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OAOAST TMW: A comedy/erotic e-fed

History of the OAOAST


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The OAOAST: Your time. Your pace. No limits.

Originally written in 2004 (and since updated) this tells the story of how the OAOAST came to be.


The creation of the OAOAST (One And Only AngleSault Thread) is truly bizzare. It all started in April 2002, TheSmarks.com was home to one of the most popular wrestling message boards on the 'net, but following WrestleMania 18 things started getting rowdy on the boards. Soon it was announced theSmarks.com was merging with 411wrestling.com, meaning the whole place would shut down. To control the chaos it was announced 3 board members would become moderators, with the board members themselves picking the new mods!

Yours truly, bps21 & Brian were selected. Then came Anglesault. 


Anglesault is a HUGE Kurt Angle fan who I would say wasn't well-liked by many at the beginning. People would tease him for his... well, enthusiastic support for the former Olympic Gold medalist. AS felt he should of been a mod. Did he travel cross-country to get support? No! He did what even great politician would do -- he complained! 

The thread saw birth to something called a ::beltshot::. Anytime AS didn't agree with somebody in said thread he would write "::beltshot to (name here)::". I had just become a mod and felt this was flame-baiting. So I converse with fellow new mod Bps on whether or not to close the thread. Within minutes the decision was made by me and bps to close the thread. However, before that thread was close I joked: "Why don't you just create a One & Only Anglesault thread?" 


CWM apparently took that quote to heart and created the soon-to-be powerhouse in e-fed entertainment on April 7, 2002. 

The thread would gain a cult-like following due its goofy ::beltshots:: The thread would begin to shift from mindless posts to an unofficial e-fed. Soon the first OAOAST card was held: AnglePalooza. 

The OAOAST had arrived. 

Over the next few months more and more people would join the OAOAST, to the point where we ended up creating new shows to feed the popularity and getting our own sub-forum in the TheSmartMarks forum (ran by great people I might add) where another e-fed (SWF/SJL) had long been established. 

I know this sounds corny, but nobody in their wildest dreams would of thought a thread created as a joke would be hanging around with one of the most respected e-feds (SWF/SJL) around.

Truth be told, the OAOAST was meant to flame AS without it cramming the WWF folder. I was still a new mod so I didn't want to get in trouble for suggesting the thread with that intent so I said: "This isn't a thread to flame AS." 

Hey, so I lied. But look at what the OAOAST has become today and tell me it wasn't worth it. LOL.  

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