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OAOAST TMW: A comedy/erotic e-fed

OAOAST AngleSlam 2k16

Chanel #99

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L, V, N, SSC



Across a river, over a bunch of mountains, through fields, sweeping past trees and bushes, hovering over the skyline of New York City, the OAOAST logo flies through the air...before sweeping down, brushing past an elderly man who seems understandably shocked to see six over-sized letters fly past him. The logo continues going, nearing a house...which luckily, a woman is leaving, meaning the logo can sweep through the open door, continuing on down the hallfway and into the living room where a young kid is sat on his computer. It sweeps past him, hitting the computer...which explodes with a flash, lighting up much to the kid's shock and delight.




B O O M ~!

We pan around the sea of mass and then SWOOP over to R & C at Sofa Central. 


Oh baby, we haven taken over every corner of Wrigley Field for AngleSlam 2016! Ladies and gentlemen this is Renne Young, joined by Da Coach, with a night full of action!

You ain't ever lied. The Galaxy is tuned so let's get it popping with the Hotties Tag Team titles!


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The rich anthemic and powerful “Silence” by Sara McLachan begins travelling across the arena, bringing forth its chanting and beautiful vocals to combat the jeers of the audience. Standing at the foot of the stage are the South American sisters of Rhaenys and Alysanne. Rhaenys takes the obvious forefront and poses for all to see, but Alysanne remains quite cute even placed behind her.

The following contest is for the OAOAST Hotties Championship...now making their way to the ring, ALYSANNE THE CHARMING....RHAENYS THE UNHEARD...THE ALL XFL NETTTWORRRRRKKKKK!


There's tons on the line for this tag title match, and for some reason Rhaenys thinks her relationship with The XFL is on the line as well.

Well ain't it? You gotta win matches to fuck in the winners circle. That's what they say.

No one says that.

Alysanne happily parades about the ring with smiles and kisses, but Rhaenys only has a glower turned onto the entrance stage.

“I like my ass up high, and my face down low
Ass up high and my face down low
I like my ass up high, and my face down low
Ass ass high face face down down low
I like my
I like my ass up high, and my face down LOW!”

The fans let out a huge and delighted cheer as “AUH” thumps into the arena and the Hotties tag team champion groove their fine booties into Wrigley Field! Bobbi gives December a playful slap on the ass and December purrs in the delight before the smoking hot team heads to the ring!



Look, Bobbi and December can't help that The XFL wants them, and they can't help they're the best Hotties tag team alive.

They should have had the courtesey to turn XFL down when he came to Sunrise.

The champions enter the ring and butt bump for good luck before turning over the tag titles.


Bobbi and Rhaenys start it off, which is no surprise to anyone in Chicago. What is shocking is that Rhaenys has the nerve and courage to SLAP Asscake!


Then Rhaenys shoves Bobbi in the chest, and that just about sends Bobbi over the edge as she bashes Rhaenys with overhand rights! No longer willing to fight, Rhaenys grabs onto the ropes and referee Val Venis enforces the clean break's she demand.

Lucky Rhaenys got a rope break, she almost got a nose break instead!

Rhaenys goes after Bobbi with the referee between them, leaping up and poking her in the eye! This gets derided by the fans, but Rhaenys doesn't care as she grabs Bobbi into a side headlock. With the hold held tight, Bobbi does manage to get to the ropes and applies the tag to December!


Rhaenys breaks the hold on Bobbi and greets December's arrival into the ring with a pair of boots to the gut. The Silent Sister then bounds off the ropes, but returns herself into an arm drag take over by The Rock's little girl. December tries to hold on to the hold, but Rhaenys slides her way free and pops up looking quite perturbed at December.

I'm sorry.

Why are you apologizing?! She's the bad guy! 

December decides that makes sense and captures Rhaenys in a grounded side headlock. Pained as she may be, the South American Hottie still manages to push herself upright and takes December over with an arm wringer. From there Rhaenys snaps down hard and flings December to the mat. Pleased but tired of fighting, Rhaenys gets the tag to little sister.

Alysanne has as much at stake in this match as Rhaenys. We know she'd love to be a champion.

But she didn't get her man fucked with. Does she have a man? I don't like goodie two shoes, but I'll deal with her.

I'm sure you would.

Alysanne runs into the ring and avoids a lariat, to come back and flatten December with a shoulder tackle. But amazingly December jumps right up and pops her with a forearm. Alysanne returns fire with her own forearm, then latches onto December's head for a diamond cutter. Yet all Alysanne does is cut the air as December has fallen back against the ring posts for a rest!



Alysanne has to brush aside December's weirdness and go after her, which she does, flourishing out with a spinning forearm that allows her to whip December across the ring to the opposite corner. Alysanne runs in with a lariat, but December slides beneath it to make an advoidance. Alysanne hurries to correct herself and runs at December with a DDT effort. But somehow The People's Daughter is able to turn this on Alysanne and powers her to the mat with a snap suplex!

Whew! That was one heck of a counter!

A cover is made....



A shoulder up!

December starts to pull Alysanne off the mat, but encounters resistance as The Charming Sister delivers a wave of punches to her midsection. This allows the blond Hottie to whip December into the corner, then rock her that wished for lariat. Alysanne then hooks in a headlock and runs forward in hopes of hitting a bulldog. But that isn't quite what happened as mid run December turns it into a german supelx!

Oooh, December's got all kinds of counters for AngleSlam!

I can't believe this is happening.

Don't worry, I'm here for you.

Whhahaaaa?! Get off of me! 

December does do just that and makes the tag to Bobbi C. The fans pop as Bobbi builds up steam off the ropes and returns to fling Alysanne over with a spinning head scissors. The dizzied starlet finds herself deposited in the corner, and is delivered a crushing butt bump from Asscake! After that a cover is made....



Foot on the ropes!

Alysanne crawls away from Bobbi, and swiftly slaps hands with Alysanne. The elder sister jumps into the ring and hammers Bobbi with a thudding elbow that has her staggering on her feet. Rhaenys stays angry and shoves Bobbi into the corner, where she hammers her with repeated knees to the midsection. If that wasn't enough she begins choking the champion with her boot!






Rhaenys breaks out of the hold and goes about strutting her stuff and taunting the sold out Wrigley Field crowd.

What's it like to see a winner for once?




Rhaenys goes for an Irish whip but the Seattle native shifts the hold and its the South American hottie getting flung into the cables where a hot tag is made by Alysanne! The younger sister thinks she's done a good thing but when she leaps into the ring and gets smashed by a rising dropkick from Bobbi she realizes the error of her ways. As Alys deals with her pain, the tag team champions make a tag.

Both these teams just running through tags non stop. No one's weak, but no one's got momentum. 

Very astute observation. Can we hear more?

No, but you can suck and ride me! 

Bobbi slams December's head against the turnbuckle and causes the smaller girl to go falling over in pain. This is perfect for Bobbi who takes ownership of her legs and slingshots her to December who hits her with a forearm. As Alysanne settles back painfully onto Bobbi's knees, December slings over the apron drops a butt splash onto Alysanne's chest!

Oomph! That was unique and super deadly.

Bobbi and December exchange the formal tag and the count is made on a pin....



Alysanne with the shoulder up!

The title challenger is whipped into the ropes, bur comes back with a lariat that Decmeber has to duck and thus keeps running the ropes. When she comes back December wallops her with a spinning wheel kick!

A cover...



Rhaenys breaks up the pinfall!

Not only does she break up the fall, she begins stomping away at December! Bobbi isn't going to take this lying down and uses a mighty lariat to carry both Hotties over the ropes and to the outside!

Bitch put the strength of twenty Hotties into that lariat.

Meanwhile in the ring, December and Alysanne are trading punches and kicks with December taking the win by grabbing her rival in a standing fireman's carry. December throws her out for her submission but Alysanne manages to come down on her colorful boots! The Charming Sister then backs off the ropes and returns to fire a corkscrew forearm that lands right on the money!

Fluff Piece!

On the outside  Rhaenys and Bobbi continue their fight, trading punches in front of a sea of Wrigley Field fans. Rhaenys gives herself some space from Bobbi by nailing her with a knee to the gut. Then she searches for plunder, and winds up roughly ridding a man of his tie!

