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OAOAST TMW: A comedy/erotic e-fed

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Ladies and gents, we welcome you to OAOAST HeldDOWN~! There is a sea of people in the stands and they are going crazy as The Challenge enters the home stretch.

Lots of thick yellow bitches here, that's what I want, don't want no black bitch.


***Tyler Bryant W/Lorelei DeCenzo Vs Tim Cash***
Timmy wanted a handshake with his old friend before the match, but the world champion wasn't feeling it and waved him off.

Tyler looks like he hasn't slept in days. Luckily he wears sunglasses while he wrestles or he'd look awful!

Cash got the better of The Serial Thriller early to lend credence to Renee's observation. The good dude from Peoria worked over headlocks and arm wrenches, and frustrated Tyler as he couldn't get out. The champion did manage a cartwheel and brought down Cash with a headlock take over as an old lady in the front row snapped pictures. Lots of pictures.

Fuck is up with that old bat? Betty White got nipples erect for Tyler?

Lorelei scowled at the old lady who incessantly snapped pictures, as Tyler worked over Cash. Timmy never did find his footing and the 0 to 100 TKO put him away in short order.

Winner: Tyler Bryant, pinfall

Post-match security decided to help the old lady into the ring so she could take a picture of Tyler with the belt. Actually she took lots of pictures.

I don't have time for this crap.

But, you're my favorite performer, sonny boy.

I am?

Nah, that was sarcasm like when your dad told your mother he wanted to started a family with her!



The old lady rips off her wig and fake wrinkles to expose herself as Krista!

What's the meaning of this?!

I just wanted a lasting image of my all grown up boy with the title he'll never ever win again. Because after AngleSlam his flirtation with the mainevent scene is finished. We call it 3 Stages of Hell, but let's face it, he'll be lucky to make it through one stage of hell without needing his stomach pumped, which will also bring up Flex's jizz. And the first stage is just a regular match!

What are the other two?

I was getting to that. The second is a strap match, not to be confused with a strap on on a pole match, and the final fall, which won't happen unless Jewish Jesus bestows a miracle upon Tyler is a cage match. After I beat him, when he loses all hope and you walk into his hotel room and you find him OD'ed on pills, you can just know that he really killed himself when he cut my hair. Follow me on MySpace! Melody updates my account she says its very kitsch and nouveux hipster to have one! Being uncool is now cool, and being cool is trying too hard to be cool. But trying hard to be uncool is still cool, because you're uncool. Until you become cool. Then you become a tool.

Off Krista goes with Tyler laid out and Lorelei having to try and summon him to retrieve his dignity.


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*** The Challenge: Deuce Deuce Bigelow (6-3) vs. Lucius Soul (4-4-1) w/ Jade & Melody ***

Although both superstars were coming off tough losses (a double count in Deuce's case), each still had something to fight for.  

Win and Deuce stays alive going into finale night. A loss and he'll need help reaching the finals at Angleslam.

As for Lucius, there's no magic he can work other than play spoiler. 

And that's exactly what Lucius did. He avoided being dipped in the DEEP FRYER and stunned the big with a mean backhand...


... followed by a bicycle kick and then a swinging DDT for the 1-2-3!

Winner: Lucius Soul, via pinfall.

Jade and Melody celebrated with the magic man as Deuce shook off the cobwebs. 

Lucius Soul with the biggest win of his singles career!

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In front of an OAOAST backdrop is Delta Delta Delta Vice President....


Good, evening, the following missive is addressed to my sisters in Delta Delta Delta.

So, do you all remember when we agreed to meet at the campus pool and kill Wanda, and I got you all awesome new phones, so that when it came time to meet, the phone would light up a certain color, and when it did, you didn't even have to answer it, you just had to come meet at the aforementioned pool?

And then do you remember not coming to the pool, despite me making it super easy for you by concocting a plan so simple that an orangutan could have figured it out? Like, literally, a circus ape of moderate intelligence could have looked down at the phone sticking out of the single pocket in the front of his comical lederhosen and seen it light up and used his short little legs to waddle over to his tiny, motorized Shriner's car and driven to the pool like I asked. Do you remember any aspect of this super simple plan? 

That's not a rhetorical question. I'm literally asking if your tiny slut brains have the power to process any of my super simple orangutan-level instructions. Because what I remember is that none of you showed up, which meant I had to sit at that stupid pool by myself, like a grade-A ass-hat, with a bag full of enormous chains to drown Wanda with and then have a super awkward convo with her where I was like, "Oh, derr, I just like bringing enormous chains to pools," and I looked like a total div and then she tried to KILL me. 

I don't entirely know what you whores could have been doing that was more important than helping your chapter vice-president drown a serial killer, but unless that thing you were doing was getting enemas of pure liquid gold at a new local establishment called Liquid Gold Colonics for Young Sluts, like if you were doing literally anything else, you all should seriously consider doing the human race a favor and getting sterilized. 

I'm not being facetious. 

I literally think you should consider undergoing a surgical procedure to remove your ovaries, thereby sparing human race exposure to your DNA. You four trollops are the worst specimens of human beings ever born, and you all should really watch your backs, because if this zombie invasion targeting Delta House doesn't chop off your heads, I'm going to do it! So I can sell your tiny whore brains to science. 

Sincerely, Cassidy Maguire.

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***Logan Mann (5-3-1) W/Holly Vs Big Papa Thrust (6-2-1) W/Ohlala and Busty Rose***
Being on good terms with one another, Logan and BPT fist bumped after the bell.

