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OAOAST TMW: A comedy/erotic e-fed

OAOAST HeldDOWN~! 10/9/2016

Chanel #99

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Ladies and gentlemen, Donald Trump isn't the only explosive thing in America, the OAOAST is on the air and the action is-


That's right. The Miss Anderson Cup continues and we have a rocking mainevent for you tonight!



*** Alexander The Magnificent & A$AP Blondie vs. Mark Smart & Dave Keller ***

Showcase for the USA chapter of Vainglorious Bastards, the top rudo stable south of the border for OAOAST sister promotion ARRIBA. Victory came following a powerbomb by Alexander on Smart. 

The move that broke Oscar Friberg's spirit!

It did not! And Oscar intends to prove that when he faces Alexander The Magnificent one on one at the OAOAST Halloween Spectacular!

As the pin was counted Blondie and Alexander took a selfie. Alexander with a bicep flex, Blondie  making a duck face.


Winners: Alexander The Magnificent & A$AP Blondie, via pinfall.

Backstage in the state of the art interview lounge Josh Matthews spoke with US Champion Lancel Locke and his madame Sunshine Yukino about King Landon and the Halloween Spectacular US title match.

I see major bucks! Big bucks!

But after last week's actions from Landon I see a desperate man, an emperor with no clothes. And you should be desperate, Lando, I'm just an attractive guy from Reno. No fancy title, no fancy lands, no fancy swords. And you're about to lose to me, 1-2-3, in the center of that ring. Some King you are.

And some money I make! Price of Lancel now sky rocket! Gotta pay big bucks to bang the champ!




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***Miss Anderson Cup Sable Bracket: The All XFL Network Vs The Sisterhood of the Rich and Famous***
Sometimes in tournaments you get what could have been a finals match very early and we have one right here in the first round.

Alysanne was warmly welcomed by Gretchen...

After months of soiling our spirits with the unmentionables, I must say it is a slight to meet one of noble reckoning, Alysanne.

I think the mean one farted.

Rhaenys didn't like that and that started the match with a brawl between her the and wacky ginger. Pierette after months of fighting zombies was easily able to handle Rhaenys, so the “mean one” tagged out to the nice one. Alysanne slowed things down to a technical showcase, which impressed the crowd.

A nice girl, a pretty girl and a talented girl. What's not to love about Alysanne?

She ain't giving the pussy to Coach, tho.

After Pierette got out of the ring, Gretchen was better able to handle Alysanne's talents. When Rhaenys came in, she used more lucha work to foil Gretchen. Eventually the duo isolated the Hotties Champion and seemed on their way to winning. But Gretchen blocked their double Russian leg sweep and hit a double DDT and made the tag to Pierette!


Kyyyahahhah who do I get to stab today?!

Pierette was hounded by Alysanne but warded her off with a backflip kick!

Nitro Strawberry!

Still, Alysanne came up and fought back against her foe. Rhaenys joined in, but Gretchen came along to save Pierette from being double teamed! In the middle of all this chaos, MORGAN NERDLY appeared on the ring apron!

Yo~! What's up with Morgan?!

While Morgan kept the referee distracted, Wanda slid in with Gretchen's parasol. Instead of trying to hit Gretchen with it she threw it at her, but Gretchen ducked and it hit Rhaenys! That knocked Rhaenys for a loop and Pierette  her with a Gingercide (running blockbuster) for a pin!

Winner: Sisterhood of the Rich and Famous, via pinfall

Morgan just shrugged her shoulders and walked off uncaring, but Wanda left pissed and slobbering in rage.

Alright, that was just weird. What is Morgan's deal?

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R&C recap the Big IQ-Mr. Dick/Baron Windels tag title match from a couple weeks ago and then tossed it to OAOAST correspondent Sara Jean Underwood at the world famous backstage interview lounge where she was joined by OAOAST tag champions Big IQ. 

Go ahead, girl. Laugh. 



Ooookay. Laugh about what exactly?

Two dudes standing in front of you NAKED! 

Um... you look fully clothed to me. 

Cuz I'm being metaphorical and shit. See, me and C-Dub are the champs but the only gold we got is around our necks not our waists. Everybody knows why too. Mr. Dick says he's a competitor. Pfft! Home boy, you're just a dick. 

