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OAOAST TMW: A comedy/erotic e-fed

OAOAST IntenselyHeldDOWN~! 6/17/02

Chanel #99

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Coming off the Great Angle Bash, Caboose was crowned the new World Champion, while AlfDogg won the US Title and CWM/SomeGuy won the Tag Team Titles. Eskimo managed to hold onto his TV Title, but could face two different challengers tonight!

We know that tonight CWM and SomeGuy have been ordered to defend their tag team straps against the wWf pandas!

Also, the show will start with Eskimo fighting Sandman for the TV Title!

What will the aWo, In-Crowd, and Deadly Alliance have to say about last night? Will AnglePlex make a farewell address?

All this and much more, coming tonight at 8pm EST, live from the streets of Pittsburgh!

Coming Sunday, July 14th…OAOAST presents Beach Brawl.


Welcome to the brand new OAOAST. A new Champion, a new show, a new stage!

We are live straight back from downtown Pittsburgh for this special open-air exhibition of the #1 E-Fed on the planet!

That's right, we've got a new stage, with the AngleTron being replaced with an OvalTron in the middle with the old AngleTron to the left side and a little higher. Pyro explodes! In the colors of the rainbow as Prodigy's "Firestarter" hits. Huge flames shoot out of the stage, and before we can get to show the packed downtown area, the bell rings and we've got a match!

Television Title Match

Sandman9000 (challenger) vs. Masked Mystery Eskimo w/ Derek The Fish (Champion)

“5 Minutes Alone” hits as Sandman9000 makes his way down the ramp. However, He is pushing a moving cart down the ramp, which has a large cover on it. Sandman parks the cart at ringside and rolls into the ring. The reaction that Sandman receives leaves much to be desired.

“Ice Ice Baby” hits as the Masked Mystery Eskimo is pulled down to the ring on his sled. With him, as always, is Derek the Fish, who is holding the TV Title in his mouth.

As MME enters the ring, Sandman rushes the champion and knocks him down. Sandman gets a mount position and starts firing off lefts and rights to the face of the Eskimo, who is trying to defend him. MME finally is able to push Sandman off, but Sandman hops right back up and dropkicks the prone MME. Sandman back into the mount position, this time with a double-fisted choke. MME again throws Sandman off, but is nailed with a massive clothesline. MME up again, but Sandman with another clothesline. MME staggers back up, and Sandman nails the Yakuza Kick! Sandman with the cover, 1…2…MME kicks out.

A frustrated Sandman, upset that his early assault failed, slides out of the ring. He takes the covered object off the cart and pushes it into the ring. Back in the ring, Sandman hits a bodyslam on MME before pulling the cover off the object and revealing it to be a bed of thumbtacks!

Sandman whips MME into the ropes, and ducks down for a backdrop into the tacks, but MME stops that with a front kick. As Sandman reels back from the kick, MME with a massive clothesline, knocking Sandman into the bed of tacks! As Sandman wiggles in pain, MME with a big splash, driving the tacks further into Sandman’s back! The ref counts, 1…2…Sandman kicks out.

MME picks up the thumbtack-covered Sandman, and suplexes him back into the bed of tacks! MME picks Sandman up again, and hits a dropkick, knocking Sandman back into the bed of tacks! MME picks Sandman up again, and hits a dragon leg screw, with Sandman going into the bed of tacks again! MME covers, 1…2…Sandman kicks out.

MME slides out of the ring and grabs a chair. He hops back in as Sandman rolls out of the thumbtack bed. While Sandman is on all fours, MME takes some of the tacks and sprinkles them on Sandman’s already pierced back, then smashes Sandman’s back with the chair! While Sandman screams in pain, MME nails Sandman in the head with the chair. Sandman falls forward as MME covers! 1…2….Sandman kicks out, as crowd shows frustration.

Sensing the kill, MME picks Sandman up and sets him up for a German suplex into the tacks. However, Sandman is able to block, get a go-behind, and German suplex the MME into the tacks! Sandman is unable to hold the bridge, however. MME, meanwhile, rolls out of the thumbtack bed and screams in pain.

As both men are down, SuperStar makes his way out. He stands in the aisle, a couple of feet away from the ring. He obviously has an interest in this match, since he will face the winner later on.

As both men struggle to their feet, Sandman throws a wild clothesline. MME ducks, but misses a chair shot. As MME rotates around, Sandman picks him up in the torture rack position. At that point, SuperStar jumps onto the apron. While the ref goes to confront SuperStar, Sandman also walks over. This gives MME time to slip free from Sandman’s grasp and hit a KillerWhale Plex into the bed of tacks, and hold the bridge. SuperStar hops off the apron as the ref counts the pin, 1….2….3!

Winner: Masked Mystery Eskimo in 8:18, and still TV champion

Via: KillerWhale Plex in the bed of thumbtacks.

---Commercial Break


In the back, we see the aWo Off-Road Vehicle pull up. BigMcLargeHuge Struts! Out with a lock of TSS's hair around his arm. Out comes one lovely lady. Next out is SomeGuy, who DANCES! Out with two lovely girls. Slowly, CobainwasMurdered hops out with the TAG TEAM Titles! Finally, a bandaged AngleSault exits the vehicle with Molly As the crowd erupts!

We catch up with them backstage. Michael Cole steps in

MC: AngleSault, how do…

Zack Malibu, EvenflowDDT, and the Superstar walk onto the scene. Zack grabs the mike away from Cole!

Zack: Hey, aWo! What the hell was that about after the title match last night. We came out to run off the Deadly Alliance, after they BETRAYED us. And you, have the audacity to mess with our greatness!

AS: You think we believe that you're good now. That we should be…friends. I LOST that title. I want it back.

EF: Yeah, well the In-Crowd wants revenge….

Zack: I'm challenging Caboose for that title AngleSlut. You can go back and rot for attacking us.

CWM: Now hold on, AngleSault deserves a rematch…

Zack: Then I challenge him for that right tonight. The Deadly Alliance will pay, over the aWo's dead body….

---Commercial Break

Women's Title Match

Jingus (Challenger) vs. TrebleCharged (Champion)

"Brand New Low" plays as the Women's Champ comes out to a loud chorus of boos. He flips off the fans and enters the ring as

"Verdi's Requiem hits and Jingus the man-monster storms out…No longer with the Dungeon of Doom after last night, he looks warily for any interferers…which allows TC to jump him as the bell rings!