Bobbi, I'm going to choke the whore out of you!

Butt that's not what happens as Bobbi punts Rhaenys in the head and takes the tie for her much more hot means!



The Asscakes is hot off the oven!

Back in the ring, Alysanne and December to continue to duke it out with forearms. Alysanne tries for a basic scoop slam, but December wheels down her back and hooks in an inverted facelock. Now its December's turn to counter as she flips behind December and uses her own inverted DDT!

What an awesome sequence that was! 

A cover is made....



December brings the shoulder up!

Alysanne and Rhaenys make the tag and work out a double team together. They each hook onto a side of December then unleash a double side Russian leg sweep!

Sibling Rivalry! And maybe sibling champs? 

After planting a series of stomps to December's head,  Rhaenys pulls her upright and shoots her into the ropes. December hooks onto the cables to prevent a return and when Rhaenys hounds her a raised elbow wards her off. Sleeping Beauty shrugs off her pain and leaps at Rhaenys with a side kick. The move gets ducked and Rhaneys takes back control with a rolling snapmare slam!

El Silencio Es Oro!

Someone call Trump!

Rhaenys makes a lateral press...



December with the kickout!



No need to worry. I'm okay.

Who cares about you?!

Please, there's no need to praise me.

None of this is praise!

Rhaenys muscles December into the corner then lights her up with punches that eventually sink her to the mat.  The XFL's girl then charges in but meets a pair of raised purple boots from December! With Rhaneys down, Sleeping Beauty needs the tag, but can't quite do that as Alysanne runs into the ring and hits her with a dropkick! Doing even more work, Alysanne drags December to the corner, then drags Rhaenys and then finally makes a tag!

Hard work Alys.

Alysanne situates herself onto the top turnbuckle and smiles at the viewing world. After that she sails through the Windy City skies and drops a leg onto her foe!

The cover....



December gets her shoulder up!

“DECEMBER! DECEMBER! DECEMBER!” The Wrigley Field crowd sings.

Alysanne heads upright and builds off steam off the ropes, going through the motion for her corkcscrew scissors kick signature hold, but midway through the motion December somehow is able to catch hold of her!


Alysanne continues to be shocked as December lifts her for a back suplex set up then she feels a great wave of pain as Sleeping Beauty executes a sitout faceplant!


Sharp Frost!

December breathes heavily, taking a moment to deal with her exhaustion then lays atop Alysanne for a cover....



Alysanne pops the shoulder up!

Bobbi reaches out for a tag from December, but her partner is too close to enemy territory and a tagged in Rhaenys shuts it down with a boot to the head.


December is brought to her feet and battered with clubbing forearms from Rhaenys. Weakened, December hobbles into an empty corner where she's stalked by her foe. December meets her arrival with punches, but all comeback hopes are snuffed out when Rhaenys drop toe holds her throat first onto the ropes!


The Silent Sister carries herself to the top turnbuckle with December struggling to stand. Once Sleeping Beauty gets up, Rhaenys flies off and levels her with a crossbody lariat!

Its all All XFL Network tonight on the OAOAST Network.

They should let Rhaenys be in charge of programming.

Keeping up with Rhaenys for ten hours straight. No thanks!

Rhaenys signals for the finisher, which does nothing to please the audience. They deride her as she starts twisting the champion around for the vertebreaker, but right at the end, December flips out of the hold! Landing on her purple boots, December staggers backwards and hurries the tag to Bobbi!


Did someone call for an order of Asscake?

Gotta warm up the coochie...

Now I'm ready!


Bobbi is indeed ready as she slams herself pussy first into Rhaenys' face!


Alysanne gets a more conventional attack as Bobbi runs through with a lariat. She makes the mistake of standing which gets her leveled with a second lariat!

I'm fired up! I'm going wild! I'm out of control!



Rhaenys grabs hold of Bobbi's blond locks and proceeds to rake her eyes across the ring ropes.  Bobbi stumbles back blinded, or seemingly just so as she manages to duck a superkick effort from Rhaenys. Asscake then sweeps Rhaenys into the air setting her up for an Electric chair drop! But Rhaenys rolls forward with a victory roll that's counted by Referee Val Venis...



Bobbi escapes the pin!

Alysanne grabs hold of Bobbi inside a front facelock and forces her atop the turnbuckles. But Bobbi won't be beat so easily and uses her boot to shove Alysanne into her rising sister. Rhaenys blames Alsyanne for her mess, but this all distracts them from Bobbi, who then dismounts her perch and slams into them with a crossbody block! 


Bobbi proceeds to wreck some ass as she bangs the butts of the sisters together!


Bobbi hurls both girls into opposite corners, and first blasts Alysanne with a stinger splash. Then she rushes across the ring and slams a single leg dropkick into Rhaenys' face! Howling in pain, Rhaenys sags to the ground and gets pinned...



Rhaenys gets her foot on the ropes!

It was lucky as hell for Rhaenys Bobbi pinned her near the ropes.

Bobbi forces Rhaenys into a front facelock, but his move halted by an attack from Alysanne's forearms. Alysanne beats Bobbi away from her sister then is able to shoot her to the ropes. The sisters throw out a joined hand lariat that Bobbi ducks bellow. But Bobbi is the least of their worries as December sneaks behind them and blasts them with a dropkick to both their butts!


Alysanne rolls away, leading December to give chase. This leaves Bobbi to pull Rhaenys off the mat, but as she does Rhaenys counters with a small package...






Alysanne seizes onto Bobbi and brings her down with a back suplex. She clears herself out the way as Rhaenys lays on Bobbi for a pin....



December breaksup the pin!

Alysanne runs at December, but gets swept up and deposited on the mat with a sidewalk slam! December can't gloat over that as she has to deal with a charging Rhaenys, which she does with skill and flash with a powerful spinebuster!


December stands at Rhaenys' head, does a sort of lazy swing of her arm, performs an even lazier run of the ropes then drops the ultimate in half assed people's elbow!


Bobbi has more than enough energy for everyone as she hauls Rhaenys upright then sends her flying with a fallaway Samoan drop!

50 Shades of Purple!

Asscake then hooks the legs for the pivotal cover....





Your winners as a result of a pinfall and still OAOAST Hotties Tag Team Champions....THE MARDI GRAS ASS WRECKING CRREEEEWWWWWWW!


Pleased with themselves, the victors give each other celebratory butt bumps!

Awesome win for Bobbi and December!

But what about poor Rhaenys? This is humliating. This will lead to cyber bullying. She's gonna have to shut down her IG and Twitter.

Only Alysanne is concerned with Rhaenys as the rest of the world is delighting in joining the celebration with the Ass Wrecking Crew.

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***24/7 Title: TurboWolf Vs Outlaw Cello***
Right off the bat these two begin a heated slug fest all across the ring!

Ah! They're swinging for the fences here in Wrigley!

Cello tossed TurboWolf out of the ring, but as Cello was exiting TW booted him through the ropes. Then he impressed the crowd by delivering a back drop onto the ring apron!

Took him down on the hardest part of the ring!

Cello managed to fling TW into the steel steps, then proceeded to bash his ankle with a mini monitor he found under the ring. Though pained, TW got up and dueled with Cello all about the ring. That is until Cello clocked him with the time keeper's hammer! Still, TW's werewolf healing allowed him to come back and the two men brawled atop the announce desk!

Yo, get the hell away from me!

And me, please!

Cello choked TW with a wire then proceeded to brawl with him into the stands. This pleased the fans even as the two men disappeared into the concession area. They brawled for scattered onlookers, who rooted on TurbWolf with full energy. Those fans were given a treat as TurboWolf sprang off a concession stand and hit his 10,000 Fists superman punch to earn the win and his first OAOAST title!

Winner: TurboWolf, via pinfall

Post-match Nathaniel Black arrived mid celebration and made the belt motion around his waist before leaving.


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*** OAOAST Tag Team Title: VICE w/ Joey The Rat vs. Big IQ © ***

The OAOAST Galaxy nearly witnessed VICE crowned as new tag champions after Joey The Rat threw POWDER -- lifted from the local police evidence room or perhaps a raid in the OAOAST locker room (though in actuality, a tribute to the late Mr. Fuji with a substance other than salt) -- the eyes of CW who had Bosley trapped in a cloverleaf. 

