt with his left hand, receiving cheers. Heat smiles a wide smile. He then heads on over to a second turnbuckle and raises the OAOAST 24/7 Championship belt with his left hand, and does the "WESTSIIIIIIIDE" hand signal with his right hand, receiving more cheers. Heat gets off the second turnbuckle and calls for a microphone.

We begin AngleSlam 2007 with a title match! And what a title match it should be! Colombian Heat to go head-to-head with James Riggs, a man who already has ONE victory over Colombian Heat, and has been on a roll since then!

All the signs are pointing to a James Riggs victory! Colombian Heat has been made a victim, a fool of several times over the past month! From losing to Riggs on OAOAST Syndicated to getting his ass kicked after his rap concert. James Riggs has Colombian Heat's number tonight at AngleSlam!

We shall see, Coach. But I'm sure Colombian Heat is fired up for tonight. And I'm sure he won't go down without a fight!

Colombian Heat grabs a microphone.

Yo! Yo! Yo! Yo! Yo! Yo! Yo! Yo! YO!


Colombian Heat looks at the crowd. "Gasolina (Remix)" by Daddy Yankee featuring Lil' Jon and Pitbull dies down.

We is in tha Garden tonight! We is havin' ourselves a Garden party! And you know, Colombian Heat is gonna kick it, gonna set things off right herre in New York Ciz-zay!


Colombian Heat slings the OAOAST 24/7 Championship belt over his left shoulder. He smiles.

A'ight. A'ight. Now, when I say 'Is everrybody ready for AngleSlam 2007?' I want all of y'all to say 'Damn straight!'. A'ight? So...is everrybody ready for AngleSlam 2007?


The crowd cheers again! Colombian Heat nods his head.

Dat's right. Dat's right. Well, since I's know tha answer to dat question, that means there's only one thing left to say: If all of y'all are ready to see me make James Riggs feel the Heat...then New York City, Madison Square Garden...make some noise UP IN THIS--


The crowd cheers loudly. A "HEAT!" chant breaks out.

What an ovation for Colombian Heat here in Madison Square Garden. They're on their feet here in the Garden!

Ha! Ha! You know how we do!

Colombian Heat puts the microphone away. Heat kisses the OAOAST 24/7 Championship belt and hands it over to referee Nick Patrick.

He just kissed that 24/7 Title goodbye!

You don't know that for sure, Coach. The fans certainly believe in Heat tonight.

That ovation he got will be the ONLY ovation he'll get tonight! JR Nation, get ready to celebrate! Your man's about to get a title in the OAOAST!

Colombian Heat bounces off the ropes. He looks to the entrance and waits for James Riggs to come out.

This will be the first time Colombian Heat defends the 24/7 Title, and he's got quite the opponent here tonight!

About time too. He went over the 30-day limit. He should have been stripped of the Title!

Oh will you stop?

"Dani California" by The Red Hot Chili Peppers starts playing. The crowd stands up and starts booing. The entrance doors slide open, and James Riggs steps out. Right behind him as always is his wife and manager, Staci. The boos get louder. Riggs has a cocky smile on his face as he laughs off the booing fans. Staci walks out in front of Riggs and leads Riggs to the ring.

And his opponent. The challenger. Accompanied to the ring by his wife and manager, Staci. From Torrence, California. Weighing in at 232 lbs. He is the self-proclaimed leader of JR Nation. JAMMMMMEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSS RIIIIGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!

James Riggs struts down the aisle, taunting some fans along the way.

James Riggs has been in the OAOAST for only 10 months, but tonight, he looks to gain his first title in the company!

James Riggs has everything going for him. Great looks, great talent, intelligence, a beautiful wife, and after tonight, a title to call his own. He is everything Colombian Heat is not, which is why he will defeat him tonight at AngleSlam.

Riggs has been waiting for this match ever since he got a PINFALL victory over Colombian Heat last month on OAOAST Syndicated, which is how he got this 24/7 Title shot in the first place! It was his Rolling Koppou Kick that did Heat in last time, with a little help from Staci. And you can bet James Riggs hopes that Rolling Koppou Kick brings him the 24/7 Title tonight!

Staci and JR climb the ring steps and stand on the ring apron. Colombian Heat eyes Riggs intensely. Staci sits on the middle rope, and opens them for JR to step through. Riggs outstretches his arms and then heads to a second turnbuckle where he pounds his chest twice with crossed arms, before cockily thrusting them into the air. White pyro shoots along the ring apron behind him ala Shawn Michaels, before meeting at the ring post which explodes into a golden shower of sparklers.

Look at that entrance! THAT is the entrance of a champion! James Riggs is the uncrowned 24/7 Champion as far as I am concerned!

Alot of people are predicting the same thing, Coach. There are many who feel this is James Riggs night!

Those are some smart smart people then!

Staci blows her husband a kiss as he gets off the second turnbuckle. Colombian Heat is at another turnbuckle corner and is staring at Riggs. "Dani California" continues playing as Staci removes James' long white/silver leather trenchcoat revealing his silver and black pants. She then takes off his sunglasses and places them on top of the long white/silver leather trenchcoat.   

It can be certainly argued that James Riggs has all the momentum leading up to this match. Let's recap what he's done in the past four weeks. He has defeated Colombian Heat in an one-on-one match. He took the mask of Colombian Heat's best friend, Spanish Fly, revealing his face to the world. And who could forget two weeks ago, when after Colombian Heat's rap performance, James Riggs appeared and SPEARED Colombian Heat, following that up by giving him the Rolling Koppou Kick on the stage, and busting him open?

He ruined Colombian Heat's big night, and for that I'm thankful! In front of all those fans at The Aloha Stadium, James Riggs ruined the Colombian Heat Rap Concert! What a great moment in wrestling history!

Colombian Heat hasn't forgotten about what James Riggs has done to him recently, I can tell you that much! He's looking for some payback, not just for him, but for Spanish Fly tonight here at AngleSlam!

Well, he's gonna choke. It's obvious to everyone that James Riggs is the superior athlete, and he will beat Colombian Heat tonight at AngleSlam! Remember, he did it once. He can do it again!

Staci kisses James on the lips and then says something to Colombian Heat before laughing. Riggs holds the ropes open for Staci to exit, carrying Riggs' sunglasses and leather trenchcoat. Riggs looks at her ass as she walks down the ring steps. JR then turns his attention to his opponent tonight, flashing a cocky smile.

Boy does he look confident.

He has every right to be. This is HIS night! I can feel it!

Several titles to be defended tonight at AngleSlam, including the World Heavyweight Title in the main event!

Staci hands the leather trenchcoat and the sunglasses to a ringside attendant. Riggs and Colombian Heat mouth off to each other, with Riggs bouncing up and down in place while doing his trash talking. "Dani California" by The Red Hot Chili Peppers dies down. Colombian Heat exits the ring and heads to ringside where he puts the extra Colombian flag bandana he was wearing around the neck of a young fan.

Awww, isn't that sweet? Colombian Heat loves the kids!

No he doesn't. He just wants them to buy his merchandise!

Oh come on! Can't Colombian Heat do something nice without there being an ulterior motive?

Nope! Now, if it was James Riggs doing that, THEN it would be a different story!

I think James Riggs would spit on a child before giving anything to one!

Cole! That's a TERRIBLE thing to say! You know he could sue you for slander!

Oh come on!

Colombian Heat high fives the young fan and then returns to the ring. Heat stretches on the ropes. Nick Patrick raises the OAOAST 24/7 Championship belt over his head to let the crowd know that this is a title match. He then hands the belt over to a ringside attendant. Nick Patrick then pats down Colombian Heat, and then James Riggs.

Pat him down good, ref. Heat's a thug. He could have a gun or brass knucks somewhere on his body!

Coach, if anyone needs patting down it's Riggs. Although his weapon of choice might be on the outside!

Staci is a lady, not a weapon. Don't you treat her like an object!

That's rich coming from you!

Psh to you, Mikey Cole!

After the patting down is over with, Nick Patrick gives the two combatants some last minute instructions before finally calling for the bell.


COLOMBIAN HEAT (Champion) vs. JAMES RIGGS (Challenger with Staci)

The crowd pops for the bell ringing. Colombian Heat and James Riggs stare at each other from opposite corners of the ring. Heat looks serious, while Riggs has a cocky smirk on his face. Heat and Riggs walk away from the turnbuckles and circle each other in the ring.  

And here we go! The opening contest of AngleSlam 2007 is underway! The OAOAST 24/7 Title is on the line in what is most certainly the biggest match of James Riggs OAOAST career thus far!

This is his night, Cole!

20,000 plus are on hand! Madison Square Garden is sold out! And who knows how many millions of fans around the world are watching! And they're all ready for AngleSlam!

Colombian Heat and James Riggs lock up. Both men jockey for position, but then let go. They circle each other again. Riggs continues mouthing off to Heat. The two men lock up again. Colombian Heat grabs a headlock on Riggs! Heat cinches the hold tight. Riggs grabs at Heat's Colombian flag bandana to pull his head back. With his hand on the bandana, JR takes Colombian Heat into the ropes and shoves him off into the opposite ropes. Heat fires back with a shoulderblock, knocking JR down! Heat then bounces off the ropes, leaps over James Riggs, and then bounces off the opposite ropes. Riggs gets up, tries to give Heat a hiptoss, but Colombian Heat reverses, and gives Riggs a hiptoss of his own!

Colombian Heat is on fire as this match starts!

Oy. Bad pun.

James Riggs rolls out of the ring. He stops to take a breather. Colombian Heat meanwhile does a SHIMMY~! to pop the crowd! Staci quickly goes to her husband's aid.

I don't think James Riggs expected Colombian Heat to be this ready for their match after what happened two weeks ago!

Colombian Heat just got lucky is all! That surprised Riggs! But don't worry, Riggs is gonna come back! You'll see! He'll come back!

Colombian Heat motions for Riggs to come back into the ring. Riggs points a menacingly finger at the current OAOAST 24/7 Champion. Staci tries to calm JR down by massaging his back and shoulders.

Say Staci, I'm feeling a little tensed too. Mind if you massage me as well?

She can't hear you, Coach.


Quiet down!

Heat continues motioning for JR to return to the ring. Riggs looks a little hesitant to get back in. But after some pushing from Staci, JR kisses Staci on the lips and slides back into the ring.

There. NOW, the match can begin for real!

Colombian Heat and James Riggs stare at each other again. They lock up. Colombian Heat grabs another headlock on JR. Riggs pulls on Heat's bandana once again, pulling his head back. Riggs uses the bandana to shove Colombian Heat into the ropes. But Heat is one step ahead of Riggs, running forward and using his legs to grab James Riggs' arms and roll him up with a crucifix pin!




The match almost ended right there!

Riggs tries to attack Heat, but the Colombian superstar is one step ahead again, grabbing JR and bringing him down to the mat with another headlock!

Damn it! Come on now!

CH cinches the hold tight. Staci roots her husband on, but she's the only one doing so. James Riggs once again pulls on the front of Colombian Heat's bandana, pulling his head back. He pulls him back enough that Heat's head is now on the mat. Riggs uses this to his advantage, getting on his knees while still in the headlock.

There we go. There we go!

Riggs soon gets on his left knee. Colombian Heat decides to stand up while still applying the headlock. Riggs takes Heat to the ropes, and shoves him off into the opposite ropes. HOWEVER, Heat holds onto James Riggs' long blonde hair, and pulls himself back into another headlock, bringing the two of them onto the mat!

Now wait a minute! He pulled his hair! Come on! That was unfair!

Heat is just using his surroundings to his advantage.

That's bull, Cole, and you know it! Colombian Heat, that low-life thug, was clearly cheating there! No hair-pulling is allowed in a match! Colombian Heat is clearly trying to get himself disqualified so that he can keep his Title!

I don't think Colombian Heat is thinking that far, Coach.

You're right. He doesn't think.

The referee does admonish Heat for the hair-pulling. Once he does that, JR once again grabs Heat's bandana, pulling his head onto the mat. Heat escapes and gets up, still applying the headlock on Riggs. Staci looks on as Riggs shoves Colombian Heat into the ropes and then shoves him off of them--only to get pulled back into the headlock when Colombian Heat grabs ahold of his blonde hair again!

See! He did it again! I'm telling you! He's trying to get himself disqualified!

Will you stop with that? He's trying to do no such thing!

Yes he is! He's using the hair! He's cheating! That thug!

Heat cinches the headlock on tight. Riggs, like always, pulls Colombian Heat's bandana until Heat's head is on the mat. Heat stands up, still applying the headlock on Riggs. Riggs takes Heat into the ropes. There, Riggs knees Heat in the stomach! This gets a round of applause from Staci.

James Riggs with some offense finally in this match!

And it's only the beginning baby! Only the beginning!

James Riggs punches Colombian Heat in the face. Riggs then grabs Heat's left arm, and gives him an Irish whip into the opposite ropes. Riggs goes for a clothesline. Heat ducks, bounces off the opposite ropes, leaps onto the second rope, and does a backflip, landing on the mat, grabbing Riggs in the process to give him a reverse DDT!

Asai DDT from Colombian Heat! It could be all over!





Colombian Heat picks James Riggs up, and whips him into the ropes. He follows that up with an AJ Styles-like dropkick! Heat immediately stands up and bounces off the ropes again. This time he does the "Where The Hood At!?" (Rolling Thunder) onto Riggs!

Colombian Heat not letting up! Here's the cover!




Colombian Heat stays on the mat, grabbing Riggs and applying a headlock on him!

And back to the headlock goes Colombian Heat.

Make sure he's not pulling any hair, ref!

Staci is slapping the mat, trying to get her man back into the match. She paces back and forth at ringside. Heat cinches the headlock tight. Nick Patrick checks on Riggs.


Yeah! Come on Riggs! Win it for your wifey!

Riggs pulls on Colombian Heat's bandana once again! He keeps doing this, standing up in the process while still trapped in the headlock. JR takes Heat into the ring ropes. There, he escapes the headlock, and fires off with a knife-edged chop across Heat's chest!








I don't care if you're wearing a shirt like Heat, those chops STING!

Indeed they do, Coach. And now, James Riggs is back on offense.

Now a little more confident than before, James Riggs grabs Colombian Heat by his bandana and left arm and whips him into the ropes. Riggs tries for a clothesline, but Colombian Heat ducks, stops in his tracks, and nails Riggs with a spinning heel kick to a pop! Riggs gets right back up, so CH grabs JR and takes him over to a turnbuckle corner. Colombian Heat punches Riggs in the face several times, and then gives him a whip into the opposite turnbuckle--Riggs reverses--Colombian Heat hits the turnbuckle back-first HARD! Heat stumbles out of the turnbuckle and into a scoop and a slam from Riggs! Riggs goes to grab Heat's legs, but gets kicked off! Riggs gets right back up at the same time as Heat. Heat scoops Riggs up and gives him a slam HARD onto the mat! Heat goes to grab Riggs' legs, but gets kicked off! Riggs is up and punching Colombian Heat in the face! He gives him an Irish whip into the ropes. JR goes for a clothesline, but Heat ducks, grabs Riggs from behind, and nails him with the Gangsta Slam!

Gangsta Slam from Colombian Heat!

Heat goes for the cover! 1...2...KICK OUT!

So far, the 24/7 Champion has had the advantage in this match-up!

So? It's not how the match begins...it's how the match ENDS that counts! And this match WILL end with James Riggs holding the 24/7 Title belt! You can bank on that!

Heat grabs Riggs, and gets scratched in the eyes!

Yes! Ha! Ha! Way to go!

James Riggs with an unfair tactic to gain the advantage!

Hey, you do what you gotta do to win matches!

But just a few moments ago you was complaining about Colombian Heat pulling James Riggs' hair!

He was pulling his hair, not scratching his eyes. The hair is more important than the eyes!

Oh come on!

Riggs bounces off the ropes and nails Heat with a shoulderblock, knocking him down to the mat! Riggs then stomps on Colombian Heat to Staci's delight.

That's right, baby! That's right!

Riggs heads to a turnbuckle corner. He waits for Colombian Heat to get up. Once Colombian Heat is on his knees, Riggs charges forward and gives Colombian Heat a soccer-like kick to the stomach!

Ooh! Look at that! A soccer kick to the soccer player!

Colombian Heat did play soccer before his career in professional wrestling.

And I bet Riggs' kick was better than any kick Colombian Heat ever threw!

Staci applauds James for the kick. Colombian Heat is coughing now. Riggs eyes Colombian Heat with dangerous intent in a turnbuckle corner.

Colombian Heat feeling the effects of that kick to the stomach from James Riggs!

Come on! Come on! Come on Staci! Get Riggs motivated! Get him on the ball! Make sure he wins the 24/7 Title tonight!

She can't hear you, Coach.

She can. We have a telepathic connection.


Staci looks on, nodding her head, as James Riggs sizes Colombian Heat up again. Once Heat is on his knees, Riggs charges forward, and nails Colombian Heat with another kick to the stomach! This time, the kick sends Colombian Heat out of the ring and onto the floor!

Oh my! What a kick from James Riggs! The Champion is down!

Oh! What a kick! What a beautiful kick from James Riggs! Now watch, Colombian Heat is probably going to take the countout victory!

Colombian Heat lies on the protective mats clutching his stomach in pain.


20,000 fans are chanting 'Let's Go Heat!' It's quite obvious who they want to win tonight!

Well, when James Riggs wins the 24/7 Title, JR Nation will be there right behind him celebrating. And right behind him because Riggs wants the spotlight all to himself.

Why am I not surprised?

Nick Patrick is administering his 10 count. This causes JR to exit the ring and grab Colombian Heat. He stands him up...and then chops him across the chest, knocking him back down!

Good gravy, that was a good chop!

Riggs grabs Heat again and throws him back into the ring.

James Riggs knows that he cannot win the Title via countout. He must either pin Colombian Heat or make him submit!

And he's done one of those things before, Michael!

Indeed he has, Coach.

And he's gonna do it again or make Heat submit to the Crossface Chicken Wing tonight! Look at Heat! He's having trouble breathing!

Indeed, Colombian Heat is coughing alot in the ring. James Riggs doesn't care though, sneering at his opponent. Riggs looks at Colombian Heat with utter disdain as he picks him up. Riggs grabs Heat's right arm and delivers an Irish whip into the ropes. Heat bounces off the ropes, into a BAAAACK Body Drop from James Riggs! However, Heat lands on the ring apron. Riggs goes for a shot, BLOCKED by Colombian Heat! Heat punches Riggs to the crowd's cheers, but Riggs blocks a punch and fires with one of his own! Riggs nails Colombian Heat with several punches to the temple, finishing off by taking a few steps back and charging forward, knocking Heat into the barricade!

Oh! And Colombian Heat hits the barricade!

Yes! Yes! Beautiful move by James Riggs! Absolutely beautiful! Can we see that again?

The OAOAST Starbucks™ Double Shot Instant Replay shows Colombian Heat hitting the barricade from two different angles.

Look at that! BAM! Colombian Heat knocked into the barricade! Look at that! And again! BAM! Knocked right into the barricade! Colombian Heat is out, Michael! He is out!

Referee Nick Patrick has begun his 10 count again. Colombian Heat is slumped over on the barricade breathing hard. Riggs exits the ring and grabs Colombian Heat, throwing him back into the ring. JR picks Heat up and goes for a punch. BLOCKED! Colombian Heat fires off with a forearm! Then another forearm! Then another forearm! Then another forearm! The forearm shots take James Riggs over to a turnbuckle, where Heat proceeds to continue laying in the forearm shots!

Colombian Heat with those forearm shots to James Riggs' face!

Careful! You're going to make Riggs as ugly as you are!

CH whips JR into the opposite turnbuckle--Riggs reverses--Colombian Heat grabs the top rope just as Riggs charges forward. Heat lands behind Riggs, grabs him, turns him around so that they're both facing the ring, and quickly gives Riggs The Bong Hit~!

The Bong Hit! The Bong Hit! Colombian Heat could have it!

Heat covers Riggs with the excited crowd counting along.



2 1/2



That was not it! The match continues!

Oh thank God!

Staci wipes the sweat off of her forehead. Colombian Heat, meanwhile, grabs Riggs' by his long hair and picks him up. Only to get punched in the stomach in return. Riggs punches Heat again and again, until it is Heat bended over and not him. Riggs bounces off the ropes, and hits Heat with a clothesline, knocking him down to the mat! JR then goes back to stomping on Heat, drawing the ire of the crowd. Riggs responds by telling the crowd to "SHUT UP!" This doesn't help matters. Staci also says, "SHUT UP!", but gets rude comments in return. James Riggs picks up Colombian Heat and slams his face on the top turnbuckle pad. Heat falls to the mat, using the top ring rope to keep himself from falling completely onto the mat. Riggs picks Colombian Heat up again and sets him against the turnbuckle.



Colombian Heat walks on over to another turnbuckle. There, Riggs grabs him and goes for a snapmare. Heat won't budge, so Riggs grabs Heat by his left hand and whips him into the opposite turnbuckle. Heat hits the turnbuckle back-first HARD! So hard, that he collapses onto the mat!

Colombian Heat has a history of neck problems, and it looks like James Riggs is trying to add back problems to that list!

Staci applauds James for that move. Nick Patrick checks on Colombian Heat.

The ring shook with that move! The ring actually shook!

Riggs goes for the cover.

New Champion!




Not yet, Coach. Calm down.


James Riggs argues about the count to the referee. He then forgets about arguing and heads to a turnbuckle corner. There, Riggs waits for Colombian Heat to get up.

What's Riggs going to do now?

Once Colombian Heat sits up, Riggs charges forward, jumping up over Colombian Heat, grabbing his head in the process, and landing onto the mat, which causes Colombian Heat's head to snap down and back up!


What a move from James Riggs, shades of the legendary late great Curt Hennig!

Riggs goes for the cover.

1......2......KICK OUT!

I thought that was it!

So did Staci.

Wow! We have something in common! That's great!

Oh will you stop?

