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OAOAST HeldDOWN~! 10/15/2016

Chanel #99

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HeldoDOWN is live and on the air and as always its Renee Young sitting beside the hardest working troll in show biz, Da Coach as we enter the final night of the Miss Anderson Cup quarterfinals.

Talking bout the lights, the dirt, the sh-t, that hurts
We're not gonna turn around
We're doing this for good, for worse
The gift, the curse, we're not gonna back down

All I need in this life of sin is me and my girlfriend
Down to ride till the happy end, is me and my girlfriend
All I need in this life of sin is me and my girlfriend
Down to ride till the happy end, is me and my girlfriend

Icona Pop's “Girlfriend” hits to a HUUUUUUGGGEEEEEE pop and out comes Chicks Over Dicks with their fairy godmother, Queen Esther! Smiling and waving the group head to the ring as the fans worship their hottness and greatness!

Get ready to be entertained, gang!

Alix, dear sweet Alix, you have again proven yourself a heroine of all time! You rescued the fair maiden, Krista from the vile brute THE FLEX.

You keep insisting I'm a virgin are you being wishful or purposefully ignorant?

Yeah! I am the guardian god of all big boobie blond women! That means if anything ever happens to Krista or her giant jugs, I appear with a huge BOOM and save the massive cans!

Yes! How lovely, its a heroine right of  my noble father's tales.

Wow, your dad is more down than I thought. Okay, let's address the real elephant in the room, our errant world champion, Tyler Bryant.


Keep it one hundred, Tyler, you're a side show to the fact The Money Honey can't afford decent implants and her tits are sagging lower than Donald Trump's poll ratings.


Your bloated up bodyguard can't afford a decent steroid cycle so he looks like a hakey sack with veins.  The next time he approaches me the wrong way, I'll beat him with my tenth grade field hockey stick.

Don't believe her just watch!

Thank you 2015 Bruno Mars.

Oh no! The sex change spell worked too well! 

Witchery is afoot!

Damn it, you two are ruining everything.

Nah, don't worry be I got this. Jay-Z told you three you were supposed to throw up the Roc, but I think you dudes are smoking it. Because you gotta be on maaaaaadddd crack to think continuing to mess with the Duncan fam is proper idea. We may be America's Sweethearts, but we're sour like ISIS on Ramadan. I used to hear tough talk from Tyler, but now all I hear is crazy bitching and whining about fines and lawsuits. Gimmie a break! A break, I say, a break! Flex and Lori are Ninja Turtles, they're running with a rat! He's going to the law, people, Joey Ratini's got more stones than him!


Hmmm, you did handle it well. God, my pussy gets so wet when you insult people.

Krista, you seem to have many troubles with our feline friends. This worries me.

Fairy god mother, worry about Tyler-



Yes he's back! The world champion arrives on scene in blue dress shirt and jeans and his trademark sunglasses. At his side is a sparking gown attired Lorelei DeCenzo and THE FLEX!

Da champ is back in town!

Here I am in the flesh. Me and all my people doing so well. What a time to be alive!


Yes, there's been a lot of improvements in HIV medicine you and Lorelei should live very comfortable lives now.

Keep, laughing, Krista, but know one thing, the three icons of industry that stand so gloriously on this stage will show you the true meaning of humiliation and defeat at Halloween Spectacular.

Whatchu mean, pimpin?

What she means is this. A champion can't do it all himself. He gets by with a little help from his friends, a mammoth monster named FLEX, and a former Hotties champion and all around talented beauty, named Lorelei will be teaming up with him at Halloween Spectacular to face you, Krista, you Alix and who else? Was it Blaine?

No, it was the royal airhead. Queen Esther.

There must be some mistake! I am no performer! Fighting is not in blood.

I suggest you get it in your blood, or else I'll spill it.

Suddenly the taunting of the heels is got short as BLAINE CAYLEY arrives on the scene and starts beating the hell out of Tyler!


Blaine coming to get revenge for Gloss and Sammi!

