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OAOAST TMW: A comedy/erotic e-fed

TMW Ascension 5

Chanel #99

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***Sumeragi Vs Murmur***
We say hello to all our fans in Japan watching their countrymen compete.

Sumeragi isn't always consistent but when he's on he is on.

The match started out with some strong style fighting from both foreign wrestlers that impressed the smart crowd and Reject. 

Two guys looking to make an impact just hammering the life out of each other. I love it.

Sumeragi pulled referee Scotty2Hotty in as a shield then used that to take control of the contest. While the audience may not have liked that, you can't argue with results as the Japanese youngster wore down his foe for several minutes. But when he went for his top rope lariat he missed then got hauled into a cross armbar!

Its injury to insult now!

But Sumeragi grabbed hold of the referee and pulled him on top of Murmur to break the hold. Scotty warned Sumeragi about his tricks, but he woudn't listen. Instead he went back on the attack against the Egyptian superstar. But Murmur had  answers for most of his moves and Sumeragi went into a panic. Yet when Murmur came off the ropes, Sumeragi had the wherewithal to unleash the mist and small package him for a win!

Winner: Sumeragi, via pinfall

Post-match Sumergai gloated over Murmur and wound up paying the price! Murmur beat him down and then hit the Careless Whisper to a big pop. 

Fabian Nystrom caught The Masked ASSassin lurking backstage doing some sexxxxxxyyy exercises to improve her lethal buns. 

Do you need something?

No, but you're not very talkative now are you?

No. I speak when I have reason. Otherwise, I stay silent. 

Then get ready, because tonight's mainevent you and the rest of the world won't be able to stop talking about me.

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***Undie Brown Vs GOATman Pains***
Undie came out seeking to buy underwear from fans in the front row, and getting no takers. He should have focused more on the match as he fared poorly on the outset. For a fleeting moment he did show some nice power, but Pains took back the reigns (LOL) and secured victory with the GOAT Finisher.

Winner: GOATman Pains, via pinfall

After a promo for the upcoming Challenge: Singled Out blu ray was shown we saw GOATman Pains encounter Painbow backstage! Why was that exciting? Because Pains nodded to the HARD title and then to the TV title.

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*** Special Attraction: Princess Danger vs. Brea Brea ***

Making her TMW debut in a non-title bout was current SMUSH Warrior Princess Champion Akira Danger, who assumed the 'Princess' moniker after dethroning -- and in the process injuring -- fan favorite Princess Jasmine. Bad with a capital B, Princess Danger also has a flair for the dramatic sporting a respirator attached to her mask and wielding flashing samurai swords.  

I'm looking forward to this one, Josh. My contacts in Japan have told me stories about Princess Danger you wouldn't believe! 

Vile, cruel-- Just a couple of adjectives used to describe the Princess of Pain!

Taken aback by the pomp and circumstance associated with Princess Danger's entrance was Brea. Normally cheerful she looked on concerned as PD removed her respirator and suddenly charged forward to connect with a violent kick to the gut. 

Jesus! What speed!

Brea blinked and next thing she knows Princess Danger is all over her!

With the OAOAST Galaxy firmly behind her, the South African beauty did everything she could to get back in the fight but PD always found a way to cut off any comeback attempt. Then PD put Brea away for good following a Border Toss!

Bushido! And that will do it! What a debut for Princess Danger!

Winner: Princess Danger, via pinfall.

Post-match the arena went dark as PD did a routine with her flashing swords and then bowed towards Brea, only to stomp her just for the fun of it, a sick smile on her face the whole time. Once through PD returned backstage shouting to the crowd in Japanese. 

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Sara Jean did an interview with Storm Bellmare who had Eponine Black and Isabella Spezia-Villagrosa  with him.

Storm, Storm what a guy... Pretty hair and lovely eyes...The boys in town all called his name... Storm! Won't you play a game?"

Hello? Is Eponine in there? We'd like to have a conversation with her!

But Storm didn't want to play... He'd turn his back and waltz away.

Can I waltz out with the TMW Hard championship? That's everyone's question. I've had a lot of hardships in my life, and have had to beat a ton of adversity. For Painbow this is one of the biggest matches of his career, but for me this is my life, this is my everyday existence and I've become pretty damn good at winning the game of life.