Riggs argues the count with the referee again. But Nick Patrick maintains it was a fair count.

No matter. The end is near for Colombian Heat's 24/7 Title reign! The end is near! I can feel it!

Colombian Heat is in trouble now, this much is true!


20,000 fans are chanting for Colombian Heat!

Let 'em chant. It'll be all for naught soon!

JR picks Colombian Heat up. He takes him into the ring ropes, where he whips him into the opposite ropes. Colombian Heat reverses! Heat puts his head down, so Riggs kicks Heat in the face! He follows that up with a dropkick, knocking Colombian Heat down onto the mat! The cover! It gets two!

James Riggs doing everything he can to make sure he leaves Madison Square Garden the new OAOAST 24/7 Champion!

That's right, baby! His time has arrived! James Riggs is getting the gold tonight, HA HA!

Riggs punches Colombian Heat in the face on the mat. JR picks CH up and takes him over to a turnbuckle corner. Riggs grabs Heat in a facelock, puts Heat's left arm over his head, and then grabs his orange basketball shorts and lifts Colombian Heat up, sitting him on the top turnbuckle. Riggs climbs the second turnbuckle, grabs Colombian Heat in a facelock again, places Heat's left arm over his head, and grabs Heat's orange basketball shorts. NO! Colombian Heat slips out and punches Riggs from the top turnbuckle! The crowd comes alive!

James Riggs is in trouble on the second turnbuckle!

Look out, look out, look out!

Riggs punches back! Heat punches back! Riggs punches back! Heat punches back! Riggs punches back! He punches again! And again! And again! Riggs grabs Heat in a facelock, places Heat's left arm over his head, and grabs Heat's orange basketball shorts. He then falls off the second turnbuckle...


Riggs rolls through so that he is on top of Colombian Heat!





That wasn't it! That wasn't it!

Riggs piefaces the referee! He does it again! And again! This causes the referee to stand up and yell at JR. The crowd cheers because of this.

Riggs doesn't want to get disqualified! He won't win the 24/7 Title that way!

Tell him to keep cool, Staci! Tell him to keep cool! The 24/7 Title is on the line here! Don't let him blow it!

She can't hear you.

She can sense my thoughts.


Riggs mutters something naughty to the referee, something about his mama. Colombian Heat is already starting to get up, so James Riggs helps him by picking him up and taking him over to a turnbuckle corner. Riggs trash talks Colombian Heat, who is now feeling very fatigued. Riggs wipes the sweat off of his forehead and flicks it at Heat. James Riggs then slaps Colombian Heat right across the face!

James Riggs is oozing with confidence now!

A champion has a right to be confident!

But he's not 24/7 Champion yet!

*Yet* being the key word here! He will be, in only a few moments! He will! He will!

James Riggs slaps Colombian Heat across the face again! Riggs taunts the current OAOAST 24/7 Champion, telling him that the title is coming home with him tonight!


Riggs simply throws Colombian Heat onto the mat by his head, HARD!

James Riggs knows he can beat him! It's just a matter of time! He KNOWS this title is his, so he's relaxed a little.

That might prove to be a fatal error, Coach. Anytime you have a chance to beat somebody, you do it, otherwise it might come back to haunt you for the rest of your life!

And how many matches have you won? Thought so.


Riggs picks Colombian Heat up. He gives him an Irish Whip into the ropes. Colombian Heat bounces off the ropes. Right into a sleeperhold from James Riggs!

Sleeperhold! Sleeperhold on Colombian Heat!  

Goodnight! This match is over! We're going to have a new 24/7 Champion! Finally!

Staci is squealing in delight. James Riggs has the sleeperhold locked on tight. Nick Patrick is checking on Heat.


Colombian Heat is on his knees now. He is flailing his arms around, desperately trying to grab something, anything. Riggs cinches the hold tight, taunting Heat while doing so. Nick Patrick is still checking on Colombian Heat.

Look at him! He's fading fast!

Indeed, Colombian Heat's eyes are only half open. Heat falls to the mat. The crowd is still chanting for Heat. Riggs mouths, "It's over! It's over!" Riggs falls to his knees still applying the sleeperhold. Riggs now has an evil smile on his face as Colombian Heat slumps down onto the mat.

Colombian Heat trapped in the sleeperhold, and I don't know if he'll be able to escape this! We might possibly have a new 24/7 Champion tonight here at AngleSlam!

We will, Michael! We will!

Colombian Heat's eyes are closed. Staci is downright giddy, feeling that the end is near. Nick Patrick decides that now is the time to do the 3 count. He raises Colombian Heat's right arm.

It falls.


Oh boy! Here we go! This is it! This is it!

Colombian Heat a few seconds away from losing the OAOAST 24/7 Title!

Nick Patrick raises Colombian Heat's right arm again.

It falls.


Yes! This is it! This is it!

Staci is about ready to jump up and down in celebration. The crowd is anxious. James Riggs' smile gets bigger and bigger. He nods his head and laughs manically. Colombian Heat, groggy and in pain, is still locked in the sleeperhold. Nick Patrick raises Colombian Heat's right arm in the air.

It stays up.


WHAT!? Oh no! No! No! No! No! No! No! No! No!

The crowd comes alive again. Staci can't believe it. And neither can James Riggs, who is shaking his head! Colombian Heat is twirling his first finger. Heat starts shaking his fists. Riggs still can't believe it.

It looks like Colombian Heat is making a comeback!

Oh no! Oh no! Cinch up! Cinch up!

Staci doesn't know what to do now. Heat sits up. The sleeperhold is still locked on. Colombian Heat gets on his left knee. Riggs is yelling, "NO!" Heat gets to a vertical base. James Riggs still has the sleeperhold applied.

Colombian Heat is back up!

Colombian Heat elbows Riggs in the stomach! He does it again! And again! And again! And again! Finally, Riggs lets go. Colombian Heat bounces off the ropes, wraps his legs around James Riggs' arms.

Look at this! Another crucifix?

James Riggs falls to the mat, crushing Colombian Heat in the process!

Guess not.

Riggs covers Colombian Heat by resting on top of him. He outstretches his arms while the referee counts.




That was a fast count!

No it wasn't!

Yes it was! You need eyeglasses, Mikey Cole!

Riggs can't believe that wasn't the finish either.

This may be the worst officiating I've ever seen.

Oh, will you stop?

Now James Riggs is breathing hard. JR takes a deep breath and picks Colombian Heat up by his head. He takes Heat over to a turnbuckle corner.







Suddenly, Colombian Heat gets a sudden burst of energy and grabs James Riggs, throwing him into the same turnbuckle corner! He then starts chopping him across the chest!










Colombian Heat unleashes a combination of chops and punches on James Riggs!

Colombian Heat going to work on James Riggs!

The crowd is starting to get hotter and hotter the longer Colombian Heat beats up James Riggs. Heat then switches to martial arts kicks all over James Riggs' body!

Oh I am SOOO sure he learned that while in the ghetto!

The martial arts kicks further weaken James Riggs. Heat finishes things up with a jumping back kick to Riggs' jaw! This causes Riggs to slump onto the bottom turnbuckle!


Oh no. Oh God no.

Heat is feeling it! New York City is feeling it!

Not that stupid move again!

James Riggs' head rests on the bottom turnbuckle pad. Colombian Heat looks at the crowd and smiles a wide smile. He nods his head. Heat yells out, "YEAH-UH~!" like he's Lil' Jon. Heat jogs on over to the opposite turnbuckle and sizes James Riggs up. Staci is shaking her head.

Here it comes, Coach!

Oh God!

Colombian Heat does the "low-rider" hand gesture, and then charges forward.


Broncobuster! Broncobuster on James Riggs! Broncobuster on James Riggs!

The crowd goes wild! Colombian Heat gets off of James Riggs and does a SHIMMY~! to the crowd's delight. Staci acts like she's going to vomit.

That move should be banned from professional wrestling forever! What does it even DO exactly!? What is it supposed to hurt!?

It targets the throat. I think.

CH pulls JR up from the bottom turnbuckle. He then takes Riggs back to the turnbuckle, so that he can whip him into the opposite turnbuckle--NO--James reverses. Colombian Heat hits the turnbuckle back-first HARD!

OH MY! What a shot!

James Riggs heads to the opposite turnbuckle.

He's going for it! He's going for the Rolling Koppou Kick!

He might be, Coach!

Not might, *is*!

James Riggs charges at Colombian Heat, does a forward cartwheel, and then sends his right foot crashing into the skull of Colombian Heat--


Colombian Heat moves out of the way, and James Riggs' right foot hits the turnbuckle!

No! Colombian Heat escaped just in time!

Riggs quickly pulls his right foot away from the turnbuckle. However, he walks right into a punch from Colombian Heat! Then another! And another! Colombian Heat DANCES~! And then punches James Riggs for a fourth time, knocking him down to the mat!

Shake, Rattle, & Roll from Colombian Heat!

Colombian Heat looks down at JR, and then bounces off the ropes, does a SHIMMY~!, and then drops a knee right onto the head of James Riggs!

And he follows that up with a Shaky Leg Kneedrop!

Colombian Heat goes for the cover! It gets two! Heat picks James Riggs up. He punches Riggs in the face! He does it again! And again! The punches send JR into a turnbuckle corner. Heat grabs Riggs by his hair, and simply throws him onto the mat by his hair, HARD. Riggs goes flying all the way to the end of the ring where his crotch hits the ring post!


Good God!

You MONSTER! You could have just destroyed James Riggs Jr.! I was never against abortion until now!

Staci shrieked when James hit the ring post. Heat chuckles at Riggs' misfortune. Riggs still has his legs around the ring post.

Riggs' might sound a little higher from now on!

Don't make jokes at a time like this! James Riggs is in serious trouble now! REALLY big trouble!

Staci checks on her man until Heat comes and drags Riggs away from the ring post by his long blonde hair.

Colombian Heat is gaining confidence with each second that goes by!

Colombian Heat hooks James Riggs up. Flatliner!

Pimp Juice!  

Colombian Heat goes for the cover.

1...2....KICK OUT!

No! It wasn't three! The match must continue!

Well, at least there's that!

Heat is a little frustrated, but he strides on. Heat exits the ring and climbs the top rope.

Heat is gonna fly. You know Colombian Heat is dangerous up on that top rope!

Yes I know. Look out, Riggs! Look out!

Colombian Heat is perched up on the top rope. He waits for James Riggs to get up.

Riggs might be in big trouble when he gets up!

Look out! Damn it! Can't he listen!?

Heat is motioning for JR to get up. Riggs sits up. Riggs slowly gets on his left knee.

Come on fool! Get up!

Staci is worried for her husband. Riggs is slowly getting to his feet.

I can't bare to watch!

Pipe down, Coach!

James Riggs is up on his feet. He is a little dazed and confused though. So it's no surprise that Colombian Heat is able to jump off the top rope and nail James with a missile dropkick! The crowd cheers!

Missile Dropkick from Colombian Heat!

Colombian Heat sits up...and looks at his right hand.


Oh no. Not this too!

Colombian Heat stares at his right hand. He acts as though he's mesmerized by it.

The thousands in attendance here in Madison Square Garden are on their feet!

Gah! It's not even a wrestling move!

Colombian Heat is in a trance. He starts shaking his head. His right hand starts shaking. Heat is acting like he's in a seizure. Finally, Heat lets out a giant, "WASSSUUUUUUPPPPPPPPPPP!?" and then does a Spinaroonie to a loud pop from the crowd!

Spinaroonie! Spinaroonie! Spinaroonie from Colombian Heat!

Oh! First the Broncobuster, and now this!

Colombian Heat goes for the cover. 1...2...KICK OUT!

Of course, you idiot! You spend all that time doing the Spinaroonie and that's what ya get!

Heat slaps the mat in frustration, but he continues on. Heat picks James Riggs up. Heat then rolls him up!



KICK OUT!!!!!!

That wasn't it either!

Staci is now biting her well manicured nails. Heat takes a little breather, but then gets up. He picks James Riggs up. Heat then whips James Riggs into the ropes. Heat follows that up with a leg lariat! Colombian Heat then follows *that* up by running forward, leaping onto the second rope, and springboarding off of it to do a moonsault onto James Riggs!

WESTSIIIIIIIDE Moonsault! The cover!




No! No! No! No! No! He didn't get it! He didn't get it!

But he was close though.

Close doesn't count, though! Not in wrestling!

Staci holds up two fingers to symbolize that it was a two count.

Colombian Heat is trying to put James Riggs away, but Riggs will not give in just yet!

That's because he has the heart of a champion, Michael! And champions never say die!

Riggs and Heat are very tired now. Riggs sits up, so Colombian Heat grabs him by the hair and gives him a backbreaker! Heat then exits the ring and climbs the top rope once again.

Heat going up one more time!

Heat sets himself up on the top rope. He looks down at Riggs, looks at the fans, and then leaps off the top rope, coming down HARD on James Riggs with The Fatal Mistake (Lo' Down a.k.a. D'Lo Brown's version of the Frog Splash)!

The Fatal Mistake! Could this be it?

Heat is already covering Riggs.






The crowd thought that was the finish. But it wasn't. Now Colombian Heat is pissed off at Nick Patrick, and lets him know that fact by standing up and getting in his face. But the Senior Referee maintains that it was a two count and that's that.

Look at that thug! Harassing that poor referee!

James Riggs did the same thing earlier!

He didn't get all up in his grill!

He PIEFACED the guy!

Do you know the type of person Colombian Heat is? He could be carrying a switchblade for all we know!

Colombian Heat should focus on the match if he wants to keep his 24/7 Title!

Well in that case, keep on harassing old what's-his-face over there!

The crowd boos thinking that was the finish. Colombian Heat continues arguing with the referee. Staci taunts Heat by holding two fingers up in the air. While Heat argues with Nick Patrick, James Riggs is busy getting up. Once he's at a vertical base, JR rushes towards Colombian Heat, shoves him into the ropes, and uses the momentum to roll him up!




The kick out sends James Riggs through the second and third ropes onto the floor!

James Riggs is out!

Oh no!

Colombian Heat exits the ring himself and picks James Riggs up. He punches Riggs in the face. Then, he grabs Riggs by his left arm and whips him into a ring post! Riggs goes flying out from the ring post onto the floor!

Disqualify him! Disqualify him!

But if he's disqualified, then James Riggs doesn't win the Title!

Nevermind! Nevermind!

Staci screams for her man, who lands right next to her.

Both guys are showing the signs of this long match now!

Why is Colombian Heat in such a hurry to get outside the ring anyway? If James Riggs gets counted out, he keeps the Title!

Because Colombian Heat, unlike some people, doesn't want to take the easy way out!

Who do you mean by 'some people'?

You know who I mean!

Oh will you stop!?

Staci checks on Riggs, but backs off as soon as Colombian Heat appears. Heat grabs Riggs by his hair and throws him back into the ring, stopping Nick Patrick's count at 6. Heat follows JR back into the ring. Colombian Heat is breathing hard, but James Riggs is slowly getting up. Once he's up, Riggs rests on the top ring rope...that is until Colombian Heat kicks his leg out from under his leg! (R.I.P. Owen Hart)

Now come on! What was that for!?

It's not illegal to do that, Coach!

Well, it should be!

The crowd cheers. JR gets right back up, now clutching his left knee in pain. This causes him to collapse onto the mat. However, Riggs gets up, and walks with a limp...until Colombian Heat kicks his leg out from under him again!

See! He did it again! Referee, stop him!

Nick Patrick does admonish Heat for the kicks. Heat ignores the ref's orders though. Riggs is on the mat, using the ring ropes to pull himself back up. Suddenly, Staci appears on the ring apron!

Oh look at this! Staci is on the ring apron!

Yes! Do your thing, Staci!

Colombian Heat turns his attention to James Riggs' wife and manager. Heat has a smile on his face as he walks on up to her.

You get away from her, mister!

Staci yells at Colombian Heat. Heat just laughs off the yelling.

Uh-oh. Things could get ugly here.

The crowd is buzzing in anticipation of what Heat's going to do. Staci continues yelling, with Heat just smiling. Finally, Staci SLAPS Colombian Heat--NO! Colombian Heat blocks the slap...and plants a big wet kiss on her lips!


What!? What!? What!?

Whoa! Colombian Heat is kissing James Riggs' wife! He is kissing Staci!


Colombian Heat continues kissing Staci. Staci tries to fight off the kiss, but is unable to escape Heat's grasp!

Get your filthy hands off her, Heat!

Hey, it doesn't say it's illegal to kiss someone in a match!


Finally, Heat stops kissing Staci. Staci looks HORRIFIED. Meanwhile, Colombian Heat is all smiles. He tells Staci, "I's hope youse enjoyed dat as much as I did!" This causes Staci to jump off the ring apron and spit out in disgust! She makes vomiting sounds on the outside as Colombian Heat looks on. Heat wipes his mouth and smiles a wide smile to the crowd's delight.

James Riggs is never going to want to kiss Staci ever again!

I think it would be an honor to be kissed by Colombian Heat!

God, you are so gay.

Colombian Heat plays to the crowd...until James Riggs attacks Colombian Heat from behind! Staci is still gagging on the outside. Riggs stomps on Colombian Heat repeatedly as the crowd boos!

And James Riggs has come back in this match!

Yes! Yes! That'll teach you to mess with another man's wife!

Riggs stomps Colombian Heat again and again on the mat. Riggs picks Colombian Heat up. JR gives the dazed and confused Colombian an Irish Whip into the ropes. He follows that up with a SPEAR~!

Spear! Spear! Spear on Colombian Heat by James Riggs!

Just like he did at The Aloha Stadium two weeks ago!

That's right! Colombian Heat has experienced that move before!  

Riggs gets right back up and taunts Colombian Heat. He yells at Heat about kissing Staci, and then yells out to the crowd, "HE'S FINISHED!"


JR heads to a turnbuckle corner and waits for Heat to get up. Heat has rolled over near the ropes.  

And it looks like James Riggs is going for the finish here! He's going to go for the Rolling Koppou Kick!

Yes! Here we go! The crowning of a new 24/7 Champion is about to take place!

Colombian Heat could be in danger of losing his 24/7 Title right now!

Riggs eyes Heat intensely from the turnbuckle corner. The crowd is booing loudly. Staci is still gagging. Colombian Heat is using the middle rope to pull himself up.

Get ready JR Nation! Your man is about to add his first OAOAST title to his collection!

Colombian Heat has no idea what is coming for him! He has gone down to this move before, and he might be going down to it again!

First on OAOAST Syndicated, then on HeldDOWN~!, and now tonight at AngleSlam!

James Riggs is stalking his prey. He is ready to put the finishing touches on this match!

Riggs is motioning for Heat to get up. Colombian Heat is on his knees. He is using the second rope to pull himself to his left knee. The crowd gets louder in their booing. Riggs cracks an evil smile. Staci is watching, and she too cracks an evil smile.

Colombian Heat is in a bad way here! The momentum James Riggs has had since July could carry on here tonight to a 24/7 Title victory!

Finally! Colombian Heat's first 24/7 Title defense will be his LAST 24/7 Title defense! Yes!

Colombian Heat uses the top ring rope to pull himself up to his feet. Riggs is getting antsy waiting for Colombian Heat to get to his feet. He is practically foaming at the mouth by now. Staci nods her head with an evil smile on her pretty face. The crowd boos. Colombian Heat uses the referee's shirt to keep him balanced.

This is it! This is it! This is it right here! It's over! It's all over!

Colombian Heat better watch out! He could lose his Title right here!

Suddenly, the crowd comes alive! Because SPANISH FLY is running down the aisle with a steel chair in his right hand!

Hey! Wait a minute!

What's that little pipsqueak doing here!?

The now maskless Spanish Fly, wearing a white hoodie with SPANISH FLY written on the front in black "gangsta" letters, white sweat pants with 619 written vertically down the left leg in black "gangsta" style, and white wrestling boots, hops onto the ring apron and swings his steel chair, hitting James Riggs in the back with it!


THAT'S for taking his mask away!

He can't do that! That little bastard can't do that!

Well, he just did, Coach!


The crowd is going nuts! Nick Patrick didn't see the chairshot since Heat was holding onto the referee's shirt! Spanish Fly stays at ringside, but throws the steel chair aside. James Riggs stumbles out from the turnbuckle in pain. Colombian Heat grabs him and hooks him up. The crowd cheers louder. Colombian Heat scoops James Riggs up, and lifts Riggs up high into the air!


He's got him up! He's got him up!

No! No! No! No! No! No! No! No! No! No! No! No! No! No! No! No! No!

Could it be!? Could it be!?


Colombian Heat has James Riggs up right where he wants him. Heat looks at Riggs, looks at the mat, looks at the crowd, and then smiles. Spanish Fly is nodding his head, while Staci is shaking hers. Colombian Heat drops down to the mat, giving James Riggs the COLOMBIAN NECKTIE~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11111

Colombian Necktie! Colombian Necktie on James Riggs!


Could Heat have him!?


Colombian Heat covers James Riggs, hooking his left leg. Riggs is knocked out! Spanish Fly is ready to jump up and down, while Staci is near tears. Referee Nick Patrick makes the count with the crowd counting along.



2 1/2



*DING DING DING* (19:32)


Heat retains the Title! Heat retains the 24/7 Title!

Colombian Heat lets out a mighty yell as "Gasolina (Remix)" by Daddy Yankee featuring Lil' Jon and Pitbull starts playing. Staci stands on the outside crestfallen, while Spanish Fly is jumping up and down in celebration.


Nick Patrick hands the OAOAST 24/7 Championship belt to Colombian Heat. Heat clutches the belt with both hands and says thanks to God. Nick Patrick raises Heat's hands in victory. James Riggs lies on the mat in defeat.

A hard fought victory for Colombian Heat as we kick off AngleSlam here in Madison Square Garden!

Colombian Heat cheated to get this victory!

He did not!

Yes he did! Colombian Heat used Spanish Fly to gain the victory! Spanish Fly used that steel chair on James Riggs! James Riggs would be the 24/7 Champion right now if it weren't for Spanish Fly!

