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OAOAST TMW: A comedy/erotic e-fed

OAOAST HeldDOWN~! 4.30.16

Chanel #99

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Our view is of Sophie in her office, sitting her fingers folded into each other.

Bonjour, OAOAST Galaxy! Last week we had  a shocking development! Tyler a essayé de tirer une grande arnaque! And Lorelei went along with the scam. For shame! For shame! To give zhe United States title away? Eet eez not how we do things in zhe OAOAST under my watch. Mais oui, Tyler made my job easier, I did not think he could be double champion and as you saw the title is vacated.  Et maintenant? Now a new champion must be crowned. Mais, what eez a fair way to do that? With a United States Title tournament, bien sur! Zhe tournament will begin next week, and tonight we will update you on zhe brackets. I hope you look forward to zhe 'ow you say...action and intensity!



We opened with a big announcement from Sophie, and this HeldDOWN promises to be hot as fire, so lock your doors, turn off your cellphone and settle in with myself, Renee Young and Da Coach.



Whoo, that reward gonna be hot, hot, hot!

We're riding down the boulevard
We're riding into the dark night, night
With half the tank and empty heart
Pretending we're in love, when it's never enough
As the silence filled the lonely air
Oh, they can hear now now now baby
We see a storm is closing in,
Pretending we're escaping
Don't say a word while we danced with the devil
You brought the fire to a world so cold
We're out of time on the highway to never
Hold on (hold on), hold on (hold on)
Don't say a word while we danced with the devil
You brought the fire to a world so cold
We're out of time on the highway to never

Hold on (hold on), hold on (hold on)

“Ocean Drive” by Duke Durmont brings a melodious groove into the arena, and of course plenty of jeers from the sold out fans. Lights in the form of stars swish and sway about the entry stage which soon houses the arm raising duo of Phecda and Al Houd.

The following is  a tag team match scheduled for one fall! Now making their way to the ring, representing PRETTY YOUNG MONEY...PHECDDDAAAAAA and ALLLLLL HOUUUDDDDDDDDDD!


Phecda and Al Houd inside the HeldDOWN ring for the first time since AngleMania, but it looks like they've got something to say first off.

Today we confront those who need confronting.

Keyboard Warriors this is the dark night for you.

What is a Keyboard Warrior.

A spewer of the written word.

Of written lies.

Pretty Young Money should not hold women's tag titles.


Melissa is a blowhard.


Written lies on the keyboard.

Spoken lies of the Galaxy.

You have crossed the line.

Now the storm has found you.

***Pretty Young Money (Phecda and Al Houd) Vs Keyboard Warriors PowerBoy & FifthHorseman***
Brave but stupid could describe the green suited men who were beat on by Phecda and Al Houd. A serious bump came when the PYM duo double power bombed PowerBoy out of the ring and onto the outside mats!


Oh my god!

Yo, that ain't worth the appearance fee this fool got paid!

This left FifthHorsemen to get beat on and he was eventually defeated by Al Houd's Bleak Future III (michonoku driver II)

Winner: Pretty Young Money, via pinfall

Post-match Melissa ran in and started putting the cow girl boots to the green suited man!

Hey! There's really no need for all that! Phecda and Al Houd got her all worked up!

But the women's tag team champions, The Mardi Gras Ass Wrecking Crew, came rushing in, causing Melissa to rush to hide behind Phecda and Al Houd!

Any time, Melissa! Any tine you want it!

Any time she wants what?

A fight!!! Duh!

Oh....I didn't know that.

Well now ya do! We'll fight you Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, any day of the week! On SYN, on TMW, on HeldDOWN, on a pay per view, on a network special! Any day! Any show!


Try to sound more enthusiastic!

Okay, next time I will.

Melissa still retreated with her goons, but the challenge was made.

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The team of Cobra Strike stood in front of an OAOAST logo back drop to drop the heat on suckas!

