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OAOAST TMW: A comedy/erotic e-fed

TMW 2/2/17

Chanel #99

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Ladies and gentlemen the TMW HARD Champion!

I can't afford the price I pay, and I can't even pay the rent They're coming at me every way and there's no letting up
I'm frightened by the threats they make
Take me down, and they'll bury me and if I run they'll
Chase me back again, drag me before I make the break

After getting that message over the system, the buzzing crowd erupts with a glut of love and wonder for one Storm Bellmare who enters to One In a Million by Midnight to Monaco! Looking yummy yummy in tight jeans and black shirt beneath a grey cowl, the HARD champ lets his pride hold his head up as his loafers carry him to the ring.

Normally you see me with Eponine and Isabella, but tonight I stand here by myself, because no matter who I'm with or what adversity I face, I stand on my own two feet as a man!

The fans applaud these words.

I won't lie, The Shell Gang has gotten under my skin, I can admit that because it's the truth. But what also is the truth is that no matter how many of my matches they set up their VIP table at, no matter what patronizing jokes they crack I refuse to be intimidated, because I am a man and I will be damned if any group of men ever backs me down!

The fans cheered but then...The I Prevail cover of Blank Space rocked out and a suit clad Shell Gang was on the scene and entered the ring with Storm.

Storm, I like what you had to say. That's some mighty big and cocky talk, and we all know I'm an expert in big talk. Some people say self praise is no praise, but as I always say the world is full of people willing to cut you down, no need to do their job for them.

Ah, tell yourself whatever you need to make it better you leave every club alone and with a drink tossed in your face. But I am fond of the saying look before you leap. Storm with the pretty hair , you should have looked at the winds of change blowing through town, eh. Sadly I think you've leaped into a den of vipers, and I regret to say the only way out is for someone to drag your bloody corpse to safety. Too bad, huh.

True to his word, Storm ain't backing down!

I will give you credit, you are a man through and through, you exhibit the trademark stupidity of all young human males. Your self centered belief may have served you well facing Chad or Rex or Painbow, but please know I am not those men. I am one of the original vampires, and your ignorant belief in your own might against me will marry you to your downfall. You might assume you will go out in a blaze of memorable glory, but let me tell you this right now, you will wind up like all the other fools I've disposed of these last thousand years. Gone, dismissed, forgotten by history. Long after you're gone and your manhood is all you have left, I will continue to reign supreme because my might makes the only right there is.

Storm didn't like that and attacked Fabain!

Not smart, kid.

Wesley and Ignatius beat back Storm and eventually hit him with a 3-d they call The Draco after the gun! After that Gang too sweeted each other to many boos.

***Undies on Pole match: Undie Brown Vs Sgt.Holt***
Believe it or not this match was Holt's idea, made last week on the show.

Stupdest idea I've heard in my life.

Or was it?  Brown went right for the pair of undies that were labeled TONY T on the crotch.

A new low has been reached by humanity.

Holt took advantage of Brown and his love for undies, by constantly beating him as the bigger man kept trying to get the draws! Brown would fail in his quest, in the match and in life as Holt put him down with the reverse suplex known as Dishonrable Discharge.

Winner: Sgt. Holt, via pinfall

Post match Holt got on the mic....

It's time for me to get serious! I want to be HARD champion again, and the road starts with the TV title. Painbow, I want my shot! I will get my shot!


“Till I Collapse” by Eminem played and Sgt.Holt made the belt strapping motion to an ovation from the fans.


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Oh baby, baby, how was I supposed to know that something wasn't right here
Oh baby I shouldn't have let you go
And now you're out of sight, yeah,

Show me how you want it to be
Tell Me Baby Cause I need to Know Now

My lonliness is killing me (and I)
I must confess I still believe (still beleive)
When I'm not with you I lose my mind

Give me a sign!

Hot me baby one more time!

 As Tove Styrke's cover of “Baby One More Time” played the Hotties champ. Adelphe St.Nerdregard made her way the ring. she looked gorgeous in a sheer mage's robe, but also had an air cast on her arm.

