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Rescue Me: A network special featuring The Maguire siblings and Leon Rodez

Chanel #99

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Port Authority Docks
Brooklyn, NY

Its the dead of night on a cold empty dock where we see Cassidy Maguire stood in front of a huge red crate. Soon emerging from opposite her is Leon Rodez, bound in black jeans and a leather jacket.


Well?! Is that what you say? Where's my brother?

What do you actually care? Why do you want him back? I thought you disliked Colin.

I don't want him back. But, no one else will do anything to defeat you and Aunt Reagan until he's back picking clovers in the field. So hand him over.

You still didn't answer my question.

Fine, you want answers. I don't want to lose. I need to beat Aunt Regan, and by extension you, and the best chance I have to do that is with more vampires. Right now I have one. One. I'd like my second one back, so again, hand him over.

You don't love your brother.

I can't stand him. He's selfish, he's stubborn, he's mean, and he frankly he's an idiot. But he's my idiot so again, hand him the fuck over.

Heh. Okay.

Leon snaps his fingers, leading Scourge and Rayder and Sloppy Joe to escort Colin, no worse for wear from behind a giant grate to Cassidy.

Ay, you 'ave your brother, now give us Maggie.

Fine. Colin, open the door to my crate.

Colin doesn't like being told what to do by his sister, but nonetheless he opens the door to reveal Maggie sat on a chair, also in good health in spite of her situation.


Hurry up, I don't have all day.

Come here.

Why should I? This isn't a rescue, but like Cassidy, I hate to lose. That's why you're here, that's it.

Please, come here!

Not knowing why Maggie wants to be near him despite her usual disdain for him, Leon is struck with a bout of curiosity and when he enters the crate to meet her things change. Change for the worse. For the second Leon stands up, he becomes Teddy Buckworth.

Leon Rodez.

Buckworth steps out of crate, leaving behind a fury stricken Leon. Not for long, as Leon dives forward...but yet he is left behind as an invisible force field keeps him there.

What the hell is going on?

Maggie is safe on a plane to Edmonton, probably watching Ice Age.

I don't give a damn about Maggie! Why am I stuck in here!

Ah, that. I don't have to tell you why you're stuck inside a crate my brother's bank account paid for, but I love to gloat so here goes. I pooled my power with mommy and Cassidy #2 and we cloaked Teddy as Maggie, which was easy. The harder part was putting up a magical barrier to seal you inside, had to sacrifice a lot of goats . But it was so worth it.

Scourge, Rayder, get them!


Get them!

Before you rush headlong to almost certain death. I would like to invite you all to employ just a bit of common sense. Is your loyalty to Leon best paid with your blood? You can not hope to break the curse yourselves, and given that there is both a vampire and a very powerful witch you will die in the process of trying to free him. For what? To avenge a fool, marching you headlong to your very extinction to satisfy his need to inflict harm on others and to claim a small boy for a witch you've only just met? Is this how you have envisioned your lives ending?

Don't listen to him!

The only danger here is the choice you must make.

Guys, guys, let's be smart. He has a point.

He doesn't! He does not!

Scourge turns to Rayder, who responds only with closed eyes and a nod.

We'll try to get you out of here one day. Move out!

Heads hang low, defeat stings, but their lives are spared as the three Menagerie members make their exit.

Now then, I thank you for your help, Theodore, and sister, but I believe I will take control of the situation from here on out.

Showcasing his trademark smirk, Colin takes  a victory swagger towards Leon.

It may have been my sister's intent to merely leave you in this compartment but I find that on the whole unsuitable for what you've done to my family. Thus, you will be going to the bottom of the ocean, where you will drown in darkness again and again over the course of centuries. This will be your splendidly horrific and perpetual end.

 I just want you to know Aunt Reagan's death will be spectacular.

And on that note, I hope you remember my face, for it shall be the last one you ever see.




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