THE FLEX is on his job and starts pounding at Blaine, and Tyler recovers to do the same. But COD is also on their job and charges up the ramp, leading Lorelei to direct the heels to scatter backstage and avoid the fight. With them gone, Krista and Alix decide to attend to Blaine who is know bleeding from the mouth and rightly angry.

Blood been drawn like Lorelei said! You don't mess with the champ! What a time to be alive!



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***Miss Anderson Cup: The Midnight Foxes W/Jim Cornette Vs Fire & Ice***
So if you saw SYN you saw that C02 advanced to face Pretty Young Money after beating Netfliktion and now we have a Delta House showdown thanks to the Cassidys beating The Frekazoids. And right now is an explosive rematch between The Foxes and Fire and Ice.

Cornette proved to be very annoying early on, harassing the referee and causing all manners of distraction. But then ChubChub got on him and a scared Cornette hauled ass all the way backstage.

Be honest, is that dumb horse gonna rape that fat old guy?

Ya know, I can't really say.


Without Cornette helping to cheat, things went south for The Midnight Foxes even with Ruby casting cheeky and cheap spells. In the end the Wicked Toast Whisper Crunch or whatever its called sealed the victory for the popular Hotties and advanced them to face Men-U-Pause in the second round!

Winners: Fire & Ice, via pinfall

Post-match Jim Cornette got a promo from his iphone in what looked like a fucking sewer!

You see what happened to me? I got chased into a sewer by a god damn horse, and had to watch my girls lose on the OAOAST App. In this world what goes around comes around, Fire and Ice, and just because you got supernatural blood running through your body don't mean you can escape the laws of the unvierse. Paybacks are a bitch and you're about to find out my girls are too! 


Ah, shit he got into the sewer! 

Josh Matthews was backstage to do an interview with Teddy Buckworth about his Halloween Spectacular match with Silver. The interview didn't get far before THE KINGS OF THE HEAP attacked with SILVER brass knucks. Weak to silver, vampire Teddy fell to the heels until COLIN MAGUIRE came and chased them off. The only thing that stopped him from going after them was a wave of security guards, he didn't quite feel like mauling.


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*** Vinny Valentine w/ Tony Tourettes vs. Baron Windels w/ Mr. Dick ***

Originally booked to be a singles match, Mr. Dick (wearing Big IQ's OAOAST tag titles like a bandolier) grabbed the mic and offered Dem Bums the opportunity to compete for the OAOAST Tag Team Championship. 

Unlike other teams, no little boo boo will ever keep us from defending these belts. 

They're not yours to defend, Dick!

Clearly uncomfortable BW shrugs at the camera. Meanwhile, Dem Bums jump at the chance to go for the gold. Like flies on shit!

Is that idiot really gonna wrestle in a suit?

Oh come on. I think Tony T looks cute in his one size too big suit. 


*** Dem Bums vs. Mr. Dick & Baron Windels ***

As Vinny and BW locked up, Tony T folded the benjamins he inherited months ago and was about to climb onto the apron when he was suddenly attacked by VICE!

What's the meaning of this?!

Joey The Rat voices encourages as his boys beatdown Tony T outside. Inside, Vinny finally spots what's going on and quickly breaks the lockup with BW who's surprised to see what's going down. Meanwhile, MD reaches over the top rope to tag himself in and prevents Vinny from going to Tony T's aid, clubbing him to the mat and stomping away. 


Horrified by the turn of events BW wants to lend his assistance to Tony T... but MD tags him back in and offers to chase VICE off. 

(to VICE)
Hey, you. Scat. Shoo! *throws arms in air* I tried.

Back inside, BW doesn't inflict any more damage to Vinny and just covers him for the 1-2-3.

Winners: Mr. Dick & Baron Windels, via pinfall.

Post-match VICE/Joey are met onstage by a giddy Rico de Janeiro and Remy Brazil, while ringside BW joins OAOAST officials in checking in the status of Dem Bums. Mr. Dick chooses to bask in the spotlight with Big IQ's tag titles.

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In the hard partying interview lounge, Sara Jean stands with the all pink attired sorority house of the OAOAST, Delta Delta Delta!

