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OAOAST TMW: A comedy/erotic e-fed

OAOAST TMW Ascension 6

Chanel #99

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***TV Title: Painbow(c) w/Kiki Kix Vs GOATman Pains***

The two big men got right into each other's faces for a deadly stare down.


The fans have chosen their side.

Luckily the idiots in the crowd don't decide championships, or Bedrock would own every title we have.

The time for staring was over and the men begin trading heavy punches! Kiki shouted for Painbow to get a take down, but Pains blocked it and proceeded to batter the TV champion with knees to the head. Painbow tried to make an escape but the Stockton native forced him into a neck lock he had to reach the ropes to escape.

Painbow has a HARD title match later tonight, he just can not let Pains work over any body part.

The champ got up spitting mad and cursing at his foe. Pains kept quiet and instead smashed him with knees to the gut. On Kiki's orders, Painbow grabbed the leg and proceeded to haul his challenger to the mat for a leg lock. The hold didn't last long as Pains was able to power out of the hold!

Where does this guy get the strength from?

Back on their feet, champion and challenger went at it with punches and kicks, with Painbow eventually backing his rival into the corner. There Pains was lifted onto the top rope, and he champ joined him. There they again traded blows, with Pains fighting for his life. But the champ won the battle and his spoils were hitting his foe with a frakensteiner!


The OAOAST Galaxy says it all!

Painbow went into a cover that amazingly only got a two count! Pissed, Painbow shouted at referee Nunzio and ended up shoving him to the ground!


Painbow can't go loosing his cool in this title match. I know he wants it over with fast but he has to calm down.

With the fans continuing to jeer him, Painbow went for his single leg deadlift powerbomb finisher, but the challenger was able to buck him back. Before Painbow could recover, Pains sprinted forward and rocked him with a spear!

There's no way to describe how painful that is for Painbow. No way.

Pains summoned Painbow to his feet with a mighty roar. Once the champ got up, Pains tried to capture him with a butterfly lock, but an escape was made by the champion. He was still on the defense and got rocked by a lariat that sent both men out of the ring!

Hell of an impact on that one!

The two men carried on their fight outside, slamming each other into ring, ring post, mat, barricade and steel steps. Too consumed with their hatred for one another they failed to notice the ref count and had their match end in a count out!


Painbow keeps the title, but how much did this match take out of him? What does he have left to fight Storm Bellmare with?

Officials and trainees managed to get Painbow backstage, but Pains wasn't so complying and wound up spearing several of them to big pops!

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*** Effie Resse vs. Euphoria ***

The TMW Galaxy quickly learned to expect the unexpected when it comes to Euphoria, who snuck out from under the ring to startle Effie, covering her eyes from behind.

Pikachu! I choose you! I bet you taste sweet!


Say, haven't I seen you before? 

TMW. Duh silly! 

No. I'm positive I've seen you somewhere else. Yeah! On the big screen. 

Me? An actress? I wish! 

You look so much like that chick from...

EFFIE ... EUPHORIA (simultaneously)
Divergent? Hunger Games!



There's nothing I hate more than a cheap knockoff! Now let's give The Man what he wants and fight! Although who knew "The Man" is really a woman! 

No, wait! We don't have to fight.

Are you afraid I'm gonna hurt you? 
(rubs neck)
Sure you said some mean things about me. No biggie. I've got thick skin! 
(rubs arm)
But I was told I have an interesting look and can make good money in this biz. Or was it that porn agent who told me that? *GASP* 
(to ref)
Excuse me, Mr. Zebra Man? I think there's been a mistake. 


Are you saying you don't want to fight anymore? 

Sorry, sister. A job's a job. And I wanna get paid. You on the other hand can get laid. Laid out that is. 

Euphoria dropkicked Effie and slammed her head against the mat while laughing. 

Are you having a good time now, Jerry? We did it baby! We did it! Hehehehe!

Once Effie managed to break free she decided to hightail it, awarding the match to Euphoria by count out.

Are you kidding me? 

I don't blame Effie one bit. There's crazy and then there's whatever the hell Euphoria is.

Winner: Euphoria, via count out. 




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***Money Marc Vs Agent Augeur***
For this next match we saw Tanner Neptune on hand with his girlfriend, The Doll, who signed autographs for fans even as she looked disgusted at having been asked to do so.

The stars come out for TMW Ascension.

The Agent entered to Club To Death, the theme of The Matrix, while also hacking the video screens display Tanner Neptune's phone.

If he shows any pictures of me....

What the hell is he doing?!

After AA's techno entrance and l33t hacking skills ended, Marc Bennett's entrance music “Suffer Unto Me” hit, but yet Marc didn't show.

He's not showing? After Agent Augeur stole money out his bank account? And he calls himself Money Marc?

But Marc turned out to be in disguise in the stands and entered inside to begin wailing away at Agent Augeur, taking him by surprise!

I take it back, he's gonna beat him like he owes him money.

Which he does.