Tyler Bryant and FLEX, when Ned went to Sophie and asked for a tag match between the two of us, I thought that was a hell of an idea. People call me a hothead and maybe they're right, because I can't wait to get my hands around your necks!

The Serial Thriller, THE FLEX, I wanna know what's so impressive about the both of ya? My ex-wife gets done with a brutal match, shakes hands as a sign of respect and then you take advantage? We call that being scum where I come from! I promised you one of these days we'd all square off and I'd beat the hell outta ya, and that day is today! Take a hair off my family's head? Uh-uh! Now ol Ned Blanchard and Baron Windels have gotta take a hair off your asses!


OAOAST SPINEBUSTER OF THE WEEK~!: HeldDOWN~!, Last Week - Joey The Rat offers the 3 Amigos the "protection" of VICE and is turned down; Chick loses match later in night to A$AP Blondie after Vainglorious Bastards USA get involved.

Back LIVE!, OAOAST correspondent Sara Jean Underwood is about to speak with the 3 Amigos at the world famous backstage interview lounge when JOEY THE RAT appears.

Hate to say I told ya so, but, uh... I told ya so! 

No regrets, you rat. We want nothing to do with your "protection" racket. 

Easy, easy. I've got a rep to protect. I prefer the term services. But hey, you don't want protection. No big deal. Besides, I always had you pegged as the bareback type anyway.


(grabs Joey by collar)
Grr! What did you say? 

About to get his brains scrambled, Joey is bailed out of trouble when VICE run-in to beat down the 3 Amigos!

I thought you said no big deal?

Not to me. But to my friends, it's a very big deal. :)

OAOAST officials rush in to restore order.

Should've taken up the offer.



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Inside the Kingdom's castle in Madrid Spain we find Ser Alearys Chance standing over Northstar at Northstar's desk. Northstar is trying to write paper work but with AC, hovering over him, it s a bit of a bother.

May, I help you?

May, I help you?


Don't say that just yet. Assign me a task.

Why would I waste anything important on your abysmal work ethic?

Abysmal. How do you mean?

You have neglected your duty, which I am, on the whole, not surprised by.

Its not my fault.

Passing the blame onto a vague third party. Another action that does not surprise me.

I am a torturer. I torture people. You've given me no one to torture. I get bored.

You are a knight, Ser Alearys, if you think all you need to do is break the bones of a few ruffians to keep The Kingdom safe, we'd have been better off enlisting Warthog.

Northstar turns to AC with a smile that's not exactly warm.

I trust you'll find useful occupation for your...talents.

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I wouldn't hold my breath if I was you
Cause I'll forget but I'll never forgive you
Don't you know, don't you know?
True friends stab you in the front!

With “True Friends” playing the crowd is given reason to boo and boo they do, washing Morgan Nerdly with a wave of their anger. The petite vixen emerges in a black form fitting suit to show off her hottness as she strides to the ring.

There's some misery about to doled out to someone!

With Morgan around things are always unpredictable.

Inside the ring, Morgan turns to the entry way and begins her speech.

Madison, Madison, I didn't think we were done playing yet. We still have a lot of issues to work out.

What is Morgan talking about?

There's years of repressed anger and jealousy I have for you, and you're a shrink, you know me slapping you up just once isn't going to make things better. Duh, right.

She ain't trying see her with the hands again, is she?

As Coach would say I'm trying to see you with the hands.


Everyone looks so sad, but there was a lot of sweet camel toe shots in our SluttyMania match. Madison was over dressed I thought at first, but those jogging pants got so tight, and you know what, maybe I imagined things, but I felt that she was a little wet down there.

That's not true. I don't believe that.

Having heard enough of this cruelty and taunting for one night, Madison walks out from parted entrance doors. Her approach receives a wave and a smirk from Morgan, who even holds the ropes open for her to enter.

Congratulations, Morgan, you've successfully called me out.

Were you?

Was I what?

Were you wet? Did getting beat up by your once helpless sister make you hot and bothered?

I refuse to do this with you.

