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OAOAST HeldDOWN~! 6/20/2015

Chanel #99

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Here we are again for another awesome edition of HeldDOWN~! I'm Renee Young beside the handsomest bald man in America, Da Coach!


*** The Masked Mutants w/Studderboxx vs. The Army of 1 Nation w/ Judge Dudd ***

Before the match we learned the Ao1N would challenge Hood Again (the team who beat them for the gold) for the tag titles at the Great Angle Bash.

Also, those disappointed they didn't get the scheduled Keyboard Warriors/Masked Mutants match last week were no doubt thrilled to learn it took place earlier this week on OAOAST SYN as highlighted on the AS SEEN ON OAOAST TV feature. The Mutants won. And their reward? A match with the returning Ao1N who entered from out under the ring (with Jerry Goldsmith's "Village Raid/Helicopter Fight" as their new theme) shirtless and sporting camouflage pants/Rambo-style headbands. They made short work of the Mutants, finishing Snot off with a wheelbarrow hold by Blackhawk into a Stunner by Eagle Eye!


Winners: Ao1N, via pinfall.

After the match Judge Dudd handed her boys PAINTBALL GUNS and sentenced the Masked Mutants to death via firing squad. Studderboxx attempted to intervene and got beat down for his trouble. The Ao1N were set to open fire when OAOAST tag champs HOOD AGAIN made the save to trigger a brawl between the two teams. OAOAST officials quickly hit the ring to restore order to the best of their abilities. Marcellus, the uncle/manager of Hood Again, grabbed the mic and told the Ao1N they don't need to wait until the Great Angle Bash, they could "do this shit now!" OAOAST officials put the kabosh on that though.

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Sophie sits inside her office, enjoying a moment of peace and quiet admist the chaos of the OAOAST.


Of course that moment of solace is shattered by Pierette twirling through the door.






Pierette? What eez zhat wording you use?



Piery-pier in the hizzzzzzzzzzzy! Wu-Tang!


Wu-tang? Zut alors, you are crazier than normal!



I'm crazy with good ideas So-fee-fee. Money making good ideas.



I will hear you out. Parlez vous.



The language of love and cartoon skunks. French! At Great Angle Bash you being you, the big boss man without a penis and a stolen casket with Big Show's dad, you should book a women's tag title match. The champs defending the bizelts against me and my gal-pal with the bounciest breasts this side of Krista, Gretchen white is Wright!



Gretchen....does not like you very much. Mais oui, you do have a point. It could be a good match. Very well I will book it.



Merci me, merci me!

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In the state of the art interview set we have Josh Matthews standing beside Shayne Brave, dressed in a "BRAVEHEART" t-shirt, and his wrestling tights.



Shayne, Tyler Bryant has recently added THE FLEX to his staff. Your thoughts?



My thoughts? Tyler you can add every bodybuilder in Metroflex to ringside! Get every Mister Olympia in history on your team. I DO NOT CARE! I owe you a receipt, Tyler and at Great Angle Bash I intend on hand delivering it to your face!


Shayne makes the meanest face he can muster, which says it all.



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*** Non-title: The Keyboard Warriors (Wacko, Yakko & Dot) vs. OAOAST Six-Man Tag Champions The 3 Amigos w/ El Hijo del Sheep ***

Strong showing by the champs who defeated their masked opponents when Mariachi and Juicy hit their spike tombstone, followed by Chick’s Sky Is Falling whoopee cushion.

Winners: The 3 Amigos


8 teams.

All face each other one time in round robin competition.


Tops 2 teams with best record after group stage advance to finals.

One GRAND prize.

And a twist you won't believe!

Are you ready for...


Opening night, July 4th.

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Inside the spacious hallways of his stronghold walks the red and purple robed King Landon. He hears the clank of armor as Ser Timothy Cash approches him in his golden suit.



Your, grace.


King Landon stops and turns with a warm smile for Ser Timothy



Speak, Ser Timothy.