Treble with a shot to the back…which the monster no-sells… Treble with rights and lefts, but they have no effect. Thinking quickly, TC goes low, and that has an effect on Jingus. TC with a double-arm DDT! He covers, but Jingus powers out and stares right at TC….

Treble Charges the big monster, but runs right into a big hand…There's a claw, and the CLAWSLAM! Jingus holds onto TC and picks him up into a DEVILBOMB! The ring collapses with the force of the impact, and Jingus nonchalantly covers for the 1…2…3! The monster Jingus has finally won a match…and is now the OAOAST Women's Champion!

TC rolls out of the ring as EMT's tend to him. Jingues looks at the Women's belt…and wraps it around his wrist…and walks away from the arena with a look of bewilderment on his massive face.

Winner: Jingus in 4:34, and NEW OAOAST WOMEN'S CHAMPION

Via: ClawSlam into DevilBomb

---Commercial Break


::Natural Born Killaz plays. The crowd is happy and sad at the same time. Happy because Angleplex is making his first appearence of the night, but sad because they know this will be his last appearence in the OAOAST ever. AP comes out from behind the entrance way. He slaps the crowd's hands while he makes his way to the ring. He goes up the steps and into the ring. He raises his arms to all 4 sides of the crowd while they chant "aWo". After several minutes of standing in the ring, looking at the crowd, he gets a mic::

Angleplex: Well, most of you know that this is my last time ever appearence in the OAOAST. You see I lost to Big Poppa Popick at the Great Angle Bash. Now I could come out and here and say that I was screwed, but I figure that if this is my last time here in the OAOAST, then I'm going to be myself and have a little fun. You see I have been here since the damn federation started, and quite frankly these last few months have been some of the best in my life. I had a great career here, and I planned on being here, entertaning you fans night in and night out for a very long time. Well last night all those plans came to a screeching halt when Big Poppa Popick, pinned me right here in the middle of this ring, 1,2,3. Now if I wanted to get my job back, I'm sure as hell I could do it. But if Big Poppa Popick beat me last night, when I knew my career was on the line, that just means one thing. That means that I didn't want it bad enough, to kick out, beat his ass, and pin

him 1,2,3. And if I don't want it that bad, I'm sure there are a whole bunch more in the back that would like to get to the top. Well, I don't think I should stick around here and be where I am if the people in the back want it more than me. Big Poppa Popick was the better man last night, and hell, I earned a lot of respect for him. I'm going to miss all my buddies in the aWo. I want to tell CWM and Some Guy congragulations on winning the damn belts. But I have a message, and that message is for Anglesault.

::AP looks right into the camera::

Angleplex: What I want to say to 'Sault is this: Beat Caboose's ass and get that title back, because that son of a bitch doesn't deserve to have the title "World Champion". There's just a few.....

::AP is interrupted by BBP. BBP stands at the top of the entrance. Moments later, 15 security gaurds run out::

BBP: This my show, and you're wasting my time. I beat your ass last night, which means that you can't be on OAOAST TV anymore. So get out of here!

::Security surrounds the ring. AP stands there looking at the gaurds::

AP: Now all of you assholes may be able to take me down, but at least one of you is gonna be hurt in the process. It could be you. ::Points to a gaurd:: Or it could be you. ::Points to another:: So which one of you has the balls to come in this ring and take the risk of getting your ass beat on national TV?

::A security gaurd jumps into the ring. AP punches the guard in the face. The guard hits the mat hard. All the other gaurds who were about to enter the ring jump down from the apron. BBP runs backstage.::

JR: What the hell is going to happen here!

-----Commercial Break---------------

::AP continues to stand in the ring looking at the gaurds as the Intense Zone gets back from commercial. BBP walks back out to the entrance. Finally four police officers walk down the ramp. They get in the ring. AP is back in a corner. The officers are afraid to get him. AP runs at one of the officers and takes him down. The other three hold AP down and cuff him. The crowd boos. AP is pushed out of the ring. The officers walk him up the ramp. On the way up the ramp, AP passes by a laughing BBP. Just before going backstage, AP turns around to the crowd and kicks one of the officers. The crowed starts to chant "aWo" again. AP is pushed backstage and out of site from the crowd::

---Commercial Break


Tag Team Title Match

The wWf (challenger) vs. CWM and SomeGuy (Champion)

The aWo Porno blares, and CWM and SomeGuy come Dancing down to the ring with their brand new shiny tag team belts. They enter the ring and hit the turnbuckles as the cameras flash!

The camera goes black and white…and the old Hendrix porno blares as the Pandas come out…flanked by Risk, who is now calling himself GenerationNever.

GN: Tonight, the wWf invades the OAOAST and we will begin to show why we're the dominant force on the web today!

Big Panda Cool and the Panda Guy enter the ring to face the aWo team. The bell rings, and CWM locks up with BPC in a tie-up. BPC pushes back and then forward, throwing CWM into his corner. CWM looks shocked and tags in SomeGuy.

SomeGuy comes into the ring and dances around, taunting the Panda's manager and GN. Finally, BPC and SG lock-up. SG attempts a go-behind, but gets a club to the back! BPC with a pickup and a faceslam! He rolls SG over and gets a 1 count before SG kicks out.

SG comes up with an eyerake to BPC, followed by a kick to the gut and a ddt. SG locks in a SomeBar! The fans scream for BPC to tap, but he makes it to the ropes and SG breaks the hold…

GN jumps onto the apron, distracting the ref as HollyWood Panda slides in and hits a SPEAR! On SG. Both men are down now as the ref turns around to see HWP standing outside acting like nothing happened.

The ref starts the count, but at 5 BPC manages to tag in the Panda Guy. SG also makes the tag to CWM who runs under PG and picks him up in a wheelbarrow…CWM pauses, smiles to the crowd, and hits a WheelBarrow FaceBuster!…Keeping the legs locked, he sets up for what looks like a regal stretch!…PG rolls out of it and limps to the neutral corner.

CWM with rights and lefts…finally with a whip. But PG holds on and reverses, turning and throwing CWM into the wWf corner. CWM is stunned as the two pandas make the tag.

PG climbs the turnbuckle as BPC lifts CWM up. They hit the aWo with their own version of the SOMESDAY DEVICE! BPC with the cover…1…2…NO! CWM kicks out at the last moment.

BPC signals for the end…and sets up for the PandaBomb…As CWM is lifted up, he uses his momentum to come down with a facebuster to BPC! BPC staggers as CWM tags in SomeGuy, who comes running of the ropes delivering a massive SOMEkick!

