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OAOAST TMW: A comedy/erotic e-fed

OAOAST HeldDOWN~! 1/22/04

Chanel #99

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The show opens with...a cutaway backstage? We see Northstar, the General Manager of HeldDOWN~!, pacing backstage, and talking on his cell phone. The people at home are probably wondering if we're really supposed to be on the air.

...precisely. I know! That's exactly what I said. Listen, you just enjoy yourself down in Cancun, just make sure you're back in time for the PPV, OK? All right man, and don't forget to pass along John's number to the Rolling Stone people, OK? OK!

Northstar takes his cell phone away from his ear, and closes the flap shut. John Singleton, the director of the "3 Stages Of Hell" movie that has been filming on HeldDOWN~! turf, comes over.

So, how'd it go?

As planned. You know, I'm wondering though, if it was worthwhile to postpone a money match like Calvin vs. Ragdoll...

My man, of course it was! Look, you're the MAN around here. You've gone Hollywood, and Hollywood wants to help. It's just that, well you figure that putting one of your cornerstones, the man who's going to get even more backing for this film, in the ring with an admitted drug addict isn't going to do us any favors.

Hey now, Ragdoll has talent, you can't deny that.

Northy, my man, ANYONE can bounce around like a speedball when they're hopped up on pills. Take it from me, I live in LA!

True enough, John.

Listen, it was the right thing to do. Let them enjoy their layover, while we do some more work here tonight. That way, they're both fresh for your PPV.

Wow, John...we are such a good team!

Right you are. I've got to go now and make sure Josh has everything in place outside while we film the parking lot portion of the big chase scene. You have yourself a good show.

Later, playa!

John Singleton walks off, and Northstar looks on, as we fade into...



Lucy Woodward's "Trust Me" blares through the speakers of TV's worldwide, as we go through the opening video, and right into the arena for PYRO~!


The cameras do the routine scanning of the crowd, letting everyone raise their signs and their voices for their 15 seconds of fame...


...before cutting down to the Triple Threat Of Commentary, already in position at Sofa Central...

(IMG:http://deadman.crowfans.com/sting1.jpg) (IMG:http://www.ringfury.com/photos/coleandcoachman.jpg)


Fans, this broadcast has just started, and already a surprising development has taken place. General Manager Northstar, with the blessing of famed director John Singleton, has POSTPONED tonight's scheduled Calvin Szechstein vs. Ragdoll contest!

Such a shame, isn't it? But Singleton is a thinking man, and he knows that Calvin needs to be in tip top shape to aid in the production of 3 Stages Of Hell.

Nah, I gotta say I'm with Michael on this. This show is OUR show, not John Singleton's. Northstar is becoming so infatuated with the Hollywood lifestyle, it's starting to have it's effect on us now too!

Even though we won't see Calvin or Ragdoll in action tonight, we do still have a tremendous card. Hot off his big win last week, newly crowned 24/7 Champion Panther takes on Peter Knight, a former holder of that title!

Yeah, my man Panther, getting a big win and a big test tonight as he throws down with big PK. It's gonna be a proving ground for the new champ tonight!

Also tonight, we'll see footage filmed earlier in the week, where Zack Malibu visited CWM in the hospital.

How cute. Are we also going to get footage of Crystal walking her dog?

No. I'm not giving up my tape.

*Cole and Caboose stare at Coach.*


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CUE: ‘Debonaire’ by Dope

The crowd is somewhat unfamiliar with this music, as Gunner Sharps makes his way down to ringside, microphone in hand.

Cole: Well this should be interesting guys.

Coach: You damn right Michael; I want to know what’s going through Gunner’s mind!

Gunner hops on the apron and steps over the top rope with ease. The 7 foot, three hundred and fifty pound monster grabs a microphone from an official and brings it to his lips

Cole: Have we ever heard this guy speak before?

Coach: Not to my knowledge.

Caboose: He’s probably got a voice like a three year old.

Gunner begins to speak, in a deep, booming voice.

Gunner: You know, a lot of people have asked me over the past week, just exactly why I turned on J. Arthur Edwards. Is J. Arthur out of the Underground? Did Gunner Sharps lose it? Well, J. Arthur isn’t the one who quit the Underground that night. I QUIT The Underground that Night!

Cole: Wow! Gunner Sharps was so loyal to J. Arthur and The Underground! Why did he quit?

Gunner: When we first arrived here on HeldDown, under the Leadership of CWM, we had a purpose. Our purpose was to run this damn show! CWM had clear goals for us. He knew what he wanted. But CWM had it just a little bit backwards. CWM saw J. Arthur and Gunner Sharps as the tag team of the Underground. What the hell is that? I’m Seven Feet Tall; I’m Three Hundred and Fifty pounds! I needed an equal, not a liability. Did anyone ever notice who the one that got pinned was? J. Arthur frickin’ Edwards. I never got pinned, and that’s because NO ONE can pin me!

Cole: Well, that’s certainly debatable.

Caboose: Shut up Michael, I checked my notes, and Gunner is right!

Coach: Yeah, your notes aren’t that reliable.

Gunner looks around at the crowd, and speaks again.

Gunner: The fact is, I was never able to reach my potential in the Underground. I was never able to compete with the top stars, one on one, man to man. Because Superstar and CWM knew that I was stronger than anyone in the Underground, even that ass Hoff. Yeah Hoff, I’m talking to you, you are nothing more than an insurance policy for Superstar, a goon, a stooge. You are only there too keep him from getting his ass kicked by guys like me.

Cole: That’s pretty much true.

Gunner: When there was a power struggle in the Underground, Superstar came to me on the fly. Superstar, you told me to side with you, and that you would lead me on to bigger and better things. I told you what I wanted, I told you I wanted to split the Tag Team up, but you said no. You said that the Underground needed a full-time tag team. That’s a load of crap. You didn’t want me stealing your spotlight, because you knew that as soon as I went out there and started beating the top starts of HeldDown, the Underground would see me as their new leader.

Coach: He is making some very good points, but where is he going with this?

Gunner: The point is, I was being held back in the Underground. I need an ally that wants the same things as I do; I need an ally that can move up the card in the OAOAST with me. I need an ally that has the potential to be the OAOAST Champion some day.

Cole: Has Gunner found another ally?

Gunner: I believe that I found that ally. I didn’t have too look far either. We were two members of the Bleeding Souls across the north and overseas. We dominated then, and we will dominate now. I suppose you are wondering who my ally is. Well, I’m calling him out, right now.

Cole: Who is it?

Caboose: I bet its Raven!

Coach: You are a dumbass.

CUE: ‘The Game’ by Disturbed

Tell me exactly what am I supposed to do?
Now that I have allowed you TO BEAT ME
Do you think that we could play another game?
Maybe I could win this time!

I kinda like the misery you put me through
Darling you can trust me COMPLETELY
If you even try to look the other way
I think that I could KILL this time…


Cole: I can’t believe it!

Coach: Look who it is!

The crowd is pretty damn shocked as The Dark One, AXEL, appears at the entrance way, the same leather jacket and attire as always. He strikes the crucifix pose at the top of the ramp, before walking down to the ring and sliding in.

Caboose: Well, this was certainly unexpected.

Axel grabs the microphone from ringside as he and Gunner shake hands.

Axel: Welcome to my world.

The crowd gives a mixed reaction of cheers and boos to Axel’s opening catchphrase, which mirrors the reaction that he has been getting ever since his great battle with Peter Knight at Bloody, Battered and Beaten.

Axel: To every single wrestler in the back, to every single OAOAST fan, you are looking at the new dominant force in the OAOAST. Before you say anything, no, we are not a tag team. No, Gunner is not playing second fiddle to The Dark One. No, The Dark One is certainly not playing second fiddle to Gunner Sharps. We both want the same thing, and that is success. This Sunday at Anglepalooza, we enter the Royal Rumble match.

Cole: Thirty men, one winner this Sunday.

Axel: I didn’t enter the match to lose, I entered to win, and go on to AngleMania to win the OAOAST Championship from that asshole Calvin Szechstein. Gunner has the same idea. We’ve beaten the hell out of each other before, and we’ll do it again, but when it’s all said and done, we will still be a cohesive unit. If the better man wins, that’s okay. We have learnt to deal with each others success. Oh, and if I don’t happen to win the Rumble? Heh, well I’ve got one particular score that I will settle, and that will start next week. Watch out princess, watch out. Screw the catchphrase, we are done here.

CUE: ‘The Game’ by Disturbed

Cole: Well Axel and Gunner Sharps making an impact here tonight on HeldDown!

Coach: This spells trouble for the rest of the OAOAST Michael.

Caboose; What’s with the ‘princess’ by Axel? What, he’s got an issue with Alix?

Cole: I don’t know, but we will sure find out soon enough. We'll have more after this!

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Folks, last week we had a bit of a surprise as Panther won the Prism match, and with it, the 24/7 title. This week, he’s got his first defense. Will he be a one-week wonder?

Must you be so negative?

We cut to the back as Peter Knight is walking through the hall towards the gorilla position. As he reaches the curtain…..


A make-up girl quickly runs towards Knight and dabs his face with powder.

KNIGHT (voice a little hoarse):
What the hell?

Gotta make sure we’re looking good for the cameras, guy. I know you’re going for the “Nick Cage in Con Air” five o’ clock shadow, but it just isn’t working for me. Oh, and sorry about Axel and the ladder last week. Did you use up that pack of Halls I got you?

Knight grabs Northstar by the collar and pulls him close.

Listen Tweety Bird, I’m sure you’d love to see Axel and I tear each other apart since it would surely put the ratings through the roof, but I’m going to wait until Sunday when I can do it and take away the opportunity he’s strived for when I toss his ass out of the Rumble match. Hey, you made me smile. You finally did something right. *Lets go of Northstar* Now get out of here, I got a title to win back.

We head back to Sofa Central:

If there’s something I’ve learned, it’s that you don’t piss off a guy like that.

Well, his cheekbones DID need a little touch-up.

The arena goes dark and Oh Hell Yeah kicks up while blue spotlights strobe around the arena. Peter Knight steps through the curtain as the crowd cheers.

Ladies and gentlemen, the following contest is for the 24/7 title!! Coming down the aisle is the challenger, a two time holder of the 24/7 title. He is from Fall River, Massachusetts, weighing in at 250 pounds, Peterrrrrrrrr KNIGHT!

Knight steps through the ropes and hops onto the turnbuckles, awash in flashbulbs. He hops back down and rubs his throat as his music fades.

The arena lights dim, and State Prop (You Know Us) by State Property begins. BOOM, a blast of pyro shoots off at the entrance and red and white spotlights sweep the crowd before settling at the entrance, Panther (with 24/7 belt slung over his shoulder) stepping through the curtain to a mixed reaction.

His opponent, the reigning 24/7 champion. He is from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and weighs in tonight at 198 pounds……PANTHER!!!!!

Panther, arms extended, walks down the aisle and climbs up onto the apron, stepping through the ropes. He flashes a smirk to Knight before taking the belt off his shoulder and raising it into the air, pyro shooting up from the ringposts.

Panther couldn’t be happier, could he? Too bad he’s going to lose.

The ref takes the 24/7 belt and holds it in the air, giving last minute instructions to both men before ringing the bell. Both men circle each other and lock up, Knight forcing Panther into the corner and kneeing him in the gut. He backs off and gives Panther a similar smirk. They lock up again, and again Knight forces Panther into the corner and drives not one, but three knees into his gut. He backs off and smirks again, and Panther rolls out of the ring, stumbling around ringside and collapsing.

Knight seems to be toying with Panther right now.

Nah, I’ll bet Panther is trying to sucker him into something.

Knight hops out of the ring and heads towards Panther, but when he bends down to pick him up by the hair, Panther waffles Knight with a pipe, sending him stumbling back against the barrier.

The New England Patriots will win the Super Bowl.

Panther takes advantage of the situation, smacking him in the gut and back with the pipe and sending him shoulder first into the ring steps. Knight grabs it in pain, but Panther doesn’t let up, getting Knight to his feet and hitting a pair of chops followed by a thrust to the throat before rolling Knight back into the ring, retrieving a ladder from under the ring and sliding it in before jumping back in.

Knight’s already had bad luck with ladders recently.

Panther stays on the offensive, sending Knight off the ropes and hitting a front dropkick. He goes for the cover.

1….2…..Knight kicks out.

Panther stomps him in the throat and snapmares him over, hopping over his head, bouncing off the ropes, and dropkicking him in the teeth. He goes for another cover.

1….2….Knight kicks out again.

Come on, you gotta do more than that to beat him.

Panther picks up the ladder and sets it into the corner, whipping Knight into the opposite corner. Panther hits some more chops before setting up for a whip. Knight counters it, but Panther counters back, but Knight counters once more and sends Panther back into the corner, following it up with a splash. Knight drops to one knee, wheezing a bit.

That throat isn’t holding up well, Knight’s having trouble breathing already.

Panther gets to his feet and waits until Knight staggers back to his feet before grabbing him and hitting a T-Bone suplex. Panther drags Knight parallel to the ropes and puts the ladder on top of him. Panther steps out onto the apron and signals towards the crowd, not knowing that Knight has rolled almost out from under the ladder. Panther pulls back and launches himself into a hilo, but Knight rolls the rest of the way away and Panther lands on the ladder!!


As the crowd chants “holy shit!”, Knight crawls over to Panther and rolls him onto his back, draping an arm on his chest.

1…..2…3!!!! No! Panther got his foot on the ropes at the last instant!!

Knight pulls Panther to his feet and hits a vertical suplex, holding onto the head and arm and rolling back to his feet to deliver another. He hangs on again and rolls up, but this time he picks Panther up and holds him there, pointing him towards the ladder.

Oh boy, this won’t feel good.

The crowd gets their cameras ready as Knight brings Panther down and HITS A FACLON ARROW ON THE LADDER!!!!


Knight hooks the leg, the crowd joining in on the count.

