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OAOAST TMW: A comedy/erotic e-fed

OAOAST HeldDOWN~! 11/9/2015

Chanel #99

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The show opens with Sophie sat at her desk, somber, looking like she hadn't slept in days.

Bonjour. Zhe OAOAST family is mourning a loss. At Halloween Spectacular one of our own was...murdered! Nous avons perdu Martin Roy. Martin 'as...'ad...worked as a camera man for the OAOAST since 2005, longer than I have been employed. We will miss him terribly. Zhe OAOAST and le système de justice will not rest until zhe killer is brought his due punishment!



When the show opens we find none other then super hot, and super busty LISA ANN stood atop the entrance stage!

Good evening, welcome to HeldDOWN! Many of you may know me for my exploits in the adult film industry.

Oh yeah!

And a few of you know me because I kick ass at fantasy football. But, then again, you might know me because I'm the law and order of the TMW developmental fed. And with Sophie busy with the errrrm incident, I'm in charge of bringing you TMW: Revolution!


Eight TMW brawlers, chosen by the OAOAST competition committee with input from yours truly, get to duke it out in matches and special challenges until the end of the year, where finally one will be 25,000 dollars richer, not to mention their huge payday from a guaranteed main roster spot in the OAOAST! I think you'll be very impressed...and maybe very frightened by the eight men fighting for this ultimate prize. Why don't we put two of them together! Introducing,Sergant Lyle Holt and Jesse Ferguson!

***Sgt.Lyle Holt W/Army of One Nation Vs Jesse Ferguson W/Dasha and Sunshine Yukino***

Before the match, The Ao1n were on the mic to promote their man.

This is Sergeant Lyle Holt! Sergeant, please say something about yourself.

Its great to be in an OAOAST ring after-

After years of service to this country! While you, the Amercian citizens, the fat asses stuffing their faces full of Lays, sat on your couch wacking off to Sunday Night Football, this man was over seas laying his life on the line to protect your freedoms. And what do you do to honor him? You boo his mentors, The Army of One Nation.

The only people left fighting for what's right in this world! Sgt.Holt, I know you're dedicating this competition to us as we continue to fight the good fight to save America. Save America from you people!


Good they speak that, Jesse, now you get cheers by the fault.

Not so fast. I have something to say.

Oh very bad.

In my time in TMW, the job ate me alive. Spent all this time trying to be the good guy, the man in the white hat...I'm not becoming like them....I am them.

Hey, what are you doing weirdo?

He just did a bit from Donnie Brasco. He didn't even say anything original! Crush him, Sergeant!

Crush him for America!

Well the match began not with a crushing, but with a lockup and an exchange of holds.

Crush him! Destroy him!

More holds.

No! I want him dead!

More holds. But this time they broke and started exchanging knife edge chops.

Jesse Ferguson is a former TMW TV Title holder, so he's got some skills. But, Sgt.Holt is a two time TMW HARD Title holder so that sort of makes him the man.

The two men continued their technical affair with Holt getting a two count off a hammerlock Northern lights. Ferguson would come back and show some skill of his own with a fisherman's suplex, followed by Commence The Strike (lifting inverted DDT)

I don't know if can go home again....seen too many terrible things.

Is this you or this Danny Crisco?

Donnie Broscoe.

Is good movie.

Jesse's no Johnny Depp, and his words failed to move anyone. All he did was waste time, and in the end he was hammered with a kitchen sink, and then lifted for a reverse suplex. But Jesse slipped out of the hold, and then school boyed Holt for the win!


Winner: Jesse Ferguson, via pinfall  

Whoa! Talk about an upset!

Jesse fell into the arms of Dasha and Yuki and became the envy of every man watching as they showered him with kisses. On the otherise of the ring, The Army of One Nation was none too pleased with their charge.

What a way to start off TMW: Revolution, Jesse Ferguson picking up the big opening win, which I don't think anyone expected.

I sure as hell didn't. How'd this dork from Queens beat a vet?

So right now let's break down the mentor-rookie pairing.

ROOKIE:Gory Dragan, parasitic witch
MENTOR: Big Papa Thrust

ROOKIE:Pete O, winner of the fan entry contest
MENTOR: Southern Immorality

ROOKIE: Painbow, has rainbow colored hair
MENTOR: Dem Bums

ROOKIE:Agent Auger, expert hacker
MENTOR: Biffman

ROOKIE: Coco Chanel, cousin of Teddy Buckworth and Tony Brannigan, former classmate and rival of his mentor
MENTOR: Maya Duncan-Blanchard

ROOKIE:TurboWolf, a werewolf

ROOKIE:Jesse Ferguson, a superfan and former TMW TV champion
MENTOR: Dasha and Sunshine Yukino

ROOKIE:Sgt.Lyle Holt, an Army veteran
MENTOR: Army of One Nation

Yo, hold up, ain't Pete O that dude that got banned from all our events?