Kiki did a number on Adelphe when she jumped her from behind after her title defense against LeBrenda two weeks ago.

It is not fit for one my celestial standing to be seen hurt, but you, my loving fans and cherished friends deserve to see me.

The crowd roared their approval.

The Celestial Mother must have been binge watching Gotham two weeks ago to let her beloved daughter be attacked so unjustly. But I know more than the stars above are watching me, you all watch as well, it's just the stars can see me in the shower any time you want, though the OAOAST website will have a hot shower vid with me! But I want you to know Kiki will not go unpunished! By Orion's Belt I will have justice!


"One Finger and a Fist" by Drowning Pool hit and out came Kiki dressed for an MMA fight!

Careful what you ask for, Adelphe.

You wanna punish me? Is that it? I'll let you take your crack at me, as long as you put that title on the line.

The fair finger of fate points me to your rear end, where I'm going to shove my ballet flats where the nourishing sun don't shine!

The crowd popped as the two Hotties went at it! Kiki tried to target the arm, but Adelphe hit a single leg dropkick, followed by a grinding of her hips into a banzai drop!

That's not just the grind, that's the Bloodmoon Grind!

And Coach says The Sheep Never Bothered Me Anyway is a stupid name. It's Orwellian compare to Adelphe and her names.

Kiki made Adelphe eat a fist then gave her the finger, true to her entrance lyrics. On the assault, Kiki took off Adelphe's air cast, greatly worrying the Malibu crowd.

That is not what Adelphe needs.

This is what you get when you think gemstones can heal you.

Kiki got cocky and bounded off the ropes a few times to taunt Adelphe, but Adelphe struck with a Luminary Uppercut!


Kiki was knocked out cold by that attack, leaving Adelphe the winner of a match that never had an actual referee!

One finger and a fist? I have a fair finger of fate and a Luminary Uppercut!


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Moment of silence for the champions
For those who make goin' hard a lifestyle
Never waver
Nothing, gotta get it right now
I'm in the spotlight
When they turn the lights down
Only a champ swings the hardest in the 12th round

Ron Artest's yes that same man of world peace his song called "Champions"  played and a woman who is not a champion, LeBrenda James strides to the ring in LeBron endorsed gear...

Well, well, well, my adoring public has arrived to hear my speak on the biggest issue facing the free world...I need help!


LeBron, my hero, my everything can't carry his bum teammates to the title on his own, and I can't carry TMW on my own. This brand needs me and I need help. Now I have it, meet the woman who owes me everything meet Ladybird Jones!

Out came a cute lady of mixed black and white heritage who was solely focused on LeBrenda and overflowing with adoration in her pretty eyes.

First of all let me give honor to god. Money earning, mount Vernon your queen has her knight in shining armor! Ladybird I love you!

Thank you! Don't anyone ever say that dreams don't come true, because they do. I made a wish upon a star that this Ladybird would nest with her basketball muse one day and thanks to 600 dollar headshots, a casting couch rendezvous with Terry Taylor and affirmative action I am here!

I know you're jealous of me, my fame, my money and my relationship with Bron Bron.  But you should be jealous of my basketball mind. Years ago I saw a highlight video of a high school freshman balling out on YouTube. This girl right here. I friended her on Facebook before it got overran by geezers and I blessed her with my hoops knowledge, got her a b-ball scholarship to Harvard and made her a winner like she was Bron. An All American Winner! Eat that!

Truth dot com.

Now I got my help so understand this Hotties! Your fifteen minutes of fame is over. For all of you! You need to pack your bags, apologize to me, say your goodbyes and take a hike because I am about to dominate!

Hold on, Holy Ghost

Go on, hold me close

Better run, here we come

It's the day of the dead

LeBrenda and her bff were shocked to hear "Day of the Dead" blasting out, but the fans welcomed the songs' namesake, the lovely but insane Cady of Grimm and her adorable partner Lilly Florent.

The female Legion of Doom is what they call Dayofthedead.com

And with good reason. Hells Hitwomen is another good name.