1…..2……NOOOOOOO!!! Panther JUST gets his shoulder up!!!

Knight gets up, stomping his foot, and grabs Panther again, this time putting him on his shoulders!!

Uh oh, Knightmare coming up. I knew this reign wouldn’t last long.

Knight readies for a Knightmare on the ladder, but he sees Axel running down the aisle. Knight is ready for him and delivers a right hand as he hops onto the apron. Knight drapes his shoulders on the top, but Axel grabs Knight’s head and snaps his throat on the top rope. A staggered and coughing Knight turns around, but Panther grabs him by the head and hits a Panther Cutter onto a steel chair!!! He goes for the cover!!





I don’t believe it, Panther retains with the help of Axel!!!

Here is your winner, and STILL 24/7 champion, PANTHER!!!!

Panther retrieves his belt and raises it to the crowd as the crowd boos. Not wanting to wait until Knight recovers, he hops through the ropes and walks back up the aisle as the ref checks on a coughing Knight.

Oh man, Axel better pray he isn’t in the ring when Knight’s number comes up in the Rumble match because if it does, Axel’s a dead man. We’ll be back in a minute, folks!!

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Haha, I like this little pairing of Gunner Sharps and Axel. Already making an impact!

You would. Fans, if you've just joined us, we've heard from Gunner Sharps, former heavy for The Underground, who has now seemingly come into his own, and paired up with another man who has been a lone wolf of late, Axel. The two have come to some sort of understanding, and the first casulty of it was Axel's rival Peter Knight, who was just cost the 24/7 Title by the Dark One!

Things are picking up as we head into the Royal Rumble at Anglepalooza this Sunday, that's for sure.

Things are also picking up backstage right now, apparently. Let's see what's going down!

(We cut to Charlie Hoss. The big man is standing backstage watching a tiny monitor displaying last weeks incident where Candie boot Josh Duhamel in the nuts. He quickly flips it off when he sees his boss, Northstar approach. Northstar is with James Woods)

Charlie Hoss: What's up, bossman? What can a man do for you? That's a bad ass shirt you're....

( Northstar holds his hand to Charlie's mouth)

Northstar: Charles, considering the fact that you're a holdover from the corrupt Tim Moysey regime I think I have been more than fair to you. I've welcomed you into my inner circle despite valid objections from all of my Acolytes. I've overlooked the glaring curiosity of you gaining twenty pounds of muscle in a month and written it off as mere genetics, love. All I ask in return for my generous kindness is for you to perform your job with the same vigor and quality that the rest of us do. Darling, sweetie pie, is that to much to ask?

Charles: Nope. I think I've put in a solid performance day in and day out. I wouldn't say I do anything spectacular. I just try and do my best every day. I want to put to in an honest effort and do a good job. I hope you think that's what I've done.

Northstar: You were doing a good job, love. A wonderful job! Employee of the bloody month good job! Until last week, darling. Last week was when your employee evaluation went from A to F in thirty sickening seconds.

Charles: A to F? Why? I don't know what happened last week that could put me in your dog house.

Northstar: You don't know? This is becoming rather tedious, me having to explain to everyone how and why they've disappointed me. Last week the star of MY movie, Josh Duhamel was kicked in the testicles by that Plotte dossée, Candie. Sweetie, normally I could give a damn about who's balls she kicks but last week she kicked the star of my movie, my investment, my baby, in the nuts! Are you seeing the problem the here? Just in case you aren't, love, I'll do my best to make it clearer for you. Last week, Josh came backstage in serious pain, he threatened to quit, he said he'd call his agent, his lawyer, who ever it took to get him out the contract! It took all the money I had and all the apologies I could muster to get him to stay. Then the studio called me, wondering why the crowd CHEERED when Candie attacked Joshie. They said that I wasn't doing a good enough job promoting the Hollywood atmosphere to the fans. They said I WASN'T DOING A GOOD JOB! They criticized me! Me of all the bloody people in the world! Sweetheart, I do not like criticism. It hurts me to my very soul and it fills me with the cruelest of anger.

Charles: Eh, tough break. Man, I can appreciate that your mad. But aren't ya yelling at the wrong guy. This is Candie's fault, man. Hers. Not mine. I didn't have nothing to do with this. Why aren't you spitting fire at her? I'm just an innocent victim.

Northstar: You're missing the point completely, love! Are you really that vapid, darling? If a certain co-cheif of security had done his job correctly and protected my investment we never would have had a problem. But you were to busy staring at Candie's chest to get in the ring and do your bloody assignment! Thanks Charlie! Thank you so very much! You're a hero to the millions who routinely drop the ball in their daily lives.

Charles: When ya put it that way....I am at fault. Man, I feel awful. I messed up something fierce. What can I do to make this up ta'ya? I'll do anything, just name it.

Northstar: Excellent, love. You almost ruined my investment therefore you'll fight my newest investment, Damaramu. He needs a warm up match before he heads into the Anglepalooza. You do remember Damaramu...don't you Charlie? You remember Deadly Game?

Charles(grabbing his head): I remember all right. I remember him bringing that tire iron down across my head. I've been waiting for this....you've just helped me Northstar.

(Charlie walks away. He's psyched for his match against Damaramu.)

Northstar: Mr.Woods, were you paying attention?

James Woods: In full. It is my duty as an actor to study whatever would help me better understand and create my part. I have a question for you. Charlie seemed to be accepting of your good natured scolding but how do you handle certain prima-donna stars who always want thing to go their way? The high maintenance types. They're every where in the entertainment industry, even though I wouldn't consider wrestling to be entertaining.

Northstar: I treat the primadonnas the same way I'd treat anybody else. I absolutely refuse to give out special treatment and favors based on who someone is or what they've done. The way I treat my sister Holly-wood is the same way I'd treat Panther or Damaramu.

James Wood: If only every boss were as fair as you. These people must have the utmost respect for you and your authority.

Northstar: Some do. Well, I should say that most do. I think they appreciate the fact that I'm such an unbiased and objective boss and appraiser of talent. They like the fact that I treat them the same no matter how many pay per views they've main evented. Let's face it, darling, most of these rejects are only here because they couldn't land a job in any other promotion. They'll never amount to anything and their time here will soon be forgotten. They were hired by my predecessor, Tim Moysey because he wanted cheap labor. It would be easy for me to belittle them, treat them like the gutter trash that they are...

James Woods: But you don't. You don't because you're better than that.

Northstar: Correct. Just because some of them are barely a step above a backyard wrestler doesn't mean I'll treat them as such. As luck would have it, there are those pitiful fools who think they're god's gift to the world at large! Take Zack Malibu. You've met him?

James Wood: Oh yes. The kid who looks like he's watched one to many "Queer Eye" episodes.

Northstar: Ha! Delightful! Zack seems to devote his days to making laughable attempts to undermine my power structure. He pretty much goes against everything I say. He won't cooperate and if I told him the sky was blue, he'd proclaim that it's red. No matter how many times I've tried to be his friend, he simply retreats farther and farther away from me. Yet, I don't begrudge this rouge butterfly a thing. I'll still treat him as kindly as that Jenna Elfman is gorgeous....

(Northstar stares off into a space)

James Woods: You're a lot like your father. I'd hate to cut this short but I've got to get back to my trailer. I promised I'd call my agent. We'll talk later, I hope.

Northstar: Of course.

(Cut to Sofa Central)

Coach: When he said that the people who work here are gutter trash and are no better than backyarders, he wasn't including me in that statement. Right?

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(We cut backstage, where Colvid and Sly Sommers are sitting at the table in the Totally Endorsed locker room, with Colvid looking rather upset, and Sly rather relaxed.)

SLY: Dude, what's your problem?

COLVID: Uh, let's see...two weeks ago, I was rather peaceful. I didn't have any issues with anyone here, outside of that jackass Zack Malibu. I wasn't on anyone's hit list. But then, SOMEONE here tricked me into becoming a part of their little scheme to eliminate a nothing rookie from this promotion just because he stuck his suitcase in some rat's baggage department...

SLY: First off, never freakin' say that again. She's way more than just some interchangable noun for your stupid innuendos. Second off, the day we joined this group, we declared that we'd have each other's, and Calvin's, asses in tough dilemnas and situations. Guess what? I am in a tough situation and dilemna, and since our buddy Calvin is busy being the World Champion and all, I had to call upon my bestest friend in the world...of course, Scott Baio's too busy as a janitor for this movie that they're filming here...but then I called upon you, my stablemate, my pal, my brother-in-advertising.

COLVID: Scott Baio...?

SLY: Yeah, the "Cha-Man". You know: Chachi, Charles, collecting CHA-nge on the side of the road...anyway, I needed you, my man, to help me get rid of that girl-stealing Scott Wolf-wannabe, Scotty Static. Last week was step one...

COLVID: Well, I'm not one for twelve-step programs...

SLY: No, there's only three steps to this program, and this program leads to getting rid of a way-worse problem than alcoholism: pretty-boy-with-his-head-in-other-people's-affairs-who-needs-to-get-his-head-out of-them-ism. Tonight is step two, which I've titled "Step Two". First off, because that a-hole hurt Janet deeply enough for her to stay home...

COLVID: I thought it was because that producer guy banned all non-talent from the locker room...

SLY: I think I'm right. Anyway, the "Concussion Kid", thanks to yourself and myself last week, said something about someone coming back this week, and Northstar's booked Scotty and the comeback dude in a match with the greatest damn force ever assembled....

COLVID: People having sex and video cameras?

SLY: No, no, no! You and me! Colvid and Sly, Sly and Colvid...Totally freakin' Endorsed! Tonight, T.E. gets rid of Scott-E!...and...his...partner...yeah! (puts hand up for high five; Colvid doesn't slap it)

COLVID: Whatever. As long as you don't get my ass injured, suspended, or fired, I might as well be in. It's not like I get many bookings anymore anyway.

SLY: That's the spirit! Now, do me a favor...go get that box over there, please.

COLVID: Go get it yourself!

SLY: Fine, party-pooper, suit yourself! (Sly walks to the other side of the room, and grabs a large cardboard box) Don't tell Calvin I did this, but I tapped into the Totally Endorsed mutual savings fund again earlier this week, and I got myself something pretty damn spiffy...(pulls out the WCW World Television Title, but presented in a fancy glass frame) Whatcha think?

COLVID: It's nice-looking and all...

SLY: That's all the justification I need. Now, get your stuff together, we're not that far off tap, man!

(Cutaway to elsewhere backstage...)

::Cut to Josh Matthews standing outside of the locker room door::

JOSH: "I'm standing here outside of the women's lockerroom, hoping to get an interview from Crystal about her cage match this Sunday versus Damaramu."

::Door opens, and Crystal comes out, look less then happy to see Josh::

CRYSTAL: "Can I help you?"

JOSH: "I was hoping to get your thoughts on your match with Damaramu on Sunday."

CRYSTAL: "Do you want a huge epic interview? Maybe one that people will look back at years to come as inspiration? Sorry Josh, not going to happen. For once around here, I'll let actions speak louder than words. (To the camera) Damaramu, hope you bring your A-Game, because I'm sure as hell not holding back this Sunday."

::Fade to Black::

CUE: "Optimistic" by Radiohead

-The fans rise to their feet in unison, cheering themselves hoarse, as "THE FIRM" flashes on the AngleTron. Blue, green, yellow, purple, and red lights flash like strobe lights, causing a seizure-iffic entrance. The curtain opens slightly, and out steps Josie Baker, who is wearing her secretary uniform. The Showstopper, K-MONEY, and the Female Phenom, CRYSTAL, follow her closely!

There they are! The leader and first lady of The Firm, K-Money and Crystal!

-The bell rings three times getting the fans attention. Michael Buffer stands in the middle of the ring. You can hardly hear his words over the roar of the crowd.

The Next Match…is scheduled for one fall…and is for the OAOAST TAG TEAM CHAMPIONSHIPS!

-Big pop.

Entering first…at a combined weight Two Hundred and Ninety Pounds…first, from Coquitlam, B.C, Canada…the Female Phenomenon…CRYYYYYYYSTAL!!

-Crystal slides into the ring and hops up onto the nearest turnbuckle, posing for the fans.

…and her partner…from Hollywood, California…He is The SHOWSTOPPER…THIS…IS…KAAAAAAAAYYYY…MOOOOOOOOOONEY!!

-Monstrous pop as K-Money follows Crystal's example and steps onto the turnbuckle opposite her. The two smile at each other…as the lights dim.


-The fans cheers now turn to boos as the curtain…stays…closed? Uhh…

What the hell…Where are they?

My guess is they're too busy pulling the needles out of Ragdoll's arms.


…Hey…Coach…here's an idea: Contribute to the conversation from now on.

-The music suddenly stops, leaving the fans, K-Money, and Crystal, speechless.

CUE: "Telegram Sam" by Bauhaus

Who the hell is this?

-The curtain does in fact fly open this time, but instead of Tyler Bridges and TJ Burns, out walk Tiffany Cardinale and Becky Burns, the managers of TNT. The boos grow increasingly louder as Becky and Tiffany make their way down to the ring, shaking their heads. Becky climbs into the ring first and pulls a microphone out from her jeans pocket.

WHOA…Whoa, everybody…Just…settle down.

What the hell do these two want?

Oh god, if it's for me to pleasure them, I will die happy…

As I'm sure all of you know by now…Tyler and TJ missed their flights to the arena tonight, so…


Tonight…instead of you two facing TNT…you have to face…

Each other.


Hehe…that's kinda funny…

-Crystal is freaking out, but Money, however, is completely calm. He slowly walks towards Becky and Tiffany and takes the mic.

First off…shut up…

-The fans erupt with cheers as Becky and Tiffany scoff.

Second…don't give me this "They missed their flight" bull-shit…I saw them in the back walking around, so this whole little scheme of yours? It just backfired, slut.

-Becky gets a look of complete shock on her face as the fans erupt in cheers and chants of "SLUT, SLUT, SLUT!"

