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OAOAST TMW: A comedy/erotic e-fed

AnglePalooza 2007


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Across a river, over a bunch of mountains, through fields, sweeping past trees and bushes, hovering over the skyline of New York City, the OAOAST logo flies through the air...before sweeping down, brushing past an elderly man who seems understandably shocked to see six over-sized letters fly past him. The logo continues going, nearing a house...which luckily, a woman is leaving, meaning the logo can sweep through the open door, continuing on down the hallfway and into the living room where a young kid is sat on his computer. It sweeps past him, hitting the computer...which explodes with a flash, lighting up much to the kid shock and delight.



We fade in on a giant timer. The timer is counting down 10 seconds. We hear a crowd counting along.













The OAOAST Anglepalooza 2007 logo flashes across the screen at the same time the screen appears to be experiencing an earthquake. The classic WWF Royal Rumble theme song plays in the background, as not-Vince McMahon continues speaking. We see clips of past Lethal Rumble (and OAOAST Royal Rumble) matches.


At this point, everytime not-Vince reads the name of an OAOAST wrestler, the OAOAST wrestler's match-up graphic appears on screen, with their name on the right hand corner of the screen in big white letters. The classic WWF Royal Rumble theme song continues playing in the background.


For this, two silhouettes appear, each with a giant white question mark on their faces.



The OAOAST Anglepalooza 2007 logo fades away, replaced with a shot of the ruckus crowd at the Dunkin' Donuts Center in Providence, Rhode Island. The classic WWF Royal Rumble theme song continues playing.

B O O M ~ !

The camera pans over the ROARING crowd in attendance tonight. Fans hold up their signs, in hopes of attaining their five seconds of fame, while the following words appear on the top left hand corner of the screen.


The set: a giant AngleTron sits perfectly in the center of the entrance set. Underneath it are sliding doors to be used by the wrestlers tonight. On the right side of the AngleTron is a kind of big OAOAST Anglepalooza 2007 logo. On the left side of the AngleTron is a kind of big timer counting down the days until AngleMania VI in Toronto. The entrance stage is small, so that there is no need for a huge ramp. The entrance stage and the aisle are painted to look like a concrete road, to go along with the theme to the Anglepalooza logo this year. The ring aprons are black, with ANGLEPALOOZA written on them in the same style as on the logo, but in white. Black ring steps, black ring posts, black ring ropes, and black turnbuckles complete the package.  

It only happens once a year! The Road To AngleMania begins NOW! Welcome to Anglepalooza 2007!

Pan down onto our hosts for the evening, standing on top of the world famous OAOAST Wrestling INTERVIEW STAGE~! The classic WWF Royal Rumble theme song dies down.


Hello everybody, and welcome to our first pay-per-view of the year 2007! Tony Schiavone here, and with me as always, is the one and only Jesse "The Body" Ventura! And fans, tonight, we are in for one hell of a show! It is quite possibly the greatest Anglepalooza in the history of the One And Only AngleSault Thread!

Now Tony, normally I'd laugh at your ridicolous hyperboles, but this time, I have to agree with ya! This Anglepalooza could go down in the history books as the greatest Anglepalooza of them all!

We all know about the main event. The tradition continues. A 30-man Lethal Rumble Match with the winner to take on the OAOAST World Heavyweight Champion Drek Stone, who is NOT here tonight, by the way, at AngleMania VI on April the 1st.

The Champ's a busy guy, Tony. He's got that Ocean's 13 movie coming out, so he's probably putting the finishing touches on that film, and don't forget the press junkets. It ain't easy being the champion for the greatest professional wrestling company in the world, you know.

I know that, Jess, but I was hoping that the Champion of this company would be here tonight so that he could find out first hand just which one of those 30 men in the Lethal Rumble Match tonight will fight him for the World Title at AngleMania VI!

He'll find out soon enough. You know how fast word gets around in this day and age.

Anyway, this Lethal Rumble is a star studded Lethal Rumble. 30 of the very best OAOAST superstars will be competing for one gold: a shot at the OAOAST Title at AngleMania VI. You've got your veterans like Tony Brannigan, Dan Black, Alfdogg, who won the Lethal Rumble last year, "The Corporate Champion" Tha Puerto Rican, who will be competing in his FOURTH consectutive Lethal Rumble. You've also got your newcomers like James Riggs, Landon "La Cucaracha" Maddix, "Urban Legend" Todd Cortez, and "After Hours" Felix Strutter. And then you've got your guys who have been around for a while, but who have yet to reach the top of the mountain, and this match could be their launching pad. Colombian Heat, Bohemoth, Christian Wright, Jamie O' Hara. And who knows, maybe an underdog will win this match and go all the way to AngleMania! Spanish Fly, "It". And just WHO are the two mystery entrants? So many questions, all of which will be answered later tonight in the Lethal Rumble Match. But fans, not only do we have the Lethal Rumble Match on deck, but we also have the final battle between two men who have been at each others' throats for a long, long time. Zack Malibu will take on his greatest rival, Bruce Blank, in a Survive Or Surrender Match, and the man who loses this match...will have to retire from the sport of professional wrestling. Jess, what are your thoughts about this important match-up?

Well Tony, I tell ya, Zack Malibu is taking a HUGE risk by being in this match. He has NEVER defeated Bruce Blank in a one-on-one match before, and in fact, has been beaten up and been made humbled by the Redneck Superman on more than one occasion. Bruce Blank has pushed Zack Malibu to the brink of insanity, so it makes sense that he would challenge Bruce to a match where two wrestlers are locked inside a steel cage with a roof on top and no doors to escape through, and the only way to win is by saying, 'I surrender!'

That cage is hanging above the ring right now as we speak. There has only been one other Survive Or Surrender Match in the history of the One And Only AngleSault Thread. That match took place at AngleSlam back in August of 2004 when Zack Malibu took on "The Female Phenom" Crystal for the OAOAST World Heavyweight Championship. Zack lost the Title to Crystal on that night, but if he loses to Bruce Blank tonight, he'll lose alot more than the OAOAST Title. He will lose his very own career!

Well, we know one person who will be happy if or WHEN that happens.


Sly Sommers!

Right. Well, he might just be the only person besides Bruce who would be happy if Zack were to lose tonight. Will tonight be the last time that Zack Malibu steps into the squared circle? Will see the end of the greatest career in the history of the OAOAST? Can The Franchise finally beat his toughest opponent ever? We'll find out later tonight, but right now, let's send it over to the announcers for this evening's show, Michael Cole and Jonathon "Da Coach" Coachman!

Cut to Double C at Sofa Central~!

Thanks Tony! Hello fans, Michael Cole here, along with Da Coach as always. And fans, tonight is a big night! 8 matches are scheduled for this pay-per-view. In addition to the Lethal Rumble Match and the Survive Or Surrender Match, you'll also see the OAOAST World Tag Team Titles defended as Chicks Over Dicks take on the #1 Contenders, The Sooner Bruisers! Los Diablos de Fuego will hope to settle their feud against the Beverly Hills Blonds! The HI-YAH Tag Team Titles are up for grabs in a Triple Threat Tag Team Match where the Champions, Colombian Heat and Spanish Fly, defend their newly won Titles against former Champions D*LUX and "The Corporate Champion" Tha Puerto Rican and Stephen Joseph Popick! Reject battles Jamie O' Hara for the X-Division Title! James Wolfenstein takes on the man who paid off Satan's Foot Soldiers and The South Central Militia to attack him, the returning Gibraltar! And Princess Stacey makes her professional wrestling debut when she takes on Jade Rodez, who is wrestling in her first singles match on pay-per-view!

My girl Stacey should not be treated like this! She's a Princess! Therefore, she should have had more time to train! Certainly longer than THREE DAYS!

What? First off, she's not your girl! She's Vitamin X's girlfriend! And second of all, it was a member of The Lightning Crew who accepted this match! Remember? Ms. Lindsay Gonzalez accepted Jade's challenge!?

They can't hold off on this match? At least until Anglepalooza 2008?

No, Coach. This match is going to happen tonight, and that's final!

Coach makes the "sign of the cross" and prays.

*Sigh* Anyway, fans, let's go to the first match, as we kick things off here at Anglepalooza 2007 LIVE from the Dunkin' Donuts Center in Providence, Rhode Island! The tiniest state in the union has one of the biggest events of the year! Let's go to the ring!

And dear lord, please make my penis bigger.

COACH! We're on the air.

Oh sorry. Amen.

Coach crosses himself again. Michael Cole rolls his eyes.


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Ladies and gentlemen the following contest is the OPENING MATCH OF ANGLEPALOOZA!!


Buffer smiles, he always enjoys the roar of the crowd and tonight the crowd is definitely roaring.

It is scheduled for ONE FALL with a 30 minute time limit. Introducing first, making his return to the OAOAST – this monster stands 7 foot 5 inches tall and tips the scale at 502 pounds. Originally from Israel – led to the ring by the infamous Saint Andrew this issssss GIBRANTAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRR!!

The arena lights dim, only the AnglePalooza logos on the AngleTron are lit up as “Bloody Murder” kicks in. After a few moments, the entrance doors slide open, and Saint Andrew enters the arena followed closely behind by the giant Gibraltar.

Be warned OAOAST, the leviathan is back!!

On HeldDOWN Saint Andrew brought back to the OAOAST

Yeah and James Wolfenstein suffered the consequences, I was glad to see someone take that smug bastard down a peg or five

The lights slowly return to the arena as Gibraltar steps over the top rope and then just stands there in the middle of the ring, towering over the referee as he waits for his opponent.

AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAND his opponent. From Dayton in Ohio – this promising rookie comes into the match tonight with a spotless record of 10 victories and zero defeats, here is “The Lone Wolf” JAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMES WOLFENSTEIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINNNN!!


”Move bitch, get out the way
Get out the way bitch, get out the way
Move bitch, get out the way
Get out the way bitch, get out the way

James Wolfenstein pushes one of the OAOAST crew to the side and then marches through the curtains into the arena looking like he’s ready to murder someone.

”OH NO! The fight's out
I'ma 'bout to punch yo...lights out
Get the FUCK back, guard ya grill
There's somethin' wrong, we can't stay still
I've been drankin' and bustin' two
and I been thankin' of bustin' you
Upside ya motherfuckin' forehead”

Listen to the cracka’ trying to get some street cred by using my boy Ludacris’ track.

Or maybe he’s sending a message to Gibraltar.

The taped up shoulder is definitely sending a message, it’s saying, “I’m hurt and about to get hurt worse.”

”And if your friends jump in, "Ohhh gurrlll", they'll be mo' dead
Causin' confusion, Disturbin Tha Peace
It's not an illusion, we runnin the streets
So bye-bye to all you groupies and golddiggers
Is there a bumper on your ass? NO NIGGA!”

The Lone Wolf doesn’t seem too hampered or slowed down by his left shoulder even though it is heavily taped up, probably as a result of what happened on HeldDOWN. James steps up on the apron and stares right at the big man, defiantly daring him to make a move almost.

”I'm doin' a hundred on the highway
So if you do the speed limit, get the FUCK outta my way
I'm D.U.I., hardly ever caught sober
and you about to get ran the FUCK over”

When Wolfenstein tries to step through the ropes the giant Gibraltar makes his move and clubbers James across the back with his hamhock of a right hand that knocks James off the apron.

Good! Show the little wolf cub what it’s like to face a real man!

Come on now let the man in the ring.

Why should he? If Wolfenstein isn’t man enough to get in the ring he’s got no business being in the OAOAST.

Wolfenstein circles the ring, then leaps up on the apron behind Gibraltar, but once again he’s stopped by Gibraltar as the big man drives a knee into the side of the Lone Wolf. Wolfenstein falls off the apron, staggered by the blow to the head as Gibraltar roars with delight in the ring

The match hasn’t even begun yet!

And he’s STILL behind, I’m loving it.

Don’t forget that this is just the opening match here tonight.

Good! Much more carnage to come, I can’t wait.

Wolfenstein shakes the cobwebs as he tries to figure out how to actually get in the ring without getting clobbered by the giant. As he thinks he walk keeps an eye on Saint Andrew, the cocky manager who’s getting a little too close for comfort. James staggers, then grabs the guardrail to remain standing.

He’s done for, Gibraltar is just too much for him.

But it turns out to be a ploy to lure Saint Andrew in because the second the manager is within arm’s reach Wolfenstein grabs the man by his jacket and then nails him with a stiff forearm.


And then a second one followed by Wolfenstein hurling the manager chest first into the ringpost.

DISQUALIFY HIM!! He can’t put his hands on a manager!

The match hasn’t started Coach, can’t disqualify him for that.

James grabs the manager by the throat and his pants and then raises him high above him with a gorilla press and then tosses Saint Andrew through the second and third rope into the ring, right at the feet of Gibraltar. Wolfenstein’s plan seems to be to use Saint Andrew to distract Gibraltar as he runs around the corner and then slides under the bottom rope


The Lone Wolf only gets about half way under the bottom rope before Gibraltar drops his 500+ pounds across James’ back with an elbow drop that squashes Wolfenstein like a Goldberg match.


Gibraltar rolls through the ropes to the floor, then he grabs Wolfenstein by the throat and tries to haul him to his feet only to be hit with a knee to the nose. Wolfenstein finally has Gibraltar close enough to hit him and uses the opportunity to drive his knee into Gibraltar’s face three times staggering the big man. Wolfenstein breaks Gibraltar’s grip, then takes a few steps back to get a running start for a leap off the apron.


Holy shit Gibraltar caught Wolfenstein in mid air.

He caught him by the throat too…HOLY SHIT OUT OF THE WAY!!

Gibraltar twists around with Wolfenstein held high above his head and drops the Lone Wolf with a Choke Slam...




Monitors flying everywhere!

My god he could have broken Wolfesnstein’s neck with that choke slam!

The referee rushes over to check on James Wolfenstein  as Gibraltar raises both massive fists in the air as a sign of victory. It only takes the referee a couple of seconds to make the dreaded “X” signal to the back.


Hey let’s see the replay!

You don’t have to sound so happy.

Let’s *fake sob* see the *sob-sob* replay again then… better?


0==== Instant replay ====0

We see a slow motion replay of Gibraltar catching James Wolfenstein as he leaps off the apron by putting his giant hand around the rookie’s throat and then holding him up in the air. As he turns both of the Japanese commentators leap out of their chairs before Gibraltar drives Wolfenstein into the commentator’s table neck and shoulders first.


He hit it neck first, that’s all of his own weight plus the driving force of Gibraltar putting him through the table.

He’s a MONSTER!!

Trainers, Road Agents and EMTs flock to ringside both to keep Gibraltar away from James Wolfenstein but also to check on the condition of the rookie.

The camera cuts to the OAOAST Anglepalooza 2007 interview set. Josh Matthews is standing by with "The Corporate Champion" Tha Puerto Rican. The crowd boos loudly. Puerto is in his wrestling attire, and is carrying his black spray-painted briefcase with him.

P.R., tonight you will be pulling double duty, as you and your partner, Stephen Joseph Popick, take on D*LUX AND Colombian Heat and Spanish Fly in a Triple Threat Tag Team Match for the HI-YAH World Tag Team Titles.


Then, you will compete in the main event in the Lethal Rumble Match. How are you feeling right now?

Well, Todd, I feel...pretty damn good right now actually. Yeah, I'm not nervous at all. In fact, I am confident. Very, very confident that tonight I will go 2-0 at Anglepalooza! Because Marc, think about it. Just who am I facing tonight in the Triple Threat Tag Team Match? On one team, you've got two wussies who only wrestle because they can't sing OR dance to save their lives...and they're terrible at the wrestling part too! And on the other team, you've got a pot smoking, Ebonics spewing, doo-rag wearing, bling-bling having JACKASS! And teaming up with him, you've got a midget...or a 12-year-old...or a 12-year-old midget! Either way, this guy doesn't frighten me. In fact, none of them do! Which is why I am going to go into the ring later tonight, charging like a bull, and defeating "Showtime" Shayne Brave, "Tremendous" Tyler Bryant, Colombian Heat, and Spanish Fly TO WIN BACK WHAT IS RIGHTFULLY MINE, THE HI-YAH WORLD TAG TEAM TITLES!


PRL smiles evilly. He chuckles and strokes his chin before speaking into the microphone again.

And then, Kevin Kelly, after I am through beating D*LUX, Heat, and Spanish Fly, it's off to the Lethal Rumble, where I will proceed to eliminate 29 other jabronies! One! By one! By damn one! Until I am the LAST MAN STANDING! And then, I will go to AngleMania VI on April 1st, and defeat Drek Stone like I should have done at World Without End to finally...FINALLY...finally...win the One And Only AngleSault Thread World Heavyweight Title LIKE I SHOULD HAVE DONE ALL ALONG!  


PRL looks right into the camera.

And that is why, Dok Hendrix, I will be victorious tonight. Because, there is only one PRL on the face of this planet. And luckily for all of you Lightning Bolts, PRL works for the OAOAST! And since PRL works in the OAOAST, that means that he is going to win the Lethal Rumble and go on to fight for the OAOAST Title at AngleMania! Because I AM the Corporate Champ! Because I AM the P.R. Menace! And because I AM the single best damn Puerto Rican athlete, nevermind wrestler, of ALL-TIME! And that's the truth, Ruth! THE CHAMP HAS SPO-KUN~!!!

Thanks for your comments, P.R. Good luck in the Rumble tonight.

Anytime, Sean Mooney.

PRL tips his hat (if he had one), and then smiles a cheesy grin. The Corporate Champ walks away, with a swagger in his step. Josh Matthews watches him walk away and sighs. The crowd boos loudly.

CUE: Commercial

Fade in on a black and white screen. The sound of a heart beating is heard. A cheering crowd is also heard. A silhouette of somebody is shown.

He is a gifted athlete.

Another silhouette is shown.

He is adored all over the world.

Another silhouette is shown. The heart beating gets faster. The crowd cheering gets louder.

He is an icon in professional wrestling.

One more silhouette is shown. The heart beating is the fastest it's been. The crowd gets even louder.

He is known by many names, but you can call him...


The silhouette fades away, replaced with a close-up of Zack Malibu's face. Zack looks PISSED~! The heart has stopped beating, but the crowd is now chanting, "MALIBU!"


A montage of Zack Malibu clips plays, spanning his entire career.

And now, OAOAST Home Entertainment presents...ZACK MALIBU: THE FRANCHISE. A 3-disc DVD set chronicaling the career of the greatest OAOAST superstar, past, present or future! Featuring exclusive interviews with Zack and his greatest allies and enemies!

Clips of Zack, AngleSault, Caboose, CWM, PK, Northstar, and Candie being interviewed.

Exclusive footage never seen before anywhere else!

A clip of Zack hanging out in the lockerroom is shown. There's also a clip of Malibu standing outside his house. And a clip of Zack singing karoake.

And 16 of Zack's greatest matches, spanning his entire career, from his early days in the In Crowd to his recent rivalry with Bruce Blank and the Wildcards!


--The controversial title change at Beach Blast 2002!

--The 80 minute Iron Man Match for the OAOAST World Heavyweight Title between Zack and Northstar at License To Pin 2003!

--Both of Zack's AngleMania World Title wins!

--The TLC Match from HeldDOWN~! in September of 2005!

--And the recent Wargames match with Zack, Leon Rodez, and the Global Party Exchange taking on The Wildcards and Landon "La Cucaracha" Maddix from Syndicated in July of 2006!

Go inside the mind, and look back at the most storied career in OAOAST history!

Zack Malibu is shown hitting the School's Out to different opponents.

There is only one Zack Malibu, and there is only one DVD set like this!

The DVD cover box is shown: Zack is on the cover, naturally, striking a pose. The background is a collage of moments from his career. The top of the box has the words ZACK MALIBU: THE FRANCHISE written on it.

Get the story of The Franchise of the OAOAST. Get Zack Malibu: The Franchise this Tuesday at FYI, Best Buy, Circuit City, Radio Shack, Shop Rite, JC Penney, K-Mart, Wal-Mart, Toys R' Us, McDonald's, and Donald Trump's House Of Waffles all around the country! BUY IT NOW!

The generic rock music ends. And so does the commercial.

Cut back to live action with a wide pan of the crowd inside the Dunkin' Donuts Center in Providence, Rhode Island. They cheer and raise their signs up in the air, desperately trying to get on TV.

Wow. How eerie is it that a DVD set chronicaling the career of Zack Malibu is going to be release two days after Anglepalooza? Two days after what is quite possibly the final match of his career? Is this some sort of sign?

I don't know, Mikey. The gods must be playing a sick joke on us! They know how nervous we all are about this match, so they're teasing us about it! Gods are cruel!

This is certainly quite the concidence, Coach. I'm sure if Zack loses tonight, he's not going to be in the mood to pick up this DVD on Tuesday, and the man loves DVDs!

I'm sure Bruce Blank would buy it...and use it as a coaster for his beer.

Well, that might also depend if he wins or loses tonight, Coach. If he wins, he's gonna want to rub it in as much as he can. But if he loses, I don't think he can stand to even see a PICTURE of Zack Malibu ever again!

Well, in that case, I hope we lock him up in a padded room littered with nothing but Zack Malibu pictures after tonight!

I hope so too, actually. The Survive Or Surrender Match is coming up later tonight, but for now, let's go backstage to the tumbler!

Cut backstage, where Bill Watts stands at the tumbler.

We ready to get this thing started? (to someone off-camera)  All right, then.  Come on in, boys!

Reject walks onto the screen from the left side, and Alfdogg from the right.  The two exchange looks at each other, as the crowd boos.

With all due respect, Mr. Watts, I only see one "boy" standing here. (looks at Reject)

(laughs) Well, it's no problem.  Come the Rumble, I'll make a man out of you soon enough.

*crowd buzzes*

OK, you two have been chosen as the first two to choose your numbers.  Good luck!

You first.  You can have your draw of any number...but it won't matter in the end.

Reject picks his ball out, and opens it, taking a look at his number.  He cracks a big smile.

Oh, I think it does matter.

Well, we'll see.  Meanwhile, let me show you how a man does it.

Alf reaches into the tumbler and grabs a ball, then opens it and grabs the paper.

You ready?

Reject nods, while still smiling.

(opens the paper) Read it, and weep!

Reject nods sarcastically, as Alf turns and looks at his number.  Alf's jaw drops, shocked, as the crowd cheers.

(laughing) Believe me, Alf...I'm weeping inside.

*crowd cheers*

(slaps Alf on the back) Good luck!

Alf crumbles up his number, then watches Reject leave the room.  Alf starts to say something to Watts, but stops, and simply leaves the room in a huff.

*Call me (call me) on the line
Call me, call me any, anytime*

Well, Reject was in a lot more jovial mood than Alf was after those drawings!

He certainly was, but more on that later, our next match is about to start right now!

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The following contest LIVE on AnglePalooza, tag team action scheduled for one fall. Now arriving at the red carpet, accompanied by the Chief Financial Officer of the Enterprise MACKENZIE DECENZO...from Beverly Hills 90210, at a total combined weight of 460 pounds, SIMON SINGLETON and "THE HANDSOME HUSTLER" NED BLANCHARD, THE BEVERLY...HILLS...BLLLLOOOOOOOONDSSSSS!!

Mackie works it as she leads the former three-time OAOAST World Tag Team Champions down the aisle, swaggering her hips as men -- and some women -- drool at her feet.

What a busy week it'll be for the Beverly Hills Blonds. Tonight it's Los Diablos de Fuego, then D*LUX on Thursday in a second round Anderson Cup bout with a trip to the Conference Finals on the line and perhaps a rematch with Los Diablos if they win and Los Diablos defeat the Mardi Gras Homewrecking Crew as well.

Let's not walk before we can crawl. The Mardi Gras Homewrecking Crew pulled off the biggest upset in Anderson Cup history...

Thanks to help from the Sooner Bruisers.

Still, they beat the former World Tag Team Champions, the Heavenly Rockers. Everybody but myself thought Rico and Lucius didn't stand a chance, but they proved everyone...but myself, of course...wrong.

The crew places Mackie's director's chair at ringside and everyone takes their places.

*Humidity's risin'
Barometer's getting low
According to all sources
The street's the place to go*

Geri Halliwell's vocals booming overhead, the entrance doors slide open, and Los Diablos prance onto the pink and yellow lit stage bumping and grinding to the music. Then they put their border crossing skills to the test and make a run for it, tossing their sombreros and other accessories aside as they make a full sprint to the ring, catching the Blonds in the middle of removing their silver vests, i.e. off-guard.  

Los Diablos aren't going to waste anytime. They want them some of the Beverly Hills Blonds right now.

Figures. So do all the women. And we all know Los Diablos are women trapped inside men's bodies. How's that for irony? Women trapped inside men's bodies yet they love being inside men.

Speaking of trapped, the Blonds rush to remove their vests once they spot Los Diablos racing towards them and get their arms caught in the sleeves!


The crowd is smart enough to know the bad predicament the Blonds are in and so do Los Diablos, who slide in and wail away with stinging overhand chops. The sound of flesh meeting flesh echoing throughout the arena as Los Diablos chop the hide off the Blonds chests, which they caress beforehand. Mackenzie can't bear to watch the public molestion of Simon and Ned any longer. She jumps on the apron to show off her "assets". One problem: Los Diablos are gay and thus immune to her charm. Not the referee, however. Nick Patrick ready to jump her bones, but Mackie pushes him away and demands order be restored.

Bless her heart, she tried.

Having been on the receiving end of many sneak-attacks from the Beverly Hills Blonds, Los Diablos de Fuego have returned the favor and the Enterprise representives are rattled. Rarely do you see Mackenzie DeCenzo behave in the matter she just did and forget something obvious like Los Diablos de Fuego being gay. You can tell they didn't see this coming at all. In fact, I'm willing to bet they took this match for granted. They're looking ahead to Thursday night and their Anderson Cup match against D*LUX.

Oh, shut up! It's way too early to write-off the Blonds. See last week's AFC Championship game as proof it's not how you start but how you finish.

On their heels the Blonds dig into their bag of tricks and rake the eyes. Finally freed from their own attire, the Blonds whip Los Diablos into the ropes, but too hard. Before they can set for their next move Moraca and Mariachi are already on their way back, so the Blonds leapfrog and turn...right into a pair of armdrags and standing dropkicks!

Cut! Cut!!

The Blonds regroup outside while Mackenzie throws a fit on the floor, chucking her high heels at Los Diablos, which Mariachi puts on and parades around in like the little queen that he is, waving to the people.


There's a surprise. Not!

Ladies and gentlemen, their opponents...from sunny Cabo San Lucas, the sexiest tag team in all of Mehico, MARIACHI and MORACCA... LOS DIABLOS DE FFFUUUUUEEEEEGGOOOOOO!!!




Though the bell has sounded Ned is perfectly fine delaying the start of the match to confer outside with his partner and manager, much to everyone's chagrin, including the referee. So Mackie hands Nick Patrick a wad of money for the inconvenience and is scolded.

Give me a break. Since when did Nick Patrick become a man of integrity?

The day he signed a OAOAST contract.

Hey, it wasn't until a few years ago the company actually hired lawyers. Anything signed before then is like monopoly money -- worthless.


Simon finally enters the squared circle under threat of countout, and is quick to point out the high heels belonging to Mackenzie DeCenzo still being worn by Mariachi, the Diablo who will begin things on his side. Despite a brief protest Mariachi gives in and hands over the shoes, which are returned to Mackenzie who dusts them off on the ring skirt.

Now the action is set to begin. Some jaw jacking to start. Singleton letting the flamboyant luchador know what he's up against, poking him in the chest, and Mariachi reciprocates. Simon laughs it off and SLAPS him!

Gay or straight, black or white, you don't do that to any man, let alone somebody with a Latin temper.

* WHAP *

Mariachi returns fire and much more. Overhand chops and forearm smashes to the face. Amidst a war Mariachi still has time for love, kissing Moracca on the cheek to simulate the tag prior to whipping Simon into the ropes. Spinning wheel kick finds its mark, and Los Diablos teach Simon HOMIES HUG~! Ned steps in to save his partner and winds up on the receiving end of a DOUBLE TILT-A-WHIRL FACE FIRST SLAM! As if having their asses handed to them isn't embarrassing enough, it gets worse as Los Diablos feel Simon coming hard from behind (!) and step away to view the lastest Enterprise production and Fox TV special: When Blonds Collide!

Ned just landed on the cutting room floor!

Singleton staggers towards the center and a Mariachi SHEEP DIP. Mariachi cartwheels his way out of the ring, blowing Mackenzie kisses as Moracca wrings Simon's arm and rubs his hands against his genitals!

Yeah, a slap is much worse than this. Anytime you want me to rub your privates, let me know.

I knew you'd finally come a...


Don't playing games with my heart!

Simon circles around as he desperately tries to escape the arm-wringer, swiping at his corner in hopes of creating magic, that of a miracle tag. Ned does everything he can to make it happen too. Holding onto the tag rope Blanchard climbs to the top and leans forward...only to CROTCH HIMSELF ON THE TURNBUCKLE as Mariachi pulls the proverbial rug out from under him by shaking the ropes!


Forced to improvise Simon forearms Moracca hard in the face and lays in with brutal knife-edge chops. Sent in for the ride Moracca counters Singleton's tilt-a-whirl backbreaker into a tornillo armdrag takeover. Simon storms up and at Moracca, and is swept off his feet. Faster than you can say "OAOAST" Moracca leaps off the middle rope and onto Singleton with a legdrop.

The cover!




* MUAH *

The unorthodox tag is made, and Simon is brought down by a springboard twisting armdrag, his momentum sliding out under the ropes to the floor where he is happy to stay. Until Mariachi fakes diving through the ropes, then it's back in but quickly out as the Video Voyeur decides to let Ned have a stab at it. The cheers and applause from Simon and Mackie drown out by the boos from the fans. As is the trend, Los Diablos are disrespected by their opponent(s). The Handsome Hustler points his finger at Mariachi's face in righteous indignation...and has it sucked! Ned's like, "Oh, hell no!" and unloads with heavy rights. Mariachi retaliates and both men start exchanging chops. Knee to the midsection stops Mariachi in his tracks. Blanchard shoots him off to the far side and drives the back of the elbow into the heart, then down onto the sternum from the second rope!




Blanchard looks to slam Mariachi, but he's rolled up in a small package!






Mariachi kicks out and catches Ned in a victory roll.




Blanchard attempts a sunset flip...but Mariachi rolls through and grapevines the legs, struggling to turn the Handsome Hustler onto his stomach as he puts up a fight.  

Mariachi trying for Escorpión, or Scorpion Deathlock to all our American fans...

Or Sharpshooter to our Canadian fans.

...but Ned fends him off, jabbing the thumb into the eye.

Blanchard clubs him to the mat and tags Simon, who waits for his cue while Ned places Mariachi in a double chicken-wing. Trapped in no man's land Mariachi grinds his backside against Ned's genitals, creepy him out long enough to escape as Simon springboards off the top and clotheslines his own partner!

What a dirty-handed trick that was. Mariachi played to every red blooded American male's fear. He oughta be ashamed of himself.

Well, some would say you'd need a psychological edge to be succesful in wrestling.

Explioting a man's deepest, darkest fear shouldn't be one of those tools.

Simon and Mackie can't believe it. Mackenzie cries foul when Mariachi sneaks up behind the Video Voyeur and dropkicks him over the top to the floor! And while Mariachi is kept at bay, Moracca scrambles around the ring and cannonballs himself off the apron onto Simon below! Absolutely livid Mackie gets herself tossed after continuing to argue with referee Nick Patrick. The fans are happy to see it but not Simon and Ned, who pick up where Mackenzie left off and pay for it in the form of HANDSPRING CORKSCREW PLANCHAS!!


The fans are loud and proud, as are Los Diablos de Fuego. They toss Simon back in and hop on the apron. Moracca leaping to the top rope while Mariachi scales the turnbuckles. Los Diablos hit a SPRINGBOARD FAMEASSER and FROG SPLASH in succession!



THR-- NO!!

Count broken up by Blanchard. Pleading ignorance, Ned "apologizes" for his actions. Nick Patrick doesn't buy it and neither does Moracca, who's about to take care of business when he's restrained by the referee, allowing for some heel shenanigans as Ned rakes Mariachi's eyes and throws him outside. There he slams Mariachi on the floor, making him regret countering his earlier attempt, and WHIPS him with his own RHINESTONE BELT!

Careful. He might like that.

Will you stop!

The referee turns around the moment Ned loses the belt and places Mariachi on the apron. Of course he denies any wrongdoing when questioned, crossing his fingers behind his back in the process. The tag is made, and Isiah Washington's favorite wrestler suplexes Mariachi inside.

The cover.




Ned smashes Mariachi into the top turnbuckle in the Blonds corner and hammers away, driving the shoulder into the midsection before stomping a mudhole and walking it dry. Then steps aside at the referee's request to allow Mariachi out. Nick Patrick having forgotten just which corner Mariachi's in, as Simon CHOKES him with the belt!

Behind you, Nick. Damnit!

The Handsome Hustler is sure to capture the moment on his imaginary camera phone, which he shows off to Simon before re-focusing his attention on Mariachi, and eats a right hand. Again. And again. Mariachi fighting his way out of enemy terrority, crawling between Ned's legs to reach his corner, but the speedy Simon Singleton is there to cut off the tag. Moracca is forced to be restrain again as the Blonds drag Mariachi back to their corner and show him how straight guys tag team, beating him to a not-so-bloody pulp.

Haha. There you go. Show him how it's done, fellas. Although it might be a hate crime in more than one state.

I'm sure Theodore would be able to place a few calls on their behave. You know, pay a few people off here and there.

Watch your tone, or they'll have a case against you for defamation of character.

Following an illegal switch, Simon slams Mariachi and connects off the top with a big elbow.




Mariachi is stood up and dropkicked square in the face.



Mariachi's kicks out again. For his effort he's reward with forearm shots to the face, then sent for a ride into the far corner, tailed from behind by Simon who's unable to react fast enough when Mariachi's leaps off the second rope and brings him down in a sunset flip!




One step ahead of Mariachi, Blanchard knocks Moracca off the apron before Los Diablos even have a chance at making the tag. Ned reminds everyone of that as he returns to the corner pointing at his head. Another exchange by the Blonds, a proper tag this time around. Simon firing Mariachi off into the ropes and down with a drop toehold as Ned plants the point of the elbow across the neck.



But only two. The Blonds a half-a-count away from winning the match. Gutwrench suplex and a beauty. Ned looking to pick up steam as he hits the ropes and drops the knee...but it's caught and turned into a FIGURE-4 LEGLOCK!

How devastating a loss would this be for the Enterprise if Mariachi gets Ned to submit.

Ned Blanchard isn't Roberto Duran, Mikey. He isn't a quitter.

Ro--Roberto Duran? Who are you, the Coach or JBL? I mean, Roberto Duran? Wow.

Simon and Moracca both enter to prevent the other from interfering, with Moracca swatting down Simon's attempted dropkick to place him in an INDIAN DEATHLOCK!

Now both Blonds are trapped, and there's no Mackenzie DeCenzo to help bail them out!

Keeping a close eye on the situation is Nick Patrick. And what a task it is. Checking for a submission on one side, counting both men out on the other. Moracca breaks the Indian deathlock to avoid a disqualification. They want to win badly, whereas the Blonds are just looking to survive. Patrick escorts Moracca to the corner, leaving Simon free to gouge Mariachi in the eyes. Once he reaches his corner Ned looks to tag, but Simon can barely stand. Panic sets in as the Blonds spot Mariachi nearing his corner. Blanchard forced to suck it up in order to prevent the tag, bad limp and all. He closes in and...


...throws his hands up as the tag is made!

A devilish smile comes across Moracca's face as he knows he has Ned right where he wants him. Spring fresh from spending all that time on the apron, Moracca goes off like he hasn't had sex for six months, ravaging the Handsome Hustler in the corner with shots to the face.  




Moracca pauses to peform a pelvic thrust, adding insult to injury.


Moving at a snail's pace, Simon sneaks up from behind, and gets leveled by a dropkick. The roar of the crowd making Moracca feeling all tingly inside.

* THUD *


Oh, my!

You don't think...

Yes, I do. Stinkface!

Blanchard gets a faceful of ass. He crawls on all fours to the center of the ring, coughing and wheezing. Moracca actually helping the Handsome Hustler to his feet...to lift him up in the pumphandle and hit the sideslam.

Slippery When Wet!





Saved by Simon. Mariachi returns to the mix and all hell breaks loose. Nick Patrick tries to separate the two but gets caught with an accidental elbow. As Mariachi checks on the referee, Simon tosses him outside...but the flaming luchador skins the cat and takes the Video Voyeur out with him in a headscissors.

Inside, Moracca signals for the piledriver. Which is easier said than done. Having spent most of his strength on the pumphandle, Moracca struggles to take Ned up and decides against it.


What are they booing for?

They wanna see Blanchard spiked on his head. I kinda do too to be quite honest.

Urged on by the crowd Moracca is determinded to give the people what they want. Suddenly, a MUSCULAR BLACK MAN appears on the apron and hits Moracca with a BLOCKBUSTER!

No, damnit!

I don't know where, but I swear I've seen this guy before.

The man with a black shirt reading "CPA" places Ned on top for the cover just as the referee shakes off the cobwebs.





*Call me (call me) on the line
Call me, call me any, anytime*


Barely able to stand, the Blonds are carried backstage by the newest member of the Enterprise.



The Enterprise have done it again. Unbelievable. Los Diablos de Fuego had the match won. What I wanna know is, who was that man. Somebody his size shouldn't be able to do what he did.

In the words of Theodore Moneymaker, money talks. The Enterprise only hire the best.



FEBRUARY 24, 2007

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We go backstage where OAOAST Tag Team Champions Alix Maria Spezia and Krista Isadora Duncan linger by a catering table, engaged in a heated argument over what they should do with the family of rats in their basement. One says to hire an exterminator, the other says the rats have the right to file an appeal with the UN to be recognized as a sovereign nation. Try to guess who's making which argument. Just try. Suddenly the camera switches to a shot of Colombian Heat, bouncing down the hall, and flowing like Dre in his NWA prime. Outfitted in a pair of Bathing Ape Jeans, and red camouflage Bathing Ape t-shirt with black combat boots, while wearing his HI-YAH World Tag Team Championship belt around his waist, he parts the sea of stage hands and random wrestlers like a hip-hop Moses.

(Rapping. Loudly. Incredibly loudly)
Fuck what ya heard, this is what you're hearin, Colombian Heat up in ya television, tellin ya a vision with Nostradamus like precision. Got money on mah mind but no mind on da money, got time for the honeys, but no honeys for mah time.

(spotting Heat)
Oh god! Don't come over here, don't come over here, don't come over here. Please god, I'll do anything you want if you keep him from coming over here, I'll go to church, I'll give money to charity, I'll save orphans from burning buildings, I'll stop using my dead uncle's handicap parking sticker from 1988 to get preferred parking, I'll even be nice to Terry Taylor! Well, maybe I won't do that last part.

A devious smile creeps onto Alix's lips as she watches Krista try to gain the favor of a god she doesn't actually believe in.

Hey, Cypress Hill, where ya goin', dude? Come and chat with us, babe!

I hate you, Alix. I hope nothing but terrible things happen to you for the rest of your life. I hope all the millions of bad things that were reserved for other people, get shifted to you and you alone, that is how much I hate you right now.

Oh, hush, you know you love me.

Our new age Young Joc comes to an abrupt halt when he spots Chicks Over Dicks. His eyes bug out of his head and he does a complete double take at the sight of the Tag Team Champions. Krista recognizes this look and knows it means nothing good.

God dayum, there some fine things goin' on up in hurr! Why don'tcha turn around and let a ballla see whatcha workin' wit'? Ya'll bitches lookin' so fine playas in the next room'll nut!

(muttering to herself)
Of all the days to forget the can of mase.

Mamis be lookin good enough to eat, and Colombian Heat's always bout dat sexual appetite! Ask Beavis I get nothing Butt-Head!

So, who is this new character that God, who obviously wishes me a lifetime of misery, has introduced to further ruin my already horrible and unbearable life?

Colombian Heat, Krissy! He used to be in The Lightning Crew.

