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OAOAST TMW: A comedy/erotic e-fed

Chirstmas HeldDOWN~!

Chanel #99

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Renee and Coach are exchanging presents and while Coach is happy with his sweater, Renee is befuddled to by her tiny gift.

Replica of my wang.

(to herself)
Accurately sized I bet! 
(to the camera)
Welcome and Merry Christmas, you've come to right place for a holiday treat as either Deuce or Krista are going to cum out the champ-porn-ion in their No Holes Barred challenge. I know everyone envys Deuce, but I'm kinda scared for Krista!

No pyro and ballyhoo. Instead we open with the OAOAST Galaxy making like Danny D and popping huge as OAOAST Hall of Famer TONY BRANNIGAN (who's traded in his OAOAST polo for a suit) accompanies OAOAST boss SOPHIE to the ring. The two engaged in a very animated discussion along the way.

One week ago Tony Brannigan broke the Internet! But then came the surprise announcement by Sophie earlier this week on OAOAST SYN, saying that Tony Brannigan must appear tonight to personally apologize to OAOAST World Champion Tyler Bryant!

Sophie's taken a lot of heat on social media in the hours following her announcement, but setting emotion aside, you gotta admit it's the right call. Our jobs as announcers is to tell the story not be part of it. Brannigan made himself part of the story and now must face the consequences.




Merry Christmas! We 'ave a most wonderful show for you dis eve'ing, but right now we settle dispute from last week, oui. So Tyler, come 'ere peas. 

"Rising Up" hits and OAOAST World Champion Tyler Bryant isn't just joined by Lorelei DeCenzo and THE FLEX, he's brought his LAWYERS along too. 4 to be exact. All with briefcases. 

Something about this whole situation stunk and now we know why. This is all Tyler Bryant's doing not Sophie's!




Lorelei incites the crowd going down on Tyler... to kiss the championship belt around his waist!




(hands TB mic)
Monsieur Brannigan.




TB holds the mic out towards the crowd and the people get LOUDER.



Swallow that pride and spit out those two magical words, Brannigan. 

Shut up!




It's safe to say those weren't the two words Tyler wanted to hear!

As far as I'm concerned, the only people I owe an apology to is Sophie and *points to crowd & hard camera* each and every one of you out there. So to you Sophie and to all you, I apologize
(to Tyler)
You can just hold your breath 'till you're blue in the face. 

Two of Tyler's lawyers approach Sophie. One hands her a paper, the other writes something up on the spot and gives it to her. 

Zut alors!

Whatever Tyler's lawyers turned over causes Sophie to strike a quick chat with TB who's less than thrilled to hear what she says.

Wait a minute, Sophie. I want you to think back to the time you landed the top position in the OAOAST and how much of the talent/staff laughed behind your back. Not me. While the others joked about your inexperience and how you must've really gotten the gig, I shared my knowledge and gave you my full support. All I ask now is for you to return that show of support and not give in to that little shit's demands. 





Listen to Tony and the OAOAST Galaxy, Sophie!

A third lawyer draws something up and hands it to Sophie who sighs.

(waves paper)
Plus de mensonges! But I 'ave no choice Monsieur Brannigan. Zhe law offices of Shuster, Siegel, Finger and Kane will not rest until they 'ave gotten "justice" for their client. They demand apology or... your termination! 



Dis is why I beg you to say sorry. I do not want to let you go. So 'ow bout I give you extra hour to comply? Everyone go home happy! Oui? 

Tyler huddles with his lawyers. 

My lawyers say I've already waited this long so another hour is no big deal. But that's all you got Sophie... 1 hour to make Brannigan say those magic words or he'll be home for the holidays permanently! 

1 hour we meet again! Merci! 

Tony Brannigan has one hour to apologize or he's--

French Toast! 



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*** 6-Man Tag Title: The Playmakers & Brock Ausstin w/ Rick Heyross vs. The 3 Amigos © ***

Size and strength on their side, the Playmakers and Brock entered the area confident. Perhaps too confident as fellow the XFL and Mathis Golden already had the champagne on ice backstage for an All XFL Team victory celebration. Instead they watched Chick fly off the top down on Charlie Moss (Sky is Falling) to pick up the W for his team.

Winners: The 3 Amigos, via pinfall.

Post-match an angry XFL tipped over the buckets of champagne as the 3 Amigos celebrated a successful title defense in the ring. 


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Alright, gang I had a chance to sit down with some very special guests as we reveal the 2017 Anderson Cup finals!

We cut to a pre-taped segment where we find out Renee's special guests are none other than C02! Both girls wear low cut tops to show off their ample bosoms, well to be exact Jade's natural hefty tits and Maya's generously enhanced fake tits. Either way both girls have their nipples poking through their shirts, and Renee is blushing bright red.

Wow, you two look very....healthy....wow. 

I just got my daily dose of piping hot buns, and Jade just got her daily dose of ripe melons.

Can't miss a meal!

Renee is even more flustered as Jade and Maya giggle to each other, but she does gain some sort of composure and goes on.

The big news we have to close out the year is that you two will be participating in the Anderson Cup for the first time ever, making it possible for you to be the first team to win Miss Anderson Cup Champions and Anderson Cups.

