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OAOAST TMW: A comedy/erotic e-fed

TMW 5-25-2016

Chanel #99

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***Amber O'Shea Vs LeBrenda James***

Backstage TMW Hottie's Champion, Glass Juliet watched this match with Effie Reese.

There's a collision course between Glass and Amber. I may hate anyone associated with Colin, but Amber is a threat to win that belt.

LeBrenda got a microphone, which is never a good thing.

Amber, I have a real big problem with you, girl. Boston scum. Celtics fan. You know your team is trash, just like their rivals The Lakers.

“BBBOOOOOOOOOOOO!” (we're in Malibu, btw)

But, I also can't stand you because you leapfrogged me to get a Hottie's Tittle shot! When I marry LeBron and father his babies after nights of passionate hardcore sex, I'll have him buy this company and relocate you to Siberia!

I won't hold my breath.

There was of course a match that proved LeBrenda is all talk. Well she got in a few strikes, but Amber mostly shrugged them off. The Boston native wasted no time in putting away LeBrenda with her Wolftrap larait!

Winner: Amber O'Shea, via pinfall

Backstage we caught up with Chicks On Black Dicks, with Eponine sipping a drink and Isabella looking at her with child like curiosity.

Hey, buddy! What are you drinking?

Herbal goat's milk.


Ah! Why do you have to shout half the time?! I can hear you perfectly fine. Plus, you'll give me away, look at those cuties from the Reactor chatting, talking about locking up, maybe practicing their low blows hehehehhee.

This is important! You have to listen to me! Goats and herbs just made peace with each other, and here you are stealing their milk! You've gone to far, 'Nine!

I told you not to use that dumb nickname. Oh why oh why can't I have a partner who truly understands? A partner like Storm.

Storm's a boy.

And what a boy! What a boy, what a boy, what a boy! Hhehehe! I'm gonna go find him right now.

I'll come too!

I can't really stop you, you are a grown adult even if you don't like one.

This all led into Eponine and Isabella hurrying out to accompany Storm in his match...


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***Storm Bellmare W/Eponine Black and Isabella Spezia-Villagrossa  Vs Agent Augeur***

I think Storm is a little embarrassed by the attention from Eponine.

Don't know why. These days guys have to make six figures, have six cars, and have sex IT certs to talk to a 6. Eponine is a ten and she's stalking him.

Agent and Storm locked up tussing into the corner, where Agent refused to give a clean break. Rather he just leaned against Storm and kept saying “I am your fate” over and over again. Referee Scotty 2 Hotty couldn't do anything so Storm took matters into his own hands and powered his foe out.

Its pointless to fight me! I am your fate!

Even with those words, Agent still tried to win and hit Storm with high impact attacks that impressed the crowd, even though they didn't much care for him personally. But it was Storm who won handidly with the leg trap sunset flip known as Storm's End!

Winner: Storm Bellmare, via pinfall

Post-match Eponine handed Storm a microphone

Lets hear that sensual voice!

Uh...Chad Mustard, I know you're scared of me. But you're scared of me for all the wrong reasons. You're scared of me because I used to be a girl, but trust me Chad I am one hundred percent man, and the only reason you need to be scored of me is because at the next TMW Ascension Special my Storm's End will End You!

Hehheheh, yes, yes, put in it his “end!”

Enders Game was a bad movie. I did not enjoy watching it. Alix gave me the book. But there were words! Terrible!


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Backstage Sara Jean caught up with ReX, who was none to happy about Fabian Nystrom's interference in his world title match and went on a wild rant.

Rex, you have to calm down!

I won't calm down until Fabian Nystrom's blood is on my hand! And you Trisian! Tristian! Awww can widdle brother not handle his own fights? Does big brother have to remove the penis from his asshole and help widdle brother out? Is that it? Is that what's going on, big brother Fabian? How about this? How about instead of taking a dick up your ass, Fabian, you take my fist then my boot! Take em all up your ass because I'm Rex, I'm bigger than any vampire! I'm a monstrosity!

***Wesley Singleton W/Ignatius Maddix Vs Sgt.Holt***

Before the match, Wesley extended an offer to Holt

I got an idea for you, Holt. You join up with Ignatius and myself, and if you do your job right with us, there's money in it for you. Money and beautiful women. I doubt you're getting either right now.

