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OAOAST TMW: A comedy/erotic e-fed

Chanel #99

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Welcome ladies and gentlemen and boys and girls to the hottest action on television, OAOAST HeldDOWN~! I'm Reene Young, sitting beside Da Coach for a night of sexual thrills and hard hitting action.


There's your mainevent and here is the Miss Anderson Cup!

The voice of the empire, the scene is on fire
Pull the plugs higher, I spit fire
Trance of the empire strangle my desire
Pull the plugs higher, and I'll spit fire

I'm borderline happy, and I'm borderline sad
I'm borderline good and I'm borderline bad
And I can't get rid of this singing fear
You saw me out and my head gets clear
I live my life in shackles, but I'm borderline free
I used to be blind and I still can't see
In a round and round till you change your mind
As long as nobody breaks my sight

As “Borderline” by Tove Styrke hammers out, a gigant wave of blue pyro comes from both sides of the entrance stage to meet in the center. The second the pyro wave ends, towering rockets of purple pyro shoot through the air. Now electric blue spotlights swing about the entrance stage, and it through them Madison and Morgan emerge. Madison wears a white tank top to go with grey cargo pants, while Morgan is in her typical wrestling attire of a butt display pin striped romper

The following is a Miss Anderson Cup semifinal match in the Sable Conference! Now making their way to the ring, from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, they are MADISON NERDLY and “THE MAPLE LEAF CUTIE” MORGAN NERDLYYYYYYY!


Not such an unlikely team, but it is strange to see Madison wrestling. Still these chicks pulled it out against the Sunrise representatives of December Belle and Megan Skye, so Fire & Ice needs to watch out.

Inside the ring, Madison plays to the crowd, whereas, Morgan leans over the ropes and flashes an arresting gaze into the camera. Behind both Nerdlys electric sparks flicker across the ring.

I was reminiscing just the other day,

While having coffee all alone and Lord, it took me away.

Back to a first-glance feeling on New York time.

Back when you fit in my poems like a perfect rhyme.

Took off faster than a green light, go,

Hey, skip the conversation when you already know.

I left a note on the door with a joke we’d made,

And that was the first day.


And darling, it was good never looking down.

And right there where we stood was holy ground.

Taylor Swift's “Holy Ground” hits and with it are an army of drummers, beating dat bitch loud! With them is Cinnamon Spoons, attired in a cute school girl outfit and who also smashes her own set of drums.


Hey, hey

I let you walk all over me, me

You know that I’m a little tease, tease

But I wanna play there please, please


You know you know you know I’m crazy

I just wanna be your baby

You can fuck me and then play me

You love and you can hate me


Miss me, miss me, now you wanna kiss me


Try me because I said so

Struck me within my ego

I’ve been a bad girl, don’t you know?

(Don’t tell me what’s your deal)

Come get it now or never

I’ll let you do whatever

I’ll be your bad girl, bad girl


The music shifts to “Bad Girl” by Avril Lavigne and bannermen of House Asgard wave the flag of the disposed ruling house. Proud as ever, the leggy Annagret Wickedborn strides forward and brandishes her sword of Surt at the camera.



Cinnamon is on a hovering platform dancing the night away!


Whereas Annnagret makes a sexy strut to the ring...


I know I said they better watch out for Madison and Morgan, but still Fire & Ice have as good a shot as any one as taking him that busty trophy. They already beat The Freakazoids and they could be headed to the conference finals at Halloween Spectacular.

How should we play this?

With you staying on the ring apron and never tagging in. Yeah, that seems good.

Morgan putting herself at risk against two supernaturals. Morgan is the supernatural species of inhuman like Eggther, Jornungandr, or Fenrir, but that's a step bellow valkyrie and goddess.

And Annagret and Cinnamon know it, as they look unsure of having to fight a handicap match all of a sudden.

You do yourself great honor by protecting your sister. They will sing songs about you at Valhalla. Freaking killer songs!

Nah, they'll probably just you call you selfish and dumb. Let's fight.

Annagret and Morgan circle each other, with a huuuuuuge size advantage going in favor of Annagret. That doesn't stop Morgan from pounding her in the stomach with a boot. The Maple Leaf Cutie tries to lift Annagret up, but Annagret smashes her with elbows to stop such attacks. Cursing her luck, Morgan hits the ropes but gets smacked by a raised boot from an arrogant Annagret.



Annagret yanks Morgan into a front facelock and leads her into the corner where she gets the tag to Cinnamon. With Annagret holding her in place, Morgan is hit by an axe handle from Cinnamon. Pained Morgan staggers about, but still manages to hit her with a  180 back elbow. Seeking a quick end to things, Morgan brings Cinnamon down with a small package...




A kickout!

Looking for a quick end, Morgan snatches Cinnamon into a standing fireman's carry.

Morgan wants this thing over!

The Spice of Life makes an easy escape, avoiding possible defeat. And when Morgan spins around Cinnamon drops her to her knees with a powerful kick. From there she unleashes the CinnaBuns!


Ow! My boob! That's pretty down low.

Morgan gets up and takes a swing at Cinnamon, hitting her in the jaw. Having stunned her, she tries for a front facelock but its no problem to break the hold for Cinnamon. From there, Cinnamon snaps off a slap combo, then drops Morgan with a single underhook ddt!

Somone call dibs on this hot body!



Cinnamon pulls Morgan upight, but get slugged in the gut by a hard punch. This stuns Cinnamon long enough for  Morgan to hit the ropes and swing her foe around with a standing head sicssors.

Great job! I may not need to come in after all.

You wouldn't need to come in if I had a broken arm and a missing eye.

Off the ropes, Morgan comes and delivers a crushing senton to Cinnamon. Referee Nunzio counts the fall....




A kickout!

Cinnamon rolls away from her foe to make the tag with Annagret. Up climbs the Anarchic Angel, seating herself atop the turnbuckle posts. From there she flies off with a missile dropkick, but misses as Morgan ducks out the way. Despite the miss, Annagret is on her feet. Yet, Morgan is quick on the attack , slamming into her with a cross body block directly to the back!

