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OAOAST TMW: A comedy/erotic e-fed

TMW 4-14-2016

Chanel #99

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***Painbow Vs Marc Bennet***

Before the match, the TV Champion, Painbow decided to cut a promo on Burlington Pembrokshire...

Burlington Pembrokshire, you have pissed me off. I won't stop beating you until I see a face covered in blood! Don't bother to lock up your antique doors and throw away the key. You can't hide from me no matter where you run! This isn't a nightmare, when you wake up, I will be there! Even if you BURN IN HELL!!!!!!!!!!!

Sounds like Painbow is looking past Marc Bennet. Could be a mistake. Reject?

Bennet has to make him pay then, but the way his matches go, I don't have high hopes. I trained this guy myself, but I'm not seeing the promise he showed me. Its a shame. But, not everyone makes good on early potential.

Reject had a good point as Bennet wasn't much of a match for the TV Champion. He did seem to show some vague hint of talent, but it never enough to even come close to threatening Painbow. Naturally Painbow was able to win with the Demon Slice (inside cradle deadlift powerbomb)

Winner: Painbow, via pinfall

Post-match BRULINGTON PEMBROKSHIRE came out and made the championship motion which INFURIATED Painbow. However, trainees and enhancement talent kept them apart to prevent a brawl.

HOT NEWZ~! Returned to the OAOAST airwaves featuring The POLITICAL PRISONERS in a news studio!

The scoops are in! K-RAWK had an injury scare at AngleMania weekend.

You asked for the news, now we deliver! X-ray results! Bam! In your face!

X-rays did pop up on screen. As for them being K-Rawk's that's debatable.

What did the doctor's say exactly, Win?

Steal Yo Push, its like this. The x-ray results show that K-rawk is full of cotton candy, glitter and tickles. Basically he's a pussy, and now the medical industry has let us know it for a fact.

You heard the HOT NEWZ here first, stay tuned, because we'll have more scoops in the future.

What's TMZ to hardened prisoners?

Political Prisoners.


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A suave and almost smarmy sort of gentlemen stood in front of the studios, held from entering by security.

I assure you I am good friends with Tristian and even Ivar The Cunning. Less friends with that one, he's a bit of a grump. If you'll just let me in..

Fortunately the HARD champion approached and recognized the man as not only his brother,  Fabian Nystrom, but of course an original vampire.

What are you doing here? I thought you had your own...business...

Need I an excuse to visit my own brother? It was either you or Ivar, and of course I picked you.

Ay, of course you did. I won't stake you on sight. You can watch the show, but I have my own troubles to attend to. I haven't time for yours.

Tristian motioned Fabian inside, but the view instead swtiched to EPONINE BLACK who was behind a light post watching.

Hheheheehe. Little brother takes big brother inside the danger zone, where its only a matter of time before little brother suffers injury. Its only the care of big brother, the shoulder massages, the soft words, the back rubs, and the holding through sobs that will nurse him back to health. Then after that, little brother realizes all along that big brother is the love-

(arriving behind Eponine)
Watcha doing?

Ahhhhhhh! Nothing! Can't I stand in the dark parking lot, behind a light post, by myself without arousing suspicion?

Ummmm I dunno. Can you use less words in that sentence?

You've ruined the moment!

If you don't wanna be bothered, then you should take your potty breaks indoors like the rest of America!


Annoyed beyond belief, Eponine just storms off.


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***Adelphe St.Nerdregard Vs Keyboard Warrior SumGrrl***

Adelphe lamented the venue for her fight before the match....

If only we could do this in a more mystical location under a fading moon. Alas we're merely battling monsters by the glow of floating fire wisps.

As sad as the performance center may be Adelphe still rock and rolled for her match and got an easy win with her Luminary Uppercut.

Winner: Adelphe St.Nerdregard, via pinfall

Backstage in her office Commissioner Lisa Ann was speaking with STORM BELLMARE. Lisa Ann wanted to give Storm the number one contendership spot for the HARD title at the next Ascension special, but Storm was wavering between that and wavering between that and wanting to beat Chad Mustard on a big stage. He promised to make up his mind soon. When he left the office he was immediately attacked by Rex who had been eavesdropping the whole time! Rex beat him down until Lisa Ann came out to stop him. Then he left them both with this message.

The HARD Title is my claim! No one will get it before me! Ever! Ever!

**Sgt.Holt Vs Ignatius Maddix W/Wesley Singleton***

Wesley took over the commentary booth to put himself and his friend over, which drew Matthews ire.

You're in arrogant mood today.

Why cut myself down when the rest of the world is so willing to do it for me?

As for the early part of the match, Ignatius and Holy went with some technical wrestling. The ladies in the crowd marveled over Ignatius' physique and exotic looks which got a grin, and a look of admonishment from Holt.

Wes, you know your dad and King Landon have a had a few run ins lately. Does that-

Please allow me to stop you right there, Reject. My dad has never lowered himself to fight by my side here in TMW, why should I bother to extend his troubles to mediate who I can be friends with?

Agreed, one hundred percent.

Holt and Ignatius continued their technical working, throwing out submissions and the occasional suplex. One such suplex came when Holt hit his finisher Dishonorable Discahrge a reverse suplex! But that move only got a two count!

And you wanted to call me unnecessarily boastful, Josh? Actually I downplayed the truth of our greatness out of modesty.

Indeed Wesley watched with pride as Ignatius made a comeback and won the match with a Go2Sleep!

Winner: Ignatius Maddix, via pinfall


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A video package was shown for Stockton, CA born Samoan brawler GOATman Pains! It highlighted his NCAA football career at USC, his strength and his power. Reject put him over big then went nuts and started shouting “GOATman, GOATman, that Samoan up to something!” over and over and over again

***Cady of Grimm Vs Effie Reese***

FWAAAAHHHAAAA, referee Scotty 2 Hotty! I have found the reason you exist! You intend to spread the pathogenic bacteria and kill us as you killed Rikishi!

That's  a lie!

Yeah, that's a lie!

Effie Reese, you seriously are a loud one. Your presence alone ruins tense situations.

My presence ruins tense situations? That sounds like an important problem! How long have I been making that mistake?

Ever since your character was formed!

That goes for you too!

None of that is disputable. I don't think Scotty killed Rikishi, though.

I don't think Rikishi is dead.

The two tense-situation ruiners squared off in the mainevent, hitting each other with forearms and kicks to start the match. Though Effie's a vampire, Cady is Sadist's daughter which is a whole different sort of weird. So rather than be hurt by the attacks, she found them welcoming and returned fire with her own uh sadistic moves. As a matter of fact after she sprated Sadist Mist into Effie's eyes she hit her with three big boots instead of the customary two.

Winner: Cady of Grimm, via pinfall

Post-match Cady seemed to declare her intention to fight Glass for the women's title but she rambled a lot and even with this being a network show, we only have so much bandwidth so we had to cut shit off before she could make her actual point.


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