Since I'm too lazy to hit the thesaurus for a CW promo I'll just tell you he was amused by Mr. Dick's comments last week and that he'd be cleared to compete by the OAOAST Halloween Spectacular. 

Oh my gosh! Are you guys saying you'll put the tag titles up for grabs again against Mr. Dick and BW at the OAOAST Halloween Spectacular?!

Real men aren't afraid of competition. 

CW laughed and joked all Mr. Dick had to do was ask his own mom/sister how much of a man the Don of Amor is.



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*** The 3 Amigos vs. Job Burr, E. Lance Mint & Tad Len ***

Tune-up match for the 3 Amigos (set to challenge VICE & Joey The Rat for the 6-man tag titles at the OAOAST Halloween Spectacular) who made quick work of their opponents. Finish saw Burr incapacitated following a spike tombstone piledriver by Mariachi/Juicy to set up Chick's top rope senton cannonball better known as the Sky is Falling!

Winners: The 3 Amigos, via pinfall.


In front of an OAOAST backdrop stands 24/7 champion, TurboWolf with his title over his shoulders.

Got to face all of Nathaniel Black, Coulter Doyle and Flynn Stevens at Halloween Spectacular for my belt. But you know what I don't give a damn about any of them. Ya'll boys keep pointing a gun at me but all of ya'll too afraid to pull a trigger. You point something at me, you best not miss. Because I ain't missing nothing I throw at any of ya'll. Ya'll want my belt? Well people in hell want Slurpees. Understand me? This here is my title and its like marriage with me and it, only death do us apart, and I got a long life to live.


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***Miss Anderson Cup Sunny Bracket: Pretty Young Money W/Phecda and Al Houd Vs Sunshine Yukino and Dasha****

I don't know how but an aspiring country singer and former Russian super agent make a pretty good team.

What's this aspiring crap? Melissa is the biggest crossover star we got.


Yay a singing people group. I like to do the sing song as well.

I bet you do, but as god as my witness no one wants to hear no Eastern European sing in their rough talk.

Excuse me?

Uh...hehhehhe...you can hardly tell you're Russian! Hhehehe....yeah.

Smooth recovery.

Anastasia pouted on the ring apron as Dasha worked over Melissa with some basic holds. Melissa still didn't have an answer for them and got pulled to safety by Al Houd.

Now I sing famous American song, popular all in country!
It's a rare condition, this day and age, 
to read any good news on the newspaper page. 
Love and tradition of the grand design, 
some people say it's even harder to find. 

Da fuck? Bitch singing Family Matters!

Anastasia ran into the ring and got clobbered by Dasha who was just spinning in the middle of her song!

Did I do that?

On this wackiness we went to commercial break.


If you're kid wins a game against you, tell him he got lucky. That way he develops a lucky streak.


Returing from break Anastasia was in the ring choking away at Yukino. She had to break the hold, so instead she went for her head and arm choke called Flowers For Defeat, but Yuki fought out the hold at hit a Spiral Tap!

Beautiful Blossom!

Melissa came and took out Yukino from behind, allowing Anastasia to recover and go back to tormenting the Japanese star. PYM took turns working over the face, targeting her neck. The fans got behind Yukino and with that she was able to avoid a Hell on Heels bicycle kick and hit a shining wizard! With that Yukino was able to crawl across the ring and tag in Dasha...or was she, Dasha was pulled off the apron by Phecda!

The hot tag has gone cold.

All heat belongs to Melissa

Indeed it did as Melissa boo'ed, and the fans got even angrier as Canadian Country hammered Yukino with Hell on Heels and sealed advancement through the tourney.

Winners: Pretty Young Money, via pinfall

I'm sorry about that was a load of crap!

Yukino and Dasha coulda bought out their pals. Don't blame Melissa cause she's popular.

Popular. She literally has three friends and they're all in the same ring.

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There's a knock on the hotel room door, and we see Cassidy rounding the corner to open the door to find Flynn Stevens standing in front of her.

I got your text saying you need to see me.