Your grace, this kidnapping of Queen Esther can not be borne. She must be released into the care of Chicks Over Dicks at once.



Kidnapping, you say? Is that what it is! High treason to accuse me of the crime, any crime, but that crime, yes, yes. High treason!



Your grace, you ask for me consul and wisdom.



And instead you give me lies and lies and filth! Kidnapping, yes? No, I say! I take, I get and I take back what is rightfully mine to be sure. Queen Esther is mine. All mine! Do not deny it. Dare you deny it?



Queen Esther is a free woman to do as she pleases. This kidnapping of her....it is poorly done of you.



And what will you do with me, Ser Timothy? What are you going to do about it? Eh? Eh? Eh?


Ser Timothy hasn't a chance to ansewer that question. Instead all he does is scream a stunned yell as Ser Alearys comes and tosses him out the window!


Like listening to sweet music, AC enjoys the fading shout and booming thud when Ser Timothy hits the ground.



Out the window! You did that! You threw him!



A king needs loyal and steady advisers and Ser Timothy failed at that. I thought I'd save you the trouble.



Good boy, good boy. What say you to discussion on becoming a prince, if you will.






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Sup, Galaxy. This is a special interview session with yours truly and Bobbi Cheesecake, brought to you by Sunrise. Bobbi, you look pretty hot today.



I do?



But, you look hot everyday, so that's like saying, hey the sun looks pretty yellow today.



Gee, thanks! I didn't know you thought I was hot...



Your legs are especially fucking rad today. Normally your lips are your best feature, but your legs said fuck that, we're taking control.



Hehhee, gee, I don't know what to say.



Let's get some real rap on The Keyboard Warriors. Normally I don't deign to acknowledge people who express their opinion online or name themselves after office accessories, but they did say they'd interfere in your women's title match at Great Angle Bash.



Oh, them. I'll take one of their keyboards and shove the “F, the U, the C, and the K” keys down their throats and out their butts.






I hope they're offended by that. In fact I hope their so offended that more of them show up, because hey, that's more people to hurt and what's a dom if she's not hurting weird kids in stupid green suits. That's low hanging fruit, though. I can go into any basement in America and cold clock the dweller upside his neckbeard, can't I?



I'd pay at least fifty dollars to see that. No sixty. So, what about Sugar then?



Malaysia may have fruity pebbles for brains but she was right about one thing, its only fun breaking the stubborn bitches. And, boy, is Sugar stubborn!






I can't wait to win the women's title but I really can't wait to feel every inch of my fingers disappear in all of Sugar's wet, eager holes.



Mmmmm! All of them?



Her mouth.






Her pussy.






And most definitely her asshole.



Mmmm yes please!



What I'm going to do to Sugar, is gonna make my anal scene from School's Out look like Sunday mass! I'm gonna turn her into the ultimate front door, top door and back door whore.



Bigger than me?



No one's a bigger whore than you!




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Backstage, OAOAST Hall of Famer Terry Taylor joined Deuce Deuce Bigelow and the rest of Slaughterhouse at the interview lounge. Terry wanted Deuce’s thoughts regarding “The King of Bronies” Daisuke Motozaki’s desire for another match against him.

I guess your too stupid to understand, huh, pony boy? I put you in your place at School’s Out slamming you through a table -- a kiddie table! ‘Cause that’s what you are punk, a KID trying to sit at the BIG BOY table. But since you think you’re so bad, you think you’re so tough, how ‘bout showing all those people who cheer you just how bad and tough you really are at the Great Angle Bash in a gauntlet match against Slaughterhouse? That’s right. To get a seat with me at the big boy table you first gotta make it outta the slaughterhouse.

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***Scumbag Reformation Society Vs Phecda and Al Houd W/Anastasia Violetta***



The Rizzo bet me fifty dollars he and Anson would win, what a fool!


This was the first taste of in ring action for Phecda and Al Houd, and Anastasia was present to lend support/over see them. The match started oddly as Anson begged for money from his foes.



Nigga an embarrassment to black folk.