That's pretty unique!

Forget The Spice of Life, add some Maple Leaf Cutie to your life...



Morgan then makes the pin on Annagret....




Another easy kickout!

Morgan grumbles about the easy kickout even as she ascends to the top turnbuckle. The second Annagret rises, Morgan leaps onto her shoulders to seek out a victory roll. Yet Annagret isn't going to allow this and falls backwards with an electric chair drop!


The Great Tower!

This goes out to my secret boyfriend, Coach

How'd someone like you get Annagret interested?

By being black excellence personafied.

Hey, I ain't mad at it.

Annagret whips Morgan into the ropes, and makes the error of lowering her head for a back body drop. Its only an error because Morgan boots her in the chest to rocket her upright. Then The Maple Leaf Cutie hits a single arm DDT on her foe. To keep up her fast attack, she hits the ropes and returns to drop an elbow on Annagret. From there a cover follows...



Another easy kickout!

Nunzio, what's wrong with you? Only a one count? Are you stupid!

Referees have been taking a lot of abuse in the OAOAST lately. Like tons.

Morgan circles around Annagret, waiting for her rise. When it comes she unleashes three kicks to the ribs and finishes things off with a roundhouse to the side of the head! That collapses Annagret and allows Morgan to get the pin....






Shoulder up!

Morgan is harried by her inability to gain a victory and hurries Annagret off the mat. She grabs hold of her throat and seeks out a choke STO. But Annagret instead grabs hold of her throat and fires her down with a chokeslam!


The cover....






Morgan makes the kickout!

Annagret reaches back and gives the tag to Cinnamon.

One tremendous double team served by the tremendous fighters of evil and lice!


Its a very serious hair problem that goes unspoken about and we have to do our part to raise awareness and profits for the lice shampoo company I invested in.

Annagret ignores her sister's investment portfolio and lifts their foe into a wheel barrow. From there Cinnamon comes in and executes a deadly face crusher!


Melting Point!

As Annagret clears out, Cinnamon hooks the leg for the crucial cover...





Morgan with the shoulder up!

Close call right there.

Absolutely, you have to think Fire & Ice are closing in on a win in what's been a handicap match.

Morgan fights to her feet and unleashes a torrent of knife edge chops upon Cinnamon. But the blows don't stop the Lovelock native from grabbing hold of her and hitting her with a double gut buster. In spite of her own painful feelings, Morgan fights upright. Yet Cinnamon then pushes her into the air and brings her down onto her knees with another gut buster!

If I'm Morgan I'm kindly requesting my breath be returned to me at once. Yikes!

The cover...






A kickout before the three!

Cinnamon finds her way to the top turnbuckle with the audience cheering her on. When Morgan rises Cinnamon dismounts with a lariat. But Morgan uses an uppercut to knock her clear out the sky! Not wanting to stay down Cinnamon tries to get upright. But Morgan catches her with a  kneeling DDT!


There's hope for a sudden victory as Morgan makes the cover...






Kickout before the three!

Morgan brings Cinnamon upright and tags her with a pair of kicks to the knees. Weakening her she pulls her onto her shoulders in hopes of hitting Shock & Awe. Yet, Cinnamon makes an escape to prevent the hold from going down. Now its Cinnamon going on the attack and hitting a Fireman's Carry into a flapjack!

Cinnamon Challenge!

Morgan rolls away, seeking to prevent herself from being pinned and defeated. Problem is she rolls herself into her own corner, where Madison awaits.

I won't let you down, little sister!

And with that Madison makes the (un)welcome tag!

That was dumb as hell.

Madison wants to pull her own weight in the ring, I'm cool with that.

Madison rushes into the ring and slams a lariat into Cinnamon's chest....which does absolutely nothing. Undettered, Madison keeps slugging Cinnamon with punches.

Your bravery is commendable and highly marketable. But its just not enough!

On that note Cinnamon executes a Styles Clash on poor Madison!


Cinnamon Toast Crunch!

A pin....






Your winners and advancing to the conference finals of the Sable Bracket....FIRE & ICE!

Having expected a win, Annagret isn't to plussed by the victory. Yet Cinnamon sure is as she grabs hold of Annagret and gives hugs and kisses!

Only Maya can do that! Leave me alone!

Morgan isn't pleased at all with what's gone down, and casts a withering look at Madison. In fact it almost looks like she wants to attack her own sister!

Wait a second, Morgan, let's calm down and be chill about things. Madison was just trying to save you!

Morgan heeds the sage cousnel of Renee, and stops herself from attacking Madison. Yet she departs the ring in an angry huff.

Edited by SwiftGangSexToy
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Megan Skye is sat at the front desk as per usual going over the books, when Bobbi enters dragging The Time Killers behind her.

No, Yuki. Perfect, this is what the doctor ordered!

What's going on?

I need to spot my guys a freebie for helping me out.


Yuki isn't going to like that at all.

Which is exactly why you're not gonna tell her.

And is having sex with you a good thing? Studderboxx left here last week missing two teeth.

Hey if you can't tough it out with me then what good are you in this world? That's what I think! You have to go for the gold, and going for the gold means sometimes you get your eyes gouged and your nose bloodied!

Wait a second, can we have an ice cream party instead?

Shoot no! Let's go!


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*** 6-man Tag Team Championship: Slaughterhouse (Deuce Deuce Bigelow, The Warthog & Sonic) vs. The 3 Amigos © ***

Fighting champions insulted by remarks Slaughterhouse made last week, not to mention the group's actions a couple weeks ago, the 3 Amigos put their 6-man tag championship on the line to teach their old rivals a new lesson. Unfortunately their emotions got the best of them late in the match, as Chick (once friends with Sonic, Warthog & Co.) caught referee Nick Patrick with an inadvertent elbow trying to unload on the Warthog in the corner. 

Oh gosh! We may need a new official out here. That elbow caught Nick right between the eyes. 

Remorseful for his act, accidentally as it was, Chick checked on Patrick's welfare as his fellow amigos brawled with Deuce and Sonic outside. Chick then turned his attention back to his opponent only to be gored by a vicious SPEAR that sends him inside out! 