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***TMW Tag Team Titles: Union Jets Vs Das Wrestling Machine Vs Same Ol Shits***
Same Ol Shits wanted to turn the faces against each other, but instead got turned on and promptly dismissed from the ring, leaving the good guys to fight against each other.

This is a great test for Das Wrestling Machine. Can they hang with one of the best teams in the history of the sport? 

Smith put Reginheraht through his paces with some technical moves and stretching, but the larger wrestler then showed off some power by throwing his foe about the ring. That's when Wakefield brought himself into the ring with a tag and decided he was going to take on Smith.

Partner was that smart of Wakefield?

He didn't want Reginheraht to get confident and get steam going.

But Wakefield wasn't able to handle the talents of Smith, which have been honed the world over, and with the fans chanting for the Union Jets he escaped to tag in Horse. The smaller of the two Shits, Horse decided to use some flips and tricks to wear down Smith, but couldn't stop him from giving a rough tag to White Lothar.

Some attitude behind that tag. I like it.

Horse and White Lothar went at it, with WL deciding to use power moves and brawling to sling his foe around. He might have been able to defeat him had C-4 not entered the ring. C-4 was up to the task of matching White Lothar move for move, and the two fought to an impasse. That's when the Same Ol Shits came in and attacked them both! The match broke down into craziness that the Shits were hungry to take advantage of, using hit and run tactics until they got the tag themselves. But then their plan feel apart as the Union Jets broke up their Same Ol Finisher attempt on White Lothar and proceeded to hit the Detonator on Horse to successfully defend their titles.

Winner: The Union Jets, via pinfall

Post-match Das Wrestling Machine told the Union Jets they hadn't seen the last of them.

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***Abdullah Abir Nerdly Vs Chad Mustard***
I don't care about remaining unbiased, let's get it, Abdullah!

Abdullah showed zero ring rust in his return to the OAOAST progamming, giving Chad the run around by tying him up in nasty situations. Always cowardly, the College Park native bailed only to be hit with a suicide dive through the ropes. Abdullah then proceeded to hit that move three more times ala Lethal


Damn right he does.

Abdullah waffled the living hell out Mustard inside the ring, then the two men went through a slick high flying by Abdullah brawling counter by Mustard sequence. After that thing were slowed down by a Chad chinlock, until Abdullah fought out of it. Chad showed he's still a coward and bailed, but used this to sucker Abdullah into missing another suicide dive!


Abdullah was brought back into the ring and pinned for two, and then had to suffer another chinlock. He would find his way out but got forced into abdominal stretch by Mustard.

Go, Chad, its sherbert day, we gonna party like its sherbet day, and we don't give a fuck cuz its sherbet day!

I love me some sherbet.

Abudllah got out of this hold and put aside his pain to hit some boss rolling suplexes! But that did a number on him and Chad hit an STO for a two count. Abdullah fought to his feet and the two men traded punches, until Chad fired off a snap suplex. The frat bro went to the top, but was crotched by his foe then sent flying with a superplex! After that Abdullah went to the top and dropped a Skyhook Elbow which got him his first OAOAST win in years

Winner: Abdullah Abir Nerdly, via pinfall

Post-match Abdullah got on his knees to offer his daily prayers until he was attacked by REX! The giant hit a pop up powerbomb then posed over Abdullah.



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Backstage Glass Juliet got interviewed by Terry Taylor ahead of her Hotties Title match.

What the heck?! This thing looks like crap.

You said you wanted an eco friendly interviewer so I attached some solar panels to him.

Get these things off me! 

We're inside! There's no sunlight! So what's the point of a freaking solar panel?!

Also, I'm human! 

Barely! But now I'm really angry! I've been angry since I had to rematch with Amber, but this pushes me over the line! Doesn't anyone get that I've been champion for over a year? This makes me the unbeatable cheerleader straight out of hell! Amber's a MILF, but teens love huge cocks is a bigger porn niche on reality kings than MILF king and that makes me tops! And I say get ready OAOAST Galaxy, because I can beat and kill who I want, and I'm gonna go on a smash-smash-smash-smashing spree on Amber's pretty face!

