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TMW Ascension 3: Fatal Four Way


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*** The Political Prisoners vs. The Brothers of Rawk ***

A newly formed tag combo making waves in TMW are the Brothers of Rawk, the flashy masked K-Rawk and the world's only living caveman Bedrock. They were matched up against heat magnets Mr. Steal Your Push and Win Griffey Jr. in a special tag showcase match. But they were no match for the Bros. of Rawk who scored the W after a big splash off the top from Bedrock.

Winners: The Brothers of Rawk, via pinfall.

Terry Taylor was backstage to get words with Painbow, the TV Champion ahead of his title defense against Burlington Pembrokshire.

Pembrokshire! I told you what it was! Since a junior I had a Jones to fight, and that's good 'cause all my life I had to fight. You ain't nothing new to me, punk! Uppercut, left hook, then a right, that's three things I got for you. The TV Title? That's not a thing I got for you!

Taylor said that Pembrokshire had penned several “missives” about his impending title win.

That punk don't tell the truth! For all that wolf ticket selling, I ain't gonna stop until that bitch dies!





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***TV Title: Burlington Pembrokshire Vs Painbow W/Kiki Kix (c)***

Looks like Painbow got extra muscle.

Not that he needed it. He may have found the only person who likes to hurt people just as much as him.

Champion and challenger immediately started throwing bombs after the bell rang, to the delight of the Malibu crowd.

There's nothing like two guys slugging it out over a title to make the heart feel good.

You got problems, partner.

That's just how it is in the Bronx.

Pembrokshire grabbed Painbow onto his shoulders and wowed the fans by doing lunges with the champion on his back, which Kiki does not like one bit.

That is no small man, Pembrokshire is carrying around!

Don't undersell it, Matthews, Painbow is a big, big, man. But, trainer Todd Cortez always talks about how amazingly strong Burlington Pembrokshire is, and we're seeing it.

An airplane spin tossed Painbow off, and got a two count. On his feet, Painbow was dizzied and was assaulted by strikes from his challenger. Yet he returned fire and scored with a shin breaker to buy himself some recovery time. Painbow then went to work on the leg, but didn't have the discipline to stick with it and instead returned to brawling with Pembrokshire.

You have to say that's a bad idea, Painbow created a weakness and now he's ignoring it. But, I get it, it feels better to punch a guy in the face than to work the leg.

Pembrokshire was more than game for another round and the two men continued at it with heavy blows. But, the English grappler would hit a series of neckbreakers that put him closer to victory. So close in fact he locked in a Pembrokshire Stretch! As Painbow winced in panic, Kiki leaned in and offered some MMA style coachig tips for an escape.

The champion is in trouble!

If she follows Kiki's advice, he might save his belt.

Much to the fans amazement, Kiki's advice worked and Painbow was able to reach the ropes. Suffering as he was he continued to fight against Pembrokshire and warded off a second Pembrokshire Stretch. After that failure, Pembrokshire tried an arm trap neckbreaker, but got twisted up floored by a single leg takedown by Painbow. The champion used that same grip to lift Pembrokshire into a single leg deadlift and drill him with a powerbomb!

Demon Slice!

On the money.

The legs were hooked for the pin and Painbow successfully defended his title!

Winner: Painbow, via pinfall


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***How2Girl, Amber O'Shea, Adelphe St.Nerdregard Vs Blancefleur, Lebrenda James and Ruby***
The new girl in town, Ruby, entered in a cloak of darkness, her figure turned into a sexy ginger silhouette.

There's Ruby a very powerful, very beautiful witch out of Chesterton, England.

Blanchefleur, a noobie witch, was a little skeptical of her partner.

What can you offer us that's so great? We'd be better teaming with Effie.

I can make you feel oh so good. Good enough to do very bad!

Blanchefleur was a little moved by the way Ruby licked her red lips, but Lebrenda was already to fight and got into it with Amber. Colin's baby mom hit hard and hit fast, overwhelming LeBrenda. That is until Ruby cast a spell on her to freeze her in place, allowing Lebrenda to hit a single arm ddt.

Reject, I know you don't condone using magic in the middle of a match.

Normally I don't but on Amber, why not? I hate Colin, so any friend of Colin is an enemy of mine.

Amber recovered and got the tag to How2Girl, a cult favorite among the crowd. With cape flowing, How2 Girl ran through LeBrenda with lariats until she tagged out to Blanchefleur. Blanchefleur and How2Girl went through some technical holds as Ruby stood on the apron getting the kind of look on her face you'd find in a Vivid movie!

Stand back citizens!

Referee Scotty 2 Hotty did stand back, which was pointless because all How2Girl did was hit a bodyslam. However, the fans loved it. They loved Adelphe coming into the ring even more, however.

Oh...Adelphe, you are too perfect, my cute little minx.