Hey, everybody, Sara Jean here with Delta Delta Delta who have all advanced to the semifinals of the Miss Anderson Cup and who guess what will be facing each other next week!

Awwww I wanted to stab some people. I can't stab my sisters. But what if the zombies interfere? What do we do then?

They are welcome to, as is that pesky wretch, Morgan Nerdly. But, who are they to deny happiness and pleasure to the viewing audience who asks to see four lovely Hotties in skimpiest of outfits fight with all their erotic might? If we are tested by zombie or Morgan then they will find out collective skills aren't to be disdained.

Actually, there's a problem. Our collective skills are dragged down by the fact that our president is a collection of genetic asshats. The Wright family, and whoever your mother's fam is are historical dips, and that leads us to the situation we are in today.

Cassidy, how can you say that!?

I agree. You found out Jesse enhanced the zombies and all you did was threaten him. Charles Manson would have butchered him and ate him. So would I.

I like the cut of your gib, kid!

I did spare Jesse immediate beatings, but he was warned-

Warn-Smarn. Maybe you have a crush on him. After all, you haven't been touched in months. The closest you've been to sex is when a bookshelf fell on you.


So then you haven't had sex at all lately. I don't think you even touch yourself. Even your hand thinks your gross. While, I'm living in Bonetown with Flynn you think you can get close to Jesse Aspergers by sparing his life. That shows what kind of leader you are, and next week in the Miss Anderson Cup, I'll show what kind of leader I am. Goodbye, Madame President, or should I say...CROOKED GRETCHEN!

Cassidy smiles cruelly and walks off taking Number Two with her, and leaving Gretchen to seethe while Pierette shurgs.


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*** Oscar Friberg vs. Job Burr ***

A couple weeks away from his big grudge match vs. Alexander The Magnificent at the OAOAST Halloween Spectacular, Oscar scored the W in dominating fashion following a sit-out Last Ride powerbomb thrown down with extra authority.


Message sent to Alexander The Magnificent. Subject: You don't intimidate me!

Winner: Oscar Friberg, via pinfall.


Tearing me apart with words you wouldn't say,
And suddenly tomorrow's a moment washed away.
'Cause I don't have a reason, and you don't have the time,
But we both keep on waiting for something we won't find.

The light on the horizon was brighter yesterday,
With shadows floating over, the scars begin to fade.
We said it was forever but then it slipped away,
Standing at the end of the final masquerade.

The final masquerade!

With Linkin Park's “Final Masquerade” rising into the arena, the entrance doors spread apart for the royally attired King Landon Maddix, who wears his red and purple robe along with his golden crown as he heads to the ring. Once he reaches, he's given a microphone to speak.

I have been thinking. Yes thinking. Me thinking. I have been thinking, why has a nobody, a jobber, a burger flipper turned male hooker challenged my great Kingdom? I have been thinking about that. Yes, yes, why am I being invaded by someone not worthy to speak my name? And after long thought, so long a thought, I came up with the answer. And the answer is Megan Skye!


Megan and I were an item for a long time. So long a time. I tolerated her problems and her bad attitude because I am a great person and I loved her. But I could not tolerate the disrespect to a great man, who is me. I am a great man. A great king actually, and I will not be disrespected not even by the woman I loved. So because I'm a hero, I dumped that zero! But, time does not heal all wounds I see. Meagan has been waiting to find someone else to throw at me and my Kingdom, and she has him. Lancel Locke, Megan's puppet!

It all makes sense.

No, it doesn't! 

Megan, get out here so I can cut your puppet strings!

Surprisingly, Megan does appear on stage, wearing a pink floaral pattern long sleeve top and tight jeans. Showing courage she walks to the ring to meet her former love face to face.



Fine. King Landon, you live up to the name Mad King.

What does that mean?

It means you've gone truly mad. 100 percent. The truth is I'm over you. I've been over you and I think the OAOAST Galaxy is over you! The truth is there's nothing but talent in Lancel Locke, and that's the reason he took the United States, and that's the reason you're going to lose at Halloween Spectacular. Not because of anything I did. But because Lancel is that much better than you.