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***TMW Hotties Title Cage Match: Glass Juliet Vs Amber O'Shea***

Look at those tiny tiny pants of Amber! She can be wank fantasy or a trophy wife! Your pick!

Amber was in no mood for games and began the match throwing heavy bombs on Glass Juliet. A vampire, Glass had no trouble turning aside the blows, but didn't exactly like being sling shotted into the cage!


Amber then went through the ten punches on her foe, then took her to another corner and made it twenty! Amber wanted to do thirty but Glass caught with a double arm DDT!

With even tinier pants you'll make the Wrestling Observer wank worthy top 500!

There's no such thing.

Glass tried to leave through the cage door, but Amber caught her and begin bashing her face against the door much to the crowd's delight. Amber then hit a series of power moves before deciding to try and climb out.

The first cage match in TMW history could be over now!

Not exactly as Glass powerbomed her off the cage! That move got a two count and led Glass trying to escape. The champion reached the top, until Amber hip tossed her back to the ring!


From there, Amber worked on some power moves and tried to hit her Wolf Trap lariat. Glass avoided the attack and dove for the door, but Amber wound up slamming the door against her ankle. From there, Amber put in an ankle lock but the bubbly vampire would not submit! 

Amber came in with a game plan to use the cage to her advantage and she's sticking to it.

Glass countered the ankle lock with a roll up that got two, then hurried back to the cage. She made it all the way to the top until Amber climbed up with her and they begin trading punches. Finally Amber won out and superplexed Glass off the top of the cage!


Both Hotties were down, but Amber managed to cover Glass yet only got a two count. Now Amber tried to escape through the door, but Glass hooked onto her tiny tiny pants to prevent this!

Uppupu I can see your butt crack!

Amber hammered Glass with an elbow to ward her off, then sought out a death valley driver against the cage walls! But Glass flipped out of the hold and came back to shock Amber with a swinging lift jawkbreaker!

When You Hear The Glass!

And that allowed Glass to make the cover and defend her title!

Winner: Glass Juliet, via pinfall

For over a year Glass Juliet as been TMW Hotties Champion!

And the glass has not broken yet, the train keeps rolling, and who can stop her? She could be TMW Hotties Champion for another year.

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***TMW Hard Title: Painbow W/Kiki Kix Vs Storm Bellmare W/Eponine Black and Isabella Spezia-Villalagrossa*** 

Painbow got some coaching from Kiki and went for kicks to the legs early on. But, Storm knew how to counter this and took Painbow to the ground. There the two men wrestled, with Painbow having to avoid being trapped in a leg lock from his foe until he could get up.

Better than CM Punk at least.

Painbow made some threatening remarks to Storm, daring him on but Storm stayed smart and went for a techical handling of the match. But when he tried for a single leg takedown, Painbow slung him into the corner posts which did immense damage to his shoulders! From there Painbow pulled Storm out of the ring and proceeded to bash his shoulder into the guardrail not once not twice but three times! The HARD champion then returned to the ring and Storm only made it in at six.

A count out win is as good as any other when you're a champion.

Now, you're thinking like a winner. But you're still a loser.

Painbow pulled Storm upright and hooked him into a standing arm bar. But Storm reached the ropes, then shocked the champion with an enziguri. He then went off the top rope and hit a diving knee drop for a two count!

Not bad, Storm, use moves that don't involve the arm.

Storm hit a running knee to the face of Painbow to open a cut on his lips. This sent Painbow in a rage and he threw a lariat that got ducked and nearly lost the title off a backslide. But when Storm came up, Painbow hit a divorce court then swiflty looked for his single arm deadlift powerbomb finisher! Yet amazingly, Storm was able to escape the hold and then countered with a superkick that left both men out!

Hip hip hoe-freaking-raaaaaaayyyyyy!

Painbow managed to get to his feet first and unloaded on Storm with wild punches. Still Storm weathered the uh storm and fought back with blows of his own. He wasn't much of a match for the bigger man and get sat upon the top turnbuckle. But, Painbow couldn't pull off his big move as Storm exploded with a top rope spinning wheel kick!


