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OAOAST TMW: A comedy/erotic e-fed

Belated x-mas HeldDOWN~!

Chanel #99

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Renee and Coach are positioned in front of a Christmas tree!


And they're too busy sipping eggnog and eating cookies to commentate so lets just have a match.

***  Gory Dragan, Jesse Ferguson & Bedrock Vs Agent Augeur, Sgt.Holt & Pete-O ***

With their OAOAST mentors viewing the action on monitors backstage, the TMW talent rocked the house with a hard-hitting affair. Well, Gory, Bedrock, Augeur and Holt at least. Pete found the action too rough to handle, although he received words of encouragement from Jesse Ferguson of all people.

At least you're not in prison. No tagging out there! 


The end is near anyway. So keep doing what you're doing. Makes my job easier. 


Hey, so like, do you want me to hit you with a painful move or would you rather just accept defeat and roll over?

Pete accepted defeat and laid down for the pin, but Holt and Augeur broke it up and berated him. Gory and Bedrock then took care of them, with Bedrock diving onto both men outside as Gory hit DO NOT GO GENTLE on Pete for the win.

Winners: Gory Dragan, Jesse Ferguson & Bedrock






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Tis the season to give gifts and the Sunrise girls have all gathered in the office for their own gift giving.

Gimme stuff!

That's not the way to start out, Yuki, and you know that. Okay, so let the Secret Santa...hey, where's December? December!

December! You get your butt out here!

Fresh from her nap, December slowly walks into the room.

Ah, is it morning already?

Uh, no. Its like 8:30 at night.

…..Are you sure?

Uh, yeah, I'm pretty sure, girl.

…...Awesome. That means more hours to sleep.

No, no. Not until you open your present from Secret Santa.

Megan forces a present into December's hands.

Wrapping seems like a lot of work, but so does opening.

Here hand it over. I'll open it.

You're so nice Maya.

No, you're extra nice!

Opening December's present for her, Maya holds it up for all to see.

A blanket from Megan!

Ah....cool. I think.

You think?

I glad Megan no santa with secret for me.

Dasha! She sleeps all the time, why wouldn't I get her a blanket?

Can I go to sleep now?

And go to sleep she does as December just leans against the wall and catches her zzzzzzzs. Meanwhile Maya looks under the tree and sees no gift for her.

What's the deal, yo? I know I'm Jewish but I still expect stuff, maybe more stuff because you should be striving  make up for anti-semitism and that holocaust thing.

That holocaust thing?!

Someone failed Maya! Someone has to die a thousand and one deaths!

Just a thousand is good. Don't wanna get violent.

Luckily I went off-

Like there's zero people in here who care what you have to say. Literally zero.

I care so there's at least one.

But you're like subhuman so you're so sub-people, so still zero. Sorry, not sorry. So, Maya, I got you the best gift of all. Me. After all, who's better than the girl Alexis Texas called the original buttwoman.

That's a lie! She never called you that. Stop lying!


Stop lying to yourself, girlfriend.

No, no, just plain no! What Maya so needs, so needs is a true blue sex kitten, who's always ready to pound her whenever she needs it!

(hands on hips)
And that's you?

Guys, stop it.

(to Bobbi)
I didn't even think about this until like right now but you're hella annoying, so you'd make her want to kill herself before you could even get the nipple sucking.

Prepare to be smashed!

What happening here?

Like the fucking kool aid man, Jade smashes into the room with a red Christmas sweater.

I'll save you from these hussies!


What being hussie mean?

Jade grabs hold of Maya and sweeps her in her arms, saving this alleged damsel in distress.

Let go!

I'm rescuing you!

Let go!

And despite little sisters resistance Jade manages a successful if not unwelcome rescue.

(to each other)
This is your fault!

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Backstage, OAOAST correspondent Sara Jean Underwood was prepared to interview the Playmakers, the Mardi Gras Hellfire Club, All The Sheep's Men, Tanner Neptune & Jo-Jo Whoa along with their respective reps when suddenly she was forced to run off live on the air!

I'm sorry. I gotta pee. I gotta peeeeee!

As she sprinted away, SJU passed her mic off to the nearest person nearby: MELODY NERDLY and her beautiful bouncing breasts. 


Heyross took control of the interview to put over the Playmakers, advising their teams to go ahead and thank them in advance for leading the squad to victory. 

Yeah. Because it's the last taste of victory any of you are gonna experience. 

Once the Anderson Cup begins its all over for the rest of you.

The face teams (ATSM & Jo-Jo/Tanner) take exception, saying any victory would be a team effort and how they wish the Playmakers were on the same side of the bracket as them so they could shut them up. 

Boys, boys, boys! A little civility, please. You sound like Lucius and Rico arguing. 

Hey, you trying to start something, chica? 

Melody shakes her head.

Come on, man, drop it. It's all good. 

You siding with blondie? Naw, mang. Bros before hoes. What happened to that? You know mang, ever since you took that trip to Mexico a while back you've been different. I know you got over big down there and some of that's carried over to the OAOAST where you're starting to hear a few more cheers, but just remember who brought you to the dance in the first place. 


Gentlemen, please. Keep things behind closed doors. You're like brothers.

Sometimes brothers fight.

Oh, you gonn be like that?

Just saying.

