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OAOAST TMW: A comedy/erotic e-fed

OAOAST Halloween Spectacular X


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Across a river, over a bunch of mountains, through fields, sweeping past trees and bushes, hovering over the skyline of New York City, the OAOAST logo flies through the air...before sweeping down, brushing past an elderly man who seems understandably shocked to see six over-sized letters fly past him. The logo continues going, nearing a house...which luckily, a woman is leaving, meaning the logo can sweep through the open door, continuing on down the hallfway and into the living room where a young kid is sat on his computer. It sweeps past him, hitting the computer...which explodes with a flash, lighting up much to the kid's shock and delight.




B O O M ~!

Backstage, the world famous interview lounge is LIT as a Halloween party is ongoing. If a member of the OAOAST roster isn't on tonight's card you can bet they're among the many in costume enjoying themselves. In the background Tony Tourettes, bandaged up and all from the recent beating he received at the hand of VICE, creeps on the ladies while a battered and bruise Vinny Valentine enjoys some punch. 

Viewers are greeted by OAOAST Hall of Famer Tony Brannigan and OAOAST Hottie Sara Jean Underwood, both in costume (Brannigan as a lifeguard w/ jacket, SJU a sexy bunny). 

Hello world! Welcome to 2016 OAOAST Halloween Spectacular! 

The event's 10th anniversary! 

As we say goodbye--

To the old and hello to the new! 

OAOAST World Champion Tyler Bryant enters the picture along with THE FLEX and Lorelei DeCenzo. 

Not that I'm calling you old, TB, even though you're old enough to be my father. Wouldn't that be a thrill? By the way, nice jacket. Keeps you from having to suck in that gut. 

Lori and Flex snicker. 

What brings you to the party? 

(to Lori & Flex)
Check out this guy. Finally found a post wrestling career, huh? Only took about 10 years but better late than never! Never would've guessed you'd become a comedian. What brings me to the party? Heh. 
(holds up OAOAST Championship)
This brings me to the party. Because when you're the champ doors open, legs spread and big money gets deposited in your bank account. Maybe I'll float you a loan. Then again, maybe not! 

The champ and company go to enjoy a drink as Brannigan regains his composure. 

Let's send it over to the best announce team in the Sofa Central!

We pan around the SOLD OUT crowd where members of the OAOAST Galaxy (many of whom dressed up in costumes for Halloween) hold their signs and mug for the camera.


SWOOP~! over to R&C at Sofa Central in costumes themselves. Renee as a sexy nurse and Da Coach as her patient. 

Thanks guys! Let's get straight to the treats and go to the ring for our opening contest! 

Oh nurse? Spongebath! 


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*** Grudge Match: Alexander The Magnificent w/ A$AP Blondie vs. Oscar Friberg ***

No opening lockups here. Instead both superstars opened fire right away. ATM gained the early advantage but Oscar managed to weaponize ATM's momentum, hurling himself through the ropes on an Irish whip attempt to wipe out A$AP Blondie ringside! 


Knocked loopy Blondie was assisted backstage by OAOAST officials.

Oscar Friberg with preemptive measures to ensure he and Alexander settle their feud once and for all! 

Is that what they call a blindside attack nowadays -- a preemptive measure? 

Here's a text with an eye roll emoji. 

phone buzzes *


Oscar baited ATM to chase him around, using his speed and agility to frustrate the big man, but a well timed big boot flipped the script. Now on the defensive the leader of Team SCREAM found life rough as ATM unleashed a power based offensive. The OAOAST Galaxy rallied behind Oscar as ATM attempted to deliver a powerbomb, a move he and Blondie claimed broke the spirt of Oscar at Angleslam. But on this night Oscar countered the powerbomb into a thunderous facebuster! 

Go for the cover Oscar! 

Feeling as though he didn't have ATM down and out for good, Oscar decided to go upstairs... but the time it took allowed ATM to meet him in the corner. The two traded blows from the middle rope, with Oscar even going to the eyes to stun ATM. 

Isn't Oscar Friberg supposed to be a hero? What kind of hero gouges another man's eyes?

One in a grudge match!

Slumped over clutching his face ATM gave Oscar the opening he needed to execute a SUNSET FLIP POWERBOMB! But rather than go for the pin Oscar slaps on the Katahajime! 

Oh no! 

Having the air basically knocked out of him from the powerbomb moments prior and too far away from the ropes, ATM decides to tap immediately rather than risk being choked out. 

Oscar wins using Alexander's own submission! I guess you can say Oscar broke Alexander's fighting spirit! 

Winner: Oscar Friberg, via submission.

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  • 2 weeks later...


“I like my ass up high, and my face down low
Ass up high and my face down low
I like my ass up high, and my face down low
Ass ass high face face down down low
I like my
I like my ass up high, and my face down LOW!”

“AUH” hits and the fans are rocking to the beat and to the bootyrific duo of December Belle and Bobbi Cheesecake who appear in tootsie roll themed tights for Halloween that show off plenty of tits and plenty of ass. Ass that the two slam together, to pump themselves with a butt bump! Well, Bobbi is pumped, December is ehh.

The following is the MISS ANDERSON CUP SABLE BRACKET CONFERENCE FINALS...now making their way to the ring, representing SUNRISE...they are “SLEEPING BEAUTY” DECEMBER BELLE, “ASSCAKE” BOBBI CHEESECAKE...the reigning and defending tag team champions, “THE MARDI GRAS ASS WRECKING CREW!”


The Ass Wrecking Crew has the most to lose in this tournament, but they've been awesome in beating The Menagerie and Fairly Odd Vamps to get to this point.

Though road to ho from two hoes from Surnrise, while Melissa and Anastasia are chilling in the cut.

Yeah, pretty unbelievable how they got to coast to the finals.

December and Bobbi find a cute guy in the front row, who happens to be dressed like Tony Brannigan and give him kisses on the cheek before they slide into the ring and pump up the rest of the audience.

These two are so used to big matches, I think by now they have nerves of ice and steel.

Or Bobbi's just on a sugar rush and December is half comatose.   

Think I just remembered something
I think I left the faucet running
Now my words are filling up the tub
Darling, you're just soaking in it
But I know you'll get out the minute
You notice all your fingers pruning up

I'm tired of being careful, tiptoe, trying to keep the water warm
Let me under your skin
Uh-oh, there it goes, I said too much, it overflowed
Why do I always spill?

I feel it coming out my throat
Guess I better wash my mouth out with soap
God, I wish I never spoke
Now I gotta wash my mouth out with soap


The half EDM half rock stylings of “Soap” power into the arena with more cheers coming from the already excited fans. The queen of antiheroes, Cassidy Maguire appears in a slick cutout body suit, frowning at the world, while keeping a black bodysuited Number Two on a short leash. Literally! Cassidy walks Number Two like a dog, all the while bemoaning the fact she can't just get handed a finals spot like PYM.