Lightning Crew be way in the past, babygirl. Here today, I’m my own thug. I ain't need no crew 'cause I am a one man fuckin' monster. I ain't need to join up with nobody no more. I ain't need nobody’s help on shit. Man, I am the OAOAST, breathing, shitting, eating, sleeping OAOAST. And I can’t be fucked with right now. I’ma forced to be reckoned with. Anybody dat don’t like it, they can drop a promo 'bout it and I will dismantle 'em piece by piece lyrically and physically. You smell me?

(muttering to herself)
I smell something alright.....

Oh snapple! For real tho Fives Angels, I heard thru some peeps about your mad mental clout, so I ain't even tryna fuck wif you. It's all love, b. I gots nuthin' but bowed head and e-fed hitz for ya, big daddy, to tryna get some of that knowledge, widsom, and understandin of self you be rollin heavy wif.


Word and life. Life and word. Colombian Heat the substance that'll make your third eye cry-too potent, too high in intelligence quotient.

Jesus Christ, Alix, don't encourage him or he'll never leave. Good lord, only by the grace of god there go I.

Yo, what thar mean?

It means she's going to start drinking early.

Hells yeah, mami! Sip on that Alize and get dis party right. I'm feelin ya sexy style, girl. And Alix, you feelin' the mental and physical clout that Heat be comin' hard with. But I got bustas like Tha Puerto Rican still tryin' to assassinate mah character. To that I say getcha mind right, Puerto, because you can't assassinate nothin' about Heat. I've always walked the walk and talked the talk. My shit is impeccable. I'm the boss round here. If me and Puerto were on a deserted island together, it'd be cool. I wouldn't have to tell him nothing. He would get the fish, cook the fish, get the firewood, start the fire, build me a hut and a stage and entertain me. Why? 'Cause I am the boss of that dude, and if he, Vitamin X, Popick, and the rest of 'em keep tryin' to roll on me, then they all gonna get they lives slowed. Ya'll go and ya'll tell him dat!

Wait, was that just a figure of speech or an honest to good invite to leave? Because if I could get out of this conversation without having to first commit some kind of bloody and horrific murder/suicide, that would be a miracle of turning water to wine proportions.

No, Krista, no you can't just walk away that easily! Why? Because the cruiserweight sensation, partner of Heat, and one half of the HI-YAH Tag Team Champions, Spanish Fly walks onto the scene, making things a bit more interesting.

What's up, Heat? Whatcha doing round here, man? We gotta go meet with those reps from HI-YAH for a quick photoshoot. What do you think is my good side, right or left?

You ain't got no good side, dats why you wear a mask.

A lightbulb-not a real one, that would be weird-pops above Krissy's head. She seems to think that she can insult her way out of this conversation.

Hey, what are you doing? You're not supposed to be here! You've got to take the magic ring to Mount Doom before Lord Sauron and his evil horde get their hands on it! Hurry along, my sweet hobbit, the fate of Middle Earth rests in your hands!

Fly steps towards Krista in anger, despite probably having heard that joke a million times before.

Woah, don't come any closer dude, you're so tiny that if you stand between my legs people might think I have a penis!

That's a nice shirt, lady. How much? Twenty five cents?

Try three hundred, Smurfette. You're four foot eleven and you've got a fat gut, I'd bet you'd be taller if you just laid on your back.  If you don't like the shirt, I can always change it. But you're short, ugly and broke, there's no shirt change for that.

Hold the Boost mobile cellphone, sister from another mister, or maybe from the same mister, which would make our couples therapy sessions a lil bit more interesting to say the least, I can't have you talking like that to my people!

Your people?

Di-di-did I stutter? Alix Maria Spezia holdin it down for Latinonation and Lesbination. For real tho, we got nuthin' but love for you both. One love, one life, one Virgin Islands. West Los Angeles, where the grass is greener, the crips are meaner, the gangstas ride and the snitches die. One for the homies on the mind, and one for the homies on the grind (points to Fly and Heat). That's my word, my bond. Peace Blood. Peace God.

Why must every Thursday of my life, and one Sunday a month, be filled with such unendurable hell?

Hey, Heat, that's one hard lyric Alix just said.

Word. Mad love for the blessings, mami. Ya'll stay fly and keep doing whatcha doin' in the OAOAST. And we gonna keep doin what we doin' in HI-YAH. And both of ya'll better be at mah victory party after I take that Lethal Rumble, because we gonna be up in da club beatin' that bitch loud! Ya heard?


With that the two parties shake hands. Or exchange a dap, if you keep it in the hood as I have been known to do. Passing a final nod to Alix and Krista, Heat and Fly depart for their HI-YAH photoshoot, while pontificating on how Expressionist playwrights may have interpreted the representation of the psychoanalytical interior world in this chance meeting of champions.

(turning to a nearby stagehand)
Is there some kind of gas leak in here?

Cut to Sofa Central. Coach is speechless.

I think my brain just melted!

Colombian Heat and Alix sure are quite the characters, aren't they?

What were they saying? I've never heard anyone in the hood talk like that before!

That's because you've never BEEN to the 'hood', Coach! You lived in a middle class neighborhood growing up!

Yo, don't insult me dawg! I'm down with the homies! Word to your mother, G!

Stop it. Just--just stop it.


Okay. So from that we go to our next match-up for the X-Division Title as Jamie O' Hara--

Who PRL says is the 'white Colombian Heat'.

COLE (ignoring Coach)
--takes on the reigning Champion, Reject! This match was a late addition to Anglepalooza, made only just last Thursday on HeldDOWN~! when Reject and The Five Burroughs came out and insulted the city of Boston. J-OH surprisingly came out and made the challenge, and here we are today!

This should be a good one. Reject vs. loud-mouth O' Hara. This has X-Division classic written all over it!

Indeed it does, Coach. X-Division action is coming up next! Let's go to the ring!


Fix Up, Look Sharp plays, the entrance doors slide open, and Jamie O'Hara walks to the ring, getting a tremendous ovation.

And the X-Title on the line at AnglePalooza, coming up next!  Let's go to Michael Buffer!

The following contest is scheduled for one fall, and it is for the OAOAST X-Division Championship!  Introducing first, the challenger!  He hails from Birmingham, England, and weighs in at 170 pounds...here is "THE BIRMINGHAM BAD BOY"

And Jamie O'Hara made this challenge just this past Thursday on HeldDOWN, Coach!

A very unwise move, considering that he's also got to go through the Lethal Rumble match after getting beat here!

O'Hara waits in the ring, as Renagade hits and Reject comes down the aisle, to the boos of the crowd.

His opponent, hailing from the Bronx, and weighing in at 235 pounds...he is the OAOAST X-Division Champion...RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRREJECT!!!!!

Reject steps into the ring, and poses on the buckles, drawing more boos.  He then hands his belt to the referee, who calls for the bell.


Reject and O'Hara circle the ring, and tie up.  Both men jockey for position, then break.

Should be a tremendous, fast-paced matchup here!

They tie up again, this time with Reject executing an armdrag!  Reject celebrates his feat, as the crowd boos.  O'Hara gets back to his feet, and ties up once again.  Both men go around in circles with the tieup, with Reject able to back O'Hara into a corner.  Reject slowly releases the hold...then slaps O'Hara across the face!

Oh, here we go!

O'Hara comes out at Reject, who grabs O'Hara in a side headlock.  O'Hara shoves Reject off into a corner, but Reject grabs the ropes and jumps backwards, thinking O'Hara is going to run underneath.  But instead, O'Hara stands behind, and when Reject turns around, returns the earlier slap!


Reject holds his face, then charges, but gets caught in a drop toehold!  Reject quickly gets to his feet, to be slapped again by O'Hara!  This time Reject backs into his corner, as O'Hara waves him on.

And it's getting heated here early on!

Reject slides to the outside to buy some time, as the crowd boos.  Reject trash talks with some fans, then steps back into the ring.  Reject and O'Hara tie up, and Reject backs O'Hara into the ropes.  He backs off, and delivers a CHOP~!


And another!


Reject then whips O'Hara into the ropes, and attempts a hiptoss, but O'Hara spins through, and hooks him, delivering a snap suplex!

And a terrific counter by Jamie O'Hara!

O'Hara hits Reject with a dropkick!  Reject gets to his feet, and takes another dropkick, sending him over the top to the floor!

And O'Hara with the clear advantage!

O'Hara runs to the corner, and springs himself over the top rope onto Reject!


Springboard bodypress to the outside onto Reject!

O'Hara hammers Reject on the floor, then picks him up and delivers a European uppercut, followed by a kick to the side of the hip.  He then tosses Reject back inside, and wrings his arm.  He delivers a kick to the midsection, and wrings the arm once again.  He delivers another kick, but Reject is able to use his free arm to push his head back, and back him into a corner.  Reject gets free, and delivers a CHOP~!



Reject whips O'Hara across, and O'Hara jumps to the second buckle, and fakes Reject out.  Reject drops down, and O'Hara climbs to the top, and hits Reject with a flying bodypress!




O'Hara picks Reject up, and delivers a bulldog out of the corner!  Cover...




A snap suplex follows, and O'Hara goes to the top rope.

And Jamie O'Hara looking for the early finish here!

O'Hara attempts the 450 KNEEDROP~!!!...but Reject rolls out of the way!

Nobody home, and now both men hurting!

Reject slowly gets to his feet, and shakes the cobwebs off.  He then hammers on the back of O'Hara.

And O'Hara, I think he may have hurt a knee on that one, Reject may not have noticed!

O'Hara gets to his feet, amidst the pounding, and Reject grabs his leg and trips him to the mat.

Yes he did!

Reject hooks a FIGURE-FOUR~!

Submission hold applied!  Will O'Hara give up?

He may want to here, if he wants to be in good shape for the Rumble later!

O'Hara struggles, screaming out in pain.  He valiantly reaches for the ropes.

Reject knows everything in there, how could I underestimate him?

O'Hara makes one last big reach, and grabs the bottom rope!  The referee forces Reject to break the hold.  Reject does, then grabs O'Hara in the corner again, and delivers a CHOP~!


And those chops of Reject are really being laid in tonight!

Reject whips O'Hara across, but O'Hara gets out of the way of Reject's charge, then rolls him up!




Reject goes for a spin kick, but O'Hara ducks, then gives Reject a kick to the midsection.  He goes for a whip, but Reject reverses.  O'Hara comes out, and executes a CRUCIFIX~!




O'Hara hops to the second rope, looking to deliver OH, SNAP~!

Could be that Blockbuster of his!

Oh, SNAP~!

O'Hara comes off, but Reject ducks and avoids the move...then grabs O'Hara, and delivers the EULOGY~!!!!!11111

He got it!  The Eulogy from Reject!




O'Hara gets a foot on the rope...


He got him!

Wait a minute, O'Hara's foot was on the rope!

The referee hands Reject the belt, as O'Hara complains to the referee from the mat.

The winner of the match, and STILL OAOAST X-Division Champion...

Buffer is cut off, as another referee slides into the ring, and supports O'Hara's argument, explaining to the official referee that O'Hara's foot was on the bottom rope.  The referees then confer with Buffer.

Ladies and gentlemen, the second official has informed me that Jamie O'Hara did get his foot on the rope during the count!

*crowd cheers*

Therefore, this match for the X-Title will CONTINUE~!

*crowd cheers*

Reject is highly upset, complaining to the referees.  He attacks O'Hara from behind, as the match resumes.

So the match continues!

That's not right!  Reject got the pinfall!  The referee raised his hand!

Reject stomps away at O'Hara on the mat, then picks him up.  He carries him over to a corner, and attempts to ram his head into a buckle...but O'Hara blocks!

And Jamie O'Hara not done yet!

O'Hara blocks a second time, then rams Reject's head into the buckle!  Then continues, as the crowd counts along!











Reject slumps in the corner, as O'Hara turns him around, then climbs to the second buckle, and the crowd counts again as he lays in punches!











O'Hara calls out to the crowd, which cheers him on in response.  He then sets up an Irish whip, but Reject blocks, then brings him back into the same corner, where the referee stands, as the two collide!

Oh, and down goes the referee!

All three men are down, in fact, as the crowd chants for Jamie.

And you hear the chants of "Jamie" going through the Dunkin' Donuts Center!

Reject rolls over, and gets to his knees.  He leans on the ropes for a few seconds, then pulls himself up.  He picks up O'Hara, and executes a fisherman's buster!

And Reject's setting him up now!  If that idiot referee comes around, we can put this one to bed with no controversy!

Reject next drags O'Hara over to the ropes, backs to the other side, and hits him with the ROLLING THUNDER~!  Reject gets to his feet and plays to the crowd, drawing boos.

And things looking very good for Reject, but he's got to save some for the Rumble, as well!

Reject slams O'Hara in the middle of the ring, then goes to the top rope.

This is it, right here!

Reject comes off with the MACHO MAN ELBOW~!  He covers, but still no referee, so he counts a fall himself.

See?  That's twice he's pinned Jamie O'Hara tonight!

That doesn't count!

Reject slides out of the ring, and grabs the X-Title belt.

And now Reject with the X-Title belt, so much for winning without controversy!

Hey, when it comes down to it, you gotta win any way you can!

Reject slides in, and waits for O'Hara to get up.  However, the referee is getting up as well, sees Reject with the belt, and tries to grab it from him!

And now the referee is back...

O'Hara gets to his feet, and tackles Reject from behind, right into the referee!  He then grabs the belt off the mat, and clocks Reject!


And Reject is out of it!

O'Hara covers, as the other referee comes back out to the ring...



Reject puts a foot on the rope...



And we've got a NEW champion!

You can't be serious, Cole!  Reject's foot was on the rope, just like O'Hara's was!


This is ridiculous, Cole!

Jamie O'Hara has just won his first singles title in the OAOAST!

Reject is going crazy in the ring, as O'Hara makes his way to the back, cradling the belt in his arms as tears well up in his eyes.

An emotional moment for Jamie O'Hara, he is the NEW X-Division Champion!

Back to the ring, Reject is still explaining to both referees that his foot was on the ropes.

And a tough break for Reject, as he was able to get his foot on the rope, like Jamie O'Hara did earlier in the match, however, the referees didn't spot it in this case!  I'm sure we'll be hearing more on this issue, but as it currently stands, Reject is no longer the X-Champion, that honor now belongs to Jamie O'Hara!  Right now, let's go back to the tumbler!

The camera cuts to the Lethal Rumble tumbler room. Vitamin X walks into the room, where "After Hours" Felix Strutter is already at. The crowd boos.

All right! I'm here! Now we can get things going!

X stands next to Felix. Strutter just looks at him and sneers.

Nice to meet you too! You're Canadian, right? Shouldn't you be cutting some trees or making maple syrup instead of being here at Anglepalooza? HA! HA!

Yeah, let's go.  I got a nice, little red-haired honey waiting for some After Hour delight.

All right, let's do this!

(holds his hand out)  Say, where is your woman, anyway?  (smiles)

Vitamin X steps over to get in Strutter's face, with a half-smirk.

I hope that was a joke.

Just draw the numbers, please.

VX turns the tumbler around and around for a few seconds. He has a smirk on his face the entire time. VX stops turning the tumbler.

VX (to Felix)
Now watch this!

X opens the little opening and puts his left hand inside. He pulls out a plastic ball. X opens the plastic ball, and then pulls out the piece of paper inside of it. He unfolds the piece of paper and reads it. X smiles.

HA HA! YES! BOO-YAH~! Today is a good day for me!

X turns his attention to Strutter.

Good luck, FELIX! Heh, Felix. Seriously, THAT'S your name!? Really? I mean, I know that Canadians are ass backwards compared to Americans, but man, I didn't know you guys had such lame names too! Well, who knows, maybe you'll become OAOAST World Heavyweight Champion at AngleMania VI! Just think, OAOAST World Heavyweight Champion...FELIX Strutter! HAHAHAHAHAHA! Keep dreaming, bud! See you in the Lethal Rumble Match!

X slaps Felix's right shoulder.

Yeah, I'll see you there, "Prince Vitamin".  Make fun of my name, but at least my father wasn't named after a breakfast cereal.

(In Strutter's face again)  You take that back!

Draw the number, Felix!

Felix draws his number, and sighs.

(deep breath) Looks like I'm in for a long night...in and out of the ring, haha!

Strutter walks away as VX looks on angrily.

*cut to Sofa Central*

Some very interesting interaction between those two, but right now, let's go to Josh Matthews, who is looking to get an interview with a very special guest!

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We cut to the backstage area and a shaky frame as the camera follows Josh Matthews jogging towards a group of men chatting.

PK!  Can I talk to you for a minute?

The other road agents tell Knight they will catch up with him later and leave, leaving Josh and Knight.

I just wanted to get your thoughts about tonight's Survive or Surrender match.  You and Zack Malibu never really had a match together, but you and Axel did put a $100,000 bounty on his head for the Lethal Rumble match last year and then cost him the match.  Will you be rooting for Bruce Blank tonight?

Knight ponders the answer for a minute.

Do I want Zack to lose this match.  You know, my opinion of Zack Malibu hasn't changed much in the year since I laid him out after I won the title.  I still think that, though he's a hell of a wrestler, he has no problem stepping on people that get in his way and has one of the biggest egos that I have ever come across in this buisness.  When he brought Bruce and those guys in last year only to have them turn on him.....I gotta admit, that made me smile a bit to see Zack get his for once.  On the other hand, I can't really agree with some of the things that Bruce has done over the last few months.  I may not like Zack all that much, but from the dealings I've had with the SWF, I don't really hold anyone that comes from there in very high regard either.  

So.....who would you like to win tonight?

Honestly......I don't care if they send each other to the hospital for a month after this match.  Is that all?

Josh nods and Knight takes his leave as we go back to ringside.

So much emotion going into the Survive Or Surrender Match! Peter Knight just came out and said that he doesn't give a damn who wins tonight.

Can't say I'm surprised with his answer, Mikey. We all know what happened at LAST year's Anglepalooza. Some things never change.

I know, Coach. Still, I was hoping that Knight would pick either Zack or Bruce to root for, preferably Zack. But nothing we can do about that now. All we can do is wait, and keep on waiting until the Survive Or Surrender Match between Bruce Blank and Zack Malibu finally happens later tonight!

Cut to

A nice ass~! In tights~! And it's a girl too~! It's Princess Stacey, doing some last minute stretching in the backstage area.


I know, Coach. I know. Princess Stacey warming up for her match against Jade Rodez coming up in just a few moments.


The crowd boos. Ms. Lindsay Gonzalez shows up on screen. Princess Stacey spots her and turns around.

So, you're ready to do this?

Ummm...I think so. *Gulp*

*Chuckles* Don't worry, girl. You'll do fine. You know I've got your back. Now come on! Let's teach that PUTA a lesson!


Princess Stacey makes sure her tiara is in place, and then takes a deep breath. Lindsay puts her right arm over Stacey's shoulders as the two of them walk out of the shot. The crowd boos.


The AngleTron lights up with the words PRINCESS STACEY in pink cursive font as "Maneater" by Nelly Furtado starts playing. Which can only mean one thing. And if you don't know what that is after that opening line, you might as well stop reading now because you're an idiot.



Well, it looks like Stacey actually going to go through with this. Not that she has much choice with a contract signed and sealed, but still.

Oh, I wish we had a contract signed and sealed together.

Try to control yourself would you? The last thing you need is another restraining order filed against you.

The entrance doors slide open, and Princess Stacey comes out with a look of disgust on her face. With her left hand on her left hip and a sneer on her face, Stacey points to the tiara on the top of her head, and then walks to the ring, jawing with the fans along the way. She's not alone though, as The Lightning Crew's other female member, Ms. Lindsay Gonzalez, follows Stacey out.

Ladies and gentlemen, the following women's match is scheduled for one fall! On the way to the ring, being accompanied by Ms. LINDSAY GONZALEZ! From Tampa, Florida... she represents THE LIGHTNING CREW... PPRRRRIIIIIIINNCCEEEEEEESSSSSS... SSSSSTTAAAAAAAAAACCCEEEEEEEYYYYYYY!!!


Princess Stacey climbs the ring steps, wipes her shoes on the ring apron, and then enters the ring under the second rope. Stacey stretches her arms out and walks around the ring, an arrogant smirk on her gorgeous face. Which isn't enough to prevent the boos, Lindsay about the only one in the arena applauding The Princess in the entire state of Rhode Island right about now. To her credit, Stacey has come dressed to compete, actually wearing a blue sports bra and customized black short tights with PRINCESS written on the rear in pink cursive font, with a small diamond used to dot the I. Not bad for a non-wrestler, huh?

Alright, Stacey looks ready!

I wouldn't go that far. Stacey...

That's Princess Stacey to you! I don't have to use the prefix because we're close friends, you however do.

Okay, Princess Stacey, has never wrestled in her lifetime. That we know of. I heard some rumours from Colombian Heat about something she got up to in her college days, but at the risk of a lawsuit I'll steer clear of them. On a completely unrelated note, I happened to bring some Jello out here with me. Just incase, you know.


As Stacey goes through some very half-hearted looking warm-ups in the centre of the ring, Daft Punk's "One More Time" starts up. To a much warmer reception than her opponent's music, as the pigtailed Jade Rodez storms out, already pointing fingers and making threats to The Princess as she stomps down the aisle!

And, her opponent! From Grand Rapids, Michigan... JJAAAAAAADDEEEE RRRRROOOOOOODDEEEEEEEZZZZZZZZ!!!


Jade doesn't take so much as a backwards step, rolling into the ring and sending Princess Stacey ducking for cover. Referee Charles Robinson is forced to step in and hold Jade at bay, as Lindsay rushes around ringside, pretending to hold back Princess Stacey, who looks on wide-eyed.

Well, unlike Princess Stacey, Jade Rodez at least has some professional wrestling experience. She's got a couple of matches under her belt, but progressed into a managerial role once the Women's Division mysteriously disappeared.

Yeah, did we ever find them girls?

Missing Presumed Dead.


To go with the purple and black boxing shorts, Jade also has some mad boxing skills, shadow-boxing as she looks down at Princess Stacey. Suddenly The Princess doesn't look quite so confident with life, Lindsay trying to give her a pep-talk, but struggling to be heard over the chants of "JADE!", "JADE!", "JADE!".

Well folks, first time we've had women's action on Pay Per View in a long time. Don't expect this to be a catch-as-catch-can classic. This going to be more of a catfight than a wrestling match, but it should be entertaining nonetheless. Jade Rodez, looking to give Princess Stacey a little of what she's got coming after her turning of coat and dumping of Colombian Heat to join The Lightning Crew.

What the hell does 'catch-as-catch-can' mean anyway?


Cautious to say the least, Princess Stacey climbs the steps into the ring, Lindsay yelling at the referee to keep the firey Rodez sibling back. Once Stacey is finally in the ring, the referee then calls for the bell...


...and as soon as Jade moves in, Princess Stacey moves out, scrambling out of the ring before any physical contact can be made!


Oh come on!

Hey, don't rush her! You wouldn't rush Picasso in mid-painting, you wouldn't rush Beethoven in the middle of one of his pieces, why rush Princess Stacey?

As Lindsay and The Princess go into a conference on the floor, Jade sits back and waits, arms folded. Eventually the girls high-five and Princess Stacey is ready to go. Stacey even goes so far as do dare Jade on as she climbs back into the ring, putting up an unconvincing fighting stance. In moves Jade, her fighting stance a little more threatening. And seeing the two balled up fists ready to pound the good looks out of her, Stacey freaks out again and scrambles back out of the ring!


We could be here all day at this rate.

What's wrong with that? The sofa's comfortable enough, we've got Mountain Dew on tap and one thing's for sure, the view is EXCELLENT!

You do know that Jade's brother Leon is watching on PPV tonight, right?

I wasn't talking about her, idiot.

Another team conference starts up between Stacey and Lindsay, who seems to be guiding The Princess point by point through what she should do. Unfortunately, her plan doesn't reason for the chance of Jade Rodez exiting the ring on the two Lightning Crew ladies' blindsides, grabbing them both by the hair...




HEY! No fair!

As both girls go down, Jade finally has her hands on Princess Stacey and throws her back into the ring. Despite being clearly groggy already, begging off is Stacey's first instinct. Of course, it won't work as Jade climbs to the apron and heads after The Princess. But as Stacey fears for her life and clings onto referee Robinson, Lindsay does some clinging of her own, grabbing Jade's ankle before she can get fully into the ring! Jade tries to kick Ms. Lindsay off, but can't do so, before Stacey runs over and boots Jade in the head!


Well, so far Lindsay has been as involved in this match as Stacey is.

And she's got a legally binding manager's license, so she's got every right to be out here tonight.

If she keeps this up, she might not last long. If Robinson catches her, no manager's license is going to stop him from throwing her butt out of here.

He'd better not do. Her butt is the only thing keeping me sane with you jabbering on next to me!

Princess Stacey almost looks stunned that she's even on the attack. She boots Jade in the head again, but after that she looks lost, asking Lindsay for advice on what to do next. Lindsay tells her to make the cover and she does just that...


...getting hardly any body-to-body on the shoulders and allowing an easy kickout.

I'm not sure how much work Princess Stacey has done in preparation for this match. Her fundamentals look like they need some work.

They look fine from where I'm sitting.

Beginning to pull herself up, a scowl has formed on Jade's face. She came in POed and now she's even angrier. Again Princess Stacey seems to panic, but Lindsay encourages her to stay on the offence. So Stacey measures Jade, making a big deal out of dropping the big elbow...

...and missing, hopelessly!

Oh dear.

The Providence crowd laugh it up at Stacey's expense, as she comes back up holding her right arm. Jade is waiting on her and rears back, landing a big elbow strike that knocks The Princess back off of her feet! Going back into retreat, Princess Stacey tries to crawl on her hands and knees to get away. Jade drags her back up though, rearing back and popping 'poor' Stacey with another elbow to the jaw!

Come on, show some mercy! She's not a wrestler!

Then she's kinda in the wrong business.

It's looking bad for Stacey now, which prompts Lindsay to climb to the apron, complaining about the use of the elbow. That distraction seems to work, as Jade turns her attention to Lindsay. Allowing Princess Stacey a window back into the match, sneaking up behind Jade and grabbing hold of her by the pigtails, dragging her to the canvas hard! Off the apron jumps Lindsay, the plan taken care of, leaving Princess Stacey to pick up the offence with some blatant choking!


Princess Stacey knows just about enough to break before five, still earning herself a warning from Robinson.


Ignoring the chants, the suddenly confident Princess drags Jade back up by the hair. And with the pigtails in hand, she throws Jade forward, turning her inside out with the ever popular Hairmare! Stacey holds out her arms and laughs maniacally as she sees Jade writhing on the canvas, nursing her scalp.

The Princess is taking over now. Maybe little Jade bit off a little more than she could chew, daring to challenge The Princess.

Maybe she didn't think she'd be getting into a Handicap Match.

What are you talking about!?

Oh, please.

With the hair again, Stacey sets Jade up once more, performing the Hairmare for a second time. Jade ends up hurt by the ropes as Stacey pulls the left-over strands of hair from between her fingers. Another warning is coming from Robinson. And Lindsay Gonzalez takes complete advantage, as she grabs Jade's head and begins to choke her across the bottom ring rope!!


Come on Coach, what about that!? Do you not see that!?

I'm looking at Princess Stacey and so should you be!

You're too much, really.

Lindsay breaks the choke just before she can be caught by the referee. Leaving Princess Stacey to dot the Is and cross the Ts on the situation with a cover...




With Jade still down, Stacey quickly leaps up and hits a Kneedrop! The crowd boo react like she just Pedigreed someone.

Oh yes! Perfect execution!

Princess Stacey pulls Jade up now and Lindsay tells her to 'go for it'. Nodding in agreement, Stacey reaches down, managing to muscle Jade up and down with a Bodyslam!!



Scoop and a slam from Princess Stacey.

Oh boy, this is great! The Princess is making you and everyone moron in this arena eat their words right about now, she's out-wrestling Jade Rodez.

I wouldn't go that far.

I would! Go for the IntenseZone Elbow next Stacey!!

Princess Stacey sneers out at the crowd now and laps it up. After the mocking she's recieved so far, she's going to soak up every moment of this dominance.

Unfortunately though, she gets a little too arrogant. With Stacey's back turned, Jade begins to pull herself back up on the ropes. Lindsay sees another opening and jumps to the apron to try and interfere. She pays for it though, as Jade catches her by the hair and pulls her up on the apron, firing off an elbow strike that knocks Lindsay back to the arena floor butt first!!


There goes the first line of defence!

Turn around Stacey! Please turn around!

Hearing the cheers of the Rhode Island natives, Princess Stacey knows that something must be up. As she turns around, she finds herself confronted with Jade Rodez, fists clenched and ready to kick some royal ass! Princess Stacey's lip quivers as she tries to beg off. But it's not going to work, as Jade grabs her around the neck and drives her into the corner, Stacey trying to claw her away, to no avail...



...as Jade lands a knifedge chop! Princess Stacey's eyes bug out and she screams in pain, as Jade pins her back again...



...and lands a second knifedge to the chest! Stacey obviously isn't used to the stinging effects of getting chopped in the chest and doesn't cope with it well, jumping around in the corner, flapping her hands like a maniac as she complains about the pain!

Stop it! Why, of all the things in the world you could to to a young woman like Stacey, would you do that!?

Probably for the enjoyment of the Grade A hissy fit she's throwing now.

The Princess looks close to tears right now, a bit of a pathetic sight. One which every fan in the arena is enjoying right now. Hey, let's face it, she had it coming. As Stacey still tries to stop the stinging, actually trying to fan her own chest in a lame attempt to quell the pain. Jade drags her out of the corner with an Irish whip, Princess Stacey going coast to coast into the opposite turnbuckles. As Stacey lays hurt in the corner, Rodez then runs in and lands two knees in the already hurting chest!

Double Kneeeees! The end is in sight!

Curled up against the bottom turnbuckle, Stacey looks like a stroppy child who doesn't want to play anymore. A stroppy shild with a possible bust sternum. Her defence doesn't work, about to be taken to the naughty step by Jade Rodez as she's pulled up by the hair. There's only one thing left for Princess Stacey.

The eyes.


Ugh, she clawed her right in the eyes! Those fingernails might have blinded Jade right there!

For a moment Princess Stacey is too hurt to follow up. But as the stinging begins to subside a little in her chest, Stacey finally realises she's in a fight. And if she's going to survive, she's going to have to fight back. Stacey goes to the eyes once more with another cruel rake of the face, now talking trash to the youngest Rodez sibling. Letting out an evil laugh, Stacey then pulls back...


...and slaps Jade right across the cheek!

Biiig mistake.



Uh-oh? What do you mean uh-o... uh-oh! Uh-oh! RUN STACEY!

The slap doesn't put Jade down. It doesn't even put her on the backfoot. It hurts, don't get that wrong. But it also pisses Jade the hell off!! Princess Stacey's sneer quickly disappears as she sees Jade is still standing and now glaring a hole right through her, panicking and looking for some help from Lindsay Gonzalez. Of course, Lindsay is still down though. So Stacey starts to plead for her li...

...WHAM! Elbow strike ends the pleading! Another elbow! Another! Another!



...and a reciept for the slap, Jade paintbrushing the stunned Stacey right across the face! As Stacey falls back into the ropes, Jade grabs the arm and sends her across the ring with an irish whip. As The Princess comes back, Jade ducks her head and sends her overhead with a hair-raising BAAAAACKbody Drop!! The force of which dislodges Princess Stacey's tiara, which ends up a couple of feet away. Symbolically, Jade walks over and STOMPS ON THE TIARA, BENDING IT IN THE MIDDLE!!


I think The Princess has been dethroned!

How dare that fat peasant crush The Princess' crown with her giant manly feet!? How dare she! How dare she!?

Calm down Coach! She can probably find the brand of Christmas crackers she found it in cheap now it's January!


If Stacey knew what just happened, no doubt she'd be furious. It's doubtful she knows anything about much at all right now as she is dazed from the backdrop. As she slowly climbs back to her feet, Stacey does notice something is up though. She glances up, feeling the lack of a tiara, reaching up and checking her head. Nothing.

No time to worry about that though.





The cover!






Paybacks are a bitch!


Ladies and gentlemen, your winner of the match... JJJAAAAAAAAADDEEEE... RRRROOOOOOODDEEEEEZZZZZZ!!!


Just now sitting up on the outside, Lindsay looks into the ring and is horrified, as Jade Rodez stands over The Princess, victorious. And, to boot, THE TIARA HAS BEEN BROKEN~! I can't put over how serious that is, people, I really can't. Jade looks down at The Princess with a vengeful smile, pointing down at the motionless Stacey and telling her 'that was for Colombian Heat', before working the crowd behind her.

In the end, Princess Stacey was out of her depth. And she might need to dip into her boyfriend's wallet after this one. A new tiara and possibly some expensive dental work, Vitamin X better get the cheque book ready.

How can you be so heartless!? Poor Stacey got kicked in the face, she shouldn't have to be subjecting to this sort of abuse! This never should of happened!

But it did.

You're a cruel, cruel man Michael Cole.

Don't judge me!


...more coming up on AnglePalooza.

Jade now leaves the ring and begins to tag hands all the way up the aisle. Meanwhile, Lindsay checks on Stacey, who is still seeing stars. Lindsay picks up the mangled tiara and quickly hides it behind her back as Stacey woozily sitting up, trying to hide the damage from The Princess who's emotional enough as it is right now, close to tears as she looks up the aisle and sees she's been beaten.



February 1 - Halifax, Nova Scotia for HeldDOWN~!
February 8 - Ottawa, Ontario for HeldDOWN~!
February 15 - Albuquerque, NM for HeldDOWN~!
February 22 - Baltimore, MD for HeldDOWN~!
February 24 - Cleveland, OH for OAOAST Syndicated
March 1 - Tokyo, Japan for HeldDOWN~!


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Cut to an exterior shot of the Dunkin' Donuts Center. The crowd cheers. The classic WWF Royal Rumble theme song plays while a graphic appears which says LIVE!.

We are in the sold out Dunkin' Donuts Center for Anglepalooza 2007! And fans, OAOAST Anglepalooza 2007 is brought to you by The Wicker Man, now on DVD. You owe it to yourself to watch the most hilarious unintentional comedy of the past five years! Today!

And by Krispy Kreme Donuts! So good, you'll suck a dick!


Yeah, I'm a rebel. Screw you. What what. Boo yah.

The lights in the arena go down and then...

*”When I die and they lay me to rest
Gonna go to the place that's the best
When I lay me down to die
Goin' up to the spirit in the sky”*

That's “Spirit in the Sky”, you know what that means.

Oh... yippee *rolls eyes*

The entrance doors slide open, and the HI-YAH Champion Faqu is seen standing illuminated by a single spotlight, a spotlight that gleams off the gold over the Samoan's shoulders.

Each year HI-YAH hosts the biggest tournament in Japan.

The AngleTron flashes a sign that says “H1 Grand Prix 2007” in big bold letters.

This year, I have persuaded the HI-YAH owner to open the tournament to wrestlers outside of HI-YAH. Several organizations have already staked their claim on a spot in the tournament.

The logos of the WWA, the Australian AWF, the European CWF and the Mexican Lucha Libre Munidial flashes across the screen to indicate some of the participating federations.

I will enter this tournament personally along with another representative from HI-YAH and one from the splinter organization HI-GATE, tournaments for the slots are already being planned as I speak.

Faqu walks over to his right on the entrance stage as a light shines on a huge 6 foot tall golden trophy and an oversized check with the amount of $1,000,000.- on it.

This is the grand prize of the H1 tournament, in addition to a shot at my HI-YAH Title in case I do not win the tournament.

The always serious Faqu gives his title belt a light tap to indicate that he's got no intentions of letting it go anywhere.

OAOAST, I am here to announce that there will be a four man tournament to determine who will be the official OAOAST participant, starting next week on HeldDOWN!!


I have in my hand the official sign up sheet.

Faqu holds up a clipboard and a pen.

The first four men to sign up will be allowed to compete for a shot at the H1 Tournament and ultimately a shot at the HI-YAH crown. I will be on hand for the next two weeks to keep an eye on the OAOAST tournament and give you updates on who else has qualified for the H1 Grand Prix!!

The arena lights go back to normal as Faqu has delivered his message. But if you thought this segment was over then you --AND--Faqu has another thing coming. Apparently someone has already decided to sign up for the tournament.

Is that... that's James Blonde

Faqu looks surprised to see Blonde out there but Blonde doesn't spare his buddy a glance as he reaches for the clipboard and the pen.

Is he signing up for this? I thought the two of them were friends?

Hey man what are you doing?

You said anyone right?

Well yeah.

Well then I'm signing up for it, pal.

Faqu reluctantly raises his hand and gives James Blonde the clipboard.

Come on we're friends Jimmy, we've been all over the world together.

This isn't about friendship, this is strictly business. I got a tournament to win.

And on that note James Blonde signs his name on one of the four boxes on the paper.

Did you notice how tense Faqu was when he handed Blonde the clipboard?

Well he obviously didn't expect his friend to sign up so eagerly.

Blonde finishes writing and then hands the clipboard back to Faqu who angrily snaps it out of Blonde's hand.

There you have it fans, this Thursday we'll have a mini tournament to determine who will be the OAOAST entrant into the prestigious H1 Grand Prix tournament.

If you thought Faqu was tense now, how will he react if Blonde wins?

I'm sure he'll be happy for his friend.

Right.... That's his reaction, sure.

Anyway, fans, coming up next is a much anticipated match-up. The OAOAST World Tag Team Titles are up for grabs as the Champions, Chicks Over Dicks, take on the challengers, The Sooner Bruisers! The Sooner Bruisers have been on the warpath ever since they lost the belts to C.O.D. at New Year's Spectacular: Mainframe Monday. Can Krista Isadora Duncan and Alix Maria Spezia retain their Titles against the brute force of Big Frank Bruiser and Uber Bruiser? Or can The Sooner Bruisers regain the Titles they believe have been theirs all along? Let's go to the ring, where Michael Buffer is standing by with the introductions.


The cameras pan down from a shot of the excited Providence natives to show Michael Buffer waiting in the ring. The legendary announcer smiles to himself, as the buzz of anticipation builds around him. He raises the microphone to his lips, preparing to begin his latest introduction.

The following Anglepalooza contest is scheduled for one fall, with a time limit of forty minutes, and it is for the OAOAST World Tag Team Championship! (Providence goes wild at the announcement) The official for tonight's contest is Charles Robinson.

The affable referee smiles into the camera, enjoying his fifteen seconds of fame. But the majority of the focus sits on the darkened entry way as the working class guitars of Frankenstein bang through the PA system. Crooked maroon letters that read “Sooner Bruisers” flash onto the Angletron, followed up by sights of the men by that name decimating their numerous victims. An explosion of jeers is heard from the rafters, signaling the arrival of the bestial challengers. The entrance doors slide open, and the two men stride out from the back, cracking their necks from side to side, and bouncing up and down, as they try to loosen themselves up for the biggest match of their long wrestling careers.

Introducing first, the challengers. From Oklahoma, weighing in at a combined weight of five hundred and thirty five pounds, they are former OAOAST Tag Team Champions, and NCAA all Americans, combined between them they have won six NCAA wrestling championships, two world championships, eight high school championships, and seven USA wrestling championships, they are The Pyscho Gremlin, Uber Bruiser, The Man of Tomorrow, Big Frank Bruiser.....THE SOOOONER BRUISEEEEERSSS!

Frank rips off his brand new Anglemania T-shirt and chucks it into the audience, before diving into the ring and ascending to the nearest turnbuckle, where he flexes his stunning muscles, and scowls at the booing New Englanders. Uber patrols the outside, growling at those young fans, who are easily intimidated by his tough guy routine.

The Sooner Bruisers first appeared in the OAOAST on August Eighth of 2004 as a lovable, but ultimately harmless duo, who wanted nothing more then to win the Tag Team Championship. Since then they've degenerated into deranged, vulgar, psychopaths, but the mission has remained constant. Win those Tag Team Titles. They have one title reign on their trophy case, now they have a chance to add a second. But they have to do it against a team that is like no other they've ever faced before. I'd think the closet team to Chicks Over Dicks they've ever wrestled is the Sk8r Boiz, and the Boiz aren't exactly known as the most consistent tag team on earth.

A red pyro waterfall illuminates the entrance stage, and all eyes lock onto the currently vacant entranceway. The sonic drum beats of Sugarcult's Los Angeles rip to life while the red waterfall is courted by a beautiful pink  pyro fountain. Standing next to the gorgeous display of pyrotechnics are miniature Angletrons, showcasing COD's entrance video, a highlight reel filled with clips of their breathtaking moves, interspersed with fly through images of the City of Angels, and shots of the champions in various seductive poses.