Those are not the words, King Landon wished to hear and it is with great anger he pulls her onto his shoulders!

Put her down!

Megan kicks at Landon, but she can't escape his clutches! Fortunately for her, Lancel arrives on the scene and yanks her off King Landon's shoulders! He then goes to town on King Landon lighting him up with punches!


King Landon does manage to shove Lancel away, directing him right into a gore from SER PIKE PANTERA!


Yo, big man came roaring out the gates of hell!

King Landon stand tall and puts the badmouth to Lancel as his huge knight exits the ring, job well and deadly done.


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***Miss Anderson Cup: No Chill Vs Fairly Odd Vamps***

This is a full match, but I didn't wanna do intros because I can't think of good music for No Chill!


Sabrina and Titania start the contest with Sabrina looking over Titania.

Can I say something?


You look like a bottom feedeer! When I see you I just want to crush you with my hands! And I'm starting to feel intense anger!

Hey, that's mean!

I'm swwwwworrrry.

Awww, I forgive you!


All that taken care of, Titania and Sabrina look up with Titania able to muscle Sabrina into an empty. There referee Charles Robinson calls for a clean break and gets it. Sabrina comes out the corner and gets popped with a trio of forearms then whipped into the corner. She manages to go up and over a charging Titania but has to catch her kicking leg on Titania's recovery.

Nah-nah, you can't touch me!

Indeed Titania can't as Sabrina whips her over with a dragon screw!

And people call Sugar immature!

Sabrina jackknifes her foe and Robinson counts the pin....



A kickout!

Taking control of Titania, Sabrina guides her into No Chill's corner and applies the tag with Aisling. The Granddaughter of Darkness throws Titania into the ropes then clobbers her with a  lariat on her return. For her next move, Aisling bounces of the cables and this Titania with a second lariat! Then a third lariat follows that! And a cover is made....



Another kickout!

(in rocker voice)
Fuck all these kickouts! Fuck em up their assholes and grab their pussy!

I think she used the wrong voice for that last bit. Does she have a more presidential voice?

Titania manages to reverse an Irish whip but when Aisling returns she hits a fourth lariat!

This bitch is going all Stan Hansen in the Miss Anderson Cup!

Titania rolls to her feet and gets popped with a European uppercut from the Irish babe. But responds with a European uppercut of her own!

A pretty big international feel, Titania is Canadian, Sabrina is American and Lyric and Aisling are Irish.

And the pussy is from another galaxy!

A tag is exchanged by No Chill and then Titania is snapmared over. The teenagers then hit the ropes, returning to smash Titania in the back with a pair of dropkicks! As Aisling leaves the ring, Sabrina bounds off and hits a leg drop like she was Hulk!

A cover...



Sabrina pouts as she lifts Titania up and twists her arm about. And she's given even more reason to pout as Titania escapes and hammers with a forearm!

Ow! You're mean!

Gee, I'm sorry. I don't know what to do.

Hit her again. Obviously.

But, it feels wrong somehow! This is moral dillema!

In the middle of the moral dilliema, Sabrina school girls Titania!



Another kickout!


Both Hotties spring to their feet with Titania striking with a dropkick! As Sabrina is bowled to the mat, the tag is passed to Lyric DeLacey!


Lyric wasn't always liked by the OAOAST Galaxy, but she's kind of endearing in her expasterated, sarcastic way.

And the titties is big!

Indeed they are as Lyric leaps into the ring all jiggly-wiggly. Sabrina takes aim with a back kick, but the vampire catches her boot and brings her in close in order to hit a saito suplex! Lyric then kips up which does some more jiggling and heads to the ropes. Sabrina forces her to leapfrog her, but Lyric stays on the attack and hits a powerful spear!

She almost speared Sabrina out her tights!

If only!

Sabrina is rolled over and pinned by Lyric...



Shoulder up!

Lyric tries to hook in some kind of chinlock, but Sabrina bites her fingers!

Shit! That's my job!