You can whisper it to me if you want.

Morgan, stop.

I know I've got more clothes on right now, but try and picture me in my skimpy wrestling outfit if that'll help.

I said stop!

So what if you said stop? I don't care if you said stop. We stop when I wanna stop.

Come on, let me ride your bicycle

It's so fantastical on your bicycle

We can get a little more physical

Baby, after all, it's only natural

I feel it coming, coming, coming, oh

I feel it running, running, running, oh

Come on, let me ride your bicycle

It's so fantastical on your bicycle

Morgan and Madison's conversation is cut off by the sounding of “C'Mon Lemme Ride” and the arrival onto the scene of a leather bound Malaysia Nerdly. Licking her lips, Malaysia makes a journey to join her sisters.

I like what I'm seeing.

Malaysia, this doesn't concern you.

I'm your sister, aren't I? But I've been so busy taming my wild fag, Esmeralda that I haven't been around to tame your ass. But with Esmeralda sucking the strap on she was always meant to suck, I can get back to focusing on you. I'll take over from here, cutie.

By all means.



Morgan surprises Malaysia by grabbing her onto her shoulders and then hitting an F-U in the center of the ring!

Shock & Awe!

Madison wears a look of utter gratitude, but its a look that comes too soon as Morgan takes her on her shoulders next!

No! No way! Stop Morgan!

But, TITANIA NERDLY, Madison's adopted daughter, comes to the rescue and yanks her mother down.

Fairy power!

A wave of sparkling fairy dust is launched in Morgan's face, causing the inhunman Hottie to stumble back blinded. Not wanting to take any chance, Madison pulls her daughter out of the ring and they escape backstage.

Some crazy Nerdly shit just popped off!

For sure. Folks, you're definitely gonna wanna check out the replay of that on YouTube.  



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***TurboWolf Vs Pete-O W/Deirdre***
Deirdre didn't bother to provide helpful advice to Pete and instead suggested he bargain with TW.

Turbs, you look like a man who can appreciate the...female form. If you lay down for me, then you can appreciate my Renne Young upskirt pics.


Man, quit the bullshit.

I'll kill him! That son of a bitch!

Yo, chill, girl, ya moms is watching!

Well, Renee just grumbled the whole match, but still managed to point out Outlaw Cello watching from the ramp. Pete of course noticed and invited Cello to help him, which was denied. As such Pete was beat from pillar to post and mercifully defeat with 10,000 Fists (superman punch).

Winner: TurboWolf

Post-match, TurboWolf waved Cello on and dared him to fight, but Outlaw brushed him off and left.

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Inside the Wright family dressing room, the tag team champions, Big IQ, and women's champion, Gretchen Wright, are engaged in an important discussion.

Christian, this plan of yours is foolhardy.  You are a noble, you must take care what you say and do. Your words and deeds reflect not only upon yourself, but all men of breeding.

Tis fair, my lady, but my noble reputation has no danger of being tarnished. I simply wish to ensure fair conduct between ourselves and the Army of One Nation, which I shall do with Judge Dudd over a candle light dinner.

Bruh, ya sister be fine and smart. Listen to her, you out ya fucking mind, C-Dub, you can't trust these mu'fuckas, ya heard. I be trusting Mister Dock with my life my credit card and my girl before I trust these mu'fuckas, C-Dub, ya heard.

I have heard, however you can trust to my charms to sway Judge Dudd to the side of right.

Poppycock! That is a woman who will remain unmarried forever and her dinners will be bread crust washed down with a cup of loneliness. There is no use in engaging in conversation with her.

Please, allow me to do things my way, and should I fail-

Then we show no love to these homo thugs!


Wright nods in having agreement with his sister and his best friend.


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Earlier in the show Sophie announced a tournament to crown a new OAOAST United States Champion beginning right here next week. Well after dotting all the I's and crossing all the T's we can finally reveal the participants involved!