And their opponents, from Boston, Mass, they represent DELTA DELTA DELTA, CASSIDY MAGUIRE, and CASSIDY NUMBER TWO....THE CASSSSIDDDYSSSS!


Cassidy lives life with a chip on her shoulders, and I think that's why she snapped on Gretchen to get to this conference finals. But, I don't know, I don't think she should have just attacked Gretchen like that.

Let's face facts, Gretchen is a shitty leader, and if she wasn't a shitty leader, she'd be in the conference finals and not Cassidy. Its like they're brothers, Christian is a follower, and Colin is a leader. Gretchen is a follower, and Cassidy is a leader.

Cassidy lets Number Two off her leash and the pale skinned cutie goes zooming into the ring shortly after Cassidy enters herself with a flip of her hair and a conceited smile to the camera. 


To start the conference final match we have December against Number Two.


Please god, let my anal cavity go unwrecked. I don't have a gape fetish.

Ah, that's cool, I don't like grapes either. They're nasty.

The two uh strange Hotties lockup with Number Two able to force December all the way to the corner.

That was odd, I would think December is stronger than Number Two.

December probably fell asleep halfway through that.

Referee Val Venis backs Number Two away, allowing the tag champ to get to the center of the ring. There the two Hotties engage in another lockup, this one seeing December apply a headlock. Sleeping Beauty then goes behind Number Two and hooks in a hammerlock and gives her booty a bump with her crotch!

Oh no, god failed to hear my prayers. My ass is wrecked, mom.

For the last time, I'm not your mother!

Number Two works her way out of the hold, but unfortunately gets trapped in another headlock from December.

December looking like big booty Simon Singleton!

Number Two has had enough of this and shoves December into the ropes, but when the Tennessee native returns she monkey flips Number Two into the Ass Wrecking Crew corner! There the tag is exchanged between December and Bobbi!


Time to pump it up, gang!

Bobbi hooks onto #2 in an arm wringer and tries to cause her great hurt. Yet Number 2 uses her Lucha skills to jump onto the top rope and leap free of Bobbi by coming onto the apron.

Hold it! Booty inspection!


You pass!

If she passes you all deserve to have your asses wrecked.

Ignoring Cassidy, Number Two tangles Bobbi up in an abdominal stretch, them somehow turns that into pulling Bobbi onto the ground for a pin!



An escape!

Bobbi jumps to her feet but is dizzied by an almost dance like arm wringer followed by an arm drag that sends her out the ring. Number Two then shines as she hits a suicide forearm on Bobbi as she rises!

How this freaky bitch got Lucha skills!

I'll answer that, members of the Manson family have sent me Cmll tapes since I was 11

That's your only source of pride at that!

Inside the ring, Bobbi blocks more arm based offense and attacks Number Two's arm with her butt! With the odd Hottie stunned, Bobbi grabs hold of her hair and slings her into the corner!

I'm pumped up for Halloween and for friendship! Time for the ultra butt attack!

Impossible. The butt based lucha tapes were eaten by my mom's Beta player.

What the hell is a beta player?

Number Two runs away from Bobbi's ultra butt attack and slaps hands with Cassidy Number One. Just to show she ain't afraid of no ass, Cassidy slingshots herself in the ring and boots Bobbi in the ass!


Cassidy surely isn't playing around as she lifts up Bobbi and hits an atomic drop. Pained, Bobbi staggers into the ropes, where Cassidy proceeds to press her boot right into her ass!

Boots to asses, my dad says this.

You're not supposed to be enjoying this!

Ah, right. Sorry.

Venis lets Bobbi go free, and Spazcake is hopping mad! She starts flinging punches at Cassidy then has her on the back foot to the corner. But, Cassidy fights back with forearms. The Boston babe then tries to backdrop Bobbi over the top rope, but Bobbi hangs onto the cables, the problem is Cassidy hangs onto her legs! Then Cassidy proceeds to spin her around in hopes of hitting her finisher, but Bobbi makes a flying escape, and celebrates with a fist pump!

Ugh, you're such a spaz.



Bobbi manages to slip through Cassidy's front facelock effort, then tries to hook her into an inverted version of that move. Yet that doesn't come to pass as Casssidy snapmares Bobbi over to avoid such a play. Asscake hurries to her feet, but Cassidy seizes hold of her and situates her across the turnbuckles in a horizontal position. This is bad for the tag champion as Cassidy winds up and kicks her in the ribs!


Bobbi falls back to the mat and is pinned by Cassidy....



A kickout!

The tag champ rolls back into the corner, where she gets choked by the cruel boot of Cassidy, and where the official has to start a count.

Cassidy got a mean streak.


And its further shown as Colin's elder sister begins using boot scrapes against poor Bobbi. Bobbi whimpers in pain, which doesn't do much to soften Cassidy's heart.

Femdom isn't so fun when the riding crop is crashing on your ass.

Lies, femdom is always fun!

Bobbi begins blasting Cassidy with punches to mount a comeback, then proceeds to twist her to the mat with a gutwrench suplex! Rather than let her go, though, the Seattle native rolls through and hits a single knee gustbuster on Cass!




A shoulder up!

Bobbi whips Cassidy into the ropes, where a blind tag is made by Number Two. The leader of the Cassidys ducks Bobbi's lariat, and is happy to see Number Two launch herself through the middle ropes to score with a slingshot cutter!

Whew! Number Two flying high!

Cassidy comes off the ropes and drops a leg, leading to an easy pin for Number Two...



A kickout!

Bobbi rolls to her feet and takes aim at Number Two with a pair of forearms. But she isn't healthy enough to do more than that, and Number Two grabs hold of her arm. From there, the morbid Hottie leaps onto the top rope and springboards off to throw Bobbi around with an arm drag! Annoyed and hurt, Bobbi drags herself upright, but when she does Number Two seizes hold of her with a hammerlock then completes an inverted DDT!

Hello, everyone, I am the antler man for Halloween. Ho-ho-ho, beware my antlers!




Bobbi uses this foolishness to get to her feet, and begins teeing off on Number Two with punches. She then hits a triple elbow combination that sinks Number Two to her knees. Asscake then hits the ropes, looking for a butt attack, but Number Two is able to roll backwards. Even more impressive, Number Two reaches up with her legs and almost hits a head scissors. I say almost, because Bobbi lifts her up and hits a wild Alabama Slam!


Holy cow! Coach, have you ever seen a counter like that?

That's that freaky Spaz strength!

Bobbi lays atop Number Two for a cover...



A shoulder up!

The tag is passed to December, and the Ass Wrecking Crew sets up a double team, Bobbi lifts Number Two onto her shoulders then tosses her off to land her stomach first across December's knees!

Bad costume. Bad.