Hey! There is honor among thieves after all. Who knew!

The two hated heels threw bombs early and often with Logan even knocking Big Papa through the ropes with a WICKED LEFT HOOK~! Big Papa Thrust was shocked this happened, and didn't like getting knocked silly in front of his Freakazoids.

These two dudes got a lot to lose in this match.

Yep, and that's why Logan's swinging for the fences like his name was Mike Trouth.

White people sport.

BPT entered the ring and the two men resumed their brawling! In fact it spilled outside, where Logan kissed his fist and unleashed another WICKED LEFT HOOK~!

Quit (beeping) around!

Back inside the ring, Logan managed a feat of strength with a body slam, and dropped a splash for a two count. BPT then mounted his own offense, but failed in hitting the Volcanic Eruption. The Maui strongman then was beat back into the corner, but Logan only got 6/10 punches as Big Papa powerbombed him to the mat!


The leader of The Freakshow went for his finisher, but Logan escaped out the back and hit a flipping neckbreaker!

I ain't Leezus Price, tho?!

He is and he just got a Creative Spark!

Logan then hit a headstand body splash but was pressed off his pinfall. BPT then went through him with a  series of lariats, followed by a big belly to belly! Logan tried to put on a tough face and came charging back at Big Papa but just ran himself into a 69 Driver and tasted defeat!

Winner: Big Papa Thrust, via pinfall

A CRUSHING defeat for Leezus Price, but a HUGE, HUGE, HUGE win for Big Papa Thrust!

Hosted by Josh Matthews with insight from Reject, Todd Cortez and Dan Black
Immediatley following HeldDOWN~!
 on the OAOAST Network

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nside the rocking and rolling interview lounge, Sara Jean is on hand with....




Hey, everybody, I'm here with the team that calls themselves The Midnight Foxes, Ruby, fresh up from TMW and Caeldori Fox. Let's start with you, Ruby, who could have thought you'd make your HeldDOWN debut last week in such a big way.   

We can thank our dear Caeldori for that. I owe  Caeldori my life. All of it. Every hour, every day, until the end. You've got my full attention, Miss Fox. I'll watch you like a hawk on a mouse. Forever and ever—until one of us is no more. And maybe then some!

Oh, well, you don't have to go that far. But if you want to just witness perfection at work keep your eyes on me.

I intend to, sexy girl! Mwwhahahaha!

Calm down, love birds. You attacked Cinnamon last week, and got ran off by Annagret. But, what is your next move now that you have Fire & Ice's anger?

Any friends of Theodore Moneymaker are enemies of ours. We'll put them down right away! And we'll do it minutes. No seconds! Maybe nanoseconds, if that's humanly possible!

I don't think it is.

Anything is possible when you dare to dream.

Now you sound like Queen Esther and a Hallmark card.   

Hhehehe, I love the thought of battling Fire & Ice! Two supernatural sex kittens at my mercy, I can continue my dark education.

We're beating them up, not reading National Geographic with them, though.

You learn a lot when you cast a spell on someone that has them fingering themselves silly! I'll make proper supernatural sex slaves out of them!

After we unveil our next surprise that is.

Your next surprise? Can we get a hint?

Nope! You sure can't!

Its all in the mystery! Mwhahahahaha!

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***The Challenge: Simon Singleton (5-4) W/Molly Nerdly Vs Blaine Cayley (7-2) W/Sammi Cayley***

I've got goosebumps! If Blaine wins tonight, he advances onto the finals at AngleSlam.

Is the Lion bout to roar? Let's find out.

If Blaine was nervous about advancing, he sure didn't show it, fluffing his golden locks.

Now then, what have you got for me, man?

Simon raised his eyebrow at Blaine's flippant greeting.

Do you deny your a man? I'd ask you to pull down your tights, but from what I understand that wouldn't prove much.

Samantha, what a charming brother you have.

He's working on it.

The two men locked up with Simon snapmaring Blaine over and blasting him with a kick to the back. Then Simon proceeded to keep things grounded and worked over Blaine's back and ribs.

The bad thing about trash talking Simon is he can stretch you out for days.

Blaine rolled to his feet and was trapped in a headlock, then got his arm scissored by Agent 009. But, The Lion broke free and stepped away from his foe.

I must remember my courtieses. 

Blaine gave Simon mock applause, clearly not feeling his technical prowess. But then Simon tripped him up and worked on a leg lock, which had Blaine scrambling for the ropes.

I hope Blaine doesn't throw it all away because he's so arrogant.

Arrogance brought Blaine to the dance, and he kept dancing, cockily flipping his hair back and locking up with Simon. The Anaheim native got the Welshmen in a front facelock, then moved a chancerey, but Blaine exploded out and started bashing him with forearms. Having stunned Simon, Blaine hit a reverse scoop slam then impressed the fans with a Welsh Press that got a two count. 

Its heating up between two of the hottest studs in The Challenge.

And with Molly and Sammi out, George has to be in heaven.

Molly cheers on Simon as he gets to his feet and trades forearms with his foe. Her cheering works as Simon sweeps behind Blaine and hooks him in a full nelson to drag him to the ground. With Blaine dizzy, Simon pulls him back up and looked for his choke suplex but Blaine was able to block the attack. Not liking being choked one bit, Blaine responded by slapping Simon then hitting him with the Sharp Knife of a Short Life release butterfly suplex.

