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OAOAST HeldDOWN~! 4/12/07

Chanel #99

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It's a mean and moody cold opening to OAOAST HeldDOWN~! this week as we fade in with a shot of the parking lot of the Rose Garden Arena. The camera pans the seemingly deserted lot to find Leon Rodez entering the arena. Leon hauls his bag over his shoulder as he marches the arena and finds himself confronted by a microphone weilding Josh Matthews.

Leon! Leon, can we get a few wor...

But much to Josh's surprise, the usually warm and friendly Rodez completely blanks him and marches right past him, head down, scowling. Josh stand and watches Leon walking off for a second, before signalling for the camera to cut.



We are back on our usual Thursday night slot with the OAOAST's flagship program, HeldDOWN!  Hello everyone, Michael Cole and the Coach here at ringside as we come to you this week from Portland, Oregon!  These fans are excited for a night of action, but Leon Rodez is certainly not in a good mood.

Oh boo hoo for Leon.  He should be proud of his sister for taking the right, not to mention very lucrative, direction in her life instead of slumming it with a couple losers like D*LUX.

Be that as it may, we are going to hear from Theodore Moneymaker and Jade later on, as well as the new X-Division champion....come on, he's had it for two weeks, let's drop the "new".

Just read the copy, Cole, or I'm getting Lindsey over here.

God no.  The NEW X-Division champion, Tha Puerto Rican.

What about those wrestling match things?  

We should be able to scrape some of those up.

"You break the laws
You hustle, you deal, you steal from us all
Come on come on, lovin' for the money
Come on come on, listen to the Money talk
Come on come on, lovin' for the money
Come on come on, listen to the Money talk
Money talks"


The crowd greet Theodore Moneymaker with the typical response as "Money Talks" by AC/DC hits. This week it's a slightly slimmed down version of The Enterprise walking out into the wave of boos. Theodore Moneymaker walks out laughing away to himself, with newest recruit Jade Rodez on his arm. Jade looks out into the crowd with a scowl, again dressed down as opposed to her old look. Accompanying the duo is Christopher Patrick Allen, Moneymaker's one-man security force, marching behind as Moneymaker leads Jade up the ring steps and into the ring itself.

Well, Theodore Moneymaker gracing us with his 'presence' again here tonight on HeldDOWN~! And Jade Rodez by his side... I still can't get over seeing her with Moneymaker, looking like that, acting the way she is. It's like the life's been drained out of her.

What? This isn't a zombie movie Mikey. Her life is just beginning, she's one of the upper-crust elite now. That's how the well-to-do dress and nobody argues with them, because they've earnt the right to be above reproach by virtue of their wealth.

That's the most ridiculous thing I've heard you say in the past five minutes.

Moneymaker now has the mic and sure enough, the crowd in Portland seem intent to drown out The Billion Dollar Heir with boos. Smirking away, Teddy waits for them to predictably wane, before beginning.

Now, I'm sure all you nickel n' dimers are wondering where the rest of my Enterprise are right now. Christian, Ned and Simon are currently hard in training at the finest facility money can buy in Vero Beach, California, preparing for next week, when finally championship gold will come to The Enterprise. Because next week, they will be challenging for and winning the OAOAST 6-Man Tag Team Championships! So tonight, it's just myself, the man who last week announced himself to the OAOAST world with his crushing victory CPA and of course, Miss Jade Rodez.


Unmoved by the boos it would seem, Jade glares forward, a sparkle shooting off the new diamond-encrusted bracelet around his right wrist from underneath her tracksuit top.

You see, we are here for one reason. To conduct business. Somewhere in the back, D*LUX are cooped in their little locker room, biting their fingernails over how they're ever gonna cope without their manager to guide them, like the weak, pathetic peons that they are! See, they've got a BIG match tonight. They're gonna be defending their HI-YAH Tag Team Titles, against the fine combination of Lucius Soul and Rico de Janeiro, The Mardi Gras Homewrecking Crew. And for that, they can thank one person. And that is Jade Rodez.

"D - LUX!"
"D - LUX!"
"D - LUX!"
"D - LUX!"

You peasants chant all you want! Because every time you chant for those pathetic little boybanders, every time you go out and you buy their merchandise and you pay to see them wrestle, you're putting more and more money into The Billion Dollar Heir's pockets! Tyler, Shayne... wonder why you're suddenly in this match, defending your titles, against a team that haven't even competed in Japan before? It's pretty simple. You may be contracted to the OAOAST, you may have a contract with HI-YAH now you're the Champs, but your contracts are owned by the young lady standing next to me, remember!


What was it Jade? 60% of all of the team's profits? HAHAHA! Say what you want about that urchin Krista Isadora Duncan, she knows exploitation when she sees it! And hey, let's not forget about the fact you're the one who signs off on all their matches! How convenient, tha...

.:CUE: Trust Company, "Rock The Casbah":.

All eyes suddenly turn to the entrance way, as the sliding doors part at the hands of LEON RODEZ!


Oh boy! Baton down the hatches, cause here comes big brother!

Moneymaker quickly palms Jade back towards CPA, Jade being shielded by the big bodyguard as Leon marches down the aisle, right past the outstretched arms of the fans. He's not dressed to wrestle and he's not here to play to the fans. Leon is here for answers as he climbs the steps and enters the ring. It's only once he gets through the ropes that he slows down, unsure of whether to run straight through Moneymaker or whether to back off, clearly conflicted about how to react to seeing his sister behind The Billion Dollar Heir.

"LE - ON!"
"LE - ON!"
"LE - ON!"
"LE - ON!"

The music dies down and the chants take over. Moneymaker doesn't back down, although he does back up a couple of steps, safe in the knowledge that Leon won't make any sharp moves now that he's got Jade close to him. Quickly he throws the microphone over to the Silky Smooth One and demands one of his own, as Leon ignores the mic at his feet, staring with disappointment at his little sister.

Well, we knew Leon was here tonight. And hopefully he's going to sort this issue out here.

I hope he brought his cheque book with him then.

"LE - ON!"
"LE - ON!"
"LE - ON!"
"LE - ON!"

Well well, isn't this a pleasant surprise? I must warn you little man, this may be a wrestling ring but this is no wrestling match. You lay one finger on me and you'll be hearing from the most expensive lawyers in the known world!

Leon bends down to pick up the microphone, while Jade peeks out from behind CPA's back.

I don't know what the hell is going on here... but I suggest you step aside and let me talk to my sister.

Anything you wanna say, you can say right now.

Listen, I don't know what this is all about, but you're long past the line already withou...

Leon stops in mid-sentence, upon seeing Jade appearing from behind CPA. She takes the microphone from Moneymaker and insists it's okay, as she turns to her big brother. Leon simply shakes his head as Jade stares at him, lip curling.

You wanna know what this is all about, 'brother'. Well, I wanna know why you care all of a sudden.

What's that supposed to mean? You're my sister...

Oh, so you finally realised that, huh? Because it never felt like it! Let's face it Le', you always cared about one person and that was yourself. So don't come playing the moral highground with me, because you've NEVER been there for me the rest of my life, there's no reason for you to start now! I was barely a teenager when you disappeared to 'live your dream' as a professional wrestler. You left me and mom to fend for ourselves. I barely knew who you were!

The crowd seem noticeably uncomfortable being the audience for this public family feud and grow silent.

And now you have the nerve to come out here and try and 'rescue me', is that what this is all about?

It's about you making a big mistake, associating yourself with scumbags like that guy (points at Moneymaker).

No! The mistake I made was associating myself with people like Alix and Krista and Melody, YOUR kind of people! I didn't lower myself to their standards, I was at their level because I never knew any better! I never had the chance to be any better!!


I've got dreams of my own ya know. I've got aspirations. I'm good at what I do, damnit! I deserve a good life and that's what I'm getting. Hanging around with meterosexual American Idol wannabees was only going to get me so far. You know, I looked at myself and I didn't like what I saw. My future was trawling bars with the likes of Krista and Alix until Teddy came along and made me an offer. See, The Enterprise is where I want to be. Teddy is willing to invest his time and his money into helping me achieve something with my life, as opposed to wasting my life with classless, desperate wannabees like you and Krista! People who don't respect me. People who make me not respect myself! Let's face it, I was never going make much of myself, considering my big brother was a pornstar now, was I!?

Leon hangs his head, running a hand through his hair.

Do you even know what it was like for me? Do you know what it was like to be a 15 year old kid, knowing my big brother was whoring himself out a screwing crackwhores for a living!? I came to the OAOAST to get to know you, to know my own brother. Now, I wish I hadn't bothered.


This talking down is having it's effect on Leon, as he forlornly looks at his little sister.

You know what, maybe you're right. This... this greed. This venom you're spitting out. If you're my sister, then maybe I don't know you. The sister I remember was sweet, innocent, a GOOD person.

I've changed since then. Being with people like Krista opens your eyes to what the world is really like and it gave me a long overdue wake-up call.

You're just buying into the garbage that Moneymaker's feeding you. You always were naive, bu...

SHUT UP! I'm sick of being treated like a kid all the damn time! Teddy respects me and treats me for who I am! Not who he wants me to be, like you. I've grown up. I guess you can't see that, what with being more concerned with yourself... (turns to Moneymaker, who nods) ... well, let's see if you can see this...



Oh my...

A stunned silence washes over the crowd as Leon falls to one knee, clutching his cheek. Jade stands over him still breathing heavily from the anger that caused her to slap her own brother, nursing her hand a little from the ferocity with which she delivered the strike. In the background, Moneymaker is postively in HYSTERICS, laughing his head off as Jade takes one last bitter look down at her big brother before walking across the ring and exiting. Quickly Moneymaker and CPA decide to make a quick exit too, while Leon continues to hang sadly on one knee in the centre of the ring.



Man oh MAN, what a shot that was!

I don't believe what we've just seen here. I can't believe that Jade Rodez just slapped her own brother.

Jade walks backwards up the aisle looking back into the ring, Moneymaker still laughing at the top of his lungs, Catching up to Jade, The Billion Dollar Heir can be seen thanking her for "the best laugh I've had all year" as he takes a couple of hundred dollar bills, tucking them into her pocket before pointing into the ring at Leon. Now stood up Leon still nurses his cheek, looking close to tears as Moneymaker lets out another roaring laugh at his expense.

As if things weren't emotional enough after Moneymaker's recruitment of Jade Rodez... man alive, this has just become personal. Theodore Moneymaker has torn the Rodez family apart. And... you know what, I don't think I want to dwell on this much longer. Can we go somewhere else? This is... *sighs*

We get a last shot of Leon slowly and sadly exiting the ring, looking shell-shocked at what just happened, before we thankfully go to a commercial break.

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Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome the men who survived the Sin City street fight last Sunday night at AngleMania, the GREATEST Rock 'n' Wrestling band of ALL time... THE HEAVENLY RRRRRROOOOOOOOOCCKKEEEEEEERRRRRRRSSSSSSS!!!!


So deafening is the ovation that “Heart-Shaped Box” can barely be heard in the background. Logan walks down the aisle hand and hand with his wife Holly-Wood, his fist raised in triumph, while Synth bangs his head to the imaginary tune of his air guitar.

Either they just got back from a funeral or they’re big fans on Johnny Cash, all dressed in back.

Perhaps both. They did vanquish the Sooner Bruisers from the OAOAST for 90 days, remember? 11 of which have passed, meaning only 79 more days until they’re eligible to return.

And I’m counting them down.

Logan rips the microphone from Buffer’s hand and motions for him to beat it (You didn‘t actually think Buffer would conduct the interview, did you?).

Lone Star Gunslingers, get out here right now! The Heavenly Rockers got something to say to you man-to-man and face-to-face.

Fall Out Boy’s “Thriller” hits and the fans react! She might not have been able to train the seal at SeaWorld, but Melody takes pride in knowing she’s trained the fan base to pop for the new theme music of her tag team of Jock Mulligan and Baron Windels, the Lone Star Gunslingers.

Here are 3 more people who should be counting down the days until the Sooner Bruisers return, Melody and the Lone Star Gunslingers. If it weren’t for their blatant interference Big Frank and Uber would have won at AngleMania.

You know the real reason for the Gunslingers involvement in the Sin City street fight. They came to the aid of the Heavenly Rockers when Los Conquistadors decided to stick their noses where it didn’t belong. They were only evening the odds.

Spoken like a true fan boy. What a homer you are. Replace the “er” with an “o” and the answer is still the same.

It's all business once Mel and the Gunslingers enter the ring. Jock and Baron standing toe to toe with Synth and Logan.

Last week the Heavenly Rockers gathered together to watch the number one rated program on Thursday nights, HeldDOWN~!, and heard “sources” reported we were “appreciative” of your help at AngleMania. Obviously nobody bothered to check their facts because everyone knows the Heavenly Rockers don’t need any help fighting their battles. Neither one of us sent out an SOS. The street fight was punishing not only for the men involved, but also for my wife Holly-Wood. She was a bit shaken up, as we all were. If all the hard partying wasn’t enough on my brain, I suffered a mild concussion. Synth and I both needed stitches after it was all said and done. But war is hell and hell was unleashed on the Sooner Bruisers! Now their sitting at home just as we promised they’d be.


However…HOWEVER, we also know the roles might be reversed had it not been for your help. For that we thank you.

Mega-Powers handshake!


Melody is unable to control her emotions as he jumps into Logan’s arms and yanks in Synth, giving them both a big bear hug. Baron pulls Mel off and tries to calm her down, but she can’t help herself, and greets Holly like a long lost sister. Holly isn’t sure what to think of the overly exuberant gal pal of the Gunslingers, standing emotionless as Mel goes on and on about adding the Heavenly Rockers to her MySpace friends list.

How do Jock and Baron put up with her? I mean, she’s a child in an adult’s body. Heck, she’s more of a man than you.


Make no mistake about it, the Heavenly Rockers march to the beat of their own drum. Understand?  

Loud and clear. Like we said…

Oh, my gosh! Our first win as a team one week, friends forever with the Heavenly Rockers the next. This is sooooo cool. Ahhh! I can’t believe it. Holly, I just know we’re going to be the best of friends. You can come over to Alix and Krista’s place for Girls’ Night Out on the weekends while the boys head down to Texas for a bar-b-cue at Jock’s. You guys won’t regret this. It’s the start of a beautiful friendship sayeth Melody Nerdly!

Sweetie, we realize you’re a young tag team just getting their feet wet in the tag division, so allow me to indulge you with some constructive criticism on behalf of the Heavenly Rockers. Your helping us means you’ve placed yourselves in the kitchen, and for your sake I hope you’re able to stand the heat because there’s no way out. You’ve made yourselves targets for attacks by teams who wish the Heavenly Rockers ill. Believe me, the Sooner Bruisers are the most vindictive people I know. Once you’ve screwed with him they won’t rest until they’ve returned the favor.

Ma’am, we ain’t scared one lick of the Sooner Bruisers.  We’ve dealt with some roughnecks in the past and expect to do so in the future. It’s the price one’s got to pay in order to walk around these neck of the woods as champion.

Not to infringe on anyone’s phrase, kinda, but ain’t that the truth. You strike moi as the type of dudes who ain’t afraid to throw down a few beers and then go out and crack some heads, or bang some broads which the Synthmeister’s got to do by myself now that my main Mann got hitched. But ah just wanna wish you fellas luck next week, because we’s gonna have ourselves a par-tay, daddy-o. TAG TEAM BATTLE ROYAL!

