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OAOAST TMW: A comedy/erotic e-fed

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Chanel #99

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Name: Sgt. Lyle Holt

Nicknames: LyHolt

Age: 31

Height: 6'2

Weight: 238 lbs

Hometown: Tuscaloosa, Alabama

Alignment: Face

Mentors: Ao1N

Trademark gestures/Catchphrases:

Entrance music: (also, include the link to your song from the theme song thread.)

Entrance description: (give us a visual description of this wrestler's entrance.)

Entrance Attire: See pic
Ring Attire: See pic

Wrestling Style: Technical

Finishing Move(s): Dishonorable Discharge-Reverse suplex

Secondary Finishers: (if applicable, moves would finish a match against a lesser opponent, but are escape-able in high-profile matches.)

Trademark Moves/Spots:
Burn Bag-Belly to back back breaker
Kitchen Sink
Ballistic Missile-Belly to back suplex to the outside
Hammerlock Northern Lights Suplex

Titles/accomplishments (Lethal Rumble/Battlebowl/MITB/etc.) (example below)
TMW H.A.R.D. (Heart, Athleticism, Resolve & Determination) title (x2)

Background: A true American hero, Lyle Holt served with honor and dignity in the Marine core. Having served several tours of duty in Afghanistan and Iraq, Sgt.Holt wanted to keep his adrenaline flowing upon his honorable discharge. This he enrolled in a wrestling school, where he quickly took to the hard hitting atmosphere. Given a tryout at the OAOAST Reactor, Sgt.Holt impressed enough to be signed to a developmental deal. While in TMW he managed to capture the world title on two separate ocassions.


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Name: Conan Chanel

Nicknames: Coco

Age: 19

Height: 6'0

Weight: 218 lbs

Hometown: Los Angeles, CA

Alignment: Face

Mentors: Maya

Trademark gestures/Catchphrases:

Entrance music: New Americana by Halsey

Entrance description:

Cigarettes and tiny liquor bottles
Just what you'd expect inside her new Balenciaga
Vile romance, turned dreams into an empire
Self-made success now she rolls with Rockefellers
Survival of the richest, the city's ours until the fall
They're Monaco and Hamptons-bound but we don't feel like outsiders at all
We are the new Americana
High on legal marijuana
Raised on Biggie and Nirvana
We are the new Americana

 A standing mirror is brought onto the stage. Its ornate with runic script, and truly a majestic sight. That is until the glass shatters, and through the gaping hole of the destroyed mirror stands a majestic sight in his own right; a blazer clad Conan “Coco” Channel! He shushes the roaring crowd, which of course doesn't work, then journeys to his ring.

Entrance Attire:
Ring Attire: Black biker shorts with a cross made of crystal running down the front, white boots, white elbow and knee pads, finger tape.

Wrestling Style: Technical high impact

Finishing Move(s): Black Opium - Multiple curbstomps

Secondary Finishers: Very Irresistible-high angle Boston Crab

Trademark Moves/Spots:
Nirvana Black- Regalplex
Hypnotic Poison – Head scissors DDT
Vanielle Extreme – Front powerbomb lung blower
Midnight Fleur – Tiger suplex
Daisy Dream – Diving European Uppercut


Background: Conan Chanel is an interesting case. Not only does he come from the famous Chanel family, not only is he a cousin of Teddy Buckworth and Tony Brannigan, but he ran the famed smear campaign for 8th grade class president against Maya. The two have known each other since 2nd grade and graduated high school together, making them the obvious mentor/rooke match.

Conan signed with the OAOAST only seven months ago after a mighty impressive run of the Reactor. Even without family connections and OAOAST history, he would have been signed, that's how impressive he appeared to OAOAST officals.

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Name: Bedrock

Nicknames: The Neolithic Avenger

Age: Unable to estimate

Height: 6'3

Weight: 253 lbs

Hometown: The Stone Age

Alignment: Face

Tag Team:  Lords of Rawk with K-Rawk

Trademark gestures/Catchphrases: Grunts, noises, scratching, looking at shiny things, staring at females' breasts

Entrance music:  Troglodyte by Jimmy Castor Bunch

Entrance description:  Bedrock comes out usually confused, though sometimes worked up and angry if his opponent is out and if it's someone he's mad it, or if his foe is a pretty Hottie!

Entrance Attire: A club
Ring Attire: See pic

Wrestling Style: Brawler

Finishing Move(s): Ooga Droppa- Running front flip senton

Secondary Finishers:

Trademark Moves/Spots:
Boom Boom-Delayed spinebuster
Oopa Doopa-Two handed choke slam
Second rope shoulder block



Apparently this authentic cavemen was found by Dem Bums in a 7-11 freezer. Tony Tourettes was trying to get a root beer when he grabbed hold of a chunk of ice. A chunk of ice encasing an erect penis! This scientific discovery of the century was quickly shuffled off to the OAOAST rather than an actual research institute.  Nonetheless, Bedrock sought to win TMW:Revolution, even if he has no idea what's going on. Well he didn't win, though he put on a good enough showing to at least be allowed to live at the Performance Center and be able to fight on the weekly shows and house shows. He doesn't get paid, because he has no bank account and when given money he eats it! He frightens a lot of the staff and other wrestlers, though K-Rawk has tried with mixed results to bring him into our millenium or at least the last one or two. Their tag team has picked up a few wins, so there's that, but there are always people out to take advantage of poor Bedrock.

