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OAOAST TMW: A comedy/erotic e-fed


Chanel #99

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::KNIFE PARTY BY DEFTONES plays as the camera pans over the arena In Pittsbrugh PA.::

JR: Good Evening, BAH GAWD, and Welcome to AngleMania!

::Medal hits and Anglesault come out to an ENORMOUS pop from the fine Pittsburgh crowd.::

Anglesault: So, how is everyone enjoying Anglemania? (Huge Pop) Ok, I have some bad news. Due to Scott Hall getting drunk and passing out in the hotel, the Angle-Plex match will be delayed. (HUGE BOOS) But I DO intend on airing it on a special Post-Mania show tomorrow! (Cheers) So, for right now, I have a replacement match.

::Anglesault ducks out of the ring.::

The Job Squad's music hits and DUANE GILL come rushing out the the ring to a few good cheers. Next, a hybrid of PMS and Goldust's music plays and TREBLE CLEFT comes out to huge "Treble Cleft sucks!" chants and a few "You go, girlfriend!" from the ChuckaBilly fan club. The bell rings and Gill uses his dreaded eyelash lock to get the tap-out in 2 seconds.

::Quick aWo shirt ad::

JR- And now it's time for the no-sell grudge match!

Bradshaw comes out to the ring to no reaction. He gets on the mic and starts saying how great Texas is. Kane interrupts his promo and walks to the ring to an average pop. The lights go out, and Triple H's music hits. The INTENSITY~ of Triple H makes the crowed go crazy. He walks to the ring and spits water! The crowed goes wild after watching such INTENSE~ things.

The Faces of Fear music hits. They come out to lots of heat. MarioLogan is in front, with Jason and Michael behind him. The tWo can't wait any longer and the teams start brawling down the isles!

Triple H slams MarioLogan's heat into the concrete, but Mario no sells it. Jason punches Triple H in the face, but the Game just stands there. Bradshaw gets the clothsline for hell on Jason. Jason doesn't move. Michael starts choking Bradshaw, but the big texan just fights back like nothing is happening.

Triple H gets MarioLogan in the ring. He gets the INTENSE~ knee on Mario, and follows it up with a pedigree. Mario pops back up and runs to the backstage.

After minutes of the tWo triple teaming Michael and Jason, Mario runs back out with the block of ice! It starts melting, and the fans go wild. The Frankenstein monster and his bride emerge from the ice. They make there way down to the ring. The Frankenstein monster enter and chokeslams Bradshaw and Kane.

JR- AW MAW GAWD folks! I'm from Oklahoma and I've never seen anything like this before in my life!

Kane and Bradshaw are both down. The bell rings! The faces of fear win the match. But all 4 faces are still in the ring with Triple H. Triple H runs out of the ring, making sure he isn't hurt to badly for his match with Anglesault later tonight. The faces celebrate in the ring.

Jr- That was a slobberknocker folks. But do you know the carnage that the faces will bring to the OAOAT! The Frankenstein monster is UNSTOPPABLE!!!

::Fade to the D-Lo/Caboose vs. Hoss preview.::

Lead Up To Match: Caboose has been dealing with his problems with drinking and has managed to stay on the wagon until just before the PPV Bradshaw and Albert forced him to drink beer. WIll Caboose be ready to Fight The TalentLess Hosses?

The Talentless Hosses Are Already In The Ring. D-Lo's Music hits and he comes down to ringside. Caboose's music plays but there's no Caboose. Finally D-lo goes backstage to get Caboose and a drunken staggering Caboose comes down to the Ring holding a beer bottle.

D-Lo starts off in the ring with Albert, he goes to lock up but his hands slip because of all the body oil on Albert. Albert takes control with a POwerSLam and a devasting Scientific move: The Punch To The Head.

Albert Tags In Bradshaw, who gives D-lo a Fallaway slam, he whips D-lo into the ropes but he ducks to soon and D-lo gives him a Rocker Dropper. D-lo goes to tag Caboose but Caboose is in no shape to wrestle. D-lo turns back to the match but Bradshaw gives him a low Blow, and he and Albert double team him while the Ref is distracted by Caboose's drunken antics.

Albert and Bradshaw toss D-lo into the ropes but D-lo digs deep for some INTENSITY~! nd clotheslines them. D-lo crawls towards Caboose who is chugging away on the beer. D-lo has no choice but to tag Caboose in. Caboose staggers into the ring (bottle in hand) as Bradshaw points and laughs. Caboose, staggers right into him, elbowing him in the stomach. Caboose then busts the bottle over Bradshaw's head. CABOOSE ISN'T DRUNK!!! SWERVE BAYBEE!!!!!!!