Yes, I do need to see you. Someone owes me big time for invading my privacy when I was taking a shower. I used an extra ounce of scented lavender Bath and Body Works oil and that weighs heavily on mind. I should kill Number Two for it, but its not her fault. Its yours. And you owe me. And I'm gonna collect, Liu-Kang.

Though not the biggest girl in the world, Cassidy is able to muster enough strength to shove Flynn onto the couch!


I need a break from zombie hunting. And you come from a well off enough family for me fuck.

Won't Colin be mad?

I hope so!

Cassidy dives atop Flynn, landing on her chocolate hunk with a big thump from her tiny body! Her slender hips grind into his, and her sweet figure takes over, controlling him with each writhe and thrust into him. Already his cock hardens.

Good, you don't have ED. Because that was the rumor I started to originally get back at you. And I'm glad its not true.

Flynn is about to complain that Cassidy started such a horrible rumor, when her mouth seizes his. Her lips break through his protests, her tongue as a weapon that takes total control of him. She swishes it about in his mouth, exploring at as if it were a cavern while his cock throbs trapped in the confines of his pants and desperate to be free.


Cassidy's purring sends hot vibrations through his mouth, rolling down his throat into his tummy and down to his aching schlong. All Flynn wants to do is fuck this beautiful blond, or get his dick sucked, or have a hand job, or anything that gets the snooty witch to take hold of his black dick. For now he must settle with her rolling her crotch along it, and even that's enough to have him oozing pre cum. As his penis continues to seep liquid, Cassidy drops her own liquid, spitting along his neck and then lapping it as if she were a dog getting up water.

I hope you don't think I make a habit of spitting. I have servants to spit on people for me, for any number of reasons.


Cassidy sucks and kisses Flynn's neck with fierce passion, giving him arousal in a spot he never knew he could gain it. Wanting to see his bulging biceps and Adonis physique, the bossy blond uses a magic spell to remove his shirt with ease and is treated to the hard black body she craves so much. Now she explores his chest, then sucks in one of his nipples. Again Flynn experiences pleasure and joy from a spot he never knew could provide him with such. Cassidy is a ferocious nipple sucker, guiding in the nubs and then yanking them as if she could swallow his whole pec region. As she does this, she fees his hand move down her body to rub her ass, helping her small hips in working their way along his crotch. This spurs Cassidy on and gives way to even hungrier nipple sucking.

Let's really piss Colin off.

Cassidy pries herself away from now glistening nipples, to pry apart the button and zipper of his slacks and send them down and off his body. His powerful legs twitch as his erection hides badly beneath his boxer shorts. The high strung witch makes a seductive and slow show of ridding him of his underwear, and in turn his huge penis is revealed to her appreciative eyes.

Hey, you haven't had sex with Colin before. Have you? Be honest!

Hell no!

I guess I'll believe you.

Now its her turn to get undress, and Cassidy peels apart silk blouse in order to show off an adorable pink bra that covers her perky sexy breasts. With a wave of her hand, magic works to draw down her mini skirt, leaving her fit and slender hips and tight butt inside only cute pink panties. What a brilliant ass, what silky smooth legs! Flynn is in heaven at the sight of them, and he's taken to god's throne as she crawls up him and presses her crotch into his exposed penis.

Number Two swears you and Coulter do this all the time.

That's not true either! I only have eyes for you.

Flynn reached around to unhook her bra, allowing it to fall to the floor and reveal her perky breasts that he has such lusty eyes for. The black stud gently lays kisses upon her neck, then her collar bone, before finally working up the never to press his mouth to her hard nipples. Cassidy moans in delight as she pleasures her tits, swiping and dragging his tongue along the tanned flesh as well as the nipples.  Gently he rubs her mound with his hand as he plays and males love to her breasts, and she reacted appropriately, gasping in pleasure and grinding her hips against his hand. Placing a thumb either side of her hips, Flynn carefully pulls her panties down her legs to reveal her dripping wet snatch.

Enough bullshitting around, its like you don't want me to suck your cock. You must be gay. I'm gonna tell everyone you're gay.