Oh no!

We're gonna have new champions! 

Distracted by a tussle nearby between CPA and Ice Quiz, the ref didn't see the illegal act. Instead the official was about to slap the mat a third and final time when the 3 Amigos (Mariachi, Chick & Jose Cantu-Si) pulled him out of the ring. As they informed the ref what occurred, while arguing with Joey (backed up by CPA), Chick sneaked away and nailed Bosley off the top with his seated senton!


The sky just fell on Bosley!

CW made the cover and the champs retained. 

Winners: Big IQ, via pinfall.

Post-match the 3 Amigos celebrated with Big IQ until MR. DICK confronted the champs, giving them a round of applause before pointing at the titles and exiting.

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***United States Title Elimination Chamber: Northstar Vs Ser Alearys Chance The Exile Vs Alexander The Magnificent  Vs Coco Chanel Vs Ivar The Cunning Vs Oscar Friberg***
The AngleSlam tradition returns this time for the US title!

The first elimination came when everyone teamed up against Ivar The Cunning. The thousand year old vampire fought them off one by one, but numbers would overwhelm as each man hit his finisher on Ivar and finally AC was able to pin him.

Whew! I thought they'd have to stake him!

The second elimination came when Oscar rolled through Alexander's crossface effort, avoided his Tazmission then school boyed him for a quick pin much to the fans' glee. But not Alexander as he proceeded to hit Oscar with a double powerbomb! That was perfect for AC who got another pin!

Now Coco has to face two members of The Kingdom!

And one of them is straight up nuts.

Coco fought hard against AC and Northstar, refusing to go down, and even DDTing Northstar onto the steel staging. AC got it good as Coco threw him face first into every glass pod then him with the Black Opium multipule curbstomps to eliminate him!


Chicago loved the elimination most of all!

Northstar and Conan went at as the final two in a feud that's been going on all summer. The Stellar Evolution would avoid Coco's dive from a pod and hit with him with the release rock bottom known as Maria to win the chamber and defend his title!

Winner: Northstar, via pinfall

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Backstage, Big Papa Thrust spoke with OAOAST Hall of Famer Tony Brannigan about his Challenge finals match against Blaine Cayley. Cool, calm and collected, BPT reminded TB and the OAOAST Galaxy what he did to Blaine on opening night. 

You do remember, don't you? 

TB nods.

What about Blaine? You think he remembers? 

TB's about to nod again when BPT cuts him off.

NO HE DON'T! You know why? CUZ I SCRAMBLED HIS BRAINS! Blaine Cayley don't remember nothin' about the Big Bad Glutei Daddy beating his ass, so I'm gonna go out there and do it again! 

TB tossed it over to OAOAST correspondent Sara Jean Underwood at the world famous backstage interview lounge where an amused Blaine Cayley was joined alongside his Samantha. He heard everything BPT had to say and summed it up very simply: "Pfft!" 


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I don't know where the lights are taking us
But something in the night is dangerous
And nothing's holding back the two of us
But, baby, this is getting serious
Oh oh oh
Oh oh oh

The piano and bass and electronic fillings of “Dangerous” by David Guetta and Sam Martin sweep across the stadium as candles flicker in the wind. Amdist all this highly charged atmosphere steps Caeldori Fox clad in a bath towel, with her diamond shawl wearing partner lurking behind her. Ruby giggles her evil laugh as she yanks down Caeldori's towel to allow the world to marvel at a body that is truly perfect!

The following contest is scheduled for one fall. Now making their way to the ring, “THE CRIMSON DREAM GIRL” RUBY, “MISS PERFECT” CAELDORI FOXXXXX.....THE MIIDDDNNIIIGHHTTTT FOOXXXXXXESSSSSS!


This is a pretty confident tag team for two Hotties making their in ring debuts at the biggest show of the summer against a team of a goddess and a Valkyrie.

Why not be confident? They got a trick up their sleeves, or their thong. Wherever. They got one and Fire & Ice just ain't prepared!

Caeldori and Ruby pose in the center of the ring, making themselves look dangerous, sexy and intimidating all at the same. Oh and perfect of course!

I was reminiscing just the other day,

While having coffee all alone and Lord, it took me away.

Back to a first-glance feeling on New York time.

Back when you fit in my poems like a perfect rhyme.

Took off faster than a green light, go,

Hey, skip the conversation when you already know.

I left a note on the door with a joke we’d made,

And that was the first day.


And darling, it was good never looking down.

And right there where we stood was holy ground.

“Holy Ground” hits and you know what else hits? Drum sticks on a bunch of drums from expert drum players! They bang out a beat as Cinnamon Spoons rides ChubChub out to great fanfare. Cinnamon can't quite soak it all in as ChubChub wants to carry her off stage, but in the end the panicked Valkyrie does manage to get her horse to at least sit still and wait for Annagret...

Try me because I said so

Struck me within my ego

I’ve been a bad girl, don’t you know?

(Don’t tell me what’s your deal)

Come get it now or never

I’ll let you do whatever

I’ll be your bad girl, bad girl


Avril Lavigne's “Bad Girl” thumps and rocks out as half naked dudes wave Annagret's banners across the entrance stage. Even with all that hottness, the white clad goddess is still the apple of anyone's eyes, tossing her bobbed hair around and waving her sword in a show of beauty, power and supernatural dominance.



I don't know who the god of wind is, but here in the Windy City there's much love for the goddess Annagret and her Valkyrie sister Cinnamon, who looks to avenge what Caeldori did to Teddy Buckworth.

Miss Perfect has had one up on Cinnamon for a whole month, and she still got shit Cinnamon don't even know about.

Annagret slides into the ring all grace and hottness, while Cinnamon just tries to get ChubChub to nut run down a cameraman. 

The internet has been calling this the Hottie Bowl, because it involves what a lot of people consider the four hottest Hotties on the roster.

I understand the other three but niggas out here checking for Goofy Spoons?!


The affair begins with Annagret and Caeldori gazing at each other with big beautiful but disdainful eyes.

Two perfect princesses, looking to maul each other here in Chicago.

The extra hot Hotties agree to a lockup, which Annagret quickly morphs into a side headlock. Miss Fox doesn't like this hold one bit, and tries to shove Annagret off, only for Annagret to throw her down with a side headlock takedown! Luckily, Caeldori is near the ropes and so she hooks onto them for a rope break.

Ugh! Am I supposed to let her go or something?

That is the idea.

I should her go into a wood chipper!

But, Annagret does actually let Caeldori go free.

Even chopped into bits, I'm still prettier than you.

Annagret doesn't appreciate that comment and takes a swing at Caeldori, hammering her in the face. But its a glancing blow and the The Full Metal Bitch soon takes hold of her in an arm wrench. That hold doesn't stay for long as Annagret traps her inside another side headlock. Panicking, Caeldori reaches out for a tag but Annagret throws her back down with a takedown!

Oooh, Annagret saying no soup for you!

White people show.

An annoyed Caeldori wraps her long bare legs around Annagret's head and uses them to kip herself out of the hold. When her foe rises, she tries to get a measure of revenge by attaching a side headlock. But The Anarchic Angel instantly turns the tables on the Miami native and flips her over with a back suplex! Even more annoyed, Caeldori rolls to the outside to be joined by Ruby.


Shut up or I'll shrink your penises by five inches and fill your wombs with snakes!

By the looks of it, these bitches already have snakes in their wombs.

Be nice, Coach.

Caeldori finally does decide to get back in the ring, and meets Annagret for another lockup. This time, Miss Perfect wins out and does succeed in applying a side headlock. Its a hold she savors as she truly wrenches on Annagret's head and neck. But after a while, the Anarchic Angel manages to shove Caeldori into the ropes. Lowering her head is a bad idea for Annagret, as Caeldori goes over her with a sunset flip!


Annagret easily rolls out of the pin!

Caeldori heads to her feet, but gets rocked by a butt bump from Annagret!

Ain't no stopping this bomb white booty!



The crowd continues to cheer as Annagret makes the tag to her lively sister, Cinnamon! Younger sister whips Cinnamon towards a rising Caeldori and The Spice of Life rocks her with a pair of double knees! The second Caeldori falls over, Cinnamon pins her...



