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OAOAST HeldDOWN~! 7/18/2015

Chanel #99

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What's up, gang? We are live for HeldDOWN, and I am Renee Young with America's favorite heel, Da Coach! And we are all set to kick this party off with The Challenge!


***The Challenge: Warthog and Sonic JR W/Carl MacDonalad Vs Big IQ W/Gretchen Wright***



Update! Gretchen and Pierette, according to Pierette are now known as The Rad, the Fab & the Bad


Carl entered with a white suit and a white top hat like some kind of demented Colonel Sanders and Warthog entered wearing an actual Warthog mask.



Slaughterhouse spending the prize money before they win it looks like. Cool threads.


The match started with a brawl, that saw Ice Quiz lariat Warthog over the ropes and out of the ring entirely!



Fetch ya Pooh Bear's pot of honey ya ol Piglet looking motherfucker. You get that one Gretchen. Books and shit.



Yes, Martin, “books and shit.”


Sonic showed his stuff, impressivley fending off both members of Big IQ for a short while. But he eventually got rocked by a Wright drop toe hold and an Ice Quiz elbow drop.



Gettin Brain!



Get with the program, Lancel! What's wrong with you today?


When Warthog returned to the match, things started to get better for Slaughterhouse. The two managed to isolate Ice Quiz, but when they tried a double DDT, Ice Quiz broke free and used a noggin knocker on them! Then the tag was made to Wright!



What oceans I wouldn't drain for a we love Christian chant.




Wright was a house one fire fighting against Slaughterhouse, and when Ice Quiz joined him, they were a pair of world beaters. Warthog tried to stop things with a Meathook lariat but wound up missing Wright and nailing Sonic.



Pay attention, Lancel!


That was the end of the line for Slaughterhouse, as Ice Quiz hit the flapjack and Wright hit the jawbreaker known as Get Ya Mind Wright for the win.


Winner: Big IQ, via pinfall (5:32)



Big IQ have bounced back from an early loss to win two and a row, but Slaughterhouse are on the opposite, they've dropped their last two.


Post-match an incident occurred when LYRIC DELACEY arrived and tossed Gretchen into the ring steps!



Hey! What was that for?


Lyric showed what that was for when she held up Gretchen's half of the women's tag team titles.



I think The Fairly Odd Vamps might be coming for The Rad, the Fab and the Bad!

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Backstage, OAOAST Hall of Famer Terry Taylor conducted an interview with Slaughterhouse leader Deuce Deuce Bigelow, who sported championship gold over his shoulder having defeated FAQU for the BUSTLE promotion's TUFF Title at their Dasteredly, Violent & Dangerous event this past Saturday in Japan.


Footage of the bout aired (Deuce won with the Deep Fryer), plus news that Faqu would be out of action for some time after separating his shoulder.


Deuce took credit for putting "The King of Bronies" Daisuke Motozaki and his buddy Faqu out of commission just weeks apart and vowed to do the same to any OAOAST Superstar who gets in his path as his goal is to be World Champion.






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***Elimination Chamber Qualifier: Mister Dick Vs King Landon Maddix***


When the match began, King Landon didn't want to fight. Actually he wanted to talk.



Yes, yes, you, Jock Mulligan, I know you hate Ser Timothy Cash too. Just like me, me the King, your King, who you will guard. Yes, yes, you can be in my Kingsguard, protect me from Ser Timothy. You will do that. Yes, yes.



Suck my royal scepter, King Asshole!




King Landon tried to attack Jock with the microphone, but ate a Stiff Kick that sent him through the ropes and out of the ring!






The two men brawled on the outside with King Landon getting the worse of the exchange. But the real sorrows came when Mister Dick drapped his crown around his schlong!





Referee, Shawn Stasiak(!!!)let things slide a bit, when Mister Dick walloped King Landon with the crown.



That's exactly the kind of crappy officiating I expect from Planet Stasiak.



What about Meat?



I'm not hungry. Thank you.


Back in the ring, Mister Dick failed to hit Pure Penetration and King Landon used a standing Sliced Bread Number two to take control of the match. He blabbered his usual nonsense as he beat on Mister Dick, but was shut up with a forearm. Then a forearm battle enused!


"TAKE THE DICK! TAKE THE DICK! TAKE THE DICK!" the fans yelled at King Landon.