The Playmakers become peacemakers as they calm the MGHFC

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*** Wildcard Tag Match: VICE, Army of 1 Nation w/ Judge Dudd, Time Killers & The Party Brigade w/ Amberlyn vs. The Playmakers w/ Rick Heyross, Mardi Gras Hellfire Club, Tanner Neptune & Jo-Jo Whoa & All The Sheep's Men w/ El Hijo del Sheep ***

The concept of Wildcard matches isn't foreign to longtime fans, but such bouts have almost exclusively been contested under elimination rules. Not on this occasion, as fans were treated to a straight Wildcard tag featuring teams participating in the 2016 Anderson Cup.

8 teams. 16 superstars total.

And what a wild fast pace affair it was. Late in the bout miscommunication on the part of the MGHFC led to Lucius accidentally backhanding Rico who then staggered into a abdominal stretch into a rolling cradle pin (The Doc's Alive) courtesy of Doc White for the pin as partner Marty Fox took out Lucius.

Winners: VICE, Army of 1 Nation, Time Killers & The Party Brigade, via pinfall.

After the match OAOAST tag champions THE CHRIST AIR EXPRESS ran in and attacked anything that moved.

Nice of the champions to finally appear on TV. Just not in this matter. 

The CAE exit through the crowd while taunting the irate men in the ring!

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*** Celtic Goth vs. Hood Again w/ Uncle Moe ***

A competitive squash match won by Hood Again with the Isolated Incident on Flynn Stevens.

Winners: Hood Again, via pinfall. 

After the match the guys cut a promo on the CAE hyping the OAOAST tag title match at the 2016 OAOAST New Year's Spectacular, vowing to regain the titles and praying Heavy D and Warthog win the Anderson Cup so they can "settle what needs to be settled."

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At the Christmas party we see a delivery boy carrying a wrapped present towards Archie Stumplebottom.

Archie Stumplebottom?

I am he. How may I help you?

How do you think? Working on Christmas and I got to deal with are schmuks. Take yer gift, ya smchuk.

The delivery boy drops the present at Archie's feet and walks off to continue working on a holiday.

I will report him to his superior in a carefully worded letter, no doubt. Now let us see what present I have been given. Who is this from might I ask?

Archie looks and sees nothing noting who its from. Aisling comes by and sees what's going on.

(in teenage voice)
Awww for me you shouldn't have?

I have given you your gift already.

(in queen voice)
You donated to peasant homeless people in my name
(in rocker voice)
I wanted a fucking itunes gift card!

A five hundred dollar one! This is my present.

(in child voice)
Who's it from, huh? Huh? Huh?

Let's find out.

Archie pries open the wrapping paper to find a box, and inside the box he finds a....stack of papers??

What is this?

Archie scans over the front page and his eyes widens in horror.

The binding contract between Submissive (Archibald Stumplebottom) and Dominant (Malaysia Nerdly)! What is this?

(in robot voice)
Demand: read it to me.

The dominant shall take responsibility for the well being, guidance, training and discipline of the submissive! The submissive will without compliant or protest administer to the dominant whatever pleasure she sees fit!

(in child voice)
Oh noes!

The submissive will make himself available for the dominant's needs at all times of the day and night. The submissive agrees to allow the dominant to control, discipline and dominate them. The dominant may flog, whip or corporeally punish the submissive as she sees fit. The submissive will not look directly into the eyes of the dominant unless told to. The submissive will call the dominant Mistress Malaysia.

(in queen voice)
Go on, ser Archibald.

The submissive will consent to the performance and receiving of anal sex, oral sex, vaginal sex, swallowing semen, and anal fisting. The submissive consents to use of strap ons, butt plugs, nipple clamps, dildos, vibrators, anal beads, rope, chains, whips, handcuffs....


Canes, paddles, duct tape, electrical tape, cattle prods, ice, hot wax, bondage swings, suspension devices, blind folds, chains, spreader bar, and chastity belts.

Archie drops the paper and sags against the wall, the realization of Malaysia's pursuit finally settling in.

(in rocker voice)
To hell with this shit!

Aisling grabs hold of the contract and tears it to shreds!

(in teenage voice)
Screw her for real.

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***TurboWolf Vs Conan “Coco” Chanel W/Maya Duncan-Blanchard***
So here's the deal if Conan wins he'll face Gory in the TMW finals at New Years Spectacular. But if TurboWolf wins then he's in.

This is your last chance!

Last chance at what, might I ask.

You failed to beat me in the eighth grade election, you failed to take me to prom, you failed to get a post-prom blow job from me, and you failed to graduate ahead of me. This is your last chance to impress me.

I don't care about impressing you.

You kids gonna argue or are we gonna fight?

Don't question me.

Still Conan did fight with TurboWolf with Big IQ watching backstage. TW used his supernatural power and strength to pound on Coco for a good while, much to Maya's chagrin.

Punch em in the nuts!

That's more a Pete thing.

Conan didn't punch TW in the nuts but he did at least fight back, and tried looking for his multiple curbstomps. He couldn't hit a one, and the got taken down by a jumping lariat!

Wolf Trap!

Stab him in the neck!

She seems to be getting more and more desperate.

A kickout came after the Wolf Trap, but then Coco got powerbombed into the turnbuckle posts not once but twice!


The Infection!

But only another two count.


I like your grasp of the English language and ability to express yourself in a variety of words.