PG comes into the ring and eats a clothesline. Hollywood Panda gets up on the ring, but SG chops him off. SomeGuy dances! And lines up to hit a SomeDriver on a groggy BPC…but risk comes from behind! Risk runs for a spear the SG dodges at the last moment!!! Risk hits BPC! He is aghast in the horrow as CWM comes from nowhere and hits a POLLYcutter on risk, rolling him out of the ring.

SG sees his opportunity, and picks up BPC. SOMEDRIVER! The ref counts…1…2…3!

Winners: CWM/Some Guy in 12:15, and still Tag Team champions

Via: SOMEdriver

---Commercial Break

The IZ logo is shown, as light cracks into it. An explosion rocks the stage yet again, and here comes the HELDdown logo and music!


"SandStorm" plays and a very cocky Big Poppa Popick and TheSoleSurvivor walk out to massive boos. A fan attempts to jump the guardrail but is taken away by security.

BPP enters the ring and grabs the mike.

BPP: Well, well well…Look who still has a job. Ain't life grand? Just yesterday I broke the hopes and dreams of not only one man, but of all you scum-sucking fan wannabes. Then, we broke the hopes of some other wannabes, the In-Crowd.

Speaking of shattering dreams, I said we'd do some house-cleaning, didn't I?

BPP turns around and nails TheSoleSurvivor with a massive mic shot….TSS stands up groggy and walks right into a SYNCHRONICITY BOMB! BPP throws TSS out of the ring.

BPP: If you can't pull your load, we don't need you! Take a hike, you has-been! Now that has been taken care of, enough about the Deadly Alliance, or the aWo, or has-beens, or even me.

BPP:'Introducing the Brand New One & Only AngleSault Tread World Champion, CABOOSE!'

'Epic' by Faith No More hits and the crowd almost riots.

JR-'By Gawd they hate Caboose so much they'll kill him if they get half a chance!'

With even more security around him Caboose enters the ring .

BPP gives Caboose the mic.

Caboose-'Yes you are welcome, I did make an effort to show up in this god forsaking shit hole, even though BPP gave me the night off.'

ASSHOLE Chants ring around the arena.

Caboose-'Yes, you are all right again. I am Molly's Ass!'

The Crowd Boo like never before and start throwing rubbish into the ring.

Caboose-'You might want to save that rubbish so you got something to give your dirty little kids for christmas!'

The crowd is absoloutely livid and a fan dressed in aWo merchandise jumps the barricade, but Caboose's security tackle the fan and beat him down.

Caboose-'Well I said I would do it, and I did! I gave your beloved AngleSault the beating of a lifetime and became OAOAST World Champion! Let's take a look.'

Footage of Caboose Emerald Fusioning AngleSault and getting the 1-2-3 appears on the AngleTron.

Caboose-'There it is, proof that I am the best, I am the man, I own the World! I am your champion and nothing will ever change that! No one in the back can beat me, no one in the world can take me down and every single one of you know it!

I am the best there is! I am best there was! The best there EVER will be! And if you don't like it, I got two words for you, TOUGH SHIT!'

Crowd chants ASSHOLE again.

Caboose-'I am the one thing everyone wants to be, I have the one thing everyone wants. Everyone can try me if they want, but it will end the same way, me victorious. I know everyone will try.'

Caboose looks at BPP suspectfully.

Caboose-'But I will beat all challengers. My time will end when I choose to end it and only then! The aWo were great once, but not anymore. The In-Crowd are a bunch of pussies, and everyone else doesn't even warrant a mention.

I will go down as the Best Damn OAOAST champion there ever was, and there is nothing anyone can do about it!...'

::Kona Crush 2k2 hits and alfdogg makes his way to the ring to join his fellow Deadly Alliancers.::

AD: I'm a happy, happy man tonight. The commissioner ship stays with the DA, we have a NEW World champion, Caboose, in the DA, and your new unified US champion...me.

:crowd boos:

Now, over the weekend, I received a challenge from someone, namely "Reject." You know what? Alfdogg is gonna do this belt proud. The way to do that is to be a fighting champion. So tonight, Reject, you'll get your crack at the title. And unlike your previous Hardkore champ, evenflowDDT...who I beat last night...or you previous IC champ, CWM...who I beat at AngleSlam...I can do it all on my own. Sure, the DA still has my back for anything serious, but until anything serious happens to me, I'll fight for it on my own. Why?

:goes to announce booth:

Who beats Alfdogg, JR?

JR (reluctantly): nobody.

AD: That's exactly right. Hit my music.

Kona Crush 2k2 hits, but then stops::

::"Here Comes the Money" hits as evenflowDDT and Alison storm their way to ringside. evenflowDDT's got a mic, and boy, is he PISSED! The crowd starts to boo, the camera focuses on a sign that says "Poor Little evenflow's Not Better Than Us Anymore", but also on a sign that says "alfdogg's a cheat, Give evenflowDDT His Gold Back!" (yes, there are big signs around these parts)

evenflowDDT: Every single one of you dirty, ugly low-lifes shut up NOW!!! I don't need to tell you what happened last night... I was SCREWED out of the unification U.S. title match, and SCREWED out of the tag team title match, and you can bet if there was a non-title match I'd've been SCREWED out of that as well! Now I only have one man to blame for that, and his name is...

::"Superstar" hits, and a bewildered evenflowDDT watches as his fellow In Crowd member "Superstar" James Allan is at the top of the ramp, with a mic of his own

Superstar: Whoa, DUDE, chill... I agree that you were SCREWED last night, but what about me? Look at me man... I didn't even have a damn match! Not even on the pre-game show... no no no no no, I had to lose on the last ever WCW Saturday Night to some freak redneck Gator Boy. You and Zack were screwed, but at least you had the chance. When do I get the chance, ha?

evenflowDDT: Yea, but tonight you have the chance, even if it is for that worthless TV title... instead of a rematch with me, alfdogg is facing that NOBODY Reject because he's too much of a coward! One thing I will do tonight, though, is have Alison and myself join you at ring-side to make sure you AREN'T SCREWED!

Superstar: Bro, you know we're tight and I appreciate the offer, but I'd rather prove to you guys that I can win one without...

