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OAOAST TMW: A comedy/erotic e-fed

The official OAOAST TMW Roster!

Chanel #99

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Beloved by smarks, beloved by the office for its cheap labor this is TMW, the official developmental arm of the OAOAST!
Commissioner: Lisa Ann
Commentators: Josh Matthews and Reject

Painbow-rainbow haired intense heel who enjoys hurting ppl. Managed by Kiki Kix. From Thomson, GA. Signatures include a running knee to the back of the head called Shadow Factory, Wasteland, a high angle underhook ddt called Painbow Brite, Vader bomb knee drop called Ghost Strike,. Current TV Title holder.
Finisher: Demon Slice-Inside cradle deadlift powerbomb


ReX-disgraced roid popping ex-doctor heel, rages a lot and cheats a lot. Signatures include rolling tbone suplex called Cell Mutation, punch combo called Comatose, double rib breaker, wheelbarrow flapjack called Pandemic and a standing moonsault. From Baltimore, MD. Enter to Machinehead by Bush.
Finisher: Syringer-Pop up powerbomb
Storm Bellmare-had a sex change to male. Likable, friendly face fighting discrimination. From Berkley, CA. Entrance music is One in a Million by Midnight to Monaco. Signatures include a single leg crab called Fury of the Storm, single underhook hip toss slam called Wind Shear, tornado ddt onto the top rope called Shipbreaker, northern lights suplex current HARD champion
Finisher: Storm's End-Leg trap sunset flip powerbomb
Chad Mustard-frat boy face, tends to go on comedic rants. Signatures include a top rope reverse ddt called School Daze, a sitoutout face buster called Final Answer, Thez Press called the Mustard Press, School Boy into a palm strike, fifteen straight knuckle punches called the Freshman 15, stand on foes back into a Frankensteiner called Fresh2Death. Enters to here comes the Hotstepper. From College Park, MD
Finisher: Dickie Dollar-Kneedrop Brainbuster
Jesse Ferguson-scheming, mad scientcist heel, very smart. From Queens, NY
Finisher: Stein's Gate-Kneeling facebuster
Agent Augeur-mysterious fatalistic heel. From New York City
Finisher: Mona Lisa Overdrive-Flying DDT
Sgt.Holt-ex marine face. Enters to Beatdown by Downstait. Signatures include avalanche Samoan drop, a sit out front slam named Landslide. From Tuscaloosa, Alabama
Finisher: Dishonorable Discharge-reverse suplex 
Bedrock-caveman face, friend of Dem Bums. Signatures include a double Alabama slam called Bam Bam, a senon to the outside, a running headbutt called Stonehead and an overhead belly to belly. From The Stone Age
Finisher: Ooga Droopa-running front flip senton
Burlington Pembrokshire-strongman face. Signatures include a straight jacket chinlock, trapping head butts, flex and elbow drop, pendulum back breaker, a karelin lift called Burlington Lift,From Bexhill on Sea, UK
Finisher: Pembrokshire Stretch-Regal Stretch
K-Rawk-flashy masked face. From Orlando, FL
Finisher: Rawk N Roll-Moonsault frog splash

Sumeragi-Japanese hard hitting heel from BUSTLE. Signatures are include a piledriver, thumb to the eye, a kneeling crossface, arm trap inverted facelock. From Kobe, Japan. Face.
Finisher: Top rope lariat

Ignatius Maddix-King Landon's younger, perfectionist brother. Bigger than his brother. Signatures include a backdrop driver named Ring Chasing.Forms Shell Gang with Wes and Fabian. They enter to Heathens by Halestorm. heel. From Madrid, Spain
Finisher: Go2Sleep
Wes Singleton-Simon's son. Lack his dad's charm, or panache and instead relies on thuggery and hooliganism. Signatures include a cutter called Gun Stun, a crescent kick called The Living Daylights, Half Nelson Choke Suplex, a rolling neck choke called Wreckage. Part of Shell Gang with Ignatius and Fabian. Heel. From Myrtle Beach, SC
Finisher: World Wide Wes-leaping mushroom stomp
GOATman Pains-A powerhouse Samoan who many declare will be the greatest graduate of the Reactor ever.  Faqu's cousin. Signatures include a spear a big boot a superman punch and a leg drop to an apron based foe. From Stockton, CA. Heel
Finisher: GOAT Finisher-Underhook tombstone pile driver

Fabian Nystrom-Vampire heel leader of Shell Gang over Wes and Ignatius, Tristian Nystrom's older brother, smug and aloof. Signatures include a pop up double kick called the Jaws of Defeat, dominator from ring onto apron called Spirit in the Sky, choke slam into a ddt called The Silencer, End of Days. From The Hauge Netherlands
Carpe That Fucking Diem-Pop up German Suplex