Oh, my!

Next week?!

Yeah, a tag team battle royal. Wow. We know two of the participants. Hopefully we’ll find out more tonight. If not, be sure to log onto OAOAST.com for more information.

We go to the back where Josh Matthews is standing in front of a HeldDOWN backdrop.

Fans, my guest at this time kicked off AngleMania VI with a victory over the "Lone Wolf" James Wolfenstein.  Please welcome, James Riggs.

The crowd boos as Riggs and Staci step into the frame.  James menacingly stares the backstage reporter down as he slowly removes his sunglasses and tucks them into his jacket.  The microphone is visibly shaking as Josh waits to see if he will be enjoying the comforts of a Portland medical facility tonight.  After a long 10 seconds, Riggs finally speaks.

Well?  You got a question for me or what?

Josh visibly relaxes and clears his throat in an attempt to gain back his dignity.

Well, as we all saw at AngleMania, you defeated one of the OAOAST's top rising stars.  What is next for you?

What's next?  Thank you for asking that.  What's next is that, as a part of my FINAL obligation to HI-YAH Promotions in Japan, they have granted me something I've been waiting for ever since that night in Yokohama against Zack Malibu two years ago.  Next Thursday night, Tokyo, Japan, I will face Faqu for the HI-YAH Heavyweight Championship.  And, for all the members of JR Nation, that match will be seen right here on HeldDOWN!  At the end of the night, I will have climbed another rung up the ladder by capturing one of the most highly regarded titles in Japan and in the OAOAST.  THAT is what's next for James Riggs.

With an air of confidence, Riggs walks off as we fade to commercial.

Commercial break

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Standing by, Josh Matthews is with our new X-Division Champion. Take it away Josh...

The camera cuts to the HeldDOWN~! interview area where Josh "J. Math" Matthews is joined by both "The Corporate Champion" and now also the OAOAST X-Division Champion, Tha Puerto Rican, plus his soon to be better half, the new OAOAST Women's Champion Ms. Lindsay Gonzalez. PRL grins away to himself with his arm around Lindsay's shoulders, both wearing their respective belts proudly over their shoulders.

PR, just under two weeks ago at AngleMania, The Lightning Crew had one heck of a night, capturing three championships and gaining another big victory in the 3 on 2 Handicap Match. Tonight The Lightning Crew could add to your recent success even better as Vitamin X and Mr. Boricua challenge for the OAOAST World Tag Team Championships... it's fair to say, it's a good time to be Tha Puerto Rican right now.

It's ALWAYS a good time to be Tha Puerto Rican Josh Matthews! You're darn right The Lightning Crew had a heck of a night at AngleMania. We stole the show. We dominated. We OWNED AngleMania VI! Infact, henceforth, I believe that AngleMania VI should no longer be referred to as 'Etched In Stone'. It should be referred to from now on as The Corporate AngleMania! The X-Man slayed the OAOAST legends. Cuban Wall, he took the 24/7 Championship that I made so famous. My beautiful fiancee, Ms. Lindsay Gonzalez, soon to be Mrs. Lindsay Puerto Rican, the Women's Champion of the entire WORLD! And of course yours truly, Tha Puerto Rican, The Corporate Champion, the new X-Division Champion after beating The Dance Dance Dragon's Dance Dancing Candy Ass all over Skydome, Tor-on-TO! It was a glorious night Josh Matthews. It was a LONG, glorious night.

PRL and Lindsay giggle, the innuendo apparantly flying right over Josh Matthews' well-groomed head.

And last week I gave my men time off to continue the celebrations. I hear the OAOAST had a little 5th Anniversary celebration. Well, The Lightning Crew had their own 5th Anniversary Party, to celebrate OUR contributions to the OAOAST. Because let's face it, the OAOAST in the past five years would have been nothing... and I mean NOTHING without The Lightning Crew, now would it Josh?

It would have been... different.

Exactly! And what a way to start the next five years of the OAOAST, with The Lightning Crew holding all the go...

Scowling, Tha Puerto Rican suddenly begins to trail off as he glares off into the distance. Lindsay folds her arms and it's clear there's an unwelcome guest intruding on their interview, all eyes turning to DANCE DANCE DRAGON as he walks into shot. After the anger at being interrupted subsides, PRL just laughs derisively at The Masked Dance Assassin as he stands and stares at him.

Well, if it isn't the Dance Dance Dumbass! HAHAHA! That's a good one, I oughta write that down. Anyway, what's the matter Dragon, didn't you get enough of a beating at AngleMania?

Dragon does the 'Running Man' to display the fact he's in good condition.

That's real cute. You know, with moves like that, it's no wonder you hide your face behind that stupid mask. So, what? If you've got something to say to Tha Puerto Rican then spit it out but if not, get out of my sight...

Dragon points to PRL's X-Division Champion, causing PRL to scoff at him.

Oh, I see. I see what this is. You wanna go ONE... on ONE... with Tha Puerto Rican, one more time? HA! Listen, just because Hack Malibu's getting a second chance after his failure at AngleMania doesn't mean it's open season on rematches around here buddy! You don't deserve a shot at this X-Division Title. You're an embarrassment. Look at you. Look at yourself. You're nothing! A nobody with a dumb mask and a ridiculous name. It was a complete fluke that you got to that X-Division Tournament Final at all. Infact, it was a joke. A joke that you of all people faced Tha Puerto Rican on the grandest stage of them all! Well, the joke is over. Tha Puerto Rican dealt with you with short shrift at AngleMania and now he is the X-Division Champion...

Suddenly, Lindsay whispers something into PRL's ear. A smile forms on PRL's face and he nods in agreement as he turns back to Dragon.

I'll tell ya what Dragon, I'm a generous man. So if you want another beating from Tha Puerto Rican, who am I to say no? You'll get your chance tonight. But it WON'T be for my X-Division Championship! You go into that OAOAST locker room and you find yourself a partner. You find anyone blind, dumb, deaf or desperate enough to team with you tonight and you meet me and my Lightning Crew partner in that ring and we'll have ourselves a Tag Team Match later on. How's about that? You think you can find anyone?

After throwing out a few Michael Jackson inspired steps, Dragon comes out of it telling PRL to 'talk to the hand', causing Tha Puerto Rican's eyes to bug out a little. Dragon then shuffles off as PRL and Lindsay look at each other in confusion.

Tha Puerto Rican and one of his Lightning Crew members to take on Dance Dance Dragon and a partner of his choosing, later on tonight here on OAOAST HeldDOWN~!  We've got more tag action right now, so let's take it up to the ring.

Right on cue, the soothing sounds of "Easy Lover" waft through the arena, The Mardi Gras Homewrecking Crew walking to the ring ahead of their match. But that's not what's important right now

Well, as you can tell, there's still a solemn air over the crowd right now after what we saw earlier tonight. A very uncomfortable thing to witness, as Jade Rodez slapped her own brother in front of this capacity crowd and everybody watching at home on TSM. And during the break Leon apparantly left the arena and I can't say as I blame him right about now.

No kidding. He got straight punked by his little sister, no wonder he wanted to get the heck outta here.

In the meantime we're ready for HI-YAH Tag Team Title action and I guess The Mardi Gras Homewrecking Crew are two of the few people pleased with what's happened tonight. They're the lucky recipients of a title shot all of a sudden, simply made by The Enterprise to screw with the Champions!


Ladies and gentlemen, the following contest, co-sanctioned by HI-YAH Promotions and the OAOAST, is scheduled for one fall, to be contested under HI-YAH Rules. 20 counts will be oberserved at ringside and throwing an opponent over the top rope will be deemed an automatic disqualification. In the event of the champions being disqualified, the titles will change hands! In the ring, the challengers. Weighing in at a total combined weight of four hundred, ten pounds... the team of RICO DE JANEIRO and "SWEET" LUCIUS SOUL... they are, THE MARDI GRAS HOMEWRECKING CREW!!


Rico strokes down his 70's porn stache while Soul flashes a cheesy smile to the crowd, neither seeming all that concerned with the reaction. The upstart duo then turn to the entrance way...



...as "First To Believe" by A1 hits. The music is the same, but the reaction is slightly different, "Tremendous" Tyler and "Showtime" Shayne trudging out through the entrance doors with none of the happy-go-lucky boyband spark we've come to expect from the HI-YAH Tag Team Champions. Tyler and Shayne look almost lost as they stop on the stage, left with no manager to point them to the ring and having to decide themselves which way the ring is.

And, introducing the opponents! Weighing in at a total combined weight of three hundred, eight two pounds. The current, reigning and defending, three-time HI-YAH WORLD TAG TEAM CHAMPIONS... "TREMENDOUS" TYLER, "SHOWTIME" SHAYNE... they are D*LLLLLLLUUUUUUUUUUUXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX!!!!


D*LUX, looking... noticeably different here. Without Jade by their side, it just seems like there's something missing.

And there might be something else missing pretty soon if they don't get their heads in the game. Like their titles.

Solemnly Tyler and Shayne enter the ring and remove of their jackets, even the roaring cheers around them failing to cheer them up. The dejected duo hand their belts to referee Brian Hebner before turning to each other and trying to psyche themselves up...

...turning their backs on Rico and Lucius, who take the opportunity to pounce from behind!



Rico and Lucius club away on Tyler and Shayne respectively, as referee Hebner rushes the belts out of the ring before trying to obtain some control of the match. Which doesn't seem to be happening, as Shayne gets thrown out of the ring by the seat of his pants and Rico now directs traffic for a double team. The MGHWC send Tyler off the ropes with a double irish whip, brushing away Hebner as they pick Tyler up on the rebound and throw him into the air, allowing him to drop throat-first across the top rope!!


Tyler crumbles to the canvas holding his throat, as Hebner finally makes himself known and orders one of the challengers out of the ring. Holding up his hands defensively, Lucius tells the referee to 'straight chill, fool' as he exits, while Rico covers Tyler...




Taking a quick detour to knock Shayne back off the apron, de Janeiro then swaggers back over and measures Tyler, driving the point of his elbow into the throat, causing Tyler to start to choke for air!

I'm sure given the choice D*LUX would not have wanted their first match without their manager to be a title defence. But of course, they had no choice.

These kids are gonna have to learn to stand on their own two feet... well, four I guess... and learn it quick. Rico and Lucius ain't playing tonight.

Not at all. This is a huge opportunity for the rookie team.

Dragging Tyler over to his corner Rico makes the tag to Lucius, who steps in with a well placed kick to the gut on Tyler. A forearm then sends Tyler staggering back out to the centre of the ring, Lucius coming off the ropes with a Diving Clothesline with the space that creates. Darting to his feet, Lucius then bumps Shayne off the apron again, before going back and covering...



Only two. So Lucius jumps up and drops the leg, setting up a second pinfall...




With a frustrated glare at the referee, Soul looks down at Tyler... and clamps on a blatant choke!


Releasing the choke, innocence is pleaded by the New Orleans native. Of course, the howling of the crowd tells the referee that it's not all it seems, Lucius conducting his pleas with one knee pinned across Tyler's throat!


Again Lucius breaks on four and tags back out to Rico.

You call these guys rookies, but they're not a couple of scrubs. These guys BEAT The Heavenly Rockers in the Anderson Cup don't forget!

Well, there were some extenuating circumstances.

Doesn't change the result though.

Taking his sweet time in following up, Rico scoops Tyler off the canvas and slams him in the centre of the ring. Shayne has finally made it back up into his corner now, just in time to watch as The King Of The Mardi Gras backs slowly off the ropes, stroking down his porn 'stache as he swaggers back and drops the big leg on Tyler...



Kickout! But the moment Tyler kicks out he pins a hand to his throat, clearly struggling.

"TY - LER!"
"TY - LER!"
"TY - LER!"
"TY - LER!"

Rico smirks over at Shayne as he clubs Tyler across the back, stroking down the porn 'stache again as the females in the crowd start to itch uncontrollably for some reason. Nonchalantly, Rico now pulls Tyler up and tosses him aside, through the ropes and to the floor. Another stroke of the 'stache draws "Showtime" Shayne into the ring. Just as Rico had intended, as Lucius Soul drops off the apron and sneaks up on Tyler, lifting him up and dropping him across the guardrail out of sight of the referee!!


As relatively inexperienced as they may be, these are some veteran tactics on the part of The Mardi Gras Homewrecking Crew here. Not exactly honourable, but...

But effective.

Naively Shayne continues to complain about the involvement of Lucius, which just serves to distract the referee for even longer. Checking the coast is still clear, the boots rain down from Lucius, the fans in the front row in front of him voicing their displeasure up close and personal. But knowing that Hebner's attention will only be diverted for so long he lets up, throwing Tyler back into the ring and returning to the corner in time to avoid too much suspicion. Rico quickly takes over and covers Tyler again, preventing Hebner from asking any pressing questions about why the boybander is down...




By the hair, Rico leads Tyler into the Mardi Gras corner, pinning him in while Lucius tags himself in. Jogging into the middle of the ring, Lucius gets a run-up and dives in, Rico dodging out of the ring just in time to avoid the Soul Brother Splash! Tyler gets crushed in the corner and stumbles out, hand lamely stretched in search of a tag as he crumbles to the canvas.

This is a far from auspicious start to life without Jade Rodez for D*LUX, so far. They need to snap out of this post-AngleMania hangover as soon as they possibly can.

Lording it over "Tremendous" Tyler, a noticeably jive enters Lucius' step as he succumbs to a little bit of over-confidence. That proves to be a mistake as when he tries to pull Tyler up, he takes a right hand to the gut! Lucius shakes it off and tries again. But again he takes a punch to the breadbasket! And a third! Tyler Bryant now fighting to his feet, throwing right hands to the face now and backing Lucius up, inch by inch towards the D*LUX corner and a possible chance to get the tag...

...until Lucius shoots out with an open handed thrust to the throat, causing Tyler to stop and gasp for breath again!


Right to the throat, which isn't a legal strike by the way.

But it's not something you're gonna get disqualified for, let's face it.

As Tyler hunches over in pain Lucius quickly takes advantage with a quick kick to the collarbone which snaps the boybander upright. Soul then hits the ropes and throws his right foot at Tyler's pretty boy face with a bicycle motion for added momentum... SIDESTEP! Tyler manages to avoid the Bicycle Kick. And as Soul comes to a stop and turns to rectify his mistake, he walks right into a quick Samon Drop from the Champion!


That will give D*LUX a little hope! But now Tyler Bryant desperately needs to make the tag to Shayne Brave, who is fresh and waiting to go here!

Still the damage done to his throat bothers Tyler and he isn't able to follow up on the Samoan Drop. Both men are down and referee Brian Hebner begins to lay a standing ten count on them, as the Portland crowd begin to rally behind D*LUX. And it seems to do the trick, as Tyler suddenly begins to crawl forward, looking for his corner.

"TY - LER!"
"TY - LER!"
"TY - LER!"
"TY - LER!"

Soul sits up and looks around to see Tyler on the move. But being closer to his corner than to his opponent, he decides instead to make the tag to Rico de Janeiro while he has the chance and let his partner worry about preventing the tag. Quickly the Brazilian runs into the ring and dives across the ring, dropping a big elbow...

...INTO THE CANVAS, Tyler able to roll out of the way!