Outside, Deuce whips Juicy into the security barrier and receives the tag, then connects with a devastating FLAME-BOILED WHOPPER top rope diving headbutt for the pin!

Winners: Slaughterhouse, via pinfall. New champions. 

After the match Deuce taunts a laid out Chick with his title, causing Mariachi and Juicy to defend their amigo's honor... but the Warthog and Sonic make quick work of them, striking down the pair with their titles only to be run off by THE PARTY BRIGADE and the "KING OF BRONIES" DAISUKE MOTOZAKI! 

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Inside Bobbi's room in the Sunrise offices Bobbi stands with arms folded in front of The Time Killers.


How shall we proceed?

How shall we proceed? Take your pants off, you dumb turds!


The Time Killers are in no hurry to incur Bobbi's wrath and swiftly yank down their pants. Erections spring to life, the boys already hard at the thought of fucking the eighteen year old babe. Bobbi is less than impressed.

What small cocks. Just my luck. Well, a promise is a promise!

Throbbing hard, leaking precum around the bulbous cockhead, Doc's seven and a half inches of pure joy is aching for her, pulsating, just twitching in the air as it juts out of his thin belly. Marty is already stroking his dick, gliding his hands up and down out. He can't stop himself from jerking off to the thought of being with Bobbi.

Jeez, can't you people control yourselves?

The blond slut takes hold of the Time Killer's pricks, feeling their size and warmth, not to mention their rushing of blood and cum. There's some nervousness with TK as Bobbi is liable to suddenly punch them in the dick. But all she does for now is smile up at Marty and put her lips around his dick. She holds it there for just a teasing moment, then pulls it farther into her soft teen mouth. She tastes a generous helping of his clear pre cum then makes a face...

Eww! It taste awful!

Somehow this turns on Marty even more, and more precum seeps into Bobbi's warm mouth. Bobbi response by spitting it back up, lathering his dick with regurgitated precum and her saliva. It makes a mess and her chin becomes covered with this erotic mixture of juices.


Bobbi frees her mouth from Marty, and swear she can hear him whine when mouth leaves cock.

Keep it shut, dang it!

Bobbi does toss him a bone and rubs her palm along his stiffening boner. But her main attention is located on Doc's willy. Its shorter, but fatter and Bobbi starts lapping it up like a bitch licking at her water bowl. Up and down the teenage whore goes, driving her tongue from base to head of the shaft.

I can't believe I'm doing this to you ugly hillbillies!

Even though her words say one thing, Bobbi's mouth says another, she latches her lips onto Doc's pecker rather than just trace it with her tounge. Her thick red lips are wrapped around the delicious penis and more precum makes its journey down her throat,. Bobbi can smell her stiff and manly his prick is and starts acting like a hound ferreting out a rodent.

Your turn, loser.

Bobbi switches back to Marty, who throbs heat in her mouth. He's so rigid and stiff against the insides of her cheeks, so buzzing with horniness on her tongue. That same tongue washes over Marty's rod, swallowing him into her mouth, almost down to her throat. Her hand cups Doc's balls, big and a little hairy, and feeling oh so sexy. She gropes and grinds them, squeezing them hard and without mercy while she slobbers around Marty's schlong.


Bobbi switches back to Doc's dick, and makes it all wet once again. Her lips and cheeks surround it, sucking it hard as she bobbs her pretty head, tossing it back and forth to take penis with her.

Bobbi pulls her mouth from Marty's head, leaving his cock sloppy and soaked in spit and precum.

What a disgusting mess! Both of you! Now I have to clean this junk with my own two hands.

Bobbi works over the heads of both of TK's dicks, then decides to jerk the full length of their shafts. She feels how wet and lubricated the duo is. Though she'd never tell them that, she loves the sound of her hand massaging the sticky lubricant on their dicks. God, these huge dicks feel so good in her little hand, Bobbi thinks to herself. No one Bobbi's been with yet has been able to compete with this size and girth.

You guys are just the worst! Shouldn't you be willing to help a teenager out of the goodness of your hearts?

But we were!

Shut up! Did it sound like I wanted a response out of you? I mean, honestly! Moron! Little dick having moron!

For punishment, Bobbi ignores Doc's woody and instead engulfs Marty's schlong. She loves its tatse and hardness and heat. Her talent tounge slips along the soft underside while she opens her jaw to accommodate his lengthy rod. He tastes so manly, Bobbi has a hard time getting over it, and her cunt is drenched by taste alone. The eighteen year old slut, moans, pumping her lips up and down the shaft.

I guess I have to keep sucking you too, don't I, Doc. You're such a fart face.

Bobbi groans and moans and licks down the fat shaft right to the base. The prety slut makes his salty scrotum all wet with saliva, then goes back up the shaft with her tounge until she swallows the head into her mouth. Asscake slides her enclosed lips up and down his shaft, all while her eyes cast sexy looks to both Time Killers.

Isn't this just the best blow job you've ever had?


Shut up, idiots. Now we're going to fuck.

Bobbi begins french kissing Doc, although its more of an assault on his mouth. She terrorizes it capturing his tongue, then forcing him to suck on her's like a cock. Marty takes the time to fondle her body. The busty teenager's figure is alive and vibrant with legs that go on for days. Marty gropes her as if he were a simple teenager, and is left frazzled and turned on by how she massages her bald cunt. While his buddy continues to make out with her, Marty starts fondling her ass cheeks. Hard and firm, such is the perfection of her youthful glutes. Marty the stands up and pushes his aching erection against her so that she can feel the stiffness of it against her ass crack.

Bobbi breaks away her kiss from Doc and turns over to Marty.

Screw this little slut's butthole. Screw her now. Now!

Bobbi bends over the couch, presenting a puckered anus to Marty. The handsome grappler needs no furhter demands from Bobbi; and drops in a water fall of spit to lube her hole up. When he's assured she's properly slick, he holds her still and thrusts in his long penis doggy style. Bobbi grunts in agony from having to take such a loooooooong piece of meat inside her tight anus.