Maya is giddy at that idea which sends her boobs a bouncing and again flusters Renee, who has a pair of fake hooters jiggling in her face.

So lets take a look at the rack...I mean bracket!

2017 Anderson Cup

Jannetty Bracket Quarter finals

The X.F.L. & Mathis Golden Vs The Union Jets   January 5th
Christ Air Express Vs Juicy and Mariachi  January 12th

C02 Vs Dem Bums - January 1st, New Years Spectacular  January 1st
Vainglorious Bastards USA Vs Biffman and Cash  conducted on SYN the week of Jan 9

Chris Cage bracket quarterfinals

Chicks Over Dicks Vs The Party Brigade  January 12th
Heavy D & Warthog Vs Ned Blanchard & ? conducted on SYN the week of Jan 

Tanner Neptune & Marc Bennet Vs Teddy Buckworth & Leon Rodez (first match of the tourney) - New Years Spectacular
Army of One Nation Vs Big IQ  January 5th

So some big news in that bracket, TMW tag team champions The Union Jets are in, The Christ Air Express actually come out of their cave to wrestle, Marc Bennett has been called up to team with Tanner Neptune at the request of both The Doll and Tanner against the new look Menagerie, your mom and stepmom are restoring the feeling and teaming up once again and you girls are ready to make history.

We always are. But I think we're most ready to make out.

You got that right...


My sister doesn't even remember my birthday. :(

We can't wait for you to talk to us after the trophy is presented. I can do some pretty wild things with that big gold man!


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***Teddy Buckworth W/Reagan Flannagan Vs Keyboard Warrior Doctor No***
Buckworth looked a lot more like a twisted Moneymaker with green tights with broken dollar signs. Reagan was of course looking GILF fantastic and soaked in a few catcalls for her busty body.

Like old times! Mister Moneymaker back with a beautiful woman on his arms!

But this isn't 2007, this is Teddy Buckworth, twisted cruel vampire, and his offense was anything but the plodding 80's style it once was. Instead it was hard hitting and borderline criminal especially because he won the match by sinking his fangs into Doctor No's neck and getting him to tap out!

Winner: Teddy Buckworth,via pinfall

Mister Moneymaker done did it again.

Post-match Buckworth/Moneymaker was handed a pouch by Reagan and he laid a PENNY on the jobber's forehead!

That's so insulting!

That penny was in that pouch which was near Reagan's tits. I want it!

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Melody's gaming lab is our scene, but its just the Titty Mama and her beautiful bouncing breasts this week as the busty nerd is dressed as Mrs.Klaus.

Merry Christmas, or as Georges dad would say on Seinfield, happy festivius! The Nerdly sceret Santa paid off big time, nipple clamps from Malysia for the Titty Mama! But I gotta foucus less on my tits and more on OAOAST 2k, as the champ comes to town!

And of course the most electrifying ass in sports entertainment! Next to Jade of course!

Mmmm hit that booty strong hit it hard!

Oh I already done did that!

Melody is yet again interrupted by the styling profiling, Sugar Belleflair, attired in sparkly flair robe that's red and green for the holidays.

Oh noes.

I done had December in the ring at the original SluttyMania and I gave her the ol what's for! Slapped her silly then sent her crying to her mama.

We mean your aunt?

Whatever. December comes from bad stock, five time world champion stock. But me I come from sixteen time world champion DNA. If December had what I had she woulda stopped Annagret from pinning her in that there scramble match. But come NYS, I'll show ya that the Flairs are the best there was and the best there ever will be, when I become two time Hotties champ!

Dude, wrong family wrong catchphrase!

Sugar doesn't hear that because she's already strutting away!


Sophie is on her way to deal with the Bryant/Brannigan fiasco, but sadly has been stopped by Morgan Nerdly, who despite her tiny size isn't easy to get away from!

Merde! I do not 'ave zhe time for all deese. There eez too much confusion in zhe OAOAST.

Not my problem,  Frenchie. But your problem is you gotta give that Hotties tag title match to Cassidy and Number Two. Do you think Cassidy is going to just go away quietly into the night? If she gets madder, Angel gets madder, if Angel gets madder Colin gets madder, and also Gretchen gets madder, and Christian gets madder, and then Ice Quiz gets madder, and Pierette gets madder, and all the Nerdlys and St.Nerdregard's get madder, and you've got a hell of a situation on your hands, all because you won't let me sub in for Melissa at New Years Spectacular.

…..Fine. But no 'ow you say, funny business. I must go deal with Tony and Tyler.

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"Rising Up" cues and Tyler brings out the whole gang, lawyers included. Then TB arrives once again to no music. 

Okay, gentleman. Zhe hour has come and gone. Monsieur Brannigan, zhe floor is yours. 

Tyler Bryant, congratulations. You're about to get what you wanted for Christmas. 




Yes! Yes! Yes! 

I'm sorry. 

Even though they got what they wanted, Tyler and Lorelei are still stunned to actually hear the magic words come out of TB's mouth. 

I don't believe it. 

You heard me. *They heard me. Sophie heard me. I'm sorry. 

*They being the OAOAST Galaxy. 