Leaping into the ring, Shayne is all fired up and a cornier person than I would probably claim that it was 'Showtime'. It's a pun, see. Nevermind. Shayne stalls for a second as he waits for Rico to climb back up, only to put him right back down with a Flying Forearm! In runs Lucius again, but Shayne takes him out with a Flying Forearm also! Stumbling to his feet, Rico looks to be in the firing line again. And he ducks his head, only for Shayne to change direction in mid-air and snare de Janiero down with a Sunset Flip...




Rolling through to his feet, Rico looks to cut off Shayne's momentum with a big clothesline and goes charging in. Shayne swoops underneath easily though. As he ducks he sees the ropes fast approaching and thinks quickly, leaping to the middle rope and soaring off with a twisting crossbody, again pulling down the Brazilian...




After getting pushed off the pinfall, Shayne ends up close to Lucius Soul and manages to catch him with an elbow before he can react. However, torn between the two Mardi Grasers, he gets caught and as Rico comes charging in with a high knee Lucius dives low with a chopblock, the two attacks connecting with expertly timed precisions and flipping Shayne head over heels in the process!!


Wow, what a move that was!

High knee and a chopblock, a little high/low action on Shayne Brave right there!

Forgetting momentarily who the legal man is in all the commotion, Hebner dives down to count as Soul makes the pin...




Neither man leaving the ring, The Mardi Gras Homewrecking Crew together pull Shayne Brave back to his feet and set up another double team. Double irish whip sends Shayne into the ropes, Rico and Lucius both duck their heads ready for a double backbody drop. Shayne grabs the ropes and brings himself to a grinding halt however, luring Lucius in and backdropping him up and over the top, to the floor with a thud!


Rico reacts a little slower than his partner and pays for it as he runs at Shayne, eating a Leg Lariat for his trouble. Shayne dives on top with the cover a split second later...




Looking a little surprise, Shayne freeze for a second. Almost as if he's unsure what to do. After looking around for some guidance he finds it in the form of Tyler Bryant, tagging his partner back into the match. Tyler still looks a little worse for wear but comes in all the same.

I'm not sure that was the best option to take there, tagging Tyler Bryant back in so soon. But this is what D*LUX are good at. They're the proverbial 'tag team specialists'.

Yeah, Shayne couldn't get him in soon enough. Almost like he didn't think he could do it on his own.

They're a tag team Coach, that's what being a tag team is about. Teaming. Together. As in not on your own.

Thanks professor.

Together D*LUX take Rico on his way up, grabbing an arm and a leg a-piece. Rico's quite the burly guy but they get him up and down successfully with the Double Gutbuster, aka The Cowell Movement, leaving him crouched on his hands and knees in the centre of the ring. Hawking up a loogie Tyler clears his throat, before the duo set off on their next double-team, both running into the ropes. However just as they do so, Lucius Soul dives back into the ring and manages to catch Tyler running towards him, dropping him across the top rope with another Hotshot!!



Shayne connects with his half of the New Kicks On The Block but quickly realises all was not right with the patented tag team, scampering to his feet and charging at Soul...

...who charges himself...



A bit of a mis-time on D*LUX's part and suddenly, everything's gone awry!

Winded, Shayne goes rolling out of the ring and hits the padding on the arena floor with a thud. Meanwhile, Soul drags Tyler away from the ropes and looks over to Rico, noticing his partner is seeing stars and figuring if he's to then he's to win alone. A couple of quick kicks rattle off of the chest of "Tremendous" Tyler before Lucius reels him in by the arm. Twisting underneath and wringing the arm, Tyler is then pulled back the other way, up onto the shoulders into a fireman's carry. And with a a quick set, Lucius throws Tyler up for the FRO 2 SLEEEEEE...

...NO! Tyler spins out in front, hooking the head on the way to counter with a big DDT, planting Lucius right on his afro!!


Man, what a DDT!

That's okay, he's got plenty of padding up there.

Still clutching at his throat, Tyler takes a couple of seconds to realise where he is. Once he finally does though he turns and drops his arm across Lucius' chest for the cover...

...but Hebner waves it off, indicating to Tyler that Soul isn't the legal man! The crowd don't like that much, even if it is the right call. Tyler tries to complain, which distracts him from what's going on behind him, Rico de Janeiro walking over...


...and dropping a HUGE elbow right to the back of the head!!


Oh man, Rico drops the hammer on Tyler Bryant... another miscue from D*LUX.

When it rains, it pours.

Rolling his own, illegal partner away from the ring, Rico turns Tyler over. Another big elbow finds the mark, this time to the chest. And staying sat beside the boybander, Rico then sits Tyler up and grabs him by the head, locking on an Anaconda Vice!

The Rico Vice! He's got it locked it!

And look at him sit back with it, Rico trying to cut the air off on "Tremendous" Tyler!

Already struggling to breathe as it is Tyler immediately starts to flail around as the hold gets clamped on. With his head bent completely forward over his throat Tyler fights and fights but the more he fights, the more pressure he finds his airways under...

"D - LUX!"
"D - LUX!"
"D - LU..."



I... I don't believe it! We've got new Champions!

The crowd completely sink as the bell sounds and Rico releases the hold and flops backwards, punching his fists into the air in celebration. Lucius looks up from behind the ring apron and his eyes bulge, hardly able to contain himself as Michael Buffer walks over and lays the titles down on the apron. Lucius grabs the belts and looks at them in disbelief, before breaking out into a dance right there in front of the announce table.


The crowd still seem stunned as Lucius slides into the ring and hands one of the belts to his partner, the fledgling duo celebrating in centre ring as Tyler lies just a couple of feet away coughing and splutering.

Unbelievable. The Mardi Gras Homewrecking Crew have stunned us all again... they are the NEW HI-YAH Tag Team Champions, on their first title attempt, in only their FOURTH match on HeldDOWN~! What an achievement!

Oh man, it's gonna be Mardi Gras all over again! What a celebration it's gonna be, Mardi Gras comes to Portland, I can't wait!

Rico and Lucius roll themselves out of the ring and celebrate their way up the aisle, holding their HI-YAH Tag Team Titles aloft which wakes some of the crowd up in order to boo them on principal. Still shock seems to be the main emotion though as Shayne Brave rolls into the ring, looking down at his partner and shaking his head in disbelief.

D*LUX made a couple of crucial mistakes and it has cost them their titles here tonight on HeldDOWN~! Had they been better prepared, who knows? But the fact is, Theodore Moneymaker has struck...

Don't blame Teddy for this! If these kids can't cope without someone to hold their hand, that's their problem!

But it was Moneymaker who got the match made.

Yeah, I know! Brilliant, huh?

...I give up.

D*LUX look on at the celebrations in the aisle. And if they came in dejected, then what word to describe them now?

Commercial break

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The lights go down in the arena. A Puerto Rican flag appears on the AngleTron. In big white blocky letters, the following words appear on the screen, with Tha Puerto Rican saying them:


With that, a lightning bolt hits the entrance, the PRL entrance video plays on the AngleTron, and "Know Your Role '99" begins playing, with the crowd standing up and booing. PR is heard saying, "THE CHAMP IS HERE!" throughout the song, while smoke fills the entryway and strobe lights appear on the entrance set. A few seconds elapsed, and out from the curtains and through the smoke come the OAOAST X-Division Champion Tha Puerto Rican, the OAOAST Women's Champion Ms. Lindsay Gonzalez and PRL's manager and "Career Consultant" Stephen Joseph Popick.



The new X-Division Champion set for tag team action here on HeldDOWN~! and... I don't see a partner. You don't think he'll be teaming with Lindsay do you Coach?

He could do worse than the Women's Champion.

PR looks at the crowd in disgust, jawing with some fans. He looks at Popick, and the two of them begin their walk down the entrance ramp. Chants of "P.R. SUCKS!" fill the arena as PRL and Popick continue their walk to the ring.

The following tag team contest is scheduled for one fall! On the way to the ring, being accompanied by STEPHEN JOSEPH POPICK and the OAOAST Women's Champion, MS. LINDSAY GONZALEZ! From San Juan, Puerto Rico... he weighs in tonight at two hundred and twenty pounds. He is the new OAOAST X-Division Champion of the WORLD... THA PPUUUEEEERRRRRTTOOOOOOOOOO RRRIIIIIIICCAAAAAAAAAANN!!!!


Tha Puerto Rican gets on the ring apron and sneers at the crowd. Popick holds the ropes, and Tha Puerto Rican enters the ring. He spins around, soaking in the fans boos while "Know Your Role '99" continues playing over the P.A. system. Tha Puerto Rican does the HBK muscle pose while pyro goes off behind him. The crowd is still booing loudly and chanting "P.R. SUCKS!" PRL heads to a second turnbuckle and raises his hands. He then heads to another second turnbuckle, patting his X-Division Title belt before he raises his hands again. PR hits a third second turnbuckle, and raises his right arm in the air and "smells the electricity" a'la The Rock. PRL does the same Rock pose on the fourth second turnbuckle, recieving boos.

Man, how great is it to see PRL with gold around his waist once again?

It certainly makes that darn catchphrase of his less redundant. Although, it seems normal service was resumed earlier tonight when PRL refused to grant Dance Dance Dragon a title-shot now that he's the champion.

You heard what he said, Dragon doesn't deserve a rematch so he's not getting one.

Tha Puerto Rican gets off the ropes, removes his sunglasses and earring, and chats with Popick while the lights go back on in the arena. "Know Your Role '99" dies down as a deep, slow voiced man yells out, "LIGHTNING CREW!" and the opening to "No Chance In Hell" starts up as the crowd stands up and boos.

And, his partner...

The AngleTron shows a picture of Cuban Wall posing in front of a Cuban flag with CUBAN WALL written to the right side of the screen in big white blocky letters.


HA HA! Yes, the Champs are ALL Here!

Strobe lights appear on the entrance set, while smoke fills the entryway. The crescendo hits, and "No Chance In Hell" by Bradley Royds begins playing. A few seconds later, Cuban Wall comes out to loud boos. Cuban Wall looks at the crowd and pumps his right fist into the air, with his 24/7 Champion draped over that same shoulder, then proceeds to walk to the ring, his eyes focused soley on it, with a serious expression on his face. In the ring, PRL applauds his partner

Hailing from Havana, Cuba! He weighs in tonight at two hundred and eight five pounds... the new OAOAST 24/7 Champion... THE CCUUUUUBBAAAAAAAAAAAANN WWWWWWWWAAAAAAAAAAALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL!!!


Wall shadow boxes a little bit, and then enters the ring over the top rope. Wall nods over at PRL as he walks to the hard camera side of the ring and does The Lightning Crew Salute. Wall jaws with a few of the fans as "No Chance In Hell" fades, PRL joining in on the abuse of the fans.

Well, we've got the X-Division Champion and the 24/7 Champion, by any accounts a formidable team. But considering both these men are part of the Lightning Crew and are used to working with each other, this looks like bad news for Dance Dance Dragon and his partner.

"Time goes by, so slowly
Time goes by, so slowly
Time goes by, so slowly..."

As PRL and Wall stand tall with their titles, not to mention Lindsay in the background, the clock begins to tick down as "Hung Up" by Madonna begins to play. A DDR stage hollogram shines down across the stage as the song kicks up a gear, the strobes go into overdrive, illuminating The Dance Dance Dragon! Dragon and his scantily-clad backing dancers proceed to break it down in Portland as the crowd go wild!

And, their opponents! First, hailing from Heaven's Dancefloor! He weighs in at one hundred, ninety nine pounds... "THE STRONG STYLE PARTY ANIMAL"... DANCE! DANCE! DDRRRRRRRRAAAAAAAAAAGGOOOOOOOOOONN!!!


Dragon continues to dance down the aisle until he reaches the end of the rampway. Upon seeing the two Lightning Crew members he decides to wait it out until he's got some back-up, despite PRL's taunts as he hangs the X-Title over the ropes trying to entice DDD into the ring early.

I bet whoever got coaxed into teaming with Dragon is re-thinking their decision right now.

Well Dragon didn't have a whole lot of time to find a partner, but then again you don't have to travel too far down these halls to find one of PRL's enemies.

The arena grows silent now, anticipating the partner...



Oh, MY!

...and they promptly ERUPT as "Liberate" by Disturbed powers out through the Rose Garden Arena! The doors part again and through them marches Bohemoth, striding down the aisle with a glare shining through his orange tinted sunglasses. Cuban Wall growls at seeing the man he took the 24/7 Championship from as beside him, PRL's jaw DROPS!

And, on his way to the ring is his partner! Hailing from Greenville, South Carolina and weighing two hundred and eighty four pounds... "THE METEROSEXUAL MONSTER"... BBOOOOOOOOOOOO - HHHHEEEEEEEEEMMOOOOOOOOOTTHHHHHHH!!!!


Making light work of the aisleway, Bohemoth jogs up the ring steps and pulls off his trusty orange shades. PRL quickly scuttles out of the ring, taking Popick and Lindsay with him, while Cuban Wall follows a little slowly after them. Bo marches across the ring and pulls his shades off as he locks eyes with Wall, Dragon joining his partner in the ring now.

Man, what a coup from The Dance Dance Dragon! Bohemoth, the man who was robbed of both the Money In The Bank Battle Royal and the 24/7 Championship at AngleMania by Cuban Wall, having eliminated Wall himself. And you've got to figure Bo will be fired up for this one.

Now, how the hell did Dragon get Bohemoth as his partner!?

I doubt he had much of a say in the matter actually.

Well duh, he doesn't speak!

That's not what I meant... but, yeah.

Regrouping the troops, PRL calls a quick team conference as Bohemoth tells his partner in no uncertain terms that he'll be starting the match. Dragon seems content with that and seeing that The Meterosexual Monster is starting, PRL pats the 24/7 Champion on the back and tells his man to 'go get him!'


Wall walks up the steps as Bohemoth has to be held back by referee Nick Patrick. Not looking intimidated Wall climbs in over the top rope and jaws at Bo, who breaks away from Patrick and squares up to the man who took his title. Eventually, Wall says one word too many and eats a right hand! Wall retaliates, but then so does Bo... and before you know it, it's breaking down, Bohemoth and Wall slugging it out in the centre of the ring right hand for right hand!

"BO - HE - MOTH!"
"BO - HE - MOTH!"
"BO - HE - MOTH!"
"BO - HE - MOTH!"

Landing a couple of big soupbones, Wall manages to get the better of the exchange and goes to whip Bohemoth to the ropes. But it's revered and it's Wall who hits the ropes, barging back into Bo with a shoulder tackle... and nobody moves!

These two men very evenly matched.

The two bigmen square up again for a second before Wall makes for the ropes again, hitting another shoulder block. Again neither man goes down. But just as it looks like the big Cuban will try for a third time, he suckers Bohemoth with a soupbone of a right hand and instead sends him for the ride. Underneath a clothesline goes Bohemoth though, building up some speed as he tackles Wall and knocks him down with a shoulder block!


Scooping Wall right back up, Bo delivers another right hand! And again! Turning on his heels, The Meterosexual Monster now hits the ropes and builds up another head of steam. This time though he gets beaten to the punch, as Cuban Wall raises a big right boot and catches Bo right on the butt of the jaw!


PRL screams at Wall to make the cover, which he does on his leader's say-so...