Oscar Friberg vs. A$AP Blondie 
Lucius Soul vs. THE FLEX
Logan Mann vs. Simon Singleton
Northstar vs. Coco Chanel

Of all those names only one has the endorsement of the previous champion: THE FLEX. He's already the uncrowned champion. 

At least now if Flex becomes the champion he can be proud of his accomplishment. There's no honor being gift wrapped a championship by your friend. 

We've seen presidencies gift wrapped to friends and nobody complained about that. 

In any event, the tournament to crown a new OAOAST United States Champion begins next week on HeldDOWN~!

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Backstage Silver is striding down the hall when he's greeted by a stern faced Teddy Buckworth.

Jason Silver.

Please don't use my first name. I don't deserve to be called by it.

Spare me your self depreciation. I see you are still without sword.

It was stolen from me.

Yes, I know. You allowed yourself to be disarmed by a woman.

So pathetic!

Yet, you have failed to retrieve it.

I don't know where she is. I don't know who she is to be honest.

Caeldori Fox. I know her well. You say your sword is magical.

According to Reagan it is. If you stab someone with it they relive the worst of their deeds until the sword gets yanked out.

Then they return to reality a broken soul.

Then they die.

We must get that sword.

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*** OAOAST World Title: Cobra Strike (Ned Blanchard & Baron Windels) vs. OAOAST World Champion Tyler Bryant & THE FLEX w/ Lorelei DeCenzo ***

Winning was the furthest thing on Ned Blanchard's mind this night. Instead he was focused on vengeance for the humiliation of Krista Isadora Duncan at AngleMania XV. The Queen of All Media being the mother of his daughter Maya Duncan-Blanchard of C02 fame. But even with THE FLEX doing all he could to keep Ned from getting his hands on OAOAST Champion Tyler Bryant, the pair eventually found themselves in the ring together and things didn't go too well for  The Serial Thriller, to the delight of the OAOAST Galaxy. 

These people are sadistic!

Soon the OAOAST Galaxy's cheers turned to jeers as Lorelei DeCenzo slipped Tyler his OAOAST Title to blast Ned!


Winners: Cobra Strike, via DQ.

As Ned laid out cold Tyler put the boots to him... until BW stormed in and caught the OAOAST Champion with a Texas sized right hand!

We're nowhere near Texas yet the stars are big and bright in the eyes of Tyler Bryant!

A well placed MITB briefcase to the back of BW courtesy of Flex stopped the Lone Star Gunslinger in his tracks. Then LUCIUS SOUL ran out to stop the ensuing 2 on 1 beat down, snatching the MITB briefcase from Flex to use as a weapon of his own.

Next week Lucius Soul faces THE FLEX in the U.S. Title tournament! But tonight "Pimp Magic" caused Tyler Bryant and THE FLEX to vanish! 



The hidden camera series returns to find HOOD AGAIN and OAOAST tag champions BIG IQ chatting it up backstage. The mutual respect is obvious based on body language. The guys end their convo with a fist bump and go their separate ways when All XFL Team General Manager RICK HEYROSS appears out of the shadows.

:o ... :angry: 

Whatever Heyross heard causes him to place a call and storm off.




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The sight of the main room of Sunrise, hosting stark naked Annagret, Bobbi and Jade all with huge strap ons clung to their waist should be one to spark immediate arousal. Yet there's an element of danger held in this setting, with the three nude Hotties casting glares that vary from just annoyed to outright hostile.




Luckily all thoughts of beating ass turn to thoughts of fucking ass once Maya Duncan Blanchard strides into the room. Whoever was lucky enough to be in front of that doorway got a prime look at Maya's toned and tanned California body, clad in absolutely nothing but a pair of black heels and the sheen of a horny anticipatory sweat.

You look-

Fucking hot.

I was gonna say that! Not the f-word part, I'm not allowed to curse.

Who's there to disallow you? Maya, my sexy bitch, let's throw the stipulations of the G-Spot Climax out the window and run off to a backseat together.