Number Two is rolled off December's knee with a sore booty and a bruised ego because she really liked her costume. The morbid blond rises off the mat with the aid of the ropes, but that only leads to her eating a big boot that propels her over the orange cables and onto the ring apron! Despite her pain she rises upright, yet gets caught by a front facelock from December. Sleeping Beauty then tries to bring Number Two in with a suplex, but Number Two escapes out the back! She then spins December around and wows the fans with a sliced bread into a crushing reverse x-factor!

Postcard From the Edge!

Yep, this bitch is on the edge of sanity.

Number Two points to the ropes and ascends to the top turnbuckle getting a rise from the anticipating Vegas crowd. She then flies off with a moon stomp, but December rolls out the way! The brunette babe then jumps to her feet and takes an off balance Number Two onto her shoulders! From there she flings her off with an F-5 into a Rock Bottom!


Wake Me Up When December Ends!

The crucial cover...





Whew! Number Two with a major flair for the dramatic! 

Don't worry, we still get this!

Yeah, Number Two, you can do it.

I'm talking to you!

December takes the words of encouragement to heart as she whips Number Two into an empty corner then runs in to make her eat a big boot! The blond beauty falls to the ground, which allows December to elevate herself to the second rope. And that proves helpful as she flies off and drops a leg onto Number Two!

Another cover follows....



A kickout!

Number Two shows toughness and grit by coming to her feet on her own power. Yet she's halted by a pair of knees to the gut from December. The Tennessee beauty then hauls Number Two across her shoulders yet again, causing the Vegas fans to rise to their feet!

I think she's going for it again!

But instead of being hit with December's finisher, Number Two escapes out the back and hits a neckbreaker! Using a quick sequence she immediately does a backflip and catches a rising December with a head scissors!

Hold Me, Thrill Me, Kill Me!

I'll thrill you alright with my big ass snicker's bar for yo Halloween Candy!

Number Two needs to get to Cassidy Number One, and thus begins the painful crawl to her corner. Behind her, December makes the tag to Bobbi, who has every intention of not letting Number Two reach the ropes. She clamps down on Number Two's boots, but finds Number Two as tough as ever as the weird Hottie slams her with an enziguri! Free of Bobbi, Number Two is able to make the tag to Cassidy!


Rather than enter the ring right away, Cassidy climbs to the top turnbuckle, then flies off to blast Bobbi in the face with a missile dropkick! Though pained, Bobbi finds her footing quickly, which upsets Cassidy. The snobbish babe tries to whip Bobbi into the corner, but instead she gets reversed and is thrown into the posts. But Cassidy comes flying out and hits a rebound spear on Bobbi!

Bring it, idiot hookers


Bobbi is brought to her feet and slung into the ropes, but December prevents her return in an act of good partnership. Sleeping Beauty then enters the ring, and tries to DDT Cassidy, but the Delta House vice tosses her backwards and smashes her against the corner posts with a Northern Lights suplex!


December may be down, but she was a great aid to Bobbi who slams a spinning back kick right into Cassidy's ass! Cassidy yelps in pain, but even worse comes as Bobbi drills her with a lung blower!

A pin is then counted...



Number Two breaks it up!

Bobbi takes aim at Cassidy Number Two, battering her with a wave of punches and kicks. She eventually doubles her over, and stuffs her between her legs before lifting her up in a powerbomb effort. Yet, Number Two rolls to the side and flings Bobbi over with an arm drag! Though that was impressive, its Bobbi who gets the last laugh as she runs through Number Two with a headbutt to the pussy!


Bobbi has little chance to celebrate as Cassidy grabs hold of her and spins her around for a lifting double leg facebuster!

Oxygen Holocaust!

The cover....






Hey! Not again!

Wanda pitches Cassidy over the guardrail and thinks she just might be done with the snobbish sorority girl. Yet, Cassidy comes up holding a fan's lighter! 

I hope you didn't think I was done, bitch. EXPRESSO IGNITIUS!

BOOOOOOM! The fire from the lighter turns into a huge ball that launches at Wanda and catches her aflame! The fat zombie is a dire straits, and rushes backstage a smoldering ball of maggots, rotting flesh and flames!

Yo, Cassidy made dis shit in En Fuego!

Never cross a witch! Especially when that witch is Cassidy Maguire!

Cassidy enters the ring, fully pleased with having bested Wanda at least for now. But when she returns she's caught with a spinebuster by December! The fans became abuzz, as December positions herself above Cassidy's head and readies the people's elbow!


But Number Two aids her “mom” as she spears December away from her!


Bobbi starts to pull Cassidy up, only for Cassidy to small package her! But Bobbi makes a hurried escape, finding her footing. But danger strikes when Numbed Two hits a Biotic Crisis! After that Cassidy dives on her for a pin!





Your winners and advancing to the Miss Anderson Cup Finals later tonight....CASSIDY MAGUIRE and CASSIDY NUMBER TWO!


Cassidy folds her arms and nods to Number Two which is the bitch version of saying good job. Number Two just sort of gazes blankly into space, probably thinking about cadavers or fucking Colin, or fucking Colin on a cadaver.

The finals are all lined up, the Cassidys repping Delta House against Pretty Young Money and there's going to be some craziness in that match!

I'm bugging, b, that match is gonna be lit.

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24/7 Title: Coulter Doyle Vs Flynn Stevens Vs Nathaniel Black Vs TurboWolf (c)***

Flynn brought kendo sticks, while Coulter dragged along inflated pats footballs! That was all useless as Black and Wolf beat them out the ring.

Awww I feel bad.

Though Wolf and Black were able to brawl for a bit, when it spilled outside, Celtic Gothic pounced! Wolf was hammered with a tire iron, while Black got beat with a trash can.

This happens a lot, a tag team gets involved in the 24/7 title but only one can win.

That didn't seem to matter as the faces started fighting back against the heels, with Black hitting an apron power bomb on Coulter. But then Wolf smashed him in the head with the belt and tossed him over the guardrail.

Black got his ass sent out this match.

That left Flynn to fight Wolf, who fought off kendo stick attacks and drilled his foe with the Dehumanized brain buster onto a chair for a win.

Winner: TurboWolf, via pinfall.

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*** 6-Man Tag Title: The 3 Amigos vs. VICE & Joey The Rat © ***

Their demeanor going in resembling that of a team thinking all they have to do is show up on the field/court/ice to collect the W, VICE and Joey quickly learned the 3 Amigos came to play. Now in a dog fight the champs looked to escape with their title by any means necessary, especially since Joey found himself being manhandled in the ring by Chick as VICE, Juicy Cantu-Si and Mariachi battled outside. 

It's like watching trick-or-treaters brawl in the streets! 

* phone buzzes *

Pete-O agrees! 

You gave Pete your number?!

The Masked Mutants have yours.