Albert rushes in but D-lo intercepts him and gives him the Skyhigh, Caboose climbs to top rope, and hits the Low Down.



::Treble Cleft's most embarassing moments video ad::

::Anglesault appears on the Angletron::

Sault: Just to let you know, WHEN Edge loses, the Spear is BANNED!


Edge enters first to chants of "Fuck the Spear!" He ignores this and humps the mat anyway. OAOAST Hardcore Champ CobainwasMurdered gets a rousing ovation from the fine Pittsburgh crowd. Edge starts with a tie-up, CWM takes the advantage and DDTs Edge. He picks him up and nails a Brain buster and two Bulldog headlocks. He signals that it is time for the hardcore stuff.

As CWM goes under the ring to look for hardcore plunder, Edge climbs up top and nails a Body Press to the outside. Edge takes the advantage, nailing spin kicks and Edge-O-Matic for 2. CWM Low blows Edge. He then nails him with a vicous powerslam on a chair and sets a table up in the corner of the ring. Edge tries to attack, but CWM smacks him with the Hardcore title and sets up for the Conspiracy Bomb. Suddenly, OAOAST Newbie Alfdog runs out and smacks CWM with a chair. Out of nowhere, SomeGuy runs down wearing an aWo shirt and DDTs Alfdog. While this is happening, CWM is getting up, holding the chair. Edge charges with a spear, but CWM holds the chair up, and Edge smashes into the chair. The momentum keeps going, however, and Edge crashes into the table in the corner. CWM Climbs to the top and NAILS The Teen Spirit Corkscrew legdrop for the win. He celebrates by paining aWo 4 EVA and GOOD-BYE SPEAR on Edge's carcass.

::Backstage, Kevin Nash falunts around his newly appointed "Commisioner Title form Stephy Mac::

:: Fade to the Anglesault/HHH Highlight package.::

JR-'Well now it's time. It's time for the Main Event of the inaugral AngleMania!

AngleSault challenges Triple H for the One&OnlyAngleSaultThread HeavyWeight Championship!

Let's take a look at how these two came together!'

Video package played to Metallica's "I Disappear":

Scene 1- Triple H burying Kurt Angle and Chris Jericho every week, AngleSault gets angry and vents his rage via the SmartMarks Forum using his Belts.

Scene 2- AngleSault stealing Triple H's Sledge Hammer.

Scene 3- AngleSault's swerve to join up with CobainWasMurdered and GoodHelmet to form the original aWo.

Scene 4- Caboose swerves everyone by selling the SNEEZE OF DOOM and joins the aWo when he was supposed to take them down.

Scene 5- aWo laying waste to, and spraypainting, everyone in the thread.

Scene 6- Various people inclusing MarioLogan and TrebleCleft making multiple attempts to take down the aWo but failing.

Scene 7- AngleSault disappears and aWo starts to crumble.

Scene 8- aWo reforms with new members and AngleSault returns.

Scene 9- Triple H is pissed that AngleSault stole his SledgeHammer and that the aWo buried TrebleCleft quicker than Triple H can bury Angle or Jericho.

Scene 10- Triple H forms tWo consisting of No-Seller's.

Scene 11- The tWo and the improved aWo,(AS,GH,CWM,Caboose,AP,SG and Big), have Gang Wars.

Scene 12- Triple H says 'I'm Damn sick and Tired of watching AngleSault walk around burying people better than I do!'.

Scene 13- AngleSault lays down challenge. AS wants Triple H's title on the line, in return AS will give Triple H the chance to retire and thus bury AS if AS loses.

Scene 14- Montage of clips showing AS and Triple H clashing in buildup to AngleMania.

Scene 15- AngleSault standing on AngleSault Thread stage staring down Triple H. Triple H shaking INTENSELY holding OAOAST HeavyWeight ChampionShip belt overhead.

Fink-'The next Match is the OAOAST Championship Match, and in this match there will be NO-DISQUALIFICATION!'.

JR-'Who made that stipulation?'.

Medal hits and AngleSault gets the 'CrazyMadFacePop~!' of the century! Firewroks hit and someone gets burnt in the crowd fromt the napalm like sparks! AS climbs into the ring does the Kurt Angle lifted arms spin the centre of the ring.

'Time to play the Game...', Triple H comes out and the fans boo so INTENSELY that it counter balances Triple H's INTENSITY and Triple H seems a bit overawed. Rubbish is pelted at Triple H as poses with the belt.

Suddenly Medal hits again and 'The Patriot' comes down to the ring. Patriot gets on the mic and says that Commissioner Nash(sorry) has made him the special guest referee!

