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OAOAST TMW: A comedy/erotic e-fed

OAOAST IntenselyHeldDOWN~! 7/8/02

Chanel #99

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Tonight’s theme music is “I’m A Cloud” by Boy Hits Car


We cut to the OAOAST news center where Micheal Cole is here to bring us a news update:

Cole: Ever since last week CWM has gone on a rampage attacking people with his TIRE IRON WITH CUSTOM GRIP. Here is the current list of people he’s attacked today:

George W. Bush (Senior AND Junior)

Wayne Gretzky (Walter Gretzky also)

Michael Jackson (Janet and Tito too)

Steve Austin (The bionic man AND the wrestler)

Some Guy (not the OAOAST guy just…Some Guy)

Al Gore (he hit him so hard he knocked some personality into him)

Tim Moysey (and the little boy that was locked in his closet)

Matt Leblanc

Just Joe

Brooklyn Brawler

Crash Holly

Spike Dudley

John Cena

Randy Orton


Big Show


Kevin Nash



Booker T

Hugh Morrus


Chris Harvard

William Regal

Trish Stratus

Molly Holly

Al Snow






Dawn Marie


Mae Young

Fabulous Moolah

Kurt Angle

Hulk Hogan

Triple H

Ric Flair

Pat Patterson

Gerald Briscoe

Shane McMahon

Vince McMahon

Stephanie McMahon


Perry Saturn

Brock Lesnar






Billy Kidman


Jamie Knoble

Taka Michinoku


Hardcore Holly


Mark Henry


Val Venis

Steve Austin




Lance Storm

Rey Mysterio Jr.

Chavo Guerrero

Eddie Guerrero

Rob Van Dam




Buh-Buh Dudley

Reverend D-Von

Deacon Batista

Linda Miles

Howard Finkil

Harvey Whippleman


Scotty 2 Hotty

Matt Hardy

Jeff Hardy

Chris Jericho

Chris Benoit

Johnny Polo

Paul Bearer


The Slickster



marty Jannety


Chris Candido

Kid Kash

The Hukster

The Nacho Man

Billionaire Ted


Jerry Garcia

Kevin Greene

Steve Mongo mcmichael



La Parka





Jim Ross

Tony Shiovane

Mike Tenay

The Fake Razor Ramon

The Fake Diesel

Doink THe Clown




Josie (but NOT the @#%$ Cats)

Cole: As you can see he’s been on quite the rampage….wait this just in...CWM has just attacked The Pussycats! THAT MONSTER! I love the pussycats! He’s insane! Who will he attack next? Stay tune…OH GOD IT’s CWM, he’s coming at me! NO NO Go away, AH NOT THE TIRE IRON WITH CUSTO…UGH.

CWM stands over Michael Cole holding the TIRE IRON WITH CUSTOM GRIP. All of a sudden he spins around and nails the camera man, breaking the camera and sending us to…


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In the Commissioners office BPP and Tony are talking…

BPP: I’m telling you he’s a loose cannon and we need to let him go!

Tony: It’s not that simple! The fans love him and we’re making a killing by selling plastic tire iron’s to kids! He’s a cash cow!

BPP: Tony he assaulted the Leader of the free world!

Tony: I know he shouldn’t have attacked Michael Jackson...but what are we going to do?

BPP: WHAT? I’m talking about …Oh @#%$! He’s here…

On the monitor CWM is seen entering the arena and making his way towards the Commissioners office. CWM walks into the office.

CWM: Hey guys what’s up?

Tony: I’m getting the F*ck out of here!

Tony scrambles out of the room as CWM advances menacingly on BPP. 30seconds later a happy looking CWM walks out of the office wiping blood off his TIRE IRON WITH CUSTOM GRIP. Tony looks into the office and sees BPP laid out on the floor.

(GreenMist is seen in the back along with Arthur.)

Arthur: Okay Mist, tonight you have another big....

GM: Wait a second, I have a question? Why am I never allowed to speak? I spoke for myself through that whole feud with Mario. Why can't I now?

Arthur: ..............................Are you done?

GM: ....Yes.

Arthur: Okay then. As I was saying, you have a match tonight with the Eskimo. But more importantly, it's a TV title match. You win this and you've got it made. They'll have no choice but to recognize you. Let's go.