Oh those long slender smooth shaven legs can really kick. How do they look spread.

Storm was so disturbed by Eponine's comment he got put into a kimura lock! Kiki urged on Painbow to tighten the hold, and he did, but in the end the fans were amazed to see Storm make the ropes.


All of Pepperdine is on the side of Storm Bellmare, the trailblazer!

Painbow started seeing red, tearing at his dyed hair and seething and foaming at the mouth. He came at Storm with a big boot but missed, and got school boyed to a two count. Back on his feet, Painbow dropepd Storm with a body slam, then proceeded to lift him for his single arm deadlift powerbomb, but Storm flipped out of the hold and then unleahsed his leg trap sunset flip powerbomb!

Storm's End!

Winner and new champion: Storm Bellmare, via pinfall

Matthews we have seen history tonight at TMW Ascension!

Yes we have partner! Storm is a role model for people all across the galaxy and now he is a HARD champion! 

Storm was on his knees, crying and soaking in the big moment as Epoinine and Isabella stood over him, applauding his victory. Soon Lisa Ann and several members of the locker room came out to salute Storm and hail him for his victory.

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Before the mainevent, Terry Taylor was out in the stands with none other than TORI MALIBU, Zack's sister!

Ladies and gentlemen please meet the younger sister of Zack Malibu, Tori Malibu,


Tori, you'll be starting in TMW soon. I have to imagine watching this show is getting you pumped up.

Yeah, yeah, whatever. I don't get excited. Lame.

Tori dismisses the comment with a hand wave....and knocks the camera out of the camera man's hand!

Not again!

This is happened before?

This is the second thing I broke all day! I noticed Lisa Ann looked tired so I brought her of cup of cofee and wound up dropping the glass and spilling it all over her ipad and destroying it!

So that's three things you broke not two.


Let's just go to our mainevent.

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The very popular version of “Blank Space” by I Prevail begins playing and the Pepperdine crowd is on their feet with jeers and boos. Slowly white lights roll across the entrance stage, which now houses a smiling Fabian Nystrom, in golden biker shorts, making sure the camera focuses on his handsome face.

The following match is a LOSER LEAVES TMW match, now making his way to the ring from The Hauge, Netherlands....FABIAN NYSTROOOOOMMMMMMMMMM!


We saw a new HARD champion crowned tonight, and high stakes are on order in this match.

One opponent, one Nystrom brother, will never been seen in TMW again.

Reaching the ring, Fabian ascends to the middle rope and welcomes in the taunts of the fans, eventually blowing them a kiss with his lovely lips.

Fabian reminds me a lot of a Leon Rodez, King Landon type wrestler, lots of different moves in his arsenal from a lot of different styles.

I never go away
No I never go away
This is everything
Is Everything
I never run away
No I never run away
This is everything
To me


The opening of “Gambling Man” by Smashing Satellites brings the fans a very delighted and thrilled mood. Its not, however, matched by Tristan Nystrom, who arrives in his all black outfit to match his somber and stoic mood.

And his opponent, also from The Hauge, Netherlands, he is TRISTIAN NYYYSSSTTRROMMMMM!

Tristan has made TMW his home, his endeared himself to the fans and his brother wants to take it all away.

I've fought Sandman before, and ThunderKid but I don't think anything can compare to fighting your own flesh and blood for what amounts to your home. 

Tristan has his way into the ring blocked by a smiling Fabian, but the official manages to keep the two apart long enough for the black clad warrior to settle himself into the warzone


Tristan lunges at Fabian for a lockup, but big brother merely glides out the way with a smile.


Angered by this, Tristan starts firing off punches that eventually beat his brother into the corner. He then tries for an Irish whip but this round goes to Fabian as he reverses the hold. When Fabian comes charging in, Tristan wows the fans by front flipping over him. Tristan then comes back with a lariat, but Fabian rolls beneath the hold then starts doing sit ups!


If anyone knows how to shake Tristan's calm its Fabian.

Fabian kips up and SPITS on little brother!


This Fabian Nystrom, we gotta wonder what low won't he go to?

Fabian tears into Tristan with punches, then sends him into the ropes. The former HARD champion is able to duck a lariat, then ducks a raised boot. But on his third run, he gets clobbered in the face with a dropkick from his foe!