Colombian Heat had no idea Spanish Fly was going to come out here!

If he didn't, then why did he hold the referee's shirt doing the time Spanish Fly came out here!?

That was just a coincidence!

Coincidence my black ass! That was cheating, plain and simple!

I guess you can say it was cheating a little bit--

A LITTLE BIT!? Colombian Heat is the 24/7 Champion right now because of a Spanish Fly CHAIRSHOT! A CHAIRSHOT! A FREAKING CHAIRSHOT! WHAT MORE EVIDENCE DO YOU NEED!? Colombian Heat is a thug! He's a low-life! He's a thug! And he doesn't DESERVE to wear the 24/7 Title! That belt belongs to James Riggs! James Riggs is the uncrowned Champion as far as I'm concerned!

Wow. You really are pissed aren't you?


Colombian Heat gets up and kisses the OAOAST 24/7 Championship belt. Heat raises the belt with his left hand as "Gasolina (Remix)" continues playing. James Riggs rolls out of the ring and is checked on by Staci.

What a match we have just witnessed! What a way to start off AngleSlam 2007!

Yeah, it was a good match, just with a rotten ending!

You still upset?

OF COURSE I AM! This was to be James Riggs night! His first title reign in the OAOAST! But then that little pipsqueak, that freaking midget, a MIDGET ruined his night! Spanish Fly and Colombian Heat should be ashamed of themselves!

There's nothing you can do, Coach. The referee's decision is final. Colombian Heat is still the OAOAST 24/7 Champion!

And that just makes me sick!

Colombian Heat does a SHIMMY~! to the crowd's delight. Spanish Fly slides into the ring with the steel chair in his left hand. Heat sees Fly, and sees the chair, and laughs it up, before embracing Spanish Fly in the middle of the ring.

Spanish Fly got some payback of his own for James Riggs taking his mask!

By using a steel chair! Isn't that against everything he supposedly stands for? The man's a hypocrite! He says one thing, and does something else! Kids look up to this guy! And he let them down! He let them all down!

Coach, let's not take it too far--

I am taking it as far as I can go! This is a miscarriage of justice! James Riggs should be the 24/7 Champion right now! But that damn Spanish Fly butted in, and now we have to deal with *THIS* for another day! This world is unfair!

Well, who said life was fair?

This is a horrible scene!

Colombian Heat puts his left arm around Spanish Fly's shoulders. Both men are smiling wide smiles. Heat raises the OAOAST 24/7 Championship belt with his right hand. The crowd cheers loudly. Heat high fives his best friend, and then raises the OAOAST 24/7 Championship belt over his head. He parades around the ring with the belt over his head, bobbing his head to the beat of his entrance song. James Riggs and Staci walk back to the entrance, crushed at James' defeat. Colombian Heat gets on a second turnbuckle and raises the OAOAST 24/7 Championship belt with his right hand, while throwing up the "W" with his left hand.

Let's take a look at the replay.

Do we have to?


The OAOAST AngleSlam 2007 logo flashes across the screen. Cut to the ending of the Colombian Heat/James Riggs match.

Awww geeze. So, James Riggs had the victory. He had the match won. This was HIS match for the taking. He was going to win. When that little runt, that little midget. That shaved Ewok, that annoying bug, ran out, and BLASTED JR with a chair! And then Colombian Heat *just so happened* to be around to give JR the Colombian Necktie! He went for the cover. 1! 2! 3! Your winner, the CHEATER, Colombian HACK!

You're really not going to let this go, aren't you?

No I am not! Colombian Heat cheated to win the 24/7 Title, and he cheated again tonight to retain it! Colombian Heat does not deserve to be the 24/7 Champion! He DOES NOT DESERVE ANY TITLES IN THE OAOAST!

Colombian Heat is holding a title right now, Coach.


Colombian Heat is off the turnbuckle and is still playing to the crowd along with Spanish Fly. Fly and Heat bob their heads to the beat of Colombian Heat's entrance song as the crowd continues cheering. Fly does a SHIMMY~! of his own. Heat and Fly high five again and embrace.

Well, the fact is, Colombian Heat, after a hard fought victory--


has retained the OAOAST 24/7 Championship! We begin AngleSlam with one Champion retaining his Title. Is that an omen for the rest of the night? We'll find out as we're just getting started! Colombian Heat kicks off AngleSlam with a HUGE victory! Damn straight!


Colombian Heat gets on a second turnbuckle and raises the OAOAST 24/7 Championship belt with his left hand, and throws up the "W" with his right hand. He smiles a wide smile while the crowd cheers and Spanish Fly applauds him. Colombian Heat yells out, "YEAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH BOOOOIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!" as "Gasolina (Remix)" by Daddy Yankee featuring Lil' Jon and Pitbull has to be restarted.

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Up next, the Ten Person Tag Team Match. Let's go backstage, Maggie Nerdly... that's Maggie folks, she's backstage with the World 6-Man Tag Team Champions.

Back we swoop to the AngleSlam interview area, where Maggie is indeed standing by with D*LUX and an anxiously pacing Leon Rodez.

Hey, big stuff coming up next, huge grudge match. I'm with the 6-Man Tag Champs, guys, how are you feeling?

(ignoring Maggie)
You know, for the past four months since AngleMania being around this company has been a real chore. Which it shouldn't be. I love this business and I love this company. But coming into work, night after night, week after week, it shouldn't be but it's been an effort. Knowing that the best I can hope for as far as contact with my immediate family member goes is either a quick glimpse in the hallway or, if I'm REAL lucky, getting slapped in the face. See, it's been four months on Enterprise terms. They have the money, the power. They've been calling the shots. But I knew that deep down, we were fighting for what was most important. We were fighting with our hearts for something of real moral value. And through the hard times of those months, I knew sooner or later tonight would come.

Leon unstraps the 6-Man Title from around his waist.

See finally, we've got a little leverage. Me and the guys here, we took these 6-Man Tag Team Titles. Krista and Alix managed to win back the One and Only Tag Titles. We've got momentum finally and you know, up until a couple of nights ago I was finally starting to almost enjoy being an OAOAST superstar again. Until tonight rolled around. Tonight, I'm nervous. I'm anxious. I'm tense because I want to get out there and finally, fairest odds we'll possibly get, square off with The Enterprise and try and settle this once and for all. It's more than just a 'grudge'. It's personal, as personal as it can get. It's blood. And tonight, I don't know... I just hope maybe the blood'll be thicker than the money, just once.

Not waiting around for any follow-up questions, Leon walks off with D*LUX close behind him.

Watching this on a big flatscreen TV in the back is Jade Rodez. Scoffing to herself she turns the TV off and walks across the Enterprise locker room, coming face to face with a mirror...

...and stopping.

Hey, you ready or what?

Staring at her reflection for a few seconds, Jade is snapped out of her trance by Ned Blanchard entering the room and waving her over.

Come on, we're up. Let's do this babe.

Ned winks at Jade, complete with wink sound-effect. Jade is typically non-plussed, almost colliding with Theodore Moneymaker as they pass in the doorway. She hurriedly apologises to the boss and scuttles off, as Moneymaker and Ned are left in the room.

Hey, glad I got you alone. Listen, I've got a little something for you. I figure you might need to make a 'quick exit' tonight so rather than wait until after we win, I wanted to give you this now, just incase...

Smiling, Moneymaker hands over a handful of money and a slight smaller, square shaped item. Wink wink.

Teddy... a thousand bucks?

You're right.

Without hesitation, Teddy reaches into his pocket and pulls out another couple of notes. Ned grins back at The Billion Dollar Heir and stuffs the cash and the other 'item' down the front of his tights, looking pleased with the image they create.

Make me proud. MUWAHAHAHAHA!!

Moneymaker and Blanchard share a hearty laugh before leaving the locker room ready for battle.

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Ladies and gentlemen the following contest is a Ten Person Tag Team Grudge Match, scheduled for one fall! Introducing team number one...

Green and yellow spotlights swirl around the ring, and guitar riffs that roar with energy and spunk scream through the air, quickly trailed by a plethora of boos and jeers. Beneath the voices of hatred and the melodic hard rock strumming, comes feverish vocals scratching out the virtues of the almighty dollar.

Tailored suits, show of your cars
Fine hotels and big cigars
Up for grabs, up for a price
Where the red hot girls keep on dancing through the night
The claim is on you
The sights are on me
So what do you do
That's guaranteed
Hey little girl, you want it all
The furs, the diamonds, the painting on the wall

Past parting entrance doors emerges an army of dastardly cretins who live their life to the every word of their hard driving music, The Enterprise. Leading the way is the brainchild behind this detested troupe, Theodore Moneymaker, clad in green trunks and matching green boots. Moneymaker simply smirks at the throng of fans laid before him, seemingly unimpressed with being in the legendary arena. At his side stands Christopher Patrick Allen, dutifully swatting away any front row fans foolish enough to try and lay their unwashed hands on the billionaire. Trailing behind them are the white trunked, Beverly Hills Blonds, who maintain an air of confidence behind oversized pink lens sunglasses. The last member the team, Christian Wright clings his briefcase close to his chest, but makes no issues with threatening to strike it against the heads of the more vulgar crowd members. Rounding out the caboose of the party are the three valets, Jade Rodez, Molly Nerdly, and Mackenzie. The pink track suited Jade shows all the emotion of soup, whereas Mackenzie gleefully shows off her fur coat, which could use a visit to one of the many New York dry cleaners! Shit smells like Queens Bridge. Molly, in yellow polo shirt and khaki pants, works the Siclopse to document an event that's already being documented by numerous cameras that weren't gotten for 15$ in the Bronx.

Patty sez: Holy shit that's a lot of people!

Come on, come on, lovin for the money
Come on, come on, listen to the money talk
Come on, come on, lovin for the money
Come on, come on, listen to the money talk

Being accompanied by Jade Rodez, Molly Nerdly, and Mackenzie DeCenzo, the OAOAST gives to you, Christian Wright, Christopher Patrick Allen, Ned Blanchard, Simon Singleton, and the Billion Dollar Heir, Theodore Moneymaker...THE ENTERPRISE!

It has been one terrible month for The Enterprise. In one week they went from having every male member in the stable holding a title, to being completely beltless. Can they rebound tonight in New York City or are they destined to failure?

You ask some damn stupid questions sometimes. There ain't nothing to rebound from! The Enterprise is as strong as ever, maybe stronger then ever. Their power doesn't lie in titles, it lies in influence and money. And they still got a lot of that. This is The Enterprise's match to lose, Cole, don't you forget that.

The members of The Enterprise pour into squared and immediately join hands to raise their arms in glorious triumph. That is all expect for Molly, who gingerly films the exhibition of greatness. While the Nerdly girl may consider their pose a work of art, the audience considers it utter garbage, and attempts to shower them with that very thing. Unaffected by the mounting hatred, Allen, Wright, Singleton and Ned stream towards each corner, standing atop the turnbuckles in triumph. Moneymaker remains in the center of the ring, arms hooked between Jade and Mackenzie, flashing a smile a mile wide. Behind Moneymaker three titanic dollar signs festooned in popping green pyro lower from the ceiling, bringing forth a devilish laugh from the billionaire.

This has to be a pretty fun night for Molly, she's a grad student at NYU and now gets a chance to perform live in Madison Square Garden

How much fun can you have as an unpaid intern?

The value of the internship isn't measured in dollars earned but in knowledge gained. Though she could've dropped out of third grade and still be smarter then Ned and Simon.

And introducing their opponents...

Give me something to believe in
Cause I don’t believe in you anymore
I wonder if it even makes a difference to try
So this is goodbye

The members of D*LUX earn a few brownie points by wearing Knicks jerseys. But its unlikely they even hear those cheers as they zip towards the squared circle!

Look at 'em run!

Buffer can't even properly introduce D*LUX due to their wild slide into the ring nearly knocking him to the floor. The announcer isn't their primary concern, instead directing their feisty glares towards The Enterprise. Moneymaker and Wright offer dismissive waves to their harsh stare, regarding D*LUX as little more then a minor nuisance.

Two thirds of the six man champions, D*LUX, rumbling into Angleslam! They may be happy to have those belts, but I guarantee they would trade that and more to have Jade back by their side.

And that's what makes them certified bitches.

Hey, hey, you, you
I don't like your girlfriend!
No way, no way!
I think you need a new one
Hey, hey, you, you
I could be your girlfriend!

Hey, hey, you, you!
I know that you like me!
No way, no way!
No, it's not a secret
Hey, hey, you, you!!
I want to be your girlfriend!


The infectious bounce of Avril's wonderhit signifies more then a minor nuisance for Ned Blanchard, who hides beneath the ring apron in hopes of avoiding a meeting with his child's mother. Those who aren't currently praying for their life are treated to the splendid sight of a pyrofall of red sparkles showering the ring. The fans that were marveling at the majestic serenity of the waterfall, are thrust into a state of shock once a golden pyro fortress engulfs the entirety of the ring. Despite the incredible power packed behind the display of pyro it's quickly forgotten by the audience, who sit wowed by the image of hundreds of slim, gorgeous models, dressed in full statue of liberty gear, complete with grey glittering full body makeup, generously distributing wads of cash through the stands. An entire arena is abuzz with glee at the thought of receiving free money. Moneymaker can't share their glee, as he realizes hundreds and thousands of dollars are exchanging hands, and he's not getting a single cent.

Aw shit! Are they for real? Let me get some of that money! Yo, I don't even mess with The Enterprise like that. Bunch of cornball redneck, homphobe crackers. Shit, I can't even name 'em all. Can I have my money now?

The audience's cheers expand infinitely once they witness the emergence of the two women who've brought Christmas in August, Alix Maria Spezia and Krista Isadora Duncan. However the girls can't be bothered to walk to the ring like the ragged peasants in The Enterprise! No, they must be carried in only the finest of carriages! And tonight's magical carriage is a vintage Cadillac Eldorado. Worth well over eighty thousand dollars the car is painted with an American Flag pattern, with the fifty stars adorned by a generous helping of flawless sapphires that total over half a million dollars. As though this near unimaginable flaunting of wealth weren't enough to etch their place in Madison Square Garden history, the giggling queens of Los Angeles have their chariot driven by the self proclaimed King of New York, 50 Cent. More then just a well paid, and well muscled chauffeur 50 delves into the flow of his boisterous hit I get money. Being that New York is the home of hip-hop (no hate on west coast, crazy love for you Cali) the audience is eager to rap along with their so-called king.

I get money, I get money, I get I get I get money
I get money, money is got (I....I get it) money I got, money is got (I run this city!)
COD get money, money is got (they...they get it) money they got, money is got (They run LA)
I get money, money is got (I I get it)
I get money, money is got (I I get it)
I get money, money is got (Yeah yeah)
money I got, money is got (I run this city!)
COD get money, money is got (Yeah yeah)
money they got, money is got (They run LA!)

A ruby encrusted stature of liberty hat resting atop her luscious blond locks, Krista struts her black high heels across the hood and gracefully glides into the ring. Her loyal admirers, D*LUX, are quick to hold the ropes open for her highness. Their adoring hearts earn a heaping of pleasure from sneaking a glimpse at the long tan legs revealed through the open sided mini skirt, and the perfect body that fills out a deep plunge tank top. Upon entering the ring, Miss California stands on the first rope, and leans over the cables to beam a disarmingly arrogant smirk to the millions of viewers world wide. 50 flows behind her, prowling the ring with aggressive strides.

I take quarter water sold it in bottles for two bucks,
Coca-Cola came and bought it;
for billions, what the fuck?
have a baby by me; baby
be a millionaire
I write the check before the baby comes,
who the fuck cares?
I'm stanky rich

Attired in a charmingly adorable white tube top, matching booty shorts, and fluffy faux fur covered wrist bands and boots, Alix sweetly distributes cash to the legion of money hungry front row fans. Once she comes to the location of her disgusted foes, its as though they're merely insignificant pylons to be brushed aside, as she dances her way to Mackenzie DeCenzo. Ally's bubbly voice pleasures Mackenzie's ears with scintillating promises laced in exotic Spanish words. Her departure is marked by making Mackenzie's bra just little fatter, as with a wink and a smile she tenderly places a wad of bills into her shirt. While Alix backs away with an alluring grin, Mackenzie tries to compose herself beneath the glares of her associates.

Yeah, I talk the talk, and I walk the walk
like a teflon Don, but i run New York
when I come outta court, yea I pop the Colt
I keep it gangsta, have ya outlined in chalk
I I get it, in the hood if ya ask about me
theyll tell ya im bout my bread
I I get it, round the world if ya ask about me
they'll tell ya they love the kid

Alix darts into the squared where the waiting arms of Krista twirl and showcase her like a neoclassical ballerina. Tired of sharing Alix with the world, Krissy traps her into a tender embrace. Brushing a strand of hair away from her face, she flips an alluring kiss to the camera causing cute super imposed red lips to pop on the screen.

Sensing that Moneymaker is literally on the verge of exploding, Molly tries to cheer him up, “Uh, man, I like the..uh..the little dollar signs on your tights. Like, they're kinda peeling off and stuff. But they're still kinda cool. Kinda.”


The rap finishes to a rousing crowd ovation, which certainly does nothing to improve Moneymaker's miserable mood. 50 departs the scene reminding the audience to cop his new CD on 9/11/ which I won't be doing, because 50 IS WACK, SON, HE WACK. That nigga straight garbage. Its Kanye all day like a motherfucker.

Did that really just happen?

With the musical performance soon to become a distant memory, the arena plunges into an ominous darkness. The only illumination stems from a track of purple and green pyro that speeds along opposite ends of the circular lighting fixture encasing the scoreboard. The racing thunderstorm generates four individual laps before finally coming together to birth an orange conflagration that envelopes the entire scoreboard.

Never let it be said Leon Rodez doesn't know how to make an entrance of his own!

The lights improve to a dim setting, but once again the majority of illumination stems from fireworks, this time ten foot white sparklers that erect themselves in front of the entrance doors.

The shareef don't like it
Rock the Casbah
Rock the Casbah

Through the monument of pyro steps the black robbed figure of Leon Rodez, decorated by the waves of stray sparks. He basks in brightness of their glow and the humongous cheers of the crowd, holding his arms to his side and tilting his smiling head back to the heavens.

I had the pleasure of talking to Leon Rodez earlier today and he assured me that he had a great feeling about tonight. He certainly looks like it right now.

Define great? Because I see great for Leon Rodez as not leaving this building with any career ending injuries.

Finally able to make an announcement, Buffer speaks with gusto.

Now making his way to the ring, he hails from Grand Rapids, Michigan, stands five feet eleven inches, and weighs in at two hundred eighteen pounds. Ladies and gentlemen of New York City, please give a warm welcome to “SILKY SMOOTH” LEON ROOOODEZZZZZZZ!!!!


You gotta love Leon Rodez! One hell of a competitor, and a future world champion in my book.

Rodez journeys down the ramp, slapping hands with his myriad of fans, and offering thankful nods to those who give him words of encouragement. As he leaps onto the ring apron, he points and nods towards the legion of standing fans promising them a victory tonight. Moneymaker is roundly unimpressed by the sight of Rodez' boasting. Unfortunately he doesn't even get to continue viewing the sight as Leon casually dumps his robe onto his head!

Oh my!

Ignoring the stream of complaints from The Enterprise, Leon shakes hands with D*LUX and tries to do the same with Krista and Alix, until Krista not so sweetly reminds him that she came here with 50 Cent and she's not afraid to have him shoot Leon.

Folks, as both teams take their spots on the apron let me just remind you that this is a one fall contest. No eliminations here, the first pin wins it. So teamwork is of the essence.

Quite amazingly referee Charles Robinson manages to get two teams to pile into their respective corners without a hint of violent incident. However the peaceful separation is betrayed by the vituperative stares passed between the warring parties. Only Ned seems to posses an air of tranquility. This stems from the kissey faces he directs towards the apathetic Jade Rodez. His ring based partner, Christian Wright, can't afford such distractions, instead solely focused on the man across from him, Leon Rodez.


The match begins with the entire arena planted firmly on the side of The Grand Rapids Goldenchild. Drawing on their support, Leon streaks forward with a lariat. However, Wright dips bellow the attack, and Rodez bounds off the ropes nearest The Enterprise. The villainous rouges waste little time in engaging in underhanded tactics; CPA and Simon Singleton strike the crowd favorite with forearms. He stumbles into the waiting clutches of Wright, who seeks to take him down with an arm bar. However, the midwest speedster rolls through the hold, and kips up to his feet. A frustrated Natural quickly joins him. Their stalemate is short lived, however, thanks to a snapmare from The New Age Love Machine. Robinson counts the resulting pin...


Well before the two count Wright pushes his way free of the pin. He moves upright, but gets sucked back downwards by a swipe of his legs. Leon drapes his muscular frame over his foe's for another pinfall..


Again, Wright easily kicks out of the fall. He scampers to his feet where he's met with a barrage of punches from his rival. Left off balanced by the attack, he's incapable of stopping Rodez from hooking him into a front facelock. Thus Rodez meets with no trouble in twisting him into a neckbreaker. However he does meet with trouble in the form of CPA, who attempts to decapitate him with a big boot! But The Grand Rapids Golden Child dips bellow the attack, and pops up to floor CW with a forearm smash!


As a D*LUX double dropkick rids the ring of CPA, the fan favorite covers The Natural...



The interfering boot of Simon Singleton saves Wright from certain defeat. But there's no one to save The Video Voyeur from being mowed down by a Leon Rodez lariat. On the outside Molly reacts as though the prime minister has just been shot. Yet her screams pale in comparison to the cheers when Leon's gloved fist punches a startled Ned off the apron!


Oh come on! Say, something, Cole. Just a second ago you you were getting on The Enterprise for attacking Rodez!

What are you talking about? I haven't had a line of commentary all match.