If anything she should throw them away for me. We have shared trauma. Our mom got her haircut!

My mom was enslaved by my dad for almost all my life.

….You win. But that's not shared trauma.


Maya's aheming doesn't exactly get the attention of the bickering threesome, so she bends over and smacks her tight ass and wiggles it to the nearly drooling trio of strap-on equipped babes.

So those are some super larger dildos, aren't they? But like Jade and pork chops its never too big!

...Are there going to be pork chops served? I really like pork chops, Yum, yum. We can get them with onions on top and hot sauce.

Uh, you can get pork chops. I'm not.
So, guys, we're all gathered here because I won the G-Spot Climax. Not a big surprise, I win at everything. And as my prize I get the gang rape to shut down all gang rapes, even the prison variety, from you three. So excited!

Are there any limits? I tend to lose control. Sometimes.


Who asked you to make snide remarks? Nobody, that's who!

Maya smiles at the thought of limits and just shakes her head...and her hot ass!

No way, gang, please do whatever you want to my ass hole! You gotta treat it as a fuck hole, there for you to use. And please, please, please, treat me the same way. Treat me like a total whore which has been bought and paid for. Use me and humiliate me, gang! And above all, please fuck my ass as hard as you can!

The other girls can get behind that. It may not be having Maya all to themselves as they envisioned when this feud began, but it is an ending that should still provide a round of depraved bliss. They each wear smiles of eager horniess as their beloved Maya drops to her knees.

So I just know the order of entry into my booty would get a major argument going, so I just randomized you guys. And, Bobbi C, you've got first crack!


The other two aren't exactly happy with this, but random is random so they keep quiet. Instead they watch Bobbi lower herself behind Maya to admire the tanned rear end of the teenage babe. Bobbi's delicate fingers run themselves along the contours of the smooth butt, and far from pleasing Maya, highly upsets her.

Mrgrgr! I denied you guys this Hot Teenage Body for almost half a year, flaunted it in front of you, made you look but not touched, then had you guys constantly fighting each other. Granted you acted like lunatics that aren't even fit for Jerry Springer or World Star Hip Hop and you injured me like a million times, but let's ignore that and focus on me and pretend its my fault, and because its my fault I should be punished.

How should we punish you, sweet sister?

First off, don't call me sweet sister. I'm a stupid little ring rat with cocks and pussies for brains. And my asshole is just a socket for your girl-cocks. So lemme have the meanest butt pounding you can dish out!  I deserve it!
The message is transmitted loud and clear to Bobbi. With orders for roughness, Bobbi does not delay in crashing her hand against a hard butt cheek of Maya.

Ye-ow! Yeah, that's it!

Okie doke, spread your cheeks, dummy! Make it easy for me to stretch your hot tushy!

Maya spreads her cheeks out, getting a whoop of encouragement from the always vocal Annagret. With Maya exposed, Bobbi grabs onto her strap on an angles it towards the inviting hole.

Oh, please, please, slide your strap on into me like the slutty ring rat I am! Please!

Bobbi does enjoy a bit of pain inflicting, to say the least.   Thankfully that take charge side of her is on full display, meaning no delays for the kneeling bimbo. Bobbi slides every inch of her strap-on into Maya's with confidence and determination certainly even her former enemies in the room have to be impressed by.

Yes, yes, do anything you want!    

Bobbi immediately throws herself into butt fucking her bestie the second her thighs came to rest against the brunette's toned ass cheeks, Maya's eyelids flutter with joy and increasingly loud moans escaping her lips as her the other teenager fills her up her with every inch of the mammoth dong

Mmmmmmmm yeah, Bobbi! Drill that little butt hole and make sure I can't sit for a week!

I bet I'll fuck her way harder than that.

I heard that!


So? So? SOOOOOOOO!!!!!??????? Challenge accepted!

A feeling of intense discomfort floods over Maya thanks to Bobbi tugging on her bangs, pulling with enough force to snap Maya's head upwards and send her fluttering eyes rolling.