The sexy blonde forgets starting rumors for now as she is casting a smirk up at him with already clear desire in her eyes. Cassidy takes a hold of his cock, starting to run both her hands back and forth along his dark meat, causing him to smile as his rod gets even stiffer within her stroking palms. Cassidy soon takes rock hard and lengthy black shaft into both hands, giving a pump as she approvingly licks her wide lips, glancing to the recording camera with a saucy smirk before casting that gaze upward to a smiling Flynn. And why not smile when you have the hot blond sister of your former best friend all over you dick?

I think we should let Mister Trump know of the unity between the races I've created with my cock sucking of a black man.


Cassidy is leaning in to give his fat bell-end a kiss on the top, followed by a lick over the tip, giving his shaft a couple of pumps as she teases the crown with her talented tongue. Soon though she parts those bright red lips, taking him into her mouth to make his eyes roll as she sucks on the head, her hand giving a firm around of swift pumps before her lips part and we see her tongue swirling around him as she pulls back. 

Mmmm... You like that? Like how my full fucking lips feel? 

She asks with a naughty tone as she stares up, not waiting for a response as she takes him back inside but now sinks down, a fast, almost lightening quick slurp moving down to take half of his size into her mouth before she lifts back up all the way, the quickly hurling her lip over his length to push her oral hole back down onto him.

"Mmmm... Yeah... Suck that dick baby..." The handsome  black stallion thinks as the ravishing witch blows on his hung horse dick, smoothly lifting her head upward to just the crown of his cock before she slides back downward and repeats the motion, keeping her pouty lips nicely pressed around his thickness as she shows this is far from her first time giving out a blowjob. That big black dick is being taken in and out of her oral hole at a steady pace, her muffled groans heard loud and clear as she works him over, already starting to apply her saliva onto that black man meat and making sure to keep her free hand stroking away at his inches not yet taken into her mouth.



Mmmmphhh!! Mmmmm... Mmmmm mmmmphhh.. 

The beautiful blond moans around his dick, raising upward to the crown and twisting her blonde haired head from side to side, expertly grinding those soft lips against his dark rod to keep him easily satisified. That trick allows her to lift her hands and let herself provide a bit of twisting and tweaking to her erect nipples, and even able to glance to the camera and giving a seductive look as if inviting the viewer to come and join her. 

Mmmmm!! Mmmmmphhh... Mmmmm...

One hand rests onto his thigh as she resumes the motion of bobbing her head along his stiff prick, going at a quicker pace and taking more of his dick into her hungry and talented mouth, but making herself moan with the other hand as she forgoes just the nipples and grabs a hold of her own breast in order to lift and squeeze it as she puts on another dirty show.

The pleasure is overpowering for the karate  hunk she's sucking off, his face straining with glee and amazement as he takes such a red hot blowjob. Gobs of saliva are starting to drip from off those fat inches along with her own chin from the repeated slurping motion as her bright red lipstick coated lips flow back and forth along this big dark cock. 



As the sexy witch rocks herself back and forth onto him, she continues to lock eyes up at him with a sexy glare, made hotter by how she's groaning around that tool and teasing both him and herself as she feels up and gropes her own big tits that are starting to glisten as her dripping saliva is falling down onto that gorgeous chest of hers.

Mmmmphhh!! Mmmmm... Mmmmphh!! GAHHHHH!! 

Showing all she can do she pushes her exquisite face all the way down into his crotch, causing herself to gag as she deep throats all of his healthy length, eyes closed as she keeps herself held down all the way so her nose is pressing into his toned and tight body. It's gaining the effect she was after, his body quivers a little deeper as he gasps in delight. Despite gagging again and saliva splattering over him she still stays down in place to take him in balls deep for a little longer. 


Letting out another raspy gag around that thick cock, she finally has to relent, pulling all the way up and off of him so she can gasp for air. The sight of his saliva soaked dick is quite the impressive one to her usually jaded eyes. Its so impressive and so alluring, the blond babe hungrily dives back down, getting in another round of sucks along the majority of his length. The sloppy nature of this further causing her spit to seep past those pouty lips and drip down her chin as well as fall from that very rod she's servicing. Her perky tits are doing a fine job of catching all that saliva to leave them looking even hotter than before. 



She groans as she gives a last suck, pulling her mouth off from him and shifting back, looking up at him with a cute but horny as all hell smirk. 