Trembling with something akin to anger (remember Leon doesn't get mad!), Le-Ro leans over the ropes and orders Blanchard into the sqaured circle. But as Ned is to busy begging Jade for some TLC, its a request that goes unanswered. CPA, however, is up to the challenge, and takes Wright's place in the bout with an open handed slap to Leon's back. While blood creeps from his orange skin, Leon is hurled into the ropes. However, he shifts his bodyweight and reverses the hold! Once the lumbering beast returns to him, the ex-pornstar attempts to take him over with a powerslam. But, Allen is a REALLY BIG DUDE, so that move is pretty much impossible. Rather then throw out his back at the ripe age of twenty three, Leon simply drags the Youngstown native into a roll up!




Well, it would be three, if it wasn't for the tortured artist Molly Nerdly hurling her 2003 Canadian Filmaker of the year award at Leon.

“BOOOOOO”, belts Molly's somewhat hometown crowd.

How they can boo her? She goes to New York University! Her intellectual integrity and impeccable academic record are the only thing keeping this rotten hell hole afloat!

“Boo? You want something to boo about?” Molly yells. “I'll give you something to boo about! Middle Eastern Filmaker Abbas Kiraostami and his minimalist, self reflective style that was key to blurring the once distinctive line between documentary and fiction that marked post revolutionary Arab film is being ignored in film schools across the country thanks to Euro-centric viewpoint that permeates through the “minds” of today's scatterbrained professors. Boo that, people! Boo the fuckin' shit out of that!”

While Leon contemplates why Molly is lecturing people who can't even walk and chew gum at the same time on the pitfalls of higher education, the overmatched Allen sneaks in a tag with Simon Singleton. Given that he had been fighting a massive black man just two seconds ago, Leon is somewhat shocked to be staring down a pudgy white guy with the worst haircut known to man. Simon and his asinine perm are able to capitalize on Rodez's confusion by trapping him into arm wringer. Yet no sooner then two seconds after the hold is applied does Rodez roll forward in an effort to escape. Singleton tries to shift his grip on his foe's arm to keep him trapped into place. However, Rodez's agility wins out, and he's able to kip upright, where he snares the video voyeur into an arm wrench of his own!

Is Leon ever going to tag out of this match?

Probably. Although, I'm sure Leon would be more than willing to take all five Enterprise opponents on single-handedly considering their actions in the past few months.

The Grand Rapids Golden Child uses his hold on Singleton's arm to thrust him into the cables. But a return to the pornking is prohibited by the ever-so-helpful Molly Nerdly latching onto his ankles. Perhaps this tactic isn't as helpful as we thought, as Leon strides forward and shoulder tackles the hapless henchmen out of the ring, much to Molly's distress and the audience's delight.

That's going under the deleted scenes.

With Simon currently impaired, Robinson demands Ned Blanchard, enter the ring. Reluctance; thy name is Ned Blanchard! Getting grabbed by your thinning hair and thrown into the ring by Leon Rodez; thy name is also Ned Blanchard! Bewailing the loss of what few strands of precious hair he has left, Ned rises to his feet. A mixture of indignation over the attack, and horror over being left in the ring with Leon Rodez settles over his face. Blue eyes immediately search for a way out, and once they spot it, white boots dart to it. However, Leon clasps his hands onto Ned's tights, locking him firmly into place.

Go get 'em Leon!

In an act of pure desperation, Ned clamps down onto Leon's neck, then sits out, spiking his archrival with a stunner. As the move wasn't delivered with much impact, it fails to floor Rodez, instead keeping him upright and wobbly. Blanchard moves fast to take advantage of Rodez wounds; grabbing Leon's left arm and twisting it behind his back. Despite the searing pain in his limb Rodez exerts a gargantuan struggle to fight against Ned's attacks. Unfortunately he does not succeed in preventing the Handsome Hustler from lifting him up over his shoulder, and dropping him straight onto his hammerlocked arm. Ned follows with a pinfall.



But Leon kicks out, greatly pleasing the Madison Square Garden fans.

For real, dawg, is Leon ever planning on tagging anyone else into this match?

Both competitors head to their feet, but it's Ned who draws first blood with an irish whip. As Leon makes his way back towards his position, Blanchard throws his six feet two inches into the sky with a leapfrog. Problematically for Blanchard, Le-Ro engages in a leap of his own and slams his purple boots into Ned's chest. Blanchard splashes into the canvas, pain immediately dispersing throughout every inch of his body. Unfortunately the agony is set to get much worse, as the Grand Rapids Golden Child begins twisting him over for the famous Lion tamer. The thought of seeing Rodez's trademark finisher causes the audience to burst with a downrush of cheers.

Could this be it? Is it all over?

Stricken with panic, Ned pours every ounce of strength in his body into hauling Leon into a rollup. But before Robinson can even entertain the thought of counting Ned's pin, Leon reverses into a pinning situation of his own...



To the crowd's dismay, Blanchard is able to kickout.

Does he think he's better then everyone on his team? Is that it?

Not all. It's just that The Enterprise has put him through so much hell, taken his family away from him, that he wants to make sure he personally inflicts as much damage as humanly possible.

Sensing trouble, Moneymaker pounds on the turnbuckle in effort to pump some fighting spirit into his underling. As he rises, Ned certainly does get “pumped”. But its not with fighting spirit, rather it's with the legendary four jab combo of The Silky Smooth One. But the trademark kiss is never blown, thanks to Ned thumbing Leon in his green eyes.


In addition to the deluge of hate, Blanchard is issued a stern warning from the official. Ned will take all those admonishments and many more, as his cheap shot has afforded him the chance to make the tag with CPA.

Foul play by Ned Blanchard!

Foul play? Leaving your four other partners cold on the ring apron for seven minutes is foul play.    

Allen has little time to acclimate himself to the ring before Rodez's fingerless gloves unleash a barrage of fists into the back of his noggin. Greatly annoyed by the unending storm of strikes, CPA extends his arm to shove his enemy away. But Leon grabs onto his limb and uses it to hurl the bruiser into his (Leon's corner). Just as soon as Allen hits the posts, do Leon's knees slam into his chest like a colossal battering ram. With the wind knocked clear out of him, CPA sinks to the canvas where the leather boots of The Love Machine pound him with dozen of stomps.


Pleased with his decimation of 4/5 Enterprise members, Rodez finally allows a teammate into the match, D*LUX'S Tyler Bryant. Bryant's appearance is met with much fanfare by the young girls in the arena, who eagerly wave their D*LUX thundersticks in the air.

It's about time, Leon Rodez! This isn't a one man show you're running. All your tough-man macho BS is going to cost you if you're stuck near The Enterprise corner late in the match.

I have a feeling once Moneymaker gets into the match, Leon will be eager to return to the ring.

Bryant tediously hauls his much larger adversary off the canvas. “Hey, Krista, watch this!” He shouts, keen on impressing the fitness model.

“Are you watching, Krista? Are you?” He wonders, as he traps Allen into a front facelock for a vertical suplex he couldn't possibly ever manage to execute.

“Uh-huh, Maya, I'll help you with your math homework in a sec'.” Krista replies, more concerned with fixing her makeup in her compact mirror.

Perhaps if she were paying attention, she'd see Allen reverse Bryant into a vertical suplex of his own. Unwilling to relent on his assault, Allen drags Bryant off the mat, then promptly shoots him back down with a second suplex. Rather then seek the trifecta, Allen moves to his feet, and pours a flood of stomps into Bryant's head. Pain flows swiftly thorough his body, which leads to distressed moans escaping from his lips. Eventually, Allen grabs hold of Bryant's thin black hair and leads him to his feet. He swings the boy over his right shoulder, and clamps onto his left leg, making escape all but impossible. Then Allen jerks down on his victim's trapped leg, slamming him face first into the rock solid canvas. Clutching his bruised nose, Bryant mutters under his breath, partially in pain and partially out of frustration for being bested by this hulking ogre.

All this talk about Leon Rodez looking for revenge, or D*LUX looking for revenge. How about CPA looking for revenge after getting screwed, that's right screwed, out of his six man titles! Wrestling is the only sport I know that will allow that kind of crap to take place. Can you imagine if the Phoenix Coyotes showed up to play the Saint Louis Blues, and midway through the second period took off their jerseys to reveal they're the Detroit Red Wings?

I know, right. And can you imagine after The Ducks beat the Ottawa Senators for the Stanley Cup if all of a sudden The New York Rangers showed up and said “Sorry, we're you're real opponents!”? Because that's what The Enterprise did to Chicks Over Dicks.

Allen scrapes the boybander off the mat, then drives the point of his elbow into his forehead. The attack knocks Bryant loopy and into the waiting treachery of The Enterprise corner. Yearning to bring upon misery to his teenyboppin foe, Theodore Moneymaker reaches over the ropes and hooks onto Ty's thin arms. This allows his bodyguard to ravage Bryant's midsection with unanswered punches. After being subsequently chewed out by Krista over his substandard officiating, Robinson calls for an end to the illegal double teaming. At Moneymaker's orders, Allen begrudgingly capitulates to the ref's demands.

The problem with The Enterprise is that they think the rules don't apply to them. As if their money makes them above the OAOAST rulebook!

Acting on a renewed spurt of energy, Bryant bursts forward at CPA. But without so much as batting an eye, Allen reaches out and grabs him by the throat. He lifts the startled teen idol with one hand, as his cold eyes regard him with detached amusement. An instant later he slings the boy shoulder first into the ringposts. And as Ty's lifeless body slumps to the floor, Allen casually kicks the carcass to the side.

Look at the power CPA is coming with! I bet he eats sandwiches bigger then Tyler Bryant.

Despite the astounding pain that paralyzes his shoulder, Bryant fights to his feet to continue his war with CPA. Yet as he stares down the king sized warrior, Tyler quickly realizes he'll need a gift from god to emerge victorious. As God doesn't hear his prayers, Tyler has to settle for the next best thing; Alix Maria Spezia bulldogging CPA into a harmless husk!


Robinson does not partake in the crowd's glee, and sternly questions Alix over her misdeeds. The interogation prompts Alix to sing,

“I shot the sheriff, but I didn't shoot no deputy Oh, no, oh I shot the sheriff, but I didn't shoot no deputy
Ooh, ooh, ooh Yeah. All 'round in ma hometown they're tryin' to track meh down, yeah .They say they want to bring me in guiltaaaay. For the killing of a deputy...for the life of a deputy ”

What? Why don't you get on her about cheating, and being above the rulebook? What she did is every bit as illegal if not more so then what The Enterprise has done.

But she sung a song!

Due to Robinson distraction by karaoke hour at Madison Square Garden, Allen is able to switch places with The Billion Dollar Heir, Theodore Moneymaker. After a brief discussion the duo craft a devious double team, and move quickly to complete it before Robinson loses interest in Alix's American Idol. They trap Bryant into a front facelock, then hook their hands onto his cargo pants in order to drag him into the sky. But the second Bryant is lifted into the air, is the second their double team falls to pieces, as he counters them into a double ddt!


Pursuing the offensive, Bryant lashes out with a double dropkick at Moneymaker! His tennis shoes slam into the tycoon like a bullet train knocking him backward into the ring ropes. Sensing that his boss is not cruising towards the auspicious debut he had anticipated, Simon Singleton makes an emergency tag.

I don't think Theodore Moneymaker expected his Angleslam debut to go quite that poorly! How long was he in the ring? Six seconds? Leon Rodez can go through nearly the entire Enterprise and Moneymaker can't even make it a quarter of a minute.

With grimey face contorted in rage, Simon darts towards Bryant in a berserk fury. Cocking his arm in a single fluid motion, Ty surges forward and cleaves the incoming wrestler to pieces with a leg lariat! Despite the force of the strike, Singleton is able to quickly lift his battered bones off the canvas. However, he isn't capable of stoppung Tyler from hooking his arms around his, and twisting his elevated body behind his back. Without a speck of resistance offered from the Video Voyeur, TyBry thuds him into the canvas with a Vertebreaker! The cheers are enormous for the youngster's deadly strike, and he basks in the appreciation with a solid fist pump.

Going by the “one can't grieve forever” motto, Molly tugs on Ned's leg and asks, “Um, If he's irreversibly crippled and/or dead do I still get college credit for this internship?”

Meanwhile, The Tremendous one hooks Singleton's outside leg for a pinfall...



Double S lifts his shoulder off mere moments before the crucial three count.

So close!

In odd display of technical know-how, Bryant attempts to choke Singleton into an unconscious blackness with a grounded inverted facelock. But, his efforts yield nothing but failure, as Singleton is easily able to fight to his feet. Though he's upright, the six man champion's submission is still applied. However, Singleton has the anecdote for that problem, and he shifts his body into the air, hopping to flip behind his rival. Ty tries to dash these hopes by bringing Singleton down with a curtain call. But, The Video Voyeur succeeds in his escape attempt, and lands behind Bryant. His hands coil around the boy's slim waist, then bring his entire body into the air for a German Suplex. The cruiserweight is slammed into the canvas with such incredible force that it pulls all semblance of life from his face. As Bryant's teammates watch anxiously, Robinson scores the resulting pinfall...



Tremendous Tyler kicks out, allowing an entire arena to breathe a sigh of relief. Unfortunately there's no relief on the horizon for Tyler, as Singleton roughly leads him off the canvas. He contorts Bryant's left arm behind his back, then tucks his head through his right arm. Singleton continues to awkwardly twist his helpless rival by clasping onto his left leg. With Bryant fully under his control, Double S shoots him into the air, then dives backwards. Bryant's arm is snapped against the canvas, and then crushed beneath the descending two hundred thirty pounds of the three time tag team champion.

I don't even know what to call that move.

I do. I call it “very freaking painful”!

Simon moves to his feet with his rugged face possessing a scowl as ferocious as a werewolf. He crouches down, arms outstretched like wings of a bird of prey, and drool dribbling from a mouth that vulgarly demands Bryant stand and face him.

That's a look we don't see too often from Simon, and it can't mean anything good for Tyler.

The exact second Ty's groggy body plods upright, Singleton pounces with predatory speed. He twirls the boybander around, and before Bryant even has a moment to react, he's being lacerated by a diving lariat! The stiff attack drives Tyler's broken body to the ground, with Singleton landing on top of him a pinning position...



Leon Rodez breaks up the fall with an amazingly violent boot to the back of Simon's head. As he watches blood trickle through the unkempt hair of his partner, Ned sees red, and begins to enter the ring to get at Rodez. However he quickly rethinks that course of action when he realizes that Leon is likely to give him the beating of a lifetime. Singleton doesn't seem to suffer from the same bout of cowardice as Ned and engages in a heated argument with the corner based Rodez, frantically pointing to the blood that seeps from his skull.

I don't think Simon's going to win any apologies from Leon if that's what he's looking for.

After tossing one final insult Rodez's way, Singleton shifts his focus back to his ring based foe. Problematically, his verbal altercation with Rodez granted Tyler enough time to recover his health, and he immediately besieges Simon with knees to the midsection. Unable to stomach the torrent of strikes, Double S frees himself from the assault by Irish whipping Bryant away. Once the teen scream returns to his location, Singleton snakes his legs around his ankles for a drop toe hold. Yet, as he plummets to the canvas Tyler has the wherewithal to slap the outstretched hand of Shayne Brave!

You see? Leon had his hand out ready for another tag, and he got straight up denied. He ain't never gonna get one! You tag him in, and he might never tag out. Dude is wrong for that.

Unaware that a tag was ever made, Simon is taken by total surprise when Showtime blitzes him with a springboard lariat! As The Video Voyeur struggles to both stand and figure out where the hell Tyler went, his current foe darts to ropes. When he nears Singleton, Showtime soars above his doubled over body, then shoots his legs downward, causing the soles of his boots to smash into Simon's head.


The object of the prepubescent love drags Simon off the mat, then stuns him with a succession of elbows. He leaves his foe dazed and wobbly, and heads towards the ropes, returning with a lou thesz press. But his minuscule bodyweight works to his disadvantage, as it permits Simon to catch him in his arms and step backwards into his corner. Moneymaker spots an opportunity for mischief and clutches onto Brave's highlighted hair. From there and he and his lackey work in unison to drive the youngster throat first into the cables!


Incensed at the illegal double-team, not to mention the fact she's been largely unfeatured thus far in the match, Krista jumps into the ring and threatens to mash referee Robinson's face if she doesn't get the camera on her soon... I mean, uh, disqualify The Enterprise. Yeah.

What, you're not going to call that Coach? An assist from the outside and a hotshot across the top rope, neither legal I might add, to turn the tide of this match. That sound about right to you?

Yeah, it was rad huh?

As Krista is directed back to the corner, Simon reaches up into his corner looking for a tag from one of his partners. With the ref distracted though, Christian Wright realises there's no point following the rules and is already in the ring, preparing to put the boots to Shayne. So out goes Simon, figuring the effort was good enough.

Sure enough, referee Robinson beginning to have some problems keeping ten combatants under control with tempers running so high.

Wright drags Shayne to his feet and into the centre of the ring, executing a simple snap suplex. The Natural then calls over the referee as he makes the cover...



Leon breaks the count.

You know what, maybe Robinson oughta be given some more powers. Like, if somebody continues to jump into the match when they're not legal, he should be allowed to handcuff them to the ropes. Maybe we should give it a trial run tonight.

As Leon is shuffled back off to his corner, another legal tag is made on The Enterprise side, which is just as well as this time Robinson does catch it. In comes the CEO, Theodore Moneymaker, booed on his very arrival into the ring. Already laughing to himself, The Billion Dollar Heir pushes himself up onto the second rope, CW holding the boybander in place as his boss brings down a double axehandle to the small of the back.



There we go, now Teddy's feeling it!

I'm feeling something too.

Listen, I know he's an impressive man but still, way too much information buddy.

I was going to say 'ill', actually.

Moneymaker props the boybander up in order to lay in a bodyshot to the... well, the body. Another couple of quick shots connect, backing Shayne up against the ropes and tempting Teddy into an irish whip. On the rebound, Shayne takes a short elbow flush on the jaw and crashes to the canvas, right in place for a FISTFUL OF DOLLARS~!

YES! Love that move!

Not quite as enamoured is referee Robinson who cautions Moneymaker for the use of a closed fist. The honourable Mr. Moneymaker innocently claims he used an open palm, to which Robinson reminds him the move is called a 'fistdrop' for a reason. Defeated, Moneymaker shoots him a glare as he drags Brave to his feet again. Setting, Teddy lifts Shayne up high for a back suplex, making the teen heartthrob think it over for a couple of seconds before he finally brings him crashing down to earth! It's all looking very comfortable now for The Enterprise, all smiles and applause as Moneymaker lounges back across Shayne's chest, demanding the count...




Not settling for merely kicking out, Shayne tries straight away to crawl over and make a tag. Moneymaker reacts quickly enough to grab hold of his ankle though, dragging Shayne agonisingly away from his team-mates and into Enterprise territory, where Simon Singleton accepts a foot-tag. Despite the fact his boss has only a tentative hold on the ankle of "Showtime" Shayne, the arrogant Video Voyeur takes his sweet time over entering the ring and dropping a leg across the back of his head, which earns him a little 'peptalk' from The Billion Dollar Heir. Simon's solution? Why, to tell Molly to speed that sequence up in post-production of course! Oh, that wacky Simon Singleton!

Production notes out of the way, Singleton resumes with the wrestling as he catches Shayne on the way up with a knee deep in the abdomen. Simon then loads Shayne up, whipping him across the ring and springing up for a standing dropkick...

...NOBODY HOME! Shayne latches his arm around the top rope and stops his momentum. Realising in mid-air he's in trouble Singleton makes a 'cut' signal with his hand even as he plummets hard to the canvas. And Molly eagerly notes it down, forgetting for a second the predicament her hero is in as Shayne reaches out, tagging in KRISTA!!


Here we go!

Vaulting into the ring, Krista stops for a moment having taken even herself by surprise with her athleticism (on high heels no less!). She plays it cool though, naturally, only posing for four-ish seconds to allow the crowd to take in her brilliance before she goes to work. A lucha-libre shoulder bump puts Singleton on the backfoot, giving Krista the extra second to springboard off the middle rope, twisting around and wiping out The Video Voyeur with a crossbody block! Krista springs back to her feet, making a detour in order to pieface all the members of The Enterprise off the apron. All except CPA that is as the faceshove serves only to PO the bigman. Krista remains a step ahead in the brains department though, fooling the bigman into thinking someone's jumped the barrier before dropkicking the former nightclub bouncer in the back, knocking him off the apron and on top of Blanchard and Wright on the floor!

"For real, you one dumb motherfucker." Krista says matter-of-factly...

...forgetting all about Singleton, who sneaks up from behind and knees her in the kidneys. Krista goes tumbling out through the ring ropes, able to catch the middle cable to avoid going all the way to the Garden floor. However, as Singleton is backed away and Krista pulls herself up ready for a springboard, over rushes Theodore Moneymaker. The Billion Dollar Heir aims a Lariat at her shins which is an unorthodox tactic and one K.I.D certainly didn't see coming, her legs getting scythed out from underneath her, causing her to go spiralling forward, FACE-FIRST INTO THE RING APRON!!!


As Krista ends up in a crumpled heap on the arena floor, it's left to poor Charles Robinson to keep the other four members of her team under control.

Man, that was a NASTY spill Krista just took! That's what you get for wearing heels in a wrestling ring.

Coach, she got clotheslined off the apron.

Oh, there's always an excuse isn't there! 'I just got clotheslined officer', 'I only had one drink officer', 'I'm just holding onto it for a friend officer and by the way did you see me in Just My Luck?' The woman's a lush! Deal with it!

Lush or no lush Krista certainly looks punch-drunk as she's deposited back into the ring by The Billion Dollar Heir. Simon rushes over and pulls her away from the ropes, looking to take full advantage as he hops over top and makes the cover...






That was the most ridiculous cover I've ever seen! There's breaking rules and there's plain desperation. That was the latter.

