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OAOAST TMW: A comedy/erotic e-fed

OAOAST TMW: Ascension 2

Chanel #99

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Reject and Josh Matthews ran down the card for us, and welcomed us to a night of smark friendly action!


***Chad Mustard Vs Storm Bellmare***

Storm has been chasing Chad for months trying to get this match made, but Chad keeps ducking and  Lisa Ann stepped in and got it made.

Before the match, Chad got on the mic to protest the whole affair.

Okay, check it, I got no problem with trannys. Some of my best friends have beat off to tranny porn. And that's a fact.

I'm not included in that best friend list.

But you have beat off to tranny porn?

That's just what we do in the Bronx.

So I have not a thing against you, Storm. I just don't want to fight you, because I'm being nice. Because you're still a chick in my mind, and I don't hit chicks, unless I'm hammered.

You're not doing this for me. You're doing this because you're scared, people are going to say you got beat up by a transexual! Well, guess what, you are going to get beat up by a MAN!

No, I'm not, because this match is canceled!

At that point, Lisa Ann arrived to handle the situation.

Chad if you don't get in the ring right now, I will suspend you for two months!


Lisa Ann isn't taking Chad's crap.

Lisa Ann doesn't play around.

Thus Chad Mustard had no choice but to enter the ring. He spent most of the early portion dodging Storm's efforts for a lockup, even calling for a rope break when there was nothing to get. Finally Chad slipped up and got cornered and hit with wave of chops!

No quit touching me!

Chad had no choice but to start attacking Storm and we got some back and forth action. Problem is, Chad didn't want to lay atop Storm for a pin, nor did he want to hold him and submit him. So Chad tried to sucker Storm into committing an action that would get him DQ'ed. In the end, that didn't work, so Chad hit a LOW BLOW, and then hauled ass to take a count out loss!


Winner: Storm Bellmare, via countout


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Backstage, Sara Jean was on hand with H8 University, the TMW Women's Champion Glass Juliet and Effie Reese.

Sara Jean, we have a present for you!

Oh no.

Don't say that. Look!

The present turned out to be a burlap sack.

I'll pass.

Yeah, I thought you'd say that. I'll be upfront about it, I cut a looooot of corners to make that thing.

That's too upfront.

But, we thought you'd say that, so here's a sticker instead!

“I'm sorry, I was born stupid.” Its not funny and it doesn't make sense. How half assed can you two get?

To tell you the truth this is a very lucky sticker, I received from a wandering miracle working priest. And it could be yours for only 1.5 million dollars!

You said it was a present!

I'm a vampire who has a hobby of counting money, after all!

Your the worst vampire ever!

Sara Jean did get the vampires to talk about Chicks On Black Dicks for a bit, and their words weren't complimentary. Effie was a bit nicer, but Glass promised to stuff them in her sack and toss them off a bridge.


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***Painbow & Kiki Kix Vs Adelphe St.Nerdregard and Burlington Pembrokshire***

Words were exchanged before the match....between Painbow and Adelphe?

I'm the TV Title Holder, Pembrokshire. The person who is supposed to hold this belt is holding it. You can flex your muscles and all that other bullshit you been doing, but around my waist is my  gold! Iwill fear no man! Remember that even if you burn in hell!

My maiden heart flutters at your words! A divine challenge has been laid before us all! Stand still inhabitants of the solarscape as the chosen ones rise to the occasion.

And rise they did, clearing the ring the baddies! Painbow wanted to us his TV title on Pembrokshire but got tossed around as if he were a cruiserweight. When things calmed down, Kiki tried to work a submission on Adelphe, but failed to get it. The men preferred a harder hitting round of fighting, but it was Adelphe who hit the hardest with her Luminary Uppercut and pinned Kiki!

Winner: Adelphe St.Nerdregard and Burlington Pembrokshire, via pinfall


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*** Sumeragi vs. Bedrock ***

In a special showcase bout, one of the finest young stars out of Japan (BUSTLE young boy currently on excursion) met one of the oldest men not just in OAOAST TMW but the world, the "Neolithic Avenger" Bedrock.

A hard hitting affair that spilled outside and saw Sumeragi squashed like a bug by a TOP ROPE BIG SPLASH ONTO THE ARENA FLOOR!!


Sumeragi's fighting spirit prevented him from going down without a fight. After catching Bedrock with a dropkick smack in the face, Sameragi looked to finish Bedrock with his top rope lariat... but Bedrock moved and caught Sameragi with his Ooga Droppa running front flip senton for the 1-2-3.

Winner: Bedrock, via pinfall. 

Edited by Tony149
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***H8 University Vs Chicks On Black Dicks***

Reject, we know H8U is great, but what's your take on Isabella Spezia-Villagrossa and Eponine Black?

Having great last names doesn't make you great, but I've personally coached these girls and they're as good as their famous relatives were at their age. The sky is the limit.

