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OAOAST TMW: A comedy/erotic e-fed

SluttyMania 2, Twice The Slut~!

Chanel #99

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Across a river, over a bunch of mountains, through fields, sweeping past trees and bushes, hovering over the skyline of New York City, the OAOAST logo flies through the air...before sweeping down, brushing past an elderly man who seems understandably shocked to see six over-sized letters fly past him. The logo continues going, nearing a house...which luckily, a woman is leaving, meaning the logo can sweep through the open door, continuing on down the hallfway and into the living room where a young kid is sat on his computer. It sweeps past him, hitting the computer...which explodes with a flash, lighting up much to the kid's shock and delight.










We pan around the Tokyo Dome where the Japanese fans are going wild for the wildest show on earth! After we get a good look at the screaming fans we settle upon Sofa Central.

Ladies and gentlemen it doesn't get much hotter or sluttier than this! We are live in the Tokyo Dome, in the land of the rising sun for SluttyMania Two, Twice The Slut. The sluttiest girls in the world have all converged here in Japan with Da Coach and myself, Renne Young, just lucky enough to be able to call the sexiness and mayhem!

I would've paid my every cent in my bank account to be front row for this one, and here I am, and my joint is dumb hard!

Just try not to finish the night with blue balls, Coach. So off we go, let's take it to Michael Buffer


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We cut to Michael Buffer standing inside the ring who's mat features the OAOAST and SM logo.

The following opening match for SluttyMania Two, Twice The Slut, is a tag team match scheduled for one fall!

Champagne, cocaine, gasoline
And most things in between
I roam the city in a shopping cart
A pack of camels and a smoke alarm

This night is heating up
Raise hell and turn it up
Saying, "If you go out you might pass out in a drain pipe."
Oh, yeah
Don't threaten me with a good time

It's a hell of a feeling though
It's a hell of a feeling though
Alright, alright
It's a hell of a feeling though
It's a hell of a feeling though

Panic at the Disco's “Don't Threaten Me With a Good Time” cascades across the arena with green lights bathing the entrance stage. On that stage is which Angel Maguire appears with a crawling and snarling Cassidy Number Two, who gives off a canine aura.

And here we thought TurboWolf and Titania were our only canines!

But the real story is Cassidy Number One, who not only arrives on sparkling faux-ice throne, but has it carried by FULLY ERECT Japanese studs. The crowd goes wild for the appearance of the three and their hot hunks, with Number One offering a conceited smirk and her mom's face turned red by heavy blushing.

Now making their way to the ring, being accompanied by ANGEL MAGUIRE, they hail from Boston, Massachusetts, CASSIDY NUMBER TWO, and CASSIDY MAGUIREEEEE!!!!


The well hung boys continue to carry their liege to the ring as she offers arrogant thanks for the love of the fans. Angel settles herself with keeping her head down and walking behind the scene. Number Two on the other continues her feral crawl.

So here's the story of this match if these two Hotties win then Leon Rodez stays buried in the ocean, and Reagan will shortly be joining him. But if The Menagerie wins, then Leon Rodez is free.

These Maguires love their high stakes match ups. Winning titles ain't enough for them, they gotta gamble lives!

The babyface Hotties cut their theatrics and turn hard gazes upon the entrance stage.

God cannot save my soul
It's straight to hell for me, I know
And when I get there,
At least I've found a place to call my home

From the cheerful sounds of PATD we go to Falling in Reverse's emo anthem of “God If You Are Above.” As white lights smash across the arena, black rose petals dive upon the stage which soon enough houses Reagan Flanagan and Maggie Nerdly. Maggie sinks to her knees, drops her veil, throws her head back with a primal scream, and then has her shoulders rubbed by Reagan who comes equipped with an eerie grin for the viewing world.



The evil female members of The Menagerie walk in unison towards the ring with Reagan keeping her focus locked on her former ward, Cassidy Number One, and Maggie wearing a disgusted look with the fans, her foes, and the entire world.

I don't think its lost on Maggie and Reagan how much is riding on this match. The entire future of The Menagerie rests on this very contest.

The Menagerie settles into the ring with the fans abuzz for the start of SluttyMania Two!

Let's get this show on the road!


As soon as the bell rings, the four Hotties begin a brawl! Maggie pairs off with Number Two smashing her with right hands, while Number One and Regan throw bombs against each other in the center of the ring!

Honestly who's shocked it started out this way?

Maggie shoves Number Two back, then screams as she charges in with a lariat. However her move is countered as Number Two sends her flying over the ropes with a  biiiigggg back body drop! Maggie comes down on her knees and yells in pain that pleases the Tokyo crowd.

Shit is already crazy in Tokyo!

Using a big boot, Number One launches Regan over the ropes and out of the ring with amazing impact!

Good riddance.

You still have to pin her,

I know that, slut bag!


Number One exits the ring to find Regan has acquired the ring bell! The evil witch takes a swing at Number One but misses and collides her weapon with ring posts!


Ah! They heard that back in the states!

Elsewhere, Maggie has Number Two trapped in a double underhook that spells certain doom for the morbid witch. But Number One comes along to help and smashes a rising knee into Maggie's face. That breaks the hold and stuns Maggie, allowing Number One to grab onto her highlighted hair and sling her into the steel steps to dislodge them with her impact.

Okay. Let's get in the ring, those are the rules.


That's our Cassidy.

With her eye on Knobbs, Cassidy is easy pickings for Regan who drives her chest fist into the ring apron. A yelp of pain escapes from Cassidy's lips, but the real pain comes when Reagan hip tosses her against number two, to send them both crashing to the mat.

Out of the way number two!

How was that Number two's fault?

A good henchman always takes responsibility.

Number Two wants to show herself to be a competent strong warrior, and so ascends to the ring apron pained bones and all. Her white boots carry her forward and she leaps at Maggie. But The Death Veil Cutie jumps upward and smashes her with a dropkick!

Do I have to do everything myself?

After lodging that complaint, Number One rushes forward and bashes Maggie with a shotgun dropkick! But her moment of offense is halted when Reagan grabs hold of her and pounds her with an inverted DDT onto the steel steps!

“OOOOOHHHHHHHHHH!” The Tokyo Dome reacts with a revulsion over that attack.

Sacrificial Altar!

Reagan pushes Number one into the ring and pins her....





A kickout before the three!

Summoning all her strength, Cassidy makes a move upright. But he's grabbed by Reagan and whipped into the ropes. When she returns, Maggie leaps onto her and brings her into a pin with a hurricanrana...





Again, Cassidy kicksout!

Not liking that kickout, Maggie pins her again...





Still Cassidy fights on!


The stubborn babe fights upward and thrills the crowd by nailing Maggie with a series of forearms to ward her off. But when she turns around, Reagan slashes her with  a rising claw swipe!

“OOOOOHHHHHHHHHH!” the fans and Angel react to the harsh attack

Raging Light!

That's a dangerous move. That could draw blood or put out an eye.

Cassidy needs to protect herself, she's too hot to lose an eye!

Number One is shot into the corner and sags against the turnbuckle posts in misery. The worse soon comes as Maggie crashes into her with a body splash, followed by a splash from her aunt! Then Maggie comes in with a second splash, and Reagan rushes in to the nail her second splash. Its all too hard for Cassidy to take and she topples to the mat.

Not so mouthy now are you? Thought not.

With Maggie taking care of the taunting, Reagan leaves the ring and fetches a steel chair. Its a new object the Japanese fans do not like one bit!

This shit is wild out here!

Hey, its SluttyMania!

Sliding into the ring, Reagan expects to be able to crash the weapon into the skull of her niece.  But Number Two gives her painful surprise with a  springboard hurricanran! Reagan's head is spiked into the mat and her chair goes scattering out of the ring!


Now that's a good henchwoman!

Maggie certainly feels no kindness to Number Two and bum rushes her with a  lariat. The rookie falls back into the corner, and is soon choked by Maggie's boot. But Number One captures hold of Maggie by the waist and hauls in the air in dramatic fashion before bringing her down with a delayed German Suplex!


Soul Sealer! Cassidy wants to put Reagan away forever!

The Cassidys shift their focus from Maggie and towards Reagan and send her into the ropes. When she comes back the duo hit a hip toss that lands Reagan on her butt. This is perfect for them as they combine to bash her with a pair of kicks to the back! Reagan falls over in pain and is pinned by Number Two....






A shoulder up!

Aunt Reagan rolls out of the ring, landing in front of Angel who has to resist the urge to stomp her into pieces. Inside the ring, Maggie is on her feet and is trading chops with number two. But, her efforts are shot down as Number One drives her backwards with a side Russian leg sweep. Number Two then bounces off the cables and returns to land a swift senton onto Maggie's stomach.

Number Two really isn't afraid to leave her feet.

She's an exciting Hottie. Bizarre as shit, but I'd still fuck.

Number One shoots Maggie into the corner posts, but meets with trouble as Reagan reaches into the ring and swipes her leg out!

Oh! Great presence of mind by Aunt Reagan.

Not worrying about her boss, Number Two streams towards Maggie. But The Edmonton native gets her feet up and slams Number Two down with a mushroom stomp!

Oh no! That'll bust some silicone!

Number Two lies on the mat in anguish, giving the heels time to set up a double team. They settle on Maggie leaping onto Reagan's shoulders to set up a hopeful powerbomb onto Number Two. But Cassidy saves the day as she leaps off the top turnbuckle and hits Maggie with an unwelcome doomsday device!



Unhappy with her niece, Aunt Reagan tosses her through the ropes, but only lands her on the ring apron. Cassidy hurries back inside and clobbers her aunt with a lariat. But the Death Veil Cutie returns to the affair and gets some revenge with a Downward Spiral!

“OOOOHHHHHH!” the Tokyo fans and Angel don't like what they see.

What they do like is Number Two twisting her legs around Maggie to hit an inverted rana! When a dizzied Maggie stands up, Number Two curses with a regular rana to again pop the Dome!

That's Killing Strangers!

That's a creepy name for a girl with a graveyard sex fetish.

We all have a thing...

Moving with almost alarming speed, Number Two charges at Reagan and decks her with a running dropkick. Though her chest is pained, Reagan rises upright and manages to catch hold of Number Two's second charge in hopes of hitting an STO. However, Number Two impresses the world by back flipping out of the hold! Reagan doesn't take kindly to this and lunges forward to lacerate her foe with a diving lariat!

Ouch! Can we call that a grumpy old woman clothesline?

I ain't saying a bad word about a witch with that kind of power.

Reagan hooks Number Two's legs for a cover....





Shoulder up!

Reagan is doing her part not to be stuffed in a casket like Colin Sr. And you can't blame her, look at her, she's got plenty of game left to play with that sultry face.

The Tokyo Dome takes notice of SLOPPY JOE waddling down the ramp with steel in chair in hand.

There's a guy with no game, but with a steel chair!

Fat Joe slides the chair into the ring, reaching it to the waiting grasp of Reagan. The senior witch ignores her sister's complaints and sets the chair open, then captures Number Two in a standing head scissors.

Oh no, Coach, she's going to powerbomb Number Two through the chair! That would be awful!

It would be awful, but fortunately it doesn't happen as Number One leaps as high as she can, and brings her aunt down with a fame asser onto the steel chair!



Regan clutches her ailing face and curses in agony, which motivates Cassidy to attempt a cover...





Shoulder up before the three!

Number One and Number Two would like to pull a double team move, but Maggie halts such actions by coming off the top rope with a double lariat to wipe them both out!

I didn't think Maggie cared that much what happened to Leon.

She don't, she just hates to lose.

The Death Veil Cutie latches onto Number One's arm and performs a hurtful arm pit stunner!

Misery Business!

Number One staggers off in agony, but carries herself into the clutches of Reagan. Auntie Reagan lifts Cassidy up then runs forward to damn her with a running back suplex!

That one is called Font of Power!

A more familiar move is executed as Maggie leaps off the third rope with a lionsault that lands perfectly onto Cassidy. Knobbs counts the cover....





Cassidy makes the kickout!

Good job!

The Menagerie joins together in forcing Cassidy into a double front facelock, creating much worry for the fans and Angel. But Cassidy shows great fighting spirit and breaks free of the hold. Desperate to cut down her disadvantage she shoves Reagan away, getting her aunt cracked by a springboard roundhouse from Number Two!

Those cute legs can kick!

Though in deep misery from the kick, Aunt Reagan pulls herself upright. This is a bad idea as Number Two zooms off the ropes and hits a majestic head over heels tumbling scissors kick!