You may be a black belt in Jazz kickboxing with the coloured weights, but I'm a black belt in fucking.

I have a black belt in BJJ, karate, and taekwondo.

Uh-huh, here's me not giving a shit. I do it very well don't I. You know what else I do well? Fucking!

Stepping in, an eager and equally horny Flynn taps her wet folds for a testing moment before he lines it up and with a firm thrust pushes his wet dick into her snatch. This is making her moan out as she get to experience being filled up just from that first pump. He draws back, almost completely pulling out but some of that fat crown still is staying inside her. It isn't long though before he starts to give it to her, like he's been dreaming of the moment his former best friend's sister showed up in the OAOAST.



MMMM... Oh yes... Mmmmm... Fuck me... Fuck my tight little pussy, Chuck Norris!

The OAOAST Hottie groans more demand, looking out with another intense and lusty stare. Her eyes catch the mirror, finding her little body rocking and rolling at the powerful thrusts from the black hunk Cassidy has expertly sucked off so hard she could have sucked the black off it. And now its looking like she's going to be getting all of his rock hard black rod deep into her snatch as well from the way he's steadily thrusting himself in and out of her box. 

Ahhhhh... MMMM!! Mmmmm yes... Keep going... Give me... MMMMM... All of that big, Steven Segal cock... 

Cassidy moans out with the kind of tone that could be hand picked for the hottest of porn star. The smallsh babe is all too happy to let him send his member deep into her snug and damp pussy as this bewitching beauty groans out herself, shamelessly loving how she's getting filled up and being fucked on the bed by one of her brother's worst enemies. That last part just adds to the hotness!



His thrusts now get swifter, his body up close to her and his crotch beginning to connect with her tanned and lean body, feeding the supernatural babe turned sports entertainer more than a generous amount of his dark inches. That smack of his skin meeting hers sounds out to mix with both her moans and cries that he quite takes pleasure in. 

AHHHH... Mmmm... You're so fucking hot, Street Fighter!

The obviously experienced at fucking hunk is able to smile and nod as he continues to send his length back and forth into her smoothly and with ease. Her folds are now nice and slick as she's more than turned on from this all, but still tight around his big dick to ensure he's getting plenty of pleasure from this as well.

MMMMM... Oooooooooh!! And you... MMMM!! Come on Billy Blanks!  

Cassidy purrs her lust with a sinful lick of her lips, her body beginning to jolt a little from the force being put behind these repeated thrusts as she gets filled up, her tits jiggling for an extra visual treat for the many masturbators around the world.



AHHHHH... MMMM FUCK!! You fuck so good! MMMM... My pussy... MMMMM!! So full...!

Cassidy sighs in delight, keeping her tanned body laying in place and staring out at the mirror as she keeps her  apart allowing her snatch to get properly pummeled. She only wishes she could watch his shaft plunging back and forth into her slut hole like the millions of people worldwide. That desirably muscular black stud indeed keeps on pumping almost all of his length forward into that needy and damp slut hole. Flynn works with brisk and perfectly timed pace ,more than enough to keep the witch babe moaning away, with that smacking sound also ringing out to add to the mood. 



Cassidy is biting her thick lips, grabbing the sheets, and grinding her horny little pussy back against his dick to bless him with waves of pleasure. Flicking her tongue out at her, Cassidy leaves it hanging, panting and whimpering like a bitch in heat. Her saliva falls onto the bed, as Cassidy is lewd and open mouthed with being rocked with a lewd fucking that she just can't get enough of. And neither can Flynn for that matter, hammering this tight, tight twat and this hot, hot witch.

MMMM!! Oh yes!! MMMMM lemme on top of you, Chuck Lidell.

Cassidy lets herself get untangled from this fat black shaft, as the owner of it lays back on the bed, breathing heavy and ready to be taken on the ride of his life. Raising herself up to above Flynn, Cassidy lets her tanned body drop down, the slap of her frame meeting his ringing out before she repeats the action, moaning herself as she rides that dick with a clear energy.

Aww yeah nice! Nice!