I hate this next part! Cover your ears, Cole. Cover them shits!


A violent explosion of gold pyro destroys the once docile pyrotechnics showing, and causes the capacity crowd to put forth a gargantuan cheer. As the smoke clears, the entrance doors slide open, and
Krista Isadora Duncan emerges through the hazy remnants of the fireworks. She sports a stomach exposing red Obey™ tank top that reads "Make Art. Not War" and a black open sided mini skirt that reveals her entire left leg, a show of skin that's always a crowd favourite! Her baby blue eyes cut a hole through her ring based rivals, while she strikes an alluring pose for the screaming audience.

And the cham......(a huge cheer rises from the stands, drowning out the announcer)....And the champions, first, from Los Angeles, California, she is the CEO of Mrs.Spezia's sweeties, the Hollywood Bad Girl, ALIX MARIA SPEZIA! And her partner, from Los Angeles, California, she is a best selling author, a fitness queen, and star of the world famous FIT with KID line of exercise videos, she is Miss California Krista Isaodra Duncan! Together they are the OAOAST World Tag Team Champions, America's Sweethearts, Chicks Over Dicks!

Amidst the resonating cries Alix Maria Spezia skips out through the entrance way in a white tie-up front tube top that's cropped all the way to the chest and white booty shorts. Although her fur wristbands, scarf, and leg warmers are fake, the excitement of the fans is very real as they watch her settles down long enough to join hands with Krista. Krista twirls Alix around, then pulls her into her arms. Alix turns over her shoulder and blows a cute kiss to the camera, leading super imposed red lips to pop on the screen.

Hot damn! Those chicks are as hot as a whore house on nickel night!

Nickel night? I'd hate to see what kind of whores you can get for a nickel. My guess is that many of them probably have a branch on the Coachman family tree! :lol: Anyway, fans, or fans with money, please don't forgot to log on to OAOAST.com or Ebay.com and bid for your chance to spend a day with Chicks Over Dicks. All proceeds go to the Tibetan Freedom Organization!

Ally skips down the ramp, passing out her world famous Miss Spezia's Sweeties' brand gingerbread cookies to the appreciative crowd members. Krista is far more focused on the beasts in the ring, never once letting her hateful glare leave their bodies. She takes position at the center of the ring apron, where she offers her rivals several vulgarity filled choice words. Alix slides into the ring, making herself the “starter” for her team. Frank rushes Uber out of the ring, and with our two competitors chosen, Robinson calls for the bell.


Alix (foolishly?) accepts Frank's offer for a collar an elbow tie up. The size difference between the two warriors is comical, and Frank plays this up by feigning a mammoth struggle with The Hollywood Bad Girl. Once he grows tired of toying with her, he drops to his side and flings her over with an arm drag. The tug on her limb was strong, and she shoots him an annoyed glare while nursing her sore arm. Frank responds to her complaint by flexing his gargantuan muscles, and informing her that this what she'll be dealing with all night. Not exactly intimidated by his cautionary tale, she stands up to meet him in the center of the ring for another lockup. This time Frank wastes little time with shenanigans, and spins behind her to coil his arms around her skinny waist. He then takes the lightweight off her feet and roughly deposits her onto the mat with an elementary amateur wrestling slam. As she lies face first on the grey canvas, the big man drops to her level, then performs a grounded switch, so that he lies stomach first along her much smaller body. Then he allows her to rise to all fours, only to straddle her like they were about to play a game of horsey. For Alix a simple round of horsey would be much more preferable to the perverse act that Frank actually performs; wildly smacking his palm against her sumptuous butt!

Oh, boy, that's worth the fourty dollar pay-per-view price tag alone!

Why must you think with your penis?

Because it's the smartest thing to come out your mouth all day.

Obviously enraged by the spanking, the slippery gal quickly backs through Frank's legs and storms to a vacant corner. While the crowd boos her adversary, she fastens an expression of a sheer hatred upon him. Frank ignores their combined anger, and instead turns to Krista, telling her that anytime she wants some of that hot action all she has to do is ask. Krissy's response is to give Frank the finger, which merely draws a smile from The Man of Tomorrow. He refocuses his attention on Alix, and leans into her for another lockup. However he feints on the move, and ducks low to grab hold of Alix's bare legs. He lifts her onto his shoulders, while allowing a devious chuckle to escape his mouth. But his actions are anything but chuckle worthy, brutally slamming Alix to the mat with careless disregard for her physical health. She lands with a violent impact in her corner, and gasps of agony immediately hiss out of her bright red lips.

I don't even think that move has a name, it's just picking someone up and tossing them aside like they weren't nothing.

Bored with tossing Alix around like a ragdoll, The Man of Tomorrow points a meaty finger at Krista and demands she enter the ring so that he can have some “real competition.” Uber seconds Frank's plea, even going so far as to deem Alix “useless” and a waste of their “good time”. Though Krista would heartily disagree with that assessment, she looks on with a mixture of confusion and anger. Part of her wishes to give Al the chance to prove them wrong, but another part of her wants these loathsome animals all to herself. However her wishes are a moot point, as Ally isn't willing to leave the match anytime soon. She confidently strolls towards the Oklahoman bully and engages him in another lockup. Again Frank spins behind her for a quick waistlock. Alix instantly and unsuccessfully tries to free herself from his clutches. The futile nature of her effort brings a smile to his face. For a moment Alix gives up on her attempt, and her body sags in weakened depression. Pleased that he's squashed her fighting spirit, Frank prepares to hit her with a german suplex. But before he can even get her an inch off the ground, Alix drives the heel of her shoe into his size 14 boot! The pain of the sneaky move causes the Bruiser to release the hold, and hop around the squared circle in misery.  Both audience and foe mock his misfortune, the crowd by cheering his woe and Alix by mimicking his wild hoping. Her taunting angers Frank enough to push aside the pain and charge her with a shoulder block. But she counters the attack with a drop toe hold! However, The Man of Tomorrow rises as quickly as he fell, and proceeds to dart towards her with another shoulder block. This time Alix ends all his forward momentum by slamming her fur covered boots into his kneecaps! The strike sinks a moaning Frank to his knees, and gives Alix all the time she needs to leap onto the second rope, springboard off and lance her leg into his thick neck!

Alix is bringing Frank down to her size!

Cole may have spoke to soon, as Frank rises to his full vertical base. However he spends his time upright in a most ridiculous fashion, hobbling to and fro like an inebriated cripple. The brunette babe takes advantage of his wounded state by latching onto his arm and thrusting him towards the corner. But Frank reverses Alix midway through the move and forces a torturous back first meeting with the ringposts upon her. The Okie charges her, employing a body splash in his effort to splatter her across the venue. But Ally avoids the move by sticking her feet into the air, and letting Frank get up close and personal with her furry footwear!

“ALIX! ALIX! ALIX!” scream the audience.

While poor Frank tries to remove the gob of faux fur from his mouth, Alix uses his moment's distraction to ascend to the top turnbuckle. The sold out audience belts out a deep throated roar of anticipation, as her brown eyes narrow in on her target. The cute Californian flashes a peace sign to her adoring fans then springs off the ropes. She wraps her athletic legs around his thick neck then pulls forward, using the velocity of the move to turn Frank head over heels! The onlookers bellow with delight when they watch Frank get flung across the ring into a vacant corner. In spite of the nauseating nature of the hold, Frank quickly rises to his feet and makes another blind charge to Alix. Once again Ally Cat is ready for him and greets his arrival with a drop toe hold! Unable to mount a suitable defense for the move, Frank lands with a disgusting face first thud onto the canvas. Krista and the audience applaud Alix's exhibition of skill, but Uber nervously paces along the apron, afraid his over confident brother may not be able to handle Alix's quickness. But Ally's speed becomes the least of Frank's worries when The Hollywood Bad Girl decides to serve him a taste of his own perverted medicine. She takes seat on his muscular back, and after a sly nod to the buzzing crowd, proceeds to ram her hand into his fleshy butt! As her hands bounce across the horrified warrior's backside, she indulges her inner gangsta by singing Disco Inferno by 50 Cent. “Little mama show me how you move it, go ahead and put ya back into it. Do ya thang like it ain't nothing to it. Sh-sh-sh-shake that ass girl!” The spectators are throughly amused at Miss Spezia's mistreatment of her challenger. Uber, on the other hand, is all like “WTF DOOD? U SUK FGT!” or some such nonsense.

So if I shell out fourteen grand to the Tibetan whatever organization for that auction, that's the kind of hot action I can look forward to?

While many men, and more then a few women, would kill their own mother to be in Frank's position, the Man of Tomorrow isn't so thrilled to be in this predicament. In an effort to end this embarrassing charade, he uses his herculean strength to stand up and hurl Alix off his back. Ally quickly composes herself, and thankfully so, because Frank is barreling down on her with an axe handle smash! Fortunately, she dives underneath the ropes before he can lay a hand on her. He leans over the cables and spews vulgar orders for her to return to the squared circle. Alix is more then happy to not oblige his request and instead further enrages Frank by leaping onto the announce table and doing the RUNNING MAN. This latest show of disrespect dunks Frank into new depths of rage, and he takes his anger out on poor Charlie Robinson's shirt collar.

“ALIX! ALIX! ALIX!” chant the audience.

Alix renters the battlefield on her volition, but refuses to cease her taunting of Big Frank. While Robinson desperately tries to bring The Man of Tomorrow under control, Ally imitates his bodybuilding-esque poses, by doing her own set of poses complete with a face that's best compared to one you might make if you have explosive diarrhea.

Big Frank has been totally thrown off his game.

Alix applies the tag to gal-pal Krista Isaodra Duncan, denying Frank a chance for desperately sought after vengeance. Krista's arrival is greeted with a resonating ovation, and chants of “K-I-D!” spring forth from every corner of the venue. Back in the center of the ring, Robinson is having a devil of a time calming down The Man of Tomorrow. It would seem the burly strong man isn't able to put Alix's boorish abusage of him aside, and once again demands that she return to face him. Unfortunately for him, his wish will not be Krista's demand, and Miss California swings behind him to grab a waistlock. She then drops to her knees, and hauls The Man of Tomorrow to the canvas with double leg take down. However Frank is able to use his superior amateur technique to thwart her takedown and roll behind her to grab a seated hammerlock. The moment the move is applied, the fitness queen feels a sharp pressure build within her limbs. This burning pain immediately forces her to make moves to escape the hold. She rises to her feet, thinking that she'll be able use her free arm to elbow her way out of the hold. Yet this plan is snuffed out the second Frank transitions to a side headlock. He tightly wrenches the hold, torquing her neck and making every effort to rip her head clear off her body. The bitter agony of Frank's death grip becomes too much for Krista to bear, and she begins to dig her nails into his eyes in a sick attempt to free herself from his clutches. Frank wiggles his body back and forth, trying his hardest to avoid her berserk efforts to claw his eyes out. However his quick body movements take him into the ropes, where Krista hooks her ankle around the bottom cable. Using the rope as a stabilizing base, she puts her hand onto his expansile midsection and heaves him towards the opposite end of the ring. She pursues his path, ready to overtake him with a leg lariat. But before she can get off the ground, a rebounding Frank pushes her to the mat with a shoulder block. She rolls onto her six packed stomach, praying that Frank will hop over her and continue his running of the ropes. He takes her bait and leaps over her body on his trip to cables, and comes back with the lethal Soonerline. But the blond bombshell is adequately prepared for the move, and grabs onto his attacking him to flip him over with an arm drag!

“KRISTA! KRISTA! KRISTA!” sing the fans.

Face aflame with anger, Frank rises, looking to decimate the recipient of the audience's love. But no such action will come to pass, because Krista overtakes him with another crowd popping arm drag! Again Frank stands just as quickly as he fell. But he's given no opportunity to mount an attack as Krissy knocks him over with a fabulous flipping dropkick!

Krista plays to her legions of adoring fans, and to her own by beauty, by fluffing her gorgeous blond tresses. The simple motion sends the crowd into a state of absolute rapture, but leaves Frank in a phase of utter anger.

With his blood pressure rising to lethal levels, Frank determines that he can no longer preserve his sanity and combat COD at the same time. Thus he applies the tag to his younger sibling, Uber Bruiser. The Pyscho Gremlin arrives into the squared circle amidst a chorus of jeers and taunts. But he pays them no mind, instead focusing his attention exclusively upon Krista. He orders her to engage in a lock up, and she happily grants the request, locking horns with Uber in the center of the ring. Uber uses his brute strength to raise Krista's left arm above her head, allowing him to slip behind her and hook in a waistlock. Problematically, he's never given a chance to do much more then that, as Krista grabs onto his right arm, then dives to the mat, pulling Uber down with her. The Pyscho Gremlin moves quickly, scissoring his tree trunk sized legs around her neck, briefly regaining control of the bout. But his grip on Miss California isn't nearly as tight as he would've hoped, and she succeeds in kipping up to freedom. She patiently waits for her frustrated foe to rise, then attempts to a deliver a knee into his midsection. However he counters the strike, by stepping to his side and snaring her into a side headlock. Again his grip is dangerously weak, and the Los Angeles native has little difficulty in breaking it by turning the hold into a standing key lock. The now desperate Bruiser calls upon his most basic of amateur training to turn the tables on his pesky rival. He drops backwards pulling over with a modified arm drag. Working with great speed he tries to hold Krista down with a top wristlock. But that holds last for nary a second, before Krista spins to her knees and reverses it into an armlock.

I gotta say Krista's holding her own when it comes to mat wrestling with Uber. Looks to me like he underestimated her, but I don't see this pattern repeating itself throughout the match.

Krista's hold wasn't designed to do much besides put in an end to the flurry of amateur based counter the two were engaging in. But that simple fact doesn't stop the fitness queen from gleefully ripping and wrenching Uber's limb, causing irritated grunts to leave the lips of the former Tag Team Champion. Twenty painful seconds into the move, Uber begins to feel as if the woman is planning on separating his shoulder from it's socket. This obviously being something he doesn't want to have happen, Bruiser utilizes his leg strength to push himself to his feet. Krista has no choice but to follow him up, lest she'd run the risk of losing control over her foe. Uber takes his free hand and presses it against her attacking arm, hoping that it will prevent her from applying additional pressure. In actuality, the technique manages to loosen her grip just enough to allow him to maneuver her towards a neutral corner. She's unable to stop Bruiser's counter and thus finds her tan figure wedged against turnbuckles. The dutiful official steps in and requires her to release Uber, a request she quickly grants. Yet this leaves her open to a cheap shot in the form of a knee to the stomach from her retribution seeking rival.

“BOOOO!” goes the crowd, prompting Uber to howl towards them in response.

Her ribs burning almost as hot as the hatred she holds for her rivals, Krista begins to slowly crumple to the mat. But Uber shoots her upwards with a flesh searing knife edge chop. As she whimpers in misery, he snakes his fingers through her vibrant hair and drags her towards the middle of the ring. His tattooed arms coil around her neck, trapping her within another side headlock. Desperate to rid herself off the man's treacherous tentacles, Krista hooks onto his spandex tights, hoping against hope that she'll be able lift him into a backsuplex. However her ludicrous desire goes unanswered, and Uber drags her to his domain with a headlock takedown. With the headlock still applied, he drives his left shoulder into her deltoids, pushing her shoulders into the mat for a pinning predicament. Robinson makes the count.



Krista gets her shoulders off the mat well before the three count.

I may not like the guy but I'll give credit to Uber for getting Krista into a pinning situation while still doing damage to her neck.

Stricken with a burning desire to escape Uber's dungeon, Krissy delves into her bag of tricks in order to mount an escape attempt. She slashes her nails across his face liked a crazed feline, making a grand effort to slice out her foe's frosty eyes. When that approach meets with failure, Miss California turns towards slamming her fist into his ear, praying that the sudden jolt and devilish headache will win her freedom. Unfortunately The Pyscho Gremlin proves to be impervious to these underhanded tactics, and the hold remains stable. Eventually he hauls Krista upright, where he begins to drag her towards his corner. But the sudden movement causes his grip to adjust ever so slightly. This minuscule change in pressure is all KID needs to shove him into the ring ropes. However her offensive salvo has a depressingly short shelf life, and the Okie is able to steamroll her with a shoulder tackle. Acting on instinct alone, she rolls onto her stomach, where Uber hops over her and journeys to the ropes. He returns to her her, thinking he'll be able to squash her with a body splash. Imagine his surprise when his pug ugly face is introduced to the underside of her Adidas snow boots by a kip up dropkick! The Bruiser plummets to the canvas, as the audience comes alive with cheers for their heroine.

Krista just taking Uber off his feet with a dropkick. And those aren't exactly the cheapest shoes you can use in a wrestling match.

While Cole educates the viewers on the intricacies of women's snow boots, Krista grabs Uber by his mullet and pulls the groggy brawler to his feet. She entraps him into a half nelson, then shoots her body forward. The momentum of the move causes Uber to follow her downwards, and his face endures a viscous meeting with solid as steel canvas. Krista offers him no time to lick his wounds, as she hooks his leg for the pinfall.



The Psycho Gremlin shoots his shoulder off the mat, drawing several boos from the audience. He rises under his own accord, only to be instantly pounced on by the champion. She underhooks his right arm, then drops her knees to the canvas causing his square jaw to be  violently driven into her shoulder. Blood forming at the tip of his mouth, he wobbles from side to side, left dizzied by her attack. Krista capitalizes on his brief disorientation by clamping onto his tights and pulling him down for a small package.


An effortless kickout by Uber follows the one count. Despite the ease of the pin escape, he's unable to regain control of the contest, and his enemy punishes him with grounded knee strikes to the chest. After she finishes devouring his pectorals with her kneecaps she drags the amateur wrestler to his feet. From there she entangles him within an inverted headlock. He shoots knees towards her pretty face in an attempt to escape the hold, but his stubby legs fail to reach the champion. As such she's easily able to spin to his side, slice her arm through his neck, and push him down to the canvas with a variated DDT! While Uber lays a battered wreck on the floor, the onlookers loudly ovate Krista's flashy move. Once again she attempts a lateral press...



Uber pushes himself out of the pinning situation!

It's gonna take a little more then an inverted snap DDT to pin a collegiate All-American.

A look of frustration over the pinfall escapes takes shape on Krista's face as she watches her vexing foe writhe along the canvas. The snarling diva directs her anger onto Uber, throwing stomps towards the neck her DDY just violated. Eventually Uber is able to rise to his feet past the wave of hate filled kicks. Yet this proves to be a terrible course of action, as one spinning back kick from Krista forces him into a neutral corner. She stalks his position, but by the time she reaches The Pyscho Gremlin, he's recovered enough of his strength to paste her with a knife edge chop. The fearsome blow rocks Krista to her very core, but she summons enough gusto to return fire with her own chop. Unphased by a back hand slap from a 150 pound woman, Bruiser blasts her with a duo of overhand chops that tear away at the fabric of her shirt, and push her back towards the center of the ring. He then exits the corner, and takes firm hold of her hair. He violently jerks her head downward, while at the same time driving his other arm upward, catching her chin with a rising elbow. The pain doesn't even get the time to settle in Krista's body, before The Pyscho Gremlin is attempting to whip her to ropes. It's an attempt that fails, however, and KID painstakingly reverses the hold. Uber hits the ropes, returning to bulldoze Krista with an elbow strike. But the blond bombshell counters this tactic, by hitting the mat and grounding him with a drop toe hold. The Okie was able to get his hands up to protect his face from the harsh mats, but that defense does nothing to protect him from getting Oklahoma Rolled by Krista!



Despite the nausea Krista's series of moves induced, Uber is able to move his shoulder off the mat.

What irony that would've been, a Sooner Bruiser getting beat by a move called the Oklahoma Roll.

The latest kickout only managed to escalate Krista's already towering level of frustration. Once more Uber becomes the target for her ire, getting hauled to his feet, and led to a vacant corner. Growling with primal rage, Krista plunges his bearded face into the turnbuckle, delighting when she hears a distinct groan of agony bubble in his throat. Her barbaric pleasure is momentarily ended when Uber shoots an elbow into her well developed stomach. But thanks to the “abs of steel” nature of her midsection Krista is able to shrug aside the pain, and launch Uber towards his corner. But he reverses the move and sends Krista running towards the turnbuckles. This innocent reversal turns deadly the second Big Frank's knee is driven into Krista's back! She instantly sinks to her own knees, howling in marked pain that just adds to the audiences hatred for the Bruiser brothers. Ally and the crowd urge Robinson to lay down the law. But Charlie, who's scared shitless of Frank, isn't overly willing to incur any more of The Man of Tomorrow's wrath.

Out of the ring these cats may be way out of control, but within it they are a cohesive well oiled wrestling machine.

Of course they are Coach, they've beaten Black T, The Heavenly Rockers, South Central Militia, and like I said they haven't actually lost a match in a year. I hate to say it, but you can argue that they are the best active tag team in the OAOAST.

Uber hurls a dazed Krista into the black ring cables. Thankful her cloud of grogginess disappears just in time to avoid his standing lariat! Her feet move her towards Frank, who's eagerly awaiting a chance to impale her with a shoulder block. But his dream remains just that, as Krista blasts him off the apron with a running knee strike! Teeth, sweat, babyoil, and blood filled spit join Frank in a tumultuous crash to the ringside mat, as the audience shake the rafters with a mighty roar.

“K-I-D! K-I-D! K-I-D!”

Spurred on by a rush of adrenaline, Krista directs a running elbow smash towards Uber. But he avoids the strike by lowering his body and locking her down with a waistlock. His body movements say German Suplex but his adversary says otherwise, shooting a round of elbows into his noggin. The unanswered series of blows cause his grip to weaken, and allow KID to execute a standing switch. Unlike he, she has no disillusions of hitting a German Suplex, and instead goes for a simple but effective school boy. C-Rob counts the pin...



Uber makes another last minute escape, by reaching up and shoving her into his vacant corner. But  the area doesn't stay vacated for long, as Frank, like a monster rising from a swampy morass, returns to the apron to latch onto Krista's head and drive her throat first into the cables. She recoils off the ropes, pawing at her wounded neck, making a useless effort to stop her last bit of breath from abandoning her.  Krista's troubles only increase when Uber nearly decapitates her with the lethal Soonerline. She folds to the mat in a whimpering heap, unable to discern what's worse, the suffocating pain in her neck, or the feeling that her chest just got torn through with a buzz saw. The Pyscho Gremlin adds another choice to her option of maladies, by dropping his elbow squarely onto the top of her forehead.

Just like you said, Coach, these men operate like machines. They've been involved in wrestling competitions since they were five years old, they know the ring, the mat, inside and out, and that's what makes them nearly unbeatable.

Uber takes Kris by the arm and pulls her upright. Still holding her limb, he drags her towards him, then leans forward to punish her with a lariat, the forward motion of the devastating hold making it even more horrific to endure. She sags to the canvas, clutching her badly injured chest, and desperately seeking some sort of aid. But jailed within the Bruisers' dungeon, the most she, or any one else, can do is watch helplessly as Uber applies the tag to his older sibling.

A front row fan, sitting with his ten year old daughter, offers Krista a suggestion on how to battle The Man Of Tomorrow “Hey, Krista, if you wanna scare Frank, tell him you're gonna make him take a piss test!”

“ONLY IF I CAN USE YOUR DAUGHTER'S MOUTH AS MY CUP!” Frank retorts, causing the enraged spectator to attempt to hop the guardrail and fight Big Frank.

Uncalled for!

While security tries to subdue the livid fan, Frank rifles stomps into Krista's chest. She's so wounded by Uber's prolonged assault that she can't even think to protect herself against the barrage. After the tenth kick, Frank abruptly calls his stomping to a close. Krista has little reason to be thankful for this action due to the fact that Frank then presses his maroon boots onto the bottom rope, driving the coarse cable into her sore neck. The ropes strangle Krissy, and muffle her screams into weakened sighs of desperation. These cries are barely heard over Frank's own bloodthirsty shouts of triumph. Meanwhile, Charles Robinson gives Frank to the count of five to release his tortured prisoner.

“ONE! TWO! Come on, Mister Bruiser! THREE! FOUR! FI...”

Big Frank ceases his death choke of Krista before Robinson is presented the opportunity to disqualify him. The official weakly warns him about his suspect tactics, but one “Shut the fuck up” later turns the spineless zebra into a mute. Frank moves his attention back to his rival, and stands her up, readying a punch that's certain to be a knock out blow. However evades the potential death strike by wildly slamming her shoulder into his gut. Frank doubles over in a mixture of minor discomfort and sudden shock, allowing Miss California to pepper him with kicks. When she feels that he's been properly weakened by her strikes, she makes an effort to toss him into the ropes. He's not quite as weakened as she believed, though, and she's exposed to this annoying fact when he reverses the hold. Her feet carry her to the ropes, then sprint her back into waiting knee to the gut from her advesary.

Let me tell you another reason why the Sooner Bruisers are going to win this match. Because they were conceived, born, raised, and will do in the gym. These guys were bred to do nothing but be athletes. This is their entire life, they have no other reason to exist otherwise.

I'm sure they thank you for that lovely backhanded compliment.

With Krista a quivering mess of flesh and bones, her attacker stands upon her legs and awkwardly bends them backwards. He then sits back, raising her into the air and taking firm hold of her unmoving arms. She's lift staring into the bright arena lights, her limbs being painfully contorted by this blue collar psychopath.

That hold is commonly referred to as the bow and arrow lock.

Alix is left aghast by Krista's predicament and immediately does everything within in her power to rally her partner to battle against the treacherous villain. She frantically beats her hands against the top rope, and pleads with the crowd to get behind her cause. The Rhode Islanders quickly and boisterously throw themselves into the task of motivating Krista towards freedom.


The fans are getting behind Krista like always, but it's more of a matter of Krista getting out of this bow and arrow lock.

Krista doesn't have to map out an escape route, because Frank shockingly lets her go free. This is no merciful respite, however, and The Man of Tomorrow moves her into an equally deadly rear chinlock with a body scissors. He makes certain to position Krista so that she faces her worried partner, then cruelly informs the both of them that once she chokes Krista out, he and his brother will have their way with Alix.

Frank's playing mind games right now, but not only is he doing that she's sucking the wind and the breath right out of Krista.

Drawing strength from Alix's and the crowd's support, as well as motivation from Big Frank's vulgar taunts, Krista shifts her body to the left and manages to head upright. But Frank tracks her movement with expert precision and clamps down on her with a front facelock. As Alix shouts out even more cheers of encouragement, Kris takes up the monumental task of raging against his hold, tugging at his iron like arms to wade off the mounting tension. But she can't peel them away long enough to break free or even breathe comfortably for that matter. He then makes her all her rebellious efforts for naught, using a DDT to blast her to mat with carefully calculated force. Krista lets out a resonant cry that seems capable of leveling the ring with it's volume.

Not a whole lot of flashy offense from The Bruisers that many of our fans like to see. But the attacks that these guys use have one very important property: they hurt like heck!

I'm glad to see that you're finally showing these cats some mad respect.

I never said anything about not respecting their athletic technique. It's their behavior outside the ring that leaves much to be desired.

Fairly pleased with the damage he's caused, Frank tags his brother into the fray. Uber hits the ring and instantly tries to take advantage of his bro's hardwork by attempting a pin.



The SoCal Beauty defiantly kicks out, leaving annoyed Uber to direct a menacing stare Robinson's way. While the ref shyly holds up two fingers, Krista expends a great deal of energy by standing up on her own power. Bruiser instantly pounces on her, sucking her into the oft-used front facelock. Feeling the pooling warmth of pain around her neck, Krissy wildly fights back, and somehow succeeds slipping her head out of his arm and scoring an Irish Whip But the amateur wrestling legend saw the move coming and reverses the attack, bouncing her off the ropes. As she returns to the center of the ring Uber throws up his leg for a big boot, but she evades the move by rolling underneath it and continuing her run of the ropes. After she returns from the opposite cables, Bruiser hits his deadly mark with a knee to her six packed stomach. Krista is reduced into a wheezing, coughing, mess and is totally incapable of preventing The Pyscho Gremlin from shoving her into the ropes and hitting her with another kneestrike. Wailing in defiance, she stays on her feet, refusing to accept defeat at the hands of her relentless opponents. But Krista's defiance just gives Uber further license to pulverize her, and he belts her with three more knee strikes.

“LET'S GO KRISTA! LET'S GO KRISTA!” bleat the crowd, led on by Jade and Alix.

These dudes is cutting the ring off and stomping the life out of Krista. I can think of better ways to double team a woman who looks like that, but I ain't gonna be the one to tell 'em how to do their jobs!

Uber buries the under sole of his boot deep into Krista's back, causing the fitness queen to spasm in pain. Three more brutal stomps follow, each being accompanied by the same disheartening convulsions. Upon completing the stomping, he drags her to her feet, where he fastens her into a waistlock. The Pyscho Gremlin raises her into the air, then dives backwards, executing a mammoth suplex! While the fans react with cringes and cries, the extraordinary force of the move carries Krista upright and directs her staggering body towards The Bruisers corner. Always looking for an excuse to inflict as much pain as possible on Krista, Big Frank leans over the ropes and rudely slugs her in the back of the head with a forearm, knocking her to the mat.

Robinson, you've got to do something about that! It's your job!

“Owwwwww owwww owww!” Uber howls, standing proudly over the body of his soon to be vanquished enemy.

In a most unusual display of aerial showmanship that Frank is imploring him not to take, Uber ascends to the third rope. The crowd murmurs in anxious anticipation, unsure of the last time they have saw a Bruiser offer a move from the third rope. However they won't witness that rare sight tonight, thanks to Krista gathering enough of her strength to crotch the man on the ringpost! Shaken and miserable, The Pyscho Gremlin teeters back and forth on the ropes, clenching his little warriors and making sure her cruel move hasn't shattered his prized possessions. Perhaps sniffing blood in the air, and sensing a chance to avenge the past ten minutes of utter hell, Krista scorches towards Uber like a blond bat out of hell and joins him atop the turnbuckle. She leaps into the sky, and ties her toned legs around his neck. Their glorious strength then rips him off the turnbuckle with an audience pleasing hurricanrana! Both competitors gracefully travel through the air, before encountering a far less graceful collision into the canvas.

What height on that hurricanrana! I don't think the Bruisers have ever dealt with a team that uses nothing but cruiser weight moves, and whenever Alix and Krista use a speed based attack, The Bruisers are left dumbfounded.

They've been stomping on Krista for the past thirteen minutes and you wanna give the most prized title in all of tag team wrestling to COD because of one little hurricanrana? You a gender traitor and a fool ass mark.

His immense desire to torture Krista taking a momentary backseat to a primal urge to survive, Uber rolls away, creating some much needed distance between he and the suddenly resurgent champion. Krista seems to be swimming against an agonizing current, the duress she's under making her crawl to her corner an extremely arduous one. Alix, sensing that she's COD best chance to capture the gold, furiously beats on the turnbuckle, trying to mobolize her fallen partner. Soon the entire crowd joins in, stamping their feet in unison, sending encouraging noises to Krista's frayed spirit. Drawing on their heartwarming show of support, Kris, face steeled with gritty determination, digs her nails into the canvas and claws her way to the corner. Suddenly The Pyscho Gremlin stirs, giving rise to concerned gasps from the crowd. Unwilling to afford Krista the chance to make a much needed tag, he locks his hand around her ankle, trying his hardest to freeze her in place. Despite his tight lockdown, Alix's unwavering encouragement sparks Krista to fight past the cutthroat bully. With one titanic lunge, she surges forward make a hot tag to her perky partner!


The fans are brought to a state of euphoria as The Hollywood Bad Girl reenters the bout! She temporarily ignores Uber, and makes a bee line for Big Frank, dropkicking the HGH enhanced monster off the apron! Seeking to defend his brother's honor, as well as curtail COD's new found momentum, Uber rampages towards Alix. But the agile warrior defends against his strike by jumping onto the third rope and flying back at him with a splendid lionsault press! He tries to step out of the way, but frustratingly moves himself into the line of fire for an inverted face lock that Alix easily morphs into an Inverted DDT!

“Owwwww, owwww, owww!” Alix howls, mimicking The Pyscho Gremlin to the Rhode Islanders' unrestrained joy.

Disgusted with Alix's mocking, Uber stands up with the intent on making her pay for her comedic routine with a clubbing forearm. But Ally snuffs out his attacking flame by grabbing onto his descending limb, lacing her leg between his and driving him into the canvas with the True Life: I just got beat up by a girl (STO)! Now sooner then Uber smacks against the mat does his big brother interject himself into the fracas, bearing down on Ally with a shoulder tackle. But the ferocious tiger is turned into a docile pussycat by Alix who nearly knocks his head off with a standing enziguri. Dazed and mortally wounded by the thunderous kick, Frank rolls his carcass out the ring, leaving his sibling to fend for himself.

The quickness of COD continues to confound the Bruisers!

With Uber momentarily incapacitated, Alix stands at The Pyscho Gremlin's side and puts her big ol' booty on duty, bouncing her voluptuous backside up and down to the delight of the audience. Those home based viewers who are to proud to jerk off to Girls Gone Wild commercials like the rest of us begin to shake hands with their one eyed milk man at the glorious sight of Alix's thrusting and pumping tush. But she leaves them with a serious a case of blue balls when she cuts short her display and hurls herself at Uber with a standing moonsault. Yet, Uber rolls out of the way the exact second she begins her ascent! He stands up, expecting to see the pleasing image of her remains splattered across the canvas. Picture his shock and horror when her boots impact solidly against his face with a dropsault!

“ALIX! ALIX! ALIX!” bleat the audience.

Similar to his relative, a woozy Uber begins to beat a hasty retreat to the outside. Alix isn't as willing to let him escape as she was his brother, and he only gets as far as the ring apron before her hands snag his mullet and drag him upright. She lays him back first across the second rope, and pelts his chest with overhand chops to further subdue him. Once she's assured that he lacks the strength to escape his awful position, she makes her way up the turnbuckles. The now standing crowd screams with eagerness for what's sure to be a breath taking move.


Miss Spezia certainly doesn't disappoint her legion of adoring fans, launching herself off the top rope with a leg drop. Still stuck on the ropes, Uber finally revives himself from his groggy state. Unfortunately his freshly unblurred vision is engulfed by the entirety of Alix's tan leg descending upon his face. Her limb cuts right through his muscular neck, and the force of her amazing strike flings him off the ropes and into the ring. While he gasps for the air that's all but abandoned him, she covers his body with a lateral press.




Big Frank ends the pinfall by driving an axe handle smash into her back!


Franks reappearance in the contest is short lived, however,as the moment he stands up to deliver a beating to Alix, Krista delivers him to the outside mats by knocking him over the ropes with a high flipping lariat!

Frank did his part by keeping him team alive, but it looks like it's back down to Alix and Uber.

Upon assuming a standing position, Uber lobs another lariat towards Ally's face. But the speedy lady slips bellow his outstretched arm, and pops up behind him. With fist clenched for a discus punch, he whirls around, thinking he can floor her with one mighty strike. No such action occurs, though, as Alix lights his chest up with a trilogy of knife edge chops. Each strike does a beautiful job of ripping away at the man's pale skin, but his mounting anger allows him to brush the damage aside and land a harsh knee into her stomach. Another knee follows, and Uber assumes very tenuous control on this match. He let's her go free, and she crawls to a neutral corner, nursing her stomach, moaning pain, and wondering how's she going to regain the advantage over this terrible monster. Uber's answer is that she can't, and he lays a thick forearm into her back to hammer that point home. The pain from that single strike is so immense that Alix has to turn to face him, just to protect her now seriously wounded back. Problematically this leaves her open to what ever strike Bruiser's vile mind can concoct. Rather then try anything fancy, he simply whips her towards the ropes. This proves to be an amazingly boneheaded blunder, as upon her return Alix slides into him for a wheel barrel set up. She then elevates her body towards his head, and snares her arm around his neck for a flashy bulldog. But her high risk move never materializes in reality, thanks to The Pyscho Gremlin grabbing hold of her slender waist and slamming her face first into the canvas. Alix's hands immediately go up to attend to the burning pain in her face, but their soft touch is quickly replaced by the rough feel of Uber's skin as he locks her into a Crippler Crossface! The agony brought on by the hold builds at an alarming rate, and Alix begins weeping with sincerity, unsure of how much of this torturous hold she'll be able to withstand. Stuck in the center of the ring, the ropes appear so distant they might as well be in on an other continent. Thus she sadly raises her hand to submit to the lethal submission hold and award her Tag Team Title to the brothers grim.

But Krista drives her point of her boot into Uber's skull, causing him to involuntarily break the hold! Incensed over Krissy denying his team their second Tag Team Titles, Frank reaches into the ring and drags her to the outside where he plans on mangling her face with an assist from the steel guardrail. But the only one who gets their face mangled in this exchange is Frank, as Krista obliterates his stout nose with an audience popping superkick! Frank hits the mat like a sack of bricks, blood streaming out of his nostrils, tracing along the jagged contours of his puffy cheeks. Being the sweet soul that she is, Krista pulls her compact mirror out of her pocket and holds it up to Frank's face so he can see just how “great” his remodeled nose looks.

“C-O-D! C-O-D! C-O-D!”

Meanwhile, Uber has Miss Spezia prepped for a basic body slam. But the elementary hold turns into a complex mess for the Okie when Alix's baby oil soaked body slips out of his clutches and lands behind him. Before Uber is even made aware of the fact that she's no longer within his grasp, her shoes are dropkicking him towards the ropes. Never the most graceful OAOAST superstar, Uber manages to trip over his own two feet, and deposit his chunky frame onto the second rope. His klutzy loss is actually Alix's gain, because she believes that he's in the perfect position to be eradicated by one of her famous high risk attacks. Alix charges towards her vulnerable foe and leaps through the second rope, while latching onto the third and second cable to maintain her precious balance. She uses her generated momentum to swing back towards Uber, seeking to strike him with the 619, or 310 in her case. Perhaps a better name in this particular instance would be “failed attempt” because Uber somehow succeeds in catching her twirling body within his arms. While the crowd jeers his otherwise impressive counter, he backs away from the ropes, scanning his brain for a devastating move to unleash on helpless Alix. No one will ever know what his pea sized mind came up with, because Krista dismounts her perch on the top rope and drives a missile dropkick into his forehead! The move “blesses” him with an excruciatingly miserable headache, and more importantly pushes he and Alix into a lateral press. Robinson makes the count!



But Uber kicks out well before the three count is made. Shifting his focus away from the downed competitor, Robinson beseeches Kris to depart the ring so that some semblance of order can be granted to this contest. Needless to say Krista would prefer to continue the repeated double teaming of her hapless rival, and an argument ensues.

How the hell did Uber kick out after getting kicked right in the dome? It looked like her boot went straight through his cerebellum. But ole boy stay steady kicking out.

While Krista fights a losing verbal battle with Robinson, her partner in state endorsed civil union has taken position on the top turnbuckle. An excited buzz comes from the many fans who expect Alix to enchant them with one of her many dazzling displays of aerial technique. But rather then use a shooting star press, or a 450 splash or even a friggin' fist drop, Alix chooses to remain on her pulpit and offer a eulogy to Julius Cesar.

“Friends, Romans, Countrymen, lend me your ears! I come to bury Julius Cesar, not to praise him!” she bellows, confusing the hell out of the crowd, many of whom read on the same level as that of a dead skunk.

Her audition for the role of Mark Anthony is cut short by the troubling sight of Big Frank Bruiser, blood stained face and all, darting across the ring. Alix readies herself to meet his charge with a ruinous aerial counterattack. But he moves with preternatural speed and by the time she properly balances herself, he's joining her at the height of the ring post. She stages a defense of her position, but Frank's brute strength renders her efforts pointless, and he propels her through the sky with a Kurt Angle-esque belly to belly suplex! Alix plummets into the canvas, scarcely able to do more then sob in misery and pray that the powerful move didn't manage to fracture any of her bones. To make matters worse for COD, by the time Charles is finally able to convince Krista to leave the ring, Frank runs towards her position and shoves her off the apron. She slams into the guardrail, where concerned fans instantly begin patting her on the back and make sweet efforts to nurse her back to health. Her pride seems more hurt then any part of her body, and she dedicates her time on the outside not to thanking her admires for their support, but to yelling “ I told you so, asshole!” at an apologetic Robinson.