::BPP slids out of the ring and blindsides Superstar. evenflowDDT tells Alison to go, and she does, removing a remote from her pocket and pressing a button that calls a helicopter to the ring to quickly pick her up and remove her from harm's way. evenflowDDT rushes for BPP, but alfdogg comes through the ropes and hits a double-belt shot on evenflowDDT. Alfdogg holds evenflowDDT as BPP chops him in the face and sucker-punches him in the gut. BPP grabs evenflowDDT's dropped mic.

BPP: Guess what evenflow? Looks like you're not even WRESTLING tonight and you STILL GOT SCREWED! Succcccckkkkka!

::Superstar recovers and scrambles backstage to get help, as evenflowDDT is met with an alfkick, and an Arn Anderson-style Spinebuster ON THE STEEL STAGE~! BPP then signals for the OverDriver and gives evenflowDDT an OverDriver OFF THE STAGE! evenflowDDT is knocked out cold, and may be broken in half! BPP hands the mic to Alfdogg

alfdogg: Tell you what, if you live through this, MAYBE I'll give you a rematch. Not that it'll matter, anyway, because nobody beats alfdogg. NOBODY!

::"Kick Some Ass" hits as Caboose, Alfdogg and BPP exit to a mixed reaction. The crowd isn't exactly sure what happened, and who to cheer for.::


United States Title Match

Reject (challenger) vs Alfdogg (Champion)

Alfdogg returns to the ring, and grabs the mic again

Alfdogg: I don't feel like waiting, so Reject, bring your ass out here and learn why NOBODY beats AlfDogg!

"One of a Kind" Plays and the man known as Reject enters the arena and walks down for the match.

The two meet in a test of strength, which AD ends with a kick to the gut and rolls into a DDT. Alfdogg picks R up, and starts the 3 AlfPlexes of Doom. He hits the first, rolls and hits the second, but Never blocks the third, and hits a snap suplex! R holds on to hit another snapsuplex, floating over into an armbar.

The ref checks on AD to see if he wants to give it up, but AD instead decides to reach for the ropes. As AD clings to the ropes, Reject strikes a pose to the crowd's delight, mimicking a supposed "activity" Alfdogg sees this and starts yelling…He runs at R and tackles him down, hitting with rights and lefts…With a pickup, Alfdogg whips R into the ropes. Placing R on the top rope…Alfdogg attempts a hurricanrana, but Reject blocks it! Alfdogg goes down and R grabs him to hit a TORNADO DDT! R with the cover…1…2…kickout!

GN thought he had it there, but to no avail. R up with kicks to the gut of the US Champion. Never sets AD up for the NeverNeverNeverBomb, but Alfdogg counters with a backdrop!

Alfdogg goes outside and gets a chair, throwing it into the ring. The official sees the chair and takes it out, failing to see R hit a low blow. Reject with a schoolboy…the official is over and begins the count…1….2…no! Alfdogg kicked out again!

R signals for the end, and whips AD into the ropes. With several stiff shots, he places AD up on the top turnbuckle. He signals the crowd that the Rejection is near..and goes up top…but took too much time…AD with a BIONIC ELBOW that connects right on the top of R's head.

Reject stumbles back and falls down, as AD stands up top on the turnbuckle and hits the 5 STAR ALF SPLASH! The ref comes over and the three count is elementary! Reject brought a lot of fight to the table, but some rookie mistakes cost him the chance at glory.

Winner: AlfDogg in 10:45, and still United States champion

Via: Five Star AlfSplash


Television Title Match

SuperStar (challenger) vs. Masked Mystery Eskimo w/ Derek The Fish (Champion)

“Superstar” hits as SuperStar makes his way out, sans the In Crowd. He slides into the ring and makes the belt motion around his waist.

“Ice Ice Baby” hits again as Masked Mystery Eskimo again slides out to the ring. He is not happy having to defend his title again, especially after having all of the thumbtacks pulled out of his body from his match with Sandman.

The bell rings as MME and SuperStar lock up. SuperStar pushes MME into the corner, as the official calls for a clean break. SuperStar obliges, flexing in the face of MME.

The two again lock up in the middle, and again SuperStar pushed MME into the corner. This time, instead of the clean break, MME slaps SuperStar in the face. Stunned, SuperStar backs off only to be clotheslined by MME. MME snatches a headlock only to be pushed off by SuperStar, who is hit by a shoulderblock as MME rebounds. MME runs the ropes as SuperStar slides over and MME hopes over him. As MME rebounds, SuperStar leapfrogs him, as MME ducks under and hits the other ropes. SuperStar goes for a hiptoss, but MME floats over and hits a monkey flip, which SuperStar cartwheels out of. As the crowd applauds the action, both men charge and hits cross body blocks. Both men are down and receive standing ovations.

As both men stand, SuperStar hits a quick kick to the stomach, then whips MME into the ropes. MME sucks SuperStar’s clothesline, and rebounds off the ropes only to be caught by a back elbow. SuperStar hits a series of elbow drops and covers, 1…2…MME kicks out.

SuperStar grabs a chinlock, but MME powers out of the hold. MME shoots SuperStar into the ropes, and hits a running knee lift. MME with a knee drop, and covers, 1…2…SuperStar kicks out.

MME stomps on the leg of SuperStar, then locks on a legbar. SuperStar claws at the ropes as MME applies more pressure. SuperStar makes it to the ropes after 40 seconds, forcing MME to release the hold. SuperStar tries to stand, obviously favoring his leg. MME clips SuperStar, then locks the legbar back in. SuperStar shouts “NO” repeatedly, as he fights his way towards the ropes again. The crowd appears to be getting behind SuperStar.

SuperStar finally makes it to the ropes, as the crowd pops. As SuperStar hobbles to his feet, MME argues with the ref. He finally turns around and throws a big right hand, but that is blocked by SuperStar and countered with a right of his own. MME reels back and throws another big right, but that it countered as well. SuperStar shoots MME into the ropes and nails a big back drop, as the crowd goes crazy.

Ignoring the pain in his leg, SuperStar throws a big dropkick that catches MME square on the jaw. Pumped up by the crowd, SuperStar picks MME up and nails the Star Power! Cover 1…2…MME kicks out. SuperStar goes to the top rope, and poses for the fans, before nails the The SuperSplash! SuperStar covers 1…2….

Sandman hits the ring and blasts SuperStar in the back with the mop! Sandman picks SuperStar up in the torture rack position, and nails the PSYCHO DRIVAH~! The ref calls for the bell, as Sandman picks the MME up and hits the PSYCHO DRIVAH~! on the TV champion as well. The official orders Sandman to leave, but Sandman kicks the official in the stomach and hits him with the PSYCHO DRIVAH~! as well! Sandman then grabs his mop and begins to beat the living crap out of SuperStar, repeatedly nailing him in the back and his injured leg. Once the mop is broken, Sandman throws it down, and then hits another PSYCHO DRIVAH~! on SuperStar! The referee signals to the timekeeper to stop the match.