Wall now helps Bo back up and begins to lead him over to the Lightning Crew corner in order to tag PRL in. However, the X-Division Champion quickly tells Wall that he's doing a good enough job himself and not to make the tag *just yet*. Wink wink. So Wall follows orders again and turns Bohemoth back around, pulling Bo forward into a Short Arm Clothesline.

PRL, not too eager to get into the match it would seem.

Ah ah, let's not start with that. It's simple tag team tactics, you keep the bigman in against the bigman at the start of the match and let him wear the opponent down, then you bring the smaller half of the team in later. Don't go implying things here.

Measuring Bo, Wall drives the flat of his boot into the back of his head as he tries to get up. A second stomp finds the mark. And then a third, Wall looking pretty good now as he leads Bohemoth to his feet. Wall pulls back and delivers a big headbutt before locking on a front facelock. But Bo suddenly drives forward and charges Cuban Wall all the way back into his corner, where Dance Dance Dragon makes a blind tag. Bohemoth doesn't seem to notice, driving in with his shoulder a couple more times before he's finally told to leave the ring by the referee, while DDD lines up on Wall...



...and connects with a knifedge chop!



...and a second, Wall absorbing the strikes seemingly. The Strong Style Party Animal keeps on the attack with a couple of forearms, until Wall shoves him away, prompting Dragon to hit the ropes. But as he sprints back, Wall throws out a hand and grabs Triple D around the throat with a mighty hand!

Alright, BIG Chokeslam coming...

...or not, as Dragon suddenly punts Wall in the kneecap, sending the bigman hobbling away into a neutral corner! Dragon follows in after him and dives, landing a big forearm strike in the corner! The 285 pounder shakes it off as he comes out of the corner, DDD waiting on him and leaping him with an attempted DDT. Attempted being the operative word as Wall catches Dragon over his shoulder, walking him into the centre of the ring before simply throwing him up in the air and letting him flapjack down to the canvas!!


Wow. Almost effortless from the 24/7 Champion.

I wonder how Bohemoth feels about Dragon tagging himself in, huh?

Wall stalks over DDD, alerted by signals from his corner. This time, PRL's demands are pretty simple. He wants the tag.

And he GETS it, to the expected reaction.


And of course NOW PRL wants in, now that he's got an opponent prone, now that Bohemoth is out of the ring.

PRL waltzes into the ring and starts to go to town on the fallen Dragon, stomping away with his shaky leg kicks all over the body of The Masked Dance Assassin. Kick after kick, until referee Nick Patrick moves in to stop PRL, who is all fired up~!

"P - R SUCKS!"
"P - R SUCKS!"
"P - R SUCKS!"
"P - R SUCKS!"

Pulling Dragon to his feet PRL leads him to the ropes and executes an irish whip, sending DDD for the ride. On the rebound PRL leapfrogs up and over, waiting on the rebound before reverse leapfrogging up and over, almost showing off now as he sweeps Dragon over with the arm drag as he comes back again. PRL jumps right back to his feet and "smells the electricity" as the Portland crowd continue to get on his case.

Man, PR looking so crisp! That's what being the Champion does for you, gives you all the confidence in the world.

As if PRL needed any more confidence to begin with.

Not letting up on Dragon as he comes to his feet, PRL follows Dragon into the ropes and lands with a right hand. Another. Another. Spits on the hand... and connects with the final punch, staggering Triple D. The ropes ease Dragon out towards the centre of the ring, PRL landing a quick kick to the gut to set Dragon up before making for the ropes, speeding back and executing a Swinging Neckbreaker dead centre in the middle of the ring. The perfect position it would seem, as Tha Puerto Rican jogs to the ropes, coming to a stop next to DDD and dusting off his shoulder, before dropping the fist right in the middle of the eye portal!!

Five Knuckle Shuffle!

That's some X-Division action for ya!

Hey, show some respect for that devestating move!

PRL quickly hooks the leg on Dragon...




Well Tha Puerto Rican knows well enough after AngleMania, Dragon's not going to go down easily. Unfortunately for PRL, he hasn't got any boxing personalities around tonight to hand him weapons.

No, but Popick's here...


...I mean... uhm...


PRL begins to pull Dragon up and suddenly locks eyes with Bohemoth, which seems to throw him for a second. That gives Dragon the opportunity to fight back with some forearms deep to the breadbasket. PRL fires down with some shots to calm DDD down though, before lifting him up and rattling him with a European Uppercut! And a second European! Tha Puerto Rican then executes a quick and simple vertical suplex, putting Dragon in place for a more conventional Fist Drop than his last.




Popping right back up, PRL drops a second fist and tries again...




And a third time the fist comes down, the leg hooked tight...



Another kickout!


"P - R SUCKS!"
"P - R SUCKS!"
"P - R SUCKS!"
"P - R SUCKS!"

Getting on the referee's case isn't the wisest move PRL could make right now and he forgets all about Dragon as he lectures him on his count. It's only when Lindsey convinces him to turn around that he sees Dragon making for his corner, capturing his trailing ankle just in time to cut off the tag. A confident smirk creeps over PRL's face as he holds Dragon away from the tag, talking down to the perennial underdog. But you don't earn the label of 'perennial underdog' without some fighting spirit, Dragon exhibiting that as he hops up onto one foot...


...and NAILS Tha Puerto Rican with an Enziguri! PRL Flair Flops to the canvas, letting go of the ankle as Dragon makes a sudden spurt AND MAKES THE TAG!


In comes Bohemoth as PRL staggers up from his facedown position on the canvas.

And the moment he sees Bohemoth stalking towards him, the X-Division Champion jumps out of his skin like a cat spotting it's own reflection in a mirror and ZIPS across the ring to tag in Cuban Wall!!!


Oh, come ON! What was that!?

Okay, maybe PR is a little reluctant to wrestle Bohemoth right now...

A little reluctant!? He just RAN AWAY the moment Bo got near him!!

The crowd get on PRL's back on the outside as he complains of a 'pulled muscle' and gets his fiancee to tend to him. All this is a minor distraction as Cuban Wall comes back into the match and again begins to throw the heavy leather with Bohemoth, right back to where we started as the two bigmen exchange right hands! Bohemoth has the adrenaline rush this time and beats Wall back against the ropes, whipping him across the ring. Back bounces Wall and Bohemoth BACKDROPS THE 285 POUNDER to everybody's shock!!


Wall climbs up clutching his back and suddenly for the first time Wall isn't quite so forthcoming. Bo is though and delivers a hard right hand before looking to send Wall to the ropes again. A reversal this time though sends Bohemoth to the ropes...

...and to a stumbling halt, AS PRL GRABS HIS ANKLE FROM THE OUTSIDE!!


Breathing a sigh of relief, PRL pats Popick on the shoulder, before turning around... to see Bohemoth GLARING at him!



Luckily for PRL, Wall saves him as he levels Bohemoth from behind with a knee just as he begins to exit the ring after him. Wall then pulls Bo away from the ropes and grabs him by the throat. He pauses for a second however, as a sudden blur of black comes flying past him, courtesy of The Dance Dance Dragon, soaring through the ropes AND WIPING OUT BOTH PRL AND POPICK WITH A TOPÉ!!!


Dragons can fly!

As the heap of bodies crash to the floor though, the crowd's attentions turn to the ring, as Cuban Wall still has Bohemoth by the throat. And as he grabs the tights, it's a noticeable repeat of AngleMania, as he PLANTS Bohemoth with the Chokeslam!

YES! Wall got him, that's what won him the 24/7 Title!

That and a chair, yeah...

Wall drops down and hooks the leg...





...but it WON'T win him the match tonight, not yet at least!

Fuming, Wall brings Bohemoth right back up into the goozle again and gives the signal for a second Chokeslam! However Wall doesn't notice Dance Dance Dragon appearing back into view, scaling the turnbuckles and launching off the top with a Missile Dropkick to save his partner! Wall doesn't go down from the dropkick. But he does free Bohemoth, allowing The Meterosexual Monster to charge forward and MOW Wall down with the MURDERLINE~!


What a clothesline! He just took The Cuban Wall down with one big arm!

The referee has lost all control, he needs to get one of these two out of the ring! Bohemoth, for example.

Yeah, because otherwise it's two on one, because PRL's not coming back in if Bohemoth is in.

That's not why I said it!

The referee isn't needed however as Bohemoth shoo's his partner away and takes over on Wall himself. An irish whip sends Wall across the ring into a neutral corner, Bo following in and crushing the Cuban in the corner with a big Clothesline! Out staggers Wall, scooped up impressively onto the shoulder of Bohemoth, who turns to the centre of the ring ready for a big Running Powerslam. However, as Bo begins the running he loses Wall, the bigman able to slide down off the back and land on his feet. Bohemoth slams on the brakes and turns around, taking a boot to the gut from Wall and getting pulled in ready for a Powerbomb! But that won't be happening either, as Bohemoth backbody drops his way out of it! Wall climbs up and it degenerates again, as Bohemoth and Cuban Wall instantly go back to trading heavy right hands.


As the bigman go at it, referee Nick Patrick is desperately waving his hands, trying to get noticed as he hopes to get them to stop with the closed fists. Good luck with that though. In the background meanwhile, Dragon watches on, waiting for a chance to get involved. But the chance isn't coming, as Bo and Wall continue to go punch for punch. Bo! Wall! Bo! Wall!






...NO! Bohemoth stops short as his elbow encounters some resistance, in the form of poor Nick Patrick's orbital bone!


Okay, that's a DQ!

That looked unintentional to me. The referee got a little too close to the action there.

Bohemoth's concern costs him as Wall suddenly gets the better of him and fires off with the soupbones. As the referee hits the deck clutching his eye, Dragon tries to get involved. But he takes a clearly intentional elbow from Wall as he shrugs The Masked Dance Assassin off.

Meanwhile, on the outside, there's a commotion as Michael Buffer is on his feet. The reason being, his chair is gone, now in the hand of Ms. Lindsay Gonzalez, who sneaks it to PRL and points out to her man that there's no referee. Which is all the excuse PRL needs as he slides into the ring with chair in hand.


Watch out now, PRL with a chair!

As Dragon climbs to his feet, his lack of peripheral vision would seem to indicate he doesn't see PRL stalking behind him. PR waves Triple D to his feet, virtually ignoring the battle between Cuban Wall and Bohemoth, as The Meterosexual Monster suddenly lunges forward and takes Wall down with a desperation clothesline! As Bo pushes himself back up, Dragon meanwhile turns aimlessly around, right into the path of Tha Puerto Rican who's waiting with a wild home-run swing with the chair...




What a shot! That's how you swing a chair baby!

Lindsay and Popick jump on the outside, celebrating the vicious chairshot as you'd expect them to. But in stark contrast, PRL isn't celebrating. He stands over Bohemoth in shock, the chair hanging at his side as he freezes in horror at what just happened. Infact, it's left to Cuban Wall to deal with Dance Dance Dragon, marching past PRL and clotheslining Triple D hard enough to knock him right out of the ring. Lindsay hurriedly yells at her future hubby to get rid of the chair but PRL doesn't seem to hear her, just watching as Wall backs off the ropes, passing PR on his way back with the LIGHTNING CREW SPLASH on Bohemoth!!


With his one good eye, Nick Patrick is guided over to the pin by Popick, Wall covering tightly for the...






Wall got him again!

Again thanks to a chair! And by PRL's hands... I don't think he can quite believe what just happened.

Quickly PRL backs out of the ring, still holding the dented chair as he still sports a shocked look on his face. Lindsay and Popick guide him out, handing him his X-Division Championship, as Wall exits on the other side of the ring and raises his fist in victory.

Ladies and gentlemen, your winners of the match... the team of THE CUBAN WALL and THA PUERTO RICAN... THE LIGHTNIIIIINNGG CCRRRRREEEEEWWWWWWWWW!!


Wall seems pretty happy but PRL still doesn't look too happy about what just happened, watching wide-eyed as Bohemoth has groggily sat up. And as he looks up at the aisleway, it's clear to the world that he is PISSED~! PRL hides the dented chair behind his back in perhaps the most pathetic attempt at innocence ever, before discarding the chair altogether and scuttling ahead off towards the back while Bo slumps back to the canvas holding his head.

The Lightning Crew may have scored the victory... but I think PRL just signed his own death warrant!

Commercial break

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Backstage, with his head still aching from a beltshot to cap off the OAOAST's Fifth Anniversary broadcast of HeldDOWN~!, ZACK MALIBU walks with a purpose, that being to locate a man who has grown accustomed to keeping out of view...the World Champion, Drek Stone.

Malibu paces the hallways, remaining silent while peeking in doorways, and looking around corners. As he comes to the end of the hall he takes a sharp right, and there in front of him, staring at him is...


The two lock eyes for a moment, but the OAOAST X-Division Champion is not who Malibu was looking for. It's a tense moment as one of the OAOAST's most hated stares down its favorite son, but when Malibu tries to walk away, he winds up walking into Cuban Wall, who comes up behind the leader of The Lightning Crew.


We got a problem?

Malibu, unimpressed with the attempted intimidation, looks at the newly crowned X-Division Champion and smirks, then turns his attention back to Cuban Wall. Malibu smirks at him too, showing that look in his eye that this won't be something he forgets about.

We just might, big man. We just might.

Malibu pats Wall on the shoulder and walks away, continuing to seek out Stone. Tha Puerto Rican and Wall turn and walk Malibu storm off, neither one impressed with the OAOAST Original here tonight.

Zack certainly can't be in a good mood right now and it would be a very bad move to get in his way.

He has nobody to blame but himself.  He had the opportunity to take out Drek Stone and he FAILED Cole.  He FAILED at it.

I wouldn't say that to his face partner.

Oh, neither would I, but it's the truth.

Main event time!

Residing in the center of the squared circle in place of Michael Buffer is every sexual predator's favorite part time ring announcer/wrestler, Maggie Nerdly. She's outfitted herself in the preppy goth attire of a two sizes too small black polo shirt, ruffled black mini skirt, and purple fishnet stockings that disappear into knee high combat boots. Around her neck shines an absolutely stunning diamond necklace.

Portland, Oregon it is time for our main event!


This match is for a title that's lusted after by thousands of tag teams world wide, the oaoast world tag team championships! But tonight only one team gets the opportunity to go home the champs. Let's get 'em out!

The audience hears the sound of a cash register popping open, leading to a stream of boos to pour down from the stands. Over their jeers comes the voice of Vitamin X stating to "Come and take your Vitamin XBling-Bling by The B.G. featuring The Big Tymers and Hot Boys joins the mass of noise, only increasing the crowd's heat. Through the parting entrance doors steps the target of onlooker's hatred, Vitamin X, decked out in Blue oaoast sweatpants, and the brand new green Lightening Crew baseball jersey available at oaoast.com. Hooked between his arms is the green eyed goddess Princess Stacey, her tiara shimmering under the swirl of orange spot lights. Behind the fabulous couple resides the decidedly unfabulous, Mister Boricua. His enormous frame packed into a black vest, pleated black dress pants, and a wealth of gaudy gold chains, he tosses his fists into the sky and emits a roar of violence.

These two guys took it to Caboose and Some Guy at Anglemania, kicked the daylights out of them and gave them the worst beating they've ever gotten in their life. And now they get their much deserved award, a tag title shot on a HeldDOWB mainevent. Princess Stacey will look beautiful as the valet of champions.