Singleton jumps to his feet and lays in a couple of stomps on the fallen Miss California (1980 something, don't ask don't tell) before noticing an out-stretched hand being waved his way. Despite being squashed moments earlier by CPA, the sight of the mother of his child prone and hurting is the equivalent of a pain-killer for Ned Blanchard. The Beverly Hills Blonds make the exchange and pull Krista to her feet, sending her off the ropes with a double irish whip before separating. A drop toehold by Simon cuts Krista down and Ned follows up with the point of the elbow to the back of the head to further smush Miss Isadora Duncan's stunning features.


:( :(

Yo, did Leon misplace his penis or something? That made me sad and I hate Krista. Why? Because I'm a man, answer to both sections a and b of that sentence. Where's the sad face Le-Ro?

No sad face. Angry face, sure, as Blanchard takes a hold of Krista's flowing blonde locks and starts grinding her face into the ring canvas like he's juicing a lemon. Referee Robinson soon breaks that up, so Blanchard makes the bold move to go back to wrestling. He pulls Krista up into a camel clutch, just for a second, before tucking forward with a Gedoh Clutch...



Broken up by Leon!!

For real... handcuffs.

This time Robinson has to physically restrain Leon from getting more involved. Ned isn't taking any chances though, tagging Christian Wright back into the match. Always happy to get his hands on Krista, in rushes Wright, pulling her head off the canvas enough to slam it right back down! Krista checks her nose is still in place in her compact mirror. Until Wright snatches it off of her though, dropping it in the centre of the ring and STOMPING IT INTO A HUNDRED PIECES!!!


"Oh, now it's personal!" warns an irate Alix. "NOW it's PERSONAL!"

Wright goes back on the attack as the referee sweeps the broken glass and casing away. Pushing Krista into a corner, Wright delivers a European Uppercut. Embarrasingly, Krista's voluptious frame absorbs most of the impact, forcing CW to quickly gouge her in the eyes before she can strike back.

doitagain. please.

Apparantly Wright isn't too familiar with women. Behold, he actually chastises Krista for blocking his strike and telling her, if she's going to get them in the way anyway, he'll just do this...



...and chops her in the chest!


You need help man.

Wright finally ends the foreplay and tries to whip Krista corner to corner. However, Krista manages to reverse the momentum and swing CW into the turnbuckles instead. As Wright hits the buckles, in follows Krista with a diving forearm which crushes The Natural and gives her partners hope of a resurgeance. Unfortunately though, Krista gets a little too confident and instead of tagging she tries coming off the ropes, paying for it via Theodore Moneymaker's knee in her spine.


Off the ropes staggers Krista, right into a recovering CW who lifts her from under the armpits into the WRIGHT OFF!!




Only a two but definately a close one.

You know, for a four-time Tag Champ, Krista's pretty selfish huh?

Krista? Selfish? Noooooo, I don't believe that for a no shit sherlock of course she is.

Getting that sinking feeling all of a sudden, Wright decides to get out while the going is good and bring CPA into the match. The bigman marches into the ring, still pissed at being outsmarted earlier. He roughly hauls Krista to her feet and just manhandles the poor lass into a neutral corner, muscling up and POUNDING Krista's ribcage with a heavy bodyshot. That's enough for Krista and she goes foetal against the bottom turnbuckle before the ex-pro boxer can land any more punches.

"KRIS - TA!"
"KRIS - TA!"
"KRIS - TA!"
"KRIS - TA!"

MSG lets the KID hear it and so do D*LUX from the corner. Btw, acronyms are cool. Speaking of which, CPA pulls Krista out of the corner, scooping her into his giant arms and slamming her down by the corner. With a nod to his team-mates he then inexplicably climbs to the middle rope, looking to drop the big elbow...

...and MISSING, woefully!


Just not smart.

D*LUX get the crowd a-clapping as Krista now searches for the tag. Crawling on hands and knees she looks up, to find herself crawling towards the wrong corner entirely. And that setback allows the tag to be made on the opposite side, Ned coming in and cutting off Krista with a knee to the back of the head!!

But he had the presence of mind to get that tag, didn't he? CPA's still a rookie in the grap game don't forget, he'll make a few teensie snaffus now and then sure. But Ned's a vet man, he knows what's up.

Case in point, he gives Leon a shove in the chest, drawing him into the ring and allowing Simon to come in for a doubleteam. The Beverly Hills Blonds quickly set up Krista for another double irish whip. This time they stay side by side and look for the Double Feature Flapjack. Krista is up and over though, leapfrogging the duo and giving them something to remember them by in two firm ASS GRABS~! The Blonds stand bold upright, Simon looking shocked... and even more shocked when Ned turns to him grinning like a chesire cat! Seeing his partner's point, Ned quickly changes expression to a scowl before the two of them turn around in unison, to get flattened by a Quebrada from Krista!! The Garden come unglued as Krista pushes to her feet with four hands being stretched her way.

"Ah hell, my nose is probably broken..." concedes Krista, before begrudgingly...




Man I hate wrestling.

With Ned in his crosshairs Leon dives into the ring, going right after The Handsome Hustler with a flurry of wild right hands. The New York crowd go wild for the few seconds that lasts, before Singleton attacks from behind. Leon is running on adrenaline right now though and barely feels the ambush from Simon, whipping around and striking him hard in the gut with a rolling sole butt. By top and tails, Leon then pitches The Video Voyeur forward, causing him to spear his own partner, The Blonds crashing through the ropes to the floor in one Beverly Hills bundle! Moneymaker despairs on the apron, Mackenzie similarly on the outside, as Christian Wright runs in and makes the scene resemble a kung-fu movie even more by soaring through the ropes with an Enziguri helping him on his way! And just to make the point, Alix jumps into the ring and lets out a shrill war cry while adopting the crane position. Which is just plain odd, until Theodore Moneymaker tries to attack and EATS a crane kick, sending him up and over the top rope with his buddies!!

"Jackie Chan Chun-Li makes me so wet." confides Alix. (Patty sez:Alix is a lesbian remember, and Jackie Chan isn't too high on a lesiban's too do list. even if he though he has breasts.)

"Thanks for that."

"Why? You're not Asian Lee-Lee..." Alix asks dead seriously, not waiting around for an answer as she shoots herself over the top rope AND ROLLING ON TOP OF THE ENTERPRISE GUARTET WITH A SOMERSAULT PESCADO!!


Unfortunately for Alix, the combined efforts of Wright, Moneymaker, Ned and Simon actually get their stuff together long enough to link arms and CATCH Alix! Leon quickly grabs the ropes and looks to make their teamwork null and void. He needn't worry though, as from out of nowhere, Shayne Brave and Tyler Bryant coming sprinting past him, diving past on opposite side TO CUT DOWN THE ENTERPRISE WITH STEREO TOPÉS!!!!!


...EEEEAAAAHHHHH indeed! D*LUX taking flight right there and that's uncluttered the ring somewhat.

Left in said ring are Leon and now CPA, making a move towards The Grand Rapids Golden Child. And I mean a real quick move. Leon is still quick enough to move out of the way though, causing CPA to go steamrollering into the D*LUXLeonCOD corner chest first. Staggering out of the turnbuckles, CPA turns around and gets dropped across the knees with an Inverted Lungblower to further knock the breath from his lungs! Cover...




Back up, Leon plays with fire a little as he draws the ex-boxer into a jab!

A jab!

A jab!

A jab!

Rodez turns, blowing the kiss, before turning back on his heels...





Lucky for Rodez, the force of the punch sends him rolling underneath the bottom rope to the floor where he can't be pinned. With an angry grunt, CPA follows after The Silky Smooth One, just as D*LUX had sent Christian Wright back into the ring. Together, D*LUX back Wright up into the ropes with some kicks and some punches before sending him off with an irish whip. The boybanders link arms hoping for a double back elbow. And although they miss with that attempt, they're ready for the double lariat from The Natural, hooking both of his arms and driving him across the knees with the Cowell Movement!

The tag team specialists have a man isolated, here's the cover, could this do it?




D*LUX pool their resources again and look for another double team on The Natural. After a snapmare by Tyler, the duo come off opposite ropes looking for the stereo dropkicks. However, Tyler's run is impeded by Mackenzie DeCenzo, reaching into the ring and snatching the leg of The Tremendous One! Tyler is distracted by this and so is Shayne, coming to a stop next to Wright who quickly shoots out his legs and wraps Shayne up into a Texas Cloverleaf!!


Look at this, Tyler distracted! And Shayne Brave is trapped!

That's how you deal with sexually frustrated white boys, right there! Grind it Mackie!

As Mackie does her level best to keep Bryant occupied, shouts of pain start to pour out of his tag team partner's mouth. Wright sits back on the hold in an attempt to force a quick submission. But Tyler is aware of his partner's predicament and brushes off Mackenzie, turning around...


...and landing with a SHINING ENZIGURI on CW!!


As Wright slumps forward and Shayne's legs untangle themselves, Tyler has little time to be pleased with himself over the save. CPA has since rolled back into the ring. And as Tyler turns around to check on his tag partner's condition, he finds a burly bodyguard standing in his way. Standing in his way and lifting him up...

...and then just DECIMATING him with a Front Spinebuster!!!


Oh-ho-HO! Whiplash city baby!

Tyler Bryant's head just bounced off the canvas like a rubber ball right there.

However, with the frenetic pace of the match, CPA doesn't have any time to dwell on his big move. But dwell on it he does and after putting some badmouth down on the fallen boybander, the bigman is warned to turn around by Mackie. By the time he does though, Alix is already up top and soaring towards him, wrapping her perfect pins around his head and taking him over with a Flying Hurricanrana!!!


Inexplicably (par for the course, I realise, but work with me), Alix decides now would be the perfect time to launch into a lengthy song and dance routine. Calling to one of the many people crowded around the timekeeper's table, all of whom have no actual work to be doing, Alix recieves a pre-prepared black cane encursted with sparkling jewels that spell out the name 'ALIX' and starts can-canning, to the delight of the MSG crowd!

"Buh-buh-bahbahbah, buh-buh-bahbahbah, buh-buh-bahbahbah BA... START SPREADING THE NEW... UGH!!"

Unfortunately, a firm knee in the spine from Theodore Moneymaker brings a premature end to her rendition of "New York, New York", whipping the crowd into a frenzy. As Alix goes crashing to the arena floor, Moneymaker makes with the "money fingers" and generally rubs it in the face of the fans.

Watched from across the ring by Krista Isadora Duncan.


Fortunately for Theo, he's actually facing out on Coach's side of the ring and just about hears what the lowly commentator has to say. Not so fortunately, he hears it just in time to get leg lariated in the face and sent out of the ring in similarly unceremonial fashion.

"KRIS - TA!"
"KRIS - TA!"
"KRIS - TA!"
"KRIS - TA!"

Bending down, Krista picks up the cane Alix had left behind and raises her eyebrows, giving the cane a look that I'm not going to describe because I'm a family man. Well, not really. But I'm bashful. Krista throws the cane onto the announce table and demands Coach and Cole "keep that safe for me", before turning back to the action. However, as everyone seems to have fallen into the habit of, she turns right into an oncoming attack...



...as Ned Blanchard strikes her in the back of the head with the 90210 Enziguri!

YO~! She just got straight 90210WNED~!

Blanchard dives on top of Krista like... well, the previous time he dived on top of Krista, eagerly and foaming from the mouth...




Furious, Ned marches to his feet... and comes to a screeching halt when he sees Leon Rodez right in front of his face.


Rodez suddenly unloads with right hands on The Handsome Hustler, the red-hot New York crowd turning themselves up yet another few degrees. Backing Ned up, Rodez sends his man for the right and delivers on a HIGH BAAAAAAACK bodydrop!! Ned rolls to his knees and begs off, to which Leon responds with a firm Bionic Elbow to the top of the head. And another. Another. Another. Ned is to his feet by now and still taking elbows, before another whip sends him in. This time, Leon springs up and connects with a Standing Dropkick, almost turning Ned inside out on impact.



With everyone else down or otherwise pre-occupied, it looks like the match has suddenly come down to Blanchard and Rodez. Which is bad news for Blanchard as he stumbles to his feet. Finding himself by the ropes, Ned realises he needs to turn around and does so, met with a boot to the gut from Leon and set up for the Shiranui...

...NO! Ned manages to push Leon off into the turnbuckles chest first, leading to a collision of heads as Rodez rebounds out unexpectedly.

Oh! Both men go down, we've got battles all around the ring, people strewn around the ring. This is turning chaotic here, I think the referee has given up on these ten and just said to hell with it, let's let 'em go!

Much as I hate to admit it, it's the right call.

As Ned checks his teeth are in place, the ladies at ringside realise they have to do something with Leon recovering quickly. Actually, correction. Lady. With Molly busy recording her man Singleton getting the jeri-curls pounded off of him by Shayne Brave, despite his pained pleas not to I might add and with Mackenzie DeCenzo in dreamland watching Alix and CW going at it, it's left to Jade Rodez to begrudingly take the lead and climb to the ring apron to provide a distraction.

Aw no. This is one thing the referee should be getting on here, Jade has to get down from there.

Sure enough, Leon's attention is taken, long enough for Blanchard to attack from behind with a double axehandl...NO! Leon sidesteps...




Well, don't say I didn't warn you.

Jade hits the solid Garden ground hard and grabs her tailbone in pain, while Blanchard takes the opportunity to catch her still distracted brother with a desperate Lariat! Down goes Leon in a heap. But Ned simply can't follow up, unable to help himself from rolling out of the ring to check on the fallen Jade.

Man, have some compassion would you? Jade could be hurt bad.

We've been down this road before Coach.

You're a chauvonist is all. At least Ned is a gentleman.

Clearly concerned about Jade's tailbone, Ned tries to help her upright. And gets a good old handful in doing so I might add. Jade clearly doesn't appreciate that and swats Ned's hand from her backside, tending to the sore spot herself. Ned's offer to rub it better gets another swat away from Jade, already angry at basically being groped by The Handsome Hustler.

Oh yeah, real gentleman.

As Jade continues to nurse her lower back, Ned looks around. Leon is still down and crawling into the ring behind him is Theodore Moneymaker, arms outstretched ready to lock the Silky Smooth One in the Bank Vault. Which is the perfect opportunity for The Handsome Hustler. Reaching into his tights, Ned tries to apologise for his misdemeanour with Jade by flashing a wad of dollar bills in her face.

And it's fair to say, she's not impressed.


Not impressed at all.




Down goes Ned from the thunderous slap, causing Moneymaker to stop dead in his tracks just short of Leon. Away crawls The Silky Smooth One as Moneymaker leans over the ropes and starts to spew a stream of obscenities at Jade for her actions. Jade just takes one long, disgusted look at Moneymaker, before reaching down, collecting up the wad of cash AND TEARING THEM CLEAN IN HALF, THROWING THE REMNANTS IN THE AIR LIKE CONFETTI!!!!!!!



I think the deal's off!!

With the MSG crowd going positively wild, the shell-shocked Moneymaker turns around and gets deadlifted up onto the back of Leon Rodez. Walking into the centre of the ring, the beaming Rodez gives some last words to The Billion Dollar Heir, before sitting out, spiking his jaw across his shoulder!!



Cover by Leon, Jade counting along...





This isn't happening. This is all a nightmare, a horrible horrible nightmare...


The shareef don't like it
Rock the Casbah
Rock the Casbah

Ladies and gentlemen, your winners of this contest... the team consisting of D*LUX, OAOAST Tag Team Champions KRISTA ISADORA DUNCAN and ALIX MARIA SPEZIA... and, "SILKY SMOOTH" LLLLEEEEOOOONN RRRRRRROOOOOOODDEEEEEEZZZZZZZ!!!!!

Stepping over the quivering body of Ned Blanchard, Jade slides into the ring. And after an awkward look exchanged with her brother, the past four months are suddenly forgotten as Leon and Jade embrace in the centre of the ring!!!


I think I'm going to be sick Mikey. No fooling, I gotta vomit and hard.

What a special moment here at AngleSlam 2007! Finally, thank God, Jade Rodez has finally seen the light!! Hallelujah!!

That should be Ned in those arms damnit!

Having been dragged from the ring, Moneymaker is dragged away by the rest of the disbelieving Enterprise. Blanchard is dragged away too, on the verge of tears and now D*LUX get in on the hugfest, re-united with their manager who is also close to tears and seen mouthing the words "I'm so sorry" over and over again. On the outside of the ring stand Chicks Over Dicks, not getting drawn into the re-uniting process just yet.

Things continue to go from bad to worse for The Enterprise. No titles and now, they're leverage over these five individuals is gone. All is right with the world, unless you're part of The Enterprise that is.

As The Enterprise make their way through the AS doors, Leon hugs his sister again as we are transported to a BAR filled with CHICKS you’d normally see at a WNBA game drinking and dancing with each other. Suddenly, the door swings open.

Doctor, doctor, give me the news
I've got a bad case of lovin' you
No pill's gonna cure my ill
I've got a bad case of lovin' you

Heads turn and jaws drop as two handsome and well-groomed men enter the establishment in slow motion, their white lab coats flapping in the breeze. They are Doctors Max Anderson and Steven Pigley, THE LOVE DOCTORS!

:D :D

The Docs pearly whites turn the rough chicks into hot babes who mobbed Max and Steven, tossing their ripped clothes in the air, leaving them in only their wrestling attire. But it doesn’t stop the Doctors Of Doctornomics from making out with all the newly transformed pretty ladies.

A wink and a fist pump from the Love Doctors is followed by an on-screen message.


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A big match on the way right now, we're going to crown an Undisputed Heartland champion!  Let's go to Michael Buffer!

Je t'adore, je t'adore...

The lights go out, and the crowd boos as the doors slide open, and we see the silouhette of Felix Strutter throwing his arms out in the pink lights of the entryway.

The following contest will be to crown an UNDISPITED OAOAST Heartland champion!  It is scheduled for one fall!  Making his way down the aisle, he hails from Thunder Bay, Ontario, and weighs in at 218 pounds...here is the REIGNING WDW Heartland champion..."AFTER HOURS" FEEEEEELIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIXXXXX SSSSSTRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRUTTERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!

And of course, this one all began back in April, when Felix Strutter, with the help of Alfdogg, defeated Thunderkid to win the OAOAST version of the Heartland title, his first singles title here in the OAOAST!

That's right, he then took the title with him to WDW, where he was proclaimed the Heartland champion of both the OAOAST and WDW, only for TK to win back the OAOAST version at the Great Angle Bash!

And that leaves a dispute that will be settled tonight!  Who IS the true Heartland champion?

As Strutter poses in the ring, God of Thunder hits, the crowd pops bigtime, the doors slide open, and Thunderkid makes his way through the entrance, which has now become engulfed in dark blue smoke.

His opponent...hailing from Green Bay, Wisconsin, and weighing in at 250 pounds...he is the REIGNING OAOAST Heartland champion...THUNDERKID!

TK slides into the ring, and is immediately pounced by Strutter!

Here we go!


Strutter stomps away on TK, then tosses his belt to the referee.  He then removes the belt from TK, and begins to whip him across the back!

And TK feeling the leather from his own championship belt across his back!

TK rolls into a corner, and Strutter tosses the belt outside.  Strutter picks up TK in the corner, and starts to deliver right hands.  TK fires back, however, and starts to win the exchange, before Strutter goes to the eyes.  Strutter executes an Irish whip, but TK comes right out of the corner with a clothesline!

Big clothesline from TK!

TK measures Strutter, and delivers another clothesline, and Strutter bails out.  TK follows him, however, grabbing him from behind and ramming him into the steel guardrail!

And this one's going outside early!

And remember, there are no rules in the Heartland division!

TK reaches underneath the railing and pulls down on Strutter's head, choking him on the railing, then rolls back into the ring.  He soaks in a few cheers, then follows Strutter back outside.  He sets up Strutter, and whips him into the timekeeper's table!  Strutter goes down, pulling said table on top of himself.

Strutter possibly looking to protect himself with that move, pulling that table over himself, but it won't last long!

TK grabs Strutter by his leg and pulls him out from underneath the table, but what he doesn't know is that Strutter has brought the ring bell with him.

No, there's the reason he did it right there!

TK drags Strutter to the apron, then slides in the ring.  When he reaches out to grab Strutter, he gets clocked with the bell!

And Felix Strutter with the ring bell right into the face of TK!

Strutter stays outside, and goes under the apron, coming out with a trash can full of assorted weapons, and rolls it into the ring.  He empties the contents onto the mat, and then brings the can down onto the back of TK, then again onto the back of his head!

A couple of shots with that trash can, and TK is down once again!

Strutter covers...




Strutter gets to his feet and grabs the can once again.  As TK gets to his knees, Strutter backs into the ropes, but as he comes back, TK executes a drop toe hold...sending Strutter right down into the can!

Nice counter move by TK there, and it's Felix who goes into the can!

TK slowly gets to his feet and picks up the can, putting his arms inside it and pressing out the dents.  He then waits for Felix to get to his feet, and puts the can over his body!

Oh, no!

Felix Strutter now trapped inside that trash can!

Strutter can't figure out where he is, as TK backs into the ropes and knocks him to the mat with a BICYCLE KICK~!  TK then slides to the outside and grabs a chair, rolling back in and slamming it down on the top of the can!

Oh, man.  I bet Felix's ears are ringing right now!

TK removes the can from Felix's body, and covers...




Felix is able to roll to the outside, but TK backs into the ropes and hits him with a baseball slide, sending him staggering backwards, and he falls over the railing into the stands!

Felix Strutter sent into front row ringside, and TK is giving chase!

Strutter tries to run away, but can't move through the sea of fans fast enough, and TK catches up to him, delivering right hands.  Strutter gets down on the ground, delivering a low blow, then shoves him backwards, sending him rolling down a few steps, long enough to escape through the sea of people and into the concession area.

He's out of those fans now, the question is will TK be able to find him now?

He'll find him, because Strutter still has to pin him to become the Undisputed Heartland champion!

The camera focuses on TK, who makes his way back up the steps and into the concession area.  He walks around looking for Strutter, finally coming to a hot dog stand, where the "cook" turns around and dips his hands into a pan of onions, and then rubs it in TK's eyes!