Ruby cast a spell on Adelphe that saw Piertte's elder sister start jiggling her boobs! But Blanchelfeur cut that short with a snap suplex then a body splash for a two count. A tag was then made to Ruby, the ginger ready to get up close and personal with the other ginger.

I've seen Crystal working with Ruby in training she looks great, but this is a real match. Let's see what she's got, Matthews.

Be careful against this one.

The dazzling star spirits will protect me and light the way to victory!

Sure, whatever you say.

Ruby got frisky with Adelphe massging her shoulders and kissing her neck. But when she promised to make her magical wife for all eternity that's where Adelphe drew the line! The Quebecois fought off Ruby then sent her into the ropes to drop her with heel kick. Ruby found her feet quickly, but got brought back down with a sitout hip toss neckbreaker.


Celestial mother, I thank you for this win you are about to grant me.

But that only earned a two count.,

Celestial mother, you failed me!

Ruby brought down a shocked Adelphe with a chokehold that had to be broken at the five count. But the damage was done as Ruby went on to hit choke suplex, followed by a knee drop directly to the throat!

If Adelphe is someone she likes, remind me never to make friend with Ruby.

Ruby reached back and tagged in Blanchefleur, who promptly came off the top rope to hammer Adelphe with an axe handle smash. From there Blanchefleur locked in a chin lock and Adelphe made facials of pain that were very hot to those who are into that sort of thing! But all good things must come to an end and Adelphe elbowed her way out the hold, then hit a stunned Blanchefleur with a inverted DDT! As the fans rooted her on, she got the tag to Amber!


At the same time Blanchefleur dove and tagged in Lebrenda. LBJ tried for a spear but got kicked in the face, then hit with a pile driver for two!

Leave it to Colin's baby mama to try and break someone's neck.

You gotta win the match, and that's what Amber was trying to do, not break LBJ's neck.

Blanchefleur attacked Amber from behind and beat her down with clubbing forearms. But those ended when Adelphe pitched her over the ropes. How2Girl then followed up with a moonsault press off the top onto Blanchefleur!


A lot more coordinated than Biffman that's for sure.

Ruby seized on her chance in the confusion to start cursing Amber. But Adelphe hammered her with a crowd popping Luminary Uppercut to silence her! After that a Flick of the Wrist with a rainmaker lariat put down LBJ and sealed the win for the good girls!

Winners: Amber O'Shea, Adelphe St.Nerdregard, and How2Girl, via pinfall


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Inside her office COMISSONER LISA ANN was met by CHAD MUSTARD, who had a large present for her.

Because you're going to take Storm out this world title match, I got you a gift to thank you for being you.

I'm not planning on doing that, Chad, I've you that many times.

Maybe, you'll change your mind when you open up your present.

Lisa Ann opened up the present and found...

A mold of a back?

My back, a mold of my back.

This isn't your back.

This is the back of a man extremely fond of training delts and lats.

I agree, and that man isn't you. Please, don't tell me you paid money to someone for the rights to their back, then paid money to get their back molded, then paid money for the wrapping paper because you're scared of Storm.

Adelphe let me borrow some wrapping paper.

Go get ready for your title match. Good luck.

Chad walked out with head held low.

You're gonna need it, Chad.


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***GOATman Pains Vs Keyboard Warrior Damaramu4Ever***

D4E may in fact be the actual Damamramu! But, he was quick to panic as the beast known as GOATman made his first ever TMW entrance to thundering guitars. Lights flashed white and blue as he strode to the ring, cracking his neck and pounding his fists.

Matthews, I hope you didn't do a lot of research for this match, because you're not gonna get it in. Pains is going to win this match in the blink of the eye.

That's what the entrance is for, partner. Pains was a standout athlete at UCLA, having played on the football team and is also Faqu's younger cousin.

He looks like he ate Faqu then lifted the entire gym.

The KW tried to beg off from his beating, but Pains caught hold of him and decimated him. Within forty seconds the match was over thanks to the GOAT Finisher an underhook tombstone pile driver.

Winner: GOATman Pains, via pinfall

GOATman, GOATman that Samoan up to something! GOATman, GOATman that Samoan up to something!

Backstage Eponine Black was watching this and liked what she saw..

GOATman, GOATman yes that Samoan is up to something, What do you get up to, GOATman? Or better yet, who do you get up in? Maybe Reject is trying to tell us something? Oh yesssss! Hheheheee.


(turning around to see Storm)
Eeek! Ah! Oh, its you. Storm. Storm.

That is my name.


Yes, that's my name.

Oh! That's strange. For some reason I'm totally comfortable chatting with you...unlike most other boys. There's something special about you, Storm. Storrrrmmmmmyyyyy. Hhehehehheh!

Are you okay, Eponine?

Oh, I'm sorry. Sometimes I drift off into a special little world of my own. Hee!