Shadow Glitter! That's got to be it, Coach!

The fans count along as Number Two makes the pin and Number One keeps Maggie at bay...









Joe just saved Reagan and definitely just saved Leon!

Leon's Joe's only friend, of course he gonna save that nigga.

Number One is irate but for once keeps her temper in check and instead focuses on Maggie. The Edmonton native fires off a lariat that Cassidy avoids, and then Maggie is shoved into the corner posts. She avoids a splash from Cassidy, who corrects her miss by landing on the posts. Then Cassidy shows some flash and major skill by hitting a rebound corner spear!


Big impact from a big personality!

With big gazongas!

Hey, mind yourself, her mom is here.

Cassidy waves Maggie upright, hungry to hit her finish and deal final defeat to her Aunt. But Sloppy Joe rears his fat hideous head once more as he reaches into the ring and trips Cassidy to the ground!


Joe's done it a second time! He's out of control!

The rotund grappler enters the ring as Cassidy struggles to get her bearings from the surprise attack. Just as soon as she's about to stand up, the massive girth of Joe comes bombing onto her in a terrible splash!


No, Sloppy! That's too much! Cassidy is 5'3!

Poor Cassidy is seemingly broken into pieces, pieces which are pinned to the mat by Maggie....








Your winner as a result of a pinfall....THE MENAGERIE!

Not that I want Leon to drown for the rest of his life, or Reagan to be buried but evil won!

And a deal is a deal!

True as that may be, there is man who simply can not fathom being on the losing end of this gamble. And that man makes his presence known with a running kick to Sloppy's head!

Colin! You could have killed him!

If only he were so lucky.

Sloppy rolls out of the ring, woozy and now bleeding from the eye. He may well be concussed but that's the least of Colin's concern. Sloppy knows this and pleads for mercy.

Aid in plots against my family, assault my sister and it is clemency and kindness you expect me to show? The kindness here is that I have not ripped your jugular from your body.

Colin smashes Sloppy with an uppercut that hits him so hard he lands on the French announce desk!


As Sloppy gushes blood from his eyes and now his mouth, Colin takes up a presence on the English announce desk next to him.

Take this message to Leon.

Colin leaps off his perch and puts Sloppy through the table with the biggest Biotic Crisis in the history of the OAOAST!


Message sent!

Finally showing some brotherly love, Colin helps his mother and Number Two in getting Cassidy to her feet. The rest of the Menagerie is long gone, and its just as well as the faces still stand strong.

Just where else can this feud take us?! I think we'll find out whther we like it or not. But what a way to start SluttyMania Two!

Word, that was crazy from bell to bell.

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*** G-Spot Climax Quarter: Bobbi Cheesecake vs. Jade Rode-Duncan ***

The match opened with a handshake and stayed friendly until Bobbi noticed Jade was wearing clothing made by the Kardashians. 



Of all the designer clothing Jade has access to, she picks that? I'd be pissed if I was Bobbi too! 

But Bobbi was really pissed, ripping off Jade's top. Forced to fight the remainder of the match in her bra Jade unleashed a butt based offensive attack, but she went to the well one too many time as Bobbi countered a butt bump into her 50 Shades of Purple fall away Samoan drop. 

Winner: Bobbi Cheesecake, via pinfall. 

After the match the ladies shook hands, with Bobbi apologizing for ripping off Jade's top. 

It just got my blood boiling for some reason. But hey, the fans really seemed to like it. 



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Backstage in one of the locker rooms we see Madison Nerdly warming up for her big match with Morgan with Adelphe St.Nerdregard lending a hand.

I feel that we have more star blessings than usual!

How much is the usual?

For a normal like you, five. For a chosen one like me, five. Million! You're doing to do amazing! Victory is at hand!

I owe you a lot, Adelphe. You helped me out, you're a great cousin.

Madison gets a pat on the shoulder and it turns around to see Doctor Phil.

TV's Doctor Phil! Truly the celestial mother smiles upon us!

Doctor Phil?

I understand you're having a bit of trouble with your baby sister.

That's an understatement.

Well if you need help after this show, you can always come to me. See how an expert does it, kid.

Doctor Phil walks off laughing at his expert comment.

What a dick.

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***Madison Nerdly Vs Morgan Nerdly***

The good doctor dressed herself in a white tank top and grey cargo pants, to face off against her sister who attired herself in a Candian flag themed booty short romper.

Madison done bit off a hell of a lot more then she knows how to chew. She needs to training in NJPW, then get Krista's skillset, then maybe she might be able to hang with Morgan.

I'm just worried Morgan is gonna really hurt Doctor Maddy. And Madison doesn't deserve that!

Boasting sharp eyebrows and a smirk of raw dismissal, Morgan stepped up to Madison, who in turn took a step back forced by fear.

What's the matter? You scared? Don't worry, you can take a free swing.

There isn't much trust in Madison's heart for her sister, yet the offer was too tempting to dismiss. So, Madison put her own spin on things and dragged Morgan down in a small package!

Yikes look out!

Morgan escaped before the three, but was severely upset at having to do so.

Not what I meant.

Morgan trapped Maddy in the corner and proceeded to torture her with stomps to the stomach and outright choking, before tearing at her top to reveal her bare midriff!


Ignoring the ab-lusting crowd, Morgan tossed Madison to the center of the ring and worked over her neck for a short bit. But, Madison fought to her feet and even avoided Morgan's trademark 180 back elbow. Madison then lashed out and tackled Morgan to the ground, proceeding to send a charge of elbows to her sister's face. She even hauled her down in a roll up situation that showed off both Nerdly's camel toe's!

Look at Maddy go!

But Madison was bucked off and caught by a choke STO from her youngest sibling!

Cute Is What She Aims For hitting the mark!

Morgan made the pin, but pulled Madison up before the three, which did not sit well with the Tokyo fans. Madison was shot off into the ropes, but gave Morgan a surprise and a jolt of pain with a returning Lou Thez press!


Shot into the corner, Morgan was hit by a running dropkick from Madison, and then suffered through a second rope fist drop. The fans cheered Madison's show of skill as she made a pin. Yet that barely received a two count, and Morgan was on her feet in a flash.

Now you've made me mad, and that's really too bad for you.

Morgan proceeded to disgust the crowd as she raked Madison's eyes across the top rope, then tossed her aside to the center of the ring. The Maple Leaf Cutie then looked for a sliding lariat, but Madison got her boot up to ward her off!

Wow, we've never seen that counter before!

As Morgan stumbled away, Madison caught her and executed an inverted DDT! The fans popped as she made the pin, but again Morgan had no trouble kicking out. Still Madison put on a brave face and ran the ropes to hit a rising Morgan with a lariat! Then she tossed herself at Morgan with a crossbody, but this time Morgan caught hold of her in her arms!

Oh no, Doctor Maddy, you made a mistake!

The four time women's champion flipped Madison onto her shoulders and then crushed her with the Shock & Awe (F-U) in the center of the ring for the pinfall victory!

Winner: Morgan Nerdly, via pinfall

I think we all knew Morgan was gonna win this one, but Madison brought it as best she could.

Doctor Maddy has nothing to be ashamed off. But, as for Morgan, we really have lost her to the darkside.

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Hey, hey

I let you walk all over me, me

You know that I’m a little tease, tease

But I wanna play there please, please


You know you know you know I’m crazy

I just wanna be your baby

You can fuck me and then play me

You love and you can hate me


Miss me, miss me, now you wanna kiss me


Try me because I said so

Struck me within my ego

I’ve been a bad girl, don’t you know?

(Don’t tell me what’s your deal)

Come get it now or never

I’ll let you do whatever

I’ll be your bad girl, bad girl


Hitting hard is Avril Lavigne's “Bad Girl” with green lights flashing in tune to the pop-rock beat. Roving through the swirl of lights are scantily clad men who wave the banner of Annagret Wickedborn for all to see. And as the entrance doors come apart, Annagret strides onto the stage as arrogant and beautiful as ever!



The following is the last quarter final match in the G-SPOT CLIMAX! Now making her way to the ring, from Asgard, she represents SUNRISE....THE ANARCHIC ANGEL....ANNAGRET WICKEDBORN!


The long sexy legs of Annagret carry her towards the ring, as she smiles and flips her hair some more to the fans who are head over heels in love with her.

Annagret has a chance to make her dreams come true. She can have Maya to herself for a whole month to do whatever she wants with, and I bet she's got some kinky plans.

You know some of em gotta involve Da Coach.

Says who?

Says my black dick!

The busty and tall goddess enters the ring with flair and style, and struts about as she eagerly anticipates Maya's approach.

Wanna lick get a taste of the dip, in my kitty box
Wanna play for a day dad-dy? In my kitty box
Wanna lick get a taste of the dip, in my kitty box
Wanna play for a day dad-dy? In my kitty box
(My kitty box, my kitty box, my kitty box, my kitty box)


Picture Maya masturbatin in a drop
Picture Maya tan and topless on a yacht
Picture Maya suckin on you like some candy
Picture Maya in your shirt and no panties
Shirt and no panties... [moaning]
Picture Maya in the pool skinnydippin
Picture Maya in the 69 position
Picture Maya dancin on a stripper pole
Picture Maya in a Playboy centerfold
Playboy centerfold, Playboy centerfold
Playboy centerfold, Playboy centerfold

As soon as “Bad Girl” ends the OAOAST Remix of “Kitty Box” bops along and the Japanese crowd becomes unglued with their delight for the arriving Maya Duncan-Blanchard! With a stripper pole bolted onto the entrance stage, the gorgeous Hottie twirls her Hot Teenage Body to the masturbatory lust of all who see her. Booty pops, boobs jiggle and biceps bulge on the naughty nineteen year old slut.



And her opponent, also representing SUNRISE, from Los Angeles, California, THE FUCK SLUT FROM HELL, MAYA DUNCAN-BLANCHARDDDDDD!


Ready, waiting and probably touching herself is Bobbi Cheesecake, who beat Jade earlier tonight and booked her ticket to the finals.

Annagret versus Bobbi? Maya versus Bobbi? I can't decide which would be hotter!


The things I'm gonna do to you when I win this tournament. Your G-Spot will never stop clinaxing. Why don't I give you a lil taste...



So, how about you give up right now so I can go ahead and win the tournament. You ever been eaten out on a magic carpet?

I should totally give up.

Yeah, you totally should.

No! I must not give in! I must stay the course, the course to gang rape!


Annagret takes a swing at Maya, but gets the attacked ducked. Yet her long legs allow her to curl around and smash Maya in the gut with a boot. Although she's apologetic for the attack, Annagret doesn't stop herself from slinging Maya across the ring by her brunette locks.

These two have faced off before in a match that ended in a double DQ thanks to them being unable to control themselves.

They only grown wilder since.

The Anarchic Angel tosses Maya into the ropes, but finds her foe slippery as she slides beneath her legs. The Fuck Slut From Hell then reaches down and pulls Annagret to the mat with a school boy...



But Annagret pops out of the pin and lays atop Maya for a pin of her own!





The shoulder up!

Your breasts feel so hot when you're in a submissive position.

Calm your self vagina and stay focused on the prize!

Maya goes behind Annagret and gets a rear waistlock, thinking she can keep her rival down. But Annagret is a goddess after all and has no trouble in standing up and backing Maya all the way to the ropes.

Lemme ask you a question? Can Bobbi or Jade work it like me?

Imagine that blond pussy throwing it down on you.

Quit messing with my mind, you cruel trickster!

Maya shoves Annagret away, which is a doubly hard task considering how hot the bimbo is.

I admire Maya's resolve, who could possibly resist a babe like Annagret. She's a literal goddess.

Annagret comes running back at Maya, though Maya isn't sure if its for love or aggression. Either way, the Los Angeles native responds by lashing her with a European Uppercut that twists her around. This leaves Annagret open to being hit with a running face crusher from Maya. The child star turned wild slut then leaps into the air, does a cute heel click and drops an elbow onto Annagret!

Everything Is Going My Way Elbow!

The cover...



An easy kickout by Annagret!

Bobbi Cheesecake awaits, drooling and sexed up for the winner of this match.

Now that I think about it, I'd forfeit before I'd face Spazcake.

Maya attempts to whip Annagret into the corner, but gets reversed and thrown in herself. She hits with tremendous force and staggers back into a big boot from the blond foe.

That's one of Annagret's major moves, super simple but super effective. But I don't think she wants to mess up Maya's pretty face.

Its not Maya's gorgeous looks Annagret is focused on, rather she has her eyes trained on her sizable rear end. A thick and firm butt that get groped and mauled by the Maya loving goddess...



