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OAOAST HeldDOWN~! 6/19/2016

Chanel #99

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Welcome to OAOAST HeldDOWN as we take a wild ride to Great Angle Bash! I am Renee Young with the savior of perverted behavior, Da Coach! We start in the ring with a big women's match up!

And I don't need your quick fix
I don't want your prescriptions
Just 'cause you say I'm crazy
So what if I'm fucking crazy?
Yeah, I'm gonna show you

Loco, maniac, sick bitch, psychopath,
Yeah, I'm gonna show you
I'm gonna show you,
Yeah, I'm gonna show you
Mental out my brain, bat shit go insane,
Yeah, I'm gonna show you
I'm gonna show you
Yeah, I'm gonna show you

Bebe Rehxa's "I'm Gonna Show You Crazy" hits and various dudes in animal costumes come running onto the stage, jumping around in mirth, and dancing the craziest of dances. While they dance, Pierette's head, giant sized, appears behind the stage.

Even more horrifying  is the tounge that snakes out from an open mouth. The lady herself, Pierette St.Nerdregard uses it as a slide to arrive onto the entrance stage!


The following contest is scheduled for one fall! Now making her way to the ring, representing DELTA DELTA DELTA, she hails from Val D'Ors, Quebec, Candana, THE CINDERELLA FROM THE GARDEN OF SLAUGHTER.....PIERETTE SAINT NERDDDDD REEEEEEEGGGGAAAARDDDDD!


The wild woman of Delta House looking to halt Judge Dudd's momentum ahead of Dudd's Hottie's Title match with Delta House president, Gretchen Wright.

Typical politician, make your lackey do your dirty work.

Pierette slides into the ring, then decides to stop, drop and roll just in case she's on fire and doesn't know about it!

Home of the brave and free

[its America]

Free just to murder me

[Land of the handgun]

Land of the beautiful

[Home of the shotgun]

Cursed by the hate we throw

[Ya dead if ya ain't got one]

Is this the new national anthem?

[it was like this before I got here, baby I ain't do it!]


Is this the new national anthem?

Turn it!

The arena blackens with red lights flashing on the stage and the fans jeering in the stands.. Jude Dudd emerges first, frowning at the fans, but pleased to be draped in the flag. Flanking her rear are Blackhawk and Eagle Eye, holding bottles of the water. The two dump them on their heads, scowl like Dudd and head to the ring with their valet, full of support for her and all the American goodness she embodies.

And her opponent, being accompanied by THE ARMY OF ONE NATION....JUDDDDGGEEEEE DDDDDDUUDDDDDD!


This what America needs right now, Strong leadership. Take no shit soldiers like these three. I salute them!

You'll suck up to anyone.

That I will!


Hello, Judge Dudd, I'm gonna slaughter you tonight!

Canadian garbage! We should slaughter you off the map!

Judge Dudd remains icy and focused as she and Pierette circle one another. The Judge reaches her foe and comes behind her for a rear waistlock. But there's nothing to be done there as Pierette goes behind her and then cinches in a headlock.



What does that mean? Is this ginger bitch just making up words and sounds for fun? Poo-Chan! Look I can do it too!

The judge spins out the headlock and then captures Pierette into an arm wrench. She finds the ginger beauty is having too much fun so shoots her into the ropes, and manages to clobber her with a shoulder tackle when she returns.

If you were from America you would have stayed on your feet. But you're from Pepe Le Peu, Quebec, so you fell over!

I'll kill my parents for not fucking in America!

Blackhawk's rants leading to fratricide.

Judge Dudd pulls Pierette off the mat and delivers to her a round of knife edge chops. That weakens her opponent, and Dudd has little trouble in shooting her into the corner. But she has trouble hitting her shoulder tackle as Pierette uses the ropes to press herself over her charging rival. Shrugging off the pain of her missed moved, Dudd faces a rope running Pierette and forces to make a leap frog. But, Pierette has the last laugh as she wallops Dudd with a running block buster!