Anson was summarily beat down by Phecda and Al Houd and tossed from the ring. This left poor Rizzo to handle the brunt of the match for his team. Or shall I say bear the brunt of the beating. The New Jersey native never looked like he'd get it together, and he was mercifully defeated by Al Houd's Minchnoku Driver known as Bleak Future III.


Winner: Phecda and Al Houd, via pinfall


Just for shits and giggles, Pheca applied the Polish Crab (Boston Crab) to Anson post match and made him submit and weep like a little girl.



Black folk ain't claiming this dude no more. Shaking my head.



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As we return from commercial break we find Bohemoth, dressed in a fire engine red suit in the ring with microphone in hand.



Let's get one thing straight. I am THE MAN!





Save that bullshit for The X-FAIL! I don't wanna hear it! Sophie thinks she's playing me, doesn't she?



Well if Bohemoth loses he won't get a world title shot for a year.



She thinks she's building suspense on my name and my time. But she's wrong! Only a moron would bet against me beating X-FAIL, but I guess Sophie ain't the sharpest knife in the drawer.





Neither are any of you for that matter!





I say that because you'll tune in to Great Angle Bash, thinking there's major stipulations on the line, like I can actually lose out on world title shots. I'm The Man! I'm the top dog in this business, and if you think I'm missing out on the top title, think again, morons!



Bohemoth is always confident, and that's why I love him no homo.



I been the king of this mountain since 2005. 2005! Ten years! Now you want to tell me a Young Wolf is gonna climb the mountain and throw me off? No! I'll neuter that dog and make him a eunuch like Varys.






The All XFL Team is done. Finished! I'm ending it at Great Angle Bash. But when one thing dies, another thrives. You're gonna witness the birth of The All Bohemoth Team. All those dudes and girls know where the real winner is it, and it ain't with some pop warner bench warmer. The only way he's seeing wins is playing Madden on rookie mode. I'm The Man and I don't lose!


Bohemoth slams down the microphone giving added emphasis to his words. He then scales the turnbuckles and taunts the audience who meet him with heated jeers.



Bohemoth versus The Xavier Franklin Long at Great Angle Bash! For right now let's kick it back to Terry Taylor!


Terry Taylor is walking down the hallway, where he catches up to Ivar The Cunning, who swiftly turns around with a smirk.



Terrence. You're just in time for me to tell you I'll be finishing off Colin Maguire SR at Great Angle Bash. See, you didn't even to ask a question. All wrestlers should make your job so easy.

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The OAOAST SPINEBUSTER OF THE WEEK~! highlighted last week’s street fight between Mr. Dick and Big Papa Thrust, particularly the involvement of Baron Windels when he prevented BPT from trying to bail.

We then heard pre-recorded comments from an irate BPT regarding BW.

What are you -- a cowboy, a sheriff? NO! I’ll tell you what you are Baron Windels; you’re the sorry SONUVABITCH who signed his own death warrant when you stuck your nose where it didn’t belong last week! Now I’m gonna stuff YOUR BOOT DOWN YOUR STINKIN’ THROAT and MY FIST UP YOUR ASS!! Then I’m gonna use you like a puppet and let the whole world know what a bitch you are with your own mouth!

I’m going to go out on a limb and say Big Papa Thrust is none too happy with Baron Windels.



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Positioned in side the main security archives are none other than OAOASR World Champion, Alix Maria Spezia and her mommy, Diana!



Where Krista and Joel failed, we will suceed.



With the power of knife crimes!



More like the power of love.



No knives?



That never did work for your father, and now he experiences the power of love. Daily. Against his will even! Now, you ready, kiddo?



Ready, Freddy!


Alix may be queen nympho, but her mother is goddess nympho and for that reason she lets Diana take full control. The elder Spezia places her long finger behind Alix's neck and pulls her in close. Close enough that her tounge penetrates her daughter's mouth, spearing through her ruby red lips, settling in her warm confines.