Well, would you mind not, er, chanting my name so excessively?

Oh, Stormy baby, I think the two of us should be friends. ... I just find you SENSUAL!


I want us to be besties, OK?

Well...sure. We can be friends, I guess.

Oh yesssss. I'm very glad to hear that. What an adorable new friend I've made! I'm going to be watching you very closely tonight when you win the HARD title. I hope you work up a huge sweat...getting HARD! Hhehehe!

Right, well I'm going to go prepare for the match.

Storm rushes away, as Eponine continues to drift in and out of reality.


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Inside the Social Media Basement, Sara Jean spoke with TMW Women's Champion Glass Juliet about many thing the Galaxy wanted to know about, including what she thinks is her best feature.

Uppuppuuuu! Its gotta be my boobs! Everyone always thought I'd be one of those girls who got pampered for her big gazongas in her hometown but once she hit the big city with all the other big girls, she'd be small fish with big tits. Puuppuuuu, how wrong they are! No one tops the tit jobs I give, and now I'm a shark with big boobs and a title to boot.

@James_Hogan asks, what's your relationship with Effie Reese.

She's a virgin, which is shocking! Aren't virgins the worst? They shut down Virgin Mega Stores because of that.

Everyone is a virgin at one point, Juli

But she's still a virgin, and so I took pity on her and made her a vampire.

As usual, you make no sense! You turned her into a vampire because she was a virgin? Why didn't you just have sex with her?

You believed that. The journalism profession is sunk! I turned her into a vamp because the poor girl was my sister at U of M and she was dying of cancer. Jeez Louise, excuse me if I don't put out her medical history for you!

Who knew you could be so...selfless. I see why she likes you. Okay, so Ellen Harkness asks if you're afraid of Cady of Grimm?


Come on, everyone is afraid of Cady! That girl is nuts.

No, how does she laugh? FWAWWAAAHHHHHHHHHHH! Why the f? Who laughs with an f first instead of a b or just an h. I hate being rude, but her boobs are smaller than mine, her butt is skinnier, and her muscles aren't as pumped as me. Plus, she's just the human daughter of a human wrestler. I'm a vampire of an unspecified age, making me the Hottie that needs the fearing! Upppuuppuuuu! C-ya around!


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***TMW Women's Title: Glass Juliet (c) W/Effie Reese Vs Cady of Grimm***

Matthews, I never fought Sadist before but I'd rather step in the ring with him then step in the ring with Cady of Grimm.

She's an odd one, partner, and a dangerous one.

Cady got in Glass Juliet's face early on and started her insane laughing, which Glass didn't like because only she can have a catchy laugh. Thus with “uppupppu” coming out her lips, Glass gave her rival PUNISHMENT! PUNISHMENT she needs to build character, PUNISHMENT to build erections! Its enough to make most viewers turn off the TV and get the clean up materials after a hard spanking session.

Upupppuuu! I know Josh isn't in it for the cheap thrills! He's in it for the wrestling!

The brilliance of workrate!

Looks like you got fans, Matthews.

Those are two fans I can do without!

Cady decided she liked the pain of being attacked and decided to return the favor, ten fold, by laying in stiff shots into Juliet. Even for a vampire that was too much and Glass had to be rescued by Effie pulling her out of the ring.

Love, love!

What wasn't so lovely was Cady leaping off the apron and attacking them both with a double lariat! Both vampires went down in a heap and then had to deal with the overwhelming flurry of Cady's strikes. Sadist's daughter found get pleasure in crotching Effie on the guardrail, then grinding her cooch into the metal!

That was hot but it would have been better if Cady had done it to her actual opponent.

You can't expect anyone born from Sadist to keep control of themselves.

Cady got a wild look in her eyes as she grabbed Juliet's hair and jostled her about, shaking her big boobies! She then threw her foe into the ring, and slammed into her with a spear that got a two count. The hot teenagers went at it with kicks and punches after that, with Glass ending that series by hot shotting Cady onto the top turnbuckle. Cady stumbled backwards and was hit with a blue thunder bomb that pinned her only for two seconds. Deciding to finish the match with a high risk attack, Glass went to the top turnbuckle. But Cady gave her a painful surprise as she went onto the second rope and press slammed her off!


We can talk about Sadist all we want, but its Cady herself who won at SluttyMania One, who's teamed with Lilly to beat The All XFL Network.

(on the apron)
Love, love!

(punching Effie)


Cady sprayed the lethal Sadist Mist, but Juliet ducked and referee Mike Mondo got hit in the face instead. Not much caring, Glass tried for her swinging lift jaw breaker finisher, but Cady slipped out and then connected with a roundhouse!

Mike Mondo can't count the pin because he can't see the pin.