Meanwhile, Tyler and Co. celebrate.




I knew it! I knew it! I knew it! Tony Brannigan isn't one to give into demands!

Ego causes a man to do many things -- most of them stupid -- but learning from those mistakes is what makes a wise man. I learned that the hard way many years ago. Now I stand a wise man who doesn't let anyone but himself control his fate. 

Non, Monsieur Brannigan! Dis means you 'ave... *hangs head*


TB is prepared to leave with his head high when THE FLEX blocks him from exiting.


TB suddenly hears the rumbling of footsteps and sees Tyler Bryant approaching fast off the reflection of Flex's shades. The OAOAST Hall of Famer moves and Tyler decks Flex with a yakuza kick!



Tyler and TB find themselves face to face and TB invites the OAOAST Champion to take a shot. 



... TB doubles over in serious pain courtesy of a Lorelei DeCenzo LOW BLOW!


Tyler levels TB with a ::beltshot:: and then he and Flex put the boots to the OAOAST legend as Sophie motions for help from the back. 

This is disgusting!

Nobody knows the game better than Brannigan. He knew his actions could lead to this kind of payback.

Help finally arrives and it's more than just OAOAST officials, it's the team who'll face Tyler and Flex in tag action at the 2017 OAOAST New Year's Spectacular... SPENCER REIGER and the man who'll meet Tyler for the OAOAST Championship at Anglepalooza, BLAINE CAYLEY!


Tyler and Co. quickly hightail it and have a stare down with Blaine and Spencer as Sammi and Gloss tend to TB who receives a STANDING OVATION and a hug from Sophie after choosing to lose his job than apologize to trash like Tyler Bryant.


Ivar The Cunning was in front of an OAOAST backdrop to speak on his opponent for New Years Spectacular, the US Champion, AC The Exile.

I do not play a king on a television, or a lord on Twitter, I'm history's most dangerous warlord. I am directly responsible for vampires being in existence today. I have waged war in every continent on the globe, and now AC you will see what happens when a thousand years of power comes to bear.

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***Army of One Nation W/Judge Dudd Vs Blaine Cayley and Specner Reiger W/Sammi Cayley and Gloss Angieacola***

The Army sort of came in X-mas style outfits as their usual tights were replaced by airbrushed ones of Santa waving the American flag. A strong message against a grouping of people who only had one American born performer in their corner. That performer was urged on by Gloss to start the match, even though this was mostly Blaine's fight.

He can't get Spencer to fight Tyler for him.

Trust me, Coach he's not going to.

Blackhawk accused Spencer of being a country traitor, an insult that earned him a dropsault to the mouth, then having his face bashed into the turnbuckle posts. Now Blackhawk just wanted to escape, but Spencer slung him about the ring with arm drags then overpowered him with a spinning head scissors.

You know what, we still don't know why The Army of One Nation attacked Blaine. Usually you can expect a long winded rant from them, but they've been silent.

Don't act like you don't enjoy their rants.

I don't!

Spencer passed the tag to Blaine, who got a huge pop  as he entered the ring. Of course Blackhawk didn't appreciate his arrival...

Two weeks worth of attacks and not a scratch on you.

I know. People have been coming for my head since I was a child and they always seem to miss.

You chose your opponents wisely.

And they choose poorly.

Eagle Eye jumped into the ring to attack Blaine, leading Spencer to try and help him, only to get cut off by referee Nick Patrick.

This is nuts!

Nah, this is easy stuff for Blainey.

Perhaps not as the heels double suplexed the MITB contract holder against his will of course.

this is for more than America! This is for us!

What does that mean?

Eagle Eye wanted to ground Blaine with a reverse chinlock, but the popular face escaped and pitched his for trough the ropes. The fans were then wowed as Blaine hit a Welsh Press, and Spencer speared Blackhawk off the apron!

See? Nothing to it!

Gloss continued to give orders as she had Spencer carry Eagle Eye into the ring and begin lighting him up with chops, until the legal tag could be made with Blaine.

Why Gloss out here acting like she Jeff Fisher?

she's tired of the 7-9 bullshit.

But The Army was able to isolate their foe, and work over his leg. They couldn't keep Spencer down for long, however, as The One Man Triple Threat ran through them with a pair of lariat then dove to tag in Blaine!

Yes! Yes!


Blaine came in cooking with dropkicks to both men, but both the heels were eager to swarm Blaine and beat on him without mercy!

First The Army, Then VICE, then The Army again?

Spencer pulls Blaine to safety, which helps even up the odds for the fan favorites. The Army was still seeing red and took a hard fight to their younger foes.

Let's go, guys!

Yeah! If ya don't win, no sex for a week!

As if you can keep that promise!

Well, she probably can't but it motivated the duo to fight hard against The Army as if they needed any more motivation! Things came to a close as Spencer hit the Reiger Counter on Eagle Eye and Blaine finished off Blackhawk with Cruel Intentions!

Winner: Blaine Cayley and Spencer Reiger, via pinfall

BUT! Things were not all rosy Chirstmas red for the good guys as the duo of WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION TYLER BRYANT and THE FLEX pounced on Blaine and Spencer!