That's why you don't go fuckin' wit Midwest thugs! Soft ass Cali bitches get merked trying that shit!

Robinson is required to pull his attention away from the beautiful, but enraged blond on the outside, in order to count Uber's pinfall.



THRE...but Alix kicks out, and her escape causes Rhode Island to shout in happiness. Uber isn't able to comprehend how Alix evaded certain defeat, and his appalled eyes turn on Robinson, who he vehemently accuses of being involved in a mass conspiracy to deny him his rightful gold. In fact Uber's confusion over the failed pinfall is so intense that it permits him to do nothing more then shake his head and weakly mouth the words “Impossible”over and over again

Uber's straight buggin out! Get it together, duke.

Still in disbelief, Uber drags his depressed remains to his corner where a tag brings Big Frank back into the contest. Quite unlike his little sibling, Big Frank wastes little time in feeling sorry for himself, and makes moves to finish the task that Uber failed to complete. Taking Alix by her chocolate colored hair, The Man of Tomorrow drags her to her feet. She mounts and admirable rebellion against his clutches, but he easily snuffs out her fire with a clubbing forearm to back. With the energetic fighter temporally subdued , Frank foists her high into the sky in a press slam position. He twirls around, showcasing his prey to the furious audience, increasing their rage with each one of his contemptuous smirks. Finally he lets her go free, unceremoniously dumping her from his grasp. The drop from the peak of the move to the ring floor is a significant one, and leaves her short of breath and in a great deal of agony.  For his part, Big Frank turns to the referee and sadistically informs him that he'll be a first hand witness to the first ever in ring death in OAOAST history. Crass exaggeration aside, Frank continues making her life a living hell by pumping stomps into her sobbing face. Concerned for Alix's safety, Robinson pleads with Big Frank to show even a miniscule sign of spotsmanship. But BFB has no capacity for mercy and proceeds to further torture Alix with these stomps. Finally he completes his assault, and lies across her heaving chest for a pinfall.



Alix kicks out, infuriating Big Frank, but popping the audience who thought that this contest was all but over. He decides to make her regret the day she ever escaped his pin attempt, and ensnares her into a sleeper hold.

Right now Alix is down on the mat with a multi time NCAA wrestling champion, and a former amateur wrestling world champion. That is not a place you really want to be. Alix has got to get to Krista, and far away from Big Frank!

The affects of the sleeper are immediate; a painful constricting of her breathing. This is more then a mere rest hold for Alix. Rather it is an onerous battle to remain conscious. Big Frank does her effort to stay awake no favors, violently cranking on her neck, torquing it as roughly as his strength will allow, putting a look of evident discomfort on her normally cute face. The supportive crowd promptly takes up the task of cheering on the babyface, singing her name in unison.

“ALIX! ALIX! ALIX!” they shout, while the camera focuses on an apron based Krista yelling words of encouragement.

Gaining strength from their kindness, Miss Spezia bucks and roars against the strongman's epic restraints. BFB's response is to simply tighten his grasp, and let her drift into a comfortable slumber. But this doesn't manage to stop our adorable heroine from continuing to war against his move. Eventually her frantic movement is able to weaken his clutches just enough that she's able to bring herself to her feet. Bruiser follows her upright, wrought with panic that his move is dangerously close to evaporating. His worry turns out to be well founded, as Miss Spezia launches a calvary of elbows into his ribcage that shred at his clutches. The eighth strike shatters the hold altogether, but Alix is far from free from psychotic strongman, and he drives this point home by hooking her into a front facelock. Rather then bother to try and bleed a submission attempt out of her, Frank decides that he'll simply break her neck with an Implant DDT. Thus he lifts her into the air, ready to scramble her brains with one deadly move. But Alix turns the tables on him, taking a precarious hold of his neck, then shooting her body backwards and driving him into the mat with a modified DDT!


But the crowd's era of good feelings is morbidly short lived, as they watch Frank immediately rise to his feet like a demon emerging from the simmering flames of hell. His arms quickly coil around her waist, snapping her slender frame into pieces as if they were twin boa constrictors. Once the air is totally dragged out of her lungs his anacondas fling her overhead, imprinting her into the canvas with a belly to belly suplex. He heralds his triumph by kissing his 25” bicep as he confidently strolls towards her battered body. Upon reaching her, BFB dives sideways and drives the tip of his elbow into her face with pinpoint accuracy. A pinfall attempt follows shortly thereafter.



Somehow Alix summons enough fighting spirit to lift her shoulder into the air, driving the Rhode Island natives wild with surprised glee. Heard loud and clear over the burning heat of the crowd is Big Frank Bruiser proclaiming that Robinson is a “Fucking pencil dick faggot who's too god damn stupid to count to three!”

You'd think after Robinson's enormous screwup at Mainframe Monday that he'd be trying to get himself back in the good graces of the Bruisers. I can't believe they even let this moron officiate anymore tag title matches.

Tired of dealing with an opponent who's obviously not weakened enough to be pinned, Frank allows Uber the chance to deliver more abuse to their nearly crippled enemy.

You have to ask yourself how much more of this punishment Alix can take? She's much tougher then she looks but she's in the ring with two of the nastiest men in all of pro wrestling, and can't last much longer.

Alix winces in stringent pain, as the redneck her bulldozes into a neutral corner with lightning quick kicks to the stomach. Ally Cat is pressed against the turnbuckles, where she desperately tries to regain her rapidly depleting breath. But Uber keeps his attack steady like a metronome, and launches her towards the opposite corner with an irish whip. Alix smacks against the pads, then staggers towards the center of the ring, the salty combination of sweat and tears in her brown eyes making it impossible to see more then a few inches in front of her face. So it comes as a tremendous surprise when The Pyscho Gremlin upends her with a back body drop. The physical shock of the move is even worse then the mental version, and she rests on the mat spasming in pain. Uber is able to still her body long enough to attempt another pin.



But Ally kicks out, upsetting the few audience members who don't wish to watch her take any more of the brutal beatings. Uber, on the other hand, is thrilled to inflict more damage upon her body, and acts on these desires by scrapping her off the mat, then driving her back down with a bodyslam. Another cover follows the basic hold.



Alix delays defeat just a little bit longer by kicking out. Unfortunately there is no rest for her weary bones, and Uber grabs hold of her bright white tube top and hauls her to her feet. He lathers her with an ensemble of forearms, each beating her ample chest like a drum, causing Alix to sing sorrowful blues. Uber then whips the champion to the corner, and trails her path with a clothesline. Right as the immense pain of the attack settles on her body, her assailant commences ripping into her badly bruised midsection with stomps. A female fan in the front row actually has the unbelievable audacity to heckle Bruiser for his treatment of Alix. Not about to let such discourtesy go unpunished, Uber hurls a wad of spits towards the young lady!

Uber doesn't go down to the crack house and tell that chick how to suck dick, so she shouldn't come down to the arena and tell him how to wrestle.

While the moralistic fans decry his savage display, Uber is already executing his next move, a standard brainbuster. However Alix prevents her brain from being busted by latching onto the ring ropes as if her approaching middle age life depended on it. Despite his unrivaled strength, Bruiser can't manage to overpower the rope aided resistance of his foe. The frustration of the failure overwhelms Uber, and twists his face into a dark grimace as he allows Alix to go free. He then attempts to separate her head from her body with a lariat. Yet, Alix barely manages to dodge the beheading, rolling bellow the deadly weapon and turning Uber into even more of an irate madman. He tries to bust the Los Angeles native wide open with a fearsome running forearm smash. But Alix evades the strike with a swift kick to his  gut. She snags a doubled over Uber into a front facelock, then spikes his cranium into the mat with a textbook DDT, drawing a huge ovation from the fans! Refusing to accept defeat at the hands of his much smaller foe, Uber makes the fatal error of standing right up, and eats a second DDT for his gaffe. He doesn't quite his learn lesson and makes a less then triumphant return to his vertical base. This time his headstrong blunder earns him Alix's version of the tornado DDT the Sucker Free DDT! The rabid fans heartily applaud for the DDT triplets, as the world seems to wave and swim before Uber's blurred vision.


Frank is much less encouraging to his brother then the crowd is to Alix, demanding that he either get up and fight or “puss out” and tag him. His head a jumbled mess, Uber choses option B, and slogs his way towards his waiting partner. No one in the arena seems to be paying any attention to the Bruiser's situation, as they are much to focused on mobilizing Alix to her corner. Sweat pouring down her face, and turning her hair into something resembling a damp mop, Ally begins the perilous journey to her corner. She looks on the verge of passing out, and each step she takes towards Krista seems like it might be her last. For her part, Krista promises Alix the world if she can just find it within her to somehow make the tag with her. Krista's prayers don't go unanswered, and Alix finally reaches her trembling hand, causing the sold out crowd to erupt with joy.

“KRISTA! KRISTA! KRISTA!” chant the fans, not detecting that Uber has made the tag to The Man of Tomorrow.

The newest competitors blaze a trail towards one another. The monumental meeting of the tag team's de facto leaders ends with Frank being leg lariated off his feet. Krista doesn't bother to celebrate her minor victory, instead deriving her pleasure from blasting Uber with a dropkick. But just as soon as he goes down, does big brother come back up, ready to end this COD nuisance once and for all. But Krista has other ideas in mind, namely whipping Frank into the ropes. She lowers her head as BFB returns from the cables, but the big man leapfrogs the champ and lands behind her. He twirls around to knock her head into the third row with a discus punch, but Krissy counters the strike by stunning him with an inverted atomic drop! The Man of Tomorrow clutches his (allegedly) 10” python, and screams in white hot pain, as the crowd hoots and hollers over his misery. Their soon given even more to cheer about as Krista winds up and annihilates what's left of his blood soaked nose with a superkick!

She calls that sequence Krista's Great California Adventure. But ain't nothing great about having to wear that Rip Hamilton mask for the rest of ya days because a fitness instructor kicked ya nose off ya face.

Uber retries his poor luck with Miss California, attempting to sneak attack her with a clubbing forearm. But thanks to a cry of “look out” from a little girl in the first row, Krista is able to block Bruiser's blow with an elbow strike. Uber stumbles backwards, instinctively nursing the fresh cut above his eye. This leaves him prey to any manner of viscous assaults, and Krisy capitalizes on this fact, by leaping into is back, and putting her knees to her chest to pulverize him with a lung blower! This time Uber's howls aren't ones of triumph, but rather of raw agony. Hearing his siblings cries of distress, Frank rises to his feet and crazily directs a Soonerline towards Miss California's lovely face. What the move packs in rage, it lacks in technique, form and most importantly speed, and Krista is easily able to duck bellow it and move herself behind Frank. The momentum of his miss clumsily carries him forward, but he's held into place by Krista's hands being wrapped around his bloodied face. His entire body is violently dragged downward by the force of Krista's ode to Redd Fox the Elizabeth, I'm coming to join ya, honey! It's the big one!” (Reverse X-Factor). The fans squawk with excitement, getting louder when Krista hooks the leg for a pinfall.




No, no, no, no! At the last possible minute, Uber breaks up the count, infuriating the pro-COD fanbase. But their dour mood begins to improve when Krista and a recovered Alix begin seizing on The Pyscho Gremlin with brutal stomps. He manages to rise to his feet past their torrent of kicks, but this only puts him in a far worse situation as the girls launch him into the corner. He smacks against the posts with a booming thud, too worn down by the night's festivities to effort any sort of escape. Taking advantage of Uber's weakness, Alix charges in with a lariat. Needless to say a lariat from a bulimic woman doesn't exactly bring much hurt to Uber's world. But the pain quickly begins to mount when Krista follows Alix by slashing her bare knee into Bruiser's face! As the cut on Uber's head begins to ooze gobs of blood, Ally lies on the mat, and Krista takes hold of her shapely legs. The blond bombshell dives backwards, lifting Alix into the air, and shooting her towards their rival. Uber tries to evade his approaching attacker. But the blood in his eyes causes him to misjudge her movement, and the speeding bullet rips into his stomach with a shoulder block!

“C-O-D! C-O-D! C-O-D!”

Big Frank, head lowered like a rampaging bull, rushes towards Krista. However the blond bombshell effortlessly avoids his approach by leapfrogging over him. Undettered by the avoidance, Big Frank continues his charge, fixing his murderous intent upon Alix. This becomes a severe error in judgment, as Alix counters the attack by striding forward, wrapping her arms around his waist, flipping into the air, and liquidizing his skull with the Burning Sensation When You Urinate! (Sunset flip piledriver) While the audience reacts with pleasure to the showy attack, Alix pins bone weary Frank.



Uber descends upon the pinfall with a body splash! Rather then be smushed between the muscle bound brutes, Ally quickly slides her body out of the way, leaving Uber to collide with his partner. Unlike his brother, who emits horrible groans of pain, Uber is seemingly unhurt by his humiliating folly. He stands up to get a measure of revenge on the plucky lasses, but the only thing that he receives for his troubles is a double dropkick that sends him out the ring!

These fans are on the edge of their seats, and the action is just going to continue later on tonight in the Lethal Rumble and with the second ever Survive Or Surrender Match, but right now these two teams are battling over the most prized possession in all of tag team wrestling!

With Bruiser incapacitated for the time being, Krista turns to pin Frank and bring this contest to a close. But The Man of Tomorrow has risen to his feet, and a look of solid hatred burns through his crimson mask. Easily able to  match BFB's rage, Krista skids along the canvas, lunging for him with a Yakuza Kick. But, in one sickeningly smooth motion, Big Frank sidesteps her attacking leg, snakes his hands around her waist, then shoots her backwards with a release German Suplex! The second she hits the ground, Big Frank stands up, ready to turn his powerful attacks upon her bubbly partner. But Alix is several steps ahead of him, and uses her considerable speed to rock him with an enziguri! Frank plummets to the canvas and immediately rolls himself to the outside to attend to his bloodied and beaten head. Not wishing to give her enemy anytime to recover his strength, Ally stalks him outside where she vigorously pumps his face into apron. Back in the ring, Krista unsteadily rises to her feet, not at all sure of where her fellow competitors went. She becomes aware of Uber Bruiser's location in a most painful manner, as The Pyscho Gremlin stuns her with a Crippler Crossface! The audience promptly and loudly begs her to fight free of the deadly submission. And fight out she does, desperately scrambling her way towards the salvation of the ring ropes. Yet, Uber isn't willing to allow her the freedom she seeks, and rains forearms into her face right as she reaches the cables. But his efforts to withold her in his grasp become moot, as Alix knocks him off her gal pal with a majestic 619! Surprisingly the crowd chooses to the boo after the move, rather then let loose with the expected cheer of approval. Their ill feelings no longer come as much of a shock as the camera pans out to show Big Frank Bruiser in the ring, body stained crimson, and eyes staring daggers at Ally. Despite the audience screaming a plethora of warnings, Alix endures a mighty shock when her opponent takes her off her feet with a side Russian leg sweep! He turns Krista, who's still seeking to recover from the crossface, and grabs her left leg, seeking out a half crab. But Krista isn't nearly as helpless as Frank would've liked, and her right leg kicks the big man into the cables. The ropes push him back into a small package from Krista, that has the crowd blaring with frantic elation!




Frank kicks out, generating a wealth of heat from the Providence natives. Krista shares in their annoyance, but doesn't let her negative emotions prevent her from dealing with an opponent she knows is near defeat. She bounds off the ropes, delicately timing her movement so that she reaches The Man of Tomorrow right as he stands up. Her carefully planned move is executed perfectly and she SPEARS the off balance superstar to the mat the moment he rises, thrusting the fans into a frenzy! A pin follows the impressive move.



Uber, who had been outside the squared circle, reaches into the ring to pull Krista off his brother just as Robinson was about to make the pivotal three count!


Ally greatly pleases the enraged spectators by bouncing off the ropes and delivering a baseball slide into Uber's face. The strike pushes Uber back several feet, and expands the gaping wound on his forehead, but it fails to bowl him over. Thus the girls are required to come up with a technique that will exterminate the fierce canine permanently. After a moment's discussion, Alix elevates herself onto Krista shoulders. Taking great care not to drop Ally from her risky perch, Krista glides towards the edge of the ring. Once Kris is in position, Alix arches backwards, in a movement resembling a reverse hurricana. Krista keeps hold of Alix's furry boots, then uses them to lever her back over, and catapult her onto prostrate Uber with a modified splash to the outside! Krista, the referee, the announcers, and everyone in attendance watch with enchanted awe as the high risk move yields a high reward, when Alix's attacking body knocks Uber out of this contest, and possibly out of this industry!

“C-O-D! C-O-D! C-O-D!”

Wow! That's their little used double team finisher called the Lesbequick!

With fate of The Bruiser family legacy in his hands alone, Frank darts towards Krista, only to be met with a kick to the stomach. She hooks him into a lazy front facelock, thinking she can easily end his night with a simple DDT. As always, pride comes before the fall, and Krista pays for her over confidence when Frank spins out of her weak hold, and drags her to the mat with an Anklelock!

I don't think we've ever seen Frank use this move before!

That turns out to be for good reason, because his unfamiliarity with the move may cost him the match! Krista, with unerring ease, turns over onto her back, then rockets her upper body upright and pulls Frank down into a small package!




But Frank pulls out of the pinning situation, but with a hand still on Krista's foot, he's able to do so while moving back into the Anklelock! The hold is far tighter then before, and Krista can feel the tendons and bones in her foot began to snap away as the pressure of the move increases by the second. Her hands reach out for the ropes, but Big Frank drags her back towards the center of ring, demanding that she tap out and relinquish her belt to him. Spit pours out of his vulgarity spewing mouth, and dried blood cakes off his screaming face as he wrenches her limb, causing her to shriek in terror.

“KRISTA! KRISTA! KRISTA!” bleat the audience.

Krista isn't willing to wave good-bye to championship, but but by the same token she's no longer able to stomach the building pain. Thus she's pressured into putting forth one last make or break effort to outwit the dreadful animal. Once again she manages to turn onto her back, but not without causing great discomfort to her ankle. She struggles past the misery and sits up to overtake Frank in another rollup. As she says a prayer to gods above that this pinfall will be the final one of the match, Charles Robinson makes the crucial count.



Kick out, Frank!


There is no last minute kickout, no 2.9999999 escapes. This match is finally over, and the arena shakes with the spectators' cheers as a result. Frank can't believe that this isn't some sort of terrible nightmare and pleads with Robinson to restart match and give him a second chance. Charles, who's had his fairshare of issues with the Bruisers as of late, simply screams, “DON'T START NO SHIT, IT WON'T BE NO SHIT!” then runs away.


Alix isn't very concerned with the fact that Krista's ankle nearly got broke, and leaps into her arms in celebration. She orders Krista to carry her towards the back, a request Krista is much too tired to argue over. While they depart, The Bruisers sit in somber silence, wondering how they failed to reclaim their title belts.

The Bruisers coming up short tonight, but they still have a chance to get back in title contention by winning the Anderson Cup. The road isn't easy for them, though, as they will face Black T in the second round in what should be a fantastic match up!


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CANADA! The second largest country in the world!

Cut to a beer brewery.

Makers of fine beer like Molson Dry, maple syrup, and Canadian bacon!

Cut to shots of the Royal Canadian Mountie Police. Cut to a picture of Wayne Gretzsky.


Home of Wayne Gretzky!

Suddenly we hear a needle scratch. "O Canada" stops playing. The camera shows a montage of OAOAST superstar's faces.



A new song plays, "Boom" by P.O.D. Clips of the OAOAST wrestlers in action are shown while the song plays. Zack Malibu superkicking a hapless victim! Spanish Fly doing the 6-1-9! Soonerline on a poor jobber! Jamie O' Hara doing the CURBSTOMP~! on a motherfucker! Princess Stacey posing! "The Manitoba Mammoth" Deon Black dominating an innoncent wrestler! PRL doing the Corporate Nightmare on someone! Colombian Heat with the Straight From Da Street! Zack Malibu and Bruce Blank brawling with each other! "Urban Legend" Todd Cortez giving someone the Riot Act Plus! All this, and much, much, more!

*Is that all you got!?
Well, it's alright! It's alright!
I'll take your best shot!

Is that all you got!?
Well, it's alright! It's alright!
I'll take your best shot!

Is that all you got!?
I'll take your best shot!
Well, it's alright! It's alright!
I'll take your best shot!
I'll take your best shot!

Is that all you got!?
I'll take your best shot!
Well, it's alright! It's alright!
I'll take your best shot!
I'll take your best shot!

Here comes the BOOM!
Ready or not, here comes the boys from the South

Here comes the BOOM!
Ready or not, (haha) How you like me now?*

As the chorus plays, we see the following words appear on screen in big white blocky letters with Not-Vince McMahon saying them.







As this is said, the camera cuts to a silhouette slinging the OAOAST World Heavyweight Championship belt over his right shoulder. It's quite obviously the current OAOAST World Heavyweight Champion, "Reckless" Drek Stone.


Footage of OAOAST superstars.


More footage of OAOAST superstars.

The montage continues.

Here comes the BOOM!
Ready or not, here comes the boys from the South

Here comes the BOOM!
Ready or not, haha How you like me now?

I said

Here comes the BOOM!
Ready or not, here comes the boys from the South

Here comes the BOOM!
Ready or not, haha, how you like me now?*

The clips of the OAOAST superstars go in fast motion. Finally, the montage ends. The OAOAST AngleMania VI logo appears on screen.





"Boom" by P.O.D. ends.


The biggest event on the OAOAST calendar heads to the Great White North this year! AngleMania VI will take place LIVE Sunday April 1st from the Toronto Skydome in Toronto, Canada! And Jess, can you believe we are only 63 days away from the Super Bowl of e-fed wrestling? AngleMania V seems like only yesterday!

Yeah, but things were different at AngleMania V. PRL was 24/7 Champion, Hoff was still in the OAOAST, Alfdogg still liked America, and nobody had even heard of Bruce Blank! Alot's changed in the past year.

Indeed, they have, and it will all culminate in our annual spring spectacular! Tickets are all sold out, so the Toronto Skydome will be jam packed with 67,000 + fans rooting their favourite OAOAST superstars on. And the winner of the Lethal Rumble Match tonight will go on to face the OAOAST Champion, who is Drek Stone at this point in time, in the main event of AngleMania VI. And Jess, can you imagine how it will feel to wrestle for the World Heavyweight Title in the main event of the biggest show of the year in front of almost 70,000 fans?

It's the stuff dreams are made of, Tony Schiavone! One man will get to live out his dream at AngleMania VI. The question is, just which of those 30 men inside that ring tonight will have their dream come true.

The camera cuts to the AngleMania VI countdown timer on the left side of the entrance set.

It's going to be one of the biggest, if not THE, biggest event of all-time! AngleMania VI is only 63 days away! And we'll find out later tonight just who will meet the OAOAST World Champion at AngleMania VI, but first we've still got two very important matches coming up. The Triple Threat Tag Team Match for the HI-YAH World Tag Team Titles and of course, Zack Malibu vs. Bruce Blank, Survive Or Surrender, Career Vs. Career. That's coming up just a little bit later, and now, let's send it back over to Michael Cole and Coach to call the next match!

(Cut to Doubel C~!)

Thanks Tony! Well fans, it's time for our third championship match of the evening. We've already seen the X-Division Title change hands, and Chicks Over Dicks retain their OAOAST Tag Team Titles. So, we're 1-1. What will be the result of this next match-up?  

The OAOAST Anglepalooza 2007 logo flashes across the screen. The match-up graphic for the Triple Threat Tag Team Match for the HI-YAH World Tag Team Championship appears on screen. The crowd cheers. The classic WWF Royal Rumble theme song plays.

This will be a Triple Threat Tag Team Match for the HI-YAH World Tag Team Championship. The rules are simple: three teams, but only two men can be in the ring. You can tag in anybody you want to at anytime. It's one fall to a finish, so the first person to score the pinfall or submission will be the HI-YAH World Tag Team Champions.

(Return to Cole and Coach.)

It's about time! Finally, the rightful champions will take their rightful place on the throne! The Corporate Champ, The Popster! Together, they will beat those PUNKS D*LUX and Heat/Fly, so that they can rule the tag team division with an iron FIST~!

The Popster?

Yes. The Popster. That will be his new nickname. It's trademarked and everything. Why'd you ask?

Nothing, just thought it was a little bit odd, that's all.

Of course it would be to you. You're not CORPORATE!

Ooookay then. Anyway, the Tag Team Champions are Colombian Heat and Spanish Fly, but they don't have the advantage in this type of match-up.

They wouldn't have the advantage in ANY type of match-up. The fact is that Colombian Heat and Spanish Fly were LUCKY to win the HI-YAH Tag Team Titles a few weeks ago. Well, they're not going to be so lucky tonight. They're making their first title defense...and it will be their last, thanks to P.R./Popick!


Nope. It's gonna be PR/Popick. I can feel it!

That's what you said two weeks out during the 2 Out Of 3 Falls Match!

Well, I was wrong. Da Coach is allowed to be wrong every once in a while.

Try every single day.


Nothing. There is ALOT of history between these three teams, and it all started back in November of 2006 when PRL and Popick requested a title shot. It turned into a MASSIVE screwjob and D*LUX lost the Tag Titles. They would try to get them back, only to get beaten down by The Lightning Crew! Colombian Heat and Spanish Fly got a shot and defeated PR/Popick to win the belts in a 2 Out Of 3 Falls Match two weeks ago on HeldDOWN~!.

Which they cheated to win.

COLE (ignoring Coach)
And afterwards this match was made. So, it all comes down to this. These three teams have been gunning for the Tag Team Titles since November, but only one of them can have them tonight at Anglepalooza! All three teams have held those belts in the span of 3 months, but there has yet to be a match between the six of them. Until now. PR/Popick hope to win the HI-YAH World Tag Team Titles for a second time, while D*LUX hope to win the HI-YAH Tag Team Titles for a record third time! And Colombian Heat and Spanish Fly are looking to retain their titles in a match where they have to look over their shoulders for four guys instead of two!

They're doomed.

Heat/Fly have the least team experience, but can that really hurt them in this type of a match-up?


COLE (ignoring Coach)
We'll find out in just a few moments. PRL and Popick. Colombian Heat and Spanish Fly. D*LUX. Two-on-two-on two! It's happening right now at Anglepalooza 2007!

Why won't you acknowledge me?

Because you touch yourself at night!






A1's "First To Believe" hits as AnglePalooza 2007 continues on, the boyband pairing known as D*LUX heading to the ring un-accompanied tonight. With no female to pose with, "Showtime" Shayne and "Tremendous" Tyler hold onto some of their masculinity by simply walking down the aisle and tagging hands with the fans. The green denim wearing duo reach the ring and slide in, getting themselves warmed up ahead of this big match, as we go to Michael Buffer.

Ladies and gentlemen, the following contest is a Triple Threat Tag Team Match, scheduled for one fall and is for the HI-YAH WORLD TAG TEAM CHAMPIONSHIPS!! In the ring, the first set of challengers. At a total combined weight of three hundred and eighty eight pounds... they are former two-time HI-YAH World Tag Team Champions... "TREMENDOUS" TYLER and "SHOWTIME" SHAYNE... D*LLLLLLLLLLLLUUUUUUUUUXXXXXXXXX!!!!


D*LUX, looking to capture the HI-YAH Tag Team Titles for the third time here tonight at AnglePalooza. That'd be some achievement and D*LUX have ammassed plenty of them in their short OAOAST and HI-YAH careers, but they're in for a tough test tonight.

That's an understatement.

Oh here we go.


The whole 'PRL is my favouritest wrestler ever' routine you drop into. I've tried to put up with it without complaint, I have, but enough is enough. Tone it down, or I'm going to have to insert...

.:CUE: "Voodoo Child (Slight Return)", Jimi Hendrix:.



The entrance doors slide open. Leading the way is Tha Puerto Rican, black spray-painted briefcase in hand and a scowl on his face as he scans the Providence crowd. PRL stops and begins smelling the elecrticity, Stephen Joseph Popick following out out and giving PRL space to go about his business. The urge to play air guitar is overwhelming. And with no belt anymore, PRL resorts to playing along to his theme music on his briefcase.

*Well, I stand up next to a mountain
and I chop it down with the edge of my hand

Well, I stand up next to a mountain
chop it down with the edge of my hand*

PRL makes the 'chopping' motion, before his eye lock with D*LUX in the ring. Jawing with the youngsters, PRL continues his walk to the ring, Popick jawing with the fans on his way past them.

It didn't take Tha Puerto Rican long to give his mouth a little-needed workout, huh?

PRL doesn't need to workout at all. He's in tip-top condition, all over, head to toe!

Coach, be gayer.

*Well, I pick up all the pieces and make an island
might even raise just a little sand

'Cause I'm a voodoo child
Lord knows I'm a voodoo child*

PRL and Popick, faced with a glaring D*LUX, make a slightly more subdued entrance than usual. With half an eye on the boybanders, PRL climbs into the ring and warns referee Brian Hebner to keep them back while he climbs to the middle turnbuckle and raises his hands in the air. PRL does the same on the next turnbuckle, Popick applauding him psychophantically.

Challenging team number two. Weighing in at a total combined weight of four hundred, fourty five pounds... themselves, former HI-YAH World Tag Team Champions... the team of STEPHEN JOSEPH POPICK AND "THE CORPORATE CHAMPION"... THA PPUUUEEEERRRRRRTTOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO RRRRIIIIIIIICCAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANNN!


The third corner gets the PRL treatment, smelling the electricity and patting his briefcase. Before he can get to the fourth turnbuckle though, time is short, so he's interrupted by the piano melody that causes the crowd to cheer erupt. The lights go down in the arena, turning back on in tune with the melody.



Pyro explodes, leaving behind fire that burns on both sides of the entrance stage. "Gasolina (Remix)" by Daddy Yankee featuring Lil’ Jon and Pitbull starts playing. The entrance doors slide open, and Colombian Heat comes running out onto the stage, pumped up and ready to go!


Here come the Champs!

Sporting his half of the HI-YAH Tag Team Titles around his neck, Heat fires up each side of the Rhode Island crowd before striding down the aisle, tagging hands with each and every fan he can reach.

And finally, introducing the reigning and defending HI-YAH Tag Team Champions of the WORLD! First, weighing in at one hundred and eighty pounds... originally hailing from Bogotá, Colombia, but now residing in Miami, Florida... CCOOOOOOOLLLOOOOOOOOMMBBIIIIIIIIAAAAAAAAANN... HHHHHHEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAATT!!!!


Ugh! Look a the disrespect, he can't even wear the belt properly, he has to treat it like a piece of cheap jewellery.

I believe the term is 'bling', with the option addition of another 'bling'.

Mikey, be whiter.

As he reaches the end of the ramp, Heat sees the odds aren't in his favour if a brawl breaks out. So he throws up the "WESTSIIIIIIIDE" hand signals in the aisle rather than in the ring on the turnbuckles. All smiles, Heat then signals for the guys in the truck to cut his music and instead, bring out his partner.

The lights go down in the arena. Two spotlights shine on the entrance. After five seconds...


Spanish Fly shoots out from underneath the entrance stage with the pyro shooting all around him. Fly raises his hands in the air like he just don't care as "Krokodilamadurinn" by Quarashi starts playing. And after searching out the Spanish Fly fans in the audience, he then pats the title belt around his waist and walks down the entrance ramp, slapping hands with the fans along the way. Joining Heat in the aisleway, Fly tags hands with his tag team partner and they approach the ring, still a little wary after the melee at the end of HeldDOWN~! on Thursday night.

And his tag team partner! Originally from Tijuana, Mexico but now residing in San Diego, California... weighing in at one hundred, seventy five pounds... SSSSPPAAAAAAAANNIIIIIISSSHHHHH... FFFFFFFFFLLLLLLLLYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!


Into the ring slide Fly and Heat, taking up their position in the ring, still looking a little cautious. The Champs remove their belts and the rest of their entrance attire, the gold going to referee Hebner and the clothes into the handy ring attendant who's pretty weighed down right about now.

A big match and you can't tell, these three teams all showing a little bit of restraint here, not wanting to make a mistake that might leave them open to attack. Or, just as likely, get them disqualified. But you can feel the tension over the ring right about now. The restraint won't last for long.

And when it goes, it's gonna go with a bang. I can sense it!

Brian Hebner pats down all three teams. He then calls for the bell as "Krokodilamadurinn" by Quarashi dies down.

P.R./Popick, D*LUX, and Heat-Fly all stare at each other from different corners in the ring. The crowd is hot, greatly anticipating the start of the match.

Well, here we go! Whoever survives this match will be the HI-YAH World Tag Team Champions!

This will be an awesome night for Tha Puerto Rican! He's going to get his Title back AND he is going to go to AngleMania VI to challenge the World Heavyweight Champion! It's great to be Tha Puerto Rican right about now!

I wouldn't say that yet, Coach. We still has got a ways to go!

Trust me, I'm always right!

Like you were right when you said that that intern had the hots for you?

Don't start.

PRL and Popick talk trash with D*LUX. P.R. lunges after "Tremendous" Tyler Bryant, but is held back by Popick. D*LUX point menacing fingers at Spanish Fly and Colombian Heat, who tell them to bring it.

All three teams getting into a yelling match right about now.

They're psyching each other out. Works everytime.

PRL shoves "Showtime" Shayne! Shayne shoves Puerto back!

Shoving match now! Who's going to start this thing?

All three teams stand in fighting stances. Brian Hebner orders for the teams to pick who'll start. Popick tells P.R. to he'll start for them. Colombian Heat pats Spanish Fly on the back, telling him to start for their team. Both members of D*LUX head to a corner.

So it looks like Stephen Joseph Popick and Spanish Fly will start this match for us!

Good! Some payback for Spanish Fly beating PRL last Thursday on HeldDOWN~!

PRL applauds Popick. SJP and Spanish Fly circle each other in the ring. They lock up--NO--Stephen Joseph kicks Spanish Fly in the gut and then punches him in the face! Popick grabs Fly's right hand, and gives him an Irish whip into the ropes. But Spanish Fly slides underneath Popick's legs--only to get chopped across the chest by Popick when he stands up!

Oh! What a chop to the chest by Stephen Joseph Popick!

Spanish Fly strikes back with a kick to Popick's stomach! Stephen Joseph responds with ANOTHER knife-edged chop across Fly's chest! Fly with another kick to the stomach! Popick with another punch to the temple! SJP whips Spanish Fly into the ropes. SJ lifts Spanish Fly up, intending to go for a flapjack...but Spanish Fly grabs Stephen Joseph Popick as he's coming down and spins him around to give him a tornado DDT!

Whoa! A spectacular move by Spanish Fly! I don't think I've ever seen someone turn a flapjack into a tornado DDT in my entire life!

Popick immediately gets right back up, so Spanish Fly grabs him and gives him an Irish whip into the ropes. Popick bounces off the ropes, right into a flapjack from Fly! Fly follows that up with a standing moonsault onto Popick! Fly then bounces off the ropes and delivers a leg drop across SJ's throat, then runs to the PR/Popick corner and punches PR in the face!

Now come on now! Is that fair!? I thought Spanish Fly was supposed to be a role model for kids and all that crap!

It was in the heat of the moment, Coach.

That's what you say now. But watch, when PRL or Popick does it, you'll whine and complain. That is SO like you!

Spanish Fly picks Stephen Joseph Popick up by his blonde hair. He whips SJP into his corner--SJ reverses--Fly hits the corner! Popick rushes forward...Fly moves out of the way...and gives Popick a drop toehold, sending him into the second turnbuckle! Fly makes the tag to Colombian Heat. The crowd cheers!

And now Colombian Heat is in this match!

COACH (dry tone)

Colombian Heat tells Spanish Fly something. PRL and D*LUX watch as Heat/Fly grab Stephen Popick and whip him into the ropes together. Double hiptoss on Popick!

Great double team move from Heat and Fly!

More cheating from our so-called 'great' HI-YAH World Tag Team Champions!

Would you please get off it already!?!?!?!?

Colombian Heat stomps on Stephen Joseph Popick on the mat.

Colombian Heat and Spanish Fly have been the HI-YAH World Tag Team Champions since January 18, 2007. Will their reign continue tonight as Heat remains on offense with Stephen Joseph Popick.

Colombian Heat picks Stephen Joseph Popick up. Popick springs to life, and delivers a knife-edged chop across Colombian Heat’s chest! ("WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!") He then does it again! ("WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!") And again! ("WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!") DOUBLE CHOP! ("WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!") Popick makes the tag to Tha Puerto Rican. The crowd boos loudly.


Will this be the start of a long, but victorious night for Tha Puerto Rican?


"The Corporate Champion" Tha Puerto Rican enters the ring, and immediately gets punched in the face by Colombian Heat! Heat is on P.R. like fat on Viscera, stunning The Corporate Champ with rights and lefts to the temple. Colombian Heat gives Puerto an Irish whip into the ropes, followed by a BAAAAAAACK Body Drop onto the mat!

Colombian Heat taking it to Tha Puerto Rican! He still remembers Stacey Robertson's betrayal from 4 weeks ago!

That's PRINCESS Stacey to you, BUCK-O!

The same Princess who lost to Jade Rodez earlier tonight?

Don't bring me down, Cole.

P.R. holds his back in horrible pain! Colombian Heat bounces off the ropes...and hits PRL with a leg lariat! D*LUX watch intently, as Colombian Heat, muttering stuff to Tha Puerto Rican, picks him up by his shirt and hair, and then whips him into the ropes again. PRL quickly holds onto the ropes, and then makes the tag to "Showtime" Shayne Brave by slapping him on his right shoulder! PRL rolls out of the ring, as Shayne stands there surprised.

Well, now it's time for "Showtime" Shayne Brave to enter the ring! Remember, you can tag in anybody you want to at anytime!

Smart move by PRL, taking advantage of the rules of this match! That is why he is the best OAOAST Superstar that has never worn the OAOAST Title!

That may all change tonight if PRL does win the Lethal Rumble Match!


PRL walks back to his corner, while yelling to Shayne, "GO GET HIM, YOU JABRONI!" Shayne is irked by having to be tagged in by the man who screwed him out of the HI-YAH World Tag Team Titles in the first place. But, he wants his title back, so he enters the ring.

Shayne Brave about to enter the ring for the first time tonight. And it was Shayne Brave that got the burnt of the screwjob that night at November Reign. If you remember, Thomas Rodriguez stopped the count to give Shayne two middle fingers, then PRL gave him a low blow, leading to PRL and Popick defeating D*LUX to win the HI-YAH Tag Team Titles!

A great moment in Tha Puerto Rican's career! Absolutely NO ONE saw that coming!

We've been through "The Conspiracy" enough times already. Let's concentrate on the match at hand.

Remember when PRL--


"Showtime" Shayne enters the ring. He stares at Heat, who motions for him to "bring it". Shayne charges forward...right into a drop toehold from Heat! Colombian Heat picks Shayne Brave up, and applies a headlock on him. He cinches the hold tight. Brave walks with Heat into the ropes, and then shoves him off into the opposite ropes, but Heat comes back with a shoulderblock to knock Shayne down! Shayne KIPS UP (~!), and then goes for a clothesline, but Heat ducks the clothesline, and bounces off the ropes, following with a leg lariat!

Leg lariat!


Heat goes for the cover.




Shayne with the shoulder up!

PR would have won with that move. Not that he would EVER do a move that stupid, but if he did, he would have won with that move.

CH picks "Showtime" Shayne up by his blonde hair. A scoop and a slam puts Shayne back down to the mat. The tag is made to Spanish Fly. Spanish Fly leaps onto the top ring rope, stays there for 3 seconds, and then drops down onto Shayne's body! The crowd liked that move!

Look at this! Great move by Spanish Fly! Here's the cover!


The delayed splash couldn't get things done for Fly.

That's because he's the size of an ant.

Oh, will you stop?


The fans chanting for D*LUX now. There are two fan favourite tag teams in this match, so you have to wonder which team the fans will side with eventually.

If they had any brains, it'd be P.R. and Popick.

Spanish Fly grabs Shayne Brave by his head and nails him in the face with some forearm shots. Fly goes for an Irish whip, but Shayne reverses and kicks Spanish Fly in the gut! "Showtime" Shayne places Spanish Fly in between his legs, and then lifts him up onto his shoulders, but Spanish Fly slips out and gives Shayne an arm-drag on the way down! Colombian Heat cheers!

