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Anglemania 14 Pre Show!

Chanel #99

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The pre show was hosted by Sara Jean with a panel of James Riggs, Dan Black and AngleSault. The three men opened the show by discussing their favorite AngleMania memories. Dan Black said Black T's match against Hoff and Drek Stone is a fond memory, AngleSault liked Krista beating his nephew for the world title, and Riggs said he had too many to remember.


Josh Matthews was in The Masked Mutants dumpster, which is now called the Social Media Dumpster. Josh was supposed to field questions from Twitter to The Mutants, but the Keyboard Warriors disrupted things, the members mad their questions didn't get answered.


The panel discussed the tag title match between Christ Air Express and Hood Again. All agreed that Hood Again were tough, but the CAE had tons of big match experience to see them through the contest. Black mentioned how The Nerdlys have quietly amassed one of the most impressive tag team careers in history. All three said it would be a minor upset if Hood Again were to win.


Terry Taylor was backstage to interview Ser Felix Strutter, who is too accompany King Landon in tonight's maimevent. Ser Felix was honored and thrilled that Landon picked him to accompany him. Of course lord of the trolls, Ser Alearys had to come in and rain on the parade. AC reminded Felix how much pressure he was under now, and noted that henchmen who fail at their jobs don't get pleasant severance packages. More like severed heads.


***Biffman W/Melody and n00b Nerdly Vs The Flex***

The battle of NRG! Finally! Biffman opened the contest throwing everything he had at The Flex. But Flex barely moved. When Biffman tried for his DVD style finisher, The Flex launched him straight into the ring posts.





Biffman wasn't going to accept defeat so easily and came right back at The Flex. The two former friends traded blows, with Biffman certainly getting worse for wear. Biffman seemed to be in great pain when The Flex hit his delayed vertical suplex on him.



Everyone knows Biffman had his back broken once by Pike Pantera. I hope history doesn't repeat itself.


It looked like it might as The Flex hit a series of Flex Buster's (Thrust Spinebuster) on Biffman. Still Biffman sought to comeback, but in the end he was decimated by The Flex-O-Rill (backpack stunner)


Winner: The Flex, via pinfall


The panel discussed the Money In The Bank match, which they all considered to be the most star studded of any incarnation. Dan Black thought Tanner might shock the world tonight, while AngleSault felt Alix or The XFL had the best chance of winning. Riggs didn't want to pick anyone, but when prodded gave in and selected Alix with Tanner being a dark horse. This brought on Bohemoth who cursed them all out for not picking him. He was so mad that he was ready for a fight but Dan Black backed him down.


***The Kings of the Heap vs Sons of Ragnarok**

The pre-show mainevent was a long time coming and started out as a wild brawl. The referee tried to get control but failed horribly. The Kings had Fenrir in a doomsday device setup to almost end it, but Jormungandr saved his partner!



A wolf is as helpless as a little cub.



Shut up and keep fighting.



A snake has touched a nerve. It is no shame to admit one's fraility.



I said shut up!


The Kings wanted to use weapons, but The SOR wouldn't let that happen. That didn't mean much to the brutality as Jormungandr was able to totally bust open Scourge.



The false kings bleed their false hope for victory all over the floor!


The battle raged on never once getting to a normal affair. The end came suddenly when Fenrir powerbombed Rayder and Jormungandr delivered a 450 splash.


Winner: The Kings of the Heap, via pinfall



The silver haired one will next claim victory for House Asgard.



It is known.



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