So why don't you both go back there, get your little cocksucker boyfriends, and bring them out here so we can take their titles…

-The cheers grow louder now as Becky and Tiffany back up slowly. The cheers now turn to boos as Crystal suddenly drops to the mat, clutching her head.


-Money feels the vibration of the impact and turns, and gets dropped by a TJ Burns clothesline. TJ laughs and takes off his hat, throwing it into the crowd, all while Tyler Bridges delivers stomps to the ribs of Crystal. Becky and Tiffany quickly slide out and rush towards GMC, who is just now leaving the ring. They whisper something into his ear, causing him to shake his head, but speak anyway.

BY order of HeldDown General Manager NORTHSTAR, this match is a Tornado Tag NO DQ match!

Oh now that’s not fair!

Fair? No…Smart? Yessir!

-Tyler quickly picks Crystal up and whips her into the closest corner, where she hits with a thud. Tyler rushes towards her…WHAM!!…and crushes her with a clothesline! Crystal drops to the bottom turnbuckle, holding her chest, as Tyler starts driving his size 11 boots into her chest. Meanwhile, TJ has stopped showboating, and has since picked up K-Money. TJ whips Money towards the ropes and follows close behind…WHAM! Money gets nailed with a flying back elbow, sending the showstopper tumbling to the outside. TJ follows close behind as Tyler picks Crystal up. He quickly grabs her head, suplex style, and lifts…he stalls for a few seconds…

Tyler Bridges letting the blood rush to head of Crystal…

-10 seconds have passed, and Crystal's face is beginning to get a little red. Suddenly, Tyler drops her forwards, delivering a vicious front suplex onto the top rope in the process. The impact causes Crystal to rebound off and bounce out to the outside, where she lays, gasping for air.

-Meanwhile, K-Money is back on his feet, but is unaware of TJ's presence behind him, and the weapon that TJ holds. Money slowly turns…WHAM!! Money stands still for a moment, but suddenly starts to topple over, a small amount of blood now trickling from his forehead.

We aren't even five minutes into the match yet, and already we have blood spilled!

I like it!


-Tyler slowly rolls outside and grabs Crystal, who is now on her knees, by her hair, forcing the girl to her feet. Tyler grabs her by the wrist and quickly whips her towards the guardrail…CRYSTAL REVERSES…WHAM!! TYLER GOES DOWN FROM A CRYSTAL CLOTHESLINE! The crowd erupts as Crystal starts stomping away on Tyler, who is now covering up.

-TJ, on the other hand, is having better luck. He slowly rolls Money back into the ring and climbs in, the chair still in his hand. TJ stands above Money, who slowly rolls over onto his stomach, trying to lift himself up. TJ slowly raises the chair…WHAM!! TJ flies forward and out from between the second and top rope to the outside, courtesy of a Crystal dropkick. She slowly helps Money to his feet as Tyler staggers his way around to where TJ is laying. Tyler slowly helps his partner up as Crystal nods towards TNT. K-Money nods in response and drops to his hands and knees, perpendicular to the ropes. Crystal rushes to the opposite ropes and rebounds, just as TNT get to their feet. Crystal rushes forward and steps onto the back of Money!

Keep your eyes on Crystal!

Don't need to tell me twice!

-Crystal leaps off…and onto the top rope, where she quickly moonsaults off and lands in the middle of the ring. The fans laugh and applaud as Money stands and flips off TNT, who just shake their heads in anger.

Thought Crystal was going to go high risk there…

Oh, it's high risk hearing you talk…shut up.

That didn't even make sense.

-TJ and Tyler are quickly joined by Tiffany and Becky, and the four huddle. Money and Crystal shrug the four off and move to the middle of the ring, where they keep their eyes locked on the four. Becky and Tiffany nod and move towards the ring. They lift up the apron and reach under, pulling out two Singapore Cane's each. Becky gives one to TJ, and Tiffany one to Tyler, and the four suddenly surround the ring…WHACK…WHACK…All of them are now hitting the bottom ropes with the canes. The strikes are in unison for awhile, but they soon become out of sync. Money and Crystal look around at the four as they continue to play head games with the two members of The Firm. Becky motions like she's going to rush the ring, but quickly backs out of it as Tiffany motions as well. TJ does so, as does Tyler…Becky slides in slightly, but Money rushes forward, causing her to slide back out. TNT see this as their opportunity and rush into the ring…WHACK! WHACK!! Money and Crystal collapse to the mat, as they try to cover themselves up from the beating.

The head games of TNT paid off!

-Becky and Tiffany reach under the ring again and quickly pull out…

We got tables…

-Becky quickly slides her table into the ring as Tiffany sets hers up on the outside. Meanwhile, TJ drops the cane and quickly picks up the table, unfolding it in the center of the ring. Tyler continues to deliver a beating to Money, who is now lying in the corner, covering himself from the stinging strikes of the Singapore Cane. TJ slowly picks Crystal…WHAM!! The fans erupt as TJ grabs his family jewels and staggers backwards into the ropes! Crystal quickly stands and grabs the Singapore Cane, turning towards Tyler…WHACK!! Tyler screams in pain as the cane meets his upper back, right between the shoulder blades. He slowly turns and drops to his knees…WHACK!! The fans groan as Tyler clutches at his forehead and flops foreword. Money, who has now regained his composure, slowly stands, dragging Tyler up with him. Meanwhile, Crystal has TJ up and reeling against the ropes, when she suddenly notices the table outside. The fans notice her notice, and she notices the fans notice she notices, as she motions for a Crystal Bomb through the table! The fans roar with applause with this idea, and Crystal nods, dragging TJ to the outside apron.

We could see the end of TNT's reign here tonight!

I doubt it, Michael…







-The chops are from K-Money, who now has Tyler in the far turnbuckle. One more chop softens Tyler up enough, and Money runs to the opposite corner…


The fans erupt as Money rushes forward. When he reaches Tyler, he quickly leaps up, driving his feet into his chest. With all his leg strength, Money moonsaults off, landing just three feet away from Tyler, who clutches at his now injured chest, courtesy of the Dr. Smooth's Secret Recipe. Money sees his opportunity…and rushes forward again, this time, grabbing Tyler's head in a 3/4 Neckbreaker hold.


-During the DSSR: Crystal raises her hand, signaling for a Crystal Bomb…WHAM!! The fans groan as Crystal clutches at her stomach, courtesy of a TJ Burns headbutt. Crystal bends over slightly, and with lightning fast speed and a burst of adrenaline, TJ shoots up! He quickly puts his back to her head and hooks her arms. TJ quickly twists and lifts…The fans rise to their feet as TJ steps forward slightly…

He wouldn't dare…


I think he's crazy enough to do it!

-…and LEAPS!!…The two are in the air for what seems like ages…CRASH!!~!~ The fans erupt with cheers, boos, groans, and a "HO-LY SHIT!" chant, to boot. Crystal clutches at her neck as she spasms outside the ring…TJ also lays on the mats.


-A small screen in the right hand corner pops up, showing a replay of the incredible move, before cutting back to K-Money, who is just now running up the turnbuckle, his arms still in a 3/4 Neckbreaker position…Tyler, being the ring rat that he is, has the move well scouted, though. He hastily wraps his arms through Money's, putting Money, now, into a Full Nelson. Tyler uses the momentum that Money has to continue spinning…


-CRASH!!!! The fans once again erupt in boos, cheers, groans and "HO-LY SHIT!", this time, for a spinning London Bridge through a table!~




-The ref drops into position as Tyler slightly bridges his back for more leverage. Money is out cold.






The first and only cover of the match is the one that ends it…My god, that surprise attack at the beginning of the match, in my opinion, was what won the match for TNT here tonight, guys!

I disagree…the spinning London Bridge through a table and the St. Patrick's Day Massacre to the outside through a table was what won the match for TNT.


-Tyler slowly rolls to the outside, where he is greeted by a now standing TJ Burns, Tiffany, and Becky. The bell-ringer hands the Tag belts to TJ and Tyler, who slowly raise them in the air as the limp up the ramp. The fans have a huge mixed reaction for the team.

Fans…Crystal is somehow standing now…but K-Money…I believe that K-Money is seriously injured…my god…Paramedics are on their way…

-Josie quickly slides into the ring and kneels beside her husband, who is motionless. Crystal, also, slides in, checking on her friend and fellow Firm-mate, as paramedics quickly climb in. The arena falls silent as the paramedics wrap a neckbrace around the neck of K-Money and slowly place him onto the gurney, just before rolling him back up the ramp. Josie and Crystal follow close behind.

Fans…we need to take a break…

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A graphic reading "Earlier This Week" is shown across the bottom of the screen, as the viewers get a look at the hallway of a hospital. The man that the camera is trailing is a familiar one, known to wrestling fans the world over as OAOAST star Zack Malibu!

Zack stops at a nurses station, and motions for one to come over.

Yes sir, can I do something for you?

Yes, I'm hear to see David Akeroyd.

Oh yes, the wrestler. Room 506.


Zack continues down the hallway, stopping in front of the door marked "506". Taking in a deep breath, he steps into the room where the man who has been perhaps his most notorious rival resides, a result of a match with Zack himself.

Zack slowly opens the door, and a half asleep CWM turns his head to see who's entering.

Well, look what the cat dragged in.

Nice to see you too.

Ah, bullshit. It's never nice for anyone to look at this mug, whether I'm in a hospital or on the street. I guess it's the intimidation factor.

Yeah...guess so.

An uneasy silence falls over the room, as the two competitors stare at each other.

I don't know what to say to you, bro.

Just say what you want, Zack. I'm not looking for pity, or...

Pity? Hell, I don't pity you, CWM. In fact, there's a part of me, a small part, but a part of me feels that karma has bit you in the ass now. All the sneak attacks, all the swerves, putting my head through glass windows...it's divine justice. Do unto others as they would do unto you.

Fair enough, Zack. You may or may not believe me, but I know where you're coming from.

Like I said, that's just a part of me, CWM. The competitive part of me. The proud part of me. You know me though, and you know my mentality. That win or lose, friend or foe, the bottom line is that things are built on respect. We might have had a blood feud. We might never go out for beers together, but as a competitor, as a peer, I respect what you've...well, MOST of what you've done. To see you here, to see you assaulted when you were vulnerable by those cowards...

Zack man, chill out. I can handle Superstar and this Underground thing. It's OK...

NO, no it's not OK! You see...I'M the one who brought Superstar in. The In Crowd is what cemented him as a player, and it's also what jaded him. You gave him an opening to come back and get back at me, hell, at the whole company. But it was ME who created that monster. Directly or indirectly, all this, this Underground business, the assault on you...it's all on my head.

Hehe, typical Malibu. You need to sit back and relax, man. What you did was give a kid a chance. It's not your fault he took advantage of your generosity. You're not a member of the Psychic Friends Network, Zack, so you wouldn't have known. He did what any of us would have done. Hell, he did what even YOU would have done in that situation. He got bored with catering to an audience, to pretend he's something he's not. Look at me, I was never, EVER one to conform, and that's what made us rivals, because we're polar opposites. Those fans are only cheering me now because they know that when I get back in that ring, I'm going to rip into Superstar, into Hoff, hell, into everyone even affiliated loosely with them. They'll cheer Zack, I know they will, but not because I'm a "good guy". They'll cheer because I'll be putting my efforts into destroying everything the fans hate.

What if you don't succeed? Am I gonna have to worry about a chair being wrapped around my skull?

It's wrestling, you'll always have to worry about that. But if you want to ease yourself, I'll tell you this much. I don't have anything against you anymore, Zack, because you did something even my "friends" didn't do. You came here...hell, you probably didn't even want to at first...but you came here and you were up front with me. You talk about respect, hell, I might have shed your blood more than a few times, but I respect the hell out of you. That's why I'm gonna watch your back next week against Hoff.

You're serious?

Hear me out, Zack. I'm not looking to put one over on you. I'm probably not even going to be able to walk. But I'm going to roll down that aisle in my wheelchair, keep a few Canadian brews in my lap, and I'm gonna make sure that you're able to avenge me without incident.

There's no talking you out of this, is there?

Not at all, preppy.

Well then, I guess there's only one thing left to do...

Zack walks over to CWM, standing over him above the bed. The two men lock eyes, waiting to see if the other is going to make a move...and Zack is the first one to do so.

He extends his hand. CWM accepts.

I'll see you next week?

Damn right.

Malibu walks out of the room, but before the door closes, CWM hollers to him...

Hey Zack...tell the nurse I'm ready for my sponge bath now!

CWM snickers to himself, and the cameras close in tightly on him, before we fade out.

MC: Well, coming up here....(the lights go out, and "Pompeii" starts up.)...what in the hell?

(St. Andrew leads Gibraltar to the ring. Andrew pulls a microphone out of his robe when they both enter.)

ANDREW: Greetings and salutations, all of you who are lesser than thou. I just came out here to get something off of my chest. You see, I am quite disturbed by an epidemic that has broken out amongst the locker room here at HeldDOWN~!. No, it is not the black plague, or SARS, or even a venereal disease that some underage groupie started. I'm talking about cowardice. This past Monday, I left Northstar a message on his fax machine to get my Gibraltar an opponent to warm him up for Anglepalooza on Sunday night. Then, I arrived with my Communion tonight, to find that Northstar had no one lined up to be destroyed by my monster. It turns out that every single wrestler on this roster was asked to fight Gibraltar, and turned down the invitation. It is said that people hate what they cannot understand, and fear what they cannot conquer. Every person in that locker room refuses to begin to understand that I am simply trying to lead lost souls to salvation, therefore they hate us. Every single person in that locker room knows that they will NEVER be able to conquer Gibraltar, especially in the Royal Rumble on Sunday, so therefore they fear him. Normally, I would fight the oppresive system for not giving my top artillery target practice, going into the Rumble this Sunday , but I'm not about ready to do anything to upset anyone who could pull my monster away from his destiny of headlining the biggest show in the history of this company, winning the most cherished prize in this business today, and then using it to spread the word of all that is good. Instead, anyone in their right mind who dare try and remove my monster from the ring, shall try his damndest now.