Forget fraticide there's Gingercide!

The evil heel rolls upright, but gets flung across the ring by a leaping arm drag. She gathers herself again, yet falls victim to spinning head scissors from her foe!

Time for some killing!




Judge Dudd finds her footing and blasts Pierette across her pale tits with a knife edge chop. Pierette responds in kind but then eats a forearm to the face from the heel. Swinging behind Pierette, Judge Dudd tries to lift her into a back suplex. But that fails miserably and the Army has to watch Dudd be brought down by a bulldog counter!

The cover....



Shoulder up!

Pierette tries to hurl Judge Dudd into the ropes, but meets with a reversal. This works in the ginger's favor as she returns to hammer her evil rival with a leg lariat! Blackhawk sees this and hops onto the ring apron to try and distract the beloved face.

Awwww you're not sexy enough to bother stabbing, Send the curly haired one up. I don't like guys with beards!

Blackhawk's plan may have gotten him insulted, but it allows Judge Dudd to school girl Pierette!



Piertte pops out of the pinfall! Yet Judge Dudd seizes on that and lashes out with an upward superkick!


Pierette teeters over, and Dudd lays atop her for another pin...



A kickout!

Judge Dudd lowers her left knee pad as shit gets real in this piece! She snarls with Eagle Eye clapping his hands and Pierette starting to rise. The judge then lifts her onto her shoulders in a standing fireman's carry, but Pierette manages to make an escape. Not wishing to be attacked, Dudd pushes her off with a raised elbow. Even so Pierette comes back and has to get elbowed again. But, Dudd isn't out of the water yet as Pierette nails her with a backflip kick! 


Nitro Strawberry!

Pierette claps her hands together, working herself up and the audience. With the fans in full support of her, Pierette hits the ropes, but meets with Eagle Eye on the apron!

Kyyyaaaaahhhhh my darling lover has arrived! Ready to be stabbed in the heat of orgasmic passion!

Judge Dudd saves Eagle Eye from Pier's odd flirting as she school girls the ginger!



A kickout!

Pierette rolls out of the pinfall, but gets seized inside a headlock from her foe. From there, Pierette is drive into the mat with thundering impact!

Dudd Missile!

The cover....





Your winner as a result of a pinfall.....JUDGE DUDD!

Judge Dudd is ready to take the Hottie's title for America!

Eagle Eye and Blackhawk enter the ring with Judge Dudd declaring that Pierette is guilty and must be punished!

No way! Leave her alone!

Help is on the way as the girls of DELTA DELTA DELTA surge down the entrance ramp, led by their presdient and Hotties Champion, Gretchen Wright!


With the arrival of Delta House, the heels haul ass out of the ring, but make sure their threats are head on the way to the back.

Well, that was a big victory for Judge Dudd but we have to be hugely thankful for the rest of Delta House to come to their sister's rescue.

Backstage, OAOAST correspondent Sara Jean Underwood caught up with Vainglorious Bastards USA members A$AP Blondie and Alexander The Magnificent. The subject was Oscar Friberg and his quest for payback. A quest that will take him to the Great Angle Bash because, as first announced on social media, that's when he and Blondie meet one on one.

So the baby got his bottle. But what Oscar Friberg really needs is a good spanking. One I'd be more than happy to deliver at the Great Angle Bash. I bet he's an ugly crier too. 

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Can't Stop It, Can't Stop It

A procession of heel heat rains down from the stands as the entrance doors spread apart and out come the entirety of The All XFL Team plus The All XFL Network and of course Rick Heyross. Xavier takes the lead with Rhaenys hooked on his arm and the giant stable enters the ring with their leader ready to speak.

Man, fuck Blaine Cayley!


