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OAOAST TMW: A comedy/erotic e-fed

AngleMania XV PreGame

Chanel #99

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The AngleMania PreGame was hosted by Sara Jean and featured the panel of Tony Brannigan, Crystal, and Reject. The group first discussed the importance of shining at AngleMania, and what it means for careers. They talked about people who could be breakout stars of the night. Crystal pegged Lancel Locke for a big moment, while Reject was big on The American Idols and TSB. Brannigan also gave his nod to Lancel.

Josh Matthews was on hand to interview past MITB participants The Global Party Exchange. The duo talked a bit about the challenges of the match and the lack of being able to even trust your own partner. When they were asked for a prediction they were interrupted by Logan Mann. Logan laughed at the duo for being out of in ring action while he's still going strong, even though they came into the OAOAST at the same time and Logan is older. Leezus Price announced his impending victory and promised he'd snapchat GPX some scenes from his victory party.

The panel discussed the match between Alix and Silver as well as Leon and Colin. They all agreed it was a big night for The Menagerie. Crystal called the group way too dangerous for any organization to deal with, while Reject said he'd love to see The Deadly Alliance face them in a dream match. Brannigan thought the faces needed to be wary of any tricks the heels have, including the usage of Silver's sword Elysium.

Backstage Josh Matthews was with Lorelei DeCenzo to talk about the world title mainevent. Lorelei had a fresh demand for the match, calling for Alix, Queen Esther, and Maya and Jade to be barred from the arena to properly make good on Krista's promise to go it alone.

Highlights from the 2016 Anderson Cup were shown, culminating in a package on the winners of Big IQ. Previous associates of there's were interviewed to talk about them. Bohemoth said Wright was pompous and a fool but got more talented everyday, Colin said Ice Quiz has huge size and a huge will to win, Logan said they could be “an institution of the tag division”, ThunderKid called Ice Quiz the best big man he's ever tagged with, and Spencer credited Wright with having a vast technical skillset.

We went back to the panel who were quickly interrupted by Pretty Young Money, Meliss wanted to know why they didn't mention Phecda and Al Houd as breakout stars. She blamed Sara Jean for having a negative influence on not only the panel but the whole Galaxy, and somehow got the idea Sara Jean was behind December's successful tag title capture. She went to say after the victory tonight, she'd go on to cleanse the OAOAST of “satanic evil.”

Terry Taylor was around some fans to get their opinion on the Suck My Dick Match between Mister Dick and The XFL. Most of them said Jock would win, but the real shock of the segment was that little kids were the most excited for it. Ewwww!


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24/7 Title: Gory Dragan Vs TurboWolf Vs Conan Chanel***

Alright, ladies and gentlemen, let's get this party started with a 24/7 match between three former TMW stand outs. Coach, lay it on me, who's winning.

Gotta be TurboWolf. This match favors a redneck werewolf.

TW went for plunder early, while Gory kept trying to roll up Conan. Roll up and failed as the most he got was a one count.

Gory's the champion and he's been pretty distracted lately with guilt over killing his family, and why do we let this guy on our shows? Isn't Deirdre enough? How many family killers are we gonna allow?! I can't stand this creep!

TW tossed a trash can in the ring which was gathered up by Conan. This led to him getting hit with a dropkick from Gory. Stunned, Conan was hit with a school boy then smashed by a dropkick from Gory!


You gonna call this niggas moves?

Fine, that's Evidence on Fire.

TW entered the ring with PROCELAIN CAT and jabbed Gory in the stomach repeatedly. He then gave him a body slam onto the trash can and then body slammed Conan onto him.

See what I tell ya? Its all TW.

But Conan came right back and started firing off punches at TurboWolf. The Son of Plunder tried to hit Coco with a jumping lariat but he ducked and caught the werewolf with a tiger suplex!

Midhgt Fleur!

That move might have got a three count if it wasn't for Gory breaking up the pin. Anagred, Conan pithced Gory out of the ring. There The Mind Freakazoid got hold of a live chicken, a fucking live chicken, and returned to the ring to try and shove it down Coco's pants.

There's a Mister Dick, Cocky Prick joke in here somewhere.

Luckily the referee saved the chicken, but he could not save Coco and Gory from being hit with a double lariat from TurboWolf. The tallest wrestler in the match pounded on his foes, then called for the finish. He went up top to seek out his diving superman punch finish, but was shoved all the way ouside by Coco!


Yet right after TW splattered onto the mat,  Gory hit Conna with Do Not Go Gentle (Unprettier into bulldog) for the win!

Winner: Gory Dragan, via pinfall


Gory wins! Still the champ at AngleMania!

Stay tuned for the big show. I guess...I don't even care anymore.

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