Such a smooth show of agility from Fabian.

Tristan is whipped into the corner, and hits with enough force to stagger him out towards Fabian. The hated heel grabs hold of him and hits a shin breaker, before dumping him to the mat for a pin...


A kickout!

You're not gonna put away Tristan with just a shin breaker.

Fabian grabs hold of Tristan once more in the shin breaker position, but this time throws him knee first into the ring posts!


That's a lot better choice. A lot better choice. 

Big brother pulls little brother off the mat but gets hit with a wave of punches! From there Tristan tosses his foe over the ropes and out of the ring! Fabian lands on his feet, but soon has to face Tristan descending on him with a plancha. But he's able to move out the way and Tristan has come down on his feet and not on top of Fabian. Now its Fabian who goes on attack and lacerates him with a lariat to the back of the head! 

Christ! Any normal wrestler would have a snapped neck. 

Fabian takes a moment to taunt the fans, raising his hands and smiling which does little to please the crowd. What it does is gives Tristan the ability to recover, and when he does, he unloads on his brother with lefts and rights!

“LET'S GO TRISTAN! LET'S GO TRISTAN! LET'S GO TRISTAN!” the capacity crowd sings.

Tristan snags Fabian inside a front facelock, then proceeds to slam him against the ring apron with a vertical suplex!


Partner, you know all about being slammed on the ring apron.

Its the worst experience you can feel in wrestling. I'd rather get dropped on a ladder.

Fabian is rolled into the ring by Tristan and has his legs hooked for the crucial cover....



A kickout before the three!

Fabian rolls to his feet and is swiftly hit in the face by a spinning elbow from Tristan. Showing anger, Tristan grabs hold of his big brother in a front facelock and raises him into the air. A pair of knees to the head win Fabian his freedom, but that's all that it wins him as Tristan rocks him with a standing big boot!


Another cover....



Shoulder up!

Tristan is fighting more than his brother, he's fighting a fate that sees him out of TMW.

Tristan pulls Fabian off the mat and lights him with a knife edge chop. Fabain responds in kind, using enough knife edge chops to back little brother into the corner. There he gives him a condescending pat on the head, which is a horrible idea as Tristan proceeds to flapjack him onto the ring posts!

Tristan has came to win, came to defend his right to wrestle in TMW. 

He looks at TMW as his home and his brother as a home invader.

Pulled to the center of the ring, Fabian is brought through the motions of a neckbreaker. However, he manages to escape the hold, and now tries to bring down his little brother with a back slide. Tries and fails as Tristan flips his way out of the hold. The former HARD champion then leaps up and connects with a heel kick right on the chin that lays out Fabian.

A cover....



Kickout before the three!

Tristan places Fabian on his shoulders with a snarl then drops him forward with a  fireman's carry roll. Still snarling, Tristan leaps onto the second rope, planning to do immense damage to his brother. But alas that's all he can do as Fabian unleashes a single leg powerbomb to toss him to the mat with crushing impact!


Poor brother.

The door was open for a big move from Tristan.

And Fabian slammed it shut and may have opened a door for himself.

Tristan rises to his feet on his own and hammers an approaching Fabian with a punch to give him some distance. Next he goes on the attack, running in for a DDT, only to get turned over into a brutal powerslam! The official drops to his knees to count the resulting pinfall...



A shoulder up!

Both vampires roll to their feet, trading punches and chops as the fans root on Tristan. Spurred on by their love, little brother tries a cutter, but somehow Fabian comes up with his leg and kicks him in the front of the face!


Matthews, that counter was simply incredible!

Tristan wobbles on his feet, and is soon brought down to the mat by a lifting inverted DDT! Clutching his head, Tristan is an obvious pain to the delight of his brother who peacocks about the ring in celebration.


Tristan finds his way upright in the corner and faces a fast approaching Fabian who he wards off with a raised elbow.  Staggering out to the center of the ring, Fabian can't defend himself against the running leg lariat his brother hits him with. Both men lie on the mat in pain, but Tristan has enough in him to lay an arm across his brother for a pin...



A shoulder up!