OAOAST TV Championship: Masked Mystery Eskimo© vs. GreenMist

("All Your Base" hits and out comes GreenMist.)

Finkel: The following contest is scheduled for one fall and is for the OAOAST Television Championship! Introducing first, the challenger, Green Mist!

(GM gets in the ring as his music stops. "Ice Ice Baby" hits.)

Finkel: His opponent, from the Depths of the Arctic, the OAOAST TV champion, the Masked Mystery Eskimo!

(MME comes down to ringside on his sled with his TV title. The music dies as he climbs in the ring and the match starts up.)

GM and MME lock up to start. GM gains the advantage and corners MME at the turnbuckle. MME reverses it and pulls out a drop toe hold. MME gets back to his feet and applies a waistlock to the recovering GM and goes into a german suplex, but GM lands on his feet and takes out MME with a dropkick to the left leg. GM looks for a figure 4, but MME kicks him into the turnbuckle and gets a roll-up for 2. GM looks to get a hold on the left leg, but MME applies a headlock and goes into the hammerlock. GM looks for a stunner, but MME raises him up, GM is able to land on his feet and gets the snap mare and a stiff kick to the lower back. GM runs off the rope and a dropkick to the front knocks MME. The cover gets 2. GM goes to work on the left leg, holding it up and getting kicks in. GM applies a half crab. After about a half minute, MME makes the ropes. GM drags him to the center of the ring again and looks for the figure 4, but MME kicks him off into the ropes again and hooks a full nelson on the rebound. MME hits a rolling killer whaleplex and rolls through for another. The cover gets 2. MME is favoring the leg, but he goes after GM. MME hits a gut wrench for 2. MME goes to the outside and comes in on a springboard dropkick, but takes a rough landing and can't make the cover right away. When he does, he gets 2. MME climbs to the top and waits for GM to get up. He nails a missile dropkick, but again gets 2. MME sets GM up for the powerbomb, but is too close to the ropes and GM hooks them and escapes and goes into the tarantula. GM recovers and comes back in. He sets MME up for the brainbuster, but MME escapes and looks for the Blizzard Bomb, but GM escapes and hits a desperation ddt. The cover gets 2. GM gets to his feet first and looks for the figure 4, but goes the lazy way to avoid spinning around and eliminating the chance of getting kicked off. He has it locked in. MME refuses to give up. GM has it in for about a minute before MME makes the ropes. Just as he does, GenerationNever appears out of the crowd with a singapore cane. He nails them both with the cane before leaving just as he came. The ref calls the match on a double DQ. GM finally recovers. He is noticeably disappointed. GM grabs the TV title and gets in the ring with it. He looks at it and then hands it over to MME to a pop from the crowd. GM leaves as MME soaks in the cheers from the crowd before exiting on his sled.

Winner and STILL TV CHAMPION: The Masked Mystery Eskimo

Commercial Break

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cobainwasmurdered is wandering through the halls, clutching and hitting various objects with his tire iron. Oddly enough, he's not humming or singing

any Nirvana songs, but rather, Damned's "Smash it Up". He wanders down the hall, leaving various trails of broken glass, dented metal crates, and general

destruction. Suddenly, he notices a rather slender figure prancing around down the hall and enter a nearby room.

cobainwasmurdered: Someone I haven't hit before... excellent...

cobainwasmurdered runs into the room, and hits the figure square in the leg.

cobainwasmurdered: CWM SMASH~! Heh, I'm just kidding... are y...

Suddenly, a hitherto unseen figure emerges. cobainwasmurdered fumbles for a light switch. As the lights go on, he quickly scans the room and sees a fallen

ballerina and a VERY angry Jingus in black spandex breathing down his neck. Jingus growls at him, and cobainwasmurdered quickly exits, slamming the door and

blocking it with a nearby loading crate.

cobainwasmurdered: Uhhh... I'll see you in the ring Jingus! ::to himself:: Can't be that bad, I mean the guy only wins when he's defending the women's

title, right? And given whose waist it's been around, no way in hell I'd want that thing anyway! : ack to singing and smashing:: Oooh... smash it up!


"Verdi's Requiem" hits and Jingus runs down the ramp and climbs into the ring.