TW looked like he was about to turn on Maya, when suddenly he was caught with a school boy by Conan and pinned!

Winner: Conan Chanel, via pinfall

Wow! Well, it looks like Gory has an opponent for New Years Spectacular.

I always had adequate amounts of faith that you could do it.


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** Tyler Bryant w/ THE FLEX & Lorelei DeCenzo, Heavy D & The Warthog w/ CAM & Phecda & Al Houd vs. OAOAST U.S. Champion Oscar Friberg, Big IQ & CO2 ***

In a highly energetic tag, the OAOAST Galaxy got treated to another bout involving teams from the 2016 Anderson Cup teams as well as the two men set to meet for the OAOAST United States Championship at the New Year's Spectacular, Tyler Bryant and Oscar Friberg. Though their interaction was limited, it accomplished the goal of whetting fans' appetites for their singles bout at the NYS. But once again we had a match interrupted by the CAE when they attacked Ice Quiz outside the ring. 

Not this again! 

Not only does CW come to his partner's aid, the other teams the CAE attacked earlier in the night storm ringside too... and they WELCOME it!

It's anarchy out here!

Which is exactly what the CAE want. They dive inside the ring and allow others to get in a few shots on them! Every team so eager to take a swing at the CAE that some blows begin to connect with unintended targets which quickly turns things into a pier six brawl! 


With everybody fighting each other the CAE light one up in the aisle pleased with their work... only for HOOD AGAIN to get their hands on them!!


Moses and Kawhi can't wait for the New Year's Spectacular any longer! They want the CAE now!

OAOAST officials swarm ringside to restore order. The CAE wasting little time picking up their tag titles and hightailing it.

Winners: Oscar Friberg, Big IQ & CO2, via DQ.

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The state of the art interview lounge is our scene as Holly and Josh Matthews stand in front of the myraid of television monitors which display highlights of Holly's career. It should also be noted that Josh wears an elf hat.

You look like a (beep) sucking faggot.

You can't use that kind of language on the air!

Go suck Juicy's asshole, bitch. But first ask your question.

What everyone wants to know is can you beat Bobbi Cheesecake for the women's title at New Years Spectacular?

Holly slaps the elf hat off Josh's head.

You stupid jackass. I can beat anyone. I have beat everyone in the OAOAST!

You've never beat Bobbi, though.

Well no shit, sherlock. That's because I've never faced her. (beep)ing hell, you're getting stupider every (beep) year. Bobbi spends her time worrying about shopping and worry about whether Maya thinks about her when she fingers her whore pussy. I spend my time worrying about not a damn thing, because I'm The Angel of Death.

You don't worry about Gretchen Wright?

Why should I? I own Gretchen Wright's uptight prudish punk ass. That nineteen year old Puritan bitch can choke on her brother's miniature dick for all I care. Every time she sees some hope and decency in her life, I'm gonna be right there to take it from her. Just like I did last week. That what she (beep)ing gets for thinking she can upstage me in this (beep)ing game.

And you don't worry she's seeking revenge on you?

Ha! (beep)ing let that (beep) seek whatever the (beep) she wants on me. You just heard what I said. You ain't (beep)ing deaf in addition to being a faggot. Whatever hope and joy she thinks she has, I'll always be there to take it away from her.

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***Chicks Over Dicks W/Queen Esther Vs The XFL and Logan Mann W/Rick Heyross***
Ladies in honor of the holiday and in honor of you two tagging on OAOAST TV for the first time in over year, allow us to present this gift.
Is it a dragon? Please say its a dragon!
Hell to the n-o! Its this!
The heels tried to give their gift in the form of an early attack, but COD wasn't playing that!
Alix and Krista beating the bad guys off?
Really? Where at?
Not that type of beat off!
The XFL bailed for the comfort of Rick Heyross, leaving Logan to get beat on, not beat off, by the seven time tag team champions.
"C-O-D! C-O-D! C-O-D!"
No COD accepted here!
I'm surprised it took someone ten years to make that joke. Although given the level of idiocy that pervades these parts, I'm not shocked.
The XFL got back into the ring and he and Krista had it out with a bit of technical wrestling.
I do so admire the athleticism of the negro people.
Negro people?!
The XFL shook off a Krista headlock and went for his yakuza kick, but wound up kicking Logan off the apron!
I am done! I am done with the lies you told me when you said we were in this together!
Luckily, Heyross was able to talk Logan to sticking around, and it paid off as The XFL dove for a tag after getting pounded by Krista.
COD are freaks in the bed and beasts in the ring! And I know the former first hand.
Logan managed to hammer Alix with his WICKED~! left hook and he and The XFL took control of the contest.
This is what, Coach?
Black excellence!
Logan thought he might be able to hit the Liberation DDT but Alix powered out of it. Still, The XFL was able to come in and kick her through the uprights for 3!
Off the top came Logan with a body splash that earned a close two count from referee Brian Knobbs.
Everyone knows that was a three count, but the man won't give it to me! Will you man?
You idiot, Knobbs has to do this because of his numerous DUI convictions. He should've sent the judge nudes like I did. On second thought looking at him, maybe that would have got him the death penalty.
Alix countered, Logan's back suplex by flipping out and stunning him with a zig zag!
The Sweetie!
The Hollywood Bad Girl crawled to her corner, while Logan crawled to his and hot tags were made! Krista came and lit up The XFL like a Chirstmas tree, then dumped him over the ropes. Next she wowed the audience with a swanton plancha right onto the world champion!
Logan, however, brought Krista back into the ring and started clubbing her with blows. But when Alix came Straight Out of Compton with a springboard spear she shut that shit down! The sexy MILFs then shook their big ol booties to Holiday cheers and hit a double moonsault on Logan. The XFL returned to the ring, but it was too late for him to do any good as Krista hit him with a double vertical knee strike!
Lightning on My Feet!
And that was the end of that!
Winners: Chicks Over Dicks, via pinfall
Krista just pinned the world champion!
And if she pins Logan on New Years day she gets to keep her fifteen million dollars, and becomes number one contender for the OAOAST World Title.
But who will be the world champion? The XFL or Alix?
We'll find out at the New Years Spectacular! Happy Holidays!
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Inside the interview lounge the Christmas party is in full swing when all of a sudden Gloss and Sammi burst in more festive than everyone.