But King Landon hit a basement dropkick, then a low flying superkick to seemingly KO his foe. But somehow, Jock kicked out at two!




King Landon freaked out on referee Stasiak for so long that it allowed Mister Dick to recover. The former Texas A&M QB rallied back to the advantage and gave King Landon hell. Still Landon was able to win out with a series of forearms and captured Jock onto his shoulders.



Mister Dick might be about to Go2Sleep!


But, The Human Hard On slipped out the back. When King Landon turned around he got a boot in the stomach, and even worse, a Jackhammer for a defeat!


Winner: Mister Dick, via pinfall


Can't Stop It

Can't Stop



Here comes the champ.



He is not the champ, Coach.


With Rick Heyross touting his good points, The Xavier Franklin Long arrives in an All XFL warm up suit.



Fresh off the ESPYS its The XFL!


After producing a microphone, The XFL enters the ring with a smile for Mister Dick.


And gets hit with a Jackhammer!








Gag on it, Xavier!


The triumphant Mister Dick poses above The XFL with crotch chops aimed at a indignant Heyross.

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Being a fairy godmother is tough. Queen Esther knows this all too well as she has to sit in her ball gown on a curb, next to Krista who's drinking a bottle of Jack.



You know what I like?



What is that, Krista?



Don't call me crazy or anything.



I wouldn't dream of it.



A good throat fucking.






A nice hard, good cram it in there throat fucking. Just hang me upside down over the bed and really drill that cock in my mouth, hit my tonsils, nail the top of my throat with that dick. Yeah, that's it, make me choke.



Krista, as your fairy godmother, I don't believe you should talk this way. As a lady at that!



No, honey, its my duty as a lady to speak this way and do the things I do.



I'm failing to see how that could be!



Didn't you see Spider-Man One? With great power comes great responsibility? I have the great power of having a great mouth, so naturally I have the responsibility to give head. And I have no gag reflex so I should be bent backwards and throat fucked until the cows come home. If not aren't I wasting my gifts that god gave me? Do you want to upset god?



I'm not sure I see it that way, but continue.



Alright and what about my titanic tits, if I can't stroke a guy till he cums what good are they? And my ass! If a guy can't lodge his dick between these meaty cheeks, all hope is lost. And my pussy? Wow, I can't tell you how many times I've been fucked there.



Good, please don't.



Holy shit! Esther you did it!



No, no, do not implicate me in any of your convoluted schemes.


I'm not going to fuck up innocent people. I'm going to fuck innocent people!



Dear me!



I'm going to set the world gangbang record!


We immediately cut to Maya watching this scene with Jade.



That's what she thinks.





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Spoons Family Barn

Lovelock, Nevada


Inside the Spoons family barn, ChubChub is treated to an argument between Gedrun Spoons and her eldest daughter, Cinnamon, who is stomping about in protest.



Cinnamon, your pegasus is running rampant and wild.






Yes, he is.



Nuh-uh, I've got him one hundred percent totally under control!



Then you wouldn't mind proving it.



I'll show you one of our tricks!



Oh, delightful.



ChubChub say hi.






Its telepathy!



How ridiculous.



Its not our fault if you're not telepathic.



Of course I'm partially to blame for this. Mostly to blame in truth. I gave you this pegasus and never thought to teach you how to connect. I assume you're not a maiden.






Good, it will go easier for you with some experience and wear tear. For you are going to let ChubChub tear into you.



Tear into me? What do ya mean by that?



You will perform oral sex on ChubChub first, or more to say you will open your mouth and hope not to choke on his massive penis.






Then he shall mount you from behind, you will become his bitch. Then he will take you from the frant, further mounting you and further owning your vagina. He will fuck your holes for as long as he wishes.






You may not be able to stand up after this. Your belly may be full of ChubChub's semen.






But in the end, you will have his loyalty and his love.



No way! I'm not getting it on with ChubChub. He's an animal!



All Valkyries must do this.



Not this Valkyrie!


Cinnamon makes a move for the door, but is jerked back abruptly by her mother's grip on her arms. The grey eyes of Gedrun burn with a finality and seriousness Cinnamon has never seen.



Did you ever believe being a Valkyrie would be easy?



No of course not, but no one told me I'd have to fuck a horse.