Winner by Disqualification: The SuperStar in 15:03! But still your TV Champion, Masked Mystery Eskimo!

Via: Interference by Sandman

The crowd boos as Sandman surveys the carnage. Sandman poses, with his arms over his head in an X, and his hands doing the heavy metal sign. Sandman then lowers his hands,…As he pulls his shirt above his head, another shirt falls down.

The crowd throws trash into the ring, as the newest member of The Deadly Alliance celebrates his inauguration.

---Commercial Break

10:35PM - Greenmist vs. MarioLogan (Singles Match)

Fans, we hate to inform you that we haven't heard from either MarioLogan or Greenmist since the Tower of Doom match last night. What we do know is that the Dungeon is undergoing massive reconstruction, while Greenmist took quite a beating and may still be in the hospital. Under official decision, this match has been canceled until the participants can be contacted by OAOAST officials. We here at the OAOAST wish both men a speedy recover after a stellar performance.

Earlier today, Zack Malibu had some choice words about last night, we go to him now

In Crowd servant Michael Cole is standing by with the leader of the group, Zack Malibu.

MC:"Zack, I can tell that your not in the best of spirits, so maybe I should just..."

Zack shoves Cole down, and swipes the mic from him.

ZM:"Not in the best of spirits? What happened last night was soooo wrong. It was WRONG! Highway robbery, stolen from under my nose, pick a cliche, any cliche! The In Crowd could have cemented their elite status last night, but in typical social fashion, SOMEONE has to be jealous of us. SOMEONE has to stop the popular people from getting their just desserts. Big Poppa Popick, we thought we had an ally in you...someone who understood where we were coming from. But now you're no better than the aWo, Treble Charged, or any of these geeks that can't hold a candle to anything I've ever done. So, here's the deal...tonight, I've got a Number One Contender's match against Anglesault. The first time these two great athletes collide, and I'm sure it won't be the last. Anglesault, you're not going to be reunited with your belt anytime soon. Caboose, don't get too attatched. Take your pictures holding the belt, show it to your friends and family, because mark my words, the only place that gold will look is around the waist of a golden boy...the Golden Boy of the OAOAST, and you are looking at him!"

Zack looks down at Michael Cole, who has been sitting on the floor watching him cut the promo the whole time. Zack goes to toss him the mic, but remembers something, and turns to look at the camera again...

ZM:"And by the way...Evenflow got screwed too! I mean, COME ON PEOPLE, your jealousy is petty. Just like destiny take it's course. I'm telling you all this, whether your name is Popick, Anglesault, CWM, MME, whoever. We are the elite. We are the star power in this company. Now, you don't have to love The In Crowd, you don't even have to LIKE The In Crowd...but you will accept us as what we are, which is the BEST DAMN THING GOING TODAY! Just remember, if you're not "IN", you're insignificant!"

Zack tosses the mic down to Michael Cole, and gets a mixed reaction for his promo. He walks off camera, and Michael Cole gets up off the ground, brushes himself off, and takes us to a commercial break.

#1 Contender's Match Match

Zack Malibu (In-Crowd) vs. AngleSault (the aWo)

"Simply Ravishing" plays and Tony the Body makes his way down to the ring.

Tony: A lot of things have changed here in the OAOAST, so because of that, I am stepping down as a member of the creative team and will now focus on Talent Relations, making myself the first-ever President of Talent Relations for the OAOAST. Your commissioners will now control the vast majority of the shows.

The fans boo Tony's decision. A "We Want Tony" chant erupts as The Body casts a tear.

Tony: Hey, I said, vast majority. Not all of it. Tonight, as the President of Talent Relations, I am barring everyone in the OAOAST from ringside except for myself, as I will be the special guest referee. No one interferes or they suffer my wrath…

The crowd pops as Tony hits his trademark pose…The lights dim…

"Saved by the Bell" plays and Zack comes down to a mixed reaction. He makes gestures like he has a certain belt around his waist, and awaits his opponent.

"Eye of the Tiger" sounds and the arena erupts in a massive chant…One side says Angle, while the other chants Sault! AS comes out to the red, white, and blue pyro and walks gingerly down to the ring.

AngleSault looks at Zack, who offers him a handshake of mutual respect. The crowd begs Angle to not take it, but he does. The two shake, and nothing else…They square off and walk around the ring, sizing each other up.

They go into a collar and elbow tie-up.Zack pushses AS, but AS pushes Zack back into the turnbuckle…Both men with a clean break, and they walk around again.

Zack goes low and trips up AS. Zack with a headlock grounding the former champion. AS powers out and captures Zack in a mammoth belly to back suplex! Zack feels the pain in his back and begs AS to not continue, but AS comes down with hard rights and lefts…As Zack gets to his runs off the ropes and goes for the SPEAR! But AngleSault is too well-versed and hits the aWo-ddt! He covers for a 1 count! Zack rolls out of the ring, and back in, staring at AngleSault.

They're tied up and Zack pulls AngleSault into the corner. Zack with chops to the chest of AS turning him beet red. With a hard whip into the opposite turnbuckle Zack runs and hits a clothlesline. AS trips and falls down with Zack scaling the top turnbuckle. At the last second while Zack poses to the crowd, AS hits the ropes and crotches Zack…With a burst of energy, AS climbs the ropes to hit the top rope Belly-to-Belly Suplex! The crowd goes nuts!

Zack barely up to his feet, as AS tries for the SodiumDriver, which Zack counters with a backdrop, but AS lands on his feet, and picks Zack up to hit the ANGLESLAM!!!

After hitting the AngleSlam, AngleSault goes up top as the crowd rises to its feet. AS launches into the SaltSault. But Zack got his knees up, and prepares to take advantage! AngleSault gets up, and Zack lines up and goes for the Zack Attack, but AS ducks out of the way, and Zack hits Tony instead! AngleSault hits Zack with a Sodium driver and goes to revive Tony.

TrebleCleft comes running in from the crowd with a steel chair! As the crowd massively boos, AngleSault senses something is wrong, and turns around right into an unprotected chairshot who's impact echoes around the arena! AS goes down hard as TrebleCleft leaves the ring.