Damn I should write your mom a thank you note for passing down her sweet ass.

Just a naked selfie will do.

Up and at em, babydoll.

With a tournament still to win, Annagret sends Maya off into the ropes, but has to do a toe touching leap frog to avoid her bull rush. Still with goddess agility, Annagret is able catch Maya with a spinning head scissors on her rebound and when she stands she rocks her world in a bad way with a diving lariat.

The cover....




Maya with the shoulder up!

At this rate I think we're heading to Bobbi versus Annagret in the G-Spot Climax final. If you like wild blond chicks beating the crap out of each other, stay tuned!

Annagret cinches in a reverse chin lock which is a rare move for a fast mover like her. Though her aim is to wear Maya down she isn't very successful as the Los Angeles native fights upright and uses a series of elbows to the mid section to win herself her freedom. The Anarchic Angel isn't so willing to let her go free and hauls her onto her shoulders in an electric chair drop position.

That's way high up when you're on the shoulders of a tall babe like Annagret!

But, Maya makes a daring play and back flips off her friend's shoulders to safety.  Still, Annagret hounds Maya and traps her inside an head an arm Taz-plex position. But Maya makes a daring counter as she performs a single arm DDT onto Annagret! Though pained, Annagret reels rather than fall over, but gives Maya enough time to climb to the top turnbuckle.


With that shout, The FuckSlut From Hell flies off the top rope and delivers a crushing neckbreaker to her opponent! From there a cover is made...





Annagret brings the shoulder up!

Hurting from the neckbreaker, Annagret pulls herself upright in the corner and takes in deep breathes.

Bobbie bomb junior deploy!

Bring that shit.

Maya unloads  her version of her mommy's splash, slamming her massive jugs into Annagret's face. This attack leads a dazed and highly aroused Annagret to stumble towards the center of the ring. Maya has no trouble in catching up to her and tries to twist her around for a neckbreaker. But, Annagret unfurls herself behind Maya, yet rather than attack becomes quite enamored with her legs.

Uh-huh, these are pretty hot legs, babydoll. So tan, so smooth, so touchable.

And Bobbi and Jade think these legs belong to them? Fat chance!

Annagret trips up Maya, taking her down to the mat with a heavy thud. The leggy whore then twirls around with a  cart wheel before unleashing a knee drop upon Maya. That goes into a cover....






Maya again with the kickout!

Still so much more to come tonight including the Ejaculation Chamber with eight Hotties who haven't had sex or pleasured themselves in god knows how long! Should be wild!

And then the finals of this tournament is also gonna be wild as fuck.

Annagret's long gorgeous legs work a diabolical plan as they tangle and trap Maya inside a full nelson!

“OOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHH!” The Tokyo Dome reacts with shock to the submission hold.

That's called Red Rain, Annagret rarely uses it!

Despite being a rare submission from the blond beauty its a deadly one that has Maya crying out in pain. The official asks if she wishes to submit, but the two time women's champion refuses to give up.

Annagret could just be softening up Maya for Bobbi if she don't win this match. But, that ain't so bad, Bobbi likes it when they're nice and weak.

As rough and harsh as the hold may be, Maya still finds the willpower to fight out of it, much to the pleasure of the Japanese fans. After taking a moment to shake off her sore muscles, the FuckSlut From Hell heads to the ropes and comes back to seek out a shining wizard. But, Annagret grabs hold of her, flips her into an inverted fireman's carry and unleashes a massive inverted f-u!


Anarchic Attitude like we've never seen before!

Split it out!
(onto Maya)



And those hot legs like we've seen and drooled over millions of times before!

Annagret then rolls onto Maya for a crucial pinfall...





Maya brings the shoulder up!


Thirsting for victory and lusting for Maya's submission and sex, Annagret makes a grandoise leap to the top turnbuckle.

If you ever wanted to see a goddess fly, here comes your chance!

The Asgardian babe flies off the top rope, extending those lovely pins into a leg drop....that misses thanks to Maya rolling out of the way!


Annagret missing with The Great Tower!

Clutching her sore rear end, Annagret finds her footing, and sees that Maya has miraculously done the same.

Hey, goddess, can't get CTE right?

We don't get STDS.

Wong answer, but useful info! Well, I can't feel bad for kicking your ass if it leads to a Kink.com worhty gang rape.

Oooooooh! I prefer the gentler method of swiping right to the way these Hotties court each other.

If this were actually a fighting game, Annagret would have stars above her head to signal how dizzy and out of it she is. Instead she stumbles about the ring, and is brought into Maya's bridging German Suplex!





Annagret with the kickout!

Both sexy babes roll to their feet with Maya managing to catch Annagret on her shoulders in hopes of hitting her wasteland signature hold. However, Annagret manages to slip out the back. Maya won't be stopped so easily and leaps onto her to try a tornado DDT. But, the Asgardian sex kitten whirls around throws her into the turnbuckle posts with a release Northern lights suplex!


Talk about spousal abuse!

With the crowd still buzzing over Annagret's wild throw, the goddess herself starts taking hold of Maya in set up for her Styles Clash finisher.

She's going for Wicked Whisper!

But, Maya manages to shift her body and drag Annagret into a pin!








Maya pulls Annagret upright and shoots her into the corner, but gets a fright as the goddess comes back and slashes her with a big boot!

I can't wait to make you mine for a month. A whole month! You won't be able to walk straight, think straight or talk straight, just fuck straight, you pretty slut.

Annagret hoists Maya onto her shoulders setting up her electric chair drop signature attack. But much to everyone's amazement, Maya scoots forward and delivers an overpowering mushroom stomp to Annagret's chest!

She can still wrestle straight!

Maya lets out a wild scream as she bounds to the ropes, coming back to leap frog over Annagret and haul her down with a face crusher!



The fans count along with the pivotal cover....







Your winner and advancing to the finals of the G-Spot Climax....MAYA DUNCAN-BLANCHARD!

Maya rises up and lets her hand get raised by the referee, as she soaks in the adulation of the fans as well has her thrilling victory.

I thought Annagret was gonna live the dream of having Maya for a sex slave for a month.

But, when your Krista's daughter anything is possible and if you want three sex partners at the same time, you're gonna get it! Look out Bobbi!

Maya slaps hands on the way to the back, and promises the fans one more victory tonight.


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The cameras journey to ringside where TMW's Glass Juliet is sat beside her fellow performer and vampire, Tristian Nystrom.

Yo, its the TMW women's champion, Glass Juliet and the TMW Hard Champion, Tristian Nystrom! You think they get complimentary blood bags with their seats?

We can't wait for our next OAOAST Network TMW network special where Glass will defend her women's title, and Tristian defends the Heart, Athleticism, Resolve & Determination title.

That's what HARD stands for? Who knew!

Literally everyone but you.


*** Sabrina vs. Sugar Belle-Flair; special guest referee Pete-O *** 

It was only a matter of time before Pete found himself sporting the familiar black and white stripes of a prison uniform referee's shirt. And right away he ticked off the ladies taking his sweet time checking for illegal foreign objects. No stone was left unturned or crack unmolested. 


Pointing to the stripes on his shirt Pete let it be known he was just doing his job (which somehow involved snapping pics of the ladies throughout the course of the match) and wanted the ladies to do theirs.

So get it on! :spiteful:

The action was hot and heavy... for Pete! For the rest of us, it was a back and forth affair that saw Sugar work over Sabrina's leg.

Without her wheel Sabrina can't execute her jumping scissor motion sidekick. 

That's a mouthful!

Which is why I prefer the much easier to pronounce "Bitch Don't Kill My Vibe." 

But with pride on the line pain be damned. Sabrina escaped Sugar's Figure-4 attempt by kicking her away and then put her away with Bitch Don't Kill My Vibe.

Winner: Sabrina, via pinfall. 

Pete raised Sabrina's arm in victory, then ran his fingers down it, earning himself a SLAP. 


Rubbing his cheek, Pete turned his attention to Sugar, assisting the woozy superstar to her feet and not his bed as usual in cases like this. But he got a little too frisky and got floored by a knife-chop that would make the Nature Boy himself proud. 

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*** OAOAST Women's Tag Title: Gloss Angieacola & Samantha Cayley vs. Pretty Young Money © ***

Electing to fight wearing a garlic necklace, Melissa thought she had an edge over Gloss, especially after the Volterra Vixen fell ill. 


It was all a ruse, though, and Gloss unload on her longtime rival. 


Late in the match Gloss found her outside pummeling Melissa, while inside Sammi placed Anastasia in the Liontamer! 


Sammi has the Liontamer locked right in the middle of the ring! 

Anastasia struggles to gain any ground towards the ropes. Her only hope to escape down on the arena floor with Gloss on top. Then we get an appearance from PYM's goons Al Houd and Phecda. They pry Gloss off Melissa and prepare to do damage when SPENCER REIGER and BLAINE CAYLEY hit ringside and tee off on the guys! 


But that allowed Melissa to sneak in and blindside Sammi with her version of The Stroke/Skull Crushing Finale. 

Number One With A Bullet!

Melissa wipes out Gloss with a baseball slides and celebrates outside with the rest of PYM after Anastasia scores the pin, sticking her tongue out at Gloss and Co. 

Winners: Pretty Young Money, via pinfall. 

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Come on, let me ride your bicycle

It's so fantastical on your bicycle

We can get a little more physical

Baby, after all, it's only natural

I feel it coming, coming, coming, oh

I feel it running, running, running, oh

Come on, let me ride your bicycle

It's so fantastical on your bicycle

Skylar Grey's “C'mon Let Me Ride” booms to life and crazed blue lights swoop across the entire dome. The video screens play images of Malaysia Nerdly's many sexual and wrestling conquests, and that same dominatrix happily travels onto stage on a Barbie themed bike. Obscuring her from view somewhat is Archie, clad in a humiliating miniskirt as he makes an even more humiliating seat on her white handle bars.

The following contest is scheduled for one fall, now making her way to the ring being accompanied by Archie Stumplebottom...from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada....MALAYSIA NERRRRRDDDLLLYYY!


Honking her Barbie horn and flashing a wicked grin, Malaysia takes herself and her bitch for a ride down the lengthy entrance ramp.

Coach, let's play the prediction game, two former women's champions, Malaysia Nerdly and Clar Aisling DeLacey about to clash, only one can win. Who ya got?

Aisling is coming in angry, but Malaysia is coming in control. Her mind is perfectly clear, and a clear mind makes a good fight. Just made that saying up.

Oooh, well done.

Dig up her bones but leave the soul alone
Boy with a broken soul
Heart with a gaping hole
Dark twisted fantasy turned to reality
Kissing death and losing my breath
Midnight hours cobble street passages
Forgotten savages, forgotten savages

Dig up her bones but leave the soul alone
Let her find a way to a better place
Broken dreams and silent screams
Empty churches with soulless curses
We found a way to escape the day

As "Bones" by MSMR seeps into the arena, a hazy mist of blue fog wades onto the entrance stage, covering the lower video screens. But the real sight is Clar Aisling DeLacey, who hangs from a noose! Suddenly the rope breaks and the Irish babe lands on motherfucking roller blades! She lets out a riotous giggle then zips and zags her way towards the ring!

And her opponent, from Lough Dregh, Ireland, she is THE MOTHER OF DEMONS...CLAR AISLING DELAAACEEEEYYY!!


Aisling on that fuck shit. Malaysia just subscribing to Coach's way of handling these hoes.  Better to wife a bitch that you can cut off from her friends that way it will be easier to control her and she felel like you are her only lifeline. Women with support systems are harder to control and manipulate, and that's what happens to Archie.

You're crazy and Archie is a man!

Nah, he a bitch!

Aisling strips off her roller blades and puts on wrestling boots, shoes for a demon-vampire ready to unleash hell!

Sabrina beat Sugar, can Aisling make it two for two for the Bad Girls.


Aisling and Malaysia are right up in each others face, their pretty visages turned rough with scowls and disdain.

All this shit over Lord Dorkchester.

Malaysia gives Aisling a shove backwards, and smirks. But that smirk is soon wiped off her face when Aisling decks her with a punch!


Malaysia pulls herself upright only to get leveled with another heavy punch from Aisling. Then the vampire jumps on her and starts raining down punches!


All of Tokyo is behind one of the most eccentric Hotties in the company!

Malaysia bucks Aisling off her with her powerful leg muscles then jumps upright. Clearly enraged she charges at Aisling, only to be flipped through the air by a spinning head scissors. Again, Malaysia wants to get right back up, but Aisling leaps on her back!