Tired of that white boy. Tired, tired! Fee-fi-fo-thumb I'm sick of that Welsh bum! Ain't he got an exit from the Euro to worry about? And don't tell me he grew up in America, lived in NYC and all that. That boy talks like he on some Game of Thrones shit. Truth is, I be on my Game of Thrones shit all the time because The Young Wolf always sits the iron throne ready to go to war with any motherfucker who wants it!

We are crawling along
At the edge of the world
Dance beneath the borders
Bring fences to fall
We seize the day
We own the night
Lets move measured and slow
Walk until the crimson shows

We taste honey, we smell blood
Raise your fists, open your hearts
We taste honey, we smell blood
Raise your fists


Cheers abound with “The Next One To Come” playing and arriving onto the scene in wrestling gear is Blaine Cayley.

The pretty boy is by himself.

Finally, you said something that pleases my ears.

Man, ain't no one give a fuck about what pleases you.

Lets settle this right now. You leave your gang of whatever they are, failed athletes, bench warmers, what have you, leave them behind and fight me atop this entrance ramp.


You think I was born yesterday?

No, but you're like to get your ass kicked tonight.


Look how many I got! You out here alone! Boy, you ain't even got ya own sister backing you up. She realized you was fugazi and send adios. Guess the brains went to her. Look at this shit, son. Look at it. The XFL, Matty Gold, Brock Ausstin, Charlie Moss, and Quentin Benjamin, against....Blaine Cayely.

I'll wait for you to get some more. Lets make it a fair fight, shall we?

Fuck this kid! I'm getting damn sick and tired of his bullshit! Let's smash him!

You're welcome to try.


That familiar refrain is Sophie running out from the back and cutting in front of Blaine before he can walk to his damn near demise,

Sophie, I need you to move.


I could pick you up and put you aside.

Je vais vous battre! Mais non, not with zhese odds. You are being foolish! You will fight at zhe Great Angle Bash. No Holds Barred!

That's disappointing. I had an urge to fight tonight.

I didn't agree to no shit like that!

Je m'en fiche! Fight or be suspended!

I hope you'll fight, but it might be best if you stayed back in Orlando and did something good for your community. Heal its broken bones, because if we should meet at Great Angle Bash, I promise you no doctor, no witch, no vampire can heal the wounds I will leave you with.

The XFL has to be calmed down by Rick Heyross and Alysanne, while Rhaenys decides to pump him up while at the same time posing for the cameras.

Another huge match signed for Great Angle Bash! And you can see it on the OAOAST Network!



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** Non-title: Rico de Janeiro & Remy Brazil vs. OAOAST Tag Team Champions Big IQ ***

A couple weeks away from their scheduled title defense at the Great Angle Bash vs. Hood Again, the OAOAST tag champs had extra pep to their step knowing the challengers were watching backstage on a monitor. In fact, after Big IQ scored the pin -- Pop Quiz powerbomb followed by middle rope elbow drop by CW dubbed Saved By The Bell ('cause the bell saves their opponent a further beating!) -- Ice Quiz pointed towards the camera and playfully said "Top that!" 


Winners: Big IQ, via pinfall. 

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Backstage we see The Doll exiting Sophie's office, furious, and runs right into Molly.

Watch were you're going!

I could say the same to you.

I'm sorry I have real life problems, not mousy nerd hipster problems. Sophie is making me part of the women's tag title match at Great Angle Bash.

You're no champion.

She thinks I should help Pretty Young Money defend their belts. That's nuts!

You've learned a pretty useful lesson.

What was that? Huh?!

No good can come of befriending Melissa. 


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***Morgan Nerdly Vs Lyric DeLacey***

Both these Hotties have been waiting a long time to go one on one.

Props to Sophie for setting this one up.

Morgan and Lyric slugged it out for a good while, with Lyric managing to put Morgan on the back foot. But the babyfaced heel returned with a dropkick to the knees then smshed Lyric with a sliding lariat!

Electric Slide!

Pete-O was back on hand, this time getting shot of Lyric in distress!

There's a big market for shots of half naked women in pain. I got gigabytes worth!