Pipe down! I only wanna hear you moan!

Bobbi does something to Maya she's never done to anyone before; pressing her two fingers together, she fishooks her bestie, keeping her mouth open in an obscene and humiliating manner. With her other hand still tugging her head up, the bimbo princess is being totally degraded. Bobbi is showing Maya zero respect or kindness, prying her mouth open as if it were a jaw and casually jostling her head back and forth.

Ahhhhh ahhhh ahhhh ahhhhh!

Those are the only sounds Maya can make with her mouth forced to gape just like her asshole eventually will be. They're part cries of delight, but also part screams of agony, Bobbi's grip on her hair is iron cast, and her rear end feels like an iron pole is going through it.

I'm not in the Ass Wrecking Crew for nothing, guys! This perfect banging hole is gonna get wrecked with extreme prejudice or my name isn't Bobbi Cheesecake! And my name is Bobbi Cheesecake for sure!

Bobbi kicks into a pace that would make a vampire proud, speeding up until her thighs are smacking against Maya's ass cheeks so hard it makes them jiggle gelatinously. The sound of delicious teenage flesh meeting flesh loudly echoes throughout the big room, audible even over the sound of the other girls encouraging her.

Not bad, spazcake! Make that lesbo cunt pay for teasing us!

Yeah! Make that lesbo...cu..cu...CUNT...pay big time!

Bobbi quite likes the vulgar and brutal direction this is taking. The brunette beauty who has taken out countless men and women with ease, now nothing but her anal whore. Although that's not totally true. Technically, the once proud Maya Duncan-Blanchard is the butt slut of every woman in the room, the thought turning Bobbi on even more as she continues to pound Maya's asshole.

You hear me slut? All of us here are just in it for a piece of your slutty little ass, and when we're done with your butt hole it's going to be wider than the Grand Canyon, bitch!

The sounds of Maya being verbally abused and the feel of her firm ass cheeks slamming back ahainst her thighs is too erotic for Bobbi to handle. She becomes a rabid gang rapist of sorts, shoving Maya's head towards the ground then sending her head rolling with fierce growls spilling from her mouth.

C'mon, moron, bounce that big booty on my fake weiner! What are you waitng for?! Mmmmmmmmm yeahhhhhhhhhh, come on, dummy, you asked for this. You begged for this. So go ahead, take my fake weiner in your butt just like you're going to take the others up there you dirty little anal idiot!

Bobbi's hips give a hideously wild pounding, making those cheeks jiggle even more with a dildo already buried within them.  Maya meets the pounding with the gusto of a true skank, slamming her well rounded rear back as her good friend tears into her shit pipe.

Fuck that slut! Fuck her tight little ass hole as hard as you can!

Hahhaha yeah! YEAH! She's a total whore who played us like idiots! Make her pay! Punish the shit out of her! Hheheheh I said shit.

Am I in a gang rape with middle schoolers?

Fuck me, fuck me, fuck meeeeeeeeeee ooooooooooooh yeeeeeeeesssssssssss, mmmmmmmmmmm, fuck my ass, fuck it hard ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh FUCK!

The vocal pair in the background are made much more vulgar by the hotness of watching Maya ass cheeks jiggle hypnotically from the force of Bobbi's thrusts, the teen squealing with joy as the blonde makes her cum squirt from her cunt and her body shake.

Okay! I can't hog this grade-A butt to myself! Who's taking a crack?

Annagret, I'd love yo watch you smash my sister silly!

Aww thanks.

Annagret steps up to the plate, or whore in this case, who is breathing heavily and soaked in sweat and her own sweet cum. She's panting like a dog, which is fitting because she's being fucked like a bitch in a heat.

Ohhh yeah, here we go!

Yep, wreck that butt, Annagret. Let's show this slut who's boss!

You got it.

However, Annagret doesn't prefer to simply take Maya from behind. That's far too common a position for a goddess of Asgard, and so Annagret starts kicking Maya to get her to move.