FLEX press slammed Spencer out of the ring, but maybe Blaine got the worse of it as he ate the infamous superkick from Tyler, followed by a DDT onto the belt!


Merry Christmas!

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Backstage, the mood is festive (Christmas music plays in the background) as OAOAST talent on both sides of the fence and staff gather at the world famous interview lounge for a watch party of tonight's No Holes Barred special challenge between Krista Isadora Duncan and Deuce Deuce Bigelow. 

A sign on the big screen reminds everybody "IT'S CHRISTMAS TIME. KEEP IT CIVIL PLEASE. - OAOAST"

Dem Bums arrive at the watch party and cause heads to turn as Tony Tourettes is dressed only in flip flops and a yellow speedo! OAOAST correspondent Sara Jean Underwood approaches the guys and Vinny plays it cool acting like its no big deal how his pops is attired. Then he realizes Tony T has wandered off!

(looks around)
Oh shit! 

Vinny finally spots Tony T drowning himself in the punch bowl! Nobody seems to care other than Vinny, although MR. DICK does find the scene amusing.

* screen goes black *

The picture returns with Tony T on the floor coughing up punch. Suddenly an unfamiliar appears in front of him, but one familiar to viewers of TMW... EUPHORIA!

Hiya, handsome! You're dirty freaky fucking whore is here! Although I prefer Euphoria!

Y-You gave me mouth-to-mouth!

Um, about that...

In the background we hear a person barf. It's Vinny puking in a trash can!

... your tongue action really surprised Vinny! Hehehe!


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Its the holiday season, and that means the wildest sex scene is on tap, and this year its the No Holes Barred Challenge between Krista and Deuce! Standing at the ready in her own sexy outfit is one....



Hello, everybody! Time to crank out the lube because its the NO HOLES BARRED CHALLENGE between Krista Isadora Duncan and Deuce Deuce Bigelow! The winner will be the first person to make the other person cum! Anything goes in this free for all fuck fest. So let's get it started! 

The watch party ppl have all settled in for a good time!

Now entering the FuckZone first, is Deuce Deuce Bigelow!

Deuce opens the door from the far right and storms into the FuckZone, giving all who like their men with extra poundage and extra tats something to fawn over.

And his opponent slash partner, the boobie bomb equipped...KRISTA ISADORA DUNCAN!

And if you like your women, hot, blond and with big boobs then Krista will have you spank banging for hours as she enters with a twirl on her red high heels, and a choker with Miss Klaus written on it!

A middle aged Jewish woman ready to suck dick in the name of Jesus! What could be better? Lemme at that huge man meat, big boy!

Krista's adrenaline kicks into high gear, weaving an intoxicating path throughout her bloodstream. This bimbo is ready for some meat. The idea of sucking down this giant biker's huge rod has her trembling with her pussy clenching.

But, while the bulge in Deuce's boxer shorts may be rapidly swelling, there's no way he's going to let Krista take an easy crack at getting him to cum.

HA! You think you're gonna get me to cum that easy?!

Well, let's face it, you probably already came just thinking about fucking big titty ol me. Didn't ya?


And that isn't Krista slapping Deuce, that's Deuce slapping Krista!!!! Krista recoils in pain, her big tits juggling in the air, as we watch the No Holes Barred watch party sit in shock of what just happened.  I mean, who the hell slaps Krista?! But, no one is in bigger shock then the bimbo queen who rubs her cheek.

Grrrrr! You're about to turn this rape into a murder. Time to get your ass kicked!

No, I'm about to turn this fucking into a RAPE! Get over her ya dumb cunt!

Deuce snatches a FISTFUL of blond locks of Krista! Krista may be used to hair pulling but that's when a dick of some sort is lodged inside her, not when she's just standing and making threats.


The blond goddess who every fan would kill to have just ten seconds of sex is tossed to the floor like a cheap doll you buy a kid for Christmas. No respect is shown for her health or her status as the prime Hottie in the OAOAST.

Ouch! What's going on?!

Krista's cheek is still ringing from the slap and worse yet her body hurts from being sent to the floor in such a horrible manner. This is too much pain to get up, and even if she wasn't in pain, she couldn't get up as she feels the giant body of Deuce hovering behind her. Just what is going on, she wonders, and how can she turn around and kick this guy's ass?

Get on your knees! Do it!

Deuce has other ideas in mind, but Krista doesn't know what they are. Does he actually want that BJ?And is she even willing to give it? Maybe she can lull him into letting his guard down so she can beat his ass. So the mother of tow sort of whimpers as she situates herself to what she hopes what Deuce likes. But alas it isn't what he likes as he reaches around and slaps her again! A true open palm across her pretty cheeks!

Ahhhh! Owww!

The watch party reacts with shock at this sight, well not Maya, Maya's pretty turned on by her mother getting physically abused. Kinky girl! But everyone and I do mean everyone gets a treat as Deuce just plows into Krista's snatch with his fat schlong. Having lost her wetness due to being abused this huge baseball like dick hurts her mightily! And why is it in her all of a sudden after Deuce picked a fight with her? And god does it hurt so much, she whines internally!

Ouch! Time out! Time out!

No time outs here, dumb skank!