Lyric would come back to her feet and it was cute little Morgan who was the half naked babe in distress as the vampire beat on her with fists and forearms.

This is just a straight up fight.

The action spilled outside which caused cowardly Pete-O to scramble away. He watched from a safe distance as Morgan picked Lyric onto her shoulders and hovered her over the steel steps.

Don't do it!

But Morgan did it anyway, giving Lyric a Shock & Awe onto the steel steps!


That left the official with no choice but to call for the bell.

Winner: Lyric DeLacey, via DQ

If you want a real fight, Lyric, come see me at Great Angle Bash. Kay?

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Last week's incident between The Party Brigade, Daisuke Motozaki, Amberlyn Duncan, VICE and Joey is recapped. Then OAOAST correspondent Sara Jean Underwood spoke with the OAOAST 6-man tag champions at the world famous backstage interview lounge where we learned Joey offered VICE's protection to Amberlyn. For TPB and for a price, naturally. One with alternative payment methods. :o 

Uh, no thanks, you mega creep-o loser!

Joey's offer had Amberlyn's brother Pierce hot. 

I'm not even gonna tell you what I wanna do to you, bro. I'm just gonna do it!

Suddenly the 3 Amigos entered the lounge. They thanked the champs for sticking up for them and were more than happy to return the favor, but they didn't want them getting involved in a war with VICE and Joey over something that started with the 3 Amigos.

They hurt my friends. Now we hurt them. Neigh? *shakes head* YAY!



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***24/7 Champion Outlaw Cello, US Champion Northstar, World Heavyweight Champion Tyler Bryant W/Lorelei DeCenzo and THE FLEX Vs TurboWolf, Coco Chanel, Alix Maria Spezia W/Queen Esther***

This is so rad! My ex-fiance in the building, whoo whoo! And Theodore Moneymaker is back.

Welcome home, Theodore!

Are you referring to me?

Glad ya dropped the beard, though, that shit is mad annoying when dudes is eating the puss. 

Stop talking.

Coco left Alix behind and squared off against the US Champion.

Coco coming back from his concussion caused by Ser Alearys Chance, but he really blames Lord Northstar for his injury.

If my wild ass dog bites someone's arm off that ain't on me. Lord Northstar is innocent!

Coco rifled punches into Northstar's face and was met with Northstar trying to cover up. Cello was disgusted by this lack of fight and tagged himself in.

You're pointless.

And that got a tag to TW made. The werwolf spun around Cello then wrestled him to the ground. But Cello popped up and hit a boot to the gut followed by a series of clubbing blows. After that he executed The Six String backbreaker for a two count, then made the tag to The Serial Thriller.


Tyler worked over TW's neck, until the werewolf escaped a neck crank and hit a delayed vertical suplex to showcase his might. Tyler didn't like being shown up and shoved his foe in the chest, only to get punched in the mouth. The champion escaped back to tag in Northstar, who slowed things down with more work on TW's neck. Again Turbo would escape and this time slapped hands with Alix!


Alix put her Latina booty to work and hammered Northstar with a top rope butt bump!

That's a new trick.

Outlaw ran into the ring to take out Alix, but get a face full of Latina ass instead!


Bravo! Yesterday's crossbow is today's posterior!

I ain't got no idea what the hell that means.

Northstar got to his feet and tried to hit Alix with his release Rock Bottom, but she made an escape then took him out with a springboard spear!

Straight Outta Compton!

But, Alix couldn't do much more than that as SER AC THE EXILE blinside her!

Him again!

As Coco pounched on AC the referee had no choice but to call for the bell!

Winner: Alix Maria Spezia, Coco Chanel, TurboWolf, via DQ

Tyler decdied to exit stage left, or under the ropes if you prefer. But had Alix coming after him with a tope suicdia. Luckily for him FLEX was hand to catch her!

Oh no, Alix!