Because they went through my purse and searched my phone! 

CPA managed to put down Juicy and then looked to blindside Chick with a GIGATON PUNCH... only for VINNY VALENTINE to yank CPA down and crotch him on the ringpost! 


As Vinny laid the verbal smack down to CPA, Bosley whipped out his TELESCOPIC BATON and was about to pop Vinny when TONY TOURETTES showed and kicked Bosley in the nuts!

Tony T flipped VICE off before fleeing with Vinny.

Dem Bums!

Getting payback for the beatdown they received at the hands of VICE a few weeks ago. 

With VICE incapacitated Mariachi and Juicy joined Chick in the ring, hitting a spike double tombstone on Joey which Chick followed with The Sky is Falling for the 1-2-3!

We've got new champions!
Winners: The 3 Amigos, via pinfall. New champions! 

The 3 Amigos celebrated in the crowd post-match. 

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***Teddy Buckworth Vs Silver W/Reagan Flanagan***

Hey, what's Halloween without a freshly made vampire?

With Reagan around and not Maggie, at least Silver had an attentive valet. But it did him no good as Teddy beat his ass for the first two minutes of the match.

I deserve this. I'm worse than Hitler and Angle Plex combined!

Looks like Silver inherited his uncles heat

Speaking of AS, Reagan called for an Angle Slam, which Silver failed to hit! But he did get an ankle lock, and he got it so long he broke Teddy's ankle!


I shall fix that in a moment.

And just like that, Teddy used vamp healing to repair his ankle!


Showing off he then hit an enziguri, which may have been his first ever! But Silver fought back and hit a tornado DDT, followed by a moonsault!

Uncle AS gotta like that.

Silver got in the ankle lock, but this time Teddy wasn't messing around and powered him out the ring. Silver tried to tangle an approaching Teddy into the ropes, but the vampire escaped. Then Silver suffered a DDT onto the apron!


Omg? Are you Annagret now?

Silver did kick out, and went back to an ankle lock only this time he tried to tear apart both ankles at Regan's suggestion

Yo, this old bitch fine but she kinda fucked up.

Reagan decided to help Silver along with a spell to slow down the vamp healing, but then Angel arrived with a spell to tear off her sisters clothes!


Gilf action on Halloween!

Silver's scheme fell apart so he went back for a moonsault but missed. While he dodged House of the Rising Knee he was hit with Buck The Trend immediately after to eat the loss.

Winner: Teddy Buckworth, via pinfall

Teddy won this battle, but Leon ain't gonna lose the war.

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***Miss Anderson Cup Final: The Cassidys Vs Pretty Young Money W/Phecda and Al Houd***
The production staff wanted to do Goldberg style walk to the ring intros for the teams, which was all well and good for PYM, but on the way to the ring the Cassidys were stopped by police officers.

Excuse me? I'm on my way to a very important match that will decide the fate of the free world. Will it remain in the hands of cool, popular people like me, or sexually stunted buck tooth Jesus freaks like the ones out there.

Cassidy Maguire, we got a complaint about an assault with fire.

Or you mean, some psycho that doesn't get to bone me turned me in for setting Wanda on fire.

So you admit to it?

Of course! It was my greatest move ever!

Cassidy Maguire, you're under arrest.


The cuffs were slapped on Cassidy!

This is bad. I'm just a sidekick, a sidekick with no money for your bail, or reasonable hope of winning the Miss Anderson Cup.

No shit! Get Pierette, she can tag with you!

Pierette is trick or treating.

At twenty two years of age?!

I can get Gretchen to hurry to the arena from her hotel.

No! No Gretchen! You do this on your own. You got me?


Yup? You sound like an idiot.

Cassidy was carted away to prison, which amazingly is not the first time this year in the OAOAST!

***Miss Anderson Cup Finals: Number Two Vs Pretty Young Money W/Phecda and Al Houd***
Shame what happened to Cassidy, darling, instead of arresting the Jews and the Muslims the cops wanna cart off a good girl from a good family.

Melissa's sympathy didn't stop her from wailing away on Number Two, but Number Two gave as good as she got, which greatly upset Melissa. Anastasia got into the ring, instead, but couldn't manage to slow down Number Two long enough to apply one of her submissions. This had Melissa red in the face!

Melissa thought this would be a breeze. Ooops!

Number Two went toe to toe with both members of PYM, holding down the fort for Delta House and Cassidy Number One. As the match went on, Melissa grew more and more irate and even openly called for the guitar! Cooler heads didn't exactly prevail, it was just that Anastasia was able to finally wear down Number Two. Then the numbers advantage came into play, with Number Two's hard work effectivly ruined by meddling from Phecda and Al Houd.

Destiny will not be averted.

Melissa's greatness will forever shine.

GRETCHEN WRIGHT arrived on scene to a big pop, but was waved off by Number Two and left to stand on the ramp, shouting encouragement. Though Number Two fought with more bravery and toughness anyone thought possible, in the end a Hell on Heels bicycle kick gave us the finish we all saw coming.

Winners: Pretty Young Money, via pinfall

Gretchen gathered Number Two out of the ring, and let pale skinned babe soak in the cheers and appreciation of the fans. But the mood became sour when the busty trophy was presented to PYM.

Jesus' glory smiles on me today, ya'll! And oh yeah, smiles on Anastasia too, I guess. Why not.


Three time tag champions, baby! WHOOOOOOOO-HOOOOOOO~!


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***US Title: Lancel Locke(c) W/Megan Skye and Sunshine Yukino Vs King Landon Maddix W/Ser Pike Pantera***

I do not Pike at ringside at all!

Gotta let the bull get his stripes and learn from the master, and make no mistake King Landon is the master, world champ in two Feds, head of numerous stables, maineventer all across the globe. Pike is learning from the man and Lancel gonna learn too.

Our king tried too take Lancel to school with some holds, but wound up being bested and chased out of the ring. Pike stood guard over the king, until he was ready to return.

I am no coward!

Landon, no one said this.

The king took Pike through a headlock sequence that went awry when Lancel hit a stunner followed by a wrist clutch suplex. Landon did avoid a standing moonsault and then used one of his own to taunt his foe. From there Landon slowed things down with leg work

Time was people had to try and slow King Landon down.

The king decided to show off his legs were okay and tossed no less than 5 dropsaults, but he got dizzy and the us champ knee barred him which he barely escaped.

Pride comes before the fall

Locke shook off his leg pain and used a hurricanrana to send Landon out of the ring! Before Pike could reach his liege, Lancel dropped a suicide senton on Landon! Back inside the ring, Lancel went for the Boom or Bust but King Landon avoided it, then promptly hooked in a knee bar!

You submit, you pay ME for time wasted!


