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OAOAST TMW: A comedy/erotic e-fed

OAOAST HeldDOWN~! 7/1/04

Chanel #99

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It's that time of the week once more...


The arena is ready and waiting for another edition of...


Kidding. It's:


The camera pans around another sold out crowd, taking in some HILARIOUS~! signs, most of which focus on the sexuality of one man.

Good evening everybody, welcome to HeldDown!

Heh, he said "cum"

Can't we have one episode of this show where we all get along?



Tonight we have a huge 24/7 title match pitting Hoff against the X Champion AJ Flaire. With Wargames less than a week ago, can Hoff gain revenge for the Thrillogy? We're also going to hear from Drek Stone after his destruction of the Mad Cappa, and from the suddenly united Ryan Smith and Damaramu! But before that, what a way to kick off the show, the OAOAST Tag Team Titles are on the line!

Cue: "Chase"

Ladies and Gentlemen, our opening contest is for the OAOAST Tag Team Championship! Introducing first the challengers-

"Woh, woh, woh there Buffer!"

It's James E Cornette.

Take a breather, my friend! Allow ME to introduce the greatest tag team in the world today! From Beverly Hills, at a combined weight of 470lbs, they are "Sarcastic" Simon Singelton & "Narcissistic" Ned Blanchard- the New NEW Midnight Exprrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrress!

Corny brings his new talent down to the ring. The Express sneer at the fans, quickly garnering themselves some heel heat...

Cue: "Quiet"

...that's blown away by the heat that greats the champs.

Aaaaand their opponents, accompanied to the ring by Jivin' Jim Ross, from London, England, at 245lbs, the IceHeart, Daaaan BLACK! His tag team partner, from Hollywood, California, weighing 292lbs, T.BOD~! They are the reigning and defending OAOAST Tag Team Champions of the Woooooooooooorld, BLLLLLLLLLLLLACK TEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!

Dan and T.Bod, in matching Black T trunks (Long black trunks with a large white T on each leg), walk down to the ring confidently, smirking at each other as they look at the NNMX.

Black T look very confident, and fresh off another succesful defence at the Great Angle Bash why shouldn't they.

Well, I like the look of the Express, but Black T are just too good for anyone else in the OAOAST.

I think the GPX might have something to say about that.

I don't have any respect for men who soil groupies.

Black T climb into the ring with JR right behind them. The referee stands between the two groups, uneasily holding them back. Black T's music cuts, and the crowd heats up in anticipation of a brawl.

Cue: "Make Her Say"


What the hell are they doing out here?!

GPX dance down to the ring, while Black T and the NNMX look disgusted. Jackson and Static bounce into the squared circle and have microphones.

Black T! NNMX! Let's have some more initials going on here, I think you know what I'm talking about!

Crowd: G-P-X! G-P-X!

I know you guys are all really excited about this match, so I'm gonna keep this simple for ya. At the Great Angle Bash, we beat those wannabes, the Saints. Now I'm pretty sure that we deserve this title shot!

What did you do Corny? Find the two guys who give you the best head?

NNMX hold Cornette back as the crowd and Black T laugh. Dan Black has a mic.

Ahaha, very amusing. But that's all the entertaining you'll be doing this evening, I'm afraid. Run along now, we have a match to win. You see-

Cue: "Hit me Verdi one more time!"

POP from the fans as JINGUS and the Sadist walk menacingly down to the ring.

This is getting ridiculous!

J&S climb into the crowded ring, and we now have a team in each corner.

This could get REALLY crazy!

Everyone in the ring is on edge, ready to fight. After a few seconds, it becomes apparent that NNMX, GPX and J&S are all facing Black T.

Black T could be facing a 6 on 2 beating here!

JINGUS has his own mic now...

Dan-T.Bod- you beat us at the Bash. No question. But everyone who saw that match knows we almost had you. Everyone knows we deserve another shot. And we want it now. Right, Sadist?


That means yes.

Dan and Tony are shaking their heads, looking frantic.

No! Get the hell out of here, all of you! You won't go? Fine, we will!

Black T and JR go to leave the ring, but GPX and J&S block them off. GPX advance on Black T, who put up their dukes ready for a fight.

This isn't right! Get some security down here!

GPX jump forward-

Black T jump back-

JINGUS and Sadist send the GPX slamming to the mat from behind!


What the hell?!


JINGUS picks up Scotty Static and calmly gorilla presses him, before throwing him out of the ring over the top rope!

Sadist grabs Jackson and sents him out after his partner!

Black T and the NNMX look at each other, amazed.

J&S drag the GPX up the ramp to the top of the stage, where they gather the smaller men in...and...STEREO POWERBOMBS onto the stage!


J&S stand over the broken GPX, pose, and then disappear backstage.

I can't believe what we've just seen!

JINGUS and Sadist finally got wise! It's not Black T that's the cancer of the tag team division- its these idiots!

Medics come out to tend to GPX, who are loaded onto stretchers. In the ring, the referee shrugs, and calls for the bell to start the match!


Look's like we're going to get our title match after all!

Dan and T.Bod confer with JR, who seems to be selecting T.Bod to start the match. Black nods agreement and slaps Tony on the shoulder before exiting the ring with JR.

Cornette does a similar deal with the NNMX, and it's Ned Blanchard to start for his team.

T.Bod and Ned circle each other briefly, before snapping into a lock up. The bigger T.Bod is able to power Ned down to one knee, and then begins to slug him down with hard forearm shots. Blanchard is beaten down, and T.Bod puts the boots to him.

Tony poses, doing his trademark hip snake- and Simon Singelton runs in and nails him with a lariat! Singelton leaves T.Bod lying and exits the ring to the applause of Jim Cornette. Jivin' JR stomps his foot in anger, and does a little moonwalking to work it off.

Blanchard brings T.Bod up and chops him stiffly a couple of times, following up with a vertical suplex. Ned goes to a side headlock on the mat, but after a few second Tony starts to power out, standing and pushing Ned off to the ropes. Blanchard rebounds and T.Bod shoulder blocks him down. Ned springs back up but walks straight into a kick to the gut and a spike DDT.

Black T looking strong in the ring as ever, but any team put together by Jim Cornette has got to be considered a contender.

Tony grabs Ned into the Black T corner and tags Dan in. Both men grab Blanchard, and execute a double team STO that could well have KILLED Ned!

Black covers!



Simon runs in to break it up. Dan gets up angrily and starts to slug it out with Singelton! Dan gets the upper hand, but Simon comes back with a low blow and a gutwrench suplex. T.Bod runs in and drills Simon with a clothesline, but Ned is back up and drops Tony with a Flashback from behind, before rolling him out of the ring!

It's breaking down already!

Simon and Ned pick Dan Black up and whip him to the ropes. As he comes back they hit him with a double team flapjack, and Ned covers Dan





Ned sets Dan up for a slingshot suplex, but JR catches Dan's boots as he's bounced off the top rope, and blocks the move! Ned leaves Dan draped over the rope to nail JR with a punch!

As Ned turns however, Dan kicks him in the gut and delivers a package piledriver! Black SPITS on Ned and heads up top- but Cornette hits the top rope with his tennis racket, causing Dan to crotch himself on the top turnbuckle!

Ned gets up and brings Black off the top with a super plex, but Black reverses in mid air so he lands on top of his opponent! The cover is immediately broken up by Simon, and the NNMX stomps Dan down. T.Bod has had enough and runs in, taking down both men with lariats and bodyslams. The NNMX fight back, and all four men are going at it!

Suddenly Jim Cornette jumps into the ring, swinging his racket!

Uh-oh, Corny wants to get involved!

Jim Ross dashes into the ring, pulling his trusty french out from behind his man boob!

Cornette nails Black with the racket!

JR cracks Simon with his wrench!

The referee shakes his head in dispair, and calls for the bell!

Ladies and Gentlemen...the official has ruled this match is thrown out, BOTH teams have been disqualified!


Security runs down to the ring to seperate the two teams and their managers, as insults are hurled and threats made.

Well these two teams never really got into the match, and thanks to their managers we won't get a winner tonight.

I don't think we've seen the end of this- and what about GPX? How could JINGUS and Sadist do that to them?!

Bwahahaha! That was great!

What a start to the show- we'll be right back with MORE~!


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(Outside to a parking lot we go were Mean Gene is holding a microphone and wearing a snow boarding jacket despite it being 80 degrees outside. He’s sporting a seriously annoyed look on his face as it appears he’s been waiting outside for quite some time. Behind him we can see throng of groupies doing their best to break down the makeshift barricade preventing them from getting a little closer to the soon be arriving wrestlers.)

Son of a fu....

Uh, we’re live.

What? Oh..uh...Mean Gene Okerlund here for the Wrestling Entertainment Network. As you can see I am outside the arena *patiently* awaiting the arrival of The Saints, who earlier today through their publicist told me that they’d have a rather big announcement as it pertains to their future in the OAOAST. One can’t help but speculate that they’ll issue a challenge for a rematch against GPX. Of course one could be wrong in their speculation but one would never know because one’s been waiting outside for over two hours while these fuc.....

(Gene’s drowned out by the ear piercing shrieks coming from the sea of groupies behind him. The camera looks past Gene’s wrinkled and disheveled face and sees the Saint’s tour bus storming into the parking lot! The driver stops the bus right next to Mean Gene nearly turning the old coot to road kill in the process and necessitating a new change in underpants for the wrestling personality. The door to the tour bus opens and to the legions of screaming fans in the parking it’s as if the gates of heaven parted and out stepped Jesus and the Holy Ghost. To everyone else it just looks like Logan and Synth are leaving the vehicle. As the door opens who can hear “Pinball Wizard” by The Who blasting over the bus’ sound system. In the mass of humanity behind the barricade one hardcore fan turns to another and remarks that the golden aura surrounding Logan is the same that surrounded a young Hendrix.)


(Logan turns towards the young woman who offered to bear his children and shudders as puke begins to form in his mouth. He has no intention of repeating the fiasco known as “crabgate”)

All right, Saints you’re finally here. What do you want to tell the viewing public?

Gene-o, Gene-o, Gene-o, the defining moment of your life is here today! Those correspondence courses in broadcast journalism you thought you wasted your coin on have finally paid off. You Gene-o are scooping Entertainment Tonight, The Today Show, Accesses Hollywood, all of them! You get to be up close and personal with the Saints as we drop a gargantuan announcement on the Entertainment world.....

Psh...You two told me to be out here at six thirty so I could help you present your big announcement! Do you clowns have any idea what time it is?

Mean Gene, the ticket may say six thirty but everyone knows the show doesn't start till eight.


Gene-o, the world revolves around what?

I don’t know what that his to do with your tardiness, but okay. It’s the sun. The world revolves around the sun.

(Synth scoff’s at Mean Gene’s logical answer.)

Incorrect. The world revolves around the Saints. (Synth pauses for an unneeded dramatic effect) Not only is that the name of our Japan exclusive CD, set to drop on August 17th of the lunar year 2004 but it's also a cold hard fact.