That hurt you moron!

I'm sorry, Mistress Bobbi!

Other one, get over here! I want to suck your puny cock!

Doc does as he's told and has a seat with his rock hard member pointing towards the ceiling. Soon enough its shrouded in shadow then swallowed up by the cock hungry eighteen year old. Bobbi can't concentrate too well thanks to the mixture of torture and delight that comes with a good anal drilling. Alas they don't call her Asscake for nothing and Bobbi's bowels expertly adjust to welcome in the pistoning rod. Its such a tight perfect squeeze her anus feels as tight as a condom around Marty.

Bobbi's eyes are rolling and and her jaw is trembling as she gets slammed by these studs. The boys are lost in a trance, almost salivating as they watch their dicks go in and out of her horny holes. Marty gets the extra treat of Bobbi wiggling her ass, really making his dick bounce and shake inside her shitpipe.

Little does anyone know this is Bobbi's first time with multiple partners. She's certainly fingered herself to Maya being fucked stupid by two, three sometimes five guys, but nothing prepared for the feel of having her holes so stuffed full of pumping penis. Its a far different experience, when your world is consumed by cock then when your eyes are consumed by it. But Bobbi's a professional and will never let on that she's a first timer at this.

This is pathetic! Can't you clowns bang me like real men? You hump like little baby boys with little baby dicks!

Bobbi purrs around Doc's pecker, as she starts giving it a hard thrust upward. It hits the roof of her mouth, tickling her enough that she has to giggle. Some girls might deride the rough treatment, but Bobbi adores the hard fucking of her face. And the plugging Marty gives her asshole is even better. She can feel her anal ring being perverted and stretched out, made to forcibly accommodate the attack of the stiffened rod of Marty Fox. This is is even better than she thought. The feel of two hot guys inside her is so amazing as to be stupefying. Who knew being a dirty teenage whore could be so much fun?

Now you're doing me like real men! This is how real men screw young whores like me!

Bobbi says all that with a bit of wince, being made to endure a long hard erection screaming though her tailpipe. Its pleasurable and painful enough that she gives a soft bite down onto Doc's dick, which is is turn pleasurable and painful for him. Her asshole is at least relenting, letting that dick smash into her inside without further resistance. Its still tight as a glove, a snapping turtle around a heavy piece of man lumber. Now Bobbi is grunting, taking supersized time killer dicks into her bowels and mouth.

Uughgh oohhhh ugghhh ohhhh mmmmm uhhhhhh!

The Time Killers are finding this all sensational. They aren't much older than Bobbi, but its still stunning to have an energetic, busty, teenager let them have their way with two of holes. And there's still her pussy to be fucked! They're spurred on Bobbi's wild screaming, loud shrieks that are sometimes curses, sometimes just noises. Together they cradle her, Doc with his hands on her shoulders, and Marty placing them on her slender hips. This makes quite the sight of a girl barely out of high school being drilled and held in place by such lean muscle gods.

Bobbi has her head jerking to and fro, mouth implaed by Doc's penis, tongue slashing around it. Her eyes are glazy, fixated on nothing, while her mouth makes unintelligible pained noises, while he stretches to endure this brutal double fucking.

urggggh owwwww, uhhhhh, owwwwww, uggggh, oowwww!

The fit and toned Time Killers are grinding back and forth, each time pounding the booby bitch and stuffing her as hard as they're humanly able, stuffing their dicks in as far they'll go into her. With mass piling on top of her body, her creamy tanned legs were pressed aside, knees against the sofa. There's not just moaning, but the sounds of dick pounding shithole, and slobbering ooozing out of mouth.

Oh bunk, oh bunk, don't one of you want it in my pussy? Isn't anyone gonna be a man and put it in my aching cunt? Oh and don't forget to keep one in my bootyhole!

Doc gets ahold of Bobbi and sits her on her lap, with her complying to make things easy on them. Its took some effort for him to be able to guide his dick into her asshole, though.

What the bunk is this junk? Get it my shithole, you fucking loser!


That doesn't help Doc's nerves any but finally he fastens his scholng with her asshole. Its been fucked hard and brutally enough, that the fit is easy. Well easy enough that Bobbi only gives a short groan of pain. Marty then does his part, thrusting his pelvis downward to slide his penis into her creaming and hungering vagina.


Bobbi continues to emit a high pitched howl, and whines and whines as Marty begins shoving his dick deeper and deeper into her eighteen year old twat.

That's it, that's the way. I guess you guys aren't such useless idiots after all.


Never mind, you still are!


Through the thin walls of flesh in her body, The Time Killers can literally feel their dicks against each other. Marty can feel Doc's erection sliding through her bowels, up alongside his own dick stuck in her pussy.  The bitch erupts in noise, her face straight up, shoving giant boobs into Marty's face, smothering him with her fat pokey nipples.

Uhhh -- OWWWWW - ohhhhh gawwwd -- UHHHH

Bobbi winces, gasps and fights to survive the incredible feeling of two pricks in her holes simultaneously. She's never had such a feeling in her life, yet she's still pushing against the Killer's trying to fit them in as deep as possible into her two sluttiest holes.

Oh yeah, screw those two slut holes! Screw them hard! Screw them hard and brutal, butt munches!

The Time Killers build up a rhythm to thrust into her at the same powerful time, building up speed and strength to attack her pussy and asshole. With them holding her firmly, she can barely move. This position is so fucking hot to the teenager, that she starts to let her tongue hang out in undignified fashion...

Meanwhile, Bobbi has four perverted male hands on her boobs, groping and fondling them. All this happens while they stretch and fill her two tight as fuck holes. Doc makes her turn her head back for a kiss, burying his tounge into her mouth just as much as cock is buried into her asshole. As they thrust in and out of her holes, Doc's dick is pressed up against Mary inside her body, separated just by thin walls of flesh.

That's right, that's right, try and screw me like real men! I don't want some little boys in this teenage pussy I want real men!