You don't choke a lion!

Simon got to his feet and intercepted Blaine with a swift kick to the stomach then Kicked The Living Daylights out of him! Sammi started to fret as Simon dropped Skyfall with a top rope leg drop, but Blaine kicked out at 2.999999999! 

Wow, is it getting intense or what?

Agent 009 cinched in a cravate then rolled Blaine upright to lock on a front choke. Blaine countered with a northern lights, and switched into a Liontamer that popped the crowd! But in the end Simon was able to make it to the ropes. Upright, Simon blocked a charge by Blaine with a forearm, then grabbed him in a half nelson for his finisher set up! Yet, Blaine rolled through the hold and came right back to drill a shocked Simon with Cruel Intentions! That secured victory for The Lion!

Winner: Blaine Cayley, via pinfall

Post-match, Sara Jean Underwood was on hand to get Blaine's thoughts on advancing to the finals.

You can dress up a cow in crinet, banners, and mail, but that doesn't mean you can ride her into battle. Much the same, you can dress any other Challenge competitor as my finals foe, but that doesn't mean they're my equal. The Money In The Bank Briefcase, and the money inside is already claimed by The Lion. 




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At the state of the art interview set, Josh Matthews is on hand with Colin Maguire Jr, dressed in a dark green hoodie with the hood up.

At AngleSlam, Colin, you will face off against Teddy Buckworth for the first time since Anglemania XII. Then you two were enemies. What are you now?

Theodore and I have been through quite a few changes in our relationship. When I began years ago in The Enterprise, I was just a pathetic little scrapper still trembling from the lashes of the whips of those who would keep me down, and now look at you – master of my domain, prince of the city. Friend to Theodore Buckworth. That is what I am.

He would argue differently. 

Theodore has always been a stubborn man. And a powerful man. But I have been a vampire longer than he, by rules of the supernatural kingdom I am stronger than him. By AngleSlam he will have came to his senses, or they will be drilled into his head with brute force. Either way, I ask you all to think, who has the power now?

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*** The Challenge: Sumeragi (1-8) vs. Tony Tourettes (0-9) w/ Vinny Valentine ***

Though it's been a tough tournament for both men Sumeragi has at least shown signs of growth, not to mention a mean streak. Tony T has just gotten his teeth kicked in every time. 

At least Tony T has a losing streak he can be proud of.

And $50,000 he recently inherited.

Speaking of which, has anybody seen Pete since Tony T gave him his dead relative's tape collection?

In exchange for Pete's spot in The Challenge!

Ol' Pete decided he wanted to do a different type of beating! 

The OAOAST Galaxy tried to will Tony T to victory but Sumeragi was clearly the superior fighter in every way, shape and form. The TMW Star of Tomorrow picked up the W with a vicious top rope lariat that flipped Tony T head over heels!

Winner: Sumeragi, via pinfall.






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The camera man is hurrying to catch up to TURBOWOLF and 24/7 Champion, OUTLAW CELLO, who are brawling in the streets! 

Ain't no running now, is there?

TurboWolf wallops Cello in the face with a punch that leaves him bleeding from the mouth. Cello responds in kind, but TW just throws another bomb that has Cello staggering backwards. Panicked, Cello makes desperate play and pulls TurboWolf into the path of a speeding car! Luckily the car can brake in time, and TurboWolf uses his werewolf agility to avoid it as well. But all the mayhem has resulted in Cello carjacking a poor old man and speeding off to safety.

Get your ass back here, coward! We ain't through. We'll never be through!

***The Flex (2-7) W/Lorelei DeCenzo Vs Bi-Curious George (2-7)***
Lorelei actually was wearing black to signify her mourning over the MITB breifcase.

She's got some nerve, she got FLEX in this mess in the first place.

Flex took his anger out on BCG early on, screaming his usual Flex shouts as he tossed him about the ring. But BCG flipped out the Flex Press and went crazy with repeated dropkicks to the stomach, till Flex was on his ass.

Darling, you don't have to sit and chat with me! But do I appreciate it! Bring your lady friend back to my locker and we can get down to the boogie!

I would never, ever in a million years get down to anything with you!

I'll wait for a million and one then!

BCG didn't have to wait long for FLEX to return to action as the big man got back up and resumed beating on him. The oddball from SMUSH hung in tough, withstanding huge moves and clothesline but when FLEX hit the Flex-O-Rill BCG was done for the night.

Winner: THE FLEX, via pinfall

Lorelei was do disgusted with The Challenge and BCG that she kicked the newcomer over and over again until the referee forced her away!


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Atop the interview stage clad in an orange HD polo and khaki pants is OAOAST Hall of Famer and legend, Tony Brannigan!

Ladies and gentlemen, my guest at this time....IVAR THE CUNNING!


Time will destroy everything

Time will destroy everything

Time will destroy everything

Time will destroy everything


Oh, the world is rough

It's just like hoping it will swallow you right up

And know that you're awake

The clock is ticking and it won't stop, it don't stop

“Time Will Destroy Everything” by Garbage sounds out and stepping onto the stage, dressed in longline grey shirt and white pants is Ivar The Cunning.

Ivar, AngleSlam is weeks away and I hope you're preparing for the Elimination Chamber. You have a chance to win the United States title.

Ironic isn't it. I remember when my people sailed the ocean blue and landed upon your rock to trade with the natives, and now I one of the last Vikings on earth claim my birthright AGGGHHHHHHH!