GENE (muttering)
Someone should tell the sun he can go on lunch break now.

Leave comedy to the pros, Mean Gene. Synth, continue.

Gene-O, I’d be on the remiss if I didn’t quote a set of lyrics from our hit song, Wave of the future". “We've got money, we've got fame, we've got power but we don't have women.”

(Perplexed, Gene turns to look the groupies who are forcing him to make a concentrated effort to be heard over their screaming and shouting.)

What’s that mean? You don't have the women? Then what do you call all those screaming girls over there that can’t even be restrained by security?

(The familiar look of disgust returns to Logan’s face)

Those aren't women.

Are they plants? You paid them to be here? Because, I really need to make my ex wife jealous and I was wondering how much....

They ain’t plants, MG Draft! Well, four or five are......But who cares? What we're trying to point out to you is that those things over there can barely be classified as female! They're more like transient bodies..

GENE (looking at a nineteen year old who just flashed Synth)
Hmm...where can I get one of those transient bodies,


Yuck. Our emotional attachment to them is about as empty as their air filled heads. When we were first starting out, know nothing, fuck everything floozies like that were the order of the day. And that was okay. Hell, we were lucky to get our own moms to take an interest in what we were doing! But overtime, we as a band grew bigger, our fan base grew with us, our wallets got fatter and our music evolved but we still had the same tired ass booger bears in our hotel room drinking our Merlot, eating our cheese and talkin about how they’re gonna tell all their friends they work with down at the Wal-Mart supercenter how they knocked boots with a real life “bonerfide” rack N roll star! It’s pathetic, man. You look at that two-bit third rate hack Chris Robinson, lead signer of the worlds biggest collection of pussies, the Black Crowes! His band can’t even begin to compare to ours but he’s knocking up Kate Hudson! It’s honestly pathetic and it needs to be changed! We fell that as legendary rock stars, we need to be represented by a more upscale and elegant class of groupies and hanger ons.

True. Now earlier today we had a conference call with a couple of suits. We tried to pitch a be a groupie reality show, but the fine people at the Lifetime network didn't think a show called "Pimp my hoe" would fit with their target demographic.

But lucky us, we got a visit from the realization fairy. And we found out that the type of intelligent, quick witted, well spoken, dazzling beauties we've been searching high and low for have been right here under our rock star noses the whole time.

Who are these women?

Alix Spezia and Krista Isadora Duncan.

HAAHAAHAAAAAHAHAHAHA! HHAAHHAAA! Sorry....HHAAAHAAAA! You think Alix and Krista are going to willing be your groupies? You’re going from being physically squashed by GPX to being emotionally squashed by COD! Good luck with that! HAHAHAHAHAHA! Boy, you made my day! I tell you what, it was worth the two hour wait just to here that announcement! Boys, it’s the first of the month, but the month isn’t April. Cut the fooling! HAAHHAHAAAAA! Good luck!

What the hell is so funny to you? We know their hardcore feminist , but there isn’t a woman alive who can resist the allure of fame and wealth. Our bounty of riches and acclaim can melt even the coldest of hearts. We’ll have those two wrapped around our fingers in no time. You’ll see.

Hahahaa! Seriously, though, does this have anything to do with what is now being refereed to as “Crabgate”.


Everyone needs love in their life but what about getting squashed by the Global Party Exchange in under five minutes?


Shouldn’t you be more concerned about making up that embarrassing loss to the GPX?

Gene-o, you’re putting joy on the endangered species list! Shut up!

Right on. Quit being such a bring down. (Logan shoves Mean Gene aside) If you’ll excuse us, we have maidens to court.

(The Saints head to the arena, leaving Mean Gene by himself)



The cameras cut to a shot of The Thrillogy -- Zack Malibu, Candie, Calvin Szechstein, and Hoff -- walking into the building in street clothes, bags over their shoulders.

Looks like the Thrillogy just got here...

Boy, I can't even imagine what they must be feeling after their huge loss at the Great Angle Bash!

Aw, the hell with you, midget.

As the supergroup walks down the hallway, Jackie Gayda runs up alongside them with a microphone.

Jackie on the scene!


Jackie thrusts the microphone into the annoyed face of the World Champion. The Thrillogy stops in their tracks as Zack shoots Jackie a cold gaze.

Zack, everyone is wondering how you feel after the Thrillogy's loss to Crystal and her teammates on Sunday?

Listen, bimbo. What matters is this. *pats the belt on his shoulder* It doesn't matter who won on Sunday, because at the end of the night, I still had this, and Crystal was still a pretender.

Well...not to take anything away from you, but you did tap out to the Crystalling in the Wargames match.

Zack's glare turns icy, and Hoff grabs Jackie's arm and pulls her away.

Leave the champ alone, dollface. I got something to say.

Okay...Hoff, what's up?

Hoff smiles into the camera.

TONIGHT, in this VERY RING, the OAOAST is proud to bring to you a once-in-a-lifetime event, when the courageous, the charismatic, the amazing HOFF takes on the decrepit, near-crippled A-J-FLAIRE in a scintillating contest for the OAOAST TWENTY-FOUR-SEVEN CHAMPIONSHIP!

Hoff finishes his speech with a big grin, and the fans let him have it. Hoff's smile fades as an "A-J" chant builds in the audience.

What an announcement!


Quiet, funbags. Listen to this. AJ, I promised you, PROMISED you I had a surprise for you at Wargames. But you ruined that, didn't you? Well, guess what, big shot: your time has just run out. Tonight, courtesy of myself and the Thrillogy, you're in for a surprise that you will never, ever forget.

Jackie steps back, looking at Hoff. Calvin smiles in the background, chuckling slightly, as Zack motions to the group.

Let's go.

The Thrillogy continues down the hallway as Jackie looks on in semi-shock.

Um...guys, back to you.

Wow, what a match we've got tonight! Hoff defends the 24/7 Title against AJ Flaire!

Oh man, I can't wait! Hoff might kill AJ! Oh boy!

Well, we'll see about that! But right now, we've got a camera on AJ and Sly Sommers!

The camera cuts to a shot of AJ Flaire and Sly Sommers in their locker room, as the door opens...and in walks Crystal as the fans go WILD!

Oh, hey guys.

AJ and Sly stand and applaud.

Hey, it's the hero!

Hey hey! Give it up!

Crystal blushes as a "Crystal, Crystal" chant runs through the audience.

Thanks, guys. I couldn't have done it without you.

Hey, you were the one who finally made the slimeball tap.

Well, if it wasn't for AJ nailing Hoff in the face.

AJ (grinning)
Yeah, that was GREAT! But it was all you, Crys, seriously.

All right, all right. Let's just agree that it was a team effort.


Where's Northstar, anyway?

Dunno...I think he's running late.

Hmm. Hey, and good to see you two getting along!

Listen, after Sunday, I know without a doubt...I can trust this man.

Sly nods.


Crystal smiles.

Well, I gotta get going. Big match tonight, baby!

Yeah, I heard! Kick his ass, AJ!

Yeah, and hey man...we got your back.

AJ nods, a confident smile on his face, before leaving the room.

*cut back to da SC*

AJ Flaire looking pumped for his shot at Hoff tonight!

We'll see, Cole. We'll see.


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As we return, the theme song of the OAOAST World Champion overpowers the rumbling of the fans. The crowd responds with loud boos and catcalls, as Zack Malibu enters the arena...being pushed in a wheelchair by Candie!

Awww, poor baby.

Cut the sarcasm right there, Michael. Zack Malibu has been as sore as your ass usually is these past few days.

My ass wasn't sore these past few days.

Then I guess you're losing your touch with the Queer Eye demographic.

...douche. Malibu wasn't in a wheel chair a few minutes ago! He walked in just fine!

He must have had a sudden relapse!

Malibu sits in the chair, grimly pouting at the sold out crowd, as Candie leans in and whispers to him, most likely telling him not to pay attention to the boos. Moments later, the lovely couple are joined on the ramp by Hoff, who swaggers out with head held high, and Calvin Szechstein, who damn near knocks a fans head off because the guy is waving a sign that reads "The Thrill Got Killed". Candie starts pushing Zack's chair down the aisle, and the other two follow, headed for the ring unannounced. Seeing them coming, Michael Buffer simply drops the mic in mid ring and exits, not wanting to deal with three members of the losing team at War Games. Once at ringside, Hoff pulls Zack up out of the chair and carries him up the ringsteps, while Calvin lifts the wheelchair up and over the ropes, leaving it in the ring. Hoff gets onto the apron and with the help of Calvin, settles Zack in the chair. Hoff then holds the ropes for Candie, and the combined unit of the World Champion, the 24/7 Champion, the former World Champion, and the hottest valet in wrestling pose under blue and gold spotlights, acting as if they're above anyone and everyone else. The lights come up, and Candie retrieves the mic for Zack, but before the man can even utter a syllable, a chant comes up. A chant that stops the zombified Zack dead in his tracks, and makes him even more disgusted, causing him to make a face that would put William Regal's angered looks to shame.



Malibu grits his teeth and attempts to get up out of the chair, but Candie pulls him back down, and Hoff and Calvin quickly jump in front of him, doing their best to calm him. With Candie rubbing his shoulders, trying to ease his mental anguish, The Franchise finally starts talking.

First off, when I come out here to talk to you people, it's for a reason, so I'd appreciate a little common courtesy!



The chants get louder, as Malibu bites his lip.


Thank God for that.

Puh-lease. You were the biggest Malibu fanboy going at one point.

He does make a point, Mikey.

Jonathon, I think that was the first intelligent thing you've said in six months.


...and now it's worthless.

With the chants starting to drown out, Malibu takes the mic to his lips again, breathing deeply.

Now, hopefully you've gotten your little chants out of your system, so that I can do what I set out to do when I came out here. I've come out here regarding a certain somebody. A young lady who is walking around on Cloud Nine right now thinking that she's finally proven herself to be something in this business. So, let me make things "Crystal clear" for you people...

The crowd roars upon hearing Zack mention the Female Phenom.

You stupid lapdogs! You just popped for a bad joke, a joke I intentionally told. You see, Crystal IS a bad joke! This whole idea of even THINKING she's on a level with me...ME! Do you know who I am? I'm Zack Malibu. OAOAST World Champion Zack Malibu! I saved this company! I AM THIS COMPANY! YOU OWE EVERYTHING TO ME SO GET UP ON YOUR FEET AND START SHOWING ME SOME DAMN RESPECT!

Rather than listen, the fans again respond with a chant.



Go ahead, cheer for the hussy! The only reason you guys out there like her is because she's got breasts and you don't, and...actually, that's probably the reason most of you women like her too!

*Crowd boos*

Oh c'mon, don't play yourselves. Half of you women look like construction workers, and half of you guys look like Michael Cole.



Did you just call him cute? You butt pirate!