Bennet ripped off Agent's black top so he could expose his chest and begin shredding it with knife edge chops! Agent Augeur was backed into the corner, but Bennett wasn't willing to give him a clean break and instead hip tossed him to the center of the ring!

Money Marc needs to be careful he doesn't get disqualified. 

I don't think a bell would stop him from lighting Agent up.

Agent scrambled into a corner, a place where he suckered Bennet in and chopped him down with a lariat. The taller black clad superstar sought to slow things down with a chinlock, but Bennett used elbows to win his freedom. Augeur tried for a second lariat, but this one missed and he was penalized with a blue thunder bomb that got a two count.

This is the Marc Bennett we've wanted to see all along!

Money Marc lifted Agent into the air for a vertical suplex, but the move was halted by repeated knees to the head. Marc was staggered by those attacks and so couldn't defend against the single knee gut buster Agent used. To make matters even more painful, Augeur trapped him inside an abdominal stretch. But as time went on, Bennett was able to escape with a a hip toss. He then steamrolled Agent Augeur with a series of lariats that popped the crowd and impressed Tanner and The Doll.

Tanner and The Doll recognize what Marc brings to the table.

The kid is making good on his potential.

Agent got whipped into the corner but when Marc charged at him, he caught him with a lethal codebreaker!

All is pointless.

Some holiday cheer out Agent Augeur.

Agent climbed onto the second rope, facing away from his for to give the crowd much to worry about. Yet, Money Marc had a counter for that and German suplexed him off the second rope to a huge pop!

He's exceeding his potential I think.

A cover was made but only got a two count. Agent Augeur then rolled away towards ropes, sucking his enemy in so that he could flapjack him into the ropes neck first!

That takes the breath right out of you.

Agent proceeded to capitalize on this by hooking in another chinlock.

You have no hope.

But Money Marc did have hope as he fought to his feet and escaped the chinlock once again. He came under fire from punches from his foe, but held his own with his own strikes. He held his own well enough to piss Agent off and the black clad grappler went for a sit out spine buster. But Money Marc said no sir and hit his foe with a DDT mid move.


I didn't know she could get that excited about wrestling

Money Marc waved Agent Augeur to his feet and once he was upright, Agent was hit with a Burning Hammer to take a crushing loss!

Winner: Marc Bennett, via pinfall

Post match, Money Marc was shown mad love by Tanner and The Doll, and even got a SHOULDER RUB~! From The Doll

Painbow and Kiki were seen stalking down the hallway looking for a camera to speak into. Well they didn't find one in time so Kiki snatched a jobber's phone, knocked him out and filmed Painbow for the world!

Pains, you don't get a second match outta me, pussy ass long haired little faggot. You get that one match, nigga. You can suck my entire dick while ya cousin, Faqu licks the tip. Storm Bellmare, instead of worrying about my HARD title you need to worry about why you was so nasty as a woman you had to get a dick to make girls hang off you. Ho ass nigga. You doing bidding of Eponine and Isabella 'cause god gave you ovaries. Having my belt don't make you a man, it makes you a target. Bitch nigga.

Fans, the views of Painbow DO NOT reflect the views of the OAOAST its performers or its staff!

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*** Brea Brea vs. Princess Danger ***

Unlike their first encounter at the previous Ascension event, Brea showed no signs of intimidation, taking the fight to the reigning SMUSH Warrior Princess Champion right away with a breathtaking suicide dive! 

Brea will not be disrespected! 

Running high on adrenaline Brea pops to her feet and high fives fans nearby. Then she goes back to work unloading on PD, grunting before each forearm smash.



Talk about a mind fuck. One second you're beating the hell outta your opponent, the next they've got a nice big smile on their face.

Who knew Princess Danger could smile?! 

PD went on the offensive and got quite the surprise when Brea refused to go down quietly. Back and forth they went until Brea escaped PD's Bushido and went to hit a hangman's neckbreaker... 

Brea's Breeze!

... only for PD to sweep Brea off her feet and force a submission by way of dragon sleeper camel clutch! 

Winner: Princess Danger, via submission.

Jesus! What the hell do you call that? It's like she put Brea in the torture chamber

Post-match PD bowed at Brea just as she did their last meeting.

Don't tell me we're gonna have a repeat of last time!

Only this time PD exits without a scene and the TMW Galaxy give Brea a well deserved round of applause for her showing. 

(tearing up)

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***Abdullah Abir Nerdly Vs ReX***
We get this match thanks to Abdullah's surprise return to the OAOAST and ReX being very protective of his spot in the mainevent scene.

It is a competition in the ring and backstage and we're seeing the heat backstage flow into the ring. 

Abdullah had to give thanks to Allah for all that is good in the wrestling world before the match.

Thank him if you come out of here still being able to sit up tomorrow.

Simple threats. No match for the resolve of Hollywood's favorite holy man.

A lot of people are ditching Scientology to worship at the Church of Abdullah. I've been a long time worshipper.