JR-'This is bad for AS! AS and his hero Angle both stole Patriot's music! Damn Nash and his Politics! The Game is good enough at burying people, he doesn't need Nash helping him every step of the way!'.

AS get in Patriot's face as the bell rings!

Shoving match between AS and Patriot.

Patriot pushes AS into a quick cradle by HHH!

Quick Count! 1-2-KickOut!

JR-'It was almost over before it started!'

AS gets up and swings at Patriot, Patriot ducks and HHH nails AS with a clothesline!

Quick Cover, Quick Count, 1-2-Kick Out!

AS trips HHH coming up and starts working the knee HHH injured last year.

AS uses the ropes, Turnbuckles, Chairs and Submission holds to torture HHH's knee.

HHH makes a few comebacks but AS is just too good tonight.

AS goes for the irish whip, HHH counters into a clothesline, AS ducks and hits the AngleSlam!

AS covers HHH!

1-2- Patriot refuses to count!

AS gets up and grabs Patriot!

HHH low blows AS and sets up the Pedigree!

AS counters into the Catapult!

AS catapults HHH into Patriot and knocks him clean out of the ring!

HHH turns around and is hit with a another AngleSlam!

AS then locks on the Figure-4! Even using the ropes for leverage!

HHH is locked in for several minutes and starts to tap!

But theres no referee!

Earl Hebner runs down and signals for the bell but Patriot grabs his arm and breaks it!

Patriot breaks up the Figure-4 and hits the AS with an AngleSlam.

HHH crawls his limp body onto AS for the cover.

Fast Count 1-2-Kick Out!

Patriot and HHH don't believe it! But they lay a beating on AS all the same.

Lights go out!

Pink StrobeLights shine on the Entrance stage.

Bret Hart walks out and goes straight after Patriot! Chasing him out through the crowd!

JR-'I guess they've got some unsettled business from 1997!'.

HHH remains calm and Pedigrees and covers AS!

TrebleCleft comes running down to the ring in a Referee shirt!

TrebleCleft counts the pin, 1-2-Kick Out!

JR-'AS just won't stay down!'

HHH and TrebleCleft set up the Spike Piledriver!

AS backdrops HHH and chases TrebleCleft around the ringside.

HHH blindsides AS, as AS pummels TrebleCleft!

HHH signals to the back for help, and the tWo run down to the ring!

Major beatdown on AS!

JR-'Damnit AS is losing the war!'.


The aWo run down to ringside!

A gang war erupts in the ring!

CWM Spears TrebleCleft!

SG Stunners Hall!

Big Rock Bottoms Test!

Caboose Emerald Fusion's X-Pac!

AP Tiger Drives Some Guy in the front row with a tWo shirt on!

GH Diamond Cuts HBK!

AS clears up the rest!

aWo chases the tWo out through the crowd!

Just HHH and AS remain!

AS whips HHH, but telegraphs the backdrop!

Face Buster to AS!

HHH sets up the Pedigree, but AS counters it into a backdrop!

AS nails the AngleSault!

Hebner recovers, 1-2-Nash pulls Hebner out of the ring and takes him out!

Nash gets in the ring and nails AS with the Big Boot!

Nash Jacknifes AS!

Nash pulls HHH onto AS, and Nash counts the fall!

1-2-Kick Out!

HHH and Nash look at each other wandering what it's going to take to keep AS down!

Nash grabs the OAOAST Belt and swings at AS who ducks! HHH is nailed by the Belt!

Nash swings the Belt at AS who ducks, AngleSlam to Nash!

HHH get's to his feet and kicks AS to the gut to set up the Pedigree once again!

AS counter's and grabs HHH's leg and locks on the AngleLock!

HHH refuses to tap saying he'll never job to AS!

Chris Jericho appears through the crowd and tells the Time Keeper to ring the bell!


The Crowd go ApeShit!!!!!!!!!!!

Medal plays as Jericho spits on the crying HHH and leaves!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Fink-'The winner of the Match and NEEEWWWWWWWWWWWWW One & Only AngleSault Thread HeavyWeight Champion of the World, AngleSault!!!!!!!!!!!!!'.

AS picks up the Belt and stares at it and starts to cry!

The aWo return to the ring and lay a beating on HHH who has curled into the foetus position and is sucking his thumb!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The aWo spray 'aWo 4-Life, Just 2 Olympic For You!' on HHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

AS spays aWo on the Belt, and is lifted onto the shoulders of the aWo for the emotional celebration!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

JR-'What an AngleMania! The belt is going home with AS tonight, and don't the crowd love it!!!!!!!!!!!!! Goodnight From AngleMania!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'



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