Oh god!

That sounded commotion and panic and scream of woe is all due to a crossbow bolt stuck in Ivar's leg, courtesy of a chuckling SER ALEARYS CHANCE THE EXILE!


Its not sporting, is it, to include a thousand year old vampire in a match with us mere humans? I thought you should know I plan on leveling the playing field. Equality is the mark of any good kingdom.

(ripping out the bolt with ease)
No, the mark of a good kingdom is strength. Let me show you the might and power of the greatest Vikinig warrior to ever live!

(pointing the crossbow at Brannigan)
You're fast. But are you faster than a crossbow?

Let's find out.

Let's not!

That's the spirit, Tony! Show the cowardice Tyler's put downs have left on you. I'll be taking my leave now. Remember this moment, Ivar.

I will.

Ser AC backs away in a hurry, eager to get out before Ivar changes his mind. As it is, the Dutch vampire fumes over this sneak attack and snaps the bolt in half out of rage. 

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*** The Challenge: Baron Windels (6-3) vs. Mr. Dick (6-2-1) ***

With a date set on finale night against a winless Tony Tourettes, a win tonight basically secures Mr. Dick a top 2 finish, at worst forcing a 3 way final at Angleslam if Blaine Cayley and Big Papa Thrust also win out. But standing in his way is another competitor very much alive in the tournament, former OAOAST World Champion (like MD) Baron Windels. 

They were once partners who later feuded over the OAOAST Championship. Now they find themselves in the spotlight once again with the stakes high. 

The match began with a handshake and was fought rather cleanly until around the 10 minute mark when ring announcer Michael Buffer made the following announcement.

10 minutes gone by. There are 5 minutes remaining in the time limit. 5 minutes! 

MD picked up the physicality as urgency set in, whipping BW against the guardrail and into the steel steps to weaken him ASAP. 


The Lone Star Gunslinger and current member of Cobra Strike retaliated with Texas sized rights and a massive lariat for a nearfall. MD then got introduced face-first into the top turnbuckle and mounted for a series of blows as the OAOAST Galaxy counted along.





"FI... iiiive!"

MD slam/ BW to the mat thanks to a handful of tights and pins BW's shoulders to the ground... PUSHING OFF THE BOTTOM TURNBUCKLE FOR LEVERAGE!?

Wait a minute!



Suddenly MD adjusts his footing. Now both feet are on the mat. 


Why did Dick ease up? He had BW pinned?

Maybe because Mr. Dick wasn't using the ropes for leverage as it originally appeared. It's possible he was looking for better footing and with his adrenaline flowing didn't realize his foot was touching the turnbuckle. 


1 minute remaining in the contest! :60 seconds!

The clock ticking both guys go for quick pins -- sunset flips, school boys, small packages, etc. 

:15 seconds!

BW ducks a Stiff Kick and catches MD on the rebound with a flying crossbody... 




...but MD rolls thru and hooks the leg AND the bottom rope just like he did to beat Lucius a few weeks ago. 


Except MD doesn't pick up the W this time because the time expires! 

Official decision: Draw!

MD slams the mat in frustration and leaves. 

You know what they say about desperate men, baby girl, and that was a pretty desperate situation. I think Dick knew exactly what he was doing there. Not that I blame him, of course. Now he's gotta hope BW and Big Papa Thrust go to a draw next week to force a 3 way final at Angleslam.

Otherwise the winner of BW/Big Papa Thrust advances to face Blaine Cayley in the finals at Angleslam!


Blaine 8-2
BPT 7-2-1
Mr. Dick 6-2-2
BW 6-3-1
Deuce 6-4
Logan 5-4-1
Lucius 5-4-1
Simon 5-5
Bi-Curious George 2-8
Sumeragi 2-8
Tony T 0-10

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The Sunrise brothel is our scene as Sunshine Yukino and Megan are openly counting money.

Yuki, I think its in poor taste to count money in public.

People need know I not poor person. I not welfare queen. I queen of cash money, baby!

I think you're making this worse.

I look worse? I spend your next paycheck on facial peel. Look good. 

Before Megan can protest the door opens and in walks The XFL holding a wad of cash!

I in love.

The pimp is in da crib! Heard ya'll got the Blackout going all summer. Can a playa hit?

Who would you like to see, Xavier?

Bobbi and December. I got money for both.

Decemeber on break. Government says I have to give her break. I vote Trump, he outlaw breaks.

He never said he'd do that.

I bribe him.

That's a crime. But, Xavier, Bobbi is more than ready and I think you'll have a great time with her.

She gonna have a great time with The Young Wolf!


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The XFL enters Bobbi's room, with Bobbi standing in a black bra and black thong and looking like a scorching teenager.

You! You came in with your clothes! Now we have to waste time getting them off. So hurry up!

Yo chi-

No chill here! Get your clothes off!

The XFL knows Bobbi is brooking no argument and so dispenses of his suit and slacks and exposes a boxer clad hot body for Bobbi to smile over.

Much better. Now I do the rest!

Wasting no time Bobbi snags XFL's boxer shorts and yanks then down his hips and all the way off his hard body. Asscake then chucks them aside  before lowering in and getting a close up look at Xavier's 9-inch dick. 

Much better! Next time you come in naked!


I don't have time to waste undressing you! I have to get to the penis! Understand?!