Panic situates on Krista's face and she lets out a yell as Deuce takes full advantage of stuffing her MILF body! In Deuce goes, deep, fast and incredibly hard, more like he's sawing a tree than fucking the horniest babe on the roster. But even horny Krista can't handle this kind of assault, for this assault is the kind of brutality you only read in stories.

It..it..it hurts!

Not only is a dick the size of a baseball bat fucking her, but a body the size of King Kong is slamming into her tight behind, giving her indescribable punishment! Krista tries to suck it up, not wanting to get yelled at, but instead breaks down and whimpers over how much agony she happens to be in. What the hell is he trying to do her, she freaks out? Doesn't he know how badly she's hurting?

Apparently he doesn't, or he does and he wants to hurt more, because further pounding into her muff has her screaming bloody murder!

Let me...let me up!

Ha! Ha! Ha! You're a funny cunt, aren't ya?

I'm not trying to be funny! You're hurting me! I want to stop!

A slight smile crosses his face as he quickly and with zero care forces himself deeper into her. Poor Krista thinks he would stop after several more inches, but he keeps pushing and pushing. She squirms against the manacles of his grip, her body now used as a fuckrag for his lust! Perspiration glisten on her neck and lower lip as the fullness stretches her beyond belief! In the watch party, some are shocked to see Deuce basically raping Krista, while others are highly turned on, that includes Maya who seems a little jealous

Let me help you cum, you worthless retarded bitch!

Deuce pushes his gigantic man meat in her so hard, she feels like she's suffered the dread low blow! But this is far worse, this a mammoth dick creating new inches of real estate inside an unwelcome and nonconsenting host. The beast pulls back, but not far enough to let the head out. He slams back in, this time angling himself downward, filling all the way to her womb! Even after carrying two babies, her stomach isn't prepared for the thick muscle raping its way to her gullet!

You stupid worthless slut. You're not gonna cum are you?

Please just let me go!

Let you go? Shut the hell up and take this dick!

Fuck you! Fuck your mutant cock!

Oh yeah, you're gonna fuck it, you stupid bitch, stupid bitch, stupid bitch. You're gonna fuck it till you can't see straight.

Deuce grabs Krista by her hair and brings her to her feet, rougher than even when he tossed her down, Krista can almost feel her neck snap and shouts out in white out agony.. Desperate to no longer be raped and abused, Krista elbows him in the jaw! Its a gutsy move that shocks the viewing party. But Deuce is a lot quicker than a weak and battered Krista, and grabs onto her hair and slaps the shit out of her, three straight times, truly showing Krista her rank in this little contest is nothing more than a cum socket that he's not opposed to roughing up.

Ahhhhh! Ahhhh! 

Tears pour down Krista's eyes at being so viciously roughed up and man handled, but Deuce couldn't give a single solitary fuck, and instead laughs at her water works. As the degraded MILF cries and cries Deuce hooks onto her hair. He's more rough than necessary and brutally snaps her neck back yet again, with Krista now reduced to bawling her eyes out from the horrendous treatment of her entire body. A body most would worship, is being battered, beaten and fucked by this insane biker.

Stop, stop! Please, don't hurt me!

Shut the fuck up, skank. I know how a whore like you has to cum!

Deuce positions Krista's trembling submissive body in front of him and the fitness queen feels his rock hard cock against her swollen overripe pussy lips. He teases her with it at first, tapping her juicy cunt, prodding and poking it, making her squeal and cry some more. 

Ah, you do like it. Huh, cunt? Huh?! Dumb bitch.

Please, don't do this!

Deuce pushes her down by smacking her in the back of the head, sending her head ringing, her brain rattling. Krista feels like he could have knocked her clean out, but if Deuce gives a fuck about rather he's raping a conscious woman or not he doesn't show it. Instead of just long hard thrusts from his dick, he simply shakes her buff body on his cock, like he's jerking off with her whole body! Deuce shakes Krista so fast she can't see out her blue eyes. The poor bimbo feels sick like she's riding a broken rollercoaster and her body is being beaten like a piece of tenderized meat. Speaking of meat beating, plenty of guys are doing that in the watch party!

Waaahhhh waaaahhh! Please, no more! You win!

I don't win until your pussy gushes all over my dick!

No, you win! You win! I'm saying you win, just let me go!

Nah, this cunt feels too fucking nice to let you off that easy.

His cock goes deeper into the MILF whore than anything ever had before, and she feels something inside her break, not just in her body but also in her mind. That wasn't the end though, as her body begins to fall apart into a violent earthquake of destruction. Her arms shake, her legs shake, her ass shakes, and her tits began slapping against each other. The only think keeping her in one place is Deuce's s strong grip on her hair and his iron fuck-pole impaled in her defeated body.

Inser maybe

N-n-n-no! Pl-please. You'll kill me!

Shut the fuck up! You talk when I tell you to talk!

Waaaahhhhh waahhhhhh! I quit! I quit!

I want what I came for, your cumming then me putting my load in your slutty cunt. How many times you been fucked this week?


And you ain't got time for Deuce? 

But you're hurting me! No one else hurt me!