Murmur-A typically polite rule abiding face but, it is said anyone who hears his whisper is bound for a lifetime of torment. Enters to Your Goodbye by Downstait. Signatures include an inverted DDT into a neckbreaker known as Long Kiss Godnight, Hell's Gate submission, Tombstone from the second rope. From Luxor, Egypt
Finisher: Careless Whisper-rolling kick to the back of the head to a standing foe 


Undie Brown-A creepy character, known for stealing or purchasing the soiled under garments of foes, Hotties and fans. From Kansas City, KS
Finisher: Pantie Raid-Oklahoma Stampede


Abdullah Abir Nerdly-An OAOAST veteran returning to TMW to reestablish his name on the scene. Still speaks for the prophets, still an emissary of god. Signatures include camel clutch, Hammerlock into a clothesline called Holy Word, a meteora called Drop the Mic, STO Backbreaker, then a Reverse DDT Backbreaker. From Damascus, Syria. Face
Finisher: Skyhook Elbow Drop


The Intruder-A former cast member of Big Brother Austrailla, who was introduced mid season as a an "intruder." Infamous for his mind games on the show as well as his oversized ego, which has translated into wrestling as he wears a backpack during his entrance because he's "carrying the OAOAST on his back." Enters to Informer by Snow. Signatures include a single leg high knee called Rundown Season, running lung blower called Breaking and Entering, and a backpack swing out ddt. From Scottsdale. Arizona
Finisher: Intruder Alert, standing fireman's carry side slam


 Daisuke Motozaki-

Motozaki was a trainee of the HI-YAH promotion and grew from rookie to potential main eventer after debuting. His power and fighting spirit endeared him to fans and wrestling experts alike in his home country. And soon he was seen as a big hope in a struggling Japanese scene. On recommendation from former HI-YAH competitors Blonde and the MGHWC, King Landon Maddix lured Motozaki away from his native Japan to become his hired gun in the battle against Nathaniel Black. Landon subsequently sold Motozaki on to the newly former Black Mass, lead by Colin Maguire Jr. When the Black Mass broke up, OAOAST foreign liaison Megan Skye began advising him and paried him with former partner Faqu. Motozaki is a proud competitor, but it seems is willing to do anyone's bidding for the right price and opportunity.

Over time Daisuke began to show a personality that marked him as one of the coolest dudes in the room. Daisuke showcased so much swag, he found friends in the club hopping tag team of The Party Brigade. Together the trio have won six man titles, and the sky is the limit for the cool Japanese import. Signatures include, Arm Capture DVD, Backdrop Driver,Lariat,Rolling Elbow to the back of the head. Enters to Pony by Zak Wynter.

Finisher: Rainbow Dash Mash

Tag Teams
Higher Minds- Bhodi Dharma (left) and Detroit Crackhead (right), drug using faces. Enter to walk by pantera.
Finisher: High Life-Double back suplex into a face crusher
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Same Ol Shits- Wakefield (left) and Horse (right), redneck heel tag team always in a bad mood. Enter to tell it to my heart!
Finisher: Same Ol Finisher-Double arm wrench backbreaker
Scumbag Reformation Project- The Rizzo (left) and Anson Cutter (right), lowlives of the lowest order. Do not take checks from these men! Enter to Punch Out by Statik Selektah
Ministers of Defense- Strika (left) and Preacher(right), deadly African face tag team with war like mentality
Finisher: Two I C- Buckle powerbomb to an enziguri
Political Prisoners-Mister Steal Ya Push and Win Griffey Jr(right), heel team more known for their the backstage heat and political antics than their in ring skills
Finisher: Glass Ceiling Folder-Wheelbarrow codebreaker

Union Jets- C-4 (left), Tom Smith (right) A British tag team, considered to house two of the best if not thee best wrestlers in the world. Have wrestled in many different countries, and are highly regarded by smart fans. Current tag team champions
Finisher: Detonator Superplex/flying head butt comb


Das Wrestling Machine-Reginheraht (left) and White Lothar (right), unstoppable German tag team that made their name in the European indy scene. Seem to do everything perfectly and can wrestle any style. Enter to Du Hast by Rammstein.
Finisher-Wanderlust-Double crucifix powerbomb