Xavier gulps and nods, but that's too slow for Bobbi who grabs his shaft and gives it a solid and hard jerk!


Shut up!

Bobbi's other hand explores the valley of Xavier's black pubic hair, twisting what little he has, before moving down and cupping his low hanging balls. The Young Wolf grins a wide smile at Bobbi's excellent touch, and ownership of his balls. She holds them the way she might be holding a soft ball, and jiggles them to and fro, rolling them within their sack.

This is the best handie you've ever gotten! I know it!

It may only have gone on for a few seconds, but Xavier isn't one to dispute Bobbi's claims. Why would he when he has a great view down her bra seeing her big tits crushed together. Looking deep into her cleavage draws out more excitement in the Young Wolf, and with might and power does he push his hips up giving Bobbi more to jerk off. 

Did I say you could do that, moron?


But, I guess you can do it anyway!

Moving her wrist faster and faster over The XFL's large cock, the blond slut is delighting in her dark prize. Pushing her face closer to his cock head Bobbi swipes her tongue across her lips and takes a kiss of the chocolate bar, making it twitch in her hand. So many areas of The XFL's hard body are being  tingled with pleasure, while his eyes can't take themselves away from the teenage whore's amazing cleavage jiggling around inside her ultra tight bra. The force of her hand jerking, feeling her soft breath on his sensitive cock head and having her other hand rubbing his balls is too much for The XFL to withstand. He pushes his hips forward and groaning, and shoots a thick stream of of delicious cum straight into Bobbi's heart shaped face. The blonde skank keeps hold of his dick as it continues to drench her in sticky hot cum.

You splooged already! That's unheard of!

….It happens to lots of guys....

It doesn't happen in Bobbi's office! No sir! Get hard again! I don't care how you do it! Just do it! Moron!

The XFL has to think fast, but with a beautiful eighteen year old at his disposal he need not think for long. Her gigantic tits are inviting balls of flesh that urge him on to get hard. He seizes hold of them, feeling the soft plumpness and immediately he can feel his black member starting to rise to the occasion.

Semi-hard doesn't count, idiot!

The XFL hurries in kneading her tits, rolling them and lifting them, then letting them drop with a bobb-a-rific boom! They bounce like basketballs and jiggle fantastically, and even better the sight and feel of them has The Young Wolf's doggy dick at full erection!


He kisses the very top of her chest making Bobbi's body shudder from the intimate contact as her long blonde flows out behind her. The XFL moves down, sandwhiching his bearded face between her hefty breasts while his nose takes in the deep womanly smell of the orbs.

That's not arousing! You have to do better!

Bobbi edges in closer, allowing her hapless lover to access to her bra strap, which he defly undoes with one hand. Talent! Pulling his face from out of her gorgeous cleavage, The Young Wolf lifts the bra up over the teenage whore's tits and is fastened with shock when two perfect boobs bounce out in front of him. There is no sag to Bobbi's gravity defying breasts, which are flawlessly tanned but look so soft and tasty. The XFL's dark eyes are drawn to her dollar sized  areola with fully erect pink nipples. These may very well be the most excellent breasts The XFL has ever seen as he stares at them in pure wonder and amazement. Bobbi decides to remove the rest of her bra to and takes notice of The XFL hovering over her tits, his eyes wide and his mouth hung open. 

I'm horny! Do something more to my tits!

The Young Wolf snaps out of his trance at Bobbi's demanding shout, and traces the outline of her big boobs with his index finger. What amazing size, he thinks! Placing his strong heavy hands on top of her tits The XFL squeezes the soft flesh under his fingertips and a wide smile is born from their soft feeling. Leaning his head down The Young Wolf plants kisses across Bobbi's tanned boobs, while savoring the taste of her massive rack. As his hands massage and rub her bare tit flesh The XFL's mouth kisses and sucks on every inch of exposed skin he can find. 

Mmmm, pretty good! 

Hearing his partner's loud cries of glee motivates The Young Wolf, and he moves his paws back to her tits as his well-trained tongue flicks out lapping the tip of Bobbi's left nipple like a dog laps water. The hyperactive slut groans loudly and grinds her hips hard into The XFL's bulging black member. Lowering his mouth over her near perfect breasts, The XFL engulfs her boobs,  making the Sunray cry out like an auditioning porn star! 

Hey, listen! I'm gonna give you a BJ with my fine BJ lips! Got it, punk?

The XFL nods, he has zero problems with Bobbi giving him head, but does hold out dire hope that he doesn't ejaculate the moment the oral carnival begins. He watches as Bobbi gets to her knees and her fine dick sucking lips open nice and wide before her head careens forward and the lips descend upon his thick black fuck rod. The teenage whore is taking his hard black dick inches deep, blowing him with deep and swift motions that cause her stylish hair to sway from the effort put behind the motion. 

Young Bobbi is keeping her lips brushing up and down onto his tool and leaves a layer of her saliva onto his shaft from the skillful, repeated motion. His dick is slicked wet and his eyes almost literally bug as her exotic face looms down close towards his base. He feels pre cum spurt from his dick, dribbling down the pointed chin of the teenage hooker, joining with her spittle to leave her sloppy mess.


Xavier can't help but grin from the way he's getting blown with pornstar-like skill. Feeling his dick being taken in deep into the warm and wet mouth of the stunning female wrestler bellow him is a wonderful joy and his hard body shivers as its overcome with pleasure. He watches as the blonde sex pot laps up his pre cum and her deluge of saliva, before she goes back to a furious surge of sucking in his dark meat.