The teenage bitch ignores Lyric's protest and whips her to the ropes and she runs them also. Then Sabrina hits a crushing slide tackle that wipes out Lyric!

Bitches Be Tripping!

(to Robinson)
What kind of porn are you into?

That's personal!

You like old hags like Grandma here!


Lyric gets up angry, but only gets popped in the jaw by a forearm from Sabrina. In fact she eats three more foreams that push her back and she can only watch as the tag is passed to her darling daughter.

Oh great.

The fans are abuzz as the two DeLaceys are now in the ring. There's heat in the air, the anticipated confrontation about to be unleashed! 

Now this is what we've been waiting for!

(in teenage voice)
Mom, time to talk about your involvement in my plan to Aisling-ify all of mankind.

Let's not and say we did.

(in teenage voice)
You've saved up a lot of money over the years, and we can use it to reanimated corpses with uploaded AI in my image! There's gonna be a whole lot of mes, and we can take over the world!

But, dear, if there's too many yous the world will be overloaded with greatness.

(in rocker voice)
You lie, biaaaatch!

Lyric overcome by a barrage of body blows then given a hard whip to the corner. She staggers back out to the front and gets hit with a snap suplex that Aisling floats over to delvier again. After that she floats over for a pin....



Lyric would love to tag out but that isn't happening as Aisling drapes her upside down leg first over the second rope. From there the demoness completes her terrible hold by using a an inverted DDT onto her knee!


You can't abuse your parents. We need to call our friend, Steve Wilkos, about this shit.

Aising fires Lyric into the ropes, but gets quite the fright as Lyric rebound with a Lou Thez press! The Mother of Darkness rolls off her daughter and tosses her head back to urge her on. Aisling reponds to mom's calls by hooking her inside a full nelson. Lyric tries to escape but Aisling makes her suffer through a reverse STO!

Teenage Angst!

The legs are hooked for the pin...




Aisling drags her mother to her corner and passes the tag to Sabrina. The youngest gal on the roster, ascends to the top rope, blows a cute kiss then dives off to drop a splash as Aisling holds down mom.

Teamwork hot for No Chill!

Sabrina hurls Lyric into an empty corner then follows her in with a  lariat. She tries to turn that into a bulldog, but Lyric shoves her off, but the little girl lands on her feet. When Lyric comes charging at her, The Teenage Bitch catches her with a rolling arm inside cradle!

Sweet Victory!



Lyric escapes the fall! 

Sabrina hooks Lyric into a front facelock and brings her off the mat, seeking out a suplex. But that doesn't happen as Sabrina gets shoved into the ropes. Those cables spew her back and she gets clocked by a left high kick from Lyric!


Lyric decides to go for victory right here right now and locks in a sharpshooter!

Lyricist's Lounge!

Aisling slaps on the corner posts and urges her partner to fight through the harsh submission hold.

Yo, a sharpshooter will chill you real quick. Chill you to the injured list.

Sabrina screams in pain, but she refuses to submit, showing incredible toughness and resiliency. 

Sabrina has to be in so much pain right now, but look how tough she is!

She sure is as she makes the ropes much to Aisling's glee and relief. Lyric isn't done beating on her yet and immediately pulls her into a standing head scissors. The fans watch in awe as Lyric brings Sabrina up and flips her out for a lung blower, but somehow Sabrina is able to spring off Lyric's knees and avoid the deadly finisher!


What a counter to Sucks To Be You!

Titania leaps up and catches a shocked Lyric with a DDT that has her rolling to her corner in pain and woe. A tag is made to Titania who hurries into the ring. Sabrina charges at her, seeking out a DDT, but Titania blocks the move, then connects with a stunner!



You're like Rhonda Rousey with brain damage.

Titania ignores her grumpy partner and tries to shoot Sabrina into the corner, but Sabrina reverses and brings Titania in for a short arm elbow strike! After that, the Maryland native forces her foe into a standing head scissors. But before she can do anything, Titania manages to reverse her into an Alabama slam position! But its Sabrina who wins the end by rolling up her fairy foe!



A pin escape!