Diana lets herself get lost within the movements of her tounge, swirling it around Alix's, a water dancer through the saliva that fills her mouth. Alix for her part sags against her mother, her perky tits pushing against her mom's enormous melons. This is a party they've been too before, and its one of Alix's favorite events. She purs and groans against her mom, sending vibrations up both their tounges and into her mom's mouth.




That's the sound of the door opening! And JOEY THE RAT steps in with a mighty shocking sight on his face.



Excuse you!



Yeaaaaaah, excuse Jew! I mean you!



I...man....wow! I'm...oh my god!



Can't you see we're busy making out?



What's the deal here?!



Stop talking. You were spying. What are we going to do with this piece of meat, Alix?



Knife crime!



Ahhhhh god no!



He did interrupt private time between mommy and daughter.



Is this a set up. I got permission to be here!


Alix pulls a sort of Hulk Hogan and rips off Joey's OAOAST tee shirt.


You could get fired for walking in on the world champion and her mother.



Hey, hey, now, I needed to get into this office. I got connections on the security staff, see.


Diana sinks to her knees, long legs stretching out beneath her. Her hands wheel their way to Joey's waistband and begin the process of pulling down his pants. Soon enough he's in a pair of grey boxers.



Let's see what he's working with, mom!



Ladies, ladies, I gotta take care of my connect. We can do this later tonight. I'll get a hotel room and...


Just laughing at that weak protest, Diana slowly and teasingly slides down his boxer shorts and sure enough a protest betraying boner sprouts free!

Hiding her own enjoyment of such a meaty member, Diana coils a lose and again teasing grip around the shaft, while her hot legs push her upright.



Maybe he will be useful, Alix. Should we suck it, kiddo?



Yeah! Let's suck his dick together and see how big we can get it.


Alix and Diana are a pair of strong ladies, and their biceps bulge as they shove Nick to the floor. He hits with a thud, with his pecker pointing straight into the air, a flagstaff between mommy and daughter,



Look how long it is, Alix. All those times you were wrestling, and there was this big boy sitting at ringside.


Diana's delicate finger tips play a little tune along the head of the bulbous member.



What shall I do with it?


Diana now takes a solid grip right at the base of the member, squeezing it hard enough for the blood and cum to rush to the top. She waves it back and forth through the air, tossing it from side to side, like she's swinging the world'st most erotic baseball bat.



Suck it a little bit.


Diana gives Joey even more of a rush as she takes her nose and guides it along the vieny outside of his meat. It tickels a bit and has her nostrils flaring, all while she inhales his manly must.



Smells really nice.



Like cheese I bet.



Not like cheese.



You should touch it.


Alix has a softer grip than her mother, wrapping fine fingers in a fist around the shaft. It feels like being groped by feathers, and yet at the same time its the best feel his cock has ever had. Speaking of best feelings, his balls get their's when they suddenly come within the expanse of Diana's mouth.







Diana's mouth is a damn snapping turtle, her lips locked up Joey's fat balls with an iron grip. Her head jerks backwards, letting her mouth and powerful lips yank on these nuts. She loves the salty flavor, the rough feel of his scrotum and best of all the big nuts lodged to bursting within her mouth.


Alix's doe eyes her wide, giving away how much she loves to watch her mom suck balls. With her hand on Joey's dick, she lesiurely moves it up and down the shaft. The slow pace is only to tease, certainly not wanting to give the rodent so much pleasure that he creams himself before his time. Her mother has taught her the art of cock teasing well, and she's giving a master class right now.



I'm going to suck it now.


Diana's mouth leaves Joey's balls slathered in spit, and moves up to sweep his aching dick inside her. She needs no preparation and with one huge gulp has the penis halfway into her. Easy as pie for the brothel madame, who presses the hard dick down onto her tongue, letting the fleshy rod soak its tangy taste into her buds.





Wow, I can barely fit it down my throat.


Diana's voice is like sex on melting butter, just her words are a massive turn on to Joey. His brain his frazzled as he mouth rolls hot air around and on his throbbing fuck stick. Diana then starts making gagging noise, sloppy sounds of a woman who's trying to inhale his meat all the way down her throat. She gags and she garggles, lobbing waves of spit around his heated flesh, making most unlady like noises.