You keep forgetting how you once punted him in the head and put him through a table.

Sometimes we stray from the righteous path.

Rex started out the match by shoving Abdullah and yelling at him...


Abdullah responded to the pushing by dropping Rex to the mat with a drop toe hold and making him suffer with a DDT to the leg.

All territory belong to he who has created it. Allah most mighty.

Rex fumed at this comment and grabbed Abdullah by the head to throw him into the ropes, The Syrian came back with a drop kick that had zero effect on the former medical doctor.

He barely moved him an inch!

There aren't to many guys in this business heavy enough to take on a running dropkick like its a swat from a baby.

Rex then attacked Abdullah with a thez press and went on to bash the back of his head on the mat. He did this with enough force that a wide cut opened on the back of his rival's head. The referee suspected Abdullah might be in medical trouble, but the Nerdly boy ignored him and fired off a spinning wheel kick that staggered Rex into the corner.

Abdullah wants this one, blood isn't going to stop him. He wants to show Rex he paid his dues for his spot.

Abdullah rushed in to hit a knee to the face on Rex and swiftly hauled him down with a bulldog. From there he dropped  an elbow on the midsection which hurts like hell for him due to the chiseled abs.

Rex is so muscular even his muscles have counters.

Abdullah regrouped and went to the second rope, trying an axe handle smash that got him caught and thrown about the ring with an exploder suplex. Pained as he may be, Abdullah stumbled upright but fell back to Rex who bludgeoned him with a clubbing forearm to the brain.


Abdullah shoed some veteran know how by single leg taking down his huge foe. This time Abdullah didn't mess with the hard abs, instead landing a leaping single leg stomp on his jaw! Rex grunted in pain, and more of it was served with a running basement dropkick to his face!

Everyone's always tough before they get punched in the mouth.  Abdullah knows exactly that.

All too well!

The speaker for the prophets carried himself back up to the top turnbuckle, and hit the Sky Hook Elbow to a huge pop! Yet Rex caught hold of the elbow dropper and rose up with him with a snarl on his face.


Incredible strength!

He's built for show and go.

Rex let Abdullah goes flying, landing the veteran star on the back of his head and opening up an even deeper version of the cut. Abdullah fought upright and caught one last grasp, a superkick that simply grazed Rex before he feel over bleeding profusley. The official calls on time so that he and the medical Staff can look over Nerdly.

He needs a doctor? Guess what? IM A DOCTOR!

After that announcement,Rex reached into his medical supply bag under the the ring and pulled out a pristine syringe full of a strange glowing liquid!

This does not need to happen! Rex is no longer allowed to practice medicine in the USA!

The syringe is not for Abdullah as Rex begins pumping the strange liquid into his body! His frame
trembles, his pythons turn into war heads and his face is all but smoking fire!

Tell the top brass to drug test right now!

Rex got back into the ring and yanked Abdullah out the clutches of the medics, and then launched him into the ropes. On his return Abdullah would be brought down and defeated by the deadliest version of the popup powerbomb known as Syringer!

Winner: ReX, via pinfall

Post match, Rex had this to say....


Backstage Storm was warming up for his world title match when he was approached by DAN BLACK.

Mister Black.

Hey kid, I just wanted to say good luck to you. Win or lose, you've got an incredible destiny in this business. But I don't expect you to lose. I expect you to win and keep winning. That title is yours as long as you want it.

Thank you. It means a lot to hear you say that.

And on another note...uh..Eponine...I know she can be...unique..but...well...thanks for letting her hang around you. I can pay you for it if you want.

No, its fine. Eponine's a great friend and so is Isabella. And I think one day you'll be out there hugging her after she wins a Hotties Tag Team title. Its in her blood.

Black and Storm shake hands as we go to our next match.

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***TMW Tag Team Titles: The Union Jets (c) Vs Das Wrestling Machine***

Referee Brian Knobbs wanted to establish that this match need not get out of hand, but DWM thought Union Jets were looking a little too cocky and attacked them right away!

Good ol fashioned hatred. I love it.

DWM came together and tossed C-4 out of the ring, allowing them to isolate the smaller Smith. Being large German specimens, DWM dominated Smith, but not for long, as Smith reversed their double suplex with a DDT! Lothar rolled out the ring, giving Reignhardt the misfortune of suffering Smith's stretching, much to his chagrin.

Reignhardt is not a happy camper.

Would you be? I think Smith is pulling his hair.

Reignhardt got the feeling Smith was taking liberties with him and turned up the heat with a brawling offense that led to what else but rolling Germans. Yet it only got a two count and when a tagged in Lothar tried the same thing, Smith rolled him up for his own two count. After that a tag was placed to C-4, and Lothar felt the Jets double teamed him for longer than five seconds.

Sounds like DWM has a lot to complain to Lisa Ann about.

C-4 went up top and brought down White Lothar with a diving sunset flip. Yet no tag could be made as Lothar rolled through and delivered a boot to the face!