I fucked a horse as you called it, as did my mother and her mother before us. Our vaginas, our mouthes, yes even our assholes are the price we pay for our mighty steeds.



But I don't wanna!



One way or the other ChubChub is going to fuck you. I will see sure of that

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***The Challenge: The Party Brigade W/Amberlyn Duncan Vs The Christ Air Express***


Pierce offered a handshake to MARV, but pulled it back at the last second.



Hashtag swag. Donofthem McSwagb! Smoking the super bowl, heh.


For his trash talk and poor act, Pierce got dropkicked in the face by MARV! The fans cheered on MARV as he beat Pierce around the ring. But a blind tag allowed Riggs in and he got MARV under control.



You wanted humourless? You got humourless.


Riggs' sour nature saw him use plenty of choke holds on MARV. But in the corner, MARV fought out and got a dangerously close victory roll on Riggs.





When MEL came in the twins worked over Riggs, skirting the whole five second rule at that.



That must make Riggs miss the comfy confines of the ring apron. At least his beard looks good.


Pierce ran in and got hit with a double dropsault that sent him out of the ring.



Double Kickflip!


Riggs was tormented by both Nerdly twins, but never gave up and kicked out of several pins. He countered a DDT by MEL into a back drop, and managed to make a cold tag to Piercey D!



Hashtag Brofessor, school is in session! Boy Meets World, and the world is my dick!





Pierce knocked MARV off the apron, which allowed him to focus his attention on MEL. The Result took him for a ride on the Bro Train and then hit him with a Lightning Spiral for a near fall. After Piercey slowed things down with a crab, Riggs came in and the two took turns beating on MEL's back.



Injuries can add up when you gotta wrestle these high stakes matches every week. A sore back now could mean the end of your run.


Riggs loaded up and went for a rolling koppou kick, but MEL leap frogged the attack and dove to tag in MARV!





Wow, that's a serious reaction by the OAOAST Galaxy!


MARV hit the famous Kickflip on Riggs and turned that into an inverted DDT on Piercey D! The fans loved that, but they weren't feeling MARV'S missed Lionsault on Riggs. Bad Ol JR hit a spear on him after that, and the cover was made....












MEL broke up the pin!




Riggs and Pierce double teamed MEL, going after him with clubbing forearms. They tangled him into the ropes, and Pierce sent a Bro Train his way. But MEL used a spinning flapjack to send him out of the ring!



What a derailment!


Riggs tried for another spear, but was hit with a knee to the face. He staggered backwards, and with MARV now recovered was struck by a double ace crusher!



Happy Ending!


And that spelled the end for The Party Brigade.





Winner: The Christ Air Express, via pinfall (10:42)



Coach, The Christ Air Express have won their first three matches of The Challenge, they're in it to win it!



When these slackers get motivated, there ain't no fucking with them.



But on the flip side, The Party Brigade have lost their first three matches and that's a big hole to be in.



Ain't no moral victories here. They hung tough here and against Big IQ, but man if they don't turn it around next week its not gonna be good.







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The OAOAST SPINEBUSTER OF THE WEEK~! highlights last week’s U.S. Title match between Logan and Blaine which saw Spencer Reiger get involved to save Sammi. Then courtesy of OAOAST SYN, in a bit filmed following the aforementioned incident, Blaine is caught all hot backstage.

That [bleep] guy. When did he become a hero all of a sudden? Probably did it just to piss me off. Bet he can’t stand the fact you live with a real hero.

Please, Blaine. Not this again.

Total bitch move.

Back live, U.S. Champion Logan cut a promo on Spencer for sticking his nose where it didn’t belong.

Maybe I gotta deal with you personally.

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*** The Challenge: The Scumbag Reformation Project vs. The Time Killers ***

In one of the most anticipated matches of The Challenge, despite both teams being winless, the SRP arrived in a sweet new ride complete with manufacturers sticker and new car smell!

Are you kidding me? I mean, everybody knows The Rizzo was all over social media this past week basically guaranteeing a win, but to go out and buy a new car? Talk about counting your chickens before they hatch.

Check out the air freshener. Fuzzy dice!

I'm more interested in knowing how they even passed their credit check.

No new ride for the Time Killers, or fuzzy dice, but they pop out of the clocktower all business. They want to send a message to the Scumbags and prove to the OAOAST Galaxy they are for real. Not just a couple of warm bodies to kill time like the SRP claimed.