But Alix was rescued as NED BLANCHARD walloped FLEX in the head with the MITB briefcase!


Ned and FLEX begin brawling as Alix and Tyler did the same thing! Meanwhile Cello and TurboWolf were tangled up on the French announce desk, while Northstar kept his distance from an angry Coco who had AC in a high angle Boston crab!

He's got him in Very Irresistible! 

Its crazy as fuck on HeldDOWN!

And its gonna keep getting crazier the closer we get to The Great Angle Bash!

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Sunshine Yukino is pacing in front of an annoyed group of Logan Mann, Flynn Stevens, Lucius Soul, CPA and Warthog. Megan is chasing after her, but can't seem to calm her down!

This no good. Too many black men, too few Sunrays. I about to explode! Kamikaze, take all out with me. It Japanese way.

No it isn't! Just calm down. Guys, can you hang on and wait in line.

I ain't Leezus Price though?

What that mean?

That mean I wait on no woman!

***snort*** I'll take my business elsewhere.

From one pimp to another,, customer satisfaction is key.

Just then December walks through the door, carrying a pair of black booty shorts and a shredded black shirt.

I'm ready for the Blackout, everybody. 

Yes, you are! You guys, I give you big group discount rate for this stupid one.

Huh? Who's stupid? Don't call Megan stupid. She's my friend.

Cool by me. Never liked my white girls that bright anyway.

That's good. Megan is a nice lady. You two will be very happy.

I almost think we're taking advantage of her.

Customer satisfaction is key to good business! You have much fun!

CPA picks up December and hauls her into his arms like he's carrying her across the threshold.


December's black ring gear clatters to the floor, but she has plenty of black surrounding her as the other guys follow CPA and their prize for the night to an empty room of the brothel.



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Placed inside a purple themed room befitting her normal attire, December is surrounded by the hardened dicks of Warthog, Lucius Soul, Flynn Stevens, CPA, and Logan Mann.

This is what Blackout means. Ohhhhhhhh.

December deals with her shock with quickness then goes about squeezing and stroking Flynn's dark meat, feeling the structure under the hot skin.

You're big.

Warthog pushes the beautiful brunette to her knees, and guides his chubby schlong to her mouth.   She kneels there trembling, body still throbbing with orgasmic pleasure, and slowly opens wide.  The beefy star pushes his beefy Popsicle into her mouth and almost immediately does the Sunray begin chugging down on dick.


Sleepy Beauty is sucking hard and rubbing her tongue against the black skin of Warthog.   The Slaughterhouse member bucks his huge hips, thrusting harder and harder, bulldozing his way to the back of her throat. Annagret would be so jealous, thinks December!


December reaches out and snags hold of Soul's long dark wood, stroking it, rolling the skin with her fingers. Her pale, white hand is striking against the almost blue-black of his cock. The lazy Sunray is not so lazy is running her fingers up and down it length, marveling at its awesome size. How lucky are Jade and Melody, December asks herself, to have such a long strong black dick at their disposal!

Even with her jerking off of Soul, December has to fill her mouth with dick. Her head bobs back and forth, put on a critically fast path as she downs the grade A dick of Warthog, who seems content to hog her warm wet mouth.


Still with mouth around Warthog, and hand clamped on Soul, December reaches down and seizes Logan's meat missile. Her fingers coil and snake around his long thick shaft and match the frantic stroking of her other hand. There's so much cock to go of Logan's, December thinks her hand is taking a great and long journey.

December switches her sweet mouth to Soul, dragging his dark schlong into her oral canal, as her hand continues to massage the majestic length of Logan's man meat. Soul pushes in, and she finds her gorgeous big lips wrapped around the base of his hard cock.   His hairy, sweaty balls slap her face with every delivery of dick he forces her to take.

December is grunting with every bit of cock that comes her way. Her insides are complete hot mess, and she's so tingly all over she feels as if she's made of sex themed bubbles. These hot black guys are driving her wild, pushing her closer and closer to the brink of orgasm. The first of many she knows. In fact one comes already, December loosing control of her body, and bucking and writhing her stacked pale body.