MC: Uh oh....

CABOOSE: We might as well go to an extended commercial break, because Northstar needs to rent a wrecking ball to get this monster to even budge.

A group of ten members of the arena's security force comes down to the ring. Andrew signals for them to all come into the ring if they want Gibraltar out. So, one-by-one, the security guards run into the ring, and one by one, Gibraltar literally swats them all down with swinging forearms. Gibraltar charges at two guards who are pulling themselves up with the ropes, and clotheslines them over the top rope at once. Gibraltar turns around, and immediately hiptosses another guard, who's charging at him, over the top rope, with the momentum sending the security guard flat on his face. Gibraltar then sets his sights on another guard in a corner, who he nails with three Vader-style hammer forearms, with the third being so hard that it sends the guy over the top rope, and to the floor. Gibraltar then turns, grabs another guard, who's leaning on the top rope, by the ankles and lifts him over the top rope, to the floor. Two guards then run at Gibraltar at the same time, but he grabs them both by the throat. Gibraltar then shoves them over the top rope simultaniously, by the throat. Gibraltar then grabbed another guard by the back of his neck, and tossed him into a standing guard, with the force of the toss sending both men over the top rope. The last security guard is stumbling around with his back to Gibraltar, as the other nine are basically holding each other up near the aisle. Gibraltar then grabs the last guard by the throat, picks him up over his head, and tosses the poor guy gorilla-press-style, onto the other nine security members!

MC: My goodness, this monster just wiped the ring with ten other men!

COACH: While those may not be OAOAST Superstars per say, they still are grown men who are trained to be able to control large crowds of people physically, and Gibraltar just cleared the ring of all ten of them!

CABOOSE: You show me a man who says Gibraltar isn't ready for the Rumble, and I'll show you a giraffe who is physically attracted to pigeons!

MC: We've got to cut to a commercial break, as Andrew is leading his man-monster, and a driving odds-on favorite in this Sunday's Rumble, Gibraltar, to the back! Back in a few!

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A graphic that says Earlier Today comes up on the screen and Mad Matt is sitting in the back of the arena.

Matt:This is just getting out of hand. Some moron thinks he can get away from attempting to take me out. Someone obviously doesn't want me around here. I was about ready to head out to the show this week and I find that my car has had four flat tires. Thankfully I had a friend that drove me to the airport. The same person attempted to take me out by nearly taking my head off with a cinderblock, thankfully he or she missed, and attempting to run me over as I was leaving the arena two weeks ago. I have reason to believe that this same person attempted to turn me to the mental institution. I have given my thoughts on who may be behind these attempts to further sabotage my career, but I don't want to sound repititve. I am giving the person who is doing this until next week. 7 Days. They have a chance to admit that they did it and there is a 5 percent chance that I may spare them from a sound beating. We can do it that way, which is the easy way. HOWEVER, I can also do this the hard way. I can question every single person in that lockeroom until one breaks down and admits. Then I slowly rip them into little pieces. Trust me, I do not want it to come to that but I have little choice.

Matt pauses at the camera.

Matt:Now for my match this Sunday. AJ Flaire, you are in for an uphill battle. I have never given up at anything in my life. This title shot will be no different. I WILL come out with the X-Division Title or die trying. And that is a promise. The Shadow of Madness will rise to the top of the X-Division once more. And remember, seven days or else I will have to get evil. You would not like me when I am evil.

(Elsewhere, back on live TV...)

The cameras cut to the Underground locker room. Various gear and clothing is hung up all over the place; however, Superstar is the room's sole occupant, and he is pacing the floor, wearing his tights and a "Star Power" t-shirt, an obvious look of worry and anger on his face. Superstar raises his head and appears to be muttering to himself, when the door opens. Superstar stops in mid-stride and looks to the doorway. Hoff walks in, closing the door behind him.


Superstar walks over to Hoff, eyes flaring.

"Where the hell have you been?"

Hoff looks at Superstar inquisitively

"What do you mean, 'where have I been?' I just got here a few minutes--"

Superstar cuts Hoff off in midsentence.

"No, no no. I mean where the hell has your head been? Let's ignore the fact that you've been wallowing around in your own self pity for the last three weeks. Let's forget that you let Northstar push you around like a sissy. In case you forgot, Northstar is the enemy. The OAOAST, is the enemy. We're not here to play by their rules, and yet you let Northstar boss you around like a bitch."

Hoff appears stung by Superstar's words, but Superstar continues.

"So let's ignore all that for a second. Even if you have become a walking, talking pussy, it was still your job to watch out for J. Arthur and Gunner last week. Instead, you're out challenging Zack Malibu to a match?"

Hoff raises his voice indignantly.

"Zack challenged me to the match, Supes..."

"I don't give a shit! Your focus does not need to be on Zack Malibu right now. You need to worry about Underground business. Loyalty, remember? And because of you, J. Arthur and Gunner are gone--"

"Because of ME?!"

"Yeah, and while we're talking about Malibu, I'm the one who has to deal with him before you do--"

Suddenly, Hoff grabs Superstar by the collar of his shirt. Superstar looks shocked as Hoff's eyes flare.

"You wanna blame this on ME?!"

Hoff pushes Superstar back.

"I don't fucking need this!" He looks away. "I don't need to deal with all this shit. I've got Northstar on my ass, Zack down my neck, and CWM telling me to make a will. I don't need to deal with you, too."

Superstar looks dumbfounded, as if not expecting this outburst.

"Remember what you said when you took over the Underground? Do you, boss? You said that there was finally gonna be some order around here, and shit was finally gonna get done. And so far, all you've done is turn everyone against each other and given Zack Malibu and Northstar the edge! You want to blame me for all this? Blame yourself! I don't know what YOUR problem is, but you dug this hole yourself. YOU caused the tension, YOU acted selfishly, YOU--"

"I acted selfishly?!"

"Does the 24/7 Title ring a bell?"

Superstar says nothing to this.

"Now listen to me. I don't know what's up with Gunner, or J. Arthur. But you've got me, I'll watch your back. I'm still Underground, and I'm still here to take care of business. But you better get your shit together."

The two men look each other over for a second, then Hoff turns to leave. As he does, Superstar grabs him. As Hoff turns back around, Superstar grabs him by the jacket and shoves him hard into the door. An almost crazed look is in his eye.

"I'm the leader, you son of a bitch! Me! Me!! ME!!! I make the decisions! I tell you what to do! I'm in charge, dammit!"

Superstar lets go of Hoff and takes a step back. Superstar looks almost out of breath, as if almost exhausted.

Hoff looks at him for a moment, not knowing what to say, then turns and heads out the door.

Superstar turns to face the long mirror on the opposite wall. His face i's face is beet red, his eyes bloodshot. He looks almost possessed.

"I'm the leader...me..."

***fade to commercial***

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"Not Afraid" by Earshot

Wait...this isn't on my format...

Since when do wrestlers follow formats?

As the announcers bicker, The Superstar power-walks down to the ring unannounced, heading over to Michael Buffer and ordering him to toss him the mic. Buffer obliges, and Superstar rolls in under the bottom rope.

Am I the only one who thinks what I saw just a little while ago was the gheyest thing ever on HeldDOWN~!?

Actually, I think the guy sitting right next to me here is.

Yo, I'm all man, baby.

I was talking about Clay Aiken over here.

Wha...me? No way.

Denial is usually the first emotion you feel. It's OK, Michael.

I mean, COME ON. Two blood rivals...they've fought in cells, they've fought in street fights, they've fought in God damn Ambulance matches, and now they're FRIENDS? What the hell? Then, to top it off, they blame me? ME? Sorry guys, you can have your little love fests, but don't call me matchmaker.

The catcalls from the crowd grow larger and larger. Superstar tells the fans to pipe down, but none follow his orders.

Now, speaking of matchmaking, I've grown weary of the accusations, and I have a nice surprise for you people. At Anglepalooza this Sunday, it was expected, and now it's official...you will see Zack Malibu and The Superstar not only in the Royal Rumble, but in a one on one contest as well!


Now that is music to my ears.

The only music you listen to is Hilary Duff, who are you kidding?

Hey now, don't diss the Duff, she be hot!

That's right, no stipulations, no gimmicks, just Zack and I, the two former best buddies, the two former In Crowd stars, we're going to light up the arena that night, and before I walk away from the Royal Rumble with a title shot at Anglemania, something that Zack couldn't get done last year, I'm going to do something else he won't be able to, and that's win our match!

So humble, isn't he?

That's right, put the money down now. Call the Vegas bookies. Take out a second mortgage on your home. Anglepalooza is going to be MY night, and there's not a damn thing anyone can do about it! I've been held back by these politics, all this drama, all this garbage for long enough. I'm going to show you all exactly why I have the name Superstar. I'm going to show you that this place is a madhouse, and I'm the only one capabling of getting it under control!

The fans jeer, but all of a sudden, music is cued up...all too familiar music...

"Bring Me To Life"!

To the roar of the crowd, Zack Malibu steps out in street clothes, also weilding a microphone.

It never ends, does it? You get a hair across your ass, but it's everyone's fault but yours?

Aw, look who decided to show up live and in living color! Savor the moment, Zack, because you go from being just an enemy to being an example on Sunday.

An enemy? (Zack walks down the aisle and towards the ring.) I realize that's what it's come to, but truth be told, Superstar, I was never sure why. I was never sure if you were just jealous...if you were bi-polar...or if you had any good reason at all for turning your back on The In Crowd way back when. So, why don't we clear the air, shall we? Why don't you tell me exactly why it's come to this.

(Zack steps up on the apron, and into the ring. He comes nose to nose with Superstar.)

I'm waiting, Supes. Tell me what I did so wrong to you. Tell me how I stole your spotlight. Give me the useless excuses I've heard so many times.

EXCUSES? No excuses, Zack, just truth. You want to know why I hate you? Why I walked out on the stable nearly two years ago? It's because you, Evenflow, Alison, you had all gone soft.

Gone soft?

You heard me, pop princess. When I first started out here, you extended the olive branch. You let me establish myself as part of the premiere talent, and it helped me get my foot in the door. The thing is...The In Crowd was never supposed to be about baby kissing and handshaking, Zack. Think about it...we were rebels! I was...I AM a rebel. I don't let ANYONE tell me what to do, never have, never will. I'm a natural leader.

Yes, because you've done a bangup job with The Underground.

Screw that, Malibu. If they can't take the heat, then they shouldn't be in the kitchen. I was the best thing that happened to those guys, and the only one that can see it is Hoff.

...and he's barely hanging on.

You know Zack, I wouldn't talk about being able to keep a group together. Let's backtrack now. When we were The In Crowd we were on top of the world. Do you know why the fans cheered us? It wasn't because we asked them to. No, it was because we were original, we stood out, and we didn't CONFORM! There's your buzzword, Zack. You CONFORMED. The In Crowd went from cutting edge to as dull as a butter knife. Remember Men In Crowd Black? Remember that, Zack? Remember those promo's? We held nothing back, and hit hard, we hit low. It was the attitude that made us great. But then we started hearing cheers. More and more, louder and louder, not because they loved us, but because they hated everyone else! Your popularity, Zack...you got it by default! You're the biggest hanger-on in this company, because you got popular without even having to try, and THEN...THEN Zack, you did a total 180. Gone was the cutting edge. Gone were the In Crowd nightclub promo's, the throwing around money to get what you need and fast...you became the poor man's Ricky Steamboat. The honorable fellow. The good guy. The defender of all that is holy. That, Zack...that is when you started to make me SICK!

The crowd, the announcers, and especially Zack Malibu, are silent.

I tried, Zack. I tried for so long to get you to see. I tried to make up for the edge you were losing. I tried to cover for Evenflow, but I wasn't about to let you guys be the anchors to my career. I bolted. I did what anyone would have done. Each and every one of these people would look you in the eye like I am now and tell you the same damn thing. YOU just didn't have it anymore!

The fans boo, but Superstar continues.

Go ahead, boo me, who gives a rats ass. The truth hurts, doesn't it. Doesn't it, Zack. It hurts that you went from something fresh, to a cookie cutter babyface. It hurts that when you won that World Title, something that everyone wanted to see, it nearly fell out of your grasp every time you entered that ring? You were supposed to reign supreme over this company, and you couldn't make it through the summer with that belt intact. You're supposed to be the Franchise of this company? I'd like to see the committee that appointed you that position.

Zack takes a deep breath. Words are not coming easily.

Don't bother getting worked up, Zack. Don't bother replying, because I know exactly what you're gonna do...I did it for the fans...I respect the people...blah blah...BULLSHIT! You didn't before! You talk about me selling out? Let's be honest here...you sold YOURSELF out. You used to be something...someone even I looked up to, and now you're nothing more than a shell of what you used to be. You might have the glory, you might have the girl, but you don't have it in you to be the force you were two years ago. Mentally, physically...I'm better than you, Zack. Face it...you're on the downswing, and I'm back to make sure that this time, I don't let you get in my way to the top. Now, what do you have to say to THAT?

Zack stands tall, looking at Superstar, who waits on an answer.

Come on Zack, the big man doesn't have any big words? Say it, Zack! Say that I'm right!

Zack again doesn't say a word.


Superstar CRACKS Malibu across the face with an open hand, sending Zack reeling to the side. He turns right back to Superstar, fuming more now than ever.

See that? No retaliation? Weak.

Superstar knocks the mic out of Zack's hand.

Cat got your tongue? Doesn't matter, because I know what you'd say. So, I'll see you Sunday, Zack. Your past has just caught up with you.

"Not Afraid" hits again, and Superstar ducks out of the ring, as Zack continues to stand silent, but never taking his eyes off his one time friend. Superstar backs up the aisle, mocking Zack, as we cut away to commercial.

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Cole: Ladies and Gentleman this next match was made by Northstar earlier tonight. It’s to teach Charlie Hoss a lesson in how to do his job.