Great arm-drag by Fly!

Shayne gets right back up, so Spanish Fly whips him into the ropes--NO--Shayne Brave reverses, Spanish Fly bounces off the ropes, Shayne Brave lifts Fly up, and lets him drop HARD onto the mat! Shayne then makes the tag to his tag team partner, "Tremendous" Tyler Bryant!

And here comes "Tremendous" Tyler Bryant!


Tyler Bryant is quickly on offense, grabbing Spanish Fly so that he can punch him in the face repeatedly, and nail him with the CLUBBERIN'~! THEY BE CLUBBERIN'~! forearms. The forearm shots in particular send Spanish Fly down to the mat. Tyler stomps on Spanish Fly.

D*LUX have no personal issue with Spanish Fly or Colombian Heat, like they do with PR and Popick. Still, Heat and Fly hold the HI-YAH Tag Team Titles that D*LUX feels rightfully belong to them, so don't be surprised if D*LUX don't take it easy on Heat and Fly in this match-up.

I'm not only not expecting D*LUX to take it easy on Heat/Fly. I'm HOPING they don't take it easy on Heat/Fly. I want Heat/Fly and D*LUX to beat each so badly that Tha Puerto Rican and Stephen Joseph Popick can just swoop in and get the pin AND their titles back!

That is SO like you!

That is SO like you to steal my lines!

"Tremendous" Tyler Irish whips Spanish Fly into the ropes. Spanish Fly bounces off the ropes, and grabs a hold of  "Tremendous" Tyler Bryant's body. He goes for a headscissors takedown--NO!--Spanish Fly shifts his body again, so that he's now on Tyler Bryant's shoulders, Spanish Fly gets off of Tyler Bryant's shoulders, bringing him down to the mat with a headscissors takedown along the way! The crowd is amazed at what Spanish Fly just did!


Spanish Fly with that incredible move! The 22-year-old 175 pound luchador from Tijuana, Mexico keeps coming up with new and exciting ways to inflict damage on his opponents!

Tyler Bryant stumbles around the ring following that move. He heads to his corner, where he stops to shake the cobwebs out. But Spanish Fly doesn't allow him to do that as he charges forward and grabs Tyler Bryant, giving him a MONKEY FLIP~! onto the mat! Tyler Bryant rolls across the mat. He uses the ropes to get up. PRL slaps him on the back, which constitutes as a tag.

Whoa. PRL made the tag to Tyler Bryant. What for?

He's tired of seeing Tyler Bryant get manhandled by a midget! He's going to show Tyler how it's done!

So, it's like a game of 'Can You Top This' in this Tag Team Title Match?


PR can't even put his ego aside for ONE match!

Watch what you say! You know he's only a few feet away!

"The Corporate Champion" Tha Puerto Rican glances over at "Tremendous" Tyler Bryant as Tyler walks back over to his corner. Tyler sneers at Tha Puerto Rican. PRL just gives him a cocky smirk.


The crowd boos loudly. Puerto Rican turns his attention to Spanish Fly in the ring. P.R. spits in his hands, and then rubs them together. He and Spanish Fly stare at each other, each one wondering who will make the first move.

Spanish Fly and "The Corporate Champion" Tha Puerto Rican are now in the ring together. And we all remember all the exciting matches these two men have had. Spanish Fly has been a thorn in PRL's side more than once in his life!

It's Fly who eventually makes the first move, rushing at PRL who brushes him aside with a bi paso. Fly uses that momentum to leap up onto the top rope, springboarding back with a Moonsault... but Tha Puerto Rican runs underneath, hitting the ropes as Fly lands on his feet! Over the top goes Fly with a leapfrog, PRL continuing on into the opposite ropes. As Fly turns back around, PRL soars with a Flying Forearm, knocking the Champion head over heels! The Corporate Champion stays down for a moment too, before suddenly kipping up!


Backing into a corner, Tha Puerto Rican raises the foot, ready to tune up the band.


Unfortunately, the corner he backed into was D*LUX's. And Shayne Brave tags himself back into the match, heading straight to the top while the angry Puerto Rican is sent back to his corner by referee Mark Hebner.

PRL, never happy at being upstaged.

Shayne settles on the top, waiting as Fly climbs back to his feet. And once he does so, Shayne soars, taking out Spanish Fly with a Flying Clothesline off the top! Cover follows...




Back to his feet, Shayne pulls Fly up with him and makes the tag to "Tremendous" Tyler. An Inverted Atomic Drop sets Fly up in the centre of the ring, held in place as Tyler hits the ropes and lands a BIG Yakuza Kick to the masked face of Fly!

Opposites Attract!

Heat tries to encourage his partner on, as Tyler pins him down...




There we go, who's upstaging who now? Huh?

Calm down.

The fans don't know whether to boo or cheer, PRL's illegal save keeping everyone's favourite Spanish Fly in the match. Tyler makes a move towards The Corporate Champ, but the referee gets rid of him before anything can happen. So Tyler goes back on the offence. Scoop and a slam on Fly, Tyler heading to the one neutral corner and climbing to the middle turnbuckle. All of a sudden Fly recovers though, rushing into the corner and leaping to the middle rope, before taking Tyler off the buckles with a Super Japanese Armdrag!!


Wow! Tremendous move from Spanish Fly!

Fly is closer to PRL and Popick than he is to anyone. But he knows he can't retain the titles if his team isn't legal, so goes the extra distance to tag in Colombian Heat!


In comes Heat, but by the time he's in Tyler is back up. Heat cuts him off with a quick boot though, hitting the ropes behind him and taking Tyler down with a Bulldog. In for the 'save' comes PRL, anxious to get back in the match, finding himself quickly back out of it as Heat guides him up and over the top rope to the floor!!



PRL is lucky that happened now and not in the Lethal Rumble later. Although, it's a distinct possibility it might happen in the Lethal Rumble too.

Heat does the 'shimmy dance' as PRL writhes in pain on the arena floor. Out of the corner of his eye he spots Tyler coming in and lands a right hand. And another. Make it three, dazing Tyler before whipping him off into the ropes. Down drops Heat, forcing Tyler up and over, the rebound bringing Tyler back into a BEAUTIFUL Standing Dropkick from the Colombian!! And the cover...




Keeping Tyler under control, Heat checks on Fly to see if he wants to come back in. And he does. So the tag is made, Colombian Heat jarring Tyler with an Atomic Drop before he leaves the ring. That leaves Tyler stationary as Fly springboards to the top, soaring in with a Crossbody...






Oh, so, so close! Spanish Fly almost paid the price for that high-risk maneuver!

As he gets to his feet, Tyler tries to go for the tag to Shayne Brave. Fly lands a boot though, then a forearm to keep Tyler from tagging.

I'm begging someone to tag PRL or Popick! It's like these four are deliberately freezing them out of this match!

And I'm sure the only one out here who feels sorry about that.

Fly looks for an Irish whip now, but the larger Tyler manages to get a reversal and instead send Spanish Fly for the ride. Hitting the ropes at full speed, Fly throws his feet at "Tremendous" Tyler on the way back with a Front Dropkick! The force rolls Tyler right through to his feet, Fly already on the run again and shooting at Tyler again. This time he forces the wheelbarrow, pushing up off the canvas and looking for the Rube Goldberg Bulldog...

...but Tyler blocks, throwing Fly forward and sitting out with a Faceplant of sorts!


As Fly checks for any bleeding through the mask, the tag is made between D*LUX again. Shayne is in quickly, looking to catch Fly while he's down with an elbow...

...nobody home!

Wow, great move dummy. Get Tha Puerto Rican in already!

Tag is made to Colombian Heat, sending Shayne straight into the ropes and landing a Leaping Back Elbow upon his return. As Shayne settles in the middle of the ring, Heat then goes for the ropes again. This time he springboards to the middle rope, flipping back overhead with the WESTSIIIIIIIDE (Asai) Moonsault across "Showtime"'s chest!!




Encouraging Shayne back to his feet, Heat is ready. So too is Popick, now sick of waiting around and rushing Heat. He succeeds just about as well as his partner did though, Heat backdropping SJP UUUUP and over the top to the floor!


This isn't fair. This isn't fair!

Back to the action and Shayne tries to catch Heat unawares with a Monkey Flip. Heat pushes Shayne off though, "Showtime" rolling back to his feet and getting knocked down with a big Clothesline! Fired up, Heat isn't waiting any longer. He places the hands around his throat and gags for air, the signal for the Colombian Necktie!

Heat is going for the finish here!

What a coward, he won't even dare fight PRL and Popick, he wants to end the match while they're hurt!

You do realize that... oh, nevermind.

Heat pulls Shayne back to his feet, kneeing him in the gut and latching onto the arms. Turning over, Heat then lifts "Showtime" up, looking for the Colombian Necktie...

...but Shayne floats behind, landing on his feet and dropkicking Heat in the back...


...sending him sternum first into the D*LUX corner!!

Shayne Brave dodged a bullet right there!

While he has the chance, Shayne dives for the tag to bring Tyler in again. And quick as a flash, Tyler rushes into the ring, placing Heat in the very same position he had his partner in moments ago and looking to hoist him up!!

He's going for the Recordbreaker!! He's going for Heat's own move on him!

Now THIS I like!

Tyler manages to get underneath Heat and as the Colombian shakes his head 'No', he finds himself going up, up...

...and OVER, Heat able to counter his own move!!

And it's HEAT dodging the bullet this time!

As he lands on his feet behind "Tremendous" Tyler, Heat places his hands up on the boybander's shoulders. Up and over he goes with a leapfrog, landing with his back to Tyler, the perfect set-up to flip back AND LAND THE PELE KICK!!!!



Where the hell did he come from!?



Rolling Tyler over onto his back, Heat hooks the leg and counts along with referee Brian Hebner's count...






You know what, now that I think about it, this isn't so bad after all. Let these four punks beat each other down and PRL and Popick can feed off of the scraps! It's perfect!

Heat rolls off of Tyler, holding the back of his head, the boybander slowly turning over on top as Shayne is sent back to the corner...




It's breaking down here, Brian Hebner doing well to keep any semblance of order right now.

Both Tyler and Heat are looking dazed now. And they both take the opportunity to crawl to their respective corners, making the tags out to "Showtime" Shayne and Spanish Fly! The two cruiserweight come in with the same idea, leaping in over the ropes and running at each other with crossbody blocks. Unfortunately, what results is a mid-air collision, the two men just bouncing off of each other and crashing to the canvas! Both men are down, hard to tell who got the worst of it. Both their partners are down too, so it's down to them and them alone.


This crowd is split right down the middle, 50/50!

But there's three teams in the match.

Okay. 50/50/0. Although, there is you. At an estimate, you're about 0.0001% of the people in this arena, which is therefore pretty much Popick and Tha Puerto Rican's fanbase tonight.

As Fly and Shayne begin to recover though, into the ring sneaks PRL. He lays Shayne out with a clothesline as he gets to his feet, before taking Spanish Fly and throwing him across the ring, into the corner where Popick can tag himself in!


Alright! Popick is in and the other two teams are easy picking, just like I said would happen.

Finally back in the match, Popick wastes no time in dragging Shayne away from his corner and dropping an elbow to the upper back. And another. Sitting down at "Showtime"'s side, Popick then hooks the arms and looks to apply the Higher Calling...

...and despite a brief struggle...



The Higher Calling is locked in! And Shayne Brave has no arms to reach the ropes with, he's got to try and shift around and go feet first, if he can crawl at all.

He can't! He's not strong enough!

Popick pulls back on the far arm and Shayne howls in pain, able to see the ropes but not able to get to them. In the corner, PRL is pulling away in spirit with Popick, encouraging his partner to 'make him tap', just like they were made to on Thursday night.


Trying to turn so his feet are nearer the ropes, Shayne manages to shuffle around a little. Popick continues to wrench away with the hold though. It looks like Shayne might be close to submitting, Popick nodding away, just waiting for him to give it up...

...Shayne tries another crawl, but it doesn't last long! Popick pulls back on the hold again!

He's got to give it up! Stop playing the hero you idiot and give up before Popick tears your damn shoulder out of the socket!

Giving up all hope of reaching the ropes, it's just a matter of time now. Shayne is hanging on and hoping someone will come to his rescue, his last chance, as he grits his teeth, trying not to submit despite every braincell in his head screaming at him to do just that...




Yeah, damnit ref! Get him out of the ring, he's not legal!

Hebner does just that, pointing Tyler back to his corner. Fuming, Popick climbs back up and makes the tag to Tha Puerto Rican and telling his partner to 'finish him off'.

PRL back in this match-up.

The Corporate Champ picks "Showtime" Shayne up. He nails him with Rock-style punches to the temple! He gives Shayne some European Uppercuts, and then whips him into the ropes. PRL goes for a clothesline, Shanye ducks, bounces off the ropes...and fires with a flying clothesline of his own!



Shayne Brave grabs Puerto Rican by his hair and takes him over to the PR/Popick corner. Shayne forearms PRL in the face several times, while Popick tries to punch Shayne in the face, but fails. Miserably. Brave whips Tha Puerto Rican into the opposite turnbuckle--PRL reverses--Shayne goes into the turnbuckle. P.R. charges forward--Shayne moves out of the way, and PRL does the "Bret Bump" onto the mat!

And Shayne moves out of the way!

Shanye quickly goes for the cover! 1...2...RIGHT SHOULDER UP! Brave picks Tha Puerto Rican up, and gets scratched in the eyes as a result! Puerto gets up, and grabs Shayne. He hooks him up, giving him a wheelbarrow suplex! P.R. gets up again, and starts stomping on Shayne's chest with his shaky leg kicks. P.R. then takes things one step further by choking Shayne with his right foot, using the ropes for leverage.


PRL is using anything he can to win this match, and win back the titles he believe were stolen from him and Popick!

Which they were.

P.R. keeps choking Shayne with his foot until Brian Hebner tells him to stop at the count of 5. PRL stops at 4. Colombian Heat yells at the ref to do something about P.R.'s cheating. Tha Puerto Rican picks Shanye up and taunts him. He then runs with him towards the ropes, where afterwards, he jumps over the top rope and onto the floor while still holding onto Shayne's head, which causes Shayne's throat to hit the top rope, which then causes Shayne to snap back onto the mat! The Ricochet!

Ricochet from Tha Puerto Rican!

Tha Puerto Rican climbs the ring steps and enters the ring again, so that he can wait for Shayne to get up. When Shayne's on his knees, PRL charges forward, leaping over Shayne's head while grabbing him in mid-air so that he can give him a neckbreaker on the way down!

Lightning Shock from Tha Puerto Rican!

You know, people shouldn't bend like that.

Which is why PR uses that move.

That's why he rules.

Tha Puerto Rican has a smile on his face, knowing full well that things are going his team's way. The crowd boos loudly.


Colombian Heat puts his hands out for the tag. PRL taunts him for it. Puerto Rican picks "Showtime" Shayne up again. He cradles him up. Cradle DDT!

PRL with the Esto Daño De La Cogida De La Voluntad!

Way to go, Puerto! Hurt that boyband wuss!

P.R. makes the tag to Popick.

PR's team is in total control of this match-up!

Popick picks Shayne up and gives him a stalling neckbreaker! He picks Shayne up again...and gives him a wristlock suplex! He covers Shayne.

ONE!                                                   TWO!                                                      KICK OUT!


Stephen Joseph Popick picks up "Showtime" Shayne Brave by his hair. He whips Shayne Brave into a neutral corner. Popick makes the tag to Tha Puerto Rican. Tha Puerto Rican charges forward. Stinger Splash!

PRL and Popick are systematically wearing down their opponent.

It's reasons like this why PR and Popick were the HI-YAH Tag Team Champions for 2 months!

Well, that and cheating.

Don't start, Michael.

As a "LET’S GO SHAYNE!" chant starts up again, Tha Puerto Rican pulls Shayne off the turnbuckle and gives him a bodyslam. The crowd starts buzzing, since they know what is coming up next.

He could be going for it! PR could be going for it!

Tha Puerto Rican exits the ring and climbs the top rope. The crowd starts booing again. PRL removes his left elbow pad and throws it into the crowd. He stands up on the top rope, points to Heat and D*LUX, and then jumps off, doing the "Up yours!" gesture in mid-air.

Corporate Elbow Drop on Shayne Brave!

Corporate Elbow Drop from The Corporate Champ!

Cover him, P.R.! You've got him!

Looks like he's listening to you!




And that's what happens when people listen to Da Coach!


PRL gets up. He sneers at Shayne Brave, wondering what to do next. He decides that some shaky leg kicks will do just fine. Then he decides to punch Colombian Heat in the face, knocking him off the ring apron! Puerto goes back to Shayne, picking the D*LUX member off the mat.



Shayne escapes! So PR clotheslines him back down to the mat! PRL points to his head to show the crowd how smart he is.


PRL covers Shayne and gets two! Puerto picks Shayne up and takes him over to the heels corner. PR makes the tag to Popick. PR holds Shayne up, so that Popick can kick him in the stomach! PRL goes back to his corner, while Popick sends Shayne into the ropes, and follows with an inverted atomic drop, followed by a clothesline to the mat! Popick mutters something to Brave, and then picks him up once again. Snap suplex! Popick covers again.




Popick eyes the referee. He then makes the tag to Tha Puerto Rican. PRL talks trash at Heat/Fly, and then to Tyler Bryant. PR turns Shayne over, and applies a front facelock on Brave.

PRL trying to sap all the energy he can out of Shayne Brave. PRL has to compete with four other superstars in this match-up, so he might possibly have to eliminate each one of them one by one!

P.R. cinches the hold tight. Brian Hebner checks on Shayne. Tyler Bryant climbs the second rope and claps his hands to try and rally Shayne. Colombian Heat and Spanish Fly also root Shayne on, not only because they respect him, but because if Shayne gives up, then Heat and Fly lose their titles.


PRL smiles evilly as he keeps the headlock on Shayne.

And Colombian Heat desperately watching this match. He knows very well that if Shayne submits, then he loses those HI-YAH Tag Team Titles!

Things are not looking good for the Champs! And I love it!


Shayne is pounding the mat with his feet to show he's still got life in him. Popick tells Puerto to 'keep the hold on him, tight!'.

Squeeze him tight, PR! Squeeze him tight!

Shayne is starting to get up. Puerto gets on his left knee, still holding onto the facelock. Brave pushes himself up onto his knees. He then pushes himself up onto his right knee.

He's getting up! Shayne's fighting back!

"Showtime" Shayne finally gets to a vertical base, but PRL still is on his left knee applying the facelock. That changes when PR stands up and cinches the facelock tighter. Brave punches PRL in the stomach to try and break the hold. PR still holds on! Shayne goes for a suplex, but PRL blocks it and elbows Shayne in the back of his neck! Finally, PRL lets go of the facelock, and instead goes for a vertical suplex, HOWEVER, Shayne lands on his feet behind Tha Puerto Rican and punches him in the face! Again! And again! And again! The punches stagger The Corporate Champ! Shayne Brave then kicks PRL in the gut! He kicks him in the gut again! SHINING ENZIGURI~!

Shining Enziguri! "Showtime" Shayne has brought PRL down with a Shining Enziguri!

Oh no! That move knocked PRL unconscious! He's gonna be in a coma now!

Both PRL and Shayne lie on the mat.

Is that the opening Brave needs?

PRL and Shayne begin crawling. PRL begins crawling over to the Heat/Fly corner, while Shayne begins crawling over to the D*LUX corner. Brian Hebner begins his 10 count.

Shayne Brave is crawling, closer and closer to his tag team partner!

Why doesn't PRL do the same?

I think he's on dream street now!

PRL is on his hands and knees crawling over to Heat/Fly. He uses the bottom rope to start pulling himself up. As he does that, the OAOAST Starbucks Double Shot instant replay shows Shayne Brave's Shining Enziguri on Tha Puerto Rican. Shayne crawls closer and closer to the D*LUX corner.

Shayne's gonna make the tag! PRL better look out!

PRL pulls himself up some more by using the second rope. He then pulls himself up to his feet by using the top rope. Once he does that, Colombian Heat slaps him on his right shoulder, which constitutes as a tag! A few seconds later, "Showtime" Shayne Brave makes the tag to "Tremendous" Tyler Bryant!


Colombian Heat has tagged himself in! Tyler Bryant is also in!

He can't do that!

He can in this match!

PRL looks PO'd at Heat. But he can't do anything else but watch as Colombian Heat and Tyler Bryant enter the ring! Heat clotheslines Tyler down! Another clothesline! And another clothesline! PRL charges forward, so Heat hits him with a leg lariat! Heat runs over to Popick and punches him in the face! Colombian Heat picks Tyler up, and Irish whips him into the ropes. Heat grabs Tyler when he returns. Overhead Belly-To-Belly Suplex! Colombian Heat does a SHIMMY~!

Heat is a House...EN FUEGO~!

Colombian Heat stares down at Tyler, and then does a breakdance move, finishing off with a leg drop! Heat picks Tyler up. Tyler is slightly dazed, and will be more as Heat drops him to the mat with the BONG HIT~!

Bong Hit! The Bong Hit on Tyler!

Colombian Heat makes the cover.




And Tyler Bryant kicks out just in the nick of time!

CH picks Tyler Bryant up by his hair. He throws him into a neutral corner. There, Heat unleashes a combination of chops and punches on Tyler Bryant! Heat then heads to the opposite corner, the PR/Popick corner, and then charges forward with...a Stinger Splash!?

Stinger Splash on Tyler Bryant! That's a move from Tha Puerto Rican's playbook!

That punk! Stealing other people's moves!


Colombian Heat looks at PRL and points to his crotch. That's enough to cause PRL and Popick to enter the ring and attack Heat!

Hey! What are they doing here? They aren't the legal men!

Yeah, but when you insult Tha Puerto Rican, you better not expect to get away with it!

PRL and Popick beat on Colombian Heat while Tyler Bryant rests on the turnbuckle. The crowd boos loudly. But then they cheer when Spanish Fly comes in and fires off shots on Popick!

Get that brat out of the ring!

Spanish Fly nails Stephen Joseph with forearm shots to the face! This has given Colombian Heat the distraction he needs to start hitting PRL with punches to the face! Brian Hebner tries to retain order, but it's not working. Tyler Bryant gets a much needed break as he watches, along with Shayne Brave on the ring apron, Heat/Fly battle PR/Popick.

Things are breaking down in the ring! PR/Popick duking it out with Heat/Fly!

The crowd cheers loudly as Colombian Heat and Spanish Fly have "The Corporate Champion" Tha Puerto Rican and Stephen Joseph Popick on the ropes. Heat and Fly give PR and Popick and Irish whip into the ropes. When Popick returns, Fly gives him a headscissors takedown onto the mat! Colombian Heat hits PRL with an AJ Styles-like dropkick!


Two beatdowns for the price of one!


Colombian Heat stomps on PRL on the mat. Meanwhile, Spanish Fly has taken Popick to a corner, and is busy forearming him in the face. Spanish Fly pulls Popick out of the turnbuckle, and heads to the top rope. Spanish Fly sits on the top turnbuckle while he grabs Popick in a front facelock. Fly leaps off the top rope and nails Popick with a tornado DDT! The crowd cheers! Colombian Heat is still stomping on PRL.

We’ve got a pier-six brawl going on right now!

Try as you might, you're not even HALF the announcer Gordon Solie was.

Spanish Fly runs over to his corner, where he climbs the top rope. He waits for Popick to get up.

What's he going to do now?

Something illegal I bet!

Popick sits up. He slowly gets to his right knee. Spanish Fly motions for Popick to come to him. Popick slowly gets back to his feet. He is groggy. His eyes are glazed over. Popick is having trouble standing up too. Since Popick's back is turn towards Spanish Fly, Fly decides that there's no better time than now to leap off the top rope...

FLY SWATTER ON POPICK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111111111111111111111


Fly Swatter! Fly Swatter on Stephen Joseph Popick!

Hey! He can't do that! He's not the legal man!

Spanish Fly just took out Popick with the Fly Swatter!

He should be disqualified! He's cheating, plain and simple! GRRRRRRRR!

The crowd is going nuts. Spanish Fly rolls Popick under the bottom rope and onto the floor. He's knocked out from the Fly Swatter. Fly then exits the ring and returns to his corner. Meanwhile, Colombian Heat has picked Tha Puerto Rican up. Heat whips Tha Puerto Rican into the ropes--NO!--Puerto reverses---NO!--Heat reverses, kicks PR in the gut, turns around, grabs PR's arms, and then turns around again, lifting PRL high up into the air!


The crowd goes nuts! The loudest they've been all match!

He’s got him up! Can he connect!?

Colombian Heat has PRL ready. He has a wide smile on his face. Colombian Heat looks at Spanish Fly, looks at D*LUX, and then looks at the crowd, then he screams out loud.

COLOMBIAN NECKTIE~!!!!!!!!!!!!11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111


Colombian Necktie! Colombian Heat has knocked PRL out with that move!

But it's not fair! PR and Popick are not the legal men! Why are they doing this!?

Divide and conquer! Get rid of PR/Popick now, so that they can concentrate on D*LUX! And I think they've just taken out PR/Popick from this match-up!


Colombian Heat quickly gets back to his feet and picks the unconscious Puerto Rican up. He yells through his teeth as runs with PRL towards the ropes, before throwing him OVER the top rope and onto the floor! PR lies face-down on the ground, while his partner, Popick, lies on his back only a few feet away from him!

I think it's safe to say that Tha Puerto Rican and Stephen Joseph Popick are OUT of this match! They've just been eliminated from contention!

That shouldn't count! And anyways, PR and Popick will return. They always do! That's their whole M.O.!

I think you're thinking of Hulk Hogan.


Geez, calm down Coach. Your boyfriend isn't injured, at least I don't think so!

He's not my boyfriend! My boyfriend is--I mean, PRL is--UGH! COACH MAD~!

Whoa. Look out., world! Coach is on the loose! HA! HA! HA!

I hate you so very much.

Colombian Heat smiles a wide smile as he looks at his former best friend lying on the outside. This is why he doesn't notice when a recharged Tyler Bryant grabs him from behind and starts punching him in the face!

Tyler Bryant has spent the last few minutes recharging his batteries, watching all that went down, and now he's back in action as this match turns into, well, I guess, a regular two-on-two tag team match!

Fly is at his corner, and so is Shayne Brave, and Brian Hebner finally has some order inside the ring. "Tremendous" Tyler attacks the Colombian superstar with punches and CLUBBERIN’ FOREARMS OF DEATH~! He hits a vertical suplex on Heat, then makes the tag to a fresh "Showtime" Shayne Brave. Brave immediately drops some elbows onto Colombian Heat's chest.

This is a one-fall contest. Whoever wins becomes HI-YAH World Tag Team Champions. All three teams in this match have held those belts in the span of 3 months. But only one of them can have them again tonight at Anglepalooza!

Shayne picks Colombian Heat up. He hits him with a European Uppercut which knocks him down. Shayne then stomps on Heat. He makes the tag to Tyler. Shayne picks Heat up and whips him into the ropes, where Tyler picks Heat up and drives him down with a Samoan Drop! Tyler covers Heat.




And Heat just gets the shoulder up!

That's good. That means PR and Popick still have a chance to win.

"Tremendous" Tyler is frustrated by the count, but he strives on, picking Heat up and nailing him in the face with forearms. Bryant grabs Heat's right hand and gives him an Irish whip into the ropes. Sleeperhold!

Sleeperhold on Colombian Heat!

Where's Tha Puerto Rican? Will somebody please wake up Tha Puerto Rican!?

Heat flings his arms around while in the sleeperhold. Brian Hebner checks on Heat's condition. He winces in pain. Tyler turns the sleeperhold into a side headlock. He cinches the hold tight. Tyler walks over to his corner, where Shayne slaps Tyler’s back to make the tag. Bryant whips Colombian Heat into the ropes. Heat bounces off the ropes INTO A DOUBLE SUPERKICK FROM D*LUX!

Hit Me Baby One More Time!

Shayne makes the cover!




Not now! As Heat kicks out!


"Showtime" Shayne Brave picks Colombian Heat up and takes him over to the D*LUX corner. Brave kicks Heat's gut numerous times, and then makes the tag back to Bryant. Spanish Fly can only watch as Tyler gives Colombian Heat a back suplex! Bryant turns Heat onto his stomach and applies a front facelock on him.

Tyler Bryant with that front facelock trying to wear Colombian Heat down.

Heat quickly gets back to his feet, but is still in the front facelock. Heat desperately puts his right hand out for a tag, but Tyler won't let go. Heat punches Tyler in the stomach several times.


Tyler, sensing that he's in trouble, walks over to his corner, and has Shayne slap him on his back to make the tag. Shayne strikes Colombian Heat's back with aggression as Tyler heads back to the ring apron. PRL and Popick are starting to move on the outside. Shayne Brave gives Heat a snapmare takeover, and then bounces off the ropes to deliver a front dropkick to Heat's face! Brave goes for the cover again. And gets two! Brave gets up and makes the tag to Tyler.

Tag team wrestling 101. Get the fresh guy in and out of the ring as quick as possible, and go for the quick pinfalls.

D*LUX pick Colombian Heat up. KELLY CLARKSON CLUTCH! Shayne heads back into the ring apron. "Tremendous" Tyler Bryant picks Colombian Heat up and whips him into the ropes. Colombian Heat reverses. Heat punches Tyler in the face. He punches him again! And again! Colombian Heat DANCES~! And then knocks Tyler Bryant to the mat with the fourth punch!

Shake, Rattle, & Roll from Colombian Heat!

Colombian Heat bounces off the ropes, does a SHIMMY~!, and then drops a knee onto Tyler Bryant's face!

Shaky Leg Knee Drop from Colombian Heat!

Heat makes the tag to Spanish Fly. Spanish Fly bounces off the ropes, does a SHIMMY~!, and drops a knee onto Tyler Bryant's face!

Whoa, a Shaky Leg Knee Drop from Spanish Fly!

So, they steal moves from each other? That's nice.

Spanish Fly picks Tyler Bryant up. Fly Irish whips Tyler Bryant into the ropes, and follows with a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker! Fly poses for the fans! They cheer! SF picks up Bryant and sends him over to the D*LUX corner. Fly nails "Tremendous" Tyler with forearm shots to the head. Fly then runs over and makes the tag to Colombian Heat. Heat charges in and nails Tyler Bryant with a flurry of punches. He then switches over to martial arts kicks all over Tyler's body as the crowd gets hotter. Heat finishes the kicks with a jumping back kick to Tyler's jaw which causes him to slump down to the mat, his head resting on the bottom turnbuckle pad.


Oh great.

He's going for it! It could be time!

Colombian Heat smiles. He plays to the crowd some more, and then makes the "low-rider" hand gesture.

Here it comes!

Colombian Heat charges forward.


Broncobuster! Broncobuster on Tyler Bryant!

He's used to that move, what with Shayne being his partner and all.

Don't start! Don't even start!

Colombian Heat picks Bryant up. He sits him on the top rope, and then makes the tag to Spanish Fly. Heat jogs back over to Tyler Bryant so that he can watch him and make sure he stays seated on the top turnbuckle. Spanish Fly charges forward, Colombian Heat grabs him, and alley oops him onto Tyler Bryant who's seated on the top rope. Spanish Fly then brings Tyler to the mat with a Frankensteiner!


Wow! From the top rope! Spanish Fly's got 'im!

Spanish Fly covers Tyler Bryant, hooking his left leg!




And Shayne just saved the match-up!

Saved the match-up for PR/Popick to win, that is!

Colombian Heat enters the ring and beats on Shayne, then throws him over the top rope and onto the floor! Heat then slugs it out with Tyler Bryant as Brian Hebner tries to keep things in order. Heat gains the advantage and whips Tyler into the ropes, hitting him with drop toehold, which causes Tyler to land on the second rope! The crowd cheers.


I'm pretty sure Spanish Fly is the legal man, but maybe not! This match has gotten out of control!

Spanish Fly bounces off the ropes, grabs the top rope...

Here it comes!

6-1-9 TO "TREMENDOUS" TO TYLER BRYANT~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111

And it connects to Tyler Bryant! The 6-1-9 from Fly!

Spanish Fly runs across the ring apron and then climbs the top rope. He plays to the crowd.

He's setting Bryant up for the Fly Swatter!

Suddenly, "The Corporate Champion" Tha Puerto Rican shows up and bounces the ropes, which causes Fly to lose his balance, and crotch himself on the top rope!

Hey! Tha Puerto Rican's back! See! You see? I told you! I told you that he would be back! Yes, I am right! Wooooo!

PRL is indeed back in this match-up, and that could spell trouble for D*LUX, Colombian Heat, and Spanish Fly!

The crowd boos. PRL grabs Spanish Fly by his mask, and throws him off the turnbuckle and onto the floor! Fly hits the floor with a thud! PRL gets off the ring apron and stomps on Spanish Fly. Stephen Joseph Popick is also up, and he soon joins PRL in stomping on Spanish Fly!


PRL and Popick doing a number on Fly!

Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Stomp him down, P.R.! Stomp him down, Popick! Get him! Get that little bug!

Spanish Fly is severely weakened by all the stomping. Luckily for him, Colombian Heat gets off the ring apron and runs over to where PR and Popick are so that he can start duking it out with them!

Colombian Heat coming to his partner's aid!

Colombian Heat slugs it out with PR and Popick! While this is going on, Spanish Fly, whose eyes are glazed over, slowly gets up. Fly uses the bottom rope to pull himself up, and roll back into the ring where D*LUX awaits. Like a predator striking its prey, "Tremendous" Tyler Bryant immediately starts stomping on Spanish Fly as soon as his body is inside the ring!

And Tyler Bryant wasting no time in attacking Spanish Fly! He sees an opening, and he wants those Tag Team Titles back, so he's taking full advantage of this situation!

The crowd doesn't know how to react to what they''e seeing. "Tremendous" Tyler Bryant stomps on Spanish Fly's back until he stops moving. Colombian Heat is still brawling with Stephen Joseph Popick and "The Corporate Champion" Tha Puerto Rican so he doesn't notice this. Tyler Bryant tells Shayne Brave to do something. Brave runs across the ring apron to what is *supposed* to be the PR/Popick corner and climbs the top rope. The crowd comes alive.


Oh no!



This looks like the end!


Tyler Bryant picks Spanish Fly up and then bends down, throwing Spanish Fly facedown onto his right knee. The crowd gets louder!

It could be time!


They're going for it!


"Tremendous" Tyler Bryant has Spanish Fly set up on his right knee. "Showtime" Shayne Brave is crutched on the top rope. "The Corporate Champion" Tha Puerto Rican and Stephen Joseph Popick are still fighting with Colombian Heat. "Showtime" Shayne Brave stands on the top rope, and looks down at his partner.


Shayne Brave leaps off the top rope...

TO COMPLETE THE AS SEEN ON 60 MINUTES~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11111111111111111

As Seen On 60 Minutes! As Seen On 60 Minutes! D*LUX have just done their finishing maneuver on Spanish Fly, and neither Colombian Heat, nor PRL or Popick seem to notice!


They just might! Here's the cover! Could this be it?

"Tremendous" Tyler Bryant covers Spanish Fly, hooking his left leg. "Showtime" Shayne Brave stands guard in the ring, but he doesn't really have to, since Colombian Heat, "The Corporate Champion" Tha Puerto Rican, and Stephen Joseph Popick are still getting into it on the outside. Referee Brian Hebner counts, along with the fans in the Dunkin' Donuts Center.



2 1/2




*DING DING DING* (22:13)



Tyler Bryant pumps his fists! Shayne Brave does a celebratory leap into the air! The crowd pops loudly as "First To Believe" by A1 begins playing. Heat, PR, and Popick have stopped fighting and see what's going on in the ring.

It's over! D*LUX are Tag Team Champions! Again!


Here are your winners...and NEW HI-YAH Tag Team Champions of the woooooorrrrrlllllllllllld! D*LLLLLLLLLLLLUUUUUUUUUXXXXXXXXX!!!!

Tyler Bryant and Shayne Brave share a warm embrace inside the ring. Meanwhile, outside of the ring, Colombian Heat, PRL, and Popick stand there stunned at having lost. PRL stomps the ground in frustration. Spanish Fly is still lying on the mat, but he is moving.

Right here at Anglepalooza in the Dunkin' Donuts Center, D*LUX have gotten back the Tag Team Titles they believe were stolen from them, and are now HI-YAH World Tag Team Champions for an unprecedented THIRD time!

It's just not fair! PRL and Popick were knocked out for half of the match! Colombian Heat and Spanish Fly should have never done their moves on them!

There's always an excuse with you, isn't there? D*LUX have got the HI-YAH Tag Team Titles once again, Coach! Thats FINAL!

PRL slaps the ring apron! Popick is FURIOUS~! Colombian Heat just sighs. Brian Hebner hands the HI-YAH World Tag Team Championship belts to both members of D*LUX, who raise them over their heads to the crowd's delight. Spanish Fly is using the second and third ropes to pull himself up, heartbroken at losing.

A wrong has been righted! At November Reign, D*LUX were SCREWED out of the HI-YAH Tag Team Titles, but tonight at Anglepalooza, they have gotten their revenge! They are the new HI-YAH Tag Team Champions, and you can bet that Jade Rodez is watching this and is absolutely ecstatic for her team!

This has been an awful night so far for The Lightning Crew! Jade Rodez beat Princess Stacey, and now PR has been SCREWED out of the HI-YAH Tag Team Titles! At least there's still the Lethal Rumble! At least there's that!

What are you talking about? PRL started this by pulling Spanish Fly out of the ring! He has no one to blame for this but himself! If he didn’t want to beat down Spanish Fly, maybe he would have been there in time to prevent D*LUX from winning!

Spanish Fly started it just by living! This match should have never included that midget! In fact, this match should have never taken place! PRL and Popick were screwed out of those titles two weeks ago, you know!

Let's not start this again, Coach. This is a time of celebration! D*LUX have gotten their belts back!

It was never theres. Itss always been PR and Popick's!

Well, PR and Popick didn't show interest in the belts until last November.


That shut you up.

"First To Believe" continues playing as "Showtime" Shayne Brave and "Tremendous" Tyler Bryant celebrate in the ring with their newly won belts. D*LUX have smiles on their faces as wide as The Cheshire Cat's. Despite being in pain, tired, and out of breath, D*LUX are HI-YAH World Tag Team Champions again, as  all that counts.

Let’s take a look at the replay.

The OAOAST Anglepalooza 2007 logo flashes across the screen. Cut to the ending of the match starting with Spanish Fly doing the 6-1-9.

Okay, I’ll do it. I’ll tell you how it REALLY happened. Spanish Fly went for the 6-1-9 and hit it on Tyler Bryant. Fly then went for his finisher, when he was crotched by Tha Puerto Rican and then pull off the top rope. Good job, Puerto. PR and Popick then started laying the smackdown on Spanish Fly, until that punk, that thug, Colombian HACK came out and attacked God’s Team! While all of this mess was going on, Spanish Fly crawled his little midget carcass back into the ring, where Shayne Brave and Tyler Bryant took advantage of Fly’s weakened state and gave him the As Seen On 60 Minutes WHEN PR AND POPICK WEREN’T LOOKING to win the match and STEAL the HI-YAH World Tag Team Titles! There you go. That’s what happened, straight up. No bias from me. I’m fair and balanced.  

You’re like the Fox News of professional wrestling announcers.

Thank you!

That wasn’t a compliment.


Spanish Fly is up. D*LUX stops and stares at him. A hush silence falls over the crowd as they greatly anticipate the next move.

What’s going to happen now?

"First To Believe" by A1 dies down. Shayne and Tyler stare at Spanish Fly.

Spanish Fly is pretty upset. He didn’t want to lose the Titles so soon!

Does Spanish Fly really think he can take both members of D*LUX on? HA!

This is a tense moment. What’s going to happen between D*LUX and Heat-Fly?

PRL and Popick are watching this outside the ring. The crowd is buzzing. Spanish Fly takes a deep breath...and then puts his right hand out. The crowd cheers. D*LUX stare at each other. They sling their HI-YAH World Tag Team Title belts over their shoulders...and then Shayne Brave shakes Spanish Fly’s hand! Tyler then shakes Fly’s hand!


Awwww! I wanted to see them fight!

What a show of sportsmanship from Spanish Fly! He may have lost, but he’s still got a good heart, and knows there’s always next time!