Although we still have 4 weeks left in The Challenge, this is basically a must-win for both teams. The loser falls to 0-3 and in all likelihood will need to run the table and some help in order to have any shot at making the Finals.

Don't feel too bad all you Time Killers fans. There's always next year. :lol:

Knowing the stakes both teams fought with a sense of urgency, treating the OAOAST Galaxy to perhaps the best match of the tournament so far. After a hot start the Time Killers found themselves on the defensive, any attempt to mount a rally quickly thwarted by the SRP. But Marty hung tough and eventually tagged bis hyperactive partner Doc who fended off the SRP until Marty could re-enter the picture, knocking Anson outside with an On Cus double dropkick and then going 0-88 with The Rizzo before wowing fans and viewers alike with the debut of their crazy finisher they call ENCHANTMENT UNDER THE SEA: Doc places opponent in rocking chair (lucha move), swinging him back-and-forth as Marty climbs to top and delivers a diving hesitation double foot stomp!


Winners: The Time Killers, via pinfall (9:49).

Looks like the Scumbag Redemptation Project rolled snake eyes!

As the Time Killers celebrated their first W as a team the Scumbags new ride got repoed!


Good thing Riz is still knocked silly. He wouldn't like this!



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Amherst, MA


This is a quaint and tiny funeral home, lined with many paintings and pictures of the family who's owned it for generations. Its currently manned by an elderly woman sitting behind a desk. She gives a warm and welcoming smile to her newest customers....Colin and Angel Maguire!



Good day.



Why, yes it is a good day because my dear father is soon to meet his timely demise,



He must be in a lot of pain.



He will be.



Colin, quit toying with people. We need a casket to bury my hus.....uh his father in.



Of course. This can be a difficult time.



On the contrary I find it all rather pleasant



You're on such a high level of thought,






Yeah right.



Money is of course no object, I wish only the best for my father.



Very good. We-


The old woman is cut short and brought to her end by a bullet that pierces her skull,



Oh no!





Another bullet whizzes by Colin's head and lodges itself within a painting of fruit



These are wood bullets!


A banging and horrible crash is heard and with it comes footsteps of angry men.



Horus Shieldus!


We switch to the image of two mercenaries led by COULTER DOYLE and FLYNN STEVENS. The group of four find only the deceased body of their victim, not their intended victims.



Hey, where the fuck are they?



Not here it looks like.



But we were told-



Bad Intel, don't worry about it. We'll get 'em. Move out!


When the goons clear out, Angel drops her spell and she and Colin re materialize



An impressive skill that.



We need to go.



Not yet, I still have some shopping to do.

(nodding to the dead woman)

I think we'll get quite the bargain,

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*** The Challenge: The Playmakers w/ Rick Heyross vs. Hood Again w/ Marcellus ***

On paper it was one of the most intriguing matches in the tournament. The fundamentally sound Playmakers vs. the street fighting style of Hood Again. A potential styles clash that turned into a real barn burner, bumping the Scumbag Redemption Project/Time Killers bout earlier in the show as match of he tournament thus far.

As expected, the team of Moss and QB1 used their mat expertise to fluster their opponents, but Marcellus coached his nephews through and they answered back with a fury of offense that had Heyross calling for time.

By now Rick Heyross ought to know there are no time outs in wrestling!

Then the powers that be might wanna considering updating the rule book. I heard we actually have an over the top rope DQ rule on the books. One that's never enforced!


Seriously. The rule book is like the consitution: everybody cites it but few have actually read it.

Hood Again appeared to be on the verge of victory after discarding Benjamin outside through the ropes...

Had QB1 been sent over the top Heyross would've been well within his right to file a protest!

... and setting the stage for an Isolated Incident, but as Kawhi went in for the kill QB1 returned to blast with him a superkick! Then with Moses still holding Moss up for the powerbomb QB1 sneaked behind to execute a German suplex, causing double the impact as Moss lands on Moses' chest!


With a fateful of crotch, Moses had his legs hooked and was pinned, giving the Playmakers a huge win in this battle of the unbeaten teams.

:o ... :)

Winners: The Playmakers, via pinfall (11:39).

Heyross and the guys gloated after the match.