A shoulder up!

Things are less than perfect for Miss Perfect right now. 

No they aren't as she's whipped into the ropes and taken for a painful ride thanks to a biiiiigggg back body drop by Cinnamon! To her credit, Caeldori rises quickly despite her pain. Sadly she just stands up into a dropkick that flings her into the corner. There she's hit by a running knee from The Spice of Life and then dragged to the mat courtsey of a bulldog!

Taste the Spice of Booty Sweat!




Never having to have booty sweat dropped on her Caeldori scrambles off and applies a hurried tag to her redheaded ally.


Crystal said while training Ruby that Ruby is the most devious person she's ever seen in the ring.

And this chick got some crazy ass surprise cooked up and waiting. Probably unleashing a dragon or some shit.

Cinnamon is still feeling the fire and when Ruby enters the ring, The Spice of Life trips her up with a drop toe hold! And once Ruby rises, Cinnamon works her over with a series of arm wringers.

Curse you.

But, Ruby doesn't actually curse Cinnamon and instead hauls her off into the ropes. But the Nevada native returns to blast her foe with a diving lariat! As Ruby struggles to get off the mat, Cinnamon runs the ropes again and this time hammers Ruby with a a kick to the face!

Nailed it!

I'll say, that kick was right on the money.

The cover....



Caeldori breaks up the pin!

Ruby tries to escape, but Cinnamon is right on her and locks her down with a rear waistlock. At first, the young ginger tries a conventional escape but when that doesn't work...


Ow my hands! You just burned me!


Ruby takes advantage of Cinnamon's stunned state by slingshotting herself off the ropes and hitting a front zig zag!

That's called Draonic Hex!

Now its Ruby who can make the cover....


Cinnamon makes a kickout before the two!

The tag is exchanged with Caeldori, who comes in with a leg drop that's less than perfect as Cinnamon easily rolls out the way! The bubbly Valkyrie then captures Caeldori in a La Magistral cradle, but Caeldori rolls out of the pin before it can be counted. Still, Cinnamon stays on the attack and turns her world into a dizzying wave of hurt with a tornado DDT! 

Yay! I'm on fire, ChubChub!



I didn't know horses could boo. Did he learn how to boo just so he could express how much he dislikes his master?

Cinnamon tries to whip Miss Perfect into the corner, but gets reversed and winds up having to go up and over to avoid Caeldori's charge. Looking to keep her offense going, Cinnamon rumbles off the ropes, but Caeldori fires off a crushing shotgun dropkick!

Fox Hunt!

Was that good enough? Let's redo that. I want it be entrance video quality. I need you to fall better.

That's usually now how this thing works. 

With Cinnamon not complying, Caeldori decides to give the tag to Ruby. The two set up a double team, but when Miss Perfect whips the Valkyrie at Ruby, Cinnamon slides bellow her to avoid a lariat!

Dun-dun! You toughies are no match for me!

Ruby and Caeldori are ready to put that argument to the test, but then Annagret enters the ring to come to the aid of her big sister!


Ugh, what are you smiling at, I just didn't like the attention not being on me.

The four Hotties begin brawling, and it ends poorly for Caeldori who's pitched out of the ring by Annagret! Then the supernatural sisters level poor Ruby with a pair of right hands! But fortunately for the English lass, Caeldori manages to reach in the ring and pull her out before more damage can be done!


Some cold ass people here in Chiraq. 

Cinnamon and Annagret nod to each other, well Cinnamon gives a cheesy thumbs up, and then they descend upon the heels, with Cinnamon diving atop Caeldori with a suicide dive, and Annagret unleashing an apron based leaping knee onto Ruby!


I think the cold ass people got what they wanted!

After soaking in the adoration of the Wrigley Field crowd, Fire & Ice rolls Ruby back into the ring with a tag then being made to Annagret. Ruby wants no parts of the Fire & Ice onslaught and makes a quick tag to Caeldori. But when Miss Perfect runs into the ring, Annagret blasts her with a standing big boot!


Shades of dear old dad. 

Luckily for Caeldori, Ruby is on hand with a helpful spell! This one freezes Annagret in place and allows Caeldori to unleash a wave of machine gun chops! 



The Foxes continue to skirt the five second rule as they both run off the opposite ends of the ropes and then connect with a crushing pair of high knees to Annagret!

We Make This Look Good!


As Ruby clears out of the ring, Annagret has both her legs hooked up by Caeldori....



A shoulder up!

Caeldori elevates herself to the second turnbuckle then drops an elbow across Annagret's head! That move leads to a pin...



A kickout well before the three! 

Annagret rolls to her feet, but swiftly gets her arms hooked by Ruby! Not appreciating this, Annagret breaks free and knocks Ruby off the apron! Caeldori does come in however, and chop blocks the tall blond. From there she hauls Annagret upright and attempts a small package driver...but Annagret counters into a small package of her own!



Ruby breaks up the pin!

These Foxes work pretty well together.

Annagret feeds Ruby the leg for an enziguri, but Ruby manages to duck the blow. The problem is Annagret's boot winds up kicking Caeldori in the head!


Ruby tries to keep the pressure on The Anarchic Angel with a  lariat, but Annagret takes her over with an inverted fireman's carry and turns that into a lethal inverted f-u!


Anarchic Attitude! 

Annagret would make the tag to Cinnamon, but Caeldori dives atop her and starts smashing the goddess with forearms and punches! Annagret manages to shrug off her attacking foe, but when she stands up, the Miami native attacks her with a flapjack! 

A cover....



A kickout!

It really looked like Annagret was going to make the tag to Cinnamon, but The Midnight Foxes are all over the place.

With that surprise still to come.

Caeldori stashes Annagret between her legs and prepares for a deathly piledriver. Yet the move never comes to pass as Annagret flips Caeldori over with a back body drop! Now free of Caeldori's grip, Annagret hurries to tag in big sister!


Cinnamon storms into the ring and rams Caeldori with a lariat! Then she goes forward and smokes an incoming Ruby with a second lariat! But that's all she can do as Miss Perfect returns to the fray and whips her to the corner. Though Cinnamon hits hard, she recovers mighty quickly and runs forward to twirl Caeldori around with a spinning head scissors! The move doesn't floor Caeldori and instead sends her into the ropes, and when those cables spew her back she's thrown across the ring with a belly to belly suplex!

Back up...



And charge!

Cinnamon comes in and smashes Caeldori with the CinnaBuns!


A cover....



A kickout!

Caeldori finds her way to the corner and makes a haggard rise to her feet. Despite her pain, she's able to counter Cinnamon's charge and flip her over the ropes. Cinnamon lands on the ring apron, as Caeldori staggers, pained, to the center of the ring. That's the exact wrong thing to do as Cinnamon throws herself forward and smashes her with a springboard dropkick! 

The Spice of Life is spicy hot!

Another cover is made on Miss Perfect...



A kickout!

Caeldori rolls away and makes the tag to Ruby, which does go unnoticed by a fired up Cinnamon. As Caeldori rises, she grabs hold of Cinnamon's mini skirt and yanks her towards Ruby who brings her down with a snap DDT! From there a lateral pressed is made...



Cinnamon brings the shoulder up!

The two heels pull their rival off the mat and hurl into the ropes, but she doesn't come back as Annagret holds onto her ankle to prevent her return. Little sister then enters the ring and flourishes forward to drill both her foes with a diving lariat!

Split it out!
(onto both girls)



Annagret starts twisting Ruby into the set up for her styles clash finisher which pops the audience quite a bit. But the move doesn't complete as Ruby manages to roll herself out of the hold and throw off her foe. Annagret stands up and gets caught in a trapping position by Caeldori, but is swiftly rescued by Cinnamon who hurls Miss Perfect down with a German Suplex!

DunDun, the good guys win again!

Ugh, stop saying DunDun! DunDun, I'm a loser! DunDun, I can only find horses to have sex with me! DunDun, everyone thinks I'm an idiot!

Don't be so hard on yourself, sister!


Caeldori and Cinnamon pair off, while Annagret and Ruby trade forearms and chops in the center of the ring. Cinnamon is pitched onto the ring apron, allowing Caeldori to come to aid of her partner. Ruby fastens Annagret into a front facelock and brings her up for a suplex, with the intention of sending her into Caeldori's powerbomb. But Cinnamon tackles Caeldori with enough force to knock her into referee Charles Robinson!