Caboose: Exactly! This is just what our head of security needs! I’ve been feeling a little unsafe lately as it is. There’s a lot of thugs in that crowd and if we’re not careful they could overrun us.

Coach: I’m getting that feeling to........

Cole: Will you two stop! Now Damaramu and Charlie have a little bit of history with one another. Let’s take you back to Deadly Games.

*a graphic that says “2 Months ago” flashes across the screen*

*The fans are once again booing as Dama seems to have once again avoided certain defeat. But Charlie is still there and he pulls Dama up and prepares to deliever a chokeslam! Dama steps back! LOW KICK! Charlie grabs his balls as Dama delivers a crushing kick right there! Dama bends over and grabs the tire iron smiling as he stands straight up. Dama is bleeding everywhere and looking like he was hit by a car but he laughs at the doubled over Charlie Hoss before his face becomes twisted with rage as he brings the tire iron down onto Charlie's head!*

Cole: He's like a serial killer! Good god!

*Charlie hits the ground and is motionless as a stream of blood begins to slowly trickle out of the back of his head. Dama throws the tire iron out of the ring and turns to Pyro who is standing up next to the ropes.*

Cole: I get chills everytime I watch that entire altercation. I think it’s what finally proved that Damaramu is a monster.

*the lights go out as the opening rift to “I Stand Alone” rips through the arena. A spotlight flies around the arena until it centers on Damaramu standing on the entrance ramp. However he doesn’t seem dressed for a wrestling match. He’s wearing his normal sleeveless shirt but he’s got on a pair of jeans with cowboy boots on. He still has his gloves, knee pads, and elbow pads however.*

Coach: Umm......he doesn’t look dressed to wrestle.

Caboose: He looks dressed to fight! I have new information given to me by Northstar that you losers don’t have!

Cole: And what would that be.

Caboose: Just listen.

Announcer: Ladies and Gentleman the following match is scheduled for one fall....and has NO DISQUALIFICATION!

Cole: WHAT!? When did that happen!?

Caboose: Well Damaramu needs a warm up for the cage match...that’s no DQ!

Cole: This isn’t fair!

Coach: For Damaramu! Charlie never forgets!

Announcer: Making his way to the ring from Moore, Oklahoma weighing in at 248 pounds.......The black hearted DAMARAMU!!!!!!!!!

*the crowd stands and boos*

Announcer: And his opponent currently in the ring......The Chief of Security.......CHARLIE HOSS!!!!!!

*the crowd cheers as Charlie waves at them from the ring. Damaramu stops at the bottom of the ramp as the lights come up and his music stops. He looks up at Charlie with an evil smile on his face. Charlie looks down at him and starts begging Damaramu to come into the ring. Dama smirks at Charlie and turns around laughing.*

Cole: Come on and fight!

*Charlie finally gets frustrated and heads out of the ring. As he’s stepping through the apron though Damaramu spins around and sprays green mist into his face!*

Caboose: MIST! MIST!

Cole: We’ve seen Damaramu use that before! When he injured Crystal!

*Charlie falls off the apron holding his faces as Damaramu pounces. Dama runs forward like he’s kicking a field goal and delivers a hard shot to Charlie’s ribs. Hoss rolls over as Dama stomps him hard in the ribs again. Dama turns mats around the ring and pulls them up.*

Cole: Dammit! This is how he injured Crystal! Exactly!

Coach: Yeah but he did that because she’s small and he can toss her around! I don’t think he can do that move to Charlie!

Caboose: This man has a scary strength! Just watch!

*Dama pulls Charlie up and drags him back over to the mats. Dama sets him up in position for the reverse rock bottom, wanting to drop him on his head on the concrete! But Charlie is to big! Dama tries until Hoss manages to push him down to the ground! Dama lays there for a second as Hoss backs up holding his face. Dama stands and runs for Charlie leaping at him but Hoss catches him around the throat! A look of rage contorts Charlie’s face as he throws Damaramu backwards into the ring post!*

Cole: Now we’re talking!

Caboose: Bias! Bias! Come on Dama! Kick his ass!

*Dama hits the ground as the beast that is Charlie Hoss comes alive. Hoss screams in rage and lifts Dama up by his throat pinning him up against the ring post! Dama kicks to get loose but it is to no avail. Finally Charlie steps back and throws him again into the ring post! Dama’s body twists as he ricochets off the post and hits the mats.*


*Hoss is rejuvenated by the fans chants as he lifts Dama and throws him into the ring. Dama tries to make it to his feet but Hoss is on him delivering hard forearm smashes to the back of Dama’s head. Hoss sends him into the ropes and turns him inside out with a lariat on his way back in!*

Cole: Damaramu wanted a warm up well here it is!

Coach: I don’t think Crystal will be that easy on him!

*Dama tries to make it to the corner but Hoss is still on him, pulling Dama to his feet and grabbing him by the throat! Hoss steps back and then delivers a high and hard chokeslam! Hoss goes for the pin!*




*Dama kicks out as the fans begin to boo loudly. Hoss just kind of laughs and lifts Dama’s half alive body off the ground and begins delivering headbutts until a spot of blood appears between Dama’s eyes.....at which point Hoss tosses him back to the mat. Dama tries to stand but Hoss shoves him back down and then stands on his chest! Dama kicks as Hoss continues to put the pressure on!*

Cole: He’s getting what he deserves! Charlie is beating this man within an inch of his life!

Caboose: You make me sick!


*Charlie takes a cue from the fans and shoves Dama down into powerbomb position, however the camera catches Damaramu reaching down into his pants and pulling something out.*

Cole: What’s that he’s got in his hands!?

Caboose: It’s shiny!

*Charlie screams in rage and lifts Dama off the mat. Dama flips up and brings his weapon down across Charlie’s head! Charlie immediately crumbles as Dama falls on top of him. The referee goes down for the count!






Announcer: Ladies and Gentleman the winner of this match.....DAMARAMU!!!!

Cole: What the hell just happened!? Charlie had the match won!

*Damaramu stands up off the fallen Charlie who is now bleeding profusely. Dama smiles and lifts his weapon high over his head like a knight with his sword.........Dama is holding a tire iron.*

Cole: Dammit! That’s the same tire iron he used at Deadly Game!!! Charlie had the match won!

Coach: I’m sorry Cole but Charlie never had this match won! Damaramu knew exactly what he was doing the whole time.

Caboose: Now you’re thinking right Coach!

*Damaramu turns to the fallen Hoss and then brings the tire iron down across his ribs! Hoss doubles over in pain as Dama laughs loudly at his accomplishment. Dama steps back in the same serial killer pose he had at Deadly Game while Charlie is trying to make it to his feet.....lifting the tire iron high over his head.......the fans are booing loudly recognizing the similarity but there boo’s turn to cheers!*

Coach: It’s Crystal!!!!

*Damaramu sees Crystal racing down the ramp and drops his tire iron and bolts out of the ring! Crystal runs into the ring and nearly runs through the ropes Dama just slid under!*

Crystal(following Dama from inside the ring): Come on! Get in here! I can’t wait until Sunday! Let’s do this now!!!

Dama: Screw you!

*Damaramu flips Crystal off as he starts to back up the ramp. Suddenly his eyes widen with fear and he turns to run up the ramp as the tire iron comes flying down beside him!*

Caboose: Now she’s throwing things!

Coach: Damn straight! And on Sunday she’ll be throwing Damaramu around! First she’ll throw his ass out of the ring and then should he be well enough to compete in the Rumble, she’ll throw his ass out of the ring!

*Damaramu exits through the curtain as a host of officials run to the ring while Crystal sits, fuming over the fallen Charlie Hoss!*

Coach: Oh my god! This Sunday will be amazing! Damaramu and Crystal. They hate each other more than anything.......and they’re going to be locked inside a steel cage with nowhere to go! No escape! This is a blood feud right here!

Cole: It’s going to be an amazing match...and maybe the sadistic Damaramu will get what’s coming to him. He’s avoided any punishment for his heinous actions thus far in his career. I can’t wait for Anglepalooza.


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("Orange Crush" starts up, and out comes two-thirds of Totally Endorsed, current WCW World Television Champion Sly "The Sly" Sommers (holding his framed TV belt) and Colvid.)

MC: These two are quite the marked men lately. Between Sly trying to permanently retire Jacob Lyne two weeks ago, to both of these guys being the cause of Scotty Static being dropped on his skull, onto a chair, giving him a concussion and a stinger.

COACH: Tonight, Northstar, due to the threat of a malpractice lawsuit, let Scotty Static have this match, where he gets to pick any partner he wants to fight Totally Endorsed.

(The light show starts up, and "Make Her Say" starts up. But, no one comes out of the entrance. As Sly and Colvid are watching the entrance for their opponents, two men sneak into the ring. The house lights come back up, and Scotty Static and his partner have entered the ring from the crowd...)

MC: He's back! Johnny Jackson is back!

COACH: I didn't think he was going to be back until Anglepalooza!

CABOOSE: That's cheap!

The lights come up, as Colvid and Sly turn around at the same time. They both get met with punches by Static and Jackson simultaniously. Another punch by both GPX members sends Totally Endorsed flying back to the ropes. Stereo Irish whips by the Global Party Exchange lead to a set of backflip Japanese armdrags. All four men back up, and Totally Endorsed charge at Static and Jackson. But, that leads to stereo falling armdrags by the GPX on Sly and Colvid! Though Sly and Colvid are holding their backs, all four men come back up again, with Scotty and Johnny standing near the ropes. Totally Endorsed run at the Exchange, but get backdropped at the same time, over the top rope and to the floor. Scotty and Johnny run to the other side, come off of the ropes while putting their arms around each other's necks, and nail an amazing duo-connected tope con hilo, onto both members of Totally Endorsed!

COACH: Wow, what an amazing dive!

MC: So far, the reunited Global Party Exchange have been all over Totally Endorsed!

CABOOSE: They got a big sneak-attack. So what?

Scotty throws Sly back into the ring, and slides in himself, as Johnny Jackson goes to the GPX corner. Scotty stands Sly up, and forearms him three times in the face angrily, showing his aggressive side. Static then whips Sly off to the ropes, and nails a high jumping heel kick. Static goes for an early cover........1.......2.......kickout. Scotty pulls up Sly, and shoves him into the GPX corner. Static tags in his partner, Johnny Jackson, and both GPX members take the chance to repeatedly chop Sly in the chest during their five seconds of allowed ring time together. Static leaves the ring as Jackson locks in a wristlock on Sommers. While keeping ahold of the wrist, Jackson does an Arabian Press-style springboard, and backflips into an armdrag. Jackson still keeps ahold of the arm, pulls Sly to his feet with it, and nails a face/chest-first slam out of the side suplex position. Jackson goes for the cover, but Colvid is able to reach in and tug on Jackson's ankle to get his attention and break the pin before it even starts.

MC: Of course, Totally Endorsed can't get anything done without multiple members getting involved.

CABOOSE: Unfair stereotype, man, unfair stereotype.

Jackson turns his attention to Colvid, who he gets in a punch-fest with. This gives Sly enough time to get to his feet, and jump Jackson from behind with a forearm to the back of the head. Sly then stands Jackson up in the Totally Endorsed corner, and tags in Colvid. Both members of Totally Endorsed then stomp a mudhole into Jackson. Sly goes back to the corner, as Colvid pulls Johnny to his feet, and connects with three stiff European uppercuts to the jaw. Colvid then performs a picture-perfect snapmare, to which he follows up with a dropkick to the back of Jackson's head. Colvid follows up by applying an inverted bow-and-arrow on Jackson from the sitting position, pulling back on the arms while pushing his knee into Johnny's back.

CABOOSE: I'm loving this strategy...slowing down the high-flyer while working over a body part that they know is weakened.

Colvid mockingly yells at Jackson to get out of the hold. This motivates Jackson enough to make an almost-successful attempt out of the hold, but Colvid connects with four knees to the spine to keep him down. After literally yawning due to near-boredom after being in the same position for a long period of time, Colvid reaches out, and tags Sly back in. Sly kicks Johnny in the back, and then locks in a sitting abdominal stretch. Sly yells at Scotty while he has Johnny locked in the hold, enfuriating Static enough that he tries to come into the ring illegally. While the referee is holding back Static, Colvid comes into the ring. Sly pulls Jackson to his feet, and picks him up in a slam position. Sly then nails an inverted double team Catatonic backbreaker, as he swings Jackson around and slams him back-first onto Colvid's knee. Sly claps his hands loudly in the air, as Colvid goes for the cover on Jackson as soon as the referee turns around.......1...........2......foot on the rope.

MC: Amazing double-team, though very illegal.

COACH: Karma bit them in the ass, though, as they didn't bother dragging Jackson away from the ropes for the pin.

Colvid pulls Jackson up, and whips him off to the ropes. Colvid connects with a snap powerslam, and rolls into a cover...........1.............2.........kickout. Colvid then rolls Jackson onto his stomach, and stomps on the back of his head a few times. Colvid then runs the ropes back-and-forth three times, each time making sure to make a detour for a double-stomp onto Jackson's back before hitting the ropes on the other side. On the last run, Colvid follows up the double stomp with a cannonball Togo senton to further punish Jackson's back. Colvid then grabs both ends of Johnny, and rolls him into a wacky inverted surfboard pin........1........2.......kickout! Colvid yells at the referee for a second, and then tries to pull Jackson up. However, Johnny reaches up, and pulls Colvid down into a small package.........1...........2.......kickout!

COACH: Looks like Johnny has some "Jam" left in him!

Both men are back up, and they start trading punches. But, Colvid gives Johnny a thumb to the eye to get the advantage back. Colvid tries to whip Jackson off to the ropes, but Jackson reverses. Jackson tries for a leapfrog, but Colvid catches him in Alabama Slam-position. Colvid tries to go for the move, but somehow Jackson is able to manuever himself in mid-air, reversing with an amazing hurricanrana!

MC: With that gravity-defying reversal, the advantage is now floating somewhere in space!