But, Lancel didn't submit and escaped the hold with a rope break. King Landon figured Lancel was done and proceeded to parade about the ring in a royal fashion. But Lancel wasn't done and fought back with forearms and chops leading to a slugfest in the center of the ring. King Landon seemed to win with a G2S effort but Lancel escaped and then shoved Landon forward to cause him to hit Pike in the chin!

Yikes! Even a big beast like Pike can get knocked out with a blow on the chin!

Lancel hit a slingshot cutter known as Sonic Screamer and then went to the top rope to drop Boom or Bust on King Landon to take home a huge win!

Winner: Lancel Locke, via pinfall

Post-match, Yuki and Megan wanted to celebrate with Lancel, but he was promptly hit in the back by SER AC THE EXILE with the SHOVEL OF DOOM~!

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The fans let loose with a chrous of jeers as the pumpkin patch themed stage is shining with blue and white lights. As the entrance doors come apart out walk the trio of THE FLEX, Lorelei DeCenzo and Tyler Bryant. Lorelei sparkles in a blue feathered ring attire, but nothing shines so bright as the world title Tyler holds high above his head for the world to gawk at.

The following is a six person tag team match scheduled for one fall! Now making their way to the ring,  THE FLEX, “THE MONEY HONEY” LORELEI DECENZO....and The OAOAST WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION...”THE SERIAL THRILLER” TYLLLLERRRR BRRYYYYANNNNNTTTT!


All good things come to an end, but the bad blood between this group and the Duncan family is lasting forever. What I want to know is can things be settled tonight in the ring?

Tyler did settle things at AngleSlam, its Krista who keeps it up. She needs to face facts that this is The Serial Thriller's OAOAST.

Inside the ring, THE FLEX warms himself up, while all attention is focused on Lorelei and Tyler, who pose for pictures with the grand world title between them. OAOAST cameras then spot Money in the Bank holder BLAINE CAYLEY lurking in the crowd unbeknownst to the champion and his cronies.

Talking bout the lights, the dirt, the sh-t, that hurts
We're not gonna turn around
We're doing this for good, for worse
The gift, the curse, we're not gonna back down

All I need in this life of sin is me and my girlfriend
Down to ride till the happy end, is me and my girlfriend
All I need in this life of sin is me and my girlfriend
Down to ride till the happy end, is me and my girlfriend

As Icona Pop's “Girlfriend” plays. red pyro fountain mingles with a pink pyro fall until a gold pyro wall explodes and shreds them both apart! Appearing on the entrance with trick or treat bags are the grouping of Chicks Over Dicks and Queen Esther! The trio soak in the many cheers they get before heading to the ring!



The trio hand out the goodies from their trick or treat bags which turn out to be condoms!

Please enjoy these balloons!


At the ring, Krista performs her upside rope hanging trick to showcase her hot legs, while Alix and Queen Esther happily salute the adoring fans.


To start the affair, we have FLEX facing off against Alix.

You think you scare me? I was looking up big beefy black dudes on Gay.com and pretending my name was Alejandro as they jerked off to my cybering way back in 2006! You don't scare me!

Krista, what did she mean by those words?

Best you not know. Best nobody knows.

Alix decides to lockup with FLEX and is of course hurled across the ring. That still doesn't stop her from locking up a second time, which gets her hurled across the ring once more.

I'm not missing trick or treats for this junk.

Alix now offers a test of strength to FLEX!


Alix tries her hardest to win the test of strength, but fails wholly and miserably and then gets brought down to her knees. There she makes a battle cry to summon more strength, but winds up getting a face full of stuff...




Hey, the test of strength is appealing to her main strength.

Alix is brought upright by FLEX, who actually lifts high into the air by her hands and settles her in an empty corner. There, Alix is given a pat on the shoulder by FLEX.

Awww, thanks, you're not such a bad guy.

Indeed. There is hope yet!

I'm surrounded by idiots.

But FLEX exposes his true nature as he runs in with a shoulder tackle! Alix is able to jump up and double stomp his back, which pushes him all the way to the ground! After the busty Latina hits the mat, she does a forward roll and pops up to tag in Krista!


Krista enters the ring and decides she also wants the test of strength on FLEX!

I thought she was the smart one.

Krista gets her wish granted, and predictably the results wind up with her getting mushed to the ground. To even the odds a bit, she tangles her lovely legs around his ankles, then drop toe holds him to the mat with a thud. Now it, the busty bimbo gets the upperhand with her massive jugs....



Well pecs are muscles.

THE FLEX is blond skank heaven and winds up getting pinned by Krista....



FLEX does gather himself up long enough to press Krista off him. But as he sits up, Miss California goes off the ropes and smacks him across the head with a running knee!


She smacked the black off homie!

The nine time world champion, hits the ropes and proceeds to use a running shooting star press! The problem is, THE FLEX catches hold of her and rises with her!

Looks like revenge is in FLEX's trick or treat bag.

The FLEX tries to toss Krista onto his shoulders, but the fitness queen uses her agility to go totally over him! Thanks to that, the MILF leaps up and brings him to the mat with a sleeper drop!

And a new move is in Krista's trick or treat bag!

Krista has to exert effort pulling FLEX upright, which goes totally to waste as she shoves her away. Annoyed Krista comes back, but gets launched across the ring with what amounts to a basic but wild throw! 

That's how Alix's family is gonna get kicked out this country.


THE FLEX decides to tag in Lorelei which has all the Vegas crowd worrying, Queen Esther being chief among the fearful.

Fear not! I have ordered a ginger wig, made from the finest hair of Danny Bonaduce's pubic shavings.

Or we could just do this.

Krista tags Queen Esther, to keep herself in the match after all.

Those were pretty valuable pubic shavings and you just totally discard them. 

Fear not, sweet Alix, I shall place them in my noble's father museum of oddities and horrors.

The more I learn about your dad the less I want to meet him.

THE FLEX has to stay in the match and tries to lariat Krista, but has his move ducked then winds up getting kicked in the knees three straight times. That leads Krista to try for a DDT, but the giant of a man easily pushes her into the ropes. On her return big ol Flex seeks to fling her over with a back drop, but Krista has the last laugh and smacks him with a dropkick in the face!

Oh, cool counter!

FLEX isn't knocked off his feet and instead rumbles back to flatten poor Krista with a shoulder block! This gets approval from Lorelei and even Tyler who now determines he'd like to participate. Thus a tag is exchanged and the fans are irate to see him!


This guy has a lot of nerve after what he did to Tony to show up like its all cool.

I like Tony The Body, but let's not pretend he was Tim Cash during his wrestling days. 

Maybe not, but did you see him insulting Tony Schiavone or Jim Ross?

The sunglasses wearing world champion steps back into the ring for the first time in months, with no swagger lost, no confidence absent. 