Howard Finkel: The following non-title contest is scheduled for one fall. Making his... her... its way to the ring, weighing in at 357 lbs, the women's champion,


"Smells Like Teen Spirit" hits and the crowd pops for cobainwasmurdered, walking down the aisle wielding his fierce tire iron! The ref meets him

halfway up the aisle, and tells CWM this isn't a no-DQ match, and makes him drop the weapon. CWM is rather pissed off, but still makes his way to


Finkel: Stepping into the ring, he is an aWo and Tire Irons Anonymous member, weighing in at 240 lbs, cobaiiiiinwasmurrrrrdered!

The bell rings as CWM enters the ring and, showing his testicular fortitude, gets in a lock-up with the monster Jingus! He gets the worse for wear,

as Jingus picks up CWM for a monstrous powerslam, and goes for a cover, but CWM kicks out at 1. CWM recovers, and hits the GORE, GORE, GORE on Jingus,

backing the beast into the corner. CWM climbs up for a 10-punch, but Jingus just carries him off for a power-bomb, but silly Jingus, power-bombs are

for kids, as CWM reverses into a roll-up for 1...2...the monster kicks out WITH AUTHORITY~!, sending CWM sailing across the ring. Jingus is up and

furious, but charges right into a drop toe-hold by CWM into the top turnbuckle. CWM is quick to capitalize with a German suplex and scrambles up

top for the Teen Spirit Corkscrew Legdrop for 1...2...Jingus gets a shoulder up, hooking it around CWM and standing up to deliver a series of Droopy

Dog judo slams. The ref breaks it up, and as Jingus turns and starts growling at the ref, CWM recovers with a schoolboy, 1...2...2.5, kickout!

Jingus kicks out and props up CWM in the ropes and starts clubbing him HARD (the sound echoes throughout the arena and the crowd winces at every

shot). The ref taps Jingus on the shoulder to break it up, and Jingus hits one last extra-hard club that knocks CWM out of the ring onto the floor.

As the ref argues with CWM, the crowd pops as someone in a tutu limps down the ramp and grabs the dropped tire-iron. It's... Jingus' ballet teacher?! Jingus'

ballet teacher swings at CWM, but CWM ducks, but the teacher uses her good leg to kick CWM in the stomach. Her injured leg is too weak to support her,

and she falls, but swings the tire iron and hits CWM hard in the privates! She drops the tire iron and rolls CWM back into the ring as the ref finally

notices and points to her, but she just waves her empty hands and motions for the ref to turn around as Jingus hits the DevilBomb and makes the cover

for 1...2...3!

Post-match, Jingus' ballet teacher rolls into the ring, and motions to Jingus that CWM needs more punishment. Jingus lifts up CWM and goes for a HellBuster,

but the ballet teacher whispers something to Jingus, and instead Jingus manages to carry the struggling CWM to the other side of the ring, and gorilla press

him OVER the top rope INTO THE ANNOUNCE TABLE~! The ballet teacher motions to Jingus to leave, and once he/she/it has exited at the top of the ramp, stops

limping, and walks calmly over to the announce table, and climbs atop it, and holds up the fallen CWM's chin. She pulls out a mic.

Ballet Teacher: We all wear disguises CWM. Some of us, like myself, wear them to fool others, but you wear yours to fool none other than yourself.

In a SHOCKING SWERVE~! Jingus' ballet teacher tears off her face to reveal The Mysterious One! TMO picks up CWM and gives him the Tormented Soul DDT through

the announcer's table. Jingus reappears at the ramp, holding his REAL ballet teacher, when the lights cut out (they really need to fix that) and when they

come back on TMO is gone, with his tutu crumpled up and thrown onto CWM's limp body.


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Alfdogg Vs. Some Guy Vs. Sandman

SEXY BOY this and Some Guy dances out to the ring. KONA CRUSH plays and Alfdogg comes out to the ring, but as he’s walking down to the ring Sandman jumps him from behind and they brawl towards the ring. Some Guy takes a running start and nails A RUNNING SPACE TIGER DROP on Alfdogg and Sandman. The Match is under way!

Some Guy picks up Alf and rolls him back into the ring and goes for the quick cover but only gets two. SG picks him up and goes for a stalling suplex but a recovered Sandman slides into the ring and clips SG’s knee sending SG and Alf down to the mat in a tangle. Sandman picks up Alf and tosses him out of the ring and then applies a Figure Four on Some Guy. SG is screaming in intense agony but refuses to give up. He finally manages to hook an arm around the bottom rope and Sandman breaks the hold. Alfdogg is back in and hits a DDT on Sandman. Some Guy slips out of the ring and lies on the outside.