Both men are down, and decide to crawl to their partners' corners at the same time. As the referee counts them down, both men inch closer and closer to tagging out. Finally, right before the referee makes it all the way to ten, Colvid and Johnny tag out simultaniously. Sly and Scotty both charge into the ring, but Sly attempts to halt as soon as he realizes who he is in the ring with. Scotty continues to charge, and dives on Sly, sending them both into a neutral corner. Scotty pounds on Sly's face with rapid-fire punches, and then whips Sly off to the opposite corner. Sly does a Flair roll, as Scotty charges to that side of the ring. Sly rolls back down, lands on his feet, and gets met with a Raven-like charging close clothesline.

COACH: Looks like the tide's turned!

CABOOSE: Shut up! He's been in for, what, ten seconds?

Scotty pulls Sly up by the hair, and whips him off to the ropes. Scotty then grabs Sly by the hair and tosses him over the top rope, and to the floor. Static then grabs onto the top rope. When Sly gets to his feet on the floor, Static does a 180-degree twist while springboarding to the top rope, and nails an amazing moonsault onto Sly Sommers!

MC: The GPX are proving tonight that they can hit you from anywhere!

As the crowd chants "GPX", Static clutches his ribs from landing partly on the edge of the guardrail, and then tosses Sly back into the ring. Static climbs back in, under the bottom rope, himself, and goes for the cover. But, Sommers immediately gets his foot on the bottom rope. Scotty pulls Sly up, and shoves him into the GPX corner. Scotty then scales to the second rope, and goes for the ten-count punches. But, at seven, Sly clutches Scotty's legs, walks forward and attempts an inverted atomic drop. But, when Sly drops it, Static lands on his feet in front of Sly. Static then punches Sly three times, with the third sending Sommers flying back to the corner.

COACH: It doesn't look like Sly can get a punch in edge-wise with Scotty!

Static then tags Johnny Jackson back into the ring, and both men go to the second rope, on opposite sides of the corner. They position themselves...and connect with an impressive double monkey flip! As Sly lands in a sitting position, Jackson rolls backwards onto his feet, and charges forward, nailing Sommers in the face with a stiff Shining Wizard!

MC: Another great double-team! These two men know each other like the back of their palms!

CABOOSE: Back of their palms? Suuuure....

Jackson goes for the cover.......1.......2.......Colvid breaks it up. Jackson charges at Colvid as Colvid goes back to the apron, but misses and goes down throat-first on the middle rope. When both Sly and Johnny come to, Sly tries to punch Jackson. But, Jackson blocks, grabs Sly's arm, and whips him to the GPX corner once again. Sly tries to nip over and catch Johnny with a flying headscissors before he lands in the corner, but Jackson catches Sly's legs, and lowers his grip into a wheelbarrow position. Static tags himself in, and simultaniously, Jackson brings Sly down with a wheelbarrow face slam as Static lands on the back of Sly's head with a slingshot legdrop!

COACH: Yet another amazing double-team out of nowhere by this new tag team sensation here on HeldDOWN~!!

Scotty goes for the cover as Jackson goes to the apron, but Sly is again in the ropes. Scotty then drags Sly's lifeless carcass to the center of the ring, and signals for something from up top. Static goes to the top rope, and signals again. But, all the signaling is for naught, as he attempts a high frog splash, but Sommers moves out of the way, leaving Static eating canvas. Sly takes a few seconds to shake the cobwebs off, and then gets to his feet. He grabs Scotty's foot, and drags him to the Totally Endorsed corner. Sly tags in Colvid, who then takes a seat on the top turnbuckle. Sly picks up Scotty for an inverted atomic drop, and Colvid jumps off the top rope during the move, to perform a spike inverted atomic drop!

MC: I know it's not Christmas anymore, but that was a Nutcracker Not-So-Sweet!

Colvid then goes for the cover.........1...........2.........kickout. Colvid gets up, stands over a face-down Scotty Static, pulls his head up by his hair, and delivers three vicious crossface shots to the jaw. He follows up by coming off of the ropes, and connecting with a kneedrop to the back of Scotty's head. Colvid then locks in a weird submission hold, pushing his knee into Scotty's neck as he cranks back on Static's head. As the referee's concentrated on checking to see if Static gives up, Colvid power-spits in Johnny Jackson's direction, which infuriates him enough that he charges into the ring. As the referee holds Jackson back, Sly Sommers comes into the ring illegally, and both Totally Endorsed members whip Static off to the ropes. Static flips his way out of an H-Bomb-like move attempt, but gets caught on the way down with a double Side Effect takedown!

CABOOSE: Ha ha! Two....or four...or whatever number it is, can play at the double-team game!

Colvid claps his hands together loudly to signal a fake tag, and slides out of the ring as the referee turns around. Sly goes for the cover...........1.............2..........kickout. Sommers then grabs Static by the hair, while on the mat, and slaps him in the face three times, yelling, "Stay down!" in between each slap. Sly pulls Scotty up, and shoves him into the TE corner. Sly then nails Static in the face with two stiff forearms, and then pulls Static forward by the hair, and slams him back against the turnbuckles. Sommers tags Colvid back in, and Totally Endorsed take their five seconds to repeatedly sandwich Scotty's head with side elbows. Sly goes to the apron, as Colvid whips Static to the ropes. Colvid brings Scotty down with a snap-powerslam-like Northern Lights Bomb.

COACH: Colvid is definately showing off his size and power advantage with that move!

Colvid goes for the cover again.........1..........2...........kickout. Colvid then drags Scotty to a sitting position in the Totally Endorsed corner, and signals for a running bootscrape. But, when Colvid goes to connect with it, Static moves out of the way and accidentally kicks Sly in the leg, making him fall from the ring apron!

MC: Miscommunication in the Totally Endorsed camp might have just turned the tide!

COACH: Static's trying to make a get-away to his corner!

Static slowly crawls to his corner...and makes the tag! But, the referee was tending to Sly, who was clutching his knee in pain on the floor, and looked to be seriously hurt. However, as soon as the tag was made, Sly hopped up and yelled at the referee to get the illegal man out of the ring. The referee slides into the ring, and has to hold Johnny Jackson back to get him back to his corner. As the referee's hands are full with Jackson, Sly and Colvid run back into the ring, pull Scotty back up, and nail a double-team version of the One Hit Wonder (Roll of the Dice). Sly goes for the cover as Colvid slaps his hands together again and slides out of the ring..........1............2..........kickout!

MC: Sly looks to be beside himself!

CABOOSE: That's okay...like I've said before, Totally Endorsed always have something up their sleeve!

Sly picks Static up, and signals for a piledriver. But, Static knows that it's coming and is somehow able to block it. Sly forearms him in the back twice and gets him up for the piledriver. But, Static is able to kick Sly in the side of the head twice to get out of the predicament. Sly shakes the cobwebs and goes for Scotty again, but Scotty kips up into a rana, sending Sly throat-first onto the second rope. Static pushes himself upward, and dropkicks Sly in the back. Static gets up, pulls Sly up, and starts throwing punches a-plenty. Static whips Sly off to the ropes. Sly blocks a hiptoss attempt, and goes for a neckbreaker. But, Scotty quickly spins his way out of that, into a swinging Rude Awakening neckbreaker!

MC: Sly nearly got broken in half with that neckbreaker!

COACH: Both men look to be crawling towards their corners, looking for tags!

Both men inch closer and closer....but Sly's just a little faster, as he gets the tag into Colvid first! Colvid runs into the ring, and grabs Scotty by the ankle. But, Scotty balances himself onto his other foot, and rolls out of Colvid's clutches, right into a tag from his partner Johnny Jackson! Jackson comes in like a house of fire, nailing punch after punch to the face of Colvid. Jackson whips Colvid to the ropes, but Colvid catches Jackson when he goes for a bodypress. Colvid tries to toss Jackson up on his shoulders, but Jackson uses his momentum to reverse with a crucific pin.....1.........2.......kickout. Both men back up, Jackson ducks a clothesline, both men turn around, and Jackson connects with a superkick. Johnny goes for another pin........1........2...........kickout. Johnny pulls Colvid up, and whips him off to the ropes. Jackson goes for an old-school Frankensteiner, but Colvid catches Johnny in mid-move, and powerbombs him down to the mat. Colvid cradles Jackson for the cover........1..........2........Scotty Static dives in to break it up! Sly runs into the ring, but gets knocked down with a right hand from Static!

MC: All hell's broken loose, and the referee's lost control!

CABOOSE: Fire him! If he cannot keep control of a match, then he sucks at his job!

Sly pops back up, and gets sent down with a short-arm clothesline by Static. Colvid gets up, and Static dropkicks him down. But, as soon as Static makes it to his feet, Sly forearms him in the back of the head. Sly then hooks Scotty's head, turns it around and picks him up for the Sommerset. Colvid grabs Static's legs, pulls them outward, and both Totally Endorsed members drop with Static for a devastating double Sommerset! Sly goes for the cover........1........2........Jackson breaks it up.

MC: We were oh-so-close to a winner after that brutal move!

Colvid pulls Jackson off of Sly, and nails three repeated forearms. Sly pulls Scotty up and leans him up against the ropes on the same side as his partner and Johnny Jackson. Sly and Colvid then both whip Jackson and Static off to the ropes, but the GPX reverse the Irish whips. Sly and Colvid duck clotheslines thrown by both GPX members, and come off of the ropes from the other side. This time, Jackson and Static duck clothesline attempts from Sly and Colvid. Sly and Colvid halt themselves, as the GPX springboard to the second rope on the same side. They bounce back, and connect with stereo Rewind Rana's on Sly and Colvid..........1...........2........kickout!

COACH: That was incredible! How did Totally Endorsed get out of that situation?!?!?

CABOOSE: They're Totally Endorsed; they can do anything.

Scotty and Johnny pull Sly and Colvid up, and send them to opposite corners. The GPX go for ten-count punches on their opponents, but both get shoved off after five. But, they backflip onto their feet, and charge forward at their designated opponent. Colvid gets forearmed in the face, but Sly backdrops Scotty over the top rope. But, Scotty lands on his feet on the apron. He springboards to the top rope as Sly turns around, and nails him with a killer Shooting Star Lariat! Scotty goes for the cover...........1..........2........kickout! As the referee's counting, Colvid kicks Johnny between the legs to get the advantage back. Static pulls Sly up, puts him in position, and connects with a killer powerbomb. Static turns him over into a Boston Crab, looking to reverse who does what for the GPX's signature Chain Letter. But, when Static locks in the Boston Crab, Colvid gives him a stiff Yakuza kick. Colvid pulls Static up by the hair, and positions him for his signature German Suplex pin. Colvid connects..........1.........2.......Jackson breaks it up.

MC: Yet another close call in this great contest!

Johnny pulls Colvid off of his partner, and punches him in the face three times. He then gets behind a dazed Colvid, and nails his signature Full Nelson Slam! Jackson goes for the cover...........1............2..........Sly breaks it up! Sommers pulls Jackson off of Colvid, and goes for the USA High Angle Backdrop. Colvid gets onto his feet as Jackson backflips out of Sly's signature finisher. Static gets up on the same side as his partner, as Sly turns around, and both Totally Endorsed members charge at the GPX. Scotty and Johnny leap over Colvid and Sly, and nail stereo sunset flips...............1............2..............3!

MC: The Global Party Exchange did it!

COACH: The reunited GPX have defeated Sly and Colvid!

CABOOSE: This is all making me sick!

BUFFER: Your winners of this contest............Johnny "Jam" Jackson and Scotty Static, the Global Party Exchange!

Sly slides outside of the ring and grabs his framed WCW World TV Title belt. The GPX celebrate in the center of the ring, but Colvid, on the outside and dazed, gives both of them the finger. As they're distracted, Sly slides into the ring with the framed belt, and DESTROYS the frame over the back of Johnny Jackson's head!


CABOOSE: Ha ha, bitches!

Colvid charges into the ring, and spears Scotty Static out of his boots. Sly pulls Jackson out from the abyss of wood and glass, and gives him a USA High Angle Backdrop. Sly then pulls his TV Title belt from the shattered frame, and lays it out in the center of the ring. As Colvid holds Static on the ground, Sly puts Jackson in position, hoists him up....and drops him on top of his head, on the title belt, with a piledriver!!!

MC: My goodness! Jackson might have just broken his neck!

COACH: He's bleeding like a fountain!

Sly pounds the cut, as even Colvid jumps off of Static to pull his crazed partner off of Jackson. Static looks over his partner as EMT's come down to the ring, and Sly continuously yells "That's you on Sunday, Scotty! That's you!" as Colvid pulls him to the back.

MC: This is psychotic! Sly's gone deranged!

CABOOSE: And just think...this Sunday, he'll be going after the actual target of his psychoticness, and there'll be no damn rules!

COACH: Wow...just wow....while we get order here, I guess we'll go to a commercial break. Back in a few...

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::Cut back to the announcer’s table with Michael Cole, Jonathon “The Coach” Coachman, and Caboose::

Michael Cole:
Not only is HeldDown presenting a movie, but it is also co-presenting a pay-per-view! A pay-per-view that is coming up this Sunday!

Jonathon Coachman:
That’s right, M.C. This Sunday, OaOasT fans will bare witness to OaOasT Anglepalooza. One of the biggest pay-per-views of the year.

The Road To AngleMania starts at Anglepalooza. It is the first OaOasT pay-per-view of 2004, and it should be an excellent event.

Anglepalooza will be presented to you by both IntenseZone and HeldDown. The centerpiece of the event is the Royal Rumble Match, BUT there is a lot more to the pay-per-view than just that. To tell you all about it, we now take you live to the Anglepalooza control center with Josh Matthews.

Does that little dweeb still have a job?

Let’s send it to Matthews. Josh, take it away!