Introducing first, weighing in at a lot of pounds, what he lacks in brains, he makes up in lard, from Tijuana, Mexico....MISTAAAAAH BORICUAAAAA! And his partner being led to the ring by her royal highness, the green-eyed goddess, Princess Stacy, from Miami, F-L-A, he is the X-Man, the Crown Prince of Bling-Bling, all hail Prince Vitamin, VITAMIN X! Together they represent the Lightening Crew!

Despite Maggie's rosy announcement the audience is less then kind in their reception of the Lightening Crew members. Chants of “X IS A PUSSY” already begin to work their way past the thumping music. The target of the taunts has his ears covered by the green-eyed goddess, but that does nothing to ease his ill temper. Mister Boricua on the other hand couldn't care less about his partner's mistreatment, and merely wonders why he can't see through his sunglasses. The answer is simple, he's not wearing sunglasses, his eyes are closed.

The Lightening Crew getting the opportunity of a lifetime here tonight, to bring home oaoast tag title gold Should these two win the LC will control every oaoast title but the World championship and the Heartland title.

Should they win? When they win! The Crew ain't like Alix and Krista, they don't spread their interests out, go mixing it up in other ventures and treat wrestling like a hobby. Naw, The Crew has made it a point to train for total domination of the oaoast title scene. That's why you can count on them winning tonight.

Upon entering the squared circle, The X Man mounts himself atop the second turnbuckle, where his arm cross into his trademark X. Stacey mimics the gesture of her beau, as the fans continue to jeer their show of arrogance. Elsewhere, Mister Boricua viciously growls at several young ringside fans, ensuring they'll have plenty of nightmares when they lay their heads to bed tonight.

Hey, hey, you, you
I don't like your girlfriend!
No way, no way!
I think you need a new one
Hey, hey, you, you
I could be your girlfriend!

Hey, hey, you, you!
I know that you like me!
No way, no way!
No, it's not a secret
Hey, hey, you, you!!
I want to be your girlfriend!

The sensational pop beat of Girlfriend by Avril Lavinge floods the arena with a bouncing melody. It's quickly joined by a thunderous ovation from the now standing crowd, who scream chants of “C-O-D! C-O-D!” A pink pyro waterfall cascades from the ceiling splashing hot sparks about the entry way. It's then intertwined with a gorgeous red pyro fountain, and multi colored embers skirt along the area. Once the pairing subsides, a golden pyro wall overtakes the entire stage with it's tremendous size, leaving behind a thick haze of smoke in it's wake. The rolling clouds give way to a site of true beauty that of Krista Isadora Duncan's seductively posed body accentuated by a stomach exposing red Obey™ tank top that reads "Make Art. Not War" and  a black open sided mini skirt that pleases the audience by revealing her entire left leg. Behind her is Alix Spezia, who has obviously decided to forgo the whole silly wrestling attire thing, and sports a beach babe fashionable super low rise heavily destroyed jeans, and a white long sleeved solid brown striped collared shirt from Hollister. The Hollywood Bad Girl gingerly bounces across the staging area, pumping her arms in tune to the beat and whipping the crazed crowd into further frenzy.

“C-O-D! C-O-D! C-O-D!”

And the champs! From Los Angeles, Californ-i-a, she's cute, she's saucy, she's sexy, she's funny, and her cookies are the reason I'll need lipo by age thrity, she is the CEO of Miss Spezia's Sweeties, THE HOLLYWOOD BAD GURRRRL, ALIX MARIAAAAA SPEZIAAAAAAAA. And her partner in life, love, state sponsored civil unions and oaoast tag team matches...she is a loving mother, a best selling author, an owner of two masters degrees, the founder and star of the FIT with KID exercise videos, the reason all my brothers are blind and have hairy palms, she is the hottest thing in Los Angeles, Miss California, KRISTA ISADORA DUNCAN. Together they are three time tag team champions, America's Sweethearts, Hollywood “It” Girls, and my favorite wrestlers, CHICKS OVER DICKS! Portland, give it up!

“C-O-D! C-O-D! C-O-D!”

Ally's prancing is shut down the exact moment Krista locks onto her arm. Without any warning, the submissive Alix is twirled like a ballerina and seductively pulled into her dance partner's arms. Brushing a strand of hair away from her face, Ally flips an alluring kiss  to camera causing cute super imposed red lips to pop on the screen

I'm surprised that they even showed their faces tonight considering all the feelings they caught over Jade wising up and joining The Enterprise. What did Krista's advice ever get Jade? Nada. Yeah Jade led D*LUX to three HI-YAH tag team champions. But I got some major dirt on HI-YAH, I'ma get at that someday quick. For instance, it's a Japan based fed, but you ever seen a Japanese dude wearing any of their belts? Naw, never. Just oaoast wrestlers. Only oaoast wrestlers. HI-YAH looking real shady right about now. Damn orientals can't be trusted! You saw Pearl Harbor!

Good lord.

As the girls trek down the aisle, Alix tosses kisses to her army of adoring fans, who are more then happy to return the gesture, and offer their own proclamations of love. Krista is far too concerned with fluffing her supermodel worthy blond locks to bother with such peasantry as greeting the paying customers. If you had hair that looked that fantastic, you'd be an unashamed snob as well. The fans are absolutely enraptured and continue to build up their chants of “C-O-D!”

All is vanity, but Krista is certainly still upset about Jade. Probably more so then Alix, as Jade looked up to Krista as a role model and mentor. It's a horrible betrayal and one that came completely without warning. I didn't think it was possible, but Krista's even more depressed then usual backstage.

When the girls enter the ring, Krissy leans over the cables to showcase a charmingly arrogant smirk to the millions of viewers watching at home. Ally stands to her side, flashing a beauty queen smilie, and holding her hands towards Krista like she's Vanna White, showing off a Wheel of Fortune prize. Does that show still come on? Patty needs to know! Anyway, Alix gingerly skips to the ring apron, leaving Krista to assume her usual role as the starter of the contest.

What's the strategy behind Krista always starting the matches?

There is none. Shut up and be quiet, I must admire the beauty of Princesses Stacey and Maggie and absolute silence. America you can keep your old maids like Alix, Krista, or Holly-Wood, the Coach hits 'em young, and he hits 'em from behind.


Borucia seems ready to talk out (or in his case grunt out) a decent strategy for this important affair. However, Vitamin's incredible arrogance prevents him from listening to his cohorts “wisdom”, and he instead charges at Krista, sliding onto his stomach in an effort to grab her legs and pull her to the mat. Krissy's speed allows her to avoid his oncoming charge, but Miami native is relentless and continues to hound her across the ring. Eventually Miss California grows tired of being hounded about the squared circle and steps into him for a lockup. They tussle for a few brief moments before X uses his strength to wrestle her to the canvas. Having mounted her, he takes the opportunity to blow her a disgusting kiss. The taunt infuriates the hot tempered diva, and causes her to fight free of his mount and him trap into a kneeling side headlock. X gets to his feet rather quickly, and once again makes use of his strength, employing it to power out of her clutches. He then drives several knees into her bare midsection, smiling contemptuously as he does so. But Krissy returns fire with knees of her own that overwhelm X's own strikes. Unable to out knee the blond bombshell, X subdues her for the moment with a headlock. Only mere seconds later, she discards the hated grappler by shoving him into the ropes. But he returns to bowl her over with a shoulder block, that leaves her writhing on the mat in discomfort.

“BOOOOOYAH!” The X Man screams.

The crowd replies, “BOOOOOOO!”

“No not BOOOOOOO! BOOOOOOO-YAH!” He instructs them, honestly thinking they don't know how to pronounce booyah.




Tired of the futile job of educating Portland's ignorant fools, X returns his attention to Krista. Unfortunately she's not nearly as injured as when he left her, and a pair of thudding elbow strikes greet his return. Shunning the pain of the attacks, he's able to lock her into position for a T-Bone suplex. But our heroine has more then enough energy to elbow her way free of the hold. X staggers backwards, clutching his bruised mouth. When he's assured there's no blood on his lips, he angrily charges towards the champion, but her New Balance tennis shoes take him off his feet with a spinning wheel kick!

“BOOOOOYAH!” she hollers, further mocking poor X by performing the Shane-O-Mac shuffle with even more grace an style then the move's namesake ever did.

“K-I-D! K-I-D! K-I-D!” sing the Portlanders as their beloved heroine goes through a round of comically elaborate shadow boxing.

Deeply annoyed by the humiliation, X rises to his feet and launches a haymaker towards his vexatious foe. But Krissy counters by slamming her bare knee into his gut. She then Irish whips him into a vacant corner, where his back brutally slams against the harsh ring post. As he whimpers in distress, the fitness queen darts in on him with a body splash. But, X recovers in time to dip low and use Krissy's momentum against her in order to flip her over the ropes. However, much to fans incredible delight, the champion lands on her spotless white tennis shoes! The X-Man is dismayed to find Krista beaming her covergirl smile at him, and takes off from the ropes to blast her with a lariat. However this plan goes horribly awry when Krista leaps into the air and pulls him over the ropes with a head scissors! Unable to brace himself for the creative counter, Vitamin X is sent toppling through the air and lands with a harsh thud on the thin ring mats! Krista on the other hand manages to use the ropes as a stabilizing force, and they allow her to stay on the ring apron and roll back into the squared circle.


The X-Man just got tossed out of the ring by a woman's crotch. Both fun and awful at the same time.

Standing up, and coping with an enormous headache and the rowdy fans who ceaselessy taunt him, X would have to place the experience in the “awful” category. However the situation only grows worse, when Krista targets a running baseball slide towards him. He succeeds in raising his arm for protection, but this does nothing to prevent the strike from thrusting him over the guardrail and into the laps of the hateful fans. As Miss California returns to the squared circle, her enemy desperately tries to free himself from the prison of beer, vulgarity, hot dogs, and foam fingers. Princess Stacy tries to check on her man, but it's nearly impossible to see past the fans who wish to make his life a total hell.

Speaking of people who wish to do damage to the X-Man, Krista is building up speed on the ropes. When she reaches the edge of the ring, she tosses caution (and the fact that she's a thirty five year old woman) to the wind and leaps over the ropes with a majestic swanton bomb! The result of the breath taking aerial attack is anything but majestic, however, as the hottest thing in West Los Angeles, collides with X and the wealth of fans that were holding him in place! The now standing crowd mixes chants of holy shit with her name, as she gives the middle finger to the camera to show that she's okay.

Holy jumpin! Vitamin X just got wiped out!

Not wanting to settle for the easily obtainable count out victory, Krista, with the help of a few fans, chucks Vitamin's limp frame over the guardrail. Calling upon a great effort to move his two hundred forty odd pounds, she manages to roll him into the oaoast ring. But all the time it took to return him to the battleground seems to have allowed X time to recover, and when Krissy arrives in the ring, her face is plastered with a jab! Another one follows, giving rise to jeers from the crowd, who know X's version of the Shane-O-Mac shuffle is forthcoming. But Krista saves the fans from being subjected to Vitamin's questionable dancing ability, by launching him towards the ringposts. But, X shifts his weight and reverses the hold, and it's Miss California who appears to be on a one way collision course with the turnbuckles. However she ascends to the top post then springs backwards in a corckscrew position! Her arm snakes around the neck of her challenger in the setup for a DDT, but The X Man stymies these efforts by bending backwards and hitting her with a bridged northern lights suplex! Referee Billy Silverman scores the fall.



But, Krista kicks out, delighting the Oregon fans. She heads upright on her own power, but is immediately slung through the sky by a hip toss from The X-Man. Fortunately Krista lands on her feet and promptly turns the tables on the challenger, by hooking onto his arm and driving his face into the canvas with a full nelson face crusher. While his partner paws at his near busted nose, Boricua stands on the apron, more concerned with chewing on the orange ropes then anything else.

I wonder what those ropes taste like. Oranges? Tangerines? Grapefruit?

While Cole exposes himself as a total dunce, Krista retreats to her corner to tag in the spunky Alix. The usual chants of “ALIX! ALIX!” are heard loud and clear, as The X man tries to slink his way to safety. But Krista quickly locks him down by taking hold of his legs. Within seconds he's raised into a slingshot as Krissy drops her body backwards to the canvas. But he's never released from her arms, as Alix leaps from the top cable to slam her shoes into his chest. The force of the blow plummets him backwards and his spine is impaled on Krista's raised knees! The audience is tickled with glee for X's misfortune, and happily inform of the similarities he shares with a particular part of the female anatomy.

Maybe the ropes taste like carrots.

With Krista departed from the ring, The Hollywood Bad Girl resumes the task of squashing X's title dreams. But X momentarily delays her efforts by snatching her into an arm wringer as he rises. Alix winces in discomfort, as X violently tweaks her limb from side to side. Before the Lightening Crew member can manage to rip her shoulder from his socket, she's able to reverse the hold and claim an arm wringer of her own. In celebration of her very minor victory, Alix sings “I'm hot! I know it, I shake my big booty and show it! You suck, you know it, I'll kick your ugg booty and show it!”

Despite that musical proclamation, Alix's move lasts no longer then three seconds, thanks to X rolling forward and kipping up into an arm wringer of his own. “Ouchie, ouchie, ouchie!” Ally mumbles as she circles about the ring, with X latched onto her limb like an unwanted parasite. Tired of being drug about the squared circle, The X Man grounds Alix with a side headlock takeover. His legs proceed to coil around her neck, in a thinly veiled effort to illegally choke her out. But the plucky babe effortlessly fights through these black clad jailers and springs upright. But before she can effort any sort of attack, her foe roughly shoves her towards the direction of his mammoth partner. Unfortunately for the LC, Boruica has become distracted by Maggie's glimmering diamond necklace and is unable to properly perform the double team. However, his large body does the work his mind can't think to do, and when the brunette babe slams into his frame, she's stumbled back into a roll up from Prince Vitamin. But no sooner then Silverman drops to his knees to count the pin does Ally reverse the fall in her favor! Half a second later, The X Man returns control of pinfall to his corner! But finally Alix swings momentum back to her team, and just to make sure Vitamin X doesn't try any reversal, she pulls down his sweat pants to reveal the abhorrent sight of X's Captain America thonged behind! Princess Stacy is beside herself with disgust for the embarrassment X has suffered, but Boricua is rather entertained by the whole situation!

“WE'RE NOT WORTHY! WE'RE NOT WORTHY!” the audience sarcastically shouts to the exhibit of The X man's pimple ridden, pock marked derrière.

What I'm wondering is who would make a Captain America thong, and would we really want this person living amongst us without provisions preventing from being within eighty feet of where children play?

X kicks out of the resulting pinfall faster then he's ever kicked out in his life, and hikes his pants up around his waist. His eyes smolder with fury, and his mind lusts for vengeance for his ill treatment. But Alix attempts to make amends by presenting X with this helpful brochure...