The German then pressed his foe into the air and proceeded to hit a press into an over the shoulder facebuster!


If anything Das Wrestling Machine have proven they belong in the ring with the Union Jets.

They aren't here to get moral victories, Matthews, they're here for the titles.

The tag was passed to Reignhardt and the Machine hit the double chokeslam known as Panzer Dragoon! But when Lothar added in an extra stomp, things got ugly with Smith heading into the ring and both he and Lothar refusing to leave. The situation was so bad TMW commissioner Lisa Ann had to bring out two extra referees to help keep order.

Partner, I don't know if I've ever seen that before.

Nope. I've been involved in wrestling about half my life and this the first time I've seen a match get so out of hand that more of the striped shirts have to be on hand.

Neither team exactly liked this, but went along with Lisa Ann's ruling in the end. As soon as the match was restarted Smith caught Reignhardt in a bully choke!

Was Smith even the legal man?

Lothar is pissed about that very fact and labels the new officials useless. But he need not worry as Reignhardt powered to his feet and hit Smith with a back suplex. The tag came to Lothar and the duo set up for a double powerbomb. They didn't get far as Smith punched his way free of their workings. But they showed incredible skill as they combined to knock him head over heels with a double lariat!

That's why they're a machine, Matthews. Flawless moves like that. Hell machines don't even work that well.

My 2003 Saturn agrees.

Lothar gave Smith a taste of his own medicine by stretching him out. The Englishman was able to wrestle his way out the holds, but quick tags between the Germans prevented him from ever getting on track. The German duo thought they could set up their finisher, but Smith shocked them by nailing them both with a moonsault press!

Is there anything these four can't do?

A tag was made to C-4, a hot tag in fact. C-4 showed his might by press slamming both foes to ovations from the fans. But when he tried a running powerslam on Lothar, the German countered with an inverted DDT. From there Lothar applied a dragon sleeper, but that was ended when Smith hit a drive by kick!


Smith went to the top rope, in hopes of hitting a diving headbutt. But Reignhardt had other plans for him, and joined him up high just to launch him backwards with an avalanche fallaway slam!

These four are doing things we never see!

Yet C-4 came into action and took down Reignhardt with a top rope lariat. After that attack, he put down the German with a running powerslam! Lothar then came to aid of his ally, but was soon met with the offense of Smith. The Union Jets pressed their numbers advantage and took home their belts with the Detonator!

Winner: The Union Jets, via pinfall

Matthews, that match was something else.

You said it, partner.

Post match it seemed tensions were high as the two teams stared down one another. But in the end they shook hands, and the Union Jets raised the hands of DWM.

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Backstage in the hallways TORI MALIBU is fretting once again over another mishap!

And so it is written, the sad end of Tori Malibu. Kesha went out thug life, I just got a hard knock life. It's not fair, it's not fair!


That would be the sound of How2Girl, TMW's resident super heroine hurrying onto the scene with pomp, gallantry and a flowing cape.

Tori! What's got your hopes down in the super dumps?

Maaaaan, well I was trying to set up a mistletoe in Lisa Ann's doorway so peeps could get their MtV VMA for best on screen kiss, and maybe someone would be DTF, and let's face it Lisa Ann needs dick badly. You know she never gets it.


But I yanked the entire door frame off!

Goodness me, do you have super strength?

Just super Down's syndrome. Anyway I thought I'd help ease her stress by making her tea but tbh the floor keeps tripping me.

Do you mean you keep slipping?


Poor Tori, let's see if I can give you some super tips. It's all in the mind if you believe your going to spill or break things you undoubtedly will. It's best to be as carefree as possible and deal with obstacles as they arise. I've spilled an uncountable number of times, and tripped even more. I'm something of an expert by now! 

You? Really? I never would have guessed. You look so lithe and graceful and capable. I mean...! Um, I just mean you don't look like the spilling type. 

Gee, Thank you, but looks can be deceiving. Now then, let me show you an example of mind over matter, Tori! I'm gonna take this water to the other side of the room without fail. Here I go!

How2Girl begins walking, but already Tori sees danger!

Oh noes! Watch out for that banana peel on the ground! Where did that even come from? 

Don't worry, I spotted it too. See? Successfully avoided! Really, though... I don't think we even had bananas served today...

Oh! Oh my! There's a swarm of mosquitoes swarming around your head now!  

Yep, there sure is! I was certain mosquitoes wouldn't be indoors, yet there they are. This is a perfect opportunity to show you what I mean! I very badly want to set down this water to run away... But I will not give in! See? My strength of will is all I need to carry on. I'll be...just...fine. There! I made it to the end of the hallway!

Wow! You really are a superhero! But, I could never be like you.

Don't worry about a few mishaps here and there, Tori. Just having you around makes us all feel so much better about things. 

Really? You mean that?

I would not lead you astray. It would be unjust! You're the kind of person who brings a sense of calm to those around you. In fact, I'd like you as my trusty tag team partner. How about it?