(in robot voice)
Demeaning statement: Now you will be my little pony.



Ride em you sexy Irish cowgirl!

I'd pay all my weed money for her to do that to me.

Aisling hops off Malaysia's back, and gets deadly serious as she waves her on. When Malaysia stands, Aisling traps her in the makings of her STO finisher.

Looking for All My Friends Are Dead~!

But, Malaysia uses a procession of elbows to knock her way out of the hold. She staggers backward, clearly off kilter from Aisling's onslaught. Its an onslaught she keeps having to deal with as The Grandaughter of Darkness makes a rush for her. Yet that is halted as Malaysia cuts her down with a spear!

A cover....



A kickout!

Malaysia stomps away at Aisling, looking to keep her prone on the ground. This doesn't quite work, as the vampire-demon hyrbid fights upright and wallops Malaysisa with an uppercut that lands her against the ropes. The Irish Hottie stalks her path, but falls right into a trap as Malaysia gives her a drop toe hold onto the middle rope! With Aisling hung up, the Edmonton native exits the ring, stepping onto the ring apron.

I bet you're real good screamer.

Malaysia tries to find out as she rushes across the apron and delivers a solid boot to Aisling's head!

“OOOOHHHHHHHHHH!” the Tokyo fans scream in disgust as Aisling falls back into the ring in pain.

Her suffering face isn't as cute as yours, Esmeralda. You can thank me for the compliment.

Thank you, Mistress Malaysia.

Malaysia drops down atop Aisling for a second cover....



Aisling pushes herself out the pin!  

Getting a cruel smile across her face, Malaysia has ill intentions for Aisling. The fans have to watch as the dominatrix mounts the babyface, and proceeds to bash her with crossface elbows. Blow after blow lands across Aisling's face as Malaysia cackles with an erotic delight at the beating she's delivered.

You can be my side slut, Aisling. When I've wrecked Esmeralda's ass beyond repair, I'll fill my time pounding yours.

I think someone needs to get Malaysia a Pick Up Artist manual for her birthday.

Shockingly to Malaysia, Aisling hurries to her fight and bulldozes her all the way into the corner! There Malaysia's ripped stomach is battered with shoulder thrusts, and then she gets a humiliating toss to the center of the ring!

Threw her down like she ain't nothing!

As Malaysia starts to stand, Aisling comes screaming at her with a furious charge. She leaps onto her chest and searches for a shining wizard, but Malaysia manages to convert this attack into a bruising fall backwards single leg power bomb! Aisling hits the mat hard and rolls towards the area where Archie stands.

Oh, Aisling.

Poor Archie.

If the dude had any nuts he could stop this himself.

I don't think a cross breed of Bohemoth and THE FLEX could stop Malaysia from topping him.

Latching onto Aisling's legs Malaysia turns her over into a crab! Archie has to watch as the giantess sits down on Aisling's back causing her a world of suffering and woe.


Tokyo has been treated to quite a night and now they want to see Clar Aisling DeLacey pull out the victory from the jaws of defeat.

For now they have to settle on her reaching the ropes, as she latches onto the bottom cable to force a clean break. This does nothing to solve her Malaysia problem, as the pixie haired dom drives a terrible knee onto her rope grabbing hand!


Ahhhhh, it seems you do have a pleasant scream. I used to call Gloss Miss Piggy when I would rape her, but looking at you, you have the same pudgy cheeks and baby fat physique. I bet you'd look real cute in pig tails, real cute in pig tails eating my clean ass hole.

Malaysia forces Aisling's hair to take on a child like pig tail form.

Now come on, Miss Piggy, eat my clean asshole!


Aww wow, I can't begin to count how many times she's done that to me!


Done tormenting Aisling, Malaysia pushes her aside, forcing her into a seated position in the corner. More humiliation is heaped upon poor Aisling as Malaysia presses her boot against her face, smothering her with the sole of the heel!


Luckily vampires don't have to breathe, because if they did, this would be true torture for Aisling.

Having done enough to embarrass her vampire foe, Malaysia grabs hold of her auburn hair and leads her to the center of the ring. There she stuffs her inside a front facelock and starts to lift her for a basic vertical suplex, but Aisling makes a daring counter and attacks Malaysia with a DDT! Though that move may hurt, the muscle bound babe gets upright and lobs a lariat at Aisling. The Mother of Demons ducks bellow the attack and comes up behind Malaysia to grab her inside a full nelson. From there she performs a beautiful full nelson STO!

(in rocker voice)
Teenage Angst, baby! Let's cut ourselves!


Cheering for self mutilation? Only with the OAOAST Galaxy.

The flouncing redhead makes a leap to the top turnbuckle, giving rise to a roar of anticipation from the sold out dome. When Malaysia drags her body upright, Aisling leaps off the top rope and hammers her with an elbow drop!

A cover.....




Malaysia brings the shoulder up!

The tide has turned so quick for Aisling, and I think Malaysia humiliating her really ticked her off.

Some people are born subs, but when you're half demon, half vampire it ain't easy to bow down to a human. Even if that human is a rock of sexy ass muscles.

Aisling puts herself off the ropes and again hungers for that shining wizard off the chest. Yet this time the move goes even worse as Malaysia hooks onto her leg and drags her to the ground. Unable to cope with the sudden shift, Aisling is hauled into an STF!

Oh no! Aisling is in huge trouble again!

Malaysia wrenches back on the hold, pulling at Aisling's joints and muscles, trying to tear them apart. Archie has to watch this once again, and vampire or no, Aisling's suffering is quite large. Despite this she continues a tough fight to claim the ropes.


Finally, Aisling reaches the ropes, allowing herself salvation from Malaysia's attacks.

We're not done yet, not until my aching pussy thoroughly satisfied, Miss Piggy!

Grabbing hold of Aisling by the seat of her booty shorts, Malaysia pitches Aisling over the ropes and out of the ring, landing her directly in front of Archie. Young Stumplebottom makes no move to help his friend, as his Mistress steps over the ropes and into the outside.

Miss Piggy I was going to let you keep your outfit, but now I think we'll put you in a red striped shirt like piglet, and I want you to wear it when you watch me wreck Esmeralda's pretty little asshole!

Aisling feels no inclination to be abused and mistreated by Malaysia and gets up swinging. For a good while Malaysia is under fire by a torrent of blows from Aisling. But even vampire-demon hybrids are susceptible to eye rakes and that's what Malaysia uses to shut down Aisling's fury. With the Irish lass weakened, Malaysia lifts her up and gives her a gut buster directly onto the steel steps.

Ain't nobody but Malaysia gonna think to drop a bitch stomach first on some steel steps.  

For my pretty little girl I've been using a coat hanger to beat his smooth fag ass, but this is SluttyMania Two, and we have to go bigger and meaner!

At that declaration, Malaysia digs beneath the wing and pulls out a long and lethal riding crop, holding it up for all the fans and Archie to take a long look at.

She's going to spank Aisling!

She's gonna do more than that! She's gonna beat that Irish ass!

Thwap! Malaysia comes down on Aisling's ass!


Thwap! Malaysia slams her whip against Aisling's ass once more!

Thwap! And a third time, and Aisling's ass turns a shade of crimson before her vampire healing settles it back to tan. But this is enough for Malaysia who pushes her back into the ring and lays atop her for a pin...





Aisling with the kickout!


Ignoring the cheers for her foe, Malaysia whips Aisling into the ropes then tries to catch her with a powerslam. Yet somehow, Aisling uses her vampire agility to wheel into the ropes, while still in Malaysia's clutches then fling her around with a head scissors!


Malaysia drags her body upright, dizzied from Aisling's sudden counter. This does her a disservice, as Aisling snares her inside a chicken wing and then throws her up for a codebreaker!

Sweet Sixteen In Your Motherfucking Face!

Aisling hooks the legs for the crucial cover....





Malaysia makes the kickout before three!

(in child voice)
Wheeeeee, I wanna see a big splat of blood and girl cum!

What a strange mix!

Malaysia still demands control of this affair and rises to throw a spinning elbow at her opponent, Aisling makes an easy duck of this attack and uses her new position to drag Malaysia down into a backslide!

Uh-oh! A pin!

But Malaysia wiggles her way out of the attack before the official can properly count. She rolls to her feet, but is smashed across the jaw with a devastating spinning elbow  from Aisling!  

That's what Malaysia wanted to hit, but Aisling got it in the end.

And she got all of it and then some! She could have knocked a hole through a brick wall.

Aisling yanks Malaysia to her feet and then swiftly throws her down with a Big Papa Thrust style belly to belly suplex. As the dominatrix lies on the mat in agony, Aisling makes her second leap onto the top turnbuckle. She waves to the crowd, gives a thumbs up to Archie and then flies off with a big time splash that lands directly onto Malaysia's chest! The official counts the resulting cover...





Malaysia again with a kickout!

Under her own massive strength Malaysia comes to a standing position. She's grabbed by the wrist and flung to the ropes, but roars back with a yakuza kick to the chest! Aisling is launched into the ropes, but ducks between the middle and top and comes back to smash Malaysia with a lariat!


(in queen voice)
Ho-ho-ho, your pathetic quest to best me is at its end! You will now be the pig feeding at the trough!

This is the signal for Aisling's finisher, and when Malaysia stands she becomes trapped inside an STO setup.

But then silver powder is thrown in Aisling's face!

Thrown by Archie!

What the fuck is Dorkchester doing?!

“BBBBOOOOOOOOOOOOO!”   the fans are irate as Archie slinks back to the mat, almost with the eyes of a wounded and reproached child.

Archie, are you out of your mind?!

Aisling stumbles around the ring, blinded and injured by the horrible attack from the one she though was her friend.  Her torment and woe comes to a crashing and sad end as Malaysia catches hold of her and delivers a   Canadian Backbreaker Piledriver!


The pivotal pinfall is made...







Your winner as a result of a pinfall....MALAYSIA NERDLY!


Awww man! How could it end like that?

I'ma tell you how, girl. When a nigga a bitch and a sissy, he gonna sell his ass to whoever he thinks is gonna protect his sissy ass the best. Archie saw safety in Mistress Malaysia, and a bitch nigga gonna bitch nigga.

That was a really bizarre post-match summary, and it totally made sense too!    

Malaysia collects Archie and gives a firm squeeze of his mini skirted ass, along with a wild swipe of her tongue across his scrawny pencil neck.

Sooooo gross.

Together the duo makes their way backstage with an ashamed Archie holding his head down, not daring to look back at Aisling, who is reocovering physically, but still has a long way to go mentally.     


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Ladies and gentlemen the following match is the 2016 Ejaculation Chamber! At ringside our your judges, Alix Maria Spezia, the OAOAST World Heavyweight Champion Krista Isadora Duncan, and OAOAST Hall of Famer Crystal. At the end of the contest the Hottie they deem the winner will get a shot at any women's title!

The judges all wave and smile to the camera, well not Alix who is toking up.

The Hotties can go months without sex but Alix can't wait to light up?

Introducing the participants!

I need a hundred black coffins for a hundred bad men
A hundred black graves so I can lay they ass in
I need a hundred black preachers with a black sermon to tell
From a hundred black bibles, while we send them all to hell
I need a hundred black coffins, black coffins, black coffins, oh lord
I need a hundred black coffins, black coffins, oh lord, black coffins
I need a hundred...


“100 Black Coffins” by Rick Ross plays first with the fans on their feet to salute Lyric DeLacey who arrives within a black coffin herself. The Irish vampire licks her lips at the sight of all the hot dudes and toys laid inside the chamber.


You gotta guess Lyric is at an advantage, vampires can go at it for eight hours straight. No I have a headache excuse needed for her!

The awesome and haunting sounds of “Silence” by Delirium and Sarah McLachlan journey into the arena with the fans giving out a wealth of boos for The All XFL Network. Rhaenys brushes the hatred off and walks with cocky strut, while Alysanne tries to win the front row fans over by professing her love for Japanese culture.

From Caldera, Chilie, they are RHAENYS and ALYSANNE....THE ALL XFL NETTTWOORRRRKK!

Yo, are you telling me Xavier ain't tapped Rhaenys' ass in two months? Injustice!

“This Land is Your Land” is next to play, and of course no one is happy to see Judge Dudd on the scene. To be fair, Judge Dudd isn't happy to see a sea of non-American faces in front of her as she strides to the chamber.

Looks like Lyric wasn't lying, Blackhawk really is forbidden to leave the USA. I kinda wanted to see him get slapped with a dildo.