Greedy as can be, Warthog grabs her soft, brown hair and yanks her head back to shot his fat black dick back inside her mouth. December cries out in pain, but the sexiest sensations ripple through her overheated, oversexed body. Warthog starts thrusting, hard and fast, his balls slapping mightily against her chin.


December takes back some control of the situation, opening her  mouth and turning her head towards Logan. Leezus Price hurries to get his dick in her mouth, lest Warthog continue hogging it!. December works her mouth all over his dark meat, sucking it down to the very essence.. At the same time she reaches over and grabs Souls' cock and vigorously works her hands up and down. Rough Warthog grabs her breasts and pinching her nipples, sending cooing sounds from her throat around Logan's cock.
His  rough touch sends sparks of pleasure to her overheating pussy.


Flynn reaches a hand down to December's needy clit and strums his thumb across the delicate nub. That sends Sleeping Beauty over the mother fucking edge and she explodes in a massive orgasm. The southern Belle spits Logan's cock out of her mouth and offers overjoyed cries out in pleasure. Every muscle in her body trembles and shivered as she is racked with wave after wave of ecstatic pleasure. 

Ah, that was a big one....I think it might be time for me to get fucked.

The black studs nod in agreement, all looking to get more intimate with December's slut hole. Flynn lies on the ground, his long rod shooting the air, hungering for the warmth of December soaking pussy. The southern slut situates herself on his rod, feeling the incredible length pushing past her folds and into her deepest regions. Despite being a lazy lazy girl, she begins a frantic bounce an captures hold of  Warthog's and Soul's dick. Both men nod in approval as December's creamy hands yank and twist on their black dongs.

December reaches up and cups Logan balls, his lean hard body stiffening at the new touch. Her body is  a tumultuous vessel of pure raw sensations, Flynn's cock hooking her body while she slams her fuck hole against him, his strong hands gripping her hips and holding her up against him, 

Oh, this is a lot of fun, I think. But my black tights are wasted.

December puts Warthog's chubby sweet cock in her mouth, droplets of pre-cum dribbling onto her tongue as he fights off release. 

Fucking, fucking, fucking. So much fucking! December's toned pale body tightens, she's going over the freaking cliff to orgasm. She throws her head back, moans, bites her lips tight, her pale blue eyes closed. She slams herself down harder, faster, mercilessly. The Sunray whore is soaking wet down there, yet she can feel the sensations of orgasm everywhere!

Ah, man, another orgasm...I've been blessed by the orgasm genie today.

December's tongue is flicking slickly over and under CPA's firm shaft, feasting on his dark wood with no reservations whatsoever. As she bounces up and down, she is working her mouth greedily, happily, sloppily on CPA's monster dick she wet sinto onto Flynn's fuck stick with juices, juices running after juices, while she force feeds CPA's BBC into her mouth.

December's toned figure is going wild, bucking and trashing, feeling her knees buckle even as they help prop her up at the same time. The buildup swells and she feels herself tensing and ready to explode. 

Oh no, the orgasm genie isn't done with me yet. 

She screams as one orgasm after another crashes through her body. Strong violent orgasms, her back arching body convulsing thighs trembling. Her pussy muscles are in a spasm. They contract so powerfully that in any other position Flynn's back stick would fire out.

Orgasm genie, I think you might be going overboard with me.

Sweat trickles down between December'ss nice breasts, matched by the flow of my juices between her legs. Thrusting downward, she can still feel the pulses in me. Her poor clit is swollen and far too sensitive. She has to take her hand off Logan's shaft and put them on her stomach where she can  feel the throbs of dick deep inside her very soul. 