Ow! Hey, stop it!

Shut up! Roll on your back, cunt.

Maya does that, but its not enough to satisfy Annagret. The goddess begins poking Maya's legs, and soon starts kicking them too.

Lift em up! Spread em ride! Bend em back over your head!

Luckily Maya is a flexible kind of girl, because if she weren't she'd be in stunning agony. Her legs are made to fall back so that her ankles extend well past her head, putting her in the perhaps the most absurd sexual position she's ever been in. Its just how Annagret likes it, Maya's legs spread, her body laid out in the form of a good submissive tramp, and asshole nice and ready.

Gonna wreck that slutty little butt?

You know it.

Annagret hovers over Maya's prone body, lining up her strap on with expert percison. Then she slams the dildo into Maya's cute bubble butt, the lubricated cock easily sliding into the loosened back door and straight down that back passage so that everything is inside Maya in seconds!

You're always so hot, baby sister, oooooooooooh, but you've never looked better then you do right now, folded up with a dick stuffed into your asshole!

Maya blushes bright red, as Annagret pushes her hips down, to fully surge the strap on through Maya's shit hole. Poor, Maya has her tits jiggling much to the delight of her audience they almost slap the girl in the face. Sadly Annagret can't see that, but in the mirrors of Sunrise she can fully see her strap penetrate and overwhelm the hot hole of her bestie.

Take it, slut!! Mmmmmmmmm yeah, can you see it going in? Can you see me destroy your ass hole you perverted little whore! Do you like this?

She asked you a question!

Yes! Yes! Fuck my slutty little teen ass! Oooooooooooh Goooooooooodddddddddddddd, pound it, pound it hard and deep! Aaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh fuck, fuck me, please fuck me harder!

Fuck, I can't believe I let filthy trash like you manipulate me.

Annagret's strong yet delicate hand put a firm her grip on Maya's rear end, giving her just the hold she needs to  give a savage buggering of Maya's bowels. Again the sound of thighs smacking off cheeks, echo throughout the ream along with Maya's constant dog like panting.

Ooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhh fuck, your cock feels so good in my ass, Anna, but I want it harder! Please, I want you to fuck my ass harder. Harder! Destroy my little teenage ass hole and make me cum!

Then you do it.

You do it, moron!

Bounce that pretty little teen butt of yours on my cock and make your slutty little ass cum! I don't care if its uncomfortable, start bouncing.

Star bouncing, idiot!

As painful as it may be, and it certainly is, Maya does shake her ass cheeks, tossing them upwards, smashing their flesh against Annagret's long fingers. The dildo pulsating through her shit pipe, is rumbled along with the upside down twerking, made into an out of control drill that wrecks Maya's pooper.

Whooo-hooo, twerk city!

Jade and Bobbi do so love to see Maya's ass go for long jumps that anguish their dear lover, but Annagret thinks she's got a nice little view thanks to the mirror. She can see the power of Maya's twerking and feel the rumble that comes from it and her own hammering of the brunette bimbo's bowels. The dirty teenage sluts are both thrown into the highs of ecstacy.

Hell yeah, move it slut! Move that tight little ass, baby! Mmmmmmmmmm, you're so fucking hot when you're taking dick up your ass!

The strap on simulator on Annagret's clit making her cum so hard she thinks she's going to pass out. Instead she drills downwards into Maya ass until both skanks are drenched in sweat, the other girls clearly becoming lost in watching the duos' anal fuck fest.

Oh shit, oh shit, take this dick! C'mon and take it, you sexy ass cunt!

The hot blonde is slamming her dildo down into Maya's butt and  effortlessly brutalising the slut's bowels while dishing out the most wonderful verbal abuse. Again Maya is pushed to orgasm as she is completely humiliated by this girl.

I think its time for Jade to take this asshole. Don't you think so?

Yeah! Exciting!

You think you're excited? I need this butt in my life!