The gorgeous yet imposing pair enter the ring as LeBrenda made sure to get behind her bff.

We were checking it that Adelphe shower cam vid, it was totally hot with a capital H but like wow it's fun to see another dominant person.

It is?

Oh yeah way cool, so cool.

Hmph how foolish of Lisa Ann to allow two dom tag teams. Is she not familiar with Evil Angel movies by now? Does she not know what happens when doms collide? She has awakened a tremulous sexual force!

It'd be so much fun if we could like fight it out and see who's the top of the tops.

uhh...sure, but let's let LB get her bearings here first. Yeah, that's it. But you should know I am more than the LeBron of TMW, I am the Frank Ocean as well, this will be art! Be ready.

LeBrenda said that but bitch made a bee line out the ring as LB left slower while staring down her giddy future foes.

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***Tag Team Number One Contender Guantlet***

All my friends are heathens, take it slow
Wait for them to ask you who you know
Please don't make any sudden moves
You don't know the half of the abuse
All my friends are heathens, take it slow
Wait for them to ask you who you know
Please don't make any sudden moves
You don't know the half of the abuse

"Heathens" by Halestorm hit first and the boos were plentiful for The Shell Gang of Wesley Singleton and Ignatius Maddix.

Soak it in, Matthews, these are future tag team champions.

Walk by Pantera played next and a big pop came on for Higher Minds, former tag champs who had an offer for Wesley.

Suck yo dick fo 6 bucks.

Better take it, eh, Wes, it's the only offer you've gotten all year.

Wesley didn't appreciate that and leveled the faces!


Fortunately I've got options besides the sweat hogs in this building otherwise I'd chop it right off!

Glad someone said it.

There was a big brawl until Iggy was able to hit the STO into a koji clutch known as Dynastic Cycle on Crackie.

We should call him Prince Ignatius.

He doesn't look so royal now.

That was due to Crackhead biting his butt no money needed. But when Wes got the tag, Crackhead wanted ten bucks to wrestle.

How about you pay me not to beat ya ass and flush yer stash down the toilet?

But Crackie went to town on his foe and when Bhodi got the tag he impressed the crowd with a moonsault press, followed by a spinning leg drop!

Partner, great quickness by Dharma and strength by Crackhead.

hey, say what you want but they won the belts for a reason.

The good guys looked on their way to advancing but when Wes escaped the How High finisher, Ignatius took out Dharma and Wes hit the leaping mushroom stomp on Crackhead for a win!

The World Wide Wes sends the Shell Gang through!

"Du Hast" had the fans going nuts for the approaching Das Wrestling Machine, attired in German panzer style tights.

Oh! Oh! Hell is in the building! But if anyone can handle the flames it's the Shell Gang.

Iggy and Wesley prepared themselves for the German supermen but still wound up getting beat out the ring!


Wesley was pissed and stomped about the ring, but Iggy was willing to get back and fight. Though that did him little good as the faces tossed him about. But then Wesley came through and kicked the Living Daylights out Reignhardt!

Dad always comes through.

Knocked woozy, Reignhardt was isolated by the heels who abused his ailing skull. The duo even hit him with a spike piledriver that Reignhardt barely kicked out of.

So much for German engineering.

There was an intense strike exchange next that had the German chasing Wes all over the ring, but Ignatius shut that down when he snuck into the ring and hit a backdrop driver!

Ring Chasing!

Its title chasing for The Gang, and I think the Union Jets need to watch out.

Ignatius went up top and tried a forearm like his big bro, but Reignhardt avoided the attack and then power slammed his foe! From there he popped the crowd as he got the tag to White Lothar!

Exactly what DWM needed.

Lothar came in and cleaned house like Benson, including a spinning Alabama slam on Ignatius! But Wesley got in a Gun Stun that seemed to shut the German down. The referee though had to check on a seemingly hurt Reignhardt, allowing Wesley to get the SPRAY PAINT!

Partner, Wesley is gonna leave the Shell Gang mark.