Needless to say the Miami native is less then accepting of this gesture of goodwill, and offers a present of his own, that of a running lariat. But Ally sweeps bellow the oncoming blow, and when The X Man turns around to hit her with the boomerang version of the move, the beach babe sweeps him off his feet with a dropsault! Yet The Prince gets upright just as quickly as he went down. However he's snatched into another arm wrench by The Hollywood Bad Girl. He's led towards the COD corner where he watches Alix apply the tag with partner in life, Krista Isadora Duncan. Ally then frees Vitamin X, but it's not a freedom to savor, however, as Alix shoots his testicles into his chest cavity with a an inverted atomic drop. While X bemoans the fate of his kibbles and bits, the blond bombshell is ascending to the highest turnbuckle, generating a strong roar of anticipation from the capacity crowd. As Krista works to stabilize herself on the shaky perch, Alix positions a weakened X at the side of her body. He makes a small effort to fight free of her grasp, but it's to no avail, and Krista is able to dismount her nest with a gorgeous corckscrew moonsault press! The second her billion dollar body hits his frame, Alix drives him backwards, combining her side Russian leg sweep with Miss California's moonsault press.

“C-O-D! C-O-D!” bleat the spectators.

Alix scurries out of the squared circle, allowing Krista to attempt a fall. Silverman drops to his knees for the count.


But The X Man shoots his shoulder off the canvas long before the two count ever comes. Taking hold of his creatively designed football jersey, the best selling author drags him upright, only to throw him back down to the canvas with a deep arm drag. Despite the obvious pain building in his limb, The X Man returns to his feet. But his quick rise is roundly punished by Miss California who tears at the ligaments in his arm with a second arm drag. This time there will be no speedy ascent for the despised heel, as the foxy mama jails him with an arm lock. The agony of the move is immediate, and a stark misery sharpens X's usually nondescript face.


“X'S A PUSS-SEE!” *CLAP CLAP CLAPCLAPCLAP*  the ever so classy Portlanders remark.

Can you believe this? A man is in pain, a great man is in pain, and they're calling him a pussy. How can any one who has the guts to step into the oaoast ring be a pussy. I can understand if you're talking about Spanish Fly or Colombian Heat, but not DA X-MAN! DA X-MAN!

Even with the dangerous submission still attached to him, Vitamin is able to work his way upright. Possessing little moral character, he has no qualms about taking the devious way out of the hold, and thus head butts his way to freedom. Over Krissy's shrieks of searing pain, Silverman and the fans admonish X for his behavior, but with the vexing arm lock a pleasingly distant memory, he couldn't care less what they have to say. Now near his corner, The X Man decides that it's time to unleash Boricua upon the comparatively diminutive lass. He locks Krista down into a modified abdominal stretch, then extends his hand for a tag from his Lightening Crew cohort. The hulking monstrosity enters the ring accompanied by a round of primal roars from his thick voice. He measures Krista's body, then drives his tree trunk sized shoe into her stomach. In spite of owning a lean six pack, Krissy yelps in pain caused by the basic but deadly strike. Believing that the lumbering ogre will be able to secure the tag team titles singlehandedly, The X Man retreats to the outside where he embraces Princess Stacy for a preemptive victory celebration.

Those two wacky kids, in youth and in love.  It brings tears to the eyes of this wrestling broadcast journalist. God speed you two!

With Krista backed into the corner, Boricua delivers a massive overhand chop to her ample chest. The tremendous strength it was delivered with makes it feel as though she was hit by a speeding truck, and her knees buckle beneath her. Using the ropes for support, she slinks away from the posts, trying to put much needed distance between herself and the Lightening Crew's giant. But Boricua stalks her path, and when he catches up to her, he launches her into the ring ropes. Upon her return, Miss California is twirled through the sky in a tilt a whirl slam. But the slam portion of the hold is never completed, because Krissy counters the move into a lateral press. The sold out crowd counts along with Silverman's slapping of the mat.



But the LC's heavy hitter kicks out in impressive fashion, thrusting the SoCal diva several feet into the air as he does so. Fortunately she lands on her pretty little tennis shoes. But to say that troubling journey through the air set off a few alarm bells would be a serious understatement. A worried Krista uneasily backs towards a neutral corner, as the Boricua closes in her, enveloping her entire universe with his flabby physique. The worried fitness beauty whips a kick into his midsection. While the move pushes him back a few centimeters, it does nary a speck of damage, and he's able to regain the distance he just lost in a matter of nanoseconds. Now downright assaulted with fright, Krista drops to all fours and makes an effort to crawl through the gap in his legs. Sadly, this proves to be a most unsuccessful escape effort as the ogre nonchalantly grabs the blond bombshell by her ankles. His grip is stronger then a bear trap, and despite her frenzied efforts to break free, she remains his unwilling prisoner. Free to do as he wishes with her, he flips her onto her back, grabs hold of both her bare legs, then rockets her high into the sky as if she weighed as much as a small poodle. His unorthodox attack causes her to endure a brutal head first landing on the mat that instantly sends the fans and Krista into a state of worry for their beloved Krissy. Boricua however, is unceasing in his assault, dropping down to his knees and blasting away with huge amounts of firepower in the form of closed fists. Silverman, at Alix's heated request, sternly admonishes Boricua for his illegal strikes. However the muscular grappler pays the official's warning little heed. It's only when the referee physically interjects himself into the pounding that the savage brutalization ends.

“I AM....BORICUA!” the abomination clumsily bellows, creating a torrent of heel heat from the fans who can't stand to watch their heroine be beaten in such a manner.

What kind of a world is it, when a man can't even say his own name, without fools judging him, and trying to run him down? Shame on all of you! Shame!

Krissy stands up, sporting an admirable, if not utterly misguided, look of determination. She waves the big man on, and he accepts her challenge, fully intending on eradicating the troublesome lady for the good of the Crew. He grabs her arm and hurls her into orange ring ropes. They giftwrap her back to Boricua who waits with a lariat. However Miss California moves much too quick for her oafish rival, and is able to leap onto his shoulders with little difficulty. Boricua becomes wrought with panic as Krista's lovely legs wrap around his massive neck, constricting his breathing. His fears prove to be well founded, as she flips The Puerto Rican's bodygaurd head over heels with a majestic hurricanrana that thrusts the onlookers into a joyous frenzy!


Boricua groggily begins to move to his feet, but his ascension is delayed by a swift basement drop kick to the top of his bald head. The excellently placed attack rocks his neck back and forth like a bobble head and sends the overwhelmed tub of goo rolling away in pain. Krista, breathing bloody murder, closes the distance between her foe with three lanky steps. Reaching down and taking hold of his arm she grins, ready to pull him up for more punishment! But suddenly Boricua launches a vile fist upward, landing it in her six-packed stomach!

“YEAH, BABY! YOU DA MAN, BORICUA!” The X Man screams on the apron.

While his nauseous enemy tries her damndest not to vomit the Slim Fast Milkshake she had for lunch, Mister Boricua waddles off the ropes, building “speed” for a deathly lariat. But as he draws near his victim she roars to life with a spinning wheel kick. The crowd popping move delays the lariat and deposits the boulderous fighter into the ropes. Unwilling to give her formidable even a brief second to regain his composure, Miss California surges forward, praying that she can catch him off balance and miraculously remove him from the ring. But Boricua recovers in time to greet her advance with a back body drop that threatens to eject her from the ring. The audience holds their collective breath, thinking that this mismatch is about to come to a grizzly end for our heroine. But Krista lets them all breathe a long sigh of relief as she expertly lands her shoes onto the ring apron. Unlike the applauding crowd, Boricua is less then pleased to see that Krista has avoided a disastrous plummet. Snarling with feral rage, he surges forward to remove her from the apron with a body splash But the golden haired beauty blocks this move by dipping low and slicing his paunchy midsection with a shoulder block. Taken by surprise by his failure to strike her down, Mister Boricua is left stunned with aggravation. Krista takes quick advantage of his momentary confusion; she flings herself back into the squared circle, and tries to accomplish the impossible by sucking him down with a sunset flip!

She ain't bringing him down for that. Ain't no way no how.

Bullets of sweat pop off her worried face as it appears Mister Boricua's ungodly weight will be an insurmountable obstacle. The crowd starts to sing her name, trying to wil her the strength to achieve her goal. But the simple minded gargoyle remains erect like a towering Gothic statue. Making matters worse, he soon goes on the offense and drills a punch directly towards Krissy's lovely face. Not wishing to have her nose be splattered across the ring, the vicious vixen slides through the monster's legs, narrowly avoiding his fist!

“I AM....ANGRY!” Boricua whines, not garnering much sympathy for the staunchly Pro-COD fans.

Not only that, but his hand is vibrating with a tremendous amount of pain. All that coupled with his abysmal speed, allows a much faster Krista to seize the moment to attack. She plants a basement dropkick into his gargantuan posterior that drops him throat first across the orange ring ropes. The front row fans openly mock his misfortune, but that will soon be the least of his worries if Krissy's plans march to completion. Grabbing onto the third rope, the blond bombshell slingshots herself out the ring, and extends her leg forward to hit Boricua in the back of the neck with a gorgeous leg drop! As the crowd roots on his enemy, the big man rolls back towards the center the ring, the affects of Krista's aerial assault slicing painful gashes into his throat. Meanwhile on the outside, the blond bombshell strikes a few sultry Marylin Monroe-esque  poses for the throng of eager fans dying to capture her gorgeous image on their cameras.

Portland loves Krista and Alix. And now is as good a time as any to remind fans that HeldDOWN will be in Los Angeles, California next week, the hometown of The Hollywood “It” Girls, Chicks Over Dicks, as well as the South Central Militia. I'm sure the many fans at the sold out Staples Center will be thrilled to have Alix and Krista home, though I'm not sure how The Militia's reception will be.

Once Krista is finished amusing her legion of fans, she returns to the squared circle where she tags in the equally beloved Alix. The fans welcome the culinary sensation back into the contest with a rousing ovation, Mister Boricua, however, welcomes her with charging elbow smash. Alix blocks the hideous strike by stabbing her leg into his oncoming arm with a superkick. The unusual counter staggers the Mexican, and the momentum of the colliding move twists his three hundred pounds in a 180 rotation. The California cutie quickly capitalizes on his moment of disorientation to drag him down with a neckbreaker!


Though the devastating hold would've spelled certain doom for any other member of the roster, the mighty Boricua is wholly unphased by it, and raises upward with a vile sneer corrupting his already ugly face. Ever the resourceful one, Ally pulls a quarter out of her pants pocket in an effort to assuage her fuming rival.

“Lookie, lookie what Ally has!” She says in her sweetest voice, waving the shiny coin in front of Boricua vacant eyes.

He beams with excitement “IT IS...CIRCLE!”

“Not just any circle, dude! A quarter! And guess what, dude? It's so yours! Here ya go, babe.” Ally gently places the coin into Boricua's hand.

His eyes go wide, and shine with sudden joy. “ME EAT NOW!” He proclaims, then tosses the quarter down his gullet.

Ally is left dumbfounded. “Uh, no?”

“ME EAT NOW!” He proclaims, then tosses the quarter down his gullet. But wait! He already consumed the money, and so his crooked teeth clamp down on his large stubby fingers and his shout of “HURT!” echoes throughout the venue

A bleak madness settles into his face. “WOMAN STEAL BORICUA CIRCLE!”

“Yeah! Wait, no. Wait, what the hell is going on?”

No time to answer that! Boricua is on a completely illogical rampage, seeking to remove Alix's head from her body with a lariat. Ally avoids the catastrophic strike, sweeping beneath his outstretched arm. But Boricua promptly redeems himself by horse whipping Alix across the jaw with a back elbow. The starlet timbers backwards, but isn't afford a single second to lick her wounds, as the Tijuana native covers her with a lateral press.



Alix kicks out, infuriating the crazed quarter muncher. He decides to make her regret the day she  never consumed his coinage, and ensnares her into a sleeper hold. The affects of the move are immediate, a painful constricting of her breathing. This is more then a mere rest hold, for Alix this is onerous battle to remain conscious. Boricua does her effort to stay awake no favors, violently cranking on her neck, torquing it as roughly as his strength will allow, putting a look of evident discomfort on her normally cute face. The supportive crowd promptly takes up the task of rallying the babyface, singing her name in unison.


Drawing strength from their kindness, Miss Spezia bucks and roars against the body builder's epic restraints. His response is to simply tighten his grasp, and let her drift into a comfortable slumber. However this turns out to be a futile effort as our adorable heroine keeps on warring against his move. Eventually her frantic movement is able to weaken his clutches just enough that she's able to bring herself to her feet. Boricua follows her upright, wrought with panic that his move is dangerously close to evaporating. His fears turn out to be well founded, as Miss Spezia launches a calvary of stomps into his boot that shred at his clutches. The sixth and final strike shatters the hold altogether, and pops the capacity crowd while causing The X Man to curse up a storm. While Alix may be free of the sleeper, she's not free from the unhinged brawler. And he keeps her aware of this chilling fact, by dropping her to the canvas with a simple forearm across her back. Pleased with the damage he's done, Boricua retreats to his corner to allow Vitamin X entry into the affair.


The X Man charges towards Alix with a sunset flip. He lands flat on his back, but unfortunately, The Hollywood Bad Girl refuses to follow the script and remains upright. The X Man attempts to tug her down by her ripped jeans, but eventually his grasp is lost when she goes airborne. Unable to move away in time, X's face is pulverized by her descending elbow. He coughs up a ball of blood, as the audience salutes Ally's counter. Clutching his wounded mouth, X rises to an unsteady base. Miss Spezia capitalizes on his wounded state by stabbing her boot into his midsection. But Vitamin catches hold of her three hundred dollar Adidas shoe, and slams it back into the canvas. The sudden jolt of the counter throws Alix off balance, which allows Vitamin the chance to obliterate her with a lariat. However, she ducks underneath his incoming missile, and he clumsily stutters forward instead. The harmless avoidance then turns disastrous when Miss California departs the ring apron to punish The X Man with a springboard shooting star press! As X's remains convulse on the canvas, Krista Isadora Duncan bows to the audience like her modern dance namesake.

”YEAAAAAAAAA!” screams the crowd, while Princess Stacy frets over her beau's health.

Amid all the commotion over the aerial showing, The Hollywood Bad Girl attempts a pinfall....



X tears his shoulder away from the canvas, and the audience is completely livid as a result.

Look at Boricua he's not even paying attention. He's trying to get Maggie to let him see her necklace.

Is it wrong for a man to have an appreciation for fine jewelry?

Despite the quickness of his pin escape, the Floridian is unable to regain control of the contest, and his enemy punishes him with grounded knee strikes to the chest. After she finishes devouring his pectorals with her kneecaps she drags the Lightening Crew member upright. From there she entangles him within an inverted headlock. He shoots knees towards her cute face in a desperate effort to escape the clutches, but his sweat pants covered legs fail to reach the champion. As such she's easily able to spin to his side, slice her arm through his neck, and push him down to the canvas with a variated DDT! While The X Man lays a battered wreck on the floor, the onlookers loudly ovate Ally Cat's flashy move. Once again she attempts a lateral press...



Once again Prince Vitamin avoids certain defeat, disgusting the arena audience. Princess Stacy celebrates his escape by chanting her name when no one else will. She tries to get Boricua to join in the battle cry, but he'd prefer to offer these gems of literary goodness...

“This old man, he played one, He played knick knack with his thumb, With a Knick, knack, paddy whack,Give the dog a bone; This old man came rolling home. This old man, he played two, He played knick knack with my shoe,With a Knick, knack, paddy whack, Give the dog a bone; This old man came rolling home."