Thank you so much! From now on, I promise to try my best. I won't let myself get discouraged!

That's the spirit! And for my part, I'll be here to help in any way I can!

Ha ha, great! I'm here for you too! 

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***The Geisha Girls Vs Weapons of Smart Ass Destruction***
Another very odd match got underway right when WoSMAD entered with Jessica lugging along tools. She announced the ring was off center and had to fix it.

If idiots would do their job correctly, I wouldn't have to come in and correct it. I have a PhD and I'm doing the job of the morons paying money to work here.

Inefficient. You should stop. You'll become tired. Though you're cute when you sleep.

What? Where's that coming from? I am not.

As cute as you are, I need you at full attention. Its hard to protect you if your immobile.

Fortunately Jessica had time as The Geisha Girl's entrance took a while thanks to a Geisha Girl fan showing off a homemade sign...that was ripped up by IamHina.

We're high class girls of the night, and we can't be associated with crude cave drawings. If you want to impress us paint a mural of our beautiful bodies in Brooklyn.

Beautiful Bodies/Writhe In The Night/Soon with explosions of cum.

To start the match Mitama faced off with Jessica who picked her up and dropped her right on her head!


You could have killed her!

Hmmm. I was taking the best route to victory. The risk of death never entered my hypotheses. I'll have to reexamine things.

Well there was no time for that as Mitama got up angry and took Jessica down where she smothered her with her boobs. A “Freebie” she snorted then flung Jessica into the Geisha Girl's corner. The two high class hookers entered the ring with a kiss on each other's lips then a wild double lariat to bowl over Jessica!

This isn't surprising me one bit. The Geisha Girls have known each other since they were kids, Jessica and The Masked Assassin are only teaming because The Masked Assassin can't wash her hands.

The Japanese duo worked over Jessica for several minutes, but Jessica figured out a way to sucker them both in and make them eat a diving lariat! Then the tag was made to TMA who cleaned house, much to the fans' joy. Although, TMA didn't seem to notice anyone was cheering her.

See, she can't even connect with the audience. I always connected.

Mostly because you cheated and ambushed people and got sent death threats. Not because anyone actually liked you.

But TMA did notice UNDIE BROWN arriving to ringside! Actually more than ringside than into the match itself!

Can't help it! Can't stop the urge! I got high school boys making the trip to his show staying in my apartment in exchange for undies, but its the panties of the exotic orientals, the deadly femme fatale and the cute brainiac I crave. Give them to me!

Jessica and The Geisha Girls had to scatter, with TMA making sure Jessica got out safely. But TMA remained and dared Undie Brown to come and take her panties off. This popped the crowd, but again TMA didn't care. But in the end they never got to fight as Sergeant Holt came along and opened a can of Alabama style whup ass on Undie Brown. The giant coward could take no more beatings and fled!


Are you okay, Jessica?

Hmph. I can protect my own panties, I don't need you as gatekeeper to my victoria's secret.

I will watch over your panties day and night.

This partnership gets creepier by the hour.

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***Chad Mustard Vs Fabian Nystrom***
Lisa Ann was on hand to make sure there was no Shell Gang funny business.

Ciao, Lisa!

Bad idea by Fabian as Chad spun him around and hit him with a brain buster onto the knee!!!


Dickie Dollar! This one could be over!

Fabian decided to get the hell on out of here and rolled to ringside to recuperate.

Doing it for the biracial God, doing it for Jeter!

Chad left the ring and sprinted across the mats, leaping into the steel stairs and then spiking Fabian's head into the mat with a DDT! The performance center crowd liked what they saw and Chad gave several of them some fist bumps and even drank one fan's beer.

Turning up on. Thursday! Getting but on a a Thursday. Left my condoms at home on a Thursday. Getting the clap on a Thursday.

The match moved back into the ring, where Chad positioned himself on the second rope. When Fabian rose the frat bro took flight and pounded him with a shoulder tackle. Chad did his best impression of Rex and started "hulking" so we could see he's not been skipping shoulder day.

From what Pierce Duncan tells me, shoulder day is the real lord's day.

A pin only got a one count, so Chad went back to the well. But the well ran dry and his shoulder tackle was met with a European uppercut from Fabian!

Nice try though, Chad.

Chad scrambled to his feet and threw punches that hardly affected Fabian. After failing to hurt his foe Chad was whipped into the corner, then hit by a running knee to the stomach. Pained, Chad had no defense from letting Fabian drape him across the middle ropes in the corner.

What the hell is he going to do?

With the fans fraught with worry, Fabian went up top, then proceeded to drop a double knee onto Chad's stomach! Chad howled in pain and fell to the mat, as Fabian posed with a charming yet sinful smile above him.

Shell Gang for life indeed!