Tristian ascends to the top turnbuckle as fast as he can, getting a hearty pop from the fans in the process. He nods to them, then flies off and hits his big brother with a moonsault that would make Christopher Daniels jealous! 

That was one hell of a moonsault! Can it defeat Fabian, though?

The official scores the fall...



A kickout!

Tristan firms his resolve and pulls Fabian into a full nelson as he raises him off the mat. From there he impresses and pops the capacity crowd with a dragon suplex!

The official scores the fall...



Again Fabian with the kickout!

Tristan continues to firm his resolve as he pushes Fabian between his legs in a standing head scissors. Up Fabian goes, Tristan seeking out a powerbomb. But he doesn't get it as Fabian counters with a mighty DDT!


Both vampires are down and out, exhausted from this brutal family war, and with that the official has to begin a count...




A count out would keep both men in TMW...

And would continue the family feud for ages to come. I actually believe these two will be fighting long after us humans are dead.



The vampire brothers find their footing with the fans firmly rooting on the black haired Tristan. The two men trade fierce blows, landing wild blows against each other.


The two continue to send fierce attacks against each other, centuries of hatred and bitterness behind each attack.


Fabian lands a massive blow that knocks Tristan against the ropes, but the younger brother comes back and hammers his sibling with a high knee to the jaw!


Thinking he has the advantage, Tristan charges in on Fabian, only to meet a boot to the gut. From there Fabian hooks in a front facelock and leaps off the ropes to hit a tornado DDT!

Matthews, Fabian came out of no where to stun us all with move!

Fabian latches onto Tristan with a front facelock and puts him atop the turnbuckle. He then climbs up with him and blows a kiss to the angry fans.


Fabian leaps up and hits an avalanche hurricanrana that throws his brother and he off the posts. He thought he could get a pin, but miraculously Tristan rolls through to get a pin!





He almost had him right there! He almost had Fabian out of TMW!

Both men get to their feet with Fabian stirking first with a rolling koppu kick that leaves Tristan wobbly on his feet. Big brother then hooks him in a pump handle and delivers a modified side driver with that hold applied! 

A cover...






Matthews, we are seeing more than the will to win. We are seeing the will to survive!

Back on their feet the Nystrom brothers are again trading punches and chops until Fabian hits a swift kick to his little brother's leg. Fabian then spits at him and runs off the ropes with a flying forearm, but Tristian avoids it and Fabian has to land on his feet without hitting his move. The black haired vampire then seizes on him with an inverted waistlock and tries for a German suplex, But Fabian reverses the hold and tries for his own suplex, but Tristian is able to come down on his feet and avoid disaster!

The stakes are high and the action is furious.

All eyes in the Galaxy have to be glued to his match, waiting for the outcome. 

Fabian growls his disdain for Tristan and runs at him, but get dropped by a massive lariat!


Pained, Fabian rolls to his knees but gets clocked with a mighty nasty shining wizard! 


Ready to claim victory, actually being able to taste it, Tristan hauls Fabian onto his shoulders in an electric chair drop position. Yet that move never comes to pass as Fabian succeeds in rolling out of it. But he puts himself in a horrible position as Tristan is able to unleash a buzzsaw kick upon him!


Blood Plague!

The crucial cover is made....





Reject, what's going on?! Why did Ignatius and Wesley do that?!

That is a great question! Why did they save Fabain from having to leave TMW!

Tristan would like to know to and reaches over the ropes to grab at a backstepping Ignatius and Wesley. Problematically this takes his eyes of the prize, and within moments Fabian is hitting his pop up German suplex finisher!


Carpe That Fucking Diem!

The pivotal cover is made....





Your winner as a result of a pinfall.....FABIAN NYSTROM!


The fans are outraged and mere boos aren't enough to express their anger, their rage, their furstation over the outcome.

I don't believe what he have just seen! This is the last we're gonna see of Tristan Nystrom!

And why?!

Wesley and Ignatius enter the ring, ripping off their shirts to reveal new shirts that read “Shell Gang”!

What the hell?!

Together the three members of the Shell Gang unite in a hand signal and proclaim themselves as “TOO COOL!” with the fans pumping out hatred and blasting them with heel heat.


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