The hot and horny slut groans her immense, immense, immense, joy as she pushes her pretty heart shaped face against him so she can deep throat all of his big black cock. Impressively, young Bobbi is not gagging even for a moment as she stays down on him, moaning around his massive inches as she grinds her hefty titties with her hands, putting a bit of a show on for The XFL.

Mmmmm mmmmm mmmmffff!

Bobbi sucks The XFL off with tremendous force and slut-fast speed, the dirty slurping sound ringing out as she moves up to half-way and then goes right down to the balls over and over again, leaving saliva seeping past her pouty bow shaped lips as it trickles down his rod and onto his crotch and balls and still managing to knead her gorgeous boobs in the process. She can multitask! 

Mmmmm mmmmm mmmmffff!

The curvaceous Sunray keeps up her primal moaning around the thick black meat she's sucking on, as  even muffled by all that fat dick as she bobs her head on it, a loud groan of happiness comes from her as the dick touches the back of her throat, hitting her tonsils, and sending precum and left over spittle cascading to her tummy.

Mmmmm? Mmmmff!!

The eyes of the randy slut widen as she's surprised when the hung black hunk in front of her thrusts his bulbous dick forward deep into her mouth, making her nosily gag around his length while she's still sucking on him. But instead of objecting, she just gazes up with a rather filthy look in her eyes, daring him to keep at it! And so it gets her another thrust to make her gag and splatter saliva around his length, then another, and before long she's getting her face firmly fucked while she continues to bob her head on that dick now being fed deep into her!

The Young Wolf wears a fearl smirk as he pumps his BBC in and out of her full mouth with the kind of motion that's more suited for pounding deep into some tight pussy, rather than the dripping mouth that's gagging and leaving saliva covering his rod as he rams in deeply. 


Saliva is now dripping lewdly from her chin and off of those pumping inches, staining the sheets of the bed she's on top of as she takes a wild fucking with her mouth getting hammered, and her pussy warming up for some hardcore pumping yet to come! Despite obvious discomfort every swift time his shaft forces its way into her whore throat and she's made to gag nastily all over that fat cock. She's taking it like a champion, staying in place and even continuing to bob her head along that same dick as he pumps her talented oral hole. But in short order Bobbi, pulls out the cock  leaving a healthy helping of saliva to fall to the sheets.

Alright! Now you're gonna bang the crap outta me! You got that?!


Riѕing uр bеtwееn her lеgѕ, he рrеѕѕеs his throbbing dark сосk against hеr sopping pussy. The Young Wolf plays with the needy sex for a bit, stroking his dong along her outter folds. Thеn he inches thе hеаd оf his long dick into hеr, his oversized balls dangling bellow. After a few smooth and easy strokes, Bobbi moans out in hungry pleasure. Her partner knows what to do next, and hе drives his fuck stick intо hеr sex up tо his big balls. Bobbi shifts, and purrs, thrilled with the feel of being stuffed with inches of black dick.

Bobbi groans her glee, and  ѕuddеnlу hеr уоung body urgently and frantically рuѕhеs forward аgainst him. Rich gаѕрѕ еѕсаре frоm her liрѕ and motivates The XFL to give the paid whore and even harder fuсking! Indeed The Young Wolf ѕtаrts pounding her рuѕѕу like a wild dog!

Yes! Yes! Come on, you stupid idiot, screw me hard as hell! Screw me brainless!!!

Bobbi's pussy lips are bеing рullеd out bу The XFL's dark shaft аѕ it ѕlides in out оf hеr fuck hole. Her pink flеѕh оn blасk dick provides a glorious ѕight, and XFL thinks he could cum just by looking at it. Fortunately for them both he has more self control than that! Well at least control in jizzing all inside her. There's no control in his powerful pounding her pussy, he drills his rod inside the white slut, filling her to the breaking point with mass of cock!

The XFL continues to mоunt hеr likе thе teenage slut she is аnd drives his fat penis intо her hot white рuѕѕу. Dаmn The XFL thinks,  'ѕhе might be a fuсking bitсh but hеr рuѕѕу feels glorious'. Grаbbing hеr left leg to steady himself, he begins thruѕting even crazier, as he rаvаgеs hеr box. Bobbi's рuѕѕу роѕitivеlу quivers whеn XFL furiously slams his hardbody between her tanned thighѕ. Hеr сlit thrоbs from the brutal fucking, аnd the scent of her juices is surprisingly ѕwееt. brought on by the teenage whore being titillated to the brink оf orgasm.

Don't you friggin stop! Don't you friggin stop, moron! Lazy punk! Give me that pecker! 

While Bobbi is ѕtill саught up in thе glow of a hard fuck, The XFL spoons the bitch frоm above, аs his cock continues to overwhelm and overstuff her naughty hole. As he pounds the whore, he rubs his solid legs against hers, strokes her strong arms and nibbles оn thе ѕlut'ѕ nесk аnd еаrѕ. Bobbi squeals at this intimate embrace, feeling the crashing waves of pleasure all over her busty body and leading her to rock with orgasm!

Now I get to ride you! I get to show you who's boss around here! On your back! Hurry the freak up!