I was reminiscing just the other day,

While having coffee all alone and Lord, it took me away.

Back to a first-glance feeling on New York time.

Back when you fit in my poems like a perfect rhyme.

Took off faster than a green light, go,

Hey, skip the conversation when you already know.

I left a note on the door with a joke we’d made,

And that was the first day.


And darling, it was good never looking down.

And right there where we stood was holy ground.

“Holy Ground” by the one and only Taylor Swift hits and the fans put forth a gigantic cheer. Even the fact that Cinnamon can't control ChubChib and he tries to bite at the camera men and ringside staff, doesn't dampen their love for the bubbly valkyrie.

Last years Chamber winner!

Is the horse allowed inside, because you know it about to get freak nasty if he is!

Alas ChubChub remains out of the chamber as his owner skips inside.

And I don't need your quick fix
I don't want your prescriptions
Just 'cause you say I'm crazy
So what if I'm fucking crazy?
Yeah, I'm gonna show you

Loco, maniac, sick bitch, psychopath,
Yeah, I'm gonna show you
I'm gonna show you,
Yeah, I'm gonna show you
Mental out my brain, bat shit go insane,
Yeah, I'm gonna show you
I'm gonna show you
Yeah, I'm gonna show you

Mayhem! Violence! Craziness! With I'm Gonna Show You Crazy playing and Pierette bounding and twirling to the ring, we have plenty of that on hand. The Ginger is all smiles, and all hot pale nakedness as she enters the chamber.

If crazy chicks are your thing, we've got the craziest in the world!

You know that pussy work good tho!

Era Istrefi's BonBon comes over the arena sound system and with parted entrance doors comes The Doll. Finally, The Doll sees just what the Ejaculation Chamber holds for her future, and disgust is all that she feels. Even with her acting ability she can't dare to pretend this isn't the most horrible sight she's ever beheld.

And from Panama City, Florida, she is THE DOLLLLLLL!


There's no way The Doll wins this match! If she doesn't pass out in horror, that's probably a victory.

I blame Sophie. She mislead The Doll when she signed her for this show. But if life hands you dick, make dickade.

Yeah, that's the problem, life is handing her dick and she's freaking out!

I spent these waking hours waiting for the sandman

I spent these waking hours looking for his master plan

I’ll wait ‘til morning ‘til he comes to my house

And he’ll give no warning when he’s knocking me out


So sing me to sleep tonight

And don’t bring me back to life


I spend these waking hours waiting for the sandman

I spend these waking hours looking for his master plan

He will be sorry when he comes to my house

I’ll show no mercy ‘til the lights go out


So sing me to sleep tonight

And don’t bring me back to life

When “Sandman” plays the fans offer a rolling wave of celebratory cheers for one December Belle. But even this rage of joyful noise doesn't quite wake December, as she's still rubbing her eyes after a good nap.

From Chattanooga, Tennessee, she is SLEEPING BEAUTY....DECEMBER BELLLEEEEEE!

She's well rested and she's about to be well fucked!

We hope!

We found out that December is The Rock's daughter which we would have known for years if she had just bothered to tell us. But oh well that's life, I guess.

Sleeping Beauty settles into the chamber, where naked Hotties, naked studs, and a lot of toys have congregated for a mass sex party!


The Doll gazes around once again, eyes absorbing the horrible sight laid before her. Naked women, dildos, huge cocks porturding from horny owners and that damn horse lingering outside.

Poor Doll is the deer in the headlights.

Deer is about the only thing not in that awesome chamber!

Get me out of here!

The Doll rushes to the door of the chamber, only to find that its being walled off by the outside officials. That doesn't stop her from rattling on the doors, demanding her release. Trying to be helpful, December pats her on the shoulder...

Hey, hey, its okay. :)

Keep away from me, skank!

The Doll shoves December backwards, causing her to slam booty first into James Riggs and Chick Golden, which December makes the absolute best of with some ass job moves...

The Most Electrifying Ass in sports entertainment!

I wanted to use that line.

(to the judges)
Are you giving her points for that?! She only got in that position because of me!

If you want points, then all you have to do is put that tight bod in action. Kay?

Preferably the ass.

No, for sure the ass.

Anything for the judges!

By the way I'm a big fan for all three of your trail blazing for women in the indstury.

Do you mean the porn industry?

I mean wrestling!

It'd be cooler if you meant porn, but whatevs.

Judge Dudd is on the hunt for some man meat, but is a discerning eater in a very odd way...

(to Tim Cash)
You, who did you vote for the last two elections.

Though I appreciate what all politicians do for our country, my vote was for Barack Obama.

Your worse than shit.

Only Tim Cash could smile at that, or maybe he's smiling at Dudd's ass sway as she walks away in disgust. She comes upon Remy, who always knows the right thing to say.

Chere, before you ask, I did not vote because I am a felon. Arrested for protecting farmer's lands from Obama's goons.

My hero! You deserve so much more than  a blowjob but that's all I can give you right now, you brave man.

Remy gives one of his unseemingly and seedy smirks as Judge Dudd drops to her knees.

I'd sell out too to get a blowjob from that bitch!

The good Judge Dudd does what she thinks is her patriotic duty and rewards Remy by dragging his member into her mouth. Her pretty lips clamp down upon it, and Remy, who usually deals with the nastiest of the nastiest fights not to cum from being sucked off by such an outstanding piece of American ass.

A fight seems to have broken out, as Rhaenys has captured Lyric in the corner, and bashes her with chops.

You are free to attack your opponents, and given that Lyric can have sex at vamp speed for a stunning length of time its best to wear her down.

The Daughter of Darkness isn't much for a fight and muscles Rhaenys away from her. But, the South American Hottie insists on charging at her and so Lyric has no choice but to flash the fangs which immediately puts halt to all attack plans.

And here I thought I was just supposed to give a few handjobs not cause poor Alysanne to have to make funeral plans.

The Doll like Rhaenys has determined that its best to just take out the opposition and sees sleepy December has an easy target. A target for a hula hoop attack! But after slamming the hoop around December's body, The Doll is horrified to find December turns it to her favor.


Again! How are you managing this?!

Rhaenys is still on the ground  in shell shock status over nearly being the feast for a vampire. So in that prone position of her sister, Alysanne gets a brilliant smile on her face and does a modified baseball slide, crunching her pussy against her big sis'!

Ah! You nut!

Hheheh its all in good fun. Let's trib!

And rub and rub does Alysanne but Rhaenys is displeased!

Get off! I'm not one of the other sibling pairs, I don't even like sharing a rental car with you!

Aww no fun.

Pierette is on the search for something, a desperate search almost.

Where oh where is my stabbing stick? Maybe I got something in here!

Points for extremity!

You can't be serious about stabbing people!

Sorry, kid, but I gotta be me, I gotta be Pierette!

And so you stab people?

P for Pulverize! I for Injure! E for Eviscerate! R for Ruin! E for Eliminated! T for Terroize! T for Topple! E for Exterminate! PIERETTE!

The Doll turns away in disgust to meet with another sight she finds disgusting in Cinnamon on her back tending to Daisuke Motzaki with a hand job!

Come home and get a handjob, why can't I be so lucky.

Cinnamon works her delicate hands over the length of Daisuke's cock feeling it bulge and pulse with blood and semen running through it.



Unlike her Rock Bottoming dad, December lets bygones be bygones and tries to make friends with The Doll by presenting her with a wig.

Hey, hey, you wanna try this wig? Its blue.

I can see that. I'm not blind.

So wanna put it on?

I told you to keep away from me you nasty whore!

The Doll shoves December to the ground once more, this time landing her in front of Slime. Still angered, The Doll slams the wig onto December's head!

Blue be mooo boo-fi-ful!

Aww, you're sweet, so I'm gonna give you a blue berry blow job!

December hits her knees and assumes the position in front of Slime's rock hard rod. The Doll looks on horrified as December's thick lips curl around the meet of the masked weirdo, dragging it in for a delicious blow job that isn't blueberry flavored but still mighty hot.

Lyric, Judge Dudd and Rhaenys are engaged in an argument and shoving match over who gets to blow Sonic!

He's mine!

Take a hike, South American scum, this All American stud belongs to me and my country!

Or I can rip both your heads off and then you'll have a hard time blowing even Tony Tourettes.

Speaking of..

Holy shit I can't hold it anymore!

Jesus, Tone, when's the last time you jerked off?!

I guess the Hotties aren't the only ones who forwent sex for the Chamber!

And it's all for nothing for this fool!

This is horrible! Let me out! Let me out!

Hungry for an escape, The Doll begins rattling the cage door, but draws the attention of ChubChub who starts banging against the door as well!

No! Stay away from me, crazy animal!

ChubChub! Bad! The door is not your grooming post, and The Doll is your friend.

I would never be friends with any of you people!

Wheee, working on my muscle and clitness is almost as fun as stabbing people!

What does Pierette mean by clitness? This!

Krista's fitness plans have taken revolutionary turns!

Papa Duncan has taken a likinig to Alysanne and decides to work what little charm he has on her.

Hola, my Chilean friend! Buenas noches, bombero!  Para baila la bamba se necesito una  poca de gracia!

I speak English, sir.

Krista she speaks English? What do I do if I can't take advantage of them needing a green card?!

Ask her if she likes Color Me Badd!

Don't do that.

So you like Color Me Badd?

Who are they?

Now say hows about I color your face white?

Hows about I color your face white?


I'll have sex with you if you let my dad blow you.


I'll let you cum if you let my dad throat fuck you.


And so Alysanne like many Hotties before her sinks to her knees, and a thrilled Papa Duncan takes his daughter's assist and plunges full speed of head, smashing his cock down her throat and stuffing her full of man meat...


Krista makes a hell of a wing man! I bet I could fuck Princess Kate with her running game for me.

Some mountains just can't be climbed.

The Doll is in a frenzy, a furious frenzy that now sees her wield the girliest of baseball bats.

If I can't win, then the bitch who keeps showing me up can't win!

The Doll takes a swing at December's head, but she's so weak that Sleeping Beauty is able to pry the bat right out of her hands.

I'm a switch hitter, but probably right now I wanna play maybe for the home team.

What are you talking about?!

December shows exactly what she means by cramming the baseball bat right up her cunt!


That's the Grand Slam of all dildos!

Meanwhile Papa Duncan has schemed up a new play for a BJ, this time from Pierette.

Hey, red, I was supposed to get a “Sanitation Workers” award from the local Jewish Community, but they pulled a 180 and gave it to that prick Roy Dursky? But Roy Durksy's never got his dick suck by a ginger, so hows about it?

Careful, Daddy D, this one is wacko.

It's okay! Lemme blow ya, its just me...Pierette!

Horniness outweighs safety concerns for the ex congressmen and he pushes his glistening meat towards Pierette's face. The pretty redhead smiles brightly before opening wide and inhaling the fat ass's prick to claim it as her own.

December is staring down, The Doll, but as a matter of fact doesn't look at all unfriendly about it.


What is it now?


Go away! You've done plenty to me tonight.

Ah! I got it. I think. Maybe we'd be better friends if I ass fucked you.

Like hell we would be! Let me repeat, I would never be friends with a single one of you low class bitches!

It does seem like a lot of effort to bone you up the butt, though, But, if I don't how can we become buddies? That'd suck if you hated me for the rest of your life. I'd have to burn your house down then.

December fastens a strap on across her waist as The Doll realizes she has no where to run and no one to aid her...



The Doll is about to become December's plaything!

Like my Cabbage Patch dolls used to be for me!


There's a commotion outside the cage as TANNER NEPTUNE, is waging a frantic war to get inside, all but on his knees to plead with the officials.

There's The Doll's Tan-Tan!

Finally the officials take pity on Tan-Tan and permit him entry into the Chamber.

Tan-Tan! You've come to rescue me! Its about time!

I know, I know, I should have never let you enter this match.

No kidding!

December, you can't do what you're about to do to my girlfriend, I won't allow it.

But, dad told me to hit it hard and it hard it strong.

Understanding that December is unyielding in her quest for anal violation, Tanner sucks in his breath and lets out with a long pained sigh.

We can work something out! I swear! Instead of my baby, you can you know...to uh...me...

What are you saying?!

Ah, I dunno, a one day pass to Chuck E Cheese in the ghetto or a season pass to Six Flags through the back door. It doesn't seem like a fair trade off. But you sound desperate so okay I guess.