My daughter is going to suck your cock now, Joseph.



Boy am I!


Alix sucks in her cheeks, causing indentations on her pretty face. Yet she only has the very tip of the shaft at first. For someone so sex obsesed, Alix makes an amazing tease, Joey has to note. In fact she just leaves them both in that position, sucking in air, and just resting perfect lips on a slick shaft. While this goes on Diana starts pulling Alix's hair back behind her head.



This is crazy!



Yeah, it is pretty fucking crazy, but you're a pervert.


Without even thinking to use her hands, Alix bobs her head back and forth, a rhythmic ride, that slides her lips and mouth along Joey's pecker. She tastes the tang of his precum, the warmth of his flesh, and the gobs of her mom's spit, that Diana left behind for her.





Let me slap it on her cute tounge. Say ahhh, kiddo.





Alix's tounge slips out her mouth, the Hollywood Bad Girl now open wide with her red appendage hanging out and her eyes as docile and cute as ever. Joey's dick twitches with the jarring grip Diana places on its base. She beats his ram rod against Alix's hanging tounge, hitting it with great force, attacking it like it owes her money for a night of whoring. Maybe it does!





Good girl!


Diana let's Alix get back to the task of chowing down on Joey's rodent dick. The younger Spezia swallows his cock in earnest forcing it through her lips, and making it hit the roof of her mouth. She even scrapes her teeth along his pulsating muscle, causing him just enough pain to be immensley pleasurable. She moans hot noises, purring with her mouth, shooting vibrations up and down his well nourished meat missle.



Its so nice sucking that big dick, isn't it?


Joey nearly explodes a torrent of semen into Alix's mouth when he's given the thrilling feeling of the Diana's warm mouth consume his swelled testicles. Alix finds this incredibly hot and as she overflows her mouth with hard dick, she moans her approval. Diania gives her a wink, while her mouth gives a solid tug, yanking the skin on the scrotum, pulling the balls deeper into her honeyed mouth.





Dirty rodent pervet.


Diana pulls the nuts back just as far as they can, yanking them with a death grip with her powerful mouth. Two big nuts pulled to near explosion by her mom, turns Alix beyond belief. She can feel a wetness pooling in her groin, and the overload of pleasures causes her to become a cavewoman savage. Like a cave dweller on a piece of meat, Alix ganshes and gnarls on the dick, even going as far to growl and snort around this awesome piece of flesh lodged in her mouth.



Kiss me, Alix.



Holy shit you're gonna kiss!




Diana gets a full-tounge assault from her wildly horny daughter. There's a furious passion in Alix's war on her mother's mouth, her tounge ransacking every nook and inch of her mommy dearest's mouth, getting that excellent taste of rodent balls. Diana is up to the assault of her daughter, and the two become master fencers duelling with wet dick tasting tounges.



Get back to work on that dick, kiddo.


Alix is a thirsty Latina cock whore, and can only be satisifed by a fat dick in her mouth. So she inhales the dick inside her, forgetting that she needs air to breathe, suffocating herself with Joey's ratty penis. Her dark eyes are fixed on her mom and Joey's face, monitoring their expressions as her tounge lolls and rolls over his sensitive glands. Ally Cat builds up so much salivia and spittle that she winds up pouring gobs of drool down this dick.



That's it slobber on his cock.


Slobber she does, raining a torrential storm of slobber and spit on Joey's chubby peter. The faster Alix yanks her head back and forth the more drool she produces for Joey and her mom, turning Joey's base into a pooling puddle of her Latina whore liquid.



You know what I want to see, rodent? I want to see you fuck my daughter.



Mmmm oh yeah!



Why don't you bend over, and let him take you from behind?


Diana takes control of her little girl and forces her into an all fours position, just the way a Latina whore should be sat up.



You ready to feel it?



Ohhhh yeah!