Ho, ho, ho! A merry Christmas to all my babes!

What's going on ya'll?

As dense as ever, Brian. Never change.

Awww Sammi, you can't insult peeps to the face on the holidays.

Fine, fine. So sorry, Brian. But we've come to lift your spirits with a Christmas tale.

Penned by yours truly, over the course of two hundred years!

More like 200 seconds.

I have vampire hearing, ya know!

Sorry go on!

There once was green monster named, Lyric...I mean The Grinch who hated Christmas, and kept her legs tight, so she never got fucked just right. The cocks were to small, so she never had a ball. But her ass was phat and she was flexible like a cat, so one day the town mayor made it his mission to lay her, so he offered to fuck her in his homestead, but she bit his head off and fucked me instead, the end.


You have permission to clap now by the way.

Polite clapping ensues as only Sammi and Gloss don't realize the horror of the story.

So in honor of a great tale and my personal favorite time of the year, so many presents, we're giving you exactly what you need for Christmas, and its not a sugarplum.

Or a sweater! For its the night before Christmas, and all through the house, the whole fucking OAOAST gets to watch us get fucked and we won't be quiet like church mouse.


You've got the gift for rhyming and literature even though you don't look it.

I feel like that was a half assed compliment if it was a compliment at all.

If you want nice words out of me, you know what you gotta put in me.

Get to the butt plug!

This is our show!

The butt plug!

Do you want to be escorted out?

The butt plug!

You'll get only a kissing scene if you don't keep it down.

Ooooh kissing, go on, swap lezzie spit!

Sammi takes the hint, and the lead, and invades Gloss' mouth, her tongue immediately waging war on the centuries old vampire.

God damn!

Sammi pushes and pulses her tongue inside Gloss' mouth, imagining its a dick that's making a furious fuck of Gloss' phat pussy. That will come later, Sammi knows, but for now she treats this kiss as if its the grand climax of their show.


Gloss moan, more like a purr, hums sounds around Sammi's tongue, dancing vibrations across it. Sammi loves the feel of it, and it forces her to grind herself against Gloss' voluptuous body, which only makes Gloss moan all the more, which in turn makes Sammi all the hornier!

I can't look! This is not what Jesus would want!

Sammi sticks her leg between Gloss' curvy thigh, getting right into that phat pussy she can't wait to see get fucked. The beautiful brunette mashes and bucks her leg deep into Gloss's gash, already soaked as if emitting its own personal downpour. Loving the feel of wet, phat vampire cunt, Sammi slams her tongue in Gloss mouth, capturing Gloss' own digit and holding it hostage for a brutal lashing. Gloss is crumbling, already brought into a mini orgasm, that leaks out more of her sex tonic.


Sammi breaks away from the kiss, pulling thread of spittle from Gloss thick lips to her own heavily curved one. Even Moss has to be turned on by the bridge of spit hanging between the two lusty Christmas Hotties.

So we're most assuredly past the mistletoe stage.

Time to deck the halls with ropes of jizz?

Time to deck the hall with ropes of butt plugs?

No, neither of you are right. I think Gloss has earned a Christmas cookie for being such a good kisser.

Sammi leans back on the floor, though not accustom to being on the floor like a commoner, if it means Gloss eats her pussy, she'll lie in toxic sludge. Pressing her hips upward, Sammi makes a present out her cunt, presenting it in all its glistening glory to the cunt-hungry sex crazed vampire.

Now that's a present box worth opening!

Gloss gets onto her knees, a familiar position for centuries old whore to be sure. But never has Gloss seen a pussy so inviting on a woman so beautiful. If she had any self control, she might take in the moment to admire the beauty of Sammi's exposed love hole, and her lengthy tanned legs. But Gloss has no actual self control, probably doesn't know the meaning of the term, and instead dives into this gorgeous girl's sex.

Ooooooh yessssss!

Sammi feels like she slips into a blissful dream as Gloss's tongue takes long lingering swipes of her pussy. Its not as if she's never been eaten out, but this the kind of spine tingling carpet munching she's only thought was possible in sex stories or staged porn scenes. Never did she think simple licks of her womanhood could be so intoxicating as to make her feel like she's floating through a sex themed heaven.

Holy god, Gloss!

God? Did someone say god?

Bite me! Bite me, you cunt loving vampire! Bite me!