Alf picks Sandman up and hits a snap suplex, then applies a rear naked choke. Sandman refuses to give up and Alf breaks the hold in frustration. He whips Sandman into the ropes and hits a Double A style Spine Buster for 2.5 Alf hits a STANDING ALF SAULT and then goes to the outside and flips up the ring skit in an attempt to find a weapon…but all of Alf’s weapons are gone, replaced by TIRE IRON’S BAYBEE~! Alf is freaking out when Some Guy sneaks up behind him and nails a SOME DRIVER ON THE CONCRETE~! SG tosses Alf back in and makes the cover 1…2…NO! Sandman breaks it up!

SG and Sandman start brawling over the fallen Alf exchanging rights and lefts, finally SG trips over Alf’s arm and Sandman capitalizes by hitting the PSYCHO DRIVAH! Instead of covering he picks up Alf and hits a EDGECRUSHER! 1…2…NO! Alf’s foot is on the ropes! As Sandman argues with the ref SG crawls up behind him and rolls him up 1…2…NO Alf breaks it up. Alf tosses SG into the Turnbuckle post and when he turns around Sandman is waiting with the mop. BAM! Down Alf goes with the mop breaking over his head! The ref calls for the bell.


Sandman continues to beat Alf with the broken Mop, Some Guy gets up and spins around Sandman…SOME DRIVER! SG stands over his two fallen opponents and grabs Alf’s title and hoists it above his head! Sg throws the title on Alf and dances to the back.

::In Caboose's lockeroom

Caboose stands in the dark.

Caboose switches on a lamp which lights up the mirror he is facing.

Caboose leans forward, he stares into the eyes of his reflection and starts to smile.

Suddenly the smile turns to a frown.

Caboose-'They can try all they want. But they can't have it. It's mine. It belongs to me. I took it through force of will. They can't take it from me. I'm too good. I've come too far. I will prevail. I will succeed. It will be mine until I decide. Until I say no more. But that won't be soon. All of them can try. BBP. Zack. AngleSault. All of them will fail. I know they all want it. I can't trust anyone. I can only trust my Instincts. Beach Brawl. I will show them all. I'm not a fluke. I'm not a joke. I am the best. I am the man. I am the one. I will prevail. I will succeed. I will survive. It will be mine forever

Caboose punches the mirror.

A trickle of blood flows down the cracked mirror which shows am almost satanic smile on Caboose's face.

Caboose smashes the lamp.

In the darkness Caboose laughs::


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As IZHD returns from a commercial break, the program is interrupted by “Five Minutes Alone,” as Sandman9000 makes his way out to the ring. He immediately hits the ring and orders for the music to be cut.

“I am not in a good mood today. I’ve been looking over past results, and past records, and it has come to my attention that there is somebody higher up that, for some strange reason, seems to enjoy holding me down. But I’ll get to that later.

“SuperShit, you’ve got six days left. Six days until I staple your balls to your mouth. Six days until you step into my world. You think that the Taipei Deathmatch was brutal? Boy, you ain’t seen @#%$ yet! You don’t know what it is like to have a staple driven into your body, do you? Well, @#%$, you get to find out in six days! And, let it be known, I’m takin out the entire In Crowd, one cracker at a time!

“Sole Survivor! Guess who is back! I figured, once BPP kicked your ass out, you would be gone for good! But, it looks like you are back for more punishment! But, hey, can you blame the DA for making an upgrade at your position? “Hosses” are useless in the Deadly Alliance. But people like me aren’t. If it wasn’t for the fact that I already have a match for Beach Blast, I’d be more then happy to kick your pathetic ass. But, since I do, it looks like your whole “revenge quest” is over and done with. Go wrestle on the undercard, boy. The DA is through with you.

“And now, like I said before, there is someone in the OAOAST that is holding me down. A person who is preventing me from scaling the ladder the way I should be. Now, I don’t want to name names, ah @#%$ it, TONY THE BODY IS HOLDING ME DOWN!”