Marty's ass clenches tightly, as he does his damndest to cram his length penis all the way into her slut hole. With Doc's dick pressing through her sphincter, its like the two dicks are engaged in a sword fight between one another inside the eighteen year old whore.

Ah god! Ah god! God dang it! Shoot! I love it, I love it, I love it!

Bobbi's asshole is so tight and firm around Doc's dick its almost a devilish sort of pain. He feels the thin hair of his balls slapping against her ass cheeks, and thinks this is the hottest sex he's ever had in his life. Bobbi herself is squirming as much she can, though its not considering how stiffened she is with two giant rods plugged inside her.

Feel those holes, you stupid goofballs! Feel inside your whore princess, use her like a hooker!

Bobbi's pretty hair is stringing out, getting wet and dirty from all this hard fucking. Her bronze skin is soaked, sweaty and liqudy. Her pussy lips flare red, and through them seeps cunt cream. Her breaths are hard and she can only guess that she looks like a hot mess from this double team pounding. The sluis grunting and moaning, trying to put up with the repeated thrusting inside her two holes, and the astounding manner in which they fill up her waist area.

Hollleeee jumping, alright you idiots. Let's switch it up! I forgot your name, but Dave you pop it in my puss, and Mike you slam my barely legal asshole. And slam it hard, make me earn that Asscake nickname!

The Time Killers of course do as their told and shift positions. Marty's dick is long and huge, bigger than she felt it in her vagina, stretching out her butthole to terrific levels. Bobbi gasps and whines and shouts, coming to grips with the latest boner resting in her butt. Doc does as he's told, getting beneath Bobbi and sinking his dick into her needy cunt.

Bobbi's holes are being ripped open, or it feels, her lower body filled with erections way too big for her. She screams in lust, trying to keep her tighs spread wide enough as she straddles Doc, giving both men the ability to fuck her. Then the kissing begins, both men passing her back and forth, to tangle their tongues within her warm mouth.

Screw me you poop heads! Screeeeewwwwww meeee hard!

Bobbi is ramming her curvy hips backwards, feeling herself slamming against a concrete wall as the two fit men are in unison slamming their pelvises forward, bouncing into her, making loud noises as her skin smacks against their skin.

Ohhhhh yessssss! Screw me, you dirty slaves!

Their dicks are deep in her pussy and ass, she fells them almost up in her lungs it seems, they are filling her young body so wonderfully. Her orgasms keep pouring out, exploding through her body, making her dizzy with lust.

I'm such a slut! Such a slut!

The Killers have two fat, hot-burning pricks being shoved into her body, and the fact she can satisfy them together, at the same time, makes her even more full of her sexual powers. Maya was absolutely right, this is the kind of surging rush that makes a good girl go bad. Not that Bobbi ever considered herself all that good. So a bad girl go crazy!

Both killers drive their hard pricks into the writhing, screaming girl sandwiched between them. Bobbi feels her busty body squish between the sweaty naked bodies of the two hrony adult males and it makes her feel so slutty and alive. Her legs splay limply to her sides and her tall frame rocks from the pounding she's receiving on her pelvis. Marty is was squirming  but keeps the full length of his penis inside her butt, while Doc is [umping furiously back and forth, making his bigger erection screw her pussy over and over. She feels liquids splattering on her tummy and ass and her cuntlips and butt felt like they were being ripped open. She can't believe how sexy it felt to have TWO massive dicks fucking her at the same time. She realizes she's missing a world of sexual wonder all her life.


The teenage bimbo keeps screaming and hollering at the prresence of the two dicks tearing her apart. Their cocks slide in and out and both Killers feel the motion of their dicks trailing up and down against each other.

Oh! Do it like that!

She winces in pleasure feeling her ass stretched open by Marty and Doc's thick, powerful dick fucking her cunt almost like a low drum beat. She smelled the naked, sweaty men and her clitoris throbbed from it.

Cum on my face! Cum on my face like some god dang real men!

Marty is first to exit Bobbi, letting his dick slip all the way out of her wet enlarged asshole. Then Doc pulls himself out of her pounded pussy, and Bobbi groans at the feeling of freedom. She doesn't have time to enjoy it,  she turns around and sits her ass in front of the killers, grabbing their penis' and starting to suck. They're slimy from all the juices in her pussy and ass, and Marty has that sharp nasty taste of her butt. Knowing they're close, she pulls her face back, turns her head up to them, and closes her eyes halfway while offering her cheeks and chin to their purple helmet.

Bobbi hears a grunt, then more of a howl, and the Killers suck air, and he began whacking his erection against her face. Pools of juice and saliva splattered on her cheeks and nose, making her grin and close her eyes tighter.

Do it, you clowns! Can't you fools at least cum on my face?!

White-hot gooey mess spurts out, white streak sacross the bridge of her little up-turned nose and small rosey cheek. The Killers pump their fist on their dicks and shoot out another wad, splattering semen over her upper lip. Bobbi is feeling the hot juice starting to drip down her face. Another and another and another, globs of cum, a gushing of sizzling male sperm landing all over her face. She turns side to side slowly, making sure the cum covers both her cheeks, her lips and her chin.

Ahhhhh, not bad. You're still loser jobbers though, don't forget that.


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Our wonderful president and general manager, Sophie conducted an interview at OAOAST HQ with Terry Taylor about TMW: Revolution.

So, there's eight guys from our TMW promotion...



There will be a 'ow you say, fan contest to determine an entry.

So any fan can get a chance to live their dream and become an OAOAST Superstar?!

Oui, oui. We are giving back to the OAOAST Galaxy.

Can you tell us who their pro will be?

Non, non, monsiuer. Mais non, I will tell you Army of One Nation will be mentoring a rookie this season.

So far we have Maya, Army of One Nation, Celtic Gothic and Biffman announced as mentors.

With more to come! :)

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*** The Masked Mutants w/ Studderboxx vs. The Christ Air Express ***

Unlike the previous encounter between these two teams, we actually had ourselves a match. Or more a fight as the Masked Mutants didn't come to play. Faced with heavy fire the CAE stopped, dropped and rolled... outside, dragging Slime and Snot with them. After introducing the Masked Mutants to the steel steps and security barrier, the identical twins finished off Snot with not one but two Happy Endings.