Now that I'm done reminding you people of your flaws, which, by the way, are starting to pile up like tissues in Coachman's bathroom...let's set things straight, shall we? Everyone's been asking us about War Games. Where does The Thrillogy go from here? What's up with Gibralatar? Blah blah blah...guess what? You know why we haven't answered those questions? You know why we won't acknowledge you stupid 'net reading, high and mighty smaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaart maaaaaaaaaaaarks? Because nature hasn't taken it's course yet. As far as myself, the Hoff-Stepper, and Cal are concerned, the war didn't end at the Bash. In fact, the war is FAR from over from where I'm standing!

All of a sudden, the fans start up ANOTHER chant to get under Zack's skin...

"YOU'RE NOT STANDING clap clap clapclapclap!"

"YOU'RE NOT STANDING clap clap clapclapclap!"

Shocked and angered, Zack looks around wild-eyed, and again both his girlfriend and his friends have to calm him down.


Thankfully, Cal pulls the mic away, which only angers Zack further! Candie tries to play peacemaker, when all of a sudden, "Set It Off" is cued up, and the crowd goes bananas!

Just what we needed.

Some of us DO need it.

SOME of us are never gonna GET it.

CRYSTAL appears on the ramp in some funky casual attire that seems custom made for the Female Phenom. Hoff and Calvin quickly stand by the ropes, blocking off their kingpin and his mistress, but Crystal plays smart and stays on the ramp, mic in hand.

Zackery! Hey, how're you doing? You don't look so good. Did you break your ass when I kicked it this past Sunday night?

*Crowd pop*

Cute, Chrissy, cute. That'll win you over with the 15 year old Hardy wannabes. Build that fanbase!

Uh, I don't know if you're deaf as well as crippled, but do you HEAR these people. They love me, and do you know why? Not because I'm a girl, not because I'm in main events, but because I'm for real, and most importantly, because I can't stand your snobby ass!

Oooooooh, fighting words, Chrissy! I suppose next you'll call me a...a...SPOILED BRAT...oooooooooooh!

Aw, Zack, see, I'm not about to get suckered into an insult tradeoff with you. If anyone has any reservations about me being able to get one over on you, then all they have to do is watch The Great Angle Bash and watch you cry and squeal when I had you locked in The Crystalling!

Shameless self-promotion! That'll get you far!

Actually Zack, I think it's taken me as far as I wanted to go, because I came out here to deliver a message to you. Out of the kindness of my heart, I felt you needed to know this. It's not going to be easy to say, but after going through hell in War Games the other night just to shut you up once and for all, this is something that I have to do.

The crowd responds with a mixed view of the statement, as it seems very ominous.

See Zack, I did a lot of thinking after I beat you the other night. Of course, this was AFTER Northstar rented out a penthouse suite at the Hilton and we toasted to our victory until the early morning hours. Monday morning came, and I sat, and I thought. I thought for minutes...hours...now days. Then finally today, it hit me. It just came to me right before HeldDOWN~!, and I just had to come out and tell you right here, right now.

Are you kidding me? You're getting all sentimental...with ME?

Well Zack, we're not going to have moments like this much longer.

And by that you mean...

By that I mean you're not going to be World Champion much longer.

The Thrillogy let out a collective laugh, with Cal falling back to the mat, rolling around in the fetal position and bellowing out his laughs for all to hear. Hoff pretends to wipe tears from his eyes.

Oh man...oh, you're a little too late for April Fool's Day jokes Crystal, but man that got us good. She got us good, huh babe?

No Zack, you think I'm joking, but I'm dead serious. I realize that acting like nothing happened at the Bash and mocking everyone around you is your way of "dealing with things", but apparently the OAOAST Board of Directors feels differently. See, while you act like nothing's happened, they KNOW that something has happened. In fact, two things have happened recently that they've taken note of. Just a few weeks ago, here on HeldDOWN~!, I pinned you!

The crowd pops. Malibu's smirk turns to a frown.

And just this past Sunday, you TAPPED OUT TO THE CRYSTALLING!

Crystal raises her arms and waves the crowd on, getting them to chant "You Tapped Out" as loud as they can again.

Stop...STOP IT...SHUT UP! All right Crystal, so what. You got lucky a few times. What's that prove?

Apparently it's proven something to the board. See, in that tag match, I pinned you, fair and square, center of the ring. In War Games, you couldn't take The Crystalling, and you tapped. Now, wrestling regulations state that title matches can only be won by pinfall or submission, so...

The look on Malibu's face drops, as he knows where she's going with this.

...come the next pay per view, I'm getting my rematch for that World Championship that you love so dearly!

The crowd pops HUGE, and Zack tries to jump out of his chair, but is held down by all three of his allies. Crystal smiles at him, and Zack is furious.

Are you kidding me? You don't deserve that rematch! I've beaten your ass already, I've got nothing left to prove to you, or anyone for that matter!

Oh really? Well, given our recent history Zack, it would seem that I'm one up on you. I believe the current score is Crystal 2, Zack 1. Correct me if I'm wrong.

Malibu scowls.

You want another beating Crystal, then fine. You only were able to beat me when we played the numbers game. A tag match and a War Games....ooooh. But if I remember correctly, when it was one on one, you couldn't get the job done!

One on one? Not with skankolicious over there at ringside, which is why the Board has banned her from ringside at the pay per view!

Candie FREAKS, and now SHE tries running out of the ring, but is held back by Cal! Kicking and screaming, Candie mouths off to Crystal, who just laughs!

Candie...Candie...nothing personal. In fact...Hoff and Calvin are banned from ringside too!

The crowd pops, but now Hoff and Cal decide to go charging out of the ring, until they're called back by Zack.

Whoa, easy guys. I'm a fair person, and just so you know, Northstar, Sly...no one's getting involved. If anyone, contracted by the OAOAST or otherwise, interferes, they will be dealt with. If it's someone on your end, Zack, you lose the title. If it's someone on my end, I can never get another OAOAST World Title shot regardless of who the champion is. Sound good to you?

Not as good as the sound of your bones cracking will.

Aw, so cute! Enjoy yourself, Zack, but remember one thing...

That would be...?

You might have walked out of War Games with your belt around your waist...but at least I walked out.

With that, Crystal drops the mic and disappears behind the curtain, leaving an enraged Malibu in the ring, along with an equally enraged Thrillogy. The cameras close in on Malibu's deadly glare as he looks up the aisleway, before fading out.

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Welcome back to HeldDOWN~!. All week, the Internet has been a-buzz with theories with why exactly we're holding our July Pay-Per-View, License To Pin, at a prison this year.

Some have speculated that we're booking Jamie Dundee, and that he can only work within 10 miles of a prison. That's not the case.

And yes, all of our Board of Directors members have their child support payments turned in.

See, with the violence level being increased in the company within the past month or so, our Board of Directors have wisely made the decision to continue with the unheralded Summer of Blood theme and hold the first-ever OAOAST Emperor of Death Tournament.

We've done deathmatch tournaments before, but nothing quite like this. It will be a sixteen man single-elimination tournament, where each match will have different, brutally violent stipulations.

No venue on this continent would hold the tournament, so we found a prison who wanted entertainment for their prisoners, and shazam!

Plus, it will be the first two-night OAOAST Event ever, as we simply cannot fit a sixteen-man deathmatch tournament and the several non-tournament matches that will surely take place on one show.

Also, the Board of Directors have asked us to inform all OAOAST competitors that if they want into the tournament, that they need to get ahold of a B.O.D. member and let them know immediately. The OAOAST won't force anyone into something as violent as this, and therefore are only using people who want to come in by their own free will.

So, July 24th and 25th...it's the Emperor of Death tournament, a sixteen-man deathmatch tournament, plus much more, as the OAOAST presents its first two-night event, License To Pin: This Ain't Oz! Contact your Pay-Per-View provider RIGHT NOW!!!!

We go backstage, where we see Jackie Gayda once more, consulting with a OAOAST technicians and cameramen in the hallway next to an open stairwell. A familiar voice can be heard coming from the stairwell.

Hey, stop worrying, Uncle Kev!

(sighs) Oh no!

Look, I guarantee you that I've got everything under control.

Jackie does an about-face and starts off in the opposite direction just as Chris Bryte emerges from the stairwell. He's wearing a blue polo shirt, black slacks, dress shoes, and, as always, his trademark shades. With his right hand, he's holding a brand new cell phone (replacing the one he destroyed IN ANGER~! at the PPV) up to his eye, and in his left hand is a red rose.



Jackie Gayda! Just the woman I was looking for. C'mere girl!

Not exactly relishing the thought of another confrontation with Bryte, Jackie picks up her pace, but Bryte manages to catch up to her anyway. He comes up from behind, grabs her by the arm and spins her around.

(on his phone) Hey, Unc...mind if I call ya back? I've got something to take care of...yeah...later.

Bryte flicks his phone shut and stuffs it back into his pocket. All the while, Jackie is struggling to free herself from Bryte's grip.

What do you want, asshole?!

Aww...sweetheart, there's no need for hostility. I'm just here to apologize for my actions at the PPV. It was the heat of the moment...I was in a bad mood, and I did some things that were out of character, and for that, I'm sorry.


Oh yeah. Believe me, Jackie: in my right mind, I wouldn't DREAM of putting my hands on a female. Chris Bryte knows how to treat a lady...just ask Tina.

Bryte chuckles and tries to hand Jackie the rose, but she knocks it to the floor and storms off in the opposite direction. Bryte follows closely behind, however, and once again catches her by the arm. Jackie turns back to him, annoyed.

Don't you have something better to do? Like...I dunno...getting ready to get your ass handed to you by Panther?

Oh...har har, Jackie. Very funny.

I thought it was.

As far as Panther goes, if you're expecting him to show up here tonight...if you're waiting for him to show up do some sort of bodily harm to me here tonight, well then, sweetie, you're in for a long wait. You see, I've been here all day--since 10 am---I've looked all over this arena! I've searched high and low, and I've seen no sign of Panther. None whatsoever! And do ya know why, Jackie? It's because he's afraid of me! Panther FEARS Chris Bryte!

(scoffs) Please! If you haven't seen him today, it's only because he was waiting for the show to get started so that he could beat you and embarrass you in front of the world.

Well...(looks at his watch) we've been on the air for about 20 minutes now. Still no Panther. And ya know what Jackie...I'm tired. I mean...I've been up all day waiting for his tardy ass, and I'm drained. I'm exhausted, and I really don't feel like waiting much longer. So you know what...I'm gonna give Panther....30...nah...20 more minutes to get here and face me man-to-man, and if he isn't here by then, I'm outta here!

Are you kidding me?

No ma'am! If Panther does not show up in the next 20 minutes, I'm leaving and he will NOT get his hands on Chris Bryte.

Well...well...if Panther doesn't make it tonight, I'm sure he'll get you some other night.

No, no, no, my dear Jackie. None of that "some other night" crap. Tonight is Panther's ONLY chance to get his get his hands on me legally! If he doesn't make it tonight...that's it! No more chances! Panther will never get his hands on me again, and to make sure he doesn't, I'll see to it that if the sonuvabitch comes within even 50 miles of an OAOAST show, he'll be arrested on the spot! (chuckles) So much for me getting my ass handed to me, eh Jackie?