Slide it in slow, rodent.


That takes some effort, because all Joey wants to do is fuck the ever loving shit out of Alix. But he doesn't dare disobey the words of Diana Spezia, and has to summon his self control to slooooowwwwllly push his pecker through her soaping pussy walls.



Ooooh fuck me hard as shit mighty mouse!


Joey has to follow the command for slowness from Diana, and can only give Alix a rhythmic, deliberate pumping. Her cunt is devilishly tight, clasping hold on his rod as if it were trying to keep it lodged in their for all of eternity. It takes all Joey has not to just give Alix a frantic pouding, especially when he notices the hot sight of Diana tounging her daughter's asshole.





Diana loves eating asshole, and Alix has the tastiest butt crack of them all. Its spread out so pink and inviting, Diana wishes she had brought a strap on along to give her daughter a true back door drilling. As it stands she settles for tracing her tounge along her back entry, scrapping the insides of the ass crack she gave birth to.




Diana is extra nice and penetrates Joey's mouth with her tounge. This catches Joey off guard and Diana is able to proceed to fuck his mouth with her tounge, rolling it wherever she wants, capturing his tounge with her's and sucking on it as though it were a tiny pink cock. Not lost on Joey is the rich tatse of Alix's asshole permeating Diana's mouth and breath. Its a two for one deal as Joey gets to savor what Alix's rear entry actually tastes like, thanks to her mother's sick perversions.


Bellow them Alix is panting and groaning, her tight cunt feeling hard spasms from the powerful dick that overwhelms her. Its bursting her cervix, breaking her walls down and giving her a slow but filling fucking that makes her feel like a turkey being filled with thanksgiving stuffing.



How's that dick feel?



Like a billion bucks in dick format! Whoo-hoo!


The aroma of Alix's penetrated pussy became sweet flavor for Diana, as she slippsher tongue between around the lips, scooping up her leaking juices and drinking them like ambrosia from heaven.



Hoooo boy oh boy oh boy! Mommy dearest and Joey dearest!



You should see this dick going in out of your fucking pussy.



Melody says labia cams won't be invented until the year 2035.





Pussy cream gushes out of Alix's fuckhole, surging around Joey's attacking penis. Its all a response to her mother returning to scooping her tounge through her horny asshole like it was an ice cream cone. Its like no ice cream cone Diana's ever tasted, actually her daughter's bowel passage is even better tha ice cream!



Let me suck it, let me suck my daughter's cream off you.


The mixture of Alix cream and Joey cock is a heady intoxication for Diana. She forgets her forceful nature just for the moment to enjoy the perverted pleasure of cleaning her daughter's girl cum off a cock that's been fucking her raw and oh so good.



Get that dick back inside her.


Joey plunges forward, smashing his way throguh Alix's labia, drilling apart her pussy walls. He comes into her cunt hard, pushing out her tight cervix, basically obliterating her defenses to stay a tight well closed cunt.



Mama dearest, you've gotta try this bad boy of weasel dick out!



I think I will, Alix. Stick that big young dick inside me.


Alix slides her body free of Joey's rod, leaving it oozing with precum as well as her own helping of Latina girl cum. Joey has to wonder what kind of special mix her Mexcian cum taste like. But he hasn't time to find out with dick being ensared within the horny terrain of Diana's pussy!



This young man dick feels lovely in my cunt. Very nice, pervert rodent.


While being drilled from behind, treated to a proper whore's favorite position, Diana snacks on her daughter's tasty cunt. She swipes her tounge up and down the protruding cooch, tantalizing both herself and her daughter with this wanton licking of her Latina pussy. Diana makes certain to suck hard on the clit, treating it with the ferocity she'd treat a hard dick in the same position, and Alix loves her mother for it.





Oh shit, mama, you the bomb diggity in this incest game!


Joey feels himself tremble, sweet pleasure exploding throughout his loins. Diana causes these to be nuclear bombs of enjoyment with the way she rolls her hips and her ass, in booyunt circles and flow like she's in a Youtube twerk video. A most impressive feat for a sixty something year old woman!