The stunning blonde groans, looking back over her shoulder so Flynn can see her moaning and the expression of pure, sinful joy on that gorgeous face as she starts off by rocking her shapely hips back and forth, grinding her pussy down against his dick and causing her moans to be heard worldwide. Its a  a sign her action is more than doing the trick of providing hot and horny delight to them both!

AHHHHH... MMMMM YES... I will fuck you... MMMM!! I will fuck you so good!

Cassidy's vow holds true and sexy, the babeilocious witch raising herself up to above the half way mark on that fat shaft before she lets her tanned body drop down, the slap of her frame meeting his ringing out. before she repeats the action. She is moaning hard and heavy as she rides that dick with a clear unbridled nasty as hell energy!  



The stud underneath her certainly appreciates her lustful efforts, smiling in delight as he lays back and lets her show that she can not only take a good banging, but can handle a hard black dick just fine herself. Although her red hot blowjob onto this same shaft was certainly proof can she fuck like a queen. Right now Flynn has the best job in the world, all he has to do is watch and let her have her turn taking the lead. He loves feeling her wet and still tight pussy being raised and lowered at an impressively paced and forceful rhythm on his black man meat. 

Ahhhh shit! Get this pussy, Johnny Cage!

The skinny blond babe continues to moan away with every bounce delivered onto that mighty length of black dick she's willingly impaled on top off. Her tight butt cheeks jiggling now each time she drops down with that booty slaps against his strong thighs. Her high quality, supernatural snatch keeps dropping all the way down to take him up to the hilt over and over again.  



She squeals in delight, once more looking back and deliberately biting down on her bottom lip for an added sexy show. Drops of sweat now start to form and drip down her face and the rest of that stunning frame, the way she's working herself so smoothly and quickly up and down that big black cock. The witch babe is such a pro it appears like she's destined to star in pornography rather than in sports entertainment!

Mmmm...Oh fuck! Mmmm yes!

Cassidy hisses sinful delight, stuffing all that cock up into herself over and over again with a more steady and savoring pace, as we see that thick rod being taking in and out of her soaking wet love tunnel. 

MMMM!! Big... UHHHHH!! ... MMMMM... Feels so good! AHHHHH!! Filling up my slutty... MMMMM... Delta Delta Delta pussy...

Those filthy words continue to pour out of her open, moaning mouth. The viewing audience continues to be treated to the stunning sight of her working her damp twat up and down on a long and thick shaft with the kind of perfection that many a veteran skin flick starlet would struggle to maintain.

I think you've had your fun at my pussy's expense, now I'm eager to see if you can actually muster a cum worth a damn. So hit me with your best shot. Literally.

Cassidy gets onto her knees and immediately Flynn thrusts that shaft up between her nice, rounded tits as she presses them against his member to more than generously smother that rod. His pumps are more than forceful enough to make those boobs jiggle. She slides up between them even with her grasping to tightly sandwich that man-meat.  The rather telling and desperate way that his dark shaft is being slid up and down between her tits shows that his peak is fast approaching, and the grin on her gorgeous face shows she's eager for it.

This better be a cum worth a damn. You hear me?

Cassidy keeps daring him on, licking her lips with a hunger for that load as she all to eagerly lets him use another desirable part of her for his own pleasure. He sends his shaft thrusting smoothly and quickly in between her perky breasts, the feeling even making her groan in glorious glee.

She doesn't have to wait too much longer for it in fact, as Cassidy gasps when the first big spurt of his jizz fires out of his cock, hitting up onto the bottom of her chin and up her neck! He soon pulls out, gripping and stroking his cock as she keeps her tits pushed up and together for him as an unmissable target. No surprise that he takes the offer, jerking his load out onto her breasts as he sends the warm, thick shots of jizz down onto both of her boobs, some landing down into her cleavage but the majority leaving a sexy glaze over her chest, making her groan with a sexy smirk as she watches her pump away, finally flicking the last drops down onto her tits.

Well, you were worth the fuck after all. Glad I didn't choose trailer trash swamp thing scooby doo.




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“The Animal” by Distrubed booms into the arena and out walks a snarling and hollering FLEX, in ripped up jeans stood next to by a vengenful Lorelei DeCenzo who even with a sparkling yellow gown still appears the mother of wrath.