::The crowd gasps, as no one has ever dared attack Tony on such a level::

“No, I’m not joking! When WCW was around, every other person in this company was invited to wrestle, except me! I was brought in once, so I could be ambushed by the In Crowd! Coincidence? I don’t @#%$ think so! Why do I have to wrestle Alfdogg tonight? Why? Because Tony wants to see the DA collapse! Because Tony doesn’t want to see me succeed! Why do I never receive title shots? Why am I always screwed over around here? Why? Because Tony wants it that way! I don’t know why he hates me, but for some strange reason, Tony seems to get off on watching me suffer! No more! I am not a @#%$ joke, Tony! And if I don’t get the respect I deserve, I might just have to beat it out of you!”

::The crowd boos, throwing objects into the ring::

“Stop this @#%$ right now! If anyone else throws anything into this ring, I swear that we will stop this show, put in a tape for the shitheads watching at home, and we will pack our @#%$ up and we will leave this shithole and never come back!”

::The crowd continues to throw objects, chanting “@#%$ you Sandman!”::

“@#%$ me? No, @#%$ you! Pack this @#%$ up boys, we’re outta here!”

::Sandman throws the mic down and exits the ring. The confused camera crew does nothing. Sandman storms up the ramp and to the back.

::Backstage, a camera sees Sandman, with his bags, walking towards the exit of the arena. An unseen person places a hand on Sandman’s shoulder. Sandman brushes it off. The hand spins Sandman around. The camera pans to show Tony The Body!::

“What kind of stunt were you trying to pull back there? We have a tightly organized show to run, and you going out there throws us all off! Are you an idiot?”

“I’m leaving this craphole. I ain’t wrestling Alf. I know you just want to see one of my brothers kick my ass! But it ain’t gonna happen! I ain’t bowin down to you again!”

“You are not leaving this arena tonight, not without wrestling your match first.”

“I ain’t wrestling, I am leaving, and you can’t stop me.”

“You leave, and your match with SuperStar is off.”

::A pissed off Sandman sighs and drops his bags::

“That’s more like it. Now, let me tell you something. I may have given up most of my power, but that doesn’t mean that I don’t have some left! All I have to do is send out one memo, and DQ’s become a lot more frequent around here. I’ve put up with your little “Deathcore” crap for a while now. You start messing around with me, and you will be DQ’ed every match. I’ll see to it that not even one chair is allowed in that ring out there!”

“See! You want me out of the OAOAST, don’t you? You want to see me leave!”

“Let me tell you something else. You’ve been making some bad career decisions lately, and you have a lot of people in this locker room who flat-out don’t like you. The absolute last thing you want to do is make a person like me, mad at a person like you. Now, get your gear on. You’ve got a match tonight.”

:As Tony walks away, Sandman fumes, until a laughing EvenflowDDT comes up to Sandman::

“God, dude, you just got your BALLS busted, man! Ha, that’s hilarious! Tony just made you his bitch!”

::Sandman grabs Evenflow’s shirt and gets in his face::

“Let me tell you something. After I take out SuperShit, I’m taking YOU out next! Our war, it will never end, as long as we are both standing! If I were you, I’d watch what you say!”

::Sandman walks off, leaving Evenflow behind, who merely says, “Whatever. You can’t beat me.”

Suddenly, the lights in the arena go off.

Fans yell loudly in anticipation of what's coming up, but no one is

quite sure what that is.

JR:"The arena is dark, and I can't see a damn thing. It's like the

Beware of Dog PPV all over again!"

Tony "The Body":"From what I remember, JR, you were better off not

seeing anything on that night!"

Suddenly, Will Smith's "Nod Your Head", the theme song for Men In

Black 2, begins playing. The arena is lit up by a video playing on

the Angle-Tron...The In Crowd's entrance video! Fans pop at the sight

of their favorites on the screen, and now a spotlight shining down on

the aisleway shows Zack Malibu, The Superstar, and EvenflowDDT, along

with Alison, all clad in black suits and shades, similar to the stars

of the movie. The In Crowd makes their way to the ring, amidst the

cheers of the crowd, and all four pose and work the crowd into more of

a frenzy.

JR:"Well I'll be...what is The In Crowd doing tonight?"

The song fades out, and the lights come on. The In Crowd stand in the

ring, and now everyone gets a good glimpse of them, clad in snazzy

black suits. Zack Malibu is looking around the arena, smiling, as are

the other members of The In Crowd. Zack takes the mic, and waits for

the cheers to die down.