There won’t BE a next time! Watch as D*LUX hog the titles and never defend them!

Oh I don’t know. They weren’t like that during their first two reigns, and I’m sure they won’t be like that now, especially after all they’ve been through these past three months!

Whatever! People change, Cole! People change!

"First To Believe" by A1 starts playing again. Colombian Heat enters the ring and slaps Tyler Bryant’s right hand, then pulls him in for a hug. He does the same to Shayne Brave. The crowd cheers some more. Heat says one more thing to D*LUX, and then leaves the ring. Spanish Fly nods at D*LUX, and then follows Heat.

It’s good to know that there is still respect between those two teams! D*LUX did what they had to do in order to win back the HI-YAH World Tag Team Titles. Heat and Fly know that, so there’s no hard feelings between them.

Colombian Heat and Spanish Fly smile at D*LUX on the outside. Colombian Heat pounds his chest and then points at D*LUX with his right hand saying, "Respek!" D*LUX pound their chests and say, "Respek!" too, but it just looks weird coming from them. Heat puts his right arm over Spanish Fly’s shoulders, and the two now-former HI-YAH Tag Team Champions walk back up the aisle, slapping hands with the fans along the way.

This makes me sick. Sportsmanship is SO 1994. Why, if that was PR and Popick, D*LUX would be left laying right about now!

Well thank God Heat and Fly aren’t PR and Popick then, huh?

Which one would Fly be?

I don’t care, Coach. I just don’t care.

Speaking of PR and Popick, the former HI-YAH World Tag Team Champions now walk up the aisle themselves, but with less dignity then Heat-Fly. PR/Popick yell at D*LUX from the outside, furious, and vowing to get the belts back. PRL even does the "You can’t see me!" hand gesture. D*LUX taunt the ex-champs, and laugh at them. Tyler waves bye-bye to PRL as "First To Believe" continues playing.

PRL is certainly NOT a happy camper right now! He lost his shot to regain the HI-YAH World Tag Team Titles!

He’ll be back! He’s in the Lethal Rumble later tonight, you know. Don’t worry, PRL’s gonna win the Lethal Rumble Match then go on to win the World Heavyweight Title at AngleMania VI! THAT’LL cheer him up!

He’s gonna have to go through 29 other men to do it.

So what? He’s Tha Puerto Rican! He can do anything!

He can’t seem to win back the HI-YAH Tag Team Titles.


Heh, settle down, Coach. We’ll find out later tonight.

PRL and Popick jaw with the fans. Popick gives a little boy in a Zack Malibu T-shirt the "Up yours!" hand gesture. Popick and P.R.L. leave through the sliding doors.

Well, things are certainly looking up in the D*LUX camp! Jade Rodez defeated Princess Stacey and D*LUX defeated TWO teams to win the HI-YAH World Tag Team Titles for a third time! One only knows what’s next for D*LUX and Jade Rodez!

It should be a three person lobotomy. Oh wait, Jade doesn’t need one. She’s a girl. Girls have no brains.

Thank you for that incredibly sexist comment, Cole.


I should tell Krista what you said.


"Showtime" Shayne Brave and "Tremendous" Tyler Bryant walk across the aisleway slapping hands with the fans and smiling. Shayne has his HI-YAH World Tag Team Championship belt over his left shoulder, while Tyler has his HI-YAH World Tag Team Championship belt over his right shoulder. The crowd is still cheering.

D*LUX survives the Triple Threat Tag Team Match at Anglepalooza, and have gotten their revenge over Stephen Joseph Popick and Tha Puerto Rican! Tonight is a night that "Tremendous" Tyler Bryant and "Showtime" Shayne Brave will NEVER forget!

COACH (deadpan)

Brian Hebner raises both members of D*LUX’s hands in victory. D*LUX high five each other.

What a night this has been thus far! And we’ve still got more to come! This show is FAR from over!

"Showtime" Shayne Brave and "Tremendous" Tyler Bryant raise their HI-YAH World Tag Team Championship belts over their heads at the entrance. D*LUX put their arms around each others’ shoulders and raise their HI-YAH World Tag Team Championship belts high up in the air.



The crowd cheers loudly. D*LUX leave through the sliding doors as "First To Believe" by A1 continues playing. This is the last image we see before we fade out.


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In the arena, we hear the crowd POP~!, because what they're seeing on the AngleTron is what's going on backstage...namely ZACK MALIBU and CANDIE walking into the arena. Zack is uncharacteristically quiet, while Candie is a bit somber, not looking forward to what her boyfriend has in store for him tonight. After exchanging pleasantries with several people, they round the corner...and Malibu comes face to face with a man that he hates just as much as Bruce Blank.

The OAOAST World Heavyweight Champion, Drek Stone!

It's an uncomfortable moment, as Zack waits for Drek to say something, but Drek just smirks at him and Candie. After a moment of akward silence, Drek places a hand on Zack's shoulder, and in a mocking tone, offers two words of encouragement...

"Good luck."

To Drek, that's the funniest thing in the world, as he chuckles and walks away, leaving Zack and Candie to glare at him as he disappears.

(Cut to Double C.)

Well, it looks like the OAOAST Champion IS in the building tonight!

Mmm-hmmm. But I think he's here for only one reason, and one reason only: to witness the end of Zack Malibu's career!

I sure hope Drek isn't siding with Bruce Blank tonight!

Who knows, Cole? His hatred for Zack Malibu may just force him to root for Bruce.

At any rate, Drek Stone is here, and so is Zack, and in just a few moments, Zack Malibu will step into the ring for quite possibly the very last time as he takes on Bruce Blank in a Survive Or Surrender Match!

The OAOAST Anglepalooza 2007 logo flashes across the screen. The match-up graphic for the Zack Malibu/Bruce Blank Survive Or Surrender Match appears on screen. The crowd EXPLODES~! They're the loudest they've been all night, and it shows just what match the fans are looking forward to the most at Anglepalooza 2007.

A bitter, personal rivalry will come to an end. Since May of 2006, Bruce Blank and the other Wildcards have wreaked havoc on the One And Only AngleSault Thread. They, HE, has laid out opponent after opponent, INCLUDING Zack! Zack has never beaten Bruce in a one-on-one match. Can that all change tonight in a match that BOTH men must win if they want to wrestle another day?

I'm getting goosebumps right now, Michael. This is the big one! This is the moment we've all been waiting for! It's gonna happen! Either Zack leaves, or Bruce leaves! Either way, this is going to be a bloody, brutal battle and I can't wait! Get him for me, Zack!

The most anticipated match in Anglepalooza history is about to begin. Zack has yet to defeat his fiercest rival, will he finally be able to get the "W" tonight when he needs it the most? The whole world is watching this historic match.

The time has come. The demeanor of the crowd is mixed as the lights dim, and the specially made steel cage for the Survive or Surrender match is lowered over the ring. Will the hometown hero gain his ultimate retribution against his most hated rival, or will the most reviled man in wrestling score the greatest win of his career, and send the OAOAST's favorite son into a forced retirement from the business he loves?

Tonight, one man will survive, and one will surrender...and whoever surrenders will be surrendering not just a victory, but their career, and their lifeblood, to their foe.

It's the calm before the storm here right now fans, as everyone in the arena, and by that I mean the people in the stands, in the locker room, and here at ringside await the closing chapter of the most brutal feud in OAOAST history.

Ain't no comin' back for this one, Mikey Cole. We in Zack's house, his hometown, and tonight, he's puttin' it all on the line in front of his friends and family for one simple reason: REVENGE.

Tonight, one man's career will end inside the four walls of the cage you see being placed around the ring. Notice that the cage is specially made to attatch to the ring apron instead of the normal encasing of the entire ring, in order to prevent any possible interference from people hiding out under the ring. Keep in mind that there is no door on any of the four walls, and the roof is fully intact. Once the combatants are inside the cage, it will be fully lowered over them, and will not rise until one man has been deemed victorious.

The cameras scan the crowd as the paying customers flock back to their seats, not one of them wanting to miss a minute of the action.

We got a lot of people here in attendance tonight too, Cole. A lot of friends and enemies of Zack Malibu can't believe he's going through with this.

Personally Coach, I still can't believe he's going through with this. I've known Zack Malibu since the moment he set foot in the OAOAST. At one point, you could have considered me a sidekick to The In Crowd. Tonight we see people like Sly Sommers, who has made his intentions clear as to why he's looking forward to this match. Calvin Szechstein, currently on Zack's good side despite their past dealings. Peter Knight, a man who just last year cost Zack Malibu the Lethal Rumble at this very event, and even the original In Crowd members EvenflowDDT and The Superstar sitting, watching, and waiting. We have Zack's personal friends, his family, all in attendance. Friend or foe, you have to respect what Zack Malibu's done for this company, and no one wants it to end. He's going up against a man he's never beaten, a man who will show no mercy or remorse, and is going to treat this match as his bloody playground. Zack Malibu, for all he's accomplished, may have bitten off more than he can chew.

With those cryptic words uttered, the camera closes in on ring announcer Michael Buffer walking up the ring steps, and the crowd starts to buzz, as they know the match is mere moments away.


Ladies and gentlemen, ARE YOU READY!?


Providence, Rhode Island ARE...YOU...READY??


Then for the thousands in this arena and the millions watching across the globe, LETS GET READY TO RUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUMBLEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!


They are fired up, Coach! It seems like Providence is going into this with a positive attitude!

No doubt, because this may be the last time we have to tolerate Bruce Blank in an OAOAST ring!

Please dear God let it be so!

Ladies and gentlemen, and the viewing public watching live on pay-per-view, THIS is the SURVIVE OR SURRENDER MATCH! Notice that the cage above the ring has been constructed with four solid walls of steel mesh, and a roof over it. There is no door, and thus, no entry. Once both participants have entered the ring, the cage will be lowered over the ring, and attatched to the ring apron. The only way to win is for one man to quit...submit...SURRENDER. Tonight, their are no titles at stake in this contest, but the careers of Zack Malibu and Bruce Blank lay in each other's hands. One man will emerge victorious, and seal the fate of his eternal foe. The loser, however, will be served his walking papers, and have his career ended! It is a battle of pride, and of redemption, and now...the participants.

I'm torn Coach, I mean I want Zack to win and get rid of Bruce, but he's making the gamble of his life here, he could lose everything he holds near and dear to him.

I admire Malibu's gut but you've got to remember that Blank has really done a number on Zack more or less every time they've met, he really has gotten Zack rattled. We could be saying good bye to Zack tonight.

Introducing first...


The chants are heavy and strong, as the crowd waits for the hometown hero to appear. The lights drop, and the chant turns to a roar, as...


The ringing into to the "Saved By The Bell" theme song booms through the arena, and cuts quickly to the chorus of Eminem's "Til' I Collapse"...

"Till the roof comes off, till the lights go out
Till my legs give out, can't shut my mouth.
Till the smoke clears out and my high wear out
I'ma rip this shit till my bone collapse."

Which then cuts to...

"(Wake me up)
Wake me up inside
(I can't wake up)
Wake me up inside
(Save me)
call my name and save me from the dark..."

After that, both the music and the lights totally shut down, leaving the arena cloaked in darkness. Some people use their cellphones or lighters for visual aid, but within seconds they're not needed, as the AngleTron shines bright once again, and the bass line for "Getting Away With Murder" kicks in.


The distant shot that captures the cage slowly lowering as Zack Malibu steps into the arena serves as a poignant reminder of the hell that awaits Zack Malibu.

”Somewhere beyond happiness and sadness
I need to calculate what creates my own madness
And I'm addicted to your punishment
And you're the master, and I am waiting for disaster”


The look on Zack's face is equal parts anger and frustration and anticipation as he pauses on the top of the ramp for a second to soak up the absolutely atomic crowd reaction. In what is a departure from Malibu's normal attire Mr. OAOAST has both his hands heavily taped up all the way to his elbow pads, probably both for protection against the cage but also for added impact against Bruce. Gone are the standard wrestling tights as attire, as tonight, Malibu comes out clad in blue jeans and an OAOAST logo T-shirt, proudly wearing the name of the company he loves across his chest.

This man has been through the wars for the last three quarters of a year, he's been to hell and back fighting with the Wildcards and tonight it all comes to an end, one way or the other.

You know at first I really though he had it coming, after all *HE* brought the Wildcards into the OAOAST, but those sick bastards crossed the line when they entered the Malibu home and intimidated his girlfriend and their newborn daughter.

And when the Coach thinks you've gone to far then you must be really depraved.

”I feel irrational, so confrontational
To tell the truth I am getting away with murder
It is impossible to never tell the truth
But the reality is I'm getting away with murder”

Instead of sliding through the 2 foot gap between the ring apron and the dangling cage Zack circles the ring as he almost shakes with anticipation and anger. While several fans reach out and pad him on the shoulders or shout words of encouragement the usually fan friendly Zack Malibu doesn't respond, no high fives, no gestures, he's in a world of his own with only one goal.

”Getting away, getting away, getting away”

And his opponent...


The chants drown out Michael Buffer for a moment, while Zack paces back and forth on the far side of the ring. Zack waits impatiently like a caged tiger, even though he's technically not caged yet.

Approaching the ring at this time, he is the leader of the group known as The Wildcards. Weighing in tonight at an even three hundred pounds, he is BRUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCE BLAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANK!!”

The opening guitar warble alerts everyone that Bruce Blank is about to enter the arena, and the expected reaction ensues, as Blank walking into Providence is like a KKK member walking the streets of Harlem.

"I walk a lonely road
The only one that I have ever known
Don't know where it goes
But it's home to me and I walk alone“


After a moment or two of Green Day playing the crowds attention is drawn to the side of the entrance set up as they hear a loud truck horn play “I wish I was in Dixie” as an engine revs up.

"I walk this empty street
On the Boulevard of Broken Dreams
Where the city sleeps
and I'm the only one and I walk alone"

Instead of walking down the entrance Bruce appears on the back of a huge Ford F350 Pick-Up truck with one hand on the roll bar and another holding a beer up high in the air as he grins in anticipation, this is his night it would seem. His newly acquired ride complete with sparking chrome, a crisp black paint job that's accentuated by airbrushed blue flames licking down each side of the trunk and “King of Pain” written across the hood really screams of how confident Bruce Blank is tonight.

Trust him to make a big pompous entrance, even in Zack Malibu's own hometown!

Well now they have something to drive him away in after the match is over, Cole.

"I walk alone
I walk alone"


Bruce doesn't seem to even hear the chants from the crowd, and as the pick up truck brings him to the ring in style, he's busy drinking a beer and holding on to the moving truck. Once the truck stops Bruce turns to the fans and raises both arms in the air, taking an early crack at celebrating the victory he's been predicting all along.

Bruce seems awfully confident here, yeah he's got a new car and yes he's the self proclaimed “King of Pain” but it'll take more than that to win this match.

Well he may have proclaimed himself the King of Pain but tonight he either earns the name or leaves the federation.

"I walk alone
I walk a... "

As Blank poses on the roof of the truck, basking in the hatred of the Rhode Island crowd, Malibu's patience wears thin. The Preppy One races across the ring and makes a clean leap onto the top rope, and springboards off with a dive that knocks Bruce off the roof of the truck and down into the bed, along with Malibu as well!


"My shadow's the only one that walks beside me
My shallow heart's the only thing that's beating
Sometimes I wish someone out there will find me
'Til then I walk alone"

The music quickly cuts out, as Malibu stands up and takes Bruce Blank by the head, ramming it into the roof of his new ride! Malibu then spins Blank around and pins him against the back window of the truck, hammering away with those taped fists of his as the crowd hits a complete uproar!

Malibu is going completely kamikaze on Bruce Blank!!

Get that sucka, Zack!

Malibu pounds on the redneck, much to the crowd's delight...but when he pulls him up Blank charges forward, wrapping his thick arms around Zack's waist in the process! He pushes forward, and together Zack and Bruce spill out of the bed of the truck and into the aisleway! Once they hit the floor they seperate, and take a moment to regain their composure. They both rise to their feet, and Zack fires off those patented right hands, staggering the big man...until a knee to the stomach doubles him over! Bruce then pounds on Zack with forearm shots across the back, and takes him by the head, swinging him around and sending him into the guardrail! The small of Zack's back crashes against the metallic barrier, and Blank takes advantage of his stunned state of mind when he rushes forward and blasts Zack with a hard lariat that topples him over the guardrail, into the sea of fans!

Zack just got dumped into the crowd, and Blank is following suit!

That man don't wanna be in THIS crowd...he's on Zack's turf tonight!

Bruce steps over the railing, and immediately he's crowded by the fans...and he starts shoving ticket buyers left and right, paving a way towards Zack Malibu! Frightened and intimidated, the rest of the crowd backs off as Blank comes at Zack, who has his back turned...and blasts him with a shot between the shoulder blades knocking him down again! Blank snickers as he pulls Zack right back up, and he turns Zack around and walks him towards the guardrail...then lifts him up and drops him across it, crotching him on the unforgiving steel!

This match is not even underway yet, and Zack Malibu is already being forced to suffer by that madman!

They gotta get in the cage!

Are YOU going to tell them that?

Me? No...I mean, I was just sayin'.

Blank shoves Zack off the guardrail and back into the aisleway, brushing off the fans who still dare to come near him. Blank follows Zack over, and again picks Malibu up before he's fully recovered, this time taking him by the back of his neck and running him forward, face first into the back of his pickup truck!

Blank is doing a number on Malibu here, he's softening him up! He doesn't want to be inside that cage, because there'll be nowhere for him to run! He thinks that by doing this, he'll have it easy!

Easy? Playa's playin' himself if he thinks that after what he's done, that this is gonna be easy!

The crowd is still electric, booing even the slightest motions made by the Southern sadist. Yet again, Blank pulls Zack up, treating him like a playtoy...and he drives that point home even further by lifting Zack up over his head in a military press...and then showing off his strength by doing reps with the smaller Malibu in his grasp!

Look at him, rubbing it in everyone's face!

Blank laughs as he shows off his power, but then winces in pain as Malibu digs his fingernails into his eyes and rakes them, causing Blank to drop him from the press! Zack lands behind Bruce, and powers up to his feet, coming back with a running kick that strikes Blank between the legs and doubles him over!


I hope he don't plan on rubbing THAT in anyone's face anytime soon!

Bruce is stunned, and Malibu quickly calls to the fans, HIS fans, for a chair. One in particular hands one to Zack, and he takes it as quickly as he asked for it, using it to hit a hard shot across the shoulder blades of Bruce Blank! The big man drops, but grabs onto the back of his truck and pulls himself up, his eyes burning with anger as he turns around...and gets BLASTED with a hard shot across the head that knocks him against his truck! Blank slouches down into a seated position, but Malibu doesn't let up, as he goes over to Blank with the chair held vertically, and drives the edge of it into his throat, trying to drive the life out of his hated rival as he lay bleeding in the aisleway!

Zack's drawn first blood, because Bruce is busted open...and they're STILL not inside the cage yet!

Referee Nick Patrick, and a slew of OAOAST road agents and staff flock to the aisleway, trying to seperate Zack and Bruce and get them into the ring. Zack pulls back and clutches the chair menacingly, looking ready to hit anyone within reaching distance. The agents and Patrick scatter, trying to plead with Zack, and several of them form a wall, blocking Zack from getting to Bruce once again, which doesn't get a positive reaction from the fans.

The fans came to see Survive Or Surrender, but they don't want this brawl to end!

Malibu is pushed towards the ring by Patrick and several others, and reluctantly abides. He slides the chair in under the bottom rope and then hops up on the apron, waiting on Blank. He looks like he's ready to dive onto EVERYONE, but thinks better of the move and backs off, entering the ring and circling it, taking a moment to soak in the adulation of his applauding fanbase. Meanwhile, Blank is getting up, and when he does he's FURIOUS, and he starts cleaning house on the staff! Clobbering rights and lefts, the ruthless redneck is crazed in his efforts, as the blood flow has drawn out a bit of rage. He wipes his forehead and looks into the ring, disgusted, at Zack, and he charges the ring, sliding into it and FINALLY causing the bell to ring!




As soon as Bruce slides into the ring, the cage begins to lower around he and Zack, and Nick Patrick quickly rolls into the ring, weilding the microphone that will broadcast the surrender of one of these men. Zack works over Blank as he slides in, kicking him in the back of the head repeatedly before picking him up and shoving him into the ropes. Bruce bounces forward after hitting the ropes, and Malibu hits an inverted atomic drop, once again staggering Bruce due to its effect on his manhood...and then Zack starts biting him over the eye, digging his teeth into the flesh of his rival!

He's gone cannibal, Cole!

Bruce shouts out in agony, and uses his power advantage to shove Zack to the mat, saving himself from any more pain. Zack rolls through and pops right back up to his feet though, and comes at him and starts biting AGAIN, causing Blank to scream once again!

He's hurting, Cole! You think he's ready to surrender?

I think we've got a ways to go, Coach.

Blank uses his leverage advantage, and manages to push Zack into a corner even while he's being bitten by the hometown hero. Blank manages to pull away, then rams his knee into Zack's ribcage, then drops low and drives his shoulders into his ribcage once, twice, three, four, FIVE times, driving all of the air out of Zack's lungs! Malibu gasps for air, and is stuck in the corner as Blank pulls himself up...and now HE starts biting ZACK!

Ugh, no!

Blank chews on the skin over Zack's eye, and it doesn't take much time for that tactic to draw blood. Zack looks like he's crying crimson tears as the blood drops off his face and stains the canvas, and Blank leads him out of the corner and sends him into the ropes, nailing him with a big boot on the rebound! Zack goes down, and now Bruce eyes the steel chair that Zack slid into the ring when he entered, and it's now in the hands of the Redneck Superman, who picks it up and drives the edge of it into Zack's throat, trying to choke Zack just as Zack did to him earlier in the aisleway!

"C'mon boy, surrender! Make it easy on yourself!"

Blank stands over Zack, choking the life out of him, and ordering him to give up. Zack moans and groans, but never do any words form, and certainly not any that would cause him to lose this contest, and his career in the OAOAST. Blank pulls the chair off his throat, but with it still held vertically, drives the edge of it into Zack's ribcage repeatedly, causing Malibu to curl up into the fetal position and cough up a lung!

The use of that chair is perfectly legal. The biting, the eye gouging, the low blows...whatever these two men need to do in order to make the other give up, they CAN do. Nick Patrick's not going to stop them, and the cage is there so that no one else attempts to stop them. Given what we've seen in the past from these two men, and even with what we've seen in the past ten or so minutes, we know what they're capable of, but the question remains...what will it take to get one of these men to surrender his life in wrestling, and swallow the bitter pill of losing professional wrestling's most brutal feud?

Blank throws the chair aside, stalking Malibu as the prep lay on the mat, coughing. Blank reaches down and pulls Zack up, and once he's on his feet Bruce runs him forward a few steps, then biels him into the wall of the cage, backing off as Malibu collides face first with the mesh! Zack bounces back and lands on all fours, and Bruce steps over him, then reaches under his chin and yanks back on his head, then with his free arm blasts him with a hard crossface shot! Blank switches hands, and then utilizes the same tactic, blasting Zack across the side of his face with another hard crossface shot. Blank then yanks back on Zack's head again with a rear chinlock, and then moves his fingers into Zack's open mouth, stretching his cheeks out as if he were trying to peel the skin off of Zack's face!

He's sick, Cole, sick!

Zack is in pain, and Patrick remains close, in case the former OAOAST World Champion can't take it anymore and decides to submit. Blank looks down at Zack, tearing at his face, and moving off of his back. He pulls Zack up, still with his fingers jammed into his mouth, and as Zack forces himself to stand up, Blank violently pulls back, snapping Zack to the canvas! The back of Malibu's head bounces off of the ringmat, and Bruce runs the ropes, delivering a huge legdrop to Malibu!

Bruce just dropped that tree trunk across Zack's throat, and...now look at this!

After hitting the legdrop, Bruce kneels over Zack, taking him by the head and viciously rams it repeatedly into the canvas. Bruce sneers as he stares at Zack, telling him "I'm gonna make you quit, you son of a bitch!" before he brings him up and whips him into the corner. Bruce charges in, and he connects with a hard running lariat that smashes Zack against the turnbuckles! Zack flops forward after contact, but Bruce takes him by the head and runs him across the ring, sending him face first into the top turnbuckle! Malibu is stuck in a fog, unable to clear the cobwebs, as Blank spins him around and pins him in the corner, then takes his boot and jams it into Zack's throat, AGAIN going back to a choking tactic to try and wear Malibu out!

If he can't get air, he can't get energized! Bruce Blank knows he cannot afford to let Zack get any momentum, because if Zack manages to get on a roll, that rage that's been burning inside him for nearly a year is going to come out, and I don't know if even Bruce Blank could withstand what Zack Malibu would like to do to him!

Bruce releases, and backs away, leaving Malibu to his own devices, aching in the corner. Blank circles the ring, his evil eyes visible under the crimson mask as he stares at Malibu, and then reaches into his boot.

What's he doin'...he ain't strapped is he!?

For the love of God, Coach...I hope not.

After a moment or two of digging, Bruce comes up not with a firearm, but with a spike! The crowd gasps in horror as he approaches Malibu, ready to strike with the spike...

...but before it can come down and stab him, Malibu grabs the wrist of his rival, trying desperately to keep him at bay!

He just tried to implant that spike into his head, and thank God Malibu saw it coming!

Zack grabs Bruce's wrist with both of his hands, trying to force the spike back, as it looms dangerously close to his eye. Malibu climbs up onto the turnbuckles, sitting on the top rope in order to gain leverage against his larger foe, and manages to nail Blank in the side of the head with an elbow! And another one! And a third! Bruce staggers, but he still tries forcing the spike into Malibu's face, although another elbow shot dazes him long enough for Malibu to kick off of the turnbuckles, and bring him down with a tornado single arm DDT!

He brought him down!

Blank is stunned, and crawls on all fours, searching for the spike that he dropped...but as he crawls to the feet of Zack Malibu, he sees that the spike is in the hands of the man who wishes him dead!

Aw snap, he's in for it now.

Blank comes up on his knees, and puts his hands up, pleading with Zack not to do it...but mercy is not in Malibu's vocabulary as he takes Blank by the head and digs the sharp end of the spike into his forehead, slicing him open!

Never in my life have I felt an individual deserved to be victimized like this, but you've had it coming, Bruce Blank!

F*CK HIM UP ZACK F*CK HIM UP!! *Clap!Clap!-Clap!*
F*CK HIM UP ZACK F*CK HIM UP!! *Clap!Clap!-Clap!*
F*CK HIM UP ZACK F*CK HIM UP!! *Clap!Clap!-Clap!*
F*CK HIM UP ZACK F*CK HIM UP!! *Clap!Clap!-Clap!*

While people like Sly Sommers and Peter Knight are probably rolling their eyes as they watch on, the vast majority of the crowd inside the Dunkin' Donuts Center is egging Malibu on, motivating him to destroy the career of the man who has tried to destroy his life. After having his forehead carved like a Thanksgiving turkey, Blank pulls himself away from Malibu, nearly collapsing due to the wear and tear and excessive blood loss. Zack has other ideas though, as he stalks his rivals and pulls him up by his greasy, blood soaked hair and runs him towards the wall of the cage, sending him into it face first! Blank falls back, landing on one knee, and Zack hits the ropes, coming back and connecting with a basement dropkick to the chin of Bruce, dropping him on his back! Malibu then mounts Bruce's shoulders, still clutching the spike, and now looks to drive the proverbial stake through the heart of the vampire, as he inches the spike even closer to Bruce's eye!

I'd make a See No Evil joke here, but I don't think it's the time.

Malibu brings the spike forward, aiming the pointed tip at Bruce's right eye! Bruce is able to get a hand up at the last moment to block the attempted blinding and holds the spike off, his arm shaking as he musters all the strength he can. Malibu again uses the leverage advantage and leans forward, putting a lot of pressure on Bruce's arm still trying to force the spike into Bruce's eye! Out of sheer desperation, Blank rolls and throws Malibu off of him, the spike sent rolling across the canvas after the break. Malibu quickly gets on top again and this time starts using his fists to do the dirty work, being sure to never let up as the crowd roars with approval. Once again though, Blank shoves Zack off of him and then rolls onto all fours, and when Zack approaches again, he's rocked by a low blow!


Zack drops to his knees just as fast as his jaw dropped due to the impact of the shot! Bruce uses the ropes to pull himself up, and the various puddles of blood that dripped from the heads of both men have now made the normally clean ringmat nearly completely red! Zack pushes up to his feet, still aching and holding onto the "soft spot", and like a shark, Blank smells blood in the water. He moves towards Zack, rolling his fists menacingly, but as he get closer...



Aw, sh*t!

Zack was playing possum for a minute there, but he couldn't connect with his patented superkick!

Blank laughs, and then uses Zack's leg to pull the prep closer, and snatches him by the throat, then lifts him and plants him with a chokeslam in one smooth motion!

He nearly drove him through the ring with that chokeslam!

Malibu lay perfectly still on the canvas, and Blank, who rests on one knee besides him, lightly slaps his face, mocking his physical state. He stands over Zack and then starts fiddling with his belt buckle, unstrapping his leather belt from around his waist and folding , clutching the buckle end in his hand like a handle as he stars laying into Zack with whips with the strap!


The crowd does their best to distract the maniacal Southerner from his efforts, but Bruce doesn't let up, going so far as to tear the OAOAST T-shirt off of Zack, and then act like he's wiping his ass with it before resuming with the belt whips!


The crowd continues to get on Blank's case, but they get fired up when Malibu starts pushing off the mat, up to all fours...and then gets dropped again by more whips! Malibu's cries are audible as the welts form on his back, turning his flesh bright red! He tries to crawl away, reaching for the ropes, the turnbuckles...ANYTHING really...but Blank grabs him by the ankle and drags him to center ring, where the whipping resumes! Malibu doesn't get up until Blank pulls him up, onto both of his knees...and then Bruce unravels the strap and WRAPS IT AROUND ZACK'S THROAT!

He's choking him out! He's choking him with that damn belt!

"GIVE IT UP, BOY!" shouts Blank, looking more and more like he's attempting murder rather than trying to win a wrestling match.


Nick Patrick, the look of concern on his face only rivaled by his scared reactions to what's gone on in this contest, leans in, checking to see if Malibu has had enough, and if he's willing to save himself by ending it right now.

"Zack? Zack, what do you say, Zack?"


Malibu tries to fight free, digging his fingers under the strap and tries to pull it off his throat.


The crowd pops loudly, as Zack refuses...AND POWERS UP! Malibu pushes up to his feet, and twists his body to the side, nailing Bruce in the ribs with an elbow! Bruce hobbles back, but his grip on the belt loosens, and Malibu takes it...AND STARTS WHIPPING AWAY IN A FRENZY!


Blank tries to shield himself from the blows, but Zack is going postal, hitting shot after shot after shot! He corners Blank, and then wraps the belt around his fist, with the buckle covering his knuckles. Zack then stands up on the second rope and starts raining punches down on Blank, driving the belt buckle into his forehead with every blow! Blank's body goes limp as he slides down into a seated position, and Zack backs off, then charges forward, smashing Bruce's head against the middle turnbuckle with a hard running knee!

Did you see his head snap back!?!

Malibu throws the belt down, fueled by fury and rage.


Blank is dazed in the corner, and barely moves, let alone respond.


Malibu waits, but still, Bruce isn't going anywhere. Patrick goes over and asks if he's ready to give, but Bruce doesn't answer, or even acknowledge it!

He might be knocked out after that knee, Cole!

Malibu, not wanting to wait any longer, comes towards the corner...but as he approaches, he catches a face full of white powder from Bruce Blank!

What the...he had powder in his hands the whole time! He suckered him in, and now Zack is blinded!

Malibu can't see, and staggers back, trying to regain his vision. Blank reaches up and pulls himself up with the ropes, and when he stands he reaches into his pocket again.

What's he doin', Cole?

I shudder to think. He's...wait, now what's this?

Blank pulls out something crumbled up, and unfolds it.

That's...that's a plastic bag?! What is he...

Before Cole can ask the question, he gets the answer, as Bruce takes the plastic bag and PUTS IT OVER ZACK MALIBU'S HEAD!



The crowd boos, but it's more subdued this time, as they're all in fear of what could happen! Bruce holds on tightly to the plastic handles of the bag, making sure that it's fitted tight and no air is getting in. Malibu is frantic, trying to do something to free himself, and Nick Patrick is probably wishing he was never given this assignment, as he's forced to watch Zack Malibu be put near death before his very eyes! With both hands pulling back behind Malibu's head the air quickly leaves the white bag, much to the horror of everyone in the arena. Bruce loves every second of it, because not only does he inflict a lot of pain on Zack but he doesn't have to exert a lot of energy doing it, the perfect move for him.

Zack is losing oxygen quickly, and there's not one person who can help him! We can't prevent this from happening!

He’ll have to get out of this himself, or it's over! COME ON ZACK!!

Malibu tries to tear the bag but every time his hands touch the plastic Blank rams a knee into his back preventing Malibu from breaking out of the airtight trap Bruce has caught him in. At one point Blank even gets so cocky that he uses one hand to hold the bag tight while raising the other hand in the air!


The referee looks on in agony as Malibu fades slowly, the horrible image of Malibu sucking the bag into his mouth will stay with most of the fans for a long time.

I--I'm tempted to say that Malibu should quit just to get out of here without permanent injuries.

Coach...He--I'm at a loss for words here.

Bruce grins as Malibu sinks to his ass, hands down by his side - he's only moments away from passing out...but NICK PATRICK HAS SEEN ENOUGH, and wraps his arms around Bruce's arm, prying him away from choking Malibu to death!


Can he...can he do that!?

Blank let's go, throwing Malibu to the mat, and as soon as he hits Zack rips the bag of his face, desperately gasping for air. Blank's focus is on Nick Patrick, who tells Blank "that's too much!" and stands by his decision to get involved. Bruce, however, is unimpressed with Patrick's mercy, and grabs him by the throat, and THROWS him backwards into the corner! Blank reaches down and picks the spike off the mat from earlier...



Patrick screams loudly as his flesh is ripped open, while Blank loves every second of it. He then drops the referee to the canvas, watching as the blood pools under his head and stains the canvas. Proud of his actions, Blank turns around...




Malibu, visibly weak, is barely able to hold the chair up, but swings again, and a second hard shot teeters Bruce, but does not drop him yet! Bruce is dazed, and Malibu lifts the chair again...but when he lifts it just in front of his face, Blank drives a big boot into it, kicking the steel implement of destruction into the face of the OAOAST's poster boy!


Blank shakes the cobwebs loose, and right now he's the only one standing, as both his rival AND the referee are out due to his bloodlust!

Cole, with Nick Patrick down...how are either of these guys gonna surrender? There's no one to ring the bell!

I don't know how much longer this can go on, Coach...I just don't know!

Blank surveys the damage, and then looks up, staring up through the mesh roof and into the rafters above.

What's he looking at?

Suddenly, a strand of rope comes through the mesh roof, and is lowered into Blank's grip, causing everyone to look up and see just what's going on.

What the...YO! That's Landon Maddix up there!

What the hell is he doing? What's the meaning of this!?

Landon has lowered himself onto the roof of the cage, apparently having been hidden in the rafters this whole time! Bruce looks up and gives a "thumbs up" to the man who is MOST DEFINITELY NOT A WILDCARD, at least that's what he'll tell you. Maddix stands on the roof, making sure this rope is secure, while Blank takes it and WRAPS IT AROUND ZACK MALIBU'S THROAT!!!!!

What the...no...NO! STOP THIS! STOP IT DAMMIT!

Blank looks up and gives the go-ahead signal, and Landon pulls on the rope, having it wrapped around a steel beam above the ring...and it's raising Malibu off the canvas!

They're...they're trying to hang him, Cole!

Sure enough, Landon continues to pull tighter on the rope, and Malibu's feet come off the canvas! Once he's about a foot off the canvas, Landon secures the rope around the beam, and now Zack Malibu is kicking his legs, trying to free himself from the noose!

This is too much...THIS IS MURDER!

Malibu is hanging, being strangled before our very eyes, with not even a referee to show mercy and help him! Screaming and crying, CANDIE comes out from the back, her makeup running due to the tears, as she runs towards the cage.

Candie! Candie, go to the back! Please, go to the back!

Desperate to help the man she loves, Candie starts climbing the cage wall...AND BRUCE BLANK WHACKS HER FINGERS WITH HIS BELT, SENDING HER FALLING TO THE FLOOR!

No way, that ain't right!

It's a melee now, as Calvin Szechstein, EvenflowDDT, and The Superstar all fight their way through the crowd, trying to rush the ring...but security won't let them! All three plead their case, trying to save Zack...but because they're in attendance as ticket buying fans and not contracted talent, security, no matter what the situation, won't let them budge!


ANGLESAULT comes charging out from the back, shoving security aside and getting into it with them. Bruce cackles and Landon smirks from his position atop the cage, as the whole arena, in Zack Malibu's hometown no less, is in chaos while he's being KILLED before our very eyes!


He's turning blue...my God Coach he's turning blue!

Zack fighting grows less and less, and he starts to go limp, as people desperately try to something to help the OAOAST's favorite son...


What!? What's going on?

I got a feeling this is the last thing we need right now!

Within seconds, the lights come back on, and never in your life have you heard a pop like this, as the Providence crowd leaps up and roars when CABOOSE APPEARS ON THE TOP OF THE CAGE!



Maddix panics, and IMMEDIATELY gets cracked in the ribs with a cricket bat shot that causes him to flip over the bat and land on his back! Caboose doesn't bother to pay any more attention, having disposed of Bruce's sidekick, and he races to free Malibu, quickly snapping the rope free from the rafters, and causes Zack to fall to the canvas!


Caboose always owed a lot to Zack for saving his career, and now that debt has been paid! Caboose just saved Zack Malibu, baby!

Caboose stands watch atop the cage now, and Maddix has nowhere to go. Blank looks up, sneering "you son of a bitch" at Caboose, who looks down and points his cricket bat at the repulsive redneck, and then makes the cut throat motion. Moving on to Plan B, Bruce quickly picks up the steel chair, and starts bringing it down across Zack's back, beating his near lifeless body down with it!


Listen to this crowd, these fans...GET UP ZACK!

He can't lose, Cole...after all this, he just can't!


Candie screams from ringside for Blank to stop, but he taunts her as he slams the chair down across Zack's back.






Candie pleads for him to stop, having seen enough. Her pleas are heard from her cries, and as Anglesault tries to lure her away from the cage, she pushes away from him, screaming for Zack.

"Zack, PLEASE!"

Blank walks over to the side of the cage, and again picks up the spike off the mat. With the blood stained implement in his hands, Bruce states that "I'm gonna cut his god damn heart out!" to Candie, who panics even more...although SOMEONE is slowly rising to their feet.

Look at this...LOOK AT THIS...

Blank turns around, and when he does, he's SHOCKED, as the fans roar. Covered in blood, having cheated death...



Malibu immediately hits a running kick to the nuts, staggering Blank! He fires off right hands, and then whips Blank to the ropes, picking up the spike in the process...AND NAILS HIM WITH A FLYING FOREARM, JABBING THE SPIKE INTO HIS HEAD! Malibu rolls to his feet, and now picks up the belt once again, and starts whipping away in a frenzy, never letting up!


Zack picks Blank up, and hurls him into the corner. After Blank collides, Zack comes and wraps the belt around the turnbuckle hook, putting both of Bruce's hands behind him, and fastens the belt around them before tightening it, using it as a makeshift set of handcuffs!

He's got Blank tied up!

Blank struggles, and can't move, as his hands are trapped behind him! Malibu goes and retrieves the chair, and hie picks it up, moving towards Blank to lay waist to him...but Bruce kicks Zack in the stomach, then kicks both of his legs off the mat and kicks the chair into Malibu's face!

Son of a...! Zack's weak, we knows he's weak, but he can't let Bruce Blank get the better of him.

Blank twists and wriggles, and finally winds up snapping belt buckle from the belt itself, freeing himself from Zack's trap. Noticing Zack trying to get up, Blank hits a soccer style kick to his ribcage, doubling him over, before he again reaches into his pocket.

What the hell's he got...IS THAT A LIGHTER!?

To answer Cole's question, it is indeed a lighter, as Blank shows it to the crowd by taking Malibu's OAOAST shirt and SETS FIRE TO IT IN THE MIDDLE OF THE RING!