Who determines if I've done my job right?

Us, of course. Your leaders. And your natural superiors by a lot, or a middling amount if I'm being kind. Which, I'm not inclined to do so.

I don't follow you. I follow the code of the United States Armed Forces. And I have a wife.

(to Ingatius)
And anyone else can have her for a few bucks.

That obviously got Wesley punched in the face! Simon's son was beat into the corner, then hit with the dreaded ten punches. Ten punches of immense doom! Holt then brought Wesley to the center of the ring and executed a sort of Garvin Stomp. But Wesley would escape and get advice from Iagnatius. Returning to the ring, Wesley started to fare better, but still couldn't out wrestle Holt. He could out-cheat him however, and stole a victory with a school with the tights hooked!

Winner: Wesley Singleton, via pinfall


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Backstage we found Adelphe St.Nerdregard in a whole lot of trouble!

Tap...tap...tap come the demon's footfalls. Steadily she advances... Inexorably nearer with every breath... My last chance to flee has fled. The demon comes to take me...

Hhehehe, found you.

Adelphe has no chance for escape as Ruby rounds on her with a wicked smile and appraising eyes that run over her body.


Heheheeh, you're such a great screamer! And I haven't had to place any spells on you.

Abominable! Abominable! Abominable!

What's so wrong with my love for you?

It's your aura. It's abominable!

My aura burns hot with lust for you, Adelphe!

It will require my most potent powers, but I vow to cleanse your murky glow.

Cleanse my aura? Is that your term for shaving me down there?

Ha! A jest!

I'm intrigued that you'd dare attempt it. You don't stand a chance. There's no way your power can break mine. Hee hee! I'm looking forward to seeing your spirit broken as you grovel and beg me for mercy Hhehehe!

***GOATman Pains Vs Keyboard Warrior NasalGay***
Unlike the other Warriors, Nasal Gay was dressed in a rainbow tights. But like the other Warriors he got his ass kicked in epic fashion! The masked brawler might as well have stayed home as GOATman easily destroyed him with an under hook tombstone known as GOAT Finisher.

Winner GOATman Pains, via pinfall

GOATman, GOATman, that Samoan's up to something!


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Backstage the TMW Tag Team Champions, Same Ol Shits stood in front of a TMW back drop to discuss the arriving Union Jets.

Euro Trash!

Euro Trash!

But, if they wanna come down to TMW, let em come! Its a free country, we welcome everybody.

Even Euro trash!

But, it ain't on us what does happen to em when they walk through the doors of the OAOAST Performance center. We can't and we won't be held responsible when they get their bones broke and their neck cracked. That's on Lisa Ann for bringing Euro Trash where the Same Ol Shits rule the roost!


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Non Title Match: Painbow W/Kiki Kix Vs Marc Bennett***

The reigning TMW TV Title Holder has been making noise about his belt being the main belt and not the HARD title.

That's big talk, but talk and boasting doesn't always draw out Tristian Nystrom.

Bennet offered a handshake but got his hand slapped away by Painbow! Pisssed, Bennet started throwing hands, but was put on the back foot and then booted out the ring!

So much potential is being wasted away by Bennet. This is NOT the guy I spent months training.

Bennet slid back into the ring, but was again beat down by Painbow. At Kiki's urging, Painbow looked in a kimura lock, but Bennet managed to make the ropes.

At least he didn't tap out right away. There's that.

The Austin Texas native, Bennet tried to stage a comeback, but was continually beat on by Painbow. Nothing Bennet did could properly secure him the advantage, and he fell in defeat to the single arm dead lift powerbomb known as Demon Slice.

Winner: Painbow, via pinfall.

Post-match, Painbow had hold of the mic!

You see what I just did Tristian? You see that?! I know you saw that! Bitch!


This here my belt! And my belt the main belt! Because I'm the main man! Remember that EVEN IF-

Tristian's music interrupted to a big pop and Tristian emerged with his title.

Aye, I did see your match. As I've seen all your matches. You're quite impressive, no one's ever doubted that. But as to your belt being the main belt, you being the main man? Think whatever you want, but the truth is, when the show's are promoted, and the signs go up, your name is well bellow mine. You can try and change that if you like, fight me any time you want, but it is a fight you will get, and aye, it will be a fight you lose.

The show closed with the duo glaring at one another.


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