So, Joey, are you my new dad?











Joey keeps up the pace, a fleshy baseball bat breaking through the doors of Diana's cunt, hitting her pussy walls hard, screaming with his fuck rod towards her womb. He nails her hot and wet pussy with rodent gusto, pushing her busty body forward and allowing her tounge to truly hammer into her daughter's cunt.



Ride this cock, kiddo, see if you can get a cum bath for your horny pussy.



Oh boy, if bathes were taken in sperm I'd be a hypochondriac!


Alix is an expert at cramming a fuck missile into her slutty Mexican pussy and with an easy sit she has her precious cunt massaging Joey's well fucked ram rod. Alix's fierce, tight, powerful and nasty Latina cunt vigorously massages the cock within her.




Joey's face twists and screws up in absolute pleasure from the clamping Alix's honeyed cunt has on his dick. The OAOAST World Champion works herself in a rocking grind, rolling around on the pole that impales her so nastily



I can feel it in my tummy-tum-tum!


Alix falls into a mad furious fucking, hammering the shit out herself with pounding slams of her spicy south of the border body. Her booty twitches and shakes with each slam she gives herself, and mom helps the globes along by jiggling and snapping them herself. Joey thrusts upwards and Alix is turned into a bouncing ball of horny hormones, fucked, jiggled and bounce for everyone's pleasure.



Watchu gonna do when Alix's pussy runs wild on you???!


Alix rides Joey like a fuck crazed cowgirl, hammering her frame against his hips, punishing her own leaking pussy with his twitching dicks. Her face twists and turns in expressions of raw carnal pleasure, her moans are the thing of a wild animal fucking out in the open lands.



I gotta have this dick every fucking day! Get a crooked doctor to write me a script for Rat Penis! Whooyeah!


Joey has never been with a woman who took such pure joy from the act of lovemaking – , her heavy tits bouncing and rolling as she moves up and down and back and forth, her pussy like a wet, velvet vise, milking his cock for its hot seed.



Work that pole, Alix!


A leering smile breaks out on Alix's face as orgasm overtakes her as she rides him, making her croon with pleasure as she sits with his entire cock deep inside her while her body shimmies and quiveres, her muscles locking into place.



Cumming, cumming, cumming!



Cum on that fucking dick!


Joey can feel her hot juices flooding over his cock, bathing it in the product of her climax. Her eyes glaze over and then close as her croon became a shrill scream and she breaks her paralysis, fingers running over her breasts and then upwards over her cheeks and then plunging through her hair before she raises her arms like a supplicant screaming praises to heaven.



I love rodent dick, everyone!



I think I'll take some of that tom & jerry pecker for myself.


This gorgeous uninhibited brothel madame seizes hold of Joey's dick for herself, planting it inside her sugary elderly cunt. She strains to take the dick in deeper than ever before, riding it and engulfing it within her, shooting it towards her womb.



I am going to make you cum, litte man!


Diana rocks herself in a frenzy on Joey's schlong, jerking herself up and forward, giving Joey a rollicking fucking as she slams his dick within her pussy and all the way up to her womb, the same womb Alix was housed in.



Cum for me, Joey!


Up, down, left, right, Diana is like a cheat code for fucking, hammering, throbbing, and throwing her body all around this stiff pulsating pole of Joey The Rat. Finally Joey can take more and his body rocks and shakes as it empties load after load into Diana's old lady pussy!



Mission accomplished!



Parking Lot


Krista sits in her Esclade, tapping her fingers to a Taylor Swift song when Vinny Valentine enters the passenger seat.



Score one for the good guys!



What did you find?



While Diana and Alix distracted Joey the fool, I got the tapes and info on King Landon's castle. Looks like its held in a hillside about 30 miles north of Madrid.



Wow, you're amazingly useful for someone who's SirusXM pre-sets are all set to Studio 54. Good job.



Thanks, Krista! So are we gonna bone or what?









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