Tyler, loved your performance on the show opener, truly you are the master of getting one upsmanship on 40 to 50 year olds. Why its amazing that someone in their physical prime such as you, backed up by  a walking skycrapper could ever have the nerve to stand up to a 55 year old broadcast journalist. I know Mike Breen hopes you won't be attending any Cav's games this year!

You think you're hilarious, but I've had the last laugh already. I'm just here for the tears, baby.

Through talking, Krista and Tyler circle each other before coming together to throw forearms and punches!

They're back at it again!

Tyler grabs Krista's arm and Irish whips her to the ropes, but gets a painful reminder of her skill as she returns to upend him with a high flipping lariat!

That's what I like to to do when I have a blood feud with someone, I like to grab their arm and gently cast them aside.

Tyler rolls off the mat and feigns a kick, which has Krista blocking. Due to that he's able to complete a leg sweep, then proceeds to show off with a high leaping elbow drop! What's more he pops up and removed his sunglasses...

The bright lights of Vegas have nothing on the bright future of me!

This guy....

You stan dudes like Dem Bums, but hate on the world champ?

I don't stand Dem Bums,I have an order of protection against Papa Duncan!

Papa Duncan's eldest is hurled into the enemy ropes where Lorelei has the termity to knee her in the back!

Oh, you weight fluctuating bitch.

But before Krista can attack Lorelei, The Serial Thriller nails her with a running neckbreaker!  

Tremendous Pain!

A cover is made...



Krista pops the shoulder up!

The Serial Thriller locks in a chinlock, which doesn't exactly excite the audience, but does give him a chance to flash the pearly whites to the camera. Alas he spends too much time showing off his smile and not enough time focusing on Krista, and the nine time world champion fights to her feet. Elbow after elbow wins her her freedom, but Tyler tries to keep hold of her by her golden locks. Krista certainly doesn't appreciate that and makes him pay for this cheap tactic with a pele kick!

Damn you'd have thought he touched a black woman's hair!

With Tyler left in several different worlds of hurt, Krista slaps hands with Alix to bring her girl into the ring.


But what about Queenie, she'll faint, and its a long fall from the apron to the mat!

Good point. Queen Esther, look at uncle squirell's new costume!

Ah, yes, uncle squirrel! Let us see your Halloween festivities!




Ah yes, all are pleased to see uncle squirrel! 

Is he actually here?

Who cares?

Alix shrugs her shoulders and joins in with Krista in moonsaulting onto Tyler! And once Miss California clears the ring, Alix is able to pin her foe...



A shoulder up!

Tyler rolls off the mat and pushes Alix away to create some distance between the two. But Alix comes right back and Tyler has to elbow her away. Still not getting the picture Alix rushes back and eats another elbow.

Most guys would love to have Alix come at them, in the ring or not!

Now Tyler rushes at Alix, yet gets leapfrogged forcing him to the run into the corner. Rather than smash into the posts, The Serial Thriller leaps to the top rope and smiles at the fans. Sadly for him, he gets humiliated as Alix springboards off the ropes and hauls him down with a sort of powerbomb!




Lorelei off all people breaks up the pin!

Abuse! Domestic violence at its worst!

We haven't dated in almost ten years.

Emotional trauma, RESPECT ALL WOMEN!

Alix actually chases Lori, but gets caught in a waist lock by the world champ. A pair of elbows frees her, which is all well and good until Tyler captures her in a standing fireman's carry in prep for his big finisher. Yet that huge move never happens as Alix falls down the back and unleashes a zig zag on the way down!


The Sweetie!

Lorelei urges Tyler to the corner, and he does get his weary body to the corner, just the wrong one as he finds himself in the Duncan territory!

Dear me, the heavy breathing sex brute has come to claim me!

Heavy breathing sex brute?!

I kinda had to much vodka and red bull at the Bellagio last night and went on an odd rant. Also fucked a potted plant if TMZ is too be believed.

Alix comes charging in and sends Tyler flying across the ring with a monkey flip! But somehow the talented world champion is able to come down on his flashy boots. This time he's in too much pain to taunt anyone and dives forward to tag in FLEX!



Alix rushes to FLEX and starts battering him with punches as he enters the ring. But FLEX shurgs them off with a roar and a snort.

Like she shooting at the sun with a cap gun. 

Alix probably had too much faith in her striking skills. Even if she was in an Ironman suit she'd have trouble with FLEX.

THE FLEX starts to press Alix over head, but The Hollywood Bad Girl is well prepared for that and gives him...a wet willy of all things.

Eeek, Tony Tourettes has been handing out wrestling advice.

Alix applies a side headlock to FLEX which is very dumb and to no one's shock but her own she gets back suplexeed to the mat. But Alix is s tough chick and rolls to the corner where she proceeds to use a double jump moonsault to take Flex out!

Pro Marijunna Moonsault Press!

After all these years she got it legalized.

Rather than pin her huge ass foe, Alix tags in her huge ass hoe of a wife. Together the two Milf babes circle around FLEX and smack him with a double enziguiri! As tough as FLEX is, he can't exactly handle being kicked in the head by two people and rolls out of the ring in a pained daze.

Damn, the man monster got his monstrous head rocked!

Those are two of UCLA's finest soccer players ever throwing those kicks.

Krista keeps the attack on FLEX, descening on him with a springboard forearm to the outside! THE FLEX is rocked, but refuses to go down, lest he be fully embarrassed in front of the world. But, Alix has every intention of taking him out and leaps onto the ropes. Problematically, Lorelei comes along and shoves off the ropes! This causes her to lose her balance one hundred percent and Alix crashes wildly awkward  into the guardrail, landing her shoulder against the metal posts!

Ok, that's a separation.

Come, Krista, let us join hands and heal Alix with the power of love.

That sounds like a recipe for gangrene

As paramedics come to aid Alix, Lorelei sees victory has presented itself finally.

If Alix can't continue the match is over.

Oh no, I didn't spend an hour on a private jet from LA and fifteen minutes in a limo and arrive an hour late to the arena for this to be called off.

If Krista wants a third loss on her record to me, let her have it. It's almost the holiday season and I give much to my number one fan.

With Alix being helped off Krista returns to the ring, with FLEX following right behind her, liking these brand new odds.

I don't wanna count Krista out, but she's getting older and FLEX is a giant and Ty is in the prime of his life and career.

Ain't lo lies there, baby girl. These cats is cooking, and we know Lori is willing to get busy, and all Krista has is Queen Esther.

Miss California attacks, FLEX with stomps to the gut, then tries to yank him forward for a short arm knee lift. Try being the keyword as FLEX holds heavy ground, then takes control by situating Krista onto the top rope. The giant starts to climb with him, but her expensive boots push him away. This gives her the space she needs to rise up and fly forward to hammer him with a top rope Hebrew Hammer! As powerful as that blow was it does not put FLEX down!

The monster lives on Halloween!