AngelSault is busted wide open wearing a mask of crimson red. Zack crawls over and covers AngelSault as Tony revives…with the slow count…1….2……ThNo!!! AngelSault got his shoulder up!

Zack, cursuing loudly, picks a near unconscious AS up and hits THE TRENDSETTER! Tony with the count again…1…2…3!

Winner: and your new #1 Contender Zack Malibu.

Via: TrendSetter

As the ref raises Zack's hand, a mixture of cheers and boos echoes the arena. Zack sees AngleSault and picks him up, but instead of attacking him, helps carry the fallen aWo leader to the back…The crowd cheers both men as they go up the ramp.

How will AngleSault react to TrebleCleft's new mean streak? What will Zack do now that he is the number 1 contender? How will Sandman's arrival with the Deadly Alliance change that group. Will Caboose be able to trust them? What will happen to TheSoleSurvivor. And who will step up to challenge Alfdogg next week?

All this and much more coming June 24th!

End of show.

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HeldDOWN for June 6,2002

The Pyro hits and ‘HOLD ME DOWN’ by Tommy Lee blares from the speakers as the Camera’s show a jam packed crowd in the Angle Arena. The Graphics Pop Up on the screne Hyping today’s show:

Some Guy and CWM Vs. Alf and BPP (DoD surronding the ring to prevent interference)

AngleSault Vs. Evenflowddt

Respect match: Risk vs. MarioLogan

Flyboy vs. Greenmist

Sandman Vs. Zack

A When Will We Ever Win A Match, Match: Jingus Vs. Angle-plex

A SHOCKING Announcement pretaining to The GAB!


Here Comes the Money" hits and evenflowDDT makes his way to the ring.

evenflowDDT: Wow. Wow, wow wow wow wow! I'm SO stoked, tonight I'm in a match with the one and only Anglesault...

::crowd pops at the mention of his name::

evenflowDDT: ...and I get to destroy him and take his title!

::crowd boos::

evenflowDDT: Oh shut up, you know you worship me! Actually, come The Great Angle Bash, I'll be a true idol. I'll have... let's see, the World Title, the TV Title, AND one of the Tag Titles! That's not even including my glowing personality. I'll be glimmering so bright, you'll need some of these ::whips out a pair of Gucci sunglasses:: ... not that any of YOU could afford them, but when you go blind don't sue me!

::crowd boos even louder. An "evenflow sucks!" chant erupts and the camera shows signs reading "evenflowDDT: Richer, Tougher, but Still A Jack-Ass!" and "Hey In Crowd, Get Over Yourselves!"::

evenflowDDT: This, amazingly enough, is a bit of a problem for me. Namely, how the HELL am I expected to defend three titles all at once? To solve this problem, I talked to the MAN himself, Triple H!

::"Da Right Angle" hits and the crowd is on their feet. The pop is deafening!::

evenflowDDT: Ahhh... the soon to be former champion hi...

Anglesault (cutting off evenflowDDT): Shut up! I can deal with your flapping your lips, I can deal with your baseless bragging, hell I can even deal with your whining like a little baby. But no way in HELL is ANYONE mentioning that name on MY show!

::Anglesault rushes the ring, and evenflowDDT goes to SPEAR~! him, but Anglesault saw it coming a mile away and drop toe holds the charging evenflowDDT. evenflowDDT falls hard, neck first, onto the top rope and hits the floor, face red and gasping for air. Anglesault gives evenflowDDT a Sault Shaker, but there's something up in the rafters... Caboose comes down and nails Anglesault with a Cricket Bat! Anglesault is battling back, but evenflowDDT struggles to get up and give the champ a low blow! He tries to hook the leg for the double-leg screw follow-up but Anglesault hits him square in the temples with an enziguiri, but Caboose scores again with the Cricket Bat! evenflowDDT is still down on the mat, but Caboose helps him up and the two leave the fallen Anglesault in the ring.::

Will either man be able to give it all in tonight's main event for the world title?


Flyboy Vs. Greenmist

‘I Still Don’t Give A Fuck’ by Eminem hits and Flyboy makes his way to the ring. ‘Hey’ by Alice In Chains hits and GreenMist enters the ring.

GreenMist extends his hand in an offer of friendship, foolishly Flyboy accepts and Greenmist kicks him hard in the gut and follows up with a SICK kick to the head. GreenMist picks Flyboy up and goes for the BRAINBUSTER, but Flyboy slips out of it and hits THE FLY KICK, he follows up with the DOUBLE ARM DDT. 1...2... GreenMist kicks out. Flyboy goes to irish whip GreenMist but greenMist reverses the Irish Whip and hits THE HANDSPING ELBOW! GreenMist covers but Flyboy kicks out at 2.9. GreenMist picks up Flyboy as if for a body slam but instead hangs him in the TREE OF WOE postion. Greenmist backs up and goes for the Dropkick to the Face, BUT NO! Flyboy uses his well conditioned leg muscles to lift his lower half out of the way just in the nick of time. GreenMist goes feet first into the Post. Flyboy capitalizes on a stunned GreenMist by hitting the FLY SPLASH. 1…2…3!

Winner: Flyboy

The Masked Mystery Eskimo is standing in front of a huge aquarium tank, packed with big fish. Derek is by his side, wearing his own special mini-US title belt.

"Welcome to one of my favorite places! Sometimes I come here for hours just to watch the fish and the marine life...it reminds me of my homeland, so far away. I miss the snows, the ice, the polar bears...but I am here for a purpose. I have spent many years honing my wrestling skills and I am here in the OAOAST to prove them."

The Eskimo holds up his new US title belt.

"This is just the first step, just the first of many belts you will see around my waist. I will be a fair and fighting champion, and this will be a long and exciting title reign."

Derek: "The Eskimo and I are heading for the top! And there's NO-ONE! NO-ONE I TELL YOU! THAT CAN STOP US!"

Eskimo: Calm down Derek. Although, you are right. I don't believe there is anyone in the OAOAST today that can withstand the power of the ~FROSTBITE!

An intensly white, icy pyro blast hits all around the Eskimo as he proudly holds up the US title.


Angle-Plex Vs. Jingus:

VERDI’S REQUIRM hits and the monster Jingus enters the ring accompanied by MarioLogan. SONG 2. By Blur rock’s the arena and The self-proclaimed most popular member of the aWo- Angle-Plex enters the arena. He is accompanied by BIG.