Certainly not needing to be told more than three times, Gloss guides her fangs to Sammi's right thigh, and pushes them into the flawless skin, creating a trickle of red juice that she loves even more than girl cum, and semen. Sammi seems to enjoy that even more than the pussy licking, never having been bitten much less by a vampire! But Gloss knows she can't just feast on a human's blood all night, and returns to feasting on the human fuck hole in front of her.


Smiling happily at Sammi's vehement cries for pleasure, Gloss attacks her love's intimate hole like a werewolf on a piece of meat. Given the begging nature of Sammi's orders, Gloss wraps her lips around Sammi's own lips and starts the sucking she's so skilled at. Cock, clits, pussy lips, Gloss can suck anything with professional skill honed over three centuries. Sammi is almost desperate for even more, for a greater force in the pussy munching she's surrendered herself to. Thus she starts bucking her hips smashing her cunt into Gloss's face, demanding more and more steamy cunt slobbering bliss.


Ooooooooohhhhhhhh fuckkkkkkkk, get your tongue inside me you dyke bitch! Fucking eat me!

“EAT HER! EAT HER! EAT HER!” the party goers sing.

Sammi turns herself over to Gloss, leaving her body, her birth canal in the hands of hungering sex kitten. Gloss provides her reward for the surrender of her sex pressing her long snake like tongue as deep as she can force it within the human girl's twat. And what a tasty twat it is! Both girls spew their joy in hollers and moans as Gloss penetrates and fucks young Sammi.


Sammi knows she can't come all that quickly, nor would she even want to, and nor would Gloss allow her. No, Sammi knows Gloss well enough at this point to know that she's going to torture her. If being put under a maniac tongue fucking could be considered torture. If it is, then Gloss is a master torturer. Sammi erupts with a growl worthy of an apex predator, a deep guttural scream brought on being fucked to near orgasm after near orgasm. But hidden beneath the roar is the song of pleading, as such pleasure without release is literally painful. On the verge of orgasm and tears and orgasmic tears, Sammi hurls her hips up and down, ordering Gloss to continue to take ownership of her needy sex. Ownership and more is what Gloss takes, ripping her tongue through Sammi's insides and snacking on her cunt with frenzied sucking.


Please make me cum! Please?


You've got lots of problems.

Intense pleasure floats over Sammi, or more like crashes into her like a bombardment of her castle home. Her brain turns to goo, and sweet beautiful goo emerges from her spasming pussy. Into Gloss mouth comes her second favorite liquid, making a run down her gullet and into her tummy. Still Gloss has to control herself, if she used vampire tongue fucking speed, she might fuck poor Sammi into a damn coma!

Whew! Wow, wow, wow.

Not, wow, wow, wow. Ho, ho, ho! Its time for some jingle balls from two studs in a very giving mood.


The door swings open and in steps Blaine and Spencer, stripped down to their hot hunk nakedness aside from a pair of Santa hats covering their balls of holly.

Man, is it cold in that hallway.

One line and you're already off script.

There's a script?!

Of course there's a....forget the whole damned thing. Let's get these naughty idiots Gloss.

Gloss and Sammi work in well practiced unison, making a choreographed show of tearing off the Santa hats. With the head gear fallen to the floor, stiff ram rods, bold and ready to be sucked emerge to the gathered OAOAST stars.


Gloss giggles as if she hasn't seen a penis up close, which I assure you is far from the truth. Sammi on the other hand is focused, locked in with dangerous laser sight, as if she's about to deploy a missile on Spencer's cock instead of her mouth and tongue.  

Time for the Nutcracker.

What? What do you mean, what's going to happen to us?

You made it through prep school without knowing how to read.

Sammi is hovering her head just above Spencer's now oozing head. The drone floating for the strike. Spencer's head is reddish purple and pulsing with blood, just begging to be inhaled.

A large clear drop of pre-cum leaks out of Blaine's cock slit and was about to begin running down the underside of his vein defined shaft. Gloss feels herself moisten further, and her nipples poke fully from her breasts. With both girls at the ready, Gloss nods to Sammi.

Let's do this!

Delightful and overpowering heaven descends upon Blaine's dick as Gloss swallows his cock so fast he forgets to breath. Sammi, while she may be horny as shit, is a classy lady and plants elegant and loving kiss upon the long length of Spencer's shaft. Its a fond remembrance for Spencer, the feelings of high school cock sucking brought back by Sammi's exquisite ministry.  Meanwhile the spectators push forward to get a look at this stunning double blow job.

Yo, I think Spencer tans nude!

Sammi finally chows down on Spencer's pecker, encasing her puffy lips around the long golden meat. Yes Spencer tans nude, Alix. Sammi pretty mouth is more like a vise than anything at this moment, keeping mortal lock of his shaft during her descent and withdrawal. Even with his experience with her,
he can not believe the force she was holding with her lips only.

Mmmm so good.

Directly to their left, Gloss is gripping Blaine's cock with her lips tighter than Sammi ever has. Her head rolls up and down so fast her golden hair was a blur. Her giant jugs jiggled in all directions as she moves her mouth up and down rapidly on his stiff cock. Blaine is on a blow job cloud nine and even is forced to give his sister a cheesy grin when she looks to see how he's doing under Gloss gobble gobble.


Spencer's blurs into wild clouds as the phenomenal pleasure comes over him. The Welsh girl provides a delicious sensation of her hot, wet mouth taking his cock straight to the base and back out with rapid fire motion. Spencer's cock swells and his balls ache for release, but he has the good sense to fight back any sort of explosion, lest Sammi berate him in front of everybody.