FLEX puts himself off the ropes, buts right into a leaping calf kick from the blond Hottie! With the big man stunned, Krissy is able to pop the crowd with a side effect!

Blonds Never Pay a Cover!

And black man never get in the damn door.

A cover is made....



The massive man presses Krista off him! Eager to stay on the attack, Krista darts at Flex, yet gets caught with a thrust spine Buster!

Flex Buster!

Flex, you are at your finest!

Using his considerable size to his advantage, FLEX traps Krista in a grounded rear bodylock.

Simple but effective.

Lots of things are effective when your muscles have muscles.

A steady stream of elbows helps Krista gain her freedom, and she rises ready to get back in e attack. But Flex has other plans and throws her down with a delayed suplex! After that the tag is placed to Tyler, which does little to please the Vegas crowd. They're even less pleased to see Flex whip Krissy towards his boss, who responds with a standing yakuza kick!

You like that, Queen Esther?

I do not, but your courtesy shows that you remain a gentleman beneath the exterior of the serial rapist, Krista told me you are.

Tyler grumbles about that insult as he pulls Miss California upright. She tags him with forearms and kicks that pop the crowd, but he wins the battle with a shove that sends her back into Lori's knee!


Krista is weakened and as so, Tyler has little trouble in lifting her into the top rope. The fans begin to fret and do not like to see the world champion climb up after her. Though she fights with punches, he's still able to secure a front facelock. And with that hold he's able to throw her back with a superplex! And if that weren't enough, the Michigan native hauls her right up and unleashes a falcon arrow!

Oh my!

You know how strong you gotta be to do that?

The cover is made....



A kickout


Hip! Far out! Hella fun!

Please don't ever talk like that again.

While, Krista is annoyed with Queen Esther trying to sound cool, Tyler is in the corner and starts warming up the band!

Uh oh.

With a smile on his face, Tyler flourishes out with a super kick! But much to the fan's pleasure, Krista catches onto his boot and slams it to the ground! She then leaps at him for her signature codebreaker, but he has the strength to shove her off and then smash her on the jaw with that super kick!

Put dat shit on da money!

The cover.....



A kickout!

“LET'S GO KRISTA! LET'S GO KRISTA! LET'S GO KRISTA!” the sold out Vegas fans chant.

Tyler hauls Krista off the mat and slaps her around in an arrogant display that turns the chanting fans into a jeering group. With Krista stunned on her feet, the champion sits himself onto the top rope. He waves night-night to her with more arrogance then flies off in hopes of hitting a DDT. But Krista has other ideas, and halts this attack, now trying to throw him over with a Nothern lights suplex! Yet, she too fails as Tyler is able to use a series of body blows to break her grip. Krista staggers away, and the world champion catches up with her, taking her in a piggy back set up to try for an electric chair drop! Yet nothing is doing as Krista rolls forward with a victory roll!



A kickout by Tyler! 

Krista jumps upright, but gets her hair held onto by Lorelei!


Let her go!

The blond babe is eventually able to escape from the other blond babe, but all this causes her much problems as Tyler surprises her with a Samoan drop!


The world champion makes the cover....



Krista with the kickout!


The tag is exchanged to FLEX, who steps over the ropes as Tyler starts to pull Krista upright. The LA native fights off Tyler, but is promptly clubbed in the back by Flex. Krista sinks to her knees in pain, and is left at the mercy of the giant. And there's no mercy shown, as FLEX hauls her up and throws her shoulder first into the bottom turnbuckle posts!


Damn! FLEX went bowling with dat bitch!

Though pained and anguished, Krista crawls out the corner, desperate to continue the fight. Unfortunately she carries herself into the path of FLEX, who stashes her between his legs, then brings her up for a powerbomb effort! But Krista shows great skill and fighting talent as she rolls down FLEX's back with a sunset flip! The problem is, FLEX won't go down and instead pulls her up with his hands and delivers a crushing chokebomb!


Krista is pinned once more....



Shoulder up!


Krista your valiant fight has my loins stirring with passion!

Queen Esther knows just to what say, as Krista hurries to her feet and begins bashing FLEX with kicks and chops. She hits him with enough to weaken him to the point where she can try her twist of fate signature. The move fails to hit as FLEX uses his mammoth muscles to power out of the hold, then swiftly club Krista to the ground!

Did you think it would be so easy, Krista? You're looking at your official replacements on the top of the world?

Easy for Lorelei to say, she doesn't even have to wrestle right now!

FLEX passes the tag to Tyler and then holds Krista across his knee, face up. As he does this, the world champion climbs to the top rope, then proceeds to drop the knee across Krista's neck!


As FLEX clears up, Tyler starts circling about Krista, smiling, eyes flashing behind his sunglasses.

I don't like the look on Tyler's face!

The champion about to put this one away.

As Krista rises, Tyler tries to take her over for his TKO finisher. But, the popular babe won't go down that easily as she escapes out the side! Tyler tries to keep control of Krista and flapjack her into the air, but the busty beauty counters by quickly coming down onto her feet and hitting an STO!

Now, I like the look on Tyler's face.

Yeah because he's in pain!

The nine time world champion heads to the corner and and leaps up to attempt her split legged corcksrew moonsault, but when she lands she lands on Tyler's upraised knees! The champion then wastes no time in resuming the attack as she pulls Krista upright and powers her to the mat with a brainbuster!

The cover.....



A kickout!

Again, The Serial Thriller calls out for his finisher, and again he takes his archrival onto his shoulders. But this time his failure comes as she flips out and stuns him and a dismayed Lorelei with a hurricanrana! Tyler is knocked dizzy and loopy from the attack and lies weak on the mat, the problem is so does Krista.

Tag the Queen!

Coach, you know she can't do that!

So she gonna keep fighting a handicap match? How that work out for Number Two?

The fans urge Krista on, even though her situation is as dire as dire gets. But there seems to be hope on the horizon as one by one the fans take notice of a figure combing through the arena.

Hey that's-


The MITB contract holder joins Queen Esther on the ring apron, stunning the fans but thrilling them also!

Oh my! The knight in shining armor has arrived! Just like the tales!

Lorelei yells and curses when she sees Blaine extend his hand, and the referee tries to get Blaine to get down, neither of which does anything to stop The Lion from reaching his hand out to seek a tag.

Blaine's gonna fight! He's gonna be Krista's partner!

That ain't fair! Why don't Tyler get Malaysia to replace Lorelei?

Krista sees Blaine and makes the painful crawl to her corner, where she slaps hands with The Lion!


Blaine leaps into the ring and gives Tyler a smile.

I haven't had time to beat your ass these last few weeks, but I got time today...”cuz.”