Angle-Plex charges Jingus and goes for the SPEAR. But he just bounces off of Jingus. Angle-Plex quickly gets to his feet and goes for the SPINNING HEEL KICK but Jingus catches him and tosses him clear across the ring. Angle-Plex gets to his feet rather slower than he did the first time, he approaches Jingus slowly, all of a sudden he points downa t Jingus’ss feet and says “Your Shoe laces are untied!” Jingus looks down and Angle-Plex boots Jingus in the balls. Jingus is doubled over in agony so Angle-Plex hits the SPINNING DDT for 2.9 Angle-Plex hits the ANGLE-PLEX 1…2… NO Jingus kicks out of it and rises to his feet. Angle-Plex tries to beg off but Jingus locks on the Iron Claw and lifts him up for the CLAW SLAM. Jingus covers 1…2… but BIG pulls Jingus out of the ring. Mario takes the chance to slip into the ring with a chair. BIG sees this and grabs a chair of his own. BIG takes out Jingus with a chair at the same time Mario takes out Angle-Plex with a chair. The Ref Calls for the bell…


Winner: CWM who’s sense of humor will never allow Agnes or Jingus to win a match.

We're standing by with resident In Crowd interviewer, Michael Cole, who's with the Zack Attack himself, Zack Malibu.

MC:"Zack, tonight, you face an old nemesis of yours in Sandman9000. But tonight, it's going to be a little different when you two face off.

ZM:"That's right, Nat King Cole. Tonight, Sandman's doing this on my terms. You see, this guy, I don't know if it's low self esteem, or just a high tolerance for pain, or a love for garbage wrestling, but he does some sick sh*t, just to try to get over. He puts his body on the line, sends it spiraling off of balconies through 8 tables lit on fire and covered in broken glass, thumbtacks, barbed wire, whipped cream and cherries. But what do you get for it, Sandman? Scars, broken bones, wounds that take forever to heal? Dude, get real, you have to make people care about you before they care about you hurting yourself. First rule in getting over is, you have to cater to the people. You have to be believable, you have to relate. Look at me...I'm not a character, I don't play a role. I really am, a popular, preppy, some call it snobby, type of guy. I'm the guy everyone wants to be, and they either love me and look up to me, or hate me because they'll never be me. Sandman, you fall in the latter category, because you're never going to be at this level. Tonight is where it ends, and it ends in a regular match. Bring your toys, your ass is DQ'd. No toys, no chairs, no barbed wire, it's you and me, ending a feud that should have never started. Evenflow has already gotten his licks in...tonight will be your curtain call!"

MC:"Wow...may I just say, Mr. Malibu, that that was the most intense speech I've heard you give. You seem very focused as of late."

ZM:"You know why Michael, because it's time. It's time for The In Crowd to sit upon it's throne. James Allan and 'Flow are two of the most talented individuals I've ever met. When you combine our work ethic with our individual selves, who can stand up to us? The aWo? Please, don't get me started. But don't worry Michael, it's doesn't always have to be serious around here!"

MC:"How do you mean?"

Zack continues talking, as Superstar runs in and panses Michael Cole. As Cole turns to see who did it, and to try and cover up his little Cole-pole, 'Flow ducks down behind him, and Zack pushes him over.

ZM:"Geez Michael, get some guts, don't be such a pushover!"

All three In Crowd members laugh. They all do their "cool" handshake with one another.

EfDDT:"Man, bad puns ROCK~!"

Michael Cole scurries to his feet, his pants still around his ankles.

MC:"We'll...uh...we'll be right back."

MC goes hobbling off, as The In Crowd holds back tears of laughter.



Narrator: This week on World Championship Wrestling! Jingus is in action against "American Psycho" Patrick Bateman. BigMcLargeHuge is also in action against a Dungeon of Doom member. Taskmaster Logan & Frankenstein's Monster will take on former Dungeon of Doom member, Fat Bastard & musician Meat Loaf! The In Crowd have said they want to wrestle on WCW this Saturday. Will they? Find out this Saturday! It's World Championship Wrestling!

SMELLS LIKE TEEN SPIRIT hits and the crowd goes crazy as Commissioner CWM enters the ring and grabs a mic.

CWM: Ladies and Gentlemen at this time I’d like to invite Big Poppa Popick out to the ring.

BPP comes down to the ring with a confused look on his face.

BPP: If this is an attempt to get out of the tag match later tonight you can fuc….

CWM:ENOUGH! This pertains to your match against Angle-Plex at GAB. You made the stipulation that if Angle-Plex lost he’d have to retire. Well lright, I won’t change that (crowd boo’s) BUT I AM adding another stip! If YOU lose Popick than you lose your Commissionership and Angle-Plex takes your spot!

CWM drops the mic and goes to leave the ring. When The IC champ Alfdogg runs down and nails CWM with a clothesline and tosses him back into the ring.

BPP: The Tag match starts NOW!

BPP and Alfdogg start to put the boots to CWM when CWM’s partner Some Guy run’s down and joins the fray.

The DoD spill out of the locker room and surrond the ring. They are joined by The Sole Survivor.

Some Guy with a dropkick to the back of Alfdogg which sends the IC champ out of the ring and onto the floor. Some Guy and CWM toss BPP into the ropes and hits a DOUBLE TEAM SPINEBUSTER. Some Guy is the legal man so CWM is ushered out of the ring. Some Guy continues the assault on BPP with an array of some kicks and some chops. SG tags CWM in and he stomps away on BPP before hitting a release German Suplex. CWM immediately goes for the INSECICIDE Lock but Alfdogg charges into the ring and makes the save. CWM tags in SG who hits the WHEELBARROW SOME PLEXES! 1…2…NO Alfdogg with the save again.

. TSS grabs a chair at ringside.. Alfdogg senses his chance and distracts the ref. TSS charges into the ring with chair only to be met by CWM’s foot into the chair VAN DAMNINATOR~! CWM grabs the chair and nails TSS with itsending TSS to the floor. But the ref has turned around and sees CWM with the chair and call for the bell.

Winners By DQ: BPP and Alfdogg

CWM and SG are PISSED! Some Guy dropkicks Alfdogg off the apron and then CWM and Some Guy hit the REVERSE 3D on BPP.


Sandman Vs. Zack Malibu (Wrestling Match, No weapons allowed)

THE SAVED BY THE BELL THEME hits and Zack hits the ring. 5 MINUTES ALONE rocks the arena and Sandman 9000 hits the ring (with his trusty mop).