The XFL does what he's told, not wishing to inflame Bobbi's rage and possibly incur a whipping. As such he lies on his back, stretching out his tall body and sending his long wood towards the ceiling. Bobbi's dripping fuck hole, soon hovers over it, the teenager making sure to get perfectly lined up. Then without any further preamble, she sinks upon the black fuck stick, swallowing it up inside her eighteen year old cunt much to both their relish.

Yes, that freaking big weiner is all the way inside my coochie! You're one lucky guy!


The Sunray groans and groans, gazing down at black stud bellow her with burning lust in her bright eyes as she starts to sharply push herself down against his upward pushes that, to her liking, are more than enough for any normal girl can handle. But, Bobbi isn't a normal girl! She's the youngest in all of Sunrise, and is boosted by youthful energy and teenage lust for this black big cock that's invading her busty frame.

Bobbi whimpers and grits her teeth, her big tits swaying and jumping as her body works up and down against the incoming pumps into her snug cunt. Her eyes gaze glazes over, showing how much she adores being slammed full of black meat. The busty blond is getting shameless in her desires rather quickly, considering he's getting fucked by a wrestler she hardly knows!

I bang your peter the best, don't I?! I sure do! I'll slam my coochie all the way down and take all that wood!


Now do it harder, you frigging jerk!

The XFL gladly gives in to her demands, putting force and some more speed behind his motion and soon making her moan out as he sends his pushing rod into her slut hole, timing it just right as she moves down against his actions. The two combine in raw carnal might to blast Bobbi's cunt full of hard black dick. Her juices seep down around the pulsating member, leaking all the way down to his thin tufts of curly black pubic hair.

The Young Wolf pumps his doggy dick into her love grotto with a steady and firm pace, pushing his hips off the bed and watching her butt cheeks shake roll from the force both he and the stunning Hottie  are putting into their wanton fucking. Bobbi groans as she continues to lustfully rock up and down on the erect member as it pumps into her one-of-a-kind pussy. Bobbi takes the cock of the hung stud deep to her front passage and craves his seed as she continues to get nasty, effortlessly taking nasty sex like she's all too used to it, which she surely is!

Take it all from me, idiot! You're getting 110 percent of my coochie! So give me 110 percent of your big schlong!

Bobbi hisses a sexy serpentine hiss, as she closes her eyes, giving sharp pushes downward to take another thick inch into her sweet cunt. The eighteen year old's pussy is getting even wetter than from when The XFL mounted and groped her while fucking her. The XFL is briskly pounding into the stunning slut above him and his rod slides in full bore,going in balls deep as he dishes out the steady but forceful thrusts, hypnotized by the slutty way she's rocking down against him. 

MMMM!! I've got the friggin best coochie... Ahhhh... in Sunrise and in this company!

The XFL can't deny this statement, this is one hot, hot, hot piece of ass. His eyes are alight with happiness as the perfectly smooth, tanned, and rounded cheeks bounce and rumble above him all thanks to this maniacal fucking their engaging in. The XFL's cock is pumping in and out off with debauched ease, helped along by the coating of girl juices she produces as lube.  His dark shaft goes into her love hole with such abandon, both of them begin to think she could take eight more inches! While that may not be quite true, Bobbi is panting and hissing like she wants even more cock!

Mmmm awww dang it, you stupid jerk, you're giving it to me so darn good! Its crazy!

Suddenly the door opens up, and The XFL thinks his time is up and Megan has come for him. Rather its actually a nude December Belle, standing and smiling sheepishly with her big eyes locked on the penis powering through her tag partner.

Ah, I heard you wanted to have some of me, The XFL. That sounds fun. I think.

You think?!

Ah, I'm sure it is. I think.

Either you're sure or you think.

I'm thoughtful. Thanks for the compliment.

That's not what I was saying. Shit! But, yo, I'm hit that, let's do it.

Awesome! I wanna watch it!

The curvacious stunner from Chattanooga bends over and groans her anticipation. She need not wait long as The XFL's slick dark meat slides itself into her eager pussy. The moment his rod is lodged into her slut hole, the brunette begins bucking herself, lifting her ass smoothly up and down in order to take him deep within her snug cunt.

December lets out an airy moan as her tits leap in time with her bouncing motion as she rides his shaft with her tight-tight-tight pussy.  More groans escape December's lips as she tilts her brown haired head back for a moment while quickly builds up the rhythm of her tool rocking performance. The airheaded whore is taking him good and full into her front passage while she licks her wide lips. Bobbi applauds December's performance, thoroughly enjoying her tag team partner getting rammed hard and twerking while doing it.

Friggin awesome, December! You rock hard!

Don't insult me, please.

But, that was an ACTUAL compliment!!!

The ex-football star stud stays in perfect position, enjoying both the show of rolling butt and the feeling of her tight coochie as Bobbi would say, all around his manhood. A rich smile appears on his face, as she swiftly raises and lowers herself onto his tool with perfect timing. She may be a ditz, but December takes fucking as seriously as Bobbi or Maya or anyone of Yuki's whores.

The Young Wolf continues to smile and rejoice as he watches her gorgeously curved body ride his thick and long black cock. Seeing his pole vanish up into her cunt when she drops down and seeing it reappear when she quickly rolls herself up just to repeat the motion that makes him revel in just how snug and tight her expert snatch is on his dark wood.

Ah, this is liking having sex with a fudgesicle. Can we go out for fudgesicles after this?

You can have all the deserts in the world. You've been a SUPER GREAT girl, and a hot lay!