::The camera cuts to the OaOasT Anglepalooza Control Center. Josh Matthews is standing in front of a blue screen that has a window showing a city skyline at daylight on it. The room he is has a black, smooth, floor, with a skinny gray table. A flatscreen T.V. with the Anglepalooza logo on it sits on top of the table. The T.V. has a dog tag attached to it. There are several items representing war scattered throughout the room. Mini-tanks, rifles, helmets, military fatigues. Josh Matthews appears, wearing military fatigues, blue jeans, and black boots, and a dog tag. “Freedom” by Rage Against The Machine plays in the background.::

Josh Matthews:
Thanks, Michael, Coach, ::disgusted:: Caboose. Anyway, folks what’s poppin’? This is the one and only Josh Matthews here in the OaOasT Anglepalooza Control Center, giving YOU the lowdown for the OaOasT’s first pay-per-view of 2004, which is going to happen this Sunday, January 25th. It’s OaOasT Anglepalooza, sponsored by IntenseZone and HeldDown! This is one of the OaOasT’s biggest pay-per-views. The Road To AngleMania starts at Anglepalooza. 9 great matches are scheldued to happen at Anglepalooza including the big one. The Royal Rumble Match. But that’s not all.

::The OaOasT Anglepalooza logo flashes on the screen. The IntenseZone logo then flashes on the screen causing the crowd to pop. Match-Up Graphics for IntenseZone matches appear on the screen. “Freedom” by Rage Against The Machine continues to play as Josh Matthews does the voiceover for each match.::

Josh Matthews (Voiceover):
At Anglepalooza, you will see the OaOasT Adrenalin Championship be defended as the Champion, The “Spectacular” Spider-Poet takes on the Challenger, IntenseZone General Manager “Ice Heart” Dan Black. These two went at it last month at Bloody, Battered, and Beaten with Spider-Poet walking out the winner. But Black isn’t someone who takes a lost lightly. Oh no, he fights back, and he fights back hard. Last month, these two met in a Steel Cage Match, but at Anglepalooza, it will be a straight-up one-on-one professional wrestling match. Both men are gifted athletes, and you can expect a technical classic. And as was announced a few weeks ago on IntenseZone, Dan Black will have a House of Mirrors match against Stephen Joseph at AngleMania III. Is it possible, that Black will have to defend the Adrenalin Title at AngleMania III? Tune in to Anglepalooza to find out, as Black and Poet square off in what will surely be a match to remember.

Speaking of a match to remember, how about the Loser Leaves Town Match that will pit father vs. son? The Blurricane’s clone, Judas, will take on his creator, his father, Robert Edwards, and the loser will leave the OaOasT forever. Judas has been to hell and back ever since he joined the OaOasT back in June. He started his career as Bizarro Blurricane. He shocked us all by revealing that Blurricane was infact, a clone created by his father, Robert Edwards. Bizarro went on a rampage filled with evil and rage, controlled by his father. Bizarro at one point ended Blurricane’s career, and found himself in a comfy position on IntenseZone, while Blurricane served his own father as a slave. However, it was soon revealed that Blurricane was NOT a clone, but Bizarro was, and that led to the arrest of Edwards, and the end of Bizarro Blurricane at Dirty Deeds back in September. Blurricane forgave Bizarro and renamed him Judas, and all seemed well, until Father escaped from prison and regained control of both his creations. Now, the feud that has been building up since last summer comes to an end this Sunday at Anglepalooza in a Loser Leaves Town Match. The creation meets the creator. The student becomes the teacher. Judas will take on Father with the loser saying goodbye to the OaOasT forever. How far will these two go? How much blood will they lose? How much pain will they take? Hatred has developed between these two, as Judas will try to avenge not only himself, but Blurricane as well. One of Anglepalooza’s most anticipated matches, its Judas vs. Robert Edwards this Sunday at Anglepalooza!

::The Lightning Crew Gauntlet logo appears on screen. The HeldDown fans pop quite loudly as the Lightning Crew pose underneath the logo. Then, The Mad Cappa vs. Ms. Lindsay Gonzalez matchup graphic for Anglepalooza appears onscreen. Small “Mad Cap-pa! Mad Cap-pa!” chants are heard.::

Josh Matthews (V.O.):
The Lightning Crew Gauntlet will continue at Anglepalooza. The Mad Cappa will take on Puerto Rican Lightning’s own girlfriend, Ms. Lindsay Gonzalez, in a straight-up one-on-one professional wrestling match! The Lightning Crew Gauntlet all started at last month’s Bloody, Battered, and Beaten after The Mad Cappa was disqualified in his match with Puerto Rican Lightning after hitting him with a chair. PRL laid down the gauntlet with the stipulation being that if The Mad Cappa could defeat all 8 members of the Lightning Crew, then he would sign a match between him and Mad Cappa to be determined at a later date. However, should The Mad Cappa lose ONE MATCH against a member of the Lightning Crew in the Lightning Crew Gauntlet, then he and Puerto Rican Lightning can NEVER EVER have a match against each other. The Mad Cappa has so far defeated 3 members of the Lightning Crew, Spanish Fly, Mr. Boricua, and Thomas Rodriguez. Lindsay is notorious for her willingness to strip and flirt with PRL’s opponents in an attempt to have PRL win. Will she be using her so-called “assets” this Sunday at Anglepalooza against The Mad Cappa? Cappa has fallen for Lindsay’s distractions before, most notably at AngleMania II. Will Cappa move on in the Gauntlet this Sunday? Or will the Gauntlet end with Lindsay pinning Mad Cappa 1-2-3 in the middle of the ring? You will have to order Anglepalooza to find out.

And the IntenseZone main event for the OaOasT North American Championship. A Hardcore Match that will see the OaOasT North American and Puerto Rican Champion, Puerto Rican Lightning, take on the #1 Contender, The dancing Shuffle! You could say that The Shuffle came out of nowhere, but actually, he’s been in the OaOasT since September of 2003. He had a short, but memorable feud with G-Money, and has been working his way up waiting for a moment like this. The Shuffle is definitely the underdog going into this match, as since it’s a Hardcore Match, the Lightning Crew can interfere as much as they please. Plus, weapons will be allowed and you can be sure that PRL will use as much as he can to CRIPPLE The Shuffle. Puerto Rican Lightning is taking this match lightly. He is saying his match against Shuffle will be a walk in the park. PRL might seem to be a little overconfident to some, but when you got the Lightning Crew behind you, it’s easy to see why. This Sunday at Anglepalooza, PRL, who is the longest reigning North American Champion in OaOasT history, may see his reign come to the end at the hands of an unlikely opponent in Shuffle. Will the P.R. Menace continue his reign of terror, or will The Shuffle, of all people, win his first North American Title? You will only find out if you buy Anglepalooza this Sunday only on pay-per-view!

::The Anglepalooza logo once again appears on screen. Then the OaOasT HeldDown logo appears on screen causing the crowd to pop loudly. HeldDown matchup graphics now appear on screen as Josh Matthews continues his voiceover. “Freedom” by Rage Against The Machine continues to play.::

Josh Matthews (Voice Over):
On the HeldDown side, the OaOasT X Division Championship will be defended in an “I Quit” Match. “The Phenomenal” A.J. Flaire, the current X Division Champ, takes on Mad Matt, the former X Division Champion. Mad Matt has had several obstacles thrown at him ever since he lost the X Division Title at Deadly Game back in November. He has been injured; he has been committed into a mental instution, and he has been training a 15-year-old kid named Jeremy Red to wrestle. But the one thing Matt has been focused on. His motivation. The most is winning the X Division Title back and at Anglepalooza he will get his chance in a match where the only way to win is to have the loser uttered the words “I Quit” into a microphone for all the world to hear. It will be bloody; it will be a highflying match. But that’s what the OaOasT’s X Division is all about and you will witness that at Anglepalooza this Sunday!

Also at Anglepalooza, you will bare witness to an OaOasT first. You will see the first ever Total Decapitation Match between Totally Endorsed Member Sly “The Sly” Sommers and Scotty Static of The Global Party Exchange. The rules of the Total Decapitation Match are as follows: these two men will fight each other until the one man is knocked unconscious. There will be no referee. Anything goes in this kind of matchup. The only way to win is to be the first person that makes it back to the lockeroom. This is a non-sanctioned OaOasT match. This will be a fight. And a fight over one woman. NO OaOasT referees will be involved. HeldDown General Manager Northstar is just letting these guys go at it until they no longer can. This is a one of a kind match that can only be brought to you by HeldDown and will be shown, in its full, gory, bloodied, and painful glory, at Anglepalooza. I am certainly looking forward to this.

::The Anglepalooza logo flashes on the screen once again. The matchup graphic for Zack Malibu vs. The Superstar appears on screen. The crowd cheers loudly and chant “ZACK! ZACK! ZACK! ZACK!” Josh Matthews continues to speak as “Freedom” by Rage Against The Machine continues to play.::

Matthews (Voiceover):
At Anglepalooza, you will see the continuation of a feud that has been going on since the beginning of the OaOasT. Two OaOasT veterans will collide in a match that has been dubbed Zack Malibu vs. The Superstar Part II: Too Good For A Stipulation Match. These two men’s history goes back almost 2 years. They have been friends, and they have been enemies. They use to ride together as part of the In Crowd. And they use to fight with each other when Superstar joined the aWo. Now, in 2004, Zack Malibu is a former OaOasT World Heavyweight Champion, a 24/7 Champion, and without a doubt, the most popular OaOasT Superstar that there ever was. The Superstar just recently lost the 24/7 Title to Panther, and has not been in a good mood as of late, as there has also been dissension in the Underground, a group that The Superstar now leads. Now, these two men, who know each other so well, will battle it out in a one-on-one professional wrestling matchup. It’s not about titles. It’s about pride. It’s Zack Malibu vs. The Superstar. One-On-One. This Sunday at Anglepalooza in a match that will certainly be a five star affair and a match to never be forgotten!

Josh Matthews (Voice Over):
You will see at Anglepalooza, a steel cage match between 2 of the OaOasT’s very best. HeldDown General Manager Northstar has sanctioned his new ally, the dangerous and evil Damaramu to take on The Female Phenom Crystal. Damaramu and Crystal have been involved in a blood feud for two months now, and this match will bring it all to a head. The only way to win is to be pinned in the middle of the ring. There is no escaping the cage. With these 2 superstars locked in a cage, with distinct personalities, and movesets, there is no telling what will result. The only way to find out is to watch Anglepalooza, this Sunday, January 25th.

::The Anglepalooza logo flashes by on the screen. The IntenseZone and HeldDown logos flash by on the screen afterwards. Then a graphic reads in big, white, blocky letters THE ROYAL RUMBLE MATCH causing the crowd to pop loudly. Another graphic appears reading 15 INTENSEZONE SUPERSTARS. Then another graphic saids 15 HELDOWN! SUPERSTARS. Then another graphic appears saying THE WINNER OF THE MATCH GOES ON TO FACE THE OAOAST WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION AT ANGLEMANIA III. The crowd cheers loudly while Josh Matthews continues narrating. “Freedom” by Rage Against The Machine continues playing.::

Josh Matthews (Voice Over):
And the main event. The match that happens only once a year. It’s the second annual Royal Rumble Match! 15 wrestlers from IntenseZone. 15 wrestlers from HeldDown! A unique match that is one of the fan’s favorites. Here are the rules to this year’s Royal Rumble: Two superstars will start. Every two minutes another wrestler will enter the ring from either brand. The drawings are random, so you never know who will enter the ring next. The match will continues until there is only one wrestler standing in the ring with no wrestlers left to come out. That very wrestler will go on to the main event of AngleMania III on March 28, 2004, to take on the OaOasT World Heavyweight Champion. It is every OaOasT superstars dream to appear in the main event at AngleMania III, and this Sunday, 30 of the very best will get their chance to live out that dream. This year’s Royal Rumble will be filled with top to bottom, the very best the OaOasT has to offer. Just look at some of the people who will be wrestling for a shot at the OaOasT World Heavyweight Championship. Zack Malibu. Puerto Rican Lightning. The Mad Cappa. The monster Gibralter. Crystal, the only woman who is in the Rumble. CWM. Brock Austin. The Superstar. “Shooter” Jay Darring. Dan Black. Big Poppa Popick Stephen Joseph. Spider-Poet. Alfdogg. Dangerous A. Jingus. Reject. Teddy Weddy. Shuffle. Panther. Damaramu. Axel. PK. The members of the Unholy Communion. Hoff. And more. All 30 superstars will be involved in the most exciting hour on television. For 60 minutes, these superstars must make sure that their feet DO NOT touch the floor at any time. For if they survive. If they can go a full hour without being eliminated, then they will be rewarded with the ultimate prize. A trip to AngleMania III, with a chance to be crown the new OaOasT World Heavyweight Champion.

::The Anglepalooza logo flashes onto the screen one more time. Information for ordering the pay-per-view is shown on screen also. A canon fires, revealing more information. Matthews continues the voiceover.::

Josh Matthews (V.O.):
The road to AngleMania III starts this Sunday. It is the most unique event of the year. Anglepalooza featuring the Royal Rumble Match! 30 Superstars. 1 dream. This Sunday you will see the most exciting hour on television. OaOasT IntenseZone and OaOasT HeldDown present OaOasT Anglepalooza. This Sunday, January 25th, 2004, live at 8:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time only on pay-per-view! If you haven’t already ordered, do so now. Call your local cable or satellite operator, or order our webcast at OaOasT.Com. Make sure you don’t miss out on the pay-per-view where the wrestlers actually get title shots that they DESERVE! OaOasT Anglepalooza. Only 4 days away! I am Josh Matthews and that's all from the Anglepalooza control center! See you next month for OaOasT Zero Hour!

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(We cut backstage, where Josh Matthews is standing beside a locker room door.)

JOSH: We're backstage in the locker room area, and I'm going to try and get a word on the condition of Johnny Jackson, who was violently....

(The door swings open, and Scotty Static pops his head out of the door.)