As harsh as that move was, Chad kicked out at two to pop the crowd! The frat bro then rolled to the center of the ring, but Fabian easily caught up with him and made an effort to force him into a scorpion death lock. Chad hates bugs so he said fuck that and bucked Fabian off him. Visibly pissed, Fabian came running back with kick aimed to Chad's handsome face! But Chad grabbed hold of the boot and took control of the match!


After that Chad slam dunked Fabian with a leg trap spine buster that had the crowd roaring!

Matthews, think of the strength it takes to lift and slam someone like that.

But the big time spinebuster only earned a two count, which the fans voicing their annoyance. Chad though kept on fighting and bounced off the ropes to try a sunset flip. However, Fabian flat out refused to go down, and just laughed and shook his head. He then snagged Chad in a horrible two handed choke that enabled him to rip Chad off the mat and then powerbomb him down! The impact was thunderous and Chad looked in great pain. More pain was heaped onto him as Fabain turned him over into a scorpion death lock! The fans were horrified at how quickly Chad's outlook had turned so gloomy, but Fabian keept in a lazy smile as he tortured his foe.


Go ahead and listen to them, break your back for the pleasures of a couple hundred halfwits.   

Chad wouldn't tap no matter what Fabian said and instead made a painful crawl into the ropes. The hold was broken right away by Fabian, who proceeded to peacock about the ring.


Oh no, oh dear, a collection of people who wear dildo shaped head bands dislikes me, whatever will I do.

(climbing to his feet)
Wrong fed, Fabian. We wear our dildos in asses and pussies like real men and women. This isn't the WWE!


Fabian didn't understand why Chad or anyone else was now rallied to war, and lazily threw a lariat at the frat bro. Mustard ducks the attack and comes back to bash his foe with a snap dropkick. But Fabian rolled through with vampire agility and tries to put on a single leg crab. But all he did is try as Mustard made a daring escape out of it! Now Fabian is getting pissed and tries to spear Chad as he's near the corner, but the University of Maryland alum stepped to the side and Fabian rammed himself into the ring post!


Chad's a college educated dude as I said and smartly hit a single arm DDT on Fabain. Fabian grumbled in pain and rolls back to the corner, but had to avoid a rushing lariat from Mustard. Fabian then cocked a punch, but Mustard surpriseed him with a Terrapin(Harmlem) Sidekick that put him right back into the corner. There Fabian was made to suffer the humiliation of the corner ten punch and the fans counting along with his misery.

The fans are getting their moneys worth seeing Fabian get punched in the face over and over and over again!

Matthews, this is just pissing Fabian off even more.

Reject was quite right as Fabian lets out a roar and shoved Chad to the side. His hope was to dump Chad all the way to the mat and ruin his career, but as luck would have it for Ol Mustard he landed on the ring apron. However he landed in pain and is groggy as Fabian pulled him with a front facelock...while he himself stood on the second rope!

Matthews, I don't know what the hell is going to happen.

Fabian brings Chad up into the air in a suplex position while stands on the second rope. After a bit of a delay to show off his vamp strength, Fabian cursed Chad with a falcon arrow from the second rope!


The crowds amazed, I'm amazed, Reject is amazed and Chad is broken!

With no ability to defend himself Chad was slung into the ropes then hit by the incredible finisher of a pop up German suplex!

Carpe That Fucking Diem!

The fans begged Chad to kickout, but there was no life left in the fan favorite as Fabian secured another victory!

Winner: Fabian Nystrom, via pinfall

Post-match, the other members of The Shell Gang arrived into the ring, which gave Lisa Ann plenty of reasons to fret.

Get out of there!

But we haven't done much of anything yet.

You will leave Chad alone!

Hehehe, will we? I dunno. I just don't know.

I will offer you a bargain, Lisa Ann, you give me a HARD title shot and you won't be needing to make any uncomfortable calls to Chad's parents.

(through gritted teeth)

What was that, love? 


The Shell Gang made good on their promise not to abuse Chad, but they still reserved the right to humiliate him and spray painted their name all over his body.


TMW has never seen anyone like them. No one knows how to stop them, because nothing can stop them.

A promo was shown for the newcomer known as THE INTRUDER!

Here I am with a fresh OAOAST contract. I took over Big Brother down under, and became the biggest sensation that country's ever had since Crocodile Dundee, but I got tired of the backwater kangroo worhsiping loons and have come back to America to be the number one star in sports entertainment. It doesn't take more than five seconds to look around the OAOAST and see its full of natural born failures, I predict a TMW Hard Title win three weeks after my debut and an OAOAST World Heavyweight Title four months after my debut.

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***HARD Championship: Storm Bellmare © W/Eponine Black and Isabella Spezia Vs Painbow W/Kiki Kix***
Painbow came out meaner than usual barking at the fans and camera people. His mood worsened when Storm entered, and he couldn't stop himself from attacking him right off the bat! Storm wasn't prepared for this and Painbow went to town, battering with blows.

The challenger is not going to wait for the champion to get ready!

Hehehe, lust boils over, Painbow unable to control himself, can't fight his feelings of passion and rage.