Few people can believe what they see, least of all The Doll who watches her boyfriend bend over at the behest of December. His asshole is wide open for the taking from Sleeping Beauty, who soon becomes pushing beauty with each inch forced into her sub's hole. Her eyes gleam with lust and pleasure, to watch him writhing on just the first inch of her cock, bucking and trying to eject it.

Ah, no take backs.

Just half of the tip is in his ass, and December is savoring the sight of the thickest part of her cock holding his hole open. The other Hotties have all ceased their performance to watch as the skilled Sunray uses her thumbs to pull his cheeks apart, as she swivels her hips, causing the tip roll around within his sphincter.


The cries of a noble warrior conquered by the amazon queen simply to save his lady love! This is the stuff of legends


Tanner groans and tries to lean forward, to escape the painful separation occurring at his backside. He grips mat hard, and has to bite his tongue to prevent himself from screaming out, "Mercy! Mercy!" After what felt like a meter of length entering his rectum, December's hips make contact with his thighs.

Whew, in we go.


A cute boy being sodomized! This gets my blood pumping at eighty thousand percent!

December even goes as far as to slap Tanner's ass, which aggravates The Doll to no end as Tan-Tan groans and twitches at the spanking. The length of her cock lodges up his ass and feels impossibly large. He feels completely filled up by her. She moves her hips in a circular motion and the tip explored around the inside of his ass, making him feel even more full, and sending sensations through his body that he didn't know existed.

This gives new meaning to sticking it straight up a candy ass!

December's strong legs and thighs flex with force as the purple cock deeply penetrates Tanner's virgin anus. Tan-Tan squealed at the sudden speed, his hands beat at the floor and his brain cried for "mercy" while his teeth remained clenched. All this has The Doll on the verge of vomiting while all others watch amazed.

Jewish Jesus, new ground has been broken. Anal virginity taken right in front of my eyes, and a man's anal virginity at that. I haven't seen this since my last encounter with Simon Singleton...and I wasn't supposed to say that out loud.

Whew, this is a lot of work. I'm sleepy.

December moves her hands onto his shoulders and grips them hard while her hips move even faster, the chamber filling with the sound of her thighs smacking against his on each drive. Her breasts jiggled and bounced as she fucked him, and she licked her lips with pleasure. Sleeping Beauty slams into him, hard, and Tanner gasps. She did it again, and again, slowly withdrawing her cock, watching his sphincter cling to it, and then slamming back in with a grunt.


This is sort of cool. Its like your a girl, but still a dude. But not a tranny, I don't wanna be confusing.


December's pussy is soaked beneath the strap-on, streams of her juice ran down the insides of her thighs. Her clit was engorged with excitement, and she rubbed it against the inside of her strap-on as she fucks him. But, things suddenly take a turn as Krista has secured a microphone to talk over the scene.

Okay, okay, honies, we have found ourselves a winner! No need to let the time limit come to pass, your esteemed, noble and formerly masturbating judges have decided that the winner of this match is the Sleepy Beauty, the hottest one woman Ass Wrecking Crew this side of me after three shots of vodka, December Belle!


Wow, cool!

December decides to spare Tanner further ass wrecking and pulls out generating a huge pop that just causes The Doll to shudder in revulsion. In face the sight of her boyfriend still bent over with fucked ass held in the air has The Doll choking back dry heaves and her skin crawling. All others remain truly impressed with December's taming of Tanner's wild ass and no other competitor dare offer a debate.

December Belle may have revolutionized The Ejaculation Chamber for years to come! How do you top sodomizing an OAOAST Superstar in front of his girlfriend?

Sodomizing him in front of his mom? I can fap to that.

December takes her briefcase for the guaranteed title shot and drops down to put on some ass based poses around it that further thrill the crowd that is absolutely in love with her right now.

So, December Belle can get a shot at any women's title she wants and that looms larger, even larger than her strap on!


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In the stands of the Tokyo Dome stands Melody Nerdly, dressed as Dazzler from X-Men with beautiful bouncing breasts hanging out, standing with Michael Keaton!

I am right beside the best Batman in recorded history! The best! Argue that? Get hacked and get your name put on blast across the globe! Mike, let's dish about how Zak Snyder has ruined the legacy of DC comics.

I don't want to go into that sort of political thing. I just want to enjoy SluttyMania.

No! You're Batman! You have a duty to uphold your legacy! This is your god given mission! When my daddy, Lucius Soul, tells me to go and be the titty mama, I don't say I'm too busy playing Destiny or Titanfall, I go out there and I flash my beautiful bouncing breasts!  Do your duty, Batman!

I think this interview is over.

Do your duty! Do your duty!

Security has to actually drag Melody away, while she keeps screaming “Do Your Duty!”

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Inside a spotlight in the middle of the ring stands Michael Buffer...

Ladies and gentlemen the following is the FINALS for the G-SPOT CLIMAX!


Night falls!


Let me tell you a story

You turn over to sleep

I hold my breath till the morning


1000 Nights!

And I'm still crying!

1000 Nights!

And I'm still trying!

1000 Nights!

And I'm still crying!

1000 Nights!

And I'm still trying!



I don't know what to do to please you!


I don't know what to do to please you!

As soon as Buffer ends his speech “1000 Nights” hits and the fans put out even more cheers. With purple lights swishing about the arena, Bobbi Cheesecake, dominatrix extraordinaire, crawls onto the entrance stage with a purple rose held ever so sexily in her mouth. The teenage skank rocks her body back and forth showing off her true whore nature before making her way to the ring.

Introducing first, representing SUNRISE, from Seattle, Washington, she is ASSCAKE...BOBBI CHEESECAKKKKEEEE!


We saw Bobbi claim victory over Jade Rodez-Duncan way earlier tonight, in a pretty crazy match.

Jade might have won if she  knew how to dress.

Bobbi finds a cute guy at ringside and blesses him with her rose and a kiss on the cheek!

There's gonna be a lot more for Maya than roses and cheek kisses.

Wanna lick get a taste of the dip, in my kitty box
Wanna play for a day dad-dy? In my kitty box
Wanna lick get a taste of the dip, in my kitty box
Wanna play for a day dad-dy? In my kitty box
(My kitty box, my kitty box, my kitty box, my kitty box)


Picture Maya masturbatin in a drop
Picture Maya tan and topless on a yacht
Picture Maya suckin on you like some candy
Picture Maya in your shirt and no panties
Shirt and no panties... [moaning]
Picture Maya in the pool skinnydippin
Picture Maya in the 69 position
Picture Maya dancin on a stripper pole
Picture Maya in a Playboy centerfold
Playboy centerfold, Playboy centerfold
Playboy centerfold, Playboy centerfold

Once again the OAOAST Remix of Kitty Box hits and the OAOAST Galaxy is on their feet with cheers and applause for the pole dancing teenage cum dumpster! But its muff on her mind and not dick, as she swings off the pole and lays her eyes on a scantily clad Asscake.

And her opponent, also representing SUNRISE....from Los Angeles, Califonria, THE FUCKSLUT FROM HELL....MAYA DUNCAN-BLANCHARDDDDDDD!


First time ever Maya Duncan-Blanchard versus Bobbi Cheesecake, the finals of the G-Spot Climax!

Down the entrance ramp comes Maya, slapping hands with the fans while getting an appreciative and lusty stare from Bobbi, not to mention the entire world!

I am pumped up for this, and I gotta start pumping! Are there any left over fleshlights from the Chamber?


Opponent in the Climax she may be, Bobbi is still Maya's good friend, so from whore to another Maya EXTENDS DA HAND~!

However, Bobbi sees no need for sportsmanship and slaps Maya across the cheek! Right as Maya is about to yelp in pain, Bobbi seizes hold of her lips with a steamy kiss!

Maya is lost in lust land from Bobbi's hot lip lock, but all too soon does it end as Bobbi gives Maya a harsh backwards.

You have to wait until I want it.

This outfit cost 500 dollars, if one of you bitches doesn't dig through it with her teeth I'm gonna be pissed!

Maya is already pissed actually and throws forearm shots at Bobbi. The Seattle native recovers from the blow and fires off attacks of her own, and soon a Hottie slug fest is happening in Tokyo.

And these two wanna have sex!

Bobbi has enough forearms for one night and whips Maya into the ropes, but has to duck The Los Angeles native's big boot on her return. Now its Bobbi who runs the ropes and comes off to drill Maya with a shoulder tackle!


Yeah-uh, isn't a very dominatrix sound? Can you imagine Malaysia saying “yeah-uh?”

Off the ropes comes Bobbi again, this time leaping into the air to try and hit an elbow drop on Maya. But The Fuck Slut From Hell rolls out the way, and after she springs up tosses a kick at Bobbi. This blow misses as Bobbi dives backwards and then hurries into a corner, a little stunned at how hard Maya can fight.

Awwww yeah, someone's getting gang raped~!


Don't count your eggs before they scramble!


I mean, you're my girlfriend! I'm gonna win this one!

Why did you think the saying went scramble, though? That gonna be as confusing as fuck for years.

Bobbi and Maya meet in the center of the ring with Bobbi throwing a forearm into Maya's face. Well, Maya just shrugs this aside and forearms Bobbi herself. Then she invites Bobbi to hit her!

When in Japan do as the Japanese do.

Bobbi does bomb her forearm across Maya's face, and dares Maya to bring right back at her. With the encouragement of the fans, Maya does throw another forearm and lands it across Bobbi's face! Naturally, Asscake returns fire with a forearm and gets one in response!


Bobbi decides to hit the ropes once more, but it too slow for Maya who smashes her with a knee to the gut that sends her tumbling to the mat!  Bobbi has to take a moment to catch her breath, which her good friend is willing to let her have, while making her own lament.

All I asked for is you guys to bring me pizza randomly and grab my ass every once in a while, and you had to turn it into this big thing. Now look were we are.

Bobbi apparently feels no guilt in letting the courtship of Maya get out of control, and instead reaches a half vertical base to deliver a head butt to her stomach!

Ow! What the hell?

And again Bobbi lashes Maya with a head butt to her toned tummy!

Seriously, stop that.

Bobbi doesn't stop and hammers Maya's stomach with a  third headbutt. But on the fourth try, Maya is wise and counters with a DDT! Sadly for Maya that does little to aid her, as Bobbi pops right back to her feet!

Look out, world I'm going for the gold! The gold is my best friend, Maya's golden coochie!

Yeah, I think they got that, spazcake.

I would deep fry these fingers before I let them out of your coochie!



Oh man! Oh man!

Do me next! Or risk the smell of burnt fingers!

Weird, but sure.

When a Hottie tells you to feel her up, you gotta do it, no questions asked.

I'd ask why god is being so good to me.

Getting a sudden surge of violence Bobbi chops Maya in the pussy!


Not whoo! Ow!

Spurred on by anger, Maya slams her own chop into Bobbi's pussy!

Ow, that does hurt!

See?! See?!

Even though it hurts Bobbi slams another chop into Maya's muff! After the whoo of the crowd, Bobbi invites Maya to bring it right back so Maya delivers a stinging chop to the pussy!

Most girls stick to strap ons, these two are throwing wild chops!

All in the name of getting some ass!

Bobbi switches things up and rocks Maya with a pounding lariat that should leave the LA native laid out. But Maya kips up and then smashes Bobbi across the head with a pele kick!


Maya then lays atop Bobbi for a pin that's counted by referee Nick Patrick....






Bobbi brings the shoulder up!

Seemingly dazed, Bobbi makes a slow move upright with Maya looming over her. But then Bobbi lashes out and brings Maya down with a painful foot DDT! Asscake screams a triumphant shout as she tangles Maya inside a heel hook! Unwilling to be put through such a dangerous submission, Maya hurriedly scrambles to the ropes!

The Japanese fans appreciate good submission wrestling like Bobbi appreciates good submissive woman.

That was a good line, Renee.

Sometimes I say some clever stuff.

Maya crawls upright in the corner and is soon thrown under assault by a wave of knife edge chops and alternating forearms from her brothel-mate. Bobbi hits Maya repeatedly, showing zero relent in her attack.

Bobbi is hitting fast and furious with Diesel strength!

Damn, girl you on fire with these lines.

I'm in the zone like my name was Shamrock.

Bobbi whips Maya across the ring, landing her in the opposite corner. With Maya sagged against the posts, Bobbi starts to feel this match is in the bag.

Bobbi gonna give it to ya, Bobbi gonna give it to ya, fuck waiting for you to masturbate on your own, Bobbi gonna deliver the finger to ya!