Blaine snatches Gloss' hair within his fists, and starts pulling her head in a rhythm that's only in his mind. The Welshman brings her face so far down his stiffened pole that her nose is introduced to the thin wisps of left over pubic hair.

Gurrrgg gurrggg!

So very rough!

The thick long dick belonging to Spencer is almost as warm as it was hard, and its width accommodates Sammi relatively small mouth like a dream. She knows she probably looks like a squirrel bursting at the cheeks with nuts, but that's a look she's for sure going for here. After relaxing a bit Sammi tightens her lips and creates a firm seal, and along with a generous suction, she takes Spencer through every avenue of blow job heaven.

Mmmmmmmmm! Its delicious, Spencer.

Gloss decides she can play rough also, and fills her hands with his firm ass cheeks and claws her fingernails into his flesh. With Blaine locked down, she casts a magic spell over the glimmering head of his cock with a long stream of warm air.  The impact on his libido is devastating: he thrashes wriggled and squirms against her steely embrace.


The Hotties start bobbing their mouth up and down on the erections in a sharp, fast in synch rhtym, dribbling their entire payload of saliva around the meat and even onto the floor. The sluts are basically fucking their guys with their mouth, and the depth and pleasure of it all is astounding. But according to Sammi it has to stop.

Well then. On this last day of Chirstmas our lovers will give to us...

A cock in each hole!

And maybe a double anal creampie.

You can sing!

I've got some talents. Up and at em Gloss.

Up and in me, Blaine!

Gloss leans her body forward, getting herslef held up by the raw and powerful grip Blaine traps her arms with. The busty vampire's legs start to shake and her tummy does sommersaults as the downright exciting thought of having sex with Blaine for the first time is truly happening. Right next to them Sammi lets out an anticipatory groan of glee as she watches Spencer lay to the floor, his cock directing itself upwards and inviting her pussy to consume it.

Let's rock these cocks!

Blaine forces his man meat within Gloss' aged to perfection vagina. His cock is so huge that it feels like he's splitting her in two.

Sammi, I can see why you love this guy so much!

With each thrust from behind, Gloss can feel Blaine stretching her fuck hole out with his enormous shaft. In… and slowly dragging back out again, and then in even harder. Each time he pounds into her it drags a scream from her lips.

Holy Jesus, gimmie that c-o-c-k! Fuck me, Blaine, fuck me, fuck me! Whoo!


Sammi is moaning and crying as she rides Spencer's penis harder and harder, driving her crazy with each pounding thrust. Each one sends electricity up her spine and makes her whole body shake. In the heat of the fire, beads of sweat form on her skin, nearly sizzling from the heat generated by her frenzied ride.

Ohhh yes, Spencer, that's the way! That's the way, right?

Feelings and energy power up and run through Gloss. burning white hot far brighter than a campfire as Blaine continues to plow her into her from behind. Her perverted mind is losing it, deluged in a frothy haze of ecstasy as each thrust ignites an animal passion inside her, and she screams loud and long as the next thrust hits the perfect spot inside her.

I love this guy's cock! I may just have to steal him from you for good, Sammi!

With every thrust, Spencer's thick cock hits just the right spot, pushing Sammi deeper and deeper into wanton lust. Having forgotten how much she missed this cock, Sammi is reminded each time she slams herself down to its very hilt, filling her already sore cunt up with his fuck stick. For his part, Spencer is lost in the hypnotizing movement of her boobs, and reaches up and around to pull them into his firm, strong hands.


Yes! Yes! Oh, its fantastic, Spencer! Its fantastic, everybody!

Alrighty then! Let the merriment continue! Christmas is about family, and I'm so not gonna keep brother's cock from sister's pussy on this merry holiday, so jump to it!

Sammi pulls herself off Spencer, giving her a depressing feeling of empitness that's only sated by the knowledge her twin bro will be entering her any second.

So what position do you wanna do Gloss?

I think I'm gonna finger this one out. Sammi, its time you earned your s-l-u-t card! Can you take Spencer's cock in your mouth and Blaine's in your pussy? Do you think she can, gang?


I'm ready for it! Ready for them!

Spencer looks to Blaine for the final a-okay and gets it with a smirk and a nod. Thus Spencer has his seat in front of Sammi, who swirls her lips around his cock head. She drinks in the residue of his pre-cum and her pussy, a tasty mixture that she thinks she should have let Gloss treat herself to. But such generous feelings are pushed aside by the vast pleasure of Blaine sliding his meat missile into her drenched love hole.

Now, now, now!

What the lady wants she gets.

Spencer pushes his penis upward and Sammi's gag reflex kicks in, allowing her to engulf his man meat and all its tasty juices. Right behind her, Blaine plunges himself into a hole he knows oh so well and loves oh so much. Thrust forward by Blaine's aggressive smashing of her cunt, Sammi finds herself face fucking Spencer's cock against all semblance of her own control. She has no choice but to relax her jaw and let her mouth act as a cock sleeve, guiding a slick snare along Spencer's lengthy rod.

Ho, ho, ho! This is awesome! But don't forget about Santa Glass? She's got a hot one for her oven!