While his partner waxes musical on Mother Goose, Vitamin X moves to a vertical base. He deploys an elbow into Alix well developed stomach, but thanks to the “abs of steel” nature of her midsection she's able to brush away the pain, and launch the Prince towards his corner. But he reverses the move and sends Ally Cat running towards the turnbuckles. This innocent reversal turns deadly the second Boricua's knee is planted into her back. She instantly sinks to her own knees, howling in marked pain that just adds to the audience's hatred for the Lightening Crew members. Krista and the crowd urge Robinson to lay down the law on Mister Boricua. But a menacing sneer from mammoth ex soccer player, seem to have sealed the official's lips.

The X Man hurls a dazed Alix into the ring cables. Thankfully her fog of grogginess disappears just in time to avoid his standing lariat! Her feet move her towards Boricua, who's eagerly awaiting a chance to impale her with a swat of his mighty fist. But his dream remains just that, as Ally Cat blasts him off the apron with a running dropsault! Teeth, sweat, chicken grease, and three hundred pounds of lard undergo a tumultuous crash to the ringside mat, as the audience shake the rafters with a huge roar.


Spurred on by a rush of adrenaline, the bodacious babe directs a running elbow smash towards The X-Man. But he avoids the strike by lowering his body and locking her down with a waistlock. His body movements say German Suplex but his adversary says otherwise, shooting a round of elbows into his noggin. The unanswered series of blows cause his grip to weaken, and allow Ally to execute a standing switch. Unlike he, she has no disillusions of hitting a German Suplex, and instead goes for a simple but effective school boy.  Silverman scores the fall....



The X Man makes another last minute escape, by reaching up and shoving her into his vacant corner. But the area doesn't stay vacated for long, as Boricua like King Kong rising from a swampy morass, returns to the apron to latch onto Alix's head and drive her throat first into the cables. She recoils off the ropes, pawing at her wounded neck, making a useless effort to stop her last bit of breath from abandoning her. Her troubles only increase when The Prince nearly decapitates her with a big boot. But the adorable heroine evades the harsh hold by springing into the skies and crushing The X Man's cranium with a Sucker Free DDT(Tornado DDT)! With the X Man riddled a useless heap by the trademark move, Ally moves to her station to return KID into the title bout. The audience is rabid with excitement for Krista's reappearance in the match.

Listen to these fans!

That incredible reaction lasts for all of ten seconds, as the ever resilient Vitamin X storms over to Krista and blasts her with clubbing forearms before she can properly enter the ring. The official chastities The X Man for his poor sportsmanship, but the LC member ignores him, focusing all his attention on decimating the beautiful champion. He latches onto Krista's vibrant golden locks and drags her into the squared circle. The arrogant blue chipper hauls her into a neutral corner, and uses his burly frame to seal off her escape routes. He raises his thin arm, preparing to strike down on Krista like some sort of demented human guillotine. But the speedy lady somehow manages to slip past X's elevated limb, leaving the man dumbfounded! She takes advantage of his brief confusion, and swaps places with him on the turnbuckle. With his chest in a vulnerable spot, she unleashes a hellstorm of knife edge chops on his football jersey. Each blow does a fantastic job of tearing away at the skin hidden beneath the mesh. However his mounting anger allows him to brush the damage aside and land a ferocious knee into Krista's six packed stomach. Another knee follows, granting the larger fighter control of the contest. He raises his arms in cocky triumph, which enrages the furiously anti-Lightening Crew Portlanders.

Vitamin doing his part to bring the oaoast world tag team titles into the Lightening Crew fold.

First Caboose and Some Guy then the OAOAST world tag team championships! The man will have it all, looks, a title, money, smarts, and a smoking hot woman. Bless his soul, he lives the American dream!

Sneering towards the crowd, Prince Vitamin applies tightly held front facelock on Kris, then situates her onto the top turnbuckle. Krissy teeters back and forth, sweat staining her forehead, her brain working quickly to figure out how she can beat her challenger. X, of course, is fairly certain that she'll never achieve such a goal, and playfully flashes a DX-esque crotch chop to hammer the point home. Disgusted with X's crude treatment of her life partner, Alix rushes to her rescue! She punches Prince Vitamin in the ribcage and strangely challenges him to gang fight in the streets of Puerto Rico. Though the actual punch was nothing but a minor annoyance to The X Man, it provides Krista with all the distraction she needs to shove her assailant back to the floor. X lands on his sneakers, but struggles mightily to maintain his balance. This moments disorientation grants Krista the time she needs to prepare to strike him with an aerial attack. The roaring audience rises to it's feet, many readying their cameras to capture an image of what should be a jaw dropping move. Krissy shoots herself off the turnbuckle and laces her toned legs around The X Man's neck. He tries his damnedest to rid himself of her unwanted presence, but it's to no avail. She peels backwards and pulls the LC member head over heels with a fabulous hurricanrana!

K-I-D! K-I-D!” sing the audience.

The recipient of the fans' love scales to the second turnbuckle, further exciting the highspot lusting crowd. But before she can execute any high risk move, she has be assured her makeup looks acceptable. Thus Krista pulls a Revlon compact mirror out of her top, flips it open, and admires her gorgeous visage for a solid thirty seconds. Krista then chucks the mirror into the stands, leaving the audience members to battle over the precious souvenir. While the crowd argues, Krista rises to her full vertical base, leaps from the posts, and fires herself at her rival. She rotates in midair and drives her full weight onto his chest with an awesome 630 senton. The impressive aerial move claims a cheer from the fans, and Krista, with faux tears of joy filling her eyes, stands up to rake in the ovations as though she's just claimed an Academy Award. As she soaks up the adulation, a dazed  X Man rolls onto his front, ready to push himself upright. However, Miss California spots his ascension and immediately nullifies it with a leg drop onto his chin. The X Man holds his face in misery, but refuses to stay grounded and stumbles upright. Problematically, Krissy is no where to be seen. Though she's out of sight, she certainly isn't out of mind, and Prince Vitamin turns in a dazed circle to get a bead on his elusive foe. Unfortunately for him, she reveals her location in a highly disturbing manner. Leaping from her position on the second rope, she sails through the air, latches her legs onto Jock's shoulders, and explodes his skull on the canvas with an inverted hurricanrana. As the audience applauds her latest attack, Krissy leaves her moaning adversary in the middle ring, and strides to the turnbuckle. The crowd screams with anticipation for her next glorious move. She certainly doesn't disappoint them, jumping to the top rope, then corkscrewing back with a majestic moonsault! But to the fans' and Alix's immense dismay, Vitamin X pulls himself out of the way at the last possible second, leaving Krista to hit the mat with devastating impact. She crumbles to her side, screaming as the chilling pain spreads like a cancer throughout her body.

“Yeah, Vitamin!” Stacey yells on the outside, slapping the canvas in joyful hysteria.

Drawing strength from the fans' support, Krissy tries to get back to her feet, but the pain in her stomach slows her down enough to allow The X Man to prepare for her. The Prince of Vitamins lashes a spinning back fist across her face that knocks her head from side to side and leaves her staggering backwards. Following her trail, he closes his arms around her's in a grip that holds tighter then iron bars. From there he drags her into the sky as if he were going for an underhook suplex, but instead he choses to drop her neck onto his knee with his trademark move The Overdose (Double Arm suplex into a neckbreaker). Krista falls on the mat and is instantly attacked with horrible pain, her spine feeling like it's been carved up by razor blades. The audience is absolutely livid at such a blatant disrespect for Krista's body, and gives a grinning X-Man an earful.

“Bringin' home the bacon, baby!  Bringin' home the baaacoooooon” He screams, while making the tried and true belt motion around his waist.

The talkative superstar then grabs Krista as she's starting to stir and snags the blond bombshell into a front facelock. To X's dismay he encounters spirited resistance from the fitness queen. And for a fleeting moment it appears that she may be able to break free of his clutches. But a quick forearm to her upper back subdues the spirited fighter. The X-Man slings her right arm over his head, takes hold of her short shorts, foists her into the air, then timbers to the canvas, crushing her back with a textbook snap suplex! The effects of the hold barely have time to register in Krista's mind before Boricua illegally reintroduces himself, planting an elbow into the top of her skull! Before the referee can even think of admonishing him, the the tub of goo has already waddled out of the ring, disavowing himself of responsibility for his actions. On the apron, Alix pitches a hissy fit over the LC's tactics to anyone who will listen. But the one person who needs to hear it the most, the referee, is too busy counting the resulting pinfall to listen...



Krista escapes the pinfall, thrilling the fans, who were prepared to riot in the case of a Lightening Crew victory.  X brings Krista  to her feet then hurls her into the cables. Thankfully, she's able to summon enough energy to return to her foe with a crossbody block! But The Prince catches her within his broad wingspan and proceeds to propel her overhead with a fallaway slam! But the femme fatale avoids injurious disaster by landing perfectly on her tennis shoes.  She moves with great speed and dashes towards the superstar, who greets her incoming charge with a crazed haymaker. But she ducks below his volley and carries herself to a vacant corner. As camera flashes litter the tightly packed venue, she escalates to the top turnbuckle and slings herself off with a beautiful flying back elbow! Yet the Miami native has enough sense and speed to sidestep the nose-diving Los Angelina. And as an unfortunate result Miss California hits the mat with a massive impact, music to the ears of those in the LC camp. The X Man crawls over to the champion and hooks her legs for a cover.


Prince Vitamin! Prince Vitamin is your new oaoast world tag team champion.


Krista scrapes her shoulder off the mat, leading Alix and the fans to breathe a sigh of relief. Frustrated with his inability to end the contest, The X Man brings in Boricua to seal the deal. The oafish brawler enters the squared circle and concocts a shrewd double team scheme with his much, much wiser associate. They pick KID up by her arms and send her wobbly legs trotting to the ropes. When she returns the vile tribe enclose their hands around her sleek waist and flip her into the sky. They each take a kneeling position and smile sadistically as the fan favorite endures a terrible stomach first meeting with their knees. Her piercing shrieks degenerate Alix into a nervous wreck and have her calling for the immediate tar and feathering of the Lightening Crew. Boricua pays her threats no mind, mainly because he doesn't know what tar and feathering is, as he covers Miss California for another pinfall.



Krista lifts her shoulder up, which elicits a rocking round of “C-O-D” chants. Boricua waddles up and immediately grunts out what can only assume is frustration with the count. But he quickly as problems on all fronts, as Vitamin X is now berating him for tagging himself into the match in the first place, forgetting of course that he's the one responsible for Boricua's presence. As Mister Boricua grunts and snorts a weak defense of his performance, Krissy, rolls beneath the ropes to the ring apron to get a much needed breather. But thanks to Stacey's watchful eye, Boricua is soon made aware of his surly foe's whereabouts. Putting aside X's irrational whining and complaining for the moment, Boricua tracks Kris' location. He grabs her by the back of her skimpy top, and roughly yanks her to her feet. When she reaches her full vertical base, she stuns the daylights out of him by slashing her hand across his onyx colored eyes! The fans come alive with approval as a series of eye rakes decorate his agony riddled face.The shot knocks him blind for a deadly three seconds. And these three seconds are all the Los Angeles native needs to turn the tide of the match to her favor. Using the ring ropes for leverage, she catapults herself at her foe, locking her tanned legs across his neck. As his blindness prevents him from staging a defense, she's able to whirl him like a dervish with a spinning head scissors! A dizzied Borucia is deposited near the Chickies' corner, where his cleared eyes and groggy state cause him to see five Alixs. While that would be a fantasy come true for most people, his misadventure soon turns to a nightmare as Krista comes bounding towards him like a beer guzzling, pill popping, botox injecting bat out of hell! Fortunately for his unit, the monster manages to terminate Krista's charge by grabbing hold of her slender waist and hoisting her into the air for a possible inverted atomic drop! However, Krissy artfully counters this hold, by making a tag with Krista, who's leaning forward as far as her lithe body will allow. The audience lets loose with a gargantuan pop for the California cutie's reentry into this affair!


Boricua, ever the observant one, is led to believe that something is amiss from the swell of crowd noise. His fears are obviously confirmed, when a pair of expensive Adidass slam into his lower back, pushing him forward a mere two centimeters. Bothered, but not actually hurt by the springboard dropkick, Boricua turns his oversized body around to use it as a weapon to annihilate whatever mosquito landed on his back. Much to his surprise the source of his frustration isn't a mosquito at all. It's a beautiful tanned brunette who flashes him a sickeningly sweet smile.

Despite having what Krista has called, without exaggeration, the worst singing voice known to man, Ally belts out a tune in hopes of getting Boricua to join along and not crush her into pixie dust. “Put on the skillet, slip on the lid, Mama's gonna make a little short'nin' bread. That ain't all she's gonna do, Mama's gonna make a little coffee, too.” Alix broadens her smile when she notices a confused expression on Boricua. Well, more confused then usual, I should say. So Ally requests and receives a microphone in order to enlist the audience's help in getting Boricua to join her in song “COME ON, PORTLAND, WE GOTTA ROCK THIS BITCH OUT!”

A great portion audience joins Ally's song, a the irritated Vitamin and Krista wonder if it would be appropriate to do a double turn on their partners. “Three little children, lyin' in bed Two were sick and the other 'most dead Sent for the doctor and the doctor said, "Give those children some short'nin' bread."

Happiness gathers into a cloud so thick in Boricua mind that he appears to forget all about the insignificant business of winning the oaoast tag team titles, and decides to devote his time to song, “Mama's little baby loves short'nin', short'nin',Mama's little baby loves short'nin' bread, Mama's little baby loves short'nin', short'nin', Mama's little baby loves short'nin' bread!”

Ally and the audience sing, “When those children, sick in bed, Heard that talk about short'nin' bread, Popped up well to dance and sing, Skipped around and cut the pigeon wing.”

Boricua's heart is moved and his voice continues to belt the good word, “Mama's little baby loves short'nin', short'nin',Mama's little baby loves short'nin' bread. Mama's little baby loves short'nin', short'nin', Mama's little baby loves short'nin' bread.” And so, he earns the dubious distinction of being the first man to ever be eliminated from a match through the power of song.

I...I...I..I love that song! Mama's little baby loves short'nin, short'nin'...

A mixture of enraged, humiliated, and utterly dumbfounded, Vitamin X has little choice but to enter the ring and try his hand at securing the world tag team titles for his squad. Unfortunately the moment his feet step into the ring, they, along with the rest of his body, are floored with spinning back kick from Ally Cat. Owing to his great endurance, X is able to get back on his feet rather quickly. But his achievements end there, as Alix drops him back to the canvas with her True Life: I just got beat up by a girl(STO).


Where is your Prince now, Coach?

To celebrate her signature attack, Alix proceeds to channel the spirit of John Travolta in Saturday Night Fever and does the Hustle. Performing it as well as you can expect a twenty eight year old white woman to, she screams. “Go girl, go girl, uh huh, Al-ix, Al-ix, get ya groove on, get ya groove on.”