STATIC: You want a scoop, you gnat? I'll tell ya somethin'....because that little (bleep) Sly Sommers got delusions about me and became a damn psycho, my partner has a stinger, a major concussion, and is currently getting a bunch of stitches across his forehead. Because of that dumbass, my partner has to pull out of the Rumble. Sly...to quote a great man...you just put my partner, my best friend, and almost is a part of me, in the hospital. On Sunday, I'm putting more than part of your ass in the morgue! Now get the hell out, Josh! (slams door)

JOSH: You heard it from the horse's mouth...this rivalry's going to explode this Sunday. Sly Sommers...Scotty Static...Total Decapitation at Anglepalooza! Be there!

Cue: ‘Man in the Box’ by Alice in Chains

Cole: Here’s the X Champ!

AJ Flaire makes his way out to the ring to a tremendous pop from the crowd. AJ is in his new T-Shirt, with ‘X Champ?’ on the front, and ‘That’s Phenomenal!’ on the back.

Caboose: So wait a minute, HE gets merchandise and I don’t! I’m a former OAOAST Champion!

Coach: But everybody hates you.


AJ Gets on the SHTICK~! as his music dies down.

AJ Flaire: You people haven’t heard me talk much around this place, and that’s because I like to let my wrestling do the talking. But Mad Matt, instead of running off your boring tweener promo crap, and challenging me behind my back, come out here and challenge me face to face!

Cole: Anlgepalooza might come early!

Caboose: He’s asking for trouble now!

Cue: "Higher" by Creed

Mad Matt comes down to the ring in a mixed reaction from the crowd. He rolls straight in and comes face to face with AJ Flaire, grabbing his microphone.

Matt: You want me to challenge you face to face? Well AJ, be careful what you wish for, because you just might get it. I want you at Anglepalooza, one on one, I Quit match, for the X Division Championship. I know you have been conspiring against me from the minute you walked into that locker room. I know you never wanted me to be the X Champion, and I know that you are too afraid to fight me.

AJ looks at Matt like he’s insane.

Cole: I don’t think AJ has a clue what Matt is talking about!

Caboose: Ah that’s BS Cole, Matt knows what’s going on.

Coach: Ah, I don’t think so Caboose. He’s been through a lot this past month. I think he’s lost all grip on reality.

AJ grabs the microphone back from Matt.

AJ: Not only do I have no idea just what in the hell you are talking about, but it gives me all the more reason to accept your challenge. You keep saying that I have it in for you, well, put simply Matt, that’s bullshit. I respect you personally and professionally, well, at least, I used to respect you. You have become a shell of your former self. You have let all this conspiracy crap consume you. You won the X Title after a long chase, and then you lost it quicker than you lost your mind. I didn’t want to face you in a brutal match like I Quit, if I had my way we’d be producing a technical masterpiece like I know we can. But if that’s what it takes to get you to shut up about this conspiracy crap, then this Sunday, I will beat the insanity OUT of you.

Cole: Strong words from the Champion about his former friend, Mad Matt.

Caboose: Kick his ass Matt! You don’t deserve to be spoken to like that!

Matt: Alright then, why wait for Sunday? Why don’t we do this right here, right now?

AJ: Fine by me, I can have the night of on Sunday.

AJ takes his shirt off to a pop from the girls and drops the microphone. Both men circle the ring…

Cue: “Pompeii” by E.S. Posthumus

Cole: What’s this?

Minion Nathaniel and Minion Michael slide into the ring from behind AJ and Matt! Right hands by the Minions, and AJ and Matt fire right back with right hands of their own! Minion Nathaniel whips Matt into the corner, and Minion Michael whips AJ into the corner! Both AJ and Matt spring to the top rope, Mad Matt hits the Quick Response on Nathaniel, and AJ hits Elegance on Michael! Both Minions roll to the outside!

Cole: What athleticism shown by AJ Flaire and Mad Matt!

Cue: ‘1000 Words’ by Jade

Caboose: Uh oh, it’s the boss!

General Manager Northstar makes his way to the top of the ramp, as his music dies down, and he starts to speak into his microphone!

Northstar: Well, what have we here. Matt, you don’t just give yourself an X Title shot, no less an I Quit match. Sure, it would draw a few viewers, but so would another match that I may book for Anglepalooza. It’s a win-win situation for me.

Cole: What match is he talking about?

Northstar: Therefore, tonight, now actually, we will have a tag team match, pitting AJ Flaire and Mad Matt against The Minions, Nathaniel and Michael. Matt, if you and AJ win, then the I Quit is booked for this Sunday. But, if the Minions win, then at Anglepalooza, it will be AJ Flaire versus Minion Michael… versus Minion Nathaniel in a Triple Threat match for the X Division Championship. Have a good match guys.

Northstar retreats to the back, and the Minions slide into the ring as the referee restrains Matt and AJ from going at it.

Cole: How the hell are AJ and Matt going to co-exsist in this match?

Coach: I don’t know Michael, but if I was AJ I’d much rather face one man than two!

Caboose: Right Coach, he’s got a better chance at defeating one man than two!

The Bell rings, and AJ and Michael start off. They get face to face, talking trash back and forth. Michael steps back, and then slaps AJ hard around the face, the sound echoing around the arena.

Cole: Wow, just slapped the taste right out of his mouth!

Coach: Bad idea Michael, AJ’s pissed…

AJ looks the other way, and then comes back with a stiff kick to the quadriceps of Michael, that sends Michael down to one knee, clutching his leg. AJ looks at Michael, and then dropkicks him right in the face.

Coach: AJ opening up there on Michael! He really took offence to that slap!

Michael gets up quickly, he runs at AJ and tries a clothesline, AJ ducks, Michael turns around and gets nailed with a knife edge chop that sends him down to the mat. AJ picks Michael up by the head, hooks his arms and gives him a Double Arm Suplex. AJ grabs Michael again, goes over to the corner and makes the tag to Mad Matt.

Cole: Well they seem to be co-existing so far.

Caboose: They’ve made one tag. Well done, Mr. Optimistic.

Mad Matt with kicks to the midsection and right hands to the face of Minion Michael. Matt with a front face lock, and Matt hits a vertical suplex. Matt walks over to AJ and gets in his face, shouting “I’ll see you Sunday, and I’m taking your belt”. Matt goes back over to Minion Michael, boots him in the midsection, and sends him for an Irish Whip. Matt goes for a forearm smash, but Michael ducks under it, Michael springboards off the ropes and hits a Crossbody on Mad Matt! Michael hooks the leg, but Matt kicks out at 2.

Cole: Matt took way too much time there

Coach: He was too worried about AJ Flaire; he must think AJ’s going to throw the match or something.

Caboose: Or he’s on crack.


Michael picks Matt up by the hair and takes him over to the corner where he tags Nathaniel in. Front face lock by Nathaniel, and plants Mad Matt with a Brainbuster. Nathaniel looks at sky, as if to pray to Saint Andrew, and then hits a snap legdrop on Matt. Nathaniel immediately gets up and hits another legdrop.

Cole: The Minions have the advantage here. Matt could lose his title shot!

Nathaniel grabs Matt and pushes him back into the corner. The Minion connects with hard right hands to the head of Mad Matt, and then some stiff boots to the midsection. Nathaniel brings Matt out of the corner and gives him an Irish whip. Matt reverses, but Nathaniel springboards off the ropes, turns in mid-air and hits a clothesline on Mad Matt! Cover!



NO! Matt kicks out!

Coach: Great agility there by Minion Nathaniel!

Nathaniel drags Matt to the corner and walks straight over to AJ, taunting him. AJ tries to come into the ring, but the referee stops him! Meanwhile, Minion Michael comes in and the Minions lay the boots in to Mad Matt!

Cole: Matt’s being double teamed! Turn around ref!

Nathaniel goes out of the ring and Michael makes a cover on Matt!



NO! Matt kicks out at 2.

Michael goes over to AJ Flaire and taunts him, before slapping him in the face again!

Cole: Michael is asking for trouble!

AJ tries to come into the ring a second time, but the referee is there to meet him yet again! Minion Nathaniel comes into the ring and grabs Mad Matt. The two Minions hit Mad Matt with a Double Suplex! Michael goes out of the ring and Nathaniel makes a cover! The referee turns around!



NO! Matt kicks out yet again!

Nathaniel grabs Mad Matt again, and this time he nails The Beckoning!

Coach: Great move there by Nathaniel, Mad Matt could be finished here!

Nathaniel tags in Michael, who goes straight to the top rope and hits a 450 Splash on Mad Matt! Cover!



NO! Matt kicks out at the last second!

Michael grabs Matt again and hooks him in a front face lock. Michael Suplexes Matt up so his legs are draped over the top rope. Michael smiles an evil smile to the crowd, and then drills Matt with Rigor Sets In!

Cole: Rigor Sets In by Minion Michael! Matt’s head driven into the mat!

Caboose: Conspiracy!

Coach: Matt could be done!



NO! Matt gets a shoulder up again!

Michael goes straight over to Nathaniel and tags him in again. Nathaniel grabs Matt by the hair and picks him up, Matt’s body now quite limp from all the punishment he has sustained over the last few minutes.

Cole: Matt could be really hurt from all this punishment.

Coach: He is showing tremendous resiliency to kick out of all these pinfall attempts!

Nathaniel grabs Mad Matt and gives him an Irish whip. Mad Matt goes for a clothesline, but Nathaniel ducks and applies a sleeper hold!

Cole: Mad Matt is in deep trouble!

Nathaniel applies more pressure on the sleeper, and Matt goes down to one leg!

Caboose: This is a conspiracy! Why isn’t AJ helping him?

Nathaniel applies more pressure, and Matt goes down to the ground, limp! The referee picks up Matt’s hand and raises it high in the air! The referee lets go, and the arm drops!!

The referee picks up Matt’s arm once again, and lets go…


Cole: One more and its over!

The referee raises Matt’s arm once more, and let’ go…


Mad Matt gets an energy rush and gets back up to both feet. Matt nails Nathaniel with three elbows to the midsection, and runs toward the ropes! Matt goes for a running forearm, but Nathaniel ducks and applies another sleeper! Matt quickly reverses, and hits a back suplex!

Cole: Both men are down! Who can get up first!

The referee begins his count…






Coach: Both men are beginning to move now.




Both men are up! Nathaniel goes for a right hand, but Matt blocks and hits one of his own! Nathaniel goes for another right hand, but Matt blocks again and hits a hard right hand to the face! Another block by Matt and another hard right hand connects! Matt goes for an Irish whip into the corner, Nathaniel reverses, Matt jumps straight up to the top rope and hits the Quick Response!

Cole: The Quick Response by Mad Matt! He’s gotta make a tag to the X Champion!

Matt crawls over to his corner, and Nathaniel tries to get to his feet! Matt reaches out…


AJ Flaire explodes out of the corner, Nathaniel turns around, and runs into a High Dropkick from AJ Flaire. Michael comes into the ring and runs at AJ, but AJ hits a BAAAAAAAAAAACK Body Drop! AJ goes up to the top rope and measures Nathaniel, Nathaniel turns around, and AJ hits Elegance from the top rope! Cover by AJ!



NO! Michael breaks up the count!

Michael picks up AJ and puts him in a Full Nelson, setting him up for the Cycle to Nowhere! AJ reverses out of it, boots Michael in the midsection, and plants him with DDT!

Cole: Great reversal by AJ into the DDT there!

AJ turns around to Nathaniel, but Nathaniel nails AJ with a Spinning Heel Kick! Nathaniel picks AJ up, and hits The Hallow! Cover by Nathaniel on AJ!



NO! AJ Kicks out!!!

Nathaniel looks at Michael and points to the top rope, and Nathaniel obliges! Nathaniel gets AJ in a Piledriver position, setting him up for the Holy Divide! But Mad Matt grabs Michael and throws him off the top rope, and to the floor!

Caboose: Matt saved AJ’s ass there!

Matt goes behind Nathaniel, and hits The Shadow of Madness!!!

Cole: Shadow of Madness by Mad Matt!

Matt comes off the ropes and springboards off the top, and hits a 450 Plancha onto Michael on the outside!

Coach: Great athletic move by Mad Matt!

Meanwhile, AJ Flaire goes up to the top rope!

Cole: AJ’s going to fly here! This should be good!

AJ FLIES off the top rope, and hits the EXTRA SPECIAL!

Coach: The Extra Special! That Twisting 450 Splash!





Cue: ‘Man in the Box’ by Alice in Chains

ANNOUNCER: Your winners of the match, MAD MATT AND A. J. FLAIRE!!!!!!!!!

Caboose: Ah that’s right AJ, just steal Matt’s spotlight!

Cole: That’s B.S Caboose, AJ won the match for his team!

AJ gets his hand raised by the referee, but he suddenly falls to his knees and collapses!

Coach: Wait a minute!

Cole: Mad Matt just hit AJ in the back with that chair!

AJ gets up slowly, and matt measures him with the chair…

CRACK~! Matt NAILS AJ in the face with the steel chair!

Cole: AJ just got Matt his title shot, and he repays him like this? He really is insane!

Matt picks AJ’s now lifeless body up, and sets him up for a Crucifix Powerbomb!

Coach: No, Not this!

Matt turns the crucifix into an X-Factor, driving AJ’s face right into the steel chair!

Cole: Peoria Plunge on AJ Flaire! AJ has been busted wide open!

Cue: ‘Higher’ by Creed

Mad Matt grabs the X Championship from ringside and poses with it over the fallen body of AJ Flaire.

Coach: Well someone will say ‘I Quit’ this Sunday, and I don’t know who it will be!

Matt looks at the belt, as if mesmerized by it, and then throws it AJ Flaire, before leaving the ring.

Caboose: That’s your new X Champ right there guys.

Cole: You could be right Caboose, you could be right.
Fans, we are all out of time, but please be sure to tune in this Sunday, live on PPV. It's AnglePalooza...Crystal and Damaramu in a Steel Cage...Mad Matt and AJ Flaire for the X Title...Zack vs. Superstar...the Royal Rumble...ORDER NOW~!

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