Logan is taken into December's my mouth and drawn into her sweet and lovely throat. His cock feels  so fucking huge and firm resting against her tongue, December wants to cry. The southern whore gags and she feels a primal need to have his seed in her moth. She swallows him until his balls slapped my chin, while her thighs slap Flynn's lap. She fucks Flynn and sucks Logan, gently at first then harder pressing Logan against the top of her mouth. Leezus Price grabs her by the hair and moves her head with the sucking motions. On and off to the tip of his huge black cock.

December is in love with the length and thickness of all the gorgeous chocolate dicks around. She handles Soul's penis and examines it. She strokes it across her cheek, kisses the entire length up and down. Then switches back and forth between Soul and Warthog sucking them constantly and feeling her jaw locked through the effort.

I want that pussy ***snort***

Okay, there's enough pussy to go around....there's only one. Oh no.

Well none the less December is picked up and situated atop Warthog's big thick schlong. The giant superstar, using his thick hands to help her, or force her if you will along the length of his shaft.

december gangbang3.gif

Oh no, if I have sex with a Warthog what will my babies look like? I can't raise pigs.

While being driven up and down on Warthog's meat missile,  December swallows up Logan.. Her nose buries itself in his low well-kept pubic hair. She can feel his muscles flex and the need for the man to spill seed down her throat.

December's gasps and groans fill the air Flynn reaches for swollen clit. He plays with it as Warthog pumped her with his thick dark meat me over and over again, far and deep. The cocks in her feel massive and the slut is about to explode from the excitement and sensation of hard thrusting dicks.
December's muscles contract involuntarily as Flynn rubs on her pussy while Warthog still drives into it. Wave after wave of pleasure runs down and through her body as thick dicks inside her became more swollen. Both Logan and Warthog increase their pumping speed and the pleasure increases all the more. December is now screaming as another orgasm riddles its way through her.

The orgasm genie won't leave me alone. I'm in trouble.

Warthog continues to slam December down plunging every inch of his long length into her over and over again and forever. He will not cum, however, though his dick is filled to bursting.

The semen genie doesn't like you.

December has orgasmed so much that her pussy is swollen, but greedy Warthog just won't  let her go! In and in goes his strong rod, while December chows down Flynn's nut sack. They're heavy balls, perhaps as heavy as Warthog's pecker and truly a contrast Flynn's long straight shaft.

The Sunray bitch goes out of control. Warthog feels so large inside her, she rides him hard and fast. The bounce of her tight body sends her mouth jumping with Flynn's balls along with them. She feels every stroke as she rolls her hips and moves up and down, the pleasure  building for both of them, as he lifts his hips up and down to give her deeper penetration. Mister Dick worthy penetration!

Let Leezus Price bless this pussy!

That's a good idea, I need god in my life. Thanks.

December switches over to Logan, seating herself atop him in a cow girl position. Thanks to her loosened pussy, its juices and the slick spittle she's left on his shaft, Logan's dark dick goes into with her ease. But she takes no easy ride, preferring to slam herself with the intensity that betrays her lazy nature.

Logan deepens his thrusts as soon as her pale blues eyes met his. Sleeping Beauty can't help groaning and arching her hips. Leezus Price looks at me for a second and then smiled at something. He pulled her tightly against  him then shoots in harder and faster. Its a wonder December can service any of the other guys, but she manages to get her lips around CPA's waiting beef bayonet. The brunette whore swallows in as much as she can manage, leaning forward to make sure she can get all the cock she can.

Decembers gasps onto CPA's dick mouth, the big man thrust so hard into me. Not to be out done on any level Logan responded with an energetic shove of his fuck stick as well. All this fucking is so damn hard, December can feel it in her skull.. The Sunray was coated between their sweat. She feels her mouth stretching and her pussy stretching too. She's melting between these two men, penetrated like a true whore at both ends!

Logan's hands grip my her hips so hard that poor December can imagine him leaving love bruises. Warthog reaches in and gropes her breasts, kneading them as the other two black hunks pumped faster.  December sucks down CPA's dick with every move. Both men go deeper and deeper, it was like they were competing for a trophy. 