Bryte pinches her cheek before brushing by her and walking away confidently. He gets about halfway down the hall before...


Yes, Jackie?

Jackie can barely contain her laughter as she LITERALLY hands Bryte his ass, which has fallen off again. Bryte's face turns red with embarrassment.


Bryte snatches his ass from Jackie and throws a Judo chop her way, sending her scurrying in the opposite direction. He then mumbles the words "smart ass" to himself, pulls his ass close to his chest and walks out of camera view.

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Well, folks, coming up next, we have.....

Woke Up This Morning
Got Yourself A Gun
Mama Always Said You'd Be
The Chosen One

Can never quite finish that sentence, huh Cole?

*Drek Stone walks out of the entranceway to a LOUD chorus of boos. Standing at the top of the ramp with a microphone in his hand, he slowly begins to walk down the ramp, with an army of policemen marching behind him.

Look at how sharp Drek is dressed tonight. Black suit jacket....blue cashmere shirt.....this is how a champion SHOULD look like. Not that grunge stuff the Mad Cappa wore!

So, to you, being a champion means knowing how to spend money?

Absolutely. Look at Zack Malibu. Look at Black T. And now look at Drek Stone. You need to have class when you're a champion. And Drek is just oozing in class. I mean....look at that! How impressive!

But I wonder what Drek is doing here with all those policemen.

When you're as important as he is, sometimes cops just become necessary. I can't count how many times I've had the police escorting me around arenas.

Cole, I am going to have to agree with that one. The police have helped me out of multiple arenas!

Coach, I.....

Just forget it.

*At this point, Drek is standing in the ring, waiting for the audience to stop their boos for a little while. However, the crowd refuses to let up with their chants of "Drek Stone Sucks!" so he decides to finally interrupt them and begin his interview*

Was there any doubt?

*Once again, the fans begin to boo*

I mean, really now. Was there any doubt about what was going to happen on Sunday night? Did you people REALLY think that I wasn't going to snatch that Puerto Rican Title away from the Mad Cappa? I mean.....it looks like Coach had his doubts....


It looks like Cole had his doubts....


And it looks like you people....as unbelievable as this may sound....it looks like all of you had your doubts about what I was going to be able to accomplish. But, I'm a fair man. I'm willing to let bygones be bygones, and I'm willing to put this entire mess behind us. So, starting now.....folks, get ready......I am willing to accept your apologies.

*Again, the building breaks out into a loud series of boos*

That's right. For all of you morons, gavones, and stunads in this arena tonight that actually doubted for one second that I was going to make the Mad Cappa bleed.....that I was going to make him sob at the Great Angle Bash....that I was going to prove he was nothing more than an untalented bitch.....for those of you that doubted I was going to do all that....feel free to apologize NOW!

*The majority of the crowd begins to scream "Asshole!" at Drek, leaving him to actually look somewhat shocked at their response*

Well, I should have known. That's the one true sign of an unintelligent bunch. Not knowing when to realize that they have been beaten. You people don't realize it yet. And you know what....the Mad Cappa hadn't realized it yet either until last Sunday. Now where is he? Do you know where he is? Laying in some hospital bed desperately trying to rid himself of that ringing sound from vibrating throughout his skull. And WHO PUT HIM THERE?! I KNOW you people know the answer to that one!

I warned him. And you people are all witnesses to that fact. I warned him to just hand over the title, or he was going to face gruesome consequences. Some of you know my history. You know what I was able to accomplish along the mean streets of Brooklyn, New York. Well, Cappa didn't care. He wanted to test me. And now.....now, he knows EXACTLY what I was able to accomplish. And so do all of you. So, as far as my ability goes....as far as my toughness, as far as my absolute and utter superiority in technical wrestling and street-fighting skills......I think that question has now been answered and in spades. But now there begs one important question. One question everyone has been asking me since Sunday. I mean, I'm tired of all the incessant phone calls. Halle Berry, Robert DeNiro, Britney Spears.....hell, even George Bush a couple of times.....everyone BEGGING me to find out just why I held that sledgehammer in my hands, lifted it up high, and smashed it into the Puerto Rican Title. And do you know why I did it?

*The chant of “Asshole” begins once again*

No, no……not because I’m an asshole. It’s nice that you people have learned to master that word, but I don’t think it’d being used in the proper context here. See, the reason why I shattered the Puerto Rican Title the way I did was……because all of you needed me to. Now, hear me out!

See…..I knew there was a valid reason.

Needed him to? What kind of twisted-up logic is this?

That’s right. This federation…..you people….everyone needed me to crush that title until it was nothing more than tiny golden shards. The title was a joke, and it always was going to be looked upon that way. It was introduced into the federation as part of an egotistical power trip – something that I personally despise, thank you – and, truth be told, not even I was going to be able to boost the credibility of that piece of tin. I was not willing to degrade myself by wearing that garbage around my waist! I mean…..the Puerto Rican Title?! What the hell is that all about?! Just look at the name itself. If Cappa wanted to go for something ethnic….fine, the OAOAST Puerto Rican Golden HubCap Title would have been just fine. But me….speaking for myslelf….I needed something else.

Oh, how disgusting. That attitude is sickening!

Congratulations, Drek. You’ve just managed to isolate our entire Puerto Rican audience.

Yeah, well…..that other show does it too. At least Drek has the sense to not goosestep in the ring.

So yeah, I destroyed that title for the OAOAST as a whole. To get rid of a title that we didn’t need. To get rid of a title that – even through ITS NAME – was an absolute, utter joke. I destroyed that title for all of you people as well. So you wouldn’t be sitting at home on a Thursday night….perhaps watching HeldDown with a friend or two….embarrassed at the idea of someone coming down to the ring as the Puerto Rican Champion of the world. It’s humiliating! And yes, Cappa, I even did it for you. Sometimes, I even amaze myself when it comes to my humanitarian ways.

It’s true! The Nobel Prize Committee is going to be knocking down his door any second!

But…..don’t you worry. For all of you people that love the idea of more titles in the OAOAST, don’t fret for a second. I didn’t fight two months just to have nothing to show for it. In fact, I have something here…..tonight. Which is why all these policemen are here. I needed some adequate protection for what I’ve brought here tonight. Since Monday morning, this thing has been under lock-and-key, and it took some special doings to get it here tonight. But it’s arrived! And it’s here! And, although this may look like it’s a little over-the-top….trust me….it’s certainly needed. Start bringing it out!

*Drek Stone and all of the policemen look towards the side entranceway where an armored car begins to slowly move out from behind the curtains. With a wide smile on his face, Drek stays focused on the truck until it slowly comes to a stop next to the ramp.*

Okay. Good. Good. Now somebody get my special gift.

*Two policemen walk over to the back of the truck and unlock the back doors. One cop pulls out a long suitcase from the armored car and begins to walk to the ring, while the other cop stays behind to lock up the doors again. The policeman with the suitcase slowly walks into the ring and, standing before Drek, holds the suitcase out to him.*

Is everybody ready for this? Because….remember now….I not only did this for me. I did it for all of you too. Here we go.

*The policeman hands a silver key over to Drek, who takes it with a content smile on his face. He slowly unlocks the suitcase, lifts the lid…….pulls the object out…..and holds it up for the fans. While some of the audience starts to boo, a surprising portion of the fans get up to start clapping. Meanwhile, the home audience can’t see the item yet. *

That’s right, ladies and gentlemen. Look at the beauty. Look at the craftsmenship. Look at the absolute perfection this thing represents. Something this precise….something this flawless…..can only belong to “Reckless” Drek Stone. To everyone here tonight, to all the folks sitting at home, to all the so-called professional athletes in the back….I present to you.

*Drek turns the item over so the camera gets a nice glance of it*

The OAOAST ITALIAN CHAMPIONSHIP!! Now that the Puerto Rican Title nonsense is out of the way, I hold now a title that we can ALL be proud of. There…..there really isn’t much more here I can say without……without getting all choked up. Well, besides this.

I’m not the Mad Cappa. I’m a fighting champion and, dammit, I am going to start out the lineage of the OAOAST Italian Championship on a good note. This is why, next week, I’m prepared to make my first title defense – ALREADY. Anybody in the back that wants a title shot, feel free to come out next week and request it. This isn’t going to be a joke like what Cappa had. This is for real, just like I’m for real. And Cappa, once you’re able to will yourself out of that hospital bed….come on down. I’m perfectly willing to show you what a respectable title is all about. Once again, I continue to improve the OAOAST one step at a time.

*Drek’s theme music starts to play over the loudspeakers as he holds the title up for the crowd another time. Once again, he receives the same somewhat-mixed reaction. Drek then saunters over to the ropes and slowly steps through them. As he walks back towards the locker room, the policemen follow him, still giving him a protective shield. At the top of the ramp, he holds up the newly-formed Italian Championship one more time before walking to the back*

This……I’m just speechless.

Watch what you say, Coach. We don’t need you to start offending Italians around here.

You mean like Drek offended Puerto Ricans earlier tonight?

He didn’t try to offend Puerto Ricans tonight, Cole. Get a clue. He was just poking fun at the negative stereotypes of certain cultures that our country has developed, so people will start to become aware of the goal of racial equality that everyone should be building to strive for. How could you not understand that?!


On the other hand….the OAOAST Italian Championship. Brilliant. This is just the type of thing that the OAOAST needed! Once again, Drek amazes me with his ability to know exactly what the people want.

Wait until The Mad Cappa finds out about this, if he doesn’t know already. Drek destroyed Cappa’s title….just so he could build his own. What an ego.

What devotion to this federation.

Well, it’s something all right. Coming up next, we have……wait, I’m being told we have to go to a commercial. Damn. One of these days, I’m going to finish these “Coming up next” sentences….

No you’re not.


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*The lights go out in the arena as the fans stand in unison to see what happens. A green light appears in the entrance way as we see two black figures step in front of the green lasers. Suddenly the lights flash on as Metallica’s “Unforgiven” blasts into the arena. Standing on the entrance way now is Ryan Smith on one knee with his arms outstretched to his sides and Damaramu standing behind him pointing at the fans. Dama is suddenly back to normal as his hair is back to it’s normal dirty blonde color(still tied in a ponytail with two strands hanging down in the front) and his blue eyes are showing. He however still wears the black sleeveless Misfits shirt and black tights that say “Damaramu” down the side. The pose is quickly broken as both men begin to head to the ring slapping the fans hands and pointing to the crowd. Both men enter the ring and climb the ropes playing to the crowd as the fans go nuts.*

Ladies and gentleman it happened so fast on Sunday! Ryan Smith destroyed The Skulls and then had a bloody war with Damaramu before Smith’s own rage gave Damaramu a glimpse at redemption. In that moment Ryan Smith saved Damaramu!

They’re both losers!