Tyler throws a punch at Blaine that gets promptly blocked and the MITB contract holder begins to tee of The Serial Thriller!  The world champion tries to escape towards FLEX, but Blaine catches onto his waistband and then throws him down with a German Suplex! Pained and anguished, Tyler rolls to his feet but gets hauled down into a wheel barrow position. From there he's flung backwards and slammed violently into the posts!



The FLEX gets on his job and comes in to clobber Blaine with a lariat! As Blaine lies on the mat, the mastodon batters him with brutal stomps. But his offense is halted by a missile dropkick from Krista! 

Sweating it out

Oooh, boob sweat!

FLEX rolls into the corner and pulls himself upright, not to rest, but to be ready for an attack. Yet he's promptly hit by a running knee from Krista, then brought down by a bulldog from Blaine! The hits keep coming for a luckless Flex as Krista uses a lionsault to cause him even more anguish!

Blaine and Krista are working so well together, you'd think they'd been tagging all their lives.

THE FLEX rolls to his feet and the two blonds think they can get rid of him with a lariat over the ropes, but FLEX counters their plans by upending them with a double back body drop! Krista falls to the outside, but Blaine manages to land onto the ring apron. Thanks to that he's able to slingshot himself back into the ring and curse FLEX with a cutter! Pained The FLEX rolls out of the ring next to Krista, who just decides to dump a fan's beer on him!

I don't know why I did that. I just did.

Gee, I'm sure that makes FLEX feel better!

Meanwhile Blaine leans against the corner posts waving Tyler up...

A singer once said all maids are fair in silk, I'd think you'd look better in one of Sammi's negligees then in your tacky wrestling tights.

Tyler likes that comment not one bit and goes right after Blaine. But the Welshman side steps his blow and dumps into the corner where he proceeds to stomp the hell out of him!

Apologies to Ned Blanchard, but a mudhole just got stomped and walked dry on Tyler!

Not faring well, Tyler rolls out of the corner, where he has Blaine fast behind him. The Lion catches hold of Tyler's boot, but the world champion uses that to tangle up Blaine and drag him to the ground.  Off the ropes comes Tyler, blasting Blaine with a shining enziguri!

Steph Curry With Da Shot!

And for added effect, Tyler proceeds to shoot a three over Blaine...then gets hit with a springboard forearm from Krista!

Kobe 4 life, faggot!

Krista hurries away from Tyler, leaping over the top rope and taking out FLEX with a plancha that has them both careening over the the guardrail!

I wouldn't mind Krista landing in my lap but I don't know about FLEX!

Blaine gets to his feet and blocks a punch by Tyler, then shoots him into the ropes, where a blind tag is made by Lorelei!

I think Lorelei made a tag! 

Blaine corrals Tyler by the arms and seeks out a vertebreaker, but the move fails to come as Lori lowblows him!


Hey! What does she think she's doing!

Lorelei turns into a one woman assault machine as she grabs Queen Esther by her red locks and drags her into the ring! 

Ack! I am being attacked by a Jezebel! Krista!

Krista starts to climb over the guardrail but still has to deal with FLEX in her way. For that reason she's not quite able to stop The Money Honey from using a fisherman's DDT on Esther!


Cash Flow!

A cover is made....





Your winners as a result of a pinfall....TYLER BRAYNT, THE FLEX and LORELEI DECENZO!


Lorelei is quick to get out of the ring and bring Tyler with her, lest they face off against an enraged Blaine and even madder Krista.

The Serial Thriller rules again! No one is stopping this man!

The victors head up the entrance ramp, arms raised and Tyler at the forefront showing off his world title to the fans, to Krista and especially to Blaine.

Props to Blaine for helping out, and I just know he's going to keep Tyler locked in his sights for as long as Tyler holds the world title.

He gonna keep watching him cause Tyler gonna hold the world title for a while!

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*** OAOAST Tag Title: Baron Windels & Mr. Dick vs. Big IQ © ***

In a rematch of a controversial title bout ruled a no contest a few weeks back on OAOAST HeldDOWN~! after an injury sustained during the contest by CW, Big IQ looked to regain the OAOAST Tag Team Championship. 

But wait, aren't they the champs? 

Yes, observant loyal reader! However, you may recall Mr. Dick took possession of the titles, declaring himself and Baron Windels the true titleholders following the controversial bout referenced earlier. BW wasn't too hot on that since he believes in winning or losing a title in the ring by pinfall or submission. But MD wasn't about to return the titles, opting instead to make quite a fashion statement wearing the straps like a bandolier. 

Nobody can say Mr. Dick lacks balls. The guy stuck to his guns amid public pressure, including his own partner. But when you set emotion aside Dick was right. Once it became obvious CW couldn't continue the titles should've been awarded to Mr. Dick and BW. It was a botched call by the ref. Thankfully that idiot wasn't assigned to this match. 

The match began with a show of sportsmanship from Big IQ and BW. With tension still high between the champs and MD, they had no interaction pre-match. It was a different story once the match began but not at first, as BW and CW put on a wrestling clinic which garnered a round of applause from the OAOAST Galaxy.


It was a more power based affair when Ice Quiz and BW mixed it up, but shit got real when CW and MD found themselves in the ring. 

Here we go!

(to CW)
Alrighty, let's wrassle, kid! 

CW gestured OK and then kicked MD in the gut! 


A series of violent European uppercuts placed MD was in a world of hurt until taking CW down with a Stiff Kick, followed by rapid fire crotch chops which earned the Real American Prick a big boot courtesy of an irate Ice Quiz! Naturally BW came to the aid of his partner, exchanging words with Ice Quiz. Cooler heads prevailed and the match continued. But not too long later history repeated itself as a competitor injured his ankle doing a leapfrog... only this time the roles were reversed as MD fell in pain, blues and agony. 


MD called for time, but as we all know there aren't any timeouts in wrestling. Instead CW dragged MD's ass to the corner and slammed his ankle against the ringpost! 



MD repeated his TO request as CW was about to repeat the ankle slamming, but BW once again came to the aid of his partner. This time he and Ice Quiz did more than exchange words, they got physical! During the melee Ice Quiz ducked a Texas sized right and BW smacked his hand into the ringpost! 


Did you hear that?! 

BW broke his hand. He had to. 

The Lone Star Gunslinger clutched his wrist as Ice Quiz looked on concerned. Meanwhile, CW looked to make MD tap with his Sweet Surrender Texas Cloverleaf... but as he went to hook the hold MD delivered a THUMB to the EYE, yanked CW over by the HAIR to wrap him in a SMALL PACKAGE while grabbing a HANDFUL OF TIGHTS for the 1-2-3!!!

Winners: Mr. Dick & Baron Windels, via pinfall. New champions!

Are you kidding me?! 

MD quickly rolled out of the ring as Ice Quiz dived in. Now outside MD grabbed the OAOAST tag titles and posed with them as BW still reeled from his hand injury on the other side. 


© 2016
OAOAST Entertainment.

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