While you can't call it an upset, I don't think many people had the Playmakers beating Hood Again in their bracket.

Da Coach did! They're one of the most decorated teams in OAOAST history, but since they don't whore themselves out like some teams they often get overlooked.

Let's take a look at the updated standings after 3 weeks of The Challenge.


Playmakers 3-0
CAE 3-0
Hood Again 2-1
Big IQ 2-1
Sonic & Warthog 1-2
Time Killers 1-2
The Party Brigade 0-3
Scumbag Reformation Project 0-3



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The Spoons family barn houses a most unique scene. Gedrun circles, a shark over its prey, around poor Cinnamon. The daughter is shackled in a medieval pillory, her arms and hands raised and captured, along with her head. But, ever the fighter, Cinnamon bucks and trashes against the bonds her mom has trapped her within.



Try as you might, this is magically bound. You'll not leave until I allow you to leave.


Though she knows good and well the powers of magical binds, Cinnamon refuses to believe her mother would shackle her, bound her, and force to be the mare for a flying horse. Impossible!



Mommy, please! Lemme go!


The sounds of Cinnamon hacking and wrestling against the inevitability of her binding is loud and grating, but Gedrun ignores her daughter as she leads ChubChub from his stall.


Stuck on her knees, neck and head forced in place, Cinnamon realizes just how majestic, just how big, and just how terrifying her Pegasus truly is.



No! Mommy, no, mommy, mommy, please, I don't wanna!



One day, you'll thank me.



No I won't! Let me go! This is crazy, I can't suck off my own horsie!


Gedrun taps the beast on the side, and shouts “up”, the command it heeds as it lifts its front legs over Cinnamon, bringing her beneath his torso.


And most importantly bringing her mouth level with the largest penis she's ever encountered in her life. The length of the giant horse cock is longer than her arms, its diameter, its hellish thickness, she imagines is wider than a tree. And her mother wants this ferocious pillar inside her. Impossible! Cinnamon clinches her jaw, grits her teeth and mounts a final, desperate attempt against the perverted act her mom wishes upon her.


Gedrun only rolls her eyes.



ChubChub, blow job.


Cinnamon's never encountered a battering ram, never seen one in action outside the movies, but she gets a first hand experience in a thick fleshy battering ram, the Pegasus' cock powering through her staunch defenses and beginning to invade her mouth.




Cinnamon can't help but scream in horror and rage, but this has the side effect of making the gigantic beast slide in slightly easier. Slightly is the key word, as otherwise its torture for Cinnamon being forced to expand her jaw and mouth at the exponential rate this penis demands. Tears begin falling freely down her cheek, and she hopes against all hope that her mother will take pity upon her and cease this animal rape. Alas, Gedrun is unmoved.



ChubChub, keep it going, make her take all of it.


Again Cinnamon is forced into a yell, which comes as a rolling muffled noise around the tree trunk of a horse's dick.



It will go easier for you if you just accept it.


Cinnamon sobs some more, thick salty tears spilling down her cheeks. Cheeks which are puffed out to obscene and wild levels by this invading phallus. The poor girl feels like her mouth is about to burst, her jaw about to break, all this from being forced to inhale the weighty meat of a horse's cock. Its too much and fresh tears come to her unbidden.





So desperate is Cinnamon to be free of this mythical beast's penis that she tries to speak words to her mother for relief, for help, for anything that gets ChubChub's dick out her mouth. All she does is hum and gag and garggle around the gigantic fuck missle. More like a fuck bomb. It taste like nothing she's ever had in her mouth before with a thick salty, grimy flavor. It fills her taste buds, her entire mouth and soon her entire mind is clouded by horse cock.



ChubChub, fuck her mouth.





Tears burn through Cinnamon's widened eyes at that command. How could her mom ask a horse to fuck her mouth? What could that mean? Cinnamon soon learns, as ChubChub, with no thoughts of mercy and kindness, begins hammering his cock in Cinnamon. Poor Cinnamon can feel the huge head hitting her in the back of the throat, smacking her tonsils making her choke, wail and cry some more.



Good, good. Feel the presence of that horse dick violating you. Owning you. Taking over your mouth.


Cinnamon feels like a flag in the wind, her body wavering and swaying back and forth with each thrust and ram from ChubChub's huge pecker. Her busty body is nothing but a magnet, along for the ride that ChubChub's horse meat takes her for.. And what a ride it is, Cinnamon thrust back and forth, side to side, a human masturbator for an animal.