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Name: TurboWolf

Nicknames: Son of Plunder

Supernatural Species: Werewolf

Age: 25

Height: 6'5

Weight: 247 lbs

Hometown: Shreveport, LA

Alignment: Heel

Mentors: Outlaw Cello

Trademark gestures/Catchphrases:

Entrance music:

Entrance description:

Entrance Attire: Black jacket
Ring Attire: All black everything. Trunks, boots, elbow pads, wrist tape, headband

Wrestling Style: Brawler

Finishing Move(s): Dehumanized-Brainbuster

Secondary Finishers: 10,000 Fists-Diving Superman Punch

Trademark Moves/Spots:
Repeated trapped corner lariats
Lifting Final Cut
The Infection-turnbuckle powerbomb
Wolf Trap-jumping lariat

TWM HARD title (x2)


A sinister, callow werewolf out of Louisiana, Turbowolf is known for his quick temper and brute strength. Responsible for numerous pull apart brawls, the former HARD champion was assigned a security detail by Cumishoner Lisa Ann. These men weren't supposed to protect Turbowolf, rather they were supposed to protect the world from TurboWolf!


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Name: Jesse Ferguson

Nicknames: Fergilicious

Age: 22

Height: 5'9

Weight: 169 lbs

Hometown: Queens, NY

Alignment: Face

Mentors: Dasha and Yuki

Trademark gestures/Catchphrases: A goofball who assumes he's some sort of savant and world bending villan

Entrance music:

Entrance description:

Entrance Attire: Glasses, not sun glasses but glasses and a Mets Cap
Ring Attire: Long Blue tights with Mister Met's smiling face decorated all over them, very creepy. Orange boots, blue elbow and orange pad and sleeve on right arm.

Wrestling Style: Technical/high flier

Finishing Move(s): Stein's Gate- Kneeling facebuster, as in Jesse is stradling guys head, kneels out into the buster.

Secondary Finishers:

Trademark Moves/Spots:
Reading Steiner –  Low Down style frog splash
Double Legdrop to groin ala Jeff Hardy
Particle Collider – Elbow drop to a standing oppinent
Commence The Strke! - Lifting inverted DDT

TMW TV Title


Jesse Ferguson is something of an oddity. Not particularly physically impressive, he still managed to win the TV title on his TMW debut and hold it for seven months, which remains a record. But his unlikely title run isn't the only strange thing about him. He has bizarre delusions of grandeur and seems to think he's an evil genius, born to force the world to descend into chaos. He alternates between normal Jesse and alter-ego “Ryu Hotsuin” quite frequently. Sometimes in the same sentence!

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Name: Agent Auger


Age: Uknown

Height: 6'4

Weight: 238 lbs

Hometown: New York City

Alignment: Heel

Mentors:  Biffman

Trademark gestures/Catchphrases:

Entrance music: (also, include the link to your song from the theme song thread.)

Entrance description: (give us a visual description of this wrestler's entrance.)

Entrance Attire: Long black jacket
Ring Attire: See pic

Wrestling Style: Technical high impact

Finishing Move(s): Mona Lisa Overdrive – Flying DDT from the middle rope

Secondary Finishers:
Trademark Moves/Spots:
Calm Like a Bomb – Oklahoma stampede
Dread Rock – Pendelum backbreaker into a stretch
System Failure – package fall away slam
Fatal Error – Phoenix splash

TMW HARD title (x2)

Background: Agent Auger may be the most mysterious of entrants into the TMW: Revolution competition. Few know his goals or can predict his actions, which makes him more dangerous than just about anyone on earth. He seems to be a nihilist, who wants to take the world into a state of nothingness

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Name: Gory Dragan

Nicknames: The Parasite, The Mind Freakazoid

Supernatural Species: Parasitic Witch

Age: 21

Height: 5'9

Weight: 179 lbs

Hometown: Vernonia, OR

Alignment: Heel

Mentor: BPT

Trademark gestures/Catchphrases:

Entrance music:

Entrance description:

Entrance Attire:
Ring Attire:

Wrestling Style: Flashy

Finishing Move(s): Do Not Go Gentle-Unprettier into a bulldog

Secondary Finishers: Gory Special

Trademark Moves/Spots:
Unpleasantville-Straight Jacket DDT
Communion of the Cursed - Falling single underhook facebuster
Evidence On Fire - School Boy Into Superkick
Red Sky Warning - Standing sliced bread into a face crusher



A sly and jovial sociopath, Gory Dragan is what's known as a parasitic witch. He lacks the ability to cast magic on his own, having to first drain it from a host. He sought to change this at a young age when he murdered his family on a trip to Chicago, seeking to steal their magical ability for good. Yet with his final breath his father sealed him away in something of a nether realm. It was only Deirdre's release of power at AngleMania 13, that broke the barrier and allowed Gory to return to the realm.

As something of an ironic twist, Gory likes to perform traditional magic tricks in his free time.


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Name: Pete O


Age: 46

Height: 5'8

Weight: 207 lbs

Hometown: Terre Haute , Indiana

Alignment: Heel

Allies: Southern Immorality

Trademark gestures/Catchphrases:

Entrance music: Ice Cream Man Theme

Entrance description: Arrives in an ice cream truck, then walks down checking out the younger fans!

Entrance Attire: 
Ring Attire: 
Navy sweat pants, and a touristy type tee shirt from different locations

Wrestling Style: Flashy

Finishing Move(s): To Catch a Predator – Diamond cutter

Secondary Finishers: 

Trademark Moves/Spots:
Pete O Bearhug
Pete's Pants Dance – running hip drop
Pete Knuckle Suffle – five knuckle shuffle
Pete's Sweet Treat -  Snapmare knee smash

Not a convicted felon.


Pete Oliver is the winner of the fan search contest to enter TMW. Needless to say those in charge of the random drawing failed to note that Pete O, as he likes to be called, had gotten himself banned from OAOAST events indefinitely.  Not wanting to risk a messy lawsuit, Sophie begrudgingly let the former ice cream man enter the contest against her good judgement.

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