The Southern Belle gasps and whimpers as she bounces away onto him so much that her stylish brown hair is shaking and her big tits are swishing and swaying bellow her. The busty babe is too caught up in her own lust to care about her hair as she keeps taking the cock of the handsome and desirable hunk straight into a her fantastic twat. The way she bounces to and fro on the dick makes her moan out, while keeping up the well timed rhythm of jiggling booty. 

This is nice. I'm glad I didn't go take a nap. Now when I sleep, I'll dream of your dick.

Me too!

The former world champion still appears stunned, but pleasantly so, by how lust-driven the beautiful whores are, as the brunette one bounces wildly on his dick to take him right up into her healthy twenty something pussy. Her beautiful butt cheeks now slap his thighs when she drops down to fill herself up with all of his thick black inches. He's still able to handsomely grin about this smoking hot pleasure he's getting. Her still tight fuck hole is all around his rod as she slides her body back and forth and up and down on him with the kind of pace that only a seasoned whore and vet of fuck game could muster. Truly, in XFL's mind, the two Sunrays have provided him with the best pussy he's ever had!

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December groans again with closed eyes as she keeps on bouncing her booty and cunt on the noir rock rammed deep around in her snatch and around her perfectly rounded cheeks, showing her ass was made to jiggle and her body was made to take some dick! Especially one as long and black as his. She continues to show her animal desire as she grunts and moans, lifting and lowering herself right onto his tool to fuck her twat on his shaft.

Mmmm ahhhh, I think I love big black cocks. Annagret is right. She's so smart. But, I'm the lucky girl today.

And so am I! And I'm even luckier to watch you get banged. Its the best!

The XFL gets playful and slaps December's twerking ass, giving it even more cause to jump and jiggle while exciting both he and Bobbi. As she gropes, spanks and otherwise fondles her cheeks he pushes his dick back through her, hammering into her with his hardest force yet, making her cry as she tilts her brunette haired head back. He grits his perfectly white teeth and plunges his shaft right into her still nicely snug and still wonderfully tight cunt, rocking his hips sharply back and forth to drive his manhood right down into her. The sound of skin slapping against tanned and sweat-coated skin is ringing out around the Sunrise room, providing a perfect melody and back up to December's grunts and groans.

Oooh I feel good today. I wonder why.

Its because you're having sex, dingdong!

I like Twinkes. :)


Gasps and groans escape the mega hot Hottie as she takes the pussy pounding she's practically begged for all day. Its so powerful a plunge inside her, that its rendering her unable to do anything but just remain down and take it, clutching the sheets to hold them close to her large tits that are bouncing already from her body jolting back with each thrust she takes into her awesome twat. December moans loudly but without shame, her mouth hanging open with her tongue nearly falling out. This is how lost she is in the pleasure she's getting from having her stunning body being fucked hard and fast by this handsome, desirable football star. 

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Sweat begins to drip offf his rugged facial features from the effort he's putting into ramming his dick  in and out of the slut hole of the curvacious female wrestler underneath him. His balls are smacking into her fine smooth skin every time he spelunks down into her. She's full of his dark meat but his grip on and he's got a clear path to push right down into her cunt before pulling up to the half way mark to repeat the motion.  The red hot brunette screams out as she glares back with pure lust, moaning again and again as he forces his way through her front passage with deep and hard thrusts right. Her rock hard nipples of her large tits grinding against the sheets as she clutches them close to deal with the dominating ecstasy born of this frantic fucking.

Yay! I'm getting something awesome. This is a great birthday.

Your birthday is in December.

Ohhhhhh. You're right. Thank you for remembering. 

You're lucky you're hot.

Thank you for the compliment.

It wasn't a compliment!

December grunts, again without shame, looking like a dirty, cock-craving, whore, sweating hard as her stylish hair sticks to her face and her boobs continuing to bounce as her body jolts back against the bed with every swift thrust into her booty that she's made to take. To the braided haired stud she sure looks like the very measure of hottness as he keeps on driving his dick right down into the lustful slut's one-of-a-kind cunt, going balls deep every time he pumps into her with swift, forceful pumps.

Next time I will try very hard to take it in the ass.

Just try?! There is no try! There's only taking it up the butt! That's it!

Ah, thank you for telling me. I didn't know.

The XFL manages another broad smile as he delivers pump after hard pump right into her fuck hole that still reminds flawlessly tight around his black manhood despite the repeated pounding he's been dishing out to her. A sudden rise in pitch of her moans, and her eyes looking like they are rolling into the back of her head, and the assault on her hole becomes too much to handle as December starts to cum all over his dick.


You're turn to bust, Xavier! Let's get that hot sticky cum on the double! Now! Now! Now!

The XFL didn't actually need an invite, as he is more than ready to release his seed on these girls. He pulls out of December's well fucked pussy and lets the two Sunrays kneel down on the floor and eagerly await his cum.

Here it comes!

The gorgeously curved Hottie hasn't even opened her eyes let alone recovered from her orgasm, so she can only gasp and groan when she feels the first thick load land on her face.

Oooooh good.

Pressing her pouty lips together, Bobbi just lets him unleash it all as jizz splashes all across her cheeks, nose, forehead, and lips, with some landing onto her golden her. When he finally milks himself dry of the final drops, he's able to step back and stand up to admire his work as the Sunrays giggle to each plastered with so much cum it would look more likely that three men  had just finished on her rather than the one, grinning hunk.

Better than Rhaenys.



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