The X Man unsteadily scoops his body off the mat, only to have several of his teeth loosened by a thunderous spinning wheel kick from one Ally Maria Spezia. She carries forward her onslaught, picking him up by his finely gelled hair, and throwing the over matched pugilist to the corner. His back impacts gruesomely with the poorly padded posts. Then fis front is cursed with a equal amount of pain when his ditzy rival sacrifices her body in a cannonball into his chest. The problems continue to mount, as Krista charges forward and uses his chest as launching pad for a backflip. Besieged by exhaustion from the attack, poor Vitamin sinks to his butt, trying to catch his breath. There will be no reprieve, however, for Krista stands atop his shoulders, cruelly trying to leave her shoe imprint on his overpriced clothing. His fine jersey becomes the least of his worries, thanks to Alix zipping forward and torpedoing her shoulder into his unprotected face. As she rolls away, Miss California does one final bit of damage to his now bloodied face by dismounting his shoulders and driving a dropkick into his visage! Howling in pure agony, and screaming for his singing partner to cease his foolishness, X rolls his corpse to the center of the squared circle. This, unfortunately, puts in perfect position for the greatest double team of all time. The girls take the viewers back to 1990, by busting out the famous Kid N Play kick step routine. Their flashy footwear joins together, then suddenly separates, only to return to a similar embrace seconds later. As the joust like footwork continues, the duo giddily spin in place, playfully meeting their heels, while their arms slink in the air to an imaginary urban beat. Once their journey through yesterday's urban dance crazes complete, Melissa Ethridge's favorite wrestlers pummel X with double leg drops!

C-O-D! C-O-D! C-O-D!

The girls then preform the COD super secret handshake which is not a handshake at all, but rather Alix tosseling Krista's hair, and Kris complaining that she works too hard on this hair for Alix to come in fuck it up three seconds.

Elsewhere, Vitamin X is upright, the immense pain clogging his mind, making self preservation his lone objective. Unfortunately that mission is a spectacular failure, as Ally takes him for a vomit inducing merry-go-round like ride with the Sucker Free tornado DDT. Fortunately for him, he succeeds in shoving Alix to the wayside. However, he can do nothing about Krissy who punishes him with a high knee lift. His face violently snaps off her limb, adding a throbbing headache to his ever expanding list of maladies. However, he summons the strength to lash out at Krista with discus punch. The blow only catches her on the shoulder, but stuns her enough to allow The X Man to dropkick her aside. Not wishing to afford her single moment to recover, Prince Vitamin leaps onto the second rope for an asai moonsault. Yet he's unable to properly dismount the cables, thanks to The Hollywood Bad Girl joining him at his side. She hooks her arm around his shoulder, and intertwines her leg between his, before plummeting backwards with a springboard side Russian leg sweep. As the audience sings their approval, the oaoast's Betty Crocker covers him for a fall.




However, Boricua returns from whatever mental shangri-la he was residing in to break up the count!


Mister Boricua pays the hateful crowd reaction little mind, as he drags her upright. He then sends Miss California on a path to the turnbuckles. Her back eats the brunt the anguishing impact, leaving her momentarily stunned. Boricua eyes her weakened state, and drool creeps out of the corner of his mouth as he salivates over the prospects of ending her short career. Zeroing in on his target, he makes a mad dash to her, seeking to impale her with a fierce shoulder block. But the only thing that's getting impaled around here is his shoulder by the treacherous steel of the ring post, as Miss California dodged his attack at the last possible moment!


Krissy pauses to admire her gruesome handiwork. This moment of arrogance proves fatal, however, as The X Man creeps behind her and puts her on the canvas with an inverted DDT. A pinfall follows the unexpected attack.



Krista kicks out with fierce authority, bringing forth screams of pleasure from those in the stands! As the audience bleats her name, an energetic Krista kips up, increasing the volume of the chants. Problematically she has now to deal with two members of The Lightening Crew, as a recovered Mister Boricua tries to cover for his earlier follies by taking her head off with a running palm strike. However the fitness queen ducks the incoming attack, and the gigantic hand goes careening into a now standing Vitamin's visage! While the fans cheer the error, Princess Stacey nearly has a heart attack over the crass boorishness on display by The Puerto Rican's bodyguard. Back in the ring, Mister Boricua exhibits the classic Steve Urkel “Did I do that?” expression at the sight of his fallen leader. His look soon turns to one of telling pain, as Alix levels him with a beautiful pele kick that connects with surgical precession on the top of his hairless skull!

The move looked painful, but how much did it really hurt Mister Boricua?

The correct answer would be not very, as the bumbling lackey looks ready to smoke Alix into next year for the grief she's caused him and his squadron. However this plan doesn't quite come to fruition, as Krista saves her girlfriend with a drop toe hold! Problematically, her thin ankles do absolutely nothing to move the inelegant creature downwards. In fact the hold only serves to further outrage him. He isn't granted the opportunity to act on this rage, thanks to Alix quickly spring boarding off the ropes and horsewhipping him with a crowd dazzling enziguri! This succeeds in chopping down the mighty redwood, who timbers to the canvas with such amazing force that the entire building seems to shake as a result. Forgetting Boricua for the moment, Alix bows like a French court dancer to Krista who graciously claps like Marie Antoinette witnessing a beautiful German opera. But their imitation of 18th century Versailles comes to a violent halt, when The X Man derails Alix with a shoulder tackle!

The Prince ain't done yet!

No he certainly is not, as Krista discovers when he rifles a parade of lightening (pun?) fast kicks into her knees. After the sixth kick comes to a close, Vitamin X attaches Krista into a front facelock, then quickly moves her backwards with a snap suplex. Within seconds he floats over for a pivotal cover...


Krista kicks out, and the usual shouts of happiness are heard from the sold out crowd. X doesn't quite partake in their enthusiasm for his failure, and hauls Krista upright where he returns to targeting a series of kicks towards her legs. Annoyed by having her body treated like a workout bag, Krista ends the charade altogether by whipping the superstar into the ropes. She lowers her head as The X Man returns from the cables, but the man leapfrogs the champ and lands behind her. He twirls around to knock her head into the third row with a discus punch, but Krissy counters the strike by stunning him with an inverted atomic drop! The Prince clutches his arm, and screams in white hot pain, as the crowd hoots and hollers over his misery. Their soon given even more to cheer about as Krista winds up and annihilates his nose with a superkick!

That entire sequence, starting with the Irish whip and ending with the super kick, is called Krista's Great California Adventure.

Eyes rolled into the back of his head, The X Man topples himself into a full nelson by Alix. She wraps her leg around his, then slings his entire body forward imprinting his facial features on the canvas with her finisher You Have Died of Dysentery (full nelson face crusher)!


Vitamin X  lies a shredded heap on the mat, unable to think past the pulsating wave of pain in his battered face. Fortunately for him, all he has left to do in this match is lie perfectly still while Alix makes the final pinfall.




But, Mister Boricua returns to the battleground with a body splash aimed directly at the pinning champion! Fortunately, Krista rescues Alix from several months of intense physical therapy by pulling her out of the way. This of course causes Mister Boricua to crush his partner into pieces, much to the spectators' great glee. Nary a peep leaves X's motor mouth as all the life has been splashed from him by his brainless partner. With a shrug of her shoulder, Ally sits atop Boricua for an unusual pinfall...




Grinning at the favorable result, Maggie rises from her chair to make it official.

The winner and still oaoast world tag team champions....say it with me now.....

COACH (in Maggie's voice)
Ooooh, Coach, I wanna jump yo mammoth balls.


And with that final announcement so erupts a monstrous outpouring of cheers and applause for the oaoast's two favorite ladies, the victorious, Chicks Over Dicks. Were The X Man not smothered under three hundred pounds of flab, we might here his cry of “SON OF A BITCH”, but all we hear are the wild cheers of the fans and the playing of Girlfriend. Despite not being particularly bad shape, Alix decides to fall into Krista's arms anyway, feigning exhaustion. This leads Krissy to ruefully comment that Alix isn't quite as light as a bulimic is supposed to be.

A very tough title defense for America's Sweethearts, but it gets even harder next week, as they'll have to defend their belts in their hometown of Los Angeles, California in a tag team battle royal! The girls have had two tag title contests in their hometown and have lost them both, so there's no home field advantage in that match. Also involved in this star studded affair are The Beverly Hills Blonds, The Lonestar Gunslingers, The Heavenly Rockers, NRG, The South Central Militia, and many more. I've even heard that Craig Patrick Allen of The Enterprise will be there, but who his partner is remains to be seen. Rumor has it that Theodore Moneymaker used his clout as a primary TSM investor to get this match created. Again it's just a rumor, but it wouldn't surprise me if it was his way of getting at Chicks Over Dicks.

Chicks Over Dicks have left the ring, leaving Vitamin X and Mr. Boricua all by their lonesome. VX is slow to get up, holding his bloody nose while doing so. Once he gets to a vertical base, Avril Lavigne's "Girlfriend" is replaced by a familar tune.

"Cochise" by Audioslave!


Hey! Hey! He's here! He's really here!

Vitamin X can't believe it. Mr. Boricua responds by grunting really loud as usual. The entrance doors slide open, and Caboose himself walks out, in his street clothes and carrying a microphone in his right hand. And he doesn't look to be in a pleasant mood.

Caboose is here! We haven't seen or heard from him since AngleMania two weeks ago!

Why is he here? Vitamin X destroyed him at AngleMania VI!

You should know that it's going to take alot more than one loss to put Caboose down for good!

Caboose stands on the entrance stage and stares at Vitamin X. X returns the stare with the McMahon SNEER~! "Cochise" by Audioslave dies down. The crowd buzzes in anticipation of what Caboose is going to say.

These fans are waiting with baited breath. They want to hear Caboose speak his mind like he always does!

Vitamin X...


You know, I don't really understand why you fans boo him!

The crowd is confused by this. And so is X.

I mean, as hard as it is for me to say...Vitamin X...did....pretty good at AngleMania VI two weeks ago!


Good to see him recognize!

Vitamin X cracks a half-smile, still a little leery of what Caboose is doing.

Yeah, you did a pretty good job, beating me and Some Guy. I mean, sure, I've only wrestled like once or twice since I've returned, and my partner hadn't wrestled since 2005, but yeah, you did pretty good. Pretty damn good, X!

The crowd cheers. Vitamin X doesn't take too kindly to what Caboose is saying.

And I mean, sure, you had to kick me in the GROIN to get the pinfall...but other than that...thumbs up, young Prince Vitamin!

Caboose throws up a cheesy thumbs up and smile at Vitamin X. Vitamin X mouths, "Washed up."

Nice passive aggressive taunting from Caboose!

I HATE when people do that!

And I've just seen you lose to Chicks Over Dicks. Wow, your career sure has skyrocketed since you beat me! You no longer choke under pressure in big time matches...oh wait.

Vitamin X is FUMING~! Mr. Boricua yells at Caboose. X calls for a microphone NOW!



Old? Son, I'm two years younger than you, and yet I've done more in just my first two years in the OAOAST then you've done in your four years in the OAOAST!

Can't argue with the facts.

Shut up.

Still, you did amazing at AngleMania, and you did the impossible: you managed to look even GAYER than you usually do! That jersey you wore? What the hell, man?

Oh gay jokes. REAL mature! NOT!

Vitamin X's face is red.

Listen here, Caboose! Are you gonna stand there and crack jokes all day? Or do you actually have a reason to be out here!?

In fact I do, Prince Vitamin. See, everybody thought that AngleMania VI was the last time you would see Caboose in the squared circle. While it's true that Some Guy has decided to take another vacation from the ring...your ol' friend Caboose is going to be staying for a little while longer!


And since I'm staying in the OAOAST, I think it would make sense to keep my eye on you, Vitamin X! Now, we all know how well you do against me when you have two men backing you up. But how well can you handle me on your own? How well can you handle a former two-time OAOAST World Heavyweight Champion? How well can you handle a former OAOAST World Tag Team Champion? And how well can you handle HeldDOWN~!'s best announcer ever, screw you Coach!?


Fact is, X-Man, if I could get you one-on-one in a ring, I'm pretty sure I could beat you 1-2-3--


Then prove it! Step up and prove you're a man! Vitamin X, I am challenging you to a match, one-on-one, in three weeks at OAOAST Syndicated! For the first time...for the last time...for the only time!

Whoa! Caboose just threw down the punk card!

And by the way, we're going to do the match my way. The Lightning Crew will be banned from ringside. AND...it will be a NO HOLDS BARRED FALLS COUNT ANYWHERE MATCH!

No! He can't accept that!

Why not? Can't Vitamin X handle Caboose on his own!?


Hush up, fool~!

Vitamin X is a little worry with these stipulations. He looks at Mr. Boricua, who just yells and snorts. VX thinks this over.



He might be if he doesn't accept this match!

Vitamin X quickly thinks this over.

SHUT UP! JUST SHUT UP! I am not NOT a pussy!

You want me so bad? Well you can have me. But you're going to do it MY way! And if you do things MY way, X, you WILL get hurt!

Caboose...I hate you with every fiber of my being! So, it will be a pleasure to put you out of your misery in three weeks at OAOAST Syndicated. YOU'RE ON!

Yes! Caboose vs. Vitamin X at OAOAST Syndicated for the first time ever!

And the last time ever after Vitamin X gets done with him!

Great. Glad to hear you accept. I'll see you in three weeks at Syndicated!

I'll see you in St. Louis, old man!

Caboose leaves, but then changes his mind.

On second thought...why wait until Syndicated? Let's start this thing early!


Caboose drops his microphone and runs down the entrance ramp, sliding into the ring and immediatley brawling with Vitamin X!

And here we go! They're picking up right where they left off at AngleMania!

Caboose and Vitamin X slug it out in the center of the ring. And soon, it becomes quite obvious that 'boose has the advantage. He hits The X-Man with right jabs again! And again! And again! And again! Mr. Boricua has had enough of this and attacks Caboose, thereby allowing Vitamin X the chance to escape from the ring!

Damn it! He's ran away again!

He's just saving his energy for OAOAST Syndicated! That's all!

Vitamin X wants none of Caboose, but he'll get all of him at OAOAST Syndicated, and The Lightning Crew won't be able to help him this time!

Mr. Boricua hammers away at the OAOAST Original, but 'boose fights back up, hitting the big man with right hands that daze and confuse Boricua, bringing the crowd back to life! 'boose slides underneath the bottom rope and jumps over the barricade, grabbing Vitamin X from behind and beating him as he tries to escape!

They're going at it! They're fighting in the crowd!

AAH! Get The Prince away from those peasants!

Caboose punches Vitamin X silly, holding him by his football jersey to prevent him from falling! Princess Stacey can only watch in horror as her man gets beaten to an even bloodier pulp by Caboose!

Stop him, security! Make him stop!

Caboose is just giving Vitamin X a preview of what to expect in three weeks on OAOAST Syndicated!

No he isn't! Vitamin X will kill the legend of Caboose on OAOAST Syndicated!

No matter how far Vitamin X runs, Caboose is right behind him and beating him up! VX climbs the stairs, with Caboose punching him in the back every few seconds!

What a HUGE match-up for OAOAST Syndicated in three weeks! Caboose vs. Vitamin X in a No Holds Barred Falls Count Anywhere Match with The Lightning Crew barred from ringside! First Time...Last Time...Only Time! What a tremendous match that's going to be! But that's all for now fans! We're outta time! See you next week in Los Angeles for another jam-packed edition of OAOAST HeldDOWN~! Until then, goodnight everybody!

Vitamin X has ran up the steps, but trips, allowing Caboose the chance to pummel him some more. VX, a terrified look on his face, runs towards the food court in the arena with Caboose STILL punching him in the back. This is the last image we see before we fade to black.

Fade to black

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