Its hazardous as hell as an OAOAST referee. 

Probably the most thankless job on earth. But, hey, at least you get an up close look at the Hotties.

Ruby isn't able to complete her double team and so just tosses Annagret out of the ring. But she's soon pounced by Cinnamon, who begins turning her for her styles clash finisher. But there's a problem. Namely JIM CORNETTE in the ring with  TENNIS RACKET!!!!!!!!



Cornette smashes his racket into Cinnamon's head, much to everyone's shock and disgust!


What's going on?!

Ruby takes advantage of the opportunity presenting itself and captures and immediately powers Cinnamon to the mat with a wheelbarrow driver!

Vendetta!!! Oh no!

The fans howl and complain as Ruby makes the cover and Cornette rouses a confused Robinson....





Your winners as a result of a pinfall....THE MIDNIGHT FOXES!


Ruby giggles even evil giggle as she passes the tennis racket back to a grinning and nearly dancing Cornette

That was the surprise Caeldori and Ruby hinted at! Jim Cornette! He's back in the OAOAST!

Cornette gets KISSES on the cheek from Caeldori and Ruby, and turns red with libido fueled delight! 

Damn, get yours, Cornette, I ain't even mad at ya.

Well, I am. And so is the OAOAST Galaxy, and so are Fire & Ice.

If they hate let em hate, and watch ya money pile up!

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Sun's always falling
Weightless and free
Now when you close your eyes

Just breathe, breathe with me

As Eric Pyrdz' haunting yet thumping “Breathe” plays over the stadium, red, white and dark blue lights splash about the entrance stage. Through parted doors comes Theodore Buckworth, wearing shiny red trunks and the erry hotness of a vampire. Buckworth rolls his arms, rolls his necks, and is ready to go. His first match as a vampire.

The following contest is scheduled for one fall, now making his way to the ring, from Miami Beach, Florida, he weighs in at two hundred thirty seven pounds....”PAID IN FULL” TEDDDY BUCCCKKWWOOORRRRTTTTTHHHHH!


Normally when someone saves your life, you're grateful, but not Teddy. Not after being put through the hell of Elysium. Teddy wanted an end to the hell the sword brought him, but Colin saved his life and made him a vampire.

No good deed goes unpunished in the supernatural kingdom.

Inside the ring, Buckworth hits the ropes, moving with speed we've never seen out of him. After several quck crosses, he stops short and turns hard grey eyes upon the entrance stage.


Blue and gold lights spill across the stage with “The Day is My Enemy” playing and the fans pouring out a thundering ovation. As the beat of the song drills into the ears of the world, the doors spread apart to bring out Angel Maguire and her dear son. Mother offers encouraging words to Colin, who merely rocks with the beat of his music before throwing his hoodie back and letting loose a wave of water!

And his opponent, being accompanied by ANGEL MAGUIRE...he hails from Boston, Massachusetts, THE IRISH GOLDEN BOY...COLIN MAGUIRE JUNNNIIOORRRRR!


These two have been friends, they've been enemies, they've been friends again and who knows what they are now?

Colin strides down the entrance ramp that looks like this...


Buckie is supposed to defer to Colin because Colin is his maker. That's how vampires work. Even Gloss had to listen to Lyric for a few centuries. As usual Buckworth thinks the rules don't apply to him.

Colin slides into the ring and goes to the top turnbuckle where he lets his hoodie fall by his side and his body gleam under the Chicago sky.


Colin makes one last ditch effort to reason with Buckworth and extends DA HAND! There's no reasoning to be had, however, as the Miami based vampire slams a fist into Colin's jaw!


Teddy throws another punch and this one drops Colin to his knees, where he clutches a now sore jaw.


Colin does stand, and Buckworth sweeps behind him to cinch in a waistlock. Using a wave of quick elbows, Colin escapes, but when he turns around he's drilled in the chest and laid out by a lariat!

Teddy Buckworth is throwing BOMBS!

The Irish Golden Boy is slung into the ropes, but manages to block Buckworth's back body drop effort on his return. Now he goes on the attack and slams his friend's face into his knee with a face crusher! A cut appears on Buckworth's forehead, but vampire healing closes it rather quickly. Still the feel of blood motivates an angry Buckworth and he grabs Colin for a belly to belly. Yet as Teddy throws Colin to the side, the Boston native flips out the hold and captures Teddy's arm.

Ted's missile launcher broke. 

Buckworth grumbles his annoyance then proceeds to roll through the arm wrench, kip up and cartwheel his way out of it!


We ain't never seen Teddy move like that.

If you got vamp agility might as well use it.

The two vampires circle around each other, Buckworth looking aggravated while Colin staring at him with pity. Its the angry Buckworth striking first as he blasts his boot into Colin's stomach. Pained, Colin has no defense and can't stop Buckworth from throwing him over the ropes and out of the ring!

That used to be a DQ, but now its just means more mayhem is coming!

It certainly is as Teddy jumps over the ropes and carries himself all the way outside. He then grabs Colin by the throat and uses that grip to hurl him against the steel guardrail! Colin lands so hard he pushes the rail back into the knees of the fans!


Buckworth reaches under the ring as Colin recovers, and finds a BASEBALL BAT which brings a solemn grin to his face. 

Teddy, think about what you're doing!

I assure you I have.

Buckworth raises the bat high then sends it crashing down....right into the catching hand of Colin! Such a counter shocks the crowd, who are even more stunned to see Colin SNAP THE BAT IN HALF!

Boy, does being a vampire come in handy or what?

Alas that's all the impressive moves Colin does as Teddy rather lazily boots him in the face!


Buckworth isn't done with Colin yet, and lifts him onto his shoulders, displaying him for the Wrigley Field crowd to see. After they get a solid look at Colin's situation, Teddy tosses him face first into the steel steps! Blood seeps out Colin's nose from the hit, and while his healing may save him, the damage still appears to be done. With Colin reeling, Buckworth slides into the ring and orders referee Nick Patrick to begin a count...





Colin drags his body off the mat and rolls into the ring, where he's promptly laid upon by Buckworth for the pin...



A kickout!

Colin is muscled into the corner by Buckworth and is battered with hard stomps to the chest, that have him reeling and hurt. That's perfect for the Miami native who brings him to the center of the ring and hooks in a front facelock. As Colin is lifted for a suplex, he manages to escape out the back and then shoves his foe to the ropes. But, Teddy comes back full of fire and runs through Colin with a lariat!

Oooh NICE lariat by Teddy Buckworth!

Shit is even meaner now that he's a vampire.

Teddy looks on Colin with disdain as he drags Colin off the mat and attempts an Irish Whip. Its only an attempt as Colin impresses the Chi town crowd by cartwheeling out the hold! Buckworth is shocked by this escape and fails to prevent Colin from throwing him across the ring with a t-bone suplex!



So dizzy from the throw, Teddy rolls himself out to the blue mats at ringside. There's he's forced to deal with a plancha throwing Colin, and the Harvard grad slams into him with full force!

“OOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHH!” the fans react as Angel claps for her agile son.

Colin pulls himself upright with a smirk for the fans, and then gives a Teddy a shove back into the ring. After entering himself, Colin hooks both legs for a pinfall....



A kickout by Teddy!

Buckworth rolls into the corner and uses the ring posts to drag himself upright, while shielding his eyes from the Chicago son. He doesn't shield his body from Colin, though, and The Irish Golden Boy lances him with a corner lariat. Pained, Buckworth staggers to the center of the ring as Colin builds up steam on the ropes. Yet when he returns, Buckworth captures him on his shoulder in a torture rack set up!


He's going to Buck The Trend!

Not quite, Renee, as Colin succeeds in freeing himself and dropping back to the mat. Now the Boston native goes on the attack and pounds Buckworth in the jaw with a rising knee strike! The blow would fell a human, but for the vampiric Buckworth he returns fire with a forearm to Colin's face. In response, Colin smashes his former boss' chest with a ringing over head chop!

They heard the sound of that in Saint Louis!