Of course things didn't start out like that as Eponine didn't like the referee trying to pat her down.

Ah! Keep away! Why is this guy touching me?! Who is this guy?!

I'm the referee!

Hhehe, I bet you do this to all the other referees in the locker room, slick them up with oil and rub their hot hard bodies down.

Many of them are fat with growths on them.


Well the match did get started with Effie locking up with Eponine. The vampire spent a lot of her time pushing Eponine into various corners but gave her an A for effort. But, Eponine showed her Black genes by firing off hard punches and sending Effie scrambling back for a tag.

Upuupppuuu! Are you interested in a sticker? Guaranteed to hold its stickiness for three weeks!

Does it have a cute guy on the front? Is he naked? Is he hard?

The answer to that was no and so the match continued without the transaction being made. Two tags were exchanged pitting Isabella against Glass.

I don't wanna hit her. You saw what happened to Goldberg when he hit that glass window!

She's not made out of glass, its only a name.

Or its Metta's Four. A term made up by Metta World Peace. Ok!

She is much, much, dumber than Alix.

Glass was fast on the move, and luckily Isabella was fast enough to sort of keep up. The TMW Women's Champion, Glass showed off some lucha influences, which were actually well met by Isabella!

Alright Mexico!

But, the heels managed to isolate the babyface Isabella with quick tags and high impact offense. The fans chanted for Isabella but it didn't look like there was much of a chance for her to comeback. Glass decided to have  fun and started to let Isabella crawl to her coner, but then dropped a senton to stop her.

I knew it! I knew it was all a lie!

Why do you sound so happy about that?!

Glass went for a powerbomb but Isabella reversed with a hurricanrana and then hit a 619! Or maybe a 310 in her case. Either way she was able to get the tag to Eponine!

Now I'm a lot less happy to be wrong.

Hey what kind of partner are you?

The TMW women's champion made the tag to Effie, who proceeded to brawl with Eponine. Effie tossed her foe out the ring, but Eponine came right back in with a  springboard dropkick!

Don't think we ever saw Dan Black hit a move like that!

Glass Juliet pounced on Eponine and stomped away at her, before chucking her shoulder first into the turnbuckle posts. She couldn't do much more damage than that as Isabella came in and hit her with a shotgun dropkick that knocked her through the ropes!

Very very smart to get Glass Juliet out of the ring, she's the strongest one in the match.

Isabella's black hair was grabbed onto by Effie and she was forced into a front facelock. But Eponine came off the top rope and hit spinning wheel kick to knock Effie over. The younger vampire stood up and was struck by a sunsent flip pile driver from Isabella!

Burning Sensation When You Urinate!

And then Eponine hit a spinning falcon arrow into a tombstone!

Boy Crazy!

And all that led to a win for the faces!

Winner: Chicks On Black Dicks, via pinfall


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***TMW Hard Title: Tristian Nystrom Vs Rex****

Rex was a pretty successful doctor who's career took a bad turn thanks to allegations of stealing HGH and steroids, and somehow he wound up in TMW.

And we're better for it. We need more guys like Rex around to kick ass. His past is his past, and in the present he's got a Hard title shot.

The massive Rex got in the face of Tristian and shoved him backwards!


Don't shove me.

Don't shove you? Who are you?!

You know who I am.

Another shove.

I'm offering you a chance to make this easy on yourself.

A third shove.

You won't take it though. Let's do it the hard way.

Tristian shoved Rex right on his ass!

Get up, Rex! You're Rexus Major!

Is that his nickname now?

He's his own species of man.

A slugfest ensued between Tristian and Rex, with Rex managing to hold his own against the vampire. But when Rex got shot into the ropes, he couldn't prevent a back body drop. Furious, he slammed his fist on the mat and resumed his brawl with Tristian.

I have to note that Rex is forcing Tristian to wrestle his style. Rex likes to brawl, Tristian likes to chain wrestle. I prefer sicking my underlings on people and hitting a Eulogy.

Reject was right as the two men continued to fight outside which thrilled the Malibu fans. Things got beyond wild as Flex dislodged the guardrail and sought to hit Tristian with it.

Rex is a mad man!

But Tristian dropkicked the guardrail into Rex's face! He then flung Rex back into the ring, and hit a moonsault for two.

I. WILL.NOT. LOSE!!!!!!!!!!

Body turned red with anger, Rex bulldozed Tristan into the corner and tried to stomp him out. But, the vampire fought free and brought down Rex with a backbreaker into a face buster for a two count.


Rex, be quiet, please.

Tristan went back to the top rope, but this time got crotched and was thrown across the ring with an avalanche belly to belly. Rex saw the end was near and called for his finisher, but when he tried to grab hold of Tristan, the world champion slipped out, and connected with a surprise buzzsaw kick!

Blood Plauge! On the money!

And just like that, Rex's title shot came to a crushing end.

Winner: Tristian Nystrom, via pinfall


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