Winners: The Christ Air Express, via pinfall. 

After the match the CAE decked Studderboxx and then cut a promo on the OAOAST, telling the "pigs" they got their match and now it's time they got theirs, a shot at the OAOAST tag team championship. 

Don't forget who waxed that ass during The Challenge. So quit dicking us around in meaningless tag and give us what we deserve. You ratings will thank you.

The guys struck the Christ pose and then lit one up.


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Backstage at the world famous interview lounge OAOAST correspondent Sara Jean Underwood  is with TANNER NEPTUNE and U.S. Champion OSCAR FRIBERG. But before she even manages to utter a word, Oscar and Tanner get heated with each other. 

Um, guys... we're live.

(to Tanner)
You know that's not how we do things. 

I know! And you know the only kind of hitting on women I do is at the club. But that Gloss chick has been bullying Sammi--


Why are you looking at me like that? You don't think Sammi's being bullied? 

I think both have done their part to escalate things. 

Of course you do. 

Blaine and his paternal twin Samantha enter the picture. 

It's just like you to play it down the middle rather than pick a side.

Like say, oh, I don't know... the one with the guy who's in the same group as you? 

Tanner nods in agreement but stops when Oscar glances over.

Or maybe you're fine not picking a side now that Sophie has signed a "Bermuda Triangle" match  at the Halloween Spectacular where you'll have to defend your U.S. Title against the winner of my match vs. Spencer Reiger that same night. 

Let them kill each other and then pick the meat off their bones. 

Don't be ridiculous!

Just saying! No need to be salty...
(under breath)
... unless you have reason to be.



Now Tanner... buddy... go out there and show how one takes care of a a bully: by punching them in the face.

Are you guys gonna go out there with me?

Come on Tanner, you're too much for one woman to handle, right? 

Yeah. Y-Yeeeaahhh! Time for me to take Gloss... to Neptune!

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***Sunny Conference: C02 Vs H8University***
H8U made their big showy school spirit entrance, which for some reason Jade felt necessitated her to block Maya in protection.

I'm here to protect you as a big sister should. As only a big sister can! I hope everyone hears that!

Who is everyone?

Everyone is everyone! And especially certain you know whos.

Okay, okay. Quit shaking me.

Early on it was Jade who needed the protecting as Glass and Effie overwhelmed her. Worse yet they didn't even bother to use tags, they just entered the ring at will.

Tags are yesterday's news, we're in a today world, that can't wait for hand slapping.

These two are still also working TMW shows, and you can see new episodes every Wednesday.

Heard they got a nigga on there named Detroit Crakchead.

Maya decided if H8U wasn't gonna tag she wasn't going to either. Against referee Nunzio's wishes, the match broke down into a tornado tag.

Control is totally gone!

The four Hotties duked it out, with the vampires being much tougher on the attack. But they got a little too cocky as when Effie decided to wave to the hard camera, Maya school girled her for a win!


Winner: C02, via pinfall

C02 advances to Sunny Conference finals at Halloween Spectacular! Can they win their second straight Miss Anderson Cup? We'll find out!

Backstage we find Melissa Nerdly hurriedly guiding Phecda, Al Houd, a pair of police officers down the hallway.

There she is! There she is!

Let it be served.

Justice for Melissa.

Melissa points further down the hallway to Molly Nerdly getting herself a cup of coffee.

What in tarnation are ya'll waiting for? Christmas? Go get her!

For some reason these officers take orders from Melissa of all people and approach Molly.

Can I help you?

Submit to punishment.

Punishment forever.

What are you rambling about?

Molly Nerdly, I need you to come with us.

For what? I have done nothing wrong.

(running up to Molly)
Fer assaulting a woman of god, that's what ya done. Nothing wrong? Nothing wrong my aunt fanny! You assaulted an international treasure, and yer own sister. Ya just slugged me in the face like I ain't the one who raised ya.

You are a year older than me. How could you raise me?

Take her away! Get her out of her!

Ma'am please just come with us.

Very well. I will go with you in order to clear this nonsense up.

Molly gets the cuffs slapped on her, which delights Melissa to no end. The two officers then lead her off with Melissa grinning.

Yer gonna get locked up and the key is gonna get tossed in the garbage!



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Ya, You never said a word
You didn’t send me no letter
Don’t think I could forgive you


Three wisemen appear on stage, one holding a baby within its arms and the other two holding bottles of Colt 45. The men form a semi circle around the middle part of the stage, with the middle lowering the baby to the ground. The baby is then swallowed beneath the stage and the men drop to their knees in prayer.

Hey, when seas will cover lands
And when men will be no mor
Don’t think you can forgive you


A light shines on the middle part of the stage, bold brilliant and glowing. And with that light does the middle of the stage opens.


Ya when there’ll just be silence
And when life will be over
Don’t think you will forgive you


Rising through the opening, attired in Jesus robes and golden sunglasses, is a figure who's body shines in the light....LEEZUS PRICE LOGAN MANN!

I thought that you'd be there to help me? Was I wrong? I am Logan Mann! Was I wrong? I am Logan Mann! What are you? The liars that sleep in the night and wake up in the morning to the deny the truth is the reason we're here. I am Logan Mann!


What is your view of history? Krista humiliated me ten years ago! But ten years ago saunters to rub it in my face, and pervades the ears of the masses. We can not move on until Krista moves on! Keep her gone! I am Logan Mann! I make Good Music! But what's stopping me is corporate America keeping me locked down into the past that I've suffered! I am Logan Mann! I make Good Music!

I stay out too late

Got nothing in my brain

That's what people say, mmm-mmm

That's what people say, mmm-mmm


I go on to many dates [chuckle]

But I can't make 'em stay

At least that's what people say, mmm-mmm

That's what people say, mmm-mmm


But I keep cruising

Can't stop, won't stop moving

It's like I got this music

In my mind

Singing, "It's gonna be alright."