*Ryan Smith quiets the crowd down as he grabs a microphone.*

You know since Sunday I’ve had people come up to me everywhere and say “Ryan Smith! Why did you forgive Damaramu!? You had a chance to bash his skull in right there! You should’ve finished him off for all the wrongs that he committed! I say to them “You’ve obviously never had a best friend that you love.” Because to me when I was in college Damaramu was my best friend. He was always there for me. We were the greatest of friends and we were inseparable. Then he got the call from New Japan and beat me in the wrestling match. Something changed him and he returned with a mean streak. I wanted to save my friend so I came to OAOAST and slowly watch him descend into madness and evil. The Cult was formed and I became there favorite whipping boy. I finally declared that I wanted to destroy them all but deep down inside I was still wanting to save my friend. Deep down inside I wanted to redeem his soul and save him from whatever was consuming him. In the end my rage finally made him see the light. Then people say “Why forgive him so quickly?” Well you obviously don’t fucking understand! My heart was broken completely when I lost my friend! I was willing to do anything to get him back and when he layed there before me begging for forgiveness I had no choice....I knew my friend was back. It’s that simple. I wanted my best friend back and I knew I had him.

*the fans cheer as Smith steps back obviously a little bit choked up. He hands the mic over to Dama and the fans EXPLODE.*


Thank you. Thank you very much. God I don’t know what happened to me....I was lost. I was confused...my own petty jealously consumed me. I let the evil that I learned in Japan build up in my heart. I let it all take me over. And I ended up being the evil bastard that I was. When I lay there on the mat bleeding and looked up to see the very lead pipe that I had used repeatedly to injure others and Ryan I realized that I was wrong. It was like a spell was broken. I saw Ryan’s rage and saw myself in his face. And something inside of me snapped. In that very moment in time I felt everything freeze. Time stopped and somewhere in my head I saw a window to the evil within my soul shatter....replaced by the young man that I used to be. That’s when I knew that I was wrong and I must cry out to Ryan to forgive me. I didn’t expect him to.....but I knew that I would be able to rest peacefully with the fact that I repented right there. But Ryan was wanting what I was wanting. He was wanting to forgive me...the connection we had....the friendship at that moment in time was rekindled. And the rest is history.....we’re back!

*the fans go nuts again was both men raise there hands to the air.*


*the fans stop afraid that Dama is going to attack Ryan.*

However there was one thing Ryan. That moment in time when the window to my soul shattered I could’ve sworn I heard someone cry out! I could’ve sworn that I saw a man cry out in anger in my head.......and since then I’ve been remembering somebody. Somebody that came and recruited me to New Japan. I have no memory of this mysterious man....just a shadow. But I know he led me to New Japan. I know he led me to evil. And I know he led me to Mexico and The Cult!

*Ryan Smith begins to say something to his friend but suddenly all the lights in the arena go out. A green spotlight appears on the entrance ramp as The Misfits “Scarecrow Man” plays. The fans boo loudly as two bandaged figures appear on the entrance ramp. One really tall and one short. The lights go back up to reveal a heavily bandaged Skull Mask and Skull Kid standing on the entrance ramp.*

Are they going to speak?

*Skull Kid lifts a microphone to his lips and begins to speak.*

SHUT THIS SHIT UP! I’m fucking tired of listening to you sit out here and blow each other! I’m out here to put and end to this absurd friend love fest and tell you how it fucking is Damaramu! You’re ass was never in charge! You think you controlled us!? HUH!? YOU THINK SO!? No we were here to keep you in line and control you! Motherfucker you were nothing but a puppet in the grand scheme of things! And apparently you were a weak one at that! Your friend lifts a lead pipe above your head and the spell is broken!? GIVE ME A FUCKING BREAK! I knew you were weak and I knew you wouldn’t be able to achieve what we were going for! You failed in New Japan and now you’ve failed in America! Your life is over pal! And you just took your best friend with you! There was a man and he’s coming. Voltaire is coming Damaramu and then you and Ryan Smith.....you’re both finished! Darkness is sweeping over the OAOAST and you thought that you were the one to control it? You were just the catalyst Damaramu! You thought you were destroying us after we lost last night because you couldn’t tolerate weakness? You were programmed to do that pal! Nothing you did was on your own accord! It’s over.....IT’S FUCKING OVER FOR YOU BOTH!

*Ryan Smith and Damaramu stand in the ring with a befuddled look on there faces as Skull Kid’s rage spills out. Skull Kid tosses the microphone to the ground as green smoke rises from the stage and envelops he and Skull Mask. The smoke slowly washes away revealing Skull Mask and Skull Kid missing. The fans all stand in confusion as do Damaramu and Ryan Smith.*


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(We go backstage where Eddy Kalm is standing around in his locker room. Suddenly the door swings open and Rick Edwards comes into the room. Rick looks at Eddy and then slams him up against a wall.)

You son of a bitch! You set me up didn’t you!?

I had nothing to do with it! You won didn’t you?

I barely won against YOUR friend!

I had no idea that he was the mystery opponent, I promise!

I thought I could trust you! You seemed like the only one around here who actually cared!

I do care!

*Suddenly Rick is pulled off Eddy and slammed against the wall by Parka.*

Leave him alone Rick! He had nothing to do with this! I was the one who contacted Abe about coming back. I never even told Eddy or Peter that I was coming back.

Don’t tell me…you’re friends with Leah Blackstone aren’t you?

No…I don’t know her.

What do you care about me? Why pick me to come back against?

I picked you because I used to be just like you. I thought no one gave a crap about me and I was bound to make them care one way or another. The problem is that people do care already and you’re just too blind to see it! You’re shutting out those that care and letting those that only care about themselves control you.

I’ve heard all this before.

Obviously you haven’t listened very well then!

*Parka lets him down*

You’re like a little kid sometimes. Sooner or later you’ll have to stand up to J. Arthur and The Boss and then maybe you can become your own man like you’ve said. You’ve got to know who to trust and I can tell you right now you can trust us. Something about this “Boss” of yours isn’t right!

What am I supposed to do?

Quit working for The Boss, because he will eventually bring you down.

I can’t just quit. What would J. Arthur think? He’s family.

That J. Arthur guy is the worst. He’s hiding something and I know it.

Well no one is what they seem anymore are they? What I don’t get is even after this past Sunday you’d still help me?

I didn’t come back for nothing. Let’s just say I was a big Blurricane fan back in the day.

I don’t need fans and I don’t need your help.

Fine, but you watch yourself kid.

*Rick leaves the room and Parka helps Eddy up.*

Why did I let you talk me into this?

Because you’re a good person.

Parka just laughs and pats Eddy on the back as we cut to see Jim Cornette and his New New Midnight Express argueing with a OAOAST cameraman backstage.

Follow me. The world will want to see this.

We past through the OAOAST.com staff, interview area and various celebrites hanging out backstage. The camera stops at a room labeled CATERING, with a warning sign: CAUTION: J.R. INSIDE...ENTER AT OWN RISK!

(to cameraman:)
Make sure you get this all on tape.

The men rush the catering area. With a piece of fried chicken in his mouth, and holding a bucket of KFC in his right hand, Jivin' J.R. turns in horror as the Midnights come his way. The Midnights nail J.R. with their knees. Being held by MX, J.R. doubles over. Ned pulls J.R.'s head back. Cornette cocks his TENNIS RACKET and surfs...WHAM! J.R. falls to the floor. All three men stomp him. Cornette repeatedly slams his tennis racket across J.R.'s back. The Midnights pull J.R. back up. We have a GUSHER! His face now bloodly, Cornette continues to punish his friend by slapping and punches him multiple times.

I tried to help you, J.R. You don't want my help? Now you're gonna sufer the same way all our enemies suffer.

A loud thud echos throughout the room. BLACK T have arrived. The Midnights and Black T slug it out in the catering room. T-Bod dives onto Ned, sending them both over one of the many tables located in the room. Cornette is slouched over J.R., punching away at his bloody forehead. Dan slaps Simon with a piece of chicken. T-Bod grabs the empty bucket of KFC and places it over Ned's head, then kicks him between the legs. With the bucket still over his head Ned drops to his knees, holding and rubbing his groin, trying to ease the pain. T-Bod grabs James E. by the hair...BOOM! Down goes Cornette with a vicious right hand. T-Bod reaches for the bloody tennis racket and takes a moment to look it over. T-Bod may be rich, but tennis isn't his sport. Dan & Simon are exchanging punches and chops. POW! Simon got whacked across the back. Simon gets lifted into the air...ATOMIC DROP. Dan CLOTHESLINES Simon from behind, his momentum draping [Simon] onto the table, where T-Bod puts Simon's head into a punch bowl. Black T each grab an arm and a leg and slide Simon across the table, right into James E. and Ned, who was still on his knees with the bucket over his head. Cornette & Ned help Simon up and hightail it.

(covering up the camera lense)
Don't film this!

Dan & T-Bod kneel over a fallen J.R., perhaps showing some compassion for the Farmer of Champions.

MAH GAWD! I'm bleedin' like a stuck pig!

At least you're not rolling around in your own flith like last time.

What took you so long?

The Champs spot the cameraman filming. The cameraman begins backing away.

Hey. Hey! Get over here. Now! (pointing to J.R.) You see that man right there? That's our bitch. And nobody messes with our bitch except us. Simon, Ned, Cornette... we know it's all about the titles. You're attempt to provoke us into granting you another title shot has failed.

Quite pathetically, I might add.

For months Black T begged the OAOAST to provide us with competition. We went as far as to challenge the SWF tag team champions, but the board of directors told us to back off due to a legal letter they received from their attorney. Nobody wanted a part of us. The Rave & Assault Squad -- pinned. The Lightning Crew -- thunderclapped. GPX -- crushed. Jingus & The Sadist -- beaten. You got your rematch. We like the fact you gentlemen have balls. But come This Ain't Oz, you'll find out our balls are bigger. Be prepared, ladies.

T-Bod smooches towards the camera as we go to the commercials...

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We cut to a shot of Sly Sommers...lying on the ground in the back.

What the hell?

A team of paramedics is attending to Sly, who is bleeding profusely from his forehead. Sly is barely moving. One of the medics signals for a stretcher.

Hey, good news, huh!

Come on, Booze, be serious. Sly's hurt!

It looks like he's been attacked!

A medic tells Sly to "try not to move" as another two load him up onto a stretcher. The camera pans up...then to the left as a familiar voice is heard off-screen:

Aww, something happened to Sly!

The camera pans further over to reveal Zack Malibu, smirking, and Calvin Szechstein with a look of mock horror on his face.

NO! Who would dare lay a hand on Sly Sommers!

Calvin busts out guffawing as Zack slaps him on the back, also laughing.

Aw, poor guy! He's a wreck.

Looks like someone took a lead pipe to his face -- I mean, I have no idea what could have happened!

Zack and Calvin continue to laugh as the EMTs wheel Sly past them.

*cut to Sofa Central*

What a sickening display by Zack Malibu and Calvin Szechstein!