Normally the dancing might be a turn on for Maya, but in the G-Spot Climax it just angers her and she flips places with a now stunned Bobbi. Maya then throws off a wave of chops to Bobbi's cunt, popping the fans and beating Asscake to the ground!

Its Maya who's gonna give it to ya, Bobbi!

Maya backs away from Bobbi, putting herself into the opposite corner. She then charges ahead with a shout, and is matched by a run from an also charging Bobbi. But its Maya scoring big with a leaping big boot!


Maya wastes no time in dragging Bobbi off the mat and forcing her into a standing fireman's carry. From there the crowd marvels as she throws Bobbi off and hits with a powerful one handed x-factor!


After School Special!

Maya hooks the legs for a cover....




Bobbi with the kickout!

Displaying a full burst of of energy and warrior's pride Bobbi jumps up bellowing as if a woman gripped by demonic possession. Maya is just focused on her heaving jugs.

Boobs ranks highly on Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs.

Given that important marketing lesson Maya begins fulfilling her needs by swiping her tongue along Bobbi's melons...

boob-lick (2)7TdsJ.gif


They didn't teach that in Marketing 101!

Mcuho appreciated by I play the dom in this town!

Not a liar in the least, Bobbi takes her hands and gives themselves more they can handle with Maya's titantic tits!




Maya takes advantage of Bobbi's lusting and drags her down with a small package!





Bobbi rips herself out of the pin!

Asscake springs upward and begins smashing a series of forearms into Maya's face. The shots are overpowering and dump Maya down onto her butt in the corner.  Unwilling to stop her attacks, even for a buddy, Bobbi continues to crash forearms against Maya's face. However, Maya soon says enough is enough and jumps upright to stare down her fellow Sunray!


Maya gives Bobbi a hard shove, forcing Bobbi to have to try and restate her dominance with a charge. Yet this attack meets in failure as Maya brings her over with a hurricanrana!

Bobbi's butt cheeks meet my butt cheeks, thunder and lightening!



Best weather report ever!

After banging Bobbi with her thick Duncan girl booty, Maya scrapes Bobbi off the mat and hits an atomic drop!


Maya Butthurts! What a smart series of moves by Maya.

She's the only one who could think of that.

The Fuck Slut From Hell takes a one off the ropes, looking to strike Bobbi with her leapfrog face crusher finisher. But as she takes to the air, Bobbi makes a quick twist and catches her with a massive and earth shaking powerbomb!



As Maya lies folded up on the mat, Bobbi hooks her legs for the cover...





Maya brings the shoulder up!


Leaving Maya to have to pull herself upright on her own, Bobbi builds up steam off the ropes. She returns and slashes Maya with a lariat, but the Los Angeles native refuses to go down! Thus Bobbi has to make a second trip to the ropes, but again her lariat fails to fell Maya! The Seattle native grumbles her annoyance, but again hits the ropes. This time she encounters disaster as Maya smashes her with a pele kick!


Hardly a moment passes after that rocking Dome cheer that Bobbi shoots up and rolls through Maya with a lariat!


But Maya jumps right back up and delivers a gigantic release German Suplex that sends Bobbi across the ring!


Yet that throw seems like nothing as Bobbi returns upright and catches Maya with a German suplex of her own!


Dizzying as that suplex may have been Maya still finds her footing. Unwilling to suffer another attack, Bobbi snags hold of her and powers her to the mat with a spinning spine buster!


That was amazing!

I can't believe what I'm watching, this match has it all.

Bobbi grabs hold of Maya's leg and makes the cover...





Maya makes the kickout!


We're still going in the G-Spot Climax finals!

A mighty shout comes through Bobbi's lips, a signal for a huge move. Asscake stores Maya inside a double underhook then plunders her good health with a powerful pinning tiger driver!





Again a  shoulder up by Maya!

Getting another run of the ropes again costs Bobbi as her friend uses a back body to upend her over the ropes and to the outside!

Look out! A big crash for Bobbi!

Both Hotties have to use this separation as a moment to rest and enjoy a recovery. But with the fans rooting them on, the urge to return to the battleground is  burning through their hearts! Thus Bobbi makes it onto the ring apron just Maya climbs upright. The Seattle native smashes her head into Maya, cringing the fans and pushing the California girl backwards. With that space provided, Bobbi springboards into the ring and hammers Maya with a dropick! That blow doesn't put down Krista's baby girl, instead pushing her into a corner.

These Hotties are as tough as they are horny!

Maya shrugs aside all the pain of the headbutt and dropkick and comes at Bobbi with a lariat. But the blow is countered by Asscake who nails Maya with a flap jack onto the ropes! Her anguished rival staggers backwards leading Bobbi to fold her into a dainty little package and execute a muscle buster!

There's no coming back from the power of friendship!

Is that's what that move is called? It better not be. It better not be!

Bobbi lays atop Maya and another pin is scored...







Maya refuses to lose the G-Spot Climax!

It'd be easier if I was ugly or at least Lena Dunham. Or Pink. Where is Pink anyway?

Maya sighs to herself and grits her teeth as she regains her footing. She's thrown under a wave of forearms by Bobbi, but manages to shove her vexing opponent into the corner. There Bobbi is hit with a splash from Maya and then bull dogged to the center of the ring! The Angelic Hellraiser has to take a a moment to recover her strength, and by the time she's done that Bobbi has done the same. Asscake snatches onto her, seeking out a back body drop. But Maya manages to flip out of hold, and when Bobbi turns around Maya floors with her with a spinning wheel kick!

She got all that and then some!

Maya's freedom is sort of on the line here, and she's fighting like it.

Maya runs the ropes, returning to try and hit a seated Bobbi in the face with a knee. But Bobbi bridges backwards and avoids the move. But Maya keeps running the cables and returns to kick Bobbi in the back! As the impact of that attack rings through the air, Maya comes back to trying a front kick. But on the moment of her return Bobbi leaps up and crashes her head into her face!


Maya sags to the mat and is promptly pinned by Bobbi!





Again a kickout by Maya!


The two Hotties roll to their feet with Bobbi deciding to build up steam off the ropes. She comes back and slams a lariat into the back of Maya's head, causing Maya to scream in agony and drop to her knees. Bobbi shows little mercy as she proceeds to level a kick into the back of Maya's head, hitting that same targeted spot.

A cover...





Maya with the kickout!

The Los Angeles born and raised Hottie rolls to her feet under her own power and summons the strength to run the ropes. But Bobbi does the same, and Asscake wins this battle by pounding her opponent with another gruesome lariat!


Another cover...




Maya brings the shoulder up!


If you're watching this on the network you're getting your 9.99 worth and then some!

Coochie popping all star! Yeah-uh!

I don't know what that means.

It means Bobbi is gonna face sit Maya!

But, Maya suddenly springs upwards and carrying Bobbi right along with her!

Sacrifice one wet pussy to get three, its what any good Jew does!

The FuckSlut from Hell throws Bobbi forward, crashing her face first into the canvas with an inverted electric chair drop!


Stunned by the attack, Bobbi loses all read on Maya and fails to see her back into the ropes. For that reason, when Bobbi stands she also fails to defend against Maya's killer leap frog face crusher!


In the center of the ring!

Maya sucks in a breath, crosses her fingers and makes a vital pin on Bobbi....





Your winner as a result of a pinfall and G-SPOT CLIMAX CHAMPION....MAYA DUNCAN BLANCHARD!


Maya rolls to her knees, soaking up the adulation of the fans as well as the overall besting of three Maya-crazed women!

To the victor goes the spoils, and Maya's gonna get all the spoiling her hot teenage body can handle!

She took a lot in the G-Spot Climax and she gonna be taking even more when she opens her legs for Annagret, Jade and Bobbi!

Japanese legend Jushin Thunder Liger is on hand to present Maya with the trophy for the tournament which just so happens to be a golden vagina! Photographers around the ring take pictures of the winner with her trophy as she beams an arresting smile at them.

You can't get this off the toy section of adultdvdempire.com!

The victorious Hottie, delighted with her achivement, holds up her trophy for all to see as visions of her gang rape dance through her slutty mind!


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Inside the ring within a gold spotlight stands Michael Buffer...

Ladies and gentlemen, tonight in the Tokyo Dome, we have our mainevent for the evening, scheduled for one fall and contest for the OAOAST WOMEN'S CHAMPIONSHIP!

The camera pans around the arena, and settles on CHRISTIAN WRIGHT in the front row to watch his sister.

Oh, I remember when this road was my own
I pray to god, I just don't know anymore
I pray to god, I just don't know anymore
I lost the feeling but I try to hold on
I thought the end of a love and what made you strong
I pray to god, I just don't know anymore

Every single person in attendance, from the old to the young, from man to woman is on their feet and bellowing cheers with HAIM and Calvin Harris' “Pray To God” booming through the dome. The various video screens boast images of Gretchen Wright at her finest while the scaffolding on the stage glows a gorgeous orange sunset.

The sister of the 2016 Anderson Cup winning Christian Wright, the 2016 Lethal Bang winner, the 2015 Miss Anderson Cup winning...

Gretchen Wright! Hair dotted with ribbons, hand twirling a pretty in pink parasol, Gretchen Wright cuts her most dignified and cute figure yet, aiming a smile of mannerly triumph for all the world to see and fawn over!

Introducing the challenger, from Alexandria, Virginia, she is one half of the 2015 Miss Anderson Cup Winners, the 2016 Lethal Bang winner, “THE MONARCH OF POSH” GRETCHEN WRRRIIIGHHHTTTTT!


Gretchen wheels down the entry way, spinning that parasol and professing her adoration for her loving fans. The biggest profusion of love goes to her biggest fan' Christian gets a peck on the cheek from kid sister.

This is the biggest moment of Gretchen Wright's life. A mainevent in front of thousands in attendance and millions world wide. She's got to have butterflies in that tight tummy of hers.

You bet she does, but she better kill those things or Holly will catch her and beat her damn quick.

Gretchen blows kisses and waves to all the fans, but there's a sort of vacancy in the gesture. Fitting as he real attention is locked onto this woman...


Holly. The Angel of Death stomps onto a stage decorated with roving red, white and orange lights. She has nothing but snarls and hatred for the fans, who have much the same for her. The women's title she holds screams to the air, as the camera pans out getting a look at a body made up in a black fishnet top and plaid skirt. And of course the infamous combat boots.



Holly turns a vile stare upon the crowd who dare boo her, as those heavy boots carry her thin body towards the final showdown with young Gretchen.

That's a four time women's champion heading to the ring, a two time women's tag champion and a Miss Anderson Cup champion, and an all around bitch!

And she'd take pride in that insult. Sixteen years in this business, and Holly gets meaner every year.

On the ring apron, Holly's cold steel eyes bear into Gretchen, but the nineteen year old shows zero fear and returns the enmity in kind.

I'm glad I ain't no referee having to keep this calm.


I am pumped!

A palatable ring of hatred circles through the dome, and its all created by the staredown between champion and challenger.

If gazes could kill, we'd all be dead.

Blood red lips of Holly's are captured into a snarl, and while Gretchen is too much of a lady to wear such an expression the feeling is mutual.


Surged by her own disgust for Gretchen as well as the crowd's love for her, Holly pounds her with a fist to the face! Another blow hits, and then Gretchen is sent into the ropes. When she returns Holly attempts to take her head off with a lariat, but Gretchen dips bellow the attack. Of the ropes she comes again and smashes Holly with a dropkick! The blow lands hard enough to force Holly to roll out of the ring and regroup.


Dear, sir, you are so kind to compliment on my everlasting beauty and mass fornication skills

Gretchen sees Holly ready to reenter the match, and knows she must launch an attack. As such the Alexandria native rushes in for a baseball slide that's narrowly avoided by a shift from the ginger champion. In a quality position, Holly smashes Gretchen's head against the steel guardrail!


There's an eagerness in Holly to inflict more misery on Gretchen, and with that mind she throws her towards the opposite guardrail. Yet this time, Gretchen leaps onto the guardrail and springboards off to smack a wild forearm into Holly's face!


A broken nose would add a dastardly visage to your dastardly disgraceful persona. Though I do not wish such on anyone.

Uh, she sorta just did.

Suffering through an anguished nose, Holly is forced back inside by Gretchen. There The Monarch of Posh and gang bangs makes a pin that's counted by Earl Hebner...





An early kickout!

Though dazed, Holly still finds her footing. She throws out a punch, but gets it easily blocked by Gretchen. The title challenger then throws a basement dropkick that sinks Holly to the mat. Stuck in a seated position, Holly can only watch Gretchen run the ropes and return to fire off a whiplash! Pained, Holly clutches her neck and curses her ill luck.