Cady shook Mondo which doesn't do much to cure blindness but at least it was fun. But when she turned around she got hit with a forearm to stun her then brought down by the  swinging lift jawbreaker!


When You Hear The Glass!

The seconds later, Glass Juliet emerged still champion!

Winner: Glass Juliet, via pinfall

A hype video was shown for the world renowned tag team The Union Jets. Various OAOAST talents spoke highly of Tom Smith and C-4. The Playmakers put them over huge as what wrestlers are supposed to be like. Tyler Bryant heaped praises on them, as did none other than Zack Malibu. Teddy Buckworth said they had more match of the year candidates than any tag team in history. Highlights of some of their best matches from around the world were shown as well. At the end the two men appeared on screen and promised they would detonate a bomb on the TMW tag division.


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***TMW HARD Title: Tristian Nystrom (c) Vs ReX Vs Chad Mustard Vs Storm Bellmare***

At ringside we saw former OAOAST World Champion Axel along with Mad Matt and Crystal. Also present were Mister Dick sitting beside Baron Windels.

Reject, the luminaries of the industry are out tonight!

In fact, ReX got a nod of approval from Mister Dick during his entrance.

Talent recognizes talent, just like I recognized Mister Dick was Deadly Alliance material, Mister Dick now recognizes that ReX is at the top of the TMW food chain.

After the bell rang, Chad tried to get ReX to ally with him, which would have consisted of just the big man attacking Storm. But ReX does not play well with others and pitched Chad out of the ring! That doesn't mean things went well for ReX, as he was hit by a double arm DDT from the champion then attacked by a lionsault from Storm.

Sometimes alliances do form in these types of match ups.

Tristian and Storm went it with some technical wrestling that the champion got the better of. What he didn't get the better of was a hip toss turned into a head scissors that pleased the crowd. The ropes were then lowered by Chad, forcing Tristian to tumble over them. Never one to avoid a short cut, Chad actually tied Tristian's shoelaces together!

Man oh man, he's gotta be taking strategy from Dem Bums now.

Storm got out of the ring and took the fight to Chad which pleased the Malibu audience. The  College Park native wanted no part of Storm and hurried back into the ring. But the Berkley born star followed him and lashed him with a superkick. The following pinfall was broken up by a pissed off ReX


ReX picked Storm into a a press slam position then proceeded to chuck him out of the ring, much to the fans' horror!

Nobody does this better than ReX!

“BULLSHIT! BULLSHIT! BULLSHIT!” the fans chanted, while Mister Dick looks on impressed.

ReX beat on Storm for a while longer, eventually nailing him with a dangerous discus lariat, again to Jock's approval. But soon the Baltimore native, ReX, was rolled up by Mustard for a two count! ReX popped up pissed and Mustard tried to beg off.

Hold on, hold on, we have more in common than you think. We're both men of learning, I didn't get fired for stealing drugs, but I have stolen drugs before-

Mustard was promptly yanked out of the ring by Nystrom and sent flying into the stands!


The HARD champion stepped into the ring, greeted by ReX

You got something for me? BRING IT, PUNK ASS BITCH!

ReX and Nystrom begin trading blows with the vampire winning the war. But when he tried for a DDT, ReX countered with a spine buster that might have won him the match had Storm not broken up the count. From there Storm and ReX went at, with ReX missing his second discus lariat attempt. This cost him as Storm hit him with a leg trap sunset flip powerbomb!


Storm's End!

But look at ReX, smartly rolling out of the ring. He's learning ring awareness very quickly, Matthews.

Storm wanted to follow ReX but was cut off by Nystrom. With dueling chants going, the two men slugged it out, then got into a technical affair. German suplexes were countered by both men, then Nystrom hit a running enziguri that got a two count. At that point, Chad returned to the ring and started stomping away at his foes.

Reject, look on the outside, ReX, not GOATman, is up to something!



What the hell?

ReX's whole frame has turned a shade of red as he leaps onto the ring apron, the leaps over the ropes and into the ring.


The now jacked up brawler delivers a crushing spine buster to Nystrom!  

Down goes the champ!

Then Mustard gets turned inside out with a lariat!


A thunderous big boot propels Storm over the ropes!


Having dominate the competition, ReX pins Tristian....

But FABIAN NYSTROM hauls him out of the ring!

Tristian's brother!

The two men start fighting, and their war comes to an end when Fabian gives ReX a double arm DDT onto the steel ramp!


Man oh man, ReX is gonna feel that tomorrow.

Inside the ring, Mustard and Tristian come to their feet. Chad throws off a pair forearms and thinks he has Tristian beat down, but suddenly the champion lashes out and connects with a buzzaw kick!

Blood Plague!

And that sealed the victory for Tristian!

Winner: Tristian Nystrom, via pinfall

Post-match The Nystrom brothers shook hands, though Tristian was a little wary of accepting his brother's offeer of solidarity.


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