Hey, who knows what happened to Sly? A lot of people don't like that guy. I don't!

Well, did you attack him?

...I was right here.


Well we've got word that Sly is stable, but he'll be taken to a medical center for evaluation.

The arena lights dim as "It's Goin' Down" by Linkin Park ft. the X-ecutioners hits the PA system. A dim blue hue covers the arena and white strobe lights begin to flash at the entrance as smoke rolls out from the locker room.

Watch them flee.

Watch them flee.

Wa--Wa--Watch them flee.
Hip hop hits.

*scratch* *scratch*

And you do it like this...

The crowd voices its disapproval as Chris Bryte steps through the smoke and out onto the stage. He thrusts his arms into the air and revels in the boos as he heads down the ramp to ringside.

Well, fans, Chris Bryte is on his way out to ringside. Of course, this past Sunday at the Great Angle Bash, after Panther got involved in his match with Leon Rodez, Chris Bryte snapped. He completely went off the deep end and challenged Panther to a one-on-one confrontation here tonight on HeldDOWN!

And that just shows what type of man Chris Bryte is. Not a coward, like Panther, who has to come from the crowd and attack from behind. I'm talking a real man! Chris Bryte was willing to call Panther out--he didn't even have to do it! He'd proven that he was the better man at Living Anglelously when he ended Panther's career, but being the man that he is, he laid a challenge out for Panther to face him man-to-man. And Cole, as much as you like men, I'm sure that you especially have to admire this manly display by Chris Bryte.

(rolls eyes) Well I dunno how manly it is at all. Sunday night, Bryte made the challenge, but tonight, now tonight he's saying that this is Panther's only chance to get a piece of him. That if Panther doesn't show up tonight, he'll never get a shot at him again. I mean...suddenly, it seems as if Chris Bryte isn't so anxious to face Panther.

Are you kidding me, Cole?! You heard him earlier. He was here at 10 in the morning waiting for that punk Panther!

The building didn't even open until 2!

And I've been here since 1:30, Boo-Boo, and outside of his encounter with Jackie, this is my first time seeing Chris Bryte today!

Same here, Coach .

Well obviously, the two of you weren't looking hard enough. I saw Chris Bryte with my own two eyes, and all day long he was searching this arena--from top to bottom. In fact, he'd have been here even earlier, but along the way, he stopped to save a bunch of orphans from a flaming bus. This guy's a true role model!


By now, Bryte is in the ring, and he's grabbed a mic from Michael Buffer. The crowd noise is deafening, as chants of "WE WANT PANTHER" echo throughout the building. Bryte waits a moment for the chant to die down before raising the mic to his lips and preparing to speak.

Now...as I've sure most of you know...I challenged Panther to show up to meet me here tonight. And as of this moment, Panther has yet to show his face in this arena. (crowd boos) Yeah, I don't blame you for booing Panther's cowardice. Now earlier on, I said that I'd give Panther 20 minutes to show his face before I left this arena...knowing full well that once I leave, Panther will NEVER be able to legally get his hands on me again. Well...we officially passed the 20 minute mark about 3 minutes ago! (crowd boos) Yeah, I know! I know you were all looking forward to seeing Panther here tonight! I was looking forward to it as well. And ya know...(sigh) ya know what, I am a man of the people! I mean, it wasn't too long ago that I was a fan just like all of you. And out of appreciation for you, the fans...I'm gonna give Panther some more time to get here!

The crowd gives a good-sized pop in the background!

You people like that?! (crowd pops) Good! Panther's got 10 more seconds to get here, and then I'm gone! Ok?! (LOUD boos)

10 seconds?!

How kind is Chris Bryte?! Always looking out for the interests of others! God bless that man!

But 10 seconds...?! Only 10 seconds?!

What about it?! Panther's known about this challenge for almost a week now! He's lucky that Chris is generous enough to give him this much time!

Say what you want, 'Boose, but I don't think Bryte wants to face Panther at all! I think he stuck his foot in his mouth at the PPV, realized just what the hell he's gotten himself into, and is now trying to get out of it at all costs!

And that's why we don't pay you to think, Cole. Now shut your mouth! Chris Bryte is counting!

Bryte looks at his watch while counting down the seconds with his left hand. The crowd, being the chipper bunch that they are, counts along with Bryte.










2 and 1/2...

2 and 3/4....



The crowd boos once more in the background as Bryte's countdown ends.

Hey, I gave him a chance. I even gave him *10 MORE SECONDS* to show, but obviously, Panther isn't coming. I'm sorry, but there will be no confrontation tonight!

Bryte drops his mic and starts for the ropes, with everything from cups to bottles to a life-sized cardboard cutout of Jimmy "JJ" Walker being hurled at him by the fans. Bryte steps through the ropes and hops out to the floor, and is just about head up the ramp when suddenly...


A HUUUUUUUUUGE pyro blast explodes on stage, and "State Prop (You Know Us)" hits the PA system. The crowd erupts in the background as the doors at the entrance slide open, and Panther coolly steps out from the back clad in his black "Panther 215" jersey (with red trim), black jeans, black boots and his own pair of shades. At the base of the ramp, Chris Bryte looks as if he's about to have an aneurysm.


I think the bigger issue here is why the HELL a guy that DOESN'T EVEN WORK HERE is getting music and pyro!

Panther is on his way down to ringside, and Chris Bryte can't believe it!

Bryte slides back into the ring as Panther starts down the ramp. After taking a moment to calm himself down, Bryte turns towards Panther and begins to wave him on. Panther is happy to oblige, and quickly slides into the ring himself, going face to face with the Bryte man. The music dies down, and LOUD chants of "PANTHER, PANTHER" echo throughout the arena as the two men eye one another down.

Oh boy, here we go, folks! Panther and Bryte! Face to face! Eye to eye! You can feel the tension in this arena!

Mos' def! I've got goosebumps, Cole! Feel my arm!

Um...I'd rather not--

(slaps Cole) FEEL IIIIIIIIT~!

Ow...ok, ok.

The staredown continues, with neither man moving a muscle, and the crowd becoming louder and more rabid by the moment. Eventually, Bryte removes his shades and tosses them to the mat, shooting an INTENSE~ glare Panther's way, hoping to psych him out. It doesn't have the desired effect, however, as Panther smirks, cracks his knuckles, and removes his own shades, sending a cold, dark look Bryte's way. Bryte tries to hold his ground, but is visibly unnerved by Panther's glare. He cuts his eyes to the ground, then back up at Panther. He then cuts his eyes to the crowd...then back up at Panther. Bryte then begins to tremble, bringing a sinister smile to Panther's face. Bryte does a McMahon-esque gulp and quickly backs away from Panther, holding his hands up and trying to reason with the former 24/7 Champ. Panther has none of it. He advances on Bryte (drawing a loud pop from the crowd), sending him backpedalling into the ropes. The camera zooms in tight as Bryte covers up against the ropes, with Panther towering above him ready to strike at any moment. With the crowd surging behind him, Panther cocks his fist, rears back...




Oh no!

As Panther struggles to get a shot in on Bryte, the camera slowly pans out, revealing who it is that Panther is struggling with.



Yes! THE HAND~! He's got Panther by the wrist, preventing him from striking Bryte. Panther turns to face The Hand, only to get ROCKED with a straight right hand to the top of the head. In the ropes, Bryte slowly comes out of his guarded stance and begins to laugh. He grabs the mic off the canvas and begins to speak.

Did you actually think I'd make it that easy, Panther! Did you actually think--

Panther makes a lunge for Bryte, only to be cut off by The Hand. He grabs Panther in a double chicken-wing and pulls him back to his feet. Blood is beginning to stream down Panther's forehead from the tremendous shot from The Hand.

Gee, Panther, you disappoint me. I mean...c'mon! The Panther I knew and idolized growing up NEVER would've fallen for a trap like this! I mean, damn it...you were the brightest mind in the game! WHAT HAPPENED?!

Panther makes another go for Bryte, but is unable to free himself from The Hand's grasp. With Panther neutralized, Bryte cockily walks up to him and slaps him hard across the face. Panther is furious, and again, attempts to get at Bryte, but is still unable to break free from The Hand. Bryte just shakes his head.

Ya know, Panther, I was actually hoping for more outta you! I mean...for the past couple of months, all I've been hearing from these fans are "We Want Panther! We want Panther!" Well believe it or not, I want Panther too! I want the *REAL* Panther! I want the Champion of Champions! I want the Heavy Hitter! The Personification of Greatness! This guy right here...this isn't Panther! Oh no, no! This is guy right here is a mere shell of a once-great wrestler! A shell of a guy who had what it takes to be one of the all-time greats in this business! Chris Bryte actually had respect for Panther! This guy right here...he isn't worthy of respect! He isn't worthy of being in the OAOAST! Hell...this guy here isn't even worthy of breathing the same air that I breathe!

In The Hand's clutches, Panther is seething. Chants of "PANTHER, PANTHER" start up once again as Bryte walks up to Panther and slaps him again. Panther once again struggles to break free, but halts his attempt when Bryte grabs him by the jaw and looks him square in the eye. Panther glares angrily at Bryte as the blood continues to flow down his head.

Wait a second...wait...is that what I think it is? Do I see a bit of the OLD Panther somewhere in there?! Huh?!

I'll kill you! You piece of shit!

(chuckles) I dunno, fans! What do you think?! (the crowd pops in the background) Eh...I dunno it's hard to tell. I think it's possible that you've still got something left in ya...I think there's still just a little hint of greatness left in that shell of yours, Panther! But you've gotta prove it to me! Prove it to the fans! Everybody in the back! Prove it...in the ring!


That's right, Panther! I'm asking you to step in the ring one more time and prove that you're still the guy you used to be! To prove that you're still the Champ of Champs! But not against me, Panther! No! You haven't shown yourself worthy of being able to step into the ring with the Bryte Man! No! I want you...I'm CHALLENGING you to step in the ring with one of the deadliest men on the planet! The man who possesses the strongest, most powerful hands in the world! I want you to step in the ring with...THE HAND~!


Yeah! The challenge is laid out, Panther. All you've gotta do is accept...you don't even HAVE to win! Just accept the match and I'll waive the stipulation from our match at Living Anglelously! I'll allow you to come back to the OAOAST! I may even allow you to get another shot at me...but that ONLY if you accept my challenge! Until then, I'm done wasting my prescious time on you, Panther! If you've got anything else you wanna say, don't take it up with me, TALK TO THE HAND~! GET HIM!

Bryte steps aside just as The Hand releases Panther and drops him with a right hand to the back of the head. Bryte slides out of the ring and starts back up the ramp as the fans boo him out of the building!

I can't believe this! That damn Chris Bryte has left Panther to get destroyed by this monstrous Hand!

That's THE HAND, Cole! THE HAND~!


The Hand lifts Panther back to his feet, and drills him with an uppercut to the body, instantly sending him to his knees. He lifts Panther back up and nails him with another HARD shot to the stomach that sends Panther flailing halfway across the ring. Officials begin to storm the ring, hoping to get The Hand away from Panther, but the big man quickly disposes of them, sending each one flying with hard rights and lefts. On the canvas, Panther valiantly tries to pull himself back to his feet. He's now beginning to cough up a significant amount of blood.