Eyes shift to Gloss, who plants her fingers into her needy, hungry pussy. They aren't cocks, obviously, but they'll do, and Gloss has gotten damn good at fingering herself over the centuries. So good in fact, its with casual ease that she slides her other set fingers all the way into her asshole. No lube required for this vampire skank! Having double penetrated herself, Gloss whores out, digging her way to her cervix, and through her anal ring. Its the anal fingering that gives her the most joy, Gloss afterall is the one who claims to have invented anal beads!


Almost as good as the butt plug!

Damn right it is! Now take those big cocks, Slammin Sammi! Let's go!

Blaine is an all business sort of guy, going in hard and using his superior strength to really work his dick into his twin's tight young vagina. Her 19 year old pussy stretches out further to accomodate Blaine's massive penis, which is definitely fatter than Spencer's.

Uhhhh! Uhhhhh! Owwwwww! Uhhhhh!

She quite loves it!

Sammi grins from the fierce pounding she gets and the waiting penis held hard in front of her. She opens her pretty lips, and plays a tender song atop the first couple inches of his long penis. With Sammi working her skills along Spencer's erect member, the other erect member plugs into her, filling her with its fat fullness that betrays the fact it belongs to lean muscular hunk of man.

Oh, they're so big and wonderful! I love them!


For fingering Gloss and everyone else  this is a damn beauitiful sight to behold. Just the way Gloss' fingers penetrate and hammer her cunt, Blaine's awesome thick rod is driving through his own sister's love hole. Her lean amazing ass is in his hands, his fingers keaning and pawing her buttocks like he was a puppy.  Spencer crams her head down more, getting a solid four or five inches of his penis inside her mouth and throat, making her explode with a gagging noise each time. She was being used, a hot Welsh rag doll between these two hung studs.

Ooohhhhh my lord!

Blaine lets his sister feel the excellence of his thickness and length, from the power of his deep dicking. Blaine grips her shoulders with firm hand, which does make cock sucking a bit more difficult. But Blaine's more concerned with the act of dicking down Sammi, forcing his pelvis forward, jamming his dick into her twat while Sammi jams Spencer's dick to the hilt inside her mouth. Everyone can see Sammi's face and skin glowing red from the intensity of the fucking. While she loves this over stuffed feeling, she knows Gloss is hungering to get in on the action.

I think Gloss needs some Christmas stuffing, Blaine.

Blaine nods, liking the idea of getting back inside Gloss' phat pussy, and pulls out of his sister. Again there's that empty sorrow that comes with being minus a dick inside her. But, Sammi has a lot more on her mind, and her face, than just missing her bro's dick. Because Gloss, using her vampire speed, has sunk herself down on Sammi's face!

She's sitting on her face. I'll be damnded.

Stunned by the sudden presence of curvy Gloss atop her, Sammi hollers out, which sends pleasing vibrations rolling through Gloss's vagina, and also allowing Gloss' juices to to seep into Sammi's mouth.

Are you gonna stand there like a load, Blaine, or are you gonna ass fuck me?

Not appreciating being called a load, Blaine angles himself to Gloss ass hole, puckered and ready for a rough fucking.

No need to be gentle with me!

Wasn't planning on it.

Being a vampire and having already tunnelled out her asshole, Gloss needs none of the gentle prelude human's receive. Thus, Blaine feels not a pang of guilt or worry when he submerses his dick into the canal of her asshole. Suddenly Gloss' rectum seizes hold of Blaine's dick, closing around it, increasing its tightness and making it so he may never ever be able to leave the vampire's rear end.


Can any one translate her noise?

She wants Spencer in her!

That must be an accurate translation, though not a hard one to make, as Sammi spreads her legs out into a wild and lewd V. Her gleaming pussy that's been so powerfully fucked and hammered already stands open, an easily filled target by Spencer's hard pecker.


As Spencer's dick stabs through Sammi's fuck hole, the welsh girl cries her joy with her tears soaking Gloss' thighs and her mouth speaking directly into Gloss' juicy cunny. With Blaine perverting her asshole, straining for it to widen around his cock, Gloss's horny relish runs wild over her body. Its felt the sharpest and most ringing within the pussy that's continually nourished by Sammi's screams and grunts.


Blaine grounds his cock inside Gloss's ass, but almost feel as if its the asshole itself pulling his dick along for the ride. Meanwhile Sammi's legs splay and flail, tan leaves in the wind, as Spencer thrusts balls deep into cunt. In and out the guys saw the different holes of the girls, but the reaction of the hard-fucked beauties is very much the same, pure ecstasy.

Wheeeeeee~! Wheeeee~! Wheeeee~! This is the best idea I've ever had! Best since I invented triple penetrations while in Switzerland.


I take that as agreement!

It isn't but a few moments, before Blaine and Spencer somehow obtain a mutual rhythm, a desperate pace, eager to marry their seeds within these tight holes. The girls are squirming, boosted on by the dicks that seem to have taken over their body. Then there's Sammi tounge swipes along Gloss' vagina, an ice skater dancing around the slickest of surface.

Whooo-hooo! Fuck us good! Fuck us till you break your backs!

You don't need to go that far!

Gloss begin to shift her weight a bit, slighting grounding her ass against Spencer's waist, and doing a slow waltz with her asshole and Spencer's deck. With Sammi beneath her, her face gets in on the dancing, rubbed and left slick with Gloss' cunt cream. Being drilled to her deepest depths by Spencer and having her face smothered and basically polished by Gloss, continues to cause Sammi to quiver and wail from her pleasure. But, of course, has an idea how to take her pleasure to highest level of heaven.