Buckworth comes right back with another forearm, and that's answered back by a crushing chop from Colin. This time Teddy fires back with a European Uppercut that leaves Colin stunned in the center of the ring. As such Buckworth makes a trip off the ropes, but as he returns Colin rushes past him. The Harvard grad forces Buckworth to leap frog him, then on his return forces him to do it again. The third time, however, the Miami Beach native shoots behind him and seizes him in a waistlock! The hold doesn't last for very long as Colin is able to wheel out of it and again come off the ropes. His foe is ready for him and lashes out with a diving lariat that flips Colin around and lands him in a heap!


The cover....



Colin with the shoulder up!

Buckworth pulls Colin upright and hurls him into the corner, expecting him to stay placed. But much to his annoyance, Colin comes up with a  lariat that he's forced to duck. Then he has to duck a spin kick, followed by having to shoot away from spinning forearm!

Come now. You can do better.

Buckworth takes control back and throws Colin to the corner, only for Colin to leap onto the turnbuckle, and then launch himself back with a dropkick that Teddy fails to avoid!

You were right. I could do better.

Colin lays atop Buckworth for the cover....



Kickout before the three! 

Colin pulls his opponent into a rear waistlock, angling for an Irish suplex. But with the aid of his elbows, Buckworth is able to fight his way out of the hold. But that does him little good as Colin stays on the attack and cracks a leaping enziguri across the back of his head!


Colin pulls Buckworth up and fastens him into a front facelock. Yet, that's all he can do as a pair of punches to the ribs forces Colin to break the hold. Buckworth then gets steam off the ropes and connects with his House of the Rising Knee knee lift that has Colin teetering in and anguish. This just perfect for Buckworth, who wears a stern expression as he traps Colin's arm then flings him back with a trapping suplex!

You don't see that suplex often.

Its a dangerous one. I know Colin is a vampire, but even vampires can be grounded for a little bit if you break their neck!

Buckworth hooks the legs for the cover....



Shoulder up!

Off the ropes comes Buckworth, then slams a devastating fist drop right into Colin's forehead!

Tangled Up In Blue fist drop!

Colin is hauled off the mat by Buckworth, who now exudes confidence with the control he has in this match. He applies a front facelock to his enemy, then hoists him up so he can drop him back down with a critical brainbuster!


Buckworth isn't finished yet with Colin, and cruelly waves him upright, demanding a true grand finale. Colin, thinking of only the fight, gets up and is seized into the torture rack! But rather than endure Buckworth's finisher, Colin again manages an escape. In a prime position, Colin grabs onto Teddy's head and tries for a sliced bread number two. Instead Buckworth hauls him back down, and seeks out an inverted DDT. Colin isn't willing to endure any more offense from his Miami Beach based foe and attacks him with a leaping almost Pele like kick! 

Caught that dude!

Colin hurries Teddy into his clutches and begins performing a vertical drop exploder suplex, but on the drop part, Buckworth uses his vampiric agility to punch Colin and bounce backwards as well! Colin shrugs off any pain from the blow and makes a charge for Teddy, but gets sucked onto his shoulders. Pain is all Colin has left to look forward to, and it comes when Buckworth powers him to the mat with a Death Valley Driver!


Colin's leg is hooked for the pincover...



Shoulder up!!!!!

Colin isn't a guy who's just going to lay down and be pinned, he's a vampire and he's a tough Irish fighter at that.

You get hit with enough dvds and I don't care where your family comes from, you losing, son.

Buckworth yanks Colin off the mat and bashes his head against the turnbuckle posts. Dazed by the sudden blow, Colin doesn't think to defend himself and is thrown down onto his head by a back suplex from his foe. After that, another cover comes....



Again Colin with the kickout!

Buckworth grunts his frustration with Colin's continued survival, but then realizes he has just the trick to handle The Irish Golden Boy. He ascends to the top turnbuckle, causing the fans to begin a buzz of anticipation. They're quite surprised to see him fly backwards with a moonsault....a moonsault that misses as Colin rolls out the way. Buckworth manages to come down on his feet but Colin drills him in the face with a thundering big boot!

Ouch! What a shot!

I'm saying. A human would be dead from that.

Colin drags a rising Buckworth into a front facelock, but can't hold onto it as the Miami Beach native powers out the hold. No matter for Colin as he unleashes a superkick that spins Buckworth around a full 360 degrees! Then Colin hits him with a back kick to the face that launches him in a 180 twirl!


The Irish Golden Boy seizes hold of Buckworth in a front facelock, and this time succeeds in unleashing a masterful vertical drop exploder suplex that rocks the ring!


Celtic Frost Suplex!

Colin sighs heavily and lays atop Teddy for what he's sure will be a match ending pin...






I for sure thought he had him! But Teddy dug in deep and kicked out with power!

Colin backs up and narrows his eyes as he watches Buckworth begin to stir. In short order, Buckworth reaches his knees and that's when Colin pounces, rocking him with a soccer style punt!


Cork City Football Club!

That shit was nasty as fuck!

Dazed and wounded, Teddy is hurried to his feet by Colin who unleashes his coup de grace with a cutter!


Biotic Crisis! 

The pivotal pinfall is made by Colin....





Your winner as a result of a pinfall....COLIN MAGUIRE JUNIOR!


Colin gets his hand raised by the referee and his mother, but doesn't take much satisfaction in the victory over his friend.

A boy of anguish now, he's a man of soul,
Traded in his misery for the lonely life of the road.
The years were cruel to him no,
He won't let them go.
Lays awake tryna' find the man inside to pack his bags and escape this world.

Hey! Hey! That's the music of-

LEON RODEZ, who emerges with the rest of The Menagerie in tow as well. Scowling at the people in the ring, Leon sulks down the ramp with his charges following him. He comes up short at the end, and lets go a barely noticeable nod. But its noticeable enough for Sloppy, Silver, and The Kings of the Heap to run into the ring!

Hey! Why is this happening?!

Colin immediately starts throwing hands, hammering Rayder in the face. Then Sloppy Joe gets kicked in his fat belly, and Colin is taking on all challengers!

Can Colin withstand all of these guys?

Colin throws Scourge to the side, but is promptly jumped by Silver, who is joined by a chair weilding Rayder in bringing him down!

“TEDDY! TEDDY! TEDDY!” the fans urge, Buckworth to aid Colin.

And aid him he does, ripping the chair out of Rayder's hands and then using it to knock his head into the next state over! Almost literally! Sloppy gets hit with a chair shot to the face so brutal in nature, it causes blood to gush from his face! This leaves Silver and Scourge, who are promptly called back by a disgusted Leon Rodez!


Colin and Buckworth stand tall but stand apart, something Colin seeks to rectify with the offer of his hand.


And Teddy does just that, reaffirming their tested friendship and standing tall over The Menagerie!

We ain't heard the last of Leon and crew.

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*** The Challenge: Singled Out Finals: Big Papa Thrust w/ The Freakazoids vs. Blaine Cayley w/ Samantha Cayley ***

In front of the other 10 Challenge participants gathered ringside, all sporting commemorative jackets available for purchase on OAOAST-com, Blaine Cayley avenged his opening night loss to win $500,000 and perhaps something worth more than the cash prize itself, a guarantee shot at the OAOAST World Title. 

As the new holder of Money in the Bank, Blaine Cayley is entitled to a championship match at a time of his choosing! 

Any time at that! For all we know he could decided to cash in later tonight! 

The match was a hard fought affair, with Blaine surviving the punishing combo that put him away on opening night. BPT also showed a ton of grit, kicking out of Cruel Intentions. But not too long later Blaine caught him with another and then followed with Cruel Intentions 2 to finish off BPT with a devastating combo of his own. 

Winner: Blaine Cayley, via pinfall. 

Once awarded the briefcase with his cash prize and title match contract inside, Blaine held it high for all to see, shaking the case ecstatically as Sammi cheered along with the OAOAST Galaxy. 


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The classic alt-rock hit of Zombie by The Cranberries slams into the arena, and as the grunge shreds apart ears, worried fans look on the entrance stage which now houses the shambling zombie woman known only as Wanda. Wanda pulls a maggot out her eye socket and eats it, and even The Masked Mutants are somewhere disgusted.