Look at that!  He just rubbed that onion juice right into the eyes of TK!

His eyes must be burning right now!

Strutter takes off the apron and chef's hat, then slams an aluminum pan over TK's head, as pickles fly everywhere upon impact!

And Felix Strutter with the advantage now, as TK had to have been temporarily blinded by that substance rubbed in his eyes!

Felix stops and has a beer break, taking a swig and then dumping the rest on TK, before posing for the onlookers, who boo him.  As he poses, he then spits the beer he drank out.

Don't you have a Canadian beer stand here?  This shit sucks!

Strutter delivers a couple stomps to TK.

Get some Molson in here or something, PLEASE!

Strutter then picks up TK and drags him back to the arena.

Felix Strutter not happy with the beer selection here at the Garden, but he's got to be happy about the way this match is going for him right now!

Strutter kicks TK down the steps as they head back down into the arena, and they come out in the aisle, right in front of the sliding doors.  Strutter slams TK on the concrete floor, then lifts up a curtain going along the side of the entrance in front of the doors.  Strutter manages to come up with a folding table!

And Felix, somehow or other, has found himself a table!

Strutter sets up the table, then picks up TK and sets up a suplex.

Felix obviously looking to suplex TK through that table...

Strutter goes for it, but TK blocks!  Then blocks a second time!  TK then sets up Felix, and delivers a front suplex THROUGH THE TABLE~!

BUT NO, it's Felix getting a taste of his own medicine!

TK falls to the floor, as well, catching his breath, then slowly gets to his feet and drags Strutter to the ring.  He tosses him inside, then grabs a street sign which was dumped out of the trash can by Strutter, and slams it over his head!

And TK unleashing the punishment once again!

TK climbs out of the ring, and heads for the entrance.

Where's he going?

The doors slide open for TK, and he disappears into the entrance.

He's hiding from Felix, I think!

I don't think so, Coach...

TK finally emerges...pulling a radio flyer wagon with a cactus sitting in it!

Oh, NO!  Not that cactus again!

The crowd pops as TK arrives at ringside with the wagon.  TK picks the cactus up and sets it on the apron...but as he does, Strutter dropkicks it right into his face!

Oh God!  The cactus right into the face of TK!

Well, it's all fair, Cole!  He's the one who brought it into play!

Strutter then rolls to the outside and grabs TK around the waist, ramming his back right into the cactus!

And now right up against the back!  This is a brutal match, as we knew it would be!

Felix then slides the cactus into the ring, and rolls TK inside.  Strutter executes a DDT onto the cactus!

And TK's face driven again into the cactus!




Shoulder up!

But he gets the shoulder up, and he's bleeding!

Strutter positions the cactus in the middle of the ring, then lays TK on his stomach across it.  He then scales the top rope.

This could be it if he hits this, Cole!

We could see an Undisputed Heartland champion right here...

Felix soars through the air for a BIG SPLASH...but TK rolls out of the way, and Felix SPLASHES THE CACTUS~!

But nobody home, and Felix finds nothing but cactus!

Strutter rolls around on the mat with a pained expression on his face, as TK rolls out to the floor.

Felix Strutter in tremendous pain, as TK now trying to catch his wind on the outside!

TK lays on the floor for a few seconds, then reaches under the apron, and finds a BARBED-WIRE CHAIR~!!!

Oh, you're kidding me!  The cactus isn't enough for this guy?

TK rolls slowly inside, and brings the chair down across Strutter's back as the crowd groans and cheers at the same time!  TK then raises the chair up in the air, as the crowd cheers some more.  TK sets the chair down, and covers...



NO!  Shoulder up!

But look at Felix, he's still hanging in there!

No doubt about it, tremendous guts being shown on the part of both men!

TK lays the cactus across the forehead of Strutter, and steps on it!

And now TK GRINDING that cactus into the forehead, and you can see the blood now flowing from that of "After Hours" Felix Strutter!

TK then drags the cactus around, and lays it between Strutter's legs, as the crowd, knowing what's coming, immediately starts to feel the pain.

Oh, don't tell me...

TK then picks up the chair, and SLAMS it down onto the cactus!

AAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!  Can you believe this guy?

I'm not even going to try to express the pain that one causes!




NO!  Shoulder up!

But look, he kicks out again!

How much longer can Felix take this, or TK, for that matter?

TK picks up Strutter, and lifts him in a PRESS SLAM~!...and drops him all the way to the floor!

And Felix taking a LONG fall right there!

TK holds himself up with the ropes, then looks out at the crowd, which cheers him on.  Strutter grabs the apron as he gets to his knees, and reaches inside for the barbed-wire chair.  He gets it, as TK exits the ring, then rams it into his gut!

But he's still fighting!

Strutter then delivers a shot to the head from his knees, staggering TK, then gets to his feet and delivers one last big shot, sending him to the floor!

A flurry of chair shots, and just like that, it's Felix Strutter on his feet, and TK down on the floor!

Strutter, hardly able to stand, raises the chair in the air, drawing boos.

The crowd may not like him, but Felix Strutter putting on one hell of a showing here at the World's Most Famous Arena!

Strutter tosses TK back into the ring, and goes under the apron once again.  This time, he comes out with a round "railroad crossing" sign.  He sets the sign on the top rope, then positions TK in the ring.  He goes up to the top, then picks up the sign, and as he jumps off, he puts the sign underneath his feet, stomping it down onto TK!

I think TK's about to end up on the wrong side of the tracks!


Strutter covers...



Shoulder up!

And another count of two!

Strutter goes outside once again, and goes under the ring.

Oh, there's more?

Strutter comes up with a plastic spool, containing more barbed wire!

There's plenty more!

Strutter finds some wire cutters, and cuts off about a five-foot string of barbed wire.

What is this going to be?

Strutter bends the wire in half...and brings it down across the back of TK!

My God, he's whipping TK with a string of barbed wire!

Strutter brings it down across the back a second time, and a third time!  He then unfolds the wire and wraps it around the throat of TK!

And now choking!  The barbed wire wrapped around the neck of TK!

TK manages to get to his feet, and brings his foot up, kicking Strutter low!  Strutter drops the wire, and TK picks it up.


Strutter begs off, as TK raises the wire in the air, drawing cheers.  He brings the wire down across Strutter!

And Felix Strutter being whipped like a dog with that barbed wire!

After whipping him several times, TK wraps the wire around his fist, and drops it on Strutter's forehead!  Cover...



NO!!! Shoulder up!

What guts shown by Felix Strutter here!

TK picks up Strutter, and hooks him in a front facelock.

Here it comes!  It looks like Thunderkid will finish him off right here!

TK lifts Strutter in the air...and executes the THUNDERBOLT DDT~!!!!!11111

He got it!  But Strutter's too close to the ropes!

Strutter, in fact, falls right off the apron to the floor!

And that is a HUGE break for Felix right there, that would have been it, I'm afraid!

TK rolls outside and grabs Strutter, tossing him back inside.  He drops a big knee to the sternum, and covers...



NO!!!  Strutter gets a foot on the ropes!

And STILL hanging in there!  These are two tough, tough guys in there right now!

TK rolls to the outside, and goes under the ring once again.  This time, he comes out with a gas can and a lighter!

Oh, no.

And now, I think the referee might want to step in here...I know it's no rules, but someone's going to be maimed permanently in there if this keeps up...

TK scoots the barbed-wire chair over, and dumps the gasoline onto it.  However, before he can light it, Strutter comes from behind with a low blow!

Felix is back again!

Felix turns TK around, underhooks him...and drills him with the THUNDER BAY THROTTLE~!!!111

Here it is, Cole!




NO!!!  TK gets a shoulder up!


He kicked out!  TK kicks out of the Thunder Bay Throttle!

Strutter holds his head in his hands, then slaps his hands on the mat three times, before getting up and snatching the lighter off the mat, and setting the chair ablaze~!

MY GOD, that chair is on FIRE!

Felix raises the chair high overhead...FLAMING BARBED WIRE CHAIR SHOT TO THE BACK~!!!  The flame goes out on impact!

And it's slammed across the back of TK!

Felix waits on TK to get to his feet, and delivers another massive shot to the head!  Cover...





NO!!!  TK gets the shoulder up again!

And AGAIN, TK able to get that shoulder up!

I can't believe this!

Strutter picks up TK, underhooks him, pulls him over to the cactus...and executes the THUNDER BAY THROTTLE ONTO THE CACTUS~!!!!!11111

A second Thunder Bay Throttle onto the cactus!  This has GOT to be all!






And it is!


Felix Strutter, is the UNDISPUTED Heartland champion!


An unbelievable contest!  These two men will never be the same!  So much blood, so much sweat, and soon to come, so many tears!

Felix grabs both belts, struggles his way up the buckles as Girls, Girls, Girls plays, and raises them in the air.

And in Felix Strutter's case, those tears will be tears of joy!  Way to go, Felix!

Strutter is helped to the back by a couple agents, but still has the energy to hold his belts high in the air with his right hand.  Meanwhile, TK finally comes to in the ring, and gets to his feet, receiving a standing ovation from the Garden crowd.

And the crowd here in New York City showing their appreciation for Thunderkid!  A courageous performance on his part, as well as on the part of Felix Strutter, but on this night, it was in fact "After Hours" Felix Strutter who was the better man, and he is the UNDISPUTED OAOAST Heartland champion!

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The following contest on Angleslam, tag team action scheduled for one fall. Introducing first, hailing from Sin City, the former OAOAST World tag team champions and self-proclaimed “GREATEST rock 'n' wrestling band of AAAAALLLL-time“...THE HEAVENLYYYYYYY RRRRRROOOOOOOOOCCKKEEEEEEERRRRRRRSSSSSSS!


Once again rocking the Victoria’s Secret-esque Angel Wings, Synth and Logan (who sports new black trunks with gold angel wings on buttocks and yellow knee pads/boots) scroll past an angry mob of fans. Not one to shy away from confrontation, Logan rips an overweight teenage girl’s pro-Sk8ter Boiz sign and stuffs it in his mouth, spiting the remains at her.  

How dare him! Logan Mann had no right doing what he did. Our sincerest apologizes to that young lady.

Just compensate her with food.


Something special


That something special and unforgettable is Melody and Holly RAWKING~! boneriffic Daisy Duke shorts and knotted flannel shirts.



Sh-sh-she want it, I want to give it to her
She know dat, it's right here for her
I wannna, see ya break it down
I'm ballin', throw'n money 'round

And their opponents, accompanied by their sister MELODY NERDLY and HOLLY-WOOD, from The Real OC Newport Harbor, California, also former tag team champions of the world…the SEXIEST BOYS YOU'VE EVER LAID EYES ON, MARVIN AND MELVIN NERDLY…THE SKATER BOIIIIIIIZ!!!


The Boiz skip their elaborate entrance to storm the ring. Waiting for them are the Heavenly Rockers, but the Boiz come prepared. They blind the crown princes of rock ‘n’ roll with their faux fur coat/blue blazer and pummel them in opposite corners!



Marv and Hell Mel jump down from the middle turnbuckle and stage a collision, whipping the Heavenly Rockers into each other, bouncing Synth and Logan right back at them for a pair of standing dropkicks. Hell Mel sends the women into a frenzy by teasing the removal of his white mesh tank top. After whetting their appetite he goes through with the deed, exposing his washboard abs. Rawking and rolling, the Boiz DIVE through the ropes and onto the Heavenly Rockers!


The sound of Synth’s body smacking into the steel guardrail reverberates throughout the arena as The Marv CHOKES Logan with his red striped tie, which becomes a souvenir after it’s tossed into the crowd. As fans battle for possession of the tie, Marv RIDES THE CADILLAC before rolling Logan inside. The “Macho MACHO” Mann looks anything but as he begs for forgiveness, extending his hand in friendship.



After giving it much thought The Marv ACCEPTS…


…only to have a change of heart and ENZIGURI LOGAN!


And they’re supposed to be the good guys? Where’s the outrage, Michael Cole?! That was as dirty a move I’ve ever seen.

The world isn’t as black and white as it used to be, Coach. Sometimes you gotta fight fire with fire.

I sure hope you remember that. I don’t want to hear you crying when the Heavenly Rockers have to bend a few rules to compete with the Sk8ter Boiz dirty tactics.

Having rolled outside, Logan finds himself at the feet of his estranged wife Holly, who he tries to use as a human shield, but the Angel of Death elbows him in the gut and The Marv crashes down with a slingshot plancha!

Why that no good, new age Benedict Arnold Holly-Wood. I can’t believe she’d help another man assault her husband. Has she no values? I mean, she and Melody are one step away from becoming the third and fourth members of COD.

Hell Mel gets in on the action, riling up the females in attendance with a sexual hip swivel prior to delivering a series of blows to Logan’s face. A tag is made and the Boiz work in tandem, elevating Logan with a high baaack body drop. Then Marv scores on a REVERSE DIVING HEADBUTT and covers!




Scoop and a slam, and Hell Mel connects on a slingshot elbow drop!



And Mann kicks out again. Irish whip, but it’s reversed, and Synth clubs Mel from behind which leads to a SWINGING NECKBREAKER! The Heavenly Rockers tag and Synth lands his trademark SECOND ROPE ELBOW DROP!




Hell Mel is whipped to the corner, but he steps aside as Synth charges in and rolls him up in a SCHOOL BOY!



TH-- NO!

Following a tag, Synth gets decked by a springboard clothesline from The Marv!



Another kickout. The Marv lifts Synth for a vertical suplex, but Synth floats over the top and grabs Marv for a back suplex, however, he too is able to slip out and wraps Synth up, rolling back down with him.



But only two, as Synth kicks forward and sends Marv stumbling towards the ropes and a WICKED LEFT HOOK courtesy of Logan Mann! The Marv staggers around and gets walloped by a spinning wheel kick!



And it’s Hell Mel with the save. The veterans that they are, the Heavenly Rockers double suplex Marv while referee Nick Patrick deals with Mel. An illegal switch is made and Logan delivers a FLYING LEGDROP!




The crowd reacts after Hell Mel accidentally drops an elbow onto his own brother/partner. As if that weren’t bad enough, he’s casually disregarded outside and floored by a Synth apron clothesline.

I knew it, Cole. The Sk8ter Boiz aren’t in the Heavenly Rockers league. They’re great when on offense, but put them on the defensive and they can’t operate. What you call a one-hit wonder in the Heavenly Rockers’ other line of work.

This time the greatest rock ‘n’ wrestling band of all-time make a real tag, planting Marv in the center of the ring with a SPIKE PILEDRIVER!

The Heavenly Rockers starting to focus in on the neck, meaning their devastating Percussion DDT can’t be far away.

They won’t need it. Marv is finished.




Hell Mel with the save again!

Synth maintains his cool and executes a hangman’s neck breaker!





Frustration starting to set in, Synth angrily smashes Marv face-first into the buckle, then punishes him with a series of knife-edge chops before whipping him hard to the far corner, causing The Marv to shoot out and over onto his back! Big leg drop connects and Synth covers!



And again Marv kicks out, to the Heavenly Rockers’ amazement. Synth heads to the top, but The Marv pops up and swipes his feet out from under, CROTCHING the Synthmeister on the turnbuckle. With every bit of last strength left in his body The Marv delivers a TOP ROPE FRANKENSTEINER!





Oh, Logan Mann, just in the nick of time!

Thank God. I thought the Boiz were going to pick up a cheap one.

Logan baits Hell Mel inside to divert the attention of referee Nick Patrick, enabling him to snap Marv’s neck on the top rope as he hurdles over and down to the floor Randy Savage style! Mann accepts the tag and, perched on top, spreads his “wings” and flies, driving BOTH KNEES onto the back of Marv’s neck!







Not even Krista’s that vindictive towards Ned. Of course she has an interest in the Handsome Hustler’s career given that his purse money ends up in Krista’s purse. Holly’s just taking food off Logan’s table.

Nick Patrick gets between the two to prevent a public domestic dispute. Even Synth comes over to keep the peace but soon gets involved in a shouting match with Melody. Meanwhile, inside, the Boiz pull the old switcheroo, as Hell Mel trades places with The Marv.

Oh, no. Don’t tell me it’s going to end like that. Logan, behind you!!

Mann steps through the ropes…AND GETS ROLLED UP IN A SMALL PACKAGE!





Logan’s sent for the ride and taken around the world…TILT-A-WHIRL ROCK BOTTOM!




The fans react in laughter as Synth drops the big elbow on Logan! DOUBLE COCONUT leaves the Heavenly Rockers on Dream Street. Unaware of his surroundings Synth walks right into an INVERTED TOMBSTONE PILEDRIVER!

Melody fires her imaginary pistols in the air for that one. Holly cheering on in the background. Hell Mel spends too much time playing to the crowd, allowing Logan to blindside him with a TOP ROPE DOUBLE AXEHANDLE SMASH!




Logan can’t believe it and neither can the 18,000-plus in attendance. Hell Mell reverses an Irish whip and lowers the shoulder for a backdrop, but Logan puts on the brakes and hooks the head.

Are we going to hear some Percussion?


NO, Mel counters with a NORTHERN LIGHTS SUPLEX!




Quickly, Hell Mel brings Logan to his feet and sets him for his finisher, the RICK ROLL!


Suddenly, darkness. Then a BALL OF FIRE shoots past the screen!

What the hell was that?!

I don’t know. An electrical short? I think we lost power. A fuse must’ve blown out or something.

The lights return and now Logan Mann has a bloody Hell Mel in a front facelock…and SPIKES HIM INTO THE CANVAS!

Percussion DDT!



Referee Nick Patrick is hesitant to count. Though he saw the fireball light up the pitch black arena, since he didn’t catch the perpetrator in the act he goes ahead and counts anyway.




Damn it!





Not again.

In the sea of black, Logan’s voice is heard.

Let there be LIGHT sayeth Logan Usher Mann!

On cue, the lights come back up, and we’re joined inside by a special guest…




It’s Abdullah! Abdullah shot a fireball into his own brother’s face! That’s gotta be the surprise the Heavenly Rockers were referring to.

And what a surprise it is. You said it yourself, Cole: Sometimes you gotta fight fire with fire. Abdullah showed you how to do it. Haha!

But he isn’t alone. Giving praise to the heavens, the militant child of Papa Nerdly proudly stands over a busted open Marv.


Rage in her eyes, Melody desperately tries to get at Abdullah but is restrained by Holly.

I don’t blame her at all. How could Abdullah do such a thing to his own flesh and blood?

Because they’ve tried to erase him from their family history. You never hear Marv, Mel or Melody talk about Abdullah. For someone viewed as the black sheep of the family, it sure wasn’t him who got slaughtered.

EMTs arrive on the scene to care for the Boiz while OAOAST officials escort the Heavenly Rockers and Abdullah backstage.


Sunday night, September 30th
Live only on pay-per-view!

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Earl Hebner, veteran of many a main event, calls for the bell, and the fans ease back into their seats. All three men come out of their corners, moving around the ring and all waiting to see who makes the first move. Malibu freezes, getting in the ready position after having had enough of the pacing. Both PRL and Maddix stare at him, until Maddix breaks the silence by shouting "Get him!" to PRL, daring his two challengers to exchange blows! PRL turns to glare at Maddix, who nudges his shoulder, urging Tha Puerto Rican to go first, but that doesn't go over too well with the leader of the Lightning Crew, who shoves Maddix away! Before Maddix can respond, Malibu pounces, tying up with PRL. He grabs him in a headlock, but as he does, Landon comes forward and jabs a thumb in Malibu's eye, blinding him!


When Zack lets go of the hold, both PRL and Landon take an arm and awkwardly shoot him into the ropes. But he ducks their equally awkward double clothesline attempt and bounces off the far side with one of his own! Each man scrambles quickly to their feet, but Zack is on top of things, taking Landon and whipping him into the corner, then countering a charging PRL with a hiptoss that sends him back to the canvas! Zack charges the corner and leaps up, monkey flipping the World Champion out of it... but Maddix's agility allows him to land gracefully on his feet...

...but not so gracefully on his back as PRL blasts him with a hard running dropkick out of the corner! The champion quickly rolls away and when PRL moves towards the ropes to taunt him, Malibu sneaks up behind him and catches him with a schoolboy!


Not even a one count, as Maddix yanks Malibu out of the ring by his ankle!

This is the problem in a three-way match, trying to isolate one of your opponents but also keeping that peripheral vision out for your other opponent.

Landon delivers a kick to the stomach and goes for a suplex on the floor but Malibu slips out, landing behind Landon... and then both get taken to the floor courtesy of a Puerto Rican Pescado, drawing a respectable amount of applause from the Latino members of the crowd who have come out for Angleslam tonight!

There we go PR, that's how you isolate your opposition!

PRL up and over the top, the first risk of the match taken by the perrenial challenger.

Don't call him that.

Tha Puerto Rican even pays respect to the reaction, raising his arms in a gloating fashion that others in the crowd don't take kindly to, then resumes his offense. He reaches down for Landon first, but Maddix brushes him off and runs him back first into the apron, then cracks PRL with a hard chop. Tha Puerto Rican staggers after that, and a second one follows, but as Landon pulls back from that chop, his bare chest is cracked by the hand of Malibu! Then, PRL is hit with a chop from the Preppy One! Landon comes forward and gets stunned with a European uppercut, then taken by the head and thrown onto the apron, back into the ring. He's in a fog but recovers quickly, getting to his feet, but then as Malibu looks to launch himself back into the ring, he's yanked down to the floor by PRL, then met with a baseball slide by the World Champion that knocks him into the railing!

Bit of a double team there, but that's no surprise despite the obvious tension between Landon Maddix and Tha Puerto Rican. They feel Zack doesn't deserve to be here tonight, and they're going to let those feelings come out in spades!