Aw damn...DAMN!

Get up Zack, come on, please!

Candie shrieks, which is music to Bruce's ears as he approaches Malibu, who is groggy on the mat...



Malibu quickly crawls for the lighter, as Blank checks to see if his jaw is still in place. Zack can barely move, having exhausted what little energy he had on that superkick, and he and Blank come up to their feet together...




Blank screams the loudest anyone's ever heard, as he's met with scorching hot fire, right in the face! Blank goes into shock, kicking his legs and flailing his arms, patting his face and screaming even louder as the flesh melts! Malibu goes over and grabs the now-frantic monster and takes him by the head, leading him towards the wall of the cage...


Oh man, oh MAN!


Malibu takes it to him, not letting up, as Bruce's blackened flesh starts peeling off, the cage digging through the tender skin and cutting down to bone!


With Nick Patrick down, Anglesault races around to the side of the cage, looking in at the action.

"What do you say, Bruce?! Do you give!?"


"Come on Bruce, what's it gonna be, yes or no?!"


Malibu plants his foot in the back of Bruce's head, forcing his face against the mesh so hard that it leaves an imprint on his singed skin!




The crowd goes CRAZY, as Malibu falls back to the canvas out of sheer exhaustion, and the bell is called for by Anglesault, marking the end of one of the OAOAST's most brutal encounters.


Anglesault quickly calls for the cage to be risen, and Caboose scales the wall of the cage, down to the aisleway, leaving Landon Maddix laid out up top. Once the cage is up, Anglesault, Candie, Calvin Szechstein, Evenflow, Supes, Scotty Static and Johnny Jax rush the ring, checking on Malibu, while EMT's rush out for Blank, Malibu, AND poor Nick Patrick.


Candie embraces her bloody boyfriend, holding him tight, while Zack tells her "it's over". Evenflow, Anglesault, Supes, Caboose, and the GPX all watch on as the happy couple share a moment. Zack then turns around and comes face to face with Caboose, and says two simple words that mean more than anything.

"Thank you."

The friends embrace, and it's a "group hug" type of atmosphere, as the Providence crowd gives Zack a standing ovation for enduring the most torture he ever has.

Bruce Blank is no more! Get him the hell out of here!

EMT's load Bruce, still groaning in agony on a stretcher, while in the ring, Anglesault takes the lighter and pulls something out of the inside of his suit jacket.

What the...what's that?

AS sets fire to the papers, and as they burn, he throws them at Bruce Blank, who is defenseless on the stretcher.

I think...that was his contract, dawg!

Blank, furious, tries to fight off the EMT's, and it's taking a good four of them to hold him down. Noticing this, Static and Jax exit the ring and tell the EMT's to clear the way, as THEY start wheeling Bruce around ringside. They wheel him over to his truck, and both of them look at each other like they have something in store...as they each take an end and lift Bruce off the stretcher...AND TOSS HIM INTO THE BACK OF THE TRUCK~!

Look at this!

Static climbs up onto the roof of the truck, while Jax jumps in and starts the truck up, and Malibu's theme music now fades out, as Static claps and leads the crowd in a chant.



Jax revs the engine, and then backs the truck up the aisleway, with Bruce Blank bruised, bloody, and burned in the back, helpless to what's going on.

They're taking him out of here! GOOD RIDDANCE!

See ya, and wouldn't wanna be ya, Brucie!

Once again, "Getting Away With Murder" hits, and the crowd cheers wildly still, as Malibu is helped from the ring and brought to the back for treatment. He looks around at his fans, all of them applauding his efforts, and he takes relief in knowing that finally, the war that began due to his actions nearly a year ago, is now over.

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(Cut back to Sofa Central with Double C~!)

Man, oh man, what a match we have just witnessed! Zack Malibu has finally, FINALLY vanquished the OAOAST of Bruce Blank! The "Redneck Superman" is GONE from the One And Only AngleSault Thread, never to return!

Oh yeah, Mikey! Bruce Blank will never again harm another OAOAST superstar! The man will NEVER set foot in an OAOAST ring for as long as he lives! It's celebration time, bitches!

We've still got Zack Malibu in the OAOAST, and thank GOD for that! It's been quite a night already Coach, I mean that last match was---

If you say “Off the hook” I'm going to slap you.

...I wouldn't

Cole is cut short when “Smooth Criminal” begins to play.

What the?

Isn't it obvious? Los Vatos Locos are on their way.

The entrance doors slide open, and El Esperito comes running out from the back, sliding the last 3 feet or so as he points towards the entrance. Flanked by “Big” Dave the ominous figure of...Venom appears??

What the part 2?

What? It's Venom and Los Vatos, he's seen the light and joined them.

OOOOOOR... that's Ramone Gutierrez under the Venom mask.

What the hell gave you THAT idea?

Well he wore it during the New Year's Knock Out you know.

He did *NOT* that's a scurrilous lie!

“Big” Dave steps up on the apron and then turns to look at the crowd while Esperito and “Venom” leap over the ropes, step up on the middle rope and then strike a pose on either side of the big man.



*Crickets Chirp*

'Scuse me Gringos I know chu want to get back to stuffing your face with El Popcorn and carbonated beverages but an in-hustice has been committed!


Justice, come on now speak the lingo!



Oh chu turn your back on me after I heroically and miraculously recover from an otherwise career ending injury??

Why does he bother with this charade?

What charade? The man is my choice of inspirational wrestler of the year, look at what he's overcome, injuries and he won the New Year's Knock Out.

I know everyone was happy to see me in the New Year's Knock Out Holmes! And yes it's GOOD TO BE BACK!!


But chu see after I won that match something happened, an injustice, a crime, I am a victim of AngleSault and a cowardly X-Division Champion!! I won that match, I beat 19 other X-Division wrestlers, so where is my damn title shot?

It wasn't exactly the cleanest of victories.

What are you talking about?

Well he was eliminated earlier in the match Coach, we all saw that.

I wait and I wait, No contract for an X-Division Title match. I wait and wait...No Reject, no nothing!

It's because you're Cub--Japanese isn't it??

Hai! Or maybe Reject is scared of me... I can see that. I mean world class skills AND I'm a part of Los Vatos Locos, frankly if I wasn't me, I'd be scared of me too.

I-MI-GRATION!! *Clap*Clap*ClapClapClap*
I-MI-GRATION!! *Clap*Clap*ClapClapClap*
I-MI-GRATION!! *Clap*Clap*ClapClapClap*

The sad fact is: the OAOAST fears me, they don't want anything to do with me. Well that that's going to cha--


The “Imperial March” theme kicks in as all eyes turn towards the entrance.




It's him, live and in bright green and black!!

Los Vatos looks stunned as Venom is flanked by the other Space Cadets before the four men run to the ring, slide under the bottom rope and then without hesitation rush Ramone, Esperito and “Big” Dave!

It *IS* Venom! He's back!!

The ring quickly turns into an out of control brawl that quickly pulls in every official, road agent and OAOAST crew in the arena to pull the two warring factions apart. Venom grabs the fake Venom mask and tears it off Ramone, an action that momentarily exposes Ramone's unmasked face before “Big” Dave rushes over to help Ramone cover up his face.

That's like the ultimate sin to a Luchador!!

Oh cry me a river, almost ending a man's career ranks slightly higher than revealing someone's hoax!

With some effort and a lot of manpower the officials finally manage to separate the two factions with Los Vatos being forced back to the locker rooms. Venom, Discovery, Space Phaero and Supernova each climb up on a turnbuckle and strikes their pose as the crowd cheers for the returning Venom.

Venom is back baby!! And Ramone is in trouble!

We cut to the back as James Riggs sits on a bench in his locker room adjusting his elbowpads as Staci stands over him.  A determined look is on James' face.   

This is it baby, the Lethal Rumble Match.  Twenty-nine other guys and you're their biggest threat.  Take care of buisness and we're going to Toronto.

RIGGS (lacing his boots)
This crowd is about to see what a real Rumble performance is all about.  You got everything for the victory celebration later?

Champagne, strawberries, everything's set.  I even got a special little surprise for you.  

Oh yeah?

Staci holds up a Fredericks of Hollywood catalogue.

Remember the outfit on page 45?  

A smile crosses Riggs' face as he slowly looks over to his wife as she gives him a wicked smile in return.  Riggs chuckles.

As if I needed more motivation.  (He stands) It's time.

Get it done.

The couple shares a quick kiss and Riggs exits.

The camera cuts to the backstage area. Vitamin X and Cuban Wall are standing by a door marked THE LIGHTNING CREW on it. The crowd boos. VX is wearing a white Lightning Crew T-shirt, and over it is a white baseball jersey that has VITAMIN X written on the front in a black cursive font, and on the back has THE X-MAN written on the top in big black blocky letters, with the OAOAST Anglepalooza 2007 logo in the center, and FUTURE WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION written underneath it in big black blocky letters. JANUARY 28, 2007 is written underneath that in black. VX is written on the left jersey sleeve in black blocky letters. X is also wearing a gold chain around his neck, black elbow pads, black sweatpants with a small OAOAST logo on the right pant leg, and black Adidas sneakers. VX is doing the Shane-O-Mac Shuffle while Cuban Wall is cracking his knuckles.


The door opens, and "The Corporate Champion" Tha Puerto Rican comes out. The crowd boos some more.

Let's go.

PRL cranks his neck, and the three Lightning Crew members begin walking. Ominous music plays. All three LC members have cocky smirks on their faces.

And here comes three members of The Lightning Crew, all of which will be in the Lethal Rumble Match!

The camera cuts to Thunderkid walking backstage. He has the OAOAST Heartland Championship belt wrapped around his waist, which he touches as he walks. TK has a smile on his face. The crowd cheers.

And here's Thunderkid, who is looking to move on to the next level by winning the Lethal Rumble Match and go on to AngleMania VI!

It's possible he might win it all this year!

Cut to Alfdogg high fiving "After Hours" Felix Strutter and "The Manitoba Mammoth" Deon Black. The crowd boos. Black yells. The three men walk backstage, ready to go. Ominous music continues playing.

Alfdogg is looking to become a back-to-back Lethal Rumble winner, while Felix Strutter is hoping to strike gold in his first ever Lethal Rumble Match. And who can possibly eliminate "The Manitoba Mammoth" Deon Black?

Not many people, that's for damn sure!

Cut to a split-screen of "The Current Big Thing" Brock Ausstin AND Bohemoth walking backstage. The crowd cheers!

Oh boy! Two of the big men entered into the Lethal Rumble, and two of the fan favourites!

Imagine what would happen if they were to meet in the Lethal Rumble Match?

Oh man, I think the ring would explode because of their combined HOSS-ness~! The ring wouldn't be able to contain them!

Cut to Landon "La Cucaracha" Maddix jogging backstage. The crowd BOOS~! And I mean, REALLY boos, after the stunt Landon pulled earlier tonight. Maddix is doing some last minute jogging while listening to his iPod.

Ugh. And here's Landon Maddix. He's looking to win it all and become the first man to ever win both the OAOAST Lethal Rumble Match and the SWF Clusterfuck Match.

You have to wonder how what Caboose did to him earlier will affect him in the Rumble.

After what he tried to do to Zack Malibu earlier, I'll have no sympathy for him if he gets eliminated early.

Me either.

Cut to Colombian Heat and Spanish Fly walking backstage. The crowd cheers! Despite losing the HI-YAH World Tag Team Titles earlier in the night, they both seem to be in a jovial mood, psyched to be in the Lethal Rumble.

And there's Colombian Heat and Spanish Fly! They lost the HI-YAH World Tag Team Championship to D*LUX earlier tonight, but they can still come out of Anglepalooza as winners if one of them wins the Lethal Rumble Match!

The keyword is ONE of them, Cole. They can't share the prize. Only one of them can get the AngleMania VI title shot!

That's a good point, Coach! What would happen if it came down to Heat and Fly?

Then, the fists will fly! There are no friends in the Lethal Rumble!

You're right about that. Every man for himself. We've got several tag teams participating in this year's Rumble, but you can bet that they will put their teams aside to win and go to AngleMania. It is the most unpredictable match in the OAOAST! 30 men! 1 ring! A shot at the OAOAST World Heavyweight Championship at AngleMania is on the line! Which one of these 30 men will challenge for the Title on April 1st? We are about to find out in just a few moments!

The ominous music ends. We cut backstage to the drawing room, as Jamie O'Hara exits, and cracks open the number he pulled from the tumbler. The new X-Divison Champion's eyes widen, as he pulls up his trademark forty ounce...

"I'll drink to that!"

O'Hara starts chugging, but then opens his eyes, realizing he's not alone. He peers over, and the camera pans over to see the OAOAST World Heavyweight Chamnpion, Drek Stone, standing there with the belt slung over his shoulder.

"Got a good number, huh?" asks Drek of his one-time friend.

"I ain't complainin' about it, if that's what you're askin'." mouths back O'Hara.

"Mind if I see it?"

"Psssssh, what you so curious for, huh? A little worried, Drek?"

"WORRIED? About you? Please. You're lucky that you're wearing the belt you've got. I'm not worried about you trying to go 2 for 2."

"Oh yeah, well we'll see about that after I win tonight, and then it's YOUR ASS that I'll be kickin' at Anglemania!"

"Is that so."

"That's word, playa."

Drek snickers, and turns away...and then BLASTS Jamie O'Hara with a beltshot! The World Champion stands over the X Division Champion and puts the boots to him, then picks up the forty ounce bottle that he had...AND SMASHES IT OVER JAMIE'S HEAD! Jamie goes down, and quickly staff flock to the scene of the crime, pushing Drek away. Drek tells them to get off of him, and he backs away smiling, as the cameras close in on O'Hara, who is busted wide open after having that bottle shattered over his head.

I--I--I don't believe it! What did Drek Stone just do!?

He's the World Champion, he can do whatever he wants!  

How dare he! Jamie O' Hara is busted open, and now, he may not even compete in the Lethal Rumble!

Hey, it doesn't bother me. Doesn't bother the Champ either. One less person to worry about.

Coach...Drek Stone may have just cost J-OH a shot at the World Title!

Again. Doesn't bother me! Let the Champ do what he wants!

I--I--I just don't know. Well, we have to move on because it's main event time! It is time for the Lethal Rumble Match! It is the most exciting hour on television! At the end of the night, only one man will be left standing and will go on to AngleMania VI on April 1st to take on the OAOAST World Heavyweight Champion! This is the match we've all been waiting for! Well, the wait is over! The time is now! 30 men will compete for the ultimate prize, a shot at the OAOAST World Heavyweight Championship at the biggest event in the business, AngleMania VI! We will find out one-half of the AngleMania VI main event after this match is finished! Let's now go to the ring where Michael Buffer is standing by.

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*DING DING DING* (All slow and dramatic like)

LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLadies and gentlemen, it is now time for the MMMMMMMMMMMAIIIIIIIIIIN EVENT!  It is the annual Lethal Rumble match, 2007!

*crowd cheers*

Here to explain the rules of this matchup, the one and only Fink, HOWARD FINKEL!

*crowd cheers*

Good evening, Providence!

*crowd cheers*

Earlier today, those participating in the Lethal Rumble match drew numbers from 1-30 at random.  In just a few moments, those men who drew numbers 1 and 2 will enter the ring, and the match will begin.  Every two minutes thereafter, another participant enters the match, according to the number he pulled.  Remember, in the Lethal Rumble, it is every man for himself!  Elimination occurs when a participant is thrown out over the top rope, and BOTH FEET must touch the floor.  The one man remaining in the ring after all 30 participants have entered, will be declared the winner, and will receive an OAOAST championship match at ANGLEMANIA VI!

*Fink hands the mic back to Buffer.*

Ladies and gentlemen...there you have it.  ARE YOU READY?

*crowd cheers*


*crowd cheers louder*

Then for the thousands in attendance here tonight, and the millions and millions watching around the world...there's only one thing left to say.  Ladies and gentlemen...LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLET'S GET RRRRRRRRRRRRRRREADY TO RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRUMBLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLEEEEE!!!!!

The crowd is silent, as Buffer and Fink step out of the ring.

Who's #1?  Here we go!

I can't take this excitement anymor...

Magnum Opus hits, and the crowd gives a shocked reaction, then starts to boo.

No way!

Alf was very upset earlier, and now we see he had every right to be!

Alfdogg, clearly upset, walks through the curtains and slowly to the ring.

Ladies and gentlemen, here is the #1 participant in the Lethal Rumble match!  Weighing 240 pounds, he is a former Heavyweight champion of the WORLD...ALFDOGG!!!!!

So if Alf wants to repeat as Rumble champion, he'll have to go the duration of the match, Coach!

This is unbelievable, Cole!

Alf snatches his arm from a fan's grasp, then climbs into the ring.  He steps in and walks over to his corner, then leans back in it as the music stops.  Quiet by Smashing Pumpkins hits, and Dan Black gets a big pop as he makes his way out.

And it's another OAOAST Original, Dan Black!

Here is the #2 participant, hailing from London, England, and weighing in at 243 pounds, he is regarded as the greatest tag team wrestler in OAOAST history...one half for Black T..."THE ICE HEART" DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN BLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLACK!!!!!

What a way to kick off the Lethal Rumble match, Coach, with a pair of OAOAST Originals!

Black climbs into the ring, and Alf pounces immediately!


And the Lethal Rumble match is under way!

Black quickly gains the advantage and fires off right hands, backing Alf into a corner.  Black stops, then whips Alf across the ring.  Alf grabs the ropes, and hops backwards over Black as he charges.  Alf comes at Black with a clothesline, which Black ducks, then delivers one of his own!

And the crowd is loving this action!

Black picks up Alf, and delivers a vertical suplex!  He then picks up Alf once again, for another suplex, but this time carries him to the corner!

Could be an early elimination attempt by Black here!

Alf fires off right hands, backing Black off, then steps up to the top rope.  He leaps off, as Black ducks out of the way.  Alf sees this coming, however, and somersaults off the mat, ala Eddie Guerrero.  He then rolls back down to his back, as Black approaches him, and kicks his feet up, catching Black right underneath the chin and knocking him to the mat!

And a nice prescence of mind by Alf there!

Alf gets to his feet, and picks up Black, delivering a snap suplex, followed by a snap legdrop!  Alf then plays to the crowd, drawing boos, before picking up Black in a slam and setting him up on the top rope!

And now it's Alf going for the early elimination!

Alf has Black up as the crowd screams in terror, but Black blocks with his hands before going to the eyes.

What a cheater!

It's all legal here, though, no disqualifications!  The only out is over the top rope!

Black and Alf get to their feet, and Alf grabs Black and whips him into the ropes.  Black leapfrogs Alf, then ducks a clothesline, and catches Alf with a spinning wheel kick!

And a great kick by Dan Black, as we come up on the two-minute mark!

Black is PUMPED, as the countdown begins...












Dani California hits, and the crowd boos as James Riggs runs to the ring, escorted by Staci Robert (and the whistles of male fans which escort her).

And it's James Riggs, coming in at #3!

Riggs slides into the ring, and levels Black from behind with a double axhandle blow.  Riggs stomps Black as he lays on the mat, then chokes him on the ropes as Alf catches his wind in a corner.

And James Riggs doing a number on Dan Black following that sneak attack!

Riggs stands up, and places his knee into the back of Black, pressing him against the ropes, as Alf gets to his feet, then spins Riggs around and delivers a CHOP~!


And another!


And a third!


However, Riggs fights back, delivering rights, then whips Alf into the ropes and catches him with a high backdrop!  Riggs then floors Alf with a dropkick, before making his way back to Black.

And James Riggs looking very impressive against two all-time greats, Coach!

Well, James Riggs is a tremendous talent, and has shown he can go with the greats of this business, as Zack Malibu can attest!

Black is back to his feet by this point, however, and catches Riggs with an inverted atomic drop, followed by a back suplex!

But Black was able to catch his wind while Riggs was going at it with Alf!

Black then makes his way back to Alf, driving a knee into Alf's jaw in the corner.  He then picks Alf up and tries to dump him, but Alf hangs on and hops back through the bottom and middle ropes.

And Alf able to survive elimination that time!

Alf gets to his feet and attacks Black from behind as he goes after Riggs once again.  Alf then teams up with Riggs for a double-team Irish whip.  However, Black ducks a clothesline, and floors both men with a double clothesline of his own!

And Black is running on adrenaline from the crowd here in Providence!

Black picks up Alf, and tries once again to put him over the top.  Alf struggles to stay in as the crowd cheers Black on.

And Alf close to being eliminated!

Riggs gets to his feet and nails Black from behind, allowing Alf to slip back inside.  Riggs and Alf double up on Black as the countdown begins...












Make Her Say by O-Town plays, and Scotty Static rushes to the ring.

And maybe some help on the way for Black!

Scotty slides in, trading right hands off on Riggs and Alf.  He knocks Riggs to the mat with a big one, but this allows Alf to jump him from behind.  Alf whips Scotty to the ropes, and attempts a tilt-a-whirl, but Scotty hooks Alf around the head and takes him down with a spinning headscissors!  Dropkick for Riggs!  Dropkick for Alf!

Scotty on fire here!

Black gets to his feet, and grabs Alf as Scotty gets a hold of Riggs.  They set up Irish whips, both of which are reversed.  However, Black and Scotty DOSIE-DO~! and deliver stereo clotheslines!

Lots of exciting action early on here in the Lethal Rumble match!

Black hammers Alf in the corner, then charges, but Alf ducks out of the way!  Alf then makes his way over to Scotty, and rakes his eyes from behind.  He follows that up with a back suplex, then he and Riggs pick up Scotty and try to dump him!

And this could be a quick night for Scotty, Cole!

Scotty Static in major trouble here!

Scotty goes over, but somehow manages to sneak back in through the ropes before they can force him to the floor.

And that was a very close call for Scotty Static!

Black grabs Riggs from behind, and rakes his eyes.  He goes for an Irish whip, but Riggs reverses.  Black ducks a clothesline, then delivers a flying forearm!  He then goes to Alf, who is choking away on Scotty in the corner.  Black hammers him on the back, then he and Scotty each grab a leg, and attempt elimination on Alf!

And again Alf in trouble!

After a brief struggle, Alf rakes both men's eyes and drops back into the ring as the countdown starts...












Tom Sawyer plays, and "After Hours" Felix Strutter jogs out to the ring.

And Felix Strutter makes his way down, and now it's Alf getting someone to watch his back!

Strutter goes to work on Black, and is quickly joined by James Riggs.  Alf stomps away on Scotty Static in a corner.

Well, we've had five men in, and no one has been eliminated as of yet!

We could have our first right now, Cole!

Strutter and Riggs have Black in a compromising position over the top rope, but Black is able to struggle out and land on the apron.

But Black able to prevent elimination once again!

Alf has Scotty up in the corner, as well, but Scotty is able to lift his leg up and give Alf shots to the head, causing him to let go.  Strutter then goes after Scotty, as Alf again stops to take a breather.

And Alf trying to catch his wind here, he better pace himself if he wants to become the back-to-back winner!

Alf looks on as Black and Riggs continue to tangle in a corner.  Alf grabs Riggs from behind, spinning him around and delivering an overhead belly-to-belly!

And a great suplex by Alf delivered to James Riggs!

Alf taunts the crowd, drawing boos.

And Alf's starting to get into his zone, Cole!

Alf then works on Black, as Strutter attempts to dump Scotty over the top.  Scotty gets his whereabouts, then thumbs Strutter in the eye and slides back inside.

Still no eliminations, and we're almost ready for #6!

Riggs delivers a right hand to Scotty, and Scotty fires back.  The two trade blows, until Strutter ducks down and delivers low blows to both men simultaneously!

Nice move by Felix Strutter, and it's totally legal!

Black grabs Strutter and tosses him over the top, but Strutter barely hangs on.

And Strutter hanging on by the skin of his teeth!

Strutter approaches Black, and does a jumping spin kick in front of him, then delivers a foot to the gut, followed by a DDT, as the countdown begins...












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Gasolina by Daddy Yankee plays, and Colombian Heat gets a nice ovation as he makes his way to the ring.

And Colombian Heat is #6!

Heat slides into the ring and goes after Strutter, delivering big rights, then a clothesline sending Strutter down to the mat!  Heat then bounces off the ropes and floors Riggs with a clothesline, then does the same to Alf!  Heat then jumps on a buckle and does the "W" hand signal!

And Heat comes out blazin!

Oh, that's very cute.

Heat drags James Riggs into a corner and starts hammering away, as Scotty Static goes to work on Alf.  Strutter rakes Heat's eyes from behind, and delivers a backbreaker.  Strutter then goes up to the top rope.

I don't know how smart this is on the part of Felix!

As Strutter gets to the top rope, Heat gets to his feet and shakes the ropes, causing Strutter to fall crotch-first onto the corner!

Not smart at all!

Heat yells for Black as he climbs the buckles, and Black lays off of Riggs long enough to scoop Heat onto his shoulders.

Oh my God...

Black assists Heat in delivering a STACKED-UP SUPERPLEX to Felix Strutter!

And Strutter goes crashing into the canvas, after that devastating double-team superplex!

A faint HO-LY SHIT~! chant can be heard from the crowd, as the move took a lot out of both Heat and Strutter, who lay prone on the mat.

What a move that was, Cole!

Black gets to his feet and grabs Riggs by the head, and brings him over to Scotty, who has Alf's head, and the heads are rammed together!

And the old double noggin-knocker!

Suddenly, Scotty grabs Black from behind and pitches him over the top rope!

Oh, look here!

Black hangs on and jumps back in, then gets to his feet and approaches at Scotty, then the two exchange shoves before tying up.  Black grabs Scotty in a side headlock and takes him down to the mat, then Scotty reaches up and grabs a headscissors.

And a nice, clean wrestling exhibition going on here!

Black turns to his feet, and flips over on top of Scotty.  Scotty lays on the mat for a second, then bridges up, and turns over.  He releases the waistlock and grabs a side headlock.  Black pushes him off into the ropes, then backs in himself.  Scotty ducks a clothesline, and both men clothesline each other mid-ring!  The crowd applauds politely as both men lay on the mat.

And a nice show of respect from the crowd in Providence!

Heat catches Alf out of nowhere with a spinning wheel kick, as the countdown begins...












The "Halloween" theme plays.


Actually, El Espirito makes his way out.

No, it's not!  It's El Espirito at #7!

Well, EXCUSE ME, Princess.

Espirito slides in, and attacks Heat from behind.  Heat fires back, and the two move like greased lightning across the ring, a sequence ending in Espirito delivering a flying spinning front kick into Heat's chest, drawing oohs and ahhs from the crowd!

Look at the speed of these guys!

Very impressive stuff from El Espirito!

Black approaches Espirito next, and receives some rapid-fire kicks to the legs.  As Espirito kicks away in the corner, Scotty lifts Alf in a bodyslam to set him up for elimination!

And Alf in trouble again!

However, James Riggs is measuring, and levels Scotty from behind with the ROLLING KOPPOU~!!!111, sending Scotty tumbling over the top of Alf and down to the floor!

Whoa, we got one!

It's Scotty Static out on the floor, the first elimination of the night!  What a shot from Riggs!

Scotty holds the back of his head on the floor as the referee checks on him.

1st elimination: Scotty Static
Time in ring: 6:42
eliminated: none
eliminated by: James Riggs
Left in ring: Alfdogg, Dan Black, James Riggs, Felix Strutter, Colombian Heat, El Espirito

So seven guys in, we've got our first elimination.

Riggs plays to the crowd, which boos him in response.

And a lot of confidence in James Riggs at the moment!

Alf applauds Riggs while sitting on the mat, then holds up his hand, and Riggs slaps him five.  Alf holds out two thumbs up to him, as Riggs heads over to Black.

And Alf trying to catch his breath, he's in for a long night, as is Dan Black, as are all of these men!

Riggs delivers a backbreaker to Black, then sets him up on the ropes.  As soon as he does, Alf pops up from his spot in the corner, rushes over, and dumps Riggs to the floor from behind!

Oh, and Riggs eliminated now, what a setup!  There wasn't a damn thing wrong with Alf!

2nd elimination: James Riggs
time in ring: 9:24
eliminated: Scotty Static
eliminated by: Alfdogg
Left in ring: Alfdogg, Dan Black, Felix Strutter, Colombian Heat, El Espirito

Alf laughs at Riggs on the floor, as Riggs and Staci are up in arms.  Staci begins to scream at Alf, and Alf responds with the "back off" gesture (where you hold your hand with your palm facing down, and move your four fingers up and down), at which point Staci immediately stops screaming, and starts stomping up and down on the floor before Riggs finally escorts her to the back.

And Staci is hot, in more ways than one!  Looks like page 45's going to have to wait for another night.

Well, tough break for James, but he put his trust in the wrong guy right there!

Heat brings Strutter over, and grabs Alf's head from behind, ramming them together, as the countdown begins...












Krokodilamadurinn plays, and Spanish Fly runs to the ring.

And it's Spanish Fly coming in at #8!  So another group of good friends in there now!

Ah, I don't know about that, Cole!  You saw what happened in the tag match earlier tonight!

As Black hammers on Strutter in a corner, Fly slides in and is met by El Espirito.  More running across the ring ensues, and Fly is able to land a flying chop!

Incredible speed being shown here by Espirito and the Fly!

Alf hammers on Heat in a corner, then whips him across.  Heat springs over the top of Alf, then turns around...and at the same time, Espirito ducks a Fly dropkick, causing Heat to take it!

See?  What did I tell you, Cole?

Oh, stop!  That was an accident!

Heat questions Fly's motives, as Fly tries to plead his case.  Eventually, Fly turns back to Espirito, at which point Alf shoves Heat from behind right into Fly!  Heat turns back and approaches Alf as Alf "begs off", and Fly spins Heat around and decks him with a right hand!

Look at that, Cole!  They hate each other, I'm telling you!

Oh, please, Alf shoved Heat right into Fly on purpose!  He knew what he was doing!

Fly attempts an Irish whip on Heat, which Heat reverses, and attempts a tilt-a-whirl on Fly, but Fly lands on his feet, then hooks his legs around Heat's waist, pushes himself up with his hands, and catches Heat with a BULLDOG~!

And a nice bulldog by Fly on his tag team partner, Colombian Heat!

Maybe not after tonight!

Fly then picks up Heat and tries to dump him over, but Heat struggles free and shoves Fly to the mat.  Fly gets up, and the two get in each other's face and start talking to one another.  Strutter grabs Fly from behind, and tries to dump him, but Heat immediately puts a stop to that.

Now why would he save the guy after he tried to eliminate him?

I think deep down, these guys are still friends.  The competition's just getting the better of them out here!

Heat pulls Fly back in, and calms him down, and the partners share a high ten, then go to work on Alf.

Oh, come on!

Time for #9!












Smells Like Teen Spirit hits, and Kenji Kawada gets a nice ovation as he walks to the ring.

And Kenji Kawada in no hurry, taking his time, smart!

Kawada climbs in slowly, and delivers some STIFF~! blows to Felix Strutter.

Oh, man!  This guy's a hard hitter!

Kawada goes after Espirito next, delivering a couple forearms to the back, then hooking him from behind and delivering a release German suplex!

And Espirito folded up like an accordion!

Dan Black then easily picks up Espirito, and pitches him over the top to the floor!

And Espirito is gone!

3rd elimination: El Espirito
time in ring: 4:37
eliminated: none
eliminated by: Dan Black
Left in ring: Alfdogg, Dan Black, Felix Strutter, Colombian Heat, Spanish Fly, Kenji Kawada

Alf and Strutter are double-teaming Heat, as Fly helps out, going to the eyes of Strutter.  Meanwhile, Kawada has turned his attention to Black.

Black's taken some tremendous shots already, it won't get any easier from here!

Kawada delivers hard shots to Black in the corner, as Alf and Strutter deliver a double back suplex to Heat, then Strutter and Fly go at it as Alf jumps Kawada from behind.  Alf delivers shots to the back, then whips him into the ropes.  Kawada reverses, then catches Alf with a HARD back elbow!

Oh, and Alf goes down in a heap!

He might want to check his teeth after that one!

Kawada picks up Alf, and sets up a powerbomb.  Alf slips free in front, then quickly grabs Kawada and delivers a snap suplex!  Strutter comes over to help Alf as the count begins again...












Tear Away plays, and Christian Wright is soaked in boos as he makes his way out.

All right!

It's the Moral Highground, Christian Wright!

Wright jogs down, and slides in, going after Colombian Heat, choking him in the ropes as he was trying to get up.  Fly comes to the aid of his partner, but Wright saw it coming, delivering a back elbow to Fly.  Wright poses, then catches a BIG clothesline from Kawada!

And Wright picked the wrong time to pose right there!

Absolutely, you can't have your back turned on Kawada!

Kawada takes Wright into a corner, while Alf and Strutter once again attempt to dump Black.

Black in trouble again!

Heat and Fly come over for the save, as Heat pairs off with Strutter and Fly with Alf.  Irish whips, and Alf and Strutter are sent into each other!  Kawada then delivers a big double clothesline!

And another big blow from Kawada!

Black then jumps Kawada from behind, before going after Wright.  Black delivers a CHOP~!


And another!


And a third!


Wright thumbs Black in the eye, then spins him around and delivers a CHOP~! of his own!


And another!


And a third!


Wright then delivers a belly-to-belly!  Kawada picks his spots in the corner, as Heat and Strutter duke it out, as do Alf and Spanish Fly.  Kawada eventually decides to cound away on Alf, as the count begins...












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The "Star Wars" disco theme plays, and It walks to the ring, as the fans stand mystified.

And It's on his way to the ring!

What is?

It is!


It, one of the newest OAOAST superstars!  This is a very mysterious individual, folks!

It slowly climbs into the ring, as Felix Strutter looks on confused.  It delivers a kick to the gut, then whips Strutter to the ropes.  It backs in the opposite way, and catches Strutter with a flying back elbow!

Well, whatever It is, It just gave a nice elbow to Felix Strutter!

It goes for a cover, which prompts a referee to lean inside and wave it off, explaining to It the elimination process.

And It going for a cover, I think this match may be a little new to him!

It gets up, then grabs Strutter and tries to dump him over the top, but Strutter escapes.  Alf attacks It from behind, then he and Strutter whip It to the ropes.  It ducks a clothesline, then is able to simultaneously hook Strutter in a headscissors and Alf in a headlock, and falls forward, taking them both over to the mat!


And It with a great counter right there!

Wright comes at It, but gets caught with a foot to the gut.  It whips Wright to the ropes, and catches him with a backdrop!  Meanwhile, Heat and Fly grab Alf and try to put him over the ropes!

And Alf in trouble once again!

Heat stays on Alf, while Fly goes over to Kawada and delivers some kicks.  Black has Strutter close to elimination in a corner, but Alf goes to the eyes of Heat and slides back in, then knees Black in the back.

See, if Fly would have stayed there and helped his partner, Alf could be eliminated right now!

Oh, stop, these guys have been working well together in this match!

Alf and Strutter then combine to lift Black over the top!

And now it's Dan Black teetering on elimination!

However, Black is able to hang on and slide in under the bottom rope.  Alf and Strutter begin to stomp Black, until Heat helps out, attacking Strutter from behind.  Heat delivers a snap suplex to Strutter, while Kawada has taken advantage on Fly, and is threatening elimination!

Here goes Fly!

Heat gets to his feet, and delivers a shot to the gut of Kawada, allowing Fly to come back in!

And Heat there to help his partner, as we're ready for another entry!













The crowd starts to boo as No Chance in Hell plays and the Cuban Wall runs out to the ring.

And the heavy hitters starting to come out, here's the Cuban Wall!

Wall slides in and goes after Colombian Heat.

It's starting to get crowded in there now, Cole!

Nine men in the ring, three have been eliminated, Scotty Static of the GPX, James Riggs, as well as El Espirito!

Wall picks up Heat and delivers a side slam, then comes from behind and hammers away on Kawada.  Kawada turns into Wall, then starts firing back.

Some big time hits being exchanged in there right now!

Wall delivers a knee to the gut of Kawada, then whips him into the ropes.  Kawada ducks a boot, and floors Wall with a Dynamite Kid-style clothesline!

And a BIG clothesline from Kawada!

It runs to the ropes, and does a flip splash on Wall, immediately followed by a backflip splash!  Black then delivers a European uppercut to It, as Alf attacks Kawada from behind.  Christian Wright hammers away on Heat in a corner, while Fly and Strutter go at it.

And now we've all paired off, as Wall gathers his senses on the mat!

As Wall gets to his feet, everyone sets up Irish whips in a corner, and Alf, Strutter, Wright, and It are all whipped mid-ring into Wall as the crowd goes crazy!  The faces play to the crowd as the five men all fall to the mat.

And the crowd loved that one!

Heat and Fly grab Christian Wright and attempt to dump him over the ropes, while Kawada goes back to pounding Alf.  Black hammers away on Strutter, while It and Wall continue to gather their senses.  It goes over to Black and hammers him from behind, then starts going to work on Strutter himself.  As Wright is able to escape elimination, It has Strutter on the ropes as the count begins...














As Know Your Role 99 plays, PRL runs to the ring.

Will 13 be PRL's lucky number, in getting him to AngleMania and finally winning the World title?

As It continues his attempt to eliminate Strutter, PRL slides in and dumps him to the floor!

And PRL has eliminated It!


Don't start.

4th elimination: It
time in ring: 4:13
eliminated: none
eliminated by: Tha Puerto Rican
left in ring: Alfdogg, Dan Black, Felix Strutter, Colombian Heat, Spanish Fly, Kenji Kawada, Christian Wright, Cuban Wall, Tha Puerto Rican

It attempts to slide back into the ring, but the referees hold him back.

And It trying to get back inside, again, once you hit the floor, you're eliminated!

Dan Black hammers away on Christian Wright in a corner, then goes over to give Felix Strutter a couple shots.  Wright comes out of the corner and tries to bring himself up using the ropes.  As he is doing this, Black looks over at him, then charges...but Wright ducks down and backdrops him to the floor!

And Dan Black now eliminated!  A great effort having been in since the start of the match, but one half of Black T now eliminated!

5th elimination: Dan Black
time in ring: 22:37
eliminated: El Espirito
eliminated by: Christian Wright
left in ring: Alfdogg, Felix Strutter, Colombian Heat, Spanish Fly, Kenji Kawada, Christian Wright, Cuban Wall, Tha Puerto Rican

Cuban Wall charges at Kawada with a big boot, but Kawada ducks and Wall straddles himself on the top rope!  Kawada then backs into the ropes, and clotheslines Wall, sending him to the floor!

And they're dropping like flies now, Cole!

Cuban Wall eliminated!

Wright tries a sneak attack clothesline on Kawada, but Kawada sees it coming and ducks, then tries to push Wright over the ropes, only to see Alf and Strutter come from behind and dump BOTH MEN to the floor!

And two more go, Kawada and Christian Wright eliminated!

6th elimination: Cuban Wall
time in ring: 2:50
eliminated: none
eliminated by: Kenji Kawada

7th elimination: Christian Wright
time in ring: 7:00
eliminated: Dan Black
eliminated by: Alfdogg, Felix Strutter

8th elimination: Kenji Kawada
time in ring: 9:00
eliminated: Cuban Wall
eliminated by: Alfdogg, Felix Strutter
left in ring: Alfdogg, Felix Strutter, Colombian Heat, Spanish Fly, Tha Puerto Rican

And just like that, we're down to five guys in the ring!

The number of combatants cut in half in a span of about 60 seconds!

Alf and Strutter get in a corner, as do Heat and Fly, while PRL stands off alone.  Slowly, everyone spreads out, and Fly goes after PRL, while Alf and Strutter both jump Heat.

This one a little easier to call now!

Alf and Strutter lift Heat over the ropes, and PRL momentarily comes over to help.  Fly shortly follows, and grabs Heat's leg, trying to keep him in, while simultaneously trying to scoop Strutter over.

And these five men fighting it out in a bunch, all competing for the same prize, a shot at the World title at AngleMania, and we're about to add a sixth!  Can Alfdogg become the first three-time OAOAST World champion?  Will PRL finally get over the hump, and win the title for the first time?












Spirit in the Sky hits, and Faqu walks to the ring to a nice ovation.

Or can this man do the unprecedented, and become a double World champion?  It's the HI-YAH champion Faqu at #14!

And this guy wrestles very similar to Kenji Kawada, who we saw earlier, very hard-hitting style!