They meet in the middle of the ring for a stare down and go for a collar and elbow tie up. Zack gets the advantage and grabs a wrist lock. Sandman tries to flip out of it but Zack holds on and trips him up and switches from a wrist lock to Move 193 (arm-BAR). Sandman magages to fight out of it with punches and a well placed bite to Zack’s forehead. Sandman with a clothesline and then a shoulder block. Sandman hits the EDGE CRUSHER for 2. Sandman applies a crippler crossface but Zack reaches the ropes. Sandman picks up Zack for a Gorilla Press but Zack slips out and hits the ZACK ATTACK on Sandman. 1…2…NO Sandman kicks out! Zack is shocked! He goes for THIRD TIMES THE CHARM but on the second suplex Sandman blocks it and hits a single arm ddt. Zack struggles to his feet, and applies a sleeper hold but Sandman hits a Jawbreaker. Sandman hits a neckbreaker and a Modified Version of The Stone Cold Stunner! 1…2… Zack gets his foot on the ropes in the nick of time! As Sandman picks up Zack the camera cuts away and shows The Mysterious One approaching the ring! Sandman locks on the sleeper hold and Zack passes out!!

Winner: Sandman

As the sandman celebrates TMO comes to the ring and Pulls zacks feet onto the ropes and tells the ref that Zack had his feet on the ropes. The Ref restarts the Match and a revived Zack nails a stunned Sandman with the ZACK ATTACK 1…2…3! TMO disappears into the shadows.

Winner: Zack Malibu

Zack is celebrating when Sandman grabs his mop and nails him over the head with it, Sandman picks up a mic.

Sandman: At GAB I challenge you to a ‘Give Me A Dream Match’ you and me in this ring and the only way to win Is with a sleeper hold!

Sandman drops the mic and leaves the arena.


RESPECT Match: Rick Vs. The TaskMaster

“No Leaf Clover” hits, and Risk steps out with a microphone. Risk looks really pissed off.

“Well, the reason I’m here for is to complain about the shitty gimmicks that are running wild in this little fed. First off, we’ve got our commissioner, claiming that he is “The Body.” An important Booker who is proud of being someone who hates Courtney Love. Then we have the Preppies who think they are good looking, when in reality, they are stealing Billy & Chuck’s gimmick. Then we have a weird looking little man who runs around with monster. And fin……….

Risk is interrupted when “Jive Soul Bro” hits.

“What the Hell?!”

The Taskmaster struts out wearing Slick’s old attire, and carrying a bag.

“Cut my music” Risk! How dare you disrespect the gimmicks that have built the Anglesault federation, the very organization that gave you a home? If it weren’t for CWM, this idea would have never been born. If Tony the Body never helped CWM, this fed wouldn’t have gotten as big as it is now. If it wasn’t for me, there would be no heels to keep the Good/Evil balance, and to torment the innocent people in this fed. If it wasn’t for the In Crowd, well…I don’t know what to say about them, but you get my point.”

“You just suck, you second-rate Kevin Sullivan!”

“I need to teach you some respect.”

“How is that, Mario?!”

The Taskmaster pulls out a leather strap. “With this Risk!” He then proceeds to pull out Akeem’s old attire. “Risk, I will teach you respect, by making you wear this!” The Taskmaster then walks to the ring.

A ref comes out and ties one end of the strap to the Taskmaster, and the other to Risk.

Bell rings.

The Taskmaster whips the Hell out of Risk. Risk managaes to counter, by pulling the strap, and pulling Mario into a HHH like knee smash. Risk goes for the pin. 1! 2! No! The taskmaster gets up, and starts whipping Risk again, Risk gets up, and hits DDT. Mario blatantly no sells, and chokes Risk with the strap. Risk counters by running into the corner, and flipping over Mario. 1! 2! No! Mario gets up and puts Risk in the “Eternal Damnation,” Risk taps out.

“Well, Risk! Dance!”

Risk puts on Akeem’s attire and refuses to dance.

“Faces, take him down.”

Risk starts dancing as soon as he sees the Faces of Fear come to the ring. “Jive Soul Bro” hits and the Taskmaster joins Risk in his humiliating dance.

Greenmist runs in, and sprays Mario with the mist, blinding him. Risk grabs the mic and runs out.

“I respect you, Booker man!”

The Faces of Fear attack Green mist. Sandman runs out, with a mop, and attacks the Faces. Jingus and the Monster storm out. The Monster hits a AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHTHEDOUBLECHOKESLAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! on Greenmist, and the Sandman. Jingus tells the Faces to hold the Sandman up. Risk goes for a boot, and hits the Taskmaster, when the Sandman ducks. Sandman gets out, and escapes with Greenmist.


WORLD TITE MATCH: Anglesault Vs. EvenflowDDT

HERE COMES THE MONEY hits and EvenflowDDT hits the ring. DA RIGHT ANGLE plays and Anglesault charges the ring. Anglesault tackles Evenflow to the mat and punches away. Evenflow manages to get a tumb to the eye though and gains control. Evenflow hits a snap suplex and a neckbreaker Evenflow picks up Anglesault and spits right in his face! This only serves to piss off Anglesault who kicks Evenflow in the balls and hits a double arm ddt. Anglesault goes up top and waits for Evenflow to get up. FLYING BODYPRESS but Evenflow ducks! Evenflow quickly applies the Crippler Crossface.

Anglesault is screaming in pain but he manages to make it to the ropes forcing Evenflow to break the hold. CWM Signals for the FOOLISH DDT! But Anglesault reverses it into a bridging Northern Lights Suplex 1..2…NO! Evenflow kicked out. Anglesault hits the SALT SHAKER but Evenflow gets his foot on the rope. Anglesault picks him up and Evenflow kicks him square in the nuts! Evenflow capitalizes by hitting the SOCAL ANGST!! 1…2…NO~! Anglesault kicked out at 2.99. Evenflow throws a fit at the ref but finally goes for a powerbomb, ANGLESAULT REVERSES it into a facebuster! Anglesault scales the ropes SAULT SALT 1…2…3!!

Winner and STILL World Champ: Anglesault!

Evenflow is up, he signals to the rafters and Caboose lowers down into the ring right behind a un suspecting Anglesault. Caboose takes a baseball bat out of his coat and uses it to choke out Anglesault! Evenflow stomps away on Anglesault, Caboose takes the bat and cracks Anglesault over the head with it. They leave the bleeding champ alone in the ring as the aWo spill out of the locker room to help they’re comrade.




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