Aww damn!

This is getting hard to watch.

Panther stumbles back to his feet as The Hand turns back to him with a psychotic glare on his face. Panther makes a weak lunge for the monster in a last-ditch effort to defend himself, but ends up running straight into a clawhold from The Hand! Panther throws several punches at The Hand's wrists, hoping to break the grip, but the big man only digs his fingers deeper into Panther's skull. The blood from Panther's head begins flowing more freely as a result of pressure from hold, and you can almost hear Panther's skull cracking as The Hand squeezes more and more. It appears as if this could be the end for Panther, but just as he begins to fade, The Hand nonchalantly flings him to the canvas. The crowd heat is massive as The Hand flicks Panther's blood off of his hand and calmly exits the ring.

Ladies and gentlemen...my God! The Hand has just done a number on Panther...he's hurt badly...and Caboose is laughing! How in the HELL can you laugh at something like that?!

Because it's funny!

You...(sighs). Panther's down. He's been dismantled by The Hand.

And if The Hand handled him this easily tonight, how's Panther gonna handle him when they meet in the ring?!

After the way he was handled tonight, what makes you think Panther's even gonna agree to face this man in the ring?!

EMTs rush out to the ring to attend to Panther, who's still coughing up blood on the canvas. On the stage, The Hand takes one last look at the arena before disappearing into the locker room.

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Folks, we are just moments away from tonight's contest between the Thrillogy's Hoff and the Bleeding Souls' AJ Flaire!

What's that? Bleeding Souls? Haven't seen those guys in awhile...HA!

Well be that as it may, AJ Flaire is certainly primed for battle here tonight. He wants a piece of the Big Hoff Daddy!

"The Phenomenal" AJ Flaire has been seething all night to get at Hoff, but it looks like the Thrillogy has stacked the numbers in their favor?

What do you mean?

Well, presumably, Zack Malibu and Calvin Szechstein laid out Sly Sommers earlier this evening--


Now come on, Caboose! Clearly, Zack and Calvin were involved in the assault--

Clearly nothing, Cole. As I remember it, Zack and Cal were very shook up by the whole incident.

Well in any case, Sly Sommers was assaulted earlier tonight; he is fine, but he was taken to a nearby medical facility for care and further examination.

Yeah, and with Northstar preoccupied, the numbers are very slanted in the Thrillogy's favor.

At any rate, it should be a hell of a fight.

CUE: "Man in the Box" by Alice in Chains

The fans come to life as AJ Flaire's theme music hits!

Ladies and gentlemen, the following match is scheduled for one fall to a finish, with TV time remaining, and it is for the OAOAST TWENTY-FOUR-SEVEN CHAMPIONSHIP!! Making his way down the aisle, weighing in this evening at 215 pounds, he is a former X Division champion, and his high-flying style and technical expertise have earned him the nickname of "Phenomenal"... AAAAAA-JAAAAAAAY FLLLLLLLAAAAIRE!!!!!!!!

AJ comes out of the entrancway to a huge pop! He points out across the sea of fans as he heads down the aisle, then slides under the ring and pops to his feet! AJ pumps up the crowd even further, and motions an imaginary belt around his waist!

AJ wants the gold!

We'll see.

A huge "A-J, A-J" chant picks up around the arena as "Man in the Box" fades...being replaced by "Black" as the chant dissipates into boos.

HERE he is! The man!

Hoff steps out onto the stage, slowly, with the 24/7 Title strapped around his waist. He smirks as he gazes over the crowd.

And his opponent, weighing in at 275 pounds, he is known as the Enforcer and the Assassin of the Thrillogy, the current and reigning twenty-four-seven champion....THIS IS HOFF!!!!!

Hoff makes his way down the aisle, slowly, locking eyes with AJ Flaire and never taking them off. Hoff smirks as Flaire stares daggers at him. Hoff walks up the ring steps and enters, waving AJ off with a quick dismissal before ascending to the second rope and raising his belt high in the air!

Hoff showing no respect to Flaire here.

Hoff smiles as the fans boo him mercilessly. Hoff hops off the ropes and hands his title to the referee, who hoists it high in the air to a small cheer. The ref shows the title to AJ, who doesn't even look at it, as his eyes are locked on Hoff. The big man locks eyes with AJ again, a much darker smile on his face this time as the bell rings to start the match. Hoff and AJ circle briefly, but Hoff stops as the loud "A-J" chant picks up again. Hoff slowly turns his head to the left, looking out to the stands and scowling.

These fans might be getting to Hoff!

No way, no way guys. Hoff's too smart for that.

Hoff turns his attention back to AJ Flaire, and the two circle again, both men stretching a little.

You've gotta wonder how good a shape AJ is in, we know his back is certainly not at 100%, and -- oh, here we go!

AJ darts at Hoff and knocks him slightly back as the two men lock up! AJ grabs Hoff in a collar and elbow tie-up, but Hoff resists and quickly powers AJ back into a corner. The referee steps in and calls for the break, and Hoff eases out of the lockup.

A rare clean break from Hoff there.

The official steps in between the two combatants and pushes Hoff away from the corner...but Hoff reaches over his head and slaps AJ hard across the face!


Aw, come on.

Hoff smirks -- but the smirk quickly fades as AJ comes barreling out of the corner! AJ charges at Hoff and shoves him hard into the opposite buckle! The fans come alive, but Hoff quells them by reversing the situation, spinning AJ around and throwing him into the buckle! Hoff lays into AJ with a big right hand that sends Flaire reeling! Hoff wallops AJ again, but the Phenomenal One has had enough, and grabs Hoff by the neck! AJ steps forward and spins Hoff into the corner, and unloads a backhand chop!


AJ chops Hoff again across the chest, and a third, and a fourth! AJ grabs a momentarily stunned Hoff and whips him to the opposite buckle, but Hoff puts on the brakes and reverses AJ back into the SAME buckle! AJ's knees buckle ever so slightly as his back hits the corner...

Did you see that guys? Did you?!

Yeah, yeah I saw it Booze, AJ's knees--

His KNEES! Ahaha, he's in NO shape for this match!

Before Flaire can recover, Hoff rushes him with a big back elbow that catches him in the throat! AJ flinches, and Hoff backs out of the corner slightly before running at him again! AJ sinks a little lower into the corner, and Hoff begins to unload a series of left and right hooks to the midsection of Flaire.

Sound strategy from Hoff, working over the gut of AJ Flaire, that'll make it hard for AJ to retain a vertical base.

Hoff finishes his punches with a right cross to the jaw of AJ that connects with a sickening sound. The fans jeer as Hoff, with a full head of steam, grabs AJ's arm and whips him hard across the ring. AJ slams into the opposite corner, face-first, and drops to the canvas.

Nice move by AJ, hitting that cornerpost chest-first to minimize the impact on his back.

Whoa, is someone feeding you lines or something?

No, I watch ER, sucka.

AJ rolls onto his stomach and crawls to his hands and knees, but Hoff stomps him across the small of the back, sending him back down with an audible cry of pain. The fans' jeers grow as Hoff lays the boots into the back of Flaire.

Now this is despicable.

It's good strategy! Think of how much worse the spinebuster or the H-Bomb will be after Hoff works that back over all match...

I don't even want to think of it.

Hoff picks AJ up and whips him into the ropes, lowering his head for a back body drop, but AJ stops and kicks Hoff in the face! Hoff snaps up, and AJ catches him with a dropkick! AJ holds his back as he finds his feet, but he meets a rising Hoff with a quick armdrag takedown!

Go AJ go!

Hoff slides across the ring a bit before getting back up. Hoff charges Flaire, but AJ flips him with a Japanese armdrag! Hoff hits the mat back first, and grabs HIS back as AJ slaps on an armbar! AJ cranks in on the arm as Hoff tries to fight out of the hold!

It might be wise for AJ to work this ground-based style for awhile, or at least safer for his back!

Yeah, but all it takes is one power move from Hoff to send him to the showers...or worse.

Hoff shifts his body and gets to his knees, with the armbar still applied. Hoff gets to his feet, but AJ twists on the arm, causing Hoff to yell out in pain. Hoff, though, quickly reaches down and grabs a leg out from under AJ, causing him to fall to the ground and break the hold. Still holding onto the leg, Hoff drops an elbow across the inside of the knee.

Nice reversal by the big man!

Still on the leg, Hoff flips AJ over, then drives his knee into the mat. AJ grabs his knee as Hoff grabs him by the back of the tights, pulling him up from behind. Hoff pulls AJ almost to his feet, before driving a hard forearm to the small of the back!


AJ's back arches and he SCREAMS in pain, but Hoff keeps ahold of the tights! Hoff pulls AJ back up and delivers ANOTHER forearm shot, this time letting AJ fall to the mat. AJ grabs wildly at his back, while Hoff smiles out across the crowd. Hoff walks over to AJ, kicking him once in the back before suddenly dropping a big leg acorss the back of AJ's neck.

Oh, that did it!

Hoff rolls AJ over for a quick cover...but AJ gets out at two!

No, AJ's got more fight left in him than that, Booze!

Hoff pulls AJ up by his hair, yelling "you should have stayed down!" before throwing him into the ropes. This time, Hoff connects with the back body drop, sending the lighter Flaire sailing over his shoulders. AJ lands hard on his back, sitting straight up from the impact before almost collapsing back down.

All right, NICELY done by Hoff.

Hoff again walks over to AJ, kneling and slapping on a rear chinlock, then setting AJ's back on his knee. Hoff pulls back hard on the chinlock, driving his knee into AJ's back! AJ flails his arms wildly, but he can't break free! The official asks AJ if he wants to give up, but AJ screams no! Finally, Hoff lets go of the hold, standing up and looking down at AJ.

AJ is in a bad way after that move, guys.

Hoff looks down at AJ, waving him to his feet. Slowly, painfully, AJ turns oer and crawls to his knees, then his feet, and Hoff casually throws a punch, but AJ ducks! AJ quickly rises and grabs Hoff's arm, hooking it with his own! AJ rotates and hooks Hoff's other arm, and tries to turn him over for a backslide!

Come on AJ!

AJ looking for a backslide, but he can't quite get Hoff over!

He's too weak, not enough strength left in the back!

AJ strains, desparately trying to flip Hoff, but Hoff resists, and flips AJ instead...but AJ lands on his feet! AJ snaps a kick to Hoff's shin before the big man can react! Hoff stutters, and AJ catches him with a forearm uppercut to the face! Hoff staggers back, and AJ whips him off the ropes! Hoff comes off, leapfrog, by AJ, and he catches Hoff coming off the other side with a monkey flip! Hoff flies over and slides across the ring, landing near the ropes and rolling to the outside! The fans are ballistic!

What a move by AJ Flaire!