Not quite as STORM BELLMARE came into the ring and hit Wes with a Storm's End!!!


I can't believe it!

DWM got in the double crucifix power mob known as Wanderlust and secured their advancement!


What you wanna do baby? Where you wanna go?
I'll take you to the moon baby, I'll take you to the floor
I'll treat you like a real lady, no matter where you go

Just give me some time baby, cause you know
Even when we're apart I know my heart is still there with you
5 more hours till the night is ours and I'm in bed with you

The fans got another reason to pop with the bouncing out of Five More Hours!

What time is it, Matthews?

Time to kill time!

The fun loving and ingenious duo headed to the ring on Hoverboards as even Das Wrestling Machine applauded their appearance.

The Time Killers are back in TMW!

The match got underway with Marty luring Lothar in and hitting a handspring back elbow off the ropes, followed by a standing corkscrew moonsault! Doc came in and hit a shining wizard to a big pop!

Now they're moving fast enough to defy the speed of light!

Lothar was able to hit a powerbomb on Marty and DWM slowed down the match to deal with the speed of their foes. But when Reignhardt tried a German aka Oklahoma slam on Marty, the babyface countered with a ddt! That led to a hot tag and a whirlwind finish with the speedy team using Enchantment Under The Sea for the win!

This could be the night for The Time Killers!

I feel the night explode when we're together.
Emotion overload in the heat of pleasure.
Take me I'm yours into your arms.
Never let me go.
Tonight I really need to know.

Tell it to my heart.
Tell me I'm the only one.
Is this really love or just a game?
Tell it to my heart.
I can feel my body rock every time you call my name

"Tell It to the Heart" may not make any sense for Same Ol Shits to use but that's what the majorly disliked pairing showed up to with plenty of vulgarities aimed at the crowd.

Former tag champs in the house, they won their only titles in one of these guantlets in 2015 beating Higher Minds.

The Shits entered the ring and clobbered the faces and tossed they asses out the ring! Free of their foes the heels did their Same Ol Handshake!


The Time Killers got their foes back with a pair of dropkicks then a pair if standing shooting star presses!

The Killers need to be careful not to wear themselves down. Even they don't have limitless energy.

No they don't as The Shits were able to ground them down and isolate Doc. But only for a bit as Doc evaded the Same Ol Finisher and then Marty rocked the heels with a double diving lariat! Horse staggered upright and got rolled up for the pin!


Staik Skeltah's "Punch Out" using the actual punch out theme played and out next and last were the reprehensible Scumbag Reformation Society!

Time to light that victory cigar for the Time Killers!

Or is it? Rizzo told Anson to hang back and with good reason as Same Ol Shits attacked The Time Killers with chairs!


Put the lighter away!

The Killers were down and out and the Scumbags got their easiest win ever!

Winner: The Scumbag Reformation Project, via pinfall

The Scumbags have an improbable date with destiny. They'll face the Union Jets for the TMW tag titles.

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Backstage we found The Masked ASSassin doing squats to tone her fine ass while talking with her partner Jessica Ferguson.

The Geisha Girls want to have a dance off with us.

Dancing? How wasteful. It's grotesque. The Brownian motion of polystyrene acid crystals though...an ultimate rondo folding in thermal motion! It's like death waltzing with the cells. Ah such beauty it sends a chill down my spine!

I think you'd look sexy.

Does that mean to simulate hormones? Releasing pheromones maybe? Functionally their are two mamillian pheromones, one draws instant reaction. The other works on internal secretions to cause long term behavioral changes.

You're sexy. I love you. The Geisha Girls will never know what hit them.

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***Blanchefleur Vs Brea Brea***

Blanche wore a tight outfit with the phrase "Sweet Sexy Savage" all over them.

I asked Blanche what she's going to do to Brea Brea tonight, she said do her dirty. She's got some Bronx in her.

Blanchefleur commanded loads of attention for her bold and sexy look, but when The Greatest by Sia hit all attention was shifted to Brea Brea and it was dosed with an extra helping of love!

The roof has been blown off this place! I look up and I don't see it because the Galaxy worships Brea Brea!  