'Cause the players gonna play, play, play, play, play

And the haters gonna hate, hate, hate, hate, hate

Baby, I'm just gonna shake, shake, shake, shake, shake

I shake it off, I shake it off

Heart-breakers gonna break, break, break, break, break

And the fakers gonna fake, fake, fake, fake, fake

Baby, I'm just gonna shake, shake, shake, shake, shake

I shake it off, I shake it off



Logan may be stunned but the fans are overjoyed to see a business suit wearing Krista wheel her way onto the entrance stage.

Listen to me good, you strung out Vegas trailer park dope fiend. I don't know why you aren't drinking cheap beer and fondling your genitals off camera during shoots on Youtube like Synth, or why you haven't been beheaded by ISIS like Abdullah, But here you are to be an utter nuisance to yours truly.

A nuisance? What is that?

God damn American public school system. You're annoying me.

I'm annoying you? No, I speak the truth to power for all those who don't understand that the darkness of the lies is closing in. We are the 99%!

You're 99% jack ass and one hundred percent piece of shit!


No I am not! I know I am not because I have seen the truth that lies beyond the extended horizon that those who are blind will never see! I make Good Music!

You don't even make a good Kanye West impersonator, you kiddie touching retard. I was going to wait until Halloween Spectacular to make you eat shit, but I think I'll serve you a feces sandwich now!


Arreter! Arreter!

Sophie appears on the scene, screaming the French word for stop. And to aid her in making that request come to fruition, officials and security come between Krista and Logan!

“BBBBBBBBOOOOOOOOOOO!” the sold out fans are not happy in the least.

Krista doesn't like being held back and so kicks referee Brian Knobbs in the balls! That gives her the freedom to launch herself at Logan. The only thing that saves Logan is that two security guards and referee Shawn Stasiak are able to catch her. They're forced to cart her off, with both her and Logan making threats at one another.

Wow! I can't wait to see these two go at it at Halloween Spectacular live from Las Vegas!


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*** Tanner Neptune vs. Gloss w/ Spencer Reiger ***

Although he talked a big game backstage, Tanner struggle to get physical with Gloss once in the ring. 

The guy's a perfect gentleman. He doesn't have it in his heart to hit a woman.

No man should.

In cases of self-defense, yes. And last week Tanner came to Sammi's defense. 

Unlike her opponent Gloss had no issue unloading on Tanner. She beat him down as he did his best to cover up. Then Blaine and Sammi showed up to encourage Tanner. And by encourage I mean tell him to start fighting back.

Don't let me down Tanner. :(

Fed up with the emotional manipulation of his fellow Team SCREAM'er, Oscar Friberg confronted the Cayleys. As he scolded Blaine, Sammi reached into the back of her brother's trench coat and pulled out his CRICKET BAT. 

Wait a minute!

With Tanner needing the ref's assistance to pull himself to his feet, Sammi snuck inside looking to blindside Gloss... but Spencer stops Sammi in her tracks, shaking his head no. Gloss then snatches the cricket bat and bends Sammi over her knee, lifting her skirt to reveal a pink throng before using the cricket bat to SPANK SAMMI!!



Furious, Blaine's anger only grew as Oscar prevented him from going inside. Suddenly Oscar felt Tanner remove the U.S. Title from his waist. Now with the ref occupied trying to assist Sammi out of the ring and Blaine/Spencer getting into it verbally, Tanner sought to deliver a ::beltshot:: ... only for Oscar to grab hold of the belt!


A tug-o-war ensues with each trying to take the belt in a different direction. Blaine then gets involved as the ref is busy escorting Spencer out of the ring, pulling Oscar down and dragging him outside, allowing Tanner to blast Gloss with the title and pick up the win!


Winner: Tanner Neptune, via pinfall. 

Now an upset Spencer gets in Oscar's face. Pushing and shoving ensues as Blaine helps Sammi to the back. But not so fast. Oscar and Spencer then confront Blaine. More pushing and shoving ensues as OAOAST officials arrive on the scene to keep the peace as best they can.

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At the state of the art interview set, Josh Matthews stood with Bohemoth. Eggther's calling out of The Man was the topic of the day, though Bo didn't have much interest in taking up the challenge.

So I took you out of your Elimination Chamber qualifier. You got to go to Japan and become BUSTLE junior heavyweight champion. You should be thanking THE MAN! You should be kissing my ass, boy! But instead you want a fight with me? With THE MAN? Hell no. I got screwed out of competing for the world title until 2017, and you know what that means?

I'm not sure.

It means I'm on strike! On strike! Eggther if you want a fight go pick one with Neep Nong Rice Rocket in BUSTLE and stay out of my face!

Neep nong rice rocket?! I can't believe you just said that.

I say what I want 'cause I'm The Man!

While she was getting ready to leave the arena, Maggie was caught up with by Marty The Cameraman.

Maggie, you saw Bobbi's scene with The Time Killers.

Who didn't?

Do you think she should be focusing more on your title match at Halloween Spectacular.

Won't matter what she focus on. She'll see damn soon who's the legend, and who's still the little girl. Interview over, quit bothering me.


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You know I'm bringing bombastic
I'm feeling fucking fantastic
Turn up the music yeah blast it
You know I'm playing like, no more Mr. Nice Guy

You know I'm bringing bombastic
I'm feeling fucking fantastic
Turn up the music yeah blast it
You know I'm playing like, no more Mr. Nice Guy
I'm coming for you

The marijuana bar serving the best weed in the galaxy rolls onto the stage with “Bombastic” by Bonnie McKee bombing hard into the arena. The fans are unglued not just for free weed, but for Alix Maria Spezia, moving her sexy Latina body in ways sure to make any man explode. At her side, sitting peacefully and kindly is Queen Esther, all smiles.

The following match is scheduled for one fall and it is for the OAOAST World Heavyweight Championship! Now making her way to the ring, being accompanied by QUEEN ESTHER, she hails from Los Angeles, California, she is “THE HOLLYWOOD BAD GIRL” ALIX MARIA SPEZIAAAAAAAA!


Alix may have lost her title inside the Elimination Chamber, but there ain't nothing stopping her from getting it back tonight.