Do you feel it in the back of your mouth? Do you feel his penis in your throat? Yes, feel how powerless you are with his cock lodged inside your mouth. You are an insignificant fuck toy, and you must be that when he wants you to be.


At this point Cinnamon can't imagine being anything else but the fuck-mare for her horsie. Her trusty pal is treating her like she's even more an animal than him, just a sex object to be pillared back and forth, bounced around. A dumping ground for his cock and cum. Chubchub doesn't even care about her discomfort, as evidenced by how he powers into the depths of her mouth, leaking cum into her belly.



Take it! Take his huge cock within your mouth, swallow his seed, know that you are the whore for an animal.


Cinnamon catches her tounge trying to swirl and lap at the salty underside of this giant rod. She wants to stop it, but she can't bring herself to defy her mother's orders and maybe her wanton wishes. Anyway, she doesn't have a choice the way the penis steam rolls over her cock in its never ending assault on her mouth, jaw and throat.



Animal whore. Valkyrie. Two sides of the same coin.


Cinnamon is so exhausted from this shameless and twisted assault on her body, she wants to fall out and go to sleep. But she's kept afloat by her pillory and the fact that a massive fuck stick is penetrating her helpless mouth and controlling her like a joystick.



Slobber, tears, horse semen all over your face. Like a true Valkyrie.


Certainly these weren't the stories Cinnamon was told when she was little. Hell her mother didn't tell one day she'd be fighting to breathe and stay conscious while a pecker the size a cannon fires in her mouth. This is sheer betrayal by her mother, and just when Cinnamon thinks she can't cry anymore, the tears find their way through.



He senses your weakness. How pathetic you are.


Cinnamon can't put on a brave face, not in such a helpless position, not when her mouth is being brutalized. Her throat is being fucked red and raw, her cheeks are sore from puffing, and her tummy is starting to fill with the oozing precum. And just when she thinks she can't take anymore, Gedrun claps and ChubChub yanks out. Cinnamon now feels the full brunt of the barbaric animal rape. How her jaw aches with white hot pain, her mouth buzzing with the taste of horse penis.



Is...is...it over.



(unhooking the pillory)

Now the fun begins.


No more, thinks Cinnamon! No more at all! Her weakness, her soreness, and her tiredness may be too much to bear, but the thought of another round with ChubChub's bulging member is beyond the pale. She starts to crawl towards the exit.



ChubChub, fuck her.


Cinnamon isn't going nearly as fast as she thinks, actually she's quite the sad sight with how slow she's going. Her mom is doubly displeased with her continued resistance and buckles her down to a post, bent over in the middle of the barn like some sow.



You should be grateful I'm not allowing your sister to watch.


With Cinnamon tied to the post ChubChub has no trouble arching over, leaving her bent over beneath him. And more importantly, leaving her pussy ready for the next assault.



Please no! Mommmmmmyy!


Cinnamon screams bloody murder as eighteen inches of horse cock pillage her vagina. Her walls are broken down, forced to spread far faster than they should as this animal burglarizes her sanity. As inch after stunning inch is pushed into her sex, Cinnamon howls and wails with more tears than before.



Feel the huge mushroom head of your Pegasus in your innards. Appreciate the raw might of his penis, give yourself to animal lust.


Against her own will, but perhaps not her desires, Cinnamon can feel the growing wetness in her loins. She's lucky ChubChub emits a growl, or her mom might hear her emit a soft moan. The sound of his roar, the primal sound of a horny animal, causes Cinnamon to scream again. But this time its a scream of pleasure, a pleasure she's wholly ashamed of. Her mother picks up on it, and rubs her shoulders.



Good girl. Your hormone laden juices are sweet nectar to his erection.


Cinnamon pants and groans as her mom's words ring true with the violent abuse ChubChub gives her already sore pussy. Her pussy and stomach muscles contract around the fat meat, she can feel her whole body expanding with the girth and the size of the beast's penis. Rocketing explosions of pleasure and pain blast across her body, and soon enough she's reduced to a state of delirium



Ahh ahh ahh, have my pussy ChubChub, have your Cinnamon's vagina, ahh ahhhhhhhhhhhhh!