ZM:"People of Earth...allow us to introduce ourselves. We are the Men

'In Crowd' Black!"

Fans pop loudly. JR laughs.

ZM:"And we are here to protect the One and Only Anglesault Thread from

the scum of the universe, namely, those in the Deadly Alliance!"

Another pop, with some boos mixed in for mentioning the DA.

ZM:"You see, we've used our assets to travel this world, and others,

far and wide, and we've never seen scum like The Deadly Alliance

anywhere! I mean, you have that scourge, that slime, that leader of

their's...what's his name..."

EfDDT:"Uh...do you mean Big Poppa Poopdeck?"

ZM:"Yes! Poopdeck! I'll have you know, people, that Poopdeck has

been wanted by the agency for a long, long time..."

SS:"You mean he's a fugitive, Agent Z?"

ZM:"Indeed he is, Agent S. Poopdeck has been wanted by the agency for

wrongfully impersonating a cool person, as well as a decent


Other members of the "MICB" feign shock.

SS:"Well, what about Sandy...the Neo Sandman. I'll chase him down

until my last day on Earth...or any other planet. They'll have to

bury me in this suit!"

EfDDT:"They're gonna do that anyway. Don't you read the script. When

you put the suit on, it's the last suit you'll ever wear!"

SS:"Oh yeah. Well...I'm not going to rest until we've apprehended him

for wrongful impersonation of a human being. I mean, what normal

earthling would act the way he does, and say the things he says. He's

not an earthling...he's a Sand Monkey."

Again, the MICB feign shock.

ZM:"You don't mean..."

SS:"Indeed I do, Agent Z. I've pulled his file, and this is what I

found. Neo Sandman is actually a Sand Monkey from the star system

Isucklots. They are a different breed, one who promotes hostile

activity due to a lack of genital units. The good part about the

species is that they are however, unable to reproduce."

EfDDT and Alison let out sighs of relief, and wipe their foreheads.

EfDDT:"Yes, but what about Alfdogg? Everyone knows Alf was an alien.

Granted, he was funny, furry, lovable. Alfdogg may have a bit of the

furry thing going on, but dude, let's face it...he calls himself the

US Champion. Shouldn't he be back on Melmac, chasing cats or


ZM:"I'll make a call to Willy Tanner tonight. He was caught harboring

Alf, so now he works for us. Maybe he'll be able to tell you how to

handle an Alfdogg!"


EfDDT and Zack do The In Crowd's "cool handshake".

ZM:"And finally, people, the last person that we'd like to put out an

AAPB for..."


ZM:"Alien All Points Bulletin."


ZM:"The last person on the MICB's most wanted list, is this man..."

Angle-Tron shows a not too flattering picture of Caboose.

ZM:"This man claims to be the champion of your world, yet it does not

appear as if he has respect for anyone on it. He's also known to hide

in shadows, which may mean he's some type of vampire creature,

vulnerable to lights..."

EfDDT:"Dude...we already KNOW that Caboose is breed of Vampire!"

SS:"Agent E-F-DDT! You weren't suppose to alarm the good citizen

watchers of the OAOAST!"

ZM:"It's OK, Agent S. The vampiristic nature of Caboose is quite

obvious, even to the unknowing public."

SS:"It is?"

EfDDT:"Why's that?"

ZM:"Because HE SUCKS!"

Big cheers from the crowd for that remark.

ZM:"Good people, we did not mean to scare you with our revelations.

Simply take into consideration that these men, or supposed men, are

considered boring and extremely uncool. Do not associate with these

men, nor should you acknowledge them in a positive manner. There is

no need for confrontation with them either, as simple ounces of truth,

such as telling them they suck, will most likely cause them to vanish

from our solar system sooner than later."

SS:"Dude, I hope so. You ever see a Sandman match? It's like

watching a backyard wrestling match, without the production values!"

ZM:"On that note, citizens...we bid you farewell. And Caboose, not

only do I defend the world, but it's only a matter of time before I

defend the World Title! People, farewell!"

EfDDT pulls Zack back before he can exit.

EfDDT:"Don't we have to...ya know..."


SS:"He means neuralize them, I think."

ZM:"Oh, there's no need for that!"

EfDDT:"But they're witnesses to alien activity...they've seen The

Deadly Alliance in action!"

ZM:"You think they'd WANT to remember that? Dude, c'mon...these

people would forget a DA match as soon as it ended...if they even

watch the whole thing."