But what about The XFL? He got thrown into a title match last week, and he ain't even booked tonight. No rematch?

Alix and Queen Esther meerily skip around the ring, arm and arm, not the sight you expect to see for a title match!


Green and gold lights fall across the entry way along with a further ovation from the fans, all with “The Day is My Enemy” ringing loud and true. Colin Maguire Junior steps forward, and tosses his hood back to reveal his trademark smirk. But perhaps most noticeable besides his hot mom, is his raised world title.

And introducing the champion, being accompanied by ANGEL MAGUIRE, he hails from Boston, Massachusetts, he is “THE IRISH GOLDEN BOY” COLIN MAGGUIRREEE JUNIOOORRRRRRR!


Colin Maguire is walking proud and walking tall with his third world title hanging at his side.

Neon lit catholic crosses line the entrance way, creating a beautiful yet erry pathway for Colin and Angel to walk through.

These two, Alix and Colin, have a pretty crazy history. There's the Moneygang/COD rivarly, then there's Colin's cashing in his Money In The Bank contract on Alix at OAOAST X. Then there's Colin wanting Alix to help him breed a race of super men. Which now seems even crazier because Colin already has a kid, and now he can't have anymore because he's a vampire. Whew, that was a mouthful.

I got a mouthful for you....some hot wings.

Don't mind if I do!


Hey, Colin's who's the chick?

Yes, one simply can't expect you to be abreast of what goes on directly under your nose, that is Angel Maguire, my mother.

Paternity test! Paternity test!

I shall summon the village midwife at once!

Am I to be expected to explain the last six months to you?


A young witch turned over her body to the spirit of my mother, so that she could return to this earth, and aid me in my fight against my father, who I note, is rotting at the bottom of the Atlantic ocean.

Thinking, thinking, thinking. I got it! You're a Mommy-Con!

I am a what?

A Mommy-Con! You've got a mother complex, you're turned on by the maximum babe that is your own mother.

Now that's just not true.

It is! That's not even her body, she's no old Irish hag, she's a hot piece of college aged ass! It only makes sense you'd be classified under the family role play section of adultdvdempire.com. Only its not role play! A mommy-con! Wow, what are the odds?

Absurdly low I can assure you. I can only imagine how pointless it is for me to ask you this, but may we please get on with this match.

Suuure can, but I'm still gonna remind you that you have a crush on your mother.

There is nothing more warming to one's heart than the love a child holds for the dear mother.

Hear, hear!

Is it not a sad commentary on the state of affairs when I am the sanest one present?

Well with all that said, Colin and Alix agree for a lockup. It obviously goes poorly as Alix is shoved right into the corner.

Wow, you're a lot stronger than you were two years ago.

Brilliantly deduced as usual. Are there any more incredible revelations you need sharing?

You're looking long in the tooth.

Hehheeh, that was clever.

Do not encourage her.

Rather than go for a lockup, Alix starts smashing her foe with knife edge chops. Colin doesn't suffer these for long and hurls Alix into the ropes. He captures her in a rear waistlock on her return and expects to hit the Irish Suplex. But Alix counters all that with a timely roll up...



A kickout!

The second the two Superstars rise, Colin lashes Alix with an Irish uppercut. The blow hits hard enough to knock Alix into the corner posts. But she comes Straight Out of Compton with a springboard spear to stun Colin!


A cover....



Another easy kickout!

Alix pulls Colin upright and seeks out an Irish whip. She doesn't get it as Colin reverses and hammers her with a short arm knee lift. From there Colin lifts her onto his shoulders in a standing fireman's carry. This doesn't aid Colin much as Alix slips out the back and hammers him with a bulldog!

Do you favor your mom's right boob or left boob?

I favor neither.

Which do I favor on me?

I question how you got to that conclusion, but nonetheless let's continue.

Colin takes a swing with a forearm that smashes Alix into the ropes. With Alix weakened, Colin leans into her and whips her off. When she returns he flapjacks her and delivers a crushing Irish uppercut. That's good enough for a pin....






A kickout!

Colin hits the ropes and looks for a running leg drop, only for it to miss due to Alix rolling out of the way. Still Colin gets up and horsewhips Alix with a knife edge chop.

That miss didn't do anything to Colin.

Alix staggers about before she falls into Colin's trap and gets hit with a t-bone suplex!

HarvardPlex! Its easy to forget with all that's happened to Colin that's he a Harvard alum.

Now Colin runs across the ring and delivers a running shooting star press onto a prone Alix!


A running Pennant Race!

A cover....







Alix brings the shoulder up!

Grabbing Alix by the wrist, Colin leads her off the mat. She sweeps her for a scoop slam, yet Alix slips right out the back. With no red on her, Colin is hit with a zig zag from The Hollywood Bad Girl!


The Sweetie!

Alix can't get a pin on Colin, though as he finds his footing. However she does get her juicy Latina ass on his Irish rod, rushing her tush in a perfect ass job.

Tell mommy how you like it round and Mexican!

I can't watch!

Tell mommy how you like big ass Latina bitches!

Colin saves himself some embarrassment by pushing Alix away. The Hollywood Bad Girl gets herself tangled in the ropes, and Colin streams forward to lariat her over the top. Luckily for Alix and her fans, The Hollywood Bad Girl lands directly on her feet. And lucky for her questing eyes, she spots the succulent tits of Angel bursting through her top

Colin's right! These are worth a five disc, five hour set of mommy Maguire's milky tits! Let's taste what the boobs are juicing!

Huh? What are you gonna do to me?

Alix rips Angel's clothes right off her!



Oh eeek!

Angelic Creampies. I think that'll be the name of your sex tape.

Colin hasn't a chance to react as he's struck in the back of the head by his own title belt, weilded by The XFL!


A foolish move, young puppy!

The XFL takes the title belt with him on his rush out of the ring and through the stands. Forgetting his mother's disrobing, Colin hauls after him

Mama Blows Best! There's your subtitle.

Um, I think I'll pass.


While Alix corrals Angel into a sex tape, we...


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