Faqu slides in, and delivers a big forearm blow to the back of PRL.  He then drags him to mid-ring, and floors him with a big headbutt!

And PRL finding that out first-hand right now!

Alf goes over to Faqu, and takes a CHOP~!


And another!


Faqu then delivers a double chop to the collarbone area, before whipping Alf to the ropes and catching him with a powerslam!

And these two men had a very exciting match months back, that saw Faqu win via disqualification!

Strutter jumps on the back of Faqu and hooks a sleeperhold, as PRL delivers rapid-fire shots to the gut.  Faqu goes to his knees, and Strutter and PRL immediately stomp away.

And that's what you need against Faqu, help!  1-on-1 ain't gonna get it done!

Strutter and PRL pick up Faqu, and team up to deliver a double suplex!  Alf then gets to his feet, and grabs Faqu's legs, hooking him in the SHARPSHOOTER~!!!

Alf with the Sharpshooter hooked on Faqu!

Faqu grabs his hair as Alf cinches back on the hold, but Fly comes to the rescue with a dropkick from behind!

And Fly assists Faqu in breaking the hold!

Strutter delivers a foot to the gut of Fly, and attempts a DDT, but Fly counters with a backdrop.  PRL then catches Fly from behind with a Back Cracker~!

Tremendous move that time by PRL!

As Faqu tries to get to his feet, Alf chokes him on the ropes.  Heat and PRL go at each other in a corner, and Alf breaks his hold on Faqu to join in the frey as the count begins:












Breathe by Fabolous hits and The Mad Cappa runs to the ring.

We're at the midway point with the Mad Cappa!

Alf and Heat separate from PRL as Cappa slides in, and immediately tackles him to the mat!

And a long-standing rivalry between these two men!

PRL and Cappa roll around on the mat, then get to their feet, where they exchange punches.  Cappa gets the better of the exchange, then whips PRL into the ropes, catching him with a flying back elbow!

And the fans loving the PRL-Cappa showdown!

Cappa then attempts to dump PRL!

Hang on, PR!

PRL struggles breifly, then goes to the eyes.  PRL then goes for a clothesline, which Cappa ducks, then sets a foot to the gut, to set up the BUST A CAP~!!!111 However, PRL pushes Cappa off into the ropes, and catches him with the LATIN SLAM~!!!

What action!

PRL groggily gets up, then walks right into a thrust kick from Faqu!

And what a kick from Faqu!

I hope PR's orthodontist bills are caught up!

Alf lifts Fly onto his shoulders in a fireman's carry, and attempts to dump him.

We've reached the halfway point of the match, 15 have entered, and the #1 man, Alfdogg, still remains!

Heat delivers a headbutt to the midsection of Alf, as Fly drops to the apron, and steps back in.  Heat holds Alf's arms back, as Fly delivers kicks to the midsection.  Faqu has Strutter in the corner, and delivers a CHOP~!


And another!


Faqu then tries to dump Strutter, as Heat and Fly have Alf in the corner!

And Alf and Strutter both in trouble now!

Alf rakes the eyes of Heat and Fly, then delivers a low blow to Faqu, allowing Strutter to slide back in as the count begins...












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God of Thunder hits, and the crowd gets to its feet as Thunderkid walks through the curtains, then runs to the ring.

And here comes the Heartland champion!

TK slides into the ring, and starts hammering away on Alf!

And right after his former mentor!

TK then floors Strutter with a clothesline!  Then one for Cortez!  He gives PRL a foot to the gut, then lifts him overhead for a PRESS SLAM~!

Oh, no!

And look at the power of Thunderkid!

TK tosses PRL right on top of Jay Richards!  TK is PUMPED, but Faqu decks him from behind as Heat and Fly hit Bo with a double dropkick!  Jay Richards assists Faqu in stomping away at TK, while Alf applies a foot to Bo's throat, as Strutter stomps away at him.  Fly and Heat go back over to PRL, and again attempt elimination!

And will PRL finally go out here?

Alf stays on Bo, kicking away in the corner, while Strutter attacks Heat from behind.  PRL slides back into the ring, and thumbs Fly in the eye.

Still safe!

Cortez grabs Faqu from behind, and executes a back suplex!  He then chokes away on the mat, while Faqu reaches back up to attempt a choke of his own.  Jay Richards goes for a slam on TK, but TK slips behind the back and delivers a belly-to-belly!

And a nice suplex by Thunderkid!

Strutter gives Heat a foot to the gut, and drops him with a DDT!

Well, we've got ten guys in the ring, Cole, I think that's the most we've had!

And we've still got four of the first eight entrants, including Alfdogg, who started this match out as the #1 entrant!

Alf picks up Jay Richards, who gives him a low blow, and attempts elimination!

He may not last much longer, he's in big trouble here!

Alf slides back in under the bottom as the count begins...













Come and take your Vitamin X!

All right!  Here comes some help for PR!

It's "Prince Vitamin", the 22nd entrant!

X jogs to the ring with a big smirk on his face, then rolls into the ring.  As X starts doing the Shane O'Mac, Thunderkid, who was about to set up PRL for elimination, spots him from behind.  He drops PRL, then stands behind X with his hands on his hips.  He looks out to the crowd, before grabbing X by the head and pitching him over the top rope!

Oh, NO!

And back to the courtyard for Prince Vitamin!  That could be record time!

12th elimination: Vitamin X
time in ring: 0:10
eliminated: none
eliminated by: Thunderkid
Left in ring: Alfdogg, Felix Strutter, Colombian Heat, Spanish Fly, Tha Puerto Rican, Faqu, Jay Richards, Bohemoth, Todd Cortez, Thunderkid

X is dumbfounded on the outside, as the referees usher him to the back.  He is taunted by several fans on his way back.  Meanwhile, in the ring, Felix Strutter sets up Spanish Fly, and executes a Falcon Arrow!

I'll tell you, Cole, how about Felix Strutter?  This guy was a virtual unknown just a few months ago, he came in #5, he's been in there well over half an hour!

Definitely a coming-out party of sorts for Felix Strutter, whose partner, Ken Pantera, suffered a very serious knee injury in the first round of the Anderson Cup tournament, and underwent successful surgery just about a week ago!  We certainly wish him a speedy recovery, and his partner certainly making the most of his singles opportunities!

Strutter then assists Alf as the two of them try to dump Bo over the top!

And the 24/7 champ hanging on for dear life in there, as Alf and Strutter have him on the ropes!

Bo manages to get back to the mat, then grabs Alf and Strutter and rams their heads together!

But he comes out of it nicely, with a double noggin-knocker!

PRL comes from behind Bo, and gouges his eyes.  Jay Richards joins PRL in the assault, as TK and Heat work over Todd Cortez in another corner.

Todd Cortez, one of the "Wildcards" who came in last year, in trouble right now, dealing with TK and Colombian Heat, as we're ready for #23!













(disgusted) Oh, no.

Landon Maddix walks through the curtains, as the crowd gives him a standing BOO-vation.  (lol, see what I did there?)

And here comes the man who attempted to end Zack Malibu's storied career in the OAOAST earlier tonight!

Landon walks halfway down the aisle, then jogs the rest of the way and rolls into the ring.  He attacks TK from behind, and delivers forearms, then executes a snap suplex.  He then backs into the corner, and executes a neck snap as TK sits up!

And looking good in there so far, Landon Maddix!

Cortez hits Heat with a low blow, then gets to his feet.

And the former Martial Law teammates looking to take control of the Lethal Rumble match, and I shudder to think if one of these two came out with the win here tonight!

As Landon hammers away on Spanish Fly, Cortez applies the HOOK UP~! to Colombian Heat!

And Cortez has the Hook-Up!

And that's not Master P and AJ Johnson in there!

As Cortez has the hold applied, Landon comes from behind, and delivers a kick between Heat's legs!  The crowd audibly groans.

And I don't think Heat's gonna be having any hook-ups for a WHILE!

Alf chokes away at Faqu in a corner, as Cortez picks TK up off the mat.  Cortez measures, and goes for a right hand, but TK blocks, and starts firing off rights on Cortez!

But TK's not going to go for this!

Landon knees TK in the back from behind, then hooks him for Cortez.  Cortez backs into the ropes...but TK escapes Landon's grip, and Cortez decks Landon with a clothesline!


Cortez looks at Landon for a second, then goes after Faqu.  Landon gets to his feet and spins Cortez around, then gives him a shove!  Cortez shoves back, then the two begin exchanging rights!

And the two former partners going at it, and listen to the fans!

Bohemoth breaks up the slugfest with a big double clothesline, as the count begins...












Punishment by BIOHAZARD hits, and the crowd erupts as Brock Ausstin walks through the curtains.

And you talk about a favorite to win this thing...

I think business just picked up, as a certain BBQ-loving former colleague would say!

Brock does his dance in the entryway, then walks down the aisle.  He jumps on the apron, as Landon and Cortez look on at him.  When he steps in, Cortez throws Landon to the wolves, and Brock floors him with a clothesline!  Brock mows down anything that comes at him, as he levels Richards, Strutter, Heat, Faqu, and PRL with clotheslines and forearm shots!

Brock Ausstin a MACHINE in there!

Brock then is attacked from behind by Cortez, who jumps on the back of Brock and tries to choke him out.  Brock walks around the ring trying to shake him off, then gets a hold of him and slams him forward to the mat, before taking him right over the top to the floor with a BELLY-TO-BELLY~!

So long, Cortez!

Brock then grabs Felix Strutter by the throat.

Oh no, not Felix!

Brock scoops Strutter on his shoulders, and sends him out on top of Cortez with an F-STUNNER-5~!!!!!11111

Yes, Felix!  Brock Ausstin on FIRE~!

13th elimination: Todd Cortez
time in ring: 8:52
eliminated: none
eliminated by: Brock Ausstin

14th elimination: Felix Strutter
time in ring: 39:02
eliminated: Kenji Kawada (co), Christian Wright (co)
eliminated by: Brock Ausstin
Left in ring: Alfdogg, Colombian Heat, Spanish Fly, Tha Puerto Rican, Faqu, Jay Richards, Bohemoth, Thunderkid, Landon Maddix, Brock Ausstin

Brock is FIRED UP, as Bohemoth stands behind him.  Brock turns around, and spots him.  The ring almost comes to a standstill.

And look who awaits him now!

I like this!

Brock walks closer to Bo, then steps in his face as the two take a flashbulb shower.  Bo shoves Brock off, then Brock shoves back, and throws a right as Bo comes back!  The two trade rights as the crowd goes crazy!

And Brock and Bo hammering it out, a true heavyweight fight!  Listen to the fans!

The two tangle up in a corner, as Faqu stomps on Landon Maddix in another corner.  Meanwhile, Alf drives a knee into Bo's back from behind, then kicks away at Brock in the corner.  Brock turns it around, however, and pounds away on Alf!

A historic rivalry re-kindled, as it's Brock with the advantage, as we're ready for our 25th entrant!












Make Her Say hits, and Johnny Jax runs to the ring.

And it's the other half of the GPX, Johnny Jax!

Jax slides in the ring, as Brock has Alf on the ropes!

And Alf could finally go!

Jax goes over wisely and helps out on Alf, but Richards jumps Jax from behind.  Bo reaches over to give a hand on Alf as well, as Heat goes underneath the ropes to pull.  Alf is over the ropes with his back facing the floor, but frees a hand, and quickly pokes Heat, Bo, and Brock in the eyes, then falls between the top and middle ropes back in.

Is this guy amazing or what?

Coming up on 47 minutes now for last year's Rumble winner!

Jax stomps away on Landon Maddix, while PRL takes Brock down from behind.  Heat and Fly double-team Jay Richards, as Alf executes a T-BONE SUPLEX~!! on TK!  Faqu hammers him from behind, then delivers a CHOP~!


And another, which sends Alf to the mat!


Faqu backs up, then falls forward with a headbutt!  Jay Richards comes up from behind Faqu, and stomps on his toes, then delivers a dropkick!

Now, Faqu's been in there over 20 minutes, why hasn't anyone else thought to do that?

Brock is hammering PRL on the mat, until Richards delivers a sliding dropkick to him!

Nice dropkick by Richards, and again, two former S.H.I. mates going at it!

Richards stomps away on Brock, and PRL joins him, but then PRL thumbs Richards in the eye!

Can't trust anyone in this match!

PRL attempts a piledriver, but Richards counters with a backdrop!  Richards then clotheslines PRL, and slides underneath the bottom rope to the apron.  Richards springs over, attempting a hurricanrana, but PRL catches him with a powerbomb!

Great counter by PRL, and we're ready for another man in this mass of bodies!












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A man is heard screaming, which leads in to Speak to Me/Breathe by Pink Floyd.

Oh my God...

"The Manitoba Mammoth" Deon Black walks through the curtains and down to the ring.

Something tells me the "mass of bodies" is about to be thinned out a bit!

And what if this man goes on to face Drek Stone, Coach?

I don't know, but at this point, that might just be what happens!

Brock Ausstin stands in mid-ring waiting on the Mammoth.

And Brock Ausstin wants the first crack at him!

That guy's crazy!

Black climbs onto the apron, then over the top into the ring, and Brock fires off a few rights, but Black floors him with a big headbutt!  Meanwhile, Jay Richards has PRL locked in the CROSS-FACE CHICKEN WING~!, but Black gives him a big chop between the shoulder blades, causing the break!

And what a shot to Jay Richards!

Black delivers a big right to Richards, then grabs him and pitches him to the floor!

And Jay Richards can hit the showers!

Faqu attacks from behind, but Black knocks him to the mat with a right hand right to the mush!

That's got to be like getting hit in the face with a bowling ball!

Black tosses Faqu into a corner, and hammers away with blows to the midsection and side of the head.  He backs up, and crushes him with an AVALANCHE~!, then grabs him by the head, and tosses him to the floor!

And another casualty at the hands of this monster, this time it's the HI-YAH champion Faqu!

15th elimination: Jay Richards
time in ring: 18:33
eliminated: Charlie Moss
eliminated by: Deon Black

16th elimination: Faqu
time in ring: 24:52
eliminated: The Mad Cappa
eliminated by: Deon Black
Left in ring: Alfdogg, Colombian Heat, Spanish Fly, Tha Puerto Rican, Bohemoth, Thunderkid, Landon Maddix, Brock Ausstin, Johnny Jax, Deon Black

Black poses as the crowd boos, then Bo hits him with a clothesline, which staggers him.  He hits him with a second.

And now Bohemoth trying to chop down the big tree!

Bo hits a third clothesline, but no success.  Heat flies off the top rope at Black, but gets caught!

And Heat is caught!

Fly comes off the other side as Black turns around, and he gets caught as well!

And Fly gets caught!  He's holding two guys right now, amazing!

TK is the next to go up top, as Brock gets on all fours behind Black.  TK hits a MISSILE DROPKICK~! into the back of Fly, and Black topples over Brock and down to the mat!  Brock hops on top of Heat and Fly, followed by PRL, TK, Landon, Jax, and Bo!

It's a dogpile on the Mammoth, as we're ready for another one!












The buzzer sounds, but no one comes out.

What's the deal here?

We don't have an entrant here...I'm being told now that this is Jamie O'Hara's turn to enter, and he won't be able to go as a result of that HEINOUS attack by Drek Stone!

Well, that's what he gets fo...

Coach is cut off by Getting Away With Murder, and an ERUPTION from the crowd.


...no way!

Zack Malibu slowly pulls himself to the ring, as the crowd is going ballistic!  Landon Maddix is SHOCKED standing in the ring.

Is he actually going to take part in this match?

It appears that way, Coach!

And I thought Brock was crazy!  What is this guy's problem???

Zack pulls himself under the bottom rope, and Landon pounces immediately, stomping away.  Zack pulls himself to his feet, and begins delivering right hands, enciting another explosion from the crowd!

I can't believe this!

Zack backs into the ropes, and floors Landon with a flying clothesline!  He gets up slowly, then grabs an approaching Colombian Heat and tosses him to the floor!

And Zack eliminates Colombian Heat!  This is a courageous performance we're seeing here, folks!

17th elimination: Colombian Heat
time in ring: 42:58
eliminated: none
eliminated by: Zack Malibu
Left in ring: Alfdogg, Spanish Fly, Tha Puerto Rican, Bohemoth, Thunderkid, Landon Maddix, Brock Ausstin, Johnny Jax, Deon Black, Zack Malibu

Deon Black comes from behind Zack.

Oh, no.

Black grabs Zack around the throat, but Zack delivers a KICK TO THE BALLS~!

But Zack escapes!

Bo and Brock come at Black with a double clothesline, which only starts Black over the ropes!

Oh, they could have him here!

Fly, PRL, TK, Jax, and Zack all lend a hand, as they push Black OVER THE TOP AND TO THE FLOOR~!


Deon Black has been eliminated!

18th elimination: Deon Black
time in ring: 3:18
eliminated: Faqu, Jay Richards
eliminated by: Spanish Fly, Tha Puerto Rican, Bohemoth, Thunderkid, Brock Ausstin, Johnny Jax, Zack Malibu
Left in ring: Alfdogg, Spanish Fly, Tha Puerto Rican, Bohemoth, Thunderkid, Landon Maddix, Brock Ausstin, Johnny Jax, Zack Malibu

It took seven men to get it done, but he is out!

Landon jumps Zack from behind, and stomps away, as the crowd chants





And the chants ringing from the hometown crowd for Zack Malibu!

Jax comes from behind and attacks Landon, hitting him with crushing forearms.

Johnny Jax coming over to Zack's aid!

Jax hits a dropkick, sending Landon back into the ropes.  Jax charges, but Landon ducks, and Jax goes flying over the top to the floor!

Not for long, there he goes!

And Johnny Jax eliminated, as we're ready for another one!

19th elimination: Johnny Jax
time in ring: 5:47
eliminated: Deon Black (co)
eliminated by: Landon Maddix
left in ring: Alfdogg, Spanish Fly, Tha Puerto Rican, Bohemoth, Thunderkid, Landon Maddix, Brock Ausstin, Zack Malibu












Stars and Stripes Forever hits, and Quentin Benjamin runs to the ring.

And a good luck of the draw for the other half of America's Team, Quentin Benjamin!

Benjamin slides into the ring, and goes after Alf.

So, nine men in the ring now, and two to go!  Eleven men are currently eligible for a shot at Drek Stone at AngleMania VI!

Benjamin delivers a suplex to Alf, as Fly and PRL tangle in a corner.  Landon continues to stomp on Zack, while TK and Brock slug it out.  Bo is gaining his wind sitting in a corner.

Who haven't we seen yet, Cole?

Well, as I look at the list, we've still yet to see the other half of Black T, T-Bod, Tony Brannigan...

And who else?

And the former X-champion, Reject, has yet to appear as well!

Two men who could easily come out here and win this thing late!

Benjamin moves over to work on Zack, as Bo goes after Alf.

And yes, Alfdogg still in there, as we pass the 53-minute mark of this match, he's been through it all tonight!

And what a main event that would be at AngleMania if he pulls it off tonight!

Benjamin and Landon pick up Zack, and attempt to dump him, as the crowd screams!

But a man with just as big of a hill to climb is Zack Malibu, who is in big trouble right now!

They force him over the top rope, but Zack scoots back in under the bottom.  Benjamin then goes over and assists Brock, who is being stomped by TK.  PRL puts a foot on Zack's throat, as Bo hammers Landon from behind, and Alf stomps away on Spanish Fly.

And there's another guy who's been out there a while!

Another courageous performance, as Fly has been out there over 40 minutes!

Bo whips Landon into the ropes and gives him a powerslam, as the count begins:












He's Simply Ravishing!  OWW~!

And it's Tony Brannigan, the other half of Black T!

Dan Black got #2, and Tony gets #29!  Talk about getting the breaks!

So that means that the final entrant will be Reject, who tries to bounce back from losing the X-title earlier tonight!

Tony climbs into the ring, and assists Bo in working over Landon Maddix.

You want to pick me a winner, Cole?

Well, I think you've got to like Tony's chances at this point, Coach!  Reject will be the last entrant, but Reject also had the match earlier tonight with Jamie O'Hara!

I'm still gonna go with him, though!  I think it's Reject's time to rise here in the OAOAST, and it starts tonight!  And Drek Stone vs Reject would be a tremendous main event!  As much as I love Alf and PRL, those guys have been out there a long, long time!

Well, if you recall last year's Rumble, Reject lasted over 50 minutes in that one!  He won't need that endurance tonight, as he'll be the final entrant in the Lethal Rumble match!

PRL lifts Zack up over the top rope!

And Zack in trouble once again!

The crowd is panicking, but Tony hammers PRL from behind, allowing Zack to scoot back in again!  Tony is then attacked by Alf from behind.  Alf attempts an Irish whip, but Tony reverses.  Tony drops down, then attempts a clothesline, which Alf ducks, and then both men clothesline each other!

And Alf and Tony both down!

With everyone else paired off in corners or down on the mat, Brock and Bo see this as a good time to face off again, as the crowd cheers.

And these two look headed for another face-off!

This time, it's Bo who throws the first punch, as the two trade blows!  Brock gets the better of the exchange, then attempts an Irish whip, but Bo reverses, then catches Brock with a foot to the gut, and sets up a powerbomb!  However, Brock counters with a backdrop, then scoops Bo up onto his shoulders!

Could be F-STUNNER-5 time!

Brock carries Bo over to the ropes, but Bo hangs on and slides over the back, then attempts to dump Brock as the count begins.

And Reject will enter the match in ten seconds!












Renagade hits, and the crowd boos as Reject walks through the curtains with a smile on his face, and jogs towards the ring.

Reject looking awfully confident, and why not, he got the #30 draw in the Lethal Rumble match!

Reject stops when he gets to the apron, then sneaks in as Bo and Brock are still tangled on the ropes, and DUMPS BOTH TO THE FLOOR~!

And opportunity knocks, and Reject answers, Brock and Bo both gone!

20th elimination: Bohemoth
time in ring: 22:22
eliminated: John "Rock Hard" Brickston, Deon Black (co)
eliminated by: Reject

21st elimination: Brock Ausstin
time in ring: 12:22
eliminated: Felix Strutter, Todd Cortez, Deon Black (co)
eliminated by: Reject

Benjamin attacks Reject from behind, then hits him with a SUPERKICK~!  Reject rolls back to the ropes, and Benjamin goes for another SUPERKICK~!, but this time Reject ducks, and Benjamin crotches himself on the top rope!  Reject gets to his feet, and sends Benjamin to the floor with a high roundhouse!

And Reject on fire in there, as we're down to eight men!

22nd elimination: Quentin Benjamin
time in ring: 4:49
eliminated: none
eliminated by: Reject
Left in ring: Alfdogg, Spanish Fly, Tha Puerto Rican, Thunderkid, Landon Maddix, Zack Malibu, Tony Brannigan, Reject

The eight remaining men back off to the sides of the ring, as the crowd starts to cheer.  For the most part, everyone stands off by themselves (shades of grey, 81tch), while Tony stands in front of Zack, who leans on the ropes on his knees.

And it's come to this!  Tony and Zack, the faces of this company!  Zack brutalized earlier tonight by Bruce Blank, (camera pans over) and that man, Landon Maddix!

The camera pans over to Alfdogg.

This match has gone over 57 minutes, and that man has been out there for every second of it!  He's going to be sore in the morning, but will he be able to ease the pain by saying he won this match, and now has a shot at becoming the first three-time OAOAST World champion?

Pan to Spanish Fly.

Or could it be this big-time underdog, who has lasted nearly 50 minutes in his own right?  Could Spanish Fly challenge Drek Stone at AngleMania VI?

The bodies start to move around the ring, as the camera now focuses on PRL.

Or Tha Puerto Rican, who is so obsessed with the fact that he has never held the World championship?  Does his vindication come tonight?

Back to a wide shot.

And then you've got the two former tag partners, the two former Deadly Alliance running buddies, looking for the ultimate in singles glory, and HERE WE GO!

TK and Reject, the just-mentioned former partners, tangle, while PRL and Tony go at each other.  Alf stomps away at Zack in another corner, while Fly and Landon zoom around the ring trying to land blows.  Landon manages to hit a spinning wheel kick!

And a nice kick by Landon right there!

Landon charges Fly, but Fly catches him with a drop toe-hold, sending him into the ropes!  The crowd gets to their feet, as Fly shouts out "6-1-9!"  then runs to the ropes, and drills Landon, knocking him to the center of the ring!  Fly celebrates, but walks right into PRL, who drills him with the CORPORATE NIGHTMARE~!!!!!11111


The Corporate Nightmare, and Fly is out like a light!

Reject has his hands on his knees behind a cocky PRL, then spins him around and drops him with the EULOGY~!!!!!11111

EULOGY~!  PRL is out of it!

Reject does the arms outstretched pose, drawing boos, then Tony spins him around and delivers a foot to the gut.  He sends Reject into the ropes, and gives him the OUT OF BODY EXPERIENCE~!!!!!11111  Meanwhile, Alf scales the top rope.

Alf going for it all here...

Alf sizes up Landon, and drills him with the FIVE-STAR ALF SPLASH~!!!!!11111  Alf flips over on impact onto his back.  He then lays on the mat for a couple seconds, before KIPPING UP~! and taunting the crowd, to boos.

Look at Alf!  He's been there around an hour, and he's...

As Alf holds his arms out, Zack levels him with SCHOOL'S OUT~!!!!!11111  The crowd goes BERZERK~!  Tony goes at it with TK, then whips him into the ropes, and TK comes back, and the two hit heads!

And look at the carnage in the ring!



Black Sweat by Prince hits, and MISTER WARRIOR runs down the aisle, arms in the air the whole way.

What the hell is this goofball doing out here?

WARRIOR runs all the way around the ring, then rolls in and hits TK with a clothesline!  He bounces off the ropes, and hits Reject with a clothesline!  WARRIOR repeats this on Tony, Alf, Zack, Landon, Fly and PRL, then flips over the top rope, landing on his feet on the floor and running to the back, all as Black Sweat continues to play!


Yeah, that's pretty much my response!

After a few seconds, everyone starts to stir.  Alf gets to his feet first, and clotheslines TK to the floor!

And we're down to seven now, Thunderkid eliminated!

23rd elimination: Thunderkid
time in ring: 22:37
eliminated: Vitamin X, Deon Black (co)
eliminated by: Alfdogg
Left in ring: Alfdogg, Spanish Fly, Tha Puerto Rican, Thunderkid, Landon Maddix, Zack Malibu, Tony Brannigan, Reject

PRL and Fly do battle, as Landon chokes Tony with his foot.  Alf approaches Zack, but stops on the way to pat Reject on the back.

What do we got here?

Reject looks up at Alf, then gets to his feet and gets in his face.  Alf raises his hands, as if to say "easy!", then talks Reject into doubling up on Zack.

Oh, I LIKE this!

Could we be seeing an alliance forming here between Alf and Reject?

Reject eventually nods, and the two stomp away at Zack in the corner.  The crowd chants once again.





Alf and Reject cease stomping to taunt the crowd, who showers both with boos.  The two then lift Zack in the corner.

And Zack in trouble once again!

Zack miraculously fights back!

But look at the fight, the courage, in Zack Malibu!

Zack trades right hands off on both, until Alf gets a thumb to the eye.  Alf and Reject then set up Zack, and execute a double back suplex!  Both men stop to pose once again, as Reject raises his hands in the air...then quickly turns around, places them on Alf, and TOSSES HIM OUT~!!!


Alf is GONE!  A double-cross by Reject!

24th elimination: Alfdogg
time in ring: 61:06
eliminated: James Riggs, Kenji Kawada (co), Christian Wright (co), Thunderkid
eliminated by: Reject

Reject looks down on Alf, with his hands on his hips.  Alf looks up at him, shocked, then stands on his feet as Reject shrugs his shoulders.  Reject then waves goodbye to Alf...as Fly dropkicks him from behind, sending him TO THE FLOOR~!


And now Reject eliminated, and Alf letting him know about it!

25th elimination: Reject
time in ring: 6:26
eliminated: Bohemoth, Brock Ausstin, Quentin Benjamin, Alfdogg
eliminated by: Spanish Fly
Left in ring: Spanish Fly, Tha Puerto Rican, Landon Maddix, Zack Malibu, Tony Brannigan

Alf points and laughs at Reject as he walks back to the back.  Reject throws a fit on the floor.

Down to five remaining, and Spanish Fly is one of them!  Can you believe it?

I can't believe it, but I actually think Fly has a chance!

Fly stares down PRL, as the crowd cheers.  PRL goes for a clothesline, but Fly ducks, and starts delivering right hands!  Fly goes to the ropes, and dives into PRL with his legs hooking around PRL's waist, then pushes himself up, and delivers an armdrag to PRL!

And he's got PRL going here!

Fly charges PRL, who ducks and backdrops him over the top, but Fly lands on the apron!  Fly leans through the ropes and shoulderblocks PRL, then springs to the top for a HURRICANRANA~!, but PRL catches him and carries him to the ropes.  He tries to dump him, but Fly holds on and 'rana's him over, as PRL BARELY holds on, with one hand grabbing the middle rope and one grabbing the top.  Fly thinks he secured the elimination, but PRL swings his legs around and drags himself back in.  He then flattens Fly with a clothesline!

And Fly thought he had eliminated PRL, but he thought wrong!

Fly gets back up by the ropes, and PRL clotheslines him over to the floor!

And Spanish Fly, after a REMARKABLE showing, has been eliminated by Tha Puerto Rican!

The crowd boos loudly as PRL celebrates, then, as Fly gets up, the crowd gives him a standing ovation.  Even T-Bod, warm-hearted SOB he is, gives Fly a little applause as he passes to the entrance.

And listen to the crowd in Providence respond to the Spanish Fly!

26th elimination: Spanish Fly
time in ring: 51:28
eliminated: Deon Black (co), Reject
eliminated by: Tha Puerto Rican
FINAL FOUR: Tha Puerto Rican, Landon Maddix, Zack Malibu, Tony Brannigan

As one, the Dunkin' Donuts Center crowd rises to their feet as the final four competitors take a moment to gather themselves.  

For those who don't remember, both Zack and Tha Puerto Rican were in this position last year with Alfdogg and Leon Rodez.  Alfdogg ended up walking out the winner after eliminating Zack with a big assist from Axel.

Suddenly, both Puerto and Landon bumrush Zack Malibu in the corner, peppering him with right hands (by PR) and knees to the gut (by Landon).

Smart move, going after the guy that clearly has little left in the tank.


A deafening chant rocks the arena as the fans make known to the world who they are sticking behind.  Tony Brannigan decides to get into the fun and pulls PR away from the corner by the hair, but PR makes his displeasure at the interruption known with a back elbow to the face.  He tries another, but Tony ducks, the whiff spinning PR around and allowing Tony to pick him up in a fireman's carry and try to pitch him over the top.

Look out, Puerto's in a bad place right now!


PR grabs the top rope and holds it tightly as Tony tries to muscle him over to the floor.  Meanwhile, in the corner, Landon has Zack on the mat and has his foot placed right on Zack's throat, trying to squeeze whatever air and fight is left out of him.  PR reaches over and gouges Tony's eyes, causing Tony to release him and stagger away in pain.  PR hunches down for a moment, waiting for the right time to charge as Tony shakes the cobwebs out near the ropes.  PR charges......but Tony catches him with an Out of Body.....NO, a hotshot on the top rope!

Hotshot by Brannigan stops him cold!

He was probably hoping that Puerto would bounce right out to the floor, but he hung on.

Tony waves for Puerto to get to his feet and charges when he does so.......but Puerto falls back to the mat, pulling down the top rope as he goes down.....

.....and Tony goes over and out!!


Tony Brannigan is GONE!!  What intelligence shown by Tha Puerto Rican in eliminating a former World Champion!

27th Elimination: Tony Brannigan
time in ring: 4:43
eliminated: None
eliminated by: Tha Puerto Rican
left in ring: Tha Puerto Rican, Landon Maddix, Zack Malibu

Tony slaps the floor in anger and frustration as PR gets up and looks out to him, talking smack and making the "title around the waist" motion.

It's PR's time!  He's two guys away from his dream!

He'd better pay more attention to what's going on in the ring then.

Indeed, Landon sees that PR is preoccupied and slinks over, waiting for PR to turn around before nailing him with a dropkick that knocks him off his feet towards the ropes.....but PR just bounces on the top rope and lands back in the ring.


It almost cost him.  Puerto's distraction almost cost him everything.

PR looks around, eyes wide and lets out a long breath, thankful that he is still in this thing.  He gropes at the ropes and begins to pull himself to his feet.  He hears a thump behind him and the crowd roar, but his bell is still a little rung.  He stands upright and takes a few deep breaths, preparing himself to get back in the frey.  He turns back........

.....and all he sees is Zack Malibu's foot filling his vision.

KICK WHAM SCHOOL'S OUT! sends PR over the top and crashing to the floor.


HE'S GONE!  Zack kicked him right out his dream!


28th Elimination: Tha Puerto Rican
time in ring: 38:21
eliminated: It, Deon Black (co), Spanish Fly, Tony Brannigan
eliminated by: Zack Malibu
left in ring: Landon Maddix, Zack Malibu

Two!  We're down to two!

We might be down to one in a second, Cole!

Maddix uses the opening he has after PR's elimination to rush up on Zack from behind and try to bundle him over and out, but Zack hangs on to the ropes as he goes over and lands on the apron.  The crowd in Providence lets out a breath after that one.

One of these two men will go to Toronto to be in the main event of Anglemania VI.

It's the future of the business versus one of the greats of the past and present, Cole!

Landon lays in the boots on Zack as he rolls under the bottom rope back into the ring, the stomps becoming more vicious as Landon's adrenaline begins to pump.  Landon pulls Zack to his feet and backs him into the ropes, shooting him off and flying through the air, catching Zack with a flying forearm shot on the rebound.  Maddix kips up and pounds his chest, motioning that he's going to toss Zack.


At this point, you have to wonder how much does Zack have left?  I mean, we all saw what he went through earlier tonight.

I respect Zack coming out here and giving it everything he has, but he's running on the fumes of his fumes right now.

Landon reaches over and pulls Zack to his feet, smirking to the crowd as he grabs the back of Zack's tights and rushes him towards the ropes, but Zack fights it again!

"COME ON!" Landon yells as he pushes on Zack to try and get him over the top, but Zack is on his 42nd wind of the night and fights it.


This crowd is trying to will Zack here.  Hell, even I'M cheering for him right now.  COME ON, ZACK!

Nice objectivity there, Cole.

Zack swings back and pops Landon with an elbow, stunning him for a moment.  Another elbow and Landon's grasp is loosened.  Two more completely frees Zack....but Landon pokes him in the eye!


Landon tries a punch of his own....but Zack ducks under it and fires off a jab!

A jab!


A jab! (CROWD: "HOOO!")

Look at this!

A jab! "HOOO!"

A jab! "HOOO!"

Zack blows a kiss to the crowd, sticks his foot in Landon's gut, and cracks him with an enziguri kick!


Mama Said Knock You OUT by Zack!  Think that wasn't a message from an old friend?

Both men lie prone on the mat, both tired, both beaten, both trying to suck in that last bit of oxygen they need to finish the job.  Zack rolls onto his back.....



Where is he getting this from?

We are seeing a performance for the ages here tonight in Zack's hometown.

Zack walks to the center of the ring and stands with his feet slightly spread, anxiously tapping his left foot on the mat, motioning at Landon and muttering for him to get his ass up.  The crowd rises again, knowing and anticipating what's to come.

He's set.  It's the bottom of the ninth and Big Papi Zack Malibu is set to hit a walk-off homer out of the park.

Landon faces the outside as he pulls himself to his feet, working his jaw and shaking his head to try and clear it.  Zack shuffles closer as Landon gets to one knee and moves to strike the second he gets to his feet with another SCHOOL'S OUT~!

But Landon ducks.......

Pitches Zack over the top rope........




The crowd once again exhales in relief as Zack hangs on to the middle and top ropes, his legs dangling mere feet off the floor.  Landon, having launched into a premature celebration, turns when he doesn't hear the bell or his music and sees Zack hanging on for dear life.


Zack Malibu was INCHES away from being eliminated, but somehow managed to hang on and stop his fall!

Landon walks over and leans out between the top and middle ropes to slug away on Zack's head and chest to try and loosen his grip and finally finish things off.  

I don't know how Zack can fight back here!  He lets go of the ropes and this is over!

Zack absorbs Landon's blows while frantically trying to figure out a way out of this perdicament.


Landon lands another shot to the face.......BUT ZACK BITES HIS HAND!

He bit him!

Landon recoils in pain and shakes his hand, but that only serves to make Maddix angry as he ducks back under the ropes and wraps the hand around Zack's throat......BUT ZACK LEANS OVER AND BITES LANDON'S FOREHEAD!!!


Zack leans his head back and headbutts Landon hard, stunning him, and another headbutt is enough to knock him back through the ropes and to the mat.

It wasn't pretty, but that's the only way Zack could have fought back.

Now he has to get back into the ring.

Zack tries to swing his legs over onto the apron, but he cannot get any leverage.  He looks over his shoulder and sees Landon begin to stir again, so he does the only thing he can do: he lets his left hand (holding the top rope) slip down to the middle rope which allows him to reach and plant his right foot on the floor.

That's one foot!  If the other touches, he's gone!

Zack's flirting with disaster here!  If Landon recovers, all he has to do is push Zack's left leg to the floor and he's going to AngleMania!

Landon staggers towards the ropes.....but Zack swings his left leg onto the apron and quickly brings his right leg up next to it just as Landon flings himself towards them.


He's back up.

But he's not safe.

Landon reaches over the top and pulls Zack up to his feet on the apron, throwing his arm over his head and hooking the tights.

Landon's going to suplex Zack to the floor!

Landon pulls....but Zack blocks!


Landon tries again.....but Zack blocks again, hooks Landon's tights, picks him up.....AND CROTCHES HIM ON THE TOP ROPE!


That's a hurt that's not going away soon.

Landon is incapacitated!  Zack's got a shot!

Zack steps back into the ring and, with one last burst, runs wobbily towards the ropes and flings himself into them to get a head of steam.  He charges towards Landon Maddix, leaps, and simply throws his body into him, knocking Landon over.......

AND OUT!!!!!!


Final Elimination: Landon Maddix
Time in ring: 19:34
Eliminated: Johnny Jax
Eliminated by: Zack Malibu

TEH WINN0R~!: Zack Malibu
Time in ring: 13:34
Eliminated: Colombian Heat, Deon Black (co), Tha Puerto Rican, Landon Maddix


I can't believe it.  I can't believe what I just saw in there.

Getting Away With Murder plays over the PA, but you can barely notice that or Howard Finkel's announcement over the deafening cheers as Charles Robinson enters the ring to check on a clearly spent Zack Malibu, who lays facefirst on the mat.  Tears are visible in his eyes as he looks up at Robinson and nods.  Robinson and another official help Zack to his feet and raise his arm in victory.

Zack Malibu has gone through hell over the past year and went through hell in that ring tonight, but right now, Zack Malibu has guaranteed himself another shot at the OAOAST World Heavyweight Championship in Toronto.

Cole!  I just realized what that means!  If everything stays as it is...

That's right, that's going to be our AngleMania main event.


Candi, also in tears (but this time tears of joy) rushes to the ring to join her man.  The couple embraces and shares a kiss in the middle of the Dunkin' Donuts Center.  Candie asks if Zack is ok and Zack nods with a smile before they embrace again.  There is not a fan sitting (or a dry eye) in the house as Zack and Candie acknowledge the crowd.

Well ladies and gentlemen, we thank you for joining us tonight for Anglepalooza.  For Jonathan Coachman, I'm Michael Cole saying goodnight and we will see you at AngleMania VI!

The camera closes in on Zack and Candie kissing again as one of the worst nights of Zack Malibu's life has turned into one of the greatest.

Because he's going to AngleMania.

Fade to black


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The credits roll over screencaps of tonight's action. The classic WWF Royal Rumble theme song plays again.

OAOAST Entertainment

Zack Malibu

Ed Wood Caulfield & Patty O' Green


Bruce Blank
Ed Wood Caulfield
King Cucaracha
Patty O' Green
Zack Malibu

© 2007 OAOAST Entertainment
All Rights Reserved

The last shot is of Zack Malibu celebrating with Candie in the ring. We fade out on this shot as the classic WWF Royal Rumble theme song dies down.

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