Landon gets up and then dares PRL to enter the ring again, which the Corporate Champion does quickly. He runs in and gets sidestepped by Landon, who sends him to the ropes and then takes him down with a drop toehold. Maddix goes for an elbow to the back of the head, but PRL rolls out of the way. He gets up and tries for an elbow of his own, but Landon rolls out of the way! Both men scramble to their feet and lock up, with Landon grabbing a quick headlock. PRL struggles, then tries to send him off to the ropes. Landon reverses however, his grip on PR's trailing arm dragging him forward, colliding with Zack as he got back on the apron! Malibu falls back to the floor, while Tha Puerto Rican staggers into the World Champion, who quickly hits a Lungblower on him! He covers, and PRL is three seconds away from taking a walk back to the dressing room!



Tha Puerto Rican gets a shoulder up as quickly as he went down, but Maddix pulls him up to stay in control. After being rocked with a threesome of forearms, PRL gets sent into the corner, colliding hard with the buckles. Landon gives himself some space and then starts running towards him, but in mid-run he's blasted as Malibu comes out of nowhere with a springboard dropkick that cuts him off!


Again, that third man involvement rears it's head.

Maddix rolls under the bottom rope, while Malibu gets up and charges the corner... and eats the boot of his rival in the process! The Puerto Rican Menace comes out of the corner and grabs Malibu in an inverted facelock, attempting his patented Lightning Strike but Malibu shoves him forward to block the attempt! When Tha Puerto Rican turns around, he find a size 11 boot headed his way, as Malibu tries for SCHOOL'S OUT~! early on... and gets his foot caught! PRL swings Malibu around by his leg, then sends him to the ropes, leapfrogging over his rebound! Malibu rebounds again and is met with another leapfrog, and the third rebound sees him caught with an arm drag and sent across the ring! Zack gets to his feet, but then gets blasted across the back with a forearm from Maddix! The champion grabs a rear waistlock, but Zack fires two elbows back, then reaches back and hiptosses Landon to the canvas! He reaches down to bring the "Saviour" to his feet, but Landon kicks up, knocking Malibu down. As he gets up, PRL grabs him from behind and runs him towards the ropes, catching him with a roll-up!



Landon kicks PRL forward and Malibu reacts quick, dropping his head! PRL goes over the ropes, but hangs on, landing on the apron while clinging to the top rope! Malibu then nails Maddix with a running lariat just as he gets up, and then PRL slingshots himself onto the top rope, and springboards into the ring with an elbowdrop into the chest of the defending champ! Malibu then hops up to the middle rope and floats back with an Asai moonsault, and as he gets up he's lifted off his feet by Tha Puerto Rican, who throws him down into a legdrop on Landon before he goes for the pin!




Once again, the champion kicks out of PRL's attempt at victory, but he's the worse for wear out of the three competitors. With a begrudging unity both Malibu and PRL bring him up and send him to the ropes, dropping their heads for a double back bodydrop. Landon manages to put the breaks on, nailing Zack with a hard kick that knocks him back and then hits a quick STO on Tha Puerto Rican! PRL clutches his head and rolls around the canvas, leaving Maddix proud for all of two seconds, before he turns around and comes face to face with Zack! Malibu opens fire, striking hard and fast with open hand blows across the face, an inverted atomic drop and then a Yakuza kick to cap it off! Malibu drops onto his nemesis and hooks the leg, while Earl Hebner does his thing and begins the count!

Zack with a cover...




The World Champion has been on the brunt of most of the punishment here tonight and that's smart thinking. If Zack and Tha Puerto Rican manage to eliminate him from this matchup, then we'll be guaranteed a new World Champion tonight!

It's also vindictive. So Landon won the title a little shadily. Get over it already!

Malibu gets up, but no sooner is he on his feet that he's blasted from behind and dropped with a back suplex from PRL, teamwork well and truly out the window! Zack is then stomped on, as PRL puts the boots to him before bringing him up. An arm wrench follows and PRL brings the point of his elbow down on Zack's forearm, then shoves him chest first into the corner. He pounds on the back of the popular prep, softening him up, then stands up on the middle rope and wrenches back on Zack's head with a rear chinlock! Due to Zack being in the ropes, Hebner gives PRL a five count... a luxury that the Spanish superstar is all too happy to take advantage of, as he keeps the hold applied the full time he's allowed!


Tha Puerto Rican hops off the ropes and turns Zack around, striking him with a hard chop that echoes throughout the famed arena, loud enough to silence the chants! PRL pulls Zack out of the corner, but Zack wraps his free arm around the ropes, preventing himself from going! PRL tries again and gets the same result, so he fires off a trifecta of jabs to stun Malibu and whips him across the ring... into the waiting arms of Landon Maddix, who comes to and hits a flash powerslam when he sees Malibu headed his way! Landon stays on top and keeps the leg hooked, while PRL contemplates the save.




Maddix and Malibu get to their feet... the former a bit quicker than the latter. Landon grabs the arm and wrenches, then segues into a stepover armbar, while PRL goes and holds Zack's other arm up by the wrist and unloads on his ribs with kicks. Maddix steps back over the arm, bringing Malibu to a vertical base, and together they shoot the crowd favorite to the ropes. Malibu bounces back, hopping over Maddix, who has dropped to the mat and under a leapfrog from Tha Puerto Rican. Malibu hits the ropes again, leapfrogging over PRL... and gets dropkicked in mid-air by Maddix! Zack crashes to the mat, and gets the boot put to him a few more times by PRL, while Maddix claps and mockingly cheers PRL on! Tha Puerto Rican turns and glares at Maddix, who continues clapping... and then jabs a thumb in PRL's eye, blinding him!


Man. You've gotta be good to catch PRL with something like that and Landon is good.

Good at cheating you mean?

I thought that was self-explanatory.

Landon sends Tha Puerto Rican to the ropes and nails him with a crisp looking dropkick and when PRL scrambles to his feet, he's met with a second one that knocks him through the ropes and onto the apron! Dragging himself up with the help of the ropes, PRL gets to his feet, but Maddix rushes the corner, leaps up, and then nails his occasional ally/opponent for the evening with a third dropkick that sends him down to the floor!

Tha Puerto Rican has been sent to the floor, and now Landon Maddix only has one opponent to deal with!

You make it seem like that's a good thing.

Popick and Lindsay flock to the side of their mentor, checking on his condition. The World Champion throws insults and threats his way from the ring, gloating about his tactics to the crowd. Maddix turns around... and then freezes, because an agitated Zack Malibu has risen to his feet and is inching towards La Cucaracha!

The former World Champion and the man who stole it from him are all alone and face to face in the heart of New York City!

Maddix puts his hands up, pleading for Zack to rethink things. Maddix points to PRL out on the floor, motioning for Zack to come and work him over 2 on 1, saying "we can get rid of him!". Zack doesn't want to hear it, though. In fact, the only thing that's heard as Malibu moves in after Landon is the hard smack caused by his foot, connecting with Landon's thigh after a roundhouse kick! Landon winces, but stays on the move, circling Malibu until Zack moves in again, nailing him in the leg just above the knee with another hard kick! Landon winces again, but now grows frustrated, and fires back a kick of his own, tagging Zack on the upper portion of his left leg! Malibu responds with another kick of his own, and Landon fires back with a second kick, with the crowd egging them on as they duel!









Both men circle each other, limping slightly as their legs deal with the impact of the kicks. Landon fires another one off, but this time Malibu decides to block, grabbing the leg in mid-kick! He quickly takes Landon down with a Dragon Screw and holds onto the leg, looking to trap Landon in a figure four leglock... but Landon reaches up and cradles Malibu before the hold can be applied!



Zack kicks out, and as Landon stands up, knocks his legs out from under him, then dives on for the cover!



Landon presses Zack off of him rather easily and begins to get up again, but Malibu is up and running, literally! He bounces off the ropes, but Landon is ready for him. A monkey flip sends Zack through the air, but he lands on his feet... only to be caught with a slingshot sunset flip from a returning PRL... whose pin attempt is broken up when Landon Maddix nails him in the face with a basement dropkick!

Landon actually saving Zack from defeat just then.

All three men struggle to rise to their feet and it's Landon who does so first. He acts quick, firing Malibu to the ropes, then grabs him and spins him in a tilt-a-whirl... but as Malibu spins he swings towards Tha Puerto Rican and catches his head! Landon then throws Malibu's legs up and off his shoulders, throwing Malibu into a jawbreaker on PRL! As he falls back into the corner, Malibu gets up, but dodges the oncoming lariat from Maddix, who runs all the way to the corner and Tha Puerto Rican escapes at the last second! Malibu charges in, nailing the reigning champion with a Zack Attack II to a huge pop, but then turns around and gets hit with a gamengiri from The Corporate Champ!

Dodge THIS, bitch!

Dodge what?

Don't play that game with me, Mikey...Malibu just got knocked on his ass by Tha Puerto Rican!

With Malibu down, PRL races to the corner and jumps up on the middle rope, hammering an already dazed Cucaracha with punches! Landon pushes PRL off of him, but Tha Puerto Rican races back at him... and runs into a back elbow! Landon hops up on the ropes, but before he can do anything, Tha Puerto Rican lunges forward once more, knocking Landon off balance, causing him to crotch himself on the top rope! With a Latin contingent inside Madison Square Garden urging him on (most of 'em, anyways), PRL climbs up the turnbuckles and braces himself, pulling Landon up and over before falling back to earth with a superplex that rocks the ring!

We felt the Earth move on that one!

Well, the ladies in the crowd should appreciate that.


Landon and PRL lay on the mat with the wind knocked out of both of them. The third man, Malibu, starts pulling himself up by the ropes and turns to notice both of his foes laid out. Zack then steps out to the apron and starts making his way up the turnbuckles, listening to the crowd response grow louder the higher he gets. Zack places himself on the top rope and takes one final look, making sure his aim is right...

...then leaps off, soaring through the air like a screaming eagle before coming down with a guillotine legdrop on Landon Maddix... AND Tha Puerto Rican~!~!~!


A DOUBLE flying legdrop from Zack Malibu! He just connected with not one, but BOTH of his opponents on that!

Zack rolls over and leans onto Maddix's chest, covering the shocked and shaken up braggart.




Another two count! The World Champion is showing that he can be as resilient as he is arrogant!

Malibu sits up on his knees, nursing his tailbone a little. He forgets about that the second he spots PRL still flat out beside him, trying the pin on PRL...




And resiliancy from Tha Puerto Rican too. Remember, this match is one fall to a finish, meaning Landon can lose the World Championship without being involved in the decision.

Oh, how I'm sure Zack would love for something like that to happen. I'm sure he'd rather beat PRL to win the title, just to make Landon feel all the worse.

I can see the logic in that. I mean, kinda. Which is more than I usually can sitting out here with you. Well done.


Zack climbs back up and picks his target, taking Landon into the far corner. Zack stomps the World Champion in the gut a couple of times before scooping him up, hanging him in the tree of woe in the corner. That takes him out of the match temporarily, while PRL walks forward into a SPINEBUSTAAAAHHHH~! from The Franchise! Helplessly tied upside down in the turnbuckles, Landon can only watch on, despairingly reaching out with his flailing hands as Malibu makes the cover...




Malibu pulling out the OAOAST stand-by, the Spinebuster...

Nevermind that Mikey! How about talking about what a cheap move Malibu just pulled, tying the poor World Champion up in the turnbuckles? That's illegal you know, Hebner should be over there trying to free Landon right now!

But he's not. Hebner has to stay alert as Zack has turned PRL over and applies the ANGLE LOCK... NO! PRL rolls through and sends Malibu for a flip! Rolling to his feet, Malibu charges at PRL with reckless abandon. A lucha-libre bypass sends Zack flying past Tha Puerto Rican however, crashing into the still dangling Maddix in the corner! Maddix comes off the worst. And still isn't untied, much to Megan's dismay. Meanwhile, Zack stumbles away and turns around, into a quick boot and a Double Underhook DDT in the centre of the ring! Cover by PRL, Popick on his tiptoes...




I'm begging someone to help Landon out here. LOOK! He's turning purple! Not cool!

Calm down would you?

Landon tries to sit-up from the tree of woe, getting halfway before collapsing back, defeated. Meanwhile, PRL has Zack set. His focus on Zack distracts him from Megan, jumping to the apron and doing what the referee neglects to, untying Landon's legs. Scoop and a slam, dead centre of the ring from PRL. The crowd in MSG instantly start to stand, knowing exactly what comes next. Tha Puerto Rican stands over Zack... and kicks his right hand over his chest. PR removes his right elbow pad, spits on it and then throws it down onto Cappa’s face. PR does some weird hand signals and then bounces off the ropes, leaps over Cappa, and then bounces off the opposite ropes.

The most electrifying move in Madison Squa...

...NO! As PRL comes off the far side and begins to slow down, from out nowhere Landon soars off the middle rope and cuts him off with a Missile Dropkick!!


I think some of this crowd wanted to see the IntenseZone Elbow!

Pity they didn't want to see IntenseZone the program, maybe it wouldn't have been dropped. OH, HELLO!

Ms. Lindsay is beyond pissed right now at Megan's involvement in the match on the floor. Still looking a little giddy, Landon kicks PRL a few times to roll him out of the ring. He then turns back to Malibu, vaulting over him and jumping to the middle rope, looking for a Quebrada... NO! KNEES UP! Maddix's stomach crashes into Zack's knees and he rolls away clutching his ribs. By the time he gets back to his feet, Malibu is stalking him for the ANGLE SLAM...

...NO! Maddix throws his far knee out in mid-air, striking Zack hard in the temple!

Wow! What a counter to the Angle Slam, here at AngleSlam, World Title hanging in the balance here!

Zack is wobbly, giving Landon time to think. He brushes past The Franchise and hits the ropes, storming back. But as he approaches Zack he takes a sudden detour, past Zack and through the bottom and middle ropes, TAKING OUT THA PUERTO RICAN WITH THE TOPÉ ESPECIAL!!!

La Cucaracha taking flight, but I'm not so sure he shouldn't have stayed on Zack.

He clearly feels that Tha Puerto Rican is his biggest threat. A wise man our World Champion is.

With Tha Puerto Rican breaking his fall, the World Champion is safely back up. He climbs to the apron but takes a little time gloating, buying Zack the time to meet him on the apron with a forearm shot! And another! Landon teeters on the brink, hanging onto the top ring rope for dear life as Zack reaches out and grabs him in a headlock. The World Champion resists being brought in the hardway however, hooking his leg around the bottom rope and attempting to bring Zack up and out with his own suplex. Zack wins out though, suplexing Maddix back inside. However, Landon is able to shift in mid-air, landing on his feet behind Malibu... who has read the move and lands a quick back elbow. Zack then grabs the front facelock again and determined to win out in the end, he goes for the suplex again. Despairingly, Maddix clings onto Zack's head as he's suplexed over the top AND BOTH MEN GO TUMBLING HARD TO THE OUTSIDE FROM THE SUICIDE-PLEX!!!!!


Both Malibu and Maddix lie flat out on the Garden floor, right next to PRL who is slowly regaining his feet. Still seething, Ms. Lindsay Gonzalez takes the opportunity to slide into the ring and take up her complaints with referee Hebner.

Megan isn't far behind.


Grabbing Lindsay by the shoulder, Megan wheels her around and gets right up in the Women's Champion's face. The two fiesty women exchange some barbs before circling around the ring.

Uh-oh. Looks like the ladies are going to get re-acquainted here!

Damn, now I owe God $20.


The fists are balled and the claws are out, Megan and Lindsay ready to go...

...until they're physically restrained by Hebner and Popick respectively.


It'll take a lot more than an elderly referee and a failed World Champion to keep these two dominant women apart though. Lindsay shows what she thinks of being waistlocked by Popick, kicking him in the shins to get away!! Megan brushes off Hebner at that same moment and the women charge, Megan cutting down Lindsay with a Spear! Let the catfight commence!!



Okay God, an extra $20 for topless action. That cool?

Megan and Lindsay claw away at each other with absolute venom, the MSG crowd going wild for this action. However, Tha Puerto Rican is back in the ring to play party pooper. PRL marches over and physically drags Megan off of his fiancée, grabbing her by her hair with no regard for her gender. He pulls Megan up and rants at her for touching his precious Lindsay, before rearing back ready to PUNCH her! Megan reacts quickly and tries to strike first with a slap...

...NO! DUCKED...




Latin Slam on Megan Skye! Can you believe that!?

No, I... I don't know whether to be happy or outraged!

Jumping back to his feet, PRL pounds his chest, feeling like the big man on campus all of a sudden. He doesn't notice Zack Malibu rolling into the ring behind him though. Zack creeps up behind Tha Puerto Rican, grabbing his arms and taking him overhead with a Release Half And Half Suplex!! PRL folds up like an accordion on impact, uncoiling into the cover from Malibu...




Looking relieved to still be in the fight, the sweat drenched World Champion only notices Megan halfway to his feet. His pause at that moment allows Zack an extra second, spinning Landon around and landing a big forearm shot. Maddix staggers back a couple of steps, setting him up for a charge from Zack... SIDESTEP, Landon pitching Zack out through the ropes and to the floor with a thud. As Zack lies weak on the floor, Maddix turns his attentions back to PRL who is getting back to his feet. Crouched in preparation, Landon waits for PRL to turn around before firing off a Dropsau... NO! PRL catches the legs, tripping Landon out of the air and into the SHARPSHOOTER!!


Sharpshooter, PRL's got it locked in!! We could have a new World Champion right here!!

PRL wrenches back on the legs, sweat pouring down his face from the effort he's exerting. Having returned to ringside, Lindsay pounds the apron, yelling at the despairing World Champion to just give up!

Four and a half years of waiting could end right here for Puerto Rican Lightning if Landon can't make it to the ropes!

Look at PRL, he can taste it! His OAOAST career must be flashing before his eyes right now!

Referee Hebner is right there in Landon's face asking if he wants to quit, resisting the urge to 'RING THE FUCKING BELL' as Popick is screaming at him to do. For now Landon is hanging in there though, not making a move to the ropes and just waiting, hoping for something to save him. And that saviour comes, in the form of Zack Malibu, re-entering the ring and nailing PRL in the back of the head with a modified ZACK ATTACK!!


Zack rolls PRL over and covers...




Quickly back up, Zack retreats into a corner and measures up School's Out! A buzz goes through the famous arena, knowing that Zack could be one kick away from history. Slowly, PRL begins to get back up. Slowly, Landon does the same. Malibu waves up the closest man to him, Tha Puerto Rican. And as PRL finds himself drawn towards The Franchise, Zack comes shuffling out of the corner throwing SCHOOL'S OUT...


...AND LANDON BLOCKS! By the foot, Landon pushes Zack back, feeding him into PRL who takes him up onto his shoulder in the torture rack, ready for the Corporate Smackdown... but Landon grabs PRL and drives him forward with the COMPLETE SHOT, Zack's body crushing PRL's face into the canvas for good measure!! The back of Zack's head hits the mat too and he rolls off of PRL, into an Oklahoma Roll from the Champ...




Both men quickly back up. Left kick from Landon blocked. Right kick, blocked. Taking a step back Landon goes for a clothesline, ducked by Zack who switches behind La Cucaracha with a waistlock. German Suplex! Zack hangs onto the waist and rolls his man through, back to his feet for a second rolling German!

Another move in the AngleSault playbook from Zack Malibu.

Whoopee. If we wanted to see AngleSault's moves, we'd have booked him.

Malibu brings a rapidly fatiguing Maddix to his feet for yet a third time for a third suplex. This time he changes it up, butterflying the arms and attempting a Tiger Suplex. Maddix drops to his knees in a desperate attempt to block the suplex though, going deadweight. Still holding the arms, Malibu headbutts the Champion between the shoulder blades a couple of times and tries to drag him back to his feet again, but Landon won't budge. So a couple more headbutts connect, finally softening up Landon enough to get him upright... AND GO LOW ON ZACK!! The leg gets raised into Zack's groin and he drops his hold on Maddix, gingerly limping away...





Rebounding off of PRL's shoulder, Zack goes rolling out underneath the bottom rope. Not all the way out of the ring but enough to be out of the way. PRL waves a dismissive hand at The Franchise and goes after Maddix, pulling him up from behind. Go-behind from the Champion though, forearming PRL in the neck. Maddix then backpedals, hopping to the middle rope and soaring to PLANT PRL WITH A FLYING DDT!!


Wearily, Landon rolls PRL over and hooks a deep leg...


Here we go!




No! Zack Malibu, not going to give that World Title up without a fight that's for damn sure!

Landon pulls himself up and so does Zack. The two men exchange punches over PRL's fallen body, until one good and unexpected left jab sends Maddix reeling away. Zack quickly hops over PRL and charges at Maddix, who dips his shoulder to try and backdrop his challenger over the top and to the floor. Malibu saves himself on the apron though and fights dirty with dirty, grabbing Maddix's blonde hair and dragging him to the canvas by it!

Hey! He had the hair ref!

You're really going to complain about that?

Just because Zack's is thinning and Hebner's is gone, what difference should that make? I ain't got no hair, I can still see right from wrong though!

After a second's recovery, Zack grips the top rope and rolls himself back inside, CRUSHING Landon with a hílo! Momentum rolls Zack all the way through and to his feet...

...into a kick from PRL and the CORPORATE NIGHTMARE!!!!!!!!!










Slapping his hands to his head ala Mackauley Caulkin (how the hell DO you spell that?), PRL is in utter disbelief! He questions the count with Earl Hebner, who confirms he only got to two, making PRL all the more disbelieving.


We're in the dying embers of this match and right now, it's anybody's to win. The World Champion is looking the worse for wear of the three but it may be an issue of luck as much as anything at this stage!

Save your breath Mikey, the end is nigh!

Indeed, PRL is dragging Zack from the canvas and is setting up for a second Corporate Nightmare. Front facelock on, Tha Puerto Rican reaches down and grabs the tights...

...NO! Zack spins out in front, pulling PRL in by the arm...

...ANGLE SLAM!!~!!!~1!


The Angle Slam, at AngleSlam, could it be any more fitting!?!

Still a little dazed, Zack takes a moment to follow up to the dismay of the crowd inside Madison Square Garden. But once he does get his senses, Zack hooks the near leg and leans across PRL's chest...