The following contest is scheduled for one fall and it is for the OAOAST Hotties Championship....now making her way to the ring from the grave....WAAANNNDDDAAAAA!


Do we actually know anything about Wanda? What she was when she was alive?

A nasty ass bitch, I'm guessing. Fuck is Clem thinking, bringing this trash around here? Nigga crazy, and now his funky bitch gonna try and win gold. Zombies are like the Alabama of the supernatural kingdom, ain't nobody want nothing to do with em. But thanks to Cassidy and Gory we got a whole crew acting as roadies and ring rats. One of em offered to suck my dick, I let 'em but only cause it was for free.

Wanda sort of slithers sort of shambles into the ring, but one way or another she does get there and raises her arms into the air and lets out a chilling shriek that will haunt many a night for the younger fans.

I'm a wanderess
I'm a one night stand
Don't belong to no city
Don't belong to no man
I'm the violence in the pouring rain
I'm a hurricane
Ha ah ah ha ah ah ah
I'm a hurricane
Ha ah ah ha ah ah ah
I'm a hurricane

The fans now have plenty to cheer for as the Arty remix of Halsey's “Hurricane” thumps along! No longer must we fear the maggot eating zombie in the ring, for the premier zombie slayer, Gretchen Wright is on hand! With world title fastened about her slender waist, Gretchen twirls her zombie killing parasol and points it right at Wanda, which gets a huge pop from the fans.

And her opponent, representing Delta Delta Delta, she hails from Alexandria, Virginia, the OAOAST Hotties Champion...”THE MONARCH OF POSH” GRRRRRETTCCHHHEENNN WRRRIIIGGGHHHTT!


Resident Evil meets Swan Lake! 

The Wrights are known for being involved in all kinds of fuckery, but I don't think putting the youngest daughter against a crazy zombie is what they had in mind when they paid for her private schooling.

If anyone can beat Wanda, its Gretchen!

Zombie slayer she may be, but she's still a lady and as such forces the referee to hold the ropes in so she make a graceful entry and curtsy to the roaring Wrigley Field crowd. 


Wanda and Gretchen charge right at each other, colliding with double lariats!


Be careful, Gretchen!

Wanda gets up first, and starts swinging at a rising Gretchen. The Monarch of Posh deftly moves behind her foe, and grabs onto her hair...only for it to come in stringy ashy strands!


Wanda takes advantage of Gretchen's struggles by whipping her into the corner, then throwing a big splash that leaves Gretchen on her butt!


Aww hell no!

But, Gretchen uses her thousand dollar pumps to push her foe away, and avoid the stink face. Still hot on the attack, Wanda charges in and gets clobbered with an elbow to the jaw. The zombie staggers backwards and is promptly speared to the ground by Gretchen! There the Hotties champion rains down a series of punches that have Wanda covering up!


Wanda throws Gretchen off her to prevent further assault on her less than attractive visage. While the zombie woman starts to recover, the blond beauty ascends to the top turnbuckle.

Gretchen is gonna soar through the Chicago skies.

And soar she does with a crossbody block....that lands her into Wanda's waiting arms! What's worse is that Wanda pitches her over the ropes and tosses her to the outside!


Poor Gretchen! 

She got tossed it like Pete gets tossed out school plays.

Wanda lumbers outside and hauls Gretchen upright, the champion dazed by her fall. As such Gretchen can't prevent Wanda from pitching her against the guardrail and knocking it off its base. Gretchen howls in pain as Wanda cackles in zombified delight.


Gretchen isn't going down without a fight and gets up and slugs Wanda in the face! Not once, not twice, not thrice but four times! Thinking Wanda weakened, Gretchen snares her inside a front facelock. But Wanda comes uh...alive and hurls Gretchen into the stands with the fans! A candy eating fan helps Gretchen to her feet, but falls prey to her love of chocolate!



I got a chocolate bar for her!

Wanda carries herself over the guardrail in hopes of furthering her attack on Gretchen. But the Hotties Champion explodes with lefts and rights that pop the sold out Chi-town audience. As they continue to root Gretchen on, Wanda is further beaten throughout the stands.

Referee Nick Patrick is pretty liberal with his count.

That's one way to put it. The other way to put it is that he's lazy as hell. 

Wanda turns the tables on Gretchen and proceeds to body slam her on a production cart! 

“OOOOHHHHHHHHHHHH!” the fans react in her as Gretchen grimaces in pain from the attack.

Wanda drapes Gretchen's arm across the side of the cart, then proceeds to push her towards another cart! Luckily Gretchen avoids having her arm smushed as she rolls off the moving cart entirely. Not pleased with this, Wanda comes after Gretchen only to get drop toe held into the the cart! Wanda hits hard enough that one of her rags comes flying off and lands on Gretchen's foot. 

I shall be rid of this filthy garment!


She could have just tossed it aside, but that works also.

Wanda gets up to her feet and finds a lose pipe which she flings at Gretchen! Thankfully her aim sucks, and Gretchen is able to duck the attack! In a crouched position, Gretchen bulldozes Wanda to the ground and then goes on to hammer her with downward elbows!

Shit, Gretchen's got a future in UFC with those blows!

Wanda pushes Gretchen off her, though remains dazed from the blows. The zombie stumbles back towards the guardail and Gretchen gives chase. But when she arrives to Wanda, the zombie upends her with a back body drop and takes her over the rail and onto the ring mats! Gretchen lands with a thump and cries out in pain that has the audience deeply worried for her safety.  

Don't Gretchen gotta worry about being bitten and turned into a zombie?

That's a good question, but we haven't seen Clem and his gang do anything like that. Can they even make new zombies?

Wanda pushes Gretchen back into the ring, which means Patrick has to do his job as the champion is pinned by the challenger...



A kickout!

Wanda gets up and back into the ropes, then returns to drop a senton onto her foe! The zombie lady then leans back and makes another cover...



Gretchen again makes the kickout!

Wanda is unrelenting in her assault and pushes Gretchen into the corner. There she proceeds to batter her with shoulder thrusts into the midsection. If that weren't enough, Wanda climbs the turnbuckle posts and proceeds to bash Gretchen with punches! She wants the usual ten, but on punch number seven, Gretchen succeeds in pushing Wanda onto the ring apron. Though Wanda lands on her feet, The Monarch of Posh is still able to grab hold of her in a front facelock. But she can do nothing more than that, as Wanda reveres the hold and proceeds to suplex her onto the apron!

Oh no! 

The champion rolls into the ring, pain written all over her face. Wanda follows her inside with visions of victory playing in her head. Yet, Gretchen shows plenty of fight as she rises and tees off on Wanda with powerful punches and forearms. These attacks are shut down as Wanda slams a knee into her stomach. Doubled over, Gretchen is then clubbed to the ground and pinned by Wanda...



Gretchen again with the kickout!

“LET'S GO GRETCHEN! LET'S GO GRETCHEN! LET'S GO GRETCHEN” the Windy City crowd tries to rally Gretchen on.

Wanda yanks Gretchen off the mat, and takes hold of her arms, starting to twist her into a unprettier. But, the champion finds the strength to counter and pulls Wanda down into the makings of a crossface! The submission fails to take hold as Wanda powers out of the hold. Gretchen rolls to her feet, then deftly rolls beneath a big boot. From there the beautiful blond comes back and explodes with a step up DDT!


Blue Blood Letting!

Gretchen is in pain, both from her own attack and from the endless assault from Wanda. Due to that she can't manage to properly capitalize on the attack and lies on the mat in pain and woe.


Nows the time for Gretchen to kick into gear and start fighting back.

But can she? That's the big question!

Gretchen does manage to find her footing, though its obvious she's exhausted. In spite of that she manages to climb to the top turnbuckle. Yet she is going so slow that Wanda manages to recover and pushes the cables to crotch poor Gretchen onto the ropes!

High risk and ain't shit for a reward. I don't think Gretchen should have done that.

With Gretchen in a weakened and weary state, Wanda climbs to the top turnbuckle with her and fastens in a front facelock. Desperate for freedom, the Monarch of Push proceeds to bash her with repeated punches to the midsection. Much to Wanda's amazement they do the trick in breaking her hold. Even more shocking to Wanda is the avalanche neckbreaker Gretchen uses to grind her to the mat!


Big time offense by Gretchen!