AJ points to Hoff, smiling, as Hoff slaps the ring apron in frustration! Hoff paces as AJ pumps his fist in celebration -- but AJ suddenly stops and sinks to his knees, holding his back.

Ah, but look what it took out of Flaire to do it!

Hoff seeing AJ fall to his knees, smiles and slides in the ring, sneaking up behind Flaire...but AJ comes from out of NOWHERE with a spinning leg sweep that takes Hoff down! Hoff falls as his legs get tangled, and AJ pops up and dives at Hoff! AJ mounts Hoff and begins pummeling him with a storm of fists!

Oh my God!

AJ was playing possum?! Unreal!

The official pulls Flaire off of Hoff, but AJ dives back at him! The fans are going wild as AJ unloads on Hoff! Hoff tries to cover his face, but AJ throws his hands to the side and wails on Hoff! Finally, Hoff is able to turn onto his back...but AJ shifts to the side and slaps on a Fujiwara armbar!

Fujiwara armbar locked in! Hoff could be in trouble!

Hoff slams his fist on the mat and screams out as AJ rears back on the arm! The referee checks with Hoff to see if he gives, but Hoff shoos him away! Slowly, Hoff begins to shift his weight and turn! AJ pulls back even harder and Hoff cries out, but Hoff is still able to reach out, and grab the bottom rope! The referee tells AJ to release...but AJ won't let go!!

Go ahead AJ, let it out, take him apart!

The referee begins a five count, but AJ breaks at four. Hoff shakes out his arm as he climbs to his feet, using the ropes for assistance...but AJ yanks him away! Grabbing Hoff's bad arm, AJ again slaps on the Fujiwara armbar...but Hoff fights it! AJ tries to force Hoff to the mat with the armbar...but Hoff yanks his arm away! AJ reaches for Hoff, grabbing him by the hand, but this proves unwise as Hoff pulls AJ in and DRILLS him with a short-arm clothesline!!

WHAT A COUNTER! That's why he's the 24/7 champion, Cole.

Hey, what about me?

YOU already know all this. Remember our little talk?

COACH (in a little kid voice)
You hurt me because you love me.

That's right.

Cole eyes his broadcast partners strangely as Hoff rubs on his sore shoulder. AJ rolls to his knees and tries to shake off the impact of the clothesline, but Hoff kicks him in the back again, sending him down. The fans boo the tactic, and a "you suck" chant picks up in the stands. Hoff flips the crowd off, much to their chagrin, before pulling AJ up by his hair. Hoff grabs AJ from the side and drops him down into a side backbreaker!

This could be bad news, the referee might want to-- oh what the hell?

The fans turn their attention to the entranceway, where Zack Malibu and Calvin Szechstein have emerged! Zack and Cal walk down the aisle, and remain standing between the aisle and the ring.

What could they want?

They're just out to support Hoff! Just like these people!

Uh-huh, right.

Hoff smiles down at his Thrillogy teammates, who look on with approval. Hoff picks up AJ Flaire and scoops him, dropping him down with a rib crusher. Hoff holds onto AJ, and quickly turns him over with a snap powerslam. The referee drops down to count the pinfall, but Hoff gets to his feet.

I don't get it, Hoff may have had him there!

Hoff walks over to AJ's legs as Flaire lies prone on the canvas. Hoff grabs AJ by the feet and hooks his legs under his own arms, and turns AJ over in a Boston Crab!

Whoa! Good thinking! That Boston Crab puts TONS of pressure on the lower back! AJ will never get out of this!

AJ flails and tries to free himself, before grabbing his hair and slamming the mat in frustration! The ref checks for the submission, but AJ screams "HELL NO!" The fans pop, but Hoff simply leans back into the hold, causing AJ to cry out in pain!

He's gotta give, for his own well-being!

Hoff looks back with a sadistic grin on his face as Calvin and Zack applaud at ringside. The fans chant for AJ, but it's to no avail as AJ begins to fade.

Looks like he might be passing out!

That could be a blessing in disguise, guys.

The referee checks AJ, who says nothing. The ref grabs AJ's arm once, lifts it, lets go...and the arm drops.

That's one!

The ref grabs AJ's arm again and lifts it...and it drops.


The ref grabs AJ's arm again...but Hoff lets go of the hold!!


The fans are irate as Hoff looks down at AJ, shaking his head. The official asks Hoff what he's doing, but Hoff shoves him away.

What is Hoff thinking?!

He could have had the match won!

Hoff kicks AJ cockily in the side, but AJ barely stirs.

No....no, I get it, I get it! This is all part of the plan!

The plan?

The plan that Hoff and the Thrillogy were talking about! They don't want to beat AJ Flaire...they want to HURT him!

What? Aw, come on!

This is sick.

No, don't you get it? This whole night has been according to plan! The attack on Sly was part of it too! Because now, the only person left to defend AJ is...


That's right...and to get to AJ, she's got to go through not just one man, but two! This is masterful!

Hoff, standing over AJ, holds his hand outstretched to the side, with the thumb up....then turns his hand down to a chorus of boos.

And now he's gonna finish the job!

Hoff picks AJ up off the mat. He laughs as AJ claws weakly at his tights, trying to pull himself up. Hoff grabs AJ by the hair and looks right into his eyes...


No way!

The arena comes to LIFE as AJ begins slugging wildly at Hoff! AJ lands blow after blow as Hoff, caught totally off-guard, reels backwards! AJ fires off a big knife edge chop! And another! AJ is a house afire as he sends Hoff into the ropes, and leaps, catching Hoff with a hurricanrana!


Hoff holds onto AJ's waist, blocking the move!

The arena holds its breath as Hoff rears back, flinging AJ onto his shoulders! Hoff sets AJ up just right, pointing his arms out to either side before throwing AJ off of him, catching AJ by the legs and dropping him with the


The fans are in shock, deflated after the tremendous H-Bomb. AJ lies still on the mat as Hoff pops to his feet, looking down on AJ in anger and disgust.

That was simply devastating.

AJ...someone needs to check on AJ.

The official goes to his knees, ready to count the pin, but Hoff, almost in a trance, shakes his head no. The ref checks on AJ's condition as Hoff...goes to the outside?

What, where is Hoff going now?

Hoff walks to the timekeeper's table, throwing him out of his chair and folding it.

He's going to finish the job, Mikey!

Aw, come on, this is sick!

Hoff slides into the ring, chair in hand, and the referee slides out. Hoff walks over to AJ's motionless form, kicking him in the ribs until he rolls onto his stomach.

Come on Hoff, don't do it, don't-- OH!

Hoff brings the chair down across AJ's back! AJ spasms as the fans begin cursing and jeering like mad. Zack and Calvin look on the scene, smiling wide as Hoff rears back...


...and brings the chair across AJ's back again!

AJ spasms wildly as Hoff, scowling, literally spits on AJ's back. The fans are ready to riot...but they suddenly EXPLODE!

What the-- CRYSTAL!!!

Crystal SPRINTS down the aisle, barreling toward the ring! Crystal blows right past Malibu and Szechstein, who were busy watching the scene in the ring! Crystal slides into the ring-- but ZACK GRABS HER ANKLE!

Oh, thank God.

Calvin quickly gets ahold of Crystal's other ankle, and together the two yank her out of the ring. Crystal ends up facing Cal, who blasts her with a right hand, spinning her toward Zack! Zack quickly kicks Crystal in the gut, and grabs her, driving her down with a FALLING STAR DRIVER!


Zack shouts curses down at Crystal as Calvin slides in the ring. Cal picks AJ up off the mat, and holds him...allowing Hoff to nail him in the face with the chair! Cal lets AJ fall...and Hoff AGAIN brings the chair down across his back!

Enough is enough, come on!

Zack, having thoroughly yelled at Crystal, slides in the ring as well. The two pick AJ up as Hoff sets the chair up in the middle of the ring. Hoff faces the chair toward the ramp, then grabs AJ from his teammates and whips him off the other side, grabs him, spins him around...



The chair crumples as AJ's back arches at a hideous angle. AJ falls to the ground, spasming violently. The fans fall nearly silent as AJ convulses, before suddenly going completely still. Hoff looks down at AJ...then suddenly turns away and demands a microphone from the timekeeper.

I cannot believe this.

Hoff stands over AJ as he addresses the crowd.

I told you, we had a plan.

Calvin points to his head as the crowd boos the Thrillogy out of the building.

I told you all... *looking down* and I told you.

Hoff looks down at AJ's still motionless body as EMT's finally make their way down the ramp.

I warned you what would happen, AJ. I told you. You could've quit, you could have walked away. But now you paid the price. Now you know... *looking to the entranceway* and everyone in the back knows... *looking up* and all these people know.... *looking down* Do not *BLEEP* with us.

The fans begin to pelt garbage at the ring, and the EMT's slide in, trying to help AJ...but Hoff and Calvin drive them away, kicking at their heels.

Whoa, wait. Before you scoop him off the road, there's just one more thing, I have to do.

Hoff looks at Zack and smiles, and Zack nods and slides out of the ring, grabbing the official and throwing him in under the bottom rope. The ref looks at Zack, who screams "COUNT!" Hoff puts his foot on AJ's chest as the official counts...




*ding ding*

Ladies and gentlemen, the winner of tonight's bout, and STILL the twenty-four seven champion....ME!

Hoff drops the mic as Calvin raises his hand. The EMT's quickly slide AJ onto a stretcher and out of the ring as Zack slides in, joining Calvin and Hoff in celebration. AJ is rolled away on the stretcher as Crystal, assisted to her feet by the EMTs, walks over to his side as he rolls up the ramp, sparing one quick, heated glance at the ring before they reach the entrance. In the ring, Hoff is handed his 24/7 Title by the official, and he raises it high as the Thrillogy continues to celebrate in the ring, amidst a sea of boos....

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What a brutal match we've just seen between Hoff and AJ.

Theres a reason only the most insane superstars chase the 24/7 title, and its because of that match.

Hey guys what that on the AngleTron!?

The camera cuts to the AngleTron where shaky camcorder footage shows a house across the road from the camera's operator.

That house looks familiar...

The camera zooms in on the front door, the house is number 5.

...Holy Shit!...

Hey guys check the date and time in the corner!

The date reads 19:45, 6/30/04.

That was yesterday!

The camera scans the house and focuses on the bathroom window. The outline of an attractive woman can be seen.

...SONOFABITCH! Thats my house! Thats my wife!


Your wife is hot!

Caboose punches Coach in the face.

The footage cuts out and the camera returns to the three commentators.

What the fuck is going on!?



Caboose pulls out his cell phone and makes a call.

Are you allright!?

Caboose listens to the reply.

Thank god! Just grab the kids, call the cops and call a cab and go to my sister's place! I love you, be careful...

Caboose turns to Cole and Coach.

Guys I got to go...

Don't worry about it, just go to your family.


Caboose is gone, our thoughts are with his family- but we're out of time, we hope to bring you an update on this situation next week! For Coach and Caboose, I'm Michael Cole- goodnight!
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