What about us?

Man, what a whiner.

You're still included! Its fun for the whole family!

After some shifting around, which is made much more difficult because Gloss gives instructions in sign language, the girls wind up in a sixty nine position with Spencer inside Gloss' pussy and Blaine staying in his lovely home of Gloss' asshole.

Holy shit!

Holy shitballs is more like it!

The boys are inspirited by this, its like a shot testosterone to their libido and they pound themselves into the girls, lashing their insides with a hard strikes of their cocks.


Gloss can't quite talk, because she's swiping her desperate tongue against Sammi's upper vagina, while at the same time scrapping it about Spencer's thrusting member. Sammi is indeed in the highest level of heaven, but perhaps her greatest joy comes from her the seemingly eternal snack provided by Gloss's pussy.tumblr_o06630DnP61rkiw19o1_1280.png

Working their hips in rapid shots, Spencer and Blaine are piercing their rods in and out of the Hotties, who are gasping, crying out and squirming within the mass of flesh all while they use their tongues to keep up their greedy exploration of each others cunts.  Sammi's legs shake and swing, spindled in the air and rocked by Spencer's repeated grinding into her. Gloss, body, bounces along sent into an almost musical roll by Blaine's powerful shots into her asshole, as well as her shitpipe's own tugging of his rod.


Almost joyful laughs come from Sammi and Gloss, as they couldn't have dreamed their scheme would result in such a tremendous fucking and such a captivated audience.  Exhilaration of sexual bliss throbs through the duo at this thought in addition to the big cocks that throb deep into their holes.  Gloss knows her asshole can take a pounding for hours, has taken one for hours, but she knows her partners can't last forever.

Cum on boys! Cum on!

The hot bodies gleam in the light and the sweat glows like the Northern lights, but the fucking is truly out of this world.  Blaine admirers the jiggle of Gloss' ass, a rolling bounce of delicious jelly that jumps with each thrust, while Spencer just tries to soak in the out of this world scene he's been involved in, while his cock soaks in the tight wet home of Sammi's pussy.

Idea! Cum in Sammi's pussy the both of you!

Fuck! Creampie!

Gloss makes the ultimate sacrifice, at least in her opinion, and lets her asshole be free of Blaine's rod. This allows Blaine to hurry up and fill up Sammi's cunt with not one but TWO giant cocks, one belonging to her own brother!

Ohhh my goooodddd! Its too much!

Sammi might protest a bit more, but if she does, her words are just dumped into Gloss' mouth thanks to a kiss that radiates fire from the vampire. Gloss even works in her fangs, nicking Sammi's tounge, which brings pleasure and pain atop the pleasure and pain of having her cunt overflowing with cock.


Spencer and Blaine combine to hold Sammi in place, although she's not going anywhere with two cocks impaled into her, and Gloss dominating her mouth. Still Sammi is squirming, traveled through the throes of passion and debauchery by being left at the mercy of these three. Even if she could talk, she wouldn't know what to say, or how to formulate. Now she just feels like a raw nerve, left exposed for the greatest sensations on earth. She doesn't know if its better being fucked by her ex-boyfriend, that her twin brother has joined him in unison in her gaping vagina, or that a supernatural being is lording over her mouth in such a savagely sexual way.


Sweating and gritting their teeth in determination, Blaine and Spencer firmly hold Sammi's wiggling body as they  bottom out in their pussy. Having not expected this, they feel gripped by a surge of animalisitc fervor that causes them to pump their cocks in Sammi's pussy as one cohesive double vagina assaulting unit. Meanwhile, Gloss is railing Sammi's face, sucking on her tongue, capturing hold of it and letting Sammi know its hers.  Sammi is amazed she can handle all this, and in a depraved way is wholly proud of herself.

There's thundering sound of cocks pounding pussy, and hefty balls slapping together.  They meet the cooing and gushing sounds of Gloss's potent probing of Sammi's mouth. Sammi's body is slipping and dripping with sweat, a mixture of hers and three other people.. The room is rank with the scent of that sweat and sex.

Now do it! Cum in our Samantha!

Finally, finally, finally, there's release for Spencer and Blaine. They've been holding it in so longer, and finally they can cum. The duo shoots forth a gusher of semen, white missile streams sprouting into her pussy. As this goo fills and then spills out her love hole, Sammi hollers and yells into Gloss's kissing mouth, crossing her words along Gloss' fangs, and then Gloss is ready.

A yummy treat for me!

Sammi lays back, exhausted from the near brutal round of fucking and kissing she's been subjected to. Her brain barely able to function, but still registering Gloss between her legs. She feels her to, her tongue lapping up the jizz that fills her baby canal.

Yum, yum.

Gloss sucks in the sticky, sweet semen, one of her favorite drinks. Its intense, drinking sperm from the pussy of her new best friend. There's a heaping of white cream to get out, and it starts dribbling down Gloss' chin. Her face starts to look more of a mess than Sammi's chin, but she keeps slurping up the creamy concoction from Sammi's fucked out hole.

Ooooohh, Gloss.

Until finally Gloss has a face full of cum, coating her flawless skin.

Merry Christmas!


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