With the South African flag coloured tassels of her colorful outfit flying about, Brea Brea ran the "high five lap" around the ring!

That's smart, tire yourself out making nice with the marks.

Blanche did not respond kindly to Brea's gesture and instead gave a high five smack on the nose!


Blanchefleur yelled at the crowd for silence then really laid into her foe with stomps. The real damage was done when Blanchefleur hit a hellacious delayed brainbuster!

Did you see that?!

She calls it 99 Savage and it's deadly.

Be that as it may the hold got but a two account as Brea kicked out to pop her army of fans. They were joyful and singing the youngsters praises as she got up and damn near chopped the lettering of Blanchefleur's top.

Time for Blanchefleur to channel that SweetSexySavage and do Brea dirty.

The South African, Brea took a wild swing at her foe, wild and missing the mark as bad as one can miss anything. That meant BF was able to hurl Brea onto her shoulders and punish the spunky cutie with a shellshock!

That move is called 77 Savage.

You're making that up.

No, I am not. Im serious. All her moves are named Savage. We don't lie in the Bronx.

The fans poured out support for Brea and with their strengths as her Shepard, Brea was able to stop Blanchefleur from climbing up the top by throwing her back with an electric chair drop!

"YEEEEEAAAAAAA!" The fans sung as the ring was just about shaking and mostly from the sound of their cheers

Brea nodded to the fans and waved her enemy upright. But Blanche needed no support just her leather black boot she spun into Brea's midsection!

43 Savage!

Then Blanche came down with a scissors kick that crashed our poor heroine to the floor!

44 Savage!

But only 2 count with Brea lifting her shoulder up. Her foe cinched in a reverse chinlock, which had the fans working overtime to rally Brea. And rally they did as Brea fought free of the hold, but was then victimized by an eye rake!


Blanchefleur went to the second rope and sought a leaping ddt, but what she got was a lariat to take her out the air! Blanchefleur did pick herself up but rocked with three more lariats from the adored Hottie!

Look at Brea Brea! She is back!

But Blanchefleur blocked her superkick, which had the heel mighty confident. But that was way unfounded as Brea seized her and punished her with a Brea's Breeze hangman face buster for the win!

Winner: Brea Brea, via pinfall

Post match the fans got plenty of high fives from Brea, who was blushing from their support.

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Inside the ring was the incomparable Terry Taylor.

Please welcome to TMW....DAISUKE MOTOZAKI!

Pony by zak wynter played over the roar of the fans who celebrated the swaggy appearance of Daisuke. Too much swag to handle! Just too much! I'm dying!

I am marking out!

The swag parade continued down the ramp up until Daisuke got attacked by an intruder!


The fans howled their rage as the former Big Brother Australia star rammed Daisuke into the black barricade. That weakened Daisuke and The Intruder hurled him into the ring where he unleashed a dreadful standing fireman carry side slam!

Intruder Alert! Intruder Alert!

"Informer" by Snow is summoned as The Intruder scales to the top turnbuckle and unleashes his greatness upon TMW!

Hell of a debut..for The Intruder.

***Lethal Rumble Qualifier: GOATman Pains vs Chad Mustard Vs Rex Vs Painbow vs Agent Augeur Vs K-Rawk***
Painbow and Pains wound up taking themselves out and carrying Chad out with them! But Chad noticed the officials didn't see him and just strolled back into the ring.

It's cool, I fucked Lisa Ann. I mean jerked off to her. A picture actually I can't afford a Brazzers sub thanks to my student loans...and I got like six sexual harassment lawsuits going against me.

Chad actually wound up tossing Agent shortly after entering!


That may be the first emotion he's ever shown.

Can you blame him?! He got screwed over.

Rawk and Chad teamed up to try and toss Rex but the big man got the upper hand and chucked out Rawk, but he got too cocky with the flexing and ate a trio of dropkicks from Chad to knock him out the ring!

Winner: Chad Mustard!

Chad Mustard is a little luck away from living the dream at AngleMania! 

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