Is that what's happening? I thought he was jumping him like a Crip wandering into a Blood hood. You are SO smart Eponine.

Yep, I know.

Well that wasn't what was happening as Painbow beat Storm down on the entrance ramp then took the HARD title and held it overhead.


Things got even crazier as a special VIP section was setup for the Shell Gang to watch this match.

I guarantee Lisa Ann did not approve this.

Storm stayed focused and used his guts and moxy to force his rival into the ring, making Painbow's second match of the night official. Kiki shouted for Painbow to try and choke Storm out, but Storm fought off that attempt and made Painbow pay with a pair of snap suplexes.The champ then proceeded to tangle Painbow in a chancery, but Kiki had advice for Painbow to get free and get free he did, then overtook his foe with a heel hook.

Painbow having Kiki in his corner is an incredible advantage.

She reminds me of Krista and older wiser lesbian. An owl. Moooooo.

Isabella, cows moo.

I'm aware of that, thank you very much. I just wanted to moo.

And Storm having them in his corner is just torture.

Storm did escape the heel hook, maybe spurred on by Eponine announcing she think foot fetishes are gross. Anyway back on their feet the two men traded blows with Painbow once again being reminded that Storm ain't no slouch with the hands. Storm ended the punching, by trying to take Painbow down with a front Russian leg sweep, but Painbow used his size to power out of the hold. At Kiki's request, Painbow MURDERED Storm with a brutal stalling Regal plex!

The HARD title belongs to the dog!


I love dogs! I've been trying to adopt Rick Steiner The Dog Faced Gremlin, but my calls no longer are getting returned.

Storm did makes his way to his feet and traded blows with Painbow as the crowd and his valets rooted him on. The Berkley native went for a big move with a fireman's carry dropped into a roundhouse kick! But Painbow shrugged off the attack and trapped Storm into sort of a standing STF!

That was unbelievable! I've never seen anyone who's not a vampire just shrug off a roundhouse kick. Amazing.

He's not much fun for the PR department, but Painbow is a beast in the ring.

With the crowd rooting him on, Storm was able to escape to the ropes. Over in the VIP section, Wesley owed Ignatius money as they had bet Storm would submit. How wrong Wesley thinks of Painbow as Storm went right back to trading punches. Painbow tried to grab Storm into an armbar like Kiki said, but the champion rolled out of the hold then smashed Painbow with a spinning back kick to the gut, and brought him to the ground with a rocker dropper!


Storm pinned his foe, but didn't get the win as Painbow kicked out before the three. Storm went to the second rope, but all his plans were for naught as Painbow swept the leg and smashed his neck across the turnbuckle. The challenger then looked for a German Suplex, but Storm again showed his moxy by flipping out. Unfortunately he ran right into a wild lariat from the Georgia native!


Painbow beat his chest to heat from the crowd, then turned his attention back to Storm. The Berkley native was set up on the top rope, and then Painbow climbed up as well looking for an avalanche belly to belly. But instead Storm fought him off and knocked him back to his feet on the mat. This was just perfect for Storm who hit a diving meteora!

Hhehehe oh yes, tighten your legs around his head, Stormy, he needs that domination.

Painbow was on his feet but woozy, yet managed to elbow out of a German Suplex effort by using a series of elbows. From there he pitched Storm out of the ring and followed him outside with an eye on doing more damage.

Man, these matches in TMW are getting more and more crazy.

The two men did battle along the ringside area, carrying themselves all the way to the VIP area of the Shell Gang, which was quite amusing to the three men.

Welcome, welcome make yourself at home.

Painbow certainly tried to as he swung a fucking wine bottle at Storm's head! Thank the good lord, Storm was able to duck it. And then he went on the offense in a big way, pitching Painbow through the VIP table!!!


That crazy shit was so deadly that it knocked Painbow out and forced the referee to call the match.

Winner: Storm Bellmare, via knockout

Post-match Wesley was incensed and wanted to attack Storm right then and there. But Fabian smoothed things over and shook Storm's hands, and mentioned how he's looking forward to their match, and finished all that off with the most handsome smile in the world.

Be still my beating heart!

The last shot of all this was Storm's confused and cautious expression, even as he held the title.

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***Hotties Title: Glass Juliet (c) Vs Adelphe St.Nerdregard***
On hand was Crystal who sat next to Pierette, Adelphe's sister and their father.

I don't know why they came to see their sister and daughter lose. Glass Juliet is automatic, she's held the TMW Hotties Championship for over a year. Do you understand how long that is in the OAOAST?

I understand, but there's such a thing called hope and if you listen to Adelphe there's such a thing called magic.

If you listen to Adelphe for anything you should seek therapy immediately.

The fans were abuzz for this one, Glass Juliet's latest title defense in her year+ long reign and her upstart contender, Adelphe St.Nerdregard, who is beloved by the people.

No Effie, she must be washing off the stink of Euphoria.


I never refuse the call from my people! Come, Glass Juliet, fate beckons!