You're right! How'd he get into the TMW contest?! That's pretty odd to say the least.


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*** Keyboard Warriors (Kinky Nicky & Ass_Man_69) vs. Big IQ ***

As Big IQ made their entrance we learned they've been named #1 contenders to the tag titles thanks to their victory over the CAE during The Challenge. When they'd receive their shot is TBD, but the guys were clearly motivated to impress as they made easy work of the Keyboard Warriors, finishing off Kinky Nicky with Get Ya Mind Wright.

Winners: Big IQ, via pinfall.

We pan around the sold out crowd as Renee tosses it to footage shot after the Halloween Spectacular. 

Courtesy: OAOAST AfterParty

OAOAST Hall of Famer/correspondent Terry Taylor chases BLAINE and SAMANTHA CAYLEY down backstage as they load their bags into a rental car. 

Blaine? Blaine? What the heck is going on?

Tyler Bryant. 
Tyler Bryant. 
Now I don't know if Tyler is a religious man, but tonight and every night for the foreseeable future I hope he gets on his hands and knees and thanks all the gods known to man that Blaine Cayley decided to spare him... for now. Spare him from the cruel intentions that run through my mind after he ruined my chance to regain the U.S. Title because my intentions already have reservations for two. 

Oh, Spence. You just couldn't let it go, could you? Just like you can't let go of me. Which is why you keep coming back for more instead of admitting defeat -- to impress me. The better man won and it ate you alive. Burned your bitch friend at the stake too! But now I understand what brought you and Gloss together in the first place: you're both sore losers. When something doesn't go your way you have to go out and embarrass somebody. If that's what Gloss thinks she did tonight then I got news for you, BITCH, you failed! Love conquers all. And it's gonna break and humble you ASAP because I want a piece of your ass! 

Back LIVE, Terry is joined by Spencer and Gloss at the world famous interview lounge to get their reaction. Of course one of the questions revolves around Blaine and Sammi's "activities" at the Halloween Spectacular. Spencer always suspected something "off" about the relationship and revealed he once spotted Blaine watching him and Sammi during intercourse. 

I thought he was gonna burst into the room and kick my ass, instead he stood there stiff. 

As for Gloss, she saved her words for Sammi.

Okay, little girl, you wanna play? Let's play. How 'bout one of those multi-player games everybody's so fond of nowadays? You and lover boy Blaine vs. Spencer and I at November Reign? Make it even more of a family affair. K? Thx. 

Gloss walks off.

She has such a way with words, doesn't she?



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Bill Blasly Attonery at Law offices
Las Vegas, NV

Logan paces up and down the gaudy and tacky office of one Bill Blasky, esq. He even throws air punches at a phantom opponent. For his part, Blasky sits in deep shame. Or at least gives the appearance of shame.

Logan, I am sorry, I apologize, and I am deeply sorry. My assistant sucks at serving court papers. I didn't know that and I am sorry.

What do your sorries by me, Bill Blasky?! What can I buy your sorrys?! Do you have the answers?!

Logan, I don't want you to worry, I don't want you to be concerned, Krista will be served legally and you will get your justice.

How Bill?!

Logan, we are going to pursue this lawsuit against Krista until you receive ten million dollars in damages.

How Bill?!

Trust me, Logan. Trust me.


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TO THE BACK~!, where VINNY VALENTINE and  TMW rookie, Painbow, with OAOAST dreams (and rainbow colored hair) chat it up.

So me and my... pops... was thinkin' maybe you could do a good deed and give our buddy your spot in this whole TMW thing. After all, youse a young guy with his future still ahead of him unlike our buddy who's million of years old. Who knows how many more years he's got left!

The rainbow haired youngster is quick to answer no. 

Aw, come on! I ain't asking for yer newborn. Just your spot in the TMW thing. You got a unique look so you'll probably get signed anyway. 

When the youngster responds saying he can't pass up a big break, he's unexpectedly bashed over the head by a WOODEN CLUB! Although the perp is not shown, we know immediately who it is. Those who don't soon do when a sweaty TONY TOURETTES runs in to inform Vinny their recent discovery has gotten loose. 

We got to get this fucker in the ring.

* banging sounds *

Or with a broad.

* gibberish in background *



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*** TMW: Turbowolf vs. Bedrock ***

Dem Bums mystery find (at a 7-11 in Encino, L.A., CA) was revealed to be a living, breathing caveman by the name of Bedrock. Still unaccustomed to the ways of the 21st century, Bedrock attempted to club a hot female member of the OAOAST Galaxy over the head and whisk her away! Thankfully his OAOAST mentors prevented a sure trip to the slammer, pointing him to the ring instead. And those who love a good old fashion brawl certainly got a tingle up their leg as Turbowolf and Bedrock beat the hell outta each other. Eventually their brawled spilled to the outside, where Bedrock slammed Turbowolf and came off the top with a BIG SPLASH...