Alright, alright, let pimp magic work is fuck magic!

Another genie. It must be my lucky day. 

December is drowning in her desire and lust and so just lets Soul set her on her knees. Her pussy spams, letting him know how desperate she is for entry and Pimp Magic glides on in with his magic stick, crashing into her so hard she lets out an oomph! Soul slaps her ass cheeks as if she's a sexy little stripper, pushing her to scream out again!

Ah, I didn't realize I was bad. I will be better, orgasm genie.

Warthog sticks his shaft within December's mouth, hungry for another slobbering blowjob form the whore. Warthog's fat cock moves slow then fast, while Soul's thinner dick moves so roughly. The different intensities are so overwhelming that December almost cries in pleasure. The whore wants them to stay in her forever, fucking her till the end of time! Or at least until nap time.

The men can hear the grunts, moans, and groans of pleasure mingling with screams of desire from December, and Sleeping Beauty has to wonder if any of the other Sunrays can hear them having this intense gangbang in her room.

Ah, fuck me! Ah fuck me!

Warthog's moves now feel so rough, as opposed to Soul suave penetration and very pleasurable moves. The other guys masturbate at the sight, rubbing their cocks over her face, making December feel like a goddess of sexual bliss.

December switches her darling mouth over to Logan's black meat. It is not even two inches in her mouth yet her jaw looks as if it is almost stretched to its capacity. The tip of Logan's dick slowly begins to slide into her warm, wet mouth as she pushes her head onto it. A moist sound arises from her saliva coating her cock in her mouth, she pulls away and giggles, then moans from the epic thrust  Soul sends into her.

But there's a moment of emptiness for what had been repeatedly stuffed vagina as Soul exits the fuck hole of the white brunette. Soon enough CPA slides in overflowing her slick cunt with his mammoth black meat!

Ahhhh, you must be an orgasm demon!

CPA can feel her sexy pussy getting wider and wider with every shot  he charges into her. His study black dick drives her over the cliff and into an insane ecstasy of satisfaction. The Sunray is is getting louder and louder, but still manages to focus on stroking her hands against Flynn's pecker.

december gangbang7.gif

The naughty whore is becoming animalistic, she claws and tears into Logan's dick as well as Soul's. Pleased, CPA begin pounding deep into her soaking fuck hole, huge moans escape her mouth until there's another rush of fluid from another orgasm!

Ah, the orgasm demon is worse than the genie!

December takes hold of Flynn's eight inches with both hands and begins attempting to lodge his BBC down her dense throat. The sensation is amazing, he can feel the sticky saliva in her throat as she  gags on his dick. His eyes blur from the tasty moment but quickly open when he realizes that December gagging has intensely deepened.


CPA is plunging in December's sweet honey hole. Her’s is still nice and tight CPA enjoys violating it just as much as the other men. In fact he can't’t believe how will December is taking the powerful fucking like a big girl. It turns him on even more to see her stack body withstand his huge dark dick in slut hole.

As CPA pounds hard into her, his hand slaps her rear end, jiggling it with each strike. It drives spikes of pleasure through her system, she screams with ecstasy around Steven's cock with each hard thrust and smack of her rear end. Her body quivered with  sensations, her left ass cheek is on fire, and her mouth is full of black dick. But, December knows her hunks can't last forever and address all of them,

Ah, okay, I'm all ready for your cum, gang.

December gets onto her knees, lips open tongue hanging out, and begging for that hot sticky black man cum. The busty whore gets it first from Flynn who shoots his load onto her chest. Then comes Warthog getting his cum into her brown locks, with Logan cumming hard next, dripping near buckets onto her. Finally Stevens and Soul cum together all over the Sunray's already semen drenched body.

That was a lot of fun. Lets gangbang again. After nap time. Of course.

Peeking through the day.

Hmmmm, we extend Blackout through July. Make big bucks! Oh yes!


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