Good girl.


Cinnamon's pussy grows wetter and wetter, and she can feel the build up of juices coming insanely fast. Yet the cock inside is so gigantic, nothing can come out, and so she is exceptionally overstuffed with horse penis and her own juices,





So full, mommy, I'm so full from my ChubChub! I'm gonna burst! I'm gonna burst!



Yes, little one, savior the penetration from this animal. Feel yourself becoming a mare in heat.



Yes, yes, I am a mare in heat! I am your brood mare, my ChubChub, trample upon my vagina with your erect penis!


Gedrun decides that her daughter is now officially a compliant horse fucking whore, and releases her from her chains and bonds. Spurred on by freedom, Cinnamon slams herself farther back against her horsie, and his cock rockets all the way into her stomach!



Its in my belly!



My, my, this is something else. He's all the way inside you. Past your sex, into your stomach.


Cinnamon feels her belly quivering with electrical sensations not to mention puffing and rising with each harsh thrust her horse gives her. She's a screaming mad woman, brought to the throes of supernatural ecstasy by a flying horse fucking not only her pussy but her tummy as well.



It feels like I'm pregnant!




Gedrun can't help but rub her hands along the “baby bump” ChubChub provides her eldest daughter. Its truly amazing, she thinks, that Cinnamon can take such a plundering of her innards. Most Valkyries would have passed out by now, nothing but a cum rag for a horse. While her daughter may be an animal's cum rag, she's an active one, hollering her joy each time her stomach is expanded.



Pregnant with a toddler!


The wanton beast is truly pounding Cinnamon, so violent its like he's attacking her. He crushes her pussy, her tummy, her whole body with a near two inch penis. The beast roars and shouts, triumphant over his mare, filling her upper stomach with his seed.



ChubChub stop.


And just like that ChubChub stops, pulling a throbbing member from Cinnamon's throbbing vagina, and sore tummy. This allows Cinnamon to fall over onto her back, where she takes short, ragged breaths.



Well, ChubChub? Do you feel a connection with Cinnamon.


Apparently, ChubChub feels too good a connection with Cinnamon, as he's totally in love with her body. He thrusts forward and once again impales his cock past Cinnamon's netheregions and through to the hollow cave of her belly!



This is unexpected! ChubChub, down.


ChubChub snaps at Gedrun, backing her off from his prize mare. This is one mare who is totally exhausted and broken down, but blessed with the bliss of glee of being fucked. She basically becomes that cum rag for her horse, letting him slide his cock through her cunt, pulsing out her belly. Cinnamon is a hormone driven wreck, and her tounge hangs out from both delight and weariness.




ChubChub continues pounding Cinnamon, who's tounge lolls back and forth. That and her stomach rising are her only signs of movement, she's just to be used for a flying farm animal's pleasure.



ahhhhhhhhhh mmmmm gggrrruggggg.


Slobber and drool rolls out of Cinnamon's mouth along with her tounge. She's trying to get words out, but gets nothing but these guttural noises. She can fell herself cumming, but can't do much more to show it, besides shudder and wag her tounge.



I've never seen this level of lust in a Pegasus before. You are incredible, little one.


Cinnamon tries to say thanks, but all that comes out is more slobber and spit. She's basically drenched her lower face in spittle, and her tongue continues to flap back and forth, like paper twisting in the wind. Cinnamon cums again, feeling her stomach heave to its highest point yet.



Grruggg eeeeeee oooohhhh! Ah!


For a third time Cinnamon cums, a hard spasm if a cum, that sends rockets of pleasure through her shaking body. And then she passes out.


But, ChubChub keeps fucking her! Gedrun watches with wide eyes, as her daughter with her tounge hanging out is fucked raw and brutal while she's unconscious. She's like a sex doll, just laying there to be fucked and fucked hard. The girl's body shakes and jiggles, with her stomach continuing to heave and rise, and through all this Cinnamon stays passed out. Her tongue rolls around outside her mouth, all while drool and slobber continue to form.





Cinnamon's head lolls from side to side, with spittle and slobber falling out all around her. The horse shows no relent, terrorizing her pussy and stomach with repeated thrusts. With Cinnamon lifeless these seem even more violent, even more brutal, Cinnamon is treated with the disregard of a true sex doll.



Hmmmm. I believe I could be here a while.




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