I don't give a fuck! You're a freak. A cock-sucking, sperm-guzzling, nasty fuck freak. I don't give a fuck if you're hurt as long as I get to fuck!

Krista is in a panic and stomps on Deuce's foot with her high heels! This does enough damage to get Deuce to pull out of Krista, leaving an empty gape of a pussy in its wake. Krista can barely walk straight or see straight as she stumbles to the door. A door that opens for her thanks to JUMBO!


My right hand man. I had a feeling you couldn't handle me and so I had backup out front.

Krista takes a swing at Jumbo, but all her fist does is bounce off his fleshy jaw. Instead she's the one taking more pain as Jumbo slaps her across the face! Yet another humiliation for a woman who's always in control! Poor Krista wails in distress and staggers backwards, cheeks red from being slapped and eyes red from crying her heart out. There's no relent to being raped as Deuce hooks onto her shoulders and pounds his cock straight into her unlubricated asshole!

Noooooooooooooooooooooo! Not my asshole! No!

The viewers are shocked that Deuce would ass rape Krista, not even providing her even spit for lube. A monster indeed is Deuce as his beastial penis rapes Krista's shithole without mercy! The shrill screams and weeping off the ass raped blond beauty turn quite a few viewers on, even Jade can't help but rub herself at the sight of her mom being ass raped. Meanwhile Jumbo has a seat and enjoys the view, of a rape worthy of a  prison shower.

Yeah! Yeah! Worthless piece of blond trash, nothing more than a used condom. Cum now!

Please! Let me go! My insides can't take it! My ass can't take this! You're wrecking my ass!


Deuce is fucking Krista much harder than he could take. His cock slapped back and forth inside her unlubed and aching asshole, often popping out of her ravenous back passage before he repositions myself and slam it back in. The poor blond bitch slips in out of consciousness, coming alive with screams of horror and agony. But her ass rape is the world's pleasure, and it is the viewing party's pleasure as well. So many Hotties fingering themselves and guys jerking off at the continued and seemingly unending rape of Krista Isadora Duncan.

Waaaaahhhhhh waaaaahhhh no! No! No more! No means no!

Hehehhe, the bitch is crying. Guess you ain't so tough after all.

Unfortunately for Krista all her protestations turn everyone on all the more, so many overheated by the violation of the fitness queen. Raped to the fullest extent of the word, Krista is being slid back and forth like a wet mop, all while grunting in pain as Deuce continues to hook her arms. The skank coughs up a wad of spit in an involuntarily response to this brutal buggering her bowels are being made to take. The spit lands all over the floor while remnants remain on her cheek, which Jumbo finds hilarious.

Deuce ass rapes Krista like a wild man, slamming into her with enough force to cause her brain to rattle. Her skull begins to ache, more tears fall from her face, more spit just oozes out of her mouth and every bit of her body shakes like an earthquake was taking place. Krista is totally undignified, humiliated and ruined with no end to the rape in sight. After all its No Holes Barred, and further no rules. Just because Krista has begged to call this off doesn't mean Deuce owes her anything. But, soon enough Deuce pulls out her unlubed and deathly sore asshole, but not because he's merciful. As Krista soon finds out he wants more of her magical pussy.


The blond bimbo can't even talk, the rape robbing of her dignity and her words as Deuce grabs hold of one beautiful leg and holds it aloft. 


What you say, bitch?

Ahhhhh. Urrrgggggh.

This position gives him prime access to her perfect pussy, which he wages a new and horrible war on. Deuce does hope she gets her words back, and the viewing party does as well. It just adds to the hotness how she begs for relief and mercy that will never come. Many in the viewing party have themselves dreamed of raping Krista for years, even her own daughters, even Krista herself deep down wants this rape, but the pain, the abuse, the humiliation of failing in her own contest is utterly degrading, and her cunt pays the price for everyone's fantasies and her ego.

Krista sags in Deuce's arm as the giant jack hammers her pussy and Jumbo jerks off on the couch. Deuce keeps slamming his member into her, much against her will though partly with consent. Krista is addicted to cock, and no matter how she might have been abused and insulted and spat upon, cock is what she loves. The viewers in the watch party bond over their adoration of this gorgeous blond whore. Even enemies sit next to each other in awe, the power of the bimbo goddess so uniting. Krista is sort off in space, staring like a starving drooling retard as Deuce his damn way with her.


The blond bimbo even sounds retarded! She drools like she's retarded! Deuce has fucked her brains out! She just makes those noises of a retard as her rape has no clear end in sight. Its not as if Krista hasn't fucked big guys, bodybuilders have been ridden by her, bikers have laid her across their bikes and shoved their wood into her, even her dad's friends have jammed their dicks into her at her dad's request. But even her powerful legs have their limits and Krista begs her rapist for mercy, just to be able to sit down, or lie down.

Please, please, let me go! I don't wanna do this! I can't stand anymore!

That ain't no problem. I'm a nice guy.