Upuppupu, like a true Wolverine! I'll give it all I got! It's punishment time!

And punish Juli did, beating Adelphe about the ring with forearms and chops.

Like I said, Adelphe doesn't match up with Glass. You hold a title for over a year for a reason.

But Reject may have spoke to soon as Adelphe countered a flapjack with a falling cutter! Glass immediately rolled to the corner, and got hit with a bronco buster!

Celestial panty assault!

Someone get Undie Brown out here.

Glass Juliet was pretty dazed from getting a face full of yak as Stevie Ray might so, and so rolled out the ring, where she suffered from taunts from the fans. She also suffered a suicide dive attempt by her foe. But the youthful vampire CAUGHT Adelphe and launched into her family with a fall away slam!

We at U of M think the bonds of family are very important, and I want your family to get one last look at you before I crush you like Buckeye scum!

Everyone saw what Glass can do, they saw it at November Reign and they've seen it here in TMW for over a year.  

Adelphe got encouragement from her family and hopped back into action, but was attacked by Juli who wanted to powerbomb into the guardrail. But she was distracted by the scent of Adelphe's celestial vagina, and the ginger was able to flip out and then ram her vampire rival into the posts!

Never doubt my ability to manipulate the occult forces that bind my blood.

Rex just calls that being on the gas.

Back inside the ring, Adelphe went up top and attempted a diving lariat. But Glass must have been chatting with Sumeragi because she blew a gust of BLOOD into Adelphe's face!


Holy shit!

If you can guess who's blood that is you can get a naked picture of me and Effie sent to you via snapchat!

Leaving that offer to linger, Juli was nice enough to wipe off Adelphe's face...with refere Scotty 2 Hotty's shrt. Adelphe was obviously insulted and snapped off a rana to a pop from the crowd. With fans and family cheering her on, Adelphe went up top once more, but this time got attacked by a leaping European uppercut from her foe!

Right on the button.

Glass Juliet is all giggles as she went to the top rope with Adelphe, who got an encouraging kiss on the head from the cheerleader. Adelphe didn't muchcare like that and gave Juli a hard shove that left her lying on the mat! From there Adelphe wowed the fans with an imploding phoenix splash...a move that missed and led Glass Juliet to hook in a crossface choke!

“DON'T TAP OUT! DON'T TAP OUT! DON'T TAP OUT!” the fans chant.

And Adelphe wouldn't tap out, hungry to beat Glass and secure her first ever Hotties title. Full of fire and hope, the Canadian got to her feet and traded forearms and chops with Glass Juliet, who found that to be quite fun.

Trading strikes with a vampire is a bad way to go.

Juli eventually got bored of striking and launched Adelphe into the ring posts, where she was made to suffer through a choke from her flashy boots. Wheezing Adelphe staggered forward and was hit with an arm trap neckbreaker that had her pinned for two. She was roughly brought to her feet and thrown to the ropes, but she impressed everyone in attendance as she moonsaulted back to Glass Juli then caught her with a tornado DDT on the way down!

The stars have shown upon me with blessings, the last time I tried that move I broke the jobber's neck!

Yeah, and raised our insurance rates.

Glass wasn't willing to let the star blessings decide her fate and surprised Adelphe with a casadora bulldog, then kept things simpler with a bridging Northern lights that Adelphe kicked out of at two. Adelphe had to duck a spinning roundhouse, but then got hit with a stunner that left her woozy on her feet.

Ohhhh so tough, you're like the main character of a video game, but not trash Batmobile driving sequences for you, just straight to the final boss!

The final boss aimed to put Glass away with a tilt a whirl gut buster, however the Celestial Princess managed a daring escape! Glass wasn't expecting that and got hit with a powerslam then a ridiculous running spiral tap!

Now that has to be it, partner!

But it wasn't as Glass kicked out with a laugh and a thumbs up. The bubbly vampire kipped up and blasted her foe with a big boot straight to the face, then drove her weight onto her body with a swanton bomb! Juli made a lazy cover, counting along, but was stunned to see Adelphe kickout!


Glass stomped about the ring, complaining about the count and reminding everyone she had her belt for over a year. But when she returned to Adelphe, the ginger rocked her with a 540 kick, as in she literally spun 540 degrees and kicked Glass right in the face. Juli fell into the ropes and in daze, but the cables were an unwelcoming home who spewed her back into a...


And that my friends is how Adelphe became TMW Hotties Champion, and how the legendary run of Glass Juliet came to a close.

Winner: Adelphe St.Nerdregard, new champion!

Adelphe has done the unthinkable!

She literally did the impossible, Matthews! No one beats Glass Juliet but she did!

Adelphe was given warm hugs in the ring from her father and her sister. Other TMW roster members came out to congratulate Adelphe, and noticeable in the celebratory party were her cousins Madison, Molly and Melody! The final shot was K-Rawk and Marc Bennet lifting her onto their shoulders so she could show her newly won title to the world!


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