Its all Gretchen right now in the Tokyo Dome.

Makes sense, Japanese dudes love hot blonds with big tits. Bet they don't know how to react to a ginger with a foul mouth. Logan likes em both, though.

Yeah, and he's lurking somewhere in the arena.

Yanking Holly upright, Gretchen stuffs her inside a front facelock. There's a struggle from Holly, but in the end its in vain as Gretchen executes a snap suplex. She then floats over for a cover....





Another kickout!

The Monarch of Posh tosses the Vegas native into the corner, and rushes in with a  splash attempt. But a recovering Holly dips low and flings her over the ropes! Luckily for Gretchen she is able to come down on her expensive Jimmy Choo boots! But, her luck runs out when Holly grabs hold of her golden locks and uses them to bash her face against the turnbuckle. The champion then performs a twist and unloads a discus big boot that flings Gretchen into the guardrail!


Ah! She just hit Gretchen right in the face with those stinking combat boots!

Holly departs the ring, a shark sensing easy prey in the water.

Now its about to get ugly bitch. You hear that, Christian, its about to get ugly!

With hold of Gretchen's arm, Holly begins bending it over the guardrail. Such an unnatural twist causes Gretchen to holler out in pain, screams that delight the brutish women's champion.

Get her back in the ring, Holly!

Piss off! It ain't your husband she's blowing!

Rather than put her foe into the squared circle as ordered, Holly tosses her over the railing and into the stands with the now worried fans. Gretchen crawls away in agony with her vile rival giving chase.

Mess with my man! Mess with my man! (beep) any bitch that messes with my man!

The Angel of Death snatches a chair into her arsenal and proceeds to employ it in putting a crushing arm bar on Gretchen! Poor Gretchen spits forth heart wrenching screams that put tears into the eyes of the fans.

Someone stop Holly!

Only Holly can stop Holly. That's a sixteen year veteran on the warpath.

Soon Holly has had enough and decides to return to the ring, to seek a count out victory.

She ain't getting back in here! Ring the bell!


The will to fight is strong, and the appreciation of the fans spurs Gretchen on and with that in her heart she lugs her and her sore arm back into the ring.


But there's little to cheer for with Holly pounding the her combat boots into the arm of Gretchen. And when those stomps are done, Holly cinches in another arm bar. Pain rips through Gretchen's arm, almost too much to bear, but she puts forth a grand fight towards the ropes.

Gretchen might get to the ropes!

She better.  

Just as Gretchen is about to reach the ropes, Holly hauls her to the side and shifts into a fujiwara version of her terrible hold!

“OOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHH!” the fans and Christian recoil.

Its almost too hard to watch.

Getting the idea that Gretchen has no intention of submitting to the attack, Holly breaks the hold. Yet only does that so that she may drive her knee onto Gretchen's anguished limb. As Gretchen screams her horror into the night, Holly applies a more basic version of the arm bar.

You gonna suck my man's (deep) still? Are you?! (beep) no! Your time is done, your (beep) sucking days are over!

Hebner asks Gretchen if she wishes to submit, but The Monarch of Posh refuses despite the incredible suffering she's under. And with a great heave, Gretchen reaches the ropes and salvation!


Gretchen makes the ropes, but how much damage was done to arm?


Holly pulls Gretchen upright and tries to haul her into another armbar, but Gretchen shocks her by rolling through! And yet, Holly remains clasped on her arm and so tries for another arm bar. But again Gretchen rolls through. Yet, Holly refuses to relinquish her hold o her, and seeks out a third arm bar. Again, Gretchen has to roll through the attack, and this time makes a sudden escape. Stunned, Holly can't muster the energy to stop her from snagging her inside a front facelock, and much to everyone's shock Gretchen snaps off a suplex that flings her foe into the turnbuckle posts!


Ouch! Ouch on both ends, I don't know how well Gretchen's arm can takes that.

My fellatio days will cease only when I deem they must cease, thank you.

Renee is shown to have a good point as Gretchen lies upon the mat, attending to her limb. Her expression of misery is so powerful, Hebner has to again check and see if she's going to give up.

Once again, We Wrights do not quit!

“YYYYYEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAA!” the fans cheer as Christian nods his approval.

Go ahead and cheer your sister getting her arm broke.

Both Hotties have found their footing with Gretchen using the corner posts to pull herself upright. Holly sees this and lets out a mighty roar before charging in with a shoulder tackle. But she misses and collides her arm with the steel post!

Now its gonna be Holly with the jacked up arm.

Holly sags to the ground, and finds herself assailed by stomps from a furious Gretchen. The audience roots on this attack, but referee Hebner calls for a break with Holly's arm hooked onto the ropes.

(beep) you, bitch! That's all you got?!

Certainly not!

With that shout, Gretchen streams across the ring with an Ice Quiz style big boot. But Holly yanks Hebner in front of her, and the brand new meat shield gets smashed in the face by Gretchen's trendy shoes!


Homie took that shit right in the face!

No sooner, than Hebner hits the mat does LOGAN MANN slide into the squared circle!

It is time to profess my love...FOR HOLLY!

Leezus Price snags Gretchen into a front facelock with even greater speed than his arrival!

What?! This is crazy! Let her go!

A true hero and true big brother, Christian enters the ring and wallops Logan with a superkick!


Leeuz Price falls into the ropes who spew him back into a devastating sky high!


Wright Off! And well deserved at that!

Christian pushes Logan out of the ring, leaving the Hotties behind to do battle in a fair fight.

Major respect to Christian for helping his little sister!

Don't get it twisted! This women's title is still mine!

Now its Holly who snares Gretchen into a front facelock, setting up the Percussion!

You're (beep)ing dead!

But Holly can't pull off her secondary finisher as Gretchen wheels her way out of the hold. Face gritted with determination, The Monarch of Posh fires off a forearm that snaps Holly's head back. But, The Angel of Death comes right back with a forearm with equally smashing impact. Then Gretchen fires off another powerful forearm.

You're brawling with me?! Me?! (beep) you?

Gretchen swings with a  round house, but that swing is a miss, and Holly crashes a punch into Gretchen's show. But amazingly, Gretchen shrugs it off and hits an enziguri! Holly is left out on her feet, and soon enough is powered to the mat with a thundering brainbuster!


Hebner is recovered and is able to count the pin....





Holly brings the shoulder up!

Gretchen is left to fret about her arm, which gives Holly all the time she needs to recover.

That brainbuster didn't do any favors for Gretchen.

You gotta play to win, and Gretchen made the play to win.

Yanking Gretchen up by the hair allows Holly to inflict maximum pain and humiliation, and she heaps more of the former on Gretchen's back with clubbing forearms, At Holly's mercy, Gretchen is made to suffer through a combat boot to her bare stomach, and doubles over from the pain. The Vegas naive snarls as she starts to lift Gretchen into a dominator. But Holly herself is made to suffer as Gretchen makes a stunning counter with an inverted bulldog!


Wow! How did Gretchen manage that one?

Having used her bad arm, Gretchen is in anguish and sags against the ropes, visibly displaying her hurt.

“LET'S GO GRETCHEN! LET'S GO GRETCHEN! LET'S GO GRETCHEN!” the sold out  Tokyo Dome sings

Holly is on her feet, and is faced with a charging Gretchen. Ducking her lariat, Holly and her grey eyes watch Gretchen hit the ropes and come back with a second lariat. This one proves disastrous for Gretchen as Holly sucks her into an arm bar!

Now you're (beep)ing shut down, rich bitch! You're (beep)ing done in this business!

It certainly seems that way as Gretchen is trapped dead center in the ring, and forced to undergo torturous pain. Her yells shoot through the Dome, heard over the curses and grunts of Gretchen.

All those moves Gretchen used are right back to haunt her. The gamble stopped paying off.


The pain is indescribable for poor Gretchen, working from her arm to every part of her body, and Holly shows zero relent and zero weakness in her grip. But, Gretchen is a fighter and a warrior and works to angle her body towards the ropes.

I'm gonna break your (beep)ing arm! I swear to god I will!

Heaven comes when Gretchen's foot tags the ropes, leading Hebner to demand a rope break.

(beep) your rope break!

With Holly disobdient to the end, Hebner counts to five...









And finally Holly does relinquish her grip, allowing herself to step back and blissfully survey the pain she's caused

Gretchen was in that arm bar for a really long time.

Most people would have tapped, but this chick wants to win the gold.

What do you got left?! Where's the pride of the Wright's now?!

Holly roughly raises Gretchen upright, and proceeds to tear the ribbons from her hair!


Hey, that's too much!

Rather than dispirit Gretchen, Holly's cruelty motivates the teenage Hottie and she begins bashing the champion with forearm shots. But Holly recovers quickly, and sends a thudding combat boot into her stomach. From there, she uses an x-factor to bring Gretchen to the mat that she rubs her face in.

I'm gonna make you eat dog shit after this! You're gonna (beep) a dog!


I thought Japs were in to bitches fucking dogs.

I think you need to read a travel guide book, Coach.

Holly rolls Gretchen over and pins her....





Gretchen with the kickout!


Despite the kickout, Holly has determined the end is at hand. And with a throat slash gesture she puts her title challenger inside a front facelock.

The Mirage could be coming up!

But before Holly can make the leg hook part, Gretchen bursts free of the hold! Working with desperation, she seizes Holly inside her own front facelock and grabs her leg.

Trying to Charge It!

But Gretchen's arm betrays her the moment she tries to lift Holly and both Hotties topple to the mat. Grey eyes sparkling with homicide, Holly pounces on Gretchen and hauls her into another front facelock. This one results in the legendary Percussion DDT! But somehow Gretchen rolls through the finale of the move!

Ain't nobody done that before!

Holly is still on the ground and so is able to tangle up Gretchen and drop her with a toe hold. From there she seizes onto her foe with a leg lock. But with her legs being healthy, Gretchen is able to start rolling out of it. But that's just what Holly wanted as Gretchen leaves her arm unprotected and the ginger is able to snag it into a cross arm bar!


Aww man! What intelligence by Holly.

When you been wrestling for sixteen years, you get pretty damn good.

Gretchen's screams are earth shattering, and worry the fans who had been yearning for her victory. There's only so much the human body can take, and Gretchen's arm has taken too much. Far too much.

This is six months worth of (beep)ing you up! I told you this shit would happen to you! You're never gonna forget this moment, where I broke your god damn arm!


Alas that chant may be nice but does nothing to win Gretchen her freedom. All the fans can do is watch as Holly sitsup then falls back to further inflict more horrors upon Gretchen.

If you gonna tap, now is the time. Don't let that arm get broken!

But, she would be submitting to Holly, her worst enemy!

If she don't she's gonna get her arm broken by Holly, her worst enemy!

Every ounce of strength, every ounce of will, every ounce of desire pools together into Gretchen's body  and forces it to pull itself upright, even with Holly's arm bar still applied. Gretchen screams and wails in misery and woe, yet her fighting spirit has her right leg drive a single stomp onto Holly's face, forcing an immediate break!


I think Gretchen is only living to submit another day

(beep)ing bitch! (beep)ing bitch!

Holly pulls herself off the mat and SPITS in Gretchen's face!



Of all the lowdown things!

Hehhehe, gonna cry to daddy or big broth-



The Monarch of Posh rips Holly off the mat and forces her into a front facelock. With the crowd solidly behind her, hailing her as a victor, Gretchen ignores the pain and lifts her into the air. Then with the world watching and cheering, she drives her down with a fisherman's gordbuster!


Just Charge It!

Gretchen grits her teeth and lays atop Holly for the cover...






Gretchen Wright is queen of the world!




The fans spring to their feet, high fiving each other and hugging one another, but no celebration as is as heart felt as Gretchen's!

You can doubt a lot of things in this world, but you don't doubt those Wright genetics. The same genes that had Wright go undefeated for two years got Gretchen to the top of the mountain!

Its that very same brother that's in the ring to make a proud show of strapping the title around his sister's waist. Ice Quiz is there also, but mostly tries to check out Gretchen's ass. But so joyful with her victory, Gretchen decides not to chastise him for his lack of courtship and manners.

Six months of torment from Holly leads to the greatest night of Gretchen Wright's night here at SluttyMania Two!

Wright takes his sister onto his shoulders allowing her to showcase her title to the legion of screaming fans. She offers a polite smile and wave to them, never losing her regal manners even in the face of a thrilling victory.

The OAOAST is now under the reign of a proper princess! We'll see ya!



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