There's the cover...




OH HOW CLOSE!! How close can you get to becoming World Champion!?

Deer in the headlights look, Landon stumbles across the ring and falls into the ropes. Zack climbs back up and Landon rushes right towards him, scooping him into a fireman's carry for the GO 2 SLEE... NO! Zack slides down the back, ANGLE SLA... NO! Maddix lands behind Zack, coming roaring with a clothesline... DUCKED, Malibu's momentum taking him into a boot and another CORPORATE NIGHTMA... NO! Zack backdrops PRL, INTO AN IMPROVISED BACKBREAKER FROM LANDON MADDIX!!


Maddix quickly knocks down Malibu and lifts PRL up, into the fireman's carry, turning him away from the ropes before delivering the GO 2 SLEE...











Zack, having realised what was happening a second too late in his exhaustion, dogpiles on top of the fall just as the three comes down.

Zack broke it up! Didn't he?

No! That was three, look at the referee.


Another torrent of boos starts up as soon as the bell sounds, confirming the worst fears of the New York crowd. Zack looks shell-shocked and holds his head in his hands as Landon is dragged from the ring by the equally unsteady Megan Skye, the duo quickly taking the World Title belt and heading for the exits.

Ladies and gentlemen, your winner of this match... and STILLLL, OAOAST Heavyweight Champion of the WWOOOORRRLLLDD... LANDON! "LA CUCARACHAAAAAAA"... MMMMMAAAAAAAADDIIIIIIXXXXXXXX!!!


Landon Maddix is the luckiest man in New York City! He was beat, he was out! But he happened to fall on top of PRL whom he was carrying on his shoulders and Zack, apparantly, didn't react in time!

Maddix is jeered all the way to the aisleway. Whether he can hear them or not is anyone's guess, drooling from the mouth and mumbling incoherently as Megan hauls him and the title away. In the ring, Zack conjoles with referee Hebner over whether he made the save in time. But Hebner stands by his call, leaving a desolate Zack to run his hands through his hair and hang his head.

Man, what a match, huh?

Indeed, but I don't think we've heard the last of this. Landon Maddix survived his biggest test at AngleSlam, but by the skin of his teeth... what teeth he has left after that School's Out at least.


Well, these people don't like it. But it's fact, Maddix is still the Champ.

As the groggy Landon and Megan disappear through the doors, Zack watches on sadly, hands on hips. Looking over at PRL, the two men exchange looks showing neither really seems to know what happened, PRL adamant that his foot was on the ropes. Lindsay and Popick join in their complaints and ack, disappointed, leaves them to it as he sadly walks away.

A disappointing and somewhat controversial ending here, but still to come, hometown boy Reject has the chance of a lifetime. It's Reject versus Alfdogg, WDW Title, your main-event up next!

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*crowd roars*

And it's now time, for the WDW World title match!  Will Alf continue what is the longest title reign in wrestling, or is this the night that Reject finally becomes a World champion?  A lot of history leading up to this one, let's take a look!

*cue video package*

*Flashback to the 2006 Great Angle Bash*

Alf gets to his feet, as Reject pulls the knucks back out and takes another swing...but Alf ducks, and delivers a back suplex to Reject!  Hebner revives and makes the count...and a Charles Robinson also slides in...

1 (1)...

2 (2)...

3 (3)!!!


What's going on now?  Two three-counts???

Robinson jumps up and raises Alf's hand in the air.

No, wait a minute!

Alf retains the title!

Meanwhile, Hebner retrieves the belt from the ring announcer...

The referee with the belt now...

...and HANDS IT TO REJECT, then raises his hand!!!



Reject grabs the belt in both hands, and with a wide eyed look on his face, looks into it, then jumps up, hops up onto the second buckle, and raises it in the air!



Alf immediately approaches Hebner, and grabs him by the shirt collar, motioning that he was the one who had Reject pinned.  Robinson raises his hand once again.

No way!  Charles Robinson was not the official referee for this match!  It was Earl Hebner, and he declared Reject the winner and new World champion!


Both men's shoulders were counted to the mat for a count of three in the deciding fall, with the score tied at 1-1.

However, it is in our best interest to ensure that the show must end with a definite winner!

This is not right, Cole!  That belt should belong to Reject right now!

Reject delivers a swinging neckbreaker to Alf on the belt, then goes up to the top rope.  Reject comes off the top rope for a Frog Splash, but Alf raises the belt up, and Reject lands on it!  Alf goes to the top, coming down with the FIVE-STAR ALF SPLASH~!!!!!11111






Reject gives Alf a cold glare as he backs down the aisle with the belt in hand.

*fade out*

*cut to a floor shot of a steel cage*

at Battlebowl this Tuesday, it'll be Alf and Reject for the OAOAST World Heavyweight title, one-on-one, in a STEEL CAGE~!

*various clips of the match, followed by the finish below*

Alf catches Reject, and delivers a couple right hands, then grabs him around the waist...and takes him off the top with a BELLY-TO-BELLY!


A belly-to-belly by Alf! And now Alf climbing once again!

Alf goes over the cage, as Reject slowly recoups and goes to the door!

And now Reject going for the door!

It may be too late this time, though!

As Reject gets his hands on the floor, Alf climbs down on the outside and JUMPS TO THE FLOOR~!



*fast forward to Syndicated, July 2007*

And Strutter setting up something here, but TK blocking it!

Suddenly, Reject gets to his feet, comes from behind...

Look at this, Cole!



It's all over, Reject wins it!  He is the 2007 Battlebowl champion!

Alf and Reject will write another chapter in the Deadly Alliance story at AngleSlam, for the WDW World title!

*cut as Reject is posing on the buckles*

*audio clips of the AngleSlam press conference play as various match highlights are shown.*

I know what it's like to hear my name announced as World champion.  I've tasted it.  And at AngleSlam, I'm going to have some more.

*show Reject delivering the Eulogy to Zack Malibu*

Reject, you may have got a little taste, but me...I've *lived* it.  On THREE occasions.

*quick clips of Alf holding the belt after defeating Caboose, delivering a beltshot to CWM, and the Five-Star Alf Splash to Peter Knight, followed by Alf celebrating with the belt*

You know, there's a reason that I was the LEADER of the Deadly Alliance when you were there...it's because I'm simply BETTER than you, in every way.

*clip of Alf delivering a belt shot to Reject, then standing over him this past Thursday*

But that was in the past...this is NOW.  And NOW, it's finally my time.

*clip of Reject blasting Alf with a chair shot*

This Sunday, Reject, it WILL be your time...time for your reality check, courtesy of THE World champion.

*clip of Alf holding PRL in the Sharpshooter*

I've tasted it.

*clip of the Eulogy on Thunderkid*

I've *lived* it.

*clip of the Five-Star Alf Splash on Brock Ausstin*

It WILL be your time...

*clip of Alf, to the left of the screen, standing over Reject again with the belt...as a shot of Reject holding the belt from GAB 2006 fades into the right side.

...it's finally my time.

The music stops suddenly, and the shot is kept for a few seconds before going to the ring.

Renagade hits, and Reject gets a BIG pop from his home crowd.

And all of that has led us here!

Reject walks through the curtains and towards the ring, fashioned again in his pinstriped Yankee jersey.

And he's got this crowd on his side, of course Reject from right here in New York!

However, Reject is totally focused on the ring as he walks down the aisle, then slides in, hops on the buckles and poses.

There he is, the challenger for the WDW World title!

Reject walks past Michael Buffer, who is in the middle of the ring, and stands in a far corner as Magnum Opus hits and Alfdogg walks through the curtains, to loud boos.

Alfdogg has held that belt since December 26, 2004, when he defeated CWM to crown the first-ever WDW champion, and thus far, he's been the only man to hold the belt, continuing to do so right until the sale of the company back in June!

Alf slides in the ring and poses with the belt, then holds it in the face of Reject.

But that streak could all be over right here tonight!

Indeed it could, and for the formal introductions of the competitors, here's Michael Buffer in the ring!

*DING DING DING* (slow and dramatic)

LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLadies and gentlemen...this is one of the main attractions of AngleSlam 2007!  It is a one-fall match, for the WDW Heavyweight championship of the WORLD!  And it has a one-hour time limit!

This is what everyone's been waiting for, Cole!

Introducing first, to my left, wearing the long teal trunks aribrushed with green!  He weighs in at 234 and 1/2 pounds...this man is a former TWO-TIME OAOAST X-division champion...and tonight, he looks to claim his first WORLD heavyweight title, from his former mentor in the Deadly Alliance!  Ladies and gentlemen, the CHALLENGER, from the Bronx...RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

Reject raises his arms in the air, as the crowd roars in approval.

And the home field advantage, so to speak, in definite favor of the challenger!

And his opponent, to my right...wearing the black pants, trimmed with white, with the white shirt!  He weighs in at 238 and 3/4 pounds...this man currently possesses the longest championship reign in ALL of professional sports!  He is the former leader of the famed Deadly Alliance, as well as a former Heartland, Intercontinental, United States, and Six-Man Tag Team champion!  Ladies and gentlemen, from Anderson, Indiana, introducing the REIGING THREE-TIME Heavyweight champion of the WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOORRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRLD...ALLLLLLLLLL

The crowd boos as Alf hops on the buckle and poses.

Introductions have been made, and it's about time to go!

Alf removes the belt, and hands it to the referee, who raises it in the air, then calls for the bell.


Alf and Reject meet in mid-ring, and have a staredown, as the camera bulbs shower around them.  They back up, then circle the ring and tie up.

Here we go!

Alf backs Reject into a corner, and holds until the referee separates them.  Reject complains about a hairpull as the referee admonishes Alf.

Well, I don't see how Alf could have pulled any hair on Reject, but I guess it doesn't hurt to bring it up!

Reject comes out of the corner, and the two circle the ring once again.  This time, Reject delivers a foot to the gut, then wrings the arm of Alf before going to a hammerlock.  Alf counters by taking Reject down with a drop toe hold.

Nice counter by Alf to escape the hammerlock!

Alf switches to a side headlock, sitting down on the mat.  Reject forces his way to his feet, then backs Alf into a corner, and the referee separates them once again.

And it's a standstill so far, neither man with a definite advantage!

Alf moves in on Reject, who takes him down with a side headlock!  Alf, however, immediately takes Reject down with the headscissors, and Reject rolls around, then flips up on top of Alf.



Alf bridges up, then twists around and executes a backslide on Reject!




Reject charges Alf, who catches him with an armdrag, then hooks a wristlock.  He then switches to an armbar, and stands on his feet.  Reject gets to one knee, then to his feet, and scoops up Alf for a slam...but Alf rolls through and maintains the hold!

Great prescence of mind by Alf right there, able to maintain the armbar despite being bodyslammed!

Alf bars it once again, and gets to his feet, and kicks Reject lightly in the head a couple times.

And Alf with a little bit of taunting right there, knowing he's got the advantage!

Alf drops down and grabs a top wristlock.  He lays down on the mat, but Reject again manages to power his way to his feet, and drives an elbow right to the face of Alf!

Ooh, nice elbow!

Reject backs into the ropes, and knocks Alf to the mat with a shoulderblock!  He then backs into the ropes again, as Alf flips to his stomach, then hops up and catches Reject with another armdrag!

And now the speed coming into play, as the action has really picked up!  Both of these men very well-rounded competitors!

Reject gets to his feet a little quicker this time, and backs Alf into the ropes, then whips him across.  He leapfrogs over Alf, then goes for a dropkick, but Alf hooks the ropes, and Reject goes crashing into the mat!

Nice counter again by Alf, hooking those ropes...

Alf grabs Reject's legs, and steps through for the SHARPSHOOTER~!!!!!11111

And Alf looking for an early submission here!

However, as Alf turns, Reject is able to push him down to the mat...then grabs Alf's legs, and applies one of his own!

Look at this!

And now it's Reject with the Sharpshooter on Alf!  You knew you were going to see it all in this match!

Alf tries to reach the ropes, but Reject pulls him out to the middle!

What a shocker that would be here in the first few minutes if a victory was picked up, let alone a submission!

However, Alf powers out, and tries to apply his own, but Reject is able to scramble to the ropes.

And Reject able to get to the ropes, as Alf able to escape the hold!

Well, there's no one wrestling today that knows about that hold better than Alf does!

Reject quickly rolls to the outside, but doesn't have much time to gain his wits before Alf lands on top of him with a PLANCHA~!

And Alf out of nowhere, flying over the top onto Reject!

Alf delivers some right hands, then picks up Reject and grabs a side headlock, but Reject shoves him off into the ringpost!

And Alf tasting the steel of the ringpost!

Reject stops to catch his wind, then picks up Alf, and rolls him back inside.  Reject hammerlocks Alf's arm behind him, then scoops him up and slams him on it!  Cover...




Reject then bars the arm of Alf, holding Alf down on the mat with his knee.

And Reject now working on the arm with that nice armbar, look at the knee right into the shoulder area!

However, Alf is able to get to his feet, and hammers away with some forearms to the face, delivering three of them.  As the hold is broken, Alf then delivers a CHOP~!


And we've talked about this over the past couple weeks!

Alf delivers a second CHOP~!


Reject fires back!


Reject again!














Reject again!


Oh, MAN!

Reject then delivers a foot to the gut, and hooks Alf.  He lifts Alf in a suplex, and drops him across the top rope!

And Reject breaks up the chopfest, hanging Alf across that top rope with a suplex!

Reject walks over and hooks Alf again, but this time Alf blocks, then blocks a second time, before suplexing Reject right over the top rope to the floor!

A long way down for Reject, all the way down to the floor from that suplex!

Alf then hops down to the floor, and delivers another CHOP~!


Here we go again!

Another one!


Alf then tosses Reject back into the ring.  Alf grabs Reject's legs, and rolls over with a cradle...




Alf picks Reject up and whips him into the ropes.  Reject ducks a clothesline, then Alf leapfrogs, but Reject comes back with a spinning wheel kick!

What a kick by Reject, and now it looks as if the tide has turned!

Reject gets to his feet and poses, and the crowd cheers in approval.  Reject then picks up Alf by the ropes, and picks him up in a powerbomb, dumping him back over his head, all the way TO THE FLOOR~!

Oh my GOD, Alf all the way to the floor!

Have you ever seen anything like that?  I mean, he landed right on his FACE!

Alf really hurting here, but Reject doesn't want to let him get counted out!

Reject rolls to the outside, and rolls Alf back in.  He brings Alf into the corner, and executes a snapmare.

Oh, I thought he was going for the Eulogy right there...

Reject backs all the way into the corner, and comes out with a NECKSNAP~!

Shades of the late Curt Hennig with that necksnap!




Shoulder up!

Reject chokes away on the mat, breaking at the referee's four-count.  He then goes to the top rope, waiting for Alf to get to his feet...and hits a MISSILE DROPKICK~!  Cover...



Shoulder up!

Great dropkick by Reject, but not enough yet to put Alf down!

Reject picks up Alf, and attempts a back suplex, but Alf flips over to his feet, and delivers a CHOP~!


Alf then backs Reject into the ropes, and whips him across.  Reject ducks a clothesline, then both men clothesline each other!

And both men out on the mat after that double clothesline!

Oh man, I hope this isn't how this match ends!

The referee lays a count...









Reject sits up, to the cheers of the crowd.  He crawls towards the ropes, as Alf rolls over and picks himself up.  Alf delivers a right hand, and the two men trade punches, with Alf getting the best of the exchange.  Alf backs into the ropes, but runs right into a European uppercut from Reject.

Oh, what a shot!

Reject then backs into the ropes himself, but gets caught in a Hart attack clothesline!  Cover...




Alf picks up Reject, and executes a snap suplex!  He follows with a snap legdrop, and covers...



Shoulder up!

Alf picks Reject up, and goes for a right hand, but Reject blocks and delivers one of his own, followed by a CHOP~!


And a second!


Reject goes for an Irish whip, but Alf reverses.  Reject ducks a clothesline, but gets caught in a AA SPINEBUSTER~!

Alf with a big spinebuster!



Shoulder up!

Alf gets to his feet and waits.

And now Alf sizing Reject up...

Alf hooks Reject, and executes a BELLY-TO-BELLY~!

And Alf's setting him up!

Alf stops to pose for the crowd, which boos in response.

Alf with the advantage, but he doesn't want to waste too much time!

Alf follows with a T-BONE SUPLEX~!!  Cover...



NO!  Shoulder up!

Alf with two big suplexes, but Reject able to escape yet again!

Alf slowly picks up Reject and whips him HARD into the corner, then goes for a hurricanrana on the way out...but Reject blocks!

Reject with a nice block...

Look at this!

Reject steps over the arms of Alf...and delivers the PITCH BLACK~!!!111

Reject with the PITCH BLACK!  We haven't seen that one in a long time!




NO!!!  Alf gets a shoulder up!

And Alf able to escape!  What a match!

Reject then measures Alf.

And now it could be time for the Eulogy from Reject!

Alf gets to his feet...and Reject catches him with the EULOGY~!!!!!11111

...but Alf blocks, and shoves Reject off into the ropes, catching him with a SUPERKICK~!

Nice block by Alf, and a nice kick!

Alf stops to catch his breath, then goes for a piledriver...but Reject counters, and slingshots Alf into the corner!  Reject then catches Alf with a spinkick, and goes to the top once again.

Reject taking another chance...

Alf gets to his feet, and Reject hops off...but Alf catches his legs, takes him down to the mat, and hooks the SHARPSHOOTER~!!!!!11111


Alf with the Sharpshooter!  Is this where Alf retains?  WILL Reject tap?

Alf sits back on the hold, as Reject screams in pain.  Reject scrambles for the ropes, but Alf pulls him out to the middle.  Reject considers tapping, but makes another push for the ropes.  He almost makes it, but Alf once again pulls him out.  Reject fades slowly, as the referee checks his arm...




NO!!!  Reject holds through on the third lift!

And Reject's hometown crowd urging him on, trying to help him to those ropes...

Reject makes one last push, and makes the ropes, to the delight of the crowd!

He made it!

What is it going to take to put one of these guys away?

Alf holds until the referee's four-count, then releases.  Alf then scoops Reject in a gutwrench...

Could be a tombstone piledriver here...

Reject turns his body to the side, reversing the hold!

What a counter!

Alf blocks, using Reject's legs to push himself backwards, then scoops Reject up once again!

Back and forth, who's going to get the hold?

Reject makes one last block, going backwards and scooping up Alf once again, and completes the move, driving Alf's head into the canvas!

Reject got it!




NO!!!  Alf gets a shoulder up!

And Alf kicks out!  I don't believe this!

Reject picks up Alf and sets him on the top rope.  He then follows him up, delivering right hands as Alf stands on his own feet.  Reject then hooks Alf around the neck, as the crowd buzzes...

Oh, you've got to be kidding me.

Is he going to try the Eulogy from the top rope?

However, Alf delivers forearm shots to the back, then fists to the gut as Reject turns around once again.  However, Reject rakes Alf's eyes.

Reject to the eyes, and that's no place to be blinded, let me tell you!

Alf slips, and crotches himself on the top corner!

You can say that again!

Reject grabs Alf and tosses him off the top, then goes up once again...and drops the BIG ELBOW~!

Reject with the elbow!  Is this it?




NO!!!  Alf AGAIN gets the shoulder up!

Reject slams his hands on the mat in frustration, then picks up Alf, and goes for a piledriver.

A piledriver coming up, perhaps, or maybe the Pitch Black again...

However, Alf manages to block, then picks Reject up by the legs, and SLAMS him to the mat!


And Reject right on the back of his head!

Alf stumbles into the ropes, then falls through them to the apron, and makes his way to the corner, as the crowd boos.

Alf going for the splash!

And if he hits, this WILL end it!

Alf gets his balance, and FLYS off for the FIVE-STAR ALF SPLASH~!!!!!11111...right into the knees of Reject!  Alf flips onto his back in the corner off the impact!

But Reject gets the knees up, and Alf in serious pain!

The referee counts once again...









Reject slowly gets to his feet first and drags Alf to the middle of the ring.  He goes for a powerbomb, but Alf slips behind the back, and attempts a backslide...

Alf looking for a backslide here...

...but Reject gets one arm free, spins around...

Nice counter by Reject...

...and catches Alf with the EULOGY~!!!!!11111


Reject with the EULOGY!  The cover!






The Garden ERUPTS~!


He's done it!  Reject is the WDW World champion!

The referee hands Reject the belt, which he cradles in his right arm and looks at before raising it in the air as the referee raises his arm.


After being right there for so long, over a year, tonight is the night!  Reject, for the first time ever, can rightfully call himself a World champion!

Reject hops on the buckle and raises the belt, as the crowd showers him with cheers.

And like I've said, Cole, I'm not cheering against Alf, but you've got to feel good about this win for Reject, after coming so close so many times to winning a World title!

Alf holds himself up on the outside on the apron, an angry look on his face as he stares at Reject.  He walks to the back after some convincing by officials.

And how must Alf feel right now, after holding that title for so long, it's finally slipped through his fingers?

Unbelievable, Cole, I mean this guy was on FOUR different calendars as the WDW World champion, and it's all over!

As Reject continues to pose on the buckles, fireworks explode over the ring, followed by navy & white confetti showering from the ceiling.

And the celebration has truly begun here now for Reject, from right here in New York, from the Bronx, to be exact!

As Reject grabs his Yankee jersey from ringside, the Burrough Boys run in to join the party.

And here comes Reject's boys!

Reject presents them all with high fives, before swinging his jersey back on, then being hoisted onto the Burrough Boys's shoulders.

Mark this one down on your calendars, folks, tonight, the longest title reign in wrestling has come to an end, and a new era has begun!  Reject, like him or not, is finally a World champion!  For The Coach, Josh Matthews, Maria, and everyone on the OAOAST staff, I'm Michael Cole, we'll see you this Thursday on HeldDOWN~!  Maybe!  So long, everybody!

Reject stands on the buckles and points at the belt, talking into the camera as we...

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