Whew! That was crazy!

Sabrina rolls upright first and heads to the ropes, but when she comes off she's hit by a dropkick from Titania! With Sabrina laid out a tag is passed to Lyric DeLacey. As Titania holds Sabrina in place, Lyric goes off the top rope to hammer the teenager with an axe handle.

Old School for the oldest chick in the OAOAST.

Sabrina is brought off the mat and bashed with a  series of clubbing forearms from Lyric. She tries to fight back with punches, but Lyric shuts down her offense with a rib breaker that leads into a cover...



A kickout!

Lyric yanks Sabrina off the mat and hurls her into the ropes, twisting her around on her return to try a tilt a whirl slam. Yet, Sabrina makes a counter by tucking herself into a whellbarrow position and scoring with a bulldog!

That's a big opening for Sabrina!

Lyric crawls to her corner, to slap hands with Titania, who hurries into the ring to grab onto Sabrina's ankle to prevent her from making the tag.

Lemme go you nasty trashy pig shit!


Suffering through hurt feelings, Titania can't even stop Sabrina from nailing an enziguri! With freedom won, Sabrina dives forward and tags in Aisling!

The Mother of Demons arises from the underworld, or the apron. Whichever you want.

Lyric collides with her daughter with a rising knee, then heads to the ropes to effort the same attack. Aisling isn't willing to suffer through it, and catches her mom and swings her around to dump her to the mat with an olympic slam!

(in robot voice)
Statement:  I am quilted by hurting my mother.
(in rocker voice)
Lemme kill ya and erase ya from my memory like the trucker I banged and buried alive last week!

Aisling runs at her mom, but gets caught in a sort of over one shoulder Razor's edge setup. This is no problem for her as she rolls down the side and out of harms way! She then traps her mother inside a chicken wing and puts her into a world of hurt with a codebreaker! 

Sweet Sixteen In Your Motherfucking Face!

A cover...



Kickout by Lyric!

Aisling rolls to her feet, and when her mom comes up she drives her all the way to the corner. There Lyric is assaulted by a wave of lariats that leave her woozy before she's thrown to the ropes. As expected Lyric has zero counters for her daughter and gets powerfully dumped to the mat with a Samoan drop! 

They say every parent wants their kid to do better than them, but Aisling taking this shit too far.

Titana runs into the ring and begins delivering stomps to Aisling. Thinking she's got an advantage she pulls Aisling up into a standing fireman's carry. Yet this does her no good as The Granddaughter of Darkness spins out and hits a tornado inverted DDT!

Aisling is cooking with fire!

Lyric gets up and is swiftly attacked by an exploder suplex that dumps her all the way into the corner!

(in teenager voice)
The bit players are toast, like a black guy on Star Trek!

Hey! Although it is true.

Aisling lifts up her mother to ready her for the STO into the turnbuckle. However, Lyric uses a wave of elbows to break free of the attack. Still, Aisling remains on the attack and small packages her mother!



Titania breaks up the pinfall!

I ain't even know who's legal and I doubt this referee does either!

Sabrina comes off the top rope and hammers Titania with a diving lariat! Full of energy, the blond cutie leaps up and smashes Lyric with a dropkick that launches her out of the ring! The Maryland native then pumps her fists, and leaps over the ropes with a plancha! Problematically for her, she's caught within the arms of Lyric! The MILF vampire then wheels back and chucks her into the crowd with a fallaway slam! 


Lyric slides back into the ring, just in time to rescue Titania from Aisling's STO into the turnbuckles. Mother dearest stuffs her daughter in between her legs, then flings her up to throw her down with a powerbomb into a lung blower!

Sucks To Be You!

A cover is made....





Your winners as a result of a pinfall...FAIRLY ODD VAMPS!


As “Howling At The Moon” plays Titania gives Lyric a huge hug in celebration, although Lyric isn't much for being hugged. She is much for claiming victory, even if its over her own daughter!

And that advances Fairly Odd Vamps to face the champs, The Mardi Gras Ass Wrecking crew in the Sable Bracket semifinals next week on SYN!



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