Gretchen lies on the mat breathing heavily, and mortally tired, But she calls upon the strength to drape her arm across Wanda's chest for the cover....



A kickout before the three!

Oh! How did Wanda kick out of that?!

Wanda is first to her feet, which is the most amazing thing of all!



The evil zombie whips Gretchen to the ropes and when she returns she grabs her for a side style razor's edge. But before the move can be completed, Gretchen rolls down Wanda's back and hits an over the knee backbreaker that wows the fans! The graceful champion then swings Wanda around and unleashes a snap powerslam like her brother! 

Patrick gets into position for the cover....





Gretchen is feeling ITTTTTTTTTTTT, and full of energy she whips Wanda into the corner. The zombie lady hits stomach first and gets smashed in the back of the head with a running dropkick by the champion! Pained, Wanda staggers backwards, and Virginia native elevates herself to the top turnbuckle, takes a moment to adjust her lip gloss...



Then flies off with a body press! But Wanda catches her and adjusts her into a fall away slam position! But, when she starts to throw Gretchen over, the champion shifts around and nails her with an inverted DDT to counter!

Gretchen is really coming back! She's on fire like she was the MLS team Chicago Fire!

The fuck is the MLS? Real niggas only watch The Spurs.

Gretchen runs to the ropes, but gets her legs hooked by a pair of Clem's zombie henchman!


Referee Nick Patrick lets this slide, which allows Wanda to hit a spike DDT on Gretchen! The zombies dance a strange zombie dance as Wanda makes the pin...



A kickout before the three by Gretchen!



The evil zombies on the outside do as Wanda says and get a pair of chairs from bellow the ring!

Hey! Someone stop this!

Suddenly one of the zombies has Gretchen's parasol sticking through his eye socket, and its all thanks to CASSIDY MAGUIRE!

Good evening, sluts.


Cassidy plants the parasol through the other zombie's head, sending brain matter splaying everywhere and horrifying Wanda. But this exactly what Gretchen needs to plant her with a fisherman's gordbuster!

Just Charge It!

Gretchen hooks the legs for the cover...





Your winner as a result of a pinfall and still OAOAST Hotties Champion.....GRRRRRETTTCHHEEN WRRRIIIGHHHTT!


A huge victory over this zombie invasion by Delta Delta Delta!

Gretchen and Cassidy would very much like to destroy Wanda while they have the chance, but zombie Clem comes along with a few of his goons and pulls the defeated zombie to safety.

This isn't over, idiot zombie hookers. We're gonna snap your heads off and feed them to your next of kin if you keep messing with Delta House!


No its not over, and tonight Delta House runs this town!



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***3 Stages of Hell OAOAST World Title: Krista Isadora Duncan W/Queen Esther Vs Tyler Bryant W/Lorelei DeCenzo and THE FLEX***

1st Fall, Regular Match

Tyler kicked things off with a superkick that got him locked into an ankle lock!

AngleSault is marking out!

Tyler not only escaped to the ropes, he escaped under the ropes, where Krista kept him held in her hold outside. Lorelei got pissed, so referee Earl Hebner made her break the hold, but then Krista began slamming Tyler's leg into the steel rail!

How a nigga gonna fight at least one more match with a  bad wheel.

Tyler beat a count out and the two bitter rivals begin trading blows. The Serial Thriller was thrown into the corner and got the Boobie Bombs dropped on him but managed to avoid Blonds Never Pay a Cover. Now he got an ankle lock, but Krista easily got to the ropes. Tyler held on for the full count, but was cracked by an enziguri due to this!

You live by the sword...

Krista went up top and missed a shooting star press, but lucky for her she was able to avoid a yakuza kick from Tyler. Actually she avoided two yakuza kicks, and after the second one caught him with a heel hook. Tyler was urged to tap but again made the ropes. Eager to help his charge, FLEX slid him the belt, but Krista wound up superkicking it into his face, then hit Lightning On My Feet for the win!

Winner of The First Fall: Krista Isadora Duncan, via pinfall

Man, FLEX is having a terrible year!

2nd Fall, Strap Match

Before the strap could be attached, Tyler began whipping Krista with it! What's worse is he started to choke her with it!


Finally Tyler settled down and let the strap be attached, and touched two corners. But before he could make the third, Krista came to life and starting battering him with chops! Tyler tried to withstand these and make his third corner, but Krista hit him with a strap assisted Blonds Never Pay a Cover!


Krista couldn't get to her first corner, because big ass FLEX blocked the way! So Krista yanked Tyler into FLEX, then caught Tyler with a strap aided inverted DDT. Furious, Krista gave a different version of booty time by jiggling her fine MILF ass and dropping it on his dick!


Oh good heavens!

Tyler would make a recovery and seek to ground Krista down, using the rope to his advantage. Krista fought him back, but when she had her leg tripped up by Lorelei, Tyler got to the third corner.

One more corner for The Serial Thriller!

Tyler got greedy and tried to get to his fourth corner, but got yanked back by Krista. She spun him around and hit a KIDology that launched him into the corner. Then she blessed him blond gift of a bronco buster that also got her her first corner!


FLEX jumped on the apron, but got dropkicked by Krista much to the fans glee. Even more gleeful to them was Krista hanging Tyler over the ropes by the strap. She then draged him in and made her second corner!


Tyler made a recovery and tried to hit Tremendous Pain but Krista exploded out of it and walloped him with forearms. The champion tried for a superkick again, but this time Krista dragon whipped him and he got to a seated positioned she walloped him with a running knee and touched her third corner!

We're all even! And Krista is one corner away from the world championship! 

Krista did easily touch that fourth corner but Lorelei had Hebner distracted! Queen Esther yelled for Hebner to pay attention as FLEX entered the ring and delivered a spine buster to Krista. At that point the official turned around and saw Tyler touch his fourth corner!

3nd Fall, Cage Match

This is it! The final fall and Tyler can't use his goons for this one.

Goons?! Lorelei is a lady and the best manager we've ever had.

Tyler pounced on Krista once again, but this time Krista was ready for him and beat him back with chops and forearms. She then began to sling him into the steel cage!


On her last throw, Tyler started to climb the cage, but Krista yanked him off and crtoched him on the ropes. She then blasted him with a springboard dropkick that got a two. Miss California looked for a lionsault but Tyler avoided and tried to escape through the door. But Krista slammed the door on his arm!


Tyler would avoid a hurricanrana by rolling through and got up to nail a yakuza kick. He then sought to climb out the cage,  but Krista climbed with him and hit a Blonds Never Pay a Cover off the cage! As the fans cheered Krista was laid out, unable to capitalize on her attack. At that point FLEX started to enter the cage, but Krista got up and slammed the door into his head five times knocking him out!


That was overkill!

But it was deserved!

Tyler took advantage of FLEX's actions, by running through Krista with a series of lariats. But Krista countered by hitting a spirngboard crossbody for two. She then went for her old reverse x-factor finisher, but Tyler slid out and brought her into a small package for a three count!

Winner: Tyler Bryant, via pinfall

Let's look in live!

Tyler Bryant retains the world heavyweight championship! The Serial Thrill thrills again, but maybe with some pretty questionable means.

You gotta pay the cost to be the boss.

Hebner wishes to hand Tyler and Lorelei the world title, but Krista swipes it from his hands! Rather she wishes to honor the champion by presenting him with his belt.

Actually fuck that.

::beltshot:: on Tyler!



Lorelei is dragged to the ground by Krista, and through kicking and screaming has her expensive gown and even her panties torn off!


An interesting idea. But I'll pass for now. Esther, the scissors.

Queen Esther applies the scissors to Krista's hands and snip snip snip-a-roo, Krista begins trimming what pubic hair Lorelei has on her body!

Oh man!

Proper grooming is the mark of any lady of high breeding.

The glue.

The glue?!

Queen Esther has come prepared and hands the glue to Krista who applies a smattering to Tyler's face! Then her masterpiece is complete as she sprinkles the pubic hair all over his visage!


Aww hell no! Aww hell no! Aww hell no!

It could be worse. 

No it couldn't!

As “Shake It Off” plays, Krista celebrates with her fans, sipping beer, letting them sign her tities, as Queen Esther points out the need for good grooming.


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