The following contest is scheduled for one fall now making her his way to the ring accompanied by LORELEI DECENZO....from Miami, Florida THE FLEX!


Things are really boiling over here in the OAOAST. Just last week Lorelei went off the deep end and attacked Sammi Cayley and got herself Fang Bang'ed by Gloss, Tyler has been beefing with Krista, Queen Esther and Blaine and now FLEX is about to take on Krista in our mainevent.

THE FLEX enters the ring and hollers into the night, which earns plenty of boos from the fans.

I stay out too late

Got nothing in my brain

That's what people say, mmm-mmm

That's what people say, mmm-mmm


I go on to many dates [chuckle]

But I can't make 'em stay

At least that's what people say, mmm-mmm

That's what people say, mmm-mmm


But I keep cruising

Can't stop, won't stop moving

It's like I got this music

In my mind

Singing, "It's gonna be alright."


'Cause the players gonna play, play, play, play, play

And the haters gonna hate, hate, hate, hate, hate

Baby, I'm just gonna shake, shake, shake, shake, shake

I shake it off, I shake it off

Heart-breakers gonna break, break, break, break, break

And the fakers gonna fake, fake, fake, fake, fake

Baby, I'm just gonna shake, shake, shake, shake, shake

I shake it off, I shake it off

As “Shake It Off” by Taylor Swift plays the fans are on their feet and singing a chorus of glee. On the entrance scantily clad dancers in school girl outfits writhe in grind, but the hottest site of all is the slutty MILF Krista Isadora Duncan who grinds on a dance before she's admonished for her “bawdiness” by her fairy god mother, Queen Esther.

Now making her way to the ring accompanied by her fairy god mother QUEEN ESTHER, she hails from Los Angeles, California, she is a best selling author, a fitness empire maven, a nine time OAOAST world champion, a seven time OAOAST tag team champion, a freak in the bedroom, a loving mother of two, the QUEEEN OF ALL MEDIA....KRISTA ISAAAADORRAAA DUNNCANNNN!


What did he mean by freak in the bedroom? Are your sleeping habits irregular?

I'm kept up by a lot of dicks and a lot of pussies.

Oh my! We must tell these Dicks to keep their cats out your bed room.

Krista makes it to the ring and hangs herself upside down to showcase her long gorgeous tanned legs..



Krista laughs off FLEX, which might be a bad idea because he hoists her over his huge shoulders and readies to charge her about the ring!


Krista flips her way out of the hold, but then FLEX catches her again!

Very nice!

The body builder runs the nine time world champion into the corner and proceeds to blast her with powerful, deadly, cruel punches! But when he tries for a shoulder to the midsection, Krista leaps up and falls over him for a rollup!


An easy kick out by FLEX!

I'll tailor my MILFyness to my target with some hip hop grinding


Krista, you are behaving like a tavern wench! 

Uh, that's what I am.

FLEX is lulled into lust for the busty MILF grooving her body, which enables Krista to catch him with a small package!



A kickout!

Hey, a little closer. Maybe if she takes off her top she'll get a three count!

And I'll bust a nut!

Careful, the last time someone ejaculated out here it was Papa Duncan on your head.

The power of FLEX sends Krista flying into the corner, and she then has to duck a rushing lariat from the giant. When he turns around to get a read on her, she goes up and over him with a beautiful satellite DDT!


Krista Completes Me!

Rather than stay down to be pinned, THE FLEX hops upright and hammers his blond foe with a lariat!


A cover is made....



Krista with the kickout!


The giant from Venice Beach stashes Krista between his legs in a standing head scissors then sweeps her up to attempt a powerbomb. Attempt is all it is as Miss California makes the crucial counter with a hurricanrana! But the match is on hold at once for an odd reason

Krista, your bosom is bouncing! The witchery of lady of the swamp has touched you as well!


Tis a photoshopped picture of Tyler in a blow bang!


FLEX charges at Krista but the buxom blonde pulls down the ropes to send him hurling over and out! Next Krista ascends to the top rope as FLEX is gathering himself and flies at him with a swanton press!


Wow! I think Krista just added injury to insult!