EfDDT:"You're right, forget I even said it."

SS pulls out a neuralizer. He takes of Zack's shades and neuralizes


EfDDT:"DUDE! Why'd you do that?"

SS:"You said for him to forget about it, so I made him!"

EfDDT:"Well, how far did you set the neuralizer back?"

SS:"Only about 10 minutes."

EfDDT:"That's around the time we came out here for the promo, so..."

Zack Malibu grabs the mic, and stands in the middle of the ring.

ZM:"People of Earth...allow us to introduce ourselves..."

EfDDT, Alison and Superstar grab Zack, covering his mouth as he begins

to cut the same exact promo again. "Nod Your Head" begins playing

again, as The In Crowd, or the Men 'In Crowd' Black, make their way

back up the ramp.


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Superstar Vs. The Sole Survivor

THE APA THEME hits and The Sole Survivor comes down to the ring, carrying a bent lead pipe. POPULAR hits and…Superstar isn’t coming?? The music plays for a few minutes and then cuts off.

A camera is sent to the back where a bloody unconscious Superstar is found. The Ref has no choice but to ring the bell and start the 10 Count. The Ref counts to 10 and rings the bell!

Winner: The Sole Survivor


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Big Poppa Popick Vs. Zack Malibu

SAVED BY THE BELL hits and Zack comes out to a HUGE pop! SANDSTORM hits and BPP comes out to a loud ‘@#%$’ Chant!

The cage is lowered and The door is locked. BPP immediately tries to climb out of the cage but, Zack chases after him and grabs his foot and pulls him down until both men are balancing on the top rope. They trade punches until Popick gets the upper hand and slams Zack’s head into the cage and Zack plunges to the mat. Popick jumps off the top with an elbow but Zack moves out of the way.

Popick gets to his feet first and clotheslines Zack to the ground twice, on the third attempt Zack ducks and then hits the SCHOOL’S OUT Superkick! Zack goes for the door but the ref is too slow opening the door and BPP gets to Zack and German suplexes him, BPP keeps hold of the waist and hits another German Suplex, he goes for another but Zack blocks, go behind, Zack hits a Dragon Suplex! Zack starts to scale the cage, and as he starts to go over the top BPP makes a mad grab at him and manages to pull him back over. Zack kicks him, they struggle each trying to slam the other’s head into the cage. Zack wins the struggle and hits a RUSSIAN LEG SWEEP from half way up the cage!

Unfortunately the move injures both men and they lie unconscious on the mat. Zack comes to first and puts his arm across BPP chest, but since there is no pinfalls it doesn’t matter. Zack struggles to his feet and starts towards the door but BPP snakes his leg out and trips Zack up. BPP reaches into his tights and pulls out a pair of brass knuckles. He puts it on, and when Zack goes to pick him up he nails Zack in the head.

BPP picks up the unconscious Zack and just to rub it in ties him up in the tree of woe position. BPP casually strolls towards the door. As he starts to step out Zack manages to get out of the tree of woe. BPP looks over his shoulder and sees Zack struggling to his feet and goes back into the ring and goes to hit him with the Brass Knuckles but Zack blocks the punch and hits the TRENDSETTER! Zack begins to climb out of the cage!

BPP finally reaches his feet when Zack’s just starting over the cage’s top. BPP quickly scales the cage and grabs Zack by the hair and pulls him back up to over the cage. They exchange punches until BPP pokes him in the eye. BPP stands up on the top of the cage and picks Zack up to! OH MY GOD…BPP POWERBOMB’S Zack off the top of the cage to the mat!

BPP slowly starts down the cage when All American jumps the rail! AAB grabs Popick and gives him a TRIPLE POWERBOMB…but makes sure BPP’s feet don’t hit the ground! AAB slings BPP over his shoulders and carries him to the cage door and tosses him back into the cage, where BPP lies unconscious next to Zack. Zack slowly climbs to his feet as does BPP. BPP goes to boot him in the stomach but Zack catches the foot and whips him around…TRENDSETTER!

Zack crawls towards the cage door and with a last great effort falls out of the cage!


Zack goes back into the cage and picks up BPP, the fans scream at Zack to hit him but Zack shakes his head and then Shakes BPP’s hand in a show of respect and then gives him a thumbs up!


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