Kiki Kix - Surly MMA heel. Manages Painbow. Signatures include the Bully Choke, left high kick, delayed amateur slam, rear naked choke. Enters to One Finger and a Fist by Drowning Pool. From Laredo, TX
Finisher: Heel Hook
Brea Brea - cheerful face. Signatures include an inverted uranage called The Dazzler, moonsault press, A vertical suolex front slam called Sweet Emotion. Enters to the greatest by sia. From Port Elizabeth, South Africa
Finisher: Brea's Breeze-Hangman's facebuster
How2Girl - super heroine face. From Villa Park, CA
Finisher: How2Win-Leaping suspension DDT
Lilly Florent-Flighty face, member of DayoftheDead.com. From Grangemouth, Scotland
Finisher: Floral Gospel-Running inside elbow
Cady of Grimm-crazy face, Sadist's daughter, member of DayoftheDead.com. From White Deer, TX
Finisher: Sadist Mist-black mist sprayed into a big boot
Adelphe Saint Nerd-Regard: Pierette's elder sister, only a little bit more sane. Face. From Val'd'Or, Quebec, Canada. Signatures include a bronco buster named Celestial Panty Assault, a shooting star press called Firebird Splash, a Phoenix Splash, a flying snapmare called Dazzling Spirit, a neckbreaker drop called Lapis Lazuli
Finisher: Luminary Uppercut
LeBrenda James-A crazy Lebron stalker, thinks about Lebron to the exclusion of all else. Signatures includes Alley Oop, a backbreaker slam called Bear Witness, a dropsault called Fadeaway, a chin crusher called Hoop Dreams. Heel. Entrance music is Champions by Ron Artest. Teams with Ladybird Jones. From Akron, OH
Finisher: Slam Dunk-Leaping tomahawk chop
Blanchefleur-A witch new to her powers, but already using them for bad. Heel. From Washington DC. Signatures include delayed brainbuster called 99 Savage, a shellshock called 77 savage
Finisher:  88 Savage-Pumphandle driver

Eponine Black- Dan Black's daughter. A usually calm and collected girl, who harbors dubious delusions of male on male love. Has a hard time talking to the opposite sex.Signatures include an orange crush called Man Crush, a slingshot powerbomb called Down N His DMs, an stf called DTF, a stunner called Blackout.  Face. Forms Chicks On Black Dicks with Isabella. From Windsor, UK
Finisher: Boy Crazy-Spinning falcon arrow into a tombstone pile driver

Isabella Spezia-Vilagrossa: Alix's cheery sister, amazingly stupider than Alix. May be Alix's dad's daughter or the former mayor of LA. No one knows. Signatures include a dvd called LezBFriends a Five Knuckle Shuffle to the pussy called the Muff Dive, and a spinning leg lariat, rope walk front drop kick called Jockin the bitches, Forms Chicks On Black Dicks with Eponine. From Los Angeles, CA
Finisher: Burning Sensation When You Urinate-sunset flip pile driver

Amber-Colin's baby mom. As fierce as Colin, but less of a ditactor and has a soft side. Signatures include a high elevation splash called Boston Strong, a sitout razors edge called Irish Car Bomb, a front flip fist drop called Hand Grenade, an Indian death lock called Honey Trap. Face. From Boston, MA
Finisher: Flick of The Wrist- rainmaker lariat



Masked ASSassin 
Submission expert who hails from a family of assassins. Will work for hire, but selective on contracts. Enters to Duty by Lene. Forms Weapons of Smartass Destruction with Jessica. Face. From Bucharest, Romania
Finisher: Banzi Drop


Jessica Ferguson-Jesse's sister. Thinks her brother is a moron. Has the highest IQ of anyone on the OAOAST roster, and is a scientific genius. Has trouble with social interactions and usually winds up insulting everyone she talks to. Enters to Duty by Lene. Signatures include a cross arm suplex called Door to Hell, an atomic throw called Even Horizon, a rolling chop to the back of the head named Dark Matter. Forms Weapons of Smart Ass Destruction with TMA. Face. From Queens, NY

Finisher: Iron Catastrophe-Gail Kim's eat defeat

Member of the Geisha Girls. A high class hooker, so high class she's out of the price range of anyone but the top .000001% of the population. From Tokyo, Japan
Finisher: Hinakopter-Multi rotation tornado DDT


Member of the Geisha Girls. A high class hooker, but less pricey than her partner. Tends to speak in hiakus. From Tokyo, Japan
Finisher-Starry Eyes-Sommersault leg drop


Tori Malibu-Zack's younger sister, thinks she's cool like her brother but is actually a giant klutz and scatterbrained. She's a talented DJ and has and unusually strong rapport with cats. Signatures include a fisherman buster named Pop Drop, a shining wizard knee named Tori Attack, a detonation kick named Stay Woke, a sleeper drop named Fade Runner. From Providence, RI. Face.
Finisher: School's Out


Princess Danger
A vile, cruel heel, hell bent on sowing destruction and agony whereever she roams. Has a thing for bad boys to the point where she fantasies about outright criminals. Signatures include a karate punch, a double wrist armsault called Bad Descion, a snap brainbuster, a neck figure four. From Sapporo, Japan
Finisher: Bushido-Hernandez's Border Toss.



Ladybird Jones, a former basketball star at Harvard. Unlike fellow grad, Colin, Ladybird has decided to waste her degree carrying Lebrenda's bags and sniffing her shorts. Well they were elementary school pen pals. Signatures include a powerslam called Power Move, a tear drop suplex, a discus lariat called Spin and Drive. Heel. From, Fairfax, VA
Finisher: Ankle Breaker, Ankle Lock

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