Krista pulls FLEX upright and with all the strength in her fitness queen body whips him against the ring steps! The massive man hits so hard that he knocks the steps clear over, frightening Lorelei.

I think Lorelei thought she'd have some more revenge, but that ain't happening right now.

THE FLEX rolls himself back into the ring, with Krista following onto the ring apron. She leaps onto the ropes then drops a picture perfect leg drop and goes for a lateral press...



Krista is pressed off FLEX! 

Both competitors get to their feet with Krista spinning around for a kick that gets ducked by FLEX. Instead of hitting that kick, Miss California is lifted for a pump handle slam. But she showcases her talent and agility by back flipping out of the attack! FLEX throws another lariat, and again gets dodged. Now the blond bimbo seizes hold of his head and hammers him with a side effect! 


Blonds Never Pay a Cover!

The cover is made....



Again Krista is pressed off!

“LET'S GO KRISTA! LET'S GO KRISTA! LET'S GO KRISTA!” the fans try to will Krissy to victory.

Krista bounds off the ropes, but gets slung through the air by back body drop from her huge opponent. The nine time world champion hits the mat hard, and FLEX flexes his muscles for all the world to see.


FLEX brings Krista off the mat and whips her into the corner, where she tries to go up and over him. The problem is the giant catches her on his shoulders, and from there flips her out with a mighty sitout Alabama slam! As the fans recoil in horror, the official gets down to make the count...



Krista pops her shoulder up!




Yes! End her reign of terror!

Isn't she being overly dramatic?

Think of what Krista has done to her, not just lately but for ten years!

FLEX pulls Krista into a front facelock and lifts her high into the air. But much to his chagrin, the Los Angeles native manages an escape out the back. Eager to get some offense Krista leaps up and hits him with a nekcbreaker! Now, Krista wants to go for her split legged corkscrew moonsault, but when she reaches the corner, FLEX comes to life and bashes her in the back! Lorelei looks on smiling as FLEX uses an electric chair drop to dump her to the ground!

Another cover...



A kickout! 


The fans just can't stop chanting Krista's name, Coach!

And it has to be driving Lorelei crazy.

THE FLEX hurls Krista into the ropes, then lowers his head for a back drop. But, Miss California is able to leap over him with a sunset flip!



A kickout!  

THE FLEX hurries to his feet, but is caught in a school boy by Krista!



Again a kickout!

Both performers rise to their feet and Krista feed THE FLEX the leg. He promptly slams it back down with enough force to spin her around, which works to her advantage as she smashes him with a pele kick! FLEX is seemingly out on his feet, and Krista tries to take him into a twist of fate. But he explodes to life and brutally drives her to the mat with a thrust spinebuster!


FLEX Buster!

The cover....



Krista makes the kickout!


Krista is hurled into the ropes by FLEX, but she shocks him by springing off and hitting a kick to the face! FLEX lands on his ass, and Miss California then goes off the ropes to nail a knee to the face!


Bootytime~! Know you gonna love that FLEX!




So much jiggling, so much jiggling.

The big booty  blond bimbo flips herself over and lands a moonsault onto bootymatized FLEX! The offical gets into position to count the fall...



A kickout! 

Krista springs to her feet and THE FLEX does the same with Miss California leaping at him with a KIDology effort. However, the bodybuilder catches her in his arms, then begins shifting Krista into a backpack position!

Oh no!

But, Krista has the last laugh as she pulls a page out of Tyler's playbook and hits a crucifix pin on FLEX!





Your winner as a result of a pinfall-

But all fanfare is cut short as THE FLEX gets up and hammers Krista with a lariat!


THE FLEX stomps away, urged on by Lorelei who wants to see him do even more damage to Krista!

Come on! There's just no need for this!

But, Lorelei's dreams are shattered as ALIX MARIA SPEZIA comes charging in with a steel chair! THE FLEX thinks he can stand up to Alix but that's not quite the case as The Hollywood Bad Girl bashes him with the chair, knocking him through the ropes and out of the ring!


Yay, Alix!

THE FLEX rolls out of the ring, thoroughly defeated and bested by Alix. Lorelei promises revenge but Chicks Over Dicks and their fairy godmother stand triumphant and unimpressed as we...


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