Jade is more than happy as she's taking her tired and already well fucked sistery the waist, turning her around and skewering her ass hole on the fake cock protruding from her crotch.

Ahhhhhhhh! This one is even bigger than the others!

Don't be dumb and act like you're not used to big schlongs in ya!

The abuse for poor Maya continues as Jade snags her inside a full nelson of all things! Maya screams out, not expecting to be trapped in a basic submission while getting fucked up the pooper.

Hahaha, love it!

The other two girls move themselves into a perfect view, watching Jade's large ass cheeks jiggle with each thrust of that dick sliding into Maya's butt hole. At the same time Maya's arms wave and flay from being stuck inside a full nelson.

Holy jumping, that's even better than a fish hook! Yeah-uh, you're totally dominating that nasty moron, Jade!

Turly agonizing cries escape Maya's lips. Being full nelsoned while being raped is no easy feat to manage. The eighteen year old whore can barely manage a coherent sentence, but her inability to speak is none of her big sister's concern, the booty mama continuing on, pushing the entire length of her strap-on into her little sister's teen ass, Jade loving the fact that this ultra-perversion has her in utter control over Maya.



Ohhhh yes! Mom would love seeing her big girl deep inside her little girl and holding her stuck in a full nelson! I hope she's watching and fingering herself!

Maya makes noises like a gutted fish as Jade's dildo plunges into her ass, pumping in and out causing the dildo to move within her guts, Maya is feeling like the cocks is having a one sword sword fight in her stomach or maybe even her throat as its so fucking deep inside her.

Hahhaha this is great! Like, you are  totally the biggest anal whore on this planet and probably any other, because you asked for this! Oh my god, you asked us to use you this way, and now your whore ass will take everything we wish to give it!

Jade treats Maya like a piece of meat, a piece of meat you ass fuck and full nelson but I think you get my point! Maya may be a true whore but even she has her limits and now she has reached them, turned into a sobbing broken mess. Her makeup is running, and her hair is tangled, sticking to her head, especially her forehead.

Aww you look so pretty!

Right, right, what a pretty bitch, apologies to A$AP Blondie!

Annagret certainly thinks so as she pulls Maya into a passionate kiss, letting the other teenager groan from pain into her mouth. As the two lip lock. Jade continues to hook Maya's arms and pound into her ass, zero mercy, zero relent being shown to her sister.

Mmmm, take my lesbo dick, you little whore! You're almost as good a whore as mom!

Jade is establishing sisterly ownership as she forcefully increased the pace until she was slamming her hips forward at the same time yanks helpless Maya backwards, making the dildo hammer the bimbo's hard ass as hard and as deep as possible.

Urrrrgggh! Ahhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!

Maya can feel her muscular cheeks jiggling with every thrust, the whoops of approval from her audience further driving her closer than ever to orgasm, but instead of being once again being denied Jade urges her orgasm on.

Cum for big sister, Maya!

The full nelson grows even tighter and the butt fucking then got even harder,  Maya is literally about to go over the edge when all of a sudden she finds herself being anally pounded as hard as she has ever been before. It was a total rectum wrecking and the brunette ring rat loves it, the sudden change in position and the fiery look in Jade's eyes in the mirror finally triggering the climax she had been waiting for.

I'm cumming! I'm cumming! I'm cumming!

And oh was it worth the wait, Maya's climax as powerful as any she'd ever had, her cum squirting out of her pussy so fast it hits the floor with a splash, as her boobs are bouncing hypnotically in time with her sister's powerful thrusts, Maya becoming hypnotised as she is skilfully sodomised through orgasm after orgasm, each one as powerful as the last.

Oooohhhhh ahhhhhhhhhhhh!

Jade releases her grip on Maya's arms, letting the anguished and brutalized babe fall to the floor and then relax her rectum as the strap on his pulled out.

Alright! We did it! Let's hug it out!

The three aggressors, having throughly dominated Maya, embrace the exhausted babe in a loving hug, that has them all smiles and blushes, affirming their friendship for one another.




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