* SPLAT * 


DAYUM~! Home boy ate floor. Nobody home!

Turbowolf rolled back into the ring as Bedrock remained incapacitated outside and unable to make it back into the ring by the count of 10.

Winner: Turbowolf, via count out. 

After the match Dem Bums checked on Bedrock to make sure he wasn't dead. He wasn't! 

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At the state of the art interview set with its many video screens and fancy set, Josh Matthews is on hand with Men-U-Pause.

Men-U-Pause a tough loss in the Miss Anderson Cup, you failed to capture your second trophy and your third women's tag team titles. Where do you go from here?

Where would you like to go, little boy? To my dungeon?

Yes, please!

Shut it, you metrosexual (beep).  I made a (beep) promise to the whole wide OAOAST Galaxy, and it seems to be forgotten with Marty croaking. But I'll remind you. I (beep) said I wasn't going to lose to Posh Spice, Gretchen Wright, under any god damn circumstances and you know what happened? I got pinned by her.

Its okay, Holly Sometimes we all have to play the submissive role.

Maybe so, but not to that rich bitch, Gretchen. Never to her! She's gonna pay for pinning for me, she's gonna (beep) pay for making me back my promise, and that bitch.

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Sophie's locker room is serenly decorated in the Feng-Shui style, but Sophie herself is haggard and running her hands through her thick black locks. The entry of Rick Heyross does nothing to help her mood.

Sophie, I feel for you.


Being the leader in such troubled times is a tough road to hoe. You, more than anyone, have my sympathies.

Merci. Mais non, I expect you want something.

Though the OAOAST family has lost someone, there are still fans to be entertained, creditors to be paid, and advertising to honor. And what better way to lift the spirits of the OAOAST Galaxy, then giving my client a one on one title match against the world champion, Colin Magurie Junior.

Oui, oui, the title still hangs in zhe air. Je comprend, Je sais. Mais, Ivar and Alix are still owed their title match.

And The XFL will be happy to give them title matches.

Non, we will conduct zhe failed Halloween Spectacular mainevent on HeldDOWN. Zhat will give some distraction to the Galaxy.

Just remember, Sophie. You need men like me on your side when the shit hits the fan.

With this troubling words, Heyross makes his exit,.

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OAOAST SPINEBUSTER OF THE WEEK~!The new look CAE defeat Hood Again (taking out Uncle Moe along the way) for the tag titles at the Halloween Spectacular IX.

Back LIVE, the former tag champs (Hood Again) power walk to the ring and call out the CAE.

Sounds like Moses and Kawhi want their rematch tonight! 

The CAE walk out in their suits and pig masks, motioning for Hood Again to chillax. They ask for a mic and are handed one by a production assistant, who they quickly shove aside. 

Chillax. We'll kick your ass again when we're good and ready. 

As you'd imagine, that remark fires up Hood Again. They're ready for a fight when Uncle Moe is suddenly leveled by THE WARTHOG and BIG BOY of Slaughterhouse! 


Caught off-guard Moses and Kawhi are slow to react as Warthog and Big Boy pounce on them. They do their best to fight back but are overwhelmed by the power of their opponents.

What is this?

A beat down!

Warthog and Big Boy do a number on HA and then the CAE decide they're good and ready, stripping off their suits and masks before taking over the beat down. 

Ding, ding!

The OAOAST Galaxy is livid. They shower the CAE with boos as Warthog and Big Boy watch. 

This isn't a sanction match. We don't even have a referee! 

Then from the back BIG IQ, who we learned earlier in the show are the new #1 contenders to the tag titles, storm the ring and clean house, making the CAE, Big Boy and Warthog scatter like thieves in the night.

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We're inside Colin's dressing room tonight, where he and Angel are engaged in a heated argument.

I told you! I told you!

You told me nothing. You badgered me with your panicked ramblings, yet offered no concrete solutions on what is to be done, or better yet predictions on Martin's death.

But, I told you to go tell him.

Yes, many times, and if instead of telling me that I need tell him you had told him yourself he may yet be alive today.

Oh no. Do you think so?

It is impossible to know. What is known is that someone has used to me in their game of death and I will not have it.

So you didn't do it?

Of course I did not do it. You truly believe I would murder a long time acquaintance, in cold blood, for no reason, for no point, for no gain? Is this what you think of your son? How soon motherly love turns to scorn and suspicion.



Colin's phone begins vibrating over and over again, getting his attention. Given the situation at hand, Colin opens his phone and shortly thereafter his face goes pale.



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We return from break with Colin rushing down the hall with Angel behind him. The duo make a sudden stop dead in their tracks,


Laid in front of them is the body of a woman, drained of all blood.

Cathy, one of the makeup ladies.


Been murdered.


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