Swwwwwwosh! That's the sound effect of Deuce scooping Krista in his powerful arms and angling her pussy over his dick. The watch party is amazed by this and Mister Dick is almost drooling on his own dick as Krista is forcibly lowered onto Deuce's mammoth meat. No none of Krista's dad's friends have been able to do this to her, though from rich and powerful families they simply laid down and let Krista ride their meat until her pussy's content. Even the bikers she fucked, fucked her on her terms. Alix gets fucked on her terms. Maya and Jade as well. But the terms are set by Deuce and the terms are a fate worse than being raped by The Hulk!

Ahhhhhhhhhh! Help! Help me!


There ain't no end in sight, unless you cum, dumb ass bitch!

Deuce has access to every inch of Krista's tight toned, well fucked body, and takes advantage as she drives his huge meat up and into her. Poor Krista again feels the assault of dick in her womb and weeps aloud once more. 

Cry, cry, cry! Hahhahahaa!

Deuce has total control over the middle aged slut and it seems to be only a matter of time before he rapes her to orgasm. After all Krista is putty in his hands, and has no way of stopping him from doing whatever he wants to her sweet figure.

Please, please! Let me go!

Krista has good reason to wish to be let go, her stomach is visibly bloated and her eyes are rolling into the back of her head. She claws helplessly into her own skin, which doesn't actually do anything. In fact nothing she does has done anything or will ever do anything until Deuce decides he's had enough fun raping the fitness queen. But really who would ever stop raping Krista if they could? And even Krista understands that, she makes the perfect fuck doll, the perfect fuck rag, the perfect human condom to be filled with seed. But the problem is she just can't get Deuce to cum! His stamina and self control is incredible given how roughly and savagely he's taken her. Krista's never felt anything like this, the beating, the abuse, the loss of control, and she herself has to do everything in her power not to involuntarily cum from being raped!

Please! Please stop hurting me! Please I can't take it anymore!

Hey, Jumbo, you up for a gangrape?



Krista looks terrified and intimidated, and with good reason. One giant has left her body utterly ruined, a second might damn near snap her into pieces. That of course doesn't stop the Monsters of Monsters Ink to turn a one man rape into a gang rape. The dumb whore is muscled up by both men, despite her tears and cries, and there are plenty of them. In fact her tears do much to annoy them and they slap her yet again! Krista still can't get used to being slapped and so wails like a mewling toddler, as she drools like a retard.

Shut this fuckrag up.

Yes, I'm a fuckrag, Krista thinks, and I need a cock to shut me up. And a cock she gets, Jumbo ramming his huge meat from bellow his gut into her mouth. Her nostrils are overwhelmed by the scent of sweat and fat from his body, and pubic sweat as well. How can she even breathe? Her throat is already twitching with the need to gag and her arms are shaking from the lack of oxygen. More and more spit begins to drip from her mouth. Perfect, thinks Krista, I am the perfect whore. Where will Deuce rape me next? My ass? Or my pussy? I am a whore and I have no choice.

Ah, thinks Krista, he wants to really hurt me, as he situates his dick inside her still unlubed back passage. Krista sort of has an idea how Jade might feel when her mother wages an all out assault on her asshole. Still, Jade is the Booty Mama for a reason, and Krista has to admit she holds no candle to her daughter in the ass fucking department.

Fuck, fuck fuck fuck!!!!!! FUUUUCCCCKKK!

Rape me, she thinks, rape me till I can't stand, rape me till I can't see. Yes, yes, I am your fuckrag, your human condom! Maya, Jade, I hope you're watching good, watch mommy get raped and love it. 

And in fact the Duncan girls are the ones most turned on by their mom being raped, Jade squealing in orgasmic delight the second Deuce's cock was planted in her mother's shithole. They cuddle up with each other as their mom's arm is grabbed by Deuce and her leg flails out, making their whore role model not only suspended but suspended while being spit roasted!

Acck! Aaaack!! Aaaacccck!

Bulbous cockheads dive into her mouth and shit pipe, throwing strands of spit all over the floor, and lacing her asshole with precum. Its still not enough lube for poor Krista, who's being ass raped worse than a prisoner in San Quentin.

Dumb fucking bitch! You're gonna cum, then we're gonna fill your body with our jizz! You'll have the stench of sperm on you all year!

Deuce and Jumbo push in hard, neither giving a rats ass about Krista's well being, which might I note is very poor at this point! The rape victim is merely supported by the two huge dicks and Deuce's grip on her arm. All she can do for herself is stream tears out her eyes from all the agony she's in. Her whimpering and simpering doesn't help her a bit as Jumbo rather enjoys the feel of the buzz around his cock. Not to mention the mental pleasure of raping this blond beauty.

While Jumbo may be in seventh heaven, Deuce is getting angry that Krista won't orgasm. Though he's loved taking the bimbo against her will, he still might come out of this a winner! Deuce is angry enough that he wants to physically abuse the rape victim some more. Much more in fact. He wants this whore to feel nothing but humiliation and pain, before she breaks down in tears and orgasms.

Pass this cunt back and forth.

And so they do, Krista is first pushed off Deuce's dick, letting her shitpipe have sweet relief, but at the expense of her throat which is made to swallow every bit of Jumbo's precum oozing dick, not to mention the fact that he gorgeous face is rammed into his fat belly. This face thats graced magazines is being fucked silly and wildly by a fat biker, while leaving tear streaks on his stomach. 


Krista's unlubed unprepared asshole is sent crashing back to receive Deuce's monstrous wood, her bowels become a resting place for his dick until he sends her back to Jumbo to let the bimbo play the skin flute with her throat. Precum seeps down her throat and drool falls out her bitch mouth, right as her poor shitter is made to endure being stuffed full of cock.


The watch party loves what they're seeing, and especially the Duncan girls, not to mention Papa Duncan who has Maya sitting on his lap, right on his rock hard cock. A cock Krista has experience with, and a cock that little does Deuce know is much bigger than his and has violated her asshole in much nastier ways! Thinking about dear old dad in her butt, allows Krista to endure the assrape, and thinking about dear old dad in her mouth allows her to endure the forced blow job.

Still no one is cumming, certainly not Krista, who has been well trained to withhold her cumming through years of being dominated by her mother, who would fuck her for an eternity then leave without allowing her to cum. What sort of example would she be for Maya and Jade if she could be bullied and raped into orgasm. And orgasm she so desperately wants to do then let Deuce and Jumbo and whoever else fuck her passed out body.

I need back in this pussy.

And I need this ass, man.

You ready to get double stuffed, whore?!


The blond bimbo can't vocalize a response, but really what does she need to say. A fuckrag need only be fucked and so Krista lets herself be forced into position. Monsters Ink line up their massive, thick  cock to the entrances of her asshole and pussy.  She's not tight, not at all, but the fat boys' dicks are so thick that it look like he's fucking a virgin!


Krista can hear their cock sliding into her, wetly stretching her muscles, and she can feel her face begin to melt into sexual retardation. The two massive dicks come together to greet each other in her womb, which has become a second home for schlongs, a sort of gathering place for man meat within the whore that is Krista. But, Krista's no stranger to this feeling, having fucked any number of nameless studs who hammered her, destroyed her and wrecked her pussy and ass until the next stud came along to do the same thing. Deuce and Jumbo may think they're the top dogs, but they won't be the last ones to rape and violate this dumb whore. And someone walks in who won't let her forget it.



What the fuck is this?! You can watch your daughter cum all over us.

Deuce, you underestimate my daughter. Filthy whores aren't born total sluts. It takes years of ass eating and cum swapping effort to get them where they are. And Krista is one skank who knows the meaning of hard work. She has had an arduous climb up the cum and lube drenched porn ladder. Back when she had a simple C cup which she replaced with huge inflatable ones. Now, if only she could go to the plastic surgeon for a brain augmentation!


Spurred on by Genevieve, Deuce and Jumbo really began to fuck her holes! Krista has to marvel and fret at how powerful and overwhelming and perfect their fat dicks are. Something about being fucked by fat hairy men is exhilarating to her. Feeling their big huge asses pump into her like a machine makes her ache to cum.

Mommy, I'm gonna cum!

You are a slut who fucks anything that moves in new and demeaning ways for everyone's viewing pleasure. You are a ditch pig who sucks up semen like a hoover, and you are Duncan, you do not get off until you have got your partner off!

Easier said than done as Krista can see herself in the mirror, looking like a greek goddess getting dominated by two masterful orcs. The blond bimbo is so out of it that she hallucinates seeing lightning bolts coming from Deuce and Jumbo's body as he twists the voluptuous milf into every position humanly possibly, and her body shines with a light that was almost golden.


Mommy, I'm gonna cum! I'm gonna cum! I can't help it!

I realize you are a busy little cock-monkey, who lacks time for such silly things as self respect and dignity. Not when there's cock to be fucked. I understand your slavish devotion to a cock whether its on the street corner for twenty bucks or a frat party for free booze. . But you will not cum until your cuthole is filled with their sperm. That is the Duncan girl way! That is the way I taught you!

Nah, bitch, give in and cum! Give in! Give in damn it!

Deuce and Jumbo fuck Krista's ass and pussy harder than they ever have before, causing the skank to scream out in pleasure and pain, and yet she will not relent! She will not cum!

I wanna cum! I wanna cum!

You will not!

When Monsters Ink cum they roar like a monster. The windows shake from their screams, and Krista can feel it in her chest. Thick spurts of their divine ambrosia spil out of Krista's overstuffed womb, and drip onto the bed, onto her lovers. depending on their position. The duo cum in her more than once, and fill her so completely that her stomach is bulging.

Oh my god...I won! I won! I won! Now fuck me till I cum!

Angry Deuce and Jumbo lay waste to Krista's fuckholes and she passes out for a short while. But when she wakes up she orgasms and orgasms again, screaming and crying in pain. Her body goes limp on their cock but doesn't fall down. Their erections are so stiff and long that they alone hold her up in the air. Genevieve seems convinced she is dead. But Krista comes alive with a cough and after Monsters Ink exits her holes, she dumps pools of semen onto the bed. And if that weren't enough Jade and Maya enter the room with a bowl! 

Present time!

Krista's daughters happily present her with a bowl of sperm from the watch party. A bowl Krista eagerly licks up as good knows who begins to attack her ravaged pussy and we fade out on the queen of all media and queen of all